#t: innyulendos
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Since I'm an angel, can I sit atop your Yule tree? *Slurrs an intoxicated Val, smirking stupidly, honey eyes half lidded, a bottle of Asgardian mead grasped loosely in her cloed fist. Thinking her sexual innuendo clever in her state.*
(I figure the only way she ask him that outloud, if she were drunk. So, here's an inebriated Valkyrie for Yuletide, you're welcome. 馃巹馃槵馃槀)
He holds his door open all the wider to allow her through.
"When you've burnt off enough of that mead to convince me you can stay balanced on my tree, your majesty, that position is all yours."
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Loki laughed, delighted by her failed attempts to snatch the mead. At her suggestion, he gulped down a deal more of it and then resigned it to the floor beside the bed.
He bit his lip as he took in the sight of her draped out before him, riled up as much with her teasing as her promise of power.
"Hmm, I feel like there should be an extra C in there tonight." Flashing a grin, he flopped onto his back and folded his arms behind his head. "Will we be making Aragorn jealous?"
The thought of a co-rulership with Loki had been drifting around her mind for a while. It was getting harder and harder to meet all her people's demands and needs, especially as their space and community expanded. Someone lending a helping hand was definitely needed. She even considered getting married, taking a queen at first but, could not find one who would be able to handle the weight of being a ruler. So, instead she asked Thor if he would allow his brother to do so. Who better to help her reign than a prince? A god? Yes, he was J枚tunn which she had found out not too long ago. Walking in on him accidentally when he was blue. Val accepted him immediately with open arms. He wasn't like most frost giants and if she was completely honest, he was quite beautiful in his true form. None of that mattered though. Tradition was dead, along with their old realm. She was paving a new era. Where all were welcome and accepted. O冒in is gone and to is the old lore of only an Asgardian ruling the people. Taking the throne. Who cared about the race of the king as long as they treated the people right and helped the kingdom prosper?
Reaching forward for the bottle she misjudged the distance between she and Loki and swayed foward, instead grasping nothing and huffing in frustration. A second attempt nearly had the mead spilled over the both of them and she growled, pushing it away whilst still held in his outstretched hand. "Fine.. Take it away. I think I've had enough.." If two barrels of it and a couple tumblers of rum was considered enough. Judging by her double vision, it was. "You drink up though, catch up to me." She purred, giggling and hicupping at the end as she shuffled up the bed on her rear, laying down and spawling in what she hoped was a enticing way. "Come.. Lay down. Let me mount you co-king."
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Any bitterness Loki had about not being king had been carefully stashed. Once they had discovered Thanos had vanished from this universe, he was very much aware of this new beginning he had been granted. If he was going to rule again, it would be more wisely, and because the people wanted it.
He took the mead with a grin. "If you are so disinclined to rule, let Asgard put it to a vote in the new year. My third time could be the charm. Or, I could share with Thor. He can be the more hands-on, absent king."
Loki downed a draught of the liquor and closed the door, following after her. He didn't intend to talk politics long. If anything, he hoped to put her at ease with it, or to annoy her into taking what she wanted.
It was quite odd, he calling SHE 'your majesty' since only a few months ago before Ragnarok, while stranded on Sakaar, that was her title for him while in similar situations to the one they happened to be in now.
Blinking a few times to steady her unfocused vision, Val decided she did not particularly like Loki using her adopted regal moniker with a furrow across her brow. It was he who had royal blood, not her. Didn't seem, right. Not when the role should infact be his. "You don't call me that Loki, Bryn or Val is fine.." Followed by a scoff as he doubted her body's stability while under the influence. "If I can mount Aragorn like this, then I can easily do the same to you.." The angel hummed, gently pushing the mead against his chest as she stepped through the threshold once being invited into his rooms. A gesture to take a pull of the bottle while she was still in the mood for sharing.
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It was quite odd, he calling SHE 'your majesty' since only a few months ago before Ragnarok, while stranded on Sakaar, that was her title for him while in similar situations to the one they happened to be in now.
Blinking a few times to steady her unfocused vision, Val decided she did not particularly like Loki using her adopted regal moniker with a furrow across her brow. It was he who had royal blood, not her. Didn't seem, right. Not when the role should infact be his. "You don't call me that Loki, Bryn or Val is fine.." Followed by a scoff as he doubted her body's stability while under the influence. "If I can mount Aragorn like this, then I can easily do the same to you.." The angel hummed, gently pushing the mead against his chest as she stepped through the threshold once being invited into his rooms. A gesture to take a pull of the bottle while she was still in the mood for sharing.
Since I'm an angel, can I sit atop your Yule tree? *Slurrs an intoxicated Val, smirking stupidly, honey eyes half lidded, a bottle of Asgardian mead grasped loosely in her cloed fist. Thinking her sexual innuendo clever in her state.*
(I figure the only way she ask him that outloud, if she were drunk. So, here's an inebriated Valkyrie for Yuletide, you're welcome. 馃巹馃槵馃槀)
He holds his door open all the wider to allow her through.
"When you've burnt off enough of that mead to convince me you can stay balanced on my tree, your majesty, that position is all yours."
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His eyebrow quirked at the notion. Not only was she offering him what he had wanted, but something perhaps even more palatable. A co-rulership, each providing New Asgard with their skills and potentially strengthening the claim to power. So long as neither of them sought to wrest it from the other. Loki was the one most likely to enact such a betrayal, and he had no intention of it while things were going so well with Brynhildr.
Saying nothing for now, he grinned and followed her to the bed, watching the spectacle of her undressing. She had looked beautiful in the gown even if it wasn't her preference of attire. In her emerald underclothes, she was irresistible, dare he consider designed to be in his bed.
One knee slowly descended upon the sheets, his Asgardian-Midgardian, asymmetrical hybrid suit remaining on for the time being. He held the mead just out of her reach.
"You can have it only if you think you can still balance on my tree, fellow king."
A slight fraction of tension strained across Loki's brow anytime she mentioned her kingly-ness. It was undetectable to anyone else but, she noticed. The carefully steeled control. He wanted to be king, as is his birth right. And so he should be but she couldn't lie, the thought of giving up her title did sadden her a little. In this role she has been able to reconnect with her people, learn their ways, help them through hardship and earn their forgiveness for abandoning them. Ofcourse they understood why. There was literally a whole book written on it Asgardian history but, still. "Thor did not want it. That's why I have it." Referring to the royal role bestowed upon her y the recent king. An idea popped into her head. A brilliant idea, she thought.
"What if WE share? You be the brains and I'll be the brawn.." The angel purred, flexing her impressive copper toned arms, the gold bangle wrapped around her right bicep straining from the movement. "We'd be unstoppable.. Think about it." She knows about Loki's unfortunate past but, he has redeemed himself for that in her eyes by, helping and caring for all creatures that have found refuge with them. Healing them with magic, even teaching the children about where they had come from. Their heritage. It was a heart-warming site to see. Plus if he were to step out of line, she'd be there to drag him right back, being the brawn.
Smirking the Valkyrie left the conversation there, she had put the suggestion out there, now it was his decision whether he wanted to accept or not.
While rounding what she call "her side of his bed", clumsy fingers fiddling with her attire, allowing clasps to unlatch and delicate chains to unwind from around her middle and shoulders like a serpent, the once secured silky red material now falling around her golden heeled feet in a glistening pool. A gown that Thor insisted she wear at the Yule ball this year, not permitting to wear her leathers as they were not "regal" enough. After a grumble or two she had agreed reluctantly. It was nice to be out of it finally. She felt more naked in it than she was currently. Now clad in what the midgardian's call "lengerie" the colour of emerald, a delicate lacey ensemble that left not alot to the imagination, she climbed onto the spacious bed, sprawling out on the smooth green covers with a content sigh, not bothering to remove her overly complicated, strappy heels as she lay on her back, gazing up at her companion with a coy grin, the room swaying gently as she shifted to prop herself up. Reaching toward him, wanting the bottle of mead within his grasp for another swig even though she'd most likely had enough.
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The thought of a co-rulership with Loki had been drifting around her mind for a while. It was getting harder and harder to meet all her people's demands and needs, especially as their space and community expanded. Someone lending a helping hand was definitely needed. She even considered getting married, taking a queen at first but, could not find one who would be able to handle the weight of being a ruler. So, instead she asked Thor if he would allow his brother to do so. Who better to help her reign than a prince? A god? Yes, he was J枚tunn which she had found out not too long ago. Walking in on him accidentally when he was blue. Val accepted him immediately with open arms. He wasn't like most frost giants and if she was completely honest, he was quite beautiful in his true form. None of that mattered though. Tradition was dead, along with their old realm. She was paving a new era. Where all were welcome and accepted. O冒in is gone and to is the old lore of only an Asgardian ruling the people. Taking the throne. Who cared about the race of the king as long as they treated the people right and helped the kingdom prosper?
Reaching forward for the bottle she misjudged the distance between she and Loki and swayed foward, instead grasping nothing and huffing in frustration. A second attempt nearly had the mead spilled over the both of them and she growled, pushing it away whilst still held in his outstretched hand. "Fine.. Take it away. I think I've had enough.." If two barrels of it and a couple tumblers of rum was considered enough. Judging by her double vision, it was. "You drink up though, catch up to me." She purred, giggling and hicupping at the end as she shuffled up the bed on her rear, laying down and spawling in what she hoped was a enticing way. "Come.. Lay down. Let me mount you co-king."
A slight fraction of tension strained across Loki's brow anytime she mentioned her kingly-ness. It was undetectable to anyone else but, she noticed. The carefully steeled control. He wanted to be king, as is his birth right. And so he should be but she couldn't lie, the thought of giving up her title did sadden her a little. In this role she has been able to reconnect with her people, learn their ways, help them through hardship and earn their forgiveness for abandoning them. Ofcourse they understood why. There was literally a whole book written on it Asgardian history but, still. "Thor did not want it. That's why I have it." Referring to the royal role bestowed upon her y the recent king. An idea popped into her head. A brilliant idea, she thought.
"What if WE share? You be the brains and I'll be the brawn.." The angel purred, flexing her impressive copper toned arms, the gold bangle wrapped around her right bicep straining from the movement. "We'd be unstoppable.. Think about it." She knows about Loki's unfortunate past but, he has redeemed himself for that in her eyes by, helping and caring for all creatures that have found refuge with them. Healing them with magic, even teaching the children about where they had come from. Their heritage. It was a heart-warming site to see. Plus if he were to step out of line, she'd be there to drag him right back, being the brawn.
Smirking the Valkyrie left the conversation there, she had put the suggestion out there, now it was his decision whether he wanted to accept or not.
While rounding what she call "her side of his bed", clumsy fingers fiddling with her attire, allowing clasps to unlatch and delicate chains to unwind from around her middle and shoulders like a serpent, the once secured silky red material now falling around her golden heeled feet in a glistening pool. A gown that Thor insisted she wear at the Yule ball this year, not permitting to wear her leathers as they were not "regal" enough. After a grumble or two she had agreed reluctantly. It was nice to be out of it finally. She felt more naked in it than she was currently. Now clad in what the midgardian's call "lengerie" the colour of emerald, a delicate lacey ensemble that left not alot to the imagination, she climbed onto the spacious bed, sprawling out on the smooth green covers with a content sigh, not bothering to remove her overly complicated, strappy heels as she lay on her back, gazing up at her companion with a coy grin, the room swaying gently as she shifted to prop herself up. Reaching toward him, wanting the bottle of mead within his grasp for another swig even though she'd most likely had enough.
#t: innyulendos#v: new asgard#brynhildrvalkyrievoldsom#naughty angel#benevolentgodloki#Valki#Lokrie#J枚tunn#Co-Kings
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A slight fraction of tension strained across Loki's brow anytime she mentioned her kingly-ness. It was undetectable to anyone else but, she noticed. The carefully steeled control. He wanted to be king, as is his birth right. And so he should be but she couldn't lie, the thought of giving up her title did sadden her a little. In this role she has been able to reconnect with her people, learn their ways, help them through hardship and earn their forgiveness for abandoning them. Ofcourse they understood why. There was literally a whole book written on it Asgardian history but, still. "Thor did not want it. That's why I have it." Referring to the royal role bestowed upon her y the recent king. An idea popped into her head. A brilliant idea, she thought.
"What if WE share? You be the brains and I'll be the brawn.." The angel purred, flexing her impressive copper toned arms, the gold bangle wrapped around her right bicep straining from the movement. "We'd be unstoppable.. Think about it." She knows about Loki's unfortunate past but, he has redeemed himself for that in her eyes by, helping and caring for all creatures that have found refuge with them. Healing them with magic, even teaching the children about where they had come from. Their heritage. It was a heart-warming site to see. Plus if he were to step out of line, she'd be there to drag him right back, being the brawn.
Smirking the Valkyrie left the conversation there, she had put the suggestion out there, now it was his decision whether he wanted to accept or not.
While rounding what she call "her side of his bed", clumsy fingers fiddling with her attire, allowing clasps to unlatch and delicate chains to unwind from around her middle and shoulders like a serpent, the once secured silky red material now falling around her golden heeled feet in a glistening pool. A gown that Thor insisted she wear at the Yule ball this year, not permitting to wear her leathers as they were not "regal" enough. After a grumble or two she had agreed reluctantly. It was nice to be out of it finally. She felt more naked in it than she was currently. Now clad in what the midgardian's call "lengerie" the colour of emerald, a delicate lacey ensemble that left not alot to the imagination, she climbed onto the spacious bed, sprawling out on the smooth green covers with a content sigh, not bothering to remove her overly complicated, strappy heels as she lay on her back, gazing up at her companion with a coy grin, the room swaying gently as she shifted to prop herself up. Reaching toward him, wanting the bottle of mead within his grasp for another swig even though she'd most likely had enough.
It was quite odd, he calling SHE 'your majesty' since only a few months ago before Ragnarok, while stranded on Sakaar, that was her title for him while in similar situations to the one they happened to be in now.
Blinking a few times to steady her unfocused vision, Val decided she did not particularly like Loki using her adopted regal moniker with a furrow across her brow. It was he who had royal blood, not her. Didn't seem, right. Not when the role should infact be his. "You don't call me that Loki, Bryn or Val is fine.." Followed by a scoff as he doubted her body's stability while under the influence. "If I can mount Aragorn like this, then I can easily do the same to you.." The angel hummed, gently pushing the mead against his chest as she stepped through the threshold once being invited into his rooms. A gesture to take a pull of the bottle while she was still in the mood for sharing.
#t: innyulendos#v: new asgard#brynhildrvalkyrievoldsom#benevolentgodloki#drunk valkyrie#co-kings?#Valki#Lokrie
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