#bts timetravel au
thatsabae · 6 years
The past boy - Jin (time traveler!au) | Prologue
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genre: fluffy/romance/time traveling
summary: when Jin got inside the teleporter Hoseok and Yoongi created, he had no idea it would actually works, and would leads him to a very distant year, in the century you were existing.
chapter 1 |  -
Jin stopped reading his chemistry notes and rubbed his eyes. 
What was Hoseok doing now? He, for sure, was a very noisy neighbor since always, but now that he became friends with Yoongi at college and started studying nuclear physics, things got louder. And more explosive. 
Of course that him going to check what was going on out there had more to do with Jin being tired of studying than being worried with his friends, but they didn’t need to know that. 
He was almost getting out of his house, when he saw Hoseok standing at his porch, looking anxious, with Yoongi right behind him. 
“Jin, dude…” He paused, catching some air. “You need to come with us, check something.” 
Grabbing Jin’s arm, he didn’t even wait for his response before pulling him in the path to the garage.
“What noise was that?” 
“You gotta see it yourself.” Yoongi answered, and Jin realized that this was the first time he ever saw him looking stun. 
Inside the garage, there was a huge box, made of glass and a chair inside it. There were some plugs in it, connecting it to laptops and an industrial fan without its shovel. 
“What is going on here?” 
“Jin, man, we did it” Yoongi said, looking extremely happy and excited. Jin was getting more preoccupied. Are they insane now?
“We finally build a time machine that actually works.” Hoseok explained, looking hopeful. 
Jin froze. And to think that he was taking them seriously…
“That’s so amazing. Why don’t you go to the day of my exam next week, come back and tells me the questions?” He tried to sound serious, but a smile appearing on his beautiful face. 
“We are being serious. He traveled, man. I saw him disappearing in the air for like, one minute. I swear to you.” Yoongi said, looking desperate. 
“What is going on here? Is this some kind of new prank?” Jin asked himself. 
“It seemed like one minute here, but I stayed there for a month. You would never believe what I saw there, who.”
Jin looked at them like they are crazy. They probably were. 
“If you don’t believe us, get inside there and you will see. If it doesn't work, I will own you ten favors, without any kind of restriction.” Hoseok said, with weird smile. 
That was a weird smile, like the ones we give when we know we’re going to win something. Jin looked at the capsule, or you could call it tele porter, but he would stick with glass box. He walked closer to that thing, feeling determinate.
“I will send you only a week in the future, so you can check that exam you mentioned, and then you will believe us”. 
Jin was almost closing the box’s door, when he turned around and told them, clarifying any doubt they could have. 
“Don’t think I’m doing this because I believe you two. It’s just that those favors will be useful one day”. 
Jin sat on that chair, feeling his stomach twist. What if they were being serious? 
“One minute from now.” Yoongi said. 
“That noise…” 
“It was me. When I got back, that sound was my butt falling on the chair.” He laughed, like that was the funniest story he ever heard. 
Jin thought a little about that idea.
“Wait. I’m not saying that this will work, but… If it does, how am I supposed to come back?” 
“Don’t worry. Someone is waiting for you there!” Hoseok shouted, before Jin saw everything becoming darkness. 
Jin was gone. The place he was before, was now empty. Hoseok and Yoongi were wearing proud smiles. Task done.
“I just don't get one thing.” Yoongi mentioned. “Why didn’t we tell him the truth? That we’re sending him not only a week in the future, but more than one hundred years?” 
“He’s not supposed to know anything. Our only task was sending him there. What he’s gonna do, is up to him. He can’t know the history, or it won’t be his choice”. 
“Well, we will find out in a few hours. What are we gonna tell his parents if he comes back later than what we thought?” Yoongi asked Hoseok, while they were leaving the garage, knowing Jin wouldn’t be back in a few minutes, like they said. 
“I’m being optimistic”. 
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bangtanfancamp · 5 years
✨This or That!✨
Hello loves, I was tagged literal ages ago by @curly-bangtan (who is such a sweet human btw! Thank you for the tag :’) it’s impossibly sweet of you) and am in the backseat while road trippin so I’ve finally got some free time to fill this out! I’m so excited !! I love these things !so without further ado🙃 Lessss gooooo
• slow burn or love at first sight
I guess to clarify, I love an instant spark of attraction and a long treacherous road to resolution- while also being painfully obvious that there is attraction and also while being overtly flirty but no one has the emotional motor skills to just be upfront about it already
•fake dating or secret dating
Oh, 1,000,000% fake dating. It is one of the single greatest regrets of my life that no one has ever asked me to be their fake date or gf. Because I would have been F A N T A S T I C at it. But I guess I’ll never get to live out that pretend to real slowburn in real life after all.... also, secret dating can feel really sucky and isolating so I don’t recommend.
•enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers
Oh god, must I really pick between my children? My whole life it was best friends to lovers. Now that I am currently dating the guy who was my best friend, I really melt over the fiery tension of enemies to lovers ... GOD! it’s so satisfying!!! But I think best friends to lovers still has to squeak by just by an ounce. (I’m a softy at heart, what can I say?)
•oh no! There’s only one bed or long distance with correspondence
Oh far and away, the one bed trope! No contest. I also deeply regret that I haven’t figured out how to make myself attractive enough for someone to try to pull this one over on me. *sigh* well, what can you do? .... also, did a long distance relationship for...6.5 years? And yeah, if you’re a romantic like me- it is dreadfully unfulfilling, let me tell you.
•Hurt/comfort or Amnesia
Mother freaking amnesia A L W A Y S !!! Heck yes! Are there amnesia fics??? 🤭I’ve never found one! But I absolutely love this trope in stories and movies. One of my all time favorites- which AGAIN- has not had the decency to actually come to fulfillment in my real life: Like why has park Jimin never showed up spontaneously at one of my doctors appointments trying to convince me that we’ve been best friends who were secretly in love with other since we were 14 and we finally just got engaged or married a month ago and his life is incomplete without me but he’ll patiently wait for me to love him in return again in my own time but in the meantime, he’ll love me in any and every little way he can until I fall for him again? Huh? Where is it! .... was that too specific😅?
•Fantasy au or modern au
no contest. Give me medieval maidens and dragons any day. I live in modern day. Lemme tell you- she ain’t that special.
•mutual pining or domestic bliss
cue Schmidt from new girl-“I can do this AWL day, son- AWLLL DAY!!” Yessssss!!! Mutual pining is my crack! Give it to me! Always! Gimme it! (Why can’t I have the things that I want!) okay this is just a Schmidt quote/rant post now. ..... I really want to love domestic bliss. And some of the writers who are excellent at it absolutely take my breath away at how beautifully they romanticize the every day. But outside of their writing, I have no scope of how to conjure that wonder up on my own. It is a skill I deeply lack. In real life, I just wind up feeling like the bliss is boring- gimme some pining! Some angst! Some tension!!! Even if I do love me some fluff. Someone once I told me that I was in love with the idea of someone being in love with me. Gotta say, he’s not wrong.
•canon compliant or fix it fic
Honestly, I can’t say I’ve read very many of either. But I do like to see how people flex their creativity.
•alternate universe or future fic
My favorite tv show of all time is Fringe (god bless you, JJ Abrams). Your girl LOVES alternate timelines, multiple universes, flashpoint, paradox, butterfly/ripple effect- all of it!! Dear god, yes! Give it to me! (Also, every time I have a crush or dream that doesn’t work out, I comfort myself with the thought that somewhere out there, there’s an alternate timeline version of me that is happily existing with said boy or flourishing in said dream endeavor. It’s a tremendous source of comfort).
Although, I must say, in the comic realm, alternate universes can sometimes frustrate me- like genuinely, could we not just make the alpha timeline the most incredible one? Instead of the best relationships and plot threads never being actual canon?! Can we get it together??? Or are alternate timelines just the comic industry’s way of writing their own fix it fics, generations after the original protagonist has been painted into a corner. Also, how hard must that be? To write endlessly for the same character for 60+ years? We write one fic or a couple books for the same character... could you IMAGINE having to supply 60 years worth of consistent weekly or monthly context!!! Wild
•one shot or multi chapter
I prefer multi chapter because I prefer getting engrossed in an entire work/world. Usually I am left wanting with a well written one shot, because they’ve made it so real that I can’t stand not having more- so my greedy butt loves the feast of multi chapter so I can have as many delicious moments and details with these characters as possible.
I do however deeply admire the skill and brevity it takes to made a succinct one shot. @underthejoon and @kpopfanfictrash are both brilliant as heck at that. And it is admirable as all get out.
•kid fic or road trip fic
honestly, considering how much I swoon over men who are good with children in real life, and how much I look forward to being both pregnant and a mom one day, I really never get into kid or pregnancy fics. I just don’t? Don’t know why. But a road trip!???? Oh heck yes!!! 👏🏽Where 👏🏽do 👏🏽I 👏🏽sign 👏🏽up!!???👏🏽
•reincarnation or character death
Oh absolutely reincarnation. I love that. I blame sailor moon for that.....But also, I think it’s just very in line with my love of alternate universes and timelines. I love how everything is connected/weaves together and feels predestined in the best way. I’m a complete sucker for it
•arranged marriage or accidental marriage
Like @curly-bangtan I legit had no clue accidental marriage was a thing? Unless you count being drunk at Vegas and waking up with a ring or we’re on some Jacob and Leah/Rachel level ish (which is really and truly the WILDEST™️ story ever ya’ll) ..... but I love a good arranged marriage scenario. The tension/push pull and inevitable relenting is so fun. But will say though, why the heck do women always fight it? Like there’s literally a whole Kim taehyung or Kim Namjoon offering to voluntarily love you and you wanna whine about it???!?! How dare you
•high school romance or Middle Aged romance
This, again, one is a pretty firm, resolute one for me. I’ll take high school. I’ve always felt a little oddly uncomfortable with more mature™️ romance stories? Not sure why. But I think the really beautiful ones always hark back to the beauty of their feelings being refreshing like the innocence of their first love. I know I personally can over glorify youth, but I love coming of age romance (high school, college, twenties) and no one can stop me!!!! I will say though, I have a secret soft spot for the niche of story where people have loved the same person since they were young and the timing just never works out but they finally find each other when they’re older. (One day is like that, and film or movie, it will absolutely rip your heart out-my god, it’s beautiful)
•Time travel or isolated together
These are both freaking AMAZING! But if anything has been established in this post, I think it’s my deep love of alternate timeline/reincarnation/time travel stories. I think they’re all from the same cloth. I adore them (I just haven’t written one because I’m not sure I could do the subtlety of it any justice.) maybe one day. My favorite writers are rumored to have the same Myers’s Briggs type as me so maybe I too could someday have a fraction of their world building skill.
I 100% love both of these so neither is a loser. But give me isolated together AND one bed in the same fic???? Speakers blown
•neighbors or roommates
I have never had the pleasure of having an attractive neighbor, though I often pined for it. (I have a bomb idea for a neighbor Hobi fic though) I did have a cute neighborhood boy who occasionally cut the grass for us in high school. But that doesn’t really count.... anyway! I LOVE the idea of being roommates with an attractive boy!!! Like holy guac, can I please????? Cocktailing this trope makes me swoon harder than none other- best friends to lovers + roommates? Yes. Enemies to lovers + roommates? Holy heck. Soulmate au + roomates???? Hold my sweet tea. MUTUAL PINING AND ROOMATES!!!! Pregnant. Fantasy/magic au+ mutual pining + best friends to lovers + soulmate au + reincarnation + roommate au!?!?!?!! frickin dead in the streets, homie.
I cannot say enough how much I enjoy roomate au. In a serious conversation, I once legitimately told my current boyfriend that the idea of marriage freaks me out- but the idea of being best friend roomates with sexual tension sounds like a dream come true. God help me.
•sci fi or magic au
I love sci fi. Deeply. But I will never love logic more than magic. Ever. (All my infp’s! come join me in the comments. 🙈)
•body swap or gender bend
Body swap has always deeply intrigued me. Especially in film. But I’ve never seen it in a fic. I’ve always wanted somebody to be able to switch into my body to feel physically, mentally and emotionally like i do. The deepest level of empathy & jean grey telepathy if you ask me, even if the trope is generally used for comedy. But the idea of switching into a dudes body and having to deal with their anatomy low key freaks me the eff out. If I got stuck in jungkooks body, I don’t think I’d pee or shower for a week 🙈 sorry everybody. I was really sheltered ok? Please don’t come for me. Lol...... also, have never seen a gender bend fic. Not sure how that would work. Not my favorite idea.
•angst or crack
Angst is my crack.
Honestly though, if it’s well written, it doesn’t feel ‘angsty’- cuz that means whiny or clunky to me. Well written ‘angst’ just feels emotionally compelling, I think. My writing weirdly leans toward what I hope is real angst (I e solid, genuine conflict and not petulance), but when I seek out a read, I look for crack honestly.
• apocalyptic or mundane
I offer you one better- a love story of the beauty of the mundane amidst the apocalyptic.
*mic drop*
Seriously though, the setting provides enough tension usually. Especially if it’s zombie apocalyptic. Just let jungkook’s fingers delicately trace my palm and smile, sweet and lopsided at me in the candle light, while we hide away in our little bomb shelter that I’ve turned into a jungle garden to bring life into this wasteland a la secret life of arrietty. sigh. Maybe I need to write this....
My gosh!!! We made it to the end! That was so much fun! Thank you for tagging me, sweetness!💕✨ 🙂
I’ll add a tag list shortly- @laurelevermore @lamourche @bts-fantasy @urlocalkpoptrash @thedreaming-poet @kimcheeeeeeeeee @hayjeon @outrotearot7 @lorengarcia-yut @bts-luvvv @chicpalestinian @flyingchixenwing @glodenclosetau @space-mermaid-in-love @thiccasswonhoruinedmylife @minminslittlemonster
Copy and paste if you can. Or if you’re dealing with a piece of technological antiquity like me and it won’t let you, then screen record/screenshot it and pop back and forth between the tabs 😅(also Thanks for dealing with the completely unnecessary treatise I added beneath every bullet point. It was just so much for fun to explain WHY I chose each one than to just say yes/no. I’ve said it before, written brevity is just not my strong suit.)
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exxxxuusmee · 5 years
The change of time (Prologue)
Mainly Fem Reader x Taehyung but also the rest of the seven members. 
Fantasy:au royalty:au timetravel:au
Authors note: So... this is the first fic i’m gonna post, well the prologue for it. English is not my first language so pleas bare with me hehe. 
You were done. These last couple of years of studying was killing you but you were finally done. This you hade to celebrate. For some while you had planned to take a trip somewhere when you finished uni. You decided to take out a world map, close your eyes and wherever your finger landed was the place you would go to.
‘‘Pleas not somewhere i’ve already been, pleas, pleas, pleas’‘ You mumbled to yourself. After a some time swirling around your finger it landed. Slowly opening your eyes you were hit with a feeling of relief while looking down where your finger had landed. 
South Korea.
You had always wanted to go there. It was one of those destinations you dreamed about visiting but you never thought you would. But this was it, you were going. This would be a new adventure for you, a way to get to know yourself better and relax after years of hard work.
‘‘Shit, shit, shit, shit’‘ You whispered as you ran through the people at the airport. You were late and you had exactly 10 minutes before the flight hit the air. You were running like a women possessed and the people around you looked at you like you were crazy, witch you kind of were. 
Finally at the gate the very over polite flight attendent scanned your ticket and directed you to the line for the flight. I made it, i was worried there for a while Y/N you thought to yourself. You found your seat in the plane, sat down and drew one long deep breath. I’m going, i’m actually going.
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jyunshiim · 6 years
Pinocchio wearing a poncho-Namjoon Time Traveller AU
Pairing: (Namjoon x reader)
Genre: sad, time traveller au
inspired from forever rain.
He tries to save you from the destruction he calls, himself
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rain. clouds. storm. They skies eyes flooded with tears every day and dripped onto the concrete of the earth. Uneasily, people walked to the bus station or train station quickly as possible to try and keep as dry as possible. The darkest grey dull clouds loomed over in a particular direction. He sat there, downcast and lonely. He wore a creme-beige poncho with a large hood that covered his face. A rainy Monday, like every day for the past 3 months; would it be a coincidence to say that the earth was also sad with you on a Monday?
The river rippled as the wind plunged through the clear waters, people watched and threw bread for the ducks but there weren't any to be seen in such miserable weather. The person sat on a bench facing out to the river, his scarf wrapped tightly around his neck and his hands under his poncho warming each other up in the torrential rain. You have seen this peculiar man very often ever since you opened up your corner cafe only across the street from where he sat. 
The raindrops trickled down the warm glass; the glass fogged up and condensed. The interior was very forest themed. The wood tables and chair and the hanging plants and the neon sign on the wall reading ‘ DATE?” as you cafe was a spot for all the lovers. The sweet cakes for their sweet intentions of love. On your break, you’d look outside and watch the desolate streets when the weather is blue except for that one person who sat alone on the beach near the river. You contemplated whether or not to give him shelter or not since he did choose to be outside. You began to leave a bag on the bench only a few minutes before he arrived and a hot drink too. He received it and looked around confused as to who would do such a nice thing.
You began to become impatient so, on a fateful Monday, you went outside with your transparent umbrella in the vicious storm and tapped his shoulder. His mouth was only visible due to his hood covering his tanned face; “ hi, I’m yn” your voice was soft and mellifluous to him. He didn't speak but you assumed it was because he didn't know what to say. “ I’ve noticed you come here quite often alone and sit here in this terrible weather, would you like to come inside?” You point awkwardly at your little winsome coffee stop that illuminated the desolate, dark streets. The skies were dark and formidable and the street lamps were flickering and dim. “- yeah, I prefer to be alone, I'm fine alone but thank you.” You saw his mouth curl beneath the hood and the weather began to get just as intense as it was before. “The winds are pretty strong, I think it’d be safe for you to be inside” You sat next to him on the wet bench. “ I’m okay, I’ll be leaving soon..” He whispered as he stood up and the vigorous winds ousted him to leave.His scarf blew to the side of him and his hands were in his pockets. He didn't tell you who he was exactly however you were not going to give up hope.
The weather began to get worse and became more frequent during the week. He came to the same spot every day now and the weather was menacing and vicious. You tried once more. “Hey, I’m-” 
“YN, I know you” His voice was like honey. Not the sickly sweet kind, the pleasant kind, the kind you could never get tired of.
“Oh, you do?” your confused tone surprised him.
“ I do..” There was no explanation to his reasonings as to how he knows you.
“ but I've only spoken to you once? I don't understand” You clear your throat so you didn't choke on your words. Was he a stalker? Your heart rate began to raise a little bit.
“ I-I don't know if I should say, you might be afraid of me” He fiddles with his slender fingers
Silence flooded between you both now. You didn't know what to say but he then took a deep breath.
“Namjoon, Kim Namjoon,” He looks up at you with his sharp eyes that glistened in the street lamp above you. “This day had been happening for a while and I tried to make it right but my lies...” 
“your lies? this day? reoccurring?” you repeat “what do you mean?” 
“I-I’m a time traveller.. and I have to make this day right until I can continue my current time period,” He speaks quickly, “ This weather here, happens only when I’m here, a time traveller with the worst of luck” He throws his hands back in his lap and swings his head back. 
“H-How?” you ask curiously
“I guess the universe both loves and hates me,” He gives a breathy chuckle, “ That’s why I can't make things right between us now and my lies are affecting everyone and the bad luck I have is inevitable”  
“ between us?” you try to look at him but he avoids eye contact, “ What’s in your current time period? I mean what’s happening..” You gulp afraid if his answers.
“ You and I met, like this but definitely not on a shadowed day, week even” he breathes out, his eyes glossy. “ Everything was bright and vibrant and there was laughter and just pure happiness everywhere! You and I became happy together before the world came crashing down on me one fateful night and my bad luck really put you in danger-”
“ after we moved in together, you encountered an accident..” He frowned and hid his face in his hood sniffling, “ I’m trying to fix it but the universe has already decided your destiny already but I’m trying” 
It all sounded crazy to you however you felt something between you both. He sounded too emotive for it to be a lie.
“how do you um time travel?” you ask and hold his hand
“ Through sleep, I can choose when and where I want to go but I can't save you.” 
“don't save me” Your lips tremble from sudden fear, “you can't change my fate Namjoon”
“ you’re right yn” his lips trembled too forcing itself to a smile.
“ It’s time for me to go now yn, Goodbye” He waved at you before disappearing over the bridge and you make your way back to the cafe.
A month later:
Namjoon hadn't been visiting you lately and hadn't been sitting but the river anymore. The skies became clearer and a lot less rainy and people began to travel around the little corner which your cafe stood. He didn't say anything about where he went and what he’s doing. The sun set and you opened your windows to let in the evening air drift through you bedroom, the cold floors against your feet and the warm robe across your body. As you rested you head on your pillow that night, you heard the sweet mellifluous voice again in your dreams;
                              ‘In another life, we’ll meet again sweetheart.’
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sodoyouknowbts · 7 years
Jin x Reader - Timelines (Two)
Part of the ‘Souls’ Series
Summary: Jin is a time traveler, trying to get a grip of his ability. He can’t quite figure out why he keeps travelling to times and moments with you.
Pairing: Jin x Reader
Genre: Time slip, time travel, romance, soul mates
Author: Pilot
Chapters: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06
Chapter Two
“Oh I am so sorry! I didn’t see you there!” You exclaim, trying to pat the stranger dry. You’d just spilt your take away coffee all over him. You quickly pocket your phone and pull your left headphone from your ear. You fawn over him and use your sleeve to dry some of the coffee off. You’re thankful it wasn’t super hot.
Jin takes a moment to respond. It appears that his body is intent on sticking around. He hadn’t gotten this far the other three times he had travelled to this moment. He had always disappeared right after you had bumped into him. Jin decides to seize the opportunity.
“It’s fine.” Jin replies with a slight smile.
You look up at him. His eyes are big and soft. His hair blows in the light breeze. He’s gorgeous. That’s when you feel it. A sudden and slight twitch in your chest that spurs on what feels like an electric charge. You inhale sharply. It’s fleeting. Jin watches you as you unconsciously place your hand on your chest. You blink.
“I’m really very sorry...” You start to say, clearing your throat. You can’t believe you had just blatantly stared at him. Nor could you believe the odd bodily reaction you felt. “I’ll - I’ll pay you for the jumper!”
He brushes his chest, where the coffee has spilt. “No, don’t worry about it.” Jin responds, not taking his eyes off you.
“At least the dry-cleaning?” You ask, biting your lip as you glance at the coffee stain on his cashmere jumper.
“Let me get you another coffee and then we can sort out the dry-cleaning?” He suggests.
“Oh, that’s really sweet but I should really be the one to -” You begin to respond, a little bewildered that this beautiful man in front of you was offering to buy you another coffee after it was you who had spilt it on him.
“I insist.” He gestures toward the door of the cafe. You can’t help but turn yourself around and head back through the doors. He follows a step behind you. You turn around again quickly to face him and almost bump into him again.
“What’s your name?” You ask.
“Jin.” As soon as he says it, the wind picks up again and Jin stiffens nervously. Please, not again. He thinks to himself.
“Jin.” You repeat.
His name sounds special coming from your lips. Determined not to let time slip away again, Jin steps past you and pulls open the door to the cafe. You enter.
Jin follows you to the counter. A little flustered, you examine the menu board although you had just ordered a latte five minutes before. Jin rests his hands on the counter and looks up at the board, examining the options. He pays a sideways glance at you.
“One Americano and ...” He looks at you.
“Huh, oh another latte please.” You stammer.
“Dine in.” Jin adds.
Jin pulls his card out of his back pocket and pays. He breathes a sigh of relief. It’s accepted.
“Would you like a receipt?” The barista asks.
“Yes, please.”
The barista nods, tears the receipt from the printer and hands it to Jin, along with a table number.
Jin ushers you to a table. You take a seat and place your bag on your lap.
Jin inspects the receipt and lets out a sigh of relief. The date and year are in alignment with his timeline. He folds the receipt neatly and places it into his wallet. The hours and exact time didn’t matter at that moment.
“So, you know my name. What is yours?” he says leaning forward, folding his hands.
“Y/N.” You say, trying hard not to stare at his rosy lips.
“Y/N...” he repeats wistfully.
The barista is quick with the coffees and places them down on the table. He picks up the table number and carries it away.
Jin cups his hands around the cup and slowly lifts it to his lips, blowing it before taking a sip. He can’t seem to take his eyes from you. Jin chuckles and you avert your gaze and stir your latte with a spoon. You tap the side of the cup and lick the foam.
Somehow you manage to get some on the side of your lips. Jin instinctively reaches out with a napkin and dabs the foam. You blush and he quickly transitions the napkin to you and brings his hand back to his cup.
Think of something to say, Jin. He tells himself. You beat him to it in an attempt to shift the atmosphere back to before the time he had sweetly reached out to you.
“So, do you usually buy clumsy people coffee?”
“Ah - no, not exactly. You’re the first clumsy coffee person I have come across.” Jin replies with a smile. He pauses and takes another sip. You’re somewhat flattered by his comment.
“The coffee is really good here.” You say quickly.
“It is...” he trails off. “I haven’t actually had coffee for a while.”  
“And then you got it in a way you weren’t expecting!” You exclaim, laughing.
He laughs too. “I guess you’re right, huh?” You can’t help but notice how his eyes crinkle when he laughs.
“You were on your way somewhere, where were you going?” He asks.
“Me? Oh I was just going to run some errands. Needed some fuel.” You pause. “So what do you do, Jin? Your work?”
“I’m a doctor. I just transferred to Yanghwa Hospital for my residency.”
“Oh that’s just near here.”
“Do you live around here?” He asks.
“I do actually.”
“And what do you do, y/nl?”
“Haha, can you guess?” You were surprised how easy you found this conversation to be. There was just the right amount of teasing and curiosity.
“Hm...” Jin extends his hands and pretends to square you up, making little right angles with his fingers and closing one eye.
“Painter? Writer? Something creative?”
Your heart pangs. He wasn’t far off.
“I’m a journalist.”
“Well I guess that also explains the coffee.” He says, smiling.
You’re both quiet for a little bit. Jin sips the last bit of his coffee and you twirl your spoon around in yours, your chin resting on your hand.
“Do you know what I enjoy most about coffee?” Jin says randomly. You look up at him. “It’s the way it both stimulates and soothes. How it can quicken the pace of your heart, boost your brainwaves and yet calm you at the same time.” He’s staring at the Americano in his hands. “And I just love the scent.”
You found yourself getting caught up in his voice. It was smooth and sweet. You blink, breaking the spell.
“I guess you’re pretty reliant on coffee then huh, as a doctor?”
“Hm, not so much anymore.” He chuckles. “This may sound strange, but one cup before bed helps me sleep.”
“You’d think it would have the opposite effect.” You say. “Oh!” You hit your hand not the table. “Did you know, research has shown that at least four coffees a day helps to promote longer living?”
“No I didn’t. I guess I’ll need to increase my intake then - although technically I’ve had two coffees in a span of ten minutes.” He says, pointing at his jumper
You laugh at his lame joke.
“So how exactly do you want to get this jumper sorted out?” you ask.
It was quite cold outside and he only had this jumper with him, from what you could see.
“We could go to the laundromat? There is one just around the corner.” You ask, hopeful.
“That sounds like a good idea, but it’s only my jumper.”
“Oh I have plenty of laundry i actually need to do -” You say without thinking.
“Let’s go get that and then head to the laundromat then?” Jin suggests, wanting to spend as much time with you as possible. He still wasn’t quite sure what you meant to him.
“Huh... Oh sure.” You stand up and he gestures you walk ahead of him.
“Lead the way.”
Your apartment is just a short walk around the corner from the coffee shop you visited on the regular.
He waits outside on your balcony as you dash in. You scurry around the house, throwing a couple of shirts into your already full laundry basket. You glance at the basket. You quickly throw a shirt over the top of the underwear in your basket and run out. You run and kick your slippers off your feet, sliding them into your sneakers.
“Sorry to keep you waiting.” You say as you meet him outside. He’s leaning against the wall, one leg propped up. You look him up and down and quickly turn to lock the door. For some reason you couldn't keep your eyes off him. Maybe it was just because he was so handsome.
“Here I can take this -” He offers to hold the basket for you.
“No!” You say a little too forcefully. “Sorry, no. I’ve got this.” You were determined not to let him see your underwear. You pull your door shut and the touchpad lock buzzes. You turn the handle and push, just to make sure.
How did you manage to get yourself into doing your laundry with a complete stranger? Sure - you’re never one to miss an opportunity to maximise time and effort and you were going to go to the laundromat anyway to sort out his jumper so you had figured you might as well... You hadn’t really expected him to join you though.
You walk to the laundromat together. There was something comforting about his company. You examined his shadow on the pavement as you walked. His figure was so tall and his shoulders were so broad. The laundry basket hits your hip as you walk.
“We’re here!” You say, and he pushes open the door for you.
It’s quiet in the laundromat, bar one older lady who is shaking her bathroom towels out and placing them in the dryer.
“Take off your jumper?”
Jin blinks and turns away from you, crossing his arms below him and pulling the jumper off in a singular motion. You can't help but admire his back as he pulls the jumper off. He’s wearing a white dress shirt underneath the jumper.
You take the opportunity to flip the laundry basket upside down and your clothes tumble out and into the top-loader washing machine. You do this without taking your eyes off him. He turns back around and bundles the jumper, handing it to you. You graciously take it from him and place it into the machine.
You close the lid, adjust the settings with the dial and choose delicate. Jin bends down, picks up the softener and detergent from the floor and goes to fill the softener and detergent tray. He bumps the tray to a close with his hip.
Once done, you perch yourself on the washing machine. He does the same, pushing his body up and easily sitting on a neighbouring washing machine.
Your eyes drift to his muscular forearms. God, why were you such a perve today?
The old TV in the corner of the laundromat is stuck on a music channel. Coldplay’s Fix You begins to play. You turn your head to watch the MV.
Jin begins to hum to the tune. His humming voice is soothing and surprisingly the right pitch for the high tone. You can’t help but close your eyes. You lean back, enjoying the low thumps of the washing machines and dryers cycling the clothes, Coldplay in the background and Jin’s melodic humming.
You go to stretch and accidentally brush your hand against Jin’s. You feel it again. Some sort of current. You look up at him, Jin’s eyes are wide.
Surely it was just your jeans that had created static?
Jin goes to say something but suddenly his surroundings begin to swirl. He grips the corner of the washing machine tightly, his knuckles turning white.
“Ah, something - something’s just come up. I have to go. Sorry.” He barely manages to get out the words.
“But your - your jumper it’s -”
He ignores you and without saying another word he jumps off the washing machine and dashes out the door. You watch as he sprints past the windows of the laundromat.
Jin races around the corner and leans against the brick wall of the building. A moment later, he disappears. He’s back in his room, staring at his mirror. He’s not wearing a jumper. He looks over at his clock. The date is correct. The place is different. He hurriedly looks over at the vase. It’s upright.
Jin’s sitting on his couch, watching a cooking show on tv. It’s what he enjoyed doing most in-between his hours at the hospital. He found it to be much easier, now that he had moved closer to his workplace.
After the first few time travel ventures, he had slowly gotten a grip of his powers and had found a way to control them by willing and thinking.
He had managed to control his powers. Which was ultimately a good thing, considering he couldn’t just disappear during a surgery. It took a little while for him to master it and he found he could navigate by willing himself to a place and time. It was just lately he found himself unable to control his pull towards you.
He was glad though, that he managed to spend some time with you. It still puzzled him as to why he was pulled to you - but tonight he wasn’t going to think about it.
“Ya! You forgot your mushrooms. You can’t make the dish without the mushrooms!” He exclaims to himself, slapping his knee as he laughs at the tv. He starts to roll up his white button up shirt at the sleeves. He watches as the contestant chops onions. “Holding the knife all wrong too, what amateurs.”
Jin stands up, stretches and walks to his kitchen. He opens his kitchen drawer and takes out a spoon. He was intending on eating one of the puddings he had in his fridge. It’s at that moment he feels the pull again. He closes his eyes.
When he opens them, he finds himself in a dimly lit apartment. The spoon falls from his hands and hits the ground with a clatter.
He hears someone stir. He freezes in his tracks.
Not again. Jin thinks. He looks down and finds himself standing over you. You’re in bed, the bedside lamp still on. Your laptop is sitting on the bedside table near the lamp and you had clearly fallen asleep watching something.
Jin holds his breath as he watches you stir. You move ever so slightly. He can't help but think to himself, just how serene you look while sleeping.
Jin quickly crouches down to the floor and reaches under the bed for the spoon. He moves his hands around haphazardly. His fingers touch something sharp and cold. He pulls out his spoon and brings it out to the light to confirm. He hears the blankets shifting again and stays low.
When he’s certain there’s no further movement, Jin sits up. He was wrong. You slowly open your eyes. He furrows his brow at you - realising you’re still in a dreamlike state. You move in close to him, eyes half shut.
He freezes, lips slightly parted in shock. You slowly reach your hands out to him, cupping his cheeks. This was one of the sweetest dreams you had had in a long time. You move in and place a kiss on his soft lips. Your lips stay touching for a moment. Jin stays completely still so not as to wake you completely. You move back, with a smile on your face and your eyes shut. You slowly let go of his face and roll back over on your bed.
Jin just about collapses on the floor in both delight and fear. He grips his chest. His body was burning. Something had ignited within him. It was a sensation that didn’t make sense to him. His breaths were short and shallow. Jin takes a few minutes to recover. He looks over at you who seemed to be completely oblivious to the impact you had on him - simply from your lips touching. Heck, even when your fingers had brushed against his at the laundromat. That was enough to make his head spin.
In shock, he stays there. Finally, he slowly pulls himself up to stand.  
Jin steps backwards and bumps into a chair. He moves it back into place and notices a little gift bag sitting on it. Curious, he opens it. It’s his jumper, folded neatly. Jin lets out a chuckle and smiles. Jin looks over at you again and brings his fingers to his lips.
He takes a moment to examine the surroundings of your apartment from where he stands. He sees a number of soft toys littered around your bedroom. Little photo frames and photographs of when you were younger. The kitchen is orderly, with a cute little pot of mint sitting at the window above the sink. Jin feels the urge to snoop a little more to get to know more about you but thinks better of it.
Instead, Jin pockets the spoon and silently exits your apartment, passing more photographs hanging on the walls of your hallway. The lock buzzes behind him. He slowly pulls down on the door handle and steps outside into the night. It’s cold and he buttons the button sitting at the neck of his shirt up in an attempt to block out the wind. He wriggles his toes in his slippers.
He closes his eyes and concentrates. Nothing happens. He tries again. Nothing still. He resigns himself to the fact that he was going to have to walk home in the cold and in his slippers.
Jin sighs. Why couldn’t he will himself away?
To be continued 
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liwaywaydreamer · 2 years
WIP idea
Yandere au (Poly BTS x Timetravelling!Reader)
TW: mention of family issues, mental health issues, implied self-harm, yandere behavior, obsession, murder
a/n: I am in no way, shape or form romanticizing any of these. These are dark concepts for a FICTION. Fiction isn’t real. I do not condone any of these acts nor do I believe that any BTS member act this way.
(can you tell that I have favorites?)
The mc is a product of very toxic, abusive family circumstances. She’s got mommy issues, daddy issues, mental health issues, you name it. In short, she’s a troubled woman with dark past and sees everything as meaningless including life, most especially her own. Despite all of that however, she’s extremely self-aware of her beliefs and how destructive those beliefs can be, so even though she doesn’t see any value in life, she understands why people likes to live. Of course they would, how could they not. After getting used to how it feels like to breathe and feel for as long as we live, the sudden change to nothingness can be scary, more so the unfamiliarity it brings. And then there goes the other side of the coin when it comes to death; the probability of heaven, hell, and/or purgatory being real. A lot of people get scared to the thoughts of these things, in fact, it’s so common that we had come to know the realization of these as midlife crisis (although midlife crisis pertains to other things too and not just the fear of death itself). You understand them though. You understand as you fear the same things too, but just a tiny bit different.
You’re not scared whether heaven, hell or complete nothingness waits for you after death, but the idea of everything can cease to exist in just a blink of an eye does. After surfing through the internet for as long as you can remember, there is one quote that had been instilled on your mind: The best way to overcome fear is to face with equanimity the situation of which one is afraid.
And although you’re sure that the quote was thought with good intentions, you were never taught to cope nor deal with your emotions. As such, you took it the only way you know how—  literally.
With what you had come to be, and with all your demented logic and reasonings, you faced your fears.
You stared directly at the grim reaper’s eyes as you killed over and over again those who you deemed deserving of such fate. You don’t kill the innocents, and you never once thought of harming a touch of a child’s hair. You pick the rapists, the corrupt, the greedy, and then suddenly the thing that you once feared of became something that you enjoy.
But you’re not the hero, nor do you think of yourself as the villain. You’re just someone with a different moral compass than what the majority have, seeing the world what it truly is. Cruel. But as luck have it, you’re not one to be seen as a common person, and whatever supernatural being that protects the world knows that too as you were given the right and the power to travel through time. Although they told you that you can never change anything in the past as it can drastically affect the future, and that you would know for what purpose exactly you were given this power, but you call bs on that. Whoever or whatever being gave this to you, they would surely know who you are. They know what you are capable of, and to poke the bear in giving you opportunity to change things for you?
Who are you to say no?
Comes the year 1888, where Jack the Ripper had ran amok the dark night and killed many women. To help with your disguise, you were given the identity of a detective tasked to finally unmask the scum. But you’re not going to make a bait of yourself in order to coax him out of the hole the criminal is hiding in, nor do you want to kill him too, as by doing so you’re only stepping the line of true hypocrisy.
No, as you would do much worse.
You’d taunt him by killing the opposite of his targets. As he kills poor women, you’d kill rich men. And while he does it bloody, you’d do it cleanly, made it that nothing would scream murder other than the chrysanthemum flowers that surround the body and the farewell letters you’ve prepared. And although your goal was to allure the so-called Jack the Ripper, unbeknownst to you that you had done much worse.
(whatcha think)
(wanted to title this as “Flower of Evil” coz ykyk but lemme know if you have something better)
(also, sorry if I still haven’t updated My Savior. I was busy with college and it gave me a hard time trying to figure out how should I word things.)
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rec-review8890 · 2 years
Suga | Royalty!au RECs
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(💦) ~ Smut , (🐑) ~ Fluff , (👊) ~ Angst , 
(📝) ~ Series , (🗒) ~ One-Shot/Dribble , 
(💜) ~ Personal Favorite 
Request Guidelines | Fic Rec ML
NONE of these works are mine. Give all your love to the authors and their works. The links will either bring you to the Tumblr page or a Ao3 page of the work. 
Title: Devil’s Plaything 💦🗒
Author: @yoon2k​ 
Summary: Duke!yoongi x princess!reader. Also magic!au. 
↳ “Yoongi has been widowed for over 2 years now—long past the time of mourning—and has made no move to remarry. Despite all the eligible maidens trying to catch the rugged duke’s eye, he’s stayed stubbornly idle in his search for a wife. For a man at court, especially at Yoongi’s standing, remarrying was essential and highly expected; even though the man had heirs and his lineage was assured, a wife was a political move, and a highly coveted one. None of this slipped the young princess’ mind, her sharp eyes on the much older man. But Yoongi should be careful—“for Satan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do.”
Title: Reflection of You 🐑👊📝💜
Summary: Also Historical and Timetraveller!au. Suga x reader x Yoongi (yes, this is correct).
↳ “Confirming you were dating the famous Min Suga of BTS, you knew you were bound to make some enemies. But what you didn’t expect was to be cursed, going back to meet a cold-hearted, arrogant king that shares the same face as your rapper lover.“
Title: The Emperor's Daggers 💦🐑👊📝
Author: @xmint-conditionx 
Summary: On going series. Emperor!yoongi x concubine!reader. 
↳ “You recall the first night that you began to love your emperor more than your job required. you find yourself in a dangerous situation that surely means death if mistakes are made. being careful is your first priority, but it’s easy to forget where and who you are when you lock eyes with him.”
Title: Promises 🐑👊🗒
Author: @aredheadedmess​ 
Summary: Bodyguard!Yoongi x Princess!Reader. 
↳ “With a rumor of war, you are given a bodyguard. You didn’t think he’d become much more that that.”
Title: Share my Throne 💦🐑🗒
Author: @sopebubbles​ 
Summary: King!Yoongi x Queen!Reader. 
↳ “Most days, King Min Yoongi finds his job exhausting, but he always finds comfort in you, his queen.”
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agustdakasuga · 3 years
Reflection of You (Series Masterlist)
Genre: Historical!AU, Timetraveller!AU/ Different Dimension, Romance
Pairing: SUGA x Reader, Yoongi x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, Idol!Suga, King!Yoongi, Guard!Seokjin, Guard!Jungkook, RoyalAdvisor!Namjoon, Servant!Jimin, Servant!Hoseok, Prince!Taehyung
Summary: Confirming you were dating the famous Min Suga of BTS, you knew you were bound to make some enemies. But what you didn’t expect was to be cursed, leading you to meet a cold-hearted, arrogant king that shares the same face as your rapper lover.  
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Interim I
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Interim II
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Drabbles List
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ao3feed-minjoon · 4 years
by tenshikookmin
Calling Park Jimin 'pretty boy' is simply an overrated opinion. He was the ultimate guy any girl could ever dream of, gorgeous, rich, elite, kind-hearted, a fine gent and the son of the world renowned inventor, what more could he ask for? Sure, he's often the prime topic of omegas in their campus, but that wasn't enough to satisfy his craving for who-knows what that is.
"What matters the most is the present, certainly not the past,and soon the future."
    "Trust me, I'll save you from this nightmare and live with my future."
With a knack for time-travelling and escaping their home at night, he meets the unpredictable Jeon Jeongguk. Will his plain hobby and determination to save Jeongguk from the hell of a life he has blossom into something that we may call love? Or is it just another key to open the gates of danger? All characters (except for kpop idols), plot belongs to me. Do not repost without my permission.
May contain mature content, e.g language, sex, etc. So read at your own risk.
Timeframe: Late 80s to mid 90s
Words: 3264, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Park Jimin (BTS), Park Jimin (BTS)'s Parents, Park Jihyun, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung | V, Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Namjoon | RM
Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin, Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin, Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Alternate Universe, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Park Jimin (BTS), Omega Jeon Jungkook, Time Skips, Time Travel, Retrospective, Mad Scientists
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timetbl · 6 years
call me overrated af but hello im rhu and id love to write a bts au based off hyyh + wings + ly because jin timetravelling / hopping through parallel universes to save his friends and failing will remain my fave theory / concept so yeah if u wanna do it hmu 
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exxxxuusmee · 5 years
The change of time Part 1
Mainly Fem Reader x Taehyung but also the rest of the seven members.
Fantasy:au royalty:au timetravel:au
Slow burn
Warnings: non to note
Prologue: https://exxxxuusmee.tumblr.com/post/185045752161/thechangeoftime
Authors note: So.. the first part of this series. There is going to be a lot of backstory to this. There are some things that i fell like i have to write for this to be a good fic.Hope you like it. Tell me what you guys think!
This must be the place. You found yourself high up in the mountains in Seoul. 
You didn’t really know how you ended up here. After arriving to Seoul, the first thing you did was checking in at your hotel. And you had planned to take it easy and soak in a bath with one of your favorite bath bombs. You felt like you needed that after the long flight. To be honest you felt a bit jet lagged. But then you found a brochure on your bed over some mountains chain that just looked absolutely amazing. You didn’t know what it was that compelled you to view it closer, it was like you were drawn to it. You had sat down on your bed and started to read about the place. Magical and ancient? huh, why not. You read the paper and decided to go immediately. You felt like you had to visit this place, you didn’t know why this urge was so strong.
That was how you found yourself in the middle of a mountain chain. It had taken some while for you to get there and the sun had started to set. Your normal self would had freeked out by now, but somehow you found yourself completely calm. You almost felt like you were where you belonged, how strange. 
You started to walk. You didn’t really know where you were going but you followed your gut feeling and walked further through the path. The mountains where beautiful, the city so far away but you could still see it in the distance. You could see the snow on the highest tops and how the sun slowly but surely made its way down. You could here the wind howling and smell the fresh air, no noises but nature. 
When you had walked for a while you started to see the entrance to a cave further up the path. A strange feeling washed over you, the feeling of excitement but also nerves. You walked a bit faster to get to the cave and see if something interesting was hidden inside. The feeling you had felt earlier, your tiredness from the flight was gone, like the wind had carried it with it and away from your body. You turned and walked in to the cave. Inside, the first thing you saw was a pool, or a spring of some sort. It was stunning. Your eyes were drawn up when you noticed the light. You walked closer to see what was giving away the light source. It looked like an million stars plastered over the caves roof. On closer inspection you could see that it was some kind of fluorescent gem stone. 
Suddenly there was a strong puff of air flowing in to the cave, the hair on your body stood on end and you could feel a shiver finding its way down your back. A ringing sound started in your ears and you felt groggy. Everything happened so fast. And before you knew it you landed in the pool. It had almost felt like someone had pushed you in. 
You were emerged in the water. Lightheaded, the ringing in your head still there. You sprinted in to action and tried to get to the surfes. It felt impossible to get to the surfes, so tired from your heavy wet cloths weighing you down. But at last you succeeded. You crawled out of the pool. Trying to find your breath. you rolled over on your back, panting loudly. ‘’What the fuck’’ you whispered taking a long breath. You stayed there for a while, on your back, trying to calm yourself. 
You wondered how that had happened. You most have been more tired than you thought. You sat up slowly, so not to chock you system. After a while you got yourself up on your feet. You turned around and started to find your way out of the cave. ‘’what?’’ you said in chock when you saw that the su stood high. How was that even possible? The sun was almost down 30 minutes ago. You started to wonder if you hit your head or something because this was to weird. You looked around. Where was the city? Did i walk out a different way or what is this. You turned around to see if you accidentally walked out the wrong way, but well in the cave again you could see that it was the only way in or out. You couldn’t comprehend what was happening, the sun was standing high like it was mid day and the city was gone, no roads as far as you eye could see. You started to feel scared, had you gon mad? What was this.
You decided that you had to move from the cave and get down from the mountain. Maybe you could find some people that could help you. 
It felt like you had walked for hours. When you had come down the mountain you couldn’t see anything or anyone. Just the nature. You started walking to see if you could find something ahead. You think you walked for hours. You didn’t know what to do. You started to feel frustrated, scared and sad. All you wanted to do right now was to be in your mothers arms. You could feel how the tears started in you eyes, you couldn’t hold them back. You legs felt weak and you fell down to the ground, you head in you hands. 
You were so out off it that you didn’t even hear the distance sound of hooves to the ground. It itched closer and closer and it wasn’t until you were surrounded by them that you noticed. Six horses with riders were surrounding you. You lifted you head from your hands, eyes puffy and red and looked at the riders. They were all wearing some kind of armer. But couldn’t for the life of you understand why, was this some sick joke or something. You looked around at all men. They looked stern, angry almost. Your head snapped back when one of them started to almost scream at you. He spoke in korean, that mush was certain. But you had now idea what he was saying. He looked at you and you could tell he was waiting for a response. ‘’Where am i? who are you?’ you were terrified ‘’please help me’’ You new that they probably wouldn’t understand a word but you had to try, you also knew that it was a stupid idea to try to get them to help you, but what chose did you have? You looked at them sniffling with pleading eyes. They started to argue amongst them self. The black haired man suddenly stopped and looked at you. His eyes warm brown, with features that could catch any young girls heart. 
He dismounted his horse and walked to you, you flinched back. He started to chuckle and said something to the others. Whatever he said made them all laugh. It felt worse, it was better when he was stern. Know it just felt like he they were degrading you. You felt small, and you didn’t like it. He kneeled down at your side and put his hand forward. Waiting for you to take it, he could see the fear in your eyes. ‘’Me, eh, help you’’ he said while pointing at him then at you. The feeling of a stone that you had logged in you chest rose with his words. So he new som english. You stared deep in to his eyes. They were kind, or at least that was what you wanted them to be. You hade to take a chance. You had no idea how many hours you had walked so far and you felt on the brink of collapsing. You decided then to take your chances. You took his hand and he helped you up. 
Once you stood up all the men started to advert there gazes, on the blond man beside you you could se a blush that spread from his cheeks all the way to his ears and neck. You looked around at them and could tell that they all was suffering the same. You couldn’t understand why. You looked at the black haired man infront of you, an confused look in your eyes. He laughed nervously and adverted his gaze as well, the he spoke. ‘’ehh, you not musch cover’’ You stared dumbfounded at him. He looked at you then down your body and then up in your eyes. Oh.. ooh. You looked down at yourself. Cover only in a tank top and small training shorts. You big hoodie left in the cave after you took it of. You looked up att the black haired man again and a small smile planted on your face. Was this bothering them? You didn’t now why. These were pretty normal workout clothes. The black haired man lead you to the horse, first he mounted then he helped you up so that you sat infront of him. He held you with one arm hand the rains in the other. Then he said something to the others, and before you knew it you took off. 
Your eyes felt heavy. You could hear jabbering voices in the distance. You slowly opened up your eyes. You sat up and looked around. It wasn’t a dream like you hoped. You were in a room laying on well, sort of a mattress on the floor. The room looked like out of a asian samurai movie. Decorated with all kinds of beautiful art in gold and red. You could smell some kind of pleasant scent, like spices, cinnamon and apple. To be honest it smelled like Christmas to you. You looked around the room to locate were the voices was coming from. You couldn’t see anyone in the room. But you could see two shadows outside of the room. The doors where made out of some kind of paper or fabric. You could hear them talking for a bit more before they stopped. You could see how one of them walked away. The other shadow was still there. 
Suddenly the door slided open and in came the same black haired man from before. You met his gaze, and he gave you a small smile. He walked over to you and sat down beside you on the mattras. He stared at you for a while before speaking. ‘’Jimin’’ he looked at you again before saying ‘’ you?’’. His name was Jimin. What a pretty namn to go along with that pretty face. You looked down at your hands and then up at him again. ‘’Y/N’’. ‘’Y/N’’ he repeated. ‘’Why Y/N out there? dangerous’’ You were a bit taken a back. Dangerous? How was it dangerous? ‘’I don’t know what happened.. i was hiking in the mountains, found this cave with a pool, i fell in then when i got out of the pool and the cave i didn’t recognize anything. The city was gone, the sun was high although it was about to go down when i fell in the pool. I don’t know what happened and i don’t know where i am. Where am i ?’’ He looked confused. Of course it was hard for him to understand you. He let out a hmm and furrowed his brows. ‘’You from goddess pool?’’ His gaze bore in to you, he almost looked excited. ‘’ Yeah i guess? now, where am i?’’. He looked happy about your answer. ‘’You in emperor Kim Taehyung’s kingdom’’ he said with a smile. Kim Taehyung’s kingdom? what was this? The only explanation you could find was that this was a dream or you must have eating or drinking something that made you hallucinate. You had to ask, ‘’what year is it?’’ He looked amused, like he couldn’t understand why you would ask that, still he answerd ‘’1200 ad’’ he said simply. You just stared at him with a open mouth. What did he say?! year 1200?! This couldn’t be real. He was amused by your face and laughed. ‘’You, Y/N are funny girl’’ then he stood up. ‘’I’ll find Y/N clothes, and food. You sleep more’’ with that said he left you to your own thoughts. 
You sat there trying to figure out this puzzle. First of all, when you came out from the cave the sun was new, like it had just risen. The city that you had seen before you went into the pool wasn’t there anymore. The roads that you hade seen before you went in to the pool wasn’t there anymore. The men and Jimin were riding horses with old fashion looking gear, they were wearing armer. The room that you were in right now looked like something right out of a history movie. And then what Jimin had said came in to mind. The godess pool? Did he know what had happened to you? And the emperor Kim Taehyung part? And the most terrifying of all. This was year 1200 not 2019. You knew that Korea didn’t have a emperor named Kim Taehyung thats for chore. And you knew that you where i Korea. Everything had looked almost the sam when you came out of the cave except that things were missing. But the landscape was the same. With all this to mind you were now curtain. 
I have somehow traveld in time.  
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narika-a · 7 years
BTS Time Traveller Reaction: Their future S/O being in charge of an entire country
|||Anon asked: A TimeTraveler!AU reaction for BTS who travels to the future and finds out their future s/o is a president/dictator/in charge of an entire country|||
Jin/Kim Seokjin
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He would watch you ordering your people around and would be so impressed by your skills he would probably stay in this timeline for a while.
Park Jimin
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Would jump back to the present immediately, not sure exactly what he saw. He would know only one thing. That he needs to find you. Fast.
V/Kim Taehyung
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He would be a bit confused that the sweet girl he knew from college was actually this ruthless leader but would want to get to know you better and would try to approach you anyway.
Rap Monster/Kim Namjoon
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Would watch you march your armies onto other territories before deciding that maybe he should stop you before all of this even happened and would go back to the present to search for you.
Suga/Min Yoongi
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Would most definitely join you and help you conquer the world, you were already half way done with Europe, ready to storm Asia anyway.
J-Hope/Jung Hoseok
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Well this certainly wasn’t what he was expecting to see in your future after he asked you out in the present.
Jeon Jungook
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One word. Shook.
He would just stand there staring like he saw a ghost while you continued to dominate.
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coffee-and-kpop · 8 years
Hey darling it's me again🙈 So first of all, I'm happy to hear that your friend seems to feel better! And if it's okay with you, you can write the reason why not to timetravel haha. OH NOO.. IT'S SO HARD TO FIND GOOD BLOGS FOR UNIQ AND HISTORY😭 I FOLLOW SOME, but they don't update every day or every two, but still something I guess. Also I think it's better to follow their Instagram(I don't have Twitter lol) And was Kookie your first Bias.. like your very first? And goshh thank you haha🙈🙊
Hi hello love! Haha yeah, all that drama has ended thank god! Lol, but my reason I guess to not time travel, is because I'm right here in my life because of every decision, and mistake, I've made in the past. And I'm happy here, even if I've experienced a lot of heartbreak and tough decisions lately, I'm happy with who I've turned out (or am turning out) to be!I wish I had more Uniq/History requests, lol!! Maybe I'll write an AU with one of them soon since I've been really getting back into writing.... 😁(lol I also don't have twitter)And as for Jungkook, if you really really want to get technical with it, Siwon from Super Junior was my first bias, but that was YEARS before I got into Kpop or knew what a bias was! I just watched Mr Simple one day and was like "he's hot he's my guy" and never watched another Kpop mv until like four years later?? So when I actually did get into Kpop, Jungkook was my first because BTS was the first group I got into!! Who was yours??
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milkguks · 8 years
Coming Soon
things I’m working on, will be updated as things get completed/requested
sub!jeongguk smut
Jeongguk smut (request)
Hyesun AU (multiple parts)
Soulmate AU (all 7 members)
Goblin Jeongguk AU
Hogwarts AU
Werewolf Taehyung
Jeongguk/Yoongi Robot AU
Yugyeom Puppy Fluff
Sana smut
Lisa Arranged Marriage AU (request)
Rosé Hogwarts AU
nothing yet!
nothing yet!
nothing yet!
Hyesun AU (Jeon Jeongguk central)
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ao3feed-yoonjin · 4 years
by tenshikookmin
Calling Park Jimin 'pretty boy' is simply an overrated opinion. He was the ultimate guy any girl could ever dream of, gorgeous, rich, elite, kind-hearted, a fine gent and the son of the world renowned inventor, what more could he ask for? Sure, he's often the prime topic of omegas in their campus, but that wasn't enough to satisfy his craving for who-knows what that is.
"What matters the most is the present, certainly not the past,and soon the future."
    "Trust me, I'll save you from this nightmare and live with my future."
With a knack for time-travelling and escaping their home at night, he meets the unpredictable Jeon Jeongguk. Will his plain hobby and determination to save Jeongguk from the hell of a life he has blossom into something that we may call love? Or is it just another key to open the gates of danger? All characters (except for kpop idols), plot belongs to me. Do not repost without my permission.
May contain mature content, e.g language, sex, etc. So read at your own risk.
Timeframe: Late 80s to mid 90s
Words: 3264, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Park Jimin (BTS), Park Jimin (BTS)'s Parents, Park Jihyun, Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung | V, Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Namjoon | RM
Relationships: Jeon Jungkook/Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin, Kim Seokjin | Jin/Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin, Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin
Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Alternate Universe, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Park Jimin (BTS), Omega Jeon Jungkook, Time Skips, Time Travel, Retrospective, Mad Scientists
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supersugatrash · 5 years
What is up beautiful people?
Yes, yes, I know. I said I’m on break and was all overly dramatic - and that still holds true for the most part - but, as I’ve said before, I’m still working on stuff behind the scenes. And because I am working on things, this is where you come in! (If you’re interested in participating in a little group exercise, that is. If not, you can obviously skip this post!)
Yeah, you’ve heard me right (or should it be read me right?). I’m working on so many things at once, that I’ve figured I might just feel overwhelmed and need a little guidance from whoever is kind enough to read this. I have multiple members I want to write for, but of fucking course I also have multiple stories for each of them. And look, I know most of you are here for the Gang AU and that’s my baby, so I feel ya. But, for the purpose of this collective decision making process, I’ll be leaving it out as I’ll probably continue working on it on the side anyways.
So, here is the list of series I currently am looking to write for (or rather start entirely from scratch and make a decent outline) with little crack summaries, genres from most to least important and tons of drama (because that’s all you’re gonna get from following me). If you feel like it, please leave me a message on or off anon for which story/stories I should focus on. Maybe it’ll help with my decision making, maybe it won’t. But at least I gave it a try. Also there is no deadline. This “voting” continues until I say it ends. And, as always, I’m not promising it’ll show up anytime soon so nobody (especially myself) can call me out on my bullshit.
I Am You, You Are Me pt. 2 - Bodyswitch!AU; Crack; Angst; Smut - Namjoon
No synopsis needed. Continuation of Part 1
Those Who Own The Night Prologue - Vampire!AU; Angst; Crack; Smut - Hoseok
A series about the undead lives of BTS and an irritated MC that soon wishes to never have met local big shot and fuck boi, Jung Hoseok.
[Untitled] pt. 1 - Butler!AU Crack; Angst - Yoongi
A series about loyal butler Min Yoongi and an oblivious MC that has the worst luck with men.
[Untitled] pt. 1 - TimeTravel!AU; Crack; Angst; Fluff - Undetermined
A series about travelling into different decades to ensure the world as we know it exists all while falling head over heels for a mysterious stranger.
Soul Food Prologue - Restaurant/SliceOfLife!AU; Fluff; Angst; Crack - Yoongi
A series about the friend-, relation- and hardships you face from adulthood over multiple years long into old age.
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