#btw i loved maslany in orphan black. she was great in that show
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maryasmorevna · 1 year ago
i'm listening to the first hunger games novel's audiobook and omg, tatiana maslany's inner voice for katniss (who obviously is also the pov character) is so snarky, it's like she's constantly rolling her eyes at everything in the capitol. amazing
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hamiltontrashaccount · 8 years ago
Homesick ( Platonic Phillipa Soo x Reader)
A/N: Hey everyone! I am so sorry I haven’t posted a fic in a while! This is a super shitty excuse but I just really hate typing on my parents computer and its the only way I can write fics so I have to force myself to type on this computer to write fics and I just really hate typing on here. But I will try harder to get my fics done quicker! Also, quick note: I’ve never actually really felt homesickness so I hope that I did described how it feels to feel homesick! Please feel free to send some constructive criticism if you have any! Enjoy guys!
Request:  Can you please write a platonic Pippa x fem!reader, where the reader is homesick, and Pippa makes her feel better? I loved your Anthony x reader btw!!
Word Count: 1431
Warnings: not really anything, just some homesickness
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
New York was great. You’d never been to any place better. It was so freeing to live there; the people were so diverse and no one there judged you for anything you did.
But no matter how great New York could be, Libertyville, Illinois would always be home. 
You hadn’t gone back home for almost a year. Your schedule was so busy all the time. You worked as a theater director in Hamilton: An American Musical. You loved the job; but it kept you busy. Too busy to even call your parents.
During a show on Friday night, your mom had called you. Since you were busy working to get everyone to their places, you couldn’t answer, and when you finally found time to call back, it was way too late and you knew your mother would be asleep. The next morning you’d tried calling her but she didn’t pick up.
“Damn it. She’s probably at work.” You mumbled.You’d tried to remember to call her when you knew she had lunch, but you got busy again and forgot to call.
It wasn’t until a week later when you finally had an extra hour to yourself that you checked FaceBook to see what was going on back home.
Your mom got a new promotion at work. Your dad won some contest and got a giftcard to Starbucks. Your sister went to a party with all your old friends. Your cousin just had a baby shower. One that she didn’t invite you to. You two had always been close.
You tried to stop the tears from coming; you really did. But you couldn’t help it.
When had everyone decided to shut you out?
Sure, it was all tiny, insignificant events in their life. But you were missing out on it all. You and your family had all been close, and now because you were in a different state, you were missing out on all the good things. You threw your phone on the sofa and covered your face with your hands. You pushed the heels of your hands against your eyes to try to stop your tears but it didn’t help. The tears flowed anyway. You cried until you fell asleep.
You woke up late the next morning, so you didn't have time to put makeup on before going to work. Your eyes were puffy and red from the night before, and you almost cried at how unprofessional and just plain disgusting you looked.
When you got to work, everyone was laughing and talking about their plans for the weekend. You heard Anthony mention how he was going to take Jasmine to meet his parents. Jasmine gushed about how the previous weekend, she’d gotten the chance to go back home and show of her boyfriend.
You quickly ran to the bathroom, not bearing to hear another minute of their conversation. You wished you could go back home this weekend, but your job didn’t allow you to take a vacation.
In the bathroom, you tried to calm yourself down, but no matter how hard you tried, the tears still fell.
You heard the bathroom door open and a voice called out.
“Y/N? Are you in here?” Your best friend since high school called out.
“I’m in the last stall Pippa.” You answered.
You saw her feet move from underneath your stall.
“Y/N, are you okay?”
You sniffed before answering. “No.”
“Open the stall door, please.” Phillipa asked, pushing lightly against the door. You obeyed and opened the door.
Phillipa held tissues out to you, but you raised the tissues that were already in your hand. “I’m in a bathroom. I already got some.” You chuckled.
Phillipa laughed with you and walked into the stall, closing and locking the door once she was inside.
“Tell me what’s going on.”
“I miss home.” You said, your voice cracking. “Everyone’s so happy but I’m not a part of it.”
Phillipa sighs before moving to hug you. “Hey, it’s okay.”
You shook your head. “No. I want to go back home, just for a little while. But I can’t because work, and I can’t leave everyone here and-”
“Y/N, everyone will be fine without you for a weekend.”
“I’ve shown up five minutes late before and everyone was in a rush and unorganized and-”
“We’re adults, we can figure things out. And that time you’re talking about, happened on the first preview we ever had. We had no idea what to do, but now we do.”
You shook your head again, but didn’t say anything.
Phillipa sighed, but didn’t say anything else. She stayed silent as she held you. You cried for another couple minutes before taking a big sigh and breaking away from Phillipa’s embrace.
“I’m okay now.” You said. Phillipa gives your shoulder one last rub and takes your hand. You both walk out of the bathroom.
Everyone gave you sympathetic smiles as you passed all of them, but thankfully, no one mentioned anything.
The show that day went well, but that didn’t bring your mood up.
Later that night, Phillipa goes home with you.
“Are you still feeling homesick?” she asked once you two settled on the couch.
You sighed. “Yeah, a little bit.”
“Well then,” Phillipa said as she smiled. “Looks like we’re gonna have to order us some pizza and order a Postmates to bring us some Rocky Road and Cookie Dough ice cream.”
You smiled.
“Yes, there’s the smile!” Phillipa cheered. “Oh, and I’m still behind on Orphan Black, so we’re going to watch some of that.”
“Mmm, I love me some Tatiana Maslany.” You giggled.
When your pizza and Postmates arrive, you and Phillipa stayed up for the next three hours watching Orphan Black.
“Thanks Pippa. I really needed this.” You looked to her. “Just some quality time with my best friend in the whole world.”
“Anything for you.” She responded, laying her head on your shoulder. After going through two more episodes, the both of you fell asleep on the couch.
Even after quality girl time with Phillipa, you still couldn’t cure your homesickness. Every time you checked FaceBook, something new was happening with everyone in your family. The next two days were just as miserable as the last.
No matter how hard you tried to hide your sadness from Phillipa, she could still see it. She’d known you for almost 10 years; at this point, there was nothing you could hide from her.
There was only one solution to fixing your homesickness. Phillipa worked fast to get everything set up and soon her plan was ready to be set in motion.
Two days after girl’s night, Phillipa showed up to your apartment early in the morning.
You sat up groggily from your bed and looked at the time. 5:30 a.m.
You got out of your bed and grabbed the bat next to your nightstand.
You checked the peephole of your front door and sighed out in relief when you realized it was just Philipa at the front door.
“Pippa Soo, what the hell are you doing here so early in the morning?”
“Our flight leaves in three hours. Pack up quickly so we can get to the airport on time.”
“I, uh, huh?” You stammered.
She raises up two plane tickets to your face. “We’re going to Illinois.”
“But.. how? Work and-”
“No. I talked to them and they’re giving us the next two days off. So that’s three days we get to go visit our family.”
“Pippa, you’re really doing this? Taking a vacation just for me?”
“Well, I mean, it’s not much of a vacation. I have to babysit you.” She joked. You shook your head but laughed with her.
“How much do I have to pack?” You asked.
“Enough for two days. Now chop chop. We only have like an hour to get there.”
Phillipa helped you to pack up whatever you needed and 20 minutes later you both were in a taxi heading for the airport.
While waiting for your flight, you and Phillipa ate at one of the restaurants there.
“Thank you again, Phillipa. You really didn’t have to do this.”
“I know I didn’t. But I couldn’t stand to see you sad anymore.” she said, reaching across the table to squeeze your hand affectionately.
“Well, now I have to set up my own spontaneous vacation. Maybe we’ll go somewhere funner this time. Like Vegas!”
Phillipa giggled. “Yeah, definitely Vegas.”
That weekend was probably one of the best of your life. And you owed it all to Phillipa.
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noremi · 8 years ago
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it’s ya girl clear again w/ a new idiot portrayed by the infamous titty malaysia and y’all gonna have to accept that her face will probs change a few times. u also gonna have 2 accept that she’s gonna be in some gifs w/ herself and just assume. (jk. not all the way but most of the way. will elaborate.) just general overview u kno what ur getting into and all: her two childhood crushes were maxwell sheffield and cece babcock.
no but 2 elaborate if u aint seen orphan black she legit plays like 50% of the roles but imma try 2 keep it 2 her sarah/sarah-as-beth gifs so as 2 avoid confusion. 
u still might be seein some others tho.
full disclosure: i combined a few characters from the past + added them 2 this scene and created an angsty af bg.
TATIANA MASLANY - REMI MARX is playing ACTRESS in COMEDY CIRCUIT. They are currently TWENTY-SIX, go by SHE/HER, and identify as a CISFEMALE. Off-set, they are often described as the CHAMELEON by their co-stars, because they’re ADAPTABLE, but also UNRELIABLE.
she grew up and lived a p normal life in florida. she had a happy nuclear family. it was all good!!!
and then, in the words of will smith, her life got flip-turned upside-down when she was 10
ya i guess u could say she got her start to stardom then u kno??? the back of milk cartons with information abt where u were last seen is p big so she was already at leAST d-lister when she was only in fourth grade. on the kk app that’s hard 2 reach.
aight so basically she was abducted when she was 10 by this woman who was all “omg!!! ur parents!!! are in grave danger!!! im their bff!!! i kno their names!!!” so she was like “omg!!! ok take me 2 them!!!”
the bitch was like “nvm we’re going to an isolated part of town that u have probs never seen ur gonna play the role of my kid bc my husband and i cant have one but u have 2 chill in this shed w ur two sisters who are certainly most definitely consenting to this 100% for the rest of ur natural lives!!!”
“btw we worship god, jesus, the holy ghost, and zargon, the lord of lizards, in this house and if u dont fuq u” - abductees, 2002CE
when she and their other “””””daughters””””” like.... were legit becoming adults they were like “omg!!! so grown up!!! but u kno u want 2 stay w us forever. we’re the most stable force u’ve ever had in ur life and we love u and care abt u and also dont want 2 be arrested.”
when they did “””””””family”””””””” thigns in the shed like a good ol’ sunday dinner!!! it was always v “ :) lov this. :) ” “ :) did u make this urself? it’s so good. :) ” etc.
when remi was 19 one of the girls was like “u kno whaT!!! i found a way out im leavin idc pce.”
cue wild goose chase to wherever that cop place was!!!
long story short: everyone was free and the abductees cursed zargon for playin them like that.
at some point idk when but everyone was like “that kidnapping 9yrs ago? idk her.” which was gr8
so then remi was like “oK TIME 2 MAKE UP FOR EVERYTHING gotta get that ged gotta get that first job offered gotta get that first affordable apartment etc”
but u kno what else she had 2 make up for??? friends!!!!!!!!!
best way 2 make friends is 2 make them laugh!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D LD: :D D: D: DD :D 
eventually she was like “u kno whAT THIS IS GR8″ and she decided 2 do the most logical thing out there:
audition for an old-ass tv show.
i mean bitch had backup plans but like gorl???? u lucky u werent turned down. u lucky u googleable. u lucky u can accidentally exploit urself.
her favorite tv show is still ‘the nanny’. 
tries 2 be a leather-wearing badass but is actually just a big child.
“i love the instagraph.”
“i yahoo’d this thing the other day.”
not Smart™ but not Not Smart™
impressions are her fav and i lit j say this bc of everyone on ob.
she does a greaT steve buscemi.
v “eVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF” tho so never be in a horror movie w her.
has hardcore considered how the anatomy of catdog works. it haunts her.
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