#bts run behind cut
aricastmblr · 2 years
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Run BTS! 2023 Special Episode - Mini Field Day Part 1 Behind Cuts
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sexlapis · 11 months
Ho! I loooooooveeee your actor toji fics! Is it possible to get added to the taglist? Thank you ~
Also an idea: a bts scene of reader getting sick on set(perhaps even collapsing) due to fatigue and toji taking care of them- I feel like that'd be such a hit ship moment irl :D
thank you for liking my fics <3 you can be added to the tag list 🩵.
and omg yeah i love that idea of reader overworking themselves and toji looking after them :’). and yeah i didn’t make it a behind the scenes clip i made a short fic abt it bc i do not know when to stop.. like give me an idea and i will fly away w it like a bird liek..i don’t even think this is what you asked for srsly…i hope you don’t mind (but i’ll add it to my tojiyn headcanons hehe)
cw: actor toji x actress reader, hurt/comfort, angst to fluff, swearing, petnames (‘kid’, ik people don’t like this one but i think it’s so sweet & so toji :)), collapsing, mentions of skipping meals/not eating, poor sleeping habits, feelings of loneliness & inadequacy, crying, toji taking care of reader, i made this way more angsty than you asked sorry :(
wc: 2k+
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you dragged yourself through the doors of the studio, immediately bombarded by directors, stylists, scrip writers and other cast members on your way to the dressing room, only fuelling your fatigue and stress.
sleep was a foreign concept at this point. five hours at most. so were healthy, filling meals - the last time you ate was yesterday at noon, and for breakfast today all you had was a cup of coffee, not helping your nervous, exhausted state.
admittedly, you were not doing very well. you felt that your acting was subpar and you felt lonely and isolated on set. while everyone went with their friends for a break or lunch, you sat by yourself in your dressing room, your only company being the silence.
sure, toji was also on set too, but he played a very minor role, so he wasn’t always there. and even when he was sometimes, he would hang out with the other crew members, which wasn’t a problem of course, but it did sting a little when he chose them over you.
you just felt so lonely, anxious and quite frankly upset at yourself and the circumstances you find yourself in.
there are a few knocks at your dressing room door and you weakly tell them to come in.
toji peeks is head in. “hey, kid. we start in five..” he takes a look at your weary face, dark eye bags prominent even through the makeup the stylists caked on and the frown on your lips and just knows something is wrong.
“are you ‘right?” he asks quietly, like you’re a deer who’s about to run away at the slightest of sounds.
“yes, i’m fine.” you lie, a voice in the back of your mind wishing he’d just ignore you like everyone else on this damn set does.
“‘you sure? ‘cause you don’t look-”
“i said im fine! just get out.” you snap, heart beating and breathing heavily at your own outburst.
fuck. you didn’t mean to say that.
but toji doesn’t look offended. he just nods and walks away footsteps fading as you put your head in your hands and sob.
so there you are, acting in front of the camera with your colleague in a scene where toji appears in too and you just seem off. everyone assumes it’s just not your day today and they’re not exactly wrong. you lines were slightly forced, tired and you were jittery and clearly apprehensive, like you didn’t even want to be here.
“cut!” the director calls out, more than annoyed with your behaviour. it was the sixth take and you’re really trying to make it believable, but it’s futile.
“this is the sixth take _____. this is ridiculous. get your act together. let’s take five.”
you look down at your shoes, face hot and chest thudding with embarrassment due to the director calling you out in front of everybody. tears well up in your eyes and you sigh, blinking them away as everyone starts talking again, walking away leaving you standing there like an idiot.
it all becomes too much for you. your empty stomach, oncoming headache, exhausted body, dry mouth, furrowed eyebrows, sweaty palms-
you let your script fall out of your hand as you stumble off the green screen, trying to get to your room before a hand is grabbing your arm. you turn around and it’s toji again.
“hey..” he leans down slightly to your height, scanning you over once. “you don’t look so good, _____-”
you shrug him off, vision becoming blurred with black static and limbs heavy and shaky. “i-i jus’ need to go. to my..uhm-” you stop, rubbing a hand down your face harshly. “i just-”
and then there is black.
you come to and realise that you are laying on your dressing room couch, staring up at the ceiling. reaching up, you feel a wet, cool cloth on your head. you take it off. still fuzzy and body essentially lethargic, you try to sit up.
“hey, hey, hey.” toji whispers.
oh, toji’s here.
“take it easy.” he helps you sit up on the arm of the couch. he hands you a bottle of water and you drink it like a god.
“wait, what happened?” you ask, still confused and disoriented.
“you fuckin’ fainted that’s what,” he states bluntly. “scared the fuckin’ dogshit outta me.”
toji sits beside you on a chair, looking at you closely. you look down.
“the med team checked you out.” he tells you. “said you fainted, collapsed-whatever the fuck. ‘cos of stress and exhaustion. they even checked your blood sugar and said it was low as fuck.” he pauses. “not dangerously low,” he adds at the sight of your worried expression, “but.. low enough.”
you sigh, falling back on the couch. you think back to how the director shouted at you, how annoyed he was, and how humiliated you felt. tears start to form again and you cover your face with your hands, not wanting to cry in front of toji. you felt like you’ve had enough embarrassment for today.
toji leans forward. “what’s happening with you?”
the way he said it, so soft and concerned, makes the tears fall down and cause sobs to escape your mouth, hiccuped breaths falling from your mouth.
“hey, hey, hey..” toji coos. he reaches to you and makes you sit up again so he can take you into his arms. you let him, sobbing into his shoulder and sucking up all the comfort he gives you. toji’s big hand strokes your hair and the other caresses your back softly.
“shh, sh, sh…” he calms you down a little, you sobs turning into sniffles. he leans back and gives you space but his hands stay planted on your back. “tell toji what’s wrong.”
you hum sadly, looking down and gulping. “i’m..i’m tired. i wanna sleep..”
toji waits for you to continue. he can see you want to say more so he doesn’t hurry you along, he just rubs your back and nods to let you know you’re listening.
“i..” you take a breath, “i dunno what to do..i can’t do this fucking role.. i’m fucking tired half the fucking day and my so called colleagues don’t even like me!” you try to calm yourself down, taking another shaky breath. “and i just feel..lonely all the time..” you cry out the last few words, feeling another sob session coming up and toji pulls you close, letting you ruin his shirt with your tears as he rocks you back and forth in his arms.
“it’s okay, it’s okay..” he coos, resting his face in your hair.
you both stay like that for a few moments, you weeps dying down before toji talks.
“you can play this part, _____. ‘you have any idea how good your are, huh? you can act circles around half ‘these guys.”
you scoff, pulling your lips together. “i dunno about that..”
“‘m serious. _____, you can act, okay? ‘wouldn’t have made it this far if you couldn’t.”
“yeah but..this one’s hard..” you sigh, voice cracking but toji doesn’t let you start again.
“yeah, acting’s hard. but i can help you,” toji cups your wet face with his hands, wiping the tear streaks that paint you face, “we can all help you. the crew, your friends, that bitchass director. i’ll put a gun to everyone’s head to make them fuckin’ help you with this.”
you giggle at his seriousness and he huffs, relieved that you’re relaxing a little.
“they don’t hate you, y’know. everybody on set. the cast. they just think you’re a little shy and quiet. they don’t hate you, okay?” toji reassures you. you nod absentmindedly and he shakes your head from side to side to make you pay attention, making you smile, eyes crinkling even though they’re still tear stricken. “there she is..who the fuck could hate you, huh?”
“ugh, toji.” you roll your eyes, sniffling and rubbing your face. you pull away from him. “ugh..i just want my bed right now.”
“yeah..i know it ain’t my place but told the director that you’re taking a few days off. you need a break, kid.”
you didn’t even argue with him. you couldn’t.
“yeah, i do.” you agree.
suddenly, a loud rumble from your stomach erupts, it was like an earthquake.
toji laughs. “someone’s hungry.”
you groan. “‘m starving. haven’t eaten since yesterday.”
“we’re getting you something to eat.” he states, leaving no room for objections.
toji stands, holding his hand out for you to take. you do, his large, calloused hand dwarfing yours as he helps you stand up. “can you walk?”
“i will if there’s food involved.”
“that’s good.” toji chuckles, “how’s takeout sound?”
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a/n: had to write a whole fic abt this i apologise 🥸 will add the tag list later i just keep forgetting the users </3
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dreamescapeswriting · 8 months
BTS Reaction || Calming Them Down [Mafia Edition]
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - January 2024
It wasn't like Jin to bring his anger from work home with him but the door to your home flew open and he threw his keys at the wall.
"Jin?" You called out but it was as if he didn't hear you as he made his way to the mini-bar inside of the living room and began to pour himself some hard liquor to drink,
"I'm going to fucking kill him," Jin said as you watched him closely, downing a third drink before you made your way over to him and snatched the bottle from his grasp.
"What happened?"
"Someone betrayed us, we have a mole." He seethed, trying to take the bottle back but you cut him with a disapproving glare and shook your head at him.
"Who?" You questioned, you'd had a suspicion that someone was being snakey in the gang but you weren't sure who. 
"I'm not sure."
"Then you're not going to kill anyone and drinking isn't going to give you a level mind." You shut the bottle tightly before dragging Jin toward the sofas and sitting him down.
"We're going to sit and cuddle while you unwind. We will find the mole tomorrow." You told him as he grumbled something under his breath before instantly relaxing as you cuddled into his chest.
"I need to-"
"We will do it tomorrow. WE." You reminded him before he sighed a little and kissed your cheek.
"Yn, you should head home for the night," Jungkook said as he walked into the office, your eyes looked up from the book you were reading and you frowned. Jungkook had blood dripping from his head and appeared to be out of breath.
"I thought we were surprising Yoongi with me being here tonight?" You'd gotten back home earlier than expected from your trip but you and Jungkook hadn't told your boyfriend about it.
"He's ready to kill someone, go out of the back door of the office and surprise him later." He whispered before the door flung open, you practically jumped out of your skin dropping the book onto the floor.
"What the fuck are you doing in my office?!" Yoongi boomed at Jungkook not noticing you at first but you stood up,
"He came to warn me you were in a foul mood, I guess he wasn't wrong." You placed your hands on your hips and watched as the tension released from Yoongi and he stared at you,
"You're supposed to be out of town." He whispered as he sank down into his chair, you walked toward him and smiled running your hands over his shoulders and placing soft kisses all over his face.
"I came home early, surprise," You whispered as he relaxed completely from your attention letting out a deep and content sigh that you were finally home.
The noise was starting to piss you off, you'd been trying to read the same paragraph for the last twenty minutes or so but it was interrupted by Hoseok who was yelling at someone in his room. Finally, you'd had enough and slammed your book shut before making your way to his office and quietly making your way into the room.
Standing there was Hoseok with his back to you as he yelled down at two young boys who couldn't have been any older than 19 or 20 and they were shaking. From what you'd heard Hoseok had been yelling about how they'd managed to let a shipment get stolen and you knew that they were new and just needed time, sighing to yourself you made your way over to Hoseok and hugged him from behind.
As soon as you held him Hoseok appeared to calm down and he resisted the urge to turn around and hug you back.
"What is it?" He questioned, doing his best to remain firm with you but he could feel himself melting against your touch.
"I'm trying to read and you're being rather loud." You whispered before Hoseok looked to his two right-hand men and nodded at them. Within seconds the two younger men were taken out of the office and you smiled.
"You're dangerous, you know," Hoseok whispered to you, relaxing completely in your arms as you continued to hold onto him.
"Miss Yn, I don't think it's a good idea!" One of Namjoon's men yelled but you ignored him, walking into the office anyway and staring at your boyfriend who had stood you up on a date tonight.
"You fucked up on a shipment! Now you're going to have to pay for it!" He screamed, stopping a little when he saw you standing inside the room.
"Yn? You need to leave. I'm in the middle of something," Namjoong gestured to the two men who were shaking in their seats in front of his desk, you stared at them before looking back at your boyfriend with a very annoyed expression.
"What's today?" You questioned, arching a brow and folding your arms over your chest as you watched Namjoon run through the date in his mind before realisation hit.
"Get. Out." Namjoon ordered at the men who looked confused at one another before rushing out of the room, practically tripping over one another to get out.
"You're late."
"I was busy." He hated that he'd messed up, it wasn't his fault though since everyone around him seemed to fuck things up for him.
"I don't care how busy you were, you could have called me." You mumbled with a pout, Namjoon opened his arms for you his anger from before completely melted away as you came closer to him and cuddled into his welcoming arms.
As soon as you'd gotten the text from Namjoon you'd practically sprinted up the stairs toward your boyfriend's office, you'd been hearing yelling for the last hour or so and when Namjoon begged you to calm Jimin down you didn't waste a second.
"Yn, get out," Jimin grumbled as he stared at his men in front of him, he didn't know if he should kill them or yell some more for the fuck up that they'd done. Your eyes went to Namjoon and he smiled a little before nodding for you to keep going.
Staring at Jimin you could see he wasn't pleased you were here but you didn't care, you plastered a sweet smile on your face and made his way to his desk. Rubbing his shoulders a little.
"Jimin-shi," You whispered in his ear,.
"You need to calm down, if you keep yelling you'll hurt your voice and then I'll never hear my sweet prince again." Jimin stared ahead at his men, his body relaxing a little.
"Namjoon, escort everyone out." He grumbled before Namjoon and his men scampered out of the room, Jimin stared at you.
"You know you're a weapon in disguise no one should have this much power," He chuckled before bringing you onto his lap.
"What do you mean!? No! I want it fixed and I want it fixed now!" Taehyung yelled down the phone, your skin beginning to turn clammy as you looked around at the other people dining inside the fancy restaurant with you. Your boyfriend didn't care who was around while he shouted at one of his men over the phone but you did.
"Tae." You warned, kicking his shin under the table and staring at him, you hated that he was making a huge scene when the two of you were supposed to be having a romantic evening together. Tonight was supposed to be him making up for missing your date night last weekend,
"Hang up and act like my date." You grumbled at him, your eyes boring holes into his head as you watched his jaw tick a little and he nodded at you.
"Fix. It." Taehyung seethed before hanging up and placing his phone on the table, which you were quick to snatch from him and slide into your pocket so he no longer had access to it.
"I need that, princess." He warned you but you just began to feed him the dessert that you'd been eating, his body relaxing a little and he let out a deep breath and began to eat the food you were holding out for him. There weren't many people in the world that had the ability to calm Taehyung down so quickly but you were one of the select few.
"So, do you come here often?" The very persistent man asked as he stood beside you at the bar, he'd been trying to hit on you for almost twenty minutes now and it was exhausting seeing his effort.
"Yes, can you please leave me alone? I'm trying to have a drink." You answered blandly, turning back to your drink and sipping on it before the man began trying different lines on you, all of which went over your head. All you cared about was waiting for your boyfriend to finish up his meeting so you could go home together but it appeared to have run over a little later than planned.
"Do you have a boyfriend or something?" The man questioned, anger lingering in his voice as you rolled your eyes hoping Jungkook wouldn't come out to see him or there'd be blood over your new dress.
"Or something," You mumbled, but before the man could say anything else he was shoved to the ground, you were quick to get out of your seat as Jungkook kneeled on top of the man's chest and gripped his shirt.
"Kookie." You whispered, cameras turning to look at you as you grabbed onto Jungkook's shoulder trying to pull him off,
"You ever go near her again and I'll make sure you never walk again!" He yelled before punching the man in the nose, this time you ripped him away from the man and pulled him out of the club. Jungkook's body relaxed as soon as you stared at him,
"No scenes. Remember? We agreed!" You yelled at him before he pouted a little.
"I know, I'm sorry but-"
"No buts. Take me home." You ordered as he nodded, taking you to his car and apologising again and again for the rest of the night.
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@chiisaiblog @sw33tnight @kaitieskidmore97 @laylasbunbunny @tinyoonsblog @whitefoxgirl @katnisspeetaprim @acciocriativity @choisoorin @heyjiminnie @btsiguess-kpop @halesandy @gothic4under4lord @soulphoenix1618 @aerastus @jin-from-the-block @lenfilms @elizaschuyler18 @piratequeen-impact @Namgiswifey @delulu18 @xyahrinx @katsukis1wife @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan @blairscott @4-chan-inpadella @swga-ficrecs @niktwazny303 @armystay89 @myyouthdonut @xakx @kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy @kpopmenace143 @loveforred @b1nn1e-1s-cut3 @elissasimp
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mariabtsos · 6 months
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Fool's Gold ||j.jk||
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Description: when Jungkook’s prank goes horribly wrong, will he be able to win you back or will this be the end of you and him?
Genre: Friends to Lovers, Prankster!Jungkook x f!reader, established relationship, April Fool's prank gone wrong, angst, hurt/comfort, miscommunication, happy ending.
Warnings: small act of violence.
Word Count: 4.4k+
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This was supposed to be Jungkook's best prank yet. It was supposed to make you laugh and maybe smack his chest a little like you always did with his pranks.
You weren't supposed to ghost him.
You and Jungkook had met back when you still had dreams of becoming an idol, you both entered Big Hit's trainee program at the same time and you became quick best friends. You both shared the love for pranks and would help one another come up with silly ways of pranking each other's members.
You would also be each other's emotional support through the evaluations, the cuts and the other's leaving. He still remembered the day his Hobi hyung decided he didn't want to continue, how you held him so tightly and encouraged him to go tell his hyung how badly BTS needed him, he remembered when they first debuted and their performances kept being cut short, and how you assured him that they would be the biggest kpop group one day.
He also remembered the day you told him you were quitting.
“They are not going to debut us Jungkookie, I don't want to wait forever for a chance,” you told him, your bags were packed behind you and your parents were outside waiting for you.
He didn't want you to leave, and at first he didn't understand why you were doing this. Once he grew older and faced the challenges he and his bandmates were faced with he understood, but he still missed you terribly. It took 4 years and a lot of pestering Bang PD but he finally got your home phone number and he called you as soon as he got it.
“Yln residence?” It was almost pathetic how quickly he recognized your voice.
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Reconnecting with you had been the best decision he ever made, it almost felt like no time had passed, and feelings he'd been reluctant to ponder on resurfaced every time he went to see you.
Every meeting, every call, every text, all of it immediately made Jungkook’s days a little brighter and his feelings for you a little stronger. He wanted nothing more than to call you his, and so he took a chance and asked you out with a prank.
He’d taken you to do grocery shopping with him for the dorm, you noticed his RUN BTS! cameraman was there which was very odd. Jungkook then confessed to you that he had talked to the owners about a prank on the security person, where you would see how big of a purchase you could make and leave with and go unnoticed. “I don’t know about this one Jungkookie,” you gave him an unsure grin as you started to walk out of the store with a cart full of groceries, “We’ll be okay Ynie,” he waved you off.
Obviously you weren’t okay.
To say you were almost immediately stopped by the security of the store was an understatement, it was almost like he was waiting for you. You were immediately so stressed for Jungkook, you could already see the dispatch headlines “BTS’s JUNGKOOK found stealing at grocery shop with mysterious girl” and you could already see the death threats coming through your inbox for making the young idol get in such trouble.
You panicked and tried explaining to the security guard what had happened, and what you were doing along with Jungkook but it was a lost cause. “I’m going to need you to come with me sir,” the older man said quickly, putting Jungkook’s arms behind his back. You could feel the tears well up as you kept murmuring “I’m sorrys” to him as they took him to the security room. It only took a couple of seconds for him to come back out with a huge bouquet of your favorite flowers.
“What the fuck are you doing,” you laughed inbetween sobs.
“I’ve liked you for a while Ynie, and every day that we talk, text, or spend together makes me feel so much lighter and so much better, so would you go out with me and be mine?” His words were sweet and you couldn’t help but continue to laugh and nod. Jungkook pulled you in for a kiss and the people that were close enough to witness your interaction cheered and clapped.
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Fast forward 9 and a half years and one military service later and here you were. When Jungkook came back from said service things were weird for you though.
It seemed like Jungkook’s pranks had increased, at first you didn’t mind playing along with him, you had missed him after all, and even if it was something a little out there — like the time he used nutella and asked you to “bring him toilet paper” just for him to wipe the chocolate spread on you; you felt like puking and were gagging for a good 10 minutes after that — you still enjoyed seeing his pretty bunny smile and hearing his giggles. After a while though, it almost felt like Jungkook had almost reverted back to his 13-15 year old ways, pranking you almost every day, you felt on edge all the time and, even if you knew it wasn’t true, you felt like this was the only way for him to like you.
So when he suddenly slowed down and no pranks happened in a few weeks, you felt that maybe he’d finally gotten over it, that he’d wanted to go back to normal. Then one day he’d started acting weird, well maybe not weird but something felt off, you chalked it up to him preparing for BTS’ next comeback so you didn’t really think much of it.
“Wanna go to the mall today?” He asked you. You were laying on the couch with your head laying on his legs, he was playing some video game and you were scrolling absentmindedly through your phone.
“Are you sure? You coming back is still pretty fresh, I don’t want us to get ambushed,” you put your phone on your chest and looked up at him.
You felt so comfortable in this position you were hoping Jungkook would say no and you would get to nap like this. His body was fit and defined but it was still so comfortable to lay on, and his thighs being so thick made them fantastic pillows. “I’m sure! I have a surprise for you,” he stated excitedly, and you wished you had read between the lines, you wished that you had seen the signs, because when you arrived at the mall he walked you around, making you pick out pretty outfits, pretty accessories and makeup. Then he walked you into jewelers, and you felt your heart race, was he planning what you thought he was planning? You wanted nothing more than for this to be Jungkook’s special way of letting you know he was planning on proposing.
You had talked about marriage in passing, during sleepy cuddle sessions and late night dinners. You were sure Jungkook would want to wait until he was older, maybe in his late 20’s or early 30’s, he had never told you otherwise and you had never really pushed super hard on it, but you had dropped little hints here and there. You sent him pictures of pretty gem cuts and ring designs you liked, you even sent him those tiktoks where people did different wedding dress themes. Okay, maybe you weren’t subtle, but you really wanted Jungkook to get the hint you’d been together for almost ten years, and although you were patient, you wanted to be his, forever.
The jeweler measured your ring finger. He showed you all the different designs, and you left the mall with all your bags, including a small one for your ring, which you had picked yourself. You made it to the car that was waiting for you just outside the mall.
“Where are we going next Kookie?” you asked cuddling close to him.
It was finally time for his prank, “we’re going to Namjoonie hyung’s apartment, it has the prettiest view.”
“Right now?!” you exclaimed.
“Yup! I have to give something to him.”
When you arrived, Jungkook made sure to tell you to bring your shopping bags with you since you’d be there a while. Was he going to do it all now? You were so nervous, you would have to make sure to ask Namjoon’s girlfriend, Jinhee, for help. When you got there and explained to her your suspicions she immediately dragged you to her and Namjoon’s shared bedroom, helping you get ready for the special moment that was to come.
“We do have a beautiful view,” she said as she added the final touches to your hair, “I’m so happy for you Ynie!” She hugged you tightly. The time came for you to come out of the room, Namjoon’s girlfriend wasn’t far behind you.
There was a lot of people there all the sudden, almost the entire 97 line, and all of BTS were there, you greeted everyone and then you heard Jungkook call out to you, you turned around to see him down on one knee, you started tearing up immediately, ready to hear his speech that you were almost certain he’d practiced for months because he was that kind of man.
And then it all came crashing down.
“Fire!” he yelled, and everyone pulled out cans of silly string, immediately spraying you. Your outfit and makeup were positively ruined, and everyone was laughing, well, everyone except you. How did you read it all so wrong, why did he get you all these things and have you look all pretty for a proposal, for this? Jungkook wasn’t this cruel was he? You felt the tears welling up more now. “Happy April Fool’s baby!”
This was supposed to be Jungkook’s best prank yet, why weren’t you laughing?
As the laughter died down and some of the attendees went back to their conversations others remained watchful of what was about to unfold. Jungkook got back to his feet and reached for your hand, he was confused when you pulled away. You loved his pranks! He wanted to make up for lost time after coming back from the military and make sure your relationship hadn’t changed and…why were you crying?
“Jagi? Are you o-” he couldn’t finish his sentence as he felt a sharp sting on his cheek. You... slapped him?
“Fucking dickhead,” you said, you tried your best to not let your voice break. You went back to Namjoon and his girlfriend's bedroom to grab your stuff, and then you swiftly left, slamming the door on your way out. You walked for a bit, making sure to put enough space between Namjoon's house and yourself. Eventually, you made it to a bus stop and got on.
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You weren't supposed to be ghosting Jungkook, it was just supposed to be a fun prank. It had been a week and a half since his prank, and you hadn't texted or called, hell, Jungkook was even checking his email to see if maybe you had contacted him there, nothing. 
Maybe you were pranking him too?
He was shocked at your reaction, you loved his pranks. When you first met you connected over pranks, it was your thing. So, after being gone for 18 months and only being able to spend very minimal time together with you, he thought this would be a great way to reconnect again.
His hyungs were worried about both of you, Jungkook had been so out of it, all he did was go to work and come home to check his phone and watch the door, waiting for you to walk through it. The only person that had been able to contact you was Jinhee, and all she got was a short text stating you were okay and that you needed time.
So his hyungs had decided they were all going to stay at his apartment, he had a bunch of mattresses anyway, and make sure he wasn't doing something silly or stupid.
“Jungkookie?” Taehyung called him over, they were all getting ready to eat, and he was still sitting on his couch looking at his phone.
“Why won't she talk to me?” He groaned as he took a seat between Tae and Hoseok, putting his face in his hands.
His members looked at each other, “well, if I looked pretty and thought you were going to propose I wouldn't talk to you for a while either,” Yoongi said matter-of-factly, making Jungkook look up immediately.
“Jinhee said that when she was helping get Yn ready she mentioned you took her shopping and that you even had her pick a ring?” Namjoon explained, what followed was groans and multiple facepalms around the table.
“Jungkookie, please tell me you didn't have her do all that for a prank?” Jin stated, holding the bridge of his nose.
“She never explicitly said she wanted marriage! We talked about it in passing!”
“You've been together for almost ten years, and you didn't even ask her?!” Jimin got up abruptly, walking away slightly.
“She kept sending me engagement and wedding related things, but I just thought-” he stopped, realization finally hitting him… “I fucked up didn't I?” he let his head fall backwards.
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You'd been home with your family, mainly staying in your room and crying away the embarrassment and hurt. Your parents were concerned, and your siblings had been trying to get you to talk, but all you did was sit there and look at a picture you had with Jungkook back when you were trainees.
“Sis,” your youngest sister gently shook your leg, “unnie please talk to me, I need to know what's wrong, we need to know what's wrong so we can help you,” you could hear her voice tremble, and you the last thing you wanted was for her to cry because she was worried about you.
“Jungkook pranked me,” you stated, your voice monotone. “Is that why you were covered with silly string?” you nodded, finally sitting up on your bed and lightly tapping the spot next to you.
“Well, you and Jungkook oppa have always loved to prank each other, what happened this time?” she asked as she took the spot. You summarized the situation, and watched as she went from angry, to sad, to pensive.
“Not trying to justify him doing that to you, but you said he looked shocked when you left?” You nodded, “I know you told me you'd sent him tiktoks and other hints, but did you ever specifically speak about marriage seriously?” She asked softly, you shook your hand.
“I assumed he didn't want that right now, which is why I was so excited when he took me out, I thought maybe he realized he did want it,” you explained.
“Sounds to me like you have some miscommunication going on there unnie,” she grinned awkwardly, “sure he could've read the hints, but if you don't actually talk about it, how are either of you supposed to know what the other wants?” She nudged your shoulder. You scoffed, realizing how right she was.
“When did you become so wise? Aren't you supposed to be 7?” You wrapped your arms around her for a hug.
“Try adding 10 years to that 7,” she rolled her eyes. 
You heard a pinging sound coming from your phone which was on your nightstand, you pulled away from your sister and looked at her, your worry obvious on your face, she grabbed your phone and handed it to you. “What's the worst that can happen?” She encouraged you.
When you unlocked your phone you saw all the texts and calls from everyone, the most recent being from the very man you had just talked about.
Can we talk please?
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To say Jungkook was nervous was an understatement, when you texted him back agreeing to see him and talk he screamed and jumped just as he did when you'd agreed to your first date ever, way back when he found you again. His hyungs and his friends had given him all the advice to last at least five life times.
Five lifetimes wouldn't be enough to apologize.
You had agreed to meet in a park near your parents’ house, he wanted you to be as comfortable as possible and to not feel like he was ambushing you. If you wanted to leave, your parents were nearby, if you broke up… the thought made him shudder and his heart crack, that was the absolute worst case scenario.
He was taken out of his thoughts when he heard a car door closing, seeing you walking toward him feel relieved for a moment, and then he saw the dark circles under your eyes. Fuck, he was such a dick.
“Hi Jungkookie,” you greeted him once you were close enough. He just stood there looking at you.
Gosh how he'd missed your face.
“Hi Ynie,” he resisted the urge of enveloping you in a hug, he wanted to keep space between you two so you could, again, be as comfortable as possible. “Um, want to sit down at that bench over there?” He pointed a couple feet away from where you were standing, you nodded.
The short walk was quiet. Once you sat down you stayed in a weird awkward silence for a minute or so.
“I'm so sorry Ynie,” Jungkook started, “I never wanted to hurt you, I was so focused on us reconnecting after I got back,” he voice trembled, “I didn't pay attention to the hints, I ended up hurting you. I should've never taken you to do all those things if I wasn't going to follow through.”
You took a deep breath, looked at him in an oversized hoodie and sweats, he looked so sad. “Thank you,” you looked down at his hands, his fingers were twitching and you could tell he wanted to hold your hands.
“What you did wasn't okay, I felt humiliated in front of your friends and brothers,” your voice trembled, “I know jagi, I feel absolutely horrible about that,” he sniffled.
“I should've communicated with you what I wanted, because I wanted to marry you Jungkook, I wanted to be yours for the rest of my life,” you felt tears streaming down your face, “wanted?” he sobbed, he felt his heart breaking into a million pieces, so this was it, you were done with him.
He was so freaking dense, how could he have messed up one of the best things he'd had for a prank?
“Fuck, to think you could have a ring on your finger right now and still want to be with me if I hadn't been so fucking clueless,” he word vomited, he had nothing to lose. “I want nothing more than to be able to call you my wife Ynie, I'm sorry I-”
You took hold of his tattooed hand.
“I still want you Jungkook,” you admitted, “we just… need to work on communicating what we want better,” you sniffled, “maybe go to couple's therapy?” 
“Anything to bring you back to me,” his doe eyes were pleading with you, holding your hand so tight.
“Okay, let's go home.”
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Grab the box I left on the bed and be ready by 7pm, I love you♡
That's the note Jungkook had left for you on your nightstand. Ever since that conversation at the park things had become so much better, he'd stopped pranking you almost all together, he'd been treating you extra special every day, and your therapist had asked that you took an hour out of the day to when you both got home from work to talk about your days and about one thing they were grateful the other did that day. Jungkook had proven he was sorry everyday.
And today, he'd left her a box with a beautiful cream colored milkmaid style, pink flower print dress with puffed short sleeves that reached just above your knees.
You put your hair up and left a few strands of hair out to frame your face, you put on brown wedges and went for a more natural makeup look. By the time you were spraying on your perfume it was 6:57, and you were ready to go for whatever Jungkook had planned.
He texted you letting you know he would wait for you in his car, so you grabbed your purse, phone and keys and headed out of your shared apartment and quickly made your way downstairs and to Jungkook’s car, he was waiting outside of the passenger door looking down at his phone.
“Hi Kookie!” You greeted him cheerfully.
He looked up at you and was floored, you had always been beautiful, but he would never not be shocked by it, especially when this dress hugged your body and enhanced your skin tone so nicely.
“You look ethereal jagi,” he sighed, looking at you like you were the 8th wonder of the world. You giggled and wrapped your arms around him once you reached him, “thank you,” you pulled away slightly so you could give him a couple of quick pecks, you could feel Jungkook smile with each kiss.
When you pulled away you saw he was wearing an almost all-black outfit — as usual for Jungkook — a button up black silky shirt with a couple of buttons undone and a white undershirt, with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, as well as fitted dress pants and shiny black dress shoes.
In short, he looked hot as fuck.
He opened the passenger side door for you, and put his hand out to help you get in. Once you were all set, he ran around and got in the car, and once he was all set he started driving.
“Where are we going yeobo?” You asked, placing your hand on his thigh.
“I planned a surprise for you.”
At first you were a bit apprehensive, considering how it went the last time he had planned a surprise. But you trusted Jungkook again, and you trusted he wouldn't do something as cruel as that again.
You drove for a little while and made it to a small park that was just so peaceful and beautiful. Jungkook opened your door and helped you out of the car, he was holding a small basket, “when did you get that?”
“No need to worry your pretty little head about it jagi” he smiled mischievously.
Oh boy
As you continued to walk you noticed the building outlines and poked out from the trees. “Those buildings seem familiar,” you said, “one of those is Namjoonie and Jiminie hyung’s apartment building,” he admitted absentmindedly.
“So this is the pretty view they have?” You took in the park one more time. That day six months ago you didn't really have time to look out of the balcony, you kind of just, ran. Jungkook just hummed in response, slowing down on his walk and turning into a small trail, where there were some open spots and a small wooden bridge over a river.
Jungkook set down the basket and pulled out a picnic blanket, laying it down on the grass and using small rocks to keep it down, “I think you're a little overdressed for a picnic Jungkookie,” you giggled, making him roll his eyes as he finished setting up the food, which consisted of gimbap, tteokbokki, and bibimbap.
“I just wanted to make sure I looked as good as you,” he got up and wrapped his arms around your waist, “I honestly still feel like I'm wearing sweats and a hoodie compared to how beautiful you look,” you blushed hard and helped you sit down on the blanket so you could eat.
Everything was delicious and you had a great time, which realistically you always had a great time with Jungkook, there was never a time where he didn't make you laugh so hard you would have tears rolling down your face. He made sure to clean up and put everything back into the basket and had it sit on the grass for a moment.
“Let's go to the bridge!” He took your hand and pulled you to the small wooden structure, he held onto the rail and you did the same. “Did you know this is a wishing bridge? That's why there's so many little coins down there.”
“Are we going to make a wish?” looking down at the river and the fishes swimming through it. “Yes, we are,” you heard him say, and when you turned toward him you yelped.
Jungkook was getting down on one knee.
He was truly a product of Namjoon though, no sooner than he was getting down on his knee, he tripped and the ring box he was pulling out of his pocket fell through the wooden rail. You tried to catch it but it was no use, and watched as the box floated away, you were trying to hold back tears so you could comfort Jungkook but when you turned to him again, he was down on one knee, with the most beautiful ring you had ever seen between his fingers.
“Gotcha!” He giggled, “six months ago I thought I’d lost you, I knew I fucked up big time and when you took me back I vowed to myself to make it up to you every day,” you felt the tears streaming down your face, much like that day 6 months ago, but this time you weren't being humiliated, and this time they were happy tears. “I want to make you smile every day, every night. I want you to be there with me when we win our first Grammy, on our first tour back as seven. Most importantly I want us to have an amazing life together, even after we retire and I am wrinkly and my hair is all gray. So, Ynie, jagi, would you marry me?”
At this point you were ugly crying, and all you could do was nod profusely. Jungkook shakily slipped the ring on your finger and stood up, hugging you so tight you just had to laugh because he was never going to live down the muscle bunny nickname.
“I love you,” he said when you both pulled away, cupping your face with his hands. “I love you too,” you smiled sincerely, and he closed the pace between you with a kiss.
This is your and Jungkook’s greatest moment, he was so happy.
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sailoryooons · 1 year
BOONGI REQUEST THE SEQUEL !!! honeymooning with yoongi and your trip is a little too richly scheduled considering how horny you both are.... leads to fucking in some interesting places 🙈
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❀ Pairing: Yoongi x f. reader
❀ Summary: Your tropical honeymoon is planned down to the very minute to get the most out of your trip but it seems that Yoongi has plans of throwing off your itinerary every time his hands touch you. 
❀ Word Count: 4,355
❀ Genre: Established relationship, pwp
❀ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately.
❀ Warnings: Absolutely self-indulgent and gratuitous smut, literally this is the most porn without plot I have ever done, explicit language, explicit sexual content including unprotected vaginal sex, fucking from behind, semi-public fucking, light degredation, oral (m. and f. receiving), riding Yoongi, fucking from behind, face sitting, throat fucking, a lot of cum and spit and holes, Yoongi and reader fuck in public spaces where they cannot be seen a lot, temperature place, use of ice (please do not ever take ice from a random ice bucket and put it in your partners vagina, this is fiction and it was handy but do not do that lmao), cum swallowing and cum eating when you squint. 
❀ Published: August 9, 2023
❀ A/N: This is sort of a part two? You do not have to read the first request to read this one, they are easily read separately. Thanks for giving me an excuse to just write porn. There literally is nothing here but porn, I don’t even know if they have chemistry, but they fucking. Honestly I had to cut scenes out of this because I also imagined the infinity pool moment and so many other moments because M and I are fucking insane and ruminate on this shit, but at one point it was just… getting longer and I was RUNNING OUT OF WORDS FOR DICK AND COCK AND I HATE THE WORD DICK IN SMUT IF FEELS NOT VERY SEXY. Okay. Here is my ode to the love of my life, M. This somehow made me more insane.
❀ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
Part One | Masterlist | Ask | Hali’s Happy Agust | Listen Along |
“Come on,” You murmur, lips pressed against Yoongi’s warm forehead. “We have a breakfast reservation at that place we talked about.” 
A deep groan rumbles through Yoongi’s chest. It’s dark in the bedroom of your resort, the lights still off and the sliding glass door window still shuttered. Your newly wed is tangled in white sheets, face pressed against the pillow and swollen with sleep. You bite your bottom lip to hide your smile as he buries his face deeper into the pillow.
It’s tropical warm in the room, your skin still heated from the sun the day before. Yoongi’s cheeks are sun-kissed blossom, bottom lip jutted out as he pouts. You think about the night before, biting that bottom lip hard as you came around him in the shower, cold water pebbling on hot skin. 
Sighing, you climb onto him, knees on either side of his waist as you sit. His chest is flushed and warm as you lean down, dress riding up your thighs as you press your forehead to the side of his head. His hair is messy, an inky halo around him as he lets out a sound again, very close to whining. 
Yoongi smells like coconut shampoo and palm breeze. It makes your stomach flip having him this close to you, flashes of the night before making your already sore thighs twitch. Ignoring your more carnal urges, you nudge him with your nose, huffing. Sliding your hands around to the back of his neck, you thread your fingers through his silky hair, holding him there. 
“Don’t you want breakfast?” you ask, hoping the promise of food will lure him from bed.
Yoongi is fully awake now. “Mhmm.” 
Yoongi frees his hands from the sheets and places them on your thighs, squeezing. His hands are warm and callused, sparking a curl of pleasure in you as he rubs them up and down your legs. It’s an innocent touch, but your thoughts turn devious. 
When Yoongi’s hands trace to the round curve of your ass to grab a handful of flesh, you let out a breathy sound and tighten your grip on his hair. He hisses in appreciation, hips twitching off the bed as you growl, “What are you doing?”
Yoongi turns his head to face you, your foreheads pressed together as he bumps your nose with his. “I don’t need to leave for breakfast,” he murmurs, breath hot against your lips as he talks. His right hand gives you a playful crack on the ass, making you squeak as the sweet sting riles you up, your knees squeezing his waist. “I can eat right here.”
His hands are firm, fingers dimpling your rear end as he pulls you against his stomach and rolls your hips. Your eyes flutter shut at the barely-there friction, Yoongi lifting himself up a little to help you grind against him. 
The chastisement is nothing more than half of a breath, already feeling arousal curl in your stomach. Your thighs stretch painfully from the night before, a feel-good burn that makes you spread your legs a little wider to feel the pleasurable strain. 
“Come on,” Yoongi grunts. “Girl breakfast.”
“That’s not what that meme means.”
“Who gives a fuck. Sit on my face.”
Ignoring him is impossible. Yoongi’s hands palm your ass, pulling you forward. On unsteady knees, you shuffle up from his waist to his face, lifting the hem of your dress as you go. Yoongi hums appreciatively, slipping a hand between your legs to press his fingers against your clothed pussy. 
“Fuck,” you whisper, the stimulation jolting. “We have an itinerary.”
“Fuck the itinerary. You were going to go to breakfast like this?” he asks, slipping a finger under your underwear, swiping through your dripping folds. “All wet and sticky?” 
You whine, fists tightening in the fabric of your dress. He drags a curled knuckle up and down your pussy, pressing into your clit purposefully as he does, making your hips swivel a little. Yoongi laughs underneath you, mouth hot on your thighs as he leaves sloppy kisses, air cooling his spit on your skin as he goes.
There’s no escaping this. Any desire you had to go to breakfast with a view of the beach is gone as Yoongi nips at the tender flesh of your inner thighs, your legs trembling in anticipation. Yoongi is so good at this, making you bend to his will with just a few words and guiding hands. 
Yoongi’s breath is hot on your center as he peels your underwear to the side. You look down at him, pressing your dress flat to give you the perfect view. His dark eyes are focused on your cunt, his lips bubble gum pink, tongue darting out to wet them. His hair is fanned out around him, some pressed to his forehead. 
Smirking, Yoongi uses one hand to pull you forward, lowering you to his mouth. You hold your breath as he drags his tongue slowly from your leaking entrance to just below your clit before rolling licking back down, ignoring your bundle of nerves entirely. Your toes curl, immediately going white hot at the slow feeling of his tongue dragging through your folds. 
“Oh,” you sigh, eyes shutting as Yoongi hums and repeats the motion, determined to take his time. 
With one hand wrapped in your dress, you lean forward, pressing the other hand against the wall to keep you upright. You hang your head down, heady-heavy, eyes falling shut as you heave shuddering breaths.
Yoongi’s tongue is wicked, laving up and down experimentally as you shake on top of him. He hums appreciatively, pulling you down to his mouth further by your ass. A sharp moan escapes you when he fastens his mouth to you, sucking your clit gently. The suction makes your head spin, your skin over warm and tingling, feeling faint in the dark room.
“Shit,” you pant, listening to him make a mess of you, all wet smacks and happy hums. “Fuck, Yoongi.”
“Mhmm,” he agrees. “Girl breakfast. Or is it wife breakfast?”
You’re too busy rolling your hips gently against Yoongi’s face to shoot something smart back, lost in the rough drag of his tongue against your cunt, the buzz of his mouth when he hums. You feel the way your stomach tightens, the way that pressure in your core builds, the tensing thighs. 
The sweet, saturated sound of Yoongi’s mouth backtracks your whines, your fist pressed against the wall, knuckles popping with the force. Sweat slicks down the back of your neck and your thighs tremble as you fuck his mouth in earnest, hips flexing.
It feels hot in the room, your dress sticking to your skin, panties stretched to the side as Yoongi has his way with you. The strap of your dress falls down, abandoned as you quiver, your shoes and purse long forgotten by the door as you start to come undone.
“Come on,” Yoongi pants against your pussy, tongue prodding your throbbing hole. You squirm at the feeling, wanting more. “Breakfast is supposed to have juice too.”
Your laugh sounds hysteric, closer to a high-pitched cry than anything. Yoongi is vicious, pressing his nose to your clit as his tongue fucks your entrance, drinking you in. You’re dizzy, ears ringing as your orgasm mounts. You start to tense up, teeth clenched, fingers pressed numb against the wall.
Eyes shut, head back, balmy skin, you come hard in his mouth, Yoongi’s tongue pressed against you, not missing a drop. You feel fuzzy drunk, letting Yoongi control your hips. He moves you against his mouth, bobbing his lead as he slurps, dropping staccato mhmms as he goes. 
When you’re falling into his lap, skin sweaty and panting, Yoongi sits up, the lower half of his face shining with your slick. He licks his lips, grinning like the cat that ate the canary. “Thanks for the meal,” he teases. “I want more.”
A high-pitched zing whines through the air, drawing your attention to look at the fishing rod on the back of the boat. The reel spins out of control as the line runs wild, handle circling as the fish on the hooked fish runs wild with the line. 
“Yoongi,” you gasp, turning back to him. 
“Fuck the reel,” he growls, fingertips pressing into your hips hard enough throb.
The vinyl cover of the boat seat is slippery with sunscreen, sweat and a little cum. Sun heats your bare back. The burn on your shoulders is nothing to the fiery arousal spooling in your stomach as Yoongi pulls you up by the hips, dragging you along his slick cock.
It’s a calm day on the water, the only motion coming from the way you roll your hips, fucking Yoongi in earnest on the bow of the boat. Blue water glitters around you, reflecting the sun back up toward a cloudless, azure sky.
Salty wind cools the back of your neck as you throw your head back, gasping when Yoongi presses a thumb to your clit, circling slowly. The gentle lapping of the water against the hull is drowned out by the wet slap of your ass on Yoongi’s pelvis, already soaked from your first orgasm.
Your second high blazes through you hotter than the beaming sun. Yoongi growls between gritted teeth, his grip savage as he helps you fuck him. Up down, up down, up down. His chest is flushed and raked with angry red nail marks.
Fishing plans long forgotten, you continue to ride him, the feel of Yoongi’s cock stomach-deep, your walls gripping him tight as you race toward another orgasm. It feels so good, your knees slipping as the boat bobs under you, the up and down motion aiding the way you glide on his dick. 
“Just like that,” Yoongi moans, head tossed back, hair damp and sweaty. He’s worked up, a beat of sweat dripping down his tan neck, jaw flexing as he tries to stop himself from coming. “Use me just like that, baby.” 
And you do, the tip of his dick brushing your g-spot every time you slide down, working your closer and closer until you’re seated in his lap, cock pushed to the deepest parts of you while you come hard around him.
Yoongi waits for you to come down for your high, post-orgasm twitching and panting before he pins you to his chest and holds you while fucking up into you a few more times before he clenches his teeth and comes.
Hot and spent, you both melt into one another, skin sliding against skin as you lay on his chest. He softens inside of you and you become hyper aware of the slide of your mixed juices dripping from your folds and running down your leg. You don’t care, closing your eyes as you inhale deeply.
Eventually, Yoongi lifts his head to peer over your shoulder. You turn around to see that the line has broken on the road and Yoongi laughs, sounding exhausted.
“Fuck it,” he sighs, laying his head back down and tightening his hold on you. “I don’t care.”
“My wife is such a little slut,” Yoongi grins, leaning against the sink as you take him further into your mouth. “You love having a mouthful of cock, don’t you?”
Looking up at Yoongi with wide, teary eyes, you hum the affirmative. Dark blush creeps up his neck, his skin visible where the top button of his white shirt is undone. He looks to die for tonight, with his long, dark hair slicked back and just touching his shoulders, a white short-sleeved button up, and dark pants. 
And you? You looked nice earlier, but now your dress is messy with sand from the bathroom floor, mascara running down you face as you swallow around your husbands cock, feeling your throat tighten as you force yourself to the limits. 
You’d at least manage to pay the bill before dragging him into the palm-textured bathroom and dropping to your knees, ignoring the way stray grains of sand from the beachside restaurant burn your knees in favor of taking him into your mouth.
Yoongi slouches against the sink, his shoulders pressed into the mirror as he closes his eyes and angles his head back. You take him further into your mouth, letting spit escape the sides and run down your chin, working what you can’t fit with your hand. Your wedding ring flashes in the low light and drives you mad, loving the way the diamond looks on your hand while it’s wrapped around him. 
You’re ravenous tonight, staring up at him with clenching thighs, watching the way Yoongi unravels. Pulling back, you pop off of him, strings of spit and precum connecting the brown tip of his cock to your lips. You break it, leaning forward to run your tongue along the frenulum of his cock, earning a whine from him.
Grinning, you continue your assault, dragging your tongue down the thick vein on the underside of his cock until you reach his balls, giving a teasing lick that makes his hips cant off the sink.
“Don’t fucking tease me,” he warns. “I fucked you the way you asked for three times today, baby. Don’t I deserve to cum in that pretty little mouth?”
“Yeah?” you ask, pumping him with your hand as you come back up. “Want to come in my mouth?”
Yoongi’s hand shoots to the back of your head, fingers squeezing your skull. It’s not painful, but it’s firm, making you grin up at him, delighted. “Okay then,” you agree, tightening your fist on him a little more, pumping him a little fast. “Fuck my throat.”
You don’t have to tell him twice. Yoongi’s grip on the back of your head stays solid, a comforting feeling as you get a little dizzy from the way he looks down at you, eyes fathomless. Starving. He uses his other hand to prop himself against the sink before he drives his cock into your mouth.
The slide is rough and messy. You flatten your tongue and open up the back of your throat, the sound of you choking wetly around him drowning out the hiss of air between his teeth. You breathe through your nose, your hands gripping his thighs and digging your nails in hard into his flexing thighs.
Absently, you wonder if anyone walking by can hear the gurgle of your mouth, the stilted grunts as he flexes his hips.
Throat burning, eyes stinging and dripping tears, you let Yoongi go wild until he’s coming deep down your throat, a hot and thick mess. He pulls out gently, letting you gasp for air, mouth swollen and sticky as you pant.
Yoongi pulls you up from your knees, holding you tight as you lose your balance. His grip is crushing and he smashes his lips to yours, licking into your mouth to taste the mix of cum and spit, hungry for it.
When he pulls away, his lips are pink and slick and his chest is heaving.
“We’re going to miss that concert I bought tickets for,” you complain, giving him a pout.
“Fuck that concert, we’re going back to the hotel room and I’m going to fuck you for the next three hours, baby.”
Admittedly, hiking wasn’t the best event on your itinerary. When you’d planned the adventure originally, you hadn’t accounted for the fact that your legs would be near unusable from days of Yoongi folding you in half to drill into you, or the fact that the jungle is, in fact, hot and humid.
Yoongi walks next to you, his thumbs tucked into the straps of his backpack as he goes. His hair is pulled up into a bun, a few loose strands sticking to his sweaty forehead. He hasn’t complained once since starting the uphill trek through the trees and sifting sand, though you can tell he’s also spent from his inability to stop touching you this entire trip.
But you really want to attempt to get to a single thing on your itinerary for this trip, and the ruins will be out of the question tomorrow when it rains. So, you persist, legs wobbling as you high up the path, shirt sticking to you and scent of sunscreen following you like a coconut cloud.
“You’re sure we’re going the right way?” Yoongi askes, looking up at the gleaming sun filtering between branches. “We haven’t seen a single person.”
“There’s steps, aren’t there?” you ask, gesturing to the path. “There’s ruins that aren’t as much of a climb that everyone prefers. Plus, it’s hot as shit. I wanted to see the good ones though.”
“Anything for you.” 
A few more minutes pass before Yoongi sees you lagging a little. The burn in your thighs is real, remembering acutely the way Yoongi had pressed them to your chest last night as he fucked you slow and deep. The memory makes you shiver, a post-orgasm twitch still haunting you an entire day later.
“Come on,” Yoongi urges. “It’s flat up here, we can step off the path and take a break.”
Yoongi finds some broken trees that have fallen sideways to sit on. You’re grateful, taking deep gulps of water. It immediately cools you down and you close your eyes, rolling your shoulders. Yoongi guzzles down water next to you, his arm pressed up against your.
After a few minutes sitting, you get up and turn to face the fallen tree, bending over at the waist to lean against it in a deep lunge, stretching your hamstrings. It’s a soothing sort of pain, the extension of muscle a relief. 
Yoongi looks at maps on his phone behind you, waiting as you you switch legs and arch your spine, feeling a few joints pop in release. It feels good and you sigh, letting the tension bleed out of you.
Hands find your ass, gentle and curious. You look over your shoulder to find Yoongi looking at you with his brows raised and head tilted. A question. You know he’ll back off immediately if you shoo him away. Instead, You burst into laughter and shake your head, “Seriously?”
You stare at him. He looks delicious, sweat dripping down his Adam’s apple, hair pulled back. He’s dressed simply and yet, looking at him looking at you, wanting you the way that he does makes you vibrate. It doesn’t matter how many times you have him, you always want him more. And again.
You married Yoongi for a myriad of reasons. Because he is gentle and kind, because you like the way he takes his coffee and reads the paper in the morning, because you like that he uses mint shampoo, because you like that he has to line his shoes up perfectly next to the door. 
Everything about him enchants you, and you’re over the moon to have someone who doesn’t shame you for your carnal desires, that you have someone who matches the energy, who can take it and give it to you anywhere you want. 
Yoongi is the perfect balance, always knowing when to initiate, always knowing when it's a good time.
“I know that look,” he smiles. “Now you’re thinking about it.”
“Can you be quick? I don’t want someone to stumble on us.”
“Fuck yeah I can,” he promises, dropping his backpack and popping the zipper on his pants. You let out a pathetic sound at the sight, earning a smug look from Yoongi. 
Yoongi peels your legs and underwear down to your knees, just enough to get access to you but also safe enough to pull them up quickly if you need. His clothed chest presses against your back as he leans forward, wrapping his arms around your middle in what seems like an innocent hug.
You gasp as the tip of his cock breaches your entrance, the stretch a little painful with no prep. It doesn’t matter, though. He pushes in slowly, letting you get used to it until he’s pressed in to the hilt, your pussy fluttering around him. 
“I love you,” Yoongi whispers, pressing butterfly soft kisses to your cheek and temple. He starts thrusting shallowly, stealing your breath away. “You are my perfect, beautiful, wonderful wife.”
“Fuuuck,” you whisper. Yoongi isn’t fucking around, making his thrust precision perfect, pressing that soft spot inside of you. Your thighs are pressed together, making the fit even tighter, feeling him even more. “You’re just saying that cause I’m letting you fuck me against a tree.”
“Untrue, I say this all the time.”
That’s fair. Yoongi does tell you that he loves you. More often now than he used to, more verbal than his little utterances of love by readying your coffee long before you were awake in the morning or picking up the things you were missing from your pantry on the way home. 
“You’re right,” you pant, head lolling to the side as his mouth seeks the heat of your throat. “I love you too”
The tree bark bites into your hand as you take him fully. With the way your legs are pressed together and the angle that you’re standing, it feels like Yoongi is punching to the very core of you, making the world spin. You think you might collapse over the tree if he weren’t holding you up. 
“You’re just saying that cause I’m fucking you against a tree.”
You can’t help but laugh, despite the fact that Yoongi picks up the pace, fucking you hard and with purpose. His hand slips between your legs, finding your clit and pinching it lightly, making you squeal and twitch. He laughs, choosing to circle it instead, working you faster toward an orgasm as he pounds into you, punching the breath from your lungs. 
Sex with him is different every time. You don’t know how you manage to never get tired of it, but it never feels the same. Not with him. Every time feels like you’re discovering something new, 
When you do come, you suddenly feel like you can run the rest of the way up to the ruins, energized on the endorphins alone. 
“I’ve heard of post nut clarity,” Yoongi jokes, tucking his cock back into his pants. “But never post nut energy.”
“It’s like a second wind.”
“Dickened wind.” 
You glare at him, tossing his backpack to him. “Stick to writing songs, not jokes.”
“You’re so fucking swollen,” Yoongi groans, thumbs peeling apart your folds. “Cute.”
You let out a shaky laugh, your face pressed down into the pillows of the daybed, ass up in the air with Yoongi behind you. The sound of the pool and anyone beyond the closed curtains of the banana are muted by the tropical music of the DJ. All the better to drown out the sound of your husband spitting onto your exposed heat. 
“Cause you’ve been fucking me insane all week,” you protest, body vibrating. Yoongi hums thoughtfully but doesn’t say anything, letting his spin trail slowly down your slit. You’re already wet from the way his greedy mouth sucked at your chest. “Baby, please. I want your mouth.”
“Yeah? You all hot and bothered?”
“Let me cool you off.” 
Yoongi’s hands leave your ass for a moment. You’re too overheated from days in the sun and the rising tropical temperature to look at what he’s doing. You’re in a slow daze, a little buzzed from sweet drinks and Yoongi’s mouth, from sloppy kisses that taste like strawberry and Yoongi’s cute little sunburn on his ass from falling asleep after letting you drive him insane with your mouth on the private balcony the day before. 
Now, you hear the clicking of something moving around the ice bucket. Your brows furrow and you’re about to turn your head to look at what Yoongi is doing when you feel ice cold water slow drip onto your ass. 
“Shit,” you hiss, grabbing the edge of the daybed and arching your spin. The water is a cool burn, a relief that drives you mad as he makes a pleased sound. “Ohhh fuck, again.”
“Fuck yeah.”
There’s the sound of more ice and Yoongi is dripping the cold water on your ass again, making your lower spine tingle and toes curl. The cold drips move closer to your cunt until he’s directly over your clenching hole. The shock of cold against hot sends you into a frenzy. You wiggle your ass back and forth, asking for more, eager for it. 
Yoongi has never been one to deny you. This time, you feel his lips around an ice cube, dragging his cold kiss over the swells of your ass, letting the ice melt on his tongue before lapping at your pussy, tongue cold against your dripping heat. 
It drives you mad. Your fingers ache with the way you clutch the pillows, pressing your face hard into the daybed as Yoongi does this a few times, bringing his cold lips to mouth hungrily at you until it’s all he’s focused on, forgetting the ice in favor of sucking greedily at your clit. 
Your spine feels like it might crack, bowed dangerously as you press back into his face. He moans at your eagerness, tongue twisting between your folds as eats you out in earnest. If it weren’t for the privacy curtains and the DJ booth, you’d never get away with this. Yoongi is not quiet, smacking his lips like a glutton. 
Air escapes you. You squeeze your eyes shut as an orgasm bears down on you. Your face is pressed so far in the cushions that you don’t think you can breathe, your lungs contracting and your chest squeezing as you come on his tongue without warning, a silent scream raging through you.
Stars burst behind your eyes. Yoongi takes it in stride, licking you long and slow as you remain rigid for the duration of your high. When it finally begins to subside, you fall to the side, sprawling boneless and feeling drunk.
“Holy shit,” you croak, voice gone. “You were right. Fuck the itinerary. This is so much better.”
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cybsoo2 · 5 months
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my obsessive fan (pt.2)
╰┈➤ synopsis — After weeks of watching from afar, they finally have a chance to meet you for the first time.
╰┈➤ pairing — yandere!bts x idol!reader
╰┈➤ word count — 3.9k
╰┈➤ content warning — yandere behavior, stalker behavior, mention of manipulation, talk of religion, violent thoughts
ੈ♡₊˚。 back to ⇢ pt.1
ੈ✩‧₊˚ note ; hi!! i'm on vacation and don't have a lot of free time, so i'm sorry this took so long to write a 2nd part.
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—Kim Seokjin
Ever since Jin set his sights on you, he knew he had to have you
No matter what anyone says, he knew deep in his heart that you were his and he was yours
It’s because of this reason that Jin started to build a certain type of entitlement towards you
His jealousy only grows every time he has to suffer through your interactions with anyone that isn’t him
Dark desires carve themselves deep into his chest
He takes control of your life from afar
Chasing away the cheap bitches and bastards that get too close
Spreading his sweet lies with easy eyes and a silver tongue
However, watching you from afar soon starts to summon a certain type of sadness
He weeps while watching his darling hold undesirables so dear to her heart
He grows tired of talking with your mutual friend, keeping up a facade that threatens to fall
And he takes out his torment on anyone around him until it almost tears his life apart
After all this waiting, he takes fate into his own hands and forces himself into your life
He sweet talks a friend who just happens to be your fellow member
Conversations too close for comfort, a few flirtatious remarks, and looking up at her through heavy-lidded eyes
Jin has always found it amusing how flattery and corrupt kisses have given him everything he’s always wanted
So when he mentions meeting you in passing, of course your member says yes
When the end of the week arises, he suddenly feels himself growing sick
Sweaty palms, cold shivers, and a set of nerves that burn deep into his brain
Despite his aching anxieties that ricochet in his head, he hides his fears behind black jeans and a dainty dress shirt
He walks the way to your dorm while drowning in sick thoughts
Desperate to disguise his sick self and make a memorable impression
This moment truly determines which direction your relationship will run
When he reaches the door to your dorm, he holds his breath before knocking two times
It only takes three seconds before you’re answering the door and dawning a soft smile on your face
Your excitement is contagious and he can’t help himself from letting a subtle grin slip
You two connect almost immediately
He lets you take the lead, only chiming in to agree with everything you say or complement you kindly
His quick wit and easy-going attitude keep the talk going for hours on end
He coats the conversation in his charms
Sweet talking until you settle into silence
Even when the conversation is cut quiet, your bodies talk calm and comfort
The clock strikes 12 and your day together has come to an end
Jin feels himself drifting into depression with every step towards the door he takes
His bones grow hard and heavy, falling into the floor right when he arrives home
30 minutes pass by and his pulse still skyrockets at the thought of your smile
He doesn’t need hope, he knows that you’ll never forget him
Your souls syncing into one almost instantly
It’s safe to say this isn’t the last time you’ll be seeing him
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—Min Yoongi
These days, Yoongi has found himself drowning in the depths of a dull and depressing lifestyle
Unmotivated and uninspired, his lyrics hold no passion and his raps feel lost without rhythm
His weeks are blue and begin to blur together
Lost along his way, without purpose or passion to guide him
That is, until he met you
When you walked into his studio one Sunday morning, he felt something shift 
Rendered speechless, he stumbled over his sentences when coming to a deal with your manager
You were a new and unknown artist looking for a new lyricist
You had heard word of an underground rapper who wrote songs for those worth the time and effort
You chose him, you wanted him, and you needed him
A rushed agreement left his lips and a contract was signed with a scarlet signature
You passed the pen over to him, hand skimming across his
A shiver of affection ran rampant in his heart
After he signs, he pockets the pen for what he calls ‘sentimental value’
His eyes watched as you wandered the studio
Fingertips touching the keys of his piano, the papers plastered across his desk, and the hoodie he left hanging over his chair
A lovesick sensation shakes him to his core
He’s feeling feverish from you way you walk around his office as if it’s your own
You make yourself comfortable as your staff talks money and meetings
You sit in his seat, curious eyes wandering his way
When you gave him a simple smile he swore he’d been burned by the sun
His moment is ruined when your manager opened his mouth
Yoongi had begun to tune out most of his talking, but when he suggested you sing one of his songs to test out this team up, he jumped at the opportunity
You shut yourself in the sound booth and wait while Yoongi searches through his songs
He rummages for the lost lyrics
A love song is what he looks for, the perfect portrayal of what you mean to him
He finds the lyrics scattered across the floor
Dusting them off, he hands them over
You sing a hypnotic harmony, bringing justice to the lyrics that once looked so dull
Your meet eyes every minute, almost as if you want to say thank you
Trying to tell him with quick glances how much he means to you (how much this chance means to you) 
And in that moment, no one else mattered but you
That very day, you lit a fire inside him
Fueling his inspiration and feeding his inner romantic
From then on all his attention is on you
He dropped all his other degenerate clients
Closed the door in their faces and threatened to set fire to their careers if they ever disturbed him again
His lyrics became lovelorn
The characters in his songs so eerily alike to you and him
You’re his pure purpose in life; his passion and pleasure
His life does a full 180º, now rotating with you as the center
He needs you
And he’s happy that you need him just as much
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—Jung Hoseok
Hoseok first met you through a rushed conversation in a crowd
Every since then his reality has been rapidly warped
It’s a fairytale still fresh in his mind
He can recount his raw emotions, your subtle smell of fragile flowers, and how the light hit you just perfectly, giving you a heavenly halo
You knelt down near the edge of the stage, out of breathe and taking a small break
Your eyes fluttered over the fans, a proud smile plastered on your face
Your breathe came out in short gasps, heart beating through your shirt, and sweat sliding off your body
Red rises to his cheeks just remembering the memory
He had his eyes locked on you, as they always are
The only new exception being the camera screen that captured the sight
Recently he had taken up the hobby as a way to earn a wage while not sacrificing the time spent on you
His fan page flourished all the mass of fans could feel his passion through the screen
One night, as he almost fell asleep to the sound of your soothing voice, you said his name!
You said his name, spoke it like a silver string tumbled off your tongue
Whispered the word like lyrics leaving your lips
His hands started to shake and his heart suddenly stopped
You then went on to talk about his fan page and how much attention you where getting because of the viral videos
That memory is a distant sense of deja vu as now you beckon him closer with a wave of your hand
You draw him in through the dense crowd, an invisible string tied around your finger
“Hey! It’s Hobi right?”
Hoseok nods his head hesitantly, almost unsure whether this is a dream or not
“I thought I recognized you, you run one of my fan pages don’t you? I’m flattered really, that you take all the time just to support me. Here,”
You pull out a red rose from the bouquet 
It’s a pretty present from your first win with a new song
You take the rose and hold it out to him, tilting it up so he can smell
He inhales the fragrant flower, but all he can smell is the surviving scent of your perfume
It’s something sweet, just like you, with notes of floral and fruit
He takes the flower between two fingers, running the tips of his touch over the stem, trying to tell if it’s real
You let out a laugh at his awe-struck appearance and tell him, “Be careful or you’ll cut yourself on the thorns.”
You show care by caution, a subtle sign the you feel something for him
And this red rose is a perfect representation of your relationship
You hide off to the side, away from the rest of your group that sings the encore
Sitting under the shadows you give him a show of your affection, then leave before anyone else can catch on
Hoseok understands your intentions, but he also knows that because of your job he can’t be with you
So he’ll continue to support you from the sidelines, only surviving on a sliver of your love and the hope to one day have you as his own
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—Kim Namjoon
The fall day is fleeting
Snow threatens to suffocate the dying daffodils
It tumbles down from the tips of the mountain top, casting it’s cold nights and dreadful days over anything that still clings to color
The summer solstice is long since passed, and along with it goes his hopes and happiness
Namjoon finds himself still hanging on to the hot embers and raw embrace of his last relationship
He’s lost along the path, pleading with the gods and guardians to give him one last chance
He’s taken to a temple, high up in the mountains where sorrow cannot escape his sight
Namjoon cannot help but feel as if his god has lead him astray
Taken through twisting turmoil and tortured relationships
The dawn of a new December draws near
It’s cruel and cold, leaving Namjoon to linger on what his life used to be
His grasp on his guide is slipping
Religion runs rampant along the trail
Faith falling out of his hands if this last resort doesn’t give him some sort of sign
The temple is now near
Faceless people peer into the wishing well
He’s focused on only one thing, pushing through the crowd to meet his final moment
The do or die, a deciding factor on which way his life will lead him
He crawls up closer, hand held out with an offering
He’s just about to say his prayer and send off his present, when he collides into someone and the coin is falling through the cracks in the concrete
For a second, everything is silent
His heart hammers in his chest, heartbroken over the harrowing result of the test
He comes to the conclusion that his faith has failed him
Dragging him down deep through the mud and making his life a living hell
His god has gone and abandoned him… but a velvety voice breaks through his disbelief
He looks up and shining down on him is your sweet smile
Perhaps he hasn’t been abandoned, just lead to a new beginning
Yes, this is a sign, he’s so sure of it
You apologize for bumping into him like the angel you are
You take his two hands and help him up from where he’s fallen
Namjoon nods along to whatever you say, watching as you ramble off in embarrassment
He’s too shocked to be graced by a goddess to form a fragment of a thought
And just when his tongue is untied and thoughts untangled, you leave just as quickly as you came
The word ‘wait’ tumbles off his tongue, falling flat at his feet and off into oblivion
He sees your shadow walking off into the woods
You creep into the crowd, your figure floating further away from him
A fraying string of fate attaches you two
He feels compelled to to find you, to follow you, and never let you go
You’re a gracious god, guiding the way and giving him hope
He’ll worship you until ticking time wastes him away
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—Park Jimin
He can’t contain his fiery fury
Jimin is a slave to sin and submits so easily to anger
He’s wrapped up in wrath
Biting down on his tongue, the pressure too much that blood begins to pool
Yet the pain serves as a desperate distraction
Such a pathetic thought to think that a single soul can cause this much distress
But that’s the truth, because just the sight of the bitch sets his heart ablaze
She sits in front of you, leaning forward to show off her scorpion smile
Licking her lips and teasing the thought of a killer kiss
She flirts shamelessly, as if she actually has a chance
Jimin knows you like sweet things, unlike the toxic slut that slides her high heels up your thigh
You’ve said it before, 3 months ago in a live, you like someone with innocent intentions
Jimin is torn into two people
On one hand, he wants to beat the bitch bloody until she can’t breathe
On the other, he knows he’ll make a scene and scare away any chance of your affection
He’s knows his best bet, so he swallows down his disgust and puts on a paper smile
Jimin’s turn is coming up next and he collects his items
His bank account now bare as he spend everything he had on albums, merchandise, and fan-meets
Photocards and poster papers are delicate in his hold
Sweat staining the edges as a wave of anxiety rushes over him
He counts down the seconds, wishing for time to turn faster
He traces the tips of his fingers over the image of you, imagining what it would be like if it were reality
Your fair features and the pain pulsing in his jaw are all to divert his attention from the scene going on at his side
The girl is finally getting up to go, but not before writing down her number in a pitiful attempt to be your plaything
His angry eyes are set on her silhouette
Finding her flaws and trying to shot through her head with his stare
His jealousy is a dangerous thing, a driving force that’ll ruin his life if he isn’t careful
So distracted from his fury, he surprised to hear your voice force itself into the silence
“Are you okay?”
Blood drips down his lips
He tore them up with his teeth, trying to bite back his spite and keep some self-control
He immediately apologizes, as if it’s something to be sorry about
Next thing you know he’s thrusting his papers in your hands and hoping you don’t hate him
The day is barely past 12 but already it’s ruined been by red
You try to sneak subtle glances his way and give him looks of concern, confusion, disgust, despair?
Your many masks are blurred together till’ he can’t decide if you’re upset or unaffected
These frowning faces fight against him
Tearing up his insides and taunting him with voices that say, “You messed everything up. She can’t stand the sight of you. You can’t keep it together.”
Imitate insecurities are transformed into truth
Jimin sees your face and that upside down smile, and he’s running away from the invisible issue
He gets up so fast, the chair falling to the floor with a metal clank
He doesn’t bother grabbing any of his albums
Rushing out the door with his eyes running red and tears trailing off behind him
Jimin is growing weary and worn down by the second person in his skin
Sunk deep into the dawn and smothered in sin
He’s tired of his twin always ruining his chances and wrecking his relationship with you
But Jimin is so stubborn and would do anything it takes to make you smile, even if it ends up killing him
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—Kim Taehyung
Taehyung’s first time meeting you was anything but an accident
He knows wherever you are, from the time when the sun meets the mountains, to when the sky is suffocated in darkness
Lately, he’s been growing rather restless and irrational
An ache sets fire to his soul
Suffocating on the smell of your smoke he can’t seem to catch
His passion pains him, and he’s plagued with dreams of your distant touch
You’re so close yet so far
He makes up his mind on a moonlit morning
Months of walking in your faded footprints, he’s your silent shadow
Your schedule is now imprinted in his mind
He plans out the perfect day
He’ll come into the cafe you frequent, cause some chaos, and when he has your attention, he’ll cherish the moment
The autumn day arrives and he hides away
Standing up against the wall at the back of the cafe, he has a perfect view of anyone that dares walk through the door
He’s hasty and impatient
Constantly checking his watch and looking back up at the door
His hold tightens on his hot tea, heat transferring and burning into his blood
He checks his watch once more, but this time when he looks up, he hears bells ringing
He makes a double-take and his feet are flying before he can think twice
Taehyung comes crashing into you, spilling his tea and staining your shirt
He rushes apologies already rehearsed
He takes your hands in his and wipes off the mess with a rag already prepared in his pocket
Once your skin is no longer stained, only stinging with the past pain, he passes you the rag so you can clean off your shirt
Taehyung offers to order you another coffee, his treat because of the mess he made
Clueless and lovelorn, Taehyung takes your order without asking you what you wanted
Your order is taken down to a tee
When you ask how he knew what you liked, he said it was an impossible accident
The unlikely lie slipped out before he had time to think
Tripping up over your accusatory eyes and confused question
Perhaps Taehyung isn’t meant to stick to your side
Better off stalking in your shadow and reminiscing on the remains 
He’s too naive and boyishly bold
Although he may know this truth deep down in his heart, he’s unable to act within reason
He has an ideal image of love
An image that lingering in his head ever since he was a child
You’re his only dear darling and he’ll just have to persuade you with his passion
No matter how much time it takes, no matter how often he fails
He’s a restless romantic and he can’t help it
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—Jeon Jungkook
A rush of adrenaline and affection runs red like blood in his body
Your performance was perfect!
And he can’t believe he saw your sweet smile from just behind the barricade
He watched you glide with grace across the stage, grabbing the audience’s attention with just one look
But when your eyes locked, he felt as if you two were only ones in the room
You’ve enchanted him, intertwining your souls into two
He feels himself following your every move, reaching out to run his hand over yours when you handed out high-fives
His skin burns red with a blush
Blistering blood pumping hot to his head
His whole face is on fire and he feels as if he might faint
If this is the state just your skim of skin has struck upon him, he doesn’t know how he’ll handle meeting you in person
He’d spent all last night restless and rummaging around in his head for anything else forgotten
He planned and prepared for months in advance, after all, the first meeting is when memories are made
He spoke his script into the mirror, stumbling over words and stressing over sentences
He ripped up and rewrote his conscripted confession three thousand times over
It needed to be perfect
Now, as the crowd creeps off into the night, he mumbles over his love letter
The minutes melt away while waiting for those in line to leave
Now he’s the next one to meet his muse
He stumbles to sit in the silver chair and looks up to lock eyes
All his words are washed away when your attention is on him
The page concluding pure passion and perfectly written words is now crumpled in his hands
His knuckles whitening, attempting to get a grasp and spit out the words he wants to speak
You ask him how he is, how far he traveled for the concert, is he okay?... Why isn’t he talking?
He sits in silence, brain burning up and and a blush coating his cheeks
The hole in his head keeps him from forming a thought
It’s only when you’re signing his album and the meeting has almost met its end, when his heartfelt words begin flowing from his mouth
“I love you.”
The confession is quiet at first, hesitant as he waits for your response
“I love you too! I appreciate all of my fans so much. Thanks for coming to the concert.”
You say a simple response, rehearsed a thousand times but for a different reason
Forced to respond to any request and comply with the compliments
You look at him like a fan, like one of the thousands of faceless people that came before him
Don’t you understand? This isn’t some type of friendship or fleeting crush
He can’t sleep when you’re sick, can’t function when you’re frowning, and can’t live if he can’t love you
He’s bound by your side till time takes his heart
He’s a slave to your sweet smile and the whispered words that make his knees weak
Jungkook is more than just a lovesick man, he’s pierced by passion and won’t let you leave
A simple saying isn’t enough, he needs to show you how his heart beats and breaks only for you
“You’re not understanding. I love you.”
He leans over the table and takes your hand in his
You tense under his towering figure, yet Jungkook is too immersed in his speech to tell
“You’re everything to me. The reason worth living. I love you, I love you so much-”
His words become warped as he grows erratic
His rehearsed confession is now corrupted, growing messy and mushed together
He’s eager to get out the words before anyone else can interrupt
“I’d do anything for you. I don’t care if you hate me or hurt me, just let me love you.”
The security guards are scrambling to send him away, but it takes the strength of ten men to pry his hands from yours and pull him off the table
As they drag him away and the steel doors shut, you still hear his voice ringing out with all the reasons he love you
© cybsoo2 2024, all rights reserved
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agustdakasuga · 1 year
The Way Of A Criminal: Chapter 1
Genre: Mafia!AU, Criminal!AU, Angst, Romance
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Your father was a stranger, you never knew who he was and what he did. But one day, someone knocks on your door, informing you of his passing. Now, you learn more about him, his life and the legacy you are expected to continue with the help of his 7 executives.
Story warning(s): This story will contain depictions of violence, blood shed/gore, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking and gambling. This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. Please read at your own discretion.
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“My condolences.” Someone wished you solemnly as they stepped up to pay respect. From your position on the straw mat at the side, you only maintained a straight face and bowed to show your gratefulness.
“Your father was a great man.” A lady smiled softly.
“I’m sure he was.” You replied. But her reaction to your statement made you purse your lips. You hadn’t intended to let that comment slip out. You recovered by straightening up and shaking her hand, gesturing to her to the food and beverage table.
Some people excused your attitude as your way of coping and mourning. But those people that knew the truth knew your indifference and emotionlessness was because you didn’t know the man in the coffin.
He was supposed to be your father, it says so on your birth certificate. But it also said so on the divorce papers your late mother had.
To you, he was a stranger.
You had just finished a long call with your classmates to discuss a group project that was coming up. You stretched your stiff arms over your head as you went downstairs to get a drink.
You placed down your mug and went to the front door. There was no reason for anyone to be here. You didn’t order anything recently.
“Yes?” You opened the door to come face to face with a suited male. He was good looking and you could tell how built he was despite his suit and coat covering his body. But you had never seen his face before.
“Nice to meet you, Miss. My name is Kim Namjoon-”
“I’m not really interested in what you’re selling, thank you.” You cut him off, ready to close the door. He held a hand out.
“Apologies, (y/n) sshi. I’m not here to sell you anything.”
“Wait, how do you know my name? I have never met you before.” You frowned, starting to get a little worried and cautious. This man looked like trouble but at the same time, you knew you couldn’t run from him. Where could you run to in your small house? Plus, he looked like he could catch you easily. You just took a step back, shielding more of your body behind your door.
“My name is Kim Namjoon. Unfortunately, I am here to inform you that your father, (y/l/n) (y/f/n), passed away early this morning.” He informed. Your eyes widened as your brain worked to process what he said.
“As his only child, it is only right for you to represent him during the funeral procession.” Namjoon said.
“I-I don’t have a father.”
“I was told that you may react that way. Here, this is for you. I know you never had a relationship with your father but he did think of you often and I know he would want you to be there for his final send off.” He handed you a folder.
“He’s a stranger. I know nothing about him except his name.” You tucked the folder under your arm.
“I understand. Your father did love you and miss you but there were circumstances that prevented him from contacting you all these years.” He gestured to the folder.
“Look, Namjoon sshi, I don’t have the money for a coffin, much less to book a funeral hall. I’m on my own, living off the savings my mother and I earned on our own.” You sighed in defeat.
“Don’t worry about that. My brothers and I have everything handled, as instructed by your father before his passing. All you have to do is be there. We were close but at the end of the day, you’re his only blood born child.” Namjoon said with a small smile.
“You work for him?”
“In a way. I trained and work directly under him.” Namjoon was brief in his explanation. You just stared at him, knowing that he was more than just an employee to your father.
“Have a nice day. I look forward to hearing from you, hopefully.” Namjoon offered you another respectful bow before turning to walk back to his car. You closed the door, leaning against it and heaving a long sigh.
So here you were, greeting people and thanking them for coming to a funeral of a man you didn’t even know. They probably knew him better than you did.
“Namjoon sshi. I’m going for a breather.” You went to the male, who was sitting with 6 other males.
“Sure. Make sure to get some food and drinks too.” Namjoon smiled and patted you on the shoulder. You stiffly nodded and walked out of the funeral hall. You entered the toilet to splash your face with water.
“What am I doing here?” You looked at your reflection.
“Just get this over with and go back to your normal routine.” You told yourself as you left the bathroom. Maybe you didn’t really know how to feel about your father since your mother never talked about him much. All you knew was that they got divorced when you were 2 years old. Were you supposed to resent and hate him? Or be sad that you never got to know him?
“Want one? You look like you need it.” A pale guy offered you a cigarette when you stepped onto the balcony for some fresh air. You recognised him as the stoic looking one in Namjoon’s friend group.
“No, thanks. I don’t smoke.” You shook your head.
“Suit yourself.” He rested his forearms on the banister, lighting his cigarette to take a smoke.
Guess you won’t have much fresh air. You turned around and headed back in. You didn’t have much appetite to eat but you did grab a drink, throat feeling hoarse from greeting people.
“My condolences. It must be hard losing your father. He was a great businessman.” An older man came to shake your hand.
“You worked with my father?” You asked politely.
“Yes, he worked hard to build his company and this legacy. He was hoping that one day, you would take over-”
“Mr Park! Come, help yourself to the food and drinks.” One of Namjoon’s friends whisked the male away before he could finish his sentence. You blinked in confusion, unsure of what was going on. Namjoon led you back to where your post was.
“If you need anything or need someone to take over while you take a break, let me know. My brothers and I can take over temporarily.” Namjoon said.
“Thanks.” You sat back down on the straw mat, making sure that the ends of your hanbok were straight.
“Thank you for coming.” You bowed to those who came to pay respects.
You looked over at Namjoon and his 6 friends who were also tending to guests and speaking to them. They were obviously not real brothers but you could tell how close they were. The guests seemed to know them fairly well.
They were your father’s children more than you were.
“That girl is really his child?”
“He has never mentioned having a child before. Is she just after the inheritance?”
“Look at her. She doesn’t even care or have an ounce of grief knowing her own father has just died. That’s cold hearted.”
Of course, you were a new, unfamiliar face. You heard all the whispered comments that were being made about you. It didn’t help that Namjoon insisted you wear the band of the chief mourner, that itself signified your highest rank in your father’s life. You didn’t blame the gossip, you would find it suspicious too if a child of a deceased only appeared at their funeral.
“The girl can’t possibly be taking over his company, right? I think he would have willed it to Namjoon. He is capable of taking care of the company in his stead.” An older lady said.
“All the boys are capable of taking over the company. They have been trained by him and cared for by him.” The man she was with replied.
“Yes, they can definitely help it to grow to be even more successful.” She giggled lightly.
"We will be having the final rites before moving to the burial site.” The funeral director came. There was a moment of silence as the final rites were performed. The director held out your father’s photo to you.
“I shouldn’t...” You hesitated.
“Please, (y/n) sshi.” The director looked at you with pleading eyes, as if he was scared of anyone else holding the photo. You chewed on your bottom lip, reaching out with shaky hands.
“Thanks.” You whispered, holding the photo in front of you. Namjoon and his 6 brothers stood on either side of the coffin, lifting it up.
“Right this way.” You walked in front, nestling your father’s photo in your hands. As you walked passed, all those in attendance of the funeral bowed their head respectfully. They walked behind the carried coffin. When in front of the hearse, you stepped aside for the boys to load the coffin into the hearse.
“It’s okay, Hobah.” You watched as the smaller, pale man comforted his brother that was crying. Even the tough looking, tattooed one was crying and being comforted by the others. You couldn’t find it in you to shed a tear of feel sad.
The rest was a blur. The ride in the luxury car to the burial site, all the expensive cars riding behind the hearse. You kept to yourself, keeping your head down and not attempting to make any conversation.
“Goodbye.” Was all your uttered as you tossed your flower down onto the descended coffin.
“Thank you for coming.” You stood with the 7 men, bowing as the guests all retreated to their cars to leave the cemetery.
“The company is in your good hands.” The guests all told the 7, mainly ignoring you. You stared at the mound of dirt that would be turned into a nice grave with a headstone soon.
When your mother died, you did everything on your own. There were no visitors, no fancy send off and no one to help you. You had her final rites in the hospital where she passed and paid for her to be buried immediately. Your mother was an amazing woman, she deserved all this as a grand send off, not your father who abandoned you.
“(y/n) sshi.” Someone grasped your arm.
“Taehyung!” Namjoon called out as you yanked your hand away, as if his touch burnt you. The man’s eyes widened at your reaction, he had no ill intentions and even wanted to try to comfort you.
“I’m going home.” You muttered and walked down the path to the road.
“Let us send you home. It would be hard for you to get a bus or cab here.” Namjoon offered. You nodded your head and sat in the car.
“(y/n) sshi, can we pick you up some food before dropping you home? You barely ate at the funeral home.” The one that sat in the passenger seat of the car you were in asked.
“No thanks. I just want to go home.” You requested.
“Of course.”
The car pulled up in front of your small, two storey house. You stepped out and looking up at the house.
“Before you go, (y/n) sshi. This is for you.” You were handed a thick envelope. You didn’t need to open it to know that it was money inside. Probably all the money from the funeral visitors.
“Keep it. It’s not my money. You guys paid for everything so split it amongst you all or whatever.” You held it back out for them to take.
“You’re your father’s child, you should be the one to have it-”
“Look, let’s just stop. The man that was just buried is not my father. The day he left my mother and I, he stopped being my father. To me, he’s just a stranger that I’d rather not know about. I couldn’t cry for him like you could, I feel nothing for him.” You sighed.
“If he wanted me to know him, he had all these years to come back. I wouldn’t have to see my mother shoulder everything on her own because he was prideful or selfish.” Your voice wavered at the memory of your mother.
“He regrets that. He hates that he could only be your parent in his death.” Namjoon said gently.
“No, I only have one parent and I already buried her, two years ago.” There was so much bitterness in your voice. You turned away and entered your house, locking the door shut.
Like the day Namjoon came to deliver the news, you sat with your back to the door. You heard the roar of the luxury cars come to life and fade away as they drove off. Finally, your sobs and tears fell freely.
It wasn’t fair that the man that easily upped and left is celebrated while you and your mother were left to fend for yourselves. The only regret you had was not being able to do better for her when she tried her best for you to live life like any other kid. You worked any job that would take you but you still couldn’t buy her lavish gifts for Mother’s Day and her birthdays.
The day your mother collapsed, you had never been the same. You blamed yourself, she collapsed from the exhaustion. Her body was so weak that death came quickly.
When you buried her, you buried your heart with her.
“Ugh.” You got up, going to shower and change out of the mourning hanbok. You placed everything into a paper bag, throwing it into your closet.
“Hi, can I order two soups, please? Yes, two bowls of rice.” You ordered with the nearby restaurant. If you were not cooking, you usually ordered 2-3 portions of food at once, keeping the extras in the fridge to save on delivery fees.
“Delivery!” You went to the door. The man held out the packets of food to you and you handed him the money.
“Have a nice night.” He bowed and went off on his motorcycle. Just as you were going to close the door, you looked at the envelope on your door step. It was the one with the funeral money. But unlike earlier, there was now writing on one side of it.
‘You don’t have to spend it, you can donate it. The money doesn’t belong to us. If you ever need anything, contact us.’
Stapled to the envelope was a business card. It was white, the company name ‘Bangtan Enterprise and Exchange’ printed in gold font. The other side of the card had one number on it. There was nothing else on it.
“Bangtan...” You read out. You placed the food on the table and put the envelope aside, no intention on using the money.
“Thank you for the food.” You began eating. You had placed your laptop in front of you, some mindless show playing to fill the quiet space with some sort of noise.
‘Dear student,
We would like to extended our deepest condolences to you and your family upon hearing your family member’s demise. As per school protocol, you have been granted 3 days of school leave.
- School administration’
You just saw the email sent to you by your school administration. How did they even know if you didn’t tell them? Plus, you never registered a ‘father’ in your school records. Whatever, now you had 1 extra day. Maybe you could spend the whole day sleeping tomorrow since you have been thrown into this emotional rollercoaster and have not slept for 2 days.
“I’m so full.” When you were done eating, you did the dishes, put the extra food into the refridgerator and went to your room to do some studying.
‘(y/l/n) (y/n)’
You remembered the folder Namjoon gave you when he first arrived at your doorstep. Pulling out your chair and sitting at your small desk, you undid the string and poured all the contents out.
“Omma...” You picked up one of the photos. You were a baby in your mother’s arms, the photo caught the both of you mid laugh.
‘My beautiful girls.’
The handwriting was not your mother’s so you guessed it was your father’s. There were pictures of them together, before your mother was pregnant and some while she was pregnant.
The only one that was carefully wrapped in plastic was one of your father carrying you after you were just born. In the plastic, with the photo, there was a folded letter than fell out. Your name was written on it.
‘My dear (y/n),
If you are reading this letter, it probably means that I am gone. Namjoon and the others have been instructed to give this to you only when I pass. Only because I am a coward that cannot face you and your mother after everything I have done.
I know after so many years, no excuse or reason will ever make up for my absence. I deserve to be hated and resented by you.
(y/n), if I could have been there to witness you growing up into such an amazing person, I would have. I would have given up the world to have you and your mother with me.
But I know I cannot be selfish. I cannot jeopardise your safety and risk putting you and your mother in danger. I’d rather live away from you than to know I am the reason you or your mother get hurt.
Every day, I think about you. How I wish I could speak with you and hug you, tell you I am sorry and that I missed you.
It has not been easy hasn’t it? You and your mother having to fend for yourselves. Your mother is just as tough, not wanting to receive any help from me, wanting to singlehandedly raise you, care for you and put you through school. I am confident that she raised you well, to be just as strong and independent as she was.
I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that though, how amazing of a woman your mother is. I will always love her with all my heart, I’m grateful to have her as my partner and soulmate.
While I may not be there to make up for my absence, if you or your mother ever need help with anything, please contact any of the boys.
To ask you to be there at my funeral was unfair of me, I am just a stranger, you probably barely know what I look like. But please just let me be selfish one last time, I just want to see you one last time before I leave.
I’m sorry, (y/n). I don’t deserve to call myself a parent, much less your father.
- (y/f/n)’
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stagefoureddiediaz · 5 months
I am having a lot of thoughts about the Christopher of it all right now in light of this bts we got from Gavin!!!
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Because - Mountains and rock climbers and forests!!!
Look I've already climbed onto the Eddie and mountains to climb train in this post here but I'm about to make it a Diaz boys have mountains to climb train!!!
So Eddie now has a photograph - in black and white - of Half Dome on his bedroom wall - right above his bed
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And then he has a lone cowboy on a horse - on the opposite wall - a cowboy on a horse in a flat landscape (which is yellow/orange - and with the blue walls also therefore plays into yellow blue theory)...
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...and there is just something about Eddie sitting in his bed - looking at a picture of what is essentially a lone ranger in a barren landscape, on a wall that Buck helped him repair, while behind him is this looming mountain that is notoriously difficult to climb - the thing he can see when he is having sex with M - upside down.
The rest is under the cut because being brief is not my wheelhouse!!
Something about playing into the idea that Eddie has been this lone ranger in a barren landscape - searching for something - an something about how that search in this barren landscape is hiding (happening) the holes in the wall that Buck helped him patch up - something about how he feels alone even though the help he needed and wanted is already there - just hidden out of sight.
How that mountain is looming behind him also out of sight. How Eddie is in t his good place right now, but there are still mountains for him to climb - how those mountains are connected to his past.
There is also something in the choice of black and white for the image - something about the thing Eddie needs to deal with - the mountain he needs to climb is black and white - Obvious - not a complex myriad of colour (something something about his catholic guilt being obvious - black and white - something about it being a part of him that is finite and defined and not changeable - something like being gay perhaps!!)
Then there is the fact that we can make a fair assumption, based on the fact that we were shown Buck helping him fix the holes, that Buck helped Eddie with all of the redecorating - that he helped him paint the room (and choose the lovely duck egg blue colour), helped him hang the pictures - helped him choose the artwork for his walls - implicitly tying Buck to that mountain - that his feelings etc tied to Buck are his mountain still to climb. The thing with this as a concept is that it also plays into the upside down on the bed with Marisol - things being wrong or upside down/ backwards with her - that the spectre of Buck looms large over their relationship.
The otehr thiing I'd like to point out is kind of the biggest thing of them all and plays into the two cut lines and red string of fate of it all. Because Half Dome has a permanent cable tether for climbers attempting to summit to use and the metaphor of that is fascinating to me. There is something in the idea of Eddie feeling untethered, but also in Eddie not fully trusting he has a tether. How Eddie still hasn't fully grasped the permanence of Buck in the Diaz family's life - in Eddies life. Eddie needs to scale that mountain and buck is metaphorically speaking the half dome permanent cable run. Eddie might've made him a permanent fixture from a legal perspective - but that was for Chris, not for him (and Chris has already figured out Bucks permanence if you ask me - he already ran to Buck and opens up to him in a way he can’t with his father) but Eddie still doesn’t fully trust that the support he has in his life through Buck is permanent rather than a temporary tether. Eddie is almost there - but not quite - it feels like there is something in Bucks coming out to him that will be the catalyst for him to figure that out (don't ask me what or how - I haven't figured that bit out yet but it has something to do with the whole nothing has changed between us and Eddies dawning realisation of that that gives him his own confidence to make changes in the same way Buck has!)and start his climb so he can explore the mountain (his queerness) safely.
But back to Christophers t-shirt and how it fits into everything. Christopher has his own mountains to climb - dealing with his feelings of being abandoned by his mom - by being abandoned by the women in his life - because we need to remember that Abuela is also now absent from his life as she is now back in Texas. How Ana also left and how we've very much not been shown Carla at all (or had mention on her I think) this season. we can even, by virtue of the relationship Chris and Buck share, include Taylor leaving (being kicked to the curb) as part of the list of women exiting his life in some way.
Bringing up Shannons letter and having Chris read it at the very start of the season, for me is a clear indicator that that is the arc he is going to go through this season - that while there are still elements of the Shannon of it all in Eddies story, it is actually Christopher who needs to let that ghost go and move forward, not Eddie.
911 loves to play with imagery - they excel at it in the Diaz house, and I talk about how the kids costuming on the show is always so deliberately chosen to reflect their arcs, Especially with Chris. So here we have Chris in a t-shirt with mountains, trees and climbers on - setting up the idea of exploring him climbing that mountain he has to climb, but also playing on the idea that he's a bit caught in a forest as well - cannot see the wood for the trees. It a great metaphor for his current abandonment issues - because he is still a bit too young to fully comprehend that some people are not meant to stay in your life in a permanent way or that sometimes, just because they are not physically present in a regular way, doesn't mean they have abandoned you. Hell that is a difficult thing for many adults to comprehend, so to ask a kid to - especially one who's hormones are starting to go crazy - is never going to be practical.
The fact they’ve very deliberately not shown him actually interacting with with Marisol before now - establishing her as existing in Christopher’s world but not actively being a part of it - really ensuring to set her apart and off to the side - apart form establishing the contrast between Shannon and Marisol, is so interesting and feels, to me at least, like it’s building up to possibly playing into some version of the idea of you’re not my mother etc etc. They've taken great care to establish Shannon as Christophers mother - that she is still a major presence in his life, even in her absence.
They're is also something in the way that the idea of Marisol being 'portrayed' (can't think of the right word but I hope you know what I mean) as essentially a babysitter - we've never been shown them interacting - just told that Eddie has been getting her to babysit and in tv show land if you want to tell the audience that two characters have a good relationship (of whatever form) - you show it - you don't allude to that relationship as existing - especially when you are developing a narrative around a child's fear of being abandoned by the women in his life - not showing her looking after Chris before this point, and after you have established said abandonment issue, just reenforces the nature of their relationship - that it is one Chris is not likely to be engaging in - because she's going to leave anyway so what is the point of getting attached.
Now this is interesting because it feeds into Eddies arc rather nicely - its an arc they have already established with the audience - his jumping in too quickly and without thinking things through properly. it also plays back into an already existing arc - the one where he does things for Christopher and not for himself. they are to all intents and purposes the same thing. Eddie lets Shannon back into his life - for Christopher, he re-proposes not for himself, but for Christopher and the second baby he thinks is coming, he starts dating Ana for Christopher not for himself, he Makes Buck Christophers legal guardian for Christopher (even though at this point we don't know if Chris knows this fact), yes a part of that id for himself as well, but it is predominately for Chris. Eddie asking Marisol to move in - almost immediately in the aftermath of Chris revealing to Buck that he feels abandoned by his mom and that is where his multiple girlfriends/ becoming a player is coming from - how it is having an impact on who he is becoming as a person (one who things women leave and therefore treats them as temporary), is Eddie doubling down on his relationship with Marisol as a way of giving Christopher a female who is present. The entire thing - Eddie - in therapy and healing and now in a place where he thinks his issues with Ana and becoming a ready made family etc are 'dealt with' and in the past - hearing Chris talk about Shannon that way and to then have his immediate response be to go one step further than he managed with Ana - to ask M to move in - to essentially create something permanent - the whole going with is gut - despite his own feelings and thoughts on the matter - boils down to him still doing things for Chris’s happiness and not his own feels kind of loud. Because that is what his gut tells him - double down and sacrifice yourself and your own happiness for Christopher.
on the subject of guts - its very clearly a major theme for the Diaz boys this season, the show has been using the Diaz house to great effect already on this front.
Christophers homework that he was doing in episode 1 - all aobut guts
we had him studying blood types and transfusions
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the function of kidneys and the nephron (literal guts!!)
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and then - when he's read Shannons letter - frog dissection - again literally looking at guts
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then from up coming episodes - thanks to Jihanes bts content we know that the fridge has the following charts on it
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All things related to the gut and gut health. something something about Eddies heart having been worked on and now his gut is next in line to be sorted out. Especially as catholic guilt is something that plays into the idea of being something you feel in your gut rather than heart or head - related.
And there is also something in relation to the catholic guilt of it all and Eddies gut and Chris feeling like women don’t stay thats in play with Eddies relationship with his mother - that she's stayed too present in his life and that she treated him is such a contradicting way - the juxtaposition of not letting him be a kid whilst he was a kid - needing him to be the man of the house in his fathers absence whilst then not letting him grow up/ treating him as a child when he became an adult - and dominating (or trying to) his life and how he (and Shannon) raised Christopher.
Because it is fair to assume that it was Helena who took Eddie to church every Sunday and who was predominately responsible for his religious up bringing (we don't know how long Ramon was away for but to me at least it feels implied that his business trips would be for several weeks or months at a time and then he would return home for a period before disappearing again) an therefore much of his catholic guilt is attached to her and how if they are going in the catholic guilt/queer repression direction it is Helenas forceful personality that kept him in the closet even if he managed to step back from Catholicism
Something something about hearts and guts and minds being concepts of the human condition that are so intricately intertwined and needing to be in balance - how Eddies heart has been looked at and worked on (his relationship with his father), how his gut needs to be worked on now (which is related to his mother) and then finally his mind - Eddie needing to learn to communicate and talk things through with people rather than burying it - something he cant do until he has worked through is catholic guilt and his letting his gut rule his decision making (even though it rarely pans out for him) - much like his mother has ruled over his life in one way or another until recently.
Something something about that being a mountain they are both climbing - but in different ways and therefore separately and it all comes back to them not talking - Eddie not talking to his son (he even had Buck have that initial conversation with him rather than do it himself) there is still so much misunderstanding between the Diaz boys!
Wow I did not mean for this to get long!!!! Hopefully it makes sense!!
it may just be the incoherent ramblings of a woman obsessed with the way they are picking a part Eddie and putting him back together - endlessly fascinating to me!!
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Halloween - BTS OT7 CEO au extra
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Welcome to something a little different, just to keep you going until the next update 💜
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Namjoon :
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Every jaw in the room dropped as the tv screen went blank. The lights in the house following suit as they cut out with an electric buzz in the air.
“Someone call Kitten now!” Yoongi yells in the darkness.
You had texted the group to say you were running late, but you were on your way to dinner. The others had worn their costumes, preparing the meal together when Taehyung had called them all into the living room.
“It’s a Halloween prank,” Namjoon tries to rationalise, but his breathing is heavy. “The news channels are obviously playing a prank.”
“It didn’t look like a prank Hyung,” Jimin runs his fingers through his hair, they’re all standing scared still. “And even if it was the news channel didn’t cut our power.”
“Fine then it’s a disease or a new virus, it is NOT zombies.”
“Sunshine!” You finally picked up Hobi’s call, the faint light from his phone lighting the side of his face. The room is so quiet they can all hear your screams. “Sunshine?”
“Hobi help!” The screams are followed by low groaning in the background of the call, the sounds of flesh being ripped through with decaying teeth.
“Kitten!” Yoongi yells, tripping over furniture to get to Hobi who had been petrified into a catatonic state.
And then, silence. There isn’t a single sound, and they all wait with baited breath. They feel the thud of all their hearts hitting the floor when a low moan comes through the line, your voice, there’s no mistaking it but it’s warped, inhuman.
“Bunny?” Jungkook whispers, his eyes watering as his heart picks up in pace.
The line cuts and they’re all left to the sound of their breathing.
“This isn’t happening,” Jimin almost tears his hair out by its roots. “CALL HER BACK!”
“We have to go get her,” Jin is shaking where he stands, his feet cemented to the ground but he knows he has to move. Whatever was going on he knew one thing, you were in danger.
“Everyone turn on your phones flash-“
Their souls jump out of their skins as a body slams into the living room window, their eyes going wide with horror as they take in the face in the dark. They can make out no discernible features but they can see the way his face presses against the glass. The silence that follows is deafening, not a breath, not a beat, until they see a tongue lick the surface of the window as if tasting them through it.
“What the actual fuck,” Yoongi breathes, terrified to speak a decibel louder.
The flood lights turn on outside, detecting movement although a little late but it reveals the body’s features and their eyes nearly fall out of their sockets. His entire body is decaying, his eyes set on them, unblinking, his clothes torn to reveal flesh and flies leaving no question what this creature was. But worse, behind him, what started out as a blur that drew closer, a hoard moving towards their home.
“We need to move,” Namjoon’s brain starts kicking into gear, survival mode fighting with instinct to shut down and freeze.
“And go where, we’re sitting ducks,” Jimin panics.
They all turn to the sound of another bang, closer, louder but they all knew what it was… the front door had been breached, they were in the house.
The low moan of their intruder echoes through the dark hallway.
“We need something to fight,” Jungkook whispers, his eyes darting around in the dark, their backs to the repeated thuds on the window from their other guests.
“Knives?” Jimin suggests.
“The kitchens too far,” Taehyung mumbles.
The lights of the hallway start flickering, the living room lights flickering just a second after, the pattern repeats making the men look around desperately for something to be armed with, but nothing usable is in sight.
“We can’t stand here, we have to run,” Jimin starts to hyperventilate.
“He’s right,” Yoongi agrees, tugging the still shell shocked Hoseok to snap out of it.
Jin’s whole body is vibrating with how hard he’s shaking, he knows whatever is in the house can sense them, the groans getting louder and the hoard behind the window getting more vocal with the frustration of a barrier between them and their next meal. He doesn’t hear what words are being said in the room, his hearts thumping in his ears, the blood draining out of him. He feels someone grab his hand, the maknae’s mouth moves in front of him but he can’t make out the words.
He’s being pulled into the hallway, the scene moving almost in slow motion as his brain fails to comprehend the scene but one thing wakes him up. They’re moving closer to the sound, they were running straight into danger.
It was too late, their bodies collided in the hallway, their attempts of escape stopped before they could even begin. A familiar figure stands before them, a silhouette they could make out even if they were blind.
The lights flicker and the fills with their screams at the horror of their zombified girlfriend before them. They all scream except from one who covers his mouth and his laughter.
The very next day
Office romance:
Hobi : Did anyone get any sleep last night? 😭
Jin : every time I closed my eyes all I could see were the zombies
Yoongi : I slept through this mornings meeting does that count?
Jimin : I say we all go home and let Taehyung do all the work today 😒
Namjoon : I still can’t get my head around how they pulled it off
Yoongi : the maknaes obviously have had a bad influence on kitten
Jungkook : don’t involve me and Jimin in this
Jimin : Jimin Hyung* 🤨 I need another copy of this contract I drooled all over it
Jin : the two culprits are being awfully quiet
Namjoon : how long did you two plan yesterdays events?
Taehyung : for a while, the details were all flower, she really ran away with it
Jimin : I have to say the fake news announcement on the tv was a nice touch
Jungkook : I can’t believe we fell for it 😤
Namjoon : the lights went out, irrational fear was bound to takeover
Y/n : HEY! We were a team Kim Taehyung, we’re both to blame
Jungkook : well look who decided to join the conversation
Yoongi : look, she lives
Jin : dangerous girl
Y/n : if it makes you feel any better, I feel really really bad… but it was worth it 😇
Hobi : Sunshine you’re sleeping next to me until the nightmares stop 😤
Yoongi : you owe him that much Kitten, he fainted
Jin : as if you weren’t a second away from passing out too Yoongi, I know I was
Y/n : sorry Hobi 🥺 I am really sorry but I really don’t regret it 😈
Jungkook : Noona’s sadistic side is coming out
Hobi : we’ll see how long for 😒 wait till we get home sunshine, you’ve got a lot to pay for
Y/n : it was Tae’s idea too!
Yoongi : the brat didn’t dress up like our worst nightmare kitten
Namjoon : I really hope it was worth it baby girl, Hoseok’s got a dark look on his face 👀
Y/n : ☹️☹️☹️
Taehyung : you have to admit, flower’s acting was almost as good as mine 😏
Jungkook : and she made a terrifying but somehow sexy zombie
Jin : Jungkook no 🙅🏽‍♂️
Y/n : 😳
Jimin : Jungkook yes 😈
Taehyung : (the day of Halloween)
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aricastmblr · 2 years
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pascallatte · 1 year
Y/n and Lina’s memorable Narcos scenes (season 1)
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x actress!reader
Summary: Narcos BTS part 3, a little throwback, more like a compilation of Y/n’s funny moments on set, for the se 1 of Narcos
Date: December 2015
Taglist: @benonlinear, @t-stark35, @heyitsme-2, @elleeeee21, @holmesstrange, @tagakalat, @flyestvenustrap, @oldermenaremyreligion, @cherryred444, @avengersheart, @guacala
A/n: this will be in both reader’s view and what can be seen during the episodes. Hoping you guys won’t get confused. 
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Episode 1: Descenso - chimney with a moustache
Seated next to Pedro, you were holding your own fake drink waiting for the camera to cue.
“La Dispensaria?” Maurice said as soon as the cameras started rolling. “Listo." The camera signalled to both of you before the lens focused.
“Adivina quien era” stating his line as he gestures to you and Pedro. Raising your eyebrows, you tried to keep your look as serious as possible.
“Tu companero,” you shoved a couple nuts in your mouth as you shook your head, chuckling. “Me acaba de dar un regalito,” Maurice continued to say his lines while you tried to not be bothered by the way Pedro’s ‘smoke’ was directed at you.
“Pois-“ he was interrupted by your cough and wheezing, making both males turn to you.
Pedro cracked a small smile,” what the hell happened to you?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” looking around at the staff, “ The smoke just got too much I was like inhaling everything this chimney with a moustache was producing,” pointing to Pedro who broke into a laugh before pushing your face to the side.
Episode 2: The Sword of Simon Bolivar - Stumble-lina??
“And action!!” 
You watched from the entrance as Boyd and Pedro shook hands for the hundredth time for their supposed meeting.
“Javier?” Pedro only gave a nod in response, before he walked closer to you, hand still raised, “Catalina?”
“Yes,” shaking his hand. Raising his eyebrows. “American?” He asks.
You only stared at him and didn’t give him an answer, before looking behind him at Pedro. Nudging your head to the side as a signal for him to lead "Steve" inside the embassy.
“We’re going to Medellin?” Boyd asked Pedro as both walked in front of you, at a quick pace might I add.
Trying your best to keep up, you just focused on staying in character. You cleared your throat speeding up as you see the door you were supposed to enter to.
“Jarheads..” You walked inside, “this is-whoa!” And of course, you didn’t see the mat on the floor making you stumble down.
“Ok cut!” Screamed the director
Sitting on your knees, you looked up at them before crossing your arms. “Can I walk before you guys the next time we shoot this,” your scene partners both hid their smiles when they understood what you mean.
“ Guys, I can’t keep up, and if you want this part to finish, better put me in front.” You said getting up and breathing out a laugh, noticing the red faces of your friends as they stopped themselves.
Episode 3: The Men of Always - Pedro cam mess
“Hello, Pedro cam! I’m supposed to enter that scene behind me in a minute, I think, but in the meantime, I'm gonna hold on to this,” turning the camera back to them, they were seen sitting inside the small restaurant about to talk about the dead cat if you weren’t mistaken. You zoomed in on their faces, stifling a laugh when you got a clear view of Pedro.
Boyd who noticed your position, let out a subtle smirk before going back into character.
“Ahhh, look it’s Javier Penaaaa, the stupidly, hot, and annoying DEA agent who loves his moustache so much, but that might just be P himself”
Zooming in a little bit more, you tried to trace his moustache with your finger in front of the lens. Chuckling, you didn’t notice that a cut was called out, making Pedro look at you as you audibly gasped.
“You!” He pointed at you while you tried to run away.
“No, I didn’t do anything OIII”
“Get that camera away from me,”
“ What do you mean, there are cameras all over you, why won’t you stop them,”
“I won’t be explaining myself,” he takes the camera before facing it towards himself. “Ok ‘Pedro cam’ is no more.”
What you didn’t see in the back was Boyd stalking closer to the two of you, and as soon as Pedro finishes talking he scoops you up and places you on his shoulder running away.
Episode 4: The Palace in Flames - The blooper that was included in the episode
You were once again seated in a cafe with Boyd opposite you and Pedro on the right of you. Breathing out a sigh, you leaned on his shoulder, zoning out.
In spacing out for a few seconds, you didn’t notice the director yelling action. Which made you make a confused face when Boyd stood up to give Joanna a kiss, looking around you saw the cameras rolling. 
“Your girlfriend?” Ana asks Pedro while gesturing to you who was still processing what happened.
Figuring out that she was in character you cleared your throat and shake your head, “uhh No, I’m also CIA.”
“And cut!!”
Groaning you leaned your elbows on the table, covering your face with your hands, “I think I spaced out.”
“You think?” Pedro said laughing, before reaching out to ruffle your hair. “I’m sorry.” Your voice was muffled when you moved and planted your face on his chest making your scene partners and staff laugh.
Episode 5: There Will be a Future - the scene that proved the slow burn watchers was theorized when Netflix announced your character, Catalina, was to be Javier’s love interest.
“Was with my buddy, John. He was my best man. We were late,” sighing, Javier takes a sip from his beer, before turning to look at Lina through the mirror.
“It was fucking blazing outside, 110 degrees,” She was seen taking a long glance at him before looking out the window.
She listened the whole time Javier was telling his story, and never once did she interrupt him like she used to.
“Please don’t tell me you left her at the altar,” Steve grinned towards Javier.
Javier turns to look in Catalina’s direction only to see that she was already looking at him. They stared at each other for a few seconds, as if communicating through their eyes, before Javier breaks it responding to Steve, “I….don’t know if she actually made it to the altar.”
“Well, you saved her a lifetime of hell.”
“Yeah, she forgave me. Eventually, married a stockbroker from Dallas” 
“Hm,” Lina lets out finding this part of his story funny.
Glancing at her, “Trust me, she’s better off,” 
“What if Father Sabrino talks?” Steve asks Javier as soon as he sees a car coming their way.
Sitting up, Lina checks her gun, before leaning on the centre console letting out a shaky breath.
Javier turns to her, answering Steve’s question but maintaining eye contact. As he slowly places his hand on top of hers.
Navegante enters their car eyeing Lina up and down before looking front. Noticing the exchange, Javier tells Steve to take Lina’s seat making her sit in front.
“Sorry, I’m late. I couldn’t came before.” Navegante’s broken English broke through the tense air.
“What’ve you got,” Lina asks him with a slightly shaky breath. Javier’s hand was on her knees by then softly stroking the part, trying to calm her nerves.
“Gacha’s going tonight to Cartagena,” the dealer says making all three agents look at him.
“Gacha….is in Cartagena. Tonight.” Lina repeated as soon as they arrived at Javier’s room. 
The thoughts in her head kept her pacing around the room. And all Javier can do is watch her.
“I-.. if gacha’s there that means, he’s there too right? Escobar? W-which means we can catch him, right? Now?” Turning towards Javier who was now standing behind her to her surprise.
Without waiting for a response, she takes her gun and checked if the mag is full, patting herself to see if she’d brought anything that can reveal her identity.
Lina kept mumbling to herself seemingly close to panicking because this was the closest they’d been to Escobar and his group since she’s arrived, close to a year ago.
Looking at him, “J-javi, check your gun, you have to” her rambling ceased as soon as Javier’s hands had cupped her cheeks tilting them upwards.
Shushing her, “Catalina, Lina, Hermosa. Calm down, nothing will happen ok?” He reassures her. Slowly breathing in and out, he guides her to follow his breathing.
“That’s it, it’s ok, yeah? Nothing will happen tonight, nothing will go wrong, you have to calm down,” Javier says softly, which is something he himself was unfamiliar with. He then leans his forehead on hers as he stared into her eyes to soothe her.
Nodding, she reaches up to hold his wrists and exhales before closing her eyes. Leaning forward to rest her forehead on his chest instead.
Episode 6: Explosivos - that was hot
“So I just push him right??” 
“Yes Y/n, cameras rolling in five, four, three..” 
You stand in position, getting in character.
“Get the fuck back, the fuck back,” you aim your gun at the person to your left. Before turning back to the actor you’ve thrown to the ground.
You kicked him once, before straddling him and inserting the tip of the gun in his mouth. Shouting, “Usted trabaja para mi, maricon!” holding the man by his hair. Hitting his cheek a few times, as you angrily stared at him.
“Si! Claro? Esta claro?” the actor nods shakingly. You let go of his hair and stand up. Spitting on him, “Fucking bitch,” you finished with a kick.
“Aaand cut!!!”
Running back to the actor, you asked if he was ok and if that was too much, you only received an appreciative nod for asking and a resounding no it wasn’t too much cause it was what was needed.
A large smile erupted on your face as soon as you turned back around, fanning yourself, “oh my gosh.”
“That was hot,” Pedro said standing up from where he was watching from the side before taking you in his arms.
Episode 7: You will cry tears of blood - y/n shenanigans
The camera zooms in on you is laying on the ground with a water bottle on your neck. You were seen fanning yourself, as you’ve just finished the chase scene for this part of the episode.
Pedro walked towards you, offering a hand to pull you up. Accepting it, you slowly stood up before resting on the wall behind you. You were seen conversing with each other but the camera was too far away to get something, the next thing you see was Pedro getting soaked and you running away from the irritated stylist, who was also seen laughing.
Episode 8: La Gran Mentor - behind the scenes of y/n’s disheveled look as Catalina.
Standing in the room, wearing a robe. Make-up smudged, hair messy, and with a look-of-content, the camera moves to show the room you were in.
“Hello Netflix, well, this is the look of my character, Catalina, after uhmmm- the scene” you looked behind the camera
“I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say what scene and who I’m with, but this is the look, the room, and the vibe. And let me tell you, I am loving it.”
The view cuts to you in bed being fixed up by your stylists, waving to the camera. You joke a little, by slightly pulling the blanket down your chest which made the stylist slap your hand making you laugh.
Episode 9: La Catedral - we are all simps for Catalina
“Bueno, que piensa?” Javier asks the person behind the desk. Before looking around to see if Lina had followed them to the room. Well, what do you think?
The man takes a closer look at the pictures. Assessing them carefully before nodding to the three agents waiting, “Vale la pena revisar estas fotos. Investigarlas, y créame que lo voy a hacer.” Placing the photos back in the envelope. These photos are worth checking out. Investigate them, and believe me I will.
Lina stood up from her chair leaning closer to the desk in front of Javier, “¿Cuánto tiempo?” She asks looking at the man. How long?
“¿Disculpe?” Excuse me?
“¿Cuanto tiempo antes de que lo termines?” She said dragging her nails on the desk. how long before you finish it?
He thought for a moment, looking at his desk, “tal vez unos días o una semana?” Looking out to see Steve leaning close to the windows. Maybe a few days or a week?
“Pero no podemos esperar unos días, es urgente,” Lina said looking at her partners who were seen nodding at her comment. But we can’t wait a few days, it’s urgent 
“Bueno, lo siento, todavía tenemos cosas que priorizar, esto puede esperar,” the man insisted suddenly growing nervous as soon as her gaze was locked on him. Well I'm sorry, we still have things to prioritize, this can wait
Slowly walking towards him, Catalina takes the folder from the table before pushing it to his chest, “Oh, vamos, por supuesto, puedes priorizar esto. Quiero decir que somos nosotros los que pedimos tu ayuda,” she said slyly. Oh come on now, of course, you can prioritize this. I mean it’s us asking for YOUR help. 
Leaning backwards, he moves his head from side to side taking a look at the two other agents who were avoiding his gaze. Gulping, “Quiero decir, lo sé, pero como dije, no puedes hacer nada por ahora” the shakiness of his voice was evident making her smirk grow wider. I mean I know, but as I said you can’t do anything for now.
Reaching to run her hands on the collar of his button-up, she leans closer before whispering, ““Estas seguro”. Are you sure?
“Seguro de que?” Sure of what?
“¿Que no puedo hacer nada? Estoy seguro de que me conoces, ¿verdad? Haré cualquier cosa por ti, entonces, ¿qué tal si primero haces este archivo antes de hacer cualquier otra cosa? ¿Sí?”  Lina locks eyes with the man leaning closer to his face. That I can’t do anything? I'm sure you know me right? I will do ANYTHING for you, so how about you do this file first before DOING anything else? Yeah?
“mhmm si,” he nodded quickly, taking the envelope in his hands.
Quickly moving back, Lina clasps her hands with a wide smile, ¡Genial, gracias!” Great, thank you!
“Uh, Vuelvo enseguida.” Lina nodded as she waved goodbye to the man who sped right past her. uh, be right back.
Javier and Steve look at each other in disbelief watching Lina take a seat, smirking. Laughing, Steve walks to you and massages your shoulder a bit.
Sitting back Lina uncrosses her arms high giving Steve, “damn this girl can do things right.” He said shaking Javi on the shoulder and walking out of the room
"Uh..nice going Lina,” "
"that’s all?" she asked peering up at him from her chair.
“Huh? What do yo-"
“What I mean is, that's all you can say after I gave you a hard-on, no offence boss but you’re gonna have a hard time hiding….that, smirking Catalina slides her hand from his chest up to his neck before following Steve out the door.
Episode 10: Despegue - take 100??
As soon as you heard a knock, you reached for the door. Expecting it would be a serious scene you put on your game face. Opening the door, instead of facing a “scared, disheartened’ Javier Pena, you were met with the “teasingly, goofy” face of Pedro Pascal.
Bursting out in laughter you hold you stomach leaning on the wall, “Pedro, you’ve got to stop doing” you told him out of breath.
“Oh please, I don’t even know why you’re trying anymore y/n. He’ll never stop as long as you’re the one to answer the door.”
“Alright, come on up!” He said, arms under your pits helping you up, as you recovered from laughing.
Playfully hitting his cheek,” I’m serious though, this is like our 10th take, I don’t wanna be stuck opening doors the whole episode.”
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kusakiguzen · 23 days
Bts x Reader (8th member)
A/N: Okay hear my tf out. I abolish one of my rules of not writing about human people, I hate being hypocrete hence i'm getting rid of this rule, in which i say i don't write about people (still a lil uncomfy but this fic has been on my mind and it is hindering my writing of other fics). Just sit back and enjoy this bullshit since i haven't read anything like this. One of the scenes were inspired by song like "My R" English version. And other songs too.
Warnings: Self harm, Suicidal thoughts, copying,etc idk. I do not condone the behavior done by the reader in this fic. There are events that did happen in real life. If you feel like the doing the shit that the reader did, please contact help as its not healthy. This is mostly fiction and a fragment of my imagination.
You were a normal person, going through a tough time. Depression and stress taking its toll, You took up selfharm, scars littering all over your arms and stomach. Pressure from parents about their expectation getting heavier and heavier.
But then you heard them.... Their song for the first time. BTS or 방탄소년단; RR: Bangtan Sonyeondan. Their heavenly voice, their goofiness was your comfort in those dark times, you even stopped cutting your self because Namjoon (RM) said he'd shave the eyebrows of people who don't take care of themselves ( and if you don't study, Listen to him people), Laugh with them and be goofy while watching Run BTS, Eat with Jin while watching EatJin. They saved you, helped you, behind the screen, even without meeting them in person. They were you saviors. You even learnt Korean, so you can understand and learn their songs, all 230 of them.
You hated when people judged them for smallest of things, unnessecary hate they got, stupid rumors.... Everything like that. You wished you could protect them like they did to you. But you couldn't.... Its fine All of you and Army together can. So it was fine. They were your escape, Escape form reality and this world.
But you can't escape reality forever. It always catches up, it haunts you. And soon even they couldn't save you from you attempting to take your life. But I guess they did save you by going live when you planed to end yourself. But good things never last. On a particular day, it was too exhausting, you felt numb, lifeless, like a shell with no purpose. While on the end of the side walk, waiting for the light to turn red ( for the cars?) You were picking a song to listen to, you started walking, didn't see the truck coming.
You saw two headlights coming closer by the seconds, your fingers clicked on a song, just before the impact, You heard the lyrics of "I NEED U" and the only thought in your mind was
"Ah shit, I'm gonna die without even going to their concert..... haaaahhh"
And you saw black, and were welcomed by nothingness.
You were in there for what felt like hours, before being welcomed with bright light and the smell of sanitizer and disinfectents. Hissing, you opened your eyes and saw the white ceiling of the hospital, and two people on each sides who noticed your conciousness.
They were calling your name, asking if you were okay, the only problem was
They were speaking Korean
Words came out of your mouth instinctively. Matching the language of the two strangers,
"Who are you?"
Yo were terrified, did you get kidnaped while being unconscious? or is you brain playing tricks since the last thing you heard was Korean?
You saw doctors panic and checking every thing, But before you could say anything your head started spining and you lost consciousness again, The last thing you hear was the sound of doctors and the two strangers telling you to stay with them.
Welcomed by darkness again, but soon something started playing in front of you like a movie. You realised that it was a child's life story. A child who was lonely, isolated and extremely shy. You say the child be bullied, picked on, the two people who were with you in the hospital room dismissing the child. It stopped after you saw her get hit by a truck.
Then it stopped. And you saw the girl crying in what looked like a puddle. You went up to her and you guys talked, laughed and all in all had a fun time.
Then she said something and you again woke up in the hospital.
Please take care of my body and live like you want to in this life, for the both of us...... Don't try to avenge me, Okay Unnie*?
You woke up in the same hospital bed surrounded by the same people. But that girls words just kept spining in your head. What did she mean?
You sat up and saw your hands and dread washed over you, These were hands of a child, specifically the little girl you met the darkness.
You shouted asking for a mirror which the women beside you gve it to you....... No Fucking way, you became a child? The same child you met? Then it clicked, the words of the girl. OH MY GOD! you thought reincarnation only happed in Manhwas or Anime. So Wtf is this? did you get reincarnated in a Manhwa? Anime?
You were utterly shocked, absolutely baffeled. But composed yourself immediately, and asked for the date. It was February 15th 2007. Then you asked your age and were told you were 14, go to Gwaneum Middle School. Why did that name sound so familiar to you?
You were soon discharged and taken back home in Daegu Town, Again it sounded so familiar to you but you brushed it off as it being the body's memory.
After a month your school started and you met him.......... Min Yoongi..
WTF? Huhh? how? wat?? Okay you are probably dreaming, yup this dream.
You walked up to him and introduced yourself to him, but he just looked at you nodded and left, leaving you behind before you could say anything.
'Okay that was awkward' you thought
After that day, you started to befriend him, atleast try to, but he was extremly shy and isolated. But you still stayed, sometimes buying him food to show your sencierity and help him out knowing he didn't have much .
You also wrote all the BTS songs in a diary with a lock. wrote some other songs that were your favorite in another diary, since now you know why you were here. To help and protect them like you wanted and promised. That's right you were going to work a million times harder. Yes For them.
You weren't making progress in breaking down the walls around Yoongi's had built around his heart all of these years, but you weren't going to give up. So you kept trying, and trying. Doing things like joining him for lunch, buying him food and telling him you brought too much and he can have the extra, taking the bus with him and paying for him. Helping him without hurting him.
You finally broke down the walls he created after one incident. Yoongi being shy and unconfrontational stayed out of trouble, So if he'd get bullied he would take it.
One day Yoongi was late for lunch so you went to look for him, found him in the back of school wet with milk, and the carton lying near him, being bullied. He was clutching another one refusing to let go of it. The boy was hitting and slapping Yoongi's head and laughing at him while other boys record.
You saw red, Fucking bitch try to touch your Yoongi? Your SUGA? The kind hearted boy? You started voice recording and approaching them. With a sickly sweet voice you told them to leave Yoongi alone and asked him to come behind you. The boys whose name you didn't even try to get to know started insulting you and calling you names. Going as far as grabbing your shirt and ripping off some buttons. You screamed on purpose and started to "cry" and then the boys stopped recording, Bingo. You sneakily stopped recording yourself and then got up and said
"You Got 5 seconds to apologize."
they started laughing and mocking you
Yoongi telling you to get away from there
the boys again try to touch your chest but....
Lets just say they will never think of even looking in your direction after that.
You were called to the principal's office for that, and Yoongi wanted to accompany you to testify but you told him its fine and left alone. He never felt so powerless in his whole life. If you didn't know how to fight, who knows what would have happened.
You stood in front of the principal's office and pretended to cry. You guess all the extra curriculars your paents made you take did come in handy. You entered with puffy bloodshot eyes, red nose and cheek. Right of the bat the parents of the boys started accusing you and calling you a bitch and other derogatory names. You calmly told them that what you did was self defence. Again it went right over the parents head and now they were calling you a liar. Okay they refuse to settle this normally, you pulled out the recording from you phone, and placed it in front of them, playing it. They obviously were taken aback but composed themselves, It was the the principal's turn. He started to berate you, and took the recording and broke it.
Okay, so they chose the hard way, hhhaaaaaahhh you hoped they wouldn't be like this but it has to be done.
You fake pouted, looking at them. Looking back at the broken record and just started laughing.... Hard like a mad man. Then said...
"I guess it was real, what they show in all the k-drama. So I have to take revenge like how they do in them... Pity i was hoping to settle this peacefully."
Then you played something else.... The video of them bullying Yoongi.
How do you think your company will fare when they find out about this and the things you said right now? Hmm?
Taking out the recorder that you had kept ON for proof.
You smiled as you saw all their face turn pale. They started begging you, apologizing, While on their knees. Ahhhhh this feels good. You got up and tried to leave, when they asked if you'd forgive them. You looked back and smiled saying...
"Apologize to Yoongi like that and maybe I'll consider it, ne~~"
They did, They apologized to him on their knees making Him extreemly surprised. This is when Yoongi and you became close. After school that day, he grabbed your sleeve gently while you guys were walking to the bus station, you turned around and he was holding the same banana milk carton. He looked at you and then offered you the milk, catching you by surprise. He then said how you mentioned you liked banana milk but kept forgetting to buy it, so he bought one for you. You gently took it from his hand and started drinking it, you said it was the best thing you had tasted/drunk in a while, while a blush coated your face.
Your relationship changed and you both became inseparable, he became more expressive and talkative with you too. This lasted till Yoongi got a girlfriend. She was a sweet girl from your class whom you both befriended, when they announced that they were dating, everything changed. You often found yourself alone while they went on awkward dates, and the girl did tell you to keep a boundary now that he was in a relationship. You understood where she was coming from but you wanted to maintain the friendship.
This caused an argument, and you backed off. You distanced yourself from them to the point you stopped talking to either of them. And during that time you were selected for a compitation to represent Daegu Town. You went to Seoul to compete in it, and thats where you met another member, Kim Namjoon aka Rap Monster, representing Ilsan. The compatition was tough and you lost by 1 point. You and Namjoon did become friends after that and kept in contact. Till the few months Yoongi was dating, you got close to Namjoon. But after a few months Yoongi's girlfriend broke up. And boom a heartbroken and rain soaked Yoongi was standing in front if your door looking absolutely heartbroken.
Without hesitation you let him in, shoved him in the shower while cleaning up the water all over the place, reheating some food for him, You had made rice and Kimchi-guk (kimchi soup) since it was raining. Yoongi came out soon as you plated the food, a towel on his neck, still with the blank face which he made when he tried to hide his emotions. You sat him own on the floor, giving him the food and taking the towel to dry his hair. He was eating quitely but then suddenly spoke up...
"She broke up with me....."
"My girlfriend.... she broke up with me...."
You knew this would happen but it still hurt to see him like this, you had realised that he didn't want you to press further or feel guilty for his sake. So you just hummed and then got up to get another towel because the one you were using got too wet and wasn't absorbing the water. Just as you were about to get up, his hand grabbed yous and a soft whisper of "stay" came out of his mouth. You wanted to tell him you'll be back but as soon as you turned around you saw Yoongi barely able to hold back his tears.
The towel was long forgotten and you immediately wrapped your hands around him bringing him into a hug, sat in silence while his tears soaked your shirt and you alternating between rubbing his back and playing with his hair. After he calmed down, you showed him to you spare room and made him sleep there since he is not n the right mind to drive or even walk.
After you made sure Yoongi was asleep, you slowly crept out of the room and went into you room. Because today, you and Namjoon were going to talk on the phone. You apologised for being late and explained that your friend had an emergency, he was understanding and you guys talked for hours about music and switching to studied whenever his parents or sister entered the room. You guys had planed to meet in 2 days but you had to postpone because of Yoongi. He said he didn't mind and you scedueled it for the next weekend.
The friendship between you and Yoongi grew even more, which you didn't even know was possible. He never put you second, and tried to redeem himself for the time he lost. On the other hand you visited Namjoon every other weekend and your bond grew stronger with him as well.
Few years passed and nothing really changed much, You life remained the same. Until for your high school trip you all were going to Gwangju Metropolitan City, where you bumped into Jung Hoseok. The world is a really small place. You both apologized and went your own ways, but fate had different plans for you. You separated from you group and strayed away to an unfamiliar area, and your phone was dead, suddenly 2 creeps started questioning you and trying to get you to come with them. That's when you saw Hoseok, and feeling scared you just loudly screamed "There you are!!! I was waiting for you" jogging up to him, he was sharp enough to understand the situation. He grabbed your hand and "reprameneded" you about staying from the group. He started leading you away as your hands trembled, as soon as they were out of sight, you knees gave out, if not for him you would have fallen hard. He was extremly worried. After few minutes you regained your composure and stood up with his help, You both walked to the nearest park where he sat you down, ram to a vending machine and got you a drink.
He gave you his phone so you could call for help but you were still a little shaken up. Absentmindedly you dialed Yoongi's number and gave it to Hoseok so he could talk since she was shaken up.
On the other hand You felt pathetic, at 14 you defended Yoongi from some rich and entitled people and now your trembling because of some random stranger? The reason was because this is an unfamiliar teritory, you don't know anything about this place. You really didn't want think about what could have happened if Hoseok didn't show up.
After Hoseok was done talking to Yoongi about the situation, turned his attention towards you, Yoongi had told him that he called your teacher and asked if Hoseok could keep you company while the teacher arrived, He already planed to do that so he agreed. You teacher came, obviously very worried and took you back not before thanking Hoseok. You handed him a note that had your number telling him how it would be nice to become friends with him.
During that week of your stay there, you met up with Him almost every day. You and him became pretty close and even after you left, you both kept in contact.
A year later, Yoongi told you about how he was going to audition to become a producer, which you encouraged and also told him how you'd accompany him. So in 2010, at the ripe age of 17, he joined the Big Hit Entertainment. You also got accepted, which left you confused but you weren't complaining. You were introduced to Namjoon by Yoongi, expecting you to not know him, but was very surprised to see you give him a hug and tell him how you missed him. You also met Hoseok again, and told Yoongi about him and how you met in the high school trip, and how they both talked. This eased the tension between the members, having a common topic to talk about, YOU.
A year later, you met the younger members during their training, an extremly shy Jeon Jeong-guk, The cute Kim Taehyung. But due to the age difference you couldn't get close to them, which made you sad, but it was understandable. You also met WWH, Kim Seokjin, you didn't get along immediately but still got along fine.
Another year later you met Park Jimin. He got along with Taehyung, as expected. And soon enough another year passed and BTS was formed, with an addition, YOU, L/N Y/N. Which the Hyung line (except Jin) was happy about since they already knew you, you were their back bone, Helping in every way possible, from cooking for them to helping them practice, no matter how tired you were. You always made sure they ate and healthy.
Their first song, "No More Dream" was released. Not getting much attention, which you expected but the others were much more disappointed. But you were there this time, helping them through it all.
And you made a solo album but the twist you copied songs like Labour by Paris Paloma, Alone by Nico Collins, Favorite by Issabel Larosa, and many more. You made sure they will still get the attention in the future.
For years, they worked hard but to nothing satisfying enough to make too much profit. It caused rifts between the member and the mental and physical exhaustion taking a toll on them. You yourself were barely holding it together, with the constant arguments, them neglecting their health. You were practically holding all of them together. But you were only human, during one argument between the members, you snapped, so fucking hard that it scared all of them. Tears rolling down your face, while you voice getting Hoarse from the shouting, after you were done, you felt nothing. And words came out with nothing but a whisper...
"I can't do this anymore...."
And with that you left the apartment, with nothing. When the members recovered from the shock, you were long gone. Yoongi being your childhood friend, ran out the door trying to search for you. It was late at night hence not safe for you to be outside, especially alone. He was soon followed by the others, Shouting your name, running around the neighbourhood, Tears clouding the younger member's eyes, fearing your safety, and about your words before you left. Your words playing in everyone's mind, haunting them.
After an hour of searching with nobody being able to find you, they returned home, hoping, begging for you to come back.
On the other hand, you felt like shit, the last thing they needed was you snapping and walking out on them. You took a walk for a while (like 2-3 Hours) without realizing the time, collecting your thoughts.
Back with the BTS members, they were coming to realization, you cooked for them 3 meals every day. You were up before them and slept after making sure all of them ate and were comfortable. You made sure they get a healthy and nutritious meal 3 times a day, atleast 5-6 hours of sleep, and also made sure to clean the apartment. Fuck, for years you did so much. You held them together. But who held you together? You had their backs but who had yours? You let them unwind in your arms but where did you take out your emotions? You helped them but who helped you? Not them... not anyone... Because you never showed it, Never once... They were too busy dealing with their own emotions to notice yours....
Man they felt like shit. No wonder you left. Who could blame you? They would leave too if they were you, long before this, you held on for soo long.... You were so strong, so amazing. God they couldn't describe what they were feeling in that moment. And their tears started to fall, without them realizing it.
You obviously came back to apologize for your out burst, but met with tear filled eyes of your other members. They were apologizing, with broken voice and sobs. You were surprised and also started to apologize, hugging them, and they compalined how you were still worried about them, to which you laughed and told them its second nature to you at this point.
After that day, they started to help out more around they house, with another rule, you will sleep with one of the members (not like that you unholy little shits), cuddle so they could make sure you get enough sleep too. They soon realized how different you acted when you were calmer. Your bond grew as a team and also this also stopped them from disbanding. They also became very over protective of you. Any signs of discomfort and they were beside you. Which you were grateful for.
But nothing goes as fucking planed, like fate loves to fuck with you, Since you all shared a place means no privacy, just your luck. You had brought your diary with you, the same diary you wrote all their songs in. It was locked obviously but one unfortunate day, it was found, by none other than your Leader. You didn't have to worry about it before since you always cleaned, but things changed and the others started to help out around the house. And everyone got curious when Namjoon brought it out, there were 2 of them, one obviously filled with what looked some pages added. There was one more thing, an old carton of banana milk, Yoongi recognized it immediately and got extremely flustered. Yoongi was unfortunately able to figure out the code, how? It was his birthday 090393, As soon as he started to read it, he felt sick, and vas about to vomit, dread washing over him, it was so sick. What do you mean when you wrote that you had died and woken up in someone else's body? What the actual fuck was this. Yoongi dropped the diary and ran towards the bathroom and vomited all the contents of the lunch. One by one all of them read it, not the whole way just the few pages. But all of them realized something and they needed answers. So they waited for you to come home.
You came home ready to tell everyone to freshen up while you cooked. But the moment you entered, you saw all seven of them sitting on the couch and their lied your diary. You dropped everything you were carrying as their gaze turned towards you, trembling with a face that show how horrified you were, instinctively your hand came to cover your mouth, griping it tightly. They were just looking at you until Jungkook spoke up.
"Noona... please tell me the things in this diary is a joke" looking at you, pleading for you to agree with him, hands trembling. Jin was next to speak up
"Y/N..... answer him... Is it true?" His voice betrayed the face he was making.
"FOR FUCKS SAKE ANSWER HIM!!" Yoongi shouted at you making you and the others flinch since Yoongi never raises his voice. That moment, all eyes were on you, waiting for an answer.
Your voice was soft, they wouldn't have caught it if the room wasn't so silent.
"Yes.... Everything in it is true.... I did die and woke up in this body... I- I wanted to tell you guys but...." Your voice was trembling, you were terrified of the changes that will come in your relationship. Shocked and horrified, they just left you there in the living room, to comprehend what you just said. It hit Yoongi the hardest since he knew you for the longest.
Everything changed after that day, they started to avoid you like a plague. No matter how hard you tried, hell they wouldn't even eat the food you made.
You were getting more and more numb as the days passed, this was torture for you. You had made your life's purpose to help them, stay with them... Live for them, but they don't want you there, No reason to live... Right? You reached you breaking point when they excluded you from the song you all were working on. That day you returned home, lay on the bed till it was almost time, thinking about what could have been while waiting for the others to return. Just before the time of their return, you grabbed your phone and left the house. Tonight you were going to end your suffering along with the burden you've been carrying with you.
You didn't know they returned early. Jimin saw you leaving, and his gut had this feeling he couldn't describe it, it could be called dread but it was much worse. So he inform the other members and they understood, and then all of them started to follow you, secrately.
You were out of it while walking to a certain building. You've been watching it, observing the time people left it and when you could access it, without disturbance. You reached the building, it had about 12 story high, so death won't be instant but you could take a few minutes of pain. You took the stairs, slowly making your way up. When you reached the top, you started to walk closer to the edge, there was space on the other side of the railing. You too off your shoes, let your hair down ( if you have short hair ignore this line) and went on the other side and just sat down. Hair flowing with the cool breeze giving you moments of comfort before it was all about to end. You got up, closed your eyes while turning to the roof top, holding the bar, and leaning over the edge and then you let go. Suddenly you felt a hand hold yours, leaving you dangling over the building. You opened your eyes to see Jungkook holding your hand with all his strength while also holding the railing with the other.
He was grabbed by Namjoon, so he let go of the railing and held you using both of his arms. Hoseok also joined him to help while Jin held him. You smiled at them softly and then whispered
"I'm Sorry." And then used your feet to push yourself out of his grip, but Hoseok caught you and Jungkook didn't let go.
When they were finally able convince you and coax you , to pull yourself back up on the roof with their help, you did. And then were met by a slap by Jimin and then hugged by him, speaking incohearent words between his loud and heartbreaking sobs, soon others were also hugging you trembling but Jungkook and Hoseok stood a little far looking at their hands. After the others let go of you, you made your way to the two members standing looking at their hands. How could you be so stupid? Traumatizing a literal child because of your selfishness. Softly you called their name and they snapped out of whatever they were thinking and look at you, back at their hands. Tears now steaming down their face as they tackled you in a hug crying loudly.
After everyone clamed down, They asked you about your past life and you told them, leaving the part out where they were famous because you were scared something might happen to them if you did tell them. They were very curious, and you found that adorable. While you were reminiscing, you casually mentioned about your suicide attempts in your past life, and how they saved you then as well, Traumatizing them further.
The other members then told you that they were avoiding you because they wanted to process things and also ask about the whole back story, Yoongi apologized for yelling, telling you he wasn't angry, Just scared for you and what you went through alone. You understood their reaction, and told them it was fine. This raised even more concerns because you are acting like you didn't just try to kill yourself just a few seconds ago. This was voiced by Yoongi and you told him that you were used to dealing with mental burdens alone. Which RM interrupted and told you you aren't alone like you were in the past life. You have them, everyone nodded at that statement and you chuckled due to how cliche it sounded and how comical they looked nodding like that. That night on that roof, all the secrates you kept to yourself, all out in the open. You felt vulnerable but it wasn't necessary a bad thing.
You were happy that it was now no longer a secrete because, you can express yourself more and not act like everything was okay every time.
Its Okay Not To Be Okay. ( see what i did there?)
After that incident, they never left alone, atleast one member will accompany you, everywhere. You want to cook, let Jin join. You want to paint? Jungkook is ready with supplies. You want to produce music? Suga is waiting for ya. You wanna perfect your choreography? J-Hope and Jimin are waiting in the dance studio. You wanna nap? You can ask anyone. You want to practice your vocal? V is ready to help.
You also released a SOLO called "HEAL" which had 2 songs ' My R' and 'Miss wanna die'. which represented the sucide attempt but also a senario where "what if Jungkook wasn't able to reach you." It stared every members and their grives when it happend, it was raw with feelings. The music video replaying the events of the day with some extra touches. Like a devestating screem of Yoongi as you fell from the roof. and some more emotional stuff. It was there to serve as a reminder to you and the group of what you went through together. You also got a tattoe, a mix of a semicolan and a butterfly sybolising new begining.
Every day was the same until.... You got a call. Caller ID displaying the name "Eomma" (mom). You picked up and greeted her, she returned the greeting and then started to ask about your how your music and stuff was doing, you told her it was going great. To which she replied how happy she is and then told you how your whole family was in Seoul and they wanted to meet. You were suspicious because the last time you saw her or even spoke to her was in the hospital, when you woke up in this body. You reluctantly agreed, She was happy to hear that and told you to wear a pretty dress and look decent and the coming Sunday meet them at the Wangbijib Sicheong Mugyo. You told the other members, Yoongi told you in private that he also has the same suspicions as you and asked if he could accompany you along with Jin. You agreed since it would be more comfortable with them around.
Since it was a fancy restaurant, you made the to males wear tux, and you wore a a Gown (something like this or you can imagine whatever you want). Soon you all reached there and met with the sight of 4 unfamiliar faces along with your family. You made your way to them slowly and after reaching politely greeted them with a low bow. Your mother introduced the women as Ji-eun, the man as Dong-hyun, the boy as Hyun-woo and the girl as Jin-a. You introduced yourself while taking seat and also introduced you band members Min Yoongi and Kim Seokjin.
Your mother asked why you were being accompanied by them to which you replied policy. They understood and stated ordering, while holding a pleasent conversation. The food arrived and everyone started eating. You knew something was up because Hyun-woo kept stealing glances, and Ji-eun was gushing how well mannered you were and how beautiful you looked. Then they came to the point which made you deadpan. Marriage.....
You Parents decided to arrange your marriage with one of their bussiness partner's son. The moment this was brought up Jin choked on his drink while Yoongi's mouth fell open. You calmly wiped your mouth with the napkin provided, and interrupted the two women who were gushing about how you both should get engaged as soon as possible, by saying something that horrified both of them...
"Sorry to burst your bubble but i have no interest in marriage."
I mean why would you wanna marry someone when you have dedicated your whole life to BTS? You planed to stay by their side and marriage or even a relationship will hinder with your plans. So its a big No.
You mother tried to brush it off as you being funny but you interrupted again telling them you were serious. Your mother became furious and started to go on rant about how you need to have a good husband and children before its too late and you should stop wasting time. Your brother who was silent the whole time spoke up saying he respected your choice, infuriating your mother even more.
Jin and Yoongi stayed silent not knowing what to do. Ji-eun started telling you about her son and how successful and hansome he is. You pointed at Jin calling him the most handsome man you've met also using his infamous nickname WWH. This infuriated her and the dinner ended right then and their. Your brother drove you and the guys, telling you that he will always be there for you and not to worry about mother, and he will handle everything. He told you to live your life, which not gonna lie made you a bit emotional.
After your brother dropped you off, you gave him a hug and told him to keep in contact. The two elder members had told the others while you were busy with your brother effectively causing chaos.
Your brother kept his promise and shifted all of you in a bigger home for privacy and comfort, but mainly he didn't like the idea of you sharing a room with hormonal men who can take advantage of your kindness, his words not yours. Life went back to how it was.
Years passed and BTS then blew up, and hate for you started to pour in, about how you were ruining the group. It didn't bother you though, it was natural. But you couldn't say the same for the others. They made a firm statement on every platform, saying any hate towards you is a hate towards all of them, as they were a team.
But one incident where an interviewer had targeted you, bringing up all the hate and rumors to try to fluster you, but even before you could respond, the members got up and started walking away, you were picked up by RM and all of them just walked off. Since it was live the moment they stepped out, all the members reposted the statement and also stated that they will no longer be going to interviews like these.
Everyone soon found your solo album and boom all the haters who questioned your singing and dancing shut up. You don't show off in the band music because you wanted them to shine, but you don't have that restriction when you do solos.
Your other SOLO "HEAL" was also discoverd and people started to hate on you again for writing a song so sensitive without experiencing what those feelings were. You and all the members went live after having enough of the contovercies and reveled your sucidal past. This made people feel very guilty but you understood. You alsi made a statement saying misunderstanding happen and its fine. You were loved more after that.
You also made another solo, This time it had Alan Walkers future songs, You made sure to include him since he did produce so the only thing you did was sing his songs. SUGA was also there to help produce since you aren't allowed to be alone. He wouldn't admit it but he was a little jealous that you went to another producer and not him
That album blew up even more and you got your own fan club like the rest of them. And you were happy. But you didn't consider something..... Their developing feelings for you....
Namjoon was the first to fall for you. For him, it was love at first sight. The day of the competition in Seoul, he saw you and his heart beat increased. The way you'd carry yourself with such elegance and confidence, and during the competition, your voice was smooth but carried authority. Plus he never met someone who could match him like such . He was so sure you would win but you didn't, you lost by a single point. He wanted to congratulate you, who knows maybe get you number..... He over heard you telling someone that since you found him cute and let him win.. He left but then you came up to him and congratulated him and also gave him your number. Overtime, the more you chatted, the more his feeling developed,.......
Yoongi, even after being self aware, did not realise his feeling towards you. After getting a girlfriend, he subconsiously started comparing her to you, never saying it out loud. But all the little thigs you did to spoil him, or when you always hold his his hand while crossing the road or when you both are in crowded places. And after you started to avoid him, he would do the little things only to realize you weren't there. His girlfriend noticed, and decided to end the relationship. Yoongi was a gentleman, but it was you you who made him a better version of himself. She realized and ended it, Of course as expected, Yoongi didn't know, or understand why, She actually felt bad but it had to be done. She did offer they stay friends, He accepted and left, And for some reason it felt right to her. She figured Yoongi went to you. The next time they met alone, it was awkward but she finally told him,
"It was Y/N-nie that you have feelings for, not me. The feeling you felt towards me were just a reflection of what you felt towards her. I can guarenty it since i just know that you went to her after our break up, not that it bothered me since its a habit of yours.... You always go to her in the time of need and you always look relaxed with her... It isn't platonic Yoongi-sunbae.... You love her, more than you realize it. Please think about it."
She then left after giving a shallow bow. Reaching home he laid in his bed wide awake, even when his mind and body were begging him to sleep, her words fresh in his mind 'it isn't platonic...... you love her, more than you realize' . Does he? I mean he finds you absolutely breath taking, he also love all the small quirky habits you had. And god that smile, That smile which lights up his world....... Fuck he really does love you doesn't he.... And after realising it, it just started to grow him. Maybe he might act on them, maybe in the future.
Kim Seok-Jin's feelings were developed the most normal way. It became from friends to crush. He was delighted to find out that you would be a trainee with him, and he also helped you better your pronounciation skills, and you helped him with dancing. And he slowly started to fall for you. He was going to act on it but stopped when you mentioned you aren't looking for a relationship and want to focus on being a better idol. It made him sad but he understood. It also made him fall for you more, you passion and determination.
Jung Hoseok's feelings were complicated due to trust issues and past relationship, where his girlfriend cheated on him. So he prefered platonic since you were also popular with the guys, and you were also best friends with a guy, Min Yoongi, a fellow trainee. He didn't want to make things complicated, even though he belived you both will never be in the same group. He remembers you from when he saved you, and how you dialed Yoongi's number instead of your parents, and you two were practically inseprable even during the training. He had mixed feelings about this since you never talked you the other female trainees (you did but just never showed it). But he couldnt resist your charms, your passion, your hard work..... And your caring nature. He fell, Hard. He knew there will possibly be a love triangle but he didn't mind.. Its not like his rivals will be in the same group right? (lol)
The Maknae line fell for you simultaniously. Taehyung fist, then Jimin and lastly Jeong-guk. Taehyung was a normal teenager who went for looks and you were his type, but he started to truly fall for you when you all became a Band. He remembers you taking care of him, making sure he was alright, but one perticular incident stuck out to him which solidified his feelings for you. When you stood up to the manager about his cloths, Taehyung has cholinergic urticaria, meaning sweat and high body temperature cause hives all over his body, His manger was forcing him to wear tight cloths but you drilled the manager ( since you have a rich brother who was also an investor) and made sure he was comfortable. You also carried a a small electrical fan for him. These small gestures were arrow to his heart, like cupid struck him. As these gestures continued, his feelings also grew.
Park Jimin saw a side of you that only Yoongi had seen until then, It being your clumsy side. You were always careful during your trainee years, and even after the group was formed, but he'd always see you stumble and catch yourself, sometimes even chanting 'don't fall' like a mantra while carrying and walking. He found it absolutely adorable, he noticed your silly quirks and loved them. He also loved how caring you were and also extreemly passionate about your practice. Every time any of the manager would give them a hard time, you would be there to defend them. He loved it, He developed feelings soon after, when one of the manager was giving him an earful for something which was never his fault and he couldn't control, the manger who you later called was on 'power high'. You had shut the manger down so hard that the dude quit. He considered you his and everyone's 'Guardian Angel'
Jeon Jeong-guk, a.k.a Jungkook, joined the Big Hit when he was no older than 13. When he joined, he expected to do everything by himself, and probably not have a childhood. But he was roomed with you due to the lack of space, he was reluctent to share a space with a women much less a pretty one. But all the hesitance vanished the moment he met you. You were so warm and caring, even letting him skip out on chores sometime, but being warm didn't mean you weren't strict. You had always made sure he completed his school work, and kept a balance between spoiling him and disciplining him. You were also very cool in his eyes because of how you defended him and the other younger trainees. He didn't feel any romantic interest till the prank that BTS pulled on his 16th birthday, ( this one, if you haven't seen it). The moment cake came out, you immediately hugged the boy, and he started crying, after a while you were calming down Jungkook with hugs and kisses. Jungkook had then told them that, he was scared that his hyungs and producer were scolding him but the moment you said that you were disapointed in him, he couldn't keep it together and was scared you'd stop spoiling him. He also realised how jealous he got when you'd spoil other members the same way, and then went to Namjoon for advice. To which he found out he was in love.
You trying to kill yourself was a wakeup call for them and they had a meeting on your day off, without you. Every member confessed their feelings for you to each other, and realised it was either they had to fight for your affection or they could share it. They came to the decsion of sharing and protecting you. Since they all loved you, and you care so much for them, You must love the too right?
When they became famous, they kept seeing edits about you and another members, romantic ones. They even started to ship you with the Boys. They had requested their then manager to ask your opinion on it. To which you told him,
"I find them hilarious, I mean have you seen the boys? They are wayyy out of my league. If it were true then damn I'd win the loterry, But it won't happen, cuz I'm like a rock between Diamonds" while laughing.
What...... You think you don't deserve them? How could you? Can't you see how amazing you were? Truth be told they are the ones who don't deserve you....
I guess they have to just show you How important you are to them, Now don't they?
Why don't they recreate some of the fanfics you have been reading hmm....?
You'd like it right....?
A/N: OMFG FINALLYY, My blood, sweat and tears like by god it took too long. At this point i had another idea which i will write and almost dropped this one but i didn't want to keep others who actually look forward to my writing, waiting. Its been more than a month, Which I'm sorry about. I hope you enjoy!!! And wait for part two (it will take a while since i have another fic in mind right now) For right now i kept an open ending but in part two I'll write more about the romantic development in their relationships. Feel free to leave me ideas in the comments and how you thought Y/N ended up with the members?
Stay Safe, Healthy And Hydrated
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m-jelly · 5 months
Levi x reader + Narnia (base?/theme? from the three movies) 😊😅
I know the Narnia books and movies. I can work with this! Normally I don't do movie or tv or book inspired, but I know this and I can make it Royal AU with magic easily!
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Another land with love
Levi x fem!reader
Royal AU, magic AU, fluff, romance, falling in love, villain Levi is actually the good guy, becoming a couple, Narnia inspired.
In your attempt to flee your terrifying partner, you climb through a closet and end up in a new world. You're soon captured by Count Levi Ackerman whom you're warned is evil. During your time with the Count, the two of you fall in love, discover your powers and learn the Queen is the true villain.
Warning, this is a long one because I was given too much free rein on this! It wasn't a scene. Sorry it's a tad long, I tried to cut it down. This has two parts to it.
@ladycheesington @darkstarlight82 @levisbrat25 @galactict3a @nyxiieluna
@li-anne @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity
@nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @emilyyyy-08 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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Panic consumed your very soul. The heat from your heavy breathing wrapped around you as you tried to stay quiet inside the closet. Tears stung your eyes as terror took over. Your body was working overdrive listening to anything. Fight and flight were kicking in.
As your partner's footsteps got closer to the room you were hiding in, you knew that he'd find you and beat you. So, you wiggled further back into the closet and felt cold air. Intrigued and hopeful that this could be your way out, you turned and shoved your way through the musty clothes towards the coldness.
Musty old clothes soon turned into rough pine branches covered in snow. Pain shot through your feet as you ran through thick snow, you were not wearing the clothes for this kind of weather but you would rather face a bitter winter than what was behind you.
It was like the trees were trying to help you be free because there was a push behind them. Eventually, you flung your body out of the treeline and slammed against the snow. With the momentum of your efforts, you rolled down the hill and smacked into a post of a fence lining a road.
You lay there for a while as you let the tears run down your cheeks, you were fed up with everything. After crying for a bit you pushed yourself up and started following the road until you noticed lanterns and a town in the distance. You needed to find someone to help you out.
As you shook from the bitter cold air you noticed posters about the dreaded Count, to be careful of him and to inform the Queen of any and all of his activities. Count Levi Ackerman seemed handsome from the drawing, but you knew better than to have anything to do with bad men again.
You stumbled into an empty tavern and over to the keeper. "H-Hello. I a-ah, need help."
He stared at you. "You're not from here."
You shook your head. "I came here through some weird doorway." You shivered. "I don't know what's happening."
He hurried around to you and guided you to the fireplace. As soon as he sat you down, he wrapped a blanket around you. "I'll get you something warm to drink."
"Th-thank you."
The keeper sat with you and explained you were in a snowy land called Paradis which was ruled by a kind Queen, but rumours are spreading that she might be causing the long winter. He informed you that Count Levi was the Queen's rival, he'd been raiding lands and taking it for his own. All people who use magic are with the Count.
It was clear the more this man talked, the more there was disgust and dislike for anyone with magical abilities. The Queen had linked magic to the Count and therefore all magical people and things were bad. The more he spoke the more uncomfortable you were becoming because you had come here by magic.
He stared at you. "Are you magical?"
You gripped your drink. "No. Magic doesn't exist in my world."
"But you came here by magic."
You put the cup down and held your hands up. "I'm not magical."
He stared at your hands to see a light pink light dance around your hands. "Filthy blood! You're a magus!"
You stood up. "I'm telling you, I'm not from this world. I don't use magic."
He grabbed your upper arm and dragged you out of the tavern. "You're all the same! Disgusting magus!"
You screamed when he threw you hard out of his tavern and against the muddy road. "Ow!"
"You belong in the mud! You pig! MAGUS! MAGUS!"
"Tch, oi?" Both you and the tavern owner looked at a man sitting on a black horse wearing a thick black cloak, black clothes under, black undercut hair and the most devilishly handsome face. "Watch your mouth."
The tavern owner shook. "Th c-count!"
You watched him trip up his stairs and fall into his tavern and lock it. A shiver ran through you as you felt the Count's eyes bore into you. You turned your head and gazed at him only to see his gaze was not of rage or disgust, but something rather soft. Never in all your years has a man ever looked at you like that before.
He jumped off his horse and strolled over to you. "So, you're a magic user and by the looks of you, you're not from this world."
You gulped hard. "I fell into this world through a doorway. Please, don't make me go back."
He crouched next to you and felt his cheeks heat up at how pretty you were. "You must be frozen and scared." He pulled his thick cloak off and wrapped it around you before scooping you up into his strong arms. "Tell me, why do you fear going back?"
"There's only pain. A man is waiting who claims he loves me."
"He hurt you?"
You nodded. "Yes."
Levi gripped you tightly. "I won't let you go back." He sat you on his horse before climbing up and holding you. "I'm Count Levi Ackerman."
You gave your name. "Thank you for your cloak, but aren't you cold?"
"I use fire magic, I'm fine." He looked down at you and thought you looked adorable. "Rest, I'll take care of you and bring you somewhere safe."
You admired Levi's cold beauty. "O-Okay."
He held you close and activated his power causing you to feel a gentle warmth coming from him. He wasn't sure who you were, or where you came from but when he looked into your eyes he saw a connection with you. The two of you were bound in some way, and he felt a need or desire to take care of you.
He glanced down at you as his horse walked and saw you were clinging to him and asleep. He smiled softly and enjoyed the contact with you.
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It'd been a few weeks since you'd arrived at Levi's manor. Everyone had cared for you and treated you like you were the Countess of the home. Levi treated you as if you were his darling love. He was so kind and attentive to your needs.
Magic lessons with Levi were fun, he was teaching you how to embrace your newfound abilities. You listened to every word he said and in return, he listened to you about your world. Levi was fascinated by your world and all the cleaning products you had access to.
The way Levi gazed at you, talked to you and smiled at you made you think he possibly had feelings for you. As the weeks passed, he started bringing you gifts that brightened your day. Some of you hoped he cared for you like you cared for him.
You reached out and watched a huge oak tree grow from the earth from your pink magic. You marvelled at how big and brilliant it was. "I can't believe I can make something like this."
Levi stood behind you and ran his hand down your arm stretched out. "You are brilliant. I've never seen this kind of magic before. You're almost as powerful as me. I believe if we work together we can stop the Queen."
You turned and faced Levi as he played with your hand and caressed your cheek. "I hate that everyone has you wrong." You leaned into his touch. "You're a good man who is misunderstood."
"I'm happy as long as you understand me."
Your cheeks heated up. "I need to ask you something."
"You can ask me anything."
You let out a shaky sigh. "I need to know how you feel."
He tilted his head. "How do I feel? I feel okay."
You shook your head a bit. "N-Not that, b-but I'm glad you're okay."
He released you and stepped back as he called your name.
You panicked a bit. "I-I'm sorry, I w-won't ask!"
He called your name again. "You can ask me anything. I was just moving back because look."
You lifted your head to see flowers everywhere and Levi was covered in them too. You gasped a bit and felt your heart race. "Ah, s-sorry."
He smiled. "It's beautiful. You must be feeling something good."
You stared at him and admired his smile, which only caused more flowers to grow around him and little lights of pink to float around him. "Levi?"
He looked over at you as some light landed on his finger. "I'm in love with you."
You gasped. "H-huh?"
He blushed hard. "S-sorry, but I just felt so compelled to say how I felt." He approached you. "It's true though." He held your hands. "I hope you feel the same way."
You nodded shyly. "I do. I love you too. I was going to ask you if you care for me, but now I have my answer."
Levi pulled you against him. "May I kiss you?"
You whined a little. "You may, but I will warn you if you do you might be swallowed up by flowers."
Levi chuckled and held you against him. "I'm willing to take the risk. Besides, I might end up surrounding you with my flames."
You gasped when fire danced up your arms. "Warm."
He leaned closer and spoke against your lips. "They won't hurt you. They're gentle like I am with you."
Before you could answer him, he pressed his lips against yours and hummed in happiness. The heat between the two of you was addictive. The two of you clung to each other as the kiss deepened. More flowers grew and combined with Levi's flame abilities causing big, bright and dazzling flame flowers to grow around the two of you.
Levi pulled back from your lips and sighed. "Better than I imagined."
You giggled. "Yeah, you're right."
"I think you're my soulmate." He groaned a bit. "Tch, that sounded so cheesy."
You cupped his face and kissed him. "I think we are, soulmates that is."
"I'm glad you feel the same way."
You nibbled your lip and noticed the flowers. "We made flowers together."
He held you close and looked at the flowers you mentioned. "They're...wow...incredible."
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oxpogues4lifexo · 2 months
Keeping Up With The Camerons
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Keeping up with the Camerons
Episode 2 - A Helping Hand
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Previous Episode Here
Episode transcript (/ means cut scene, bold italics means narrator, bold means host)
Word count: 13.5K
Shorter Episodes Here - 3K Words
Coming up!
“You just know they’re doing it”
“He’s a person like the rest of us. Ward just fails to realise it.”
“She’s a princess and he’s.. well.. the devil at his finest.”
“God just kiss already..”
“Your sister! Has been talking to the Pogue down on the south side.”
“Bella’s with that asshole today ain’t she! Gonna go check on her be right back.”
“You uh you know Sarah?”
“I’ve been speaking to her actually..”
“Rafe!! What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I wasn’t talking to you was I?”
“That’s my job! And it has been for 16 years.”
Kooks. And Pogues. Two tribes. One island.
Or in this case..
The Camerons. Kildare. One family. The whole island.
I am your host Ryan Seacrest, and THIS is Keeping up with the Camerons!
This episode includes the bts footage the Camerons don’t know you can see, forgetting that there are cameras in every crevice of their life not just in the hands of my camera crew! (Written in pink)
“We have a busy day today! I’m taking Bella down to the docks where we’re going to help out with the boats. That’s what we do around here, we help out, do charity work! It makes you a better person. Me and Bella do it whenever she’s got a free day from the club. Other days it’s just me on my own. She likes to help out, it’s like payback for me letting her into my home. That’s what she says anyways!” Ward chuckles, his hand running through his fluffy strands. Today, Ward’s dressed more casually. A pair of dark blue jeans hugged around his legs with a checkered shirt sat loosely on his torso; the top few buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up. His watch still held around his wrist tightly.
“Right! Bella up and attem sweetheart!! Big day ah-“ He claps his hands before pausing in the hall between his office and the living room, frowning at the room infront of him. The boys were all sat around the living room, shouting and swearing as the tv shows their video game. Topper and Callum were playing a heated 1v1.
Ward steps closer as his brow furrows, looking round into the kitchen before his eyes take the back of Rafe’s head, “Where’s Bella?”
Rafe swings his head round, mouth wide as if he realised something horrible; infact he was just shocked to see his dad still here. It was around 10:30 and the sun had filled the room; but Ward had been talking with Ryan all morning. “She’s..” He stands up suddenly, his hands pushing through his hair as his eyes widen. “She’s in my room! I’ll go get her.” He jogs up the stairs, his sneakers squeaking up every step.
Ward goes over to the others, “What’s this your playing?”
“Shh shh, hang on!” Topper waves him away as he sits forward on his knees.
“They’re playing COD!” Kelce explains not taking his eyes off the screen.
“Like the fish?” Ward questions genuinely, confused as to what any of this means.
Kelce gives him a laugh as he shakes his head, an answer hanging from his lips before Callum screams, “Fuck!!” He slams the controller on the table sitting back as his hands run over his face.
Topper laughs at him, high-fiving Kelce. “Aw someone a sore loser?”
Callum doesn’t answer, but only stares at him. Ward laughs away the tension, “You lot here all day?” He leans his hands against the back of the couch behind Toppers head.
Sarah comes downstairs, walking over to Ward and wrapping her arms round his belly as she rests her head on his chest. “Good morning beautiful..” He kisses the top of her head.
Topper looks up at Ward, giving Sarah a smile, “Nah I’m out with Sarah today!”
“I’m staying with Rafe.” Callum spreads his legs, his pink shorts sitting up to his knees as a light t-shirt hangs from his body. His big arms hooked around the back of his head, his fingers fiddling with the small patch of sandy hair at the nape of his neck.
“Yeah I don’t mind them letting themselves over. I mean Toppers dating my daughter and Callum’s welcome whenever. It’s just nice to know when and where, you know? If I’m coming home from a stressful day I’d wanna know if I’m going to have to deal with lots of people around my house. Especially with the cameras here at the moment.”
Rafe reaches his room, knocking on the door lightly, "Bella?"
"Come in!" Bella exclaims bubbly. He lets himself in, peaking round the door incase she was changing despite her offer to come inside.
"Hey." She smiles softly, pulling her top over her head. Rafe goes over to help her, pulling her hair out her top.
"Hey." The corners of his lips lift as his eyes catch hers for a moment; Bella blushes, giggling nervously as she walks past him; sitting on the edge of the bed to slip her shoes on.
"Wards ready to leave!" Rafe kneels down, taking the laces from her hands and tying them gently.
A smile forms against Bella's lips as she sits back up, "I know. I woke up late. Wheezie came in like five minutes ago saying she's going out."
Rafe laughs along under his breath, tapping her shoe as a 'there you go' before moving to the next. "You out all day? Was hoping to do something with you today. We haven't really seen each other this week. Kinda miss you.." He mutters, almost too quiet but she nods along, a small smile pulling at her cheeks.
She leans down, lifting a bit of hair that had fallen over Rafe's eye, "I'm sure we could do something later! Maybe we could go out on the boat or something?" She reassures, lifting her words near the end to bring his attention up to her.
He nods, a smirk tugging at his lips as he stands up, putting out his hand for her to take,
"Okay. Cant wait." He places a kiss to her head as he wraps his arm around her neck, hand still holding hers as he takes her downstairs.
"Me and Rafe rarely ever get time alone really, I mean we don't have any reason to see each other outside of our friend group because what more is there to do? But I can never really tell if he means it or not you know. Like if he really does want to see me or he's just saying it because he feels like he has to!" Bella shrugs, a slight frown crossing her brows as she forces a smile. "It doesn't really matter." She throws her hands up as she lets out a quiet laugh.
“You look after her a’ight. Wan’ her back here in one piece.” Callum demands, his eyebrows raising as his eyes lock onto Ward. Wards face scrunches in offence, his words making Ward sound incapable of taking care of someone.
“She’ll be fine Callum.” He answers plainly, fed up with his constant distrust.
“Here you are sir!” Rafe steps down from the stairs, holding his hand out towards Ward as he takes Bella’s hand to help her walk down ahead of him. The others look up as she giggles.
The boys all look at one another and laugh, muttering something the cameras were unable to pick up.
“Rafe’s definitely.. different around Bella. When he’s with her too long he gets um..” Topper pauses, his fingers meeting the bridge of his nose as he holds back from laughing again.
Callum places his arm on Topper’s shoulder as he moves into shot, “He turns soft! Thats what happens. He forgets he’s a guy.” Topper snickers, removing himself from the shot to calm himself down. “I mean he just..”
Topper takes a deep breath as he stands back up, Cal’s arm taking his shoulder once again, very evidently showing off his height. “He means that Rafe seems to age down when around her for too long. As if he’s not almost a 20 year old man! He loses his sense of decency.”
“To be honest I don’t even know who he is around her.” Callum grumbles, scratching his brow and Topper nods along.
“Nah you just know they’re doing it.” Toppers obvious lie forces him to laugh despite trying to hold it back. The thought in Callum’s mind causes him to physically gag as he sticks up his middle finger to Toppers face and leaves, back inside.
Topper snickers, looking back at the camera once more, shrugging his shoulders, “I mean we’d never know even if they were, don’t know why I’m the bad guy?” He lets out a menacing laugh before running inside back to annoy Callum.
“Ah there you are!” Ward announces, as Sarah takes herself from his hold. She joins Topper on the couch whilst Ward pulls Bella in for a hug.
“You’re welcome..” Rafe mutters to himself, rolling his eyes as he goes back over to the couch and takes the controller for himself. Bella’s eyes follow him heavily.
“I see the way Ward treats Rafe. He doesn’t care. Or atleast he doesn’t let on that he cares! It kills to see Rafe the way he gets when Ward doesn’t appreciate him. Like earlier when he expected atleast a ‘thank you’ for something. I don’t know what it was but I knew he was upset over it! He tries so hard for him yet Ward doesn’t notice.” Bella bats her lashes, dabbing the corners of her eyes that teared up by the mere thought of Rafe being treated the wrong way. “Sorry!” She laughs at herself, waving a hand over her face as she sniffles; calming herself back into sanity.
“He um.. he calls me a lot during the night when me and Cal are at home, to ask if I’d stay up with him and just talk. I hate hearing him sniffling and stuff across the phone and not being able to do anything. I do try my best for Rafe, he deserves it from atleast someone!” She smiles softly, looking through the glass doors at Rafe on the couch. With a shrug of her shoulders she speaks up again, “He’s a person like the rest of us. Ward just fails to realise it.”
“Well kids we’re off! See you tonight for dinner.” His hand finds Sarah’s head as he squeezes lightly, causing a small laugh to fall from her lips as the others say their goodbyes.
Wards hand meets Bella’s as he guides her to the door, she turns back and waves one last ‘bye’ to the cameras before they make their way out to the car outside.
Ward holds the door for Bella as she lifts herself into the passenger seat. She wore a floral pink skirt and a white tank top as the weather today was a hot one.
“So I’m guessing it’s your episode today?” Bella watches Ward drive, focusing on the road and she glances back at the camera.
“Yep! I’m first. We’re going to the docks today aren’t we?” He turns to her, smiling brightly as he nods his head towards her, his voice soft and calming.
“Does he always speak to you like that?”
“Like what sorry?” She tilts her head, confused as Ward hadn’t spoken to her in quite a while. She was sat on the edge of one of the piers, her feet swinging just above the waters surface, next to a friendly face.
“Shit you don’t hear it Bell’?” She looks at him, eyes wide, brows furrowed. Not understanding what exactly she’s missing. “He babies you so hard!”
“He does not??” She watches his expressions as he snickers under his breath, his lips squished shut to try not letting it out. “John B stop!!” She pushes his face to get him to stop but it only makes it worse. He lets out a loud cackle.
“He so does Bella! Like everyone sees it!! But you know.. it’s cos your his favourite ‘n all.” He raises his eyebrows, tilting his head towards her so their noses were touching.
She giggles, forcing a frown on her brows as she sighs. “Shut up..”
He sits up suddenly, holding his chest in his palm, his mouth fallen agape as he stares at her. She giggles once more, “Okay.. maybe he does a- a little?”
“That’s the closest you’re gonna get to a yes so take it!” John B shrugs at Ryan, Bella looks up at him in disbelief as she smacks his chest, “She abuses me! You see that?”
She tuts rolling her eyes to the camera, “I do not!! Tell him I don’t!” She pleads to him, desperation filling her eyes as her kindness is very dear to herself.
He laughs again, pulling her into him, his arm sat round her neck, “Nah she’s nice I guess.” He playfully rolls his eyes, rubbing his fist through her hair. She sits up, pulling away from his grip as she stares at him. He lifts himself from the pier and runs the opposite direction quickly followed by Bella as she shouts for him.
“She’s probably the nicest person on the island if I’m being honest. Like if you need her, she’s there you know.” John B laughs, his hand pushing his hair from his face. “It’s why I don’t understand how she’s friends with Rafe?? Like she could’ve been friends with atleast Sarah or something you get what I’m saying. But no. Rafe. They’re like the complete opposites, she’s a princess and he’s.. well.. the devil at his finest. It doesn’t make sense. But I guess when she looks the way she does and she’s as sweet as she is, you don’t really care who you're friends with.”
“Yes!” She turns her body back to the cameras, holding that same precious smile she always wears. “We normally just help out with the boats and transport anything the others can’t. It’s an easy day to be fair! Theres alot of people down there to help.”
“You spend your time with that John B kid don’t you!” Ward brings up, trying to keep the conversation going, “Those two are practically siblings. Always messing about and not actually helping.” He takes a moment to look at her, raising an eyebrow.
She giggles, eyes widening at the camera as Ward rats her out, “Umm.. no?” She mutters, rolling her eyes playfully. “I mean we make helping out fun! That.. that counts?”
“Mm..” Ward agrees unconvincingly, letting out a small chuckle before turning the corner to the docks; he places his hand gently against her stomach to urge her to sit back in her chair, “She is a big help nonetheless!” She smiles in the rearview mirror at the camera.
His hand squeezes her knee before stopping the car. “You want to entertain for a moment I have to go sort something out..” he mutters to her and she merely nods, pulling a smile on her lips as she gets out the car.
She guides Ryan and the camera crew down to the piers, waving and saying hello to the men passing by.
“Hey darling! How’re you this morning?”
“Hi Heyward, I’m good thank you! Howre you?”
“I’m alright thanks sweetheart! Just hot is all.”
The sun was high up in the sky; clear of clouds as the temperature grew warmer. The water was reflecting like crystals along the shore and against all the boats as the old wood of the piers creaked with every step of each body that walked over it. The wind picked up and fell, evident in the way Bella’s hair would sway in the wind and her skirt would lift and drop as she skipped.
Ryan’s, and the crew’s, eyes sat proudly on her face. The whole parade Ward threw yesterday caused a slight uneasiness amongst the group. Bella bounced along the docks before stopping infront of a fishing shop more locally known as ‘Hooks and Kooks’.
“So this is where we work!” She holds her hands up to show off the area. “Over there..” she points at the rows of boats, covered in masses of men heaving boxes, “..Is where we put all the fish and equipment to transport! Andddd,” she looks around before pointing her manicured nail at a young boy, “That’s John B! He's currently.. he’s refilling the diving equipment on the boats!”
The camera zooms in on the boy, his hair fluffy and windswept. He wore a grey bandana loosely around his neck with a pair of blue shorts and a washed T-shirt that looked as though it was covered in some sort of substance; blood, water, something or other. He was carrying a large metal tank back into one of the boats, his muscles sweating under the sun.
As the camera pulls back, Bella had begun her way over, “John B!” She waves as he notices her. He drops the tank down before hopping out the boat and a large smile appears on his face. He rubs his sweat-covered hands on his shirt, before running one through his hair, pushing away the strands from his eyes.
She reaches him, opening her arms as he pulls her into his chest deeply.“Long time no see Bells! Thought you were dead.” He laughs against her ear making her pull away and frown, tilting her head as she laughs.
“Thanks for checking up.” She stares at him and he just lets out a laugh, his hand finding his hair once again as the wind took over its movement.
“So uh.. you got caught up in the show then?” He nods his head toward Ryan.
“Mhm!” She nods, following his gaze to the cameras beside them. “Well I kinda walked in on it yesterday and now Wards dragged me along today so.. I guess I have!” She giggles, her cheeks reddening at the realisation. She plays with the hem of her skirt as John B looks back at the cameras.
Ryan nods, lifting a hand to him. “I’m Ryan!” He steps forward giving him a hand. John B takes it and smiles, nodding back, “I’m John B!” He turns back to Bella, “Where’s Ward?”
She shrugs scratching at her eyebrow as she looks around, “He said he had to do something. So we’re in charge now!” She laughs, bouncing up on her toes to hook her arm around his neck; her head rested against his.
“Hm..” he chuckles, looking at her as his hand finds the small of her back, “I’m liking the sound of this.”
"Heyward!" Ward announces, open arms and a big grin.
"Hey Mr C! Looking good today as always." He nods, a smile pulling at his lips.
"Same to you Bob. What was the issue?" He looked around, frowning at the lack of problems.
Heyward bends a finger, gesturing him to follow as he leads him out to his boat; pointing to the crates of groceries inside, "It's all gone off! All of it! I left it all in ice over night but it's all mouldy already. We can't give that out to the island like that but it's too late to order in more?" His brows furrow as he turns back to await Wards response.
Ward bites his lip, a brow dipped as he holds his jaw, contemplating the options. He walks back off inside, causing only more confusion to drown Heyward.
"-Yes.. please!" Ward steps back outside, squinting under the sun whilst scanning the groceries. "That'll do thank you!" He nods as he pushes his phone back in his pocket, looking up at Heyward with a grin. "Sorted! More groceries will arrive anytime now." He pats Heywards shoulder.
"What- How? I mean thank you!"
Ward chuckles, "I know a few people."
"Thank you Ward!"
“Sorry I had to go speak to Heyward about the transport. He called me earlier to say there was trouble!” Ward readjusted his watch as he steps outside to the cameraman that waited for him. “The kids alright? Doing good work?” He speaks to the man behind the camera as if he was allowed to answer but Ward knew he couldn’t. He just wanted to make conversation for the audience.
He makes his way down to the pier where the two were working.
“Hey Mr Cameron!” A blonde boy tips his cap to Ward as another boy around the same age steers the boat into an empty spot.
“Hi JJ. Call me Ward remember kid?”
“Jayj!!!” Bella shouts, dropping a crate of fish quickly, causing John B to flinch slightly. He looks up and watches as Bella runs off towards the other boy.
“Bella?” He frowns as he opens his arms for her to jump into, spinning her around fast on his feet. He squeezes her tightly, letting her feet feel the ground without letting go. “Shit I’ve missed you..” He mutters as a smile pulls at his lips.
“Yeah I missed you too, J!” She goes in for another hug, resting her head on his shoulder.
“Bella, working remember?” Ward pipes up, almost ordering her as she lifts herself from JJ’s grip with a slight groan.
“Yes ma’am!” She takes JJ’s hat, tipping it to him and placing it to her head before skipping off back to help John B. JJ follows suit, placing himself on a wooden crate beside the boat.
Ward chuckles to himself as he presses a palm to the last boys back, “Pope!”
“Sir!” He nods to him, heading off in the opposite direction.
“So me and Bella are loading up all the boats, these boys here are taking them around the island and John B’s handling the equipment!” Ward recaps despite Bella’s explanation previously. “They’re a great help despite everything my son speaks about them. It’s funny how one persons point of view can be completely different to your own!”
“Ward, helping remember?” Bella looks at him, hands on her hips as she raises an eyebrow. Her foot tapping away at the floor of the pier.
He laughs unknowingly as his eyebrows jerk at her words. He jogs over and before she could react to the realisation of his next move, he had already tackled her; pulling her over his shoulder and spinning her around across the wood. Giggles and struggles left her mouth, causing the boys next to them to smile.
JJ watches, his lips never shifting. “You gotta stop before you bust bro.” John B nudges his side with an elbow.
“Shut up man!” He pushes his arm off him. “Cant be happy to see my best friend again?”
“Little too happy if you ask-” He mutters before getting cut short by the palm of JJ’s hand meeting the back of his head; a groan falling from his lips.
“Boys behave!” Ward had dropped Bella by now, making his way over to the two. “Jesse don’t you have jobs to do?”
JJ shrugs, “Nah I got like 5 minutes bro don’t worry ‘bout me!” He chuckles, enjoying the look on Ward’s face.
“Ward, can I talk to JJ until he leaves? I haven’t seen him all week!” Bella hops over, pulling a sweeter smile than the last if that was somehow possible. She holds her hands behind her back as she sways side to side, trying her absolute best to convince him as if he needed convincing in the first place.
He sighs, knowing the answer before she even asked the question; nodding, causing her to jump up and down like a child. “Five minutes!” He holds up a hand to her face and she giggles.
“Thank youuuu, thank you, thank you!!” Bella sings as she hugs him. He steps out the way and takes John B back to the boat to finish with the crates.
“So Bells, how's your boyfriend?” JJ swings his feet against the wooden crate that held him up, a small grin pulling at his cheeks, already knowing the answer.
Bella groans, her eyes rolling, "He’s not my boyfriend Jayj, you know that." She states firmly, clearly annoyed by the question; JJ mouthing back the words with a smirk as she spoke didn't help the obvious irritation of the subject.
"Yeah well I beg to differ! He’s taking up all your time, I don’t see you no more mama." His face (a small pout and his eyes wide) making it obvious how serious he meant his words.
She notices, reciprocating his expressions as she almost pleads, "No J, I’ve been stuck at work all week I told you that! It’s not his fault."
He scoffs under his breath, his eyebrows jerking as his eyes take the keys in his lap, "Excuses, excuses.."
"Jayj.." She practically begs as her eyes tear up, her eyelashes batting away the urge to cry as her brows knit together through pure frustration.
He laughs at her but couldn't hide the slight lip quiver caused by the sight infront of him; scratching at his brow to distract himself, "I’m just teasing ma, I know!"
Bella's eyes lift as her mouth falls wide, her brows forming into a frown, "Don't do that!" She lifts herself onto her toes to land a smack on his head, forcing a sound of pain to fall from his mouth as he grips his hair, "Making me feel bad J.."
JJ opens his mouth to apologise but before he could, his attentions pulled away, "JJ!" Pope waves to him, shaking the boat keys in the air to tell him it's ready.
"Oh bro I gotta go Pope needs me! See you round?" He jumps off the crate with a ‘thud’, tapping his hand to Bella's arm.
Her eyes fall as another frown takes her face, "What?? But.. JJ! You're so busy all the time I never see you anymore!" She whines mockingly as she pushes her bottom lip out, tilting her head for more sarcasm.
He bites the inside of his cheek, a smirk pulling at the corners of his lips as a small breathy laugh falls from his tongue, "… shut up!" He glares at her, only causing another giggle to fill the painful silence.
She smiles, holding in the laugh as her face tenses, forcing a strong complexion to take her features, “Never!”
JJ can’t help but laugh once more before shaking his head, taking his hat off her head and smoothing back his hair to place the hat ontop. “You’re a funny one Bells!” He flashes her a quick wink before spinning his keys around his finger and heading over toward the other boy.
Her brows wobble at her contemplation that clearly took over her face. Her mouth opens and closes before lifting to a soft smile, “Hey Jayj??” She shouts over the noise of creaking wood and middle-aged men yelling; her hands lifting to surround her mouth, tunnelling the sound.
His head swings back, lifting his hat slightly to block the incoming sun from above, “Yeah??”
“Love you!!” She blushes at her own words, squinting her eyes in the sunlight as her skirt gently swayed against her thighs.
JJ laughs against his breath, “Yeah love you too asshole!!” He steps onto the boat beside him.
They both quickly raise their fists, sticking out their middle fingers; causing them both to drop a throaty laugh at one another before turning away and heading back to their previous intentions.
John B stood with his arms crossed, his eyebrows raised as he fought to keep his hair in place against the wind, “God just kiss already..” He mumbles loud enough that she hears as she walks over. The words finding her focus and her head jolts up.
All that was picked up from the camera was the back of Bella’s head and John B’s widened eyes at her notice; Bella lifts her arms to shove him close to the edge of the pier deck. He stumbles backwards, catching himself on one of the wooden beams holding up the pathway. Bella laughs and he merely watches her from afar, keeping his distance as she snorts, uncontrollably laughing, causing a snicker to fall from his own mouth.
“I honestly couldn’t tell you what the hell the thing between them is. I mean half the island thinks she’s with Rafe and the other half JJ. So it’s not only this underlying rivalry between Kooks and Pogues, it’s much deeper than that in the sense that The Cut is team JJ and Figure Eight is team Rafe.” John B laughs to himself, “It’s like twilight in real life. But if I’m being honest..” he whispers, gesturing to the camera to come closer, glancing back at Bella who sat on the boat behind him, “I don’t think she likes either of them. I mean it’s just how she is, she’s the same with me. Unless she’s a- no I won’t say that haha! But you get what I mean.”
Back at TannyHill..
“Ha yes!! Eat shit Rafe!” Callum shouts to him as their heads stay facing the tv infront of them. Rafe’s brows knitted and tongue poking out ever so slightly; the concentration very evident, not hearing Callum’s words of discouragement. Or more so, ignoring them.
“Bullshit!! How??” Callum screams once again, Rafe able to land a hit on him without Cal even noticing.
A small chuckle falls from Rafe’s lips, his body leant over his knees.
Callum sat right beside him, back straight, holding the controller in the air as if moving it on its own would do anything at all.
The slam of the front door throws him off, Rafe managing the last final blow before a big defeat screen pops up on his side.
“Ha! Asshole. Teaches you to fucking get all cocky on me.” Rafe drops the controller on the table, relaxing back into the couch with his hands rested behind his head, lips lifted to a cocky smirk despite his previous statement.
Earlier Callum had challenged Rafe to a 1v1 due to the fact that Rafe was certain he’d win after Cal’s performance against Topper that morning; Callum getting all worked up and confident as he’d never seen Rafe even touch the game before.
“Prick..” He mumbles, joining Rafe against the back of the couch.
“Fucking Bull..” A voice loudens coming closer.
The boys both look up to notice their other counterpart, Topper, walking into the room. A frown taking Rafe’s face. “Sarah got bored of you?” Callum snorts at his question earning him a dirty stare from Topper.
“No. She’s out with her friends.”
“Then why the long face for?” Callum snickers, Rafe hitting his arm to get him to stop.
“What’s up?” He frowns, seeing genuine upset in Toppers face as he can’t look at the two of them.
Topper scoffs at his thoughts, shaking his head as he rubs a hand over his face, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Guess what I found out today.” He sighs through his words.
“What did you find out today Topper? Enlighten us!” Rafe speaks calmly, surprisingly.
“Being friends with a girl, especially when she’s Bella Brooks, has taught me how to deal with shit like that! She gets upset over the smallest things, gets overwhelmed easily, things like that you know. The way I had to help her and comfort her, I kinda use that with the guys too. I mean it’s very rare, none of us ever get upset unless it’s some girl shit Toppers whining about. But she told me that even if you’re joking about shit like that it probably means it’s hurting more so just be nice. I guess it does kinda work but don’t tell her that. If she finds out I’ve actually taken her advice and been nice to someone other than her she’s never gonna let it go.”
“My girlfriend,” He looks up at Rafe, his eyes darken, “Your sister! Has been talking to the Pogue down on the south side. Don’t know when, don’t know how, but a message on her phone came up while she was using the bathroom!”
“Which one??” Rafes brows drop together, his tone more serious now.
“Uh John B!”
“Shit!!” Rafe yells as he pushes himself off the couch, picking up his phone from the table and walking away to the front door without a second thought.
“Woah where you going??”
“Got a date or something?” The boys both look at one another and laugh before stopping at the sound of Rafe sighing.
“Bella’s with that asshole today ain’t she! Gonna go check on her be right back.” He scratched his head, running out the door before hopping on his bike and riding off to where the cameras could no longer see.
"What's all the noise?" Rose struts into the living room, glass of champagne in hand. She glares at the two boys on the couch.
"Uh yep we're going!" Callum drops the controller.
"Sorry ma'am!!" Kelce gets up hastily, avoiding eye contact.
They mumble as they run out the front door, avoiding any slight conversation with her.
"Those kids have issues.." She rolls her eyes, going out to the boat.
The three of them sat on Ward's boat, sharing a cooler full of ready-made sandwiches and packets of chips. Cans of coca-cola and beer spread beneath. The temperature only grew warmer as the day went on, the skies clear and wind come to a halt, the water still.
The cameramen left them to it for a while, enjoying their own lunch whilst a camera sat on the boat, picking up the footage for them.
"So Bella after this we'll go home and sort out the housing okay?" Ward spits out between bites of his sandwich.
Bella only nods, mouth full of food. John B turns to her, a frown pulling at his brows, "You still gotta pay for that shit? I thought you said Callum agreed to moving in?"
She laughs as she tries clearing her throat, covering her mouth as she spoke, "Nah he was drunk, apparently when he's drunk it's like he's in Vegas. Anything goes and nothing will change. It's his stupid rule but it's the most idiotic thing i've ever heard. So according to him, nope. And we never will!" Bella shrugs, an obvious look of disappointment taking her face but was quickly covered by a forced smile.
"I have tried reasoning with him John, but with a boy like him you'll never get through to him. His mind is set and nothings changing it unfortunately. I even mentioned just taking in Bella again and he flipped."
"What he hurt you??"
"Almost..” Bella sighs at the thought, “It's why I agreed to just drop the idea as a whole. I don't care as long as he's okay and no ones hurt you know.." She smiles lightly, keeping her eyes down as John B watches with slight concern in his eyes.
"Well she's got work tomorrow haven't you? And Rafe's gonna check up on her throughout the day. Keep Cal at bay I suppose." He chuckles, easing the moment slightly as he takes a sip of his beer.
"Thats good.." John B replies calmly, the air becoming tense and the awkwardness growing.
Bella looks up and notices the two glance at one another, wanting to move the conversation on quickly, "So who's episode is it tomorrow?"
"Uhh.. Pretty sure they said it was Sarah's. Rafe's is the one after I'm sure of that! He keeps saying how he's sticking with you all day."
She snorts, choking on her food, "Emotional support type thing."
"Exactly that!" Ward laughs, the previous conversation long gone as the air once again filled with joy.
"Shit.." John B mutters, frowning down at his can as he swirled the liquid around the metal.
Bella looks up, her clear motherly instincts kicking in as the upset reaches her eyes quickly, "Whats wrong??"
"Nah! Nothing just, kinda forgot about the camera's!" He laughs, her body relaxing as her shoulders release and eyes soften, "Are we meant to of like, entertained or something?"
Ward laughs at the concerned tone in John B's voice, enjoying the thought for the show despite his lack of cooperation. "No thats the point of the show! If they want you to talk about something or explain something they usually do it later on, let you do your thing first. It wouldn't be a reality show otherwise. It'd be a.." He takes a moment, the kids waiting patiently for him to think of a punchline, looking back at one another with a smirk, "A.. Fake-ality show!"
The kids snicker, the obvious seriousness and proudness to his words making the sentence 10x funnier. He starts laughing, nodding over his embarrassment as the realisation sinks in, "Couldve been better huh.." Bella and John B nod before the hold on their laughs break, letting out these loud cackles as they hold themselves back from falling over; Silence hitting when the laughs hit so deep, arms swinging around holding stomachs.
Ward stops laughing and watches, his lips tucked, admitting defeat. "I don't think it was that bad.."
“What do you two think about Ward? About the Camerons? You both seem to be quite close with them!”
The two of them take a moment to think, brows furrowed as the glance at one another. Bella lifts her eyes to Ryan, a small smile tugging at her lips, “The Cameron’s are literal lifesavers. They’re practically my adopted family so they mean everything to me!” She giggles, a shrug assisting her words. “He’s always been there for me and they do treat me like family so I have nothing to complain about!” Her smile softens, another shrug following before turning to John B to hear his opinion.
“Well I mean they’ve really helped me out money wise! Without them I’d be living on the streets. So if anything I owe them a lifetime! I couldn’t tell you how grateful I am for Ward if I’m being honest.” He smiles to Bella, them both nodding, content with their answers as they look back up at the camera.
"You know JJ’s actually not shut up about you since you last came over." John B stretches out on the boat chair, legs spread as he leans his head back to enjoy the sun.
Ward occupies himself, looking out over the water with a grin, enjoying the view and the company.
Bella sighs, nodding as she leans her head against John B's shoulder, tucking her legs up to her chest. "I'm not surprised.. but I told him to come see me at work!"
"You think he'd survive that Bells? Rafe would kill him." He laughs looking down at her as his fingers graze the little patch of skin between her skirt and top. His words caused Bella to look up, a small smile tugging at her lips.
"Okay yeah true.. Well no! He's been really good with JJ recently actually. It's Callum who'd have a problem with it but I can usually calm him down." She shrugs, resting her head back to its previous position.
John B watches a moment, rolling his eyes with a smirk, "Yeah sure."
"What??" She looks up; clearly picked up on the smile that accompanied his comment.
"Nothing just.. you don't see it do you?"
"See what exactly?" She frowns, hand pushing at his chest to lift herself up slightly.
"Nah just.. in what universe would Rafe willingly be nice to JJ?"
"Well I asked him to?" She tilts her head, not picking up on the hints.
He shakes his head, not wanting to point out what he's thinking as he doesn't want to ruin anything, "Nah sorry nevermind!" Bella's brows furrow, her mouth agape as she tries to read his mind.
"Ward are you ready?" The camera crew walk back onto the boat and take Ward inside, distracting Bella and John B away from the conversation.
The camera crew let them finish before joining them back on the boat, Ward sat with them inside whilst John B and Bella enjoyed the sun outside. Bella sat on one of the chairs, her legs up on the glass table as John B rested his head against her lap, his hair splayed out and hands behind his head. She fiddled with his loose strands whilst he kept his eyes up on hers, deep in conversation with one another.
“They are a funny coupling. I think it’s sweet though. How close they are just from heaving fish around.” He laughs, “But she’s like that with everyone and I find it very relieving, knowing her struggle with friends in the past. With Sarah.” His hand finds the back of his head, scratching an itch caused by the heat from the sun.
“I mean she’s practically the islands mum. Looks after my children, the Pogues, everyone really! Even me sometimes,” he chuckles, almost sounding surprised by his own words. “She’s good like that yeah..”
He smiles softly, looking back to watch her talk to John B for a moment.
“You really do see her like your own don’t you!” Ryan states, watching him.
“I mean how couldn’t I. Shes so special to me. I wouldn’t have had it any other way; raising her and all that. And I sure as hell know Rafe and the other boys wouldn’t either. They all see her how I do, with just pure happiness, relief in a way. She calms us all: Me, Rafe, John B, JJ. Everyone who’s close enough with her. It’s something no words could describe. We all just have so much love for her. It’s why I dont understand how people like Rose can’t try to like her. Why she accepts my children and not her. Bella was living with us at the time, she just doesn’t like her. She even likes Callum! That must say something atleast..” Ward spoke, his eyes fixated on the pairing outside, never shifting. A smile held perfectly still on his lips through every word.
“Hm?” He turns back around, as if nothing had happened.
“Can we get onto the topic now?”
“Yes sorry!” He clears his throat, straightening himself up as he readjusts his watch on his wrist, pulling down his collar to flatten it.
“You know Sarah?” John B raises his brows, watching Bella’s expressions contort.
“Hm..” Bella frowns, tilting her head as she bites her lip, taking a moment, “I don’t think I do no..” She shakes her head, holding back a small smile.
John B gives her a stare causing her to laugh as she shrugs, “Sorry yeah sure.”
“I uh.. I’ve been talking to her actually!”
Bella’s eyebrows furrow, eyes widening as her mouth falls open, “What..” She pauses processing what he’s saying, “I- She.. She’s with Topper, John B!” She states informatively, making sure he understands the situation like she does.
“Yeah I know that! But he’s a dick Bells. She deserves better than that.”
“You don’t know the other half of it. He loves her John B, and even if he was a ‘dick’, condoning cheating is still not okay?”
“I’m not? I’m just saying that if she ever did end things with her, I’d.. you know.. I..”
“Do you have a little crush John B..??” She teases, poking his face all over until he has enough and pushes her off, making her giggle at his antics. “Aww there’s nothing to be embarrassed about, it’s cuuuuute.” She sings the last word, a big grin on her face as she watches his expressions change because of her words.
“Shut up, you like Rafe..” He closes his eyes, arms crossed over his chest like a toddler throwing a tantrum.
Her eyebrows dip, her lips quivering trying to hold back a laugh but failing, “Okay? But I don’t?” She snorts at the pure lie that left his mouth knowing how he’s trying to switch the subject around onto her.
“Mm.. guess we both have things we don’t wanna admit huh..”
She sighs, a breathy laugh accompanying; slapping his bare stomach from where his shirt lifted up, pulling a groan from his throat, “Shut up!”
“Was that you or me?” John B lifted his head slightly, looking around for any sight of a phone.
“I think it was me!” She lifts her bum to pull the phone from under her thigh. The boy watches her face frown as she reads the name and the message.
“Who is it? Cal?”
She shakes her head, moving her phone slightly to see his face, “Rafe..”
His eyes widen and fall again, the mention of Rafe’s name following a frown is the rarest of rare for Bella. He couldn’t comprehend the issue.
“She never mentioned they had issues. We were joking about him seconds before I didn’t understand. Its Rafe. And Bella. Like there’s never been a problem there.” He speaks with a constant dip in his brow, still confused even after knowing the truth.
“So Ward you help out? Does that mean you don’t get paid?”
“No of course we don’t! We volunteer. Thats the whole point is to not get paid. It’d be stupid to volunteer and expect something back!” He laughs at Ryan like his question was stupid, a big grin sat across his face.
“Right..” Ryan laughs awkwardly, feeling slightly idiotic. “So all you do is fill and carry crates?”
“Well no.. I mean it depends on so much! The weather, the day, the jobs available etcetera. Today Heyward had his son transport the necessary goods, and there was a lack of help in fish duty! So we helped out.”
“Oh okay. So what else do you do? Could you explain that for us?”
“Yes of course. A lot of the time we bring our boat down and do peoples food deliveries, and sometimes end up doing some more chores for those houses too like mowing the lawn. Other times like today when those jobs are already being done, we can fish, fill and move crates, or anything in that area. Sometimes we work at the store fronts, so we can sell boards, hooks, rods and stuff like that! It all depends on what’s free and what is needed that day!”
Bella had sent in a screenshot of the messages to put into the episode, we will show them to you in the next few minutes.
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Bella shows John B the message, the tone coming from him very different to the usual Rafe Bella deals with. Evident by the previous texts seen in the screenshots.
He can’t help but scoff at the sentence, “Does he mean me?”
She shrugs, a sigh leaving her mouth as her brows knit together, “I’d say JJ, but.. why would he even care? I don’t.. I..”
John B takes the phone, typing something out so she would stop panicking. “There! Just gotta ask.” He hands it back to her, watching her squeeze the phone in her palm as she awaited Rafe’s response.
When a second buzz rings out, she takes a moment to read the message before her head jerks up, eyes scanning the area as her brows fall closer together. John B lifts himself to look over her hand at her phone, reading off the message before joining her in the search.
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Ignore the time stamps ^
He lifts himself from her lap, cautious of both of their own wellbeing’s if he really did see.
She sighs again, leaning back on her chair, “Whatever, he’s probably just messing with us.”
“It’s not that I was scared of him- God no! I’d never be scared of Rafe that’s one thing I’m sure of! But it’s that I’m scared of what he can do. What I know Cal will do if he tells him I had a ‘Pogue’ laying on my thighs. Not to me. But to anyone else in the vicinity, aka JJ or John B depending on where and when. He’d never hurt me, never! But I know what he’s capable of.. and it’s not something I like to get myself involved in.”
“What exactly do you mean by that? Could you-”
“I mentioned it in the last episode, well.. yesterday! I don’t need to talk about it again. I don’t want to. I’m done.” She smiles before finding her way back to Ward.
“Bella!” John B exclaims, turning to the side of the boat. Before Bella could comprehend John B had fallen back into the boat.
“Woah woah woah hey hey Rafe stop!! What’re you doing??” She jumps up, holding her hand out to kind of ease him away.
Rafe doesn’t listen, stepping closer, his eyes not leaving John B as he stands up, “I hear your speaking to my sister and now your trying to steal my girl too is that it??”
John B chokes through a laugh, “Your girl?? She isn’t your girl Rafe cmon. No one would wanna be your girl!”
Rafe lunges himself forward, fist raised; Bella steps in the way, causing Rafe to pull back immediately, eyes wide as he realises he almost hit her. She pushes her palm to his chest, urging him to step back.
He watches her face contort into a mix of anger and upset, “Rafe, what the hell is wrong with you? He’s not talking to Sarah and we’re just friends okay? Calm down.” Her voice was soft but anyone could’ve picked up how irritated she was from the wobble in her words.
Those words, from her, ‘what the hell is wrong with you’ caused tears to well in his eyes. The one person he holds dearest to himself, sees the bad in him. The one thing he’s tried to keep from her since the day his father told him to look after her.
Ward steps out, holding the door with a hand as he frowns, “Rafe we’re trying to film here? Could you..” Ward gestures for him to leave waving his hand at him, Rafe scoffs but obliges, turning away with a nod of agreement.
John B took a sigh of relief as he falls into the seat beside him, taking a breath. Bella watches Rafe walk away, his previous expression held in her mind. Her eyes fall as they begin to glisten; she bites her lip, holding back but not for long.
“Hey Rafe wait! Please!” She jogs over, avoiding the small puddles of water that could make her slip if she wasn’t careful.
She catches up to him and quickly pulls him into a hug, resting his head onto her shoulder. She takes a moment to just hold him, the heat making it hard but she didn’t care. His arms hesitate but soon wrap around her, pulling her in tightly. The action caused her to suck in a breath, realising how needed this hug was for him.
Rafe watches Ryan, his eyes tired and bothered. He stands there, no words leaving his mouth before he frowns, walking away and flipping the camera off on the way.
“I don’t know what’s going on with you but..” Bella lifts his head, her hands rested against his cheeks as she takes his eyes in hers, “But I’m fine okay? You don’t have to worry about me.” She assures him, her eyes deep in his trying to get him to understand. She rubs her thumbs against his skin as he leans into her touch.
He catches a camera in the corner of his eyes and lifts his head out of her grasp, causing a slight dip in her brow, “Do you like him more than me?” He spits out without realising, his eyes widen at the realisation.
Bella steps back, brows furrowed and mouth agape; like he just stabbed her in the heart. “Why would I- What.. Why would I like him more than you Rafe?” She whines, confused why he’d ever assume that.
He shrugs ignoring her obvious upset by his own question, “Nah just.. you know, making sure. You’re my best friend, you remember that?”
She shakes her head, raising an eyebrow through disbelief, “Is that what this is all about?” He watches her, feeling ashamed he even brought up the question. “Rafe you are MY best friend! No one else!! Nothing’s gonna ever change that okay? But I’m allowed other friends too.. I promise there’s nothing between us okay we were just having a chat. It wasn’t anything special!”
He nods along, believing her every word of course but still not liking it. The thought of her liking someone other than him cutting deep into his mind, feeling like an effort to rid of him. He taps her hand with his, grazing her fingers in his own, “See you round.”
She looks down at his hand, a frown taking over her face once again. Looking back up at him, “No love you or anything? Thought I was your girl asshole!”
He chokes out in a laugh, smirking as he rolls his eyes, a slight blush taking his cheeks, “Yeah fine love you Bee.”
She laughs unbelieving, “Good enough I guess.” She jokingly rolls her eyes, “Love you too idiot.” She places a kiss to his cheek before running back to the boat.
He stands there a moment, smiling to himself before his hand finds his hair, pushing it out of his face. He looks over at the camera, pointing a finger at it, “Better fucking cut that shit out.. you won’t wanna know what happens if you don’t.”
"What the hell was all of that about??" Ward spits, glancing at the two kids infront of him.
They both fall silent, John B looking up at Bella who stood guiltily, hands behind her back.
Ward follows his gaze, taking Bella's eyes in his own as he raises a brow, "What's Rafe's deal?Does he not realise we won't have a show if he's crashing it?"
His words cause a wince on Bella's face, her eyes widen and mouth fallen open, "He was just asking a question." Her voice was quiet and soft.
"He was shouting at you!" Ward yells, throwing a hand towards where Rafe was.
She stares at him, realising trying to defend Rafe isn't going to work. Her mouth sits open as she watches him look between them. He shrugs at John B, "Wasn't he?"
"Yeah.. it was my fault sir I-"
"No it wasn't please don't take the blame!" She pleads, shaking her hand at him before stepping closer to Ward. "It was my fault!! I swear, he was upset and I made it worse I didn't mean to-"
"I don't have time for this. Make sure he doesn't come back here! I'll speak to him later, he can't be speaking to you like that." He frowns, pulling Bella into his chest tightly.
"I'm going to finish the interview then we'll go home okay?" Bella merely nods, stepping back; placing herself next to John B.
“Sorry about that!” Ward sits back down, his smile still stuck on tightly. “Where were we?”
“Did you not think to invite Rafe onto the boat?”
Ward laughs, eyebrows furrowed as he looks for the punchline in Ryan’s eyes. When he realised there isn’t one his eye twitches slightly, “Rafe? You think he’d want to spend his time with all the fish? I’m sure he was just trying to cause some sort of trouble! Boys right.” He chuckles rolling his eyes, pushing the conversation away with it.
“But anyways-“
“The kids have all mentioned how you clearly favour certain people over the rest. I’m assuming Rafe isn’t one of them?”
Wards eyes widen, his brows pushing down against them as a lump begins to form in his throat, “Why the hell would I dislike my own son for? Where’s this come from? Who said that?”
“All of them really. I only brought it up because you seem to heavily favour-”
“I won’t stand for this type of nonsense Ryan! On a show, about my own family, my own children!! And you’re accusing me of picking favourites?? They are all my kids and I love them all equally with every piece of me! So do not, and I mean do not EVER tell me what I’m doing is wrong or how I’m raising my children is wrong! Do your job and stay out of it. This is ridiculous!” He doesn’t even look in Ryan’s direction as he pulls himself from the chair and rips open the glass door that divided the outside from the inside; followed by a breathy grunt.
Ward reached for Bella’s wrist, yanking her up off the chair, “Ow Ward you’re hurting me..!” She whines, looking back at John B for assurance but he didn’t have time to help as Ward had already dragged her off the boat.
“Sorry honey but we’re getting out of here! Away from that silly man.”
“Why? Did something happen?” She stops, watching Ward gently rub his thumb to her wrist where a small red mark was left behind; his brows dipping at the sight.
“Ward? Did he say something to you?”
Her words caught his attention, his eyes springing to hers as a quick shake to his head was enough for her to understand. “He just needs to learn that just because we’re on a show, it doesn’t mean he can make shit up to make it interesting.”
“What did he say?” She frowns, concern coating her face as she tilts her head slightly.
“Don’t worry about it sweetheart let’s just get home and sort this house out shall we?” He lifts his arm, his elbow touching her own as he plants a smile to his lips, reassuring her that it’s okay.
She looks back to where John B was packing away; catching a glimpse of her, he waves a ‘goodbye’ as she does too. Hesitantly, she takes Wards arm in her own, he guides her back down to the car where they take a silent but peaceful and well deserved drive home.
“Yeah I’d say Wards like a dad to me! I mean I barely knew mine so he’s the closest I’ll get to one. So yeah I’d say so! He helps out a lot with literally anything and everything. It’s why I offer to do jobs and stuff with him when I can because it’s like payback in a way you know.” She giggles, her smile warm and eyes soft.
It was now around 4:30. It had been a long, hot, stressful day and the two of them were ready to go back home and just relax. The sun had already begun to drop, as the wind had picked back up; cooling the once humid air.
The two of them reach the estate, getting out the car and heading inside.
Walking back into the house, Ward stops Bella at the entrance, turning her body so she'd face him. He rested his hands on her shoulders, "I want to apologise for earlier.. I wasn't mad at you. Rafe was getting me worried about the show.."
She shakes her head, taking Wards hands from her shoulders and holding them tightly, "It's okay I know.. it's just.. he didn't do anything wrong?"
"It might not seem like it honey, but when it's constant disobedience it just gets too much and slightly upsetting. I gave him specific rules before starting the show, and so far? He's broken two of them!"
"Rules? What rules?" Bella frowns, tilting her head as she lets go of his hands, placing them by her side.
"There's three! 'Don't start pointless arguments, 'Behave and save the attitude for his room, and three, 'Don't say things that aren't about himself.' The shows about everyone yes, but talking bad about the other people on the show isn't what I wanted it for. I'm glad he hasn't broken it yet but I'm not counting on the thought that he won't."
"But telling the truth is better for the show is it not? You want the show to be a real depiction of your life! Telling Rafe to behave and not be rude is like telling him to not be himself!" Her tone was serious but her words only caused a chuckle from Wards lips.
"I don't think you want him hearing that."
She snorts realising what she said before shrugging it off, "I mean I said to tell the truth!" She giggles.
Ward smirks, taking her hand again, "Come on, he's not following them anyways so l guess you don't have much to worry about."
Hand in hand, Ward pulls Bella through to his office. "Take a seat sweetheart." He gestures his hand to the seat opposite his desk as he places himself in his chair.
Bella sits, crossing her legs on the chair but making sure to pull at the hem of her skirt to cover everything necessary. Ward pulls out some documents from a drawer in his desk, tapping them against the table.
He looks up at the camera beside them that was placed by the window in the corner of the office, "Basically, every month me and Bella add up every dollar she's made over the four weeks, take off anything that 'goes missing' aka Callum has taken for God knows what, work out the average time she's spent actually in the house, and thats how we work out how much she pays for her half of the rent money. It seems confusing-"
"It is confusing! It's why I let you do it and I just sit here." Bella laughs awkwardly, a small wobble in her words causing Ward to chuckle lightly.
"Right yes. I do all of that and her job is to send the money over." They both laugh, Bella's cheeks reddening; Ward fiddles with the paper in his hand. "Because she stays here most of the time but also takes all the responsibilities for her and Callum, I don't feel as though it’s very fair for her to pay the whole chunk, so we work it out to down to the time"
Bella nods, a half smile pulling at her lip, "See, confusing!" She looks into the camera, her complexion blank at the effort of processing Wards explanation.
Knock Knock
The sound made Bella’s body jolt as they both turn to the door to the office, their faces lifting again once they see the familiar face walk in, "Wheezie!" Bella exclaims joyfully, swinging her arms out to gesture a hug. Wheezie skips over with a quiet 'hi" to Ward, falling effortlessy into Bella's arms, slowly making her way onto her lap.
"Everything okay? We sort of have a thing Wheezie." Wards tone stiffened, more forced now. She seemed to shrug it off, not as bothered as Bella clearly was, a sign that Wheezie was most likely used to this behaviour.
"She doesnt seem to care but everyone sees it! He's sooo different with everyone. It's actually crazy and it makes me feel really bad. He's so nice with me but when he starts randomly bursting out on Rafe or getting irritated by Wheezie that's when it really bothers me. Its either be nice to everyone or don't bother because thats horrible you know! its mostly when Rafe's trying to talk to me about something Wards said or done to him but then brings up how id never understand because hes so different with me. It physically hurts because ive seen it, i know it happens, yet everyone holds this grudge against me because i get it easy: its not my fault, its not like i want him to be this nice with me i never asked him to be. I dont get why i get the hate?"
"Just, Sarah seems upset and Rose is in a mood again, and I'm just concerned about Rafe because he's not here right now and-"
"Hey hey shh." Ward stands up, crouching down infront of the girls and taking Wheezie's hands in his own. "Slow down, what's going on with Sarah?"
She shrugs, a sniffle escaping her nose as she pushes at the bridge of her glasses, "I don't know! I mean I think it might be to do with Topper? Because he seemed mad earlier and Rafe was on about some Pogue she was with or something? And Rose is just mad because of the cameras and also all of us were apparently annoying her and she was getting really stressed I think? I don't know! But I can't deal with it on my own, what do I do?"
Ward looks up at Bella who gives him a reassuring nod, accompanied by a soft smile. He looks back at Wheezie as he stands up, tugging at her hand to pull her from Bella's lap,
"Come on, you go upstairs I'll deal with them okay? Where are they?" He tilts his head down to her level.
Her eyes wander as she tries to think under pressure, "Uhm.. I think.. I know Sarah's on the boat! Rose is in the kitchen I think but I don't think Rafe's in the house?"
"What do you mean you don't think he's in the house where did he go?"
Her face contorts, her shoulders shrugging as she throws her hands up in the air, "I have no idea! Last I was told, he went to go see Bella. But he's not with her so l'm not sure. Sorry." Her eyes fall, Wards hand finds her chin as he guides her face to look at him.
"I’ll find him okay! You go relax, I'll talk to them."
She nods and mutters a quiet 'thank you' before skipping out the office and up the stairs.
Ward lets out a deep breath, his hand running over his face as his brows knit together. He sits himself back down on the black leather seat.
"I thought-?" Bella points to the door, confusion clearly masking her face.
"I'll sort it later. Let's just get this done please!" He sounded irritated, pissed off even. Nothing had happened yet he seemed to switch like that.
"How'd it go bro?" Kelce passes Rafe a beer as they walk over the grass to Tanny Hill.
"Don't ask.." Rafe spits, rolling his eyes as he takes a big mouthful, finishing the drink in one.
"Woah slow down man!" Callum catches up, snatching the can from his grasp but it was too late. "Whats up? John B talking up my sister too?"
He groans, running a hand through his strands as he opens the door, "What do you think?"
"She still at the dock? Forgot she was working today."
"No idea. Don't really care." He shrugs, helping himself to another beer from the refrigerator on the way through the kitchen.
"Dude watch your mouth that's my sister you're talking about! Thought you were all obsessed with her or some shit?" Callum grimaces at his own words but also very serious about his question.
"Gross man. I ain't obsessed with her bro!" Rafe spits as if Callum's words were absurd. "I gotta take care of her a'ight? What my old man told me to do."
"So you're using her?"
"Just shut up Cal!! You know that's not what I meant. Why do you care anyways? You hate her!"
Callum's head swings round, gripping Rafes collar in an instant, "Say that shit again and your dead you understand me??"
"Get the fuck off me Callum.." He stares at him, holding his ground whilst also slowly trying to wriggle out of Callum's grasp.
His grip loosens when he hears Bella's voice through the door behind them; he turns around, forgetting about his hold on Rafe.
"Guess she's in there!" Rafe shrugs, brushing himself off; earning him a glare from Callum.
"Where were we?" He searches through the papers on the desk. Bella watches intently, her eyes full of concern as her eyebrows form a v shape. She doesn't say anything however, just watches him.
"Okay so you've earned a total of-" A loud bang and a mass of voices erupts through the halls, made out through the crack in the door. Wards face meets his palms as he groans. The noises in the other room only growing louder causing Wards expressions to deepen.
He lifts his head, looking back down at the papers, "A total of-" He's cut off once again by the door creaking open slowly, the sounds coming to a halt. He bites the inside of his cheek as he chuckles away the clear pain this situation is causing him.
Despite opening the door, a small knock is still made out before three figures walk into the room. "May we help you?" Ward spat, his eyes piercing into each of their own.
"There you are Bells!" Her eyes widen at the familiar voice, her back raising as a shiver takes over her body; hesitating before turning to become face to face with her brother. "You been with Ward all day?"
"Yeah!" She frowns, confused about his calm tone.
Callum nods a second, biting his lip as his eyes squint. He gives Bella his hand, squeezing his fingers to his palm and letting go again to gesture for her to take it. "Come!"
"Cal l'm-" She points at Ward and the papers, Callum's face dropping with pure uninterest.
"We're in the middle of something Callum she can speak with you soon!"
He frowns at Ward, quickly turning back to Bella, trying again with his hand. "Well we're going out. Your coming. I haven't seen you all day!"
"Callum!" Wards hand meets the desk with a hard smack, he takes a deep breath, "Callum, just let us finish and she'll-"
"I wasn't talking to you was I? Old man." He heaves, rolling his eyes; not even fazed by the raise in his voice, unlike Bella who looks too terrified to move.
"Cal..??" She whisper-shouts, her brows furrowing at his antics, shaking her head as if to get him to stop.
He ignores her, nodding his head to the door, "Bella let's go." His eyebrows raise, face more serious now as his tone had hardened. His jaw clenched.
The two remaining boys at the door, Rafe and Kelce, both give each other a look of concern, a small word passed between them followed by a shake of Kelce's head before looking back at the event.
Bella looks up at Ward, her eyes full of plea. He merely watches her, his face blank as if he'd switched off part way into the conversation. Her focus follows back to the camera before blinking and nodding lightly, lifting herself from the chair and placing her hand into Callum's.
He guides her to the exit, following the others outside; she pulls herself back into the doorway, giving Ward a small smile, “I’ll send you half!”
“No no don’t worry, we’ll sort it tomorrow!” His eyes widen as he pushes himself up. She nods but didn’t quite catch what he said as Callum had dragged her away from the room.
“Would you say you like the Camerons? We haven’t had the chance to speak yet!”
Callum’s face drops, his brows tighten as his expression tenses; scoffing at Ryan’s words, “No why would I?? They think they can control me like I’m their kid or something. But I’m not! And neither is Bella so I don’t know why he’s treating her like she is. She’s MY sister. Not Rafes, not Wheezie’s. Mine!! He doesn’t need to get involved in all her shit, that’s my job now! And it has been for 16 years!” He spits aggressively, shoving past Ryan almost pushing him to the floor.
Ward finds himself in the living room, “Rafe? Let me speak to you!” He calls him over from the couch, leading him into the kitchen.
“What’s wrong?” He frowns, “We’re leaving in like ten minutes!”
“Watch your attitude I just want to talk.”
Rafe roles his eyes, sitting himself on one of the stools beside the island.
“Wheezie mentioned you and Topper were involved in something earlier. To do with Sarah and a Pogue?”
“Of course she did..” He curses under his breath, his hand finding his hair, “Yeah what about it?” He slams his hand on the marble.
“I want to know what happened. I mean you stormed our boat earlier.”
“Yeah OUR boat? I was checking on Bella what’s the problem?”
“The problem is you were arguing with her. I was trying to film for the show and you come and start something. Do you not want to act normal for two seconds when the cameras are on you? Are you incapable of that or something Rafe?” He waits for a response but Rafe simply just stares at him, speechless at his sudden switch in attitude since this morning. “Hello? Rafe I’m speaking to you! What is wrong with you?”
The words hit Rafe like a brick, causing a sudden tense in his muscles as he stands up, the force throwing the stool to the ground. “I was making sure she’s okay?? And your-“
“Why wouldn’t she be??”
“And you’re making it out like it’s a bad thing!! Im sorry I give a fuck about someone for once! I’m sorry I’m ACTUALLY doing something you asked for once! But you know MY bad for actually doing what I’m told. Jesus yeah what the hell’s wrong with me??” He smacks Wards water bottle out his hand, covering the counter and his lap in liquid as he leaves.
“We’re not done Rafe!!!” Ward yells through the room, Rafe flipping him off on his way out.
He cleans himself up before going upstairs to find Sarah.
“Hello honey..” Ward slowly opens the door to Sarah’s room, keeping his tone calm because Wheezie mentioned her feeling upset.
“Hi daddy.” She smiles, placing her colouring book on her bed as she gives him her full attention.
He sits himself infront of her on the edge of her bed, placing his hand against her leg; stroking his thumb against her skin ever so slightly. “Are you okay sweetheart?”
She frowns, tilting her head slightly, “Yeah of course. Why?”
He nods lightly, “Just because Wheezie was worried about you! Said something about Topper?”
Her eyes widen and fall as her fingers find a pencil to fiddle with, “Um.. yeah no everything’s fine. He just seemed mad earlier and left me while we were out.”
“What do you mean he left you? Alone?”
She nods, not looking back up at him as his tone shifts only slightly, “Was he mad at you?” He emphasises the ‘you’ as his face tenses.
“I’m not sure. I don’t know what I did! I just went to the bathroom then when I came back he shouted at me and left? So I went to see Layla.” She looks back up at him, her eyes glassing over.
Wards brows furrow; he pulls Sarah into his chest, his hand stroking the back of her head as he places a kiss to the top of it. “I’m so sorry Sare Bear.. I’ll speak to him okay..” He rests his head against hers.
She shakes her head ‘no’ as she lifts herself from his hold, “No it’s okay.” She wipes her nose with her sleeve before tucking her hands into them, “He’ll be fine tomorrow!” She reassures.
“Okay honey..” He strokes the side of her head, his thumb rubbing against her cheek, pulling her head closer to give her another kiss to her forehead. “I love you..”
“Love you too dad..” She smiles softly, picking up her colouring book again. He nods as he leaves to the door, turning back once more to blow a kiss before shutting it behind him.
“That boy is pissing me off..” He mutters to himself as he walks past one of the cameras to go back downstairs; head in his hands.
"Hey Rafe?" Bella runs over, catching up outside the gate, her hand slipping into his.
He doesn't fight it but also doesnt reciprocate, not turning his head to look at her, "Mhm?"
She hesitates at his lack of touch, "Hey look I'm sorry about earlier!" The other boys turn back to watch as they kept walking, looking at one another with a slight snicker.
He looks up at the boys, looking back down at his and Bella’s hands before pulling away, "Yeah look it's fine a'ight? You already said sorry."
Again, he didn't look at her once, meaning he didn't notice the way she very obviously noticed his intent behind his hand pulling away as her eyes began to tear up. Holding back a whimper she takes a deep breath, "I mean.. You could've stayed? W- we weren't doing anything." She looks up at him with her forced doe eyes, hoping for atleast a small reaction.
He shrugs, "Yeah well you looked busy with that Pogue so.. didn't wanna bother you." His eyes squint as he scratches the back of his head; a small 'tut' falling from his lips.
Her eyes widen, a frown forcing onto her brows as a tear falls down her flustered cheeks, "I.. I told you that it didn't m- mean anything?" She choked through her tears, causing a slight eye twitch from Rafe as he fights back from looking at her.
"Look Bells I-“
Callum interrupts, turning back and grabbing Bella's arm, "What he means, Bella, is that us Kooks don't hang around those Pogues a'ight? Don't listen to Rafe, he's being a prick." He spits at Rafe, giving him a dirty glare as he wraps an arm round Bella and pulls her infront to walk with him instead.
Turning back, Callum's brows furrow at Rafe, a small 'what's your fucking problem' falling from his lips silently. Rafe feels himself tense; his fist scrunching as his face contorts into a mix of anger and upset. He hits himself in the head, "Stop it.. Stop it." He scolds himself, blinking back the evident tears that glassed his eyes.
We did end up asking Rafe about the situation but it didn't end the way we wanted so for his sake we can't show the footage, we’re truly sorry but it’s confidential.
The lights were out, the room lit by only the few yellow flames surrounding the couple. The moonlight through the glass doors, filled the room with a slight warm glow. The small table was covered in plates of salmon and glasses of red wine ontop a white tablecloth.
The two enjoyed the meal, watching the stars whilst midway in a deep conversation about one another. Eyes never left the others, hand in hand, admiring every little detail they had missed about each other in the time they had away.
They join eachother on the couch afterwards, putting on a romantic movie about a pianist and an actress. Bodies glued to the other, heads rested together.
"It's been a long day Rose.. those kids are way too much sometimes.." Ward mumbles as he rests his head against Rose's shoulder.
She lifts her hand to gently caress his cheek, placing a light kiss to the top of his head, "I know baby.. thats why I mentioned finding somewhere else for Rafe to stay.. It's one less person to have to worry about after a busy day.." She leans her head against his as he pulls her hand into his own, his fingers tangling between hers.
"We can't kick him out Rose.. not because im tired sometimes.. Its just difficult with so many things and so many people. I almost snapped at Wheezie earlier.."
"Is it getting bad again..?"
He nods a 'yes' against her chest, causing her to tut as she takes a long breath, placing yet another kiss to his head, "Just take it easy the next few days okay.. The cameras are probably making everything worse than it is.. You have a few days without them so just make the most of it okay baby.."
Ward sighs, digging himself deeper into her body, her warmth radiating onto him causing his eyes to fall shut, "Mhm.. Okay honey.. take it.. take it easy.. got it.." He yawns, resting himself fully as she hushes him to sleep. One last kiss to his head before she turned down the tv volume and pulled a blanket over the two of them.
"Sleep well honey.." She smiles softly, watching his eyes flutter as a quiet snore begins to release from his throat. "We'll figure it all out at some point.."
Thank you for watching yet another episode of Keeping Up With The Camerons! Today was a hard one, but maybe tomorrow we'll have some more answers surrounding this supposed 'Pogue' drama as we join Sarah for her day in the sun. Stay tuned and keep an eye out for the next one!
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Do we like Bella? I wanted her to be like y/n except I just can’t write in second person so she’s an OC instead 🤦‍♀️ Please let me know!
Sorry this one took so long I was doubting everything and almost rewrote it all haha
Thank you for reading! See you all for the next oneeee 🩵🦋
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Taglist: @viawritesstuff @mymelodylvr @rafeinterlude @cerya @aariahnaa @native2princess @b1mb0slvt
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blue2black · 5 months
BONUS (1 & 1/2)
Vivziepop: Don’t get me wrong; I love working with these people. Really, I do.
Vivziepop: But for the love of everything that is unholy if they make one more Snapcube, Sonic Dub reference…
*Vivziepop, sighing and pinching the bridge of her nose*
Vivziepop: I will go to hell for murder.
(Husk and Alastor fight scene)
Alastor: *sighs dramatically*
Husk: 🫤? *thinks Alastor is improving*
Alastor: I miss my wife, Husker…
Husk: Oh—haHA! 😂 *tilts his head back*
Alastor: I miss her a lot 😭
(Lucifer punches Adam scene)
Lucifer, wired up in the air to appear like he’s flying: I have to contain you in here.
Adam, also wired up in the air to appear like he’s flying: What??
Lucifer: Your—*giggles*—your fart smells so bad… 😆
Adam: Wait, it wasn’t me!
Lucifer, covering his smile: 🤣
(Vox calms down Valentino scene)
*Vox, coming up from the elevator*
*elevator dings and opens* Vox: 😏
Vox: My dusty bitch senses told me-
Valentino: SHUT THE FUCK YOUR MOUTH YOU PIECE OF SHIT- 😂 *throws drink*
Director: CUT! Both of you—WHAT THE HELL??
*Valentino and Vox laugh their asses off*
(Valentino hits Angel scene)
Director: (3…2…1) Marker.
Director: Action…!
Angel: Val, I didn’t-
*Valentino “hits” Angel* Angel: OW—Val—!
Valentino, holding Angel by his scruff: Shutthefuckup—SHUT THE FUCK UP! EVERYBODY’S FUCKED MY WIFE *laughs*
Angel: *laughing out of confusion* WHAT?!
(Lucifer in battle scene)
Lucifer, at the edge of the hotel’s roof: GOIN’ UUUUUUUUP!!!
Lucifer: *jumps off*
*Velvette and Carmella laughing*
Carmella: Wait—waitwaitwaitwaitwait. *smiling*
Velvette: *wheezes* 😆
Carmella: Okay—go ahead. *holding up the angel’s head (fake)*
Velvette: Hey! Give that, that looks really scrumptious! *trails off giggling*
Carmella: 🙂
Velvette: (ಡ 艸ಡ) *barely holding it together*
Carmella and Velvette: …
Carmella: No.
*Velvette and Carmella break out into wheezing laughter*
(Alastor breaking Vox’s spy camera scene)
Alastor: *picks up camera* HaHA…you’re going to have to do better than that.
Vox: Why are you on the same line as the VILLAIN LI- *Alastor breaks the camera*
*BTS crew bursts out laughing* Alastor: *walking out as if nothing happened*
(Alastor takes Charlie to Cannibal Town)
Alastor, while linking arms with Charlie: And here we are!
Charlie: Cannibal Town?
Alastor: No.
Alastor, in all seriousness: Welcome to tilted towers.
Charlie: *chuckling*🤦🏻‍♀️ I know you did not just mess up this whole scene on purpose to make that fucking joke. *Director: CUT!*
(Alastor introduces Charlie to Rosie scene)
Alastor: This is Rosie! One of the most darling, daring and dangerous overlord on this side of the Pentagram! *Rosie bows politely*
Rosie: *raises herself back up to face Alastor and Charlie*
Alastor: … :)
Charlie: …? •-•
Rosie: … “:)
Rosie, resiting what Alastor told her to say: We get so tilted at the towers-
*Alastor wheezes* Charlie: OH for fuck sa-
Vox *trying to fix Valentino’s coat for him before the start of a scene*
Valentino: I got it, Christian, geez! 😖
Vox: I’m just trying to help you, god damn!
Velvette: Hey, can you two stop having relationship issues while I’m on the phone with my nonexistent dentist. 😌
Vox: AhHA! Oh, funny that Lilli, yeah.
Vox: 😒🖕🏻
Velvette: Û🫦Û🖕🏾
(Pentious and Cherri at the club scene)
Cherri: Why would we have sex?
Pentious: Why-
Pentious: *laughs at his idea* Why are your tits one polygon— *breaks off wheezing*
Cherri: PFF—HAHA! 🤣💥💥 *bangs on the table*
Husk, running around behind the scenes: HAHA, HAH HAH--
Husk: *jumps up* ONE! ☝🏿😄
Vaggie, witnessing it all: ᵀʰᵉ ᶠᵘᶜᵏ ⁱˢ ʰᵉ ᵈᵒⁱⁿᵍ…? 😆
(Discussing theories with Alastor and Lucifer 😃)
Alastor: Do you think it's Lilith?...the one who leashes my character.
Lucifer: Ehh, I think it's possible at least.
Lucifer: It feels a little too obvious.
Alastor: Some of the fans add a little more spice to it.
Lucifer: Spice?
Alastor: 😗
Lucifer: 😐
Lucifer: Ew.
Lucifer: You stole my wife, Alastor?
Alastor: Haha! 😆
Alastor: How do you think Lucifer would feel if that happened?
Lucifer: Oh--I don't know Amir, how do you think he would feel being CUCKED BY A DEER?!
Alastor, laughing: I KNEW a reference was coming!-
(Angel calming Niffty in the club scene)
Niffty: Shut up shut up shut up shut up...
Niffty: Shut up.
Niffty: SHUT UP.
Niffty: SHUT UP!!
Angel, holding her up: Kimiko, no one's saying anything... 😭
Niffty: I'm improving, do me a favor and play along. *flaps her hand in Angel's face*
Angel: But you're just copying-
Niffty: SHUT UP!
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kingofbodyrolls · 6 months
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My Heart's Home (m) | pjm | eight
🐴Chapter summary: with Jessi in a wheelchair you’ve taken on every task around the ranch, and finally realize how hard it is to run. But it’s a welcomed escape from Jimin, though it doesn’t help when Jungkook tries to push you two together again. 🐴Chapter title: Love You, Hate You 🐴Pairings: jimin x reader (main), jungkook x reader (only happens once in the first chapter), jungkook x OC (jessi), namjoon x OC (jessi), yoongi x hoseok, namjoon x oc, seokjin x oc, taehyung x oc 🐴Characters: female reader (isn’t mentioned by name and no “y/n”), Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Seokjin, Taehyung and four female original characters. 🐴Genre/AU: ranch!au, slice of life!au, soulmate!au, cowboy!au + smut, humor, fluff, romance, slow burn and angst 🐴Rating: mature/explicit/R18 – this is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact!
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🐴Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸 🐴Chapter warnings: mention of blood from a head wound, some blood from a cow giving birth and otherwise the standard angst and angriness. Yep, sorry again 😭 Things will somewhat start to look up in the next chapter!! ☀️ And if you feel like you need a reminder where the story is heading, read this spoiler 🫶 🐴Status: completed 🥳 🐴Word count: 9.5k
🐴Taglist: @kookswifesblog, @kiki-zb, @babejinnie, @ownthesunshine, @allie-is-a-panda, @glllhjh, @bergandysam, @13-manggaetteok, @jeonsbabygirlsworld, @antisocial-mochi267,
*tumblr isn’t letting me tag you! There could be a lot of reasons for that, check out this lovely post about it.
🐴Now playing 💿 “Love You, Hate You” by Rebecca Lavelle. [Wanna listen to the serie’s playlist?] 🐴Author’s note: I really feel like I’m putting my characters through hell 😂 I really do feel bad for Jimin and MC — but we’re almost there!!!! (also, when do you think one of them will snap and finally talk to each other???). 
It’s been cross posted to AO3 if you prefer to read there. Wanna see the book cover?
wanna read a teeny tiny teaser for the next chapter? [here]
← previous | s.masterlist | m.masterlist |  next →
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“Hate you, love you, want you and I need you It’s not easy It makes me cry Need you, want you, hate you Love you, need you, want you Gotta go, say goodbye, say goodbye” - ‘Love you, Hate you’ by Rebecca Lavelle
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Once more, Jungkook propels the car with an urgency that flirts with recklessness, yet you refrain from voicing concern. The unspoken agreement between you acknowledges his competence behind the wheel. Witnessing the transformation, his tears replaced by a steely resolve as he assumes control, leaves you in awe. The shift in his focus is palpable, a laser-sharp intensity that cuts through the emotional haze.
The familiar road unravels beneath the wheels, leaving a veil of dust in the truck’s turbulent wake. Your gaze fixates on the passing landscape, a silent witness to the gravity of the night. The realization dawns that informing the girls is not just a practical idea; it’s a lifeline to assuage their likely anguish. Retrieving your phone from the snug pocket of your jeans, you declare your intention, fingers poised to bridge the distance between uncertainty and reassurance. “Just gonna inform the girls.”
Jungkook nods, his gaze unwaveringly fixed on the road ahead. You embark on a mission, fingers dialing Soo-ah’s number with a determined precision. The phone ascends to your ear, the ensuing silence pregnant with the unspoken gravity of the message you’re about to deliver. 
The moment Soo-ah’s voice resonates through the phone, an undertone of anxiety and fear punctuates the connection, mirroring the collective uncertainty that binds you all. “Jessi’s been in a car accident, and we’re en route to the hospital,” you disclose, your voice carrying the weight of recent tears. However, amid the distress, you impart a tentative reassurance, “She’s alive, but there’s something off—her words were slurred. I think she hit her head. But we will know more when we get to the hospital.” 
Turning to Jungkook, you observe the fierce determination etched in the pallor of his knuckles, a testament to the vice-like grip on the wheel. Traces of dried tears mar his cheeks, a visual echo of the emotional tempest that has swept through him. In that moment, a palpable lump lodges itself in your throat, an involuntary response to the profound vulnerability laid bare in the silent interplay of clenched fists and tear-stained faces. 
The remainder of the journey unfolds in stifling silence, the cabin suffused with an unspoken tension that hangs thick in the air. The specter of fear, like an insidious intruder, stealthily reclaims its place within the confines of your bones. 
Anxiety courses through you—for Jessi’s well-being, for the unknown revelations awaiting, for the uncertain terrain that stretches beyond. The all-encompassing fear becomes an insidious force, its weight rendering the atmosphere within the confined space utterly paralyzing.
The hospital materializes on the horizon, a beacon of both hope and trepidation. Jungkook, propelled by urgency, deftly navigates the maze of parking spaces, abruptly silencing the truck’s ignition before catapulting out of the vehicle with a sense of purpose. 
In tandem, you and Jungkook storm into the emergency department, urgency pulsating with every step. As you approach the desk, a receptionist greets you with a smile—her eyes, pools of warmth and empathy, mirroring the softness of her welcoming expression. 
“We’re looking for Jessi,” Jungkook declares, a pillar of tension leaning against the elevated desk. 
The receptionist’s nod is both swift and affirmative, a reassuring beacon in the sea of apprehension. “Room 134340,” she utters, the numeric sequence hanging in the air like a lifeline. 
In unison, you and Jungkook practically bolt towards the imposing doors, a shared urgency propelling you forward. The corridor becomes a labyrinth of tension as you navigate the sea of room numbers, each passing moment marked by the thunderous cadence of your hearts echoing within your chests. 
Please let her be okay.
At last, the numbers the receptionist shared come into view, and with a delicate touch, you ease the door open, unveiling a serene image—Jessi, reclined on the bed in peaceful sleep. Your gaze lingers on her slumbering form, taking in the telltale signs of the ordeal she endured—bandages encircling her head, a cast cradling her right arm, and another enveloping her left leg. 
The scene before you paints a grim reality, a tapestry of injuries that whispers tales of struggle. Yet, in the midst of this stark portrayal, the ember of relief flickers—she’s alive. 
A lump lodges in your throat once more, and with teardrops poised in the corners of your eyes, you approach your sister. Jungkook follows in your wake, settling on the bed. Leaning in, he tenderly caresses her cheek, mirroring the gentle touch that first bridged the gap between his fingers and her skin at the scene of the accident. 
Your gaze lingers, capturing the rivulets of tears tracing Jungkook’s expressive contours once more. In the soft luminescence of the room, his eyes shimmer with a profound mixture of emotion, fixated on your sister. 
A hush descends as the door swings open, ushering in a figure clad in the sterile garb of a doctor. Your attention pivots, fixating on this harbinger of information. 
“Hello. Are you Jessi’s family?” The doctor’s gaze oscillates between you and Jungkook, and your response is encapsulated in a silent nod. Words seem to elude you once more.
“Yeah, This is her sister, and I’m her friend,” Jungkook affirms, his voice carrying a burdened undertone that hints at the unspoken complexities and tensions simmering beneath the surface—an emotional undercurrent that has woven its threads through the past weeks. 
The doctor’s nod carries a weighty reassurance as he imparts the diagnosis. “Alright. Jessi has a minor concussion; the impact against the steering wheel caused some bleeding. She’s also dealing with a broken arm and leg, along with a few bruised ribs. Thankfully, that’s the extent of her injuries,” he imparts. 
“When can she come home?” Jungkook’s voice, simultaneously textured with rough edges and a tender timbre, resonates in the room. He reaches for Jessi’s hand—the one untouched by the cast—infusing the question with an unspoken urgency and a touch of vulnerability. 
“As a precaution due to the concussion, we’d like to keep her under observation for a day or two. After that, you can take her home. However, she’ll need to use a wheelchair, and rest is absolutely crucial,” the doctor informs you, leaving a weighty prescription for recovery in the air. With that, he departs, leaving the two of you alone with Jessi, still in the embrace of a healing slumber. 
Your gaze locks onto Jungkook, and as Jessi’s fingers stir against his, a soft gasp escapes you. Jungkook, attuned to the subtle movements, shifts his attention to your sister’s face. Her eyes, a slow dance of reawakening, flutter open, and she casts a weary but genuine smile at both of you. “Hi,” she utters, and the simplicity of that greeting carries a profound weight, a testament to resilience and the indomitable spirit that endures even in the face of adversity.
A shared chuckle resonates between you and Jungkook, but he takes the lead, concern etched in his question, “How are you holding up?” 
“Everything fucking hurts,” she confesses, the words escaping through gritted teeth, and a wince that lingers in the air. 
As you observe, her speech is no longer marred by slurs, and a glimmer of hope flickers within you. Offering a gentle smile, you cling to this positive sign, a fragile beacon of recovery in the aftermath of the accident. 
“We were worried there for a second,” you admit with a smile, your heart still tethered to the lingering uneasiness. 
“I’m fine. I’m gonna be fine,” she reassures with a languid smile, her eyes retaining a drowsy allure. 
Jungkook continues to tenderly stroke her hand, a lone tear betraying his emotion as it slips from the corner of his eye. 
“Why are you crying?” Jessi inquires in a weary tone, her question carrying a subtle mix of curiosity and fatigue. The fatigue in her tone, juxtaposed with the curiosity in her eyes, creates a moment of vulnerability and curiosity, inviting the reader to delve deeper into the emotional intricacies of the scene.
“Because you look so bad,” he chuckles through a teasing sob, a bittersweet smile dancing on his lips as he attempts to lighten the heavy atmosphere with a touch of humor. 
Jessi scuffs, “If I could slap ya, I would,” she drags out, a playful smirk tugging at her lips, “Sis, can you do it for me?” 
You shake your head, a fond smile playing on your lips as you observe their usual teasing banter. Despite the ordeal, the fact that she can still summon her playful spirit brings a sense of relief, a small but reassuring glimmer in the midst of uncertainty.
Your laughter lingers in the air, but a subtle sadness creeps into your voice as you inquire, “What happened?” 
She groans, eyes rolling in frustration as she recounts, “There was this red car that appeared out of nowhere in the turn, driving on the wrong side of the road.” 
Your eyes widen with concern, a gasp escaping your lips. “What happened to the red car? Did it just drive off?” 
“Managed to dodge the car, but ended up colliding with a damn tree instead,” she says, a hint of frustration in her tone. 
“And to top it off, the guy just speeds away like nothing happened!” she scoffs, her irritation palpable and echoing the injustice of the situation.
“Do you have any idea who that was?” Jungkook demands, a mix of curiosity and sternness in his gaze, his fist clenching at his side as if ready to confront the reckless driver.
“Some arrogant city slicker. Never seen that car around here. Clearly not a local,” she scoffs, disdain dripping from her words as she curses the reckless driver.
“Can you call Namjoon for me?” she suddenly requests, locking eyes with you. You find yourself curious about why she specifically wants to talk to Namjoon at this moment.
When you shoot her a quizzical look, she adds, “I want to tell him something.”
“Can’t it wait?” you counter, not quite grasping why it’s so urgent for her to speak with Namjoon right now.
Fine. You reluctantly pull out your phone and dial Namjoon. Describing the situation, you implore him to come as soon as possible, and he assures you he’ll be there swiftly.
As the minutes tick by in the hushed room, the tension thickens, yet an unspoken understanding binds you, Jessi, and Jungkook together. Silence reigns, pregnant with the weight of shared concern, creating a strangely comforting atmosphere.
The hospital doors burst open, revealing a disheveled Namjoon sprints in, clutching a bouquet of flowers. His eyes scan the room, taking in the sight of your sister lying on the bed, and his breath catches in a mix of relief and worry.
His voice laced with concern, Namjoon places the bouquet on the bedside table, his eyes fixed on your sister. “It looks bad. Are you okay?” he inquires, his worry echoing in the sterile hospital room.
“Fuck you. I’m fine,” she retorts, a smirk playing on her lips. The room fills with laughter, and seizing the moment, you gesture to the couch on the other side of the room, silently signaling to give Jessi and Namjoon some space. Jungkook rises from the bed, joining you on the couch.
Without a hint of preamble or consideration for the weight of her words, Jessi suddenly declares, “I want to break up.” Her words echoing through the room with a weight that sends a jolt through both you and Jungkook. You exchange a glance, realizing you’ve stumbled upon a moment too intimate for your presence.
Namjoon wears a puzzled expression, questioning, “Are you sure about this? Is it the concussion talking?” 
Definitely, she shakes her head.  “No, my mind is crystal clear.”
Regret lingers in her eyes as she confesses, “I’m sorry, but I can’t be with you anymore. I want to break up.” Her gaze, tinged with sadness, speaks volumes as she nervously bites her lip, the weight of her decision palpable in the room.
Namjoon nods thoughtfully, “Okay. No hard feelings. I understand.” His gaze shifts to Jungkook, a hint of unspoken understanding passing between them. “You can always call me—whether it’s just to talk or if one of the animals gets sick. Friends?” The air seems to lighten with the sincerity of his words.
“Friends,” she breathes out, the words carrying the weight of a burden lifted from her heart. Her gratitude spills forth, a sincere “And thank you, Namjoon,” echoing in the room.
She shares a smile with him, and his response mirrors the sentiment. From your perch on the couch, the intimacy of their moment feels oddly intrusive, and you can’t shake the sense of being an unintended witness to the delicate unraveling of their relationship.
Namjoon pivots, offering a parting nod and a soft farewell before gracefully exiting the room.
As his presence fades, you exhale the breath you’d been clutching, the room finally free from tension. “Well, that was uncomfortable.”
Jessi chuckles, seemingly unfazed by the awkwardness you just witnessed, her laughter echoing through the room.
You rise to your feet, stretching your tired body, and with a gentle tone, you ask, “Do you want to head home now, Kook?”
Jungkook remains seated on the couch, exchanging a meaningful glance with your sister. “I was actually thinking about staying and bringing her home tomorrow,” he says, his voice carrying a quiet determination.
Your eyes flicker open, but you quickly compose your expression, offering them both a gentle smile. “I’ll call Soo-ah to come pick me up then,” you say, your voice carrying a mix of understanding and reassurance.
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Jessi doesn’t possess a single bone wired for relaxation. Despite the doctors’ earnest advice to take it slow and steady, does she heed it? Absolutely not.
With determined grit, she maneuvers the wheelchair around the house with one hand, attempting to shoulder every task single-handedly, only to find herself faltering at each turn.
In her quest for a simple glass of water, disaster struck – the glass slipped from her grasp, dancing precariously on the edge of destruction before miraculously escaping the fate of shattered fragments.
Your sister’s unwavering stubbornness has sparked numerous discussions, leaving you weary from the incessant cycle of repeating yourself.
“Why can’t you just stay put and let me handle it?” you groan at her futile attempt to set the dinner table. Exasperated, you snatch the plate from her hand and expertly arrange it on the table.
You’ve relocated all her belongings to the guest room, a practical move given her current inability to navigate the stairs. It’s a convenience for everyone, yourself included.
Exasperated, you burst out, “Sit your ass down!”
Her laughter rings through the room as she retorts, “I am sitting.” You can’t help but roll your eyes at her playful defiance.
Kneeling down, your eyes lock onto hers, a plea in your gaze. “I can take care of everything for you. Pushing yourself too hard will only slow down your recovery. Is that what you really want?”
Her gaze shifts away, words escaping in a soft mumble, their meaning lost in the air between you.
“What was that?”
Her response is a defiant whisper, almost a rebellion against her own vulnerability. “No. I don’t want that. Fine. You can do everything. It’s just not in my nature to let everybody do everything for me.”
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When you told your sister you could handle everything on the ranch, little did you anticipate the relentless demands that awaited. Now, sweat beads roll down your hairline, and sticky shirts cling to your fatigued body—your new normal. Soreness and exhaustion threaten to overcome you, yet you persist. The unwavering support of Soo-ah, Ara, and Ha-rin becomes your lifeline, and you find yourself profoundly grateful for their presence. Without them, the daunting tasks ahead would be impossible.
Despite the relentless physical and mental demands, there’s an undeniable love that fuels your every effort. It’s in the rhythmic cadence of working with the horses, the joy of discovering ripe veggies in the garden, the satisfaction of feeding the cattle and horses. Cleaning the stable, tending to the yard, and meticulously fixing the fences become more than just chores—they’re threads woven into the tapestry of a passion that now defines you.
As if the outside challenges weren’t enough, the list of tasks inside the house seems never-ending—cleaning, organizing, tackling taxes, and conjuring up dinners that dance on the taste buds. The sheer magnitude of it all makes you marvel at Jessi’s ability to juggle these responsibilities, leaving you to wonder how she navigates this intricate dance without succumbing to the relentless rhythm of exhaustion.
In the whirlwind of responsibilities, Jungkook offers to lend his hands in fixing one of the fences on your property.
The anticipation of Jungkook’s assistance becomes a beacon of relief in your hectic schedule, and a mischievous thought flits through your mind—wondering if you could sweet-talk him into tackling the entire task, granting you a rare and much-needed moment of respite.
In the driver’s seat of your brand-new pickup truck, a lustrous shade of dark purple that gleams in the sunlight, you reflect on its arrival, replacing the ghost of the white one marred by Jessi’s unfortunate accident. The former wreck, irreparably damaged, made way for this sleek, modern model, boasting enhanced comfort that transforms every drive into a genuine pleasure.
As you turn the key in the ignition, the hum of the engine beneath you, and shift the truck into first gear, anticipation courses through you. The Eastern paddock awaits, its fence in need of repair, and Jungkook has promised to join you. The radio provides a lively soundtrack, and you find yourself singing along with joy, only to fall into a hushed silence as the familiar silhouette of a blue truck comes into view, neatly parked beside the fence.
Cursing under your breath, frustration seizes you as you realize Jungkook— that damn traitor, has sent his brother to handle the job he promised to do. 
The betrayal stings, especially considering the current strained terms between you and Jimin. Anger simmers within, escaping in a low, gritted scoff as you pull your car up beside Jimin’s.
Jimin dives into the task at hand, effortlessly measuring wire lengths and expertly cutting them to fit the fence. There’s no denying it, not that there ever was – Jimin is undeniably attractive. As you observe from the comfort of your car, your gaze lingers on his sweaty forehead, his biceps flexing beneath the rolled-up shirt. Another curse slips from your lips; why does he have to look this good?
A whirlwind of emotions courses through your veins – desire entangled with frustration. Jimin’s effect on your mind is infuriating. Yes, you still crave him, but the bitterness lingers. He chose someone else without engaging in a conversation about what transpired, a choice that feels painfully immature.
Relaxing your crossed arms, you swing the door open and step into the sweltering air. You circle the car to grab your tools and approach Jimin, who doesn’t bother to cast even a fleeting glance your way.
You scoff and roll your eyes. No greeting? This is a new low. You expected, at the very least, a bit of small talk. Seems like even that was too much to ask for.
“Hey, Jimin,” you say, attempting to mask the tension growing thick in the air. He remains silent, his focus fixed on his strong and calloused hands diligently working on the fence.
At least you’ve chosen to be the bigger person, maintaining your politeness. You dive into the task at hand, assisting him in measuring, cutting, and applying the new wire. The absence of conversation hangs heavy, a stifling silence that feels more like a heavy weight on your chest. It’s uncomfortable, this void between you two, and you can’t help but despise it with every fiber of your being.
In the suffocating silence, you realize that attempting conversation is futile, as he remains resolute in ignoring your every plea. Determined to endure the unbearable tension, you find yourself silently cursing Jungkook in your mind for orchestrating you into working with Jimin. There’s no question about it— you’ll have a serious talk with him later about this stupid plan of his!
Your hands accidentally collide with Jimin’s a few times, and the contact sends a jolt through you, a sensation you hastily withdraw from as if burned. The lingering touch awakens something buried deep within, a sentiment you’re determined to suppress. Those residual feelings must be banished, relegated to the recesses of your heart.
You can’t help but notice Jimin’s persistent gaze fixed upon you, and it’s disconcerting. The emotions swirling in the air are indescribable, leaving you puzzled about the cause of his intense scrutiny. Yet, the expression etched on his face is far from one of happiness or satisfaction; instead, it bears the weight of pain and unresolved sentiments.
The realization hits hard—there’s no denying it now. You and Jimin let your moment slip away, a truth that’s crystal clear now.
As a heavy sigh escapes your lips, you find yourself yearning for a past rewritten, a canvas of memories painted with different hues.
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“It’s official!” 
In an exuberant burst of joy, you proclaim the moment, your voice echoing in giddy celebration as you sit on the grass. Beside you, Yoongi chuckles, and the tranquil scene unfolds with Holly and Marshmallow leisurely grazing on the grass.
Ecstatic, he declares, “We’re in business, baby!” His laughter resonates, and his radiant smile competes with the brilliance of the sun. You join in the laughter, though the pet name doesn’t quite sit right with you.
Playfully, you groan, “God, please don’t call me ’baby’,” as laughter continues to ripple between you. His response is a simple, hearty chuckle.
As the sun dips below the horizon, a serene quiet blankets the hilltop, providing a perfect backdrop to absorb the significance of the moment. You and Yoongi, now proud business owners of a wild horse gentling venture, revel in the excitement of the journey ahead. The prospect of working with more horses and bringing joy to people through these extraordinary animals fuels your anticipation.
With a hint of emotion in his voice, a touch of longing, Yoongi shares, “I’ve already found our inaugural customer.” Intrigued, you turn to face him, your eyes prompting him to reveal more about this exciting news.
With a weighted voice, laden with deep emotions, Yoongi reveals, “There’s a guy not far from us. He’s taken an interest in Holly.” Your gasp resonates with the dread that settles in—oh no, not Holly.
“But isn’t she yours to keep?” you ask, a tinge of sadness reflected in your eyes. Expectations of Yoongi keeping Holly for himself, the first horse you both worked on, echo in your question. The bond he shares with her seems uniquely special, so why part with her?
“I truly adore her, but she’s just a horse. And this is business,” he sighs, his voice carrying the weight of the decision as he gazes at the sunset. A lump forms in your throat, and tears well in your eyes. The thought of selling Mikrokosmos, your horse, feels almost impossible. She’s not just a business asset; she’s a part of you, and the idea of parting with her is heart-wrenching.
“Well, I hope she’ll love her new home,” you say with a bittersweet smile, gently shoving him playfully on the shoulder. The mixture of emotions swirls between you two, acknowledging the business aspect while secretly hoping Holly finds as much happiness in her new home as you both found in each other’s company.
“I hope so too,” he murmurs, his lips pressed into a tight line. The deep affection he holds for the horse is evident, and you sense the internal struggle he’s facing. This decision weighs on him, and you find yourself sharing in the silent understanding of the emotional complexity tied to their parting.
As the sun dips below the horizon, casting hues of warm orange and pink across the sky, you remain on the hilltop, sharing the tranquil moment with your horses grazing beside you. In the company of Yoongi, your best friend, you reflect on the genuine bond that has grown between you. His presence is a comforting constant, a reliable listener, and a confidant you deeply appreciate.
In a moment of vulnerability, you confess, “You know... I’ve never really felt at home anywhere since I left the ranch.” The weight of emotions settles over you, and tears threaten to escape. 
Sensing your need for comfort, Yoongi turns to you, wrapping you in a gentle hug that speaks volumes without uttering a single word.
Amid the hues of the setting sun, Yoongi poses a poignant question, his voice laden with a mix of emotion and weariness. “Do you feel at home now?” he asks, and a soft chuckle escapes your lips, a response teeming with a complex blend of gratitude, uncertainty, and the subtle realization that ’home’ might be more than a physical place.
“I actually do.”
Words tumble from your lips as you gaze over the ranch from the hilltop, the golden glow of the sun casting a warm aura. “I never thought I would feel at home again. But this place has a way of working its magic on everything,” you confess, a testament to the transformative power your surroundings have woven into the fabric of your heart.
His smile echoes the sentiment, and he envelops you in a tight hug, as if the embrace itself is a testament to the enchantment this place has cast upon your lives. 
“That it sure does,” he murmurs, a shared acknowledgment of the profound connection you both feel to the land beneath your feet.
In the vast expanse of uncertainties, you shudder at the mere thought of navigating through the challenges without Yoongi by your side, a reliable anchor in the unpredictable sea of life. The gratitude for his friendship lingers in your heart, a sentiment too profound to be expressed in mere words.
“Will you come over tomorrow? The guy that wants to buy Holly will come and pick her up in the morning…” You discern the unspoken plea in his eyes, and with a tender smile, you draw closer, seeking solace in the warmth of his presence.
“Of course I’ll be there, Yoon.”
After the sun’s final bow, Yoongi rides back to the Park ranch, and you descend the hill towards your home. The term ’home’ once felt foreign, but now it wraps around you like a familiar embrace, an unwavering truth – your refuge, always and forever.
The next day, fueled by a hasty breakfast, you dash to the stables, the eager anticipation of your visit to Bell Ranch propelling you forward. Your task at hand: preparing Marshmallow for the journey ahead.
In the quiet embrace of the barn, you exchange a warm greeting with Marshmallow, ushering him into the center of the space. There, you deftly equip him with a saddle and bridle. As you guide him outside, the crisp morning air envelops you, and the gentle caress of the early sun bestows warmth upon your skin. A deep inhale fills your lungs, and with a graceful exhale, you mount Marshmallow. With a subtle nudge, you prompt him into a rhythmic gallop, traversing the lush expanse of green that unfolds before you.
The journey feels fleeting, far too brief for the solace it provides. Arriving at the stables, you swiftly dismount and tenderly remove Marshmallow’s tack. Leading him to one of the paddocks, you release him to the embrace of the open space, allowing him a well-deserved respite while you prepare to work with Yoongi.
You make your way to the pen, where Yoongi bids farewell to Holly. His arms envelop the brown mare’s neck in a tight embrace, soft pats accentuating the silent conversation between man and horse. Tears trace a path down his cheeks, and unexpectedly, you find your own emotions stirred, empathizing with the bittersweet parting, even though Holly isn’t your horse.
You acknowledge him with a quiet nod, hesitant to disrupt the tender moment between him and Holly. Leaning against the fence, you observe the heartfelt exchange. Holly emits a deep, resonant whinny, and for a fleeting moment, it feels as though she comprehends the impending separation.
As the sound of a truck pulling a trailer draws near behind you, the realization dawns—it’s time. Yoongi lifts his head from its resting place on Holly’s neck, offering her a final, affectionate pat before reluctantly stepping away.
With a heavy heart, Yoongi guides Holly towards the waiting trailer in the yard. The man has preemptively opened the trailer door, and as Holly steps inside, Yoongi closes the latch with a palpable reluctance. Standing on the sidelines, you observe the exchange—the man handing Yoongi some money, their handshake resonating with unspoken emotions. As the man returns to his car and drives away, Yoongi walks over to you, a profound sadness etched on his face.
“It’s okay,” you offer a comforting reassurance to Yoongi, wrapping him in a gentle hug.
He shares a bittersweet acknowledgment, a tinge of sadness coloring his smile, as both of you reluctantly shift your focus away from the departing car.
“Do you want to work on Mikrokosmos? I feel like I need something to do to keep my mind off Holly,” his request hangs in the air, laced with a subtle vulnerability as he looks at you with a sheepish smile. A shared understanding passes between you, and you nod in agreement, both silently making your way toward the stables, seeking solace in the comforting routine of working with Mikrokosmos.
With a confident stride, you retrieve Mikrokosmos from her stall, guiding her down to the pen without the need for a rope or halter. Yoongi walks beside you, a wistful smile playing on his lips.
Swinging the gate wide, you usher Mikrokosmos into the pen, her graceful steps echoing within the enclosure. Yoongi assumes his customary perch atop the fence, his observant eyes tracking the movements of the spirited mare.
Allowing Mikrokosmos to explore your scent, you initiate a tactile connection by stroking her forehead, tracing the path down her elegant neck, and along the sinewy contours of her shoulders. As your hands ascend to her back, you apply a gentle yet firm pressure, echoing the techniques you observed from Yoongi weeks ago, establishing a silent rapport with the magnificent mare.
Feeling the mare’s ease under your touch, you gradually increase the pressure, traversing her back with a comforting rhythm. When your eyes seek Yoongi’s for guidance, a silent understanding passes between you. Without a spoken word, he reads your unspoken query. “She’s ready,” he asserts with unwavering confidence, his voice a testament to the bond you’re building with Mikrokosmos.
Emboldened by Mikrokosmos’ serene response to your touch, you decide to take a daring leap, mimicking Yoongi’s approach with Holly. With a sense of excitement and trepidation, you pull yourself up onto her back. To your delight, she remains unfazed, allowing you to settle in, planting your bum securely on her back. It’s a moment of triumph, a testament to the trust building between you and the spirited mare.
In a breathless moment, Mikrokosmos stands still, and then, breaking the silence, she releases a soft whinny. Your heart swells with a mix of wonder and joy. As you pat her neck, a gentle coaxing with the press of your legs encourages her to move. Together, you embark on a slow journey around the pen, a newfound connection unfolding beneath you. From atop the fence, Yoongi grins widely, witnessing the magical communion between rider and horse.
A surge of pride and accomplishment courses through you. It’s a defining moment, a testament to the progress made. Confidence radiates from your every move as you navigate the pen on horseback, a triumphant smile adorning your face.
As a sudden pressure builds in your bladder, frustration wells up internally. Of all the moments, it has to be now. Succumbing to the inevitable, you voice your discomfort, “I need to use the restroom. Can you look after Mikrokosmos until I return?”
Yoongi acknowledges with a nod, and you smoothly descend Mikrokosmos’ body, grounding your feet in the sand. With a burst of energy, you vault over the fence, sprinting all the way up to the main house.
You forgo the courtesy of knocking, opting to swing the door wide open as you make a beeline for the bathroom.
As your fingers extend toward the door handle, it unexpectedly swings open, catching you off guard and sending a jolt of surprise through you.
As the door swings open, you’re met with the unexpected sight Deiji, draped only in a towel. Her damp hair and glistening skin hint at a recent shower, and the small droplets of water sparkle in the light. A startled shriek escapes her lips as her gaze locks with your equally surprised and wide eyes.
Panicking, you blurt out, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” Your words stumble over each other as the sound of approaching footsteps from upstairs adds to the awkward tension in the air.
Down the stairs descends Jimin, clad in nothing but a pair of snug grey joggers, his feet bare, hair wet, and your jaw practically hits the floor.
“What’s the matter, babe?” He queries, running a hand through his damp hair. His eyes find your startled form, and he instantly eases into a more relaxed demeanor.
You’re caught in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Your heartbeat skyrockets, and you’re torn between the urge to look away and the magnetic pull keeping your gaze fixed on Jimin. Every contour of his physique, from well-defined pectorals to a happy trail of natural brown hairs leading down to his crotch, leaves you both captivated and flustered. He is everything you imagined and more. 
A sudden wave of heat engulfs the room, making you feel as if you’re suffocating. You become acutely aware that you might have been staring for too long, as both Jimin and Deiji shoot you concerned glances, their eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.
“What are you doing here?” Jimin inquires, casually flexing his abdominals with a smirk playing on his lips. It’s a dirty move, and he knows it. Why does he have to look so devilishly good, practically flaunting something you can’t have? It’s not fair—Park Jimin is a temptation, and you can’t help but feel he might be your downfall.
As realization dawns, you suddenly recall the purpose of your intrusion. “I have to pee,” you blurt out, a mixture of embarrassment and urgency in your tone.
Amused laughter fills the room, and Deiji graciously clears some space, saying, “You can use it; I’m done anyway.”
Nodding, you flash her a grateful smile, a strange mix of nerves and curiosity swirling within you. As you pass her, a trail of her sweet floral scent lingers, enveloping you. Just before slipping into the bathroom, you steal a glance at Jimin. His face wears a smirk you can’t decipher. 
Suddenly, it dawns on you - this is the first time he has spoken to you in weeks.
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Basking in the midday sun, a gentle breeze toys with your hair, allowing its tender touch to dance across your neck as you gallop through the undulating hills astride Marshmallow.
Thundering across these expansive landscapes, a spirited gallop grants temporary solace to your heart, momentarily eclipsing the tumult within. Damn Park Jimin and his angelic and devilish looking face. The ache intensifies witnessing him with his infuriatingly perfect girlfriend; a pain that lingers, leaving you uncertain if you’ll ever get over him.
Granting Marshmallow unrestrained freedom, you traverse diverse landscapes—dense forests, the serene lake, and finally, the ranch’s Eastern expanse. Yet, an unsettling discord interrupts the tranquility, an eerie cry that echoes of an animal’s distress. Tensing the reins, you guide Marshmallow toward the source of the ominous noise.
Arriving at the scene, your eyes widen at the sight of a cow standing in the paddock, its posture awkward, and a pair of feet protruding from its laboring form. A gasp escapes you as the realization dawns – the cow is giving birth.
Dismounting from Marshmallow, urgency propels you toward the struggling cow. The rhythmic movement of the legs suggests the birthing process, something doesn’t seem right and you don’t know what to do. In a quick reflex, you pull out your phone, dialing the only person you know what to do.
The ringtone echoes anxiously, each second an eternity as you plead silently for the familiar voice to answer. The urgency in your chest intensifies with each passing ring. Please, just pick up, dammit!
Relief floods over you as Namjoon’s voice resonates through the phone, a soothing balm to your frayed nerves. “This is Namjoon,” he declares, and in that instant, it’s as if the universe aligns to bring order to the chaos around you.
“Thank god! Can you come and help? There’s a cow giving birth in the Eastern paddock, and it sounds like she’s in distress!” Your urgent plea pierces through the phone, echoing the distress emanating from the laboring cow.
“You know these animals can handle calving by themselves, right?” He chuckles on the line, and you roll your eyes, dismissing the notion with a hint of impatience. There’s no time for a history lesson; immediate action is what you need.
“The baby cow’s legs are moving back and forth—is that normal?” Your voice carries a hint of sternness, convinced that this situation isn’t within the realms of normalcy. Silence greets you on the other end, and for a brief moment, you fear he might have hung up.
“I’ll be there as soon as possible!” His voice, once calm, now carries a sense of urgency and stress, and in that moment, you grasp the gravity of the situation.
“Try to see if you can pull the calf’s legs out until I arrive, okay?” His urgent plea echoes in your ears, mingling with the distant sound of a car door opening and closing on the line, signaling hope that he’s racing to your aid.
“Pull its legs out?” Your frantic voice echoes into the void as the call disconnects. A heavy sigh escapes you as you gaze at the distressed cow. Uncertainty clings to you like a shadow; you’re torn between the fear of causing harm and the weight of Namjoon’s expertise urging you to act. He’s the vet, after all, and if he says it’s the necessary step, you steel yourself for what needs to be done.
Rolling your sleeves up, you step forward, determined to help the distressed cow. Your hand rests gently on its back, employing the same calming touch you would use with a wild horse. Slowly, your hand traverses down its body to its hindquarters where the legs protrude awkwardly. With a careful grip, you attempt to pull, but to no avail. It becomes apparent that the helpless calf is firmly lodged inside, presenting a daunting challenge.
Beads of sweat mingle with the dust on your brow, the relentless struggle to free the trapped calf becomes a desperate dance. The distant hum of an approaching engine brings a surge of hope, and relief washes over you as Namjoon’s truck roars to a halt behind you. Oh thank god!
With a swift, purposeful stride, Namjoon emerges from his truck, the familiar cadence of urgency echoing in each step. In his firm grip, the vet bag swings like a lifeline as he hastens toward you and the distressed cow.
Apologies linger in Namjoon’s voice as he swiftly dons a pair of absurdly long, cerulean gloves from his well-stocked bag. His keen eyes scan the scene, assessing the situation as he poses a question that cuts through the tense air, “It’s still not out?”
Retreating to give Namjoon the space he needs, you watch in awe as he envelops the tiny legs with his gloved hands, channeling the strength of his entire body into each determined pull.
“It normally doesn’t take this long to birth a calf…” sweat beads on Namjoon’s forehead as he exerts more effort, a hint of concern in his voice. With a final determined tug, the calf emerges, first the legs, then the head and the rest of its body. Namjoon carefully lowers it to the ground, leaving the newborn covered in a mixture of slime and blood.
Namjoon discards his gloves into a wash bag, his eyes shifting from the exhausted cow to the newborn calf finding its bearings on the grass. “Calling me was the right move; it didn’t appear the cow could manage to push the calf out on her own,” he remarks, a touch of relief in his voice.
Gratitude fills your words as you express, “Thanks for rushing over and handling everything – I mean, doing the heavy lifting for me.” A soft chuckle escapes your lips, acknowledging the reality that pulling out a calf was far beyond your strength.
“No problem,” his response is accompanied by a warm, bright smile, radiating reassurance. As he stows away his bag in the truck, he turns to you, locking eyes with you.
“How’s Jessi doing?” His question comes with a warm smile, yet beneath it, a subtle dance of curiosity and nervousness in his browline. A soft chuckle escapes you as you contemplate the enduring care he holds for Jessi, even after the end of their relationship. It’s nice that they are able to stay friends and still care for each other like this.
Your smile mirrors his, genuine and bright. “She’s holding up well, still bossing everyone around. Though she’s confined to crutches for now, the silver lining is that the casts are scheduled to come off in just a few days.”
His smile widens, and he nods appreciatively. “Well, that’s a relief to hear.”
You chuckle again, the sound echoing in the air. Namjoon, a genuinely good guy, radiates warmth, and it’s a bittersweet realization that things didn’t work out between him and your sister. Deep down, you silently wish him a future where he finds someone who can fulfill the desires that shimmer in his eyes – a quest you sense he’s earnestly pursuing.
“I’ll get going then. Everybody needs my help today.” He chuckles, his robust frame resonating with the warmth of his laughter, and Namjoon announces his departure. Acknowledging his unwavering commitment to helping others, you nod in farewell, watching as he steps into his truck and drives away.
You return to Marshmallow, your hand gently caressing his neck in appreciation before seamlessly mounting him. With a swift swing of your leg over the saddle, you guide him on the journey back home.
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“Why are we subjecting ourselves to this culinary chaos again?” you groan, placing yet another dish onto the grand table in your dining room, glancing at Jessi for an answer.
Jessi gracefully moves around the table, lending a hand in setting up while ensuring everything is perfectly in place. “It’s all in celebration of liberation from the cast!” She jubilantly shakes her once-encased arm and leg, now liberated. You can’t help but roll your eyes; your sister’s idea of a celebration might be a bit eccentric, but it’s her party after all.
In the bustling kitchen, Ha-rin and Ara work tirelessly to craft an array of delectable dishes, infusing the house with a symphony of tantalizing aromas. Meanwhile, you, Jessi, and Soo-ah engage in a meticulous dance, setting the table with precision and placing each carefully prepared dish, allowing wisps of steam to rise and tantalize the senses.
As the feast approaches, your sister has extended invitations far and wide, and that inevitably includes Jimin and his girlfriend. The mere thought of encountering him again prompts a preemptive groan, and you find yourself yearning for a way to evade the impending interaction. Alas, with him being your neighbor and frequent collaborator on ranch-related endeavors, avoiding him proves to be a challenging feat. You scuff at the predicament, silently longing for a different reality.
With an audible clunk, you assertively place the plates on the table, the reverberation echoing the intensity of your emotions.
“Easy there!” Your sister scolds, her tone a playful warning, as she delicately places the glasses in front of the plates.
You chuckle, a lightness returning to your mood, and set the plates down with a flourish before heading into the kitchen to collect the utensils.
Anticipation gnaws at you as you set the table, a desire to get through this dinner quickly, fueled by the looming presence of Jimin. His silence has become a heavy weight, and ever since that unexpected glimpse of him almost naked, unwanted thoughts and vivid images intrude your mind. You scold yourself, reminding that he isn’t yours to entertain such thoughts about. It’s not fair to him or Deiji, and you need to push these images aside.
As you mope around the dining room, preparing for the gathering, the atmosphere shifts with the arrival of guests. Jungkook bursts in, enveloping your sister in a warm embrace before turning his attention to you. His hug is almost too tight, prompting a small squeak to escape your lips, and he responds with hearty laughter that fills the room.
As Jimin and Deiji make their entrance, you acknowledge them with a subtle nod, instinctively creating a bit of space between you. The air seems to tighten with unresolved tension, and you navigate the space carefully, aware that every step brings you closer to a rendezvous with emotions you’d rather keep at bay.
Hoseok strides into the room, with Yoongi next to him, he’s the first to envelop you in a warm embrace, a radiant smile on his face. He peppers you with questions about how you’ve been, and with a reassuring nod, you assure him that everything’s going well. Then, seamlessly, Yoongi joins in, encircling you with his arms, a reassuring and tight embrace that momentarily eases the complexities lingering in the air.
“Missed you,” he chuckles, his arms refusing to release you as you playfully roll your eyes. Amidst the friendly banter, you can’t help but notice Jimin’s intense gaze fixed on you. His eyes darken, and the once bright smile on his face transforms into a subtle frown, leaving you with a sense of unease.
Your heart sinks, the realization hitting you like a ton of bricks. Does Jimin not know that Yoongi is gay, and that his kiss was merely his attempt at figuring out his sexuality? It occurs to you that he probably doesn’t. After all, Yoongi hasn’t openly shared his sexual orientation, and you’ve kept it confidential as well. The pieces start falling into place, and you comprehend the anger simmering in Jimin’s eyes. If he assumes that you and Yoongi are a couple, it would explain the tension and frustration etched on his face.
How do you convey to Jimin that your relationship with Yoongi is nothing more than a deep, platonic friendship, without revealing Yoongi’s sexual orientation?
And in the grand scheme of things, does any of this even hold weight now? With him having a girlfriend, laying the truth bare seems futile. Why would confessing change a thing? He’s maintained radio silence for months, a streak of silence that shows no signs of breaking, so why break it now?
Yoongi releases you, and you respond with a playful slap on his shoulder. As he steps back, falling in line behind Hoseok, you can’t help but catch the subtle way his gaze traces Hoseok’s figure.
As you glance over, you spot Namjoon and Seokjin in the hallway, each holding a bottle of wine. A smile plays on your lips as they make their way toward you, meticulously placing the bottles on the table before joining in the gathering.
Namjoon envelops you in a warm, tight hug, his curious voice breaking through the buzz of the room. 
“How’s that calf doing?” he inquires, while Seokjin raises an intrigued eyebrow at him.
Gratitude warms your voice as you assure Namjoon, “He’s doing fine with his mother and the rest of the herd. Thank you so much for helping.” A warm smile accompanies your words, and you motion for them to take a seat.
“That’s great,” he remarks, pulling out a chair and settling in beside Seokjin.
Ha-rin and Ara make their entrance into the dining room, their foreheads glistening with the sweat earned from their hard work in the kitchen.
You take your seat beside Yoongi and Soo-ah, casting a glance across the table where Jimin and Deiji have settled. Jessi and Jungkook, positioned next to each other, are engaged in a playful banter that echoes the dynamics of a married couple, the subject revolving around trucks and bikes. Despite your eye roll at their antics, a sweet smile tugs at your lips, warming your heart with the familiarity of their friendship.
Ha-rin’s exhausted yet earnest voice scolds gently, pointing with pride at the array of delectable dishes that have emerged from the depths of her labor in the kitchen throughout the day. “Please, eat your heart out. I’ve practically lived in that kitchen to create this feast,” she urges, her eyes reflecting the passion poured into every culinary creation with the assistance of Ara.
Expressions of gratitude fill the air as your entire group starts delving into the carefully crafted dishes before you. The aroma is irresistible, and your anticipation intensifies as you eagerly anticipate the first savory bite, your hungry stomach protesting its emptiness.
Savoring the heartiness of the meal, you indulge in a bit of everything, each mouthful a symphony of delectable flavors. A wave of gratitude washes over you for having Ha-rin on the ranch, as her culinary skills elevate the dining experience, compensating for your own culinary shortcomings.
Seokjin, caught in the rapture of each bite, pauses to express his culinary admiration. His eyes gleam with appreciation as he licks his lips, savoring the flavors. “Ha-rin, this is truly incredible. Would you mind sharing the recipe later? I don’t want to miss out on a single secret behind this delightful feast.”
Ha-rin’s laughter, a melodic accompaniment to the clinking of cutlery, fills the room. A subtle blush tints her cheeks, and a bashful yet confident smile reveals her teeth. “Thank you,” she responds graciously, “I can send you the recipe later, no problem.”
You can’t help but chuckle, observing her graceful gesture of tucking a strand of short, black hair behind her ear. Her eyes, adorned with a spark of admiration, linger on Seokjin as he savors every bite.
As you glance around the table, a warmth spreads through you, witnessing everyone relishing the moment. Namjoon gracefully pours wine for those seeking a more refined sip, while others opt for the familiar companionship of beer or the simple refreshment of water.
You relish a small glass of red, a rare indulgence that harmonizes beautifully with the culinary symphony on your plate, you’re about to shift your attention back to the feast when you feel the weight of Jimin’s gaze. His eyes pierce through the air, intense and fervent, as though etching a connection with the depths of your soul.
A nervous gulp courses through you, a fleeting warmth that fans the flames of self-consciousness. Your throat tightens imperceptibly, a subtle reminder of the unspoken tension in the air. Summoning courage, you lock eyes with Jimin, your gaze unwavering. The question lingers in the charged atmosphere – why is he studying you with such intensity?
Deiji’s laughter echoes, a stark contrast to the storm brewing in Jimin’s eyes. With narrowed gaze, you shoot back a piercing stare, mirroring the frustration and pain you’ve bottled up. Unnoticed, your fingers tighten around the utensils, and red begins to flare behind your eyelids.
“Calm down,” as frustration tightens your grip on the utensils, Yoongi’s calming whisper in your ear nudges you back from the edge. With an exasperated huff, you release your clenched hands. Jimin’s persistent gaze lingers, a puzzle you can’t decipher. Annoyed, you shoot him a furrowed frown, determined to focus on your meal. If he has something to say, he can use words instead of cryptic glances. You refuse to grant him more of your time without a proper conversation.
You practically spear the defenseless food on your plate, the residual anger simmering within. Beside you, Yoongi chuckles, a sound that offers a glimmer of solace. In the midst of your inner turmoil, it’s a relief to know someone can find enjoyment in this tense dinner.
Throughout the remainder of the dinner, laughter dances in the air alongside light-hearted conversations, a melody you struggle to fully engage with. Purposefully steering clear of Jimin, you catch his occasional glances in your direction, each one like an unspoken question lingering in the room.
As the final bites are savored and the dinner concludes, a collective effort ensues to tidy up the remnants of the feast. While some bid their goodbyes and disappear into the night, a handful remain, drawn to the allure of the terrace to indulge in leisurely drinks before ending the day’s festivities.
Soo-ah, Ara, Ha-rin, Yoongi, and Hoseok gravitate towards the terrace, creating a lively ensemble beneath the canvas of a sky painted with the remnants of a sunset that bid its farewell just hours ago. The air, now a gentle embrace, cradles the warmth of the departed sun, fostering an ambiance ripe for drinks and smalltalk.
You cradle the red wine in your hands, the rich hue mirroring the depth of your thoughts. It’s only your second glass, but who’s keeping track anyway?
You exhale with a profound sigh, sinking back into the chair, as if the weight of the day is lifting off your shoulders in that single breath.
Hoseok gazes at you, concern etched across his face. “What’s eating at you?”
You let out a frustrated groan, a desire to yank at your own hair bubbling beneath the surface. Uncertain about revealing the source of your vexation, you debate whether to open up about what’s truly bothering you. Given that your friends are well aware of your feelings for Jimin, it’s not as if you’d be sharing some profound secret.
“I’m just tired of Jimin,” you confess with a deep exhale, absentmindedly twirling the wine glass in your fingers, the crystal capturing the soft glow of the terrace lights.
Yoongi chuckles knowingly; he’s been a willing listener to your rants and frustrations about Jimin countless times. The girls exchange sympathetic glances, silently urging you to share more of your feelings.
“It’s frustrating, really. He hasn’t spoken a word to me since that awkward encounter when I met him and Deiji coming fresh out of the shower. The only thing he did say was to question why I was there. And now, he keeps looking at me with this strange intensity and weird look and I just can’t figure out what’s going on in his head,” you confess, letting out a heavy sigh.
Hoseok bursts into laughter, breaking the tension with his infectious humor, “Maybe he wants a threesome?” Your eyes roll at his playful comment, appreciating how he effortlessly lightens the mood, a skill he seems to master whenever things get awkward.
“I’m sure he doesn’t. Not that I’m interested!” Laughter ripples through the group, a collective release of tension that eases the weight on your shoulders.
“Maybe he just wants to talk then?” Hoseok suggests, his eyes holding a glimmer of hope beneath the terrace’s soft glow.
“If he wants to talk to me, he should just do it instead of giving me those fucking angry eyes,” you scoff, the frustration and deflation evident in your voice.
“I’m just so angry!” you declare, your body tensing with each word before finally releasing the built-up tension.
“We get it,” Soo-ah remarks, her voice understanding and sympathetic.
“Love is hard,” she adds with a touch of melancholy, her gaze lingering on Hoseok. You know that she likes him, but you don’t know if Hoseok feels the same for her. 
You let out a bitter, angry chuckle, the sound escaping from deep within as a manifestation of the frustration and tension bubbling inside you.
“By the way, does his girlfriend look familiar to any of you?” you inquire, turning to face them, only to be met with a chorus of laughter. Their unexpected reaction leaves you bewildered and searching for answers.
Ara quirks an eyebrow, suppressing a smile behind her delicate hand, and gently teases, “You haven’t realized yet?”
You shake your head. Realized what?
“She looks like you.” Ha-rin’s revelation is like a sudden thunderclap in the midst of a quiet storm, her words hanging in the air with a weight that sends a shiver down your spine. 
She looks like you? 
Every fiber of your being comes alive, reigniting the small fire you had extinguished for Jimin. The embers, once dormant, now glow and dance, casting an unexpected warmth that spreads through the chambers of your heart. The uncanny resemblance between you and Jimin’s girlfriend becomes a flickering flame, illuminating the shadows of your emotions and casting doubt on the carefully constructed walls you’ve built around your feelings.
Could this mean what you think it does?
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Author’s note(2): Thank you so much for reading! 🌸 I would very much appreciate it if you reblogged the chapter, if you liked it ✨ A small review or a comment would also mean a lot to me, and even a like. But please, don’t be afraid to let me know what you think; your kind words makes me extremely happy 💜
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