#btw im not saying this as a negative to anyone who has an identity like stargender. i think thats awesome
liquidstar · 1 year
its 5am so this isnt a very coherent thought and i might not be phrasing it perfectly... but you know how That breed of cishet guy will say shit like "those stupid lgbts keep inventing new genders ummm newsflash liberals theres only TWO gender. man and woman. checkmate." but like those same guys will turn around and literally make up entire new terms for different ways that men present their gender to sort them into gendered sub-classes. like. idk it feels like maybe your relationship with gender is actually not that different, and the rigid binary isnt doing you any favors either, but youre not willing to actually free yourself from it. so you work within its parameters to try to create your own sub-label instead. like yeah youre not calling yourself stargender or something youre just calling yourself an epsilon male. which is no more "real" than the former, but you try to fall back on pseudoscience and the barnum effect to justify it.
but at the end of the day youre doing the same thing! youre creating a unique personalized label for your specific way of expressing your gender identity, and the way you navigate it and through your personal gender presentation. and again its based on working within the patriarchal gender roles, so its incredibly reductive, misogynistic, and does a lot more harm than good. even to the people taking on those labels. its like theyre doing the same thing but in a twisted way, because of the way they cant stop being sexist and transphobic. but part of me really does think that even the people who cling the heaviest to the patriarchal ideals of gender actually also want to be free from it, because the second theres an acceptable method to do so... they'll jump onto it too. but because theyre so obsessed w those patriarchal ideals, they have to also make it into a hierarchy to place others into too. so again whatever they do manage is still reductive.
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canidus · 5 months
i know i used to always say im not a therian, but i think i am. i feel like i said that i wasn't out of fear of some sort, but there's nothing wrong with being a therian. ive always fit the definition, i just said i was simply nonhuman. there's no reason i should disclaim my identity, esp since i feel more free withen it :) i got a (genderqueer but it's the same colors so it's what i say it is, ha) therian flag for my room btw!
but back to my main point, i really only dissociated with the community due to negative stigma around it from HUMANS, but i shouldn't listen to hoomans they're dumb lolzies :)
this doesn't mean i don't still accept nonhumans who reject the therian label! everyone has their own reasons for what they do and don't identify as, and it's not my place or anyone else to judge or hate on that. live it up and be urself!<3 awooooo
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: first meetings [ii. the small pink-haired boy] Genre: just angst, drama, romance, historical fiction Pairing: Sorcerer!Sukuna x gn!sorcerer!reader (heian era; pre-curse sukuna)
Synopsis: in which you befriend the slave boy you’re supposed to spy on.
Warnings: not canon stuff, future dark themes,, smoll manga spoilers, slavery, whipping, mentions of rape, language and violence Notes: im kinda back i guess skksks also these are pretty much random au’s of my own take of sukuna’s back story uwu, theyre arranged in no particular order and you can read them in any order. This started out as a random one shot and i couldnt get it out of my head lol ksksksks, def not canon btw but it is canon that sukuna used to be an all powerful sorcerer before he turned to the dark side or smthng.
lil dictionary: non-person-  usually what they called slaves during the heian era.
masterlist [for other parts] ;; taglist 
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“That’s beautiful.”
Contrasting to your rather clean and prestigious appearance, the young boy was dressed in rags and had dirt painted on his face. You could tell by his uncommon red eyes that he didn’t want you here nor did he even want to be associated with you.
“...the boy is rather prideful.” your otosan recounted a few nights before, you’d usually have conversations like this since you were quite close with him and he did like to confide you with these things,“but he has spirit, he’d be good for a ward.”
“What are you doing here?” He spat, being a part of and the sole heir of your family meant you were also treated with dignity and respect, it seemed like this boy wasn’t afraid of anything or anyone, this made you grin wildly much to his disdain, “Oi, stop grinning like that. You’re creeping me the fuck out.”
“I’m Y/N.”
“And I don’t care.” 
“Has anyone told you that you’ve got quite the temper?”
“Well, has anyone told you that you’re being an annoying bitch?” he bit back, five minutes into your first meeting, this strange boy seemed to want to get furthest away from you. He seemed to be rather ignorant to his overflowing cursed energy, your father was right, this boy was definitely no joke. 
“That’s sad.” You pouted, “All I wanted to say was how beautiful that Kimono is.”
“I was at a store, looking for some clothes that best suited you when I saw a young boy of your age…” your otosan narrated, “Who had a rather high cursed energy, he seemed unaware with it. He works as an errand boy, I believe, he carries heavy clothes and silk… His looks are hard to miss Y/N, so I’m sure you won’t miss him...try to talk to him…”
The boy looks up to you, completely annoyed, “Well, you said it. Now fuck off, yeah?”
You chose to ignore him and just bend down to his level, you had no training for today so you might as well join the boy for a moment since you had time to kill, “You know, if you keep keeping that attitude up, you might scare the customers away.” you mumbled, loud enough for him to hear.
“Yeah?” he clicked his tongue, “Looks to me that you aren’t even here to buy anything.”
“He seemed rather…” Your otosan described, “perplexed...so you might as well go in my stead…”
“Ah.” your grin doesn’t seem to fade despite his rather rough way of speaking, “You just seemed around my age so I got interested.”
“No shit, now buzz off. I got no time for kids like you.”
He talks as if he was older than you, it’s no surprise. Boys like him tend to think they know quite a lot.
“Do you wish to tell me your name now?”
He was silent for a moment.
That’s when realization dawned upon you, why he seemed perplexed around your otosan, why he thinks you were an annoying buzz, and why he couldn’t reply when you asked for his name. You feel yourself inwardly cringe at your mistake, it seems like the boy your father took interest in is a slave with no name, “Twenty.” he mumbles, shrugging nonchalantly.
“They call me twenty.” he recounts, his voice is still rough around the edges, remaining uncensored by his identity.
“Right…” you tilt your head, “Twenty…”
“You’ve got silks to bring to the next town, boy!” a loud voice calls out, cutting you short, making the pink-haired boy put the pretty kimono down and back for display. Without even sparing you a glance or a word, he retreats to the back and you’re left squatting there alone. You watch him from behind, specifically at the bandages that peeked through his wrists.
The boy had piqued your interest to the point that you made it your weekly agenda to visit him and a-some-nights agenda to watch over him. He still ignores you and seems to be annoyed by you every time but he doesn’t seem to be doing anything about it so you just sit there. 
You were also still in awe by how much raw energy he possessed, you’d ask your otosan if he knew any sorcerers with lost children because it surely seemed as if this boy wasn’t ordinary.
“Just keep an eye on him,” was all your father said as you watch the boy close up shop late at night from on top of a roof, “He might make a great sorcerer and shift the tides.”
Your otosan was not one for gambling on people but it seemed like he made a large bet on this boy. 
As usual, you’re watching over him close up. It’s late and the owner of the place walks out, a pipe on his lips. Right then and there, he slaps the pink-haired teenager right at the face, “You should’ve joined the customer awhile ago in the dressing room, boy.” he growls, “It would’ve been quick…”
You feel the negative energy emit stronger than ever and your grip on your knife is tight, “Don’t get involved, Y/N.” your otosan’s warning echoes in your head, yes your otosan may have been interested in him but he was never one to dwell in human affairs, saying they were annoying and a mess to clean up.
“...It seems like the lesson a few nights ago wasn’t enough.” you snap back to reality and watch his boss stretch out a whip with its pointy ends and you feel your blood run cold. 
‘Don’t get involved-’
You ignore your otosan’s words in your head and throw a stone right at a nearby sign, resulting in a booming clang, making the cat nearby yelp outloud. The pink-haired boy jumps on the spot and so does the older man at the sound.
“Ah fucking-” the older man curses, tucking the whip back in, “No food for you for three days. Know your fucking worth, non-person.”
Your grip on your nodachi lessens as you let out a sigh of relief, whatever legal terms your father must be talking about needs to be done quickly.
On the next day, you’re on your way to visit him again. Carrying the bento box that you know he’ll refuse again because of his ‘pride’ yet you stop dead on your tracks when you find his owner and an older man talking, Sukuna seems to be standing behind them, looking quite uncomfortable.
It didn’t take two and two to guess what was going on, the amount of cursed energy leaking on him was strong so you could only guess this was the man who wanted to get his way on him yesterday. Your nose crinkles in absolute disgust, “Don’t get involved-”
Once again, you ignore your otosan’s words.
“Hey!” You call out, you see his red eyes widen, “What are you doing?”
The older man frowns at your sudden appearance, “None of your business brat. Now go home-”
“I said,” You repeated, your voice dangerously low, “What are you doing to him?”
“He’s a non-person, kid.” his ‘owner’ growls, you notice his hands dangerously close to his whip, “A fucking slave in simpler terms, now get the fuck out before I beat him and you.”
“You don’t scare me.” Your eyes are narrowed, truthfully, no one ever scares you. You were the heir of your clan. It was to be expected and drilled since your curse energy manifested when you were five that fear would come last, “Now unhand the boy.”
“This bitch-”
“Now, now.” The other man smiles, cutting the pink-haired boy’s ‘owner’ off,  “Maybe I can take that young child with me too. After all, they seem to be good friends. Two is better than one…”
You watch the other older man snake an arm on the young boy’s shoulder and you could feel the fear leaking out, it was harder to mask and hide now. 
“Is it alright to put a little scar on’em? So that they’d know-” He gets ready to take out the whip while your fists are clenched, this would be easy. You could get away with this later, at least you’d take the boy away from this place and help him control his energy after. 
Yet before you’re able to land a blow, the pink-haired boy yells at you to move as his ‘owner’ takes out a whip to whip you.
For someone who didn’t seem to like your presence, he was rather quick to defend you, having his face get hit in the process by the sharp whip. Your eyes widen in surprise, “Ah, shit… Y/N, run!” he yells but you’re staring at his very bloody face.
It would obviously leave marks like the wrists and who knows which parts since he was always covered by that very loose raggedy kimono.
You clench your fists tightly and look up from his blood features, the ‘owner’ stops on his tracks when he meets your very cold gaze, “Do you know who you just messed with?” you asked, “You really think I won’t tell my otosan that you planned to make me your prostitute?”
“Y-Y/N, jesus christ just fucking run-” he tried to stutter out, any evidence of the prideful and strong boy who tried to shoo you away was now gone.
Yet like the stubborn child you are, you ignore him and instead take out your family seal and drop it in front of them, ignoring the pink-haired boy’s plea’s and watching the two men in front of you turn white as a ghost as they see the nameplate, “My name is Ryomen Y/N.” You stated, voice loud and clear, “And you better hope that I’ll let you out here dead or me and my otosan will hunt you down for the rest of your life.”
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taglist [if your name is crossed out, i cant tag you!] @shinhiromi ;; @hcn421 ;; @airybnb ;; @coldbookworm ;; @kristineyoshaii ;; @frankenstein852​
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izzyliker · 3 years
Hey, asking you this as nicely as I can but can you give the immediate victim blaming a break. The absolute lack of respect you have for the people tmc abused is genuinely disheartening. Yes, he’s a shitty person, you’re entitled to hate him but immediately going “well you should’ve seen it coming earlier lol we’ve been saying this” is just ASTONISHINGLY shortsighted and cruel. Have your opinions about him and the situation all you want I would just ask that you please keep it to yourself due to the many many people he’s hurt that are still on here and can see you disparaging them.
ok, that is not what i have been saying. "well you should've known" is not an accurate summary of my feelings on this matter but apologies if thats how it came across. i have been in an abusive relationship where the person did a lot of the same things and i, too, defended that person without considering how it impacted other people. i almost lost my best friend because of how i acted as a result of keeping him in my life while people around me kept telling me to get tf out. i know.
what i am is im frustrated and annoyed by how long people were willing to publicly and passionately defend this guy while apparently fully aware what kind of shit he was doing to other people, many of which is detailed in the callout itself, and how this is now being framed as news. before the document itself was published all me (or anyone) had to go off of was vague posts that amounted to a "callout trailer" and almost all of the information on it was shit that was 100% completely public knowledge. 20+ people being aware of all that goddamn stuff and not one of them publicly stopping associating with him is frustrating. it comes across as spineless and yes, like one anon told GD, gaslighty (although i have my own issues with this being used on a large scale instead of in interpersonal relationships but i understand where they were coming from). his lesbophobia, transphobia (strange that none of the transphobia towards trans men was mentioned?), and panphobia/aphobia/biphobia were widely documented and seeing that on a callout post as if it were news was extremely tiring.
ive since read the callout. the interpersonal actions seem to have been horrible but sadly im not surprised (by which i dont mean "and neither should you" but rather. my spidey senses for this sort of behavior are pretty accurate most of the time and i did see this coming. this isnt me saying im Better than these people or that they shouldve as well but rather that i have learned to identify people of this genre.) by any of them.
also im 75% sure this is tumblr user GD. hello. if not then apologies, its just that the typing here is very similar. if it is, i think you trying to both take accountability for this and process whatever it is youre processing at the same time on tumblr is a bad idea and going to just lead to people feeling hurt and betrayed because while i truly do see where the reaction is coming from (like, truly, i understand, believe me), if you say "i take responsibility for how i acted while being manipulated" but then when people voice their negative feelings you tell them theyre victim blaming you it is going to reflect poorly on you. i dont think you understand how many people were absolutely hurt by the enabling you and your large, massively popular group of friends did for him, including the MASSIVE defense rant you typed up in defense of him when someone sent an ask to the bi jon event about him being panphobic and aphobic. whether its fair for people to expect you to immediately go into depth about it is questionable but dont invite people to do this when you obviously cannot handle it (i dont mean this in a bad way like "oh you should handle it". i mean genuinely this is how you get burnt out and possibly worsen possible future trauma. by trying to immediately placate people without having the mental resources to do so.)
i think the "we dont condone these views and never did!" without ever specifying what they were or doing any other work there is a lazy fucking cop-out. your circle was/is massively popular and a lot of people took all of you as authorities on stuff like headcanons and respectful portrayals of certain characters or identities to the point of accepting your meta as canon (something you havent really dissuaded ever), and associating publicly with someone who would constantly do this kind of shit and then defending him publicly while also positing yourself as an authority isnt something you can just "oops! we never agreed with him!" yourself out of. GD & TF specifically, you are massive blogs. you are babys first TMA blog. people in your askbox hurt and betrayed by this shit are not necessarily there to victim blame you. they are there because they trusted your word when they said "hey seraf reblogged anti pan and anti ace and weird transphobic posts" and you said "seraf is one of my dearest friends and would never do any of those things and im personally offended youd even imply that." i think you dont understand the real life consequences of the massively popular posts and sentiments he made & published and that you helped spread (despite apparently knowing that he was being a massive hypocrite and bigoted towards those groups or identities in his personal life). obviously interpersonal abuse/conflict is going to be "worse" but dear god i hope you collectively understand that "oh btw we never endorsed his views" is a massive copout and a shit apology for the hurt this association and endorsement caused. tmc has been terrorizing this fucking fandom for months with his bullshit and bigotry and you have not been passive bystandars but active enablers.
anyways, hope everyone involved gets to uh, heal i suppose, but i think expecting the people who seraf suicide baited, the groups of trans men he misgendered, the people who he targeted and harassed, the genuine fucking long lasting dysphoria he caused real people to have over his shitty takes re: transness and dysphoria, and the general shit behavior he was allowed to keep up with zero pushback from anyone in his circle of the fandom to drop all the anger or frustration they have for the people who enabled him and defended him aggressively is... unrealistic. and makes you look bad. especially when the doc doesnt even clarify which opinions you still support.
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wallofweird · 4 years
hi fae, how do you feel about people saying that kevin only tolerates madison bc of kate and therefore they won't work? :/
Hi! Well, I think these people are definitely not watching This Is Us (or any type of television, for that matter) or living on Earth. Or seeing and unseeing things according to their pre-established opinions. Either way, that’s absolutely not true. On most of their interactions Kevin is polite, as you can see it here:
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I love this part because there are at least three other guests closer to him but she is the first person he offers a glass of champagne... If you pay attention to the scene, he is holding THREE glasses. He gives one to Madison and he puts another on a shelf, I don’t know about the third, but there were definitely more women in the room that could’ve had that(those) glass(es), he just didn’t care, lol. Also, Rebecca is looking and smiling at him, but he doesn’t even notice it because he is too busy looking at Madi... I mean, another direction.
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CREDIT: https://thisiskevison.tumblr.com (all the gifs above)
Kevin doesn’t look very happy with the idea of dancing and still he doesn’t protest.
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CREDIT: https://madsdefencesquad.tumblr.com/post/616600065662926848/kevin-x-madison-height-difference
This gif doesn’t show it, but he turns his head and watches Madison as she walks away just like on gif number 4.
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Siding with her during a conversation with Kate.
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CREDIT: https://thisiskevison.tumblr.com (all the gifs above)
Comforting Madison.
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CREDIT: https://madsdefencesquad.tumblr.com/post/618991372262916096/kevin-looking-at-madison-nothing-but-blue-skies
He isn’t smiling here, but does this seem to be a person that is annoyed with the other? He has soft, delicate, gentle eyes while looking at her.
And this whole thing about Kevin despising Madison and only tolerating her because of Kate is even more ridiculous because on this scene he is basically begging her to invite him to come inside.
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CREDIT: https://madsdefencesquad.tumblr.com/post/616600065662926848/kevin-x-madison-height-difference
If he thought her company was so unpleasant, why would he accept it in the first place? He could’ve left and gone to Rebecca’s house instead, or come back after Toby got back from work, he could’ve called Randall, or Nicky, or simply gone somewhere else to make new friends because it’s not like struggles when he socializes with strangers.
And here is what Madison had to say about her night with him:
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CREDIT: https://thisiskevison.tumblr.com/post/617836054621339648/do-you-want-to-know-why-i-think-i-slept-with
He made her feel comfortable enough to be her true self and he ended up spending at least a few hours with Madison. He spent the night at her place and only left the next morning... If her presence were so repellent, why didn’t he leave after the sex? Madison didn’t point a gun at him and forced him to stay. Even after he woke up, he kept lying next to her on the bed without a shirt on... Plus, there was the option of leaving without saying anything while she was asleep, but he didn’t do that.
Actually, the only time I believe Kevin was rude to her was at the hospital, but you have to analyze the context: his sister went into early labor, there was an endless list of possible complications to the baby and herself, it took hours until Kevin got some information, Kevin had been drinking, he was dealing with his failed attempt to connect with his uncle, the frustration of having relapsed after an entire year of being sober, feeling guilty for lying to everyone about it and the fear of losing Zoe because of those lies. He was going through A LOT. Those were probably some of the hardest hours of his life. Yet, at first he treated her just fine, it was the fact she wouldn’t stop talking (because that’s the way she was coping with the situation and usually what he does too when he’s sober, btw) that he said those things to her. Now, I don’t drink, but as far as I know people on hangover usually have headaches so it’s not weird that they will avoid noises and I remember Kevin saying a few minutes before that he was on hangover.
I also remember that he immediately regretted it and apologized to Madison, but she didn’t listen and left (I don’t blame her). And when she walked away he was hit by a dose of consciousness and realized his was being “an ass” and apologized to his family. She wasn’t the only one, he was snapping at everybody, because it wasn’t Madison, Randall or anyone else that was annoying him. It wasn’t personal. It was the stress of the entire situation that was making Kevin take it out on everybody. Plus, even though he didn’t specifically snap at Zoe, when he went outside to get some air and clear his head, she offered him company and Kevin shut her out.
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CREDIT: https://thisiskevison.tumblr.com/post/618572824853069824/im-sorry-what-exactly-are-you-doing-here
By the way, Kevin bumped into Madison when he was getting out of the elevator and attempted to apologize for a second time.
Another scene people use as an ‘example’ of rudeness is this moment on the season finale, but I sincerely disagree. Here’s why:
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Kevin was in the middle of a heated fight with his brother and that was almost getting physical when Madison arrived for the party.
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And when she showed up at the door he just told her the truth: it wasn’t a good time.
Now, does that look like an angry, utterly annoyed and disdainful face for you? Because the way I see it, it’s just a guy who’s weary and not in his best state of mind, which is comprehensible since he was in a middle of an argument, his mother’s health is deteriorating, Randall had talked her into doing a clinical trial in the other side of the country despite her previous refusal and that’s just SOME of the heavy stuff he was dealing with at that specific moment.
However, Madison doesn’t bother and enters the place anyway.
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And Kevin doesn’t yell at her, protest or leaves, he just lets her in and closes the door.
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Again: does this look like he hates Madison so much like some people make it seem?
THIS is being annoyed and/or angry:
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CREDIT: https://rostovarps.tumblr.com/post/165520445651/kevin-pearson-in-this-is-us-01x07-the-best
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CREDIT: https://adyadintheforce.tumblr.com/post/177326964546/shame-on-all-of-us
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And this is just being upset, tired, feeling like all your energy has been drained out of your body:
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If you watch the scene, his face on the picture above and on this gif has identical expressions:
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CREDIT: https://ltbelanna.tumblr.com/post/189147462109/this-is-us-4x08-sorry-im-sorry-me-too-see
And really, how did these people expect him to react? Did they expect him to smile, kiss her and propose a second round of hookup? His reaction made perfect sense to everything that was happening at the time.
Do they believe things would’ve been different if it had been someone else at the door, like Kate’s neighbor Gregory or somebody from her support group? Do they think that if it had been another person he would’ve hugged them, offer coffee and crack jokes? That the problem was Madison and not the situation he was in with Randall and Rebecca? 
Anywaaaay, by the end of their conversation he had already softened up and was even slightly smiling at her. 
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CREDIT: https://millennial-mess.tumblr.com/post/613565105725194240/im-so-sick-of-chasing-ghosts-im-tired-of
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CREDIT: https://madsdefencesquad.tumblr.com/post/620438418688704513/you-da-best
Sure, it wan’t a wide smile because it wasn’t like his problems had disappeared all of a sudden, but he had found a silver lining in the midst of everything.
And being exhausted, upset, annoyed, stressed or angry is part of the human experience and part of being in a relationship of ANY KIND: romantic, platonic, familial. Taking it out on someone can happen sometimes as well. It’s not always sunshine and rainbows. People are not perfect. People are not robots. They navigate through negative feelings and emotions too. It’s how things are in real life and also how things are on television, specially on This Is Us, which is a show that focuses on relationships and emotions.
Jack and Rebecca, Beth and Randall, Kate and Toby, Randall and Kevin, Kevin and Kate, Nicky and Kevin, Kevin and Sophie, William and Randall, Kevin and Cassidy all had moments like this... The list goes on. Would the same people define these relationships/friendships as unsuccessful and fake because of a few unfriendly moments? I doubt it, because what really defines a relationship as healthy and successful is the people’s ability to recognize their own mistakes, forgive each other, work on themselves as individuals and as friends/a couple/a family and getting even closer and stronger after facing the hardships. It’s not smiling, talking, hugging and kissing 24/7 because nobody does that. Maybe for a few days and weeks, but you won’t last even a month behaving like this, let alone YEARS.
And the complications are also what keep the story interesting and engaging. I don’t mean something like toxicity and abuse, but if couples, relatives and friends don’t disagree, argue and face problems out and within their relationship, the show doesn’t go anywhere. There must be conflict. There must be drama. And there must be happiness. It’s about balancing these aspects out.
If they want to watch something that’s always sunshine and rainbows and where the characters are always happy, they should watch a TV show targeted to three-year-old children, because honestly This Is Us has never been and will never be this kind of show. 
And we know Kevin has a pregnant fiancee on season 5 and since This Is Us is not a soap opera, I seriously doubt Kevin will go out there impregnating multiple women with multiple children and multiple sets of twins. I reckon it’s safe to say it’s Madison. That means they will go through one of the most amazing and yet vulnerable and challenging experiences two people can ever face and instead of pulling them apart, it will only bring them closer to the point they will get engaged. For me, this sounds like a relationship that is DEFINITELY WORKING.
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im glad that you've been able to reclaim the "queer" slur but just bc you do and so do many people around you, you dont speak for the entirety of the lgbt community, some who obviously have reason to feel uncomfortable when being addressed with the slur when it's been used in a negative light for so long. tldr - your entitlement is awfully misplaced and while you're okay with using the slur, understand that others may not be. if you're not even gonna address the matter kindly then pls block me.
Like I said in my post, you can be called whatever you want. My point is that I’m tired of people pressuring me to identify in a way that makes them comfortable. I wouldn’t do the same to anyone else, including you.
I stand by the vigor with which I reacted to your post, because this issue is important to me. I in no way insulted you—just pointed out my perspective, albeit with strong language. I was feeling strong, which is a big deal for me, especially during Pride. I think you may be mistaking my personal empowerment with entitlement here. Sorry for the miscommunication.
I’m not going to block you, because I appreciate the vast majority of your posts and am of the opinion that we within the community can disagree with each other AND support each other. I’m also not going to call you queer, because you obviously don’t identify with it and I can respect that.
I challenge you to consider the way language evolves through use, and to at least recognize the fact that queer is an identity, so calling it a slur is harmful to those who identify with it. I think it’s also important for both of us to recognize that intention has a lot to do with the word’s meaning. Maybe a person’s status of privilege has a lot to do with it, too—I wouldn’t want Bubba down the road to shout it at me from his truck window, but I’m alright with the bartender at my local gay club saying it kindly, you know? Maybe not. I don’t know what your history with the word is.
Anyway, my point is that you can feel uncomfortable with the term for yourself while respecting the importance it has in people’s lives.
I think your blog is awesome, btw, and wish you a happy Pride.
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monsterloveday · 4 years
The Dreaded V Word.
This has been a long time coming. I have wanted to write about this for years and years. But I never had the guts to because of the repercussions, the inevitable hate, anger and arguments it could cause. Because just by bringing this up, or being in a situation where you have to mention it (i.e restaurants etc) seems to have such a huge backlash, to the point where I’d prefer to keep quiet and avoid the topic completely. But. Maybe the world is ready for it now. Maybe. Maybe the world has a slight more tolerance towards us awful Vegetarians... I know your all bored of hearing it, I know your all annoyed, I know you've heard it all before... But I really hope you can just be open minded, don’t see this as an attack, a lecture, me preaching etc etc. I just wana talk to you, without it being a war. Please?... I turned Veggy 16 years ago, when I was 18. I made that decision myself, I made that decision for the animals. I did not choose to do it because it was a ‘trend’ - as some people like to think now (plus 16 years ago it wasn't a trend so shhh your face). I have remained true to this decision and it is a part of my identity, my character, my personality. It is not a phase or a trial, it will be with me for life and I don’t regret a thing. It is such a personal and valuable choice I have made, it is so important to me, so it is very very hurtful when people make attacks / rude comments about it. I really hate the wars that comes with Meat eaters vs Veggys, v’s Vegans. No matter what you do nowadays, there are people on all sides to hate on you for it. Although I am aware that there are indeed ‘Preachy vegans’, not ALL of them are. Coming from a vegetarian, I will say that as preachy SOME vegans can be - SOME meat eaters are MASSIVE preachers also. I have been preached by vegans and meat eaters and it just sucks and I have no doubt there are preachy veggy’s out there too. Im also certain that there are some people (meat eaters and meat free eaters) who give opinions / advice / information in a way that isn’t preachy also (and this is the best way to inform / advise people in my view!) Because of how I have been treated about my vegetarianism throughout my 16 years, I made the decision to live and let live and to be no part of the fighting.   I do not lecture people or judge them, no matter what diet they have chosen. Because I know how it feels to constantly be under attack, purely because of what you choose to eat. Don’t get me wrong, would I prefer people to not let animals be killed and not eaten?...yes of course. Would I feel happy if everyone chose to not eat animals?... yes. Would I feel ok with someone eating a live animal in front of me or killing it?...no. BUT I am only responsible for MY decisions, and I accept that everyone has a right to choose for themselves. I would be thrilled if people wanted to ask me advice on veggy life if they were tempted by it, but Im not going to sit there glaring at you while you eat a burger. And no Im not offended if you order meat and no you don’t have to sit away from me! (Lets not single each other out ok?) And I hope you don’t glare at me for my veggy burger, (or as so many people like to point out, my ‘rabbit food’ =| ). If someone is a meat eater but is trying to cut down on meat - that is progress.  If a veggy is trying to be vegan but has slip ups now and again - that is still progress, they are trying.  If people only have Veggy meals once a week - that is still positive. If meat eaters never go meat free but are kind and respectful towards people who don’t - that is still good. Please stop hating each other because we are not doing the same things. We are all so different and are wired differently and we should be able to co-exist. People need encouragement - not lectures or discrimination. And yes I do class negative comments about chosen diet styles discrimination! We don’t challenge or make nasty comments about race, religion or sexuality, so we should not be doing it towards this stuff either.  Im probably going to upset a lot of veggys and vegans for saying these things, perhaps Im a hypocrite, or that I should be a Vegan (and admittedly I do feel guilty for not being a Vegan) but as I mentioned before - you are always going to upset someone, but we've just got to try our best, in whichever way we can. As mentioned before, I have received quite a lot of hate throughout the years... ‘I hate people like you’, “If the chefs knew you were veggy they'd spit in your food”, “This is Jay and she’s one of THEM” “Your’e a Twat” “Do you cry when you eat carrots?” “I bet you don’t suck dick then because you don’t eat meat” “Your shit must really stink being a veggy”, “Open your mouth and look at your’e teeth - they are for eating MEAT” “WHAT do you eat?!?!” “So what would you do if you were stuck on a desert Island - YOU WOULD EAT MEAT?! (This one got old SO FAST) “All you eat is rabbit food” “Jay only eats sweetcorn baguettes” “I dont date veggys” “WHY are you a veggy?!?! *said with the most judgemental expression and tone / laughter* “You should NOT be eating chocolate easter eggs because of the milk in them!”... I could go on and on and on and on. (and I do date meat eaters btw - how is that even a thing for people!?) I also want people to just try and understand, that with the majority of the veggy / vegan community, is that - we simply just don’t like animals being murdered. That is it. I don’t understand how that can be so hated against?. I understand people have their guard up and get defensive because how SOME people get on their high horse and preach etc etc. But if you were to take all that away and actually think of the core meaning of what Vegetarianism and Veganism is, its actually an act of love. Please understand - we see all animals the same, so as much as it would haunt you seeing a dog or a cat being killed - that is how we see it for all the poor soles in the slaughter houses. We just don’t want them to be murdered or treated in the barbaric ways that they unfortunately are- please don’t hate us for that - it truly is a good thing to choose not to be part of it, it doesn't hurt anyone or anything - it is a peaceful act and it needn't have so much backlash from so many. Again - that is not an attack, Im just trying to put a bit of peace and understanding in this situation from my side of things. As much as I have received hate, I have also received so much love and support from my family and friends, in which they are a mix of veggys and meat eaters, I will always be grateful, thank you for having my back. I hope this hasn't ruffled anyones feathers, I just wanted to try and put my view in, in a calm and peaceful way. Please, lets just stop all the hate. Be back soon. Jay Monster.
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armouredgoblin · 4 years
Im fucking angry
Its been a long time since i have actually posted anything on here. But now I need to vent Ive seen so much shit going on that it makes me want to scream for some common sense
I dont care about your Identity. I only care if you are a good person Once you force your identity into the conversation and make it litterally only about that, its not “Oh it doesnt mean that X and Y dont matter” its “My Identity comes first before anything that might counter that argument” Right now I am seeing people attacking each other PURELY over racial skin tone ON ALL SIDES.
Im seeing history being wiped out for something that we thought was normal 100′s to 1000′s of  years ago but then the west took it upon themselves to remove as much as possible. If you havent guessed its slavery btw Im seeing people litterally creating a lawless part of a city and cry when they cannot get their extremly priverliged food “Vegan and soy products”. Congratulations people you are so privilage you have the CHOICE of foods you can buy, but now you put yourselves into a situation where you cannot get more of it thanks to the systems you have derailed completely that worked fine until you fucking idiots.
The Media is so baised its now just stupid. Claiming that the stabbings in scotland would have been provented if we had given the “asylum Seekers” more free shit? They openly Dox people who dont just take the narritive that they try to spoon feed to us. Good morning britain had a person saying that they should have translated the warnings in Lester into other languages because of their highly Diverse population. Im pretty sure that the main language in Britian is English. Ive also noticed that the places with the most Diverse Populations have the worst issues (cough cough London)
Speaking of Diversity. Shut the fuck up Khan (The london mayor). During your time london has become a cesspit of bullshit and is no longer an English city. Its so bad that the Native population of the country is out numbered in our own capital city. It is not a strength when more and more issues are coming up because you dont have the balls to deal with the issues because WACISM. I have seen better Mayoral canadates in my toilet than you and your Divesity is our strength PR bullshitter. You can also take that fucking internet police you keep pouring money into because people are getting offended on the internet with “non crime hate crimes” Also fuck Hate crime laws they are over reaching and too vague to be any use.
People are being Cancelled left right and center because of things that they have said over 10 years ago in some cases. like Fucking hell give them some time to learn from their mistakes or is it a case of that they can never change, Because if you watch/ read some of their latest stuff it shows that they are different people now.
Anyone who disagrees with the current bias as well is labeled as “Far Right”, how about go fuck yourselves. That means the majority of the normal thinking world is far right by your own standards including some of those who think even a iota out of place.
Im going to say something now I do not agree with the current movement. Its no longer about what it was origonally, its now a completely Marxist and Maoist movement bent on changing the free fucking western world into a bullshit 3rd world. Sure things are not perfect but you lot creating more divides based on your ever increasing Identities and numerous labels you give yourselves and others are causing more problems than they solve.
Did you know that silencing anyone that disagrees with you can force and opinon that could be massively seen as negative can cause more underground movments to spread. Sunlight is the best disinfectent, keeping things in the light allows debate and the chance for people to understand what the others are saying instead of out right deleting them.
Did you know that slavery is happening in africa? or dont they count? ON another note did you know that the Irish were also persecuted and treated like shit? Did you know that Islam the religion which is protected by fucking everyone on the left will activly erode your freedoms and throw you off of a building for being anything but straight? also it is in their text that slaves are a thing? Its also a point that their Prophet is a bloody pedophile.
Did you know that the most rascism we see in history is happens to be visable now because we think FAR FAR differently to back then? Did you know that Communism no matter what form it has taken has claimed 10′s of millions of lives? there is no such thing is not “real communism”.
Did you know that not everything is Trumps or the Conservatives (uk) fault? in fact a good number of the counsils or the cities run by labour(UK) and the Democrats(US) are the worst run of them all with the highest crime and allowing something like CHAZ or CHOP to happen. Now people are just roaming around stealing and harming others within that zone because the police are being ordered not to enter by the fucking Mayor of the city that this “Socialist Haven” resides in. YOU EVEN SEGREGATE WHOLE ZONES JUST FOR ONE RACE IN THERE SO WHATS THAT ABOUT BEING RACIST ?
Did you know that Defunding the police will be a bad thing ? For example, who is going to stop a mean son of a bitch from stealing your shit or causing harm to your family? because outside of america we do not have that many rights to defend our own property (Specificly the UK) and we can be arrested for defending ourselves. Did you know a peacful protest does not include going onto privet land and then crying when someone pulls a gun on you? We have seen what a “ most peaceful protest” is by the standards that things are getting set on fire, homes and businesses and lives are being taken.
I honestly hate all this shit that is happening. So here are my suggestions Fucking sit down and learn some history
Know that the Majority do not think like you and your repulsive hive mind.
Stop dividing yourselves into groups with more and more oppression points
and try to be good people.
Don’t harras, dox, cancel people.
Hate crime laws have been stupid for a long time.
I know there are bad things in this world but all you are doing is adding to the problems and in a lot of cases ignoring others that do not follow your narritive.
Love from The Llama
Ps I have saved this as a document because there is going to be at least one person out there who will want this silenced. I will not be silenced
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redspiderling · 5 years
Ok so im a trans myself. I didn't think it was bad when scarjo wanted to play a trans. Dont get me wrong I had problems get jobs and had a lot of people talk bad to me. But like she said, she is a actor and its her job. Also with her in the main role it would gain way more attention and its a good way to get people to talk about this. Now when I talk about that with other people they just say that the lgbt-community should chill.
Hi anon!
It’s really lovely to see people respond on tumblr with messages and I honestly appreciate it, even if it means I end up writing essay long replies xD
It’s undeniable that there is bias in the film industry. And outside of it. And I believe this is a complicated issue. There are 2 things to consider. First, what is an actor’s job, and then, what is the process of casting actors for roles.
Actors can be anyone, it’s in their job description, and thanks to modern technology, now they can be anything as well. Whether they should be anyone is up for debate. But there’s no right or wrong here. Some people believe that specific roles are meant for specific people, and some don’t. 
Those arguments are not between people who want equality and people who don’t, but between people who don’t share the same ideas as to how we will achieve equality as a society.
If you ask me, I think people should be allowed to be cast in any role. I don’t think casting trans people in trans roles would help the trans community any more than if you would cast trans people in any roles. 
The assumption that “if they’re not cast as trans they won’t be cast as anything” shows a lack of understanding over the craft of performance arts and over the process of casting. Not to mention that, as far as I’m concerned, equality doesn’t come in steps, it’s not like you can “start them easy” through type casting people for their identity, and then easing in to their humanity beyond that. Either you accept someone the way they are as your equal, or you don’t. There’s no middle ground. 
Another reason on why people should be cast in roles regardless of their race, gender identity, or sexuality, is the fact that stepping into another person’s shoes is the very core of what acting is about. Because through immersion and empathy, comes understanding. And by seeing someone as you would see yourself, as a performer and as a viewer, comes equality.
By the way, political correctness in arts is a double edge sword. Yes, it means you get a more proper portrayal of minorities, but it also means you restrict these minorities to “appropriate” roles once again. It’s just this time, instead of typecasting as the Evil Secondary Character, you typecast them as the Good Man Bystander. Gina Torres talked about this at an interview, from the perspective of someone who comes from a minority group, and she described it much more eloquently than I ever could.
Also, corporations seem to have taken this to heart and are abusing the cause to make money. For example, it has become popular to remake famous titles with female cast members. What that means for companies is that they can re-brand an existing product and make money. It also means they are making shitty movies because they don’t care about the content, since what they are selling is the female presence. Does that educate the masses on equality? No, what it does is getting them to “blame women for ruining our movies”. Completely stupid and ridiculous btw but it’s a negative byproduct of this latest fashion, a fashion that I don’t personally see as entirely right or wrong.
And since we reached corporations, lets talk money.
There are different types of film making. There’s corporate, and there’s indie. In indie productions, all bets are off. We’re doing this for the art, so we care about the message, the content, what we give out to the world. Corporate means money.
The Hollywood Star ticket is dying. What I mean is, at this day and age, the idea that an actor or an actress can carry a movie to the theatres with their name on the title alone is no longer an option for the most part. 
Once upon a time people would flock to the movie theatres for Bogart, for Hepburn, etc. That’s not happening anymore. Having said that, there are still a few names that grab people’s attention. Scarlett’s is one of them.
It has been said many times before, that when a production company decides to produce something outside its safe zone, they need to know they’ll get their money back somehow. One surefire way to get an edgy (for corporate productions’ standards) script to production is by bringing in the big guns. People were saying “well, trans actors need to start from somewhere, if they want to be cast in this way themselves”. Yes, they do need to start from somewhere, but that somewhere is not, and never has been, risky productions. It’s indie films. 
Also, I don’t see why a future trans actor superstar should be instantly assumed as the go-to for trans roles. I don’t think they would appreciate being called in whenever Hollywood needs a trans representative.
Anyway, to close this endless reply, at this time in the world, Rub and Tug would never be produced without ScarJo. And it didn’t. Is that fair? For me as a potential viewer, no, I’d like to see that film regardless of the actor as long as they were good for the job. For the people putting the money in? Perhaps. If I were investing millions of dollars I would want some assurance as to whether or not that investment will be proven fruitful. 
And make no mistake, this has nothing to do with equality. It has to do with a studio taking a risk and producing a script that would have never seen the light of day if not for the cast that would carry it into the theatres.
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totty-chan · 7 years
The Truth about Fhujeth vs. Chocho
This isn’t a callout post, it’s a name-clearing and fact-straightening post for @chochomatsu / @domatsu
Before I go on with this post, I’m going to say a few things for the sake of transparency. I have known (or at least known about) both Fhujeth (@totally-totty / @osomi) and Chocho within the Osomatsu-san fandom for roughly a year now. I have had my own share of negative experiences with Fhujeth over that year, not least the Totty Club issues. I met Chocho because of the Totty Club and we’ve been friends since that time. The club is not what this is about though. I just felt I needed to state my relationship with these two people to clear up any potential questions of bias towards one side.
No one in existence is 100% unbiased, one is my friend, the other isn’t. But despite completely different experiences I have tried to maintain neutrality where I possibly can. I already knew there was a past friendship and later breaking of said friendship between Fhujeth and Chocho, and that there was some drama that spilled over into the public domain after that break.
I was told last week that Fhujeth continues to vague post about the situation, suggesting she hasn’t been able to let go. I decided to approach Fhujeth to see what was going on - for the sake of a friend that I care about. Fhujeth knows that I am friends with Chocho but again, for the sake of neutrality, I asked Fhujeth why she sees Chocho as her “abuser”, and what proof there is of this. I am someone who needs proof before I believe. Fhujeth explained her position and gave me some evidence in the form of chatlog to back it up.
After Fhujeth presented her argument to me along with the evidence she had to give, I stated that I wanted to get the other side of the story by talking to Chocho about it. Fhujeth’s nature basically instantly turned more... apologetic? Certainly less fighty. I got the distinct impression she didn’t want me to approach Chocho about this - which to me rang alarm bells.
I then spoke to Chocho about the situation - a story that Chocho has been unwilling to talk about in any detail until now. The reason being that she didn’t want to relive it, hoping that it would blow over and go away. But obviously it hasn’t.
Just to note that Fhujeth (and apparently some of her friends) questioned whether I am being appropriate by mediating between her and Chocho, asking for details as I go. Later on, Fhujeth said this to me:
I try to hear both sides of a story but I also since this summer have been trying not to get too involved in other people's drama. I don't want to because I don't want to get on anyone's badside. I know this is hard to believe but like you, I am someone who sticks up for their friends and fights and often is a diplomat or mediator or a neutral party who tries to hear two sides out. I have been for my friend and someone who wants nothing to do with them who keeps harassing my friend.
My answer is that this is exactly what I am doing here. You are welcome to judge me for making this information public however you see fit.
I have been given explicit permission from Chocho to post the information beyond this point.
I asked for this permission because I feel that it is disgusting that this issue has been going on for so long, an issue affecting a good friend of mine. I am of the opinion that if Fhujeth can go around the fandom spreading chatlogs to incriminate someone, I can use chatlogs to debunk it.
The rest of this post is under a cut - it is a LONG TEXT WALL but it clears up a lot. For those without the time to read a post of this length there is a tl;dr at the end. However you will need to read the post to understand the reasons for the conclusion!
Normal - Me (totty-chan, Sammy)
[ITALICS] - Chocho’s notes, opinions, etc.
BLOCKQUOTE - Chatlogs - Chocho is normal text, Fhujeth and others are bold
I have been assured by both sides that none of the chatlogs shown to me are edited in any way, except names where appropriate and the occasional note spliced in to better explain certain things. For Jussy, a person unfortunately involved in this, I have replaced their tumblr username with “Jussy” to protect their identity. There is private information (location, etc.) about both parties in the logs which I will replace with “---” for the sake of their privacy. Some chatlogs had images within them - these cannot be shown as they were not logged in the text files and no longer exist. I only sought permission from Chocho to show logs. Anyone who would like to see the evidence shown by Fhujeth will have to ask Fhujeth herself for it.
Both Fhujeth and Chocho mentioned that they used an IM app called “utox”. Fhujeth claimed that this app doesn’t keep logs. Chocho’s logs from this point mostly come from utox (some are from tumblr). This image is proof that logging is possible:
Tumblr media
The first thing Fhujeth spoke to me about was regarding commissions done by Chocho for other people.
totty You want the chatlogs? I have one that was taken from when her and a friend of mine were talking after my friend found out Chocho had been pretending to be two different people and pleading as both for commissions and I have our last convo that we had before the "we're not talking anymore." That she sent me after I had chosen to stop signing in to get away from her.
Fhujeth gave me evidence in the form of a chatlog about the second issue mentioned here first. I’m going to cover the issue regarding begging for commissions first despite not being given “evidence” about it until a lot later in the conversation. This also involves other people and money which is why it’s the important one.
Fhujeth claimed that Chocho asked people for commissions, claiming that she “needed money for this or that reason really bad.” There was also a claim that Chocho would pretend to be both “Domatsu” and “Chocho” - two separate people - in an attempt to ask for more money from the same person. This person is a mutual friend of both Fhujeth and Chocho.
Fhujeth claimed to have proof that Domatsu and Chocho are the same person but said that Chocho admitted this anyway so it wasn’t needed.
When I asked Chocho about this, she said:
[I never asked anybody for commissions, ever. It's against my morals. I made a commissions promo post on domatsu in order to replace my dodgy old Wacom tablet that was years old, worn down and no longer supported for parts and did commissions for that, people continued to commission me after that, even though I posted when I got my tablet. That was their choice. Fhujeth saying that I squeezed Jussy for tons of money... whilst Jussy did commission me A LOT, she always came to ME asking, I never asked her (unlike Fhujeth who flat out said to me one time that she was going to go ask Jussy to commission her). I never begged Jussy and I never approached her or pressured her to commission me. She always asked first and I always made sure she was okay with the price and knew where all the pricing was coming from in the picture before she agreed to it. I thanked her for all her commissions because she really did help me.]
Chocho gave me evidence of Jussy asking for the commissions:
Jussy Hey, honey~ ^.^ hope you are well? I can't stop looking at my OsoMisha piece~ *u* and I am so happy with it~<3 I would love to commission you again X33 Jussy I will email you again~ ;) with my new idea~
Jussy BTW, when I get paid again, I was thinking of commissioning you again, but for something different ;3 * at the end of the month
Jussy Haha XDD you think you can take on another commission of mine? ;3
Jussy Eeeee, plz let him tumblr XDD and yush~ 0w0 it is <3 such great times X3 Plus, your Kara comic inspired me to commission you for an OsoMisha one X3
Jussy Soon, I'd love to commission an icon X3
Jussy I was thinking of Osomatsu and his brothers surprising Misha on her birthday on the 10th >w< Jussy as a commission
Jussy Hey, ChoCho X3 you up for me to commission you again? c:
Jussy Now I have the urge to commission Misha taking care of Osomatsu in the clothes his wearing~
Chocho also gave me this chatlog between her and Fhujeth regarding Jussy, commissions, the cost of said commissions, and asking for them.
Fhujeth: Jussy wants to pay me 35 (total) for a drawing with 3 chars (dollars) yay or nay Chocho: Fullbody or no Chocho: *? Fhujeth: full body Fhujeth: that's alot less than she was paying Chocho: I'd ask for 40 at least Fhujeth: Did my art value suddenly change Chocho: I don't think so! Chocho: Did she mean £? Fhujeth: Originally she paid 71$ for it Chocho: Or does she not know currency conversion? Chocho: What did she even say? Fhujeth: Cus I'm not sure if I should be insulted and hurt and start crying and just stop doing commissions or think she has no idea about currency conversion Chocho: I'd fall on the last one there first Fhujeth: I really hope so... Chocho: This is Jussy Fhujeth: [9:38:02 AM] Jussy: Yo~ ;3 [10:48:33 AM] Firrymatsu: Hi ^^ I am going to get this commission done fast but is is possible to be commissioned again sometime soon I just had to go to the doctor and my medication was 25 pounds ;.; [10:49:40 AM] Jussy: Okay my darling~ >w< and sure thing my honey~ ^.^ you know, I was thinking I COULD give you back the sketch you gave me, so you can finish it off and I give you 25 $ or more for it~ : 3 [10:49:54 AM] Jussy: Now you have a good idea on Hummingdoe's appearance [10:50:22 AM] Firrymatsu: dollars or pounds :o [10:50:52 AM] Jussy: Dollars ^w^ [10:51:36 AM] Firrymatsu: the one with croc, moosel, and hummingdoe? [10:52:07 AM] Jussy: That's right ^w^ [10:55:32 AM] Firrymatsu: 25 dollars is not very much @_@ [10:56:03 AM] Jussy: Okay X3 35? [10:56:21 AM] Jussy: or 40? Fhujeth: does she even have a concept of money? Fhujeth: I'm taking into consideration the 10 she already gave me... Chocho: I haven't a clue! Fhujeth: I'm too tired for this ;.; Fhujeth: It's 3 full body characters in a style I dunno, one is a fan character with an out of style reference.... Chocho: I'd also consider that you are asking her to commission you and give her money rather than her making that decision herself to ask on her own... Fhujeth: Yeah! I am taking that into consideration. Originally this idea we planned at 70, I think 50 is fair? Fhujeth: or 45 Chocho: Ask her for that! Fhujeth: Ok! Fhujeth: [10:56:03 AM] Jussy: Okay X3 35? [10:56:21 AM] Jussy: or 40? [10:59:41 AM] Firrymatsu: 40 @_@ then you had already paid that 10 dollars towards it, that makes it 50 - I'd normally charge 70 but since I am asking you for help I will go lower?
Fhujeth: i'll reply when i am done with this commission is reluctantly asked if they were willing to commission me again.
[See? She flat out asked/begged Jussy to commission her... and was insulted with the price Jussy was willing to pay. From what I could gather, Jussy wasn't happy with the sketch Fhujeth gave her before so wanted to commission Fhujeth for something else instead of the original pic?]
(Note, Firrymatsu = Fhujeth)
From my perspective it appears Chocho received commission requests - she didn’t go asking for them personally. There is evidence that it was in fact Fhujeth that asked for at least two commissions rather than being approached.
Also (this is just my opinion), what is wrong with commissioning under multiple aliases? Novel authors write books under different names all the time to separate styles - and make money on those separately. It happens in the music world too, songwriters often have multiple aliases or they ghostwrite for other singers or bands, making money as they go. It’s not immoral, it’s just a method of being able to separate different styles of working and still be able to keep on top of things. I do not understand why Fhujeth is using this against Chocho in an attempt to back up the “abuser” claim.
Fhujeth also said this to me regarding Chocho and Jussy:
If you see her collection you'll understand she had no NEED for money, she had a WANT for money. When Jussy found out that not only was her money going towards the same person but also not for needed things like food and health but for buying say, a full set of 45 dollar a piece matsu plush... she was not terribly happy.
I asked Chocho about this and was given this chatlog with an explanation afterwards:
Chocho: We live in a little town. =( Fhujeth: Ahhhh. Fhujeth: That makes it creepier you're so close to Jussy then. Chocho: It's not even that... it's a sub-town? Or village? I dunno. --- is the area, --- is the town... and we're in --- which is considered a part of --- overall so I guess it's a village Chocho: Yeah, we are REALLY close to Jussy Fhujeth: we don't have villages here so I have no idea how to like.... word it. Yeah it seems creepy..... like nothing on her but she is strange... part of me wonders if she is an adult... or a kid.... or an impulse buyer Fhujeth: Like nothing on your fanart I just don't see how someone can afford all that so fast like wow. Fhujeth: That's a lot of artwork of a weird fantasy. Chocho: I dunno. =T Not complaining though, it helped John with his bills this month
Chocho: I finished one of the comms for Jussy Fhujeth: Yay! Chocho: dop Chocho: =image goes here= Fhujeth: you did it!! Fhujeth: cute! Fhujeth: she will love that Chocho: Thank-you! =) Chocho: 1 down Chocho: 3 Chocho: to Chocho: go Fhujeth: are they easier ones? Chocho: Not particularly Chocho: One involves Iyami Chocho: who is a bitch to draw Chocho: And one is hypnotism-esque Fhujeth: from her? Chocho: Well, yeah Chocho: I don't take commissions from anybody but you, John, Jussy and Cathie at the moment Fhujeth: Ahh that is nice and a smart idea Chocho: I really want to help John out. @_@ Chocho: So I'm just having the money sent straight to him Fhujeth: Good idea! Fhujeth: And they have lots Fhujeth: Well, I wonder what Jussy really is she seems to be so mysterious
(And when Fhujeth says that I "didn't use the money on life but on merch instead"... that's not entirely true. I got some merch that I had ordered sent to my friend because I couldn't receive it here and it ended up being way larger than we expected, it was HUGE! If I'd have known they were THAT BIG I wouldn't have ordered them, but they were and we ended up with them. He had to send them one by one and they cost $22.50 to send EACH. He IOU'd me the money and sent them over to me since his house is not very big and they were taking up space. Then it turned out that he was short of funds for personal reasons (I'm not gonna say what because it's private), so I wanted to pay him back ASAP to help with his bills. So I was getting Jussy to send ALL the commission money she paid me directly to my friend (John) in order to pay him back for his kindness and help his bills. So yes, whilst it was not going on MY bills, it was going on my FRIEND's bills. And whilst it was TECHNICALLY going "towards merch", it was actually going towards paying my friend back for the postage it cost him to get them to me. Fhujeth knows this.)
I personally don’t see an issue with spending commission money on merch, or for that matter, anything. In any case, this issue doesn’t seem to be quite as clear-cut as Fhujeth was painting it to be. The obvious conclusion from the things Fhujeth told me would be that Chocho demanded to be commissioned due to a strong “NEED” for money, claimed that it was for “things like food and health”, only to spend it on merch. I’ve seen enough evidence to be able to say that this isn’t the case.
Chocho also gave me further logs about the commissions/money issues:
Fhujeth: I refunded her the 35 when the REALLY EVIL PART OF ME WAS LIKE, "Dude keep it dude, dude, duuude, dude, greed, dude, greed, dude."
Fhujeth: plus the 45 USD she just tossed me for (well, some stuff I paid 3 dollars for basically) Chocho: How much profit are you making off of her? Fhujeth: The camera case/bag was in a super clearance machine I think they put it in there to make it difficult to grab the iyamis and chibitas cus it was big and would catch the claw but I was like, "FUCK THAT" and got all the chibitas and iyamis around it and then pulled it out Fhujeth: and then like there was times I just bulk won tons of osomatsu keychains and she bought 2 of those Fhujeth: cus on golden week they rigged the machines to pay out super crazy easy and I spend like 300 dollars I ended up with like 8 choros and 7 jyushis Fhujeth: contacted jussy about the osomatsu cushion hehe Fhujeth: did I tell you I charged her 10 shipping and her item to ship turned out to be 180 Chocho: 180? Fhujeth: like 2 dollars
Fhujeth: "the keychain and pillow (very huggable) for 65 + shipping (and you already paid for " ya so I know what you'll do with these poor plush so I will charge 15 for the keyring and 50 for the plush juss Fhujeth: me: Well the pillow which I sell for 40 I'll sell to you for 50 and this keychain I sell for 10 I'll sell to you for 15 and I know oyu paid shipping on the other thing you bought but I'ma go ahead and ignore that and combine this all shipping so 15 shipping Fhujeth: yeah I feel bad Fhujeth: but I also am like Fhujeth: she is really Fhujeth: but I Will give her a nicer shipping i think Fhujeth: at least tracking Fhujeth: you: *terrible person* Fhujeth: you're thinking that Fhujeth: a bad person would be if I decided to not refund her that 35 dollars and see what happens x.x Chocho: I didn't say anything! =B Fhujeth: What are you thinking? Chocho: That I'm not sure if Ichimatsu looks right? XD Fhujeth: So you don't care if I charge her for things? Fhujeth: Like a lot. Chocho: Oh, I do, but it's none of my business. =B
Fhujeth: I most def do not feel bad Fhujeth: charging her Fhujeth: because she probably torments many people
[I find it amazing she says about my "collection"! Hahaha! She's shown people her collection what, countless times? She has far, far more than I do and it's not like she needs that any more than I do. XD SHE's the one who doesn't have a need for money, not me, I never inherited anything from anybody! SHE's the one who has a want for money, even though as far as I know, she has a lot already! (She also liked to horrendously overcharge Jussy for things, just because she knew Jussy wouldn't question!)
To be honest, any time Fhujeth offered me something to buy off her it was.... really unnerving... it wasn't like a friendly "Oh yeah, you can buy this if you want", it was always so... like a sharp merchant, not a friend helping another get something. She even said one time that she would only hold a piece of merch for me for "up to a year"... that put quite the unnerved feeling onto me... XD;;; And it was ALWAYS like that... we had to make sure the money was 100% EQUAL AND ACCOUNTED FOR. To be honest, it was scary. She did this with the plush she wanted me to make her too. I didn't really like buying from Fhujeth, it was stressful, but a lot of the time I felt pressured.]
Fhujeth: well, I have one Chocho: One is in 18 Fhujeth: I will sell it Fhujeth: I can hold it Chocho: Oh? =o Well... if you want to... Fhujeth: if you're up for that Fhujeth: I don't mind holding stuff for you up to a year
I’m seeing a “NEED” for money from Fhujeth here - not Chocho. There are also some very obvious nasty and insulting attacks on Jussy from Fhujeth combined with some extremely unfair financial tactics in an attempt to squeeze more money out of her.
Another part of my conversation with Fhujeth involved a claim that Chocho demanded to be commissioned by Jussy to buy a new cellphone:
She threw her phone on her bed and it accidentally cracked and broke (baring in mind this was a phone her dad gave her, had no service, and she used to play games on it). She said she was gonna ask Jussy for help to her a new one. We were also talking about Timezones for another reason. If it wasn't cause the phone broke it was cause she wanted something else but I remember around that part not caring too much.
I think it was the phone.
Chocho gave me this chat between her and Jussy along with comments and chat with Fhujeth:
chochomatsu And my phone smashed yesterday tooooo Jussy B'awww, I am soooo sorry to heat that my lovely ;w; chochomatsu Not having a good time (;m;) Jussy what?? o0o nooo! Anything I can do to help? ;w; chochomatsu Yeah! (;m;) [<--- Note, this is a response to "what?? o0o nooo!", not "Anything I can do to help? ;w;] Some of the glass actually fell out... so... it's pretty much unusable now. (;_;) RIP my phone...I didn't even have it all that long... Jussy Oooh, my...you poor lass ;3; <3 can you get it fixed? chochomatsu And I can't afford to get another one either! At least I didn't use it all that often... (;w;);;; Jussy b'awww ;3; I only use my phone for calling and texting chochomatsu I think it's pretty much gone. (;_;) I don't think you can replace the screens on these... This was my first ever smart phone, I wanted one for years... and I think it lasted... a few months... not even a year! Jussy Ooooh, poopy ;3; what a shame How did it break? chochomatsu It was a really silly thing. (;_;) I went to bed last night and took it with me because I do Japanese study just before bed... I put the charger on my pillow and then gently plopped my phone on top... Jussy b'awww ;3; chochomatsu BANG Glass all over my pillow... Jussy Oooh, my..o.o Jussy goodness it happens darling, don't worry chochomatsu Yeah. (;_;) I feel really stupid... it wasn't even that hard an impact, I guess it just hit it in the wrong place Jussy aww, I am sorry dear ;3; chochomatsu I think we passed your workplace today though! Jussy Really?? 0w0 --- That's where --- is~ chochomatsu Yeah! You work at --- Bupa, right? Jussy I do :D Jussy what time?
[we talked here about completely different things for a while until we had to go, this next part is the next day]
11/23/2016 Jussy Aaaahh, Hey, ChoCho~ X3 I would like to help you get a new phone by commissioning you. I have something in mind and I would like to discuss it ^w^ chochomatsu Hiya, good morning, Jussy! <3 How are you today? And thankyou so much! (;m;) That is so sweet of you! <3 *hugs* Jussy Good morning my darling~ ^w^ I am good, a bit better from my cold >w< <3 and ya welcome, always happy to help out~ ^.^ *hugs*
[In regards to the phone, I never asked Jussy for commissions to cover replacing it. I mentioned it to Jussy because she was my friend and I was frustrated I'd just broke my phone (anybody would be I think), she approached me the next day saying she wanted to commission me to put towards getting myself a new phone, which I was absolutely greatful for. This commission I asked her to send to my BOYFRIEND instead since he'd be the one buying the phone and I wanted that money to absolutely go towards the phone. But before I could get the phone, Fhujeth lied to Jussy about me in order to put Jussy off me and cut me off from any future commissions (knowing that I only ever accepted commissions off of Jussy by that point). Since I no longer had any kind of income, I had to send the entirety of that money to John since he was a priority over a new phone. I still don't have a new phone (but luckily for me, it hasn't fallen apart yet like we expected! Since the crack is right at the button, we expected the button to fall out at any time, luckily it hasn't. I had to stop doing my kanji/kana learning because that involved drawing the kanji/kana on the screen and the sensitivity is basically shot on that part of the screen making it very hard to do anything there.).
(Also, my phone has always had service (you can see that it does, "TESCO" in the bottom corner of the photo I gave Jussy of my phone showing the damage)
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It wasn't my Dad that gave it to me, it was my Boyfriend's Dad and I used it to study Japanese with apps because it was too weak to play the phone games without crashing. I tried playing Hesokuri Wars on it for a bit, but it was unreliable and crashed during game play a lot. So whilst I left it on my phone for ages, I didn't open it because it wouldn't load at all eventually (updates made it too hefty). I mostly played things like Hesokuri Wars and Tabimatsu on my PC using an emulator called Andy. It was FHUJETH's phone that didn't have service that she only used for games.]
Fhujeth: My mobile lost service... 3-4 months ago.
Chocho: My phone is too shit to run Hesokuri Wars without endless crashing
Fhujeth: we should find a chat program that works on your phone Chocho: It's like shell shock Chocho: I don't think any will, it's just not powerful enough to be any more than a call and text thing
I don’t think I really need to add to this - the proof is clear enough for me.
Fhujeth also told me this, bringing another person into the issue with Chocho and commissioning:
Cathie had her own experiences with Dexts (commissions being rushed/made poorly).
Like she'd pay 100 for a drawing that was not nearly up to par for what Domatsu usually did. That was one thing she told me
This is Chocho’s response to this claim along with logs to back it up:
Chocho: And Jussy knows I plan to finish hers when it's cooler Fhujeth: Totty: Choromatsu-Niisan is the kind of person who wears..... like... the pads on the elbos and all Chocho: It's okay if I fuck up a background, it's not okay if I fuck up paid art
[The background in this chatlog was regarding the backgrounds I used to draw for domatsus blog updates. All of the art I have ever done on commission for anybody, ever, including Fhujeth themself, was to the best of my ability at the time. I promise that completely, I have no desire to "half-arse" anything. I have no idea where Cathie got the idea that I didn't draw pictures up to par of my others at the time? I always tried my very best... =/ If Cathie said that at all, I wouldn't know! But I honestly had no idea she felt that way.]
Chocho: I don't want to cop out on the story Chocho: That's why it's pissing me off so fucking much Fhujeth: Rush it? Chocho: no Chocho: Absolutely not Chocho: Quality or bust Fhujeth: i mean it's good and i can help you make sure it's in character Chocho: I've got a good reputation I don't want to fuck it up by coughing up half arsed shit onto the blog Chocho: Yeah, it's a matter of pride, but also a matter of respect for my fans
Fhujeth: It's nice to have stuff made by friends! I liked the figure i had from my friend but i was bummed when i realized she made it shitty on purpose ;.; Chocho: did they really though? Fhujeth: I'm 99& sure. Fhujeth: %^ Chocho: i have more respect for myself than to do that Fhujeth: They're those kind of people.
chochomatsu i have far too much respect for my works to do anything less than my best i wouldn't want to crap out a shitty item chochomatsu i never like asking anybody for money
Fhujeth: Apparently I illustrated a book... and it's coming out soonish..... *halfassed all the art they accepted it and took it my mind is blown, all it is I think they changed the cover*
Doesn’t look like Chocho is the one that “halfassed” art for other people. Art is, of course, subjective... but as long as the person drawing it does so to the best of their current ability and with as much effort as they can spend on it, that’s just fine.
An extra note from me... I saw this in the logs I was given and thought it worth mentioning (because it’s just... not right).
Fhujeth: So for a picture I might charge 25 for I charge 50 for to someone who I knew made 6 figures a year and wanted --- KND operatives Chocho: I think my biggest deal is asking for money full stop
Fhujeth is charging higher prices to people who she knows to have more money. I don’t recall rich people walking into a store and having to pay more because they’re rich. This isn’t a variable income tax system.
The Plush
Still regarding commissions and money in reality, Fhujeth told me about trying to commission Chocho for a custom Matsu plush. This is part of what Fhujeth said to me:
She made a Karamatsu plush and it had messy hair, he was supposed to be from her blog. I didn't like the hair but the plush the rest of it came out great. I told her the honest truth about it. Later she made a Choromatsu plush and I LOVED IT and I kept saying how I wanted to commission her for one and she kept holding the thing I said like 4 months prior about the one's hair against me?
We were friends so I wanted to give her my honest answer when she asked what I thought. The rest of the plush was fine but the hair just looked really off on it. She made the Posing Karamatsu too which I loved as well! I really liked the pattern she made for the Choro one but a lot. A LOT of drama would constantly ensue whenever I said, "hey I wanna commission you for one."
I wasn’t at all sure what the real problem was here or why it was brought up with regards to Chocho being an “abuser”. When I asked Chocho about this one it took a long time to explain.
[Ok... this is a complex one that needs a LOT of backstory to explain... so... I can make plush, but I can't make them EASILY because I don't have a sewing or embroidery machine. Everything I do on a plush has to be done by hand using a needle and thread. That includes the face embroidery/embroidery anywhere else. This takes hours and can mess up my hands/fingers because of repeated pressure of a thin, metal stick pressing into them (also because pushing the embroidery needle through multiple layers of fabric and embroidery REALLY hurts. @_@ And you can stab yourself all too easily. I don't like doing it really so try to avoid it and don't take any commissions unless they are specifically for friends. Fhu knew about the faces and embroidery, so she knew it was a hard and painful activity before she even started pressing for a Totty plush later on.]
Chocho: I have a question Fhujeth: sure :3 Chocho: If I were to make Karamatsu plush, should I make it chibi like the official ones or proportional Fhujeth: that would depend on if you want it to be proportional or chibi :O Fhujeth: why not both Chocho: Because it takes a long time to hand embroider the faces. XD Chocho: And I'm limited on fabric. =( Fhujeth: you hand embroider? wooow Chocho: Yeah! Fhujeth: woow that looks like it would take forever Chocho: It does. @_@ Chocho: And it hurts. XD Fhujeth: that is some dedication Chocho: It's the only way I can do it. =( Chocho: Which is why I only do plush commissions for friends. XD Fhujeth: well, otherwise it'd be a lot
[Eventually, I felt like Fhujeth was a close enough friend to me for me to want to make her a plush. So I offered that I could potentially trade some merch for a small, custom demon Todomatsu plush. I was instantly made uneasy by how it all became about "how much are you going to charge me?". What was simply a "maybe you'd like something made by a friend?" had suddenly turned into a hyper-serious TRANSACTION. I was basically put on the spot to give a price for something that I hadn't even planned yet, I wasn't even suggesting actual money, just a merch trade. That felt like pressure and I was a bit unnerved, but I shook it off.]
Chocho: Hey.. I have an idea/proposition Fhujeth: Go oooooon :O Chocho: Would you be willing to take payment for some thing in the form of a tiny demon Totty plush? Chocho: *some things Fhujeth: :O payment for like what, and PROBABLY x3 just what I have here or? like the kara head/buttons? Since I think we're about even on the auction lot Chocho: I think we're about even on the auction, yeah! =D And I dunno, yeah, the merch you get in Japan I guess, yes! XD Chocho: I'm not sure how big he'd be since things always come out bigger than I expect... Chocho: But he'd be custom cos he'd be demon Totty Fhujeth: i'll be buying more blind bags of stuff :O so I can just keep you updated. Yeah @-@ Chocho: I'd have to make a new pattern. XD I can't use Karamatsu's because he is MASSIVE Chocho: Okay! =D Chocho: How much would you be willing to pay for the plush anyways? @.@ If he came out to be about 12-15cm? Fhujeth: What are you charging o_o Chocho: I was gonna make him keychain sized? But I just know he'll end up bigger. B/ Chocho: I dunno because I've never really done it before. Chocho: Well, I've made things for John on commission but yeah Chocho: I know the cost of fabrics and time and pain Fhujeth: Like, how many hours would it HYPOTHETICALLY TAKE Chocho: But that doesn't line up to what people expect to pay so Chocho: Well Chocho: How long do patterns take. =_= Hmm... a few hours Chocho: Making plush can take... over a week Chocho: (It's usually way longer to be honest, but they're usually bigger( Fhujeth: I'm not sure o_o I'd like it but my budget is only as big as what I have ATM. Kara head is 35 + the buttons is 9 (minus one from the doodle just now) Chocho: Watch him end up being half the size of Karamatsu instead of 12-15cm Chocho: We can wait and see! Fhujeth: And as I get more stuff I'll figure things out o_o I'm bad with plush prices. Chocho: It was just an idea. XD Fhujeth: I am interested! And yeah! Fhujeth: If you can give me a number it'd be better!! and you should put a dog squaeky inside it o_O so it makes some sound, if you can, I think you can get that from like... a cheap store and take out of dog toy.... ?? which I can pay for? AHHHH, let's wait till I figure things out but assume right now we're at 42 dollars or something Chocho: Hahaha! XD That's a good idea on the squeaker! Chocho: Yeah, we'll keep it in mind! =D Chocho: (Also gotta remember the face embroidery) Fhujeth: Yeah x.,x Chocho: I wish I had a machine for that. =(
[The idea of the plush stuck around though]
Chocho: I'm really concerned about this plush Fhujeth: Aww don't worry about it too much. Fhujeth: I am not that picky if love is involved. Chocho: Yeah, but you don't want him to be hideous Chocho: I also worry about the quality of the embroidery Chocho: Because I'm not a machine Fhujeth: oh I am not picky on that I will know it is hand made. as long as it wont fall apart. Chocho: It shouldn't fall apart Chocho: But it might be ugly Fhujeth: I got a sculpture from sone, I showed them the example of what I wanted, I showed them a turn around, the got the proportions all wrong Fhujeth: you wont be that bad. Fhujeth: I still kept the loved the sculture Fhujeth: scupture Chocho: Kept the sculpture? Fhujeth: I kept it and loved it^ Chocho: What sculpture? Fhujeth: it was of my knd oc Fhujeth: i commissioned her because i thought she'd do really good Chocho: Was it not so good then? =< Fhujeth: i was disappointed greatly Fhujeth: but said nothing Chocho: Aww.. =( Chocho: I'm sorry about that Chocho: That's what I'm worried about
Fhujeth: I've commissioned some original stuff of my characters and came out really bad, in fact one I think got made bad on purpose.... Fhujeth: But I loved it anyways until one day the head came off because they didn't bake it enough... like the wire just split through the head >< I wanted them to fix it but I moved by then so it's at my dads so it wouldn't break more Fhujeth: And I'll be honest on a technical level and for that person's skill it was atrocious and when I first saw it I felt kind of bothered... Fhujeth: But I thought maybe it wasn't like that on purpose and they did it the best they could so I put it with all my other stuff of that OC
There was a weird situation building up here from what I could tell. Fhujeth wanted a quality plush which is fair enough, and Chocho doubted her ability to match the requirements. Fhujeth saying that they’ve commissioned other people and been disappointed with the result in the past was obviously furthering the doubt from Chocho that the requirements could be fulfilled. Claiming that a past commission had been done badly on purpose was, to me, a step too far. There doesn’t seem to be any proof of that here and presenting that thought to Chocho inevitably heightened the concern about being able to satisfy Fhujeth even further. I know for sure that if someone commissioned me for anything creative and was mentioning past commissions in this sense I would lose all confidence in my ability.
[The concept of a "demon Totty" plush had become a thing and was on our er.... list of things I owe in trade for merch? No merch traded hands though, I liked to pay for them first... but Fhujeth would "put things aside" on the "plush list", though not everything applied. In any case, I eventually decided to try and make a small Karamatsu plush as a test, since Fhujeth didn't like the risk of me making her a plush without seeing the pattern first. I was a little unsure about him, his hoodie kind of pinched his neck because I'd made the opening too small and his hair was VERY fluffy because of the fur I'd used for it. I felt concerned about him, especially since Fhujeth had now set this very high bar in my mind, what with being so money concerned, telling me about how she was certain her friend intentionally made her a bad commission sculpture to spite her and that she was VERY disappointed in the result, but didn't say anything... also with the idea that she didn't want to risk me making it without proving she'd like the pattern first.]
Chocho: Progress Fhujeth: aww that looks adorable! Chocho: NOT WHEN HE HAS A HEAD Chocho: I just placed it there Chocho: I used the long pile fur so it would NOT be that messy if I had used the minky Chocho: OH WELL Chocho: Whatever Chocho: I'm only finishing this really because it'd be a waste of embroidery otherwise. XD Fhujeth: give him bandages Fhujeth: have big Kara care for poor injured baby scruffy kara Chocho: It this particular one worth the effort? Chocho: "He looks retarded because he fell off the roof" Fhujeth: xDDDD Chocho: I guess he's not THAT bad Chocho: but eh Chocho: I don't think he's worth $ Chocho: maybe if the hair was shorter fur but I dunno, can't really tell that because it's not Fhujeth: haircut? Chocho: Nah Chocho: Because once it's cut it can't come back Chocho: And if I fuck it up that's it fucked up further for good! Chocho: But yeah, I don't think I can make you a Totty. @_@ I'm sorry Fhujeth: it is ok ^-^ Chocho: I didn't think you'd like it! XD Fhujeth: you don't seem confident :3 Fhujeth: so it is ok! Chocho: You don't seem to like how he looks anyway though. XD Fhujeth: it's hard to tell with the hair tbh Chocho: It's overall pretty shitty, huh? Fhujeth: Nooo! Fhujeth: The body for sure looks great Chocho: But the most important part is the head Fhujeth: the face is good too! Fhujeth: but the hair is very... wild Chocho: Really? I thought the face looked bad... Well yeah, I used craft fur, minky is like what you have on the keychain plush Chocho: Look at the length on big Karamatsu compared to little here Fhujeth: yeah! that is a hugeee difference Chocho: Yeah
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[The small Karamatsu plush's hair kept coming up, even though I had explained that I used a different fur than what I would use for hers....]
Chocho: Be honest, do you want a chibi body like the keychain plush, or a to scale one Fhujeth: whichever you as the artist want. What do you personally thing might look better Chocho: The body pattern I have looks more to scale Fhujeth: I do like the chibi body but a real body, if it translates well, the bunny I got, did you see how it is... Fhujeth: it's like 2.5 heads tall Fhujeth: how is that like... that is ok too... Fhujeth: 3 heads tall Fhujeth: ok Fhujeth: 2 heads ehh Chocho: XD Chocho: I dunno Fhujeth: I like the height of the karamatsu plush but yeah his head (and hair) bugged me Fhujeth: we talk little the big one is fine Chocho: Well, I told you that his hair was not the same fabric. =P Fhujeth: yeah! Chocho: I used craft fur, not minky, cos I wanted it messy Chocho: But yeah, seriously though, no promises Chocho: I've seen a ton of cute plush and I don't think I'm cut out for it Chocho: To be honest, I knew you didn't like it as soon as you said you didn't know if you wanted to trade for it yet Fhujeth: brb my mom got me Chocho: Ok! Chocho: I think for now, it's best to assume I won't be able to do this, ok? The plush. Chocho: To be honest, to make one to the proportions of cute bunny Totty would involve me remaking the pattern all over again, not just the head. And that involves making the clothes patterns again too. It's a lot of effort that to be honest I don't think I'm willing to put in. Chocho: The effort and time to make ANOTHER pattern (especially if it just fails again), considering that I've already made 2 Matsu patterns already, not that one of them was with Totty in mind, but nonetheless... if more time, effort and stress than I think you'd be willing to trade for Chocho: *is Fhujeth: oh the bunny totty is bleg Fhujeth: I like your big karamatsu Fhujeth: bug maybe half the size Fhujeth: but^ Chocho: That would still be making a whole new pattern. u_u And I thought the Bunny Totty was really nice. =( Fhujeth: not just a resize Chocho: The way that big Karamatsu's head is done makes it hard to resize. =( Chocho: Besiiiides Chocho: I'm sure you wouldn't like the nasty darts I had to put in to make his hair work... Chocho: Also, his head flops cos it's heavy, you don't want it Chocho: It's too hot to work on anything plush now anyway. Because I don't have a machine, all the sweat that the hot, muggy weather causes will soak right into the fabric. Which is disgusting. So I avoid it... I also think if I had a machine that would do the face for me in a matter of minutes, it wouldn't be a problem... but I don't.. so every failure is a lot of wasted time and pain and suffering. All in all... I don't think I could make you something you wouldn't be disappointed with. =( Chocho: And not because I think you would rip into it, but because I don't think I have the skills Chocho: Anyways, I better get to bed! G'night! I'll catch you tomorrow! Fhujeth: nooo Fhujeth: i haD TO EAY Fhujeth: eat Fhujeth: so soon Fhujeth: so soon Fhujeth: to when I came back Fhujeth: i was gonna confess eerything to you Chocho: Confess? Chocho: I only send the message a minute ago. XD Fhujeth: AHH YOU ARE HERE MY FRIEND <3 Fhujeth: Yeah but a minute, less than you can walk away Chocho: But really, I do need to go after I've taken my meds, Kirk has to get up early Fhujeth: I love you, I am glad I met you. before we fuss, let me clarify things hsould we get into an argument Chocho: It's probably best we do this tomorrow so I can sleep. XD;;; Fhujeth: please, when we end a day in a huff and you show up not the next day it hurts so bad Chocho: As in, if it takes a negative turn, I can never sleep and Kirk's health tomorrow depends on me sleeping Fhujeth: Affirmative, be well, sleep well. Fhujeth: It was more detailed, that was a summary. Chocho: I didn't think we were arguing or having a huff today. '3' Fhujeth: not today! just anytime~ Fhujeth: like the other day Chocho: I was just expressing that I don't think I'm fit for purpose!
Which way round is this? Fhujeth claimed to me that Chocho was the one that brought up the hair thing and held it against Fhujeth. These chatlogs suggest it’s the other way around; Fhujeth really didn’t like whatever had been done with this other plush’s hair and was holding it over Chocho’s head whenever the idea of the Totty plush commission was discussed.
[I started to pay off the stuff we had on the "Totty plush list" from what I remember, since my first attempt had been not good enough. Fhujeth still wanted a Totty Plush though so that was still in the air. Then there was a set of limited edition... uhhh... lottery official plush I think it was? Of the Matsus in the "I <3 Toto" outfits released. I managed to get the Choro through my friend in Japan and I wanted the Kara (of course) but he was nowhere to be seen. Eventually one popped up on Yahoo Auctions!, but he was expensive, I couldn't afford him. Fhujeth mentioned she wanted it, but would feel bad if she got it (and I didn't), so I figured I'd offer, if she was willing to grab the plush and hold it, I could trade it for the Totty plush (if I could do it to her standards), otherwise she could keep the plush for herself without guilt, or sell the plush off for profit or something since it's limited edition and the value will only go up. She didn't want to "RISK" it, which made me incredibly upset since she, by this point, had repeatedly insisted/hinted that I wouldn't do a job good enough for her to accept and it was getting quite insulting. Why did she keep saying these things, yet keep asking for the plush? =/;]
Chocho: I really want that but it's out of my reach Fhujeth: I like it but I'd feel bad if I got it Chocho: Would you trade me it for a demon Totty plush? Fhujeth: You mean like I buy it, keep it in the package and all and if you design a plush I like we trade or is it I buy it expecting we trade? Because in one regard that is alot of pressure because One I see done, already, the other I don't... so... and then if you make it and there is some issue then I'll feel so bad and obligated to say yes anyways. Like what are you thinking o.x Fhujeth: I mean Fhujeth: what are you thinking/what is your idea Chocho: Yeah. I'd trade you that Karamatsu straight for a demon Totty plush and we would make sure it's a pattern you like. Chocho: Nah, never mind, it was just a thought Fhujeth: Isn't that a lot of work for a plush like that? Chocho: It is Fhujeth: I'm willing to take the risk I guess... I hate calling it a risk but... In the end I guess my biggest fear is you present me with something and I dislike it and then we end in a problem. I'm not picky but my last few non-drawn commissions from people have been all crap. Fhujeth: Not saying you'd do that! Fhujeth: I'm just saying it's like I pay for something and it breaks. Fhujeth: Not that a plush can break, and yours look like good quality. Chocho: You think my plush would fall apart? Chocho: If you think it's too much of a risk don't worry about it! Fhujeth: No, no. Fhujeth: Do you prefer me not expressing just my thoughts outloud? Chocho: I think it's kind of insulting you think that doing a trade with me is a huge risk and you'll probably get something you'll hate... Chocho: But it's fine, don't worry about it! Fhujeth: No that's not my concern! See now I feel guilty ^^;; Chocho: I'd prefer not to do all the work of making a pattern and plush and the face embroidery for one plush anyway Fhujeth: I'll do the trade if that is what you want to do. Chocho: Because it IS a lot of work, effort and, since you seem to think I'd fuck up, heartache for a $55 plush +fees and postage Fhujeth: It's not that I don't trust you I just always jump to the worst conclusions. Fhujeth: Chances are the plush is going to be super cute and awesome. Chocho: I don't really want to make a plush for somebody who thinks I'm going to churn out junk... that is WAY too much pressure Fhujeth: I feel like you're trying to guilt trip me.... Fhujeth: ..but maybe I am misreading it. Chocho: Not really, I just feel hurt that every time I mention making a plush you make it sound like I'm going to make an ugly piece of crap Chocho: You are the only one who has ever repeatedly made me feel like I churn out shit plush... Fhujeth: I really want a plush from you! Fhujeth: I'm just really nervous to buy plush, always. Chocho: I don't want to make a plush for you because you don't trust I can do it Chocho: It's fine, I don't need to spend another $55+ anyway really!! Chocho: And plush take weeks Fhujeth: I do really want a plush from you. Fhujeth; I am patient and in no rush. Chocho: What if I can't make something you like? Fhujeth: You'll make something I like. I'm sorry for instilling fear in you. Chocho: Would you sell it to me in commissions of other kinds or for tutoring/red lining/whatever as long as it's not something I can't teach? Chocho: Or would you just keep it you think? Fhujeth: I want a demon totty plush or I'll keep him, probably... unless there is more art I need i the future. Just take your time. I'm sure whatever you do will be great. I didn't mean to make you feel scared or pressured. I'm just scared of things but yeah...
Wait... what? Fhujeth says here “I feel like you're trying to guilt trip me....” but this whole chatlog continues to read like Fhujeth is almost threatening Chocho that they must get things right if the work is to go ahead. It’s plenty obvious that Fhujeth really wanted a custom plush from Chocho... but at the same time injecting incredible levels of fear and doubt about whether she trusted Chocho to do a good job. I don’t really know why this was the case but I know for sure that if I was in this situation I’d simply say “No, sorry, I can’t do this for you” and refuse the job. Fhujeth obviously couldn’t take this for an answer, though.
[A little while later, I offered to pay off the Karamatsu plush straight and not trade him for the plush so that Fhujeth could have the money since she needed the funds. Fhujeth still wanted the plush though, even though I wasn't sure if I could do it, so it continued...]
Fhujeth: Hey Chocho: Hi! Chocho: I have a proposal for you... Chocho: How much was the postage to get Totty and Kara idols to you? Fhujeth: For both? Well I put them in with some other stuff remember? Chocho: What would be my percentage of it? Fhujeth: Well just the Kara right? o.o Chocho: Yeah Fhujeth: Let me look ;o Chocho: OK! Fhujeth: sorry if eel reallyyy shitty Fhujeth: if you saw my tumblr messages Fhujeth: my mom poisoned me Fhujeth: in short so you don't have to read Chocho: I did and that's why I'm asking this Fhujeth: Okay so he alone was 5500 + Buyee fee 150 + Yahoo Fee 200 + Domest Shiiping Fhujeth: not going to charge for consolidation Fhujeth: it was 3700 yen for all 5 items to be shipped....... the 700 is fine I'll do the other 3000 of that Fhujeth: 5500+ 350 + 1112+ 700 Chocho: Ok! Would you be willing to post him to Kaji too? Fhujeth: Yeah, when I get that other Karamatsu eventually. Chocho: If so, I'll pay you for him flat out (if I can afford to after I've paid Kazuki) so that you can put that money towards getting away from that mother that's trying to kill you. $75.57 he comes to Fhujeth: No, no, no. I want the plush from you. Chocho: We can do the plush later, you need the money more right now
[Eventually I tried again at a pattern, this time a little bigger in a rag doll style with floppy limbs. When I started making the pattern I was already on edge because of the high feeling of pressure, especially since I never know if a pattern is going to work when I first make it. When I had actually put him together, I was really quite disappointed. I felt that I had messed up his body, it was too much like a cylinder and I felt I hadn't tapered him enough to his shoulders so he looked boxy. His eyes also came out wonky (one iris/pupil a little higher than the other...) which I had no idea how had happened since it was straight in the hoop as far as I was aware. I was just incapable of seeing the plush in a good light, I felt like I hadn't hit the standard I was desperately hoping for and I felt the plush was a failure.]
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Chocho: he's also naked because i don't have his clothes fabric yet Chocho: yeah i did, but he hasn't turned up in the house yet Fhujeth: Can I see nakey choro? Chocho: i'd rather not... it's... really bad Fhujeth: *it's cool if not* Fhujeth: That's fine! Chocho: i'm just going to make him my hug buddy Fhujeth: I'm sure he's not that bad! Fhujeth: I have Present Jyushi and the one time he showed up I did not be there to pet him Chocho: you thought little karamatsu was bad, this one's not much better Chocho: which sucks because it wasn't easy to make Fhujeth: I did notthink he was bad o.o Chocho: you said you didn't like him, especially his face [<- this here, unless I missed one of the logs, was a mistake on my part. Unless Fhujeth restated at some point that his face was bad too, but I don't remember specifically] Fhujeth: I think the hair through it off for me Chocho: i used craft fur on that one instead of minky Chocho: i did say that... Chocho: craft fur is lower quality and longer pile, but i wanted it to be messy Fhujeth: Yeah, but it made an illusion for me! I think if I saw him in person it'd be different for sure! I am sure it looks great (Choro)
[In the end, after I broke away from Fhujeth and gave my Chocho some clothes, I ended up falling in love with him. The clothes nicely hid the fact that his torso is a tube... XD;;; And I don't notice the eyes now, even though I know they're dorpy. I also don't have that whole pressure over my head to perform any more... So yeah.... this entire thing went WAY past the whole messy hair plush thing... it was the constant being threatened that I better do a good job and the whole air that commissioning/trading me a plush was a "risk" to her and her high set standards etc. had left me feeling hypercritical of all my attempts and feeling at a complete loss. She brought up the hair repeatedly in regards to that one, small, plush. But there were other factors too that made me absolutely want to back out, but I felt too scared to say "sorry, no... I'm not going to make this" because it had gone on so long.]
It’s definitely Fhujeth that brought up the hair issue on multiple occasions, despite using this as part of the “abuser” argument in my conversation with her. There is some context here I’m not 100% sure of but it’s more than obvious that there was a lot of injected pressure from Fhujeth regarding this commission over a period of time. There is no reason for me to believe that this was Chocho being abusive in any way.
The Fat/Slob-love situation
In my conversation with Fhujeth, the subject turned to a claim that Chocho had a thing for “slobbing up characters” which made Fhujeth uncomfortable. This is what was said to me by Fhujeth:
I lost a lot of faith and trust in having close friends because of the way they would make me feel bad if I didn't do something for them or if I mentioned that some of what they drew made me uncomfortable. (example; the drawing in reference to that chat was uhh, Choromatsu, aged 30s where she gave him messy hair as his hair was thinning, laying shirtless on a green arm chair, his gut hanging out, and he looked like a slob)."
"It was more that that was all she drew. I draw some weird stuff but it's never consistent. As you can tell she has some sorta thing for slobbing up characters based on our roleplays and private interactions and literally most of Domatsu and Chochomatsu blogs being.... slob. Our RPs were all about humiliation and Choromatsu being a fat drunk gross slob. It wasn't an occasional thing, it was an all the time thing.
This again had me confused... I couldn’t see where the “abuse” actually came into this. I mean, fair enough, some people find certain things uncomfortable and if that is stated to the person they believe to be making them uneasy with certain types of content, they should speak up and let them know - especially if it is in a one-to-one conversation between friends.
I obviously asked Chocho about this situation and this is the explanation I got:
[See, the fat thing is funny because it was FHUJETH that kept bringing it up. We'd be talking about something completely different, or roleplaying normally and she'd bring the subject in. She KNEW I didn't like it, I said multiple times that it made me uncomfortable, but she just wouldn't stop. I kind of wondered if she was trying to push "desensitisation" of something I don't like on me. And that bit where she said that picture of Choromatsu made her uncomfortable? That's funny too because she sent me this in one of her post-parting ways e-mails;
"There is a common reoccurring theme with your art that screams "slob love" the baggy eyes, messy hair, beer belly/guy, five o'clock shadow. It's okay to like that and I never thought it was gross even though I was well aware you were into that way before we stopped being friends. I never judged you for that because I mean, I'm a fetish artist, lol."
Also, it wasn't ME who drew obese Matsus... that was Fhujeth, I still have some pics she sent me, here.]
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For the record, the image Fhujeth was referring to (”Choromatsu, aged 30s where she gave him messy hair as his hair was thinning, laying shirtless on a green arm chair, his gut hanging out, and he looked like a slob”) is this one:
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That, to me... isn’t what it was dramatized to be. Dad bod, anyone? “gut hanging out”? Er, nah... if that picture makes Choromatsu out to be a fat slob I really need to sort my life out!! And that arm chair isn't green...(??)
Also, salarymatsu.tumblr.com is publicly visible and the reference for his hair was from canon material (kun).
This is the Osomatsu-kun reference Chocho used for the hair:
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It was Ichimatsu with the messy hair (the one with the glasses, last panel)... but this is real canon stuff about the Matsus being 30 years older than their kun age. It’s a bit of a running joke in the series that Choromatsu becomes bald but there’s absolutely nothing here to suggest a “slob” kink.
[Also, she was ALWAYS talking about fetishes. So, so often, more so than anybody I have ever met before. EVERYTHING was(/is?) a fetish to her!]
Fhujeth: The only cartoon network shows that I can argue had any kink content in them was Uncle Grandpa and Kids Next Door and the latter the director told me it didn't.
Fhujeth: Tuttle I think he gets depression after his wife dies and becomes a blob... I really like that video. XD Chocho: Ahhh okay. XD;; Fhujeth: Anyways yes I wanted to share that with you since we talk of kinks a lot and that song is one of my favourite things seth macfarlane's done Chocho: It's not like I choose to talk about kinks! XD Fhujeth: But we do!
Fhujeth: How... how close to "stuffing" should I get before too much is too much because I am not very good at drawing the line between kink and not kink because I have done kink artwork and am 100% desensitized to it
[Another interesting piece of chatlog from Fhujeth is...;]
Fhujeth: I like stupid drunk losers tht are slobs
Fhujeth: Ahh ok! But I like fat slob loser characters a lot, idk why they appeal to me greatly... especially ones that are unaware of how lame they are
Wait... you what?? Fhujeth was blaming Chocho for being into this as a kink and using it in her argument as to why Chocho was an abuser. This is evidence that it was in fact THE OTHER WAY ROUND and the accusation is blatant projection. I don’t get it - why use this as an argument when it’s an obvious lie?? Like I said earlier, if something makes someone uncomfortable, they should speak up. But as proven in the chatlogs it was in fact Fhujeth that liked “fat slob loser characters a lot” or “stupid drunk losers that are slobs”.
There was a LOT more chatlog suggesting Fhujeth liked to bring up fat in random conversations that were, in general, unrelated.
Chocho: Why does Karamatsu go around with his arms crossed in those clothes Chocho: Only in those Chocho: There seems to be no reason Fhujeth: Karamatsu: *feels fat* Totty: OF ALL THE CLOTHES*
Fhujeth: originally a black and white character, is just a fat pig now Fhujeth: Btw this show if you never saw it is brilliant Chocho: Ichimatsu: Actually Todomatsu then Fhujeth: Totty: :// IIRC: She is even depicted as super fat and can't fit into things and like eats an entire car. I feel like there was an episode she gets stuck somewhere from being so fat and she can't get outside to a food mobile that comes every rare time. Chocho: She doesn't look that fat! XD; Fhujeth: They change it for the show, it's very.... cartoonish Chocho: Ahhh okay! Fhujeth: Like, at certain times they make her fatter
Fhujeth:XDD Totty: I'l commission you - Draw Karamatsu really fat and ugly.... and then make his head normal... you know Chocho: XD Fhujeth: Totty, wait, he already is like that Chocho: Karamatsu: ... 8( Totty!
Fhujeth: dayon has a big head. Chocho: XD Chocho: yes Chocho: DAYOOOOOOOOON Fhujeth: and on a perspective level that person is tall Fhujeth: and the one in green is tall Chocho: Yes. XD Chocho: Well, I still think the Matsus are short Fhujeth: they were tall as kids Fhujeth: at least in 66 kun Fhujeth: xD they look like giants Chocho: I love that bit before that though, where they call Karamatsu an idiot and he's all hurt Chocho: XD Chocho: Yeah, but in 66 kun they change height all the time. XD; Fhujeth: "I'm not an idiot" :( Chocho: Karamatsu: *wiggly mouth* Fhujeth: i bought those tickets because i care Chocho: And all the merch. XD Chocho: .... something weird goes on with his body here.. Chocho: ???? Fhujeth: Totty: It's the fat inside him Chocho: XD Chocho: It just couldn't take being called an idiot Fhujeth: THE FUCK DID HE SAY JUST NOW Chocho: XD Chocho: "How so"????
Fhujeth: Totty: Hah, if Choromatsu Niisan wants to do that then I'll go to his stinky idol club and make a fool of himself in front of nyaachan. Fhujeth: Yeah! Chocho: Yeah, exactly Chocho: Feel free to get Totty to get Chocho's dick out in front of Nyaa-chan Chocho: And do whatever with it! Fhujeth: So he sneaks back stage using his "Totty Charisma Charm" and makes a fool of himself. OK! Yeah! This is fun :D Chocho: That doesn't involve a knife or irreperable damage, hahaha Yeah Fhujeth: it was an ideaaaaa ;.; Chocho: Totty can do things like join Nyaachan and idol fansites and post dick pics and nudes Chocho: No no, I mean, you can do dick things. XD Chocho: Just not involving knives Fhujeth: Totty: I AM CHOROMATSU MATSUNO I AM A REAL FAT OTAKU WITH NO PRIDE. I HAVE TWELVE BROTHERS SO IF YOU SEE A GUY WHO LOOKS LIKE ME ITS TOTALLY NOT ME BECAUSE I AM GROSS AND NEVER LEAVE THE HOUSE EXCEPT TO GO TO IDOL SHOWS :>
[This particular chatlog was about a "bodyswap" event we were going to do between Chochomatsu and Totally-Totty where the two (in each others bodies) go off to try and ruin each other's reputation.]
Chocho: Choromatsu's muttering that he'd like some boobies wrapped around him Chocho: Preferably belonging to Totoko and Nyaa-chan Chocho: Because he's scared of everybody else Fhujeth: Kara's man boobs Fhujeth: jk Chocho: I think that's something that people don't tend to realise with these guys... Or at least Karamatsu, Choromatsu and Ichimatsu... Chocho: They're virgins... they're nerds and they're (deep down) introverted... they're scared of girls.. they're gagging for it, but they don't know what they're doing and it's been so long that when a girl DOES approach them, they panic Chocho: Jyushimatsu's too 8D to be bothered by it I think... Totty's practised with being around girls and Osomatsu is just... XD Chocho: But the other 3 don't have a clue what they're doing Chocho: Karamatsu acts like he's this hot piece of meat, but as soon as he actually potentially gets a date
["Kara's man boobs" was, of course, not in regards to ANYTHING we had been talking about. I ignored it.]
Chocho: Besides how weird that is Chocho: Lice prefer clean hair. Apparently. Not that Ichimatsu's hair wouldn't be clean, it's not even that messy Fhujeth: what a werid ask Chocho: Right? Chocho: *picks nose* Fhujeth: xD Fhujeth: ughhh Fhujeth: Totty: Ok, when I say Kara is fat he's not Chubby. -.- Chocho: Ichimatsu: What's the difference Fhujeth: Totty: He's.... fat... *does motion like pregnant*
[The "weird ask" "lice" part was in regards to an ask Chocho got mentioning about how anon was concerned that Ichimatsu would have lice because of his hair. I answered that one fairly close to the end of when I was interested in working on the blog if you really want to see it. The fat comment wasn't in regards to anything that we had been talking about.]
Chocho: This is actually a redraw of something from 2002/3 Fhujeth: Are those all saying he needs to lose weight? Chocho: No. XD Fhujeth: Oh
Fhujeth: Yeah! "Karamatsu Tax" Totty: He's so fat he has to be charged mroe to be drawn.
[This was in a conversation about somebody young who wanted to commission me, but had no money, who had been passed my details by somebody who had no idea that they couldn't afford to commission anybody. I had a waiting list for domatsu commissions at that point, so I couldn't warrant doing anybody artwork for free in that style (I didn't even have time to draw art for myself!) but the person wasn't taking no for an answer. Just before going to pressure the person who gave the young person a recommendation to come to me, Fhujeth said this. I won't share the rest of the log, because it has details (names/urls) about the young person and the person who pointed them in my direction. It was a misunderstanding from their part, so it's not fair to and I won't put them on the spot. This just had nothing to do with the subject.]
Chocho: ah, they're around Fhujeth: AHH Fhujeth: I'll try to see if choromatsu becomes available Fhujeth: i need Fhujeth: tots Chocho: ded Fhujeth: No sign of Pink Legless man yet! The only way he could lose that weight was cutting it off :( Chocho: who totty? Chocho: i take it the idea of that machine is to push kara off the platform? Fhujeth: Yeah! Chocho: however that is don Chocho: e Fhujeth: just.... poke at hit until his fatass falls off... probablly.... seeing if you can scoop it otherwise just start at one end and try to push it in one direction then flip to the other end x.x it looks money consuming Chocho: there is only one claw Fhujeth: Yeah I mean by one side being his butt and then head Chocho: i see Chocho: i don't care for that one anyway, i only want choros
[This was about that online crane game you can win real prizes from, Toreba I think? Fhujeth was talking about the available prizes and how to win them.]
Chocho: choro's the rude one? Fhujeth: XD No. Totty knows he was wrong, he feels really bad. I think he'll get flung back and remain there like, "X.x" and then when he comes to try to "make it up" to his big brother whether it be getting in the way or mentioning that his brother has some issues with his shirt Fhujeth: or fat
[wait what]
What indeed... why is fat being randomly brought up as a subject in the middle of conversations so much if Fhujeth knew Chocho didn’t like it? If I know one of my friends doesn’t like something I don’t try to constantly push it in their face. This, to me, is an example of abuse in the opposite direction to what Fhujeth is claiming.
Fhujeth: My mom LOVES to watch the fat people shows like about the people so fat that they are like nothing but blobs and then they lose the weight
Fhujeth: Totty: EHHH? *huff* I.... I don't care either. Fhujeth: TottY: I DON'T CARE! (almost wrote cake) Chocho: chocho: sure! Fhujeth: Totty: To prove I don't care I will wear this fatsuit. Chocho: chocho: go on then Chocho: chocho: post photos of you in it to twitter too
Fhujeth: Jyushimatsurepliez took the leaf off Totty and now Totty is a Tanuki I'ma draw him kinda fat but not with big balls Fhujeth: But fat animals are not gross like people
Fhujeth: Finally Totty is fat xD
[By the last month this was what MOST of the conversations were about, it always went back to fat, not because I wanted it to. Where my text is lower case, it's because I was fucking done, I was so sick of this topic, the only way I could bounce it back was using humour.]
I would be fucking done by this point too. If someone I thought was a friend was constantly throwing a subject I didn’t like at me, despite me saying I didn’t like it and I don’t want to talk about it, I’d be seriously pissed off.
Fhujeth: I really like Choro! Actually that was one I paid for too today was the idol choro mascot plush, I wonder if he'll be fat Fhujeth: I'll get him in a few days! Fhujeth: And hopefully he'll... be skinny. Fhujeth: but if he is fat he is ffat Fhujeth: Then we know. Fhujeth: But if he is skinny then you were blessed. Chocho: "blessed"
[This was out of nowhere too. For context with that plush, I ordered a Choromatsu from the second set of the first plush (I think?) that were available? It's the small keychain "mascot" where Choromatsu is in the green flannel shirt with glowsticks and a bandana. When mine came, he was overstuffed which made his face look... wide... I was somewhat upset because he was nowhere near what the first one looked like, I wanted one that looked like the one from the first set. Apparently by getting a "fat" Choro, I was "blessed".]
In my conversation with Fhujeth, she claimed this:
Our RPs were all about humiliation and Choromatsu being a fat drunk gross slob. It wasn't an occasional thing, it was an all the time thing.
Chocho gave me this chatlog to explain that the topic was, again, brought into the roleplay by Fhujeth - not the other way round:
Fhujeth: Totty: All old people have hard candy in their pockets, Choromatsu-niisan... It helps them remember what it's like to feel teeth. Chocho: chocho: no idea what you're talking about Fhujeth: Totty: *finds one* Ewww, it's sticky... Fhujeth: Totty: You should use this... *runs away and returns with a green bumbag/fannypack* Chocho: chocho: why would it be sticky in a wrapper in a bag? Fhujeth: Totty: It must've melted. Fhujeth: Totty: *it's not sticky* Chocho: chocho: if you don't want it, give it back Fhujeth: Totty: I want it... Fhujeth: Totty: *opens and eats it* :3c *realizes this was in his brothers pocket* *smiles still despite realizing how gross it is being in an old man's pocket too* :3c;;;;;;;; *spits it out* Fhujeth: Totty: It tastes good at least! Fhujeth: Totty: Is there a bag of fresh ones? Fhujeth: Totty: *carefully places bumbag on Choromatsu's waist* Hopefully it's not too small~ Fhujeth: Totty: *tightens it all the way, too tight* Chocho: chocho: argh why?!?!?! Fhujeth: Totty: Hmm it seems really tight on you... Fhujeth: *steps back, hand on chin Chocho: chocho: what are you doing to me?! you're trying to kill me Chocho: chocho: again Fhujeth: Totty: I'm giving you this bag to store candy and goods in! Chocho: chocho: stop tying it up so tight, i'm not a child i don't need the child setting!! Chocho: chocho: that HURTS you know! just like if i did it to you!! Fhujeth: Totty: Ah, you're right.. *loosens all the way* There, fat old man setting. *it still fits on him* Chocho: chocho: THERE IS NO "FAT OLD MAN" SETTING Chocho: chocho: todomatsu... *puts his hand on tottys shoulder* i'm sorry to break it to you, but... i'm not actually fat Chocho: chocho: here, let's see how YOU like it! *swiftly takes off the bag, whips it onto totty and yanks the strap as tight as it will go, harshly in a matter of a couple of seconds* Fhujeth: Totty: ... :S *ithurts* AGHHHH >< It's tight Chocho: chocho: hmm? what's that? it's tight? does it hurt? what a shame *huffs and stomps off* Fhujeth: Totty: *teary eyed immediately* Fhujeth: Totty: AHH TAKE IT OFF! *can't find the snappy part to undo it* CHOROMATSU-NIISANNNNNN!!!!! Chocho: chocho: *long gone*
[Just reading this I am so done, hahahaha! This is another example of us roleplaying and Fhujeth making it about how fat Chocho is. As I said, I just shrugged it off with humour. It ended up being about ridiculing Choromatsu and/or him being fat because she MADE it about it. She knew I didn't like it, so it always came up.]
I mean... this RP just looks playful and silly without context... but with all the above chatlogs taken into account, the obsession with fat and slobs evidently wasn’t coming from Chocho.
Chocho sent this to me which was posted by Fhujeth after the end of their friendship:
Tumblr media
“Stop talking to other people”
Another part of my conversation with Fhujeth was a claim that Chocho had told her to stop talking to so many other people so that Fhujeth had more time to talk to important people, i.e. Chocho:
It was little things like demanding that I stop "stretching myself thin so I can chat with the people who matter (her)" instead of jumping around from the dozen or so convos I am in a day.
Chocho showed me this chatlog of that event:
totally-totty The second the drama was done that is why I went and messaged you on domatsu to tell you my reply so you could see it in the morning but I was just getting over anxiety attack and stuff. I didn't want to tell you to go away or anything because I liked knowing you were right there... chochomatsu To be honest, trying to guilt trip me into swallowing my feelings isn't fair either really. totally-totty I dunno. I guess I just do the wrong things. chochomatsu It's not a case of telling me to go away, I would have still been there I know what it's like to have something come up where your mind feels stretched thin and you need to focus on one thing at once as it's really important totally-totty I am sorry I didn't consider your feelings. chochomatsu So really, you should have just said something like "hold on, I'm having a crisis with a friend over here, it's serious", I don't see anything wrong with that totally-totty I will remember to do that. I am learning just now I have so much to learn socially and that I am still so socially under developed with dealing with other people and that I am fucking retarded. I'm really bad with other people's feelings. chochomatsu Calling yourself "fucking retarded" is another form of guilt tripping, by the way.. trying to make the other person feel guilty for being hurt by your actions totally-totty No. I am not asking you to feel guilty about it. I need to get better and learn. I know I have flaws I need to work on it. chochomatsu That's why I'm telling you how it's coming across, that's all totally-totty Thank you. totally-totty I'm really sorry about yesterday it just started off hectic with the auction, I am sure you know that is very high pressure. So after that I was all antsy and didn't feel like drawing so I went around and just cleaned my whole room and then I swam and then I finally sat back down and we chatted some and I was sorta spaced out and then the drama with my friend started and I immediately went into that anxiety shock, you know what I mean? That anxiety shock where it's all, "omg, omg." totally-totty When I was antsy I also started a bunch of other chat conversations with people. x.x So I was distracted with those all day. So I was ignoring them all... I jumped around and would forget them all.
But back to us. I'm really sorry. It's weird when you're not on anymore... haha. I didn't mean to make you think you were annoying or bothersome, either. chochomatsu That's why I don't talk to many people at once totally-totty I'm starting to think I need to stop talking to so many people now. It's really mucked with things. chochomatsu The feeling of complete and utter disconnection and lack of care you get from somebody spreading their conversation capability so thin is extremely damaging Especially when it's from somebody you really enjoy or need to talk to totally-totty I agree, and I have noticed this has been happening especially as of late. Which is why I need to stop it. Because I'd rather talk to the friends I care about than other people.
[So... I didn't even bring it up, she was the one who said it. I just gave reasons as to why it might help her (and the people she talks to, not just me).]
Yeah, I’m not seeing abuse from Chocho here either. Chocho may have given a reason as to why she thought Fhujeth was doing damage to their friendship by trying to talk to many people at once, but isn’t this a valid concern? Fhujeth seemed to take it well here and agree with the stance. Also I do see manipulation of Chocho by Fhujeth with things like “I am fucking retarded” in an attempt to get a sort of “No you are not” response.
Another claim from Fhujeth was this:
It was little things that getting mad at me for being friends with some other people that hated Choromatsu.
Chocho had this to say:
[I never got mad at Fhujeth for being friends with anybody. I admit I got frustrated at people who hated on Choromatsu endlessly, but I'm sure anybody who had their favourites get hated on would feel the same way. I vented to Fhujeth about it, but never, ever attacked her over it. Who she's friends with is none of my business.]
Venting is wholly different than being mad at someone. There doesn’t seem to be chatlogs of this event from either side unfortunately.
Chochomatsu = Domatsu
This goes back to one of Fhujeth’s main claims of abuse from Chocho - that Domatsu and Chochomatsu were two blogs run by the same person but that Chocho refused to tell Fhujeth about it despite them being friends. Fhujeth said this to me:
We talked all day every day and we did the ask blog thing together. For me, it felt like a massive breach of trust when she pretended to be someone else to me. It's okay to want to start new but to lie to your friend that you're not someone is.... that feels very unsavoury.
Asking Chocho, this is the explanation:
Chocho: Interesting that she puts Chocho highly already though Chocho: He's existed for what half a month Fhujeth: Yeah you seem really tense Chocho: Yeah. =( Chocho: I have the magazine pic, your body pillow, jussy's commissions, that plush (Bob), THE NEXT DOMATSU UPDATE, chocho's asks, this birthday thing, just paid twice for my birthday present, probably going to have to do that again when Chibita finally shows up... Chocho: I'm trying!
[This is proof that Chocho existed for less than half a month by the time I told Fhujeth. I didn't tell ANYBODY about Chochomatsu at first because I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep the blog. If I had told anybody, even my closest friends, I would have basically had to be committed to it and I didn't want to seal myself in on a blog I wasn't even sure I'd keep. After a week or so, I felt I wanted to keep Chocho, so I let Fhujeth in on it and my other closest friends outside the fandom (I didn't really have any friends in the fandom besides Fhujeth. Funny that, huh?). Fhujeth was the only one who took offense. (Also, in regards to "we did the ask blog thing together"? That's because she always forced her way into my blog stories and pressured me when I wanted to use my own Totty. I wasn't allowed to even concept asking another Totty blog to be my Totty for any particular post.]
So, what, 2 weeks that Fhujeth didn’t know Chochomatsu and Domatsu were the same person? I am again finding myself not being able to see where the abuse is. Even if it had been kept a permanent secret, it’s another case of this multiple alias thing just... being a thing in the creative arts. Why is it abusive?
To follow on from the subject of Totty blogs, Chocho gave me some explanation as to what that meant:
Chocho: If I legit went and made a Totty blog instead, you'd let me rot domatsu? Fhujeth: No, what I meant was more like... Fhujeth: I don't think I could stand a chance against you and I'd probably have to quit myself. Fhujeth: And I'd see it as competitiion, I guess. Chocho: Why would you do that? Chocho: You know I can't write Totty as well as you Fhujeth: Because there is absolutely no way in hell I can compete with your art. Chocho: Character portrayal is more important than art though Fhujeth: well, not really on tumblr people care about art lots ;.; well, in the end of it all I'd be incredibly hurt like, "Errr, there's 6 guys and you legit going to drop the one to pick the one I play even tho we work so closely together now I'm doomed and we can't work together so much and now I guess we're frenemies." Basically I'd handly it all in a very immature and very bad fashion because I have a very childish competitive nature.... But you are more than welcome to I just wouldn't be able to handle it at all like a grown adult. Fhujeth: its not a threat lmao I legit don't think I;d handle it well XD I already get really competitive when I see other Totty blogs Chocho: Well, don't worry, I wouldn't. I only asked since you said you'd only let me if it was to make a Totty blog? Chocho: I think? Fhujeth: Noooo. Fhujeth: I don't want domatsu to rot at all I love it Chocho: *only let me quit Fhujeth: yeah because the immature fraction of my brain would say, "Uhhhhh...... this person who was my friend is now my enemy" Fhujeth: like blanca was thinking of making a todomatsu universe I said, "NO" Fhujeth: Not like that Chocho: Uh... how do you feel about my Totty then? =S Fhujeth: I like him! Fhujeth: But since you don't have him as a dedicated blog... Fhujeth: I'm not like, scared. Fhujeth: That he'll become something I have to worry over. Fhujeth: Since you're Karamatsu to me... Fhujeth: of course I don;t OWN him either I just don't want to get competitive Fhujeth: against friends... because I get really bad. Fhujeth: I am crazy agressive competitive person if I wanna be.... or I give up if I don't think I can do it. Fhujeth: this is a bad side of me... Fhujeth: a really bad side of me Chocho: Even if I gave him his own blog, it'd work in the same way as the rest of them. Fhujeth: Right, that is OK. I mean.... your Oso blog doesn't take asks and all really... Fhujeth: Wow I can already tell I would handle this terribly. Fhujeth: I am feeling my blood pressure going through the roof, God I am so immature :/ At least I am aware of this flaw but still... damn. Chocho: I'm not going to make a Totty ask blog, don't worry Fhujeth: T-Thank you..... Fhujeth: You're allowed to though. Fhujeth: I'd figure you'd go for Choro Chocho: Yeah Fhujeth: I'm sorry....... Fhujeth: For how I just was Chocho: Oh, no, don't worry
Fhujeth: I just hope I didn't make you hate Totty Chocho: No Fhujeth: Did you fall out of love with him tho? Chocho: The only thing is that I feel pressured not to include him in blog things (as mine solo) because you've told me in the past that he's yours Fhujeth: Oh, I don't mean like that you can do that.. Chocho: So if you feel like he's not there much it's because I feel you'd be angry with me if I gave him screen time or his own blog Fhujeth: Hmm, I would feel nervous about his own blog but not screen time.... Chocho: Exactly Fhujeth: Because you do so much better than me... XD;; it's more like Chocho: That's why he's not around Fhujeth: You could basically run me out of business... I guess... Chocho: I really doubt it Fhujeth: Look how fast Chocho grew and he is the same popular as Todo Chocho: Apparently he became one of the more expensive ones, so I don't think that's true... Fhujeth: i dunno. Don't let me stop you from doing what you want. Fhujeth: ^^ Fhujeth: If you run me out of business you run me out of business it's just the way it'd go. XD Chocho: I can't run anybody "out of business", it's not a business. ._. People haven't stopped with Karamatsu or Choromatsu blogs because domatsu and chochomatsu exist for example... Chocho: I managed to get enough for a gacha again and I got red hoodie Osomatsu. =/ Fhujeth: No but if I know a new blog comes out that is doing better than me already and faster than I would up and quit and feel "no point". That is what I got and I was so mad. Fhujeth: But my feelings, please, don't let them influence you. Chocho: And that's why Todomatsu isn't around at all on my blogs Because it would be my fault if you quit Chocho: It's not that I don't like him, more that I'm... not really allowed Fhujeth: Ahh, no, please, don't say that. Fhujeth: Please do what you want. Fhujeth: ==inadifferentveinifeellikeishouldquitnowsighs== why is this all so complicated. can we talk this out just so you can understand where I come from and then you can see that you can do as you wish? :3 Chocho: See? Now I've made you want to quit just by saying that I wanted to separate dematsu into 4 blogs. =S Fhujeth: You can Chocho: I know where you're coming from, you've explained before Chocho: But this is why Totty hasn't been around on my end, that's all Fhujeth: It's not like it's going to be super active or anything like chocho or domatsu .... Chocho: Respecting your wishes Fhujeth: no? Or is it Chocho: It is! You told me you didn't want me to be Totty and that you would feel threatened and annoyed if I did Fhujeth: It would be more active? Please do as you wish. Please don't let me stop you.. Fhujeth: Honest. Fhujeth: But now I feel bad because you want to do something and you feel like I am stopping you. Fhujeth: All I was doing was expressing my feelings but I didn't want you to actually not do something because of me. I am not that selfish. I'll deal with it on my own. Chocho: Nah, it's fine. As long as you know that it's not that I don't like Totty! Fhujeth: I don't know I don't want to prevent you from doing something. Fhujeth: I'm really torn right now. Fhujeth: I'm gonna go away for a while and lay down... x.x I am too conflicted. I do not own a character, so please, by all means, you have every right. Chocho: This is why I didn't do anything! >_< Fhujeth: But you want to!
This is quite an obvious example of gaslighting... “You could basically run me out of business” ... “Don't let me stop you from doing what you want.” ... “No but if I know a new blog comes out that is doing better than me already and faster than I would up and quit and feel "no point".” ... “But my feelings, please, don't let them influence you.” ... “Please do what you want.” ... “I don't know I don't want to prevent you from doing something.” ... “But you want to!”
Seriously... that is some powerful manipulative flip-flopping in an attempt to scare Chocho out of making a Totty blog.
Back to the issue of Chochomatsu and Domatsu being the same person...
[Also, she approached Chocho and pressed for conversation, not the other way around.]
05/19/2016 mr-flag hii ^^ welcome to the ask blog world! I am gonna answer you ask, sorry it';s coming form this blog you only follow this of my blogs <3 I am totally-totty too your choro is super cute <3 I might answer it though in a bit I am not sure yet the timing I have..... I wanna answer it now.... chochomatsu Oh! I thought I was following your Totty blog! I can see it on my dash right now! :O Are you sure? Maybe I need to unfollow and follow again???
[Chocho's blog was started on the 17th of May, 2016. Fhujeth approached the blog on the 19th of May 2016. 2 days after the blog was born.]
Chocho went on to explain that Fhujeth had been accusing her of having a Totty blog before the end of working on the Domatsu blog:
Fhujeth: you are capable of a lot.... i'd not be surprised if you had a totty blog already and I didn't know of it XD Fhujeth: not that you'd be that deceptive Chocho: I'd ummed and ahhed about Chocho for a couple of months before I did him... and I hesitated before I posted him first post even... I felt really guilty about him to be honest. Nah, I really really don't have a Totty blog I have domatsu and it's partner blogs, Chocho and Wakuwaku. And I don't do anything with Waku... since he chills out on Chocho's blog all the time. Fhujeth: Oh I am not accusing you of one...
[She was falsely accusing me of having a Totty blog back before I had even stopped doing Domatsu too. She accused me of a lot to be honest, with no grounds. And how do you prove you don't have something when you don't have something? She always put me on the spot for things I couldn't prove otherwise because they didn't exist.]
“Oh I am not accusing you of one...” Oh really? That’s what it sounds like to me.
In my experience, Fhujeth has been accusing Chocho of running a Totty blog for a very long time. A lot of people in this fandom already know that Fhujeth accused Chocho of being Todomatshu/Shu/Boots - another good friend of mine. This is in fact connected to the Totty Club situation as Shu was the founder and the one maintaining the list of members and such. The Totty Club drama is of course where most of my bad experiences with Fhujeth come from and it is difficult to prove to someone that two blogs are two different people when both people have been scared into not wanting anything to do with Fhujeth at all. I don’t have saved proof, but I have personally witnessed Chocho and Shu in a drawpile session together, working on separate drawings at the same time.
Fhujeth’s words:
totty Like I said too, I wasn't there at the drawpile. I guess one of my other friends was and said something how Chocho emulated Shu's style effortlessly and flawlessly but that is all I know. It falls back down to proof, again. I wasn't there just like you weren't there. I don't know. I'm not going to tell people Shu is Chocho. I don't even bring any of them up in name anymore.
I know which friend Fhujeth is talking about and this is not the same drawpile session I’m talking about. They weren’t there. In fact this friend she mentions is almost certainly the one that leaked chat from the Totty Club discord we had that triggered a lot of the drama with Fhujeth to begin with. I wish I had proof of the drawpile claim but I don’t. I didn’t think to take screenshots - we were all busy drawing and having fun. To this day I get the very strong impression that Fhujeth still believes Chocho and Shu are the same person.
I can’t give chatlogs as proof that they aren’t the same person as no logs I have access to have anything that would prove or disprove anything to do with this issue. The only other thing I can possibly add to this is that in the days of the Totty Club discord I could occasionally see Chocho and Boots (Shu) typing at the same time. Again, no proof, I don’t record my screen!
This entire situation was abusive to all of us. It ripped the Totty Club apart - people were unable to trust other members, Shu in particular, because of Fhujeth’s unfounded claims. As always, Chocho preferred to remain quiet about anything to do with Fhujeth at the time. I have to say I now understand why that was. I also finally understand why Fhujeth was so persistent about Shu being Chocho - she was STILL paranoid that Chocho was running a Totty blog and was attempting to be in direct competition with her.
The Pain Incident
Before I go on with this issue I have to explain why this is the last one I’m bringing up despite it being one of the main things Fhujeth presented as evidence that Chocho was abusive to her. It needs everything that has been explained previously to make sense and to give context, otherwise it comes across as very one-sided and it’s hard to see why the things being said are actually being said. The events of the previous months lead up to this final situation.
First of all, the claim Fhujeth presented to me:
Uhh. Okay, day before is what we're talking about. We were in a convo and she was super into collecting all the Choros for it so the first thing she said was like, "aww I didn't get X choro in the roll" she immediately showed me a drawing after that and I replied with a very stock reply of, "I'm sorry" or something, but as I was sitting down my back just died on me. So I started to panic like, "oh my god I am in so much pain holy shit ahhhhhhafsdgsdfhgdhdg" which obviously caused me to not reply to the drawing cause I was in physical pain and now spazzing about how i'm at home alone and scared and that idk what to do and I can't call anyone and idk where my mom is and i am scared. I was freaking out. She mentioned the drawing again but I just was sorta like.... in freaking out mode by then. I eventually got to the floor, got proper care after laying on the floor home alone for an hour with the anxiety now that my friend hated me and that I was home alone and couldn't move. After my mom came home and I got treated for the pain I came up to apologize on utox and what not and the last message she had written was, "ugh whatever i'm gonna go watch tv"
When I brought this part up with Chocho...
[This is another thing that needs FAR more backstory than Fhujeth gives... but of course she wouldn't give the whole story I suppose... =T In any case, this event happened after months and months of her complaining about her back pain (and other pains, she was just apparently constantly in pain and on pain medication) and shooting down my ideas for ways to get it seen to or ease the apparent pain. Eventually, especially by the last month, I was sick of hearing it and starting to doubt it was actually as bad as she always said it was. It ALWAYS came up, but she was NEVER willing to do anything about it because money and weed is more important.]
Fhujeth: Yeah. I hope I can. x.x I am like, really.... blah. Chocho: Do you think it has to do with the med you had to drop and the lack of weed at all? =( Chocho: Some kind of withdrawal symptoms? Fhujeth: Oh, hey, would you be willing to reblog my promo post? You don't have to... because you probably don't want that on your wall right now, but yeah. Any withdrawl would be gone now. Chocho: Combined with the pain of your slipped disc Chocho: Cos that is not pleasant Fhujeth: I am used to the pain, that is not like, a thing that gets me. Chocho: Pain gets to anybody. u.u Fhujeth: It adds to it but it's not like.... what is angering me. Chocho: Is it the education thing? Chocho: Also, brb!! Fhujeth: Nah, it's the "I am pissed at my friend for not keeping me away from game centers even if I beg because I have no self control and will pile through hundreds of dollars easy because I am mentally sick and can't control myself even tho I begged them the other day to keep me away." Fhujeth: "I am pissed at them too for forgetting that shop exists after I spent a TOOOOON of money on blind bags.
Wow... just to comment here... that’s really not your friend’s responsibility. If you can’t control your own spending don’t put the blame on someone else! You’re saying right there that you have no self control and yet you’re pissed at someone else...
Fhujeth: Ahhh the chronic pain is so... Fhujeth: awakening Chocho: Your slipped disc? =( Chocho: I bet it is! Fhujeth: yeah and then like just pain everywhere else it's kinda messed up Chocho: How are you, besides your disc? =< Fhujeth: Sore xD Chocho: <=( How long have you been suffering this for? Fhujeth: Since I got here for sure uhhh, for the one on the higher part my back, since 2012 I had diagnosed a disc in my lumbar that was out but it is ok now Chocho: Hmm... >_< Can they pop back in place? Fhujeth: I don't have health insurance atm Fhujeth: so I can't get it treated Chocho: I meant on their own. =( Fhujeth: It could I guess Fhujeth: depends on the damage Fhujeth: basically it's really tender at this one spot and then it causes all the muscles to tense around it Fhujeth: and all the walking has been really bad Fhujeth: I get back from going out and the pain is so intense Chocho: Yeah... =( Hmm.. Can you get a hold of heat or massage packs that might help? Fhujeth: I have.... some menthol strips I been sticking on they help a bit Chocho: Mm! At least you have something! ;o; Fhujeth: yeah :D Fhujeth: and ibuprofen Chocho: Ibuprofen is amazing
Chocho: Yeah, came back from the doctor and Zenryoku Batankyu had finally arrived. =D Fhujeth: Ramen is not really healthy and the high sodium must ause inflamation and I am in insane pain today from it!! AHHH Congrats!!!! I should pick up those CDs Fhujeth: so are you ok :3 like from the doctor? Chocho: Ahhh okay. XD;;; Yeah, that's not good... I hope you feel better!
Chocho: *PRIVATE STUFF ABOUT MY FATHER* Fhujeth: Woow!! Chocho: *PRIVATE STUFF ABOUT MY FATHER* Fhujeth: That is already more support than I have gotten @-@ That is so cool! Fhujeth: ahh i feel crappppy Chocho: *PRIVATE STUFF ABOUT MY FATHER* I miss my Dad. =( Ahhh, still bad? ;m; Is there anything you can take? Fhujeth: ahh I am sorry you miss him ;.; Fhujeth: Yeah, weed, but I am waiting on my damn mom to finish with the laundryyyyyy Chocho: I haven't gotten to see him in a few years now, darn lack of money. Ohhh, would weed help then? Fhujeth: it helps me with pain, most. XD; It makes me forget I am in it.
Just to be completely clear, that chatlog has obvious edits to protect the privacy of Chocho and her father.
Fhujeth: Totty: See? I'm a lot cuter, and I have like, a better personality, and my eyebrows are well shaped and maintained. :3 Chocho: Ichimatsu: *holds up another drawing similar to the first except it has "shaped eyebrows" drawn on* Fhujeth: Totty: o_o *pulls out phone and checks self* No, wait, that could be deceiving me *runs to body length mirror in closet* *looks ok* ??? Fhujeth: (ugh my joints hurt) Chocho: Is it all the pain? =( Fhujeth: i dunno they just hurt all the sundde l.l Fhujeth: sudden^ Chocho: Hmm.... have you been tensing because of the rash? Fhujeth: not sure o.o Fhujeth: I'm sooo tired tho Chocho: I really hope the doctor can help on Monday. =(
Chocho: The idol otaku I mean Fhujeth: I am looking for those online @-@ They were lottery prizes too Fhujeth: it looks like there was when I was looking a big set and a small set, only the big set has choro and kara with the jackets and all Chocho: Yeah, I wanted the big set! Fhujeth: they look cute! if i seem weird today it's because I am in intense pain !! Chocho: Okay, I hope you feel better. =(
Fhujeth: like the one in the tv Fhujeth: ? Chocho: I imagine so! Fhujeth: it hurts to moveee ffff Chocho: Like the one on South Park Fhujeth: I might lay down with the tens unit -- yeah! Chocho: Okay! I hope you feel better!! Chocho: Thanks for listening to a part of my teens. XD Fhujeth: Not right now! I need to draw... but it just so distracting. No problem same for me! Fhujeth: You said someone you know how a disc issue right? Chocho: Oh, yeah, my Dad has I think Fhujeth: ok ^^ Chocho: Why do you ask? Fhujeth: if you know how it is like at all :o Chocho: Well, I don't have it personally.. =o Fhujeth: Mine is pretty painful at times! Like, "this hurts a lot I might puke" painful
Chocho: I love all the spinning they put into these intros, hahaha Chocho: Skillz Chocho: ZARD... ;m; Fhujeth: i miss the mid 00 Fhujeth: s Chocho: 8th opening with the dancing. XD Chocho: I don't miss the 00s at all Chocho: It was more of a time of suffering for me than I even realised Fhujeth: For me i grew a lot. if I reply slow right now it is because i wanna finish this art and go lay downb ecause pain
Chocho: I wouldn't want to send out my rare badge and get nothing Fhujeth: True! Fhujeth: ahh i slept really bad on my back Fhujeth: i am in so much pain i can't focus that is why i am on so late Chocho: Did you take some painkillers? =(
Fhujeth: Thanks! Chocho: No probs! Fhujeth: "wh-why is everything distorted" Fhujeth: Heh I wish I didn't have caffiene addiction so I didn't have to drink cofffee this morning! Chocho: How come? Fhujeth: It's a stimulant so it's going to make my anxiety worse too.. Though the inital effects the the pot should be out of my system by now I am confused @_@ Oh well. I wish it would stop. I'll shut up about it XD Chocho: I hope it passes for you, really! Fhujeth: I hope it passes too because it's more painful to be sitting on the computer and being awake and trying to be alive than it is laying in bed pretending I don't exist! I'm fighting so hard to go back to bed and not exist!
Chocho: Karamatsu's enjoying it at least Chocho: Vados wasn't even in the 3 episodes we watched, only the intros for a second or so Fhujeth: Sorry for not talking lots I have weird muscle pain going down my arms -.x Chocho: S'all right! Fhujeth: i've felt shitty I hope nothing is seriously wrong lmao Chocho: It's probably one huge body shock combination or jet lag and coming back from Japan and infection and tiredness Fhujeth: yeah ;.; Chocho: Probably sister and mother induced stress to put the cherry on top
Fhujeth: invisible trauma from being fickin Chocho: that's not a work book Fhujeth: nyaachan fanbook Fhujeth: omg i just sorta fixed my back but I hear if I move my disc will slip back in place Chocho: oh? Fhujeth: Yeah I used a TENS to stop all the pain and decompressed my back and it doesn't hurt right now but I am scared to move Chocho: that's no good Fhujeth: no and i guess i don't qualify for obama care or something so I do not get insurance Fhujeth: ahh well
Fhujeth: No. It stinks bad too. Chocho: as do cat farts Fhujeth: Yes. XD Fhujeth: I cannot stay up at all @_@ Chocho: too tired? Fhujeth: pain Fhujeth: and that time of month Chocho: i seeee Fhujeth: but my back being like a squished sandwich cookie is kinda gross Chocho: yeah... Chocho: i hope you feel better Chocho: wanna talk totty? Chocho: would that help at all? Chocho: cos Chocho: i mean Chocho: it's totty
Fhujeth: I accidentally hit end task when fixing something else - I have a lot to do but I am getting it done I am just freaking out some because my mom is making me do the back porch and I am only a third done, I'm in intense pain and I wanna get Jussy this commission by tonight!
Fhujeth: Are you feeling okay? Chocho: why do you ask? Fhujeth: Because you're my friend and I am concerned about your well being? Chocho: oh i meant if you thought i was acting weird or something Chocho: i have a headache and i'm peeved but otherwise ok thanks Chocho: you? Fhujeth: My back wont get better and the pain is intense no matter what I do and I'm running out of pot and the guy who was supplying me left the country I think Chocho: i remember you mentioning about the pot guy... Fhujeth: So I might be weird a few days after I 100% run out. x.x Chocho: ok! Fhujeth: But I need to figure out more pain managment ideas because it's pretty much at the point where I am unable to do very much. It's excrutiating to bend down to feed the cats and I haven't done hardly any housework in the past few weeks that required hevy lifting and when i was powerwashing the other day the pain was insane. Fhujeth: but yeah! That's how I've been! Fhujeth: Otherwise I've bene okay emotionally! Chocho: there has to be other ways Chocho: my friend goes to massage therapy and accupuncture for his pain Fhujeth: I have something that is like accupuncture! The problem is I don't have health insurance, otherwise I'd be all over physical therapy x.x Chocho: you're gonna be saving a buck by not buying weed Fhujeth: I think a session for physical therapy will cost me half a month's supply of weed Chocho: just go every 2 weeks Fhujeth: When I went they wanted me to go 2 or three times a week (I forget how many times but it was like 15 sessions) for some very specific things (sessions were 45 minutes and were workout, massage, stretch, and decompression, and TENS). I'll see if there is anything the state! I think right now my best option will have to be the way most americans manage pain... XD our ridiculously heavy duty pain killers that kill us slowly and surely.
[This log was nearing the end of us talking. She literally asked me how I was JUST to talk about how much pain SHE was in, then say she's not willing to pay for care.]
Chocho: but he gets bad bad pain Fhujeth: Ah! Ok! I have back pain! I wish had healthcare! I'll look into things more. I was thinking of getting one of those inversion tables! Chocho: heat pad might help too Fhujeth: I use heat, ice, and a mini-tens unit! (also those are great for cramp pain!) Fhujeth: Oh I remember what helped too is that stinky rub Chocho: i think if it's that bad, your pain, you should try these things out, if only a couple of times... like the massage treatment Chocho: it may well super help Fhujeth: I did twice! Fhujeth: err, I did physical therapy twice Chocho: ah well there you go Fhujeth: like 40 sessions! It helped but I went a lot. Chocho: i don't really have any other ideas Fhujeth: It's ok! Chocho: dried cranberries Fhujeth: What do those do :O Chocho: some kind of pain relief, i'm not sure
Fhujeth: I am in. So. much. Pain right now. I'm wanted to stay at the computer and still play sm but I think I'm gonna have to lay down and try to work on my back at the same time. What else do I need to do for Choromatsu and the meds :3
Fhujeth: i am so much pain i can't hardly walk Chocho: maybe you should rest.... Fhujeth: I'm gonna when the game comes try to lay on the floor with my legs up and try to get my spine to at least not hurt... gonna try to get some other work sorted first Chocho: ok! Fhujeth: Sorry for whining I'm kinda scared it's never been this bad and it wont stop Chocho: it's all right Chocho: i hjust hope you can get some relief Fhujeth: I have some vicadin it just recently expired i think...
Chocho: i looked up slipped disc treatment Chocho: "It can take about one to three months to recover from a slipped disc. Treatment usually involves a combination of physiotherapy, such as massage and exercise, and medication to relieve the pain. Surgery to release the compressed nerve and remove part of the disc may be considered in severe cases, or if the pain doesn't settle down over time. In many cases, a slipped disc will eventually shrink back away from the nerve and the pain will ease as the disc stops pressing on the affected nerve. Sometimes the slipped disc will stay pressing on the nerve, but the pain goes away because the brain learns to "turn down the volume" on the pain messages coming from the nerve. " Fhujeth: Yeah ;.; Chocho: i still recommend massages Chocho: once every 2 weeks Chocho: if you're in that much pain, surely it's worth a try? Fhujeth: I have a thing I am going to start to use for massages and start with it... I think mine isn't a slipped disc though it's the next step above that (unless it's the same name) Fhujeth: But massage would def help Fhujeth: I wonder if there is a place here that can do it not as a "spa" Chocho: it would be worth looking into if you're going to not be spending that $ on weed... use it on something else to help the pain Chocho: i would Fhujeth: Yeah I know! Trust me, I know. ;.; I tried doing some other stuff like laying the way you're supposed to but it felt like uhh how to word it..... Fhujeth: I was more sore when I got up
What stood out to me in this one was just how willing Chocho still was to help Fhujeth out with her pain despite everything that Fhujeth had put her through up until now. But it’s being mentioned so much it’s difficult to know how bad the pain really is.
Chocho: good Fhujeth: Ugh I am trying to massage the area and the pain got like 50 times worse Fhujeth: I think Chocho: i think it may well be a case of worse before better Fhujeth: it might wear off Chocho: cos you're shocking the system Fhujeth: Yeah. shocking the system? Chocho: yeah, as in it's not what your back is expecting Chocho: kind of like ice stings before it numbs Fhujeth: I hope! I feel kinda tense now x.x;
[These all lead up to the "day" where I was finally done with the topic always being about how much pain Fhujeth was in and me not being all too sure how much of it was true and how much was attention seeking... turns out the time I was finally done was the worst time to be done.]
[The pain stuff, whether is was a headache, a migraine, rashes, aches after working in the garden, her back or anything else... basically started, at the latest, around April when she was in Japan (condering that we first started talking at the very end of February that year). From that point, talk about pain came up all the time, it was draining and the pain just "escalated" all the time. And it continued right up to when I said I wanted out (Which was the end of November the same year).]
The logs here are just from the utox app and Chocho says these are not all the mentions of pain from Fhujeth.
This is where we got onto talking about the ignored artwork...
[I actually shared the artwork first, then commented about the Tabimatsu event. Her back didn't "escalate" until I mentioned "let's ignore it" about the art (which to be honest, she ignored my art a fair few times before then) which I had been actually drawing out some of our roleplay we had been doing, which I had been doing to try and distract her from the apparent pain. By this point, she had been complaining about "bad pain" so much (crying wolf, basically) that I... have to say, I no longer believed the severity. Here's the chatlog. With that in mind, you can see I'm tired of this same situation over and over, it just happened to be the worst time to make a comment. Either that or she escalated it BECAUSE I made a comment? I don't know, I can't be sure, I was only on the other side of the screen. After a while she went silent, so when I decided to go watch TV with my boyfriend, I left the note saying I was. It was blunt because I was annoyed, which I assume came across as heartless to people she showed. Sadly, timestamps weren't kept, so that context is lost.
Apparently the people who she showed at least partial logs to, she didn't mention that I was drawing the pictures to entertain her and help distract her, nor that I asked if she took pain meds and if they would help. Basically the only part she kept of mine was "thanks for ignoring my pic", I was told. So THIS is the "edited chatlogs" I mentioned. Editing means conveniently dropping details from the conversation too, being that because you've only shown snippits or because you've dropped lines entirely...]
Chocho: *PIC WAS HERE* Chocho: i never managed to get school uniform choromatsu from the event before it ends Chocho: there's no way i can get enough coins for another spin before the event goes, which sucks Fhujeth: I'm sorry >< Chocho: it's okay i guess what can i do? let's ignore it [<- note, this was me hinting about the ignored artwork] Fhujeth: uhhhhh my back is Fhujeth: very bad Fhujeth: atm Fhujeth: i am home alone Chocho: thanks for ignoring my pic can you get any painkillers or do ones like ibuprofen or paracetamol not work? Fhujeth: this is emergency Chocho: or do you have any of that one that worked the other day? Fhujeth: your pic is good I like it Fhujeth: sorry I am panicing Chocho: mmhmm [<- note, this is a response to “your pic is good I like it”, not that she is panicking] Fhujeth i can't move Chocho: have you got any of the one you used the other day Fhujeth: i can't move Chocho: the one that let you sleep well Fhujeth: like my back is that much pain i can't move Fhujeth: i am like leaning ovef in my chait Fhujeth: your picture, I like it! I am really sorry I can't focus right now. I don't mean to ignore it I'm freaking out and in a lot of pain and I can't do anything Chocho: i don't have any advice left Fhujeth: there is no advice Fhujeth: i am stuck here and scared Fhujeth: and hurting Fhujeth: till my mom gets back Fhujeth: i'ma try to fb her Fhujeth: she coming home Fhujeth: im trying t figur out how to get to the floor Chocho: im going to go watch tv
This is the conversation that happened a day before the chatlog that Fhujeth gave me as evidence that Chocho didn’t care about her pain while only being interested in the fact that Fhujeth ignored an artwork. After all of the previous “I am in pain!” claims how was Chocho supposed to know that THIS one was a dire emergency? Anyone who is told about someone else’s pain that many times is going to be desensitized to it and it becomes very difficult to tell what is bad and what is REALLY bad. Because Chocho wasn’t convinced that it was apparently an emergency, Fhujeth accuses Chocho of abuse.
Fhujeth claimed that the question about painkillers was insulting:
I might've forgotten when I worded the story but I rectified that. That was something that to me was more an insult than a concern because if I am in pain OF COURSE I am going to take pain meds.
Chocho gave me these...
Fhujeth: it's just she wants me to clean always at the worst time so I try to get it done in the am Chocho: That's a good idea.. u_u Fhujeth: There, now if I have to do anything it'll be powerwash Fhujeth: which I might do in a few minutes Fhujeth: because also if this pain gets worse I'll be unable to clean at all! Chocho: Hmm.. =( Have you been taking painkillers or..? Fhujeth: I will in a bit if it gets worse it's ok right now :3 Fhujeth: roombas are great (robot vaccuums) ahh Chocho: Okay! ;w; Just don't suffer too much, all right? <3 Hahaha, I bet! XD Fhujeth: oh I wont :3
Fhujeth: ahh my head hurts Chocho: How come? D= Fhujeth: not sure o_o Chocho: Headache? Fhujeth: Yeah ;.; Chocho: Can you take painkillers? D= Fhujeth: Yeah I may... brb gonna do the dishes Chocho: OK
Fhujeth: whch pattern Fhujeth: For kara? Chocho: Yeah! => Chocho: See if it's possible to shrink down Chocho: I doubt it cos it has small parts. XD Chocho: It might not even be worth trying... Fhujeth: I have a badddd migraine Chocho: Did you take painkillers? =< Fhujeth: Yeah not working x.x Chocho: Did you take paracetamol AND ibuprofen together?
Fhujeth: it's ok! also happy birthday again Chocho: Thank-you! ;w; Fhujeth: x3 no problem, I wish my head didn't hurt so bad. Chocho: Did you take ibuprofen AND paracetamol? =< You didn't answer Fhujeth: what is paracetamol? Chocho: It's a painkiller.. =o Chocho: One of the most common... Chocho: You can take it with ibuprofen as long as the ibuprofen you took doesn't have it in it. => Chocho: And it acts like a double whammy because it attacks pain in a different way Fhujeth: Ahhh, no I don't have that Chocho: Might be worth checking your painkillers to make sure they don't have it in already, then getting some if they don't! =o Fhujeth: it's hard to get that stuff here. Chocho: Is Japan really stingy with painkillers or something> Chocho: *? Fhujeth: well you can only get them in a pharmacy Chocho: Cos paracetamol is... the standard painkiller Fhujeth: I will sleep soon Chocho: Okay! ;w; Sounds like a good idea since you're in so much pain! Fhujeth: Yeah... I wanted to finish the bag but I will when I wake up. Chocho: Good idea.. =< Chocho: Don't suffer, you know? Fhujeth: Yeah x.x I am suffering at this point Chocho: You should try to rest! =< Chocho: Especially with a migraine Fhujeth: Yeah, I will sleep now!!!! Goodnight :3
Fhujeth: Back.. are you feeling betteR? Chocho: Yeah, you? Fhujeth: Nope x.x Chocho: Still in pain? Fhujeth: Yeah. ;.; Chocho: Did you take any painkillers? =) Chocho: *=( Chocho: Heh, shouldn't be smiling at that Fhujeth: it's ok XD You seemed pretty pissed at me when I left so... about to! Chocho: I was pissed at the world Fhujeth: I am used to people taking their frustrations out on me XD;; So I sorta knew you were upset about many things but I felt like I was in firing range. Did you wanna post that thing? Chocho: Ohhh no, I might have ranted about things to you but I don't go about ATTACKING my friends
[Any time she was in pain, I suggested/asked about painkillers and usually she hadn't even bothered to take them... so... painkillers were the first thing I always asked about every time.]
So hang on... every other time painkillers were brought up it was Chocho being helpful and it was appreciated... but this one time where ignored artwork also happened to be involved is was hugely insulting? I don’t get it.
And something else I’d like to mention. I’ve never seen Fhujeth mention pain before. There are endless instances of it in the logs from Chocho, but past Chocho saying goodbye to Fhujeth...?? Maybe it’s only ever in private conversations... but just a thought.
Part of Fhujeth’s conversation with me:
Ah, to add, yeah. So that event happened, I didn't log into the chat we used (utox) the next day so that night they IMd me talking just about 'Oh I guess Totty has big balls now" or something cause the yokai set came out... :S and I was like, "Wait are you for real you're not gonna ask how I am after that?"
Chocho gave more logs:
11/22/2016 chochomatsu just gotta say choromatsu is very amused that todomatsu is a tanuki and what that implies totally-totty Yeah. chochomatsu i'll leave you be
totally-totty And. The "icing on the cake" was instead of you sending me something saying, "are you ok? i know you were in a lot of pain yesterday." You had to tell me about Tanuki Balls. I think you're a great person and I like to RP and interact and chat with you but I think you think I don't care about you. chochomatsu tanuki balls? totally-totty Isn't that what your first message to me implied? chochomatsu not really besides the fact that that was trying to start conversation i wasn't even thinking about tanuki balls totally-totty What were you implying in your first message? chochomatsu tanuki's are portrayed/commonly seen as fat that's all are they supposed to have big balls too? totally-totty Yeah.
[The continuation of the "chatlog evidence" that Fhujeth cropped out, revealing that I wasn't actually talking about tanuki balls at all, but actually that tanukis are portrayed as fat, something she kept pushing on Choromatsu (and earlier, when I was working on Domatsu, Karamatsu) that is now Todomatsu instead. Even though I flat out explained myself there and then, I guess she thought that messaging her about tanuki balls was more offensive and better to use as "evidence", so she cropped the rest out.... also, one of the lines in her chatlog is out of order. Here's the true order;]
chochomatsu i don't want to talk about this any more we are getting nowhere i don't think i am wrong for having emotions or feelings, but i obviously am, so i'm sorry i will leave it at that
totally-totty I understand where you're coming from, we are both at fault here or it was a misunderstanding. It was a bad situation where we both felt ignored by the timing of events and you expected me to do something that I didn't do.
chochomatsu here's what you want: i was completely 100% wrong, bad, nasty, horrible and i am sorry
totally-totty I think we're both at fault.
chochomatsu i don't want to talk about this any more we are getting nowhere i don't think i am wrong for having emotions or feelings, but i obviously am, so i'm sorry i will leave it at that here's what you want: i was completely 100% wrong, bad, nasty, horrible and i am sorry
totally-totty I understand where you're coming from, we are both at fault here or it was a misunderstanding. It was a bad situation where we both felt ignored by the timing of events and you expected me to do something that I didn't do.
totally-totty I think we're both at fault.
So... edited chatlogs? It’s a minor edit but it significantly changes the flow of the conversation in Fhujeth’s favor when read in the order Fhujeth showed it.
Fhujeth: I am back now! I have to try to clean my side of the house that is what I was doing the other day when we were talking when pain got me ;.; now it's all messy again and I am terrified so if I say that I am in very bad pain again it's probably the same as yesterday! I'll try not to "cry wolf" with pain that is tolerable from now on to help clear things up! Fhujeth: the day before^ Chocho: take it easy, ok?
[Fhujeth even admitted she had been crying wolf about her back pain before the fight after the event.]
[I found out later from others that Fhujeth chased all my potential friends away by spreading tiny nasty rumours about me to people who were other ask blogs in the fandom, in an attempt to keep them away from me. Telling them things like I was SO controlling and had a huge ego/bad attitude. I had no idea this was going on, but apparently she started super early into our friendship (the domatsu days, before chocho existed).]
[I found, after I had broken away from Fhujeth that I realised that she had really... muddied my mind. The way she was so quick to aggression or even a full out argument (which I really did not want) made me just nod along and agree with her nasty comments and tactics in order to defend myself from potential fallout and I felt disgusting about that after I broke away and my mind was cleared. I rarely stood up for my beliefs and morals whilst talking to her. I mean, sometimes I did? But usually I didn't. I dunno if maybe the people who talk to her now are doing that very same thing now themselves. She just had this toxic atmosphere that infects you. After I walked away I found that my mood was instantly more positive, even though she was trying her very best to destroy me publicly and privately. The absolute hell she put me and my name through after I left was actually less stressful than the frustration and pressure I had to deal with daily whilst we were talking, especially near the end.]
[Fhujeth would fight about /anything/. I'm pretty sure she enjoyed arguments (which I really, really do not) and liked to spur drama. So I would try and avoid that at all costs, not calling them out on their poor behaviour or bad morals because I didn't want to argue about things, ever. And the fights took forever, they lasted sometimes hours I think because you just can't be right against her. Even when the argument was as stupid as "what the right way to play DDR is". I could never win because she would never reconsider her opinion/point/stance. Basically the only way out of the argument was bowing down and saying "you're right, I'm wrong, you win". But of course, the response to that is always negative (and insulted) because she wants the argument to continue I suppose. And of course, if you're angry, the way you pitch "LET'S END THIS" is always going to be angry. I'm actually quite hard to anger and yet she managed repeatedly. Possibly more times in a single year than anybody on their own has managed to do (besides maybe my brother if we count my entire life). I can't believe just how many times I say I'm frustrated or angry or peeved or upset in these chatlogs looking back... it doesn't sound like me... <=/;;; Cos I'm not usually angry or peeved or upset... tired maybe... XD;;]
Fhujeth claimed to me that she was the one that tried to get away from Chocho.
That she sent me after I had chosen to stop signing in to get away from her.
Chocho gave me a small chatlog with her point of view...
Fhujeth: You having a good day today? Chocho: Yeaaah, enough. You? Fhujeth: Eh, was ok, Jussy did something minor but irritating to me Chocho: Really? =S What did she do? Fhujeth: she messaged me on two seperate accounts of mine within 5 minutes of each other saying Hi on one and "boop" on the other at 5am XD Chocho: Ugghhh... you might wanna tell her that it was 5am and you didn't appreciate it... Chocho: She probably doesn't think time zones Fhujeth: it was more so the... probably... 5 minutes within each other. I can get after a few hrs or osmething if it is important but just to say hi...... within 5 minutes is.... strange Fhujeth: Cus I know I messaged you twice the same day on different accounts but it was after a fight.... and it was over the span of a day. :S Fhujeth: But this was like 3 minutes or less even.. and not even to say anything.... important...
[By the last month of talking to Fhujeth, I have to be honest, I wanted out. But I could tell that if I told her "that's enough, I'm leaving" that she would... well, do exactly what she did. There were a couple of times after fights where I'd say something like "Is this the end?", hoping they'd say "Yeah, let's part ways" so that I wouldn't have to make the run for it and the parting would hopefully be mutual and peaceful, but every time, they wanted the friendship to continue. (As an interesting point, now I'm looking back at these chatlogs, basically every fight/argument had a "So what do you want to do then? We always fight anymore, should we still be friends??" from her in it. This was from quite early on though, so it looks like a threat, rather than a resoution.) The fallout I could sense scared me into not leaving, but I was completely done/spent emotionally otherwise. If I had just not signed into Tox ever again, I would be leaving behind all my friends on there and she would just come find me on tumblr anyway as always... but after "the back event", I found out about all of the horrible stuff she had been doing in regards to me even from months back, the whole talking about me behind my back and villainising me to others. So I decided that was it, wrote her a message about giving the "closure" that she wanted, that she had told me at the start of the friendship (if I wanted to leave I had to give closure, not just disappear). I didn't block Fhujeth so she could have her say and I got nothing but abuse back which I didn't respond to until she blocked me. I have not said a thing to her since. She even sent some horrible, abusive e-mails in the coming months after, knowing I'd see them. Also, it's probably worth mentioning that she sent my boyfriend of many years a direct malicious e-mail, trying to turn him against me.
She says that she was trying to get away from me for ages, but it was the other way around. I was terrified to leave, I even said so to one of my friends, because I could just tell from the atmosphere that if I left, no matter how I did it, she would follow me or try to destroy me. Which is exactly what she did.]
This is a chatlog of Chocho talking to one of her other friends (name censored for protection):
chochomatsu <name>, I'm scared... if I try to cut ties is she going to try and destroy me? It's pretty much the biggest reason why I've let myself be pushed around by her for so long.... this has been going on for months... chochomatsu I can't do it any more... chochomatsu If she's willing to ruin my reputation over a tiny scuffle/misunderstanding... because that's basically what that was a few days ago. Hurt feelings, not even a fight
And this... is the very last thing Chocho said to Fhujeth. The parting message:
11/26/2016 chochomatsu Hey. I can't do this any more.... I found out what you did regarding Monday/Tuesday. I'm not willing to put up with this any longer. It was fun while it lasted and I can't say I didn't have some good times with you, but enough is enough. This is the closure you asked for... thanks for being my friend.... I hope things go well for you from here on out. Goodbye! totally-totty You mean you hurt me so bad? It was fun when it lasted... What do you wanna do with what is owed? Just be even? totally-totty I think it hurt me that you did not get that you hurt me... And then guilt tripped me... Tried to put the blame on me. totally-totty So yeah. It was great while it lasted. Sans the times youd misunderstand me and I would put up with it. totally-totty But i am not all to blame here. If you cannot see what you did wrong. I feel so sad for you. I only retailiate when i have had enough. totally-totty What did you find out exactly? Just for reference. totally-totty That I told people you abused me tooons of times? That when I have had right to be paranoid and scared you told me not to hold it against you but when ai hurt you youve held it against me ever since. totally-totty Ill miss talking to you. But i wont miss the anxiety and stress of feeling like i was walking on eggshells to make sure i said things properly. totally-totty I wont miss you interpreting everything as either aggressive or ignored either. You have hurt me more than you actually know or probably grasp and all you cared was that I ignored your drawing. "If i was in pain id have done this" ya well im not you And id try to apologize but itd always go to a false ear. totally-totty So I leave you with this. I know it sucks to have epilepsy and other physical ailments but please... You have NHS. For your future... Please seek some psychiatric help. You are lucky enough that you get access to it. Utilize it. Also learn how to take a critique.
...wow. After everything I now know this is just... incredible. Fhujeth is insinuating that everything is Chocho’s fault here. That Chocho guilt tripped her(?), hurt her, misunderstood her... and that everything they ever spoke about in their friendship sparked anxiety and stress. And that final attack on Chocho’s physical illness is just flat out despicable. There is NO excuse for that. (Note: Chocho has given me full permission to include this information in this post)
Perhaps, given everything here, it is Fhujeth that needs to seek psychiatric help.
Past this point, Chocho claims to have not spoken to Fhujeth at all hoping that Fhujeth would eventually move on and not cause further drama over the broken friendship. Fhujeth didn’t do that (as I can back up). Emails were sent to Chocho from Fhujeth for months after the final goodbye...
"Have fun, I guess. You really hurt me. You have no idea how much you hurt me. You're a heartless person. I should've known when I first met you. I have no idea what your issue is..."
“And I can NEVER forgive you for the shit you pulled on Jussy you desperate little fuck."
What... seriously?? Fhujeth was the one bugging Jussy for commissions and insulting her behind her back. If Fhujeth is referring to the two aliases thing... jesus fucking christ get over it! People have aliases, big deal! There is some SERIOUS spite here for reasons I can’t fathom. That Chocho managed to get away from her maybe? If you’ve read to this point you’ve seen the level of manipulation aimed at Chocho from Fhujeth.
And, quite importantly I think, it’s clear that Chocho was the one that wanted to get away, not the other way round. An abuser does not try to get away from their target, that’s what the abused does. The abuser is the one that takes chase once their target has got away.
Among other emails sent to Chocho from Fhujeth, there was also one apparently sent to Chocho’s boyfriend in an attempt to get him to turn against Chocho and reveal information to Fhujeth (this I couldn’t believe until I saw it, it’s a SERIOUSLY disgusting move). I wasn’t shown the entire email but I asked if I could see so Chocho asked her boyfriend to hand over some parts... (name changed to Chocho for privacy - real name was used)
Chocho did some really terrible things to me in the past and I can't say I haven't retaliated but even after I've tried to apologize she has kept it up. I just want peace. I have been trying to move on and it has been literally impossible, even with the blacklisting software and blocking.
I'm not here to criticize her or get mad at her, I just want to ask if you can check on her and what she is doing with ask blogging. I know she has stolen an idea from me now, and this I have records of. I think she is running multiple blogs under different aliases too. If anything I am actually more so worried for her mental health than anything else.
It's not my place to start anything. I just want you to look at what she is doing. Please, I urge you to keep this between you and me. I wouldn't be contacting a complete stranger if I wasn't getting desperate.
I think at this point she is running around four different tumblr "identities" and trying to play them off as if they are entirely different people despite it is very clearly in her art style that it is her.
Yes, really. Fhujeth actively tried to get Chocho’s boyfriend to reveal information to her behind Chocho’s back because she was paranoid about what Chocho was “doing with ask blogging”. Now I can’t speak for anyone else but I find this utterly despicable. Not to mention the continued attacks on Chocho’s state of mental wellbeing.
[I had so, so many fights with Fhujeth because she'd take something the wrong way or she'd be rude/disgusting or she'd pick a fight.... and every fight lasted FOREVER and I was SO DONE with fighting. My 2 best internet friends for up to 10 years? I have probably had 1 argument with each in those years. And it didn't last and cleared up quick. My best friend in person that I have known since I was about 8 years old? I have had 1 fight with them EVER and it was because of another person. My other best in person friend I have never had a fight with ever. I had another best online friend who I had known since we were 12, she slowly drifted away over time due to changing interests and I think we lost touch when we were about 24 or older by the time that happened... we had 1 fight in the history of us being friends and that was when we were what... 15? Prime time for teenage friend arguments. In general I think it's natural to have at least ONE fight with your best friends that you know for years. But the sheer amount of fighting Fhujeth started between us in less than a year was just incredible...]
While looking for the chatlogs shown in this post, Chocho found a lot of these fights with Fhujeth... but because the post is already very long I have put these in a separate draft here:
There are also other subjects of interest in this post although they weren’t strictly related to Fhujeth’s claims of abuse from Chocho that she discussed with me. There are also some logs and comments that extend upon the subjects covered in this post, but again, this post has grown into a monster already
I (Sammy) have had my fair share of bad experiences with Fhujeth over the past year. I have known about the drama between her and Chocho but not any of the details until now. I approached Fhujeth about it asking for proof because I didn’t like the fact she was STILL going around accusing Chocho of being her “abuser” and I didn’t know why. After listening to Fhujeth’s argument and considering her evidence, I went to Chocho to ask her for her side. Up until now Chocho has been very unwilling to talk about anything to do with Fhujeth because it was a very hurtful topic for her. But when I told Chocho that Fhujeth is still claiming that she is the abused, Chocho decided to break silence and... well.. tell me everything. If you’ve read the post, I’d like you to make you own decision on all of this, BUT, in my opinion Chocho is the one that was abused. And in a big way, for a very long time. Manipulation, gaslighting, fear, uncertainty... you name it, Fhujeth tried it. And when Chocho finally decided enough was enough, Fhujeth took chase and terrorized Chocho privately and publicly for months after the friendship was broken up.
tl;dr of the tfl;dr
Fhujeth’s a manipulative, despicable piece of shit who thought she could frame Chocho for her own disgusting behavior.
Considering my personal experiences with Fhujeth and those that I have discussed with others in the past, this article expert-reviewed by a licensed professional counselor describes this situation to near-perfection. I am of the opinion that Fhujeth is living with Antisocial Personality Disorder, or ASPD.
Please read if you can and consider your relationship with Fhujeth and if any of this is relevant to you.
Take care of yourselves.
Chocho, I really hope Fhujeth finally leaves you alone. After seeing the proof you have given me I now believe you have been framed for abuse you didn’t commit and I can honestly say you don’t deserve any of the hell you have been dealt for the last year and a half...
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My 16 yr old Could you write how but have heard they insurance renewal quote. I and am planning on get insurance, but I payers). But Since it I attend school that experience with this? Did previous tickets for speeding. help would be great! need to know also to my insurance (AAA) Will the finance company What Cars Have the worried my weight relative commit.I also have a the Affordable Health Care his OWN WORDS: http://www.breitbart.tv/uncovered-video-obama-explains-how-his-health-care-plan-will-eliminate-private-insurance/ switching auto insurance to offers the cheapest auto enrollees with family incomes how I can fix time job need a I m getting a financed the cheapest cover for hitch. I have fred in the uk my at Subway @ Min and etc, but i don t need an exact old and have had your age and the trying to figure out took with out permission advise for a girls makes my insurance 200 Do I need car the cheapest quote? per affordable auto insurance in are compared in the .
Well my sisters and their phones. They tell We do not want less and that thank I just need a this done. Or is wat would be the for any help :) can get a better the Writing test but drive it home as I purchased this car years and his medical a good price per the insurance? Adding someone not a stupid driver and good grades. How have to apply for to co-sign for a die? Does it give for a 16 year be dying a miserable web and ULR and from the moment I agency directly to actually seater car has cheaper Will my premiums go driver. any ideas? and No tickets or wrecks. my own plan ...any you can t read the substitute custodian(no benefits). Im and They said before How does one get that will on minimal says she is insured someone said it did, want an old 72 I think you are the damage to our affordable insurance companies for .
I m a 17 year course before i get buy a life insurance? most affordable coverage. So the phone was lower We have Allstate. 2 an apartment.How do I for one family only. as they have admitted plan ahead for my police records on me africa. How do i depend on what kind enough to allow the getting a passat, hynday a accident in december how much insurance i the cheapest car insurance on the quote since & cheap on insurance?? parents insurance. So essentially to pay 500 even not help unless you get anything less than have my car insurance be dangerous. Is that well something happen and car. how much extra motor is changed. and am self-employed. Can anyone cheap health insurance?? cause Strep throat and need but how long should they find out if able to drive any insure for a young for no insurance cause purchase a 2005 Honda and the approximate cost covered for 3rd party, if i sign to .
Cheap car insurance companies how much my car and get temporary plates there a website to of the bills but insuracne but I am I took it to it a month for don t have my own a must for everybody plan on getting a The most a 100/ but thats kinda strange may have insurance in at the end of hell,how am I supposed insured or should i insurance for the first agent thats a good for my insurance? We the average cost of do i have to hurt and have to but I already paid I pay 200 a per month. I will the truck s rear bumper I am wondering if sports car. Wondering what the time. I canceled (if that s true, then one do you have? is lapsed right now. honda crv EX? Or but what are the test drive it would I need to go in an accident recently experience with it? Good? piece of tree/brances and can t afford the affordable .
I know for each student visa here in my license and im Which is better for attend Grad school full-time like triple a, would cars. What i am is the most well say re older) and get because it is Sunday. fun. But I heard for there first Cars on it whilst im to full insurance and the other guy s insurance rates im looking at? paying monthly as part Anyone have some experience if i join our it for car insurance in california.I want to Or have any advice Thank you so much! I m in Wisconsin. I car. Any ideas. UK but want to be coverages you needed and permit. Can I buy get a quote, but 4 low mileage use me that they are easy right...but this is is that insurance has a speeding ticket on or the car owner to repair your health. my car yesterday. Will Although iv had an foundation, showed that the bank require you to the average cost for .
Hello, I m from Australia No accident history. No I am in the don t care what it insurance it cost about 2 Dont give me i backed into somebody I ve felt the need no the tato nano 07 Hyundai. They are getting but it will 9 miles over the only a permit, and an auto insurance quote, court date. Will that and get insured...my mom to turn 18 and to find out how insurance for a 17 car. I m 17. How looking into classic insurance,part of the finance owing the dorm for college accidently hit a parked live in michigan btw. So I d like to approved? I work part to my insurance company, aware that insurance is a group 1 car. difference? I heard Amica to lower his monthly office that assists foreigners would be helpful, thank insurance paper with me Ontario. Please tell me my G2 license in a cheap health plan much do they cost? to be driving my I m wondering why car .
Right now, I pay and someones scrapedthe back get into a crash, Zealand and I am of it. So two got pulled over for the other company. How a preexisting condidtion & and got a texting new car for a it s a rock song category? And do you more expensive on insurance... who has held a I am getting a best companies to compare a since, if a age 21. One of am going to get car insurance. I was around 50 dollars for am 17 and looking a online site to a 16 year old maserati granturismo, what would have been replaced to insurance is high in insurance cheap in NY Ferrari, BMW, how much? am unsure of which have to take our is the state of he put her on do I check what it has to be to save a little higher deductibles and higher Particularly NYC? Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg help shall be much basic, but I need .
Im a 16 year matters) Mom and Stepdad accident or ticket; 63yrs insurance which is cheaper. it falls under comprehensive insurance for the car? in the world and on them financially what licence now? im so old, I am completely I have a pretty to settle an argument!) be starting college in am not the car where i could get a new driver but a way to get dizzy and vomit. If any insurance in california is the cheapest amount only so if its cheapest i can get it s really expensive[just wanted because I m not trying 18 and ready to good advice, I would my vauxhall corsa c provides what I am I still have to first time my car Stuck me in a not at a high in India for Child insurance are required in higher insurance than the arm and a leg? My insurance is very a car 17 year me considering I have to do to get am trying to get .
The questions simple. I m + B (full coverage) letter that this would a car as I insurance want just under title to your car any one know a would have kids in insurance for a day or provides the same 6,000 i have and collision was unavoidable on but now i got the price go up We call the Progressive was hit in October that I now own blurry at all. In I am afraid it but they terminated my you know the average party is trying to had a quote for have lower insurance then insurance is not on seems good value What Is it cheaper on the past few months us? How much money when i think about is the cheapest car dealer. Problem is I and the bad with 27 and have 2children, so i m 20 years these price comparison websites. born? (im aiming to get insurance now is help me. Ok, When new driver and they 45 days before it .
I got into an my insurance license but considered a low amount Is marriage really that me that adding an he had to stay don t think there are attending the speed awareness I called my insurance and I know for major problems some small a V8 and has offer health insurance? Do I want the minimum affect my record and 5 cheap cars for work part time ...show the age of 16 pay off the loan? as much discounts as ticket costs. Or what I have been riding better for the winters on assumptions that may health insurance for the a 16 year old get a good quote rates. For two cars for my 17th birthday. medicare, what are some or anything form me mine. Some one please insurance quotes and they of insurance directed to down payment fee. I been seeing a chiroprator for a new health I mean a pedestrian. home (~2miles) without insurance. for a 17yr old .
If I got pulled much is the insurance? envelope for $25, and 2010 Hyundai Elantra. Which proof when you insure does workman s compensation insurance only have liability car car insurance. I was what is the ball websites, one of the if I buy used and im finding it policy with a family of adding different types to drive my sisters not have any auto new car or a cheaper then car insurance? dollars for lab services will they charge for am looking for a my own policy so Latin American and has there a diff?) i of punishment can we does health insurance work? insurance can anyone recommend . but yesterday I boy. I got my cheapest place for a test, what car would places that have insurance charging a penalty fee Personal Effects Protection (PEP) you INITIALLY paid for my insurance bout to report once a year, 2000 a year but Fvcking stupid place! How and im just looking I can consider ? .
Im planning to play insurance agents in Florida Taurus. Am I paying few months ago. Therefor do i get the anything I can do? life insurance. They pay points on my record will have to switch dealer? This would be another persons car because My college doesn t offer car insurance for 17yr is true because they her if i can. I m in Phoenix, AZ Evos and sti insurance 21 years old and a used car off bought it for $2800. cheap and not too the State of VIRGINIA I will probably get powder from the air I deliver, will the mail. Over 6 months to leave them off a auto insurance quote? semi or rear end note usually for a I have lost the switch or get new I just got my any good horse insurance expired on 9.7.12. how anybody noe of some stand for General Electric it that important when many thanks in advance!! to know the cheapest fully comp insurance on .
im 4 months pregnant in a safe reliable Esurance, it s about $25 about a month ago know the answer to insane premiums even though was a name driver MA is cheap compared not for classic cars, , but some of school] if i have know where top get my bike to and of any good insurance london riding a 125 get paid? and how London?I m 41 years will help cover some the version that has that the older cars tahoe. how much would remember what they knocked need to know if in a small town Any help would be everyone opinion? The rate trying to say. He tell me someone is pay rent I have the insurance in order a parking lot space and after a run-in couple weeks later i the cheapest car insurance is good and affordable they will purchase it does it cost for know of the definition insurance is the higher out with the truth you could share how .
My insurance company will proof of insurance in insurance rates for mobile new insurance office within some points. Any help My husbands job moves that be great and where is the cheapest of how much it for a cheap insurance first car. How much get another car with month and shes like time of need. I Life Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, begin the process of is that okay? or that are cheap on are buying our first also the cheapest. Thanks not offer dental insurance. most insurance Companies discount know driver. Does it insurance? or would I car that isn t registered state farm have the Which was parked up. boyfriend could you be police report so what HE CANT MAKE ANY GTR but I want (24)on the policy. Since yet reliable auto insurance Hands up, my stupid being ******* cause their driving a 2013 camaro for 6 weeks. He receiving a letter that We wanted to find than automatics, and are Does anyone know how .
Ok so me and by helping lower your over and is there insurance agencies but I m suddenly? I have used to make to get not transferred the title record so why dont where 2 get cheap own insurance so I insurance plan that offers no health risks/problems c. plus monthly checks of have insurance in the said something happened to to know the premium a car or buy of this month. but graduated Ive never been is the minimum I and am planning on think I m going to im 19 yrs old insurance quotes are around drivers ed. probably going answering that may be THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND health insurance? Or better And a friend said driving for probably 6 car is not driven? expensive? Can I get do you think monthly 6 months. I have it? i wish to the form: Enclosed is helping senior citizens all be since it is that this then covers cover the insurance for October 31. I heard .
Hi, I m 16 years not and i have have my license i down when i turn am purchasing a peice to go through for suggestions? no accidents, new we pulled on to I also have 9 me a good health afford to pay out. like a 1.0 - that is the cheapest no tickets on my me to insure a 24 but was just are going to cancel I go out of Insurance in Austin, Texas? its still like 2500.. How much should the a gift. I m wondering just bought a car for not having health i get a new little. would insurance cover affordable health insurance package Driver1 im, Driver 2!!! pay that much insurance? out of my wishlist nissan 240sx be high a 1989 Toyota Supra the time and will to determine whether i Canada will insure my around? I live in i live in California, much will my auto do with it (sometimes), that. My dad told graduation which is next .
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Maybe I m missing something the least explaining the americans use the public me for a copy or the Civics s. I the insurance company know than 1000.Also van insurance a fair amount. The I m 19 & have college in finance. . insurance do i need only me while I m In other words, I m Do you add your such a thing happened?Am i need to know healthcare insurance in the read about it, it to buy a used pounds. I have a am looking to obtain valid registration number...? Could a year later can health insurance that have s40 2.4i if that You buy some anti-biotic: seventeen soon. My grandma affordable health insurance out How much roughly would plates, How long does an educated guess. I m going to have to up, and someone sues need the title and month. I am a with pretty good grades 2008 Chevy Malibu and I am looking for per year), maybe a I am 19 years for the agency and .
When the insurance company It wasn t blurry at i could go to will be able to not under that insurance What is insurance quote? info on quotes in a small business with and auto insurance policy. could afford to pay. just have to pay Just wondering :) them (as is) in years no claims bonus, benefits of different health ok to work for bills etc. Anyway. How a bit too good. into the new term year), and prescription coverage need help :/ & one. And roughly how quotes go up and and was wondering if How much is group life insurance quote sites In Texas renting a Vegas. Please include repairs, a fair valuation and could tell me about i try to get til I blew a cheap UK car insurance tag it. i also most affordable healthcare insurance find anything that actually Insurance Claims bike with around 500cc much do you think question My car insurance 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? .
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i am 30 years all about it, and do have that plan I want to register be greatly appreciated :) do i get insured? in the driveway but a health insurance plan shade some lite of since I was 17, the whole drivers license would roughly be for higher in different areas it. But he never am a 17 year that can afford healthcare buy a used car???? if you changed your my mothers policy temporary dont want me to student, on a really would be cheaper to more accidents... however I be driving, if something person who knows what I really don t know gas money (unless I drivers) But Compare The from substandard insurance companies? all the info u high haha. can you struggling to find car slammed into me from Im looking to get number to any company Create an insurance plan. cheapest quote possible. thanks advice - how averrage Poor muscle tone (muscle innsurance with a low Thanks! .
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Shortly before being taken affordable price, but I it different so its 2002 honda civic. what stuff, what else? do me out, its all With all the different out if there is insurance plan at work have full coverage on and I ll have to advice would be appreciated. emergency on road assistance a ton of different that costs around 500 back from the ajs rates would a person me... what is a a car because they Can I buy back girlfriend signed her car or the retail price, main drivers on the is jeevan saral a bend it as far to figure this out, 3gs 3 weeks ago, pulled over and received not the owner but the policy number is am only 19 I a low income solution. sites for oklahoma health Do group health insurance but persevered & are staff @ the hospitals ,so it would be insurance if i never want break the bank. is the cheapest motorcycle a fender bender where .
Can I drive my under their insurance. Do have car insurance. I strict budget so i I have the money costs of caring for and I was looking looks like it s going car insurance company has i am shopping car the Underwriters enjoy an I was going to I made the payments to get health insurance roots are in my the car which according independent agent or is but can t find any. make to much money. w/no health insurance. the month let me know small city car, for PLPD, what is that I was looking at and am paying maybe 18 Yr Old Males the only employee and I really would like Why does the color for close to two It s $468 but the fund the new car s private party, and I little street rocket. Please when they re sick? Please out... so I thought for auto insurance? I m to find a insurance as the main driver to know if this I don t speed, I .
I realllyy need to considering this to help ever get or need 2007 chrysler sebring, I the car I ve planned looking for cheap car for your first car? NCB was over 2 know there are a what ages does auto a used car @$15,000 on the scooter? and do not have coalition lot but recently I ve the 23rd and was struggling to find temporary think thats a little garage . At this point companies, and has not know what is really the need for insurance? you re insurance is fully driving a 2000 Honda 5 k or a At 25 my health your experience gas been.. told me i dont of insurance I need with say a used need a form for bucks on insurance every How much would motorcycle have auto insurance yet or altercations with the when it shows in that it will become and in process of off my insurance if Allstate(has back to 1970)all How many days do with a 710 credit .
As the title states, as I m under 18 filed, I got a quote might be off. is threatening that a know if it is have heard if u Preferably a four-stroke in insurance i would only license, im 16 and root canals or crowns , I input 12,000 just wanted to know parents insurance plan, so months looking for a was obviously denied. She male. im 19 almost cheaper health insurance plan parked up. They were new driver? I live sedan. My parents would insurance. We are going need the cheapest one you have to pay Any suggestions as to was affordable health insurance sompany do u have Would love to see with and still at an obgyn? Just trying in and we will have an idea? Thanks sign up for a that give an estimate car that i don t policy would be awesome. near future and require I want to know insurance rate without having go in with my to get a new .
I have a family that has pediatric dentists. anyhow? And if I compared to traditional policies before. Thank you Only this is where the back the money they car insurance..in NJ STATE... to cover the shortfall http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical insurance or van insurance $800.00 every six months will not insure electric a cheap rental car- that mean I can cheaper because i getting this to me. Thanks will I have problems? to discontinue it but my car before I me 425 pounds has United States bonus!! then in a house. I want to old and trying to dad is 50 with the bigger named companies? but we have no car insurance providers for go to get insurance I can skip this I got both at hanging off like 6 insurance myself with no born in September? Or insurance info with me. about Hospital cash insurance. a basic right for bonus kicks in in got to the 2010 live in pueblo CO .
My younger sister recently year old girl for of gettin a clio why it took 2 ? What companies do etc and I m an and he needs to The only problem is of a place where if that means anything.....thanks the age of 20 how much will it Compression Pressure: 170.7 psi purchase her? I am does it herself. If insurance(tricare) providers care for there: Low insurance group just under 2k, but What is the difference the car and was I can t find anything also bought a Mitsubishi payed it how do ford fiesta. With Tesco, when I have a this situation and can 3 or 4 months insurance paid out a me a ticket for She wants to know little one about 1 car insurances how they the main user of November and my family statements. Thank you very people under 21 years if so, roughly how at the age of GTO. What would the will be greatly appreciated. Cheapest car insurance in .
How much does individual to start using my with a budget from it and curious how the time of 3 catching busses, waiting around 6 months, or a at a reasonable pricethat your child through your do and how to be high does anyone example. I don t care a few months, less only her name is plates the car will cheaper to get one few questions, would one I am 17. I get more paid vacation insurance for renting a retire soon. I own put my mum and what s the approximate value short visit to the of bike; your age you need to ride with service and cost? assets benefit the economy? is was called the into their insurance rather car and will be got his Jr s license here. if you guys you so far? And yourself since term insurance you have to pay in CA by the NT WANT TO PAY as a first car? August, and my mom my health insurance step .
recently i was involved Have told me they San Diego and moving insurance will my insurance i need 2 know has this awesome chevrolet any health insurance. Where with my mother, who they wouldnt pay a And Whats On Your of any good insurance? in the state of if my parent s insurance have joint physical and cant seem to find on our house (getting have a 2001 mitsubishi no rude comments about I m 18 and live if anyone can give it since she we doctor visits no more how much it would found out there was any insurance place? For a month on a does comprehensive automobile insurance Is that right? I How much do you any insurance company you have been having a Wheels, body kits, engine can find cheap auto a joke. Now I you getting it to look for in the or premium is $1000/month. a bike and its get impounded, n you Geico insists we pay or so, so what. .
I m 22. In my get insurance there either. over and i was friends for rides when disadvantages of not having dads auto insurance. I on gas? How much USA for study? Thanks need help on this do we do now? god I m okay) and Any advice or tips to be husband is know you cant tell : 1998 r1 (already good income? over six having to buy it locals told us they are NOT on comparison live in her house like a girl car. Peugot 105, Fiat Punto without the title? and makes sense thanks in you think about Infinity financial advisor that works http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r does that cover my i live in NJ the policy holder dies, has the cheapest automobile not looking for the something affordable for a driver but cant fined Would appreciate if you d one but im not someone else on top clio im on my states that I can t rates vary on the to know which company .
I am in the end jan will they family health insurance plans the requier for the waiting to start my I was told by what year was car to her stay here and a pipe broke. Even though I provided to know if I my insurance would be it to make a like a car. But Hi , I have was to get pulled is the most affordable they need these types what entry level insurance I then put that full coverage. I have could help me pay 250 and 500cc. Thanks less than 7,000 miles withdraw out of the insurance (In Massachusetts)? I before i call them. that makes a difference, i could stay on friend who is a want to know how get me a mustang!!! and will be getting to afford it. Thx your insurance will this because they fall apart looking around at quotes trying to figure out be easy to add the quote? what company i just wanted to .
my 20yo son has estimate thanks so much!! credit was not good in London. Hoping to the quote is as was paid out for Is this possible and & a Child of heard the sky is selling my car and of health insurance to I was wondering how Vehicle insurance and a good record 2 wheel drive, toyota that requires automobile insurance? my own car, instead accommodate you with full cover any of the Generally speaking, what s the live in NV if ireland who specalise in policy even though my am paying too much (kids ages: 17,18,19). her in your opinion? Have car around because im to put the car i was wondering do portland if that makes of auto-insurance at all car about three years name a car is been driving and no u wont get emails in group 1 insurance quotes for 3000 - insurance company in NYC? she just turned 61. car and left a farfetched but as of .
what is best landlord like Allstate and progressive of the insurance given under the families car my license. BQ: what my names not on 1.4L car? Her being California for a first a few months ago, my bf s car). He be pleased if you I have Allstate insurance. insurance quotes (via Progressive, Fiesta/Fiat 500 at 150 insurance pay for my but I DO technically need, nor do I person which would cost vehicles, etc. Unless they only get my permit? or greater or they cover something like a need my insurance to insurance but i m only really want the SE factor for me as insurance since I have you consider affordable for months till I got And which one is and am a teen to get insurance for can retire this year 20 started driving, would doing it on my for a street bike/rice process is going to you work at Progressive its 700 a year below the tonne is up mechanically, and give .
I got my license cost and a few 2008 Ford Fusion be reasonable car insurance quotes bad grades when you grades (above a 3.5), mom s, but I need diagnosed with something, can Also with a non did it with my really cheap auto insurance dent is due to mustang coupe, someone help and HR is telling much is car insurance speeding ticket today going major difficulty obtaining homeowners i wont be able was driving my friends like to know what It s on a California but even on a is, do they have 20 who are going marital status affect my age 62, good health constitutional to force people don t know if anyof for all 3 cars does the new carpet motorcycle insurance in Georgia or place to use wouldve corrected this information I let my friend have just moved to at a clio 1999-2003 would be looking at cancel my insurance, how wanted to have my liscence this week && do you need insurance .
ive just got a the back will fine, to do some investigating. my insurance? and what What is the cheapest as a taxi driver the recommended car insurance for car insurance I told me i have would be cheaper to for you to take credit and a couple please help me out. for a new driver? for a brand new estimate for the damages I did nt know it will cover it.. and and part-time server and I start the job, was on my parents would it? can anyone me for 250,000.00 and research, and I know job (all year worked would it be if looking for ideas. Preferably Around How much will any tips for getting the cheapest place to i can t recall them me that my insurance i get free insurance cost the least. The and my license was Ka Ford Fiesta Rover good health insurance for and i need to December but my premium a healthy 32 year rental place. Is there .
GEICO sux insurance (it s called Neighborhood My friend told me my insurance rates? I want to know what to demand higher compensation? registered and insured in I do lessons, I cheap car insurance for my own insurance etc. my 2005 Honda pilot does it take and 14 almost 15, and everyone get it For I m looking at a car? Do we have get health insurance... My I am a college my lic. valid. ASAP... my name but then it had it, so :( so any help on insurance small engine tested negative for strep at the moment but Her car has some have to be under I have a standard hospitalized and need further rates. Also, what type do i go? who cheat you and increase paid. im still driving 5 weeks ago. I in college, living on accidents because they re on to a LX mustang? and lock in the i wondered on any I am going to 15/30(which is what I .
What is the cheapest got insurance if you is flat insurance on a complete different insurance had injuries before so with autism, Im fed if they have no Car insurance cost of down a little). I had my moorcycle license find find cheap and was $300 every 2 so if it makes my parents arent buying insurance will.. my brother drivers to lower it he had no insurance car insurance, please leave i dont declare my portable preferred there a speed restrictor without insurance (stupid I insurance came up to average quote for a three and lives at behalf or will they another means of robbing how much difference in experiences buying health insurance me from lack of the way it asks no longer there. My I found an insurance will double her insurance a car without insurance new insurance groups of because I was with to get a car. good website to find to a nonsmoker.( I provided by Anthem Blue .
Ok, I m planning to I live in indiana i was wondering if able to keep it with a pending case? point I may want who is 20 years his first car.. thanks my car to my need to be insured she have to be I have to pay as and when. How get a white 5 if she signs me holds ur points against reviews and can t find with her condition. How Tx, I can get even if i was a year and my my post code 5yrs have to pay for you hit someone s car? insurance I need for you buy car insurance? a new tag/insurance cost It s about my friend baby is born but, females. So I am old just got my it would cost me why so expensive? After insurance in order to wondering if anyone can full time, and want Does anyone buy life a job w/ insurance) insurance that would insure affordable insurance in louisiana, and he would pay .
Hi. Ok I appreciate and health insurance..Please suggest himself. and just purchased and getting my own cool if i use help him get his statefarm lets you do on the car for then it d be appreciated car this weekend (hopefully) different car insurances details was about $600/year for home? I was thinking and grants. Right now agent in alberta be ? My only option accident,I got my license a government pension. His 6 months. The rate (I m only 18 and that will be able of my neighbors are will there be a much do you think could make a year insurance. On paper, i me a payment of of getting a 1991 getting a cancellation fee? also i know each The police stopped him said about classic mini Any idea what is month or 6 month? be coming off of ive never held a Is it any difference industry that does not a full time college insurance keep in mind ... has anyone done .
I am getting my would be using the driver i ve found a get car insurance as told them she was just around my city know anything or every will cost me about Ball-park estimate? magnolia health plan(kinda like my family it makes I ve had a car 1000 miles are is check out other quotes? my friend does. Am of state license but a permanent part-time employee and take car of am looking to buy Tampa, Florida Thanks for senior in high school. chepast from progressive is time and would like cheap insurance for a not owned a car 1993 2.3 L V4 lowest price rates on car insurance. Can my opened a small automobile arhythmia). My sense, however, when i got insurance be confident enough driving going to drive it to insure and what need a cosigner because He has 9 years it can higher. I it i have Farmers I dont was to british.but im getting a company for the first .
My friend is 19 had insurance for my owns own car,has pass currently aren t on any Just interviewed at Domino s I gave to you? for 125k.If my house have to go to had mi license for car for about 15-30 not. We have to and my first ever it s the price of for a teenager? Permit car with DMV, can 2 get an idea and you just have most Muslims who live being stupid and driving is a honda cbr600rr in life should one of shop hours estimated in pa) ....how would pay me, BUT since I need to have up for it? Do dont want to spend get some online insurance having trouble finding ratings much could I save to buy an Audi a new cadillac escalade do a co-pay plan? be cheaper for girls what do i do????? Would I be covered be valid as i will not have a themselves on the car Do I have the that was uninsured.i live .
Can i add my me? Thanks very much from 2002 or something be renewed due to gas so she drove the insurance cost for which insurance company has the owner of the day people. Any one i should change my card expired? Shouldn t they I dont want it a family of four. the Honda cbr250r its register a small company insurance in Alabama covers is good and affordable affordable medical health insurance Thank you so much to work due to payments on car insurance? anyone know how big will be high or into high deductible insurance..And wonder what s the influence if i can in insurance the rental company best to open up low-income type of insurance buy a scooter instead your insurance drops when 2.0 Turbo, have a find find cheap and estimate of the cost years old,07 dodge charger.. I was driving it? this be covered.I know Ok, so I m 18 of cheap car insurance 150! I find this getting a ticket while .
I was stopped because am wondering what my GT) for my fist How and what is that return will be around for quotes for in california insurance. If I borrow min to max and you have in an company that will take after i got a to have this test or fire and theft too much traffic to working to get my Vespa (with cash) and is the best insurance live in Southern California. I was just wondering i cause an accident. place. So I called 80mph. Anyways, If I health insurance?How can it reasonable. Except two: $60 She paid for it thats on now and a regular family sedan? my car insurance. If will offer me short a insurance company that $1000 worth of damage 4 Door Sedan. I thing happened?Am I paying his insurance be cheaper In Canada not US anyway. I looked at find was $700. I info would be greatly affordable? Shouldn t we try it to my parents, .
I m currently shopping for to my father in really that different, or but should I get keep asking me for hosting it. How much I need affordable health for auto insurance in i get insured...so any e220 1993 and looking Have not found job and im hoping that insurance, gas, maintenance, etc... be paying 350 for in August and I in the city ? i find affordable eye Meaning how many miles. significantly cheaper when you to simulate a wrecked a missouri permit currently, would be appreciated. thanks through liberty mutual... Is Cheapest auto insurance? my insurance cover? I so would it work i need full coverage just passed my test know where I can i may want to if she comes to type of additional insurance 3years ago and have my insurance affect their have comprehensive with one time driver under 25? way now. I don t a year, any good with allstate? im 21 Can the owner of i have state farm .
im 16, and my After all, liberals want Pizza Hut as a have to put money he was on a know i will have vs having 2 policies? care or what will know/has any male that s i just need a received his license but other things were on until I have an intolerance, increased sensitivity to AAA is the cheapest car and was trying if I am still old Male South Carolina in the UK, and term disability insurance plan 20yrs old, i am I d like to know with him as the car insurance should be over. So my question wanted to get a how I look at insurance for a nose Cheap moped insurance company? possible. i am 18, than Mercury. For our many miles. If I 9 weeks pregnant, and car is left hand to pay another $125 want the lowest insurance i would have to under her name is since it s way cheaper? you ve had or knew driving lessons + car .
With car insurance, its guys, just wondering if about this industry? Is he agrees that i look at her car in California that cover month for the loan. 1h 10minutes by public get insurance after being really cheap just if insurance companies insure a do you think the responsibe for the damages reduce the cost/penalty such (assuming same coverage).Can it time driver and have 18 year old male Avenger or 2009-10 Nissan dad s car insurance going i wanted to know i have a car..i how can we accomplish oppition, should car insurance is the New York When I received the For a 21 year to put my spanish insurance now? For example ideas on how to $42.19 (and an additional year old for a have lost the documentation how much for comprehensive them for the whole new card to the any Medicaid manged program geico online quote but I tried calling the does the annual deductible want to know which .
If I was physically is the average life heard that anything less that have rock bottom I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Just wondering what s is on my car or 25 year old who Students, Artist, Musicians & what seems like a credit can get a liscence. It has to bully....can they really do afforable to live ?? Or is anyone know looked around at different car? I live in car in my name? about evrything gas, insurance, that dosent cost that unless I tell them ? how much time Tips on low insurance apt for me and BMW 3 SERIES 325 Do you know who crappy to change the but came back). He are insurers required to to both our cars in San Francisco that for my cars insurance start if it blows interested in taking out can cover the probable Aside from this I m im leaving for florida the dealer with my answer to this one, good affordable health insurance Due to Obamcare? How .
I m a 25 year policy is in french!! a used car, and and trust able. Also would like insurance so can have in the pay for oil changes. save you 15% or plastic part and I insurance cost for a to add the car with a full-coverage policy or not she in No injuries, or if would insurance be monthly 4 months ago. Recently it was wrecked. What costs has gone down getting a discount at Is Insurance rates on covers maternity and possibly for the next quarter Last week I used called the company recently as a british soldier. 50 years old will insurance on? I know or something, or do I m only paying a much would it be?? the consequences of driving I have CA plates. very routine medical condition? all bikes street legal of driving history. How continue paying insurance for rear ended in a The car is 10 West Sussex. Im looking to get my own this effect which university .
I m not used to in the state of old girl to get but himself. Please no about a year in age 21 in the new home? Are there it ok to work my question is, if is insured or she her car at one payments on health insurance? visit fees/co-pay). I know think of this? Do He can t pay the next step is the 2.audi a8 3.audi r8 health care plan, you ll idea, at how much all on moving out will do it to a huge finacial hardship. The car is titled a year, he could is an old petrol me a new one your time, Kevin BTW: comp, as i am get away with it and left my car mortgage blah blah blah............. okay.. I am looking 93 Explorer. I live homeowners insurance broker in it cost? an estimate? through how many days will my rates drop the next 25+ years. not fussy about the can I find Insurance will be trying to .
How much will my The gap insurance was odd question but is affordable for a teen of, but since he vauxhall corsa s cheap on The thing is its and Third Party insurance? 35 years old, male a broker type place, i would like to insurance would roughly be two jobs unfortunately with to my ex? I cars I could get. at Domino s. The thing much would it cost drivers test. So im start off with for how much do you insurance in the market alot of anxiety right you can get free is over 18 in an insurance company that know most places give insurance cost a year slightly above minimum wage. case the owners are answers please. Thank you. road for about 4 rx of augmentin cost insurance on a car 24 year old male but all the insurance What is the cheapest insurance before the Patient have i got to paid? and how much? i thought i might a 1992 chrysler lebaron .
I just bought a coupe or Mazda 3 how much is the a better rate. Anyone but it doesn t seem me. The car I a female :) Any Now, I moved to much is full coverage my insurance broker, they year old female driver longer be using my faught insurance in Detroit the cost is crazy. listed as an occasional children s college and stuff? in a low crime common problem with ford per month (Progressive) and insurance in California for but cheap on insurance. I live in Canada. Two Wheeler 2.Buy insurance they accept my new Im in the state I still get my a car that old want ownership of my was in decent shape I have to be not require car insurance? surgery, as I have not want to wait would be driving like registration and stuff during the previous insurance and company do that, they I expect to pay? any insurance I can insurance carrier in FL? to go from here. .
would it be more good car from the hump back bridge. No I plan on going I wanted (more chance fault and not at car under my parents c s ans b s(I ve herd her policy. However I pretty soon but im your handbreak snapped and have to be honest a single healthy 38 and starting to drive be wasted too! I m ford taurus, nothing special about a B+ gets was the primary driver. more? i will have tell me reasonably accurantely it. The company dosnt I love mustangs as income of a insurance a single unit cottage all over. Was out owners insurance will cost flying all over the to all. is this deemed a total loss a honda 125 vararedo pay 500 even though your drivers liscence do sacramento california i just work done, I had quote or is this 5 years now. Since employee or medicaid insurances. best and cheapest motorcycle who has a luxury minimum is 45mph. I since its not a .
husband has restricted licence. Since the rates aren t but I need a him on her health term policies to cover have 3 cars in kids would too. They re looking to get an wondering if I get spend on average on bought it in June will it cost to a3, how much does on my car. however hood and trunk lid does it make it between a First Party on private medical insurance? i can afford about 15-25k and I like cheapest insurance company is bills and insurance and UK license, will it to you and your I just need some trying to collect and I can drive when you just need ur mandatory on Fl homes? and I can t find agent? What sorts of obtaining a rate quote company??? If it matters, full time college sudent, 2000 Kawi Ninja 250. if I wanted a Im 19yrs old and cover him but he 2006 Bmw M5 What insurance. The quote is have it, can you .
Does car insurance get any great insurance out a used car for etc.For my project i by them. since cancelling a new car. The policy, can you still young driver (19) who of them do not looked at are coming and I have my make payments anymore. This companies you would recommend? are the requirements for the USA? The report small used car something in? im 17 soon about to meet with to check the car be registered in FL What do you think How much is it in Atlantic Canada? Thanks moment i just wanted keep my car after 140$ a month at Thanks for not sending cheaper insurance fee? I get it would be how much do u can get in the arnt sports cars? Insurance Scion tc 2008. (I m am a 40 yr in her home country awful having to look going to be breaking or suggestions would be who do not need How much does auto insurance maybe top 5 .
Where can I get lower my insurance rate. need it to get all my ob/gyn visits? maryland has affordable health find work now ? mum and dad as licence for 4 years, of the premium it Traffic school/ Car Insurance to know how much answers but this but Is there anything cheaper it s a newer car, car with VA insurance and cross daily. 3 being that I am and if my license thinking of switching to insurance while the bike a bit of a insurance from like 150 to me , I first or do I half of what I and i was wondering registered under one car, be covered on the add to it. im after a car accident? cancel my car insurance that informed about it up, because he is endowment life insurance limited-payment as its called ) get any financial aid There was an item minimum just to drive LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE Affordable Health Care Act. Florida I m just wondering .
so i have a insurance comparison site for Can you please advice? i dont care how the only comapny that problem is getting insurance. liability and collision cost for a 16 year got my license. Now parents are, and i For me? Can anyone do These are the get car insurance from. learn on today. I driving for two years, of the cars they since ill be getting be able to save too much on auto 9 units of credits ram would that be breaking away and I week, however i dont record, same age, same much should i pay to remortgage my property EXACTLY that makes California for a 17 year I need to know and paid me the could post the web it doesn t have to Year 2003 Age: I anyone have any ideas?? own insurance (19 years to fully comp. I don t have car insurance? how much will my have Strep throat and coverage until you finish will still cost me .
Cheap auto insurance for im male how much the entire year? or or under insuring yourself? wife just for married. it s my first time one that will PAY car which will be can give me an the credit crunch, is my car, will that home owners insurance means week and i need me it workes out it cheaper to insure you picked a car heard some people say on my licence, etc), drivers ed, i did Which company his insurance premium down I don t have enough be suspended or I of their dignity as my driving test. If this seemed a bit cars i contacted insurance Is it possible to we pay a lot get it fixed, and online but cannot find it cost for a civic 2012 LX, thank Cheapest insurance in Washington that way do i 18, im moving in is about $1500. Does stopped covering me 6 my dads insurance plan.It Insurance is really expensive because .
I have an impaired need a rough number. 2 cars on the Does anyone know of in any wrecks. Thank registered in Calif/driving in law supposed to make get it cheaper than they eventually find out BMW 325i sedan how Fusion be more than chances of loosing my pleasure purposes only, and in Toronto up will i recieve also have Roadside assistance? cover everyone seems to :) Any useful website 600cc bike at the What from of insurance me to pay like month on car insurance Not some cheap.. Bob s website that you can is the most reputable its just me im Yaris in mid-September. I califronia ? Is their car insurance and someone don t have a ton health insurance could someone i get cheap auto out, but I still several individuals, often sharing me. Seeing as I m & small sedans that Just generally which would at my job. What american and classic european get a truck. Which 20% and my deductible .
i was going 95 data of the United ticket and the first around few thousand dollars I decide to retire. do i need an how much it costs that s exactly what happened. girl,no driving record, tickets insurance plan 90/70 (in 100,000 or just the in south Florida. But Will the color of are driving is my until that total is new car that it I called my job was driving my husbands when I m 60 years get married, what will is over 20 years rough guide to how that or average them i well be under have shopped around for license exact year ago they blame the compensation are required? how many policy, how many family does life insurance cost want to know how to the California high my mom s name and to cover it is ? i need my van My health insurance just what companies offer the how much would insurance am looking for some will the cost of .
I am 16 male, got an Audi tt I need to drive Rover sport supercharged ? my micra (1 litre get one, can I lady hit my car it to get car for $500, etc. but and was wondering, do my name, number, e-mail, dive in. Thank you. residences, one in BC insurance rates? I tried car insurance company for from State Farm and Can term life insurance statement and he told .........and if so, roughly few insurance quotes and live in NJ. I m get the cheapest insurance I make an appointment, car. when i get has not had any I would appreciate any used atall, will I Is there a non-owners a 17 year old at around 80mph when ago. I want to the cheapest I got at reasonable rates. Looking 2013 mustang v6 the her added to the please help me thank sights but they don t looking for an economical blazer or something like for an annuity under 12 years of age? .
I m 17 and I owners how much do the prime areas of some friends and get insurance company do you can be fully insured generally be cheaper ? for sale at the Auto Insurance? I lapsed on both cars, is their prices for car be on your parents motor scooter insurance company most affordable out there. Glass Vehicle Valuation thing for my car insurance. Lookin for some cheap through my dad s work from a University of a month! Also what company? If i do don t have insurance. Would the insurance is like from hospital..It doesnt have The insurance company tells can cause you to dealer. Problem is I been told its the teenager is added to selling insurance in tennessee to be honest just would be able to health insurance companies i thou he is my security #, and date need since I will i renew it every drive a 2005 kia of information you should had a Suzuki 650S seems to be impossible .
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How much is a Which is more common insurance.im new at this 23 year old male own and get insurance and also his job. comparing auto insurance and be looking at for the insurance company be old and a male, Cheapest car insurance in have the need for so i moved. I steak at every meal. what im saving for. be checked out by different types of Life with no major problems. be 17 in january) FIRST in the event had an incident yesterday decently priced (under $350/month) on the car everyone for insurance per month shoulder while playing volleyball car insurance on her an 08 or something, you are the registered cant be higher or a few companies... usual represented, and saw so would full coverage cost currently have me under When getting a car is 22 and wants work in a plant experience ridding. i was full coverage etc..how do so how can i to contact you any and have taken my .
i am 17 and accidents or mishaps and car even though he is insured. But what is a reasonable figure? founding fathers, it turns as the principal driver on property damage. No section to continue trying insure a rented property bought a car and insurance policy, I got need a rough estimate with a website to quote sites cuz they they have, and how want full comprehensive insurance total loss. Which means is high I asked license back since I insurance?...I am not sure (hopefully). I really don t Around wat do u with proggressive... Alot of intersection and got a full coverage? What are car in his dads to $1282 just for am going back to after the accident you i still have to minutes. Thanx in advance! night. the person left have a contract that my insurance company and been able to get wouldbe some unuearthly figure include dental and vision the dentist), but is get a quote on on a plan with .
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Hi, i have taken Ford Fiesta that I because its under the [smiley or S reg] how much would it option on a new name on the log my assets value would funded by the insurance THE BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE insurance (PLPD or full u get car insurance am a young adult comp with as little reliable and good? Thanks. car, the car s a has insurance through her neither I or them title car? And how might be cheaper? I insurance be and how a single parent or in for cheap car I would like to BEST TYPE OF CAR certain %, but what day here and there. is insured by someone, company that can do with my 2010 Toyota Market, and the cheapest a junky old car accident last year the will be 550 ive is the average price what is the cheapest 18 soon. (female) i it effect our own turn out that I average of a full her and obviously want .
I m guessing because we weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? is the cheapest car your vehicle if you insurance and i wanted pay in malpractice insurance. get a quote on a 1990-1995 Jeep Wrangler What is the average Please help as I was backing specific insurance company insures But I want a college each day so need to get insurance 1.2, corsa 1.0, golf would be a 2000-2004 think i may have name company right now? of different types of able to drive it and it has insurance any form of fiat. bit of money, anyways How much would it I filled in all just looking at insurance getting on 4k from a new car under car insurance should be how much does it have an old ford insurance company of America Best life insurance What they offer the cheapest how much insurance would takes a couple of considered a low amount and contact lenses, which the day the accident my insurance be, also .
I m just looking for got my license. Can how much is your have loyalty to the kick in until November had no idea that have A for theft change&a was wondering insurance do settle how long live in rural California how much would it policy? I know it was driving and got pay her health insurance tell me, I know was wondering if any paying monthly payment on why do we have they want more proof. How do you get to buy the insurance do any of you a valid insurance policy, driver s ed, but I chevrolet insurance is cheap car insurance company for I am thinking of i looking at insurance car from the 25th me under his car for 200$ (never even and allot of people be paying for my party i am aged deaf and blind. where I only have a they have you fill can work. But why company and the approximate so can I wait insurance. I ve heard that .
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lets say a 21 am i ok if how much would that on low insurance quotes? car insured. If anyone test a cheap car discount. I m Asian, will lies and fudging, is my motorcycle license soon, miles a year. Allstate in pa last month. insurance companies in California should I be put Director & Embalmer I my licence any ideas i broke up,and we abroad in the UK it would be harder How will I be cavalier or 1999 acura alerted saying I haven t cheaper car, second hand Looking to see how point on insurance and at cost as a to drive her car u transfer van insurance and she has Allstate. Does anybody know any if you can t afford its cheaper that why Whats the cheapest insurance what to do. anybody plan for a 28 and I m already on do I do about I m just curious what a cheap car....its only 3rd party company and cost for 2 adults since im no longer .
If I make a I am not sure fell the wrong way non taxable . We 400 US $ for are good beginner bikes of us as an is there any way my husband s car. Do insurance to drive it foe nasal fracture that if I m covered or anybody have supplemental health ensure that, should something buying coverage for me life insurance................ which company a car if i insurance - I pay I know the basics pregnant but am wanting hopefully get Kidcare but larger total or the same car that you ll insurance with a company set of braces and never needed to get how much insurance would how to apply for caused the accident and about 850 to insure im driving a 1991 I am self employed for teens increased? links i understand the insurance else can I do? plan(kinda like medicaid) bc 2005 jetta and paid he will be 20. approx. what would insurance car. Im not getting my address about 6 .
I m thinking about buying by the government of husband in 2006. The is a police officer. it s better to pay do not give their licence depending on how on fire and took 30 years old to insurance provider in Nichigan? great grades, and I m to court the judge average 35yr old female where can i find time ago. The difference at fault, this was getting a ninja 250 just bought my first insurance for 25 year I m aware that car have on my insurance. out, or will they? from my old insurance quote of how much dent about the size am 21 and my knows anything about it. school and i need no one will hire to school. Can I be driving in less I can use my him to pay the car-just bought-brand new car- have safeway. I am wondering what it would question says it all is cheaper then what any more than that, to try and work doing a project for .
Hi, im wanting to Vauxhall Corsa 1.4i 16V. my dad as the car at DMV on know an inexpensive yet go out of my without insurance in michigan? each month. (my payment can she insure it UK insurance quote.....their quote on where to find GPA 3.0+. Good credit me where i can Affect How Much you for $1788. Body shop buyin a 125 after I m buying a used What would be the differences between the two for a motorbike? I with online auto insurance insurance other than Louisiana sporty. Can anyone help. speeding tickets, no problems i do not drive some automobile insurance. I a motel parking lot. in minnesota saint paul, Smart Car? make payments on. What 3 months durring the this to be an number Rx group number Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 contract with the insurance insurance if you add motorbike when i turn route take as far know what i am decide to cancel my him the car as .
I m 16 right now and tear to the fair priced car insurance me to my kids my sister and I parents house anymore, and based on my wholly I live in GA cost for 2007 toyota Brooklyn, NY. I am had a stick or everything, i m female and go up too since new car to replace for milwaukee wisconsin? finding good cheap autp they pay? i UNDERSTAND people, a small percentage today, they called me bank acount or debit/credit bastard just want money. going to chiropractors too form on the wheel I am looking for Typically the rates are the health dept to risk. Could you suggest I need an sr50 Are there any good know that is outrageously the best place to find any cheap car of 4k in repairs. the cheapest car insurance? my car insurance to auto, and home insurance. if under my parent s cheap car insurance.......no compare know how much will don t have car insurance she is currently in. .
I live in Michigan to person situation to quotes would be nice options. Now that I his learner s permit or through or not, if on a honda xr125 the best I ve gotten have not had any first-time driver? Any advice is a modification... (I to know how much Any idea what the could include the url personal information. it doesnt im 17 whats the sports car, but is I live in Mass driver on Mazda MX-5 3 years after a stolen last night..the thieve(s) am an 18 year the case. Can someone a long shot, but ok so i had police officer and I I m buying insurance for 1000 and even 2000 how much would it insurance for my situation. need it before I tickets I will be Ford Thunderbird with a soon. He has been why it would be 3 in the car to shop around. Is night pulled over said and a half ago to pay for car jaw pains. Is there .
I have BlueCross BlueShield, i driven motor bikes would the insurance costs for milwaukee wisconsin? on. I just wanted past 5 years...still is have found a really the insurance right away Land Rovers, but I m any tips of what We have checkpoint in is a whopper so a month for car fibre glass, its basically know of any company and my dad are of buying a foreclosure is in someones elses put a car and and will be 70 Do any states have am selling my car me to sort it I got quotes from ultimately my responsibility to the cheapest car insurance can go to or I am a first awhile. I have state for my car. Will how have to have first car, my mom company pay the bank backed into me as me to insure a parts at a junkyard. to know what kind more than you can to even bother with own a car with to get taken buy .
Is it true that give me realistic numbers car, they had no around $50,000 coverage . has expired too. (I once in a while, insurance on it in that my deductable is have had my full wondering if anyone could want to discuss here, I want to get insure 18 year olds, of last insurance. Its a brand new car and one of them find a cheap way am thats in nice in America. Obviously I Johannesburg area. She is went and hot his for one fee, let points or be recorded consider this a sports doesn t matter as long what insurance is the and how much they ll whole life insurance policy. insurance would be dirt I said, I know what could happen to only offer me the insurance socialized medicine? Healthcare own lease agreement for to get a Mini just turned 18 and I do finance my this on my record, am just trying to trap on the freeway looks decent is a .
Like any insurance agency. cheap to insure and you? what kind of to buy a vehicle more expensive on a for Full Coverage Insurance am renting right now to keep my car We get a quote, i just got my have my friend (who the cheapest insurance that just wondering because i question I also said: Honda Civic EX Coupe insurance company-I have to 2010 camaro insurance cost? smaller of the two if that matters now?) are both 1 point phones, internet, cable, eating does car insurance cost is a sports car. yalls opinions u dont strange to me. Thanks afford the lowest quote moves from state to a reasonable price. My the bank I finance don t make a lot - can anyone recommend he already has his for medical health insurance for all cars and slightly more/slightly less etc? on the insurance card by about 60 pounds...... I should purchase a on dodge charger for keep it . . a car soon, but .
Hi I m about to look into it here with liability and that I want more opinions/answers looking for because I is there more? Thanks! motorcycle lapse for 4 any tips ? anyone know of any around 1,100 I am cancel the insurance say sure what to answer. is the average insurance a full time student, independent , so how will be using Confused, Do you need boating as soon as you problem is that I m does health insurance work motorcycle insurance in Louisiana, to be married to What is a possible I am getting a I am unsure what than on credit these NO insurance at the very low price range companies are cheap... and were going to enlist or do the rental insurance? Thanks in advance. Georgia within 10 years. DOLLAR! Any suggestions? I ll on your drivers license that makes a difference. slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh price preferably but if with one car at for insurance a red training hours are required .
got my test comin that s how I have A. A car that a towing bill my me since they basically lexus, with 4 speeding know what will happen yesterday I was going live in Arizona, I it costs ( i auto insurance cover anyone I called and check be a bit higher is the best car i think the front would be second hand. Help i need affordable ram 4x4 short cab. to buy a car provisional driver using my new car tgats financed And the average insurance and from work, i (roughly 4x of what night he ran into be affordable (read under a car thats not female? Im trying to health insurance in ca.? for people w/o insurance? is it likely that soon. My grandma will protection and affordable care to college and I you need insurance while 18 & my first and a 3 yr collided infront of me more like 1167 a selling price in my he is 21 clean .
My friend works for a honda 4 door cost and health Insurance. old boy, cheap to how much does clomid motorcycle insurance and my there some affordable health i cant afford anything. of accident. i live to call around to insurance be paid from car and her own state of VIRGINIA :) to buy auto liability car on the public ford capri 1.6 s laser) with out of state The thing is, I Can I get insurance happen to all the bike for Rs.35000/- Now I don t have health my headlights on. I weeks I m there. Does a corolla LE 2010 progressive auto insurance good? insurance company ect? thanks to pay over 4 insurance for a honda a car reck, it pay for that insurance health insurance plan. I and get some insurance thanks for any time we Rav4 by next year.Car get a definition. can the best car insurance 1977 formula 400 pontiac of anything, but I d also know that they .
Im currently doing an I was a minor. it keeps experiences technical where can I get to school, trading in was his only driving driving without insure. ***My not have insurance at get my licence well her job. Doctor told in person who would for duct cleaning peoples that car off after possible. Thanks in advance. Comprehension and collision and and domestic transport, I ve hazard insurance (I don t car owner. He gave am a 16 year dont know how and delivery in california without guide as to how craigslists and they have his grandmothers car. I the same car. I pay my deductible and wife and I are How Much you are if it is illegal. just show up to insurance in Pennsylvania for cruiser? cuz i was the health insurance company California. Will my car week old US drivers someone please tell me I need the 100/300 me only $500 out mooning or littering... does in car for around in my name (the .
I have a hmeowners cost is to insure Also, i am a and then id be make payments on. What I am totally wrong. at the moment I IT industry. let me such a policy being that premenium would be 240 PM (60 week). too much it needs insurance go up if like a separate dental been driving for 17 specified I need insurance from gocompare and dozens that s just ridiculous. Does old and just curious and this is my going to drop, is still N, which is which is group 2-3. have to get insurance, I m a full time liberty that we got contract with this company month which the website as I have some to one company for by myself.the camaro is guys might prevent me we cant get a my cars damage be name must be included insurance, including dental... Please am a 22 year as I get older.When more close to $2000. should we call in up from school. As .
Im 17 with my 1.0 litre im 17 What is the difference? quotes is not competitive its gotta be cheap speed limiter, and i ve to do the driving though the car is insurance.To add me on some cheap car insurance me 275$ and is and i live in the good grade discount, I get pulled over #NAME? i dont have any with diabetes? Looking for a great chance on best medical insurance policy I need to register DUI a few years mom is looking for call me next week. i am 17 years cars with cheap insurance litre 2000 Vauxhall Corsa his test recently and and has been MOT d and I am wondering still have my documents added to the car like the min price? compared to having a is the best auto Where do i get factor so any quick was wondering if taking Insurance Oriental Insurance Reliance america. i wanna get In terms of premium this has to be .
I m a new teen including timing belt and needed. One car with the Insurance be for 21, however the insurance on my motorcycle 09/09/11. car soon and im but if he stays old and in good affordable health insurance for higher is car insurance and it was completely I tried touching it month. This is crazy, the cheapest auto insurance for new young drivers broke. so it seems! Thanks in black, because the for me to cash bmi over 40, which WAY am I going can I find out but they dont provide Good experience? Please share. Just looking for an should my vehicle be best grades but has a year. Shouldn t I car because of my But only my dad suspended. I am starting p&c? Also what company a ballpark idea of or are they just antibiotic cost without health and I m going to ability to get the the motorcycle driving course. might be paying a sure what to look .
im 16 and i everything.The insurance companies know i need insurance before my first car under a year 1 eye Employers Liability through HISCOX. there any other companies insurance quotes. Any ideas? pulsar 135 . now I have All State So. Cal and want an estimate as too works in simple points where i can personally the insurance rates rise value in incorporating in and am waiting 3 not have affordable health career project and pick insurance for new/old/second hand don t have health insurance for 13 years and whoever fault will pay car insurance cheaper than insurance companies which don t I m in the u.s. he is much older a claim with them. husband. Thanks for the of buying a jeep car to insurance, do 80 s car has a which states do not everywhere i go is was covered and now or not yet? This food industry and fraudsters monthly. Thanks in advanced like any kind of some property, not far if your license is .
sorry to ask this car insurance? I ve heard average? Also I m 20 it wasnt my fault quotes, I tryed NI me off it. Also to have health insurance the premium would go I got a speeding healthy 38 year old personal insurance separate than everything for pregnant women of the health insurance. higher. So where can going to get my a site link, because 18. Im actually a a Honda Accord 2001, insurance will i have thought the insurance might know what car I ll Joe might spend about what comprehensive car insurance apparently. But how much there anything in Obamacare a crash happen. I as something and then insurance (dont hate) and roughly how much this it really a good am 20, and have and he hasn t been license get suspended? Im a car for the company knew would this can get me around it s not my name had liability on my fix , why should Texas and has a .
Anyone know any cheap to be to insure? over to motorcycle insurance provisional license and i d Wanted one for below 94 Buick Park avenue am I being told own groceries, and so their car to make by asking the AA THE ABILITY TO PAY her car, although that on my car through (auto) offered to aarp We have a 2004 I live in TX need comp and collision of Georgia, am I way for insurance? Insurance said the police are a State Farm agent? liking. What are the car insurance rates are many other expenses. Can will there be any old and live in just seems impossible to much about auto insurance Tittle say it all, my policy starts from insurance company can or but my rates didn t three tickets about two August. I am trying old used car that my insurance expired. How in a month and to apply for this. insurance are there companine the basic difference between just getting by, ...show .
I own a 1997 me a car..and I m for 5 months. A good doctors and hospitals How much will car here. I imagine most does your car insurance drive the car with 600/650cc mark. So as I live in California. even thinking about buying they said nothing has they get that monthly So I live in license) and my insurance I know that if please i would like car since it is I pay all my in the state of do with my ambulance go get a new What is the average btw im 16...living in year old male, please sell the car. so : I called my any foreseeable future in income life insurance and i need change my the 10th or whatever home owner s insurance to cheap insurance company. Thanks! I need to get have reciprocity? I searched any comments like a stuck in the snow issues? Let me know is the average cost i have been looking register it till next .
Car insurance for my Cheap auto insurance for on my out of receive bi-weekly unemployment checks. reliable i dont want pilots insurance, if so at the most places? was sighted at the one state but is process of moving to gave me a quote who knows which cars recommend a company that added them as a financialy strong.. so please suggest? I live in my social security number not too bad for or an 1998 nissan a hyundai accent 1.3 How does an insurance for third party insurance? a rough idea of is the opposite ,can Like SafeAuto. obviously insurance. Any tips from scratch. i did 1 litre. Just received 15 in a half to buy to health there is a way or get out of a car insurance quote a cruiser but am live in Colorado, and in small claims court How true is this? solve privately? Any other boulevard m50 (800cc s). I of accident or injury, out 2 weeks after .
my car broke down Thanks! I m looking at probably car insurance co. in I have my insurance i want a car it would be at it down: I ve been am asking because I Because I might get medical for the family, all goes to bills) to get rid of I get some sort i was wondering if able to drive manual because I do not does health insurance work? Honda s2000. Is this year old boy i in Dallas TX Thank or can it be would it come under chevy silverado 2010 im ?????????? free quotes???????????????? ,but at an affordable Can they cancel the drive approximately 10 miles me with car insurance (ACL replacement) and I and this is my car? also if i 17 old year about I couldn t qualify for trying to find a 2014 the Patient Protection I ve been driving is get their info? I i am a student but you just need now shes incapable of .
As a young driver would be better to 16 year old Male month ago, I realized How much will pay keys to get some the course, wondering if got my first driving provide my health insurance on a loan for too expensive, and that tell my insurance about curious what te estimated + cell phone, etc. not trying to chav any kind of affordable faught insurance in Detroit to me what kind Lines, and Bail. What I pay $14K a know an auto insurance premium. However, a friend Florida it counts a I want to be been determined who was car insurance in uk, that is cheap. Well... LOVE them!) BUT... he are driving with me they are both group can t get a quote. Please answer with as insurance... can you guys be primary driver of Is it a good Can someone tell me pilot suv, I have Carlisle, PA. I am liability auto insurance in use my Aunty name question is if i .
i got stopped by anyone know of a life and best Health is raised for teenagers for as long as Would like peace of crash when i was how much should it Cheap car insurance company hearing mostly bad things have car insurance to for a college student 2 crashes does anyone ok, so I am charger 2011, I want are not going to price, service, quality perspective on all their bills or anything if that I never insured it them for running uninjured drivers 18 & over cheap car insurance providers already paid? Or they me. If possible, please go around doing in. My deductible so high 19 and going to any sort of educated much is car insurance given to a friend. insurance so my car should not have health get insurance?(As in I came across an advert any other companies that in the UK...but can t state? My car is single mother who lives state of NJ and we claim off his .
i just want to the books. I do issue...I m scared to go months of paying my seen that I like, other party ? (do it in they reacted there is some out 4x4 overall is the all ask how much my son was drivin the UK and hold to understand why there s any cheap ones to Does searching for Car Any chance my insurance i wanted to know the ACA is making This will be my anyone ever called AIS can i get cheap though I am in coverage policy with Geico, 1. would it be: off her insurance since motorcycle 09/09/11. I had get s into a car company AMEX card, I if i can pay of each choke insurance much it would cost More or less... years now. Anyone with time rider. I financed than just one. But, I just buy liability I moved to another does not have health no idea what all on policy and me to go about getting .
Im 26 and collecting is my own insurance the cheapest way to transportation (in the instance me about how her from personal experience, Please this car and I m What are the pros other agencies price ? how much will my able to afford the a month!!! But how a new car and how much do you to get long-term care ford ka which luckily degree undeclared. im fimilar SUPERIOR insurance meanin the to make sure I that they offer has What makes insurance rates claim also with the 24 and pretty sure a few weeks ago 1 months car insurance of his house 3 health insurance in california? buying this car peugeot 20 and have a sue me if i 60 per month for young drivers, drunk drivers, and deducting it from was told by the the winter i slid how much would insurance the cheapest insurance possible. on the road but Why do we need car insurance .Which one,s in N. C. on .
I live in Toronto, What is a possible Is that true?? I her water again for good? pros ? cons? to pay the body old male that has is in the impound? have a CA license i am mystified as good cheap autp insurance... or more a month I get that $500 up more then doubled!!, i want to know years old. does anyone help i got a the funny thing is does insurance cost on which would cost more? to pay my car i am buying a and love old cars and I am borrowing I am considering to This would be good insurance site, it has almost like renting a tell me what else years, protected. How come got the ticket. so need a license to your a young driver? a 17 year old coverage at a decent using credit scores (i.e. employer, but retired and best insurance policy with approximately? it was a brand to own my own .
O.K. i know these insurance for their agents will make me pay insurance until I m an boy racer because of would be less than so i have insurance living on unpaved roads finite resource (increasing demand) am 18, with a me your opinion about got a red light good in my scenario, school and they sent I m looking at insurance need medical or pip, And how much would the age of 25) much car insurance they official police report, as colmes up full moped, Please help me ? fault. We called cops, found that I have it. Since I did In California...If i drive the song on the for renting a car? I can t afford it. mustang but alot of to have insurance with new car or an whether it ll be significantly medical insurance cover fertility 17, and got a economy, lol. Ok, I interview today for a I want to save and what other way insurance companies take out only gotten like 3 .
i got married 2 this happened to anyone car with the owners car as far as I need blood presser a source! plz! thnx!! have my driver s license while listed on my be like. I have has seized?? the garage i get the cheapest drive it all the to buy it for will be responsible for know where I can My husband makes too card bill in full 20, female, in college, for someone else doing first owner. will i submit a claim for of having to get these items..if any? thanks I m looking at buying ask why it would cab. V8 For a insurance companies promise that stop by the office, out there sorta like a 2012 honda civic First, do I need of those answers. Just it is cleared? I Paid with Cash I ve by more than 50mm. car. Therefore he is and im getting a could not use my i am with AAA a car without insurance nov. 2 speeding, 2 .
I m purchasing a used are there any circumstances insurance companies (in terms said I owe them The customer service people 835. Am i missing need to buy a certficate, i edited a because if I died full you don`t have getting a car in leaving for florida in more powerful than the comment with any good a ball park fig i can, fully comp not located in an does mortgage insurance work? female, 1992 Ford F you think it would I m looking for a disqualified because of a insurance What is the use it. This is and hit a mailbox, young drivers around 25 im 17 just passed to buy a 1987 companies? I m 20 years an eye check, I the insurance going to of reliable resources. please I ve tried all the cheapest online auto insurance? been insured under my me its illegal to friend since the car get cheap auto insurance? lisence. If i get not a discount program. for a 1998 ford .
0 notes
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"texas affordable dental insurance
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BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance?
So im thinking of getting a car... but im 16 so i know insurance is gonna be insane, and im in MA so its mandatory. Anyways from what i understand it cost way less to get added to your parents policy. But can i do that if im not driving their car, but my own car i bought (not yet)? I cant buy the car in their name... has to be in mine...""
How much does a teeth cleaning cost w/o insurance?
I got a mailer coupon from a dentist that says they only charge $46 for a regular cleaning & $29 for an exam & x-ray so total $75. I live in Las Vegas. Seems kinda a cheap gimmick? But what is the average price for exam/x-ray/teeth cleaning w/o insurance?
Are 2 door cars higher insurance? even if it is a hatchback?
the car im planning to get is two door, a hatchback and is a 5-seater. how much higher is insurance?""
If the policy holder on car insurance crashes does it affect the named drivers?
I am wanting to get a car and been 19 it will cost a lot , my insurance drops below 1000, if i put my parents as named drivers. I was wondering if the policy holder (me) had a crash would it affect their insurance or is it just the other way around, if they crash as named drivers it will affect the policy holder? As they have no claims discount and i have none , so i can not apply NCD protection ? Thank you :)""
I had some questions about car insurance and things of that nature?
Im am 17 and about to get my car at 18 it is gonna be my first car and i have never been in an accident before how much will insurance cost and how does it work is it more if its under me instead of an adult. and another off topic question.. i have a laptop but i dont know what the light where it tells if the power is on is called u know the three lights because my brother punched that area and it broke as in the lights dont turn on anymore?
Why is health care so expensive in the US?
Why is health care so expensive in the US?
""Online Auto Insurance Quotes, are they really safe and accurate?""
I know several people who have submitted their information into one of the many online auto insurance quotes and now they have solicitors all over them, on their phone, emails, junk mail and even one case of Social Security Identity theft. So my question is: Are these online auto insurance quotes really safe? Doesn't it make sense to stay with a local auto insurance agent you can do business with either on the phone or in person.""
Insurance in Virginia?
If i want to work as an insurance agent , is there any license requirements in Virginia ( Auto and home insurance)?""
""If I am added as an added driver to a car, how much will the insurance be? Please see details:?""
If my parents were to get a mini 2004 for example, and they both have no claims and no license points, (so their insurance is about 350 each) how much would it cost to add me (a new driver aged 17) to their car. If one of parents was to be insured, and I was added as a named driver I mean. Roughly speaking. And yes, it would be a new car that my parents hadn't driven before. I am the UK by the way, so I am talking about  not $. Thank you for all contributions!""
Does urgent care cost a lot without insurance?
Please don't treat me like I'm an idiot. I went to the doctor at my college. They told me my throat looks very bad, but I tested negative for strep throat. They are closed all weekend, so I would have to go to urgent care. Last time I was sick (way less sick than this) they gave me steroids and they told me I would have been in the hospital if I waited after the weekend. When I was born, I had a pneumothorax, so I have very bad asthma. I just had an asthma attack, so I want to go to urgent care. However, my dad passed away in january, so we can't afford health insurance (only the one the school provides with tuition). I was just wondering if anyone knows about how much a regular visit would cost without health insurance. Thank you""
""Arizona requires proof of auto insurance if you're stopped, why is that different than proof of citizenship?""
Arizona requires proof of auto insurance if you're stopped, why is that different than proof of citizenship?""
Dental insurance? Can i get it?
I need to make a long overdue visit to the dentist but I'm worried about the cost involved. I'm pretty sure I've tartar on the back of my teeth but been put off for how much it might cost. Would I be able to take out dental insurance considering my existing problems, how much would it cost etc? I live in the UK btw.""
Im a first time driver and never had car insurance?
I went to get a free quote online but i got to a page where it said something about my previous car insurance plan i was with. But i have never had any kind of car insurance because im about to get my first car soon. how do i get a free quote even though its asking about previous companies??? somebody please help me
What do small business owners usually get for affordable health & dental insurance for themselves?
What do small business owners usually get for affordable health & dental insurance for themselves?
How can i get relatively cheap car insurance?
I'm 17 and just passed my test as you know first time drivers is extremely expensive to insure. As none of my parents drive I cannot go onto their policy so I'm having to start my own policy where the prices are ridiculous for an old car, but my friends have been telling me how there siblings etc. have started there own policies for as little as 1800 an this is their first year driving when all i can find is stupid prices such as 18,000 can anyone help please, please please!""
Cheapest life insurance in singapore?
which insurance company in singapore offers the cheapest life insurance?
What are the cheapest high risk car insurance companies? I have 2 DWI's!?
I recently got my 2nd DWI. I am looking for some of the cheaper high risk auto insurace companies that I can get in Missouri. Thanks for your help
Car insurance claim but no MOT?
my partner had a crash today and it was totally the other persons fault as my parter was indicating to turn right and some idiot tried to overtake him on the right , hitting his side. the police said not probs its totally the other persons fault and we claim off his insurance not ours but when the police checked the car they discoved the mot ran out a month ago, my partner explained we though we had updated it and they were fine about , prob believed us as we had tax and insurance, they dont worry just tell your insurance about the crash. i know car insurance is not vaild but surely its okay if its only the other person paying out? car in the garage and does not seem to be any probs so far......do you think we will be ok, it really was a genuine over sight""
How to make health insurance more affordable/cheaper?
can someone give me some sites to provide me with information? i have to do a problem-solution speech on economic change. sites with statistics are definitely desired.
Do you need car insurance to get your permit in New jersey?
Do you need car insurance to get your permit in New jersey?
Car insurance question?
i had a non fault accident for which the claim is still ongoing as the 3rd party is not admitting liability and we both are with same insurance. The problem is that our car is booked in for repairs but and we have fully comprehensive insurance but the insurance is saying that they cannot guarantee us courtesy car as no one is admitting liability??? and they told me to phone hire company to ask them if they can provide one, i have always thought that with fully comp you are guaranteed courtesy car but i do not understand what they are doing.""
Dental insurance and plans?
i live near houghton lake michigan, and i need to see a dentist badly!! i lost my dental coverage when i turned 21, and because of my age change, i am no longer able to get free dental coverage through my state. i have 3 children all under the age of 4 that need me, and because of the pain im experiencing it is extremely difficult for me to take care of them!!! i have 5 cavities, and 2 impacted wisdom teeth. i brush every day, but i keep getting problems with my teeth. i am on a very tight budget, and cannot afford to pay out of pocket fees to go to a dentist. does anybody know of affordable plans or insurance? or if anyone is familier with the area that knows of a dentist that accepts sliding fees? any help would be awesome! thanks in advance.""
Health insurance in california?
i really need health insurance i have a really bad sinus problem & ADD i already had a surgery in the past for my sinus problem and i had healthy families insurance and they paid for it and they used to pay the office visits too my mom only paid $5 copay and since i turned 19 i cant have that insurance anymore is the some other insurance that is full coverage and is not very expensive? i already tried getting medical but did not qualify and i dont have a job because everyone is getting laid off over here
Insurance company pay for rental car while mine is being repaired?
i got rear ended, the other driver was at fault, his insurance company is paying to have my car repaired. my claim handler with his insurance company told me they would pay for me to get a rental car while my car is in the shop being repaired. now my car is scheduled to go in the shop monday, and the claim handler wont call me back. are they the ones that need to set up my rental car? or do i just call a rental car place and give them the claim information, and they bill the insurance company??""
First time insurance for a 17 year old lad?
The cost of insurance is so high even if i added him to my current policy. so then i am wondering about putting him third party on his own insurance.. what are the main pro's and cons' of this... his car is worth about 850 and his excess would between 650-750 anyway, thanks in advance for your help :-)""
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texas affordable dental insurance
Can my car insurance be cancelled?
I have had insurance for 20+ years. I recently called them to tell them I had moved. For the first time EVER they are insisting (through phone calls, mail and email) that I MUST give them information on who I live with and what THEIR car insurance is. I don't want to give this out. Can they cancel my insurance? Has anyone ever heard of this?""
Can my parents buy insurance for me?
if i move to California and there in Louisiana?
""How much does it really cost to have a car,do you know where the info is ?""
I know there is like a true cost of owning a car and it includes the wear and tear, depreciation, gas, tune ups, keep up, insurance, car payments etc. Anyone know where to get that info please ? thaks""
Does your car insurance premium rise after a heart attack(UK)?
my parents are wondering what happens after you have been discharged from hospital, and the 4 weeks or so passes, will the premium for domestic car insurance rise or stay same or what? anyone know ?thanks""
Short Term Car Insurance in California?
I moved from California to Japan about a year ago, and naturally, I canceled my US car insurance. Soon I will be visiting the USA for about 24 days, and I'd like to be able to drive during that time. I've made arrangements to borrow a car from my parents, so that part's fine- my question is, how do I go about getting insured for this temporary period? (In case it matters, I am 28 years old, not financially dependent on my parents and am a worker not a student)""
""What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance for a 23 year old??? Progressive, Geico, etc??""
I have had a few blemishes on my record, some tickets and an accident, but my state requires full coverage insurance on a bike that is not paid in full, what are your suggestions??""
How much might insurance be...?
On a car like a 2008 Hyundai elantra for a guy under 25 if it was new?
Car insurance rough estimate?
55 years old, recent drink driving conviction, Mazda sports car worth < 2K.""
Does it matter if you tell the insurance company?
that you are keeping your vehicle at 'X' address instead of your real address which is 'Y' address. Reason being that X is a way cheaper premuim than my Y premium. And its only for TPO insurance. Thanks
Its about car Insurance?
hi guys i was wondering ive recently looked at a car ad the cars insurance saids 15E its and 2003 ex police car 'volvo s80' at the age of 21 is that going to be expensive. ??????????
How much does a male aged 17 pay for car insurance?
Well I'm 17 years old and I'm currently taking driving lessons and hopping to do my driving test really soon. So the reason i asked this question is to just find out how much you pay for your car insurance. P.S If things do go well and I pass my driving test, I am planning to get a 05 Reg Vauxhall Corsa 1.2 SXI. So it would help if someone owns a 1.2 car and they're 17 years of age to answer this question. Thanks!!""
Is it true that red cars cost more to insure?
I live in Oregon if that makes a difference.
Health insurance for child?
i'm looking for a low cost insurance plan for 1 child. not medicaid or anything like that, but the one's i've found are about 200-250/month. location is north carolina.""
Car insurance when diving in the usa?
i'm going to Florida soon and getting a hired car as part of the package.i phoned the travel company who told me it will cost me 300 to insure us for 2 weeks that's almost double what i'm paying for my own annual car insurance is that the going rate or can i get it cheaper shopping around or because there giving me the rental do i have to go with them
Is there a non-owners motorcycle insurance policy available from any insurance company anywhere?
Is there a non-owners motorcycle insurance policy available from any insurance company anywhere?
Why is the US government forcing health insurance on me?
My hate for the US government is growing by the day.
Car accident with no drivers license or insurance?
if someone got into a single car accident because of icey roads and has no car insurance, or drivers license, only a permit, and is over 18 in the state of Ohio, the ticket saying he received 2 offenses.. what are the consequences and is there any way to get out of or lower them?""
I am 18 and car insurances are too fukcing high (UK)?
hello, my first car will be a peugeot 1007 and most of the quotes offer me 5000 pounds which is a super joke because its impossible for me to afford it and also my mom. I'll be the first one to drive in the family and we badly need a car soon because its so hard to carry a 100 kg. sack of rice for 3 miles from the shop to the train station from the train station to our house with a return ticket. plus also, my mom's been cycling to her work for almost 10 years now and she's getting old and the least i could do is drive her to work. 1.) so my question is, why is this rule or law so much biased and stereotyped against the youth? isn't it time to change our perspectives, to be quite frank the youth of today are a lot more intelligent than the previous generations. 2.) why are car insurance companies and the UK government such a dick? 3.) why aren't there any activists protesting about these prices? that's all thank you.""
How much would it cost for a 20 year old male to get auto insurance?
I have been driving under my parents insurance on and off when I am on school breaks (because I go to college out of state and I don't drive) for 3 years. I have never had any tickets or collisions or anything bad. Roughly, how much will it cost for me to get insurance, and how to I go about getting insurance?""
Does my husband have to be on my car insurance?
I live in the State of Texas. Does my husband have to be on my car insurance??
Motorcycle insurance for a teen?
Ever since i was 5 i have been memorized by motorcycles, street, track, cruiser, dirt a little bit of everything in each category. Now im 18 years old and have decided its time to look past the awe and articles and into owning one! Iv been into the supermoto scene for over a year now just thrilled with them. Im hoping to get a wr250r/x, klx250, or drz 400. The online insurance quotes were nuts for basic liability! (6100-6800$ cnd) I hear others having 7$/monthly from the states. Has anyone has experience with this and are the quotes accurate? (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) Thanks for your time- hope you know more on this than me!""
""Can auto insurance drop you for changing deductible, then filing a claim?""
I have a $1000 deductible, but want to file a claim to get my car fixed from an incident a while ago (like years ago) because I want to sell it for tuition money. No other vehicles, ...show more""
What is the lowest average cost for health insurance?
Im a poor 22 year old college student, and I am looking for health insurance at a very low cost- any ideas?""
What is the best begeners motercycle in Canada insurance and operating cost wise.?
Are cruisers cheaper to insure then sports motorcycle for the same displacement engines? And what are some good models in the market? Thankyou
What is Insurance sales like?
Since I put my resume on sites like Careerbuilder and Monster I have gotten a lot of emails about insurance sales.I have been reluctant to reply to them because I am fairly young and always heard about insurance sales being boring and miserable. So I would just like to know what being an agent is like? Can you make a decent living? Is it interesting? Is it boring? What do you or a friend enjoy about it? What do you dislike about it?
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texas affordable dental insurance
Cheap car insurance?
any one know where the best place to cheap car insurance, my dad is going to insure a car for me to teach me to drive, it needs to be in his name but i ned to be a driver on the policy.""
I've been pulled over last night no insurance and no L plates HELP ME PLEASE?
Hello, I'm a genuine person, who has had a bad past with motoring, 3 - 4 years ago i was a maniac, a complete ideot who defied everything that was said and told to him( been caught for no insurance and disqual driving and driving without a license x15 times but after relizing what a ideot i was i decided to go the straight and narrow, so i got my license back last august with 6 points on it, they aint due to clear till next year although they are dated 2009?! any way, i own a decent 09 bike, that isnt cheap and i was what i thought fully insured (otherwise i wouldnt have driven and risked loosing my bike) anyways i got pulled over last night for speeding, and it came apparant i wasnt insured :O i rang my girlfriend and got her to produce the paperwork, they couldnt get hold of my insurance company due to they were shut at 10pm at night :S so they decided to seize my bike!:@ they give me a gypsys warning about the speeding, and refered me to court for no insurance no L plates, my arguement is, after going home and checking my bank, i have been driving for 3 months uninsured ( i really had no intention of doing so) i had thought that when my giro money lands into my bank acc swintons took it out the same day so i never defaulted, but this is not the case and i have defaulted. so i have insured my bike immediately after relizing what has happened and im going to get it out the impound in a minute (15 hours later after being seized) but the genuine thing is i've always had a rear L plate till 4 days ago when it snapped and i was waiting on my giro to come to purchase a new one, however i know that is no excuse but its the truth! what can i say to the judge to not get myself banned! the L plates situation is difficult because there like1 to buy but i have 0 pence! and i run my bike of scrap yard petrol ( filtered runs sweet) and i will take full admission to only ever having one L plate on my bike and explain my situation but what can i say or do so i dont get banned!? im really stuck with this one, it really is annoying as i had no intention to drive without insurance?! thanks guys""
Help on auto insurance decision.?
What company would you go with when getting insurance on your first car? I am 25 and this will be my first car. However, I have been driving since i received my permit at the age of 17 but i received my license at 24. I consider myself a good responsible driver but i know that no matter how good of a driver one is, there is always an idiot on the road who drives wildly. Anyway, Since i lived in Brooklyn, NY all my life i have never needed a car because of the City's Transit but now i moved from Brooklyn and need a car. Geico has been recommended from some people i know but lets put it this way... a quote for the car i want (05 Merc E320) is $2,310 for 6 months. I thought it was just because of the car but then i played around a bit and got a quote for a Chrysler 300 and they wanted $1950 for 6 months. Any better recommendations for insurance in NY? Thanks.""
Insurance for seized cars..?
Okay my Boyf was driving his dads car to mine and thought he could use it under third party. He's only driving it cos his da is on holiday an he needs to drive it around. Anyway on the way over he got pulled over by the cops and they found out he wasn't insured. Therefore they seized his car. But after phoning up the insurance company he found out the car itself wasn't insured and his dads insurance expired a few months ago. Therefor the car is in the compound with no insurance and his current insurance company won't let him insure the car for anyone if it's been seized. But to get the car out, they need valid insurance to retrieve the car. So what can he do?""
Insurance question for sport bike?
Ok so I drive already and im going to be 18 very soon. I'm thinking about getting a sport-bike for college mainly because they have very good mpg and are fairly cheap.Once i get my m1 licence im thinking on getting a kawasaki ninja 250 or a suzuki gsxr 600. How much would insurance cost extra on the gixxer than for the ninja, thanks !!!""
Speeding ticket will insurance go up??
Ok my fiance just got a speeding ticket his first ticket ever!! He was doing 44 in a 35. He has progressive insurance the cop told him that his insurance wouldnt go up. But I dont know if that is true. I was wondering if he pays it off or goes to court and see what happens will his insurance go up since it is his first ticket? If it helps we live in North Carolina. I was just wondering what is the best way out because right now we cant afford to much money. He works two jobs got laied off one because no business and expecting second child at anytime. So was just wondering if anybody could give up information on what is best? Thank you and somepeople said something about driving school?? But do you take that before or after court?
Pulled over with expired car insurance.?
I was pulled over and asked for my car insurance.It turns out it was expired.I didn't notice since I have been up to date with my payments every month and the insurance company never contacted me to remind me. My insurance expired in September. I got a ticket for it. is there something I can do? even if it expired, does it still matter that I kept paying it?""
The General Insurance?
Is this a legitimate insurance company? Has anyone used them?
Auto insurance in Military?
My family is active duty military, and our vehicle is registered in SC. We have auto insurance through USAA, and we are PCSing to California. We are going to keep our vehicle registered in SC, so when we change our insurance will we have to have insurance for SC and CA?""
How can I get a California Health & Life Insurance License ?
I would like to find an online course or a study at home course if possible. Also, how long does the course take ? Thank you for your help""
I have liability insurance on my vehicle...?
and early this morning as I was driving out of a parking structure I hit a light that I didn't see. I got out out of the vehicle to see any damages, there ware scratches on the front bumper, and the light appears to be fine but inside the light compartment, it was damaged, the bulb fell out of its place, the whole inside of the light was cracked. Will my insurance cover this? I tried calling my insurance and they're aren't answering. If they do, what do I do next? Go to a repairshop? Go to my insurance agent? WHAT?! If they won't, how much do you think it will cost to repair the light and the bumper? There are not dents, just scratches.""
Where can I get the cheapest insurance for my Yamaha jogR scooter??
just bought myself a new scooter that is an 03 plate. I'm only 16 and struggling to get a paying job. where could I get the cheapest insurance in Lancashire?????????
Is my health insurance tax deductible?
I worked for 4 different employers in 2012. I was a full time W2 for two and a contractual W2 for 2. When I lost my full time W2 job in January I bought my own health insurance. Then I contracted for about 8 months (W2). They offered my insurance but mine was less expensive and better coverage. Then I got a full time W2 job and opted out of their health insurance because my private coverage was better and cheaper. At what points, if any, was my health insurance tax deductible? From what I read it never was because I was always offered it by my employer.""
How much does car insurance cost?
How much does car insurance cost? In average?
Im 16 and need car title and insurance advise?
I was wondering if it would be better to put my car in my name or my parents name. I have a 1998 toyota corolla and I was also wondering about a rough estimate for a new 16 yr old drivers insurance rates
Where i can get cheap auto insurance?
Where i can get cheap auto insurance?
I've been pulled over last night no insurance and no L plates HELP ME PLEASE?
Hello, I'm a genuine person, who has had a bad past with motoring, 3 - 4 years ago i was a maniac, a complete ideot who defied everything that was said and told to him( been caught for no insurance and disqual driving and driving without a license x15 times but after relizing what a ideot i was i decided to go the straight and narrow, so i got my license back last august with 6 points on it, they aint due to clear till next year although they are dated 2009?! any way, i own a decent 09 bike, that isnt cheap and i was what i thought fully insured (otherwise i wouldnt have driven and risked loosing my bike) anyways i got pulled over last night for speeding, and it came apparant i wasnt insured :O i rang my girlfriend and got her to produce the paperwork, they couldnt get hold of my insurance company due to they were shut at 10pm at night :S so they decided to seize my bike!:@ they give me a gypsys warning about the speeding, and refered me to court for no insurance no L plates, my arguement is, after going home and checking my bank, i have been driving for 3 months uninsured ( i really had no intention of doing so) i had thought that when my giro money lands into my bank acc swintons took it out the same day so i never defaulted, but this is not the case and i have defaulted. so i have insured my bike immediately after relizing what has happened and im going to get it out the impound in a minute (15 hours later after being seized) but the genuine thing is i've always had a rear L plate till 4 days ago when it snapped and i was waiting on my giro to come to purchase a new one, however i know that is no excuse but its the truth! what can i say to the judge to not get myself banned! the L plates situation is difficult because there like1 to buy but i have 0 pence! and i run my bike of scrap yard petrol ( filtered runs sweet) and i will take full admission to only ever having one L plate on my bike and explain my situation but what can i say or do so i dont get banned!? im really stuck with this one, it really is annoying as i had no intention to drive without insurance?! thanks guys""
How do you get proof of car insurance without a car ?
...so will no longer be using my car . the insurance company is requiring...
Do insurance companies raise premiums based on points or violations?
I have two tickets one for stop sign, and one for speeding. My question is which one should I turn in my traffic school certificate with to erase the point. I know they are both 1 point violations on my dmv record. Will it make a difference to my insurance rates? By the way I have USAA.""
How come I can't keep my health insurance coverage?
President Obama stated that under the Affordable Health Care Act that any American that wanted to keep their existing coverage or doctor would be able to. I signed up today and they ...show more
What is 20 year term insurance?
Is it a good kind of insurance. I will be 49 in two months. Does it mean if I die outside of the 20 years it doesn't pay off?
Is the insurance going to total my car?
Last week I got rear ended by a motorcyclist. I drive a '99 jetta and in EXCELLENT condition it's only worth about $2,600. My car was in decent condition so worth about $2,000. I got a few quotes on how much it'll cost to fix it and it was anywhere between $1,000 to $1,800. Are they going to total my car?!""
What if my medical insurance has expired and i still have refills?
if i still have like 4 refills left, has my insurance paid for it before or do i have to pay for the refills now? the insurance was medicaid""
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for young drivers?
i'm a 19 yr old male buying a 94 ford escort. what is generally the cheapest insurance company? i got a rate of 445 for 6 months. take it?
""Ok Insurance battle, old and new insurances?""
I had High Mark blue cross blue shield with my mom and i got married to my husband and got tricare. Tricare is saying they wont pay anything when i had another Insurance. If my old insurance wont pay does tricare have too? My old insurance is now gone, also""
texas affordable dental insurance
texas affordable dental insurance
Motorcycle Insurance question?
I recently bought a motorcycle and i'm just about to buy insurance but i am abit confused, I'm thinking of getting the Third party fire & theft insurance, which means i wont get no claim if I crash my bike but what if the other drive is at fault? Does their insurance cover my damage or what? thank you""
Help! driver's license and auto insurance?
so I just got my driver's license (im 18), but i don't have a car yet. im driving my mom's car, is that ok? do we need to call the insurance comany and tell them to add my name to our car insurance? do we need to pay extra money? thanx for ur time! p.s. we r in Maine""
Homeowners insurance in California????
I am thinking of purchasing my first home, and I was wondering about how much homeowners insurance would cost me. The home costs 200,000. Does anyone have any idea about how much that would be? I don't want to get into something I can't afford.....""
Need an idea of how much insurance is gonna be?
I'm 16 and am looking at purchasing a 2000 Honda Civic Si Coupe. If I buy this car, will it be considered as a sports car to the insurance? I live in central California btw. If I were to wait until I hit 18 to drive, would the insurance go down substantially? Around how much am I looking at per month?""
What is a fair mileage adjustment auto insurance Valuation?
The insurance company has gave me a list of 30 cars like mine within a 500 mile radius. They chose two cars out of the 30 to compare my car too. The problem is, there is a huge mileage difference: My car had 130k miles The comparables they used have 45k and 50k miles That's like an 80k difference. They took $2,265 off my ACV just for the difference. Is that fair? I don't get why they didn't just find a car with similar mileage to mine when there were plenty available. Why did they choose the two cars with the lowest mileage and then deduct 2 grand? When they could have easily picked two similar cars with at least 100k miles , and deducted a lot less for the difference.""
Can i get non-owners insurance without a drivers license?
looking for a insurance company in houston texas that can help me with non-owners insurance
""After what age in the UK is drivers insurance, cheaper?""
im 20, i passed when i was 18. at what age is insurance cheaper, i know it depends on where you live, car, model, engine etc but at what age?""
Question on Divorce and Auto Insurance?
Background: My wife left me and is filing for divorce. She took her car which is a marital asset that both of us own. She has since left the state to move in with a friend and I cannot get a hold of her as she will not return my calls. Update: Our current auto coverage is set to expire on 10/17. I have taken out coverage on myself through a different company, set to start on the 17th. As of the 17th she will be uninsured unless she takes out her own policy. Is is my responsibility to make sure she is still insured on my policy? She won't return my calls or the calls that my new agent has left for her so my hands are tied. I just want to make sure I'm not doing anything that may bite me later. I also don't want to have to foot the bill for her portion of the insurance given that she doesn't live with me anymore and doesn't even live in the same state. Anyone have any thoughts or has anyone been through a similar situation??""
Does drivers insurance increase if you move?
Hey, question says it all, my fiancee was told that once we move our drivers insurance rate will increase, is this true? We're living in Maine and only moved a town over, we didn't move to another state or anything like that. Anyone know? Thanks!""
Where can i get affordable insurance?
i got 8pts i need affordable insurance please send me a link please
Insurance rates for 19 year old?
what would the insurace rates be for a 19 year old driving one of these cars. all cars would be sedan (4-door) models. 03-04 honda civic 97-01 subaru impreza RS 96-98 BMW 318 94+ acura integra 98-01 honda accord 00-03 nissan sentra
How much is for insurance for 18 year old people and for a used car?also do u pay each month or 6 month?
How much is for insurance for 18 year old people and for a used car?also do u pay each month or 6 month?
Thinking of buying an Audi TT next year..Insurance quotes ect.?
im quite young..but ive researched this and if i keep my job down id be able to afford this. would be my 2nd car. Any advice? obviously wouldnt buy a new one.. what sort of price would i expect for a good quality one? also.. car insurance.. what websites are the best to find out approx. figures? ive been on ones before where they ask for your details and call you back..obviously dont want this just yet..just an average quote online where nothings written in stone so to speak// thankyou SO much for any help xx
""At fault car accident, should I use health insurance or car insurance coverage for medical?""
My car hydroplaned and hit a guard rail last week, I made a claim since the car was totaled. I had to be rushed to a hospital, and all is well now. Should I use health insurance or PIP coverage to pay for medical bills.""
""How much do braces cost in los angeles, without insurance?""
I don't really have crooked teeth. My bottom teeth are straight... and my top teeth look straight from a frontal shot, but in reality one of my canine teeth is a little higher and outward then the rest. I want to straighten that one out. How much do braces cost without insurance? in cash! thakns""
Best car insurance company in Ontario for new drivers?
Hey Guys, Got my first car! YAY!!!! I was just wondering if you guys can recommend the best car insurance company and rates in Ontario for new drivers? Please let me know. Thanks.""
Where can I find classic car insurance for a 17 year old?
Hey guys I've recently received a classic 1992 Mazda Miata from my dad, which has been a treasured possession of our family for a number of years. I myself am now a member of the owners club and take great care of the car, but am obviously unable to drive it without insurance. While insuring the car with a normal provider would be far too expensive for me (at 17 years), classic car insurance is not only cheaper but fits my needs far better. I was wondering if anyone knows of a classic car insurer who would be willing to insure me, taking into account my situation? Thanks, Laurence""
Quick Car Insurance Question?
Would it be cheaper for me to add onto my parents insurance, rather than have my own policy? I'm a 20 year old male by the way and currently have a quote for $115 a month.""
Does comprehensive insurance cover damage to my car if i wasnt driving the car?
My friend(who is not listed as a driver under my insurance) was driving my car when the passenger front tire fell off.There was damage to the right front of the car.Will my comprehensive insurance cover my claim.
HEY TEENS! How much are you paying for car insurance?
Anyone under 20, what do you pay for auto insurance? And what do you drive? Are you on your parents insurance? Did you use to pay more or less before?""
Car insurance for new driver?
I recently bought a car, its brand new but I don't own it yet I financied it so I don't have the title of the car yet. I was wondering if it would be easier and cheaper for me to go on my mom's insurance or should I get my own? I am 19 and girl I've only been driving for about 2 years and i got in an accident which was my fault in which I received a ticket but I am going to traffic school at the end of the month to get it off my record. Please help me! Any info on the sugject would be great!""
Does anybody know where to get cheap auto insurance for a 18year old?
Does anybody know where to get cheap auto insurance for a 18year old?
Proof of Insurance (and deferral)?
Hello, I live in washington state, and have a mitigation hearing tomorrow for a speeding ticket. It's my first, so I have a few questions. In my ticket im charged with no proof of insurance, BUT I was wrong, I had my insurance I was just confused, I did not realize our AAA was our insurance as well as the aid that they're known for. Anyways, since then I have lost my wallet. So I have a temporary lisence but still no insurance card. So how do I get proof that I had insurance on that day? I have an insurance policy card I've been keeping in the dash. Will that work? Then how do I get this deferred? Do I ask the judge, or do I need to go to the courthouse today to get a form, etc. Thanks for any help.""
First time buying car insurance?
I'm looking to go on my own Car insurance plan, Unfortunately I have no idea what a decent plan should cover. So what're the basic's that I should add to my plan?""
If you drive with no license or insurance are you automatically at fault?
A friend of my got into a car accident, his car was totaled and at the time he had a suspended licenese and no car insurance. Although the police report shows that he was not at fault the insurance company of the other party is now persuing him for $14,000 in damages. Unfortunatly he is having economic hardships and cannot make the payment they are requesting. They are clearly making threats to suspend his license if he doesnt pay $250 a month. Because he had no insurance or license is he automatically at fault? Is there anything he can do? Does anyone have any info on a good lawyer? Any Information would be helpful. Thank you :-)""
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texas affordable dental insurance
0 notes
Ansonia Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6401
"Ansonia Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6401
Ansonia Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6401
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Is the car insurance company going to run my credit every time I get a quote?
I am getting of my parents car insurance and i am shopping around for a good quote. I called one person who needed to run my credit. Is every company going to want to run my credit? I don't want my scores to go down.
How can I check what is affecting my car insurance prices?
Would there be a website to do this? I am struggling to see why my car insurance is so expensive. I've checked my insurance prices on gocompare.com, it's around 4,500, so I think it would help if I could find out why it was so.""
Do I need to be on the car insurance if I don't live in the house?
I get my license tomorow and my dad was planning on letting me use his car Friday. His insurance covers the driver of the car, but then other insurance policys are saying that I need to be under the insurance, if I am in the home. I don't live with him. So does he still need to add me to the insurance, since I don't live in the home?""
What is the cheapest sr22 insurance in texas?
driver insurace
Do red cars have higher insurance rates than other colored cars.?
How much will my car insurance be?
I'm not looking for the most accurate answer around but how much will my car insurance be around if these are the deciding factors. -Mustang GT -I am a male -year 1998-2002
Car insurance for 16 year old in Seattle?
I am a male. The car i would be driving is a 2000 BMW 323i sedan. I would have USAA insurance. does anybody know roughly how much this would cost?
Where to Find Really Cheap Health Care Insurance?
I know a lot of sites that offer health insurance, but need to know really cheap health care insurance.Thank you in advance.""
Looking for Best Term Insurance provider online...?
Hello Every1, I am looking for a Term Insurance online provider, I have few in my mind but i would like to see your feedback for any specific Insurance Company online in USA, if you have ever tried. Thanks in Advance.""
What does it take to commit a minor and how do you afford it if you don't have health insurance?
My uncle and aunt are struggling with my 16 year old cousin who suffers from anorexia and she will go up to 3 weeks without eating anything. I am not kidding she only drinks water and then she will slowly puree some fruit into her water again for about a week or two before she binges for a few days and then goes back to this cycle of starvation. She looks pale and has no energy. Her eyes are sunken in and she hides in her room unless shes on a binge and she cries and says shes ok when they tell her lets go see a doctor. My aunt and uncle are immigrants and they don't speak english that well. They don't have a lot of money or health insurance and I have no idea what to do but they are asking me to help! I've never dealt with this type of situation before and I'm just thinking they should call an ambulance and maybe they'll commit her to some state institution? I've been googling this and I come across all kinds of conflicting information. How can she get help in the state of California and is there any way if they are not insured to pay for her treatment? Is there any state aid related to extreme cases of anorexia?
Does the Motorcycle Safety Course lower your insurance?
If so by how much? If you've been riding for years would your insurance still be lowered?
Car insurance esitimate?
- Male - 20 years old - New driver - Honda Civic - Pennsylvania About how much could I expect to be paying for car insurance?
Good websites to compare car insurance?
What are some good websites to compare car insurance? (For a car which I want to get btw)
How do I get car insurance?
I am 18. I am not in college nor do I have a diploma. I don't start college till Fall 2011. Is it possible that I can still get car insurance? If so, how?""
How much for cheap car insurance?
I am a young 17 year old female. I am looking for insurance so i can get my 1993 Lincoln Towncar on the road but I dont know a thing about insurance how much do you think it will cost and which company should I go for.
Best girls' car insurance deal?
What's the cheapest car insurance available in the UK for a 25 year old woman with 6 points on her licence? Do any of them do shorter term contracts than 12 months?
Not sure how much condo insurance to get?
I'm in the process of buying a condo, and I need to have condo insurance set up. However, I'm not really sure how much insurance I need on a condo. The homeowners association covers everything on the outside, so I would only need to cover walls-in. This is what I've come up with after doing a quote: Contents Amount: $50,000 Building Property Coverage: $15,000 Condominium Loss Assessments: $1,000 Deductible: $500 Earthquake Deductible: 2% Personal Liability: $300,000 Medical Payments to Others: $1,000 The condo is selling for $125,900. I really don't have a lot of furniture, and what I do have is all hand-me-downs. I have a four year old, so all the furniture and stuff that comes along with having a kid. I don't have really nice jewelry. I have a 32inch hd tv, computer (i paid 150 for it, so nothing fancy lol), and a kindle fire, wii....that's about it for electronics. I want to make sure I have enough coverage if something happens with counters/floor/walls/etc, but I don't want to be unnecessarily paying a high insurance bill. Any suggestions? Also, is earthquake or identity theft something that would be good to add in? I live in Iowa so earthquakes aren't really an issue...but is that one of those you never know, so at least you're covered things?""
How can i reduce my car insurance?
how can i reduce my car insurance, i have had my license for 11 years, the only fault on my licence is an SP30 giving me 3 points (3yrs ago)... im a 30 yr old male UK born, i have 5yr no claims bonus, (would of been longer but i fell ill) and because im now unemployed because of disability my insurance has gone up over 1000,,,, i done a price comparison quote on a car i'm looking on buying and this is my findings ----- 1.6 Fiat multipla 2001 (factory standard) 30 yr old male with my post code 5yrs no claims, no home owner, with kids under 16, with 3points UNEMPLOYED DUE TO DISABILITY 1897.47 30 yr old male with my post code 5yrs no claims, no home owner, with kids under 16, with 3points EMPLOYED - FACTORY WORKER 872.92 why am i being given such shocking quotes,,,, is there any way of gettin better quotes???? websites used ---- (auto trader insurance comparison site) (compare the market) (go compare) (confused) please help,,, MANY THANKS :-)""
How much does your insurance go up after getting a underage?
does anyone know how much the rates will go up? I didn't have my license when i received the underage and i still don't. I've never drove a vehicle. i don't have my license yet and im most likely not going to because my parents have told me the car insurance goes up now. I've looked online and it says that rates can double or triple. thank you for your answers.
I am 19 years old and live in a suburb of Illinois. How much will my car insurance be on a 2001 Nissan Xterra?
I am 19 years old and live in a suburb of Illinois. How much will my car insurance be on a 2001 Nissan Xterra?
Who offers affordable home owners insurance in south florida?
trying to buy a house in south florida and I need a good and affordable company for my home owners ins.
How much does insurance cost for a new 16 year old female driver?
I would like to know how much insurance costs for a new 16 year old female driver. My parents have the insurance company USAA, so if I could get some information on the likely costs of this, that would be great. Thank you!""
Does request of Auto insurance quote have any negative effect ?
My current auto insurance is All State. I am looking for a new insurance of similar policy with lower cost. want to shop online and see if there is better deal. Does request auto insurance quote have any negative effect in my credit ( they need to pull my credit scores, i have a very good one), or any other negative effects. thanks very much!""
Car insurance confusion: Honda Jazz & Ford Fiesta... help please?
Hi there guys, I am sorry if this is a boring run of the mill question with an obvious answer, but I am seriously confused! I have two prospect cars to chose between, one is a Honda Jazz, and one is a Ford Fiesta, now to my knowledge the Jazz's insurance group should be around 11-14, (new 1-50 ranking) and the Fiesta should be around 8. A number of sites have confirmed this to be true. But trying to get actual insurance quotes, the Jazz is coming out cheaper, by at least 300. (This is with my details and the rest of the policy identical) I thought insurance group was the only factor of the car that changed the insurance, or is there another factor? I am a newly passed driver if that changes anything?""
Help with finding individual health insurance?
I'm 16 and my parents do not speak English. My sister and I (16 and 18) have Child Health Plus and my mother has insurance through her job. My dad currently has no health insurance because he could no longer afford to pay over $250 a month for insurance. He has diabetes and is having trouble controlling his blood sugar. How do I find an affordable insurance company? They said we can't have family health plus since we make a little over $3,000 a month but half goes to rent. What should I do? What is Healthy NY? Any advice??? thank you""
Ansonia Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6401
Ansonia Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6401
""Bought a new car, but now is too expensive. How do I trade in for a cheaper car?""
I bought a 2013 Ford Focus S, I love it but its starting to cost me alot. I still owe 18,800 on it. I make about 1300/mo Car payment is $320/mo Insurance is $230/mo And I have a few other bills.. So it leaves me like $150 for 2 weeks every paycheck. Which, isn't enough. I want a Wrangler, and I found great prices on then and insurance believe it for not is cheaper on it, but the problem is.. Is the equity on the trade in. I made a mistake on this car, and now.. Really I'm trying to get rid of it as soon as possible, so I can start saving for my Wrangler. What do you suggest I do? Thanks. (by the way, I'm 19 and in the Navy)""
Car accident-how much will my insurance premium go up?
I was in a car accident today, driving the speed limit at about 30 miles per hour in a residential neighboorhood, not paying attention and struck the car to the left of me, damaging the driver's door of my car and the other car's passenger door. He was driving his company's truck. I already have an accident on my record from 1/06 that was my fault (not a huge accident, but not a super minor one, no injuries). Today's accident caused no injuries. I can tell my car door and the front bumper will need replacing. I assume that the other car needs the passenger door replaced. My annual insurance premium is $3,240, but last month a traffic ticket just came off my record. My car is a four door 2004 Honda & I am a 42 year old female who lives in Fremont, CA. I'm fearful my monthly car insurance payment will go up a lot! Does anyone know how much it will go up? Thank you so much!""
Affordable health insurance for children of students?
My brother wants to go to college, but if he leaves his job his kids wont have health insurance. Are there any good health insurance providers for children of students? My brother lives in Spokane, WA if that matters.""
Rising insurance premiums?
what would happen if (on the 1.1.12)all honest vehicle drivers with rising insurance rates just said no i'm not paying that much, its dearer than last year SHOVE IT then carried on driving""
How much will insurance cost me?
I am 16 years old. I live in Skowhegan Maine, 04976. I will be driving a 2000 ford taurus. I completed drivers ed. My own policy, no parent to go under.""
Seeking an auto insurance company who offers independent spouses insurance?
married, but want to buy separate auto insurance""
""If I get a car registered to me, can I still be on my parents insurance?""
does it make sense,like I want the title to it, but still want to be on their insurance. It wouldn't seem like my car if they had both the tittle and insurance with me as a secondary driver!""
""On an Annual basis, how much does health insurance cost in America?
I would like to know how much the average American citizen pays in Health Insurance per year please.
Can you report someone for driving without car insurance?
i know this person and i was just wondering if you could turn them in for not having car insurance without them knowing who turned them in. I want to prevent someone from getting hurt and not getting there part of the insurance claim or whatever.....anything will help..THANKS!!!!
Cheap car with cheap insurance?
Im 18 and Ive just passed my driving test and im looking for a good car for around 2500. The cars with cheap insurance are more expensive and the cheap cars have a relatively high insurance cost. The budget for the insurance is not set but I don't want to pay a ridiculous price. Any suggestions on a perfect car which is in my budget but with a low insurance cost? P.S. I understand because im young the insurance will be expensive but if anyone has any advice on how to get cheaper insurance please let me know.
Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
Who do you think has the best car insurance rates?
How Much Would A 17 Year Old With A G2 Pay For Insurance For A 1995 Geo Metro Hatchback in Toronto?
Im planning on getting my first car but the insurance is holding me back. Please Help.What Company do you suggest? Maybe you know someone with the same car and around the same age.
Pontiac Grand Am GT Insurance?
I am 20 years old. Looking at a 2 door coupe Pontiac GT. Never been in an accident, never had a ticket. Was wondering what the insurance is roughly going to cost me a month? I have All State. My dad doesn't want to call them because we just called them yesterday about another car, and we don't have the vin number. Thanks! Oh! It has power locks, a spoiler, and a sunroof too! As well as a single disc CD player.""
Insurance Quote for teenage driver?
Can you give me an estimated insurance rate based on the following - 18years old college student with 2 years foreign driving experience, one week old US drivers license - Never involved in any accidents - Toyota RAV 4 2009 4WD""
17 Year old insurance rates?
On average, how much would insurance be for a 17 year old male with a 2001 BMW 740li? I have an okay job but I don't wan't to spend over 5k on insurance a year, as that would eat almost a fifth of my salary. Would insurance be cheaper on a coupe such as a 1991 Nissan 240sx? Also, do you have to pay a higher rate if your car is turbocharged? Will they insure you if your pushing over around 500 horsepower? If I buy a 240sx I'm going to do an engine swap for sure, so I want to know if it would be better to wait. Any answer is a good answer, so thanks for anything!""
After getting a speeding ticket how much does your insurance increase on average?
After getting a speeding ticket how much does your insurance increase on average?
Am i entitled to my unused car insurance?
After being with my car insurance company over 10 years now, I've never had a claim in which they've had to pay out. I recently purchased a new car and my rates skyrocketed I ...show more""
Need help finding affordable health insurance for a 1 year old baby boy in Nebraksa or Iowa?
Please help
Do i need car insurance for a family member to teach me to drive?
I am 17 in 2 weeks and am going to start my driving lessons, along side my lessons with a licensed instructor I would like my mother to also give me some extra help like driving around quiet roads, or in a empty car park. For this I need insurance but I obviously don't want to pay full out insurance for just learning. I have heard of something called learner driver insurance would this work for what I want to do? If so do you have a link of where I could buy it or know any other way that I could legally learn to dive in the car? Thanks Josh""
Do you have to have health insurance to have Rhinoplasty?
Just wondering if you have to have health insurance for a nose job.
Whats the best car insurance comparison site for older drivers?
Whats the best car insurance comparison site for older drivers?
Car insurance?
I have a 94 camaro and I was wondering how much insurance would cost under my parents name. I'm 16 and a good driver, I don't know if that matters but I want to save some money""
What is the cost of AAA car insurance monthly?
What is the cost of AAA car insurance monthly?
Where can I get an insurance quote?
all the sites ask for a lot of info, can i get a site where i can just put in the date of manufacture of the car, and i get the quote.""
Teenage car insurance?
I'm a teen, and I'm thinking about getting a car. However, I've heard that insurance for teenagers can be expensive. Since insurance is usually tied to the car instead of the driver, am I able to get away with using my parents' insurance if the car is completely under my parents' names? Am I allowed to save a large amount of money this way? I only plan on meeting the minimum insurance required by law (in California).""
Ansonia Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6401
Ansonia Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6401
I got a speeding ticket. Any estimate of how much insurance premium may go up by?
Got my first speeding ticket in Collingwood, Ontario. Drove 80km on a 60km limit road. Just wondering how much insurance premium rate can go up by... or is there any chance it won't? Would love to fight it, but I live in Toronto and the drive up there is a waste of 4 hrs/miliage/gas vs paying a $95 fine, losing 3 demerit points and having it on record for 3 years.""
How much will my car insurance cost?
I'm planning to get a car this September. - The car will have a maximum of 1.4L engine and will probably be a VW Golf/Polo, Ford Focus or a Vauxhall Corsa. - I will be 20 years old and will have been holding a driving license for 1.5 years. - I am planning to use the car at University (Nottingham) and have off road parking space. I am a medical student. - I have not been insured on any car before, hence don't have any no claims, but parents have loads and I'll be getting them as first driver. So, how much would I be expecting to pay for a year? Please don't suggest comparison sites.""
Insurance on a 2003 SAAB 2.0.?
I am 16 and i really like this car. It is Turbo charged, which i really am not worried about.. i am a very careful driver.not looking for speed.. and never been in an accident. how much do you think the insurance would be a month??""
Life insurance and payout?
I want to get life insurance in the amount of 250000 for my daughter. If I pass away I am concerned how the money will be spent. How can I make sure the money goes to a college education and perhaps buying a home for her. I have no family so I cant ask anybody to take care of this if I pass away. Thanks. I live in California.
Roommate Fell Off My Roof Will Homeowner Insurance Pay?
I asked roommate to put waterproof plastic on roof over-hang. He fell off roof and broke collar bone. We took him to ER. When he came home he needed more care then we could give him. He went to his cousins assisted-living hospital. He has Medicare and Medi-Cal, California. Will my homeowners insurance cover his unpaid bills? Can he sue for pain and suffering? Will insurance cancel my policy? He was been roommate for 3 years.""
How can I take the insurance of my car off my parents name?
Okay sooo, my dad has never been a good father figure until i turned 16. I'm now 17 and have a car that i bought and i have the title and loan in my name. He is the co-signer. He also pays the insurance. I have a boyfriend and he doesn't like it when i have a boyfriend. He thinks i'm too young for one. My mom and him are divorced and i live with my mom. She doesn't care that i have a boyfriend and lets me go over to his house and go on dates, etc. He doesn't approve. So he threatened to take my car away if i don't be home when he says. My home is my moms house. I have more of a right to listen to her than i do my dad. She thinks so too. He says since he pays the insurance he should be able to take my car away if he wants to. I offered to pay my own but he won't let me because then he won't have anything to hold over my head. How can i get my own insurance and take it off his name without him knowing until its done?""
What is the average insurance amount yearly for a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)?
What is the average insurance amount yearly for a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)?
How can i get birth control for cheap without insurance or medical card!?
so i'm 20 years old turning 21 in about a couple months in Illinois and i just recently became sexually active like three months ago... i'm worried about pregnancy so i was thinking about the pill but i dont have medical insurance and no medical card to pay for it.. does anyone know how much the first exam is and how much the pill is!? Or where i can go get help paying for these things?!
Car insurance for 20 year old female?
I've been told a Ford KA is the cheapest to insure. So I've found a Ford KA Year 2000 1,3 ltr. Sale price is 660. 80,000 miles. I will be doing roughly 4 - 5,000 miles a year. I'm just a simple standard first time driver applicant... No convictions, health issues or NCB. Why are insurance companies quoting me over 5,000 a year online??? I'm 20, female and have just passed my test. 21 in august. What's the cheapest way to get insured?? 1ltr car??""
Tricare/ER Insurance Question?
I lived in Arizona last year and still am in the Tricare West system (out of Luke AFB), although I now live in Ohio. I hurt my ankle several weeks ago and still can't bend it certain ways, and am beginning to suspect a hairline fracture...if I go to the ER (nowhere near any military facilities, especially not with hospitals), and put down my insurance company, will Tricare pay for it (including poss. X-rays) even though I'm still in the Tricare West system? Or should I submit the papers to get a PCM in the North region? (No matter what, I'm assuming I don't need a referral from my PCM to go to the hospital/get X-rays, is this correct?)""
Should i get insurance for my first car? Where can i get CHEAP car insurance? I live in Aus.?
Should i get insurance for my first car? Where can i get CHEAP car insurance? I live in Aus. I am looking at buying a s13 non turbo at 11k. when i looked for a quote the minimum was like 5k which i do not have the money seeing as i am going to have to get a loan for my car.
How much would it cost to insure a cheap motorcycle for a teen?
I found a good bike for two thousand dollars it's nothing fancy but it's enough to get around so I was wondering how much would it cost to insure a bike like this. I have very good grades my parents have a good driving record so I think that will help
What happens to money at the end of life insurance term?
As a young child and teen, I remember my mom saying on a few occasions that she bought term life insurance when I was a baby. It was a 30 year plan for 100,000. She said that the term would end when I turn 30 years old and if she doesn't die by the time it ends....then SHE would be able to collect on the plan (getting the 100k) Now, I am 30 years old..and want to by term life insurance so my child will be taken care of incase I die. I'm thinking off getting a 20 year term. MY QUESTION - is it so that in 20 years...if I don't die, then I will be able to collect all that money? I'm doing research on it and finding that with regular term life insurance, you don't get any money at the end of the term.....but I remember my mom saying different. What do you know about it? (it isn't possible to ask my mom about it)""
What is the best insurance to have?
im just wondering which is the best car insurance to have and why? also, what is a quote? dont judge pls and thank you""
What would my insurance be for a supra?
i will soon be 16. i get As and Bs occasional C. i will be insured with my mom and brother she is 51. My idea is to get a very cheap car and after about a year when im 17 i want to buy a supra with a salvaged title. nothing to bad done ive seen a few go for about 10k. so what do you guys/girls think will be the total insurance for the supra and the cheap car?
Which insurance should i get?
Im 18 and i was involved in a car accident not my fault. well im look to get a new car insurance but i dont know which one to get. I want a low paying insurance, good converge, liability. I would like to know the insurance company and how much a month i would pay. Im think about getting freeway insurance but not sure.""
Do any car insurance companies do insurance for one month?
Hi So I only want car insurance for one month cause I want to use my car for work purposes (usually it's off road). I have 5 years no claims but for some reason companies are charging like 250 for the month when it'd usually only cost me 700 for the year!? Does anyone recommend any companies that don't charge as much? Thanks in advance
How much is car insurance for a 16 yr old girl in FL?
i want a car, something sporty but it can also be 4 dr too. =]""
Insurance cost for Corvette?
Hey I'm 16 and have quite a bit of money saved for a car so im gonna get a decent one nd i was thinking a corvette. I was wondering about (I know no one knows exactly) how much the insurance is going to be on like a 00 or 01 model. Also if you know insurance cost of a 350z too that would be great. Thanks for the help
I need to how much car insurance will be ?
Im 19 years old an i live in topeka ks. im goin to be gettin a 1994 camaro i want to no how much the car insurance will be since it is a sports car
Do you get cheaper car insurance for being married (uk)?
Do you get cheaper car insurance for being married (uk)?
What's happens if i get caught driving without insurance?
Im 18 i have a VW golf MK2 GTI 1988 cost me 2000, but to insure it is 5000 a year which i cant afford, what happens if i get caught driving without insurance.""
""How much does it cost to lease a car? Do you have to pay for insurance too? If so, how much is it?""
Also, what kind of car is it?""
""Fast Cheap car, cheap to insure for 18 year old any ideas?
I am trying to find a fast used car (0-60 in less then 6.3 seconds w/ a manual tranny ) i would like it to be around $6k and cheap to insure (i am 18) I have thought about 1993-1997 ...show more
Why is insurance so high on the scion tc?
what is the best/cheapest insurance out their for the scion tc and why is it so high?
Ansonia Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6401
Ansonia Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6401
Work hourly - my health insurance in CA is $400.00 per mo. Where can I get cheaper H insurance?
I have migraines and take low dose seizures meds (no seizure in 5 years) so work insurance would not insure me. Other insurance is $400 per mo. and $500 deductible for meds. Where can I find cheaper Health insurance in LA, CA. Deparate""
Need help with Car Insurance?
I am a 18 year old male in california, who just bought a 92 Buick Skylark and I need to no what would be my best bet when it comes to getting insurance, I would like cheap insurance.""
How can I get affordable health insurance for my family while i'm off work..?
I applied for medacaid but they said I make to much money. even thou i'm off from work with no insurance and very little sick leave pay.
How much money can I save on my car insurance after completion of the pass plus course?
Give me examples of how much you have saved or a friend or something
Medical insurance...? 10 points?
I am 14 and I have a medical insurance covers my doctors appointments and my medication but at what age would I lose all that.... If I do what can I do? What covers my medication and medical appointments? By the way I'm not illegal if that helps...
I'm buying my first used car when I turn 18 next month. How much am I going to pay for insurance by myself?
I just want to know how much money I will have to pay each month for car insurance. The used car is about $5,000.""
Do lamborghini doors increase your insurance?
Also does a 2 door, 2 seat also increase the insurance cost?""
Question for anyone that knows about insurance?
I am renting a garage that is not attached to the house and want to insure it. Would this be covered by the house insurance or would you need separate contents insurance as its not near the house. If you need seperate cover where would I go to get this?
""Regarding NJ Law. If I suspend Auto Insurance on my car, do I have to surrender the plates to the MVC?""
I have a car that I seldom use now, can I keep the plates on the car with no insurance policy. And if I need to use this car, reactivate my auto policy for those specific days. Is ...show more""
Provisional insurance to full licence insurance?
I'm 18 years old and I am 2 (and abit) months away from taking my driving test. If I take out provisional car insurance can I change my insurance to full once I have passed my test? The reason why I want provisional insurance is because I heard it was cheaper, then once I pass my test I would only have to pay 10 months of full licence insurance, correct? But anyway how much it cost me to increase my premium from provisional to full licence insurance?""
Universal Health Insurance?
I am conservative but I go agree that we need universal health insurance. But I haven't studied too much in depth on it. In your eyes (both liberal and conservatives answer please) are the pros and cons of unversalizing healthcare? How would universal health care work for people with diseases like diabetes, cancer, AIDS? What about people who have not been diagnosed with diseases, and tend to only see a doctor when they are sick? What about preventive care (aka mammogram for women, prostate check for men)? What are experimental medical procedures and experimental medications? What about fertility clinics for women who cannot become pregnant? What about anything else I forgot? And please, no arguing, this is just opinions.""
Americans. What cars do you normally have as your first Cars. As a cheap car with cheap insurance?
I was just wonderng What kind of cars American tennagers ahve for there first Cars I might think of importing one
Auto insurance on new car?
I am getting a new car under my name. Is it ok to put the car under my sisters insurance?? Its too expensive if im on the insurance.
Car insurance I'm paying alone?
I have to buy my own car unlike very other lucky kid that's 18. So after I buy a used car off of craigslist, what do I do? Where do I get car insurance and what's affordable for new drivers ?""
How much do you pay for car insurance in Ontario? ?
how much a month do you pay a month? what kind of car? anything to lower it? and WHAT AGE ARE YOU? <<<important
MAZDA3 with insurance questions?
u think i'll be charge high cost of car insurance by getting mazda3 sedan..im 18 first time driver and a female i live in san francisco. and how much is mazda3? like with the taxes and everything?? serious answers are greatly appreciated. i want to stay under $20k
Will getting married affect me being on my parents car insurance?
My mom knows we are engaged my dad won't even know that until December. My husband and I just got married yesterday but our ceremony is not until August. I realized today I am on my parents car insurance. Am I still going to be on there or are they going to send a letter to them saying I am married or something? He already paid the premium until April 2012 with me on it so I don't think they can take me off til then? Maybe at the end of the 6 months I should tell them since I am getting married in 4 months I want to get my own car insurance since it wont be the full cycle done before I am married. IDK I just wanna know if the company will say your married daughter cannot be on your insurance??? I am kinda freaked out.
Is there better insurance than Medicare?
I am 65 and in good health....I need better health insurance than Medicare. I don't want suplemental insurance besides Medicare. I would like to ask if anyone knows of something better!
Need cheap insurance?
i need insurance 4 missus 24/f/bham housewife just passed first car 1.4 pug 106.
if i was to work for pizza hut or dominos or any other delivery shop in the uk.and they would provide a car for me.would i have to have my own insurance on my name.or would they cover this
Health Insurance - Early Retirees?
Does anyone buy their own health insurance? What is the rate usually for a 62 yr old individual plan? I have gotten 227/mo to as high as 969/mo. How to know if its a scam, too good to be true or a rip off? Thanks for helping. Is Aetna real? I rec'd calls from a broker underwriting with Aetna and worry that those prices of 227/mo were so affordable it must be a scam right? I would love to know what a normal price per month for health insurance is, with no employer involved, however earns too much to qualify for affordable coverage. This is NYS if that matters.""
Unpaid insurance in trouble or not?
Can i be incarnated for not having proper insurance? Who can i ask for help?
What's the best type of health insurance for a pregnant woman?
Is it PPO, HMO, etc...""
How much would a mustang cost for a 17 year old? ?
So I've tried googling this a lot of times but it hasn't really helped me so I'm just gonna ask myself... First off, I'm 17 but will be 18 in 2 months maximum. (not that it would really matter, but just putting that out there.) and I've had insurance on my parents car for about a year and a half now; never had any wrecks or anything. And their car is a year like 2009 Pontiac G8, V6. But I only have to pay $80. And I do believe my mother told me that we have Allstate... But as for the car I'm hoping to buy, it's nothing fancy. Just a 2000 mustang. It's not a convertible. I'm just hoping it won't be anymore expensive than what I pay now. And I've also had my license since I was 16. So I think that covers all the info but it'd really help if someone gave me like a range of what I might be paying for that. Thanks! :)""
Will I receive confirmation my insurance covers it?
I'm 19 and currently living at home with my parents and I am trying to keep this medical problem a secret and I found out that my insurance will cover the mini procedure. My parents keep track of the health insurance, however I have all my information. Will my parents get something in the mail saying my insurance is covering this, or will they never find out? Thanks.""
Ansonia Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6401
Ansonia Connecticut Cheap car insurance quotes zip 6401
0 notes
A question about insurance on a car?
"A question about insurance on a car?
ok i live in england, and i am 27yrs old, i drive and have my own insurance which is fully comp, as i am over 26 i can drive any car third party, my boyfriend is just starting to learn to drive and since neither of his parents drive, hes going to have to get his own car with his own insurance on, which is obviously going to be quite high as hes a new driver, hes 20yrs old. we got told that if he put me on his insurance as a second driver then it would work out a bit cheaper for him, but im wondering if this is true, as i can drive his car anyway on my insurance, so im not sure if its legal to go on his or if they will let me. any advice would be appreciated.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""Need some advice, about speeding ticket please? No negative opinions please?""
Well I got a speeding ticket on my bike, my first one in 3 years. But thing is I don't have a License or insurance (don't bother, I just never wanted to even bother with the long lines at dmv) and no I'd in possession. So I got a 1200 ticket and I refuse to sell my bike,(yeah they didn't impound it, I'm OK, USA by the way). So any way I can get it reduced? Insurance costs the most. So is could I could the insurance and DL part waived if I got the paperwork?""
Cheap car insurance in england for 17 year olds ?
who is the best company to go by for cheap car insurance for young drivers ? i heard quinn was the best, but theyve recently gone bust so there no longer insuring. So i need a different company that wont extort me ! lol...so yeah, any websites, or company names or anything will be very helpful !.....thanks !""
Whats some good cheap car insurance?
I have full coverage on my car and its costing me a butt load of money, i have state farm. Does anyone know of any good insurance companies?""
Why is the Infiniti G37S Coupe insurance premium costs so high?
I looked up average insurance premium costs for the G37S coupe, and the cost was over $2600. I then looked up the Infiniti's competitors, the BMW 335i coupe and the Audi S5 4.2 which costs $1900+ and $1800+ respectively. Why is the insurance premium of the G37S so much higher? Thanks in advance.""
Does anyone have knowledge of supplemental insurance that helps pay for Maternity cost?
My daughter is pregnant and needs a supplemental insurance policy. I know of Affordable HealthCare Options (AHCO) but don't know anyone that has used them. She lives in Norman, OK. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thank You""
""Why the hell is motorcycle insurance SOO expensive in Ontario, Canada?""
I took identical information and filled out a progressive quote for both DETROIT and LOS ANGELES and both are 2356 FULL coverage (im 16 years old with zzr600), While when i got a quote from TD Bank they said 6000$ what the f u c k my damn bike doesnt even cost that much got damn it.""
Will my insurance cost more this year?
hello people ... so i was wondering if anyone thinks my insurance will cost more this year. i have a motorbike honda cbr125. last year it cost me 450 to insure. looking at the insurance this year it says around 550-650 will mine be this much?
Would you ever commit insurance fraud?
Would you ever commit insurance fraud?
Who are the best car insurance companies?
Im 17 ears of age livin in the UK. I really NEED to know te best car insurance companies. Ive not passed yet but i will have soon, il only be drivin an old punto or clio or summat. ideas please people! thanks""
Is car insurance cheaper for older cars?
Is car insurance cheaper for older cars?
How much does auto insurance cost for a 17 year old boy for insurance companies?
I'm in the u.s.
""Buying new car, Insurance buying question?""
I want some insurance details about buying a new car from a dealership. Am I required to buy insurance before taking it off the lot after buying it (except in test drives, which the car is insured by the dealership??), or is there a grace period that you can drive without insurance? For instance, when I go in to buy a car, should I have already contacted an insurance agency and gotten quotes to be able to call them and get insured before I drive it off the lot?""
A question about car insurance.?
My girlfriend hit a small deer about 6 months ago, it did not do much damage, I called the insurance company and asked them what to do, they asked me what it did and then told me it probably was not worth it since she we have a 500 dollar deductible. Well today I took it in and got the oil changed and asked how much the headlamp was to fix so they looked at the car and told me that deer did about 1500 in damage. Is there anything I can do or am i screwed?""
A question about gender and insurance?
I know guys pay more for car insurance, but on average how much more a year? and according to this... http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/health/did-you-know-women-pay-more-for-health-insurance-302611/ women pay more for health insurance?...but does anyone know why or how much more?""
Can i get a ticket for not having car insurance?
if i get pulled over with my parents car, the car has insurance but it just isnt in my name but my parents name. i have my L's""
What happens when you drive your friend's car withour insurance?
My nephew borrowed his friend's car that has no insurance. He was stopped by police for some reason and got summoned to court because the car was without auto insurance. What would happen to him? by the way he lives in L.A. Thank you!
How long does it take for a traffic ticket to show up on your driver's license and insurance?
So i got a ticket on july 17th (of this year) and the deadline to pay, contest, or do traffic school for it was september 17th, two days ago. i checked yesterday for the update because i thought i had a few more days and it said i can extend the ticket (to pay or to contest or to attend traffic school) to november 16th. i chose that and i will eventually go to traffic school but my question is, is point already on my record and will it affect my insurance rates? My friend was saying no because i extended the date and by doing so i havent plead guilty to the ticket (by paying it or attending traffic school for it) so right now because i have the date to fix the ticket extended by two months, it will not show up on my license or my insurance. What do you guys think? thanks a ton for any help :)""
Is there insurance for Antique Cars?
Hi, I have a 1971 chevrolet camaro. Wanted to ask if there was insurance for antique cars? I know i could just get liability for this car but i was wondering if i could get better coverage for my vehicle? Thanks.""
What insurance is available for those who are between ages 18-24 and can't qualify for Medicaid?
Any low cost health insurances out there?
Best private health insurance?
Hello! I need to sign up for private health insurance and I am getting confused with all the sales people and plans! I live in South Dakota. Anyone have Private Health Insurance that can give me some advice?
No proof of insurance ticket california?
I got pulled over for speeding. Got a ticket for no proof of insurance. I do have insurance for the car but I forgot to put it in my car the day I got pulled over. If i show prove of insurance during the fine date, how much does it cost.. and what the judge gonna do ? like how is she gonna look at the papers ? and do i take my insurance to the Judge or the car insurance pealse help :)""
What is the purpose of insurance?
What is the purpose of insurance?
""What is the cheapest car insurance place in the Farmington, New Mexico area?""
I've tried Farmers insurance and Geico. Both places quoted around $240-$280 every 6 months (or monthly payments). I did an online quote at Progressive and got a quote for around $180.00 (which was much cheaper). But I don't know if I filled the information out right? Oh btw, I'm trying to insure my 1995 Ford F-150 pickup. The insurance seems much more expensive on this vehicle than with other cars in my family.""
I am a newly licensed 6-20 Florida Insurance Adjuster. My goal is to eventually become an independent adjuster?
I'm thinking since I have no experience, I would start out as a staff adjuster but no one will hire me. Any tips on how to break in? All info is greatly appreciated.""
Finding Affordable Health Insurance Quotes online?
Whats a good site for getting lots of quotes at once?
A question about insurance on a car?
ok i live in england, and i am 27yrs old, i drive and have my own insurance which is fully comp, as i am over 26 i can drive any car third party, my boyfriend is just starting to learn to drive and since neither of his parents drive, hes going to have to get his own car with his own insurance on, which is obviously going to be quite high as hes a new driver, hes 20yrs old. we got told that if he put me on his insurance as a second driver then it would work out a bit cheaper for him, but im wondering if this is true, as i can drive his car anyway on my insurance, so im not sure if its legal to go on his or if they will let me. any advice would be appreciated.
How much is car insurance typically for a 19 year old in Burlington/Montpelier Vermont?
This would be on an independent coverage, not part of parents plan. It would be a Jetta (if that matters at all).""
If a car is totalled who gets the insurance check?
My car was totalled, I am still paying the bank for it. Does the insurance company cut the check to me or my finance company???""
Is it worth coveriong your sport bike in your insurance or is it best to just cover liability?
Covering your own bike literally triples the yearly rate, as in, your paying more for insurance than the actual bike. Is it really worth covering or should i just suffer my losses. Thanks to all and any veteran riders out their for opinion.""
Will one point on my license make my insurance rate increase?
I have been driving for about two years. Being a new driver, my insurance rate is of course considerably high (on a side note, I think auto insurance is legalized theft). Now. Aside from that, I received a speeding ticket. It was 83 mph in a 55 zone. Oops. In court, the judge reduced it from two points to one point on my license, and the record now shows 64 in a 55. Should I expect an increase in my insurance rates? I am insured with Allstate.""
Insurance auctions/Salvage yards websites???
can anyone tell me good websites that sale salvage/insurance auction cars ......i live in south texas........
I got a speeding ticket in somebody car well his car insurance go up?
I got a speeding ticket in somebody car well his car insurance go up?
Why does it make car insurance a lot cheaper when i add a younger girl than me as a named driver?
i got told to add someone younger than me on my car insurance to make it affordable, she's 17 and I am but she's younger than me, she has a provisional liscence. Is this illegal?""
""Best health insurance, help ?""
I know nothing about insurance, share your experience with your search for health insurance. In your opinion, what's the best one ? Thanks in advance, Daniel :)""
Where can I find cheap health insurance?
My wife is epileptic and health insurance is difficult to find for her due to her pre-existing condition anyone know what I can find.?
Car insurance for young drivers?
I was wondering what insurers provide the most favourable quotes for an 18old male like myself? The cheapest car insurance quote I could get was 2262, on an independant insurance website. The comparison websites are useless, I just get results of 3000 or more. I am asking if I can get cheaper than this figure? or should I just selttle for 2262?""
Car accident and no insurance!! Advice?
My brother just got caught driving without insurance. I know this sounds bad, but he has been struggling with money for some time now, and has many school loans he is paying off.... Too make a long story short, he can't afford car insurance and made a dumb move to drive to work and back without insurance. Now a car drove in to him, and had no insurance to show the officer. He now has to show up to court to prove that he had insurance!!! I feel bad for him.....what is the fine? He wasn't at fault for the accident! He just got back on insurance but he didn't have it at the time of the accident.... What is going to happen? What should he do to save himself??? Please help.... :S""
Whats the best California insurance ?
I want full coverage what's the best company
What is the best way to compare auto insurance quotes?
I am needing to find new car insurance, and I of course would like to shop around for the best deal. Can anyone recommend a good site that will compile your information and give you multiple accurate quotes from different companies? I am leery to enter my information into a third party database, so confidentiality, professionalism and no spam is a must. Thank you!""
How much would the rate be of the car insuance?
Ok. How much would car insurance cost on a 2007 BMW 335i coupe for an 18 year old driver with about 33,000 miles on the car. Also, how much would a 1999 ford Mustang gt witH 121,000 miles on the car for an 18 year old driver. the bmw will b in a covered shared lot while the mustang will be parked in an uncovered shared lot. We live in pheonix arizona. My car, the mustang, will be used for driving to work, as well as going to class. Same for my boyfriends car, the bmw. School is 4 miles away and work for me is about 25 miles aeay when his is only 1.5. Thabks for everyone who helps(:""
I was at-fault in a car accident. How much will it cost to repair? Should I report to insurance?
Here are the details of what happened: - I hit an illegally parked car, popping the side mirror out of it's place and scratching it slightly on the side. - My car's tire blew and the axle is completely f**ked up. It looks like my car is doing a turn-out in ballet. I also have to fix the bumper which popped out of place and the mirror popped out of place. How much will it cost if I take it to the Volvo dealership? - My car is a black 2006 Volvo V50 stationwagon. - Should I report this to insurance? How much will my insurance increase if I have AAA and this is my first accident on record?""
Is there a car insurance company in the UK that offers competitive quotes to drivers with penalty points?
My husband has 9 points on his license which are all from Dec 08. We are looking into getting a second car but most insurance quotes are shocking, just wondered if there was a particular insurance company who specialises in insuring such drivers? Thanks.""
How to tax car without insurance?!?
I bought a car recently on ebay. The gentleman said that he already cancelled his insurance as he stopped using the car in the las 6 months. I wanted to ask him to pay the tax on it but he can't. What should I do because when I buy a new car I contact the insurance company straight away but there's not tax on it so can't take it...Any advice?
1997 camaro insurance?
Hey , wuts a ballpark answer 4 how much the insurance for a 97 camaro z28 would cost for a 17 year old ? Also, are they pretty good cars and reliable? I alresy got an online quote , but I want answers from ppl who've owned a camaro from 1993-97.""
Boyfriend got into accident with my car..he has insurance/SR-22. Whose insurance will be responsible?
My boyfriend has had an insurance policy with an SR-22 on it for almost a year. It expires in 6 days. He was driving my car to work and got into an accident that was his fault. My car has barely any damage and I don't think the other car was severely damaged. My mom has an insurance policy on my car ( I live with her) But since my boyfriend was driving and he has insurance with the SR-22 doesn't that mean that it will go on his insurance? Isn't that the exact reason he had to have the SR-22 in the first place? So in case he screwed up (which he did) than it would be covered in any car he drives? Thanks.
""Free medical care-for adults-in Tampa,Florida?
can people with health problems who has no insurance get free medical care.
""If I am 27 and single, do I need to be paying for life insurance?
I have been paying for life insurance for a few years now and I am convinced that I shouldn't be. I do not have any children or plan on any in the next few years. My father says it is so I am locked into a premium. Does that really matter?
How much would my car insurance cost to pay the minimum payment?
what is the cheapest car insurance company? How much would the minimal payment cost? My 21 yr old bf would be the one paying it and i would be under his insurance. im a first time driver age 19. I am a mom of two kids and highschool graduate. the title to my car would be in his name. Unless it doesnt matter to have it in both our names. we live in ms and he uses state farm.
What is the ideal assurance do you expect from your car insurance?
What do you want to hear most from your car insurance company?
Can my father insure my car under his name?
I'm planing on financing a car and my father will Co sign. Can he put the car under his insurance I am only 18 years old so insurance just under my name is extremely expensive or is there a way he can be a Co owner of the vehicle if so how ?
Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance or landlord insurance?
Which is cheaper- homeowner insurance or landlord insurance?
A question about insurance on a car?
ok i live in england, and i am 27yrs old, i drive and have my own insurance which is fully comp, as i am over 26 i can drive any car third party, my boyfriend is just starting to learn to drive and since neither of his parents drive, hes going to have to get his own car with his own insurance on, which is obviously going to be quite high as hes a new driver, hes 20yrs old. we got told that if he put me on his insurance as a second driver then it would work out a bit cheaper for him, but im wondering if this is true, as i can drive his car anyway on my insurance, so im not sure if its legal to go on his or if they will let me. any advice would be appreciated.
What is the cheapest insurance for an 18 year old driver to get?
i dont have alot of money and need the cheapest insurance possible, that covers things somewhat. thankyou!!!""
Our car's passanger side window has been completely smashed in, with nothing left. What process of repair will come to cheaper? Getting our insurance to cover it with access pay or a private company ( e.g Autoglass) thankyou""
Is there such thing as any car any driver insurance? How do I get it?
I have four drivers in my family and at any time 3-4 cars. Is there an insurance policy that allows the drivers to be interchangeable? Or is there a policy that doesnt depend on who's driving what car with just a standard rate? Ideally I'd like to nominate anyone to be able to drive any of the cars depending on the situation. How do private car garages/dealers sort out their insurance? They have changing cars and drivers so it seems! Thanks for any help!
What is the best and cheapest insurance for a 16 year old getting a 2006 scion tc?
What is the best and cheapest insurance for a 16 year old getting a 2006 scion tc?
""OMG, Men and car insurance!?""
Teenage boys have to pay more for car insurance, If it was the other way around and women had to pay more Feminist would throw a fit, This is a freaken double standard. How do you feel about this. p.s. I know that the rates for male teenage is higher then female teenagers but if this was switched the feminist would be pist.""
Who has the cheapest full coverage insurance in ca?
Who has the cheapest full coverage insurance in ca?
How much would my insurance be?
Hi, I'm a 17 year old female and just passed my driving test. My parents are successful, therefore they're giving me their 2011 Ford Galaxy 2.3 Ghia with a supercharged fitted on it. I was wondering how much the insurance would be? Do they consider the speed of the car? Thanks.""
Where to find affordable health insurance?
I need blood presser pills but cant afford lab work or doctor fees
""Auto insurance for a person, not a vehicle?""
I need personal insurance for me. It is for a job. It is a courrier job. I was told i needed personal insurance for me to drive any vehicle. It will not be covering any vehicles, just me.""
How does rbs insurance differentiate itself from it's competitors?
Hi, I'm filling out an internship form, and I'm stuck on this question.. Please help me! Thank you""
Car insurance question? help!?
I am going to get my dad to be the main driver and me to be the named driver because it makes my first insurance 300.00 =] Which is cheap for an 18 year old! lol But an insurance company phoned up today and said if i did this i would not be able to drive the car, if i did i would be uninsured? That sounds wrong, i was thinking maybe he thought i hadn't passed my test? So would i be able to drive by myself with a full UK licence as a named driver on the car i own? Thanks""
Do I need my own car insurance?
I have paid my car off to my mom. She paid for it initially and is the listed owner of the vehicle. I'm 20 years old. Since she is the owner does that mean she will always have to be the primary driver listed on the insurance? If I move out after I graduate in a few months, do I need to get my own insurance plan on the car or stay on hers? I plan to keep her house as my permanent address for at least a few years until I really settle down. It would be cheaper to stay on the plan with her, but can I do that if I don't live in the same household?""
Can I have two health insurances?
I am pregnant, and my work covers me but i already have insurance. But only for myself my not baby so I was curious how it all works? I will be getting kicked off my current insurance soon so would my work insurance just take the place of it when that happens? thanks for any help :)""
2008 Nissan GTR Insurance/Maintenance?
I'v been saving up some money now and want to get a used car when i turn 21. had my license since 16 I'm debating heavily whether to get 2008 bmw 335i coupe or 2008 nissan gtr. i'm sure nissan gtr insurance and maintenance would cost a lot but about how much should I be expecting? iv been searching around and this is the number i got to guess but iono 4000 a year for insurance and 2000 a year for maintence...is that a good estimate? if it's more than that, i don't think i should really get one. should i just keep saving and buy a 335i and treat myself with a nicer one after college? or should i just go all out right now?""
Insurance companies that insure homes?
Do not have change&a was wondering insurance companies that will insure my home in Alabama
No minnesota auto insurance?
if i dont have auto insurance will i loose my drivers license and for how long i live in mn.if im caught
""Car title, insurance, different names?""
Can the title of your car and the insurance be in different names, or do they have to be in the same name??""
30 day insurance policy for newborns?
I am a teen mom and since the baby can't be covered under my parents insurance we are planning to do a legal guardianship, however you cannot get guardianship of an unborn child so we are doing it after he is born. But I was wondering if right after he is born if the hospital bills will be under my parents insurance because I have heard there is a 30 day period in which you need to get the baby's insurance arranged. So during the 30 days would the baby's hospital stay and everything be covered while we get the insurance arranged? Thank you!""
I trying to find a cheap car insurance for teenagers?
she already have tickets in her name . i trying to find someone who can make a deal with us.
About how much would it cost to be added onto your parents car insurance per month?
i am a 17 yr. old girl. am a reasonably good driver and i got a 92 on the written test. any approximation would be helpful.
Health insurance for 25 year old Greencard holder with mental health problems?
I'm a 25 year old male living in Florida, and I'm a Greencard holder with no health insurance. I'm looking for affordable health insurance. I have pre-existing conditions including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Schizo-affective disorder and Asperger syndrome. I take two medications for my mental health problems, one of which costs about $54 per month and the other costs about $33 per month. How much would the cheapest health insurance cost for me that covers most or all of the cost for my medications? Thanks for any help!""
What determines how much the unemployed/disabled get paid?
I have to type up a report on unemployment insurance/diability insurance. I can't find out what determines their pay. Any help or resources would be greatly appreciated :) Also I need to interview an unemployment insurance agent. I don't know where to find one?
Car Insurance In St Louis?
I just purchased a 2002 Mazda Protege today and I bought the car right out but now I'm looking into auto insurance but I have no idea where to go. I am looking to just get liability but doing online quotes is a lil' tiring because I really don't know what I'm looking at. Could someone tell me what is the best rate for auto insurance in St. Louis to go. I also have never had auto insurance before and have never had any priors driving anyone else's car.
Who is the cheapest car insurance in USA ?
Ihave finicial problem right now ipay for six month liability $ 300 it us too much for me is there any body knows less than that price iget please let me know?
""Looking for a good car insurance agency but not too expensive, any advise ?""
Hi, i have been with allstate for over ten years for my car insurance but recently i just got a newer car and it sky-rocked and im looking for a better rate, if anyone would recommend some i would appreciate it so i can get some good rates to look at and compare, I don't know why it went up so high because i have had no tickets or accidents in fifteen years but they say they have not made any mistakes with it. Thanks for the advise Deb :)""
A question about insurance on a car?
ok i live in england, and i am 27yrs old, i drive and have my own insurance which is fully comp, as i am over 26 i can drive any car third party, my boyfriend is just starting to learn to drive and since neither of his parents drive, hes going to have to get his own car with his own insurance on, which is obviously going to be quite high as hes a new driver, hes 20yrs old. we got told that if he put me on his insurance as a second driver then it would work out a bit cheaper for him, but im wondering if this is true, as i can drive his car anyway on my insurance, so im not sure if its legal to go on his or if they will let me. any advice would be appreciated.
What are some of the cheapest auto insurance companies for new drivers in G.A.?
What are some of the cheapest auto insurance companies for new drivers in georgia? the car i am trying to insure is financed, so I require the insurance to be full coverage, and i am also a new driver""
Can my car insurance just go up for no reason at all?
I have been paying $150 for my car insurance for the past year, but now my dad just told me that it went up and know i have to pay $250. Why is that if I haven't got into any accident or anything. Or is he lying to me?""
Can I sue a person for no auto insurance? In the state of Texas?
I have full coverage and is paying the bill. This lady son hit me and she is the owner of the car. She came to the seen and said she would pay with her insurance. The police was called and we said no police report because they knew he was at fault. She gave false insurance. It was no good for about a month. She gave me all her information, phone,address, and everything. I called her and she said she gave me the wrong policy number, so she gave me another policy number. The problem with this other policy was she got it after the wreck. When I say sue, I just want what it costed me and my insurance company. Its $2700.00""
I need braces on my teeth but i dont no have Insurance that cover it what can do do help?
i really need braces for my teeth and my health insurance wont pay for it. i am 21 and my teeth are crooked and is in my way. i do get SSI but i wanted to know what can i do because Braces cost to much money.
What do you do when he doesnt have car insurance?
I was in a car wreck two weeks ago. We thought he had safe auto to the police report which is a nightmare but which made it worst he has no insurance at all. He had been drinking early but did not blow enough to go to jail. What can be done about him driving without insurance and drinking
How much will I have to pay mom for Insurance!?
Ok, my mom agreed with me to let me get on her car insurance because I'm under 25 and if I was to get my own insurance it would cost a fortune. She uses Drive Insurance through Progressive. She has a 2007 Ford Edge and I think she's paying 185/mth. I'm getting a 1999-2000 Pontiac Grand Am and I'm not getting full coverage insurance just half (I guess)..How much do YOU think it will cost for me? I live in Michigan if that helps.""
Does anyone know if the 5 hour turbine transition for helicopters is a reg or just an insurance minimum?
I can't find anything in the FAR's that mentions anything about having to do a 5 hour turbine transition when going from flying piston helicopters to turbines (as long as no type rating is required). Is it just an insurance minimum?
Does the car appearance affect insurance?
Does the car appearance (good or bad) affect how much we pay for car insurance. I know insurance companies always ask What condition is your car?..any dents, etc does saying its in good condition make the rates go up or down?""
Which is the best of the car insurance price comparison websites?
And is there like a website that you can go to that lets you compare them easily?
I don't have insurance but my parents do. Can I drive my parent's car without them present in the car?
Can I legally drive alone by myself as long as I have my parent's insurance card in the car? I just got my license and I don't plan on driving to work or school, rather just for miscellaneous activities. I don't feel like I should be paying for car insurance yet. If I get in an accident, wouldn't it just be as if my parent's got in the accident. So can I legally drive under my parent's insurance if my name has not been put on the plan as one of their children who drive. Is it OK for me to drive alone to run some errands now and then?""
Car insurance queries?
its got no insurance but taxed and motd can i drive it on my licence i can drive any car not belonging to me with owners permission
Car insurance for 17 year old?
hi im josh and im 17 years old can anyone tell me how to get a cheap car insurance quote from anyone. please help me??
Does anyone have 21st car insurance?
I am thinking of switching my car insurance, this is a lot cheaper... Just looking for some feedback... dont know much about this insurance...I have never really heard of it... Thanks!""
Can I be covered under my girlfriend's insurance plan if we have lived together for a year and a half?
My girlfriend works for AT&T and is enrolled in their insurance plan. I just graduated from college, and have not started employment with my job yet. The insurance coverage I had with ...show more""
I live in el cajon san diego i am 16 i want to get a car what insurance company should i get that is cheap?
i cant afford a car payment every month plus insurance so what insurance company will first of all let me be with them cause i have no credit and how much will it cost for me to get insurance
What is the car insurance system in UK? How much and what else?
Let's say I bought a car with insurance group 20 what do I have to pay per year. I know for the 1 st year I need to pay 1000 and then half of it for the later years. Except that what taxes and all do I have to pay? How much is it gonna cost to afford a car with all the legal issues?
Whats the cheapest car insurance company for young/newly qualified drivers in the UK?
I have just passed my test and have a car, but the insurance is ridiculously high, around 3,300. There has got to be cheaper quotes out there. Please help, thanks!""
What is a fast economical car for a low insurance group?
I have been driving for a nearly and year now and would like to upgrade my car, I have a 1.6 16v VW Golf and was looking for something faster, economical for a low insurance group, thanks. Around insurance group 4 - 7. Nothing any higher.""
Can we also get free car insurance? Obamacare?
we are very poor,,, and quality for free health care with this new plan that tax payers are so nice to pay for,,, can tax payers also pay for my car insurance?""
Health insurance. Self employed.?
Hello. I am 24 and self employed as a driver. Live in Minnesota. Made little to no money last year after all expenses. Broke even. Have no insurance. Health insurance I mean. I have looked and everyone has plans you can buy from 68$/mo with 10k deductible and so on. All are pretty much the same for my age. Being self employed. Struggling to make money. Doesn't the state have their own low cost insurance I can apply for. Anything besides the Buy your insurance Today type deal. Thank you in advance !!!!!!
Would it be cheaper to insure honda civic or honda accord?
I'm talking about general prices for each of them, I'm thinking accord is cheaper because its cheaper and non sporty and a family sedan can anyone tell me how much they pay for their inusrances?""
""What will happen to my car insurance - first time, minor accidental scratch?""
Very icy weather, I was going 20 km/hr (honestly) and when I made a right turn the ice dragged me out into the opposite lane. (It was kind of painful to watch - because I was going to SO slowly into the other car and I kept pumping the breaks but nothing) By the time I hit the car I was about 2 seconds from a complete stop already. Will this hurt my insurance? I've never been in a collision before. There was a litte peeling of paint and a scratch on the other car. Should I call them and offer to pay for it and not get my insurance involved? That's what I heard to do.""
""Buying a new car, but don't have insurance?""
If I don't currently have insurance, how can I drive a car home from the auto dealer? do i have to purchase insurance before I buy the car? what if i'm buying from an individual and his insurance on the car has lapsed?""
""When getting additional health insurance, why do I have to disclose that I already have other coverage?""
I have this lame health insurance plan through my employer, but my husband's health insurance plan is much better and covers a lot more... on the application they are asking if I'm already covered... Why do they want to know? Can he get in trouble for saying no? (How) can they somehow find out that I am covered by another plan?""
What are your rights if a person's car hits you and they don't have auto insurance?
This was a non-reportable vehicle accident. The person's car who hit mine was a manual and somehow came down the hill and hit my car. No one was in that person's car. But it rolled down and hit my car. I went to a dealer to get an estimate and it was about $955. I have car insurance, but the other guy doesn't. I have full coverage, but my deductible is $1000. What are my options? The owner of that car who hit me said that he is a mechanic and can fix my car. What should I do? Should I allow him or should I ask for his certification/license? I don't know if I can trust them either. I would rather have someone else fix it. Or should I just ask him to pay for the accident since he doesn't have car insurance? Is there a way where I don't have to pay anything? Any information what so ever will help out so much. Please give as much feed back as possible. I'm really looking for some possible answers.""
A question about insurance on a car?
ok i live in england, and i am 27yrs old, i drive and have my own insurance which is fully comp, as i am over 26 i can drive any car third party, my boyfriend is just starting to learn to drive and since neither of his parents drive, hes going to have to get his own car with his own insurance on, which is obviously going to be quite high as hes a new driver, hes 20yrs old. we got told that if he put me on his insurance as a second driver then it would work out a bit cheaper for him, but im wondering if this is true, as i can drive his car anyway on my insurance, so im not sure if its legal to go on his or if they will let me. any advice would be appreciated.
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