rxscss · 1 year
closed starter for : @brvkenhecrts​ {travis}
location : the set of mr. and mrs. smith
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with filming set to wrap in less than a month, to say the crew was pissed at her for requesting a week off after the met gala was an understatement. but even a week wasn’t enough time for her to figure out how on god’s green earth she was going to continue working with travis after words that couldn’t be taken back were said between the two. she arrived to set today with a knot in her stomach, knowing what scene had to be filmed - a dance scene that they had rehearsed a million times that always ended up with the two bursting out into fits of laughter and not able to take it seriously, but she was certain that wasn’t going to be the case today. opting to get her hair and makeup done in a separate trailer than him for once, hands smoothed over the fabric of long black dress as she made her way into the set of the dinner scene they were to film, sliding into the chair across from him as she kept her gaze on the camera crew, tapping her fingers anxiously against the table. “let’s make this quick, yes?” she said, finally breaking the silence but avoiding looking at him still.
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spctlights · 1 year
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 ... 𝐭𝐛𝐝   @brvkenhecrts​
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eyes  moved  up  from  the  brightly  lit  screen  in  front  of  him to  the  door  ,  a  groan  escaping  his  lips.  "  please  tell  me this  is  not  an  intervention.  "  sure  ,  he  was  in  3  -  day  -  old  clothes  ,  with  messy  hair  ,  there  were  plates  and  paper  strewn  about  everywhere  but  ...  he  was  fine.  he  managed  just  fine.  "  wait  ...  i  wasn't  meant  to  meet  you  somewhere  , right  ?  "
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sebferreira · 2 years
𝐈.     NARRATIVE.     ›      …      𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫  .
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                            𝐚  𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥  𝐭𝐚𝐩  𝐨𝐧  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬  𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫  ,  followed  by  seb  holding  out  a  drink  .  it  wasn’t  until  they  turned  around  that  he  made  the  realization  that  he  gave  the  wrong  person  the  drink  .          ❛     oh  shit  ,     ❜          the  words  slipped  ,  his  mistake  being  more  embarrassing  than  he’d  probably  ever  admit  .  it  took  a  certain  kind  of  person  to  go  offer  to  get  someone  drinks  and  then  come  back  to  the  wrong  person  .  but  to  be  fair  ,  seb  was  already  feeling  the  alcohol  he’d  been  drinking  and  . . .  he  didn’t  really  care  all  that  much  about  said  person  he  was  supposedly  getting  a  drink  for  .  he  just  happened  to  be  bored  enough  to  entertain  it  .           ⏤          deciding  to  go  with  it  ,  he  kept  holding  the  drink  out  towards  the  girl  .          ❛     free  drink  ,  take  it  or  leave  it  .     ❜          he  offered  ,  this  time  making  it  seem  as  though  he  hadn’t  made  a  mistake  the  whole  time  .           ╱     @brvkenhecrts​​​  .
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fvkmerrick · 2 years
“miss sinclair isn’t taking visitors.” 
“i kindly ask you inform her who is here and let her make informed decisions based on her future career prospects.” 
it was perhaps inherently cruel, to threaten the career of someone that had found themselves in the situation his actress had, and yet merrick had never been one to sugar coat his intentions and he wasn’t about to now. he’d claim to be here for selfish reasons, but he was so very tired of this, watching talent loose themselves to the trails and tribulations of the turbulent world they all found themselves in. if he could play his part to stop the light from dimming in austen’s eyes and keep his film afloat by being here? maybe he would be a little less tired. 
at the nod to follow the rather stuffy receptionist once he had signed himself in merrick made his way through to what he could only assume was some sort of family room. “wise choice, you don’t look entirely awful so that’s a start.” 
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fvckangcl · 2 years
closed starter for bristol | @brvkenhecrts
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so their marriage wasn’t technically legal once they had entered the states again...it didn’t matter to angel. the second he had those beautiful two little words and she had said them in return they had been married. now they just had to get a pesky piece of paper signed to confirm it here too. “i hope you know, that we’re going to have had a grand total of three weddings because i fully intend of doing this again with the big dress and ceremony when we’re ready to share with the world.” angel hummed as he stood waiting for their turn at the court house with her. it might not have been a dream for most people, but so long as he got to do this again and again he’d take marrying her however it came. 
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icedfae · 2 years
( micah + jordana )
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Forever a momma’s boy, Micah’s second concern when it came to the currently dissolving of his mother’s marriage, after his little sister who was innocent in it, was Jordana herself. He had been standing right there when Christian had decided to announce to the entire world that he had slept with Val in Boston, didn’t even feel like a figment in Christian’s mind. He didn’t care about how Micah perceived him, that much was obvious. That hurt, all the time that Micah had spent bonding with Christian throughout his relationship with his mother. Christian had been the one to remind Micah that the piano could be the best way to keep his sanity intact. He was propped up on the counter at his mom’s knee securely wrapped up and ice sitting on it as he glanced over at her. “How are you doing with everything? Don’t sugar coat it for me or anything. Wednesday isn’t around right now.” @brvkenhecrts​
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wcmensworld · 1 year
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𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚢𝚊 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚙𝚜 𝚙𝚝 𝟷 
maiya x lia ; ex fling / it’s complicated ( @haphazardlychronicled ) maiya x micah ; twin brother ( @dispersisfabulis ) maiya x austen ; troublemakers ( @brvkenhecrts ) maiya x esme ; ex girlfriend / friend
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gldenhrs · 2 years
*    ◟  closed starter    /  austen’s place  , 10:34pm .  /  @brvkenhecrts​​​ ( austen ) ​​
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                           sitting together    by the kitchen counter while sharing a much needed lunch ever since austen’s return from rehab , the dancer’s  overjoyed  to finally spend some time with her friend  away from the public    &   their respective families .  it’s what they need .  ❝  so , you gotta’ tell me everything now ,  all the juicy deets of what i missed ,  ❝  alana informs her with a smile , popping a piece of chicken in her mouth .  ❝  but most importantly , are you okay ?  what’s it like being back now ?  ❝ 
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trrids · 2 years
alabama / @brvkenhecrts​
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joey  wasn’t  the  easiest  person  to  warm  up  to  ,  not  that  there  was  anything  particularly  wrong  with  him  but  he  didn’t  have  the  most  endearing  aura  ,  high  stress  often  seeping  out  of  him  into  the  air  .  it  only  seemed  to  take  something  small  to  completely  throw  him  and  he  was  sick  of  being  forced  into  social  occasions  where  people  talked  about  nonsense  and  always  seemed  to  want  him  to  do  things  that  he  wasn’t  at  all  interested  in  .  professionally  ,  it  was  often  those  in  the  same  circles  as  him  who  weren’t  trying  to  be  forceful  that  managed  to  talk  him  into  behaving  himself  and  listening  .  “  but  i  don’t  want  to  do  a  tiktok  !  i  don’t  even  like  tiktok  so  why  would  i  make  a  tiktok  account  to  promote  something  i  don’t  even  care  about  about  ?  “  talking  of  a  sponsorship  deal  .  
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fckmaiya · 2 years
anonymous asked: “ top 3 fave, top 3 least fave people ”
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“top 3 fave would be my brother/mom, chris, and of course teddy. my least 3 fave are es, gwendobleugh and that slimy little weasel niko. ew.” @dispersisfabulis @cfgravenpast @cfivcrykeys​, @brvkenhecrts​
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diamondkennedy · 2 years
jordana / @brvkenhecrts​
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things  were  starting  to  feel  difference  ,  diamond  allowing  graham  to  take  reid  back  to  london  was  the  first  sign  that  she  had  noticed  something  was  going  on  beyond  just  herself  .  it  wasn’t  like  her  and  jordana  hadn’t  spent  a  majority  of  their  lives  living  through  the  same  events  ,  experiencing  the  same  lifestyle  from  slightly  different  positions  .  diamond  had  to  say  she  had  never  questioned  her  sisters  passion  and  love  for  the  family  ,  something  she  had  began  to  question  in  herself  ...  had  she  always  done  the  right  things  ?  “  i  wanted  to  say  ...  i’m  sorry  .  “  words  that  would  have  never  passed  her  lips  weeks  ago  ,  “  i  know  that  there  have  been  times  when  i  haven’t  paid  much  attention  to  what  was  going  on  for  anyone  else  .  i  felt  like  it  was  always  about  how  it  affected  me  ...  and  i  really  want  to  try  and  be  here  this  time  .  i  really  want  to  do  fucking  better  .  “  
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rxscss · 1 year
𝓽𝓮𝔁𝓽 𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮 𝓽𝓸 : travis.
felicity: happy birthday x
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spctlights · 1 year
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 ... 𝐣𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐚   @brvkenhecrts​
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"  so  how  are  you  holding  up  ?  "  graham  asked  ,  pulling  away  from  the  short  familial  hug.  despite  his  knowledge  on  divorce  ,  having  gone  through  one  himself  ,  knowing  how  to  console someone  who  had  as  well  was  a  different  topic  ,  and  his question  came  out  genuine  but  awkward.  "  i  heard  it  wasn't ...  smooth  sailing.  "
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cfivcrykeys · 2 years
Location: Mack’s place Who: @brvkenhecrts
Civil was more or less an accurate depiction of the pair if you could consider not really speaking to one another civil, exchanges of their daughter done mostly in silence. He wasn’t exactly complaining, he hadn’t a clue what he could say to her but it didn’t change the fact that he was feeling like complete shit over the way things were handle in Bora Bora. A silence once more was upon them as Christian dropped Wednesday off at Mackenzie’s place, lowering the little girl to the ground after placing a tender kiss to the side of her head, ocean hues glued to his daughter’s retreating form before allowing his gaze to settle on his soon to be ex-wife. “We should really talk,” Christian eventually spoke, releasing a heavy breath as he allowed his arm to drop to his side, hands shoving into his pockets awkwardly.
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fvkmerrick · 2 years
closed starter for austen | @brvkenhecrts​
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seventy-two hours. that was how long it had been since he had last seen austen sinclair and it had felt like the longest in his adult life. at thirty-seven he had given up on the idea that he would suffer with a heart fluttering crush, had put himself above those people in a category of indifference. yet here he was, sat in his car clock watching from the same view he’d had the other morning when he had dropped austen off and pressed a painfully mature kiss to her cheek. merrick was determined to give her the time and the space to still want this. for her to be certain it wasn’t his company she craved because it was the only company he had, so he’d made her wait. another form of cold turkey for the brunette. no merrick for 72 hours and if she still wanted to talk to him and see him, if she could say that and mean it he’d be right there. when the text had come through he had been ready to bounce out of the door but they’d lasted this long. they’d last a few more hours so he’d given her prep time and a dress code and he had set about arranging things. as the time 19:00 finally clicked on the front of his phone the male was moving in one swift movement from out of his car to her front door. a small chuckle passed his lips as the door was opened before he could even knock and he was presented with his favorite face. “hi sugarplum.” god was it fucking good to see her. 
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fvkmack · 2 years
closed starter for travis | @brvkenhecrts​
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“you know i think this might be the longest conversation we have ever managed remaining civil, do you think we’re grown?” there were very few people who could still get under her skin, that could rile up the lawyer like she once had known for, she was grown, settled, a mother. but travis? he was one of two such people that managed to wind her up and she still victim to it now. “or do you think it’ll pass and you’ll manage to piss me off again sooner or later?”  
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