#btvs reference
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oveliagirlhaditright · 1 year ago
I'm kind of shocked that (as far as I know), no one has gifed Xander in season four of Buffy saying to her: "I've gone through some fairly dark times in my life. When it was dark, and I'm all alone, and I'm scared or freaked out, whatever. I always think: 'What would Buffy do?'" with that episode of Supernatural and the Ghost Facers: "WWBD: What Would Buffy do?"
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serenity-song · 9 months ago
I still think Ben was a liiiiiittle old to play high school. But he is Evan. Evan is Ben. (Ben is Glory)
This moment is so beautiful. I'm just excited that my new project is even remotely related to making people feel included and like they belong. Decent life's mission I think.
Also thinking that writing "these songs saved my life" essays would be a pretty cool blog project... That idea keeps coming back to me. hmm
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mishyoona · 2 years ago
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waldensblog · 2 years ago
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Shadow and Bone season 3 
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bertolts · 1 month ago
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Good Night Sweet Girl 🎶
[ Posted here & BlueSky @ MadQueenMaddie ]
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nicollekidman · 12 days ago
the heavy lifting the angelus vs. angel name change does to absolve him of his actions meanwhile spike is always just spike and his ledger is dripping with blood even as he is not allowed the luxury of being perceived as a being with free will….. reinforced by anya vs. anyanka like HELLO don’t piss me OFF….. this is also why the soul irritates me because he gets it most truly as a way to allow the narrative to neatly categorize the growth that was already there is Provable and reinforcing the false dichotomy of good ensouled / bad soulless that the show had otherwise already grown past
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junebugjo · 3 months ago
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homework break spuffy doodle
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comradesummers · 2 years ago
i don't think the spike girlies talk enough about how he was an upper-class posh dude who reverse my fair ladied himself so that he would sound cooler. like do you think he sat around practicing "the rain in spain" to make himself more cockney?
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selkiemaidenfae · 2 months ago
(on season 3 fyi)
my hot take is that i actually love the idea of spuffel but i hate interpretations that are like “spike and angel are healthily in love and buffy is just their ex who is allowed to join”
like, let’s discuss.
those vamps are so in love with her it literally changes the fabric of their fates. spike gets a soul for her. they’ve both lived and died for her.
buffy anne summers, slayer, saver of the world (a lot), and most beautiful girl in california, is not the add-on.
not to mention— i think spike and angel could manage healthy relationships on their own, but not with each other on their own. not with their history.
i think if they tried they’d fall back into the drusilla/fanged foursome dynamic where “love” is about punishment and ownership and the blurred line between pain and pleasure.
but to be with buffy, i think she’d lay down the law and let them know pretty bluntly that she’s not going to be drusilla. she’s not going to pit them against each other or sit back as they do it themselves. she’s not going to be babysitting fighting children in her relationship.
she’s their lover, not their referee, and if they’re going to love her the way she deserves, they have to learn to love each other too.
not like vampires do, but like the humans they once were. like men with souls with a light in their life they want to keep.
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^^ buffy to spike and angel
in conclusion spike/buffy/angel >>>> spangel/buffy and i’ll stand by this.
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duckwnoeyes · 4 months ago
Maybe I’m evil but I would have killed for one scene where Joyce has to properly come to grips w what Buffy being the slayer means. Bc can you imagine Joyce grappling w the knowledge her daughter was going to die young?? Living w the assumption she was going to outlive her child?? Imagine knowing every time your daughter goes out at night, she might not come back. Would have 100% destroyed me and it would have been brilliant.
(Also the insane tragedy of Buffy, after 5 years of believing she would die before her mother, managing to outlive her by a few months)
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shorthaltsjester · 4 months ago
tlovm interviews with sam and travis constantly talking about wanting to shock campaign viewers. if you are shocking people who have spent 500 hours with the characters. maybe that isn't strong writing. it can be fun entertainment don't get me wrong. but not what i'd call strong writing. and i'm not saying that the audience knows the characters or the world better than the creators, but I am saying that the way the tlovm team talks about shock/surprise-based choices in the writers room isn't particularly heartening or indicative of character-focused writing. which yk i get the suspicion that writing isn't the top of the priority for tlovm and that's up to them. the animation is stunning, the score is beautiful, the voice acting is obviously phenomenal. this is just me being sad that tlovm is not something I would still have any interest in at all if i was not already in love with the characters.
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tubesock86 · 2 years ago
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pretty skirt spike
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get-back-homeward · 11 days ago
bug tumblr needs more flowers in the dirt love so after returning to it this week and unable to shake off the inherent haunting of it, i just need to inject this into the atmosphere.
this album is full of grief and mourning. its an elegy, a metaphorical burial of a loved one. but it also has this element of otherworldiness, like the main objective is communing with the dead in a futile hope of revitalization.
it haunts like those horror stories of desperate mourners left behind trying everything in the hours after their loved ones’ death to revive them.
that paul starts it 8 years after john’s death just shows that the shadows of grief can be long and unwieldy. the title itself suggests the time passed since the burial, flowers in the dirt. the flowers laid down by mourners on a burial site that have dried and started decomposing over many years as they join the soil.
but it also is cathartic in the way that fully feeling grief after burying it for years can yield. in that way, the burial is also an unearthing of emotions many years buried. to feel them, look at them, to hold them in your hands like you would dried flowers, and then lay them back to rest more peacefully.
but the looking at them lasts one moment too long, becomes a reviling in the afterlife and a brief longing to join the dirt like pulling covers over your head. you have to walk away feeling shame and guilt over it and the haunting persists. more subtle, the emotions more manageable, perhaps more tamed or understood, but still lingering like a fog in the night. you just get used to this haunting, you allow the ghost to make a home on your shoulder and it becomes easier to go on with life, day by day.
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thepunkmuppet · 1 year ago
oh nothing just buffy and cordelia are literally cosmically linked.
cordy wishes buffy had never come to sunnydale (despite being wronged by xander, not buffy - lesbian behaviour tbh but that is a different conversation) and the entire universe changes.
and now we know that in a universe where buffy doesn’t exist, it’s cordelia who becomes the slayer.
I might be grasping at straws here but like… seriously?? two of the major alternate universes in the buffyverse hinge on the inherent connection and opposition of buffy and cordelia??? AT THIS POINT YOUR FATES ARE NOT UNEXPLAINABLY INTERTWINED BY THE UNIVERSE YOU ARE JUST GAY
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Okay but in the beginning of Same Time, Same Place, there is a joke about Anya not wanting her spellcasting with Willow to get too sexy. The show literally say "remember that two women casting a spell together usually means they're having sex? well we want to make sure you understand that this time it's just for plot reasons." They acknowledge that you might want to read it that way based on previous seasons, but you shouldn't, in that situation.
Anyway in the end of the same episode, when Willow and Buffy hold hand and do it on Willow's bed, that acknowledgement is missing.
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lesbianmarrow · 5 months ago
am i wearing black nail polish bc it's gender-affirming or bc it's affirming my secret desire to be spike btvs.......
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