degeneratesbible · 7 months
In the language of flowers, a pale red carnation denotes the idea that “my heart aches for you.”
This story will have 3 versions of the same plotline. Each version will have a different POV where you can read as one of three cis-female characters.
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The Pale Red Carnation (main love interest - Jin)
The Daisy (main love interest - Jimin)
The Marigold (main love interest - J-Hope)
The first book is the POV of the eldest sister (the main love interest is Jin). If you don't want to spoil the story and want to wait for the POV of a different love interest, stay tuned. Other POVs will be Book 2 (primary love interest Jimin) and Book 3 (primary love interests JHope and V).
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Bts Mafia!au Pt. 3 Devil Boy Seokjin
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(Part 1) Fated to Love Just You: BTS Mafia!au
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Warnings: Mild cursing, mentions of blood
Word count: 1859
Ah hello~ This is my first piece of writing! Please tell me if you like it or have any questions or anything at all! I will probably upload the next chapter based on how this first one does. And of course there will be more appearances from all the characters. Thank you for reading!
Part 1  Part 2   Part 3
"Why are you guys so quick?!" Jaebum exclaimed out of breath as he ran to catch up.
"Hurry the fuck up. It's as if you want to be caught." Jackson scowled.
"Ah come now~ it's his first heist! You were even slower your first time Jack," BamBam sang as he ran far ahead of the rest of us.
"I told you not to call me that!" Jackson yelled.
"Ah ah ah, did I just hear someone raise their voice at me?" Bambam said keeping the same tone as before.
Jackson muttered an apology fearful of what your leader would do.
You chuckled at your team's dialogue. Yet another successful heist. Not a surprise though, your gang was one of the most notorious among the underground mafias. Although it was new, it quickly became well known for its quick missions with hardly any trace of their presence. Well, that may be a lie. You felt pride in your work and always decided to leave a little present to those you've affected: a gray cherry blossom on the smallest piece of paper.
Your squadron entered the G.C.B headquarters and split ways naturally: Jackson to training, BamBam to report to the captain and you about to head to the showers when you spotted Jaebum.
"Good job on your first mission Jae," you congratulated your new member.  
"Ah thanks! It was all thanks to your training of course." Jaebum replied ecstatically.
You ruffled his hair taking pride in your work.
"Fuck! Why are we always so late!" Yoongi scowled.
"We wouldn't have been if Hoseok finished playing with that chick earlier" Jimin replied.
"Ahh sorry sorry~ I just love seeing that look of shock on their face when they're about to die. So priceless." Hoseok smiled.
"Dude you've got some weird habits. That coming from the guy who has a knife collection." Taehyung said pointing at himself.
Yoongi picked up the only remains of the jewelry store. The gray blossom.
"Of course. I can't stand these new guys and their flower squad. They're stealing all our objectives." Yoongi said showing the paper to his members.
"Hey I mean we've been number 1 since we started. It was bound to end one day." Said Jimin trying to pick up the mood. Everyone knew when the leader was in a bad mood that meant hell for the rest of the team.
"I don't get it. Why don't we just end them?" Taehyung asked.
"Are you fucking stupid? You know the rules about interfering with other gangs." Yoongi said seriously.
"Actually," Hoseok interrupted. "I'll have to agree with Tae on this one. Of course maybe not destroy all of them, but perhaps one important person?"
"Even if we wanted to, it's not like we can get any information on them. They're very low profile." Jimin said getting bored.
"Ah Jiminah do you even know me? Leave it to me" Hoseok said excitedly.
"Absolutely not. I'm not trying to do all that paperwork if you get caught. Now let's leave before the cops get here." Yoongi sighed heading towards the exit.
Hoseok chuckled following his leader already weaving a plan in his head.
"You police are good for nothing!" The shop owner yelled as the cars started to park in front of the empty building. "So sorry sir but we're trying our best right now to find who's behind all this." Jin did attempting to calm him down. Namjoon walked around looking for any signs of suspects ignoring the owners insults.
"Hey! It's that logo from the robbed bank from before." Jungkook said showing the crumpled piece of paper to Namjoon and Jin. They sighed in annoyance. Of course they've seen the symbol before but found absolutely nothing on what it meant.
"Namjoon I put your squad in charge of this flower case for a reason." The police chief said upon the three men entering the station. "I know sir, we're trying our best." Namjoon replied without making eye contact. "Well obviously not hard enough." The chief muttered returning to his office. Jungkook looked at his distressed leader with pity. 'I don't want Namjoon to get fired because of this case... I'm going to look into this myself" Jungkook declared to himself.
You jumped straight into bed after your shower. Of course you were used to going on missions and the hard work that comes with it but the fatigue after is something you weren’t sure you could ever rid yourself of. You were about to go to sleep when your eyes landed on a box in the corner of your room. It was full of stuff you snuck in from your previous heists. You look through the box selecting a pink iPhone to look through. It’s not like your gang was against you having cellular devices, but you wanted to look at a normal person’s phone for once. You press the home screen button and watched the phone flash to life. “Wow, look at all these notifications...must be nice.” you thought as you manage to hack into it easily. Having hacked into far more intricate systems, this was child's play. All texts were from friends or family.
“Where are you?! Pick up my calls!”  -Mom
“Honey please. If we ever did something to anger you...we’re sorry. Please dear come back.”-Father
“Girl where are you? Didn’t you say you were going to the bank real quick and coming back?”- Alice
“Baby where’d you go… I took time off work to spend time with you and your friends? Where are you?”- Josh<3
You scoffed at the amount of concern they had towards one girl. She wasn’t even dead, you let her go because she practically was on her knees begging for life. You opened her Instagram and scrolled through finding pictures with her friends at clubs, her family at restaurants, her boyfriend at… everywhere. How nice it must be to live a lavish average life. You compared your life to hers listing the pros and cons. Of course you loved working in the Gray Cherry Blossom gang. Everyone likes to think of gangsters as rough and tough and sure they can be… but only to outsiders. You can 100% say that those in your mafia were closer to you than your family. And yet you found yourself craving mundane things. Wanting to shop at a mall with your best friend. To be able to spend bonding time with your family and even maybe even have a fiance.
You groan in annoyance. It’s useless even thinking about stuff like that. You continue to scroll through the instagram when your eyes land on a certain post. “A masquerade ball?” You said out loud. It was as if the instagram gods heard your problems and offered you a mere solution. You thought about it; going out to a public function for enjoyment. You knew how risky it was, how much trouble you could get into and yet you assured yourself (or at least pretended to) that you would be extra careful to avoid it. You saved the post containing the information for the time and place.
Hoseok was getting ready to go out when Jimin walked into the room.
“Are you seriously going out to that stupid party?” He said rolling his eyes.
“Yah it’s the only time I can socialize with people and not creeps like you guys.” Hoseok retorted buttoning up his shirt.
“You’re one to talk” Jimin scoffed. Hoseok shot a glare in Jimin’s direction and watched as he backed away slowly. These type of parties were a common thing among gang members; a way to meet people they weren’t out to kill for just one night without having their identity jeopardized. Hoseok checked his reflection out in the mirror one last time before heading out. Plastering on a fake, cheerful smile, he was out the door.
You arrived at the location faced with a huge line. You loudly sighed in frustration running your hands through your hair as you thought about all the scoldings you’d get from BamBam if you came back late to headquarters.
“Agreed,” a voice behind you said. You turn around to be faced with a man wearing a emerald embedded mask. You panic for a quick second but then remember your identity is also hidden.
“Ahh sorry I just hate waiting in these long lines.” You replied trying to keep your cool. Although his mask was covering his eyes you could tell he was quite the looker from his smile and hair.
“Understandable. I feel the same about waiting.” The stranger agreed.
You guys talked for what seemed a minutes when it was your turn to head in.
“Invitation?” The security guard said in a monotone voice. You tilted your head in confusion.
“Ah! Here” You fumbled to take the girl’s confiscated phone out to show the saved post.
The stranger’s eyes immediately went to the phone. “I’ve seen that phone before...?” He thought to himself.
“Yoongi check this out. Isn’t this the address from the place we were supposed to rob?” Taehyung said handing Yoongi a newspaper. It was an advertisement from one of the escaped victims from the bank.
“How stupid to advertise wanting her phone back. Like those stupid flower child thugs would give it back.” Yoongi muttered before returning to his laptop. Taehyung shrugged it off and left the newspaper on the table.
“What a hideous shade of pink too. I can’t reason why she would want it back.” He said taking one last look before walking away. Hoseok picked up the newspaper and laughed.
“Civilians just keep getting more and more clueless.” He laughed to himself before throwing away the papers.
“This isn’t the invitation ma'am.” The guard says getting more and more irritated as time passed. You stood shocked. Maybe you didn’t completely think this through.
“She’s my plus one actually.” the stranger said jumping in. The security guard couldn’t care less letting you both in.
“Ahh thank you! I can’t believe I left my invitation at home haha.” You tried to play off cool.
“Oh it’s not problem really. It’s a pleasure to make acquaintance with you.” he reached for your hand to place a tender kiss on it. You weren’t used to such affection and pulled your hand back instinctively.
“Haha yea same to you. So what exactly do people do at these type of things?” You changed the topic.
“Ah well--” He was interrupted by a vibration on his leg. He checked his phone to find a text from Taehyung.
Taehyung: “Hoseok where are you~~ I’m bored );”
Hoseok smiled replying instantly: “Just made a quick friend. I have a feeling she might not want to be my friend in a bit though. Ttyl.”
“Ahh are you busy?” You interrupted the handsome stranger since you were starting to feel awkward just standing around.
“Oh sorry where were we? Ah yes, so at these type of things…” Hoseok continued while flashing you a smile.
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sincerelynamkook · 4 years
Hoseok x Reader
Genre: Smut 🔥 Mayhaps a smidge of angst 💔
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: gun play, oral, bondage
Playlist: "She Luvin It” by Jimmy Brown // “Besame” by Camila
A/N: I wrote this one a while ago and it’s probably what started my mafia AU obsession lmao. Enjoy!
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“Sir she tried to escape again.” The young man says as he walks into the office. Hoseok stands from his chair and walks over to the window facing the woods, arms crossed with disappointment etched on his face. 
“I’ve abided by every single one of her requests. I’ve gone out of my way to make sure she’s safe and taken care of. Is this how she repays me?” He growls to his capo. 
“With all due respect, I think you’ve spoiled her too much and this has made her forget she’s your prisoner.”
Hoseok hums in agreement. “Perhaps you’re right. Seems I need to remind her how things are done here.” He walks back to his desk and opens the middle drawer where he takes out a single silver key along with his glock. He places the glock in his holster and starts to walk out the office, his capo following him. 
“Cuff her and bring her to the range. Let the soldiers know I don’t need them out there right now and turn its surveillance off.” He commands as he walks along the long hallway of his castle and heads to the back of the house where he has his own gun range for his clan to practice in. But tonight he’ll be doing other types of practice. 
The capo follows orders and walkies the soldiers guarding her room to cuff her and bring her outside. “Make sure she’s wearing emerald green. He’s in a mood tonight.” His tone of voice makes the soldiers aware of the situation, weary of what will happen to the girl but they follow the orders nonetheless. 
She protests as they walk inside her room with the cuffs out, ready to be placed around her wrists. She begs them not to take her to him. Pleads with tears in her eyes as she tries to push them away, but she is no match for their strength. 
Giving up, she allows them to each grab one of her arms as they lead her outside. Head bowed to the ground she prays to any god that will listen to her pleas. “Please stop” she softly whispers. 
Hoseok hears their footsteps behind him. Turning around to face them he begins to roll the sleeves of his white button-up shirt, removes his tie and unbuttons the top two buttons. 
“Leave.” He says to the soldiers after they’ve gotten the girl to kneel on the ground. 
The breeze makes her shiver, reminding her she’s basically naked under the green satin robe. Her hair flows in the wind, sticking to her glossy lips. Heart stopping when she feels his hands move the hair away from her face. She hates him, but her body feels differently. 
He stands in front of her, the low sun behind him casting a glow around him adding a majestic look to his already dominant energy. His hair is swept to the side with fresh undercut peeking through the disheveled strands of hair. His eyebrows are furrowed, lips pursed together in anger or disappointment. One thing is for sure, he’s not happy. 
“Why?” He asks her as he looks down at her from where he stands. He’s shaking in rage from her actions but also rage from him not understanding why he’s starting to feel the way he feels about her. Those deeper feelings weren’t part of the plan.
“What do you mean why? I’m a PRISONER here.” She yells with anger. Her chest rises with her every breath, adrenaline coursing through her veins. 
“So you do know you’re a prisoner.” He leans back as he crosses his arms. His biceps flexing, making the shirt tighten on his arms. She swallows and curses at herself for noticing. 
“Of course I know. Every second that I can’t speak to my family, friends, or do whatever the fuck I feel like is a reminder to that.” 
“I’ve given you everything you’ve asked for. I’ve treated you better than I treat my people. I’ve given you more than I’ve ever given anyone before and you dare to treat me this way?!” 
She jumps hearing his voice rise in volume, realizing what he says is true. He’s met every single of her demands and then some, but what he doesn’t know is that he takes a little piece of her heart every time he does what she asks him to do. She needs to leave this place before he ends up owning her entirely. 
He sees her close her eyes as she takes a deep breath, giving him time to admire her otherworldly beauty. The sun makes her glow, making her seem likes she is not real, making her seem like the innocent pure soul she is. His heart wrenches in slight pain when he realizes he is tainting her with his darkness. 
“I think I need to remind you who you are to me.” He says as he reaches behind his back to grab his glock. 
He points it at her and her world stops. He wouldn’t, would he? She thinks back to all the moments they’ve shared in private, all the whispered nothings he’s said to her, his soft touches, the way he looks at her when he thinks she’s not paying attention. 
What they both don’t realize, is that he too is giving her his heart piece by piece. 
“What are you doing?” She whispers as he takes a step closer to her. 
He places the tip of the gun on her forehead, leaving it there for a few seconds until he hears her take a deep breath. He moves the gun along her face slowly without any pressure. His eyes following the movements. Her eyes are still closed, mouth slightly open as her breaths quicken in fear. Her lips glisten as the tip of the gun touches them. 
“Show me what your smart mouth can do.” He commands. Her eyes open in surprise, mouth opening a little more as she gasps. He takes the opportunity to push the glock in her mouth. 
Accepting the challenge, she makes eye contact with him as she starts to work her tongue around the glock as he moves it in and out. 
She brings her cuffed hands up to hold the glock in place. Her dainty hands covering his strong ones. He feels himself harden even more at the touch, imagining her doing what she’s doing to the glock to his dick. 
She pushes his hands away from her and he allows her to remove the glock out of her mouth. She brings the glock back towards her face but sticks her tongue out and begins to lick upwards, starting from where his fingers hold the handle all the way to the tip, never breaking eye contact with him. 
His dick twitched when he felt her tongue touch his fingers for a slight moment. He’s starting to lose his patience, wanting to feel the warmth of her mouth on his cock, the feel of her lips sucking on his skin. 
He feels her hands leave his only to feel her start to unbuckle his belt. He throws the glock behind him, freeing his hands to assist her. 
They quickly make work of his pants and underwear, pushing them down his thighs far enough for his dick to spring free from the restraints. His veins screaming for her tongue.
She sucks him into her mouth with no warning, bobbing up and down as she fists her still cuffed hands around the base. The clanking of the cuffs reminding him she’s his, thus adding to his pleasure.
She licks along his dick, showing more love to his veins, knowing that’s his weakness. She places him back in his mouth, making sure his dick touches the back of her throat making her gag. His guttural moan letting her know he’s close to reaching his peak. She continues to explore his dick with her mouth, massaging his balls with her hands. His breathing has quickened, hair a disheveled mess as he rakes his fingers through it. His forehead now in full display. Eyebrows furrowed, mouth open in pleasure. The now shining moon casting a shadow along his jawline, emphasizing his sculpted face. 
She feels herself drenched, wanting to reach her own pleasure. She hears his soft words in between his moans, “Baby, please, I’m close” he says as he looks down at her, pure pleasure etched on his face. 
She gives him one last stroke with her tongue before sucking him one last time. She feels him come inside her mouth, dick twitching as he releases his full orgasm. She swallows, drinking him all in. 
He removes himself from her mouth, taking deep breaths as he comes down from his high. He sees her lick her lips, swallowing the last of his cum. She wipes her lips with her thumb, smiling softly at him, forgetting for a moment that she’s his prisoner. 
He stares at her for a few seconds before he remembers the point of this situation he caused himself to be in. She notices his realization when he hardens his expression and starts to put himself back together, all the while she’s still kneeling on the ground. She shivers once more, feeling dirty and used. He walks where he threw his glock and picks it up, placing it back in its holster. 
He takes out his phone from his pants pockets and dials his soldiers. 
“You can come get her.” He says as he makes eye contact with her. Instead of the warmth she’s used to receiving from him, all she feels is ice. They stare at each other, trying to tell each other their feelings without words, neither deciphering each other’s feelings. 
He sees a tear fall down her face, breaking a piece of his heart knowing he’s causing her pain. He turns away from her and starts to walk back to the house, leaving her alone in the dark. 
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temptingempress · 4 years
The Mafia’s Princess
Not your typical Mafia Story...
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The Mafia's Princess
1: https://temptingempress.tumblr.com/post/639279379437977600/the-mafias-princess-jhssummary-i-cant-loose
2: https://temptingempress.tumblr.com/post/640450706008113152/the-mafias-princess-jhs-2
please leave a like on these stories and tell me how you like them so I could continue :) I have a lot in mind so you better watch out for more!
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Chess (Suga mafia au!)
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Synopsis: he is a mobster, you are his girlfriend and you are pregnant, you try to run away, you Yoongi is Yoongi, and he would never let you go
You sat there on his leather chair, a very intimidating chair, but truth be told it was very comfortable. The same chair behind a desk with piles of paper of dealings of his job. The room almost looked like any other office, you know, calm painted colored walls, a big red carpet covering the floor, leather sofas, and a big desk near the glass window, the usual.
No one would notice that something was of, if it wasn't to the content of the papers and the gun hidden in the first drawer at the desk, or the cameras watching the mansion.
Of course, you knew that wasn’t a good idea having a gangster boyfriend, but love is love and you let yourself drown in that cute smile and breathtaking kisses. And your life was dangerous, of course, it always had enemies, danger, weapons and blood, lots of blood, always the damm blood.
You looked at the pregnant test fidgeting in your hands as you creased your brows and twitched the sides of your mouth.
You looked at the notebook opened in front of you showing places you could go and at your suitcase beside the chair.
The fact was that you had a bun in the oven, and you were scared, correcting, you were terrified of his reaction, Yoongi always had been gentle to you, but you knew his work and you knew how he worked.
Just then the door opened and a blond Yoongi entered in all his glory, dressed in a suit and a matching necktie. His hair was all disheveled, the necktie all messed up, but in your eyes, he still seemed gorgeous as ever, even with all the blood that stained his beautiful attire.
“Hey love”
“Hey…” you said with a tired face
“You look sad, what happened, did someone bothered you, I can take care of that for you, don’t worry.” Said him closing the door behind him
“No, it’s not that, no one bothered me, it’s another thing.”
He looked at you with a mixture of worry and confused face and started walking to you.
“I think you should sit down; we need to talk”
“Oh shit, are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, babe, just sit, ok?
He did as you asked and sit across from the table, on a too much luxurious chair on your opinion.
You didn’t know how to drop the news to him, so you took the pregnancy test from you lap and out on the table in the middle of you two. He looked at you in disbelief and you looked at your lap trying to avoid his gaze, where your hands were squeezing each other as your nervousness rate rose like a rocket.
Hell, this were hell, there couldn’t be other explanation to what was going on. A baby, oh my gosh. It was the worst time to have a baby and worse than that is that you knew it.
You loved him, of course you did, but this wasn’t an environment that you wanted to raise your child. You dreamt of a better future for the little life growing in your belly and you loved the idea of you and Yoongi, a cottage far away from there, somewhere safe, lots of space for the child to run and play, maybe a backyard.
But reality was cruel, your boyfriend was too famous to simply disappear in the world, famous in the worst possible way that you could. He was the leader of the biggest and feared gang of Seoul, no one with half of a good judgment dared to cross his way and to complete the package there were the enemies, Yoongi had piles of them, half of the city feared him and the other half wanted his head on a stake.
But sometimes you thought the dumbest one in town was you, how could you love someone like him? Well, you have been asking this question to yourself since you laid eyes on him. It’s pretty cheesy, but it was love at first sight.
All these thoughts filled you mind, you looked at your hands, at the walls, at anything but him, you didn't know how Yoongi would react. You knew him, but at the same time you didn't.
He looked at you and immediately your eyes met his, his face showed no emotion, completely serious, like this was some reunion with his gang.
You wanted him to say something, anything, you were desperate for a reaction, even a bad one. But instead, he simply rose from the chair and walked away, not forgetting to close the door behind him.
You took the pregnancy test in your hands and it felt heavy in your hands. You started crying, crying hard, sobbing and hyperventilating. This was really bad, he hated it, oh gosh,  he hated it everything about this,  it would be no good for him or his business and you knew what he prioritized and it hurt you when you realized that wasn’t you and if he hated the baby, he certainly would start hating you too.
You didn't want even to think what his reaction would be, but your mind raced as fast as your heart and millions of scenarios came to you mind, none of them ending with a happy ending. You knew what was going to happen next, he was going to break up with you and kick you out of his house and out of his life and you would never see him again having to have this baby alone and being a single mother. And it would be horrible, because every time you looked at the child you would remember its father and you heart would sink even more, again and again and again.
You put the pregnancy test in your pocket and walked of his office, already thinking what you would do in the next nine months, but your objective was clear: you had to vanish, disappear from the world. And that would be hard you knew; he had his men in every possible place. But you were a smart woman, of course you were, there was no way a dumb one could be leading one of the most powerful and influencer companies in Asia. What would make things even harder, your name also was in tabloids and media, so in that way he could easily track your every step along the way, well, shit.
But you didn’t have your last name for nothing, someone with that last name never backed away from a challenge, and you wouldn’t be the first one to do it. You were going away, and no one were going to stop you.
you rushed up the stairs and opened the door of the bedroom you shared with Yoongi and went directly to the closet. You tiptoed as you got your suitcase from the top shelf. You opened it so fast that you almost teared the zipper. But that was the least thing you cared at the moment, you took handful of your clothes and threw inside the bag as more tears stained your beautiful face, you cleaned then with the back of your hand and filled the bag until your part of the closet was empty.
You had some difficult to close the suitcase since you were in a hurry and you didn’t fold any clothe. Damm, it was heavy, but you managed to carry along your loud steps out of the house, you looked behind, imagining that Yoongi could be there, but he wasn’t, and you didn’t know if that made you relieved or even sadder.
But you got in your car and started driving fast, faster than you ever did before, ignoring the traffic lights and getting people screaming as they tried not being ran over. As you started crossing a bridge you opened the window and threw the pregnancy test away, hoping it would get stuck in the bottom of the river forever.
You plugged your phone to the Bluetooth and dialed the number, the receiver picked at the third ring, as always, she didn’t liked people calling her, mainly at night. But it was a crisis, she would understand.
“Y/N, its late, I was almost falling asleep and you know how much I ha-“
“I know, Yongsun, I’m sorry, but please, listen, it’s important, look, I’m going to take a few months of vacation and I need you to take care of the enterprise, ok? You’re in control now”
There was a brief moment of silence, your tensed even more.
“Ok, I’ll do it, you know I’d do anything for you, but why? What happen-
Suddenly the girl’s voice changed to a loud buzz and the to another voice
“Shit” You muttered under your breath
“Noona? Where are you? I see here that you are going fast, please slow down, it’s dangerous”
“Leave me alone Jungguk”
“Noona, please don’t do this, I just want to help”
“Then help me getting out my phone”
“But Noona, I don’t want-“
Then you heard some rattling with a chair, someone crashing to the ground and some microphone. You liked Jungguk, he was a nice kid, but now you just wanted him to go to fucking hell and burn, burn to ashes that you could dance on it. Then another voice came through the speaker, shit, this voice you knew for sure, and you almost banged your head on the steering wheel because of the frustration that overcame you.
“Y/N, please come back home” Said him in a strangely calm tone of voice, shit, that meant danger, too calm.
“I can’t”
“Why not, love?”
In other times the pet name would made a smile grown in your fast, but now it only made you cry harder and your heart ache, as you felt how much you still loved him.
“That’s not my home anymore, I’m going to my home”
“And where your home if I’m not there?”
“That’s the whole point, now my home its anywhere far away from you. You better forget me and not come trying to find me, Min Yoongi” You screamed despite him not being there
“Oh love, I love how you say my name, it so melodic,  and you know how much I love you and want to protect you, so there is no way I’m not knowing your location, I always know, I always will.”
“Yoongi, I hate how you're always breathing on my neck, that doesn't sound nice, it sounds like a threat, are you threatening me?”
“Of course not, love. I’m just remembering you about my promise of always protect you.”
Yoongi would never let you go, outside he could seems cold but you just had to look into his eyes and you could see fire burning, he wasn’t the boss just casually, he was someone that looked at stuff burning as laughed his ass off, almost like a psychopath, totally out of his mind and no way you’d let your child near a psychopath, although he was the father.
Then you looked at the rearview mirror and you saw the car plate, oh gosh, it couldn’t be, you thought you had an advantage of time, you left early. It was him. You screamed in frustration and right in front of the bridge you could see that it was blocked, and a part of the middle of it was missing like it was imploded or something, but how? You were sure that if that happened, you’d have listed.
You were forced to stop and you sat there, all your limbs shaking and your breath hitched, you were on the verge of crying more, but no way in hell you’d let him see you crying, so you wiped all your tears. now you had to be the double of the courageous person you were, for you and your baby.
You were bought back to reality by a knock on your window.
“Get out”
You did it, and you embraced yourself because of the cold breeze of the almost winter. Yoongi noticed and took off his jacket putting on your shoulders, taking a deep breath and shoving his hands into his pockets. For some little time that seemed to last forever you two just stood there in the company of each other, the wind making you hair messy and you let it be, it was covering your vision of Yoongi and made you feel better.
“I can’t believe you bombed a bridged” You said looking at the missing part of it.
“Don’t worry, by tomorrow it’s going to be fixed”
“Fix it now” You said first time looking at his eyes, they were bloodshot, you didn’t know if it was sadness or pure anger.
“Why should I? So you can go away and leave me? No way I’m letting that happen”
“Yes, you will, I have to go, Yoongi, you don’t understand”
He laughed sarcastically in disbelief
“No, darling, you don’t understand, we’re having a baby, my job always was to protect and love you and now I’m going to double my job because of the baby”
“You talk about it like it was a burden to you, if really is why you care? just let me out of your life so you can keep going with your mobster life” you said now crying, you couldn’t hold it back anymore, it was too much
“You always knew about my mobster life and you never had a problem with it before, I thought you were with me in this path, with me, with me!”
“I was, Yoongi, I really was, totally devoted to you, but I can’t anymore, you trained me, I can take care of myself. But I can’t take care of myself and a baby, the baby will always be in danger, plus it’s an easy target”
“If you can’t do it, then let me do it, I can protect you, you know my reputation, I won’t let anyone hurt you or our baby”
“No what? It’s not my child?”
“What do you mean? of course it is, who do you think I am, a whore? I never cheated on you. It’s your, but I know you don’t want it, so I’ll be on my way”
You turned around ready to enter your car and find another way out of there, but then Yoongi started speaking again
“it’s my child, I want this baby, I really do, I want it all with you. Please, let me take care of you both, I know I have my flaws, but I’ll do my best”
“No way, you’re a cold killer, have no regrets on spilling blood and making piles of bodies, how can I be sure that I won’t be one of them!?”
He looked at you with a confused expression
“Babe, are you afraid of me?”
“Of course, I am, you psychopath”
He started walking towards you and you started taking steps behind you.
“I can assure you that has no reason for you to be afraid of me, for heaven’s sake I goddam love you, I worship you, you’re my queen. A king can’t rule its empire without his queen and you’re my queen. Please come back to me” Said him offering his hand to you.
You kept walking behind, then Yoongi sprinted and caught you by the waist, you looked behind and saw that you were at the end line, the river waving calm underneath you.
“See? You’re safe with me, I won’t let anything hurt you”
“Ok, I’ll come back”
He smiled wildly, interlacing your hand with his already pulling you towards the car. But you didn’t move one inch. He looked back at you; brows furrowed deeply
“I’ll come back, but I have conditions”
“And what would that be, love?” said him looking at you calmly and some expression between puzzled and challenging
“I want more of your time to me, we’re together, but at the same time we’re not, you’re never there. Second, you’re going to take of off all your tracker of all my devices”
He took a deep breath, and looked up to the sky, buffing and all looking like stuff were going against his will, what he obviously hates it.
“Anything else, angel?”
“yes, I want to be more active in the gang, no way I’m going to be just your trophy girlfriend”
“That means you will be in lots of danger” He said squeezing your hand
“I can handle it” you said smiling
He laughed
“This it’s like playing chess, the king does everything to protect the queen, who is the last to fall”
“Yes, it’s like chess. So, what about my conditions?”
“Fine, you can have whatever you want, I would dive in hell if you asked me to” He said will half a smile. “Now please get in the car, it’s cold, you going to get sick”
And you entered his car, you came back home, to your empire, to rule it besides him. It wasn’t easy. It was your first child, you both pretty much freak out, but you guys were enjoying, each day was a new day. And he only let people he truly trusted near you.
And nine months later, a beautiful and healthy boy came into your lives, a boy that you name it Minjae, that meant smart and talent.
“I like the name, it sounds nice. It’s a great choice, love” He said looking at the newborn baby that you were holding dearly in your arms.
“Talking about love…” You started “I have something to say”
He looked at you, expectant
“I love you”
“I love you too” He said kissing your lips, then Minjae’s forehead. Minjae smiled and made you both smile too, happiness surrounded you three.
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youroneandonlyck · 5 years
“I’ve got my eyes on you”01|Jeon Jungkook
GENRE _ mafia au, serial killer au , future smut, killer au
“would you believe if I told you that somewhere out there a cold hearted, ruthless murderer exists? would you also believe me if I told you that surprisingly you might even get to bump into him. or rather, he’d have his eyes on you.”
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I slit his throat and watched his blood gush out, his life fading before my eyes, six down and six more to go. As I finished and pushed him off the seventh floor balcony, his body hitting the ground with a heavy thud. I feel nothing, I fear nothing, and I have nothing. I used to have everything but some people are never satisfied with what they have, so they try to take something that's not theirs. So now I'm here taking back equally what they took away from me, my family. I climb up the stairs to the rooftop and watch the moon and the night sky, everything seem so peaceful yet chaotic as I sit on the edge i’m thinking about my next target, the son of the right hand, currently studying psychology and art major, 22 years old, and a rich kid. my technique is quick, find the target and kill him silently in the dark. No mess, no witnesses. 
Today is my so called first day at college, funny thing is I never attended college because of what happened I isolated myself from the society, I say the humanity is what destroys each other, greedy and selfish humans. that's what we are. I'm currently putting on my backpack, a backpack loaded with highest tech equipment and my camera. I start the engine to my red g wagon and rave off. As I arrive to the campus all I notice around me is these idiots who think are the best and think they can have everything. I wish I could just slit each and every one of their throats and wipe off their plastered smiles of their face. As I continue to walk through the hall, I notice that they have numerous clubs and trophies, pictures of student who are “exceptional”, lame. as I walk through the head doors I put on my fake smile ready to look like a student. I have chosen psychology as that spoilt brat and photography, why not do something fun while I’m here. I receive my timetable and realise my next lecture is in half an hour. I sit at the bench far away and go through my backpack, I have to find the tag, and somehow pin in on that fucker. As I sit here, the bell rings and a bunch of girls walk out breaking in laughter, seriously? I can't wait to be done and get out of here, this is not for someone like me. 
I close my backpack and prepare my equipment and walk to class. As I stand at the door way I see that brat laughing with his mates approaching the class, I put the tag inbetween my fingers and walk through the door at the same time as he did, immediately I planted the tag onto his back pocket. “yo dude what the fuck?! watch it” I say nothing and just crack my neck and watch him as he takes his seat. I take my seat behind him at the back of the class, and active the tag. 
“got you”
[wow okay, so hey guys this is the first fic after a long time, I used to have a account on Tumblr however it got deactivated and I had to make a new one after some time and decided I’m going to continue putting out some content. please let me know in the comment if you would be willing to look forward to this fic I promise its going to get better I have many ideas soooo yh it should be a blast <3]
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jeonjagia · 5 years
Under the Cover of Darkness- Chapter 4
I see them I see them everywhere, my enemies. They have come to hurt me. I try to scramble back but they follow. I have no where to go. they are going to hurt my now. I watch in terror as his hand touches my arm. then the pain comes. unbearable pain. I scream, over and over, but the pain does not stop. I cant go on, not anymore. I fall on my side letting the darkness come over me. Ive given up. im letting in.
I flinch when i hear the scream. Luna. whirling around, i peek out of our hiding place to see the entrance to their headwuarters.
"Suga," a voice calls my back to reality.
"what?!" I reply turning. I look at jin eyes he me looks back at me silently. "Jin, they're torturing  her!" I yell as I run my hand through my hair. "I know, I know," I reply trying to collect myself. "what do I do Jin?"
"I don't know. We have to get back to HQ,"
"Okay, lets go,"
I aid jin as we travel back to HQ with the cover of darkness as our disguise. we are both exhausted from the effort as i bang on the door. Footsteps approach from the other side of the door. It opens, revealing a tired Jimin. I watch as he gulps. I glare at him, knowing he was responsible for Luna.
Pushing past him, i let go of jin as he heads toward the meeting room. I sit down at he table and sigh.
"Wheres Luna?" a voice asks. I look up seeing Jungkook. "shes with andromeda. They- she's- she's being tortured," I strain. Jimin looks up suddenly, eyes wide.
"Suga-," he starts. "Jimin," Jungook says harshly. Jimin quiets, bowing his head back down as he picks his nails.
"How did this happen?" Jungkook asks sitting down at the table. I shake my head. "I don't know," i mutter.
"Jimin," Jungkook prods. Jimin clears his throat before answering.
"We were following the man, when some how we got separated, and by the time I got back to her she was being dragged away by V,"  he explains as he looks at me.
"I know, I know, I fucked up," he stresses. "I'm sorry!" he apologizes.
"We have to do something," RM says from leaning against the wall.
"Yes, and we will," Jungkook says standing up. "We need a plan."
I nod my head as I agree. I watch as they all gather to discuss how to get Luna out of Andromeda's grasp.
I crouch outside the door listening to my sisters screams. People think that I enjoy listening to it. I do, to some extent. But from my sister- no. I wish I didn’t have to do this, but one does what one needs to survive. I hope I get something out of doing this. We’ve ben at this for a year now, trying to one up each other. They do have more men than I do, but they don’t have my brain. My goal for all of this is simply revenge. Just that. Show Yoongi I’m better than Luna, and to show that I should be in her place.
I would love to see the look on his face, the look of realization when I have killer her.
I walk through the park, deep in thought. How will we get luna back? I realize that being Suga’s wife has made a bigger affection for her than I realized. Shes grown on us, and has become a very talented fighter. I pick a park bench to sit on and think of a plan to rescue Luna. As I am lost in thought thinking about andromeda, speak of the devil, there she is, walking across the park with someone at her side. What is she doing? And who is she with? I ask myself, getting up from the bench. I follow them, hoping them to lead me to their HQ.
They walk for an hour before heading back, and I follow in their footsteps. Crouching in an alley I realize that this must be the place where Suga and jin were at. There is a patch of dried blood on the concrete. They had a perfect view of the front. Then an earsplitting scream rips through the silence. Luna. I close my eyes dreading to think of what they're doing to her. Moving my leg from under me, I shift against the wall sitting back away from the look out spot. I have to get Luna.
Hours pass and I have come up with nothing, nothing besides just walking in and demanding her. Looking down at the floor once more, I notice debris as well as paper and a broken pencil. Taking these things, I scribble instructions on them for my gang just in case I get taken as well. They’ll be around here if I don’t come back. I take my gun and leave it on top of the note so it doesn’t blow away. That way hopefully they don’t just shoot me. Standing up, I brush the dirt off my jeans and step out of the hole. The guard at the front entrance freezes at the sight of me. I hold up my hands, showing I have no weapon. I approach him and he looks warily at me. I stop in front of him and a few seconds pass before someone shoots me in the side.
I sit in the corner, knees pulled up to my chest. My eyes dart from place to place, not focusing on anything. The lock on the door clicks open suddenly, causing me to flinch. I look up to see Jungkook stumble in, hand on his side. There is blood leaking between his fingers. He is followed by V and Andromeda.
Jungkook’s eyes rest on me, his gaze unchanged. V stops him before he can approach me.
“So, Jungkook,” andromeda drawls out. “What do you want?”
“A trade,” he replies, not looking at her, but keeping eye contact with me.
“Of what?”
“Luna, for information.” Andromeda thinks for a minute before saying, “what kind?” her eyes gleam in the dark.
“Pricey information,”
“Fine,” she says coming off the wall.
“There's a trade going on in the harbor for the drugs you are interested in.” Jungkooks states plainly.
Andromeda thinks for a minute, deciding if he is speaking the truth.
“Take her and go,” she barks. V lets Jungkook go and he crouches in front of me.
“Can you walk?” he asks me. I nod grabbing onto his shoulder to help myself up.
We exit the room, Jungkook leading me out down the hallway, and to the front.
As we walk out the door, I hear a voice. “Shoot her,” it orders. Jungkook whirls around just in time for me to get shot in the side. I scream and crumple to the ground.
“What was that?!” Jungkook screams toward Andromeda and her men. Jungkook after getting no reply from her, crouches down to help me. I groan at his touch. His eyes look worried, but he too is bleeding as well.
He scoops me up and runs back to our HQ. How he can stand it from the pain, I have no idea.
“RM!!” he screams leaning against the door frame as he bangs on the metal door. The door bursts open revealing a wide-eyed RM. Pushing past him, Jungkook hurries toward the meeting room. Laying me down on the table he takes my jacket off and pulls my shirt up revealing my bullet wound. It is just a flesh wound, but it fucking hurts.
“Where is Suga?” Jungkook asks hurriedly as he organizes supplies to treat me.
“Out on a mission,”
“Okay, then someone has to hold her legs,”
“What why?"
“Why?! Because I have to get this bullet out of her side, that’s why!” Jungkook yells at RM. He looks slightly hurt, but the urgency of the situation has him walking to the other side of the table. Rm takes hold of my arms and Jungkook orders Jhope to take hold of my legs.
It takes half an hour, with screaming and blood the bullet is out and I am sewed up. I thought I would pass out, but I did not. Now I can sleep, hoping that suga returns soon.
I cover Luna with a blanket. She’s so strong. My wound was not as severe as hers. Just some antiseptic and I’m okay. I sit heavily on one of the wooden chairs, sighing at the past few hours actions.
“Where is Jimin?” I ask rubbing my face. “I don’t know, he left shortly after you left to get Luna,” Jhope answers as he cleans the medical supplies.
“Just wondering,” I reply to him. I’m not just wondering I have noted that his actions have been weird lately. Disappearing for days then following unsuccessful missions. He’s suspicious. It’s like he wants us to fail. A knock sounds and RM goes to answer it. A few minutes pass and Suga enters followed by RM. Suga’s eyes fall on Luna, by the steels himself for now. I watch as he looks at each of the members, before asking, “where’s Jimin?”
“Good question, where are you Jimin?” I say locking eyes with the glistening ones staring back down at me in the rafters. They soon disappear.
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kb003 · 6 years
So as u guys can see I love mafia, gangsters those kinda things. So here’s a edit that I love (if you read Blood Ink you know)
Cr: insta: @Peechymin
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girlwithlov · 7 years
BTS Mafia Reaction to you disobeying them
You knew you shouldn’t have gone out by yourself. You knew how dangerous it would be and how worried he would get, but you couldn’t help yourself. However you hoped oh-so- desperately he wouldn’t find out. Unluckily he had eyes everywhere.
Kim Namjoon
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As soon as you shut the front door, you found him right in front of you. His lips sucked in by his teeth, his body tense, he was the portrait of silent rage.
“I hope you enjoyed your short lived freedom, you won’t be experiencing it anytime soon. Let’s go. Oh. And if you ever try this again I might just put a collar on that pretty little neck of yours.”
Kim Seokjin
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You returned as quickly as possible, hoping he wouldn’t come home before you. Unfortunately, that was wishful thinking. As soon as you entered you saw his jacket thrown on the armchair you knew you were in trouble. You made your way slowly to the  bedroom, heart pace picking up with each step. He was sat there, on the bed, waiting. “Darling. Would you like to explain to me why did you think it was a good idea to leave the house alone? Do you know how many people want you dead or captive just to get back at me?” When his accusations were met with nothing but silence and pleading eyes, he sighed and pulled you by the hand into his lap, holding you tightly. “Just never do that again. I won’t be able to live with myself  if something happened to you.”
Jung Hoseok 
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You were about three blocks away from your home when someone suddenly covered your mouth and pulled you into the nearest alleyway. You tried to fight, but the male was just too strong. One of his hands was clasped securely over your lips and the other was snaked over your abdomen  pressing your back against his chest so hard it almost hurt . Burying their face into your neck he whispered “What would you do if something like this would happen one day, hmm? ” Hoseok. How did he- “You can’t even fight back. What if one of my enemies were to find you like this? Do you know how would they enjoy torturing you?” He spun you around, holding your arms in place. “Maybe I’ve been too lenient with you.” You went to say something but he cut you off “Don’t bother. Let’s go home, shall we? I have a lesson to teach you after all”
Min Yoongi 
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He was upset. Furious even. It was written  all over his face. But he said nothing. Just stared at you while twirling a lighter in his hands. “Yoongi, I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I-” “Just don’t talk to me right now.” You were taken aback by his words, not knowing what your next move should be. You wanted him to forgive you; you wanted to see that smile you loved so much lighten his expression. “If we have this discussion right now I don’t know what I will do. Just, go to the bedroom or something, I can’t even stand to look at you”
Park Jimin 
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To say you were nervous would be an understatement. You knew how scary Jimin could be when he truly got mad and you hoped to God he wouldn’t find out. But as soon as you saw his face, all hope vanished. “Ah, here’s my undisciplined jagi. Did you have fun on your little adventure?” You shook your head slowly. “What happened? Cat got your tongue?” He approached you, backing you into the door behind you and bracing his arms on either side of your head. His face was so close that your noses were almost touching and the intensity of his gaze made your insides tremble.   “I think I should teach you some manners. After all, I wouldn’t want you to believe that you could ever do this again, you know? ”
Kim Taehyung 
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You were sat on the couch reading one of your favourite books when he came back home. You heard the door close and the shuffling of him removing his shoes and jacket. Your whole body tensed. Maybe,  just may- “Hey baby! How are you?” He seemed to be in a good mood, that was promising. “Nothing much. I was just waiting for you.” “Oh really? That’s so sweet of you.” He plopped next to you and swung his arm around your shoulders, looking into your eyes . Now, tell me. Were you somehow trying to find me and that’s why you left?” Your mouth went instantly dry and you tried your best to form words but his gaze was piercing right through you with such intensity that you thought you might pass out right then and there “I- I.. Well..” “Jagi, I specifically told you not to go out for a reason. You could have just told me. I’m going to let this little stunt of yours pass, but if you ever do that again you should prepare yourself for the consequences.”
Jeon Jungkook
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You were so worried that someone might see you that you looked around every few seconds or so, managing to walk into someone. You went to apologize but froze when you saw none other than your boyfriend staring at you with an enraged expression.
“Jagi, I hoped you were smarter than that. Strutting around with no one accompanying you and not even paying attention.  Tsk. Bad girl. I should have taught  you your place sooner. No matter. There’s plenty of time to do that”
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Bad boy Kim Taehyung
BTS Mafia!au pt. 1
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btsmafiaaublog · 7 years
Mafia BTS Reacting to you cutting onions
Anonymous said: henlo I love your blog and I was wondering if you can do a BTS reaction to you having tears running down your face, thinking that you're crying but in reality you just got done cutting some onions for their dinners 😂😂 idk I just thought it was funny and it was 4:00am when i thought of this
I tried..I really did, lol. I hope you Enjoy <3
Jin: "Oh my goodness jagi, I thought you were actually crying! Thank goodness you're okay though."
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Suga: *really worried* "You okay babe?" "Yeah, why?" "You're crying. Did you hurt anything?" *you laugh* "No, I just finished cutting some onions and my eyes started watering." *sigh of relief* "Thank goodness!" *hugs you*
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Hoseok: *Is cooking with you and both of you start to cry and Hobi starts being over-dramatic* *Jungkook walks in* JK:"You guys okay?" JH:"Not know Jungkook! Can't you see that we're having a moment?!" JK: *walks away* "This hyung.."
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Namjoon: *You're helping him cut onions and he starts crying* You:"awe babe, is it too much for you?" NJ:"No! Here you do it!" *you start to cut the onions by yourself and start to tear up* NJ:"Awe babe, too much?" You:"SHHHHH."
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Jimin: He see's that you're crying and picks you up unexpectedly. You scream and start to kick around and he takes you to the couch and he starts to cuddle you. You:"Ji, what are you doing?" JM:"You were crying, I was cuddling you to make you feel better!" You:"I was cutting an onion babe, I'm fine." JM: *hesitates* *shrugs and cuddles closer to you anyway and doesn't let go*
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Taehyung: You're both in the kitchen and you're cutting up the vegetables but he's too invested in the bubbling that's coming from the pot on the stove to notice that you're beginning to cry. And you just laugh at his amazement.
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Jungkook: You're cutting onions and begin to cry. So Jungkook trying to be the macho man he is, he takes over for you while you prepare the other ingrediants. Then he begins to cry and you laugh at him like the way he did to you. JK:"I'm not crying! My eyes are just sweaty!"
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I tried to make this funny..let me know if any of you laughed lol ~Admin S
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temptingempress · 4 years
The Mafia’s Princess J.hs (2)
Summary: “I can’t loose you because if I loose you I loose myself. You’re all I have left.” she begged him to put the gun down. Her bloody knees splashed into the mud. Helicopters surrounded them and the sirens were getting closer and closer but she could think about was him. The man whom she fell in love with, standing in front of them. Gun pointed towards his head.
This is a HoseokxOc story but feel free to think of her as y/n. I just didn't want to call her y/n so I used my own character that you'll see in a lot of my stories but her mood and temperment will change in each story.
Warning: A bit of sexual interaction but nothing too much, weapons, skin damage, cursing, DIOR FREAKING HOSEOK. AKA: SUPERIOR HOSEOK.
Previous: https://temptingempress.tumblr.com/post/639443379410927616
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Hauling Areum away in his arms from the vent into his arms, he opened the window just to see that the cops and dogs were guarding the entire motel, just waiting for them to come back and attack. He had to think and he had to think fast or else they’ll both be dead meat. He looked around and spotted one place where the dogs nor the cops have reached yet. The garbage bin. Of course, it was disgusting but it was the only chance they got. 
Hoseok’s P.O.V
I sigh as I held Areum close to my chest, there’s no way that she could be seen by the police or else it’s pretty much over for her and her family. I quickly set Areum down being careful not to to injure her even more than I already did. I had some spare time until the cops could reach this area. Taking my jacket off, I carefully wrapped it on her wounded leg so no infection would begin to grow. I had to get her back home and I had to do it fast. There she could be met with a medic. This all has me wondering if I should just drop her off at the place she belongs and leave her be. All I am is trouble in her life. I am in everybody's and I really dont give a shit. I’ve become my own nightmare that lost it’s mercy ten years ago but when it comes to her. I swear I’d do anything. I’ve become so selfish and allowed my heart to become enslaved in chains to her love. To her affection. To the way she smiles or the way the moonlight touches her soft skin. 
Love is tortuous, I feel myself going on a never ending rollercoaster with her. She was the worst thing that ever happened to me but the best thing at the same time. She can’t let me go and that’s the worst part about this relationship because I know at some point she’s going to have to let me go. Not that I want to go. I want to be her dream man and offer everything she wants that she deserves but not off of blood money. I’ve never thought that one time in my life I’d be regretting being a mafia lord. Love is powerful. 
All this goes through my mind as I picked her up once more and jumped into the trash can, where there were a lot of bags. Yes, it’s risky to possibly get stabbed by glass shards or bitten by a rat but it was better than prison. Our landing sound was muffled by the plastic bags. The cops were approaching so I closed the bin and hid myself and Areum to the best of my ability. There happened to be a small hole that I peeped through to see if the cops were going along their way but they weren’t. They were just guarding the whole hotel as well as their dogs. We needed a distraction so I picked up a rusted old wrench and while they werent looking aimed it at the highest window that was out of the cop’s eyesight, so of course they wouldn’t see the wrench. Once the glass broke the cops shouted and ran towards the window, holding their guns up. I took Areum when the coast was clear and silently got out of there, running far away into the woods. Once I was far enough, I slung Areum onto my back and looked into my suitcase for a pager. “I need a car sent to Eastwood Urgently.” 
Eastwood was about 5 miles away but it was the only place where I knew to navigate to from here. My pager dings before a man starts to talk “Yes sir, it will take us fifteen minutes. Parked in the garage sir.”
“Thanks Jungkook. Coming home soon, prepare med for Areum. She got a bog bite...” I looked at Areum’s leg. Lines of slightly opened bloody flesh lined along her legs “And a bit of a scratch.”
As I kept walking on the cops were soon long gone or so I think. You never know in this field of work. I had a long ways to go and there was no way Areum could walk on her feet. She wasn’t very heavy so I could handle it. Walking through nature was quite nice actually. It’s not something I usually do. I had to make it to Eastwood before the sun rose because if not I could get caught by someone. I felt Areum shift her head on my back, and soon her hips.
“Baby?” I say to her as she regains her conscious. I went to a tree and sat her down onto the leaves so she could wake up and I could take a small break before we move again.
Areum’s P.O.V
An instant sting shot onto my leg as if somebody took sharp nails and dragged it along on my skin. “Augh!” I whimpered as I reached for the long bloody scratch. I saw that a sweater was wrapped around my bloody wounds. I don’t even remembered what happened after being in that vent. All I remember was darkness. “It hurts.” my voice cracks as my hands tried to rub down the cut to attempt to make it feel better but my attempts only made it worse. I wasn’t used to all this. I mean, small scars and such were common but this? My eyes began to water as the pain only got worse. It wouldn’t go away. Hoseok knelt towards me, caressing my cheeks. “Hey, you’re alright.” 
Areum felt Hoseok’s heavy breaths as he continued to walk with her in his arms. Two hours passed and they were far out of the cop’s sight. They were almost to their destination but Hoseok’s steps became slower. Areum spoke “Stop, I could walk on my own now.”  Hoseok shook his head as he kept walking. Sure, he was tired and he exhausted. He could just pass out right then and there but he wasn’t going to let go of her.  “Hoseok.” Areum spoke louder as her fingers gripped his shirt. “Let me go.” “You’ll get hurt more Areum, I’ve already done enough to you!” He didn’t let go her, he couldn’t let her go but soon enough he had to let her go. “Let’s take a break.” he panted. Areum’s P.O.V
I laughed a little as he had to let me go sooner or later. Some long scratched lined my leg and I still felt the sting but it wasn’t unbearable. I could walk on my own now, well, at least limb. By looking at Hoseok slumped down on a tree I had to walk at this point “Okay, just get on my shoulders.” He panted and knelt down. I chuckled a bit as I tightened the ‘band aid’ Hoseok put on my cut. “No love.” I push Hoseok’s shoulders back up. “I need to start doing things on my own.” Five years ago. Areum’s P.O.V
The evening of the ball was wonderful to say the less but as the sun set over the horizon the part I dreaded came. The dance. Where my parents set up certain men from different kingdoms to dance with me. Expecting me to find my one and only true love but the truth was I liked none of these stuck up petty men. They think they all have me at their fingertips when really they all disgust me. With their pristine suits, perfect smiles, and expensive rings. I was so sick of seeing all of them but especially one of them, Namjoon. 
Namjoon was the richest prince there was. Everyone knew him, loved him, and loathed him. He was the number one running to marry in my parents list but certainly not on mine. Taking a class of champagne before the dance I saw Namjoon coming towards me. Even down to the way he walks irritates me. Even though he didn’t do anything to me I just didn’t want to marry him. I didn’t want him to take me away to wherever he lived and trap me as his little house wife. Oh yeah, might I mention, all of Namjoon’s ex wives told me not to marry him because he’s demanding, bratty, and a so called womanizer.
He gave me a smile and fixed his glasses and I returned with a nice gesture. Coming close he looked down to me, admiring every aspect of my long golden dress. He finally spoke “Good day my lady, I’m looking forward to out dance.”  I just smiled and nodded, just because I hated him didn’t mean I had to be rude to the guy. Even though I really wanted to punch his ass to ten buck two. His next words to me made me gag my champagne. “Maybe I could get more than a dance by the end of tonight.”  He swayed away with a wink. Now I really wanted to get out of this place. That man was the epitome of sickness. The bell rung and it was already time for the dance. All the princesses gathered in front of the princes. I took my position right in front of Namjoon. The kings and queens oversaw from the tall stories. Overlooking their daughters with binoculars, seeing if they could see anything “magical.”
The dance has begun and we all followed the elaborate and precise steps to the rhythm. Princes caught us by our waist and held onto our hands tight. Twirling all around the dance floor I soon was caught by Namjoon. My soon to be king. He smirked down onto me as his hand traveled down my waist. I gave him a naïve smile but I really knew what he was doing all along. I couldn’t be more happy to spin again into another prince’s arms but Namjoon seemed disappointed that my body left his presence.
 The dance went on and on and on. “I think we have found the one for Namjoon, may he have your daughter in marriage?” Namjoon’s father exclaimed loud enough for me to hear. My body went into full shock, I just wanted to get out of there. I knew my parent’s would say yes since they’ve been rooting for us. 
My eyes caught the guards running outside of the palace, everyone seemed distracted so I decided to discreetly take my leave. I lifted my long golden dress up and ran to where the guards were running towards. They led me all the way outside. I heard one of the guards running close so I pressed my back onto the brick wall surrounded by bushes so they wouldn’t see me.  “There he is!” One of them yelled and chased after a man. I tried to get a closer look but all I could see was a leather black mask and all black attire. He seemed to have a black turtle neck a buckles along his chest. Strange, how could he even get into the castle’s quarters. I knew I shouldn’t of but I followed the thief, looking for some new excitement. The guards lost him but I knew exactly where he was heading, the maze. He was taking a shortcut to the maze. One that could be missed by the guards. It was strange that he knew where everything was in this castle, was he one of our workers before? He entered the maze and I came after him. I saw something shiny in his hands, aw it was my bracelet. As I followed I stepped on the noisiest branch. 
The thief turned back, pulling out a black gun and it sure did look terrifying. Something that’s never allowed on the grounds of the castle. “Who goes there.” He spoke. “Come out or I will shoot.” 
I didn’t really have a choice, the last thing I wanted to do tonight was get shot. Well, maybe it was better than getting engaged to Namjoon. I came out of the bushes and allowed my dress to flow down. I bowed at the thief lifting two sides of my dress up. Once I analyzed his face might I say... He wasn’t bad looking, he looked pretty good for a thief actually. “Princess Bailey.”  The thief stood there for a bit, probably in shock he’s seeing me out of anyone. Hoseok’s P.O.V
 This day couldn’t get anymore stranger. I put the bracelet in my pocket but held the gun tight in my hand. I wasn’t afraid to get royal blood splattered on my clothes. “Who do you come with. Where are the guards.” For some reason she just stood in front of me. Staring me down as if I was some sort of toy in the toy store. She took a step closer to me but I took two steps back, holding my gun higher to her head. If I shot at anytime she would for sure dead. This was one bold princess. She spoke once again “That bracelet, it’s mine. But, you could have it.” “I wasn’t asking.” “What is it for might I ask? Will you pawn it?” She seemed super calm when seeing a whole criminal right in front of her. The biggest one of Korea that is. “It’s for someone.” “Oh a gift? How kind of you sir. If you asked me I would’ve gave it to you.”  “You don’t even know me. “ “Who are you then.” The princess smiled as she stepped closer again “I come in peace, please lower your gun.”  Not budging still I get a small intercom out of my pocket and spoke “Bring the helicopter in the maze.” “Helicopter? That’s not very discreet. This castle is filled with security tools. You’ll surely get shot down.” She sung as her heels kicked the rocks on the ground. I thought about it and she did have a point. “Cancel the helicopter..” I turned the intercom off and looked at the princess. “Okay, then what do you suggest?” The princess smiled and turned to me. Happy that I gave her an inch. This may be a big trap but at this point I didn’t have a choice. 
“Follow me.” She hums.
Hello everyone, I hoped you liked the part two of the Mafia’s Princess. Now you know a little backstory, I’m curious if anybody reads my story. If so could you please comment or anonymously tell me so I am more encouraged to continue it? Thank you so much and tell me what you think so far. I might accept request pretty soon! Thank you so much for reading :)
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gotfuckingseven · 7 years
Do u know when are you going to upload the epilogue of jungkook mafia ff? 💜
It has been posted!- Admin Tamrahttp://gotfuckingseven.tumblr.com/post/169040498249/undercover-ending-btsmafia-au
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sihime · 4 years
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The devil's web - Chapitre 2 : YUMIN (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/cN2RrPwoR6 Seo Yumin est une jeune infirmière de 25 ans dont le passé semble vite rattraper. Elle ne le comprendra que plus tard : une fois que tu es prise dans la toile du démon, tu n'en sors jamais, même si tu t'en échappes. !! NOUVEAU CHAPITRE JEUDI 28/05 18H !! [[BTSmafia AU]] [[NamjoonXreader]] C'est la toute première histoire que je publie, donc s'il vous plait soyez indulgents ^^
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hidally · 6 years
Flashback [Part 2]
Flashback [Part 1]
Genre: Angst
Member: All members
Word Count: 2,516
A/N: Hello, I have not been on this account or anything really in months but I still have this story and looking back at it I still think it’s good for what I was doing at the time so I finished it up and am editing the chapters as I go along lol. I hope you like it. 
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"Jin so help me I will kick your ass if you don't let me out of this closet right now!" You shouted at your brother as you pounded repeatedly against the thin wood. Jimin snorted at your threat which made you want to curse him out as well. Which you did. It surprised him to hear such vulgar words come out of such a sweet mouth.
After Jimin agreed with Jin, Jin had shoved you into the closet and somehow locked it from the outside. You weren't sure why he had done that but you knew that you were pissed. He had been on the phone talking to someone ever since. You could hear bits and pieces of the conversation then heard the door shut, then his voice was even more muffled than before. Were you now alone in the bedroom? "Hello?" You asked, but no one replied. At first you searched around and felt your foot collide with the safe, still opened. Out of curiosity and the fact that you hadn't checked before, you reached inside the safe that seemingly had nothing in it. When coming to that same conclusion you were lifting your hand back out of the safe when it collided with something taped to the roof of it.
Some part of you knew to place the object into the wide front pocket of your hoodie. For a moment you stopped and wondered why you had done that, it felt almost instinctive. Though if that was what was instinctive to you, you were now beginning to understand why you had been locked inside of the closet. Maybe you should be in there after all. Yet still, the anger towards your brother far outweighed the common sense.
You now actually tried to open the door instead of just lamely smacking it. You took one of the wire hangers and untwisted the end from around the part that curved over. You pried the door open as much as you could to asses the situation. Your brother had put a lock on the door. One thing about locks that you did know, was that they always had a keyhole on the back.
You slid the thin wire through the crack of the closet door and concentrated as you forced the end of it into the keyhole of the lock. With much precision, concentration and patience you finally managed to undo the lock and pushed it to the ground with a final poke of the hanger. Once it fell you opened the closet door with ease and dropped the hanger of the floor of the nearly empty closet. It made a small clatter as it bounced off of the floor. You dusted yourself off and were ready to go into the other room to kill your nitwit brother when you saw Jimin staring at you from the far corner of the room. Seeing him there made you stop in your tracks. Watching him with a blank expression before you brought your arms up to your hair to tighten your loose bun.
He was only standing there, idly watching as your conflicting gaze went from him to the door then back to him. He knew that you were about to leave the room to find Jin with the first step you took in that direction. He stepped forward in an attempt to stop you right as Jin had entered the room right on cue, his phone being slid into his front pocket. Jin then saw you free from the closet, and Jimin with a gaping expression, and groaned angrily. "You let her out?" He accused Jimin who only stood there flinching at the tone of Jin's voice.
"I let myself out". You spoke up, challenging your brother whose head whipped back to you in shock. There was no way you could have done that, he thought. But your eyes said it all, he would have known if you were lying, he could always tell if someone was lying.  
"Fuck". He cursed lowly and took a moment to pinch the bridge of his nose in thought. Jimin appeared at your side and you both waited as your brother thought.
You were beginning to get angry again. Your constant shift of moods not letting you settle down for even a moment before switching again. No one was telling you the truth and everything was really annoying and confusing. Since you've arrived you had been lied to, been shoved into a closet by your own brother, and had found a peculiar item on the roof of a safe you somehow knew the pass code to.
"I have to ask you a very important question now, Y/N". Jin said to you in a slow, painfully enunciated fashion. His dark eyes that usually were wide and kind became very intense. Too intense for your liking.
"Yes?" You said, inviting him to continue.
"What do you remember?" He asked you.
What had he meant by that? Remember about what? You didn't have a single clue as to what he meant so you furrowed your brows and stood there clueless as to how to answer. He must have noticed the confusion written on your face because Jimin asked you a more specific question. "How did you learn to pick a lock like that?"
That actually made you think back. The memory was definitely there but it was severely fuzzy and clouded in your mind. It was odd, you knew that the answer was there but couldn't figure out how to get it. "I-I don't know." You stuttered, it was annoying knowing that you had the answer, but that you didn't know it.
Jin and Jimin exchanged a certain look. Jin was trying to communicate something to Jimin with the way he was looking at the younger man, but Jimin didn't seem to be catching on. You were just as confused as Jimin. Your behavior was worrying you, you weren't acting like yourself. It was almost as though something inside of you was slowly taking control, but surely that didn't make any sense? Right?
"Jin, what's happening to me?" You weakly asked your brother. You couldn't figure out why you were acting so weird and knew that he surely couldn't either, but you asked anyways. The childish younger sibling inside of you always wanted for your brother to make all the bad things disappear. His features softened at your gentle tone, he wanted to help you but couldn't risk telling you anything without checking with his boss first.
He knew what he had to do and had a pretty good idea of what was going on, it was briefly mentioned in the side effects. Though for your sake he played dumb and asked you why you thought something was wrong with you.
You reached your hand into the pocket of the grey hoodie you wore, grabbing hold of the weapon that still had tape stuck to the side of it. Both pairs of eyes stared at you in shock, where had that come from? "Y/N where the hell did you get that?" Your brother asked and tried to rip the gun out of your grip. You moved it away from his grabby hands. Looking down at the object in awe, and running your fingers over it, something on it had caught your eye. An engraving on the side next to the barrel were your initials. But why would they be engraved into a random gun that was in a safe in an apartment you had never been in before?
"We need to get her to headquarters". Jimin deadpanned, he too was worried about you. After all, it wasn't the first time you two were meeting. He practically knew everything about you as the two of you had been very close friends.
"Headquarters what?" You asked the two men before you in a panic. They frantically told you to get your bag and to follow them out of the apartment. As much as you would've enjoyed watching your brother lean forward in the hallway due to the low hanging ceiling, you couldn't find it in yourself to laugh. You wanted answers and no one was giving them to you. "Jin please tell me what's going on". You said in a feeble voice. Eyes flitting, he looked to you as the three of you waited for the elevator.
"You wouldn't have wanted me to tell you". He said in a conflicted way, he wanted to explain but knew it was in your best interest to stay silent. You weren't having it. Clearly you did want to know, you hated being in the dark. Jimin shrugged when you glanced at him.
"I'm asking you to tell me, don't tell me what I want when I'm telling you myself". You shrieked, becoming very frustrated with him. Why wouldn't he just tell you? Going from frustration to anger you wanted your questions answered and you wanted them to be answered immediately.
"Woah woah woah." Jimin exclaimed as he stood frozen staring at the barrel of a gun that was pointed directly between his eyes. He hadn't seen you in years, but he knew this wasn't what was supposed to be happening. You did what you did so that this sort of thing wouldn't happen. Had it been years ago when you did this, he'd be laughing at your threat. It had always been a joke to you to mess with people using their lives as pawns. Life wasn't valuable to you and he knew that. But now with you being a completely different person and not knowing who he was to you, you were very dangerous. You could lash out at any moment it would seem and not know or understand why. You were a risk to others and to yourself. "Tell me what is going on". You seethed. Jimin squirmed from the other side of the gun, looking to Jin for help.
Jin was never one to help other's out of a sticky situation unless he was ordered to do so. He, much like you, didn't see other human lives as something to be concerned about. It was the way you were all trained. Sure, at one point when they were young they had compassion and care for others, but once you join the mafia you find that it is better to be cold and to have no feelings, than to be too emotional and be completely vulnerable.
Jin watched in awe as you came closer to Jimin. The gun now being shoved into his forehead in a tactic of intimidation. You were acting like your old self, Jin didn't know whether it was a good or bad thing. It wasn't what you would have wanted but it might be what had to be done.
"Y/N put the gun down". Jimin spoke after finally finding his voice. He had to talk you down. Obviously your memories wouldn't return all at once and he was betting his life on that fact. He had to appeal to the you that he didn't know. The you that had spent the past three years being a regular teenager that attended school and lived a normal life. He had to appeal to the you that didn't know anything about who you were and didn't know what was going on. Because with the confusion and frustration of the new you and the careless killing capabilities of the old you, made for a very dangerous person.
You shoved the gun harder into his skin and narrowed your eyes at the orange haired man. You watched him as he thought. Wheels turning in his mind that reflected through his eyes. He was calming himself, thinking of a way to convince you not to kill him. "Why should I?" You asked breezily, waiting to hear the excuse he was probably conjuring up in his head. He lifted his arm quickly to run his hand through his tousled locks. You suddenly lowered the gun and jutted out your lip as you recalled seeing that very action hundreds of times.
"Jimin". You said the name aloud and the more you said it the more familiar it sounded. You kept saying it over and over until the foggy image became more and more clear.
He had done the opposite of what he wanted to do. Instead of appealing to the you that he didn't know, he ignited an old memory into your fogged up mind. The way he swept his hand through his hair was a habit he had always had. A small clip of a memory played in your mind as you saw a slightly younger looking Jimin. Though his hair used to be a medium brown instead of it's current vibrant colour. You saw him sitting on a park bench outside of a building you knew was 'headquarters' . He was laughing at something you said and ran his hand through his hair as his eyes crinkled in laughter. The memory was foggy but you knew it was real. You remembered seeing Jimin before, even if it was just a fuzzy memory.
"I've met you before". You said rhetorically.
He nodded slowly and straightened his back so that he was again looking down at you. "We were friends Y/N. We didn't only meet before, you were my work partner". He told you in a daze, wishing things could just go back to the way they once were. Though he knew you had your reasons to leave.
"Jimin what the fuck! We said we'd wait until we got back to headquarters before doing anything", Jin chastised Jimin. Dragging a hand down his face in frustration. The elevator dinged, signalling it's arrival. The three of you entered the elevator. Jimin, being swift as he always was, took the gun from your hand in one quick swoop. He smiled down at you, you were about to smile back until the memory was forgotten and he was again just a strange boy who worked with your brother.
Looking down at the floor the shiny object in Jimin's hands made you scream". Jin he has a gun!" Jin held you still as you screamed. Jimin's smile disappeared the second you first shouted. You had forgotten him again.
Jin tried his best to calm you down but eventually thought of a much simpler plan. Your jumbled up memory left you in a very odd place. You switched back and forth between remembering who you were and being a regular student. Jin came to the decision that it would be best if you remained quiet and safe until they got you to headquarters. With Jin needing to make someone quiet, always came knocking people out. So when the syringe was pressed into your leg and the pinching feeling was alerting your body of the pain, you watched as Jimin's expression held just as much surprise as you felt. The two of you were gaping at what your brother had just done. Until you rolled your eyes in an all knowing way before falling limp into his arms.
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