#bts haru haru vol 22
stormblessed95 · 2 months
I don't have any proof for it but i do remember taehyung saying it i mean there's no video proof of it but it's in written form (i might even have it's SS but i will never be able to find it now) so taehyung says that about a skit that he wanted to Act it with jimin but jimin was awakwrd doing that acting so he did it with jungkook. It's like basically jm is bad/awakwrd actor at that time 😂 this is from old times though so it will be hard to find out. I think the skit was something like looking at eachother and falling in love and something.
And now I know EXACTLY what you are talking about! Thank you!! From Haru Haru Vol 22 in 2014. The moment in question was from a V, JK, and Jin interview segment:
Q: If you had to make Jungkook happy within an hour, what would you do?
Jin: I will take Jungkook out to eat. There were several times when my parents and I took Jungkook out to eat. He eats so well when we take him to restaurants that Busan doesn’t have – I’m also very happy. I think we ate meat at a hotel right?
Jungkook: It was super delicious!
V: I will act out skits with Jungkook. We usually start acting when we face each other. The topic will change according to the current situation. If it’s a sad (skit), I will suddenly drop down to my knees when I see Jungkook. And Jungkook will also kneel down…
Jin: That really does happen. I don’t participate and only watch on the side. I would go, “Ah, they’re starting again..” (laughs).
V: Sometimes we would deliberately act out romance skits face-to-face. Jungkook would go “da da da” and start singing his own BGM. We’ll also act when we’re eating. (Reenacted live: they were doing eating motions and suddenly stopped in the middle of reaching over to grab food, and raised their heads to face each other. They revealed their expressions of falling in love.) I just simply wanted to act it and only Jungkook naturally and slowly did it with me. I also did it a few times with Jimin but it didn’t go as smoothly as it does with Jungkook… (Jimin: I guess I still have learning to do.)
Full interview:
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Hopefully this is correct and what you were looking for? Thank you for explaining more!!
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babytaekoo · 4 years
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140122 [PHOTOSHOOT + INTERVIEW] BTS in haru*hana (하루하나) Vol.22 February & March | (c) BTS CONTENT INDEX
Q. What made the relationship between the both of you well?
 V: My relationship with Jungkook is like that of same-age friends.
JUNGKOOK: We originally were very in tune but our relationship suddenly turned well because we went for vocal training together. 
V: Jungkook is a bit shy in the dorms. He only started letting loose after we got close. And therefore we no longer had any other concerns and everyone became close. 
Q: If you had to make Jungkook happy within an hour, what would you do?
V: I will act out skits with Jungkook. We usually start acting when we face each other. The topic will change according to the current situation. If it’s a sad (skit), I will suddenly drop down to my knees when I see Jungkook. And Jungkook will also kneel down…  
Q: If you had to make V happy within an hour, what would you do?
JUNGKOOK: I will show V hyung a funny performance. He’ll laugh within 20 seconds. Also doing the skits that hyung loves.
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luminaika · 5 years
wts - bts cds, cards, official merch
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Hello everyone! I’m Alia, back from a long hiatus, and i’m here because i have some money trouble and i’ve decided to sell a part of my collection. Please help share the post if you can!  would be helpful: need to sell asap.
this is an updated post!
Skool Luv Affair SPECIAL ADDITION. 160€ no card (on hold)
Special Addition J-Hope card - sold
Love Yourself E version - 8 € (no card)
Run Japanese ver. Suga card - 20€
Wings J-Hope card - 10€ (also trade w/ Suga)
WAKE UP tour 2015 dvd - 42€
FOR YOU 1st press, all 3 editions -  32€
Boy In Luv B ver. cd+dvd (showcase) - 12€
I NEED YOU Jap. cd only - 5 €
BTS Begins Program Book - 90€
For You 1st Japan Anniversary edition cd+dvd+card  - 40€
2016 Live on Stage Epilogue dvd J-Hope - 35€
Summer Package 2014 J-Hope  - 45 €
1st Japan Fanclub registration photo Suga - 50 €
For You Release event Handshake ticket Suga - 50€
CECI x Bts  Suga - 40€
HYYH pt1 fansign limited photo - sold
2016 Live on Stage Epilogue dvd J-Hope - 35€
Photoset Japan Fanmeeting vol.1 (Suga + group x2) - 35€
Suga photoset Japan Fanmeeting vol.2 - 35€
Wake Up Tour:   complete set (x8) - 85€
Group 32, 30 - 20€
Jimin 21, 22 -   26€
Suga 05, 06, 07, 08 - 48€
Wake Up HMV preorder postcard, Suga and J-Hope - 40€ ea, 70 together
For You HMV preorder postcard set  - 15€
Dark & Wild cd+dvd tower records postcard - 5€
I NEED U cd+dvd tower records postcard - 5€
Haru*hana vol 30 special postcard - 5€
2nd membership Sleep Shade - 5€
2nd membership Mini Towel - 5€
5th membership notebook - 5€
The Wings Tour poster - 5€
Price does not include shipping, payment is only by paypal. I will discount if you buy multiple things!
Shipping from Italy, I can ship worldwide, but for items over 30€ i will ship only with tracking code (which can be expensive, depending on the weight of the package and where you live). I am not responsible for lost or damaged mail after I have sent the items out. Proof of mailing and tracking code will be provided if you choose registered shipping. If normal shipping is chosen, I can only provide you pictures of the package before sending it, as no receipt is given for normal shipping by italian post office.
My email is: [email protected] , please avoid to message me through my Tumblr ask box! ^_^ you can also find me on twitter.
For previous feedbacks take a look here ! Just ask for information about the items and/or more photos!
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0613magazine · 2 years
現在発売中の「haru*hana」VOL.22、 ご覧いただけましたでしょうか 韓国で「BOY IN LUV」でかっこよくカムバックしたばかりの 防弾少年団 今回は、1月に開催された日本でのショーケースも大成功 裏表紙を飾ってくれた防弾少年団の取材から、誌面のスペース上、掲載できなかった話題をオフショットとともにご紹介します
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まずは、レコーディング方法について語ってくれた ラップモンスターとジェイホープのコメントから
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ラップモンスター「僕はレコーディングに時間をかけません。最初に喉を慣らしてからレコーディングをして、ほとんど3テイク目までで決めます。それから、歌詞を書いたときの気分や感じを出すように気をつけていますね。ラップはそのときの雰囲気が大切です。同じラップでもどうやるかによって変わるじゃないですか。だから最初に書いたときの雰囲気を生かすように、わざとオーバーにやったりもします」 ジェイホープ「僕はラップモンスターとは違って、たくさんレコーディングしなきゃ感じがつかめないんです。それはラッパーとしての経歴の長さの違いもあると思うんですけど。あと、ぼくは発音がうまくないので、そこにも気を使います」 対照的な2人のレコーディング方法ですが、それぞれに魅力的な歌声ですよね('-^*)/ 続いて、メンバートーク内(P116~)の「1時間を使ってメンバーを喜ばせるには?」という質問。 撮影でコンビを組んだメンバー以外にも、ブイとジミンがラップモンスターとシュガを喜ばせる(笑わせる)方法を話してくれました。
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ブイ「ラップモンスター兄さんとは一緒に写真を撮ります! 兄さんと一緒に写真を撮ると、なぜか兄さんは僕の姿を見て爆笑するんですよ。シュガ兄さんは難しいかな…、男らしい大邱(テグ)男子スタイルなんで」 ジミン「僕、喜ばせる方法わかります! シュガ兄さんは、テグ男子っぽく振る舞ってますが、誉めると、照れくさくなって笑うんですよ。褒め言葉じゃなくても、『(方言で)ヒョン(兄さん)、今日は一段とカッコよく見えますね!』なんて言うと、笑います!」 ブイ「確かに! それから、シュガ兄さんがギャグを言っても、僕らが無関心なふりをするんです。そうするとシュガ兄さんが変なリアクションをするんですが、それでも返事もしないでだまっていると、なぜか喜んで~」 ジミン「喜んで…(笑)」 ブイ「それでひとりで笑い出すんですよ。だからそうやって笑わせます」 シュガの変なリアクション、いつか見てみたいですね:*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*: 最後に、取材の少し前に生まれて初めて髪を染めたというジェイホープ。 その話題が出た際の、ジミンとジェイホープ2人の会話をどうぞ
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ジミン「ジェイホープ兄さんが、生まれて初めて髪を染めたんですよ 」 ジェイホープ「はい…やってみたんですよ…(照)」 ジミン「すごく気に入ってるんですよ ふふふふふ(笑)」 ジェイホープ「はい!すごく気に入ってるんです 」 ジミン「弟とし���見ていて、初めてやってみたとすごく喜んでいるヒョンの姿を見て、なんていうか、かわいいなって思いますね。へへへ。カワイイ(と、言いながらジェイホープのほうを見て親指を立ててグーサイン)」 ジェイホープ「カワイ~!(笑)」
と、なんとも微笑ましいやり取りをしていた2人。 ちなみに今後やってみたい髪型は…… 「これからはいろんな髪の色に挑戦してみたい!」(ジェイホープ)、 「『進撃の防弾』のときに髪をちょっとあげてみたんですけど、それよりももっとガッとあげてみるとか、果敢なカットに挑戦してみるとか、強めな感じにしてみたいです」(ジミン) とのことでした
★おまけ①★ 本誌(P117、P119)にて掲載しているメンバーの本名の由来。 その中から「難しいので覚えられない」と、携帯を見ながら漢字表記を書いてくれたジェイホープとジョングクの直筆回答を公開 <J-HOPEの本名:チョン・ホソク>
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本当に難しい字ですね((◎д◎ ))
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文字にもジョングクの真面目さが出てますよね?(^O^) ★おまけ②★ メンバートーク内でのグループショット撮影 かなりノリノリで撮影に臨んでくれたメンバーのオフショットを公開
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ジン&ブイ&ジョングクの撮影では、ブイからこんなコメントが! 「ジョングクは普段、ちょっと人見知りをするんです。でも今日は、カメラマンの方が楽しく撮ってくれたので、そういうこともなく、明るく笑って、冗談めかした姿も見せることができました!写真を撮るときも、いつもより気軽に撮れたので、楽しい写真になったと思います」
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その言葉通り、メンバー間の仲の良さが伝わってくるショットの数々は、ぜひ本誌をチェックしてみてくださいね(^-^)/ 次号、3月22日頃発売「haru*hana」VOL.23に掲載の連載「対決!防弾少年団」もお楽しみに
English Translation
Hello to you all, did you all see the latest Haru*Hana which is now on sale?
BTS who just recently came back coolly with BOY IN LUV!
This time, their showcase held in Japan was also a big success!
BTS who decorated the back cover; we’ll now show you the off shots and the photos that weren’t available on the magazine!
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First of all, Rap Monster and J-Hope who told us about their recording method~
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Rap Monster said:
“We don’t spend a lot of time recording. First I warm up my throat before recording, and we I do almost 3 takes. And then I pay attention to the emotions and feelings of the lyrics. For the rap it’s important to know that time’s atmosphere. Even if it’s the same rap it can always change. That’s why in order to take advantage of the atmosphere (that was written) there’s also times that I finish it on purpose”.
J-Hope said:
“Unlike Rap Monster, I need to record a lot of times. That’s also why I think there’s a difference in the length of a rapper’s career. Also, since my pronunciation is not very good I also need to be careful with that”.
They’re two different recording methods, but that’s also why every one’s voice is charming (’-^*)/
Then, using the 116 page’s interview questions we asked “if you could use 1h to please the members?”
Also, apart from the combis the members formed: V & Jimin talked about the method to make Rap Monster & Suga pleased (laughs).
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V: “I’ll take photos with Rap Monster-hyung! I don’t know why but when hyung sees me he bursts out laughing. Suga-hyung is difficult… because he’s a Daegu-style manly man”
Jimin: “I know how to please him! Suga-hyung acts like a Daegu-man but if you praise him he gets embarrassed and laughs. Sometimes even if it’s not really a compliment like if you tell him <(in dialect) Hyung, today you look cooler than ever!> he’ll laugh”.
V: “That’s right! Also, Suga-hyung tells jokes but we pretend to be indifferent. After that Suga-hyung reacts weirdly but if we don’t answer to that either and don’t talk for some reason he’s pleased~”
Jimin: “Pleased… (laughs)”
We’d like to see Suga’s weird reaction someday too :*:・( ̄∀ ̄)・:*:
Lastly, before the actual shoot here’s J-Hope who dyed his hair for the first time since he was born.
When that topic came out, here’s J-Hope’s and Jimin’s conversation.
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Jimin: J-Hope hyung dyed his hair for the first time since he was born!
J-Hope: Yes, I tried doing it… (shine)
Jimin: it suits you very well! Fufufufu (laughs)
J-Hope: Yes, I really like it.
Jimin: since he’s like my brother, when I saw him get really happy after dying it for the first time, how should I say it, I thought it was cute. Hehehe. Cute (while saying this he made a “good” sign to  J-hope)
J-Hope: Cute~ (laughs)
And then both kept on exchanging laughs.
After that the hair style he wants to try is…
“I want to try having my hair of different colors from now on!” (J-HOPE)
“When we sang <The advance of Bangtan> I had my hair up but I want to try a bold cut or something that will give me a stronger look”. (Jimin)
In the 117-118 pages of the magazine we asked the members what the origin of their real names were.
Between those we’ll reveal the “since it’s hard I can’t remember it” which Jungkook and J-Hope wrote for us.
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They’re really difficult characters ((◎д◎ ))
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The characters also show Jungkook’s serious side right? (^O^)
The members photo shoot~
We’re revealing the off shot of the members, they’re pretty worked up.
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In Jin, V & Jungkook’s photo shoot, V commented this!
“Jungkook is usually a bit shy. But today he took the photos quite cheerfully and smiled brightly. He was even able to show his joking side! Since the photos were taken willingly I think they’ll be pretty fun photos”.
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Just like those words, you’ll be able to see the member’s good relationships in the magazine (^-^)/
Source: Haru*Hana ameblo Trans cr; Iraide @ bts-trans
0 notes
fkyeahsuga · 8 years
Daegu genius Min Yoongi pt.2
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(© SUGAFLOW) Part one
Heartwarming hyung Min Yoongi
Before debut, fans asked other member questions on twitter. A fan asked if Yoongi is the one with the most rights. Members replied, “Yes, Yoongi is like a father to us in our dorm”
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Q: (2013) During Gayo Daejun, Suga was unable to attend because of sickness. Do you feel regretful?
SG: It’s my first time watching BTS’ performance in a ward, I saw Jimin fell down during his performance and I was so shocked I immediately changed the channel. I called Jimin right after the performance. JM: I got Yoongi hyung’s call right after the performance ended, I was really touched.  Actually at that time I only thought about finishing the stage, I didn’t even realize I hurt myself.
(This is an incredibly long post, please click keep reading if you would like to read the rest.)
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During BTS’ first anniversary Kkul FM, Yoongi wrote a note to Seokjin.
Jin hyung... Amazing, university homework must be hard...? Don’t stop studying.. I’ll keep cheering for you!
Members describe Yoongi
Seokjin: Although (Yoongi) always seems like he doesn’t care, and has a cold attitude towards us, but actually he is the person who always look after everyone at the back. As an example, during trainee times V was scolded by a staff right? Suga told V “You brought this up yourself, so you have to clean up the mess yourself.” V had alot of discussions with him, and they both went to go apologize to the staff. He’s a really manly guy.
[Hanryupia Magazine ©yuzuki5206]
Hoseok: During 2010′s Christmas night, it was my first time entering the dorm, I was really excited and also anxious. The first thing I saw is SUGA in only briefs! The harsh reality of that side of trainee (life) hit me hard. SUGA was also the first person to talk to me. The things you said to me I still remember~ SUGA hyung told me who was sleeping in the living room by myseld, “come sleep in my room” (laughs) I was so happy~ I remember I replied to you “It’s okay, it’s more comfortable here.” Even though this guy SUGA is really dull, but he is actually a heartwarming guy “Real manly man” so I like him alot  ♥   [Hanryupia Magazine ©yuzuki5206]
Hoseok: There’s also one thing that left a great impression on me. It was the New year fried chicken~ During that time other trainees already went home, only I’m left in the dorm. SUGA called me and asked me if I’m okay, and I said “It’s very boring alone”. In a while he appeared in the dorm with a box of fried chicken! I was really touched that time, totally fell so hard! If I’m a girl I would totally fall in love! [Hanryupia Magazine ©yuzuki5206]
Namjoon: I’m really grateful towards SUGA hyung, sometimes looking at him makes me think I should really reflect on myself. He’s like a mirror for me. People would always be influenced to stop by themselves or people around them, but everytime I talked with SUGA hyung, I feel like I learned more about myself. [Haru Hana vol.22]
Jimin: Working with SUGA hyung is really fun. Usually working with other producers I will feel really anxious, but with SUGA hyung I won’t feel anxious. He will say (with a wide smile like he usually does) “Put in more emotions and try again~” or “Let’s try again”. [10Asia Magazine]
Seokjin: (SUGA) When guiding me he would always say, “Forget all your problems! Forget all the thoughts you bear in your heart!” Because he says like that, there was once I even forgot how to sing, Haha! What’s even funnier is he would demo for me himself, and he’ll tell me I should sound like I’m singing in the wind- (he gestures Yoongi’s demo) Girl let me know~~ [10Asia Magazine]
Q: What do you think is Yoongi’s best charm?
RM: SUGA hyung is my music partner, he will notice details that I’ve missed. JIN: SUGA is very handy at fixing broken things. JH: SUGA hyung always jokes with a straight face, but sometimes his jokes aren’t even funny....(laughs) JM: SUGA hyung is very knowledgeable. V: No matter what happened, SUGA hyung can always fix the problem with a very calm attitude. JK: SUGA hyung is a composing genius. [Haru Hana Vol.24]
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Q: About Yoongi’s hidden charm?
RM: He always shows his unconcerned attitude, but secretly he’s really attentive. JH: When we’re feeling lost and panic, he’s always the big brother figure who gives us guidance. Everytime this happens, his “lazy” seems to be completely gone, and he gets very charismatic. JK: Because he doesn’t like trouble, so he hides his charms very nicely. But they way he hides them is too obvious~ It becomes another charm (lol) JM: He likes to joke, and he cares about physical appearance alot. But he is always taking care of everyone. JIN: When doing things he’s not the first guy to start, but will always be the first to finish, (Yoongi) is a very charismatic friend
The hyung that took great care of everyone when travelling.
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“To prevent mistakes when spending money, Manager Min did precise calculations” 
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“In case of getting lost, the hyung (between the three) who is seriously checking the map”
Every member’s school entrance ceremonies and graduation ceremonies, Yoongi seems to have attended them all.
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A.R.M.Y’s biggest fan
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Q: What is A.R.M.Y to you?
SG: Armys are huge celebrities and I’m everyone’s fans.
Yoongi prepared gifts for fans during his birthday.
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“March 2nd 2014 SUGA’s log, today, during my birthday, I’ve prepared gifts for everyone. Even though I didn’t pack them alone, but I’ve did my best when joining the preparation. Actually I’m always thinking what to give fans, so it feels good to prepare gifts for fans when it’s also my birthday, the thought of fans happy reaction after receiving them makes me excited. I’ve always been the receiving side from fans, so now I want to give back isn’t it~ Even though I make music for everyone to hear and do performances for everyone to see, but I want to express more of my gratitude towards fans. I want to give everyone more than just music and performances. So when I was packing the gifts, and also when I’m writing the notes, I feel very enjoyable thinking of fans’ happy reaction~ Preparing gifts with this feeling, thinking am I able to convey my feelings?~ I want to thank all the fans. Actually for 22 years I’ve always treated my birthday as just another day in 365 days.. So when I don’t have my birthday for myself but also for my fans, I feel very very glad. 2014 March 2nd SUGA log end”
Yoongi makes effort when writing cards for fans.
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“This cannot be simply written, this card will bring whoever received it a huge memory..” -Yoongi
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[June 19th 2013] Fan: What is in Yoongi’s bag kyakya Yoongi: 2 fan letters! The letters you guys write to me I’ll keep them in my bag, and when there is time I’ll take them out to read eungkyakya Everytime I read these letters I will smile :)
August 14th 2014, Yoongi had a Q&A with fans on twitter about music.
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Q1: I want to try writing songs, but at the start I feel they are very cheesy, so I wrote abit and stopped, then continue writingㅠ Are there any good ways to overcome this situation SG: I also wrote alot of cheesy lyrics...hahaha but you need to accumulate experience like this, and you will be able to write lyrics that you won’t feel cheesy about!!
Q2: Any tips for beginners starting out on composing? SG: Actually music isn’t that hard~~ If you like it, you will have the desire of creating it, when the desire is alot, naturally you will see your improvement~~ Enjoy it~~
[AJ X THE STAR Vol.1] Q: Everytime when there is overseas schedule, members will upload pictures on social media as soon as possible, it’s a really good way to communicate with fans. But now your schedule is more and more packed, do you feel pressure?
SG: I do feel tired, but I feel this is like mutual understanding between us and the fans, we upload selcas to tell fans we’re alright
“When I tweet I always use ‘supsup’, ‘eungkyakya’, sounds like these, some people like it but some people think it’s cheesy. Actually I don’t like to act cute, and you can say I’m really dull and honest guy, but I want to communicate with my fans, and I like using this way, so I just send tweets like this, I can say it’s my way to express my liking of the fans.” [ize Magazine 130718]
Q: When talking about BTS’ real manly men, it must be SUGA right? But just like your name SUGA, do you have a sweet side? SG: I’m a steady guy, but in front of my fans I can’t help but feel a little cute, like doing aegyo in front of the fans. If it’s usual times I will certainly never do that. [Haru Hana vol.23 Q&A] 
Q: Do you like being called “oppa”? If you’re called oppa, what reaction will you have? Also please tell noona fans something SG: I like noona too~ Actually age is not a problem, all my fans I love you all! [Haru Hana vol.23 Q&A]
Q: Please say what will fans be surprised with if they become your fans! SG:  I’m already a guy with surprises~ Alot of people think I’m vocal when they see me, because I look like I have very high pitch voice and good at singing, but my voice is actually very low. Also I look like I’m the active and cute person, but I’m not, which makes me feel unimaginable. So if you become my fan, you’ll see alot of my sides, especially those who likes to watch horror movies (laughs) [Haru Hana vol.21]
Some things Yoongi said during Kkul FM 
Now we’ve debuted an accurate 100 days, in this 100 days, because we have ARMYs beside us, that is why we do exist. I’m really really grateful. From now onwards, hundred days, thousand days, ten thousand days, hundred thousand days, we should always be together. -130920
2014 is a really busy and quick year, even though we gained alot, but it would be lying to say there are no regrets.. But because we really did our best in 2014, so I don’t feel regretful. To prevent any regret in 2015, we’ll keep on running, ARMYs~ Is everyone prepared to run with us? What, are you prepared? Say it louder~ Have you prepared? To achieve when you don’t even regret when looking back, we’ll do our best to run along with ARMYs. Let’s always be together, ARMYs, hope you have a warm christmas. -141225
Two years anniversary may feel like it’s short, if you’re working in a normal company, you can’t even get a promotion yet. But too many things happened in two years, it feels short but also feels long. Because we always have ARMYs with us, so we can keep on growing. We show how we aggresively live to the fans, not only two years. Twenty years, until two hundred years anniversary. Until our 200th anniversary, we shall always be like a family ARMYs. We’re all a family, I love you all. -150613
24 years old, March 9th. There’s nothing special, birthday is only another day in 265 days. I usually feel nothing much ,but just like how ARMYs give me wishes in this day, it feels more special now. First time having my birthday during 2013, ah no, 2014, I also felt like this. It really is because ARMYs blessings for me, this day is no longer a normal daily day, but instead it became a very special day in 365 days. -160309
Fansign Lady Killer Min Yoongi
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Q: What do I have in common with oppa?  ㅠ ㅠ(please) SG: We are in love with each other
160103 Bundang Fansign Yoongi: Let us look at each other like this forever. This reminds me of when we debuted with No More Dream, and had our first fansign. It feels like already  two years and a half, I never expected so many people to like me by then. Because of this I feel really blessed. In spite of that I’m someone who is blunt at expressing myself, but I’m truly grateful from my heart, you guys had paid attention to me for a very long time. It doens’t matter that time has passed, when you love someone, how long have time passed does not matter. So, lets always look at each other for a long time! (Always be together)
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Q: Yoongi ya! When I look at you, I’m always nervous, I feel my heart is painful. But if I don’t see you, I’ll miss you alot, my heart is even more painful. What should i do?? (Except for going to the hospital..) SG: Just come and see me ©newless78
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Q: Yoongi oppa ❤ Please write something that will touch me, something that will motivate me to study harder! If I have oppa’s words, I feel like I can get first place in school, really SG: Let’s meet when you get first place (Conversation) SG: Can you really get first place? OP: (hesitated) Yes!! SG: So then, if you get first place in school, bring your grades over and oppa will write more stuff for you, and give you a sign too~ You must get first place~ ©1013_jiminhome
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Q: If you get a lover in the future, you’d like 1. someone older  ✔ 2. someone younger ✔ 3. someone same aged  ✔ Q: and what kind of lover would you want to be? (i like music reccomendations too  ♡) SG: a good person ©inoasix, t©ctribeat
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Q: Early wishing Yoongi happy birthday, I will keep on sticking to you tightly SG: You must stick to me!! ©MAJOR SCALE 
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Q: What kind of title do you want your future girlfriend to call you? SG: Ya   Jagiya ©SmurfBts
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Q: My friend likes oppa alot!! Please write something for Yoona who is currently working hard to accomplish her dream of becoming a composer  ♡ SG: Some day for sure we’ll meet at your workplace ©rrmangos
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Q: Yoongi oppa! First love is a piano, can Last love be me? SG: Can~~ ©xarkxixin
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Q: Love my vitamin Yoongi too much, I can’t function normally in everyday life anymore, please tell me a way to cure this...❤ SG: Then just give up on life!! Just look at me is enough ©4you2melove
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Q: Looking at my face, what do you think of? SG: My love ©J_right_M
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Q: What is most important to oppa? 1. lamb skewers 2. sleeping 3. OP’s name 4. camera 5. others ✔ (Holly and fan’s name) (credit was not included in the original post :( )
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Q:  I am hard to please just the same like oppa, what to do? SG: So what we match each other © ys体质
Searching and compiling little things about Yoongi made me feel really heartwarming and very happy, he’s like a huge gift to my life, a person who makes me feel more and more addicted. Happy birthday Min Yoongi ♡ May happiness forever be with you.  (P/S, a bonus for those who read this compilation!)
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Compilation ©Yunyiya Translation ©Admin Sera
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Wait did Jimin really said that, it is not fake but has official source? I always thought it was fake because I couldn’t find any reliable original source, and bts archive is so huge and hard to navigate. Please can you tell me which year (maybe approximately) it was and maybe what JK answered too…funny in 2020 Jimin basically answered to similar question the same..nothing changed about his adoration to maknae perhaps it only increased by time
Hi! That's from 140122 Haru Hana Magazine Vol 22 Interview. As for full translations for the who would you take to a Desert Island Question, this is what I can find:
Q: If you had to go to a deserted island, which member would you bring with you? Please state the reason.
JIN: I’ll bring Jungkook. First he’s strong and he usually carries around all of my necessities so he’s been a great help. 
JUNGKOOK: I also choose Jin hyung. Hyung is a good cook and will put to good use the things I bring over. 
RM: I choose V because he’s loud so I won’t be lonely. J-Hope too because he’s very optimisic. It feels like he’s going to say to me, “There’s hopes of living!” (laughs) 
J-HOPE: If I’m with Jimin, I think we’ll be able to make things smoothly.  
SUGA: I also choose Jimin because he listens well to me (laughs). Besides he’s very vital so it feels like he’ll still live quite well even on a deserted island. 
V: Me too! Finding food to eat and giving me a massage… it feels like there’s a lot of things I can use Jimin for! 
JIMIN: I absolutely will not go to a deserted island, absolutely (laugh). 
So it seems like perhaps the part about Jungkook got added in, as i cant find any translation account that added that sentence in. OR it just got missed. Who knows. You can read the ENTIRE interview here. Which you should, it's really funny and cute
And if you read the language, or know someone who does, you can perhaps check the original magazine scans to see if he really did mention Jungkookie for his answer or not
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Their back cover interview trans and photos and drawings here too for the same magazine volume:
And the video message from BTS for this issue
Jikook Aeygo within lol
Hope that helps!!
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