#bttf animated
alex-a-fans · 7 months
In defence of BTTF animated series
And I can hear your thoughts: "What the duck is Alex on? How can this series be any good?"
NOW HEAR ME OUT. I am not saying it's a masterpiece, but I am here to give credit where it's due.
Ah, the animated series. The media we all want to forget, or maybe some did not know it existed. Filmed in the 90's, a time when every popular movie got a TV series and believe it or not, animation wise BTTF got the short end of the stick.
The style is not... It... Characters are too over the top. Phrases are weird, and jokes were not landing. (And they aged like milk...)
Okay but maybe story is okay!? Haha... Not quite :D. BUT heres where it get's a point in my book. The ideas are there, but they are so poorly explored.
Retired - Could have been (and even slightly was) about how all of Emmett's self-worth is on his intelligence.
The ideas, story, everything was there, but not explored enough.
I believe it's because of the target audience. It was fit to be a Saturday morning cartoon in the 90's for kids. And for that, the animated series was great.
Many people who saw it in the 90's say it was good.
Maybe this rant is useless, but the animated has inspired many aus and fics of mine! Alien doc is a direct result of "What if doc was actually an alien in "My pops an alien"".
The fic where doc dies is inspired by "Retired" The other fic where doc dies is inspired by "Witchcraft"
Surprisingly in the next one doc does not die. "Gone fishing" rewrite.
Maybe everyone had the exact same opinion as me and it was common knowledge. Yes, it's best to be forgotten and it's still the worst BTTF media. BTTF movies aged like fine wine, but animated - like milk. But I still love it :>
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synthsays · 1 year
Ok, update on the uh hallucination au???
⚠ Unreality, Hallucinations ⚠ just in case
Ok so y'know how in the last post I said it would require Doc being the main character to work, and also for nobody else to interact w/ Marty (and/or more other characters that may be hallucinated??). The IRL segments from the animated series do exactly that, 1. They make Doc the main character 2. Nobody interacts w/ any of the other characters besides Doc. Even when a baseball player came on screen and technically Jules and Verne had just broken a window w/ a baseball, the player doesn't mention it at all.
More under cut ⬇️⬇️⬇️
(Ik that it's bc none of the other actors could be in the irl segments but none of other characters are ever show on camera besides Doc even tho he mentions them regularly, and Jules and Verne have been in the lab while the cameras rolling but they still weren't shown. Although their voices can be heard, my theory that is kinda unlikely is that Doc can do impressions??? Like Verne does perfect impressions of both his mom and dad, Doc could be doing his kids voices??? Idk)
Almost all of the episodes are him starting like "If i remember correctly..." or something like that, so how did Doc know all of the characters perspectives if he wasn't there at all? Of course they could've told him, but how do you remember something that didn't happen to you? Unless Doc made up Marty (and co.)'s adventures. And it gets even more dark than the last post because, if Marty doesn't exist and Clara, Verne, and Jules all regularly interact with him, and not many other people at all. Doc's whole family could be hallucinated, I mean Doc married a woman who was supposed to die in 1885??? Or did he...
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yumykon · 5 months
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artsyfartsypaige · 9 months
Convinced that when Marty first started helping out Doc as a kid, he would not shut up and Doc just had to accept that
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Retirement Home Rumble: Round 1
Side B
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Why they would crush the other geezers under the cut:
WARNING: There may be spoilers
JoJo Propaganda:
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Doc Brown Propaganda:
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maxintime · 1 year
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I was watching the bttf animated series and saw a scene of doc hugging marty and was like "I wanna redraw that"
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future-boi · 10 months
Happy day-after-time-traveling-and-waking-up-to-find-your-dad’s-former-bully-casually-strolling-around-in-ur-house-but-everyone’s-cool-with-it day!
Still images in case the video doesn’t load:
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Gif set:
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George, your son is physically assaulting this man, please do something.
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cheriboms · 1 year
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doctober day 7: family
aka 3 brothers just hangin out ^_^
bonus (dedicated to all of the older siblings who got outgrown):
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bg-sparrow · 6 months
Mythbusters, but make it Doc Brown and Bill Nye.
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knickynoo · 5 months
Back to the Future: The Animated Series, s02ep013 "Verne Hatches an Egg"
✨Last episode of the series!✨
Previous episodes linked here.
In this episode: Verne gains a cute little buddy, creepy Mr. Wisdom returns, and a jarring final moment with Real Doc
Well, friends, we've reached the end of our journey into the world of the animated series. It was almost exactly one year ago today that I posted my review of the first episode, and it's been a super fun project to work on. I'm kind of sad to be done with it.
Let's see what this last episode has in store for us, shall we?
We start in the lab, where Doc is making adjustments to his latest invention, the "ELB Pediatric Policer."
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It's basically a lie detector designed to be worn by children, lol. When a child does something they know is wrong, or if they lie about something, it flashes with lights and blares a siren. He plans to present it at the Annual Convention of the Home Inventors of Mad Geniuses.
Gonna be real with you, Doc—not sure how I feel about this invention. Sounds like a good way to raise very anxious, paranoid children.
Anyway, this reminds Doc of something that happened to Verne when he was doing show and tell one day.
The cartoon begins with someone attempting the steal the DeLorean. They're shrouded in shadows, but it's pretty clear that it's Verne. He's got a pretty high track record for DeLorean thievery. Doc's security system catches him, though, locking him into the car, setting off an alarm, and taking a picture, which is sent directly to Doc's room.
Quick little sidenote, but I don't think I've mentioned that Doc regularly calls Clara "Clarabelle" over the course of the series. When he's woken up by the alarm system, it's the name he uses to call to her, and I was like, "huh. why have I never written about this in my posts?" I looked it up, and Clarabelle (the spelling according to the subtitles on the DVD) is a variant of the more official spelling, which is Claribel. It means "bright and beautiful" but seems to be a pretty obscure name, as it's only listed at .009% usage at the height of its popularity in 1893.
So, I'm left wondering: Is the animated series implying that it's perhaps her "real" name, with Clara being her nickname? Or is this just an affectionate nickname Doc uses for Clara? And if it's a nickname, is it something Doc simply thought had a nice ring to it, or is it because he's secretly a big fan of the Disney character Clarabelle Cow??
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That's Clarabelle with her boyfriend Horace Horsecollar, btw. If you even care.
Verne tells Doc that he was only taking the DeLorean so he could go looking for something cool to bring to show and tell. Doc decides to help him out by letting him borrow an arrowhead he has. Verne is psyched, but before he can even reach the school building, Biff Jr. intercepts him and demands his lunch money. He steals the arrowhead from Verne.
Verne's teacher isn't happy that he had nothing to show or tell about, and she tells him that if he doesn't bring in something the next day, she's going to make him play Prince Charming in the upcoming school play. Which is a really weird threat if you ask me!! How does one force a child into a lead role of a play he doesn't want to be in just because he didn't have show and tell? What kind of school is this?
Verne is horrified by this news on account of he'd have to kiss some girl named Beatrice. He says he'd rather be, "dead like a dinosaur" which gives him a sudden idea. I sense a bad decision coming! And I bet Marty is going to be in on it because he always enables Varne in these types of shenanigans.
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Yep. I knew it.
The boys take a quick trip to prehistoric times, where Verne swipes a dino egg for show and tell.
Shortly after arriving home, the egg hatches, and Verne finds himself caretaker to the world's cutest dinosaur.
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Look at that guy. (Verne faints when he sees it)
Within the hour, the dinosaur has already grown significantly, and it escapes outside to the yard, where Verne begs Jules to help in hiding him. Just then, they hear Doc approaching and quickly work to form a ridiculous story in which the dino is their friend who painted himself green because they're playing a game involving aliens.
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They're able to get away with it on account of Einstein is so afraid of the dinosaur that he launches himself at Doc's face and refuses to move.
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Doc decides to take Einie to the vet, leaving his sons and their "friend" to continue their game. Jules insists Verne return the dino, but Verne wants to keep him as a pet. He names him Tiny.
It doesn't take long for Tiny to go missing in town. He ends up at the Tannen home, where Biff Jr. is watching Mr. Wisdom (who you may remember from an episode earlier in the season). If you don't, you just need to know that Mr. Wisdom is an evil children's TV show host who also happens to be one of Doc's old college roommates.
Mr. Wisdom announces that he's offering $50,000 to any viewer who can capture and send in an alien, bigfoot, or dinosaur. Very unfortunate timing, huh? Biff captures Tiny and sends him into the Mr. Wisdom show. After airing a special episode featuring Tiny, Mr. Wisdom plans to kill him and sell pieces of him to research labs for money.
Thankfully, Verne comes clean to his parents, and they work together to form a plan and sneak onto the set to free Tiny.
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When Mr. Wisdom starts his show and reveals the "dinosaur," it's really just Marty and Jules on stilts.
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Jules looks just like the monkey in that one meme.
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The family gets home and prepares to bring Tiny back where he belongs. Before he goes, he spits out a baby tooth, which Verne is excited to be able to take to show and tell.
With that story wrapped up, we go back to Real Doc, who teaches us a little about eggs using a raw one. While he's talking, he takes out the lunch he'd packed, of which one of the items is a hard-boiled egg. Can you guess what happens? Yeah, he mixes up the two eggs. After some time to think about it, he feels pretty confident that he's figured out which one is the hard-boiled one and. And he just BITES into the egg, shell and all, like an absolute lunatic. And he's wrong about it being the hard-boiled one.
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Who does this? Who on EARTH eats a hard-boiled egg in this manner? Are you telling me that Doc regularly leaves the shells on his eggs and bites into them like an apple?? He eats the shells? Is that what I'm supposed to take away from this??
We're ending the animated series with the revelation that this is how our beloved scientist finds it acceptable to eat a hard-boiled egg?? What am I supposed to do with this now? How will I make peace with this information?
Join me next time for nothing. The animated series is over, folks. Doctor Emmett Brown eats eggshells.
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artist-squared · 2 years
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Miku McFly
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alex-a-fans · 1 year
"Pop, if I had known he was such a mega weasel I would not have brought him here" Verne kicked an imaginary rock on the floor not facing his father. "the fiber said he was your best friend"
Emmett sighed putting down the onion he was cutting and wiping the tears it caused away. Only to then nearly say the most atrocious line of curse words when his eyes started to sting.
Marty knows that if it wasn't for Verne standing right there - this world would have heard the most gut-wrenching, obnoxious, heinous cuss words heard to mankind till now. But all Emmett mumbled was "Damn!"
After a moment the scientist straightened up, "Well, even that was a lie. My best friend was Albert, who majored in medicine at the time"
Marty blinked. "Albert, as in the guy who flirts with you at the grocery store?"
Emmett now too stared at him in disbelief.
"40' was a wild time"
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mythical-bookworm · 5 months
3 Year Redraw
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A comparison of my very first drawing of Marty, and one of my first human drawings digitally, to where I'm at now!
April of 2021 I watched the Back to the Future franchise for the first time within one weekend. I absolutely loved it, but due to me being new to fan culture, I did not find anyone else to obsess over it with and it sadly fell dormant in my mind until September of 2023.
A couple days after watching the franchise for the first time I begun on an animation meme. It barely went anywhere before it was dropped. However I had no clue how to draw humans, as I focused only on dragons.
And so my very first drawing of Marty was born. I wouldn't draw him again until December of 2023.
I was extremely proud of him at the time. I thought he was adorable and most certainly my best work. (I'd only drawn probably 4 other humans digitally at this point though)
It's incredible to see how far I've come as an artist, especially when it comes to humans. I forgot about this drawing for a while and I just had to redraw it. A testament not only to my improvement, but when I first got introduced to Back to the Future, which is now one of my main fandoms.
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artistfromminnesota · 13 days
Which song for my next animation?
Which song?
“Pins and Needles”- Lifehouse
“Immortals”-Fall out boy
“Pumped up kicks”- Foster the People
“I thought I lost you”- Mily Sirius
“Ain’t no love in Oaklahoma”- Luke Combs
“Heathens”-21 Pilots
“Hall of Fame”- The Script
Comment your song, I’ll show you the FULL BTTF animation if you do find a winning one!
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synthsays · 1 year
Hi guys, here's my silly little goofy haha animatic I spent all day on
They are my favorite guys ever >:]
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pepsifox88 · 1 year
First Post! Hey Everyone!
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Yooooooooo! Heyo!!! So I happened to find this site to look at fan art based on Back To The Future and eventually I got inspired so I somehow made an account? I didn't have the intention of making one at first but I thought it would make a good idea to make one since I've always wanted to share BTTF art too. It's my favourite movie haha
Here's a little mini GIF treat of Marty saying hi! To start off!
I'm excited to share my art haha I never really used tumblr before. I'm actually not the best at navigating websites lol. I'm looking forward to seeing what other stuffs I can see . My english is not the best lol but I will tryy
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