#bs 1x05
buildinggsr · 1 year
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William Petersen as Gil Grissom’s Awesome Portraits Collection ➥ B-Side subcollection (request by anon) CSI 1.05 | 1.06
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pomodoriyum · 5 months
the underneath underbelly of terror 1x05 seems to be defending and helping others in the face of unfair bs? hickey with manson, tozer with heather (he was clipping his nails and talkign to him!!!! fuck it was really touching!!!!), goodsir trying to get crozier to back off on silna…blanky, goodsir, and little all objecting francis trying to kick silna out…. hickeygibson makeup marriage doesnt quite fit, but reconciliation is def like. related
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dimpleskinard · 5 years
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starbuck · 3 years
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#black sails#eleanor guthrie#anne bonny#bs max#billy bones#and#john silver#who is all the yellow text lol - i gave him his own text color!#what is the point of this gifset? i'm not entirely sure#i think my main point is to illustrate how the last two are hybrid parallels of both 'chose' and 'live with it'#which are Their Own Things kind of but were always Related#just went into my s4 notes where i brainstormed this set and my commentary was 'it makes sense to me. the Vibes are there' so like. Helpful#like i said i've been vaguely planning it since the rewatch previous that i did a year ago#but what Really made me think of it (apparently - according to my notes) was in 4x02 when Max says#'This will all pass soon enough if we let it.' which is obviously a parallel to Silver's 'Guilt is natural but it also goes...#...away if you let it.' from 1x05#which is the same conversation that the second gif in this set comes from#which is particularly interesting in the context of something i hadn't noticed until the rewatch i'm doing currently#in that (per the first gif here) Silver actually stole that phrase FROM Eleanor#of course the context is very different since at that point Eleanor just thought Max had left Nassau#but the reason it's particularly relevant to all of this is that as she says the very first iteration of this phrase who is sitting in#her office but Silver and Billy... i am Just Saying#(i may or may not have had a slight Freak Out about this that i had to suppress in favor of telling you this way but lol)#OH AND ANNE IS ALSO HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!#hers aren't particularly related to the others in a direct sense but it's all just one thematic Thing ya know??#god i hope this makes sense to people other than me#and i'm sorry if these tags don't really clarify anything... i guess that's one of the reasons i'd been holding off making this#it's just. a Vibe. idk what else to say#make of it what you will
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lukearnold · 5 years
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moon-yean · 7 years
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eleanor guthrie memorial week
∟ day 4: hair / outfit appreciation
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nyikondlovu · 3 years
No other thoughts other than the fact that:
Beth Chapel and Rick Tyler always run parallel to each other. in season one they also shared an episode of their origins as Doctor Midnite and Hourman II respectively. We saw in 1x05 how Rick relied so much on anger about how his parents died in order to avoid dealing with the pain so he emotionally isolated himself from everyone while Beth became the opposite as a people pleaser because she didn't have her best friends aka her parents by her side 24/7 and she points out that she ‘talks a lot but people don't like it’, that episode was about how they process their emotions while 2x08 was about identity for the two of them.
Rick was in pain regarding how cruel his uncle was and if a criminal was who he was destined to be but he had some comfort in that his father's hourglass worked for him meaning he had enough good in him to be a superhero while Beth on the other spectrum was quietly questioning HER identity as a daughter, as a superhero, as a young black woman. Rick had his cushion of superhero-ness taken from him by Eclipso when he convinced Rick enough that Grundy was bad and bad could never change so he used the one thing he believed confirmed he was a good person, his fathers hourglass. At the end of the episode Rick doesn't know who he is.
Beth started as someone who lost her best friend Chuck, her parents wouldn't talk to her about their divorce and barely spent time at home and she needed to be saved from physical attacks by Rick. She was questioning what she truly brings to the JSA and who she really is. Eclipso trying to use things that she's most probably been told or seen behind the bs of such as her gender and her race and her fighting abilities or lack thereof. He tried using the every new JSA member was chosen except you to break her but he didn't account for her finding strength within herself because (what I believe is) Beth is one of the strongest members of the team mentally. She ends the episode confident in herself and her abilities.
Now that we’ve come to the end of the season I felt it only right to look at the journey Beth has taken from season one to the end of season two (growth over 26 episodes)
Season one we see Beth from a spectator’s perspective because we are seeing her through Courtney’s eyes. Beth might have come off as annoying to some viewers because we didn’t know her and had no reason to love to hate her (Cindy) or just immediately like her (Yolanda). Even her origin story needs you to look past the ‘I saw your dog chewing on these and now I own them’ because that is not what happened. What happened was Beth was concerned about people who didn’t much care for her but because she saw Yolanda scaling up the hospital, she went to Courtney to find out what’s going on showing her compassion immediately.
Next she helped a group of people who kinda didn’t want her as a member of the team or didn’t care enough about her to officially let her join and even AFTER Courtney asked her for the goggles back she refused because she wanted to help the group anyway because she was best suited to use the goggles and she knew it. There is the stubbornness subtly put on show.
Finally, you have her rushing to protect Barbara in the finale even though she has no combat training but she still went through with her attempt. There is the courage and bravery she’s ALWAYS had.
Coming into season two we are now in HER perspective. How she feels like her parents marriage falling apart is something SHE needs to fix. There’s her people pleasing always have to take care of people coming back into play. She makes it HER job to fix her parents when it’s THEIR job because it’s THEIR relationship.
We see how she bottles everything up to the point where when Rick asks her what’s wrong she lashes out then bursts into tears. She’s someone who suffers in silence.
All of these traits come into play in Chapter eight of season two. All the insecurities and horrible things she’s been having thinking about herself and role in the JSA are fully realized.
She uses her courage to call Eclipso out on his racism
She uses her bravery to pull the goggles from him and tell him she chose herself to be Doctor Mid-Nite.
She uses her stubbornness to keep fighting against Eclipso instead of giving in like her other teammates have
She takes her compassion and people pleasing and turns it toward herself. SHE is Doctor Mid-Nite because she’s proud of all these things he tried attacking her with. She’s fully acknowledged her fears but doesn’t hide from them. She faces them head on. She emerges CONFIDENT in both herself and her abilities.
We see this confidence when she tells her parents how she feels at the end of the episode. We see it in chapter ten when she tells them no and she isn’t ready to talk about her jsa related missions. We see it when SHE walks out on the people she’s most wanted to pay attention to her because there’s something more important going on.
Beth evolves this season and I’m so glad she did because she is a wonderful character. I hope she continues growing while Rick continues on his journey of finding himself outside of the hourglass. While he learns that people love him and he’s worth caring about.
I really enjoyed season two and can’t wait for season three.
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wings-of-a-storm · 3 years
Same anon with another general thought here, but I don't think enough people are talking about how crushed Benji must be to know that not only is he not allowed in Victor's home because of Isabelle, but that also Isabelle was right off the bat so accepting of and friendly towards Rahim. Not even Victor seemed to give it much thought, and I get that he was happy that his mom was "doing better", but he really should have considered Benji's feelings on the matter more and noticed how hurt he was.
Hello again! Another wonderful general thought to ponder. A very complicated one though, as it turns out, as this particular situation is full of nuance and mental health minefields…
When you’re that overwhelmed by external stress (and it intermingles with your mental health), you can’t think or behave on a level you would normally have the energy and clear-thinking to be able to do. And Victor’s situation with his mother is impacting on both boys. Both are distracted by their own stress and trying to stay above water in their own ways, which makes some of their reactions very self-focused.
Victor’s stress is pretty evident because we have his point of view and are living in that pain with him.
Benji’s is more subtle but the clues are there to piece together.
For me, it is pretty clear that Benji has had to compromise a lot of himself in their relationship so far due to the more dire nature of the stressful situation Victor is currently going through. Normally, that level of compromise could possibly be maintained in the short-term for someone who is at a healthy-enough headspace in their own life, but I don’t think Benji is there yet. Not just because he is a recovering addict, but because of the root cause of that addiction -- his own journey of coming to peace with his identity.
Events happened in Benji’s life -- like his violent car crash -- that reshaped him into someone who survives internalised hatred about himself through mule-headed determination and idealism. Like, Benji is very idealistic about living an authentic life and expecting others to be better in society. And most of the time it is well-meaning, if not misguided, idealism, such as telling Victor he shouldn’t compromise with the basketball change room because he should only ever hang around people who accept him for who he is.
And so much of that attitude has probably come from the trauma of that car crash -- it would have affected his tolerance level in life. He realised he almost died before ever getting to freely be who he is and the horror of that realisation completely shifted his priorities in life. He isn’t going to let anyone or anything get in the way of him living as his authentic self.
Derek’s influence would have only re-enforced that perspective, as Derek is also someone who is very much in the mindset of ‘I’m going to be exactly who I am and screw heteronormative bs.’
For over a year, Benji was able to live his own freedom and solidify his identity. It was really important to him to be able to do so. But then along came Victor who isn’t at that stage yet and that created a big imbalance in their relationship, through no one’s fault.
When Benji and Victor first got together, we saw Benji intuitive enough to display that concern -- that it might be tough to date Victor since he is so new to accepting his sexuality and hadn’t even said the words out loud yet, whereas Benji would have to relive being stuck in the closet. But even worse this time, because he had already had his car accident epiphany and would feel extra suffocation. But Benji decided Victor was worth all of that and he’d be there with him every step of the way through his coming out process.
For several months, Benji had to compromise who he was, relive a shame that literally took a drunken car accident to break through (more or less), and watch the person he really cares for feel rejected by his mama over and over again. Living that sort of cycle, even within a perfect summer bubble, takes its toll over time. It slowly erodes your patience and strength, exacerbates old wounds, makes you feel helpless… And for someone with such incredibly strong ideals as Benji, it is even tougher to sit on the sidelines and be unable to change anything. Benji has no control over that situation at all, when normally a sense of control helps manage anxiety (especially for a recovering alcoholic).
But Benji is dedicated to Victor and willing to (temporarily) compromise a lot of the steps he made to get to where he is today so that he can be Victor’s support. Where S2 starts, we see Benji still trying to stay strong in himself and be as patient and supportive as he can be for Victor. Cracks are there though because he has his own baggage that he’s constantly having to push aside.
Victor absolutely deserves that support and his situation takes precedence, but it would be a little unfair of us not to acknowledge the toll it does take on a partner. Both parties’ mental health matters.
And then, through all that compromise and unspoken toll on Benji’s end, Benji gets to hear how another gay teen is treated almost flawlessly by his boyfriend’s mother. It really is a lot of salt in the wound -- this other teen got to just show up at the Salazar house and be treated courteously, whereas Benji put so much effort into giving Isabel space and time and tried so darn hard to bond with her, only to be rejected at every attempt.
It would start to feel like the problem is with him; that’s he’s not good enough as a person (and feeling good enough as a person is clearly an insecurity Benji is still fighting through because we saw how much it meant to Benji in 1x05 when Victor told him he thought that who he was as a person was pretty darn good).
Rationally Benji might be able to acknowledge that it will always be easier for a mother to accept a gay friend than a gay boyfriend, but with the baggage of internalised hatred Benji already had growing up, rationality is so easily subsumed by negative thought patterns. So his control slipped and he couldn’t hide his hurt and bitterness when Victor told him about Rahim’s success. I really can’t blame Benji for having that initial reaction…
On Victor’s end, he is going through a lot himself. So so much. And when you’re in that amount of stress, it can be hard to look up out of that maelstrom and notice someone else’s stress. There’s just so little reserve left of your own to offer someone else when you’re depleted and trying to keep your own head above water. So for Victor, surviving that stress and pain meant focusing solely on his own situation. That, I also absolutely get.
It’s just really unfortunate that they’re both so exhausted that neither could spare extra energy to give the kind of support each other needed in that phone call. Victor needed to hear acknowledgement of how well his mother was doing, which Benji didn’t give at all. And Benji needed acknowledgement from Victor that it hurts that Rahim gets a free pass while Benji has to walk through fire for the same thing (except so far it has just been a lot of fire and no headway).
And to make things even worse, when Benji pushed through that hurt to apologise for his negative reaction, Victor had no intention of returning the sentiment for his own lack of support. He somehow didn’t see why Benji would be upset even after Benji pointed out the double standards with Rahim’s treatment. So we have uneven needs being met… Which is why Benji stumbled again so soon in the same encounter and couldn’t contain his bitterness once more. If Victor had recognised he also needed to apologise, Benji would have felt more seen and acknowledged and regained some positive energy to give back to Victor. But alas….bad cycles.
So yeah wow, I guess in summary to your ask, both boys played a part in each other’s hurt, both boys could have handled themselves better, and yes, I think in an ideal world Victor should have been able to take a moment to look up and really see where Benji’s own mental health is at. Because it was obvious that Benji was struggling with something -- if Victor was able to take a break from his own pain and have the reprieve of a clearer head, he would see the correlation between an increase of passive aggression from Benji and him suffering from something he isn’t voicing out loud to Victor. But both boys’ mental health isn’t that great at the moment and they are only human so monumental stuff ups are going to happen on both sides… :(
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geralt as john mulaney quotes
back by popular demand: more mediocre at best bs from me. you’re welcome
geralt finding out about his child surprise:
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geralt meeting yennefer:
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geralt whenever jaskier talks:
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geralt finally stopping in a town and going to a tavern because jaskier begged him to:
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geralt whenever it comes up that witchers dont age like normal humans do:
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geralt every time jaskier asks him if they are friends:
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geralts witcher senses be like:
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geralt to jaskier after they first meet:
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geralt in blaviken:
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geralt trying to scare jaskier into not traveling with him:
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geralt when pavetta throws up in the middle of him giving a speech about hes not coming back to cintra to collect a child:
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geralt training ciri, probably:
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geralt listening to jaskier talk about how he needs to fix his reputation:
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geralt pulling up to a new town like:
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geralt talking to roach about his problems:
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geralt when someone mentions blaviken:
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geralt in general:
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geralt, drunk, flirting with roach:
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geralt after stregobor gives him a prophecy that doesnt rhyme:
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geralt in 1x05:
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geralt fighting the striga:
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geralt telling roach about yennefer:
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cblgblog · 3 years
You know what I think about a lot? The dinner scene in 1X05 where Mildred asks Gwendolyn to the dance. More specifically the, “I was very in love with a girl,” bit from Gwendolyn.
Now this is a Murphy show, so I don’t expect proper follow-up on this, but I do wish for it, and I am endlessly fascinated by it because there’s so much character stuff there, on both sides.
Like on Gwen’s side of it, when did she meet this girl? How and where? We have almost zero Gwendolyn Briggs backstory, and I need it, okay? More specifically, when did this woman die? How recent is that scar when she starts to pursue Mildred? It could’ve been anywhere, roughly, between 1942-1945. Show is in ’47 so, there’s a pretty big range there. How healed or not healed was she when she started falling for Mildred, and had those advances rebuffed so many times?
And then there’s her marriage. She says in 1x03 that it was her idea, that it’s been a 3-year arrangement. Which would mean 1944, roughly. When did she lose this woman, in relation to her marriage? She says it was her idea, was it her idea before or after this woman? Did she lose this woman and then approach Trevor with it? In her grief, did she com up with a plan for safety, security? Security in the world that had been upside-down for years at that point, and then took away the person she loved? Or was she already married to Trevor when it happened? Did she have him around to console her? Did she have him around to unintentionally make things worse, since we know both of them were sleeping with other people? Did he have anything serious going on while she was mourning? Hell, did he have his own soldier boy who was off to war at the same time? Was Gwendolyn married and working for Wilburn when this went down? Did she have to endure the casual hey, how are you and your husband doing, oh great, glad you’re so happy, comments from well-meaning people at work? Did she have to listen to Wilburn and all his grossness, the way he talked about women, while mourning someone she loved? Did she even get to attend the funeral?
Again, 98% of this, at least, will be unanswered, because it’s Murphy and it’s non-essential, and there’s so much else happening at any given time. But it interests me.
And Mildred. Jesus, Mildred. First off, let’s talk about the awful circumstances that led up to that scene. To recap, she pushes Gwen away, multiple times, like Gwen says. Then she essentially blames Gwen for the hitman being dead, you were the intruder, Gwendolyn. And then, when Gwen is obviously screwed up from that very screwed up situation, Mildred comes to her in that vulnerable moment and hey, I just want to make sure you’re alright, you want to have dinner with me after I’ve treated you horribly and now blamed you for a horrific death? Like, it’s horrible, guys. How they got to that dinner scene is horrible. How Mildred got Gwen to that dinner scene is horrible.
To be clear, I fucking love this ship. They live rent free in my brain now, always. Mildred means it when she says her feelings for Gwen are the truest thing in her, and I don’t think she means it to be a manipulative thing, when she goes into that car and asks Gwen to dinner. She is genuinely wanting to make sure that Gwen’s okay. Thing is, no, no Gwen isn’t okay. She couldn’t be after that. And she’s not okay because, again, Mildred essentially put that death on her. Which, Mildred didn’t do that to hurt her. She didn’t. She did it because they were in an impossibly fucked up situation and it was the only way she saw at that moment to survive it. So much of her life has just been about basic survival. She’s had to struggle with that for so long, that at this point she’ll do almost anything just to keep going, for herself and for Edmund. Because that’s how she’s been forced to live, it’s what she knows. She didn’t go into that car, with Gwen at a vulnerable moment, with deliberate attempt to manipulate, but it was a manipulative move. And I don’t even know whether or not she realizes that, which makes it that much more interesting.
So fine, it’s been a long, twisted road, now they’re at dinner, the dinner scene is truly lovely, truly. Gwen says the thing about her dead lover, Mildred says, “Isn’t it funny then, that I’m a nurse?”
So, she isn’t, technically. That’s the first bit of manipulation there. But it’s almost overshadowed completely by her adding that comment at all. She didn’t need to. She wasn’t saying anything Gwen didn’t know already, or think she knew, since again, not technically a nurse. She could’ve just said I’m sorry, that’s awful. She could’ve been silent and just held Gwen’s hand. She did neither. In another vulnerable moment for Gwen, a moment of openness that Mildred arguably doesn’t deserve after how she treated Gwen previously, she draws that direct line of comparison between herself and this person that obviously still has a place in Gwen’s heart. And again it’s such a manipulative thing to do, but that’s not what kills me about it.
What kills me here is that she absolutely does not need to.
Gwen couldn’t be clearer regarding her interest in Mildred. She risked herself terribly on their first goddamn date by taking Mildred to that bar. She risked herself terribly and she had to know that, but she did it anyway, such was the level of her interest in Mildred. The fact she even came to dinner with Mildred after all that bs speaks volumes. And at that point in the conversation, Mildred has already confessed her feelings, Gwen has already agreed that yes, absolutely, we will do this however you need. Only then does she add the bit about her lost love.
Gwen was so gone on Mildred already. And I don’t know if she thought consciously to add the, I’m a nurse line or not. But what kills me is the implication. It could just be that she doesn’t even recognize the irony, the lie, that she doesn’t even register that technically she’s not a nurse, so it’s a bit of a weird line to connect. But it also seems to me—and both of these things could be true at the same time—that she added it because she felt she had to. That she felt she had to draw Gwen closer to her, making that connection, because otherwise, somehow, Gwen might not want her or like her enough, so let’s make this connection to someone she most definitely loved. And it’s so damn sad, if that’s the case, and so telling. Even the possibility that, after all Gwen’s shown her, Mildred still thinks she has to add that detail to keep Gwen interested? It’s just, incredibly sad.
Anyway, it might seem like I’m trashing Mildred here, with all this talk of manipulation, but I’m not. She hurt Gwen in earlier eps because she was confused and scared out of her mind, not out of malice. The stuff pointed out here that comes later, most of it, I don’t think even registers with her as questionable or problematic. Which is what makes it so fascinating character-wise. She’s had to lie and manipulate so much to survive that it’s second nature at this point, as Gwen says in 1x07. She’s not lying about her feelings for Gwen, not the way Gwen says when she says those words. But Gwen’s still right, in the sense that Mildred is draped in so many lies and manipulation that sometimes they don’t even register with her.
She goes to Gwen with actual honesty, for once, after so many lies and half-truths and manipulations. But one of the ones that gets me the most is still the, isn’t it funny that I’m a nurse. Because it’s so telling, and so sad, and so indicative of Mildred’s state of mind.
Mildred was enough on her own. She’s always been enough on her own, as far as Gwen’s concerned, but she couldn’t see that. Not then, at least. Here’s hoping she can now, that those 3 years together got the message across.
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skloomdumpster · 3 years
Can we talk about the cinnamontography of Fate please
Anooon! What's up with anons spoiling me lately to hear my bafoon takes? Anyway, obligatory disclaimer that I'm REALLY bad with cinematography and it took me three years of movie school to understand what I should've learned in the first semester :)) Read this bs at your own risk >:)
Unlike costume design and plot where I had this huuuge huge rant, I think I cam summarize my feelings here as "not interesting enough". As far as my understanding goes cinematography is how you place your camera, or rather, your characters/world before your lenses and what you're trying to communicate with that.
Fate feels pretty standard and generic regarding this. I think they have only a handful of beautiful shots and that actually communicate something deeper than just simple back and forth, and they also have a handful of disgusting shots that make me, a self declared stupid individual on this matter, look at it like ??? the FUCK.
I don't have long coherent thoughts, so I'll just paste here the pretty and the ugly ones and ramble a bit:
The Pretty Ones
1x01 - The Specialist's training grounds:
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I really adore this entire sequence. Camera wise its very purposeful and beautiful. It shows us how the training grounds integrate with the school and I like that it shows all of them actually exercising in different ways, having their own matches and going off on their own. I can really get a feel of how Silva commandeers and oversees their training. Also really adore the rhythm on how they cut between wide shots, to full shots, then medium shots then a back and forth between medium shots and close ups. It makes the scene feel dynamic, the close ups are used to convey familiarity between Sky/Riven and it just flows very quickly, despite being a long sequence.
1x01 - Bloom's face off with her parents:
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I think this is a GREAT example of good cinematography in the show, because I fucking hate this scene. Bloom's anger feels real and this is largely because of the framing in this. B starts telling the story to Aisha and we cut to a super close up, we're in Bloom's mental state. We don't know yet what is happening. I like that we zoom out to set the scene, but not enough to remove us from Bloom's deep concentration. Then the harsh cut to Mike removing her door, medium shot, very jarring with what we were just watching, which makes sense because it takes Bloom by surprise! This entire scene has amazing face acting, both Bloom and Vanessa's actresses are talented enough to show their emotions on their faces and they edited with all the audio overlapping, so when B is speaking it's Vanessa we're seeing and vice versa. It's just a little bit more spicy than the average of the show which is to show us the character that is speaking and then so forth and I think it really adds here! Also adore that the camera stays in the hallway when Bloom enters her bedroom, showing us the day turning to night, instead of just harshly cutting to a dark scene! I like the camera, the audience, entering her room slowly, we're prying those memories out of her! Just overall beautiful framing and acting here.
1x01 - Bloom watching her parents:
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This fucking scene. Okay this is NOT the greatest example, I think of all the ones mentioned so far is one of the worst. But it does have some pretty cool ideas: Bloom standing outside her family home, having her parents appear very tiny first and hammer in that she's an outside, she's looking at this life through a window. When her parents say "we love you" and we don't see their face, we only see Bloom's in a medium close up, giving in to a full body shoulder, hanging up and choking down the tears. Standing there gazing out to this life where she doesn't belong anymore, where she's just been told she doesn't belong. All while not moving the camera, all in Bloom's face and body acting!! Beautiful. Really beautiful, a trust vote for the audience. Bad point of the scene: giving us the inside of the house, especially showing Vanessa's burn marks up close. If they hadn't been cowards and given her actual full body burns, then we could've done this entire shot far away and outside the place and it would've been 10/10. It's a 7/10 as it stands.
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1x02 Saul and Farah walking together: beaaautiful shot, so haunting, so in synch. Oof
1x 02 - The girls find the Burned One's destruction: this shot right here and how haunting it is! How the camera makes it look like this large battle field, when it's actually just five fallen people and probably no distance at all! Literally going over the girl's head! Making them smaller in comparison to the stretch of destruction they just walked in. Pretty!!
FINALLY, the prettiest shot in the entire show:
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1x05 - Terra and Riven talk
The DISTANCE between them, the fixed camera, the awkwardness. Riven fully emotionally open and disarmed, legs open, chest open, hands out. Terra holding herself tight, hands clasped, legs shut, arms squeezed in, looking away. A literal friendly battle going on as their background!! God, I don't think i've seen a shot that wordlessly communicates so much so easily in a WHILE. This is the fucking highlight of the entire show, I'm not taking criticism on this one.
The Ugly Ones
Okay this post is pretty damn long, so I'm just going to include two scenes. But there are plenty more :))
1x05 - Sky facing off Silva
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This scene is a "framing mistakes 101" . Sky is not the illuminated one, he's not the one who should be under the light. He's metaphorically the one in the dark! And yes, words could be said about this actually meaning Sky is innocent vs Silva's not, but I think it would be much more meaningful if we went with the different approach. Also, in this scene they overuse super close ups so much, it gets boring to watch, none of their facial expressions are groundbreaking and telling us anything new. In the two previous scenes with Bloom's close ups, Bloom snarled and nearly jumped her mom and the other one she was literally in pain while pretending not to be. There are so many things being said through her face. In here Sky is just confused and we know this by the plain dialogue, why do I have to keep seeing his face and then Silva when he speaks and then Sky- It's just boring.
1x04 - Sky and Riven's face off.
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There IS such a thing as trying too hard. This scene tries so badly to be edgy and artsy, to be creative! All it manages it's to be nauseating to watch, difficult to comprehend and poorly executed. These two are best friends fighting over something that's been brimming since the pilot of the show, implicitly since before s1 starts. Riven straight up says more than one deep insecurity of his. And YET we have this weird stiff camera, a whole half a yard between them, zero emotional impact. Riven goes on to throw on Sky's face that he's a hypocrite and nothing NOTHING lands! We're so caught up with the camera twirling around that all the emotional punches fly out of the window.
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raayllum · 4 years
are there any examples of your last post, but reverse? (as in, rayla also knows callum better)
idk if rayla knows callum better than anyone because she’s definitely on par with ezran, but even that is a testament to their bond, rayla certainly does know callum very well
rayla calling harrow callum’s dad (2x02) even when he isn’t able to himself
just touching his shoulder (2x03 and 2x07) or a touch of her hand (3x06, 3x08, 3x09) to comfort him and bring him back to himself
“i know that face. it’s the dumb idea face.”
knowing when to push him and when to wait him out
example: waiting him out in 2x07 purposefully to let him get it all off his chest before reassuring him
being the only known person we’ve seen callum actively grieve with (since ezran was too young for sarai and callum and harrow weren’t very close)
“wait, you’ll want to see this” & “i thought you’d like them!”
knowing she can rely on him to save her (1x05, 1x08, 2x04, 3x01)
but honestly what strikes me most is how rayla builds callum up and values him like no one else - especially after years of feeling out of place with harrow, likely ignored by viren, protective over ezran who couldn’t give validation as a peer, claudia toying with him a little because of his crush, and soren, who is self explanatory, i think
“i’m terrible at this” “yup, but you have to learn anyway because that’s what’s expected of a [...] step-prince” VS “princes are supposed to be good at things [...] but i’ve always been terrible at everything” “hey sad prince”
callum apologizes for his plan? “nah, your plan was fine. our execution was a little...” (1x08)
rayla admitting that she’s afraid of hurting him to another moonshadow elf even though “moonshadow elves aren’t supposed to show fear. ever”
always humouring him about magic and supporting that side of him
“i was right!” “yeah... you were right.” “i’m sorry. i wish i wasn’t.”
approaching him first on their first morning together - and on their last, just to see what he’s up to and to get to know him / enjoy his company
rayla being willing to die for him in 3x01
“who told you that?” “you did”
rayla taking his wrist in 1x07 because she knows he’ll want to see the sunforge dagger even if being in the crowd is dangerous for her but seeing his reaction is worth the risk
“i still should have told you. you had a right to know.”
giving him the pendant as a way to say “my love will be with you even when the moon is not” as both of them overheard that exchange from ethari
“he’s noble and true”
rayla grabbing him instead of zym in 3x01 makes me go feral
“i can’t lose you like this, you mean too much to me”
sharing her secret childhood place with him because she knows he’ll enjoy it!!
rayla having such a hard time combatting his logic that she just gives in even if she does so very grumpily (1x05, 1x08)
on that note: the fact she can never say no to him and stick with it (1x04, 1x05, 2x01, 2x04, 2x08)
rayla putting his piece of charcoal back in his book the exact same he had when she passes it back to him in 1x04!!
“i believe in you” and “he’s smart and kind and brave” and “good thinking with aspiro” and “i’ll catch you”
reassuring him whenever he’s unsure about something and indulging him even when she’s done with his bs
“i want to show you everything!”
making him an equal partner in their decisions when rayla decides to take anyone’s input at all (1x03, 2x03, 3x01, 3x04, 3x08)
her initial shock and awe both times it looks like he has feelings for her too and the joy that follows!! the way his eyes close first and she just looks at him smiling because she loves him so much!! binch!!
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horde-princess · 4 years
Ok so we know that Catra sometimes scratched Adora when she felt insecure or out-of-control (there were only two examples that I can think of, though.) They’re frequently cited as evidence of Catra being ‘abusive’. (I call bs on that but whatever.) Anyway, how do you think Catra reins in that harmful impulse (and others she might struggle with) in the future?
tbh its inaccurate to say that its an impulse she can’t control.. she scratched her once when she was a little kid it wasnt a recurring thing and in 1x05, 1x13 etc it wasnt impulsive it was deliberate they were enemies fighting a war, like.... yeah
as far as her tendency to lash out when she’s insecure, they addressed that in 5x08 with the whole “i’m sorry, i got angry. it’s something i’m working on.” idk what else to say i think its just something that she’ll have to practice and get better at and she has a good support system now to remind her she’s loved and hold her accountable 😌
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dimpleskinard · 6 years
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Captain James Flint, Black Sails S1-S4
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starbuck · 3 years
need to find the mimetic blood contagion post again… one moment…
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lukearnold · 5 years
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