#btw the marriage thing was when i was in kindergarten and didn't know what love was.
graciegoeskrazy · 8 months
hello love, could you write something with healy reader and gabriette? like how their relationship works, maybe reader not liking her at first, preferring some other ex from matty and feeling abandoned by matty, and what matty and gabriette do so that reader feels better about them? thank you i love your writing
hc on reader and matty’s gf’s
matty healy + reader + gabriette (+others)
Warnings: language, parents dating, mention of anxiety, idrk, I did a hc my bad
A/n: oh hello random person I’ve never met in my life. Never met before mhm nope. Def not known each other since kindergarten. Nun uh nope. Anywhooo. Enjoy or I’ll find you. (Jokes on you. I’ve know this individual forever and they are the ONLY person in my real life that knows I write this shit and I completely forgot about that(I told them and a 1975 concert btw lmao) and I saw the request and forgot and i laughed at 2am bahahaha) jk love u bie
look at the photo they r so mamma y papa I casaanttttt
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The thought of your dad and his love life makes u want to smile and puke all at the same time
You’ve never had a mom/mother figure growing up
That’s just how it was and you were fine with it
Your dad always told you ‘our family is perfect the way it is’
And you believed him
He had quite a few girlfriends when you were younger
None of which you really cared for
the most serious one in your opinion was with Gabriella
She felt like a true friend
And you were heartbroken when she left your dad
Understandably left your dad
I mean the guy was a mess
Even since those 4 years, u became more aware of how these ‘relationships’ really work
U learned what marriage meant and became fearful that your little family was going to change forever
After your dad and Gabriella broke up it wasn't long after that your dad found fka twigs
That one was a little more complicated
Just because you were growing up and becoming more mature and aware of things that were going on
She was nice to you, you cant deny
But your dad changed immensely while he was with her
He seemed to fall back into some of his old ways and that scared the shit out of you
The dynamic between your dad and you changed, not for the better
It wasn't that you blamed her for your father’s acting out
You blamed him and therefore turned on her too, never saying or doing anything mean, but just avoiding your father and in turn avoiding her too
But the moments where you did connect were lovely
There were just far too few of them
Your dad was even more heartbroken when they broke up which was surprising
You just let him be and made his emotions George’s problem
Charlotte didn't last long
you met her once at a party and they weren't even dating then
You technically weren't even aware they were dating until the news broke that they split
y/n | *1 attachment
y/n | since when did you have a girlfriend
y/n | yall like actually dated???
father healy | yeah lol
father healy | I didn't think it was gonna actually be anything so I never really told you
father healy | my b
y/n | dw.
y/n | sorry you have a complicated love life
father healy | its alright. Youre the only girl I truly need : )
y/n | awe u big ol sap
y/n | maybe you need to try someone whos not a model
y/n | or actress
y/n | just like a normal human ??
father healy | hm ok ill give it a thought
and then he dated fucking taylor swift
“What the actual fuck were you thinking?” You said storming into the dinning room.
“What?” All 4 boys said in unison.
You turnnd tour phone around and showed them all the page six article “Oh shit.”
George slapped him.“We told you to tell her before the rest of the world found out”
“You all knew?!?!”
‘Of course, we knew. We’re his best friend!” Ross said matter of factly.
“And I’m his own flesh and blood! There’s a pecking order!!!” Your gaze fell back to your dad. “You can’t do this.”
“Date fucking Taylor Swift! She just got out of a 6-year relationship and you are the problematic guy on TikTok with a couple of good songs.”
“Damn, ok, thanks.” Adam said while bouncing his son up and down.
“You done?” Matty asked, getting serious and parental.
“No.” You said.
Matty gestured for yo to finish.
You thought for a moment and said “Fuck you.” You released a sigh you didnt know you were holding in. “Okay, now I’m done.”
He pated the seat next to him and you climbed over George like you’ve done since you were little to get to the seat. He moved a peace of hair out of your eyes and wiped your tears. “It’s not that serious. Yes, she got out of a 7-year relationship and I’m impossible to love so we’re taking it slow. Alright? And, look, I know you already met her but she would like to”
All the boys chuckled.
Matty continued. “Listen, I want you to th-”
“Yes.” Matty laughed harder. “Dude it's Taylor Swift.” You said, mater-of-factly.
“Alright.” he sighed.
George pipped in. “Tell her where you’re going this weekend.”
Matty just deadpanned him, wanting to save that news for later.
No fucking way. You were about to lose your shit. “Where are you going this weekend?”
“... Nashville.” He said hesitantly.
“No, you are fucking not.”
“Yes, I am.”
“No, you are fucking not.”
“Yes, I am…And you can come to.”
You cried more. Omfg you were going to the Eras Tour.
He hugged you and kissed your head as you buried your face in your hands. Everyone laughed at your antics. Yu hugged him back and said thank you. “I need to stop making me learn about your relationships through social media.”
“Okay, I’ll try.”
Then they lasted for like a month lmao
When Gabriette came along, he actually told you before he told the internet!!!
You thought she was nice and super pretty
And plus you’ve never seen our dad this happy in a long time
Your dad had asked and made sure it was okay for her to come around during a party
You said it was no biggie but was slightly panicking on the inside
Just because you knew nothing about her
You stuck to George most of the night
Both men were fully aware of what you were doing - retreating into your shell - but didn't comment and instead let you be
You never liked parties in the first place and the added circumstances didn't help
She brought a dish and you coant deny it was killer
The music was really loud but she introduced herself and it was sweet
Matty noticed you later on a couch, staring out into space and sat down next to you
He excused himself from Gabriette and she understood what was happening
You assured your dad it had nothing to do with her or anything it was just the environment you were in
Which was absolutely believable and probably true
It was just your anxiety taking over in a space like this
Anywhooo the night winded down and it was now just you, your dad, and the closest inner circle
Including Gabriette
He pulled her aside again and told her that you were having lil sprouts of anxiety
She 100% understood and told him to do whatever he needed for you
He sat by you the whole night and she sat next to Charli
You became more yourself in the quieter environment
It was a fun end to the night
She spent a few nights over during winter break and you didn't mind
She was fun to be around
You both baked together which was a fun spur of moment things
It was never awkward
It was just fun with her
And you were glad your dad was happy.
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okay i’ve made posts about this before but something still is so weird to me about how people (excluding introjects, and IDK kinning so not getting into that, but would like to say I’ve seen anti-factkin people do this) use CC’s names as their own.
And when I say CCs I mean Wilbur. I’ve only seen it happen with Wilbur. And I think it’s really weird that people that are anti-factkin and pro-following boundaries would use his unique name made up for his internet persona as their own personal name.
Like, that’s weird, right? Because it literally cannot be the same as going “I really like the name Tommy, hey, Tommyinnit’s a cool guy I like, that’s a cute reference that makes me want to pick the name Tommy more.” Using the same example, going by Wilbur can ONLY be “OMG I LOVE Tommyinnit he’s my favorite CC I really want to be just like him I’m going to name myself Tommy just like Tommyinnit” because it’s not a generic name; it’s a name unique to him. Like, I’m not weird for finding that weird, right? I mean, that’s a very high level of investment paired with a very low level of self awareness (toxic parasociality??).
Like. I’m fcking parasocial about Wilbur Soot. I’ll openly admit that. I think he’s a cool guy in the way that I want to be like him. However, I’m VERY aware that I am but a number to him and that there are thousands of people that feel the exact same way as me. It’s not like my internet handles are original — my main is a direct reference to My Chemical Romance, though I suppose a band is slightly different than a person — but when it comes down it, imaging myself with a [xx]Soot username (much less going by “wilbur” but that gets into funky gender and name stuff for me) is just. Weird. It seems immature to me. In need to taking a step back and being my own person.
I guess that’s it, at the end of the day. I don’t know the ages of any of these people, but most of them are probably younger and just caught up in the idol complexes that youths have, misguided interpretations of admiration: I thought I wanted to marry an older kid I admired, you want to be the adult that you admire. It’s going “I can relate to him in some ways and want to be like him in others. Clearly the best expression of this is using his objectively nice name.”
I still find it fcking weird though. Especially people who are against even c!shipping. Like, you do realize that this could be uncomfortable to him too? Maybe you could make the argument that since it’s his internet name he probably doesn’t feel too connected to it? That just seems to be further proof of over-investment in something not real to me (and, y’know. assuming boundaries). Just because it hasn’t been brought up doesn’t mean it’s not a possibility. If I were a CC, I would absolutely be uncomfortable with people naming themselves after me (rather than as a reference to me, re: the Tommy example. a reference is about the user, not the referenced. invented names can’t be merely referenced because they’re unique creations with no other context). I know this isn’t universally true: Taesung Tao constantly tells people to name themselves Tae. But doing it without encouragement or even confirmation that it’s okay seem really weird to me.
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