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Something was wrong.
It was a sudden feeling, a strange one that suddenly overtook the Trickster. Fear gripped him, and he immediately felt the need to check on his daughter. He rose quickly to his feet, rushing to her bedroom only to feel relief fill him to see her safe and sound, playing with some of her toys.
Then what was it? It was the same feeling that had filled him at Frigga’s passing, but then he knew what had happened, this time...nothing. It unsettled him. Unsettled him to the point that after several hours of the sensation the god found himself pacing in the living room and finally turning on his television. A device he rarely used and had a strong dislike towards, that he only used if he felt the need to keep up with local Midgardian news. A rare occurrence, but Loki hoped it could at least give him some answers.
Horrifyingly, they were not the answers he wanted. Shaky footage of people fading into dust, collapsing to the ground as their form simply dissipated. Loki knew immediately what had happened and it shook him to his core.
Thanos had won.
The mad titan had succeeded in his crazed goals. He had truly done it; half the universe gone with a simple snap. Mass casualties through every corner of the Nine Realms...it made his stomach churn. He didn’t know what to do; staying in this abandoned home no longer felt right, or even safe knowing that Thanos had the Infinity Stones and had already accomplished his goals. Who knew what else he desired to do?
But for now, he needed time to take in what had happened. Time to be thankful that he and Einmyria had been spared by pure luck. And time to figure out what to do next; though his thoughts were already turning to the possibility of returning to Asgard. Unfortunately for him, he would make many more grim discoveries over the following months. The knowledge that on top of Thanos’ victories, but that Asgard had been completely destroyed nearly broke him. Sleepless nights spent wondering the fate of those he once called friends, family. Of wondering if he could have saved anyone if he had not been cowardly in hiding. The same thoughts that had run through his mind when his mother had passed.
Months passed as Loki tried to track down information on Asgard, on his people. He started to go out in disguise, though no one was likely to recognize him in the midst of adjustment to life after the Snap. The god went to libraries with young Einmyria in tow, always keeping an eye out for those who would easily notice him like the Avengers. (Though he hoped they were busy helping the remaining civilians.)
Finally, after what felt like far too many months, he discovered the news on “New Asgard”. While the news still was not great, it gave him hope. His people had not all been wiped out in the destruction of their realm. They had survived, they had adapted. But he had to wonder, would he even be welcomed into New Asgard? Were the guards that had tortured him still alive?
Most importantly, who was King now?
But still, he had to try.
So, he prepared himself and his child for the journey, choosing his words carefully when explaining to her why they had to leave the only home she had ever known. And even though this was his chance to be free again, a chance for Einmyria to be around other Asgardian children, there was still a bittersweet feeling as Loki looked back on the home he had made for what he hoped would be the last time.
It took them several days to reach New Asgard, and when they could see it in the distance Loki found himself needing to pause. It was his last chance to turn back, his last chance to turn around. But he closed his eyes, took a slow, deep breath and slowly started towards the town with Einmyria at his heels. As they got close, Loki pulled the hood over his head, shrouding his identity just to be safe. He had no desire to make himself known until he was before the new ruler, whoever that may be.
As they entered the town, Loki looked around and took in everything he saw. Faces he recognized, people he remembered from so many years ago, now relegated to this small town, already struggling to rebuild. Struggling to make a new life, only for further struggles with the snap. They did not even pay any notice to the supposed “strangers” that were making their way through the streets. It made his heart break.
But he couldn’t linger on that, and his focus shifted to his actual goals. He found himself eavesdropping on conversations, picking up any hints that he could, knowing that he could not yet risk speaking to anyone and revealing himself too soon. Finally, he found what he was looking for. He stood before the building with hesitation, knowing that Asgard’s new King was waiting behind the doors, with the remaining Einherjar as they worked to rebuild.
After one final deep and calming breath, he stepped forward and pushed the door open to move inside. Einmyria trailed behind him cautiously, hand gripping his cloak as Loki reached up and lowered his hood.
“I am here for an audience with the King.”
#brynhildrvalkyrievoldsom#v;; awake and alive#yeah this ended up way longer than i originally inttended#but i hope it's okay!!!!
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The tragedy that fell upon Asgard weighted heavily on Thor’s shoulders: he had made the call to destroy the realm eternal and cut his sister’s supply of power, freeing the universes of her threat.
He didn’t know if he made the right decision, if going to Midgard was the right path to follow, if he’d be a good King, if his head would ever stop hurting, if the place where his eye was supposed to be would ever stop throbbing, if he’d ever stop bleeding. Loki had tried to lift his spirits and they were on good terms for the first time since Thor’s ruined coronation. He wondered how long would it last. Forever, he foolishly hoped.
The people had already been tended to, given dorms and assistance. They did what they could with whatever few resources available, asgardians and sakaarians as one wounded and lost people, searching for a home together under Thor’s guidance.
Loki had designed an eyepatch similar to that of their Father. Hiding the injury was a good idea for now, it would eventually heal given their enhanced healing factor. It looked ugly and Thor didn’t want to fright the already frightened children. He also didn’t want to look at the mirror and see his Father staring at him, not disappointment, but doubt marking his expressions.
Thor heard someone approaching, his hand tightening around the handle of his sword. Valkyrie. A key player for them to defeat his sister, to flee both Sakaar and Asgard. Battling with an angel by their side was a blessing and Thor was really thankful for her help, despite being ashamed of where it all lead: he brought her back only to let her watch Asgard in flames. Their Home. What sort of King he was?
Turning to face her, Thor touched the sensitive place the eyepatch had been positioned. “It’s healing fine,” he informed the warrior, ignoring the lingering pain and the possible orbital fracture around it, “I’d rather have some mead.”
Val had bumped into Loki down the long corridor of the ship, leading to Thor's claimed chambers, broody but now a content smile adorning his sharp features. That smile had dropped as soon as her body collided with his own but, he only drew back nodding respectfully and side stepped to pass her by, without a peep. Bewildered, the angel watched him go, noting that he seemed happier in his stride. The brothers must have "kissed and made up". She wondered if the younger god checked Thor's eye, or lack there of. It had been bugging her since she first saw the bare socket on the rainbow bridge. Double taking when Loki had mention it was missing. Having meant to check it then and there but, Hela's hoard of the undead had prevented that.
She too had a few wounds, deep laceration on her right thigh from a rusty sword. Claw marks across her ribs from the giant mutt's swipe. Not the worst injuries the Valkyrie had faced and not the last either. Thankful that Hela hadn't tried to decapitate her once again. That had been by far the worst and still haunted her to this day in the form of a winding scar at her mid-neck.
Clearing her throat to banish that memory for now, she again focused on finding her King. Knowing his stubborn nature, he would have brushed the injury off and stalked off to hide, but losing an eye was serious. Though they were immune to most diseases, infection could still take, especially if it was Hela that removed it. She had caught fever with her own, the chills were remembered vividly. Dark, evil bitch. That thought made her steps quicken, her damaged armour clinking with her accelarated pace until she was outside his chosen rooms. Beyond the threshold, she spotted him glaring into the mirror and fiddling with what seemed to be an eyepatch similar to what Odin had. The knowledge that he now resembled the coward who sent her sisters to their death made her shudder, but she pushed on and slowly entered the room being careful not to startle him as it seemed his mind was elsewhere currently. Clearing her throat to capture the god's attention, she stopped about a foot away, gauging his mood and reaction. They had all lost a lot today, but mainly Thor and Loki lost the most. Asgard. Their home. "I've come to check your.. lack of an eye.." She stated, making no room for argument knowing how bull-headed her now friend can be.
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Since I'm an angel, can I sit atop your Yule tree? *Slurrs an intoxicated Val, smirking stupidly, honey eyes half lidded, a bottle of Asgardian mead grasped loosely in her cloed fist. Thinking her sexual innuendo clever in her state.*
(I figure the only way she ask him that outloud, if she were drunk. So, here's an inebriated Valkyrie for Yuletide, you're welcome. 🎄😬😂)
He holds his door open all the wider to allow her through.
"When you've burnt off enough of that mead to convince me you can stay balanced on my tree, your majesty, that position is all yours."
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A booming roar could be heard from the docks of New Asgard, followed by the yelp of a pair large of animals as they was swatted away. Next a VERY angry King Valkyrie was knocking on the God of Thunder's door. It was early hours of the morn, which only made her anger grow as it was the one day that she could relax and sleep in. Not worry about meetings or interviews. "THOR! GET OUT HERE AND CONTROL YOUR BLOODY BEASTS BEFORE I ROAST THEM ON THE SPIT!.." Her voice was low and growly but, very loud as her fist continued pounding on the woodern door, to the point of nearly splintering it. Thor had decided to visit for the weekend and brought his beloved bastard goats with him, who were now currently demolishing the new gardens she had only helped plant days ago with her people.
(This is set after Thor Love and Thunder 😊)
Though forever ingrained with the warriors’ speedy reflexes, Thor appeared in no great rush to open the door. He’d long since become familiar with Valkyrie’s mannerisms since New Asgard’s founding, and furious though she sounded the thunderer was under no impression that there was any real threat. It was usually the silence, after all, which yielded more concern.
Still, Thor couldn’t resist a little tease. “Alright, alright shh-shhh” he complained, opening the door enough to wave a large hand at New Asgard’s king. “You’ll wake her with that banging, just quiet down for one second or I’ll be on breakfast duty already.” He already knows that Gorr’s daughter will be stirring any moment, and he’ll also invite Valkyrie inside for panflaps and coffee, but it’s worth drawing it out for a few minutes at least.
Scratching his scruffy jaw idly, Thor leaned out from the house to squint towards the source of the noise. “Are they really being such a problem? They need to eat, too.”
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“✿” (Valkyrie)
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text.
::Your hair is wondrous. I would much like to bury my face within it.::
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🙌🏾 (to assert dominance)
send 🙌 to grab my muse by the throat @brynhildr-valkyrie-voldsom
Their weekly, uh, training had turned into something more heated than usual to the point where Val had Thor held up against the wall by his neck: her tremendous strength knew no barriers and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t impressed. And a bit turned on.
“Harder, kóngurinn minn (my King),” he groaned.
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❝ roses are red, violets are fine. you be the six, and i'll be the nine. ❞ ~From an intoxicated Val
Cringy dirty & flirty pick-up lines @brynhildr-valkyrie-voldsom
Snorting, Thor stifled a laugh. "I doubt you have enough coordination to even stand on your own, Val," he retorted, amused by her drunk but horny gaze. "All you need is a cold shower and your bed, let's get you there."
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"Can I just?.." Plops on his lap. "There, much better." Wiggles to get comfy. Normally, she wouldn't be so bold, but of the very rare few times, she now wanted his undivided attention and was fed up with this "will they, won't they" nonsense.
Before Thor could put down the documents he was reading down, Val was already on his lap, wiggling to get comfy like a cat. Boldness and heat replaced his surprise when he slid his warm hands up her strong thighs, under her shorts.
“Your majesty decided to sit on a different throne then?" He teased with a smile, "I am always happy to obligue.”
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〽️ - Find my muse struck by lightning
Training the new warrior generation of asgardians, sakaarians and other refugees alike was a conjoined job Thor and Sif shared under their King's supervision - whenever Thor was around, of course.
Today the children were chanting his name after the self-defense class, begging him to show them the lightning. And Thor did, because, why not?
The kids were all behind him, excited when Thor summoned a huge blast and lit up the entire city to their delight. But, amidst their squeals of joy, he heard a shout of pain. Oh no.
Following the general direction of the sound, Thor found their King, Valkyrie, flat on the floor, braids standing on end, a shocked expression on her face: she was struck. Oh no.
“Val!” He kneeled by her side, shaking her gently, “I’m sorry! I didn’t know you were near the training fields. Talk to me!” He couldn’t help but feel anxious and guilty, then amusement took over him at her sudden porcupine hairstyle. Oh no.
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"Healing means, that the damage no longer controls our lives." Val would know that better than anyone.
"You are worthy." Her co-king is the worthiest person she has had the pleasure of knowing. At times like this, he needs to hear it.
Recovering from trauma @brynhildr-valkyrie-voldsom
“Hmn, words of wisdom from my King. What did I do to inspire such wise advice?” He teased, but her words had a weight: she had witnessed first hand his downfall and his struggle to pick himself back up and she still had faith in him when he didn't. Some things were still falling into place and the path to recover was long, but neither of them were alone despite, well. Everything. “Thank you,” he said, looking down at his feet before looking back at her with a sincere smile, “your co-king wouldn’t be here if Scrapper 142 hadn’t collected me from a pile of trash.”
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"Lay on your back.. I'd like to sit on my throne.."
@brynhildr-valkyrie-voldsom Regarding this post
Thor smirked at her clear demand, complying dutifully as her most loyal servant. "My King's command is an order," he swore, licking his lips, eager to have a taste of her.
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This thing was HEAVY in normal standards, but to Val, it was like lifting a feather. Gently, she placed the marble and crystal table down in the dining room, making sure each of the legs were touching the stone floor before relinquishing her grip. Adjusting it a little and brushing her fingertips over the grooves in the marble; allowing them to trace the glowing branching as ger full lip stretched into a grin. The gem stone, the colour of Thor's eyes when he brings forth his gift. Glowing and a stunning electric blue. He's going to love it. "Thor! Come to the dining hall!" The angel called out toward his study, elated for him to see the gift she had, carefully crafted just for him for the remembrance of his day of birth.
The celebration this year was more intimate and smaller, just for a few of his closest friends: it was nothing like a typical Asgardian celebration. But it was what Thor wanted and needed. He knew that Valkyrie was planning something mainly from the way she dodged him when he approached. When she called him, however, he already descended the stairs with curiosity: her gift was more beautiful than he had imagined. "Did you make this table yourself? I didn't know of your fabled carpentry skills," he ran his hands over the surface, delighted, "thank you, Val. It’s beautiful."
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@brynhildr-valkyrie-voldsom continued from here
The resemblance to his Father was uncanny now, despite the missing hair: the eye patch was the only thing he could focus on. Usually, people always commented on how much he reminded them of Frigga, but, apparently, the traits he shared with his Mother were gone. Her long, golden hair, kind eyes and big smile.
Turning his attention to Valkyrie, he noticed that she, too, was in a similar situation.
“You also dealt with her just some hours ago and she also hurt you,” he moved closer by his innate instinct to help those under his wings, carefully examining the claw marks that Fenrir left behind, pulling open the cabinets, searching for some gauze to clean and dress her injury.
“If you sit down, I can fix it,” he offered, cleaning his hands, “it may take me a few tries though,” he added, “I can’t see straight.”
He had extent medical knowledge and could deal with most injuries, specially but not only if they were on others. He had addressed his missing eye: the obvious orbital fracture and frontal lobe damage were there, but there wasn’t much he could do given the ship’s spare resources. He’d need to see a healer once they landed, but they’d need more than gauze and alcohol to fix this.
“I trust you,” he was quick to add, confused, looking up at her and only then noticing the small tin, “but I think someone else needs this more than I do.” Yes, his vision was badly impaired, but he wanted to think it was because the ship was dark and not because he was overloading the good eye. Yes, his head throbbed with every breath he took, he felt cold and his wounds felt different than any other he had ever sustained, but he never fought a Goddess of Death before.
“I, alright,” his shoulders sagged in defeat, letting Val guide him around, sitting on the beat-up couch behind them. He ached all over, but he couldn’t let himself slide into unconsciousness straightway. They still had to figure out where to stop for supplies and how to afford them.
“I think I can do it myself.”
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@brynhildr-valkyrie-voldsom continued from here
To say their relationship was always of mutual trust and respect was a lie: when they first met, she captured him and sold him to a lunatic slave hoarder. Years had passed, they survived and faced horrible situations together and they couldn’t go unaffected by each other’s presence, support, admiration and something more.
They had kissed during a celebration and Thor couldn’t quite tell which one of them started it, but neither wanted it to end. Huffing, Thor twirled her braids between his fingers, “that title is yours,” he corrected her, “and you should know that I never do anything with doubt in my heart.”
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@brynhildr-valkyrie-voldsom liked for a dark starter
Conquering another world beyond Asgard had not been the intention. Hela, however, had forced the trickster’s hand. All his plans of biding his time had gone to waste and he did not dare reach out to Thor lest there be nothing to find. Better to live in hope that his brother had survived.
Loki had been readying to show his hand. He had feigned fear and summoned the Bifrost, intending to lure Hela into an arena where the whole of Asgard would see him defeat her. Unfortunately, she had grabbed him on the way and sent him hurtling to this trashy little rock. Its ruler would have been quite terrifying, were it not that this son of Odin carried three Infinity Stones in his pocket. Reality did wonders for handling an Elder. Mind took care of many of Sakaar’s inhabitants. He would handle Hela soon enough and save his people, but first he needed to get this place under thumb and secure another empire for the coming war. A place with a nexus of wormholes was ideal for expanding his reach and building armies. On his terms this time.
And who better for a general than a Valkyrie? She would help him. Willingly or not.
“It is time you did your duty and served a king once more,” he demanded of the woman who had been marched before him. “You will tell me your name. Scrapper is not fit for someone of your station.”
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There is nothing pure abt valkyrie
"Not now there isn't."
#I'm sorry Bryn he's an asshole#I couldn't stop him#Loki answers anons#valki#lokyrie#brynhildrvalkyrievoldsom
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