#brush your teeth and hair. what outfit are we wearing?
scabbardsystem · 26 days
well. woke up. too worried to go back to sleep. too sleepy to do anything else. we'll be here i guess hgghf
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punkshort · 2 months
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Swept Away | Chapter 3: Go with the Flow
Pairing: sugardaddy!Joel Miller x f!reader
Chapter Summary: You get to know the other hotel moguls and their partners a bit more at a lavish cocktail party, and things begin to heat up between you and Joel.
Chapter Warnings: language, angst, sexual tension, flirting, sugar daddy/sugar baby dynamics, smutty thoughts, alcohol and food consumption
WC: 8.4K
Series Masterlist
He tipped me.
Yay! How much?
I don't know, I didn't open it.
You stared down at your phone, Celine's words jumping out at you from the screen. It was a good question. Why didn't you open it? You could tell yourself it didn't matter how much it was. It wasn't like you were spending your own money for the next month, anyway. But when you looked over at the nightstand where the envelope still sat untouched, you knew deep down why you didn't open it.
I don't know, guess it took me by surprise or something
You heard a light tap on your bedroom door and you looked up from your phone. "Yeah?"
"You're up. Good," Joel's muffled voice said from the other side. "Wanted to see if you were hungry."
I gotta go get ready for breakfast, I'll call you later
Be safe!
"Ten minutes!" you called back to him before flicking your comforter off and hurrying to your closet to pick out something to wear. You settled on a pair of wide leg linen pants and a light pink sleeveless top that showed just a sliver of your midsection. There were too many accessories to choose from so you did your best to keep it simple with a dainty chain necklace and pink pearl earrings, then tossed your phone and other belongings into a white purse before swinging your door open and heading down the hall. At the last second, you turned around and grabbed the envelope of cash, tucking it into the bottom of your bag for safekeeping.
You stopped in the bathroom to put on a tiny bit of makeup and a quick brush of your teeth before running your fingers through your hair with a shrug. After meeting Glenn, you felt a lot less pressure to conform and give the appearance of some wealthy socialite and instead, leaned into the relaxed beach vibe he exuded.
"Morning," you said breathlessly when you finally entered the living room. Joel was sitting in the middle of the couch, one ankle casually resting on his knee, legs spread wide and looking completely at ease as he stared down at his phone. He pocketed the device when he heard your voice and stood up, eyes drifting down once to look at your clothes and giving you an appraising nod. If it were any other man standing before you essentially giving you his unsolicited opinion on your choice of outfit, you would have had a few unladylike things to say. But when Joel did it, something inside you preened at his approval.
"Mornin'," he answered, and when he brushed past you to walk towards the door, you caught a whiff of mint and fresh soap mixed with the scent of his hair product.
Fuck, he smelled good.
"What are we doing today?" you asked as you trailed after him.
"Thought we'd settle in, get somethin' to eat, then we got pretty much all afternoon free before headin' over to Glenn's house."
"Oh, we're going to his home?" you asked, stepping on the elevator once the doors opened. He nodded and tapped the button for the second floor, where you remembered seeing some shops and restaurants advertised.
"Yeah, invited all of us over for cocktails by his pool. Supposed to have a beautiful place," he said, shoving his hands in his pockets and staring up at the numbers above the door tick lower.
There were only two restaurants open that served breakfast, so Joel picked the one that had open seating on the patio. The hostess led you both to a table attached to a bright red umbrella fluttering in the wind that had an absolutely breathtaking view of the ocean.
"I don't think I'll ever get sick of this," you said dreamily while Joel flipped through the menu, his sunglasses perched on the tip of his nose. He just grunted in response and kept his eyes lowered. In fact, you were beginning to think he was avoiding looking at you most of the morning. You tilted your head to the side and reached an arm across the table, tapping a finger on the wood to get his attention.
"Hm?" he said, still looking down.
"Everything okay? Did you sleep alright?"
"Slept fine."
You pressed your lips into a thin line before giving up and opening the menu with a sigh. When the server came to get your order, all you asked for was coffee and some eggs with fruit. Handing the menu over to her before she left with a smile, you looked back across the table at Joel. Once again, his phone was hidden from view. A habit you were beginning to notice happened with meals, but you almost wished he had it out because it would have been better than the thick silence that hung between you.
"So, you said we had the afternoon. Did you want to go to the beach? Or maybe-"
"I gotta work," he said abruptly, and you felt your heart sink a little.
"Oh, right, of course. Sorry."
You thought you saw guilt flicker across his face for a brief moment before he cleared his throat and looked out towards the crashing waves on the shoreline.
"You could go to the beach. Don't lemme stop you."
"What? No, no, I'll hang back. Maybe just take a dip in the pool, unpack a little bit. I'm still a little jet lagged, anyway," you found yourself saying. It wasn't even true, but the thought of going to the beach alone sounded boring.
"There's a spa in the hotel. Massages, facials, that kinda stuff. Whatever you want just bill it to the room."
"Oh... okay. Maybe, yeah," you stammered. He was utterly confusing you. He wasn't acting like the Joel who was pinching your chin in the clothing store or gazing at you with admiration over dinner last night. It felt like you were back at square one and you had no idea what happened.
Once your food arrived, you ate in relative silence. You spent most of the meal taking in the scenery and people watching the other guests staying at the hotel. It wasn't until your plates were cleared when you noticed a familiar face.
You straightened up in your chair and, without thinking, reached a hand out to rest gently on Joel's forearm. His muscles tensed under your touch but you didn't pull away. Instead, you leaned forward, eyes still focused somewhere over his shoulder.
"Isn't that Zachary?"
Joel twisted around to look and groaned before turning back to you.
"Must be stayin' here, too."
You watched as Zoe arrived moments later wearing a long, flowing patterned dress with a deep neckline, showing a generous amount of cleavage, and sporting a large sun hat and oversized sunglasses. She slid them down and glanced around, almost immediately catching your eye and tossing you a flirty wave. You smiled and let go of Joel's arm, not noticing how he retracted it under the table after, and waved back.
"They're coming this way."
He pushed his sunglasses on and ran his fingers through his hair just as they approached your table.
"Miller," Zachary said gruffly by way of greeting, clapping Joel on the shoulder. He glanced up and forced a friendly smile for them both.
"Heard you were staying here. Got the two bedroom villa, huh? Expecting company?"
Joel frowned and shook his head. "How'd you know that?"
"Owner's a buddy of mine," he said, tapping the side of his nose with a mischievous grin.
"I tend to travel heavy. Joel wanted to get me the extra space for all my things," you told Zachary, your voice dripping with sweetness as you shot Joel what you hoped was a look of adoration.
"How thoughtful of you, Joel," Zachary said, but you could tell by the tone of his voice that he wasn't very sincere. "Looking forward to drinks later. You're both coming, right? Or do you gotta hang back and work?"
Your eyes darted back and forth between the two men, trying to get a read on the sudden tension and where it stemmed from, but you were lost.
"Nope. We'll both be there."
Joel's voice was curt, fingertips tapping on the table, quite clearly wishing he would leave. Zachary got the hint and looked Zoe's way.
"C'mon, darling. Let's get you something to eat. Kept you up way too late last night," he murmured with a wink. She smiled sweetly at him and when they both turned to head back to their table, she waved to you again.
"See you tonight!" she said brightly over her shoulder, seemingly unbothered by the awkwardness you both just witnessed.
Once they were both out of earshot, you gave Joel a look.
"That last comment was kind of gross."
Joel sighed and stood up. "Yeah, that's Zachary for you."
You scrambled to stand and joined him as you walked through the restaurant, back to the elevators, giving the pair one more friendly wave before disappearing from view.
"Do you guys not get along or something?" you asked once you were safely inside the elevator alone. Joel shrugged and kept his eyes on the numbers ticking away above the door.
"End of the day, they're all competition. It's all a game."
It felt like more than that, but you let it go.
Silently, you followed him back to the villa. Once inside, you busied yourself in the kitchen, weighing your options for the day while he set up a laptop on the dining room table. You didn't want to be in his way, but you didn't feel much like exploring on your own just yet. The exterior wall of the living room was completely made of glass, giving you both a spectacular view of your pool and the ocean beyond. He had logged into work and was getting settled at the table when you finally decided to spend the day at the gorgeous, private pool just outside. As you headed in the direction of your room, you glanced over your shoulder, about to tell him of your intentions, but he had already slipped in a pair of earbuds.
That was fine. He would be able to see you from his seat at the table if he wondered where you went.
When reviewing your options for bathing suits, you were shocked to find six different choices. Who on earth would need more than two? But you shrugged and decided on a simple black bikini, changing quickly and applying some sunscreen before finding a sheer green coverup amongst your things and slipping it over your shoulders. Rifling through your duffel bag, you found a book, your headphones, and your own sunglasses, all of which you brought with you before opening the glass door leading from your bedroom to the patio outside.
There was a white linen pergola next to the pool with two lounge chairs and a cabinet underneath. You picked a chair and put your things down before opening the cabinet to find a towel and some bottles of water. The amenities in the hotel were outstanding and you found yourself still struggling to get used to it. Everywhere you turned, you had everything you could possibly need. Is this really how the other half lived?
You slipped your coverup off, tossing it on top of your phone, and ran the tips of your fingers underneath the band of your bikini bottoms, straightening out the fabric and making sure you had coverage before timidly stepping towards the pool. Even from this distance you could hear laughter and music filtering from the beach, the sounds of summer and joy bringing a smile to your face as you dipped a toe into the pool. It shouldn't have come as a surprise when you realized the pool was heated to the perfect temperature, so you glided right in, submerging yourself underwater and popping back up with a refreshing gasp.
If Joel wanted to work the whole time you were there, then that was his choice. You knew in all likelihood you wouldn't ever get an opportunity like this again, and you were determined to enjoy it.
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He was supposed to be working. In fact, he was supposed to be paying attention while the head of finance went over the last quarter's numbers on his laptop screen via video call, but instead he found his eyes drifting to the massive window overlooking the pool. Every time you emerged from the water, your body slick and that skimpy bikini stuck rather obscenely to your skin, he couldn't stop himself from staring. Thank Christ the windows were tinted.
His eyes dragged back to the laptop and he cleared his throat. "Sorry, WiFi's a little spotty."
"No problem. I said we made record profits last quarter and we should be in a strong financial position to expand without requiring any loans."
"Fantastic," Joel replied, his eyes darting briefly to the window, swallowing hard when you took a break to drink some water. You tipped your head back and closed your eyes, your soft lips wrapping around the plastic of the bottle. He felt his cock twitch and he forced his eyes back to the screen. This whole arrangement with you was proving to be a lot more challenging than he expected. He was doing his best to pull away from you and create some distance, but it wasn't working.
"What's the word out there? Think you got a shot at this piece of land?"
Joel shrugged and leaned back in his chair. "Too early to say, but if I had to guess, it'll come down to me or Scott."
"Well, good luck, sir."
"Thanks. We'll talk next week."
Joel exited the meeting and the room was filled with silence once again. Emails popped up in the corner of his screen and he managed to focus for a couple hours, one call from HR in particular distracting him from looking at you, but around lunchtime he found his gaze wandering again. You were laid out on your lounge chair reading, legs stretched out, looking sunkissed and relaxed.
With a sigh, he looked down at his watch then stood up. Strolling to the kitchen, he picked up the phone attached to the wall while thumbing through the room service menu. He ordered a couple items for you to share before heading to his bedroom to find his swim trunks.
He never takes a break that doesn't involve clients, so what the hell? Just this once.
By the time he emerged from his bedroom and stepped out onto the patio, you had slipped back into the pool. You were gazing out towards the ocean with your chin resting on the backs of your hands as you leaned up against the edge of the infinity pool. When you heard his door close, you turned to look at him in surprise.
"Hey," you said happily, gaze flickering down his bare chest quickly before locking eyes with him again.
"Mind if I join you?"
You grinned and shook your head. "Not at all."
He tossed his sunglasses and the shirt he had clutched in his hand onto the other lounge chair, realizing for the first time he forgot his phone back inside, but he shrugged it off. He didn't need it anyway. Work could wait an hour.
"Feels nice," he said once he walked all the way into the pool, the water stopping just underneath his collarbone.
"Sure beats the above ground pool I had growing up," you joked.
"Hell, at least you had one."
"True," you sighed, wading over to a built in seat in the deep end so you could rest. "Got me in trouble a few times, though."
Joel quirked an eyebrow and slowly walked over, joining you on the other end of the seat. It gave you both the perfect view of the ocean. "What kinda trouble?"
You giggled and shook your head. "You know. Inviting my friends over to swim when I wasn't supposed to." You paused before quietly adding, "swimming with boys in the middle of the night."
"Boys?" Joel chuckled in surprise.
"Well, not boys. One boy. A boy."
He hummed and glanced at you. "Someone special?"
You shrugged, gaze still pinned on the ocean. "I guess at the time he was. He was my next door neighbor growing up."
"What happened?"
"He went away to college, I eventually moved out to LA, we just lost touch. I think he was my first real love."
For some inexplicable reason, Joel felt his chest grow tight. He rubbed it absentmindedly, refusing to give it too much thought.
"What about you?" you asked, tilting your head towards him. "Who was your first love?"
"Who says I had one?" he countered without even thinking. Now it was your turn to be surprised.
"You've never been in love?"
His eyes dragged down your face before taking a deep breath and looking away, already regretting sharing too much. "Been busy."
You laughed softly to yourself and shook your head.
"What?" he frowned.
"Nothing. I just don't think love checks with your schedule. When it happens, there's no stopping it, whether you like it or not, whether it's convenient or not."
The corner of his mouth twitched. "Pretty profound."
You locked eyes and gave him an endearing smile. "I can be surprising."
"Oh, I'm very aware," he replied, his gaze dropping down briefly to look at the distorted image of your body through the water, then quickly met your eye again. "Nice suit, by the way."
Your cheeks instantly felt hot as you bit your lip and shyly looked away. "Thank you. You bought it."
"I have good taste."
"I think that's been established."
Shit. You were cute. And quick. But he already knew that.
"Wanna tell me what it's like?" he asked lowly, and you felt your breath hitch. "Bein' in love?"
"Oh, I don't want to spoil the surprise for you."
"I made it this far, ain't sure it's in the cards for me," he said, a smile pulling at his lips.
"I wouldn't count you out just yet," you replied softly.
He stared at you, your words hanging heavy in the air, as he struggled to formulate a response. Something about the way you were looking at him made him open his mouth before his brain had a chance to catch up. He was seconds away from telling you too much, from breaking one of his rules, from letting you in, but fortunately the door to the living room slid open, dissolving the tension in an instant.
"Mr. Miller? Room service."
You both turned your heads towards the two attendants holding silver trays with matching polished domed lids on top.
"Put them over there," he directed, pointing to the pergola. They nodded in unison and carefully placed the trays down, lifting the lids off with white gloves, and disappeared back inside.
"Thank you!" you called after them before the door closed. Your eyes drifted back to him but you could see the moment was over. When the living room door opened, Joel's door shut.
"Got us somethin' to eat," he explained, nodding in the direction of the pergola.
"That was thoughtful, thank you."
He spent another ten minutes outside with you, nibbling on assorted meats, cheeses and fruits until he stood with a groan, announcing he had work to get back to, and reminded you to be ready to leave by six that evening.
You nodded and bit the inside of your cheek as you watched him slip back inside his room to change, convinced more than ever that there was a good man hidden underneath all that armor, you just had to keep chipping away.
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"I'll need to thank your assistant one day. Whoever they are, I gotta admit, they did a good job," you told Joel in the back of the private car that was taking you to Glenn's estate. You smoothed down the fabric of your bright yellow sundress, loving the way it hugged your curves and made your skin glow.
"Did you ever have any doubt?" he asked, sliding his sunglasses down his nose so he could look at you over the top. You grinned and shrugged.
You found yourself growing excited for the evening ahead. Even though you knew it was all an act, that Joel was paying you to pretend to be someone you're not, you found yourself enjoying it more than you thought. But shamefully you especially enjoyed the way Joel acted around you when others were present. You liked his touch and his smile as opposed to the closed off version you had been stuck with the remainder of the afternoon. He was utterly confusing and his mood shifts were giving you whiplash, but at least you knew what to expect at Glenn's house that evening.
"You think you'll be alright on your own for a bit tonight?" he asked as if he somehow read your mind, dashing all your hopes at seeing that softer side of him again.
"Sure," you answered timidly.
"Good. Wanna try to get some one on one time with Glenn, make some progress with 'em."
"Of course."
You looked out the window, heart suddenly deflated. If it was apparent you were disappointed, he wouldn't have even noticed. Per usual, he was staring down intently at his phone, hardly sparing you a glance the rest of the ride.
The car dropped you off in front of a huge, sprawling manor built right on the coast. In the distance, you could see the twinkling lights from other resorts, but Glenn managed to carve out his own little private paradise smack dab in the middle of tourist country.
"This is beautiful," you said breathlessly as you gazed up at the Mediterranean-style architecture surrounded by palm trees and exotic florals. It was dusk and the outside of the house and gardens were lit up with gorgeous ambient lighting, set on the backdrop of a deep purple and pink sky.
"C'mon," was all Joel said, nodding towards the stone walkway, hands shoved deep in the pockets of his khakis. You hurried to catch up with him while your head tilted back to admire the outdoor chandeliers hanging high above the front entrance.
It appeared you arrived just after everybody else. As you walked through the foyer towards the kitchen, you could hear pleasantries and welcomes being exchanged, along with drink orders and details on what hors d'oeuvres were being served.
At the last moment you wrapped a hand around the inside of Joel's elbow, but his hand stubbornly remained in his pocket.
"Ah, welcome!" Glenn bellowed when you stepped into the massive and meticulously kept kitchen. You tried not to gawk and did your best to act like you were around homes like that every single day and not, in fact, only familiar with them through reality TV and magazines.
You waved shyly and glanced quickly around the room while Joel led you to the bar. Already, the significant others had split off from their respective hotel moguls, laughing and sipping on drinks on the other side of the room.
Joel handed you a glass of wine with a warm smile that you couldn't help but return, then subtly cleared his throat, his eyes darting to the others across the room. You got the hint but before parting ways, you planted a kiss on his cheek. His stubble felt rough against your lips yet you felt a jolt in your stomach at the sensation, anyway. Wiping your lipstick from his tanned skin with your thumb, you turned to leave, pleased to feel his eyes on your back as you walked.
Zoe noticed you first. She waved excitedly and you waved back. Even if Joel couldn't stand Zachary, it was undeniable that Zoe's energy was infectious.
"Long time, no see," you joked, and she laughed. Your eyes trailed down her outfit and you shot her an envious look. "Love that dress," you added.
"Thanks! It's Valentino," then she cupped her hand around her mouth and whispered conspiratorially, "it's not even out yet."
"Wow!" you said enthusiastically, playing along as if you had some idea how important that was.
Tammy and Lynne were huddled around Ian as he showed them photos from his phone and it was at that point you realized the three of them had been icing Zoe out completely. Your brow furrowed slightly and you looked at her, trying to figure out if you were reading the room correctly, but she didn't give anything away. She was still babbling to you about her dress and the lengths Zachary went to in order to get it for her, seemingly unbothered. Tammy glanced over her shoulder at Zoe when she heard her gushing about her boyfriend and you picked up on the unmistakable disdain written all over her face before she quickly blinked it away with a tight smile after she noticed you looking in her direction.
Tammy turned around then and greeted you by name, interrupting Zoe, and stuck her hand out. "Please let me see that ring, I was dying to get a better look at it last night."
You shot Zoe an apologetic glance but she just smiled back as she sipped her martini, watching Tammy closely over her glass. You stuck out your hand and all four of them gasped and fawned all over your ring.
"How did he propose?" Ian asked.
You repeated the fake story, hoping you remembered everything and looked sincere enough as you spoke, and when you finished up you gazed down at the ring on your finger. It really was a beautiful ring.
"The beach, huh?" Tammy repeated, and you nodded. "Doesn't sound like Joel."
A jolt of panic shot through you like lightning. "What do you mean?"
She just shrugged. "I never took Joel for a beach guy."
"Well, he knows I love the beach. He did it for me," you told her defensively. It was ridiculous to feel so protective over a fake relationship but for some reason, you didn't like her tone. Besides, what did she know about Joel? Was she implying she knew him better somehow?
"Hm. How romantic," Tammy replied sweetly, but you still picked up on the undercurrent of distaste in her words.
"Yes, I agree. He's very romantic," you couldn't help but say. You wanted to wipe that snobby look off her face. She stared at you, that fake smile still stretched across her thin lips, and you stared right back, refusing to be the first to look away.
A sharp clap of laughter came from the men across the room, breaking the tension between the two of you. You shuffled your feet and glanced back at Zoe who was giving you an amused look from behind her glass. Maybe you read her all wrong. Maybe Zoe wasn't clueless after all.
Mary, Glenn's wife, emerged from the butler's pantry with a wide smile. Her eyes drifted around the room to make sure her guests were taken care of as she headed in the direction of your group.
"So sorry! Just a little situation with the caterers," she explained, clapping her hands together gleefully. "How about we all head outside?"
You agreed and followed her dutifully towards the courtyard where a magnificent in-ground pool with built in lights that made the water look almost purple was in the center of an extraordinary backyard. There were plenty of seating and lounging areas, as well as an outdoor bar complete with bartender standing at attention. Gorgeous string lights were draped above your heads and all around the courtyard, connecting at the various palm trees and casting the area with the perfect amount of mood lighting.
"Mary, this place is absolutely stunning," Lynne gushed with a hand pressed lightly against her flushed chest. Mary smiled her thanks.
"We've been working on making this place our dream home for so many years," she replied, "it's everything we've ever wanted."
It didn't take very long for you to become a little bored with hearing the details of how their architect imported tile from Rome or how she had some prestigious artist, a name you'd never heard before, paint a mural in their master suite, but you did your best to remain polite and engaged. However, when it became clear Ian, Lynne and Tammy were legitimately interested in her interior designer's "risky" idea for her dining room, you didn't feel so bad when you let your attention wander for a bit.
Your eyes drifted around the pool in search of someone with food as you tipped your glass back, finishing your wine. Then you locked eyes with Zoe, who appeared to also be losing interest. She gave you a small smile before tilting her head toward the bar and you both politely excused yourselves in search of more drinks.
"Can you imagine living somewhere like this?" she asked when you got out of earshot.
You chuckled and shook your head. "Never. I mean, LA is nice but it's just not the same. It's so... peaceful here."
"It really is," she sighed. You both leaned up against the bar and ordered refills when you heard the door open. You twisted around excitedly, assuming it would be Joel and the others, but it turned out to be three caterers, each holding a tray at chest level. Zoe waved them down and you inwardly sighed with relief when you each took a small smattering of what they had to offer.
"Thank god," you mumbled when you popped something in your mouth that you didn't recognize but at that point, you didn't care. "I was starting to think no one eats."
She giggled and covered her mouth. "They probably don't, but I sure as hell do."
You laughed and out of the corner of your eye, you noticed the others, aside from Mary, chose to decline the appetizers. "I mean, it's only polite, right?"
"Yeah, duh," Zoe answered before taking a bite of tuna tartare. "Mary'd be disappointed if no one ate. Kind of rude of the others when you think about it."
Your eyes widened and you glanced around, making sure the bartender was busy talking to another caterer and not paying attention before you spoke again. "I think that Tammy's kind of rude, regardless," you said softly, watching carefully for Zoe's reaction. She gasped dramatically as if you had committed blasphemy, then instantly dropped the act, giggling into her palm in agreement.
"Yeah, she's something alright," Zoe replied, looking once over her shoulder at the group. "You did good, though. Standing your ground, marking your territory. Still, you'd think she would be a little more subtle, considering."
You frowned and titled your head to the side. "Considering what?"
She eyed you coyly and winked. "Zach told me. Don't worry though, I won't say a word."
Your blood ran cold. Could she somehow know your relationship was all a lie? No, that wouldn't make sense. Still...
"What do you mean?"
She looked around and picked up her drink and food. "Let's go sit down."
You followed her over to a table with a semblance of privacy without looking like you were excluding yourselves. She brushed her hair off her shoulders and readjusted the straps on her dress before she continued. "He told me about Joel and Tammy. That they had an affair. You'd think after that song and dance last night about them being college sweethearts she would be a little more reserved or, god forbid, have some goddamn shame, but I guess not."
She looked down to scrape something questionable off a cracker while you tried to control your reaction to her news. How could Joel not tell you something this important? Was he crazy?
You swallowed the lump in your throat and steeled yourself, pretending you knew all along. "Does everyone know?"
She scoffed and shook her head. "Hell no. You think they'd be talking to her right now if they did?"
You breathed a sigh of relief but you still couldn't shake the tight feeling in your chest and the inexplicable anger you felt towards Tammy. Clenching your teeth, you took a deep breath in through your nose.
"That's good. Joel would freak if they knew."
She raised her eyebrows and nodded as she chewed and looked around. "Speak of the devil."
Your stunned gaze slid over to where she was looking, spotting the group of men exiting the house to join their partners, each of them carrying identical glasses of dark liquor. Joel's eyes found yours and he immediately could sense something was off. Then he looked at Zoe, his face unreadable before glancing back at you.
"C'mon, we should join them," she said.
Zoe stood up and you followed as if on autopilot.
"Maybe we can go to the spa one of these days? Get some lunch?"
"That sounds wonderful," you told her as you approached the rest of the group. She smiled and broke off to find Zachary, leaving you to face Joel alone.
"Everythin' alright?" he asked. He was smiling in case anyone looked your way but his tone was laced with concern. Worry.
"Yep," you said. You felt his hand brush against your lower back and your body stiffened. He frowned.
"You sure?"
"Mhm," you hummed, pressing your wine glass against your lips, looking anywhere but at him.
"Dad! Sorry we're late," a deep voice called from behind you. The guests turned around to find Trevor and Brooks, Glenn's oldest sons, step out into the courtyard.
"Boys! There you are!" Mary called happily. They took turns planting kisses on her cheek before shaking their father's hand and explaining some work emergency that held them up, but you couldn't stop noticing the way Brooks's fingers wiggled against his side. The longer you watched, the more you noticed. He was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet, the energy rolling off him as his eyes darted around in search of alcohol or food or both.
Then they landed on you.
His gaze was dark and chilling, sending a shiver down your spine. You swallowed tightly and stepped a little closer to Joel, who was talking to Harry about some basketball team, completely oblivious to the way Brooks's eyes dragged appreciatively down your frame.
And just as quickly as it happened, he looked away.
Part of you wanted to tell Joel you weren't feeling well, that you wanted to leave, but you bit your tongue. You were there for a reason. You had to uphold your end of the deal. But everything about that evening made you feel uneasy and sick.
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"Glenn invited us all to his yacht this weekend," Joel told you the following morning. He seemed happier than the day before. More upbeat. It should have made you happy, but you couldn't shake the dread that cloaked your shoulders since Zoe told you about Joel's affair, and then the look Brooks gave you right after. You had hardly slept, tossing and turning all night, unable to fully relax.
"Hey, you all good?"
"Huh?" you asked, sitting up straight in your chair and blinking the clouds from your eyes. "Oh, yeah, I'm good. You said a yacht?"
"Yeah. Two nights- you sure?" Joel asked, cutting himself off and leaning forward. "You were real quiet last night, too."
"Yeah, I'm just tired. Sorry," you said, waving him off and focusing on the fruit bowl in front of you.
"Don't need to be sorry," he mumbled. He wasn't really buying your excuse but he chose not to push you. "Why don't we stay in today if you're tired? Relax in the room or... whatever you wanna do."
You perked up at his suggestion. "Don't you have to work?"
He nodded and shrugged before leaning back in his chair. "I'm allowed to take a break."
You grinned and he could see the bad mood instantly leave your body. "Are you sure? I heard the CEO is a handful."
He tossed his head back and laughed, startling you with its rarity. "Oh, you got no idea," he replied. You felt your cheeks heat up so you dropped your gaze back to your breakfast, hiding your smile behind your fork. "You said you wanted to go to the beach, right?" he offered, and you quickly nodded.
"But if that's not your thing..." you trailed off, remembering Tammy's words from the night before.
"Who doesn't love the beach?" he replied before finishing his eggs and standing up. "I'm gonna go get ready, meet you out here in thirty," he said over his shoulder. You watched him leave with a little smile.
So maybe Tammy doesn't know Joel as well as she thought she did.
Once back in your room, you surveyed your bathing suit options. You already wore the black one, so you decided on a white bikini with a halter tie behind the neck and matching white bottoms that had a chunky, gold-toned chain which sat on either side of your hips. You slid it on and gawked in the mirror when you realized Joel's assistant accidentally left the tag on.
"Who the hell pays almost $200 for a fucking swimsuit?" you muttered under your breath before carefully removing it and tossing it in the trash. You liked the sheer green coverup from the day before, so you put that back on and began to pack a beach tote you found amongst the endless accessories purchased for you.
Once you made sure you had all your essentials, you tucked your sunglasses on top of your head and walked towards your door. When your left hand stretched out for the handle, you frowned as you looked down at your ring. You couldn't take that to the beach. You would never be able to relax, too afraid of losing it.
Knowing Joel had a safe in his room, you lightly rapped on his door.
"Can I put my- the ring in your safe?" you said, hoping he didn't notice your slip up.
For some reason, you assumed that meant it was clear to enter, so you opened the door and stepped through. Your eyes bugged out of your head when you realized he was still changing, your heart practically leaping out of your chest with embarrassment.
"Oh, god, I'm sorry!" you said, shielding your eyes and backing out of the room quickly. You heard him say something but you couldn't hear him over the curses you were spitting to yourself, so you hurried into the living room and began to pace around nervously, desperately trying to wipe the image from your memory.
Oh, god, he was going to be so pissed. Just when you had him back in a sweet mood, you went and did something so fucking stupid and in all likelihood, ruined the entire day.
When Joel entered the living room, you were chewing on your nail nervously, still pacing around until you noticed him and skid to a stop.
"Joel, I'm so sorry-"
"Nothin' to be sorry 'bout," he said with a smirk. "Ready to go?"
He could have knocked you over with a feather as you stood there, blinking rapidly and trying to keep up.
"Y-yeah, I'm ready," you stammered, swiveling around to grab your tote, then jogged to catch up with him. "Wait! The ring, I never-"
"Oh, right," he said, turning around and holding his hand out. You twisted it off and gave it to him. While he took the ring back to his room, it afforded you a few more seconds to come to terms with what just transpired in the last ten minutes.
Before he joined you again, you had given yourself a mental pep talk: everything was fine, you didn't even see anything, and he wasn't mad.
Well, you saw something, but you weren't going to dwell on that.
The awkwardness only lingered in your system for thirty minutes or so. When you arrived at the beach and felt the warm sand underneath your feet, you immediately felt at ease.
"Lemme ask you somethin'," Joel said after setting down his frozen drink next to yours. Of course, he had bought a private cabana for the afternoon so you were each lounging on your chairs in the shade with silent fans aimed at each of you, spritzing you with a cool mist, keeping you perfectly comfortable in the tropical heat.
"That story you told Glenn - 'bout me askin' you to marry me," he said, sitting up a bit to stretch. "That what you always wanted? You want someone to propose on the beach?"
You thought about it for a moment. "I don't know," you told him honestly. "I tried to think of the most romantic thing possible and it just popped into my head. I mean, I wouldn't mind it," you chuckled, brushing your hair from your neck.
"Well, when you were growin' up, how did you imagine it?"
You cut yourself off, his question taking you off guard.
"I don't know if I ever thought about it."
He cocked his head to the side curiously. "Really? Hopeless romantic like yourself never fantasized 'bout it?"
You threw your head back and laughed, the sound instantly bringing a smile to his own face.
"I wouldn't call myself a hopeless romantic."
He tsked and picked his drink back up. "Yeah, you are."
You scoffed and shot him an agitated look. "What?"
"Whether you realize it or not, you are," he replied matter-of-factly. "No one comes up with those stories off the cuff without havin' a little soft spot for romance."
Your scowl melted into a grin. How was he so good at reading you? And why couldn't you do the same to him?
"How about you? When you-"
"Wanna go for a dip?" he asked, cutting you off as he stood to tug his shirt over his head. Your mouth went dry when you saw his bare chest and back, and then your gaze instinctively dropped. You instantly recalled walking in on him that morning and you had to tear your eyes away before he could see how flustered you were, but it was too late. Joel noticed everything.
"Yeah, sure," you mumbled, standing to shed your cover up. When you turned back to him you had to suppress your smirk at the way his eyes greedily drank you in.
It felt like the playing field leveled once again.
The moment you stepped out from under the protection of the cabana, the heat engulfed you both. Just the short walk to the shore made the back of your neck sweat and you couldn't wait to slip into the crystal blue water to cool down.
"This place doesn't seem real," you confessed to Joel as you waded slowly into the ocean with a ridiculous smile stretched across your face.
"Just imagine the kind of money one of these resorts rakes in," he replied before leaping forward into the water so the only skin that was exposed were his shoulders on up.
Joel didn't like to share much about his private life, that much you knew for certain, but one thing he always seemed open to talking about was work.
"If you win the lot, would this be your most successful hotel?"
He nodded and tilted his head back, eyes sliding closed as he basked in the sun's hot rays. "It would put The Parador on the map, open up countless possibilities."
"Oh, so no pressure or anything," you joked. Your foot grazed against something hard in the sand and you looked down, squinting through the water, then gasped.
"Look!" you said excitedly, pointing down. His eyes followed your finger and he frowned.
"I don't see nothin'."
"The seashells! They're pink!"
He chuckled and shook his head. "Pink seashells, huh?"
"Yes!" you squeaked as you tried and failed to pluck one out of the sand with your toes. Joel sighed dramatically and gently pushed you back.
"What are you-"
He took a deep breath and plunged under the water, making you giggle as you watched him dig a few seashells out before popping back up. He shook his head like a wet dog, flinging water droplets at you and making you shriek before he triumphantly brought his hand up from underneath the water and gave you your prize.
"Oh, my hero," you gushed before carefully picking up each one to examine them closer. "Thank you, Joel."
"You're welcome, sweetheart."
Sweetheart. Your smile grew wider but you hoped he just attributed it to the seashells you were so fixated on. Realizing you had nowhere to put them without going back to the beach, you turned away so you could shove them into the cups of your bikini. You heard a deep chuckle behind you and you looked at him over your shoulder.
"I don't wanna get out!"
He laughed a little louder, the sound beginning to grow on you. He looked so young and relaxed, bobbing up and down in the ocean with his hair slicked back while the sun warmed his already tanned skin.
Turned out Tammy was wrong: Joel was a beach guy.
"I just think it's funny you're bein' so modest after you got an eyeful of me earlier," he told you, his eyes sparkling. You felt your chest and neck grow hot and you shook your head with shame.
"I'm so sorry, I swear I didn't see anything."
He cocked an eyebrow at you. "Don't lie."
You swallowed the lump in your throat, heart skipping a beat as you struggled with a response.
"Okay, I might have seen just a little bit," you confessed softly, looking anywhere but at him as you floated around, allowing the waves to push and pull your body ever so slightly.
"Ouch," he winced, and you forced yourself to meet his gaze. "Little, huh?"
"Oh, god," you groaned, burying your face in your wet hands. "That's not what I meant."
He laughed heartily, enjoying your embarrassment far too much. "I'm just messin' with you."
You splashed him angrily but couldn't stop yourself from grinning. Why couldn't he be like this all the time? This version of him was so sweet, so intoxicating that you found yourself craving it and trying to find ways to bring it out of him more. So you decided to be brave and match his energy, just a little bit. Just to see what he would do.
"You're right. Little wasn't the right word."
He raised his eyebrows in shock and the smile slipped from his face. You thought you made a mistake and already you were scrambling to apologize, but then his gaze darkened and you felt his hand brush against your hip under the water.
"That so?" he said huskily, his tone sending a shiver down your spine and your heart to beat wildly in your chest. You bit your lip and nodded, not putting much confidence in your voice as he inched even closer. You could smell his sunscreen mixing with the salt from the water and the heat of the sun, the entire combination making you feel a little lightheaded. His eyes flickered over your shoulder briefly before you felt his other hand on your waist. "Shit, Zachary 'n Zoe are watchin' us."
Using it as an excuse, you draped your arms around his neck and hummed, pulling yourself so close that your noses were practically touching.
"Suppose we should act like we're madly in love, then."
His fingers pressed harder into your skin as he stared at your mouth, his breathing becoming shallow when your lips parted.
"S'pose we should."
When he pressed his mouth against yours, it was so delicate and soft it made you wonder if he was nervous. The thought excited you and you let your body melt against his. You already felt weightless in the water but the way his lips massaged yours made you feel like you might just float away.
His tongue swiped against your lower lip and you immediately granted him access, opening your mouth a little wider to allow him to deepen the kiss. You both knew you were playing with fire but neither of you stopped to consider it. He tasted too good: like sea salt and the coconut from his drink and it was making you ache for more. Your fingers dragged through the wet curls on the back of his head as his tongue danced with yours, both of you completely forgetting where you were and getting lost in the moment.
A small wave crashed into you, splashing you both with warm sea water and causing you to pull away with a gasp. You dragged in a few deep breaths but his lips drifted to your chin, nibbling and biting along the length of your jaw. You forced your eyes to open, surprised to find you had floated around so you could now see the beach from over his shoulder.
"I don't see Zachary or Zoe."
He froze, his lips still pressed wetly against the sensitive spot below your ear and you felt him smirk. He leaned back and gave you a guilty look. "Huh."
"Huh?" you repeated, and he twisted around to scan the shore.
"Coulda sworn I saw 'em..." he said, scratching his chin and trying to hide his smile. You gasped and shoved his shoulder, pushing him away with a laugh.
"Liar," you teased.
He shrugged and kicked his legs up so he could float on his back. "Guess we'll never know."
"You're unbelievable," you told him, attempting to sound annoyed but you knew your voice held no conviction. He just grinned and closed his eyes with a sigh. You followed his lead and leaned back so you could float, your body rising and falling with each soft wave while you ignored the arousal that flared between your legs. Looking out towards the sea, you spotted various boats speckling the skyline.
"So a yacht, you said?"
"Mhmm. Two days. If you get seasick, I got pills that'll help."
"What are we going to do for two days?" you asked.
"Eat. Drink. Jet-ski. Maybe check out some small islands or somethin'," he replied, eyes still peacefully shut.
"So we're sleeping on this yacht?"
He cracked one eye opened and looked at you. "Yep," he answered. You swallowed and looked back towards the beach.
"That means we'll have to share a bed," you said, feeling ridiculous for being so nervous at the prospect when his tongue was practically down your throat moments ago.
"That a problem?"
You shook your head. "Of course not."
He smiled and closed his eyes again. "Good."
Shit. You were in trouble.
Please follow @punkshort-notifs and turn on notifications for fic updates ❤️
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novemberheart · 1 month
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{overview} Another milestone in your relationship with the pack begins, but some members want it to move faster….
{warnings} cursing, mentions of needles and incisions, mentions of sex (nothing really graphic), fem reader, sappy scene, reader being *slightly* objectified, poly141 some smexual smention 😉
Chapter 9 <- Chapter 10 -> Chapter 11
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“You're still here.” you smiled, rubbing at your eyes. John smiled at you. He was leaning against the counter with a cup of coffee.
“Don't mind me.” Simon yawned from the couch. “Wouldn't want to interrupt anything.” you rolled your eyes at him.
“Don't worry. I'll let you know if you're interrupting.” you teased, walking past him to go to the bathroom.
“Her bedhead is rather endearing,” John commented after you left.
“Don't get too excited. Not sure Kyle’s ass can take anymore.” Simon grunted. John just chuckled.
“Or Johnny’s,” John added, causing Simon’s head to snap back at him.
“You bastards said no group shite until I got better.” Simon reminded.
“Think Kyle filmed some of it. I'll have him send it to you.” John smirked.
“Thank you,” Simon growled, turning back around. You luckily missed that conversation, popping back out after you had brushed your teeth.
“Go pick out an outfit, pretty girl. We have some things to do today.” John spoke, causing you to flush.
“Fun things?” you hinted.
“A mix.” He replied not giving too much away. You huffed heading back towards your bedroom.
You decided to finally wear something one of the boys had gotten for you during your shopping spree. It was a flowy knee-length dress with spaghetti straps. They certainly had taste- you'd give them that. You fixed your hair and made some minor adjustments to your face. It was also still a bit chilly outside so you paired it with a cardigan.
A rumble of approval vibrated in John’s chest as you stepped out. He was pleased with how nice you always looked (even when you just woke up) and he couldn't help but stand a bit taller when people did a double take as you walked by. He would blame it on alpha pride, but he knows Johnny and Kyle enjoy parading you around just as much.
Simon stayed quiet on the couch, eyeing you up and down.
“Ready?” John asked. You nodded your head following him out the door. You stopped, prancing back to the couch where Simon was. He stayed still, but you knew you weren't being sneaky. You leaned over the back of the couch pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before he could swat you away. You were surprised when he made no move to.
“I miss you already.” you sighed playfully, skipping back over to John, who was thoroughly enjoying himself at the sight before him.
“I do that to people.” Simon gruffed, making you chuckle.
“Got a daredevil streak in ya, hmm?” John smiled down at you as you walked.
“Just a bit,” you whispered, with a smirk.
“Good girl. He could use some roughing up.”
You immediately understood why he didn't share with you where you were going. You frowned heavily as you approached the medical center.
“‘Nough with the face, sweetheart.” John soothed. He ran the back of his pointer finger against your cheek, causing them to raise in a tiny smile. “We’ll get you chipped then I’ll take you out on a date. How's that sound?” he hummed, watching you as you began to soften to the idea.
“Alright.” you drew out, entering the building as he held the door open for you.
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The nurse who ended up coming to chip you was the same one you saw in Simon's hospital room.
“Look at you!” She smiled, running her hands up and down your arms. “You look good, hun. How's the big one?” she questions, getting the supplies set up.
“He's good.” You smiled, trying not to look at the sharp objects.
“Glad to hear. Have you ever been chipped before?”
You shook your head.
“Well this is what it looks like.” she shared, showing you a small disk. It was a bit smaller than a dime.
“That doesn't look too scary.” you swallowed.
“Right? And Dr. Hathaway will give you a shot so you won't feel anything.” she soothed. Just then the door opened and a bubbly woman in a doctor's coat entered.
“Alrighty, now I know how nervous you must be so let's get this done.” she sang. Despite her chipper attitude, her accent was very posh. John moved away from the wall and turned your head to face him, using his other hand to hold your hair out of the way. His thumb rubbed against your cheek and you allowed yourself to relax into him.
“Thanks, Alpha.” the doctor praised his actions, giving her the perfect view of behind your ear. The title made your eyes widen. What business did she have calling him that? Maybe it was a cultural thing. Where you were from the only people who called an alpha ‘alpha’ were pack members. You didn't have to dwell on it long.
“John is fine.” he politely corrected. Your eyes peered up at him and the corner of his lips lifted. Your hands reached up grabbing a hold of his wrist and hand, wanting to keep him as close as possible.
“Alright, love. You are going to feel a small pinch.” Dr. Hathaway warned. You weren't too worried about the needle, just about the incision. John continued to rub soft circles against your cheek and you stared ahead at the picture of sailboats on the wall. “Alright, love. You are all done. Great job.” Dr. Hathaway cheered, giving your arm a gentle squeeze.
“I didn't even feel anything,” you said. “Thank you,” you said to both the nurse (whose name you should really learn) and Dr. Hathaway.
“Thank you,” John repeated after you. “Good girl.” John praised, pressing a quick kiss against the top of your head. He let go of you, all the warmth leaving your body.
“Thank you,” you said suddenly. He looked at you with a quirked brow. “For being gentle with me. I really appreciate it.” you cleared your throat beginning to feel tears well up in your eyes. You quickly blinked them back.
“It's my job as your Alpha and it's something I’ll always be happy to do.” He said softly. The two of you stared at each other for a long moment. An understanding beginning to grow between the two of you. In the back of both of your minds, this situation was admittedly a bit temporary. John had you on a short leash, wanting Simon to get better more than worrying about your feelings. If you didn't fit he wouldn't think twice about sending you back. But you did fit. Perfectly. You got Simon out of his shell. Johnny’s smile hasn't left in a week. Kyle had a new air about him, more confident and excited. Hell, the two muppets raced each other home every day so they can be the first one to kiss you on the cheek.
He didn't even want to admit the things you did to him.
And then there was you. Kate had been right. You had been looking for an out since you arrived. You might have had one on the first day, but that felt so far away now. None of them had done anything to prove to you that they were an incapable, unworthy pack.
It seemed both of you were staring the rest of your lives in the face.
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John had ended up taking you to the movies. It was a silly lighthearted comedy. About halfway through he worked up the courage to let his hand wander over to your side of the seat. His fingers skimmed against your knee, watching you out of the corners of his eye for any signs of discomfort. Your hands reached down and grabbed his, resting his hand on your lap. You tangled your fingers together, melting a bit when you realized two of your hands could fit in one of his.
You rested your cheek against his arm, trying your hardest to hold onto your purr. He was happy, you could tell by the sudden warmth entering your nose. You breathed in quickly, trying to absorb as much of the smell as you could. He must not have worn scent blockers today. How did you not smell him before? They must've just worn off. You wondered if he did that on purpose.
Fog and campfire, with a slight hint of tobacco. The fog was fresh and light, but then you got the warmth of a campfire. Smoking can change anyone's scent- not by a lot, but there will always be an edge of it. It must be different from what Simon smokes. Johns complements the warm, firey scent whereas Simons sticks out a bit more.
He leaned down and you wondered if you overstepped. “Gonna have a headache if you keep breathin’ me in like that,” he murmured. You looked up at him- a bit hazy from the scent. He sucked in a harsh breath through his teeth, adjusting in his seat. “Pretty thing,” he grumbled, trying to focus his attention back on the movie.
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“How’d you do?” Kyle questioned as soon as you bounded back in. You were excited to see him. You hadn't seen much of him the past two days because he was busy training some ‘FNGs’ as Johnny had called them.
“You were right it didn't hurt,” you affirmed. He was in the kitchen working on his second bowl of cereal. You hesitantly moved a bit closer to him, and he quickly pulled you closer, tucking you into his side. His fingers brushed against your hip
“Can I interest you in some cereal?” he questioned. “It's gourmet, straight from the finest factory in Albuquerque, New Mexico,” he said in a French accent causing you to giggle.
“Yes, please.” He quickly got a bowl, filling it for you before you could even think about doing it yourself. “My legs are cold. I’m going to change quickly.” you excused yourself, darting to your bedroom.
“You smell good on her,” Kyle spoke up, eyeing his alpha.
“Drivin’ me bloody crazy in the theater. If she smells like that normally can you imagine how she smells in her heat? We’re gonna have to get a cabin in the middle of nowhere.” John groaned, leaning his elbows against the counter. Kyle chuckled.
“That might not be too bad of an idea actually. I was looking in the handbook and we are allowed ten days off a year to deal with heats.” Kyle explained. John sighed. He really needs to look over the omega section of the handbook. He wouldn't want you to miss out on something just because he wasn't diligent.
“Something to think about.” John agreed.
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“Is it okay if I sleep with my door open?” you questioned.
“Course,” John answered instantly. “You been havin’ trouble?”
You scrunched your face a bit and nodded.
“I've never been a good sleeper,” you explained. John nodded his head in understanding.
“You can always sleep with me, Bonnie!” Johnny called from the couch. You snickered at the enthusiasm in his voice. “Wasn't kidding.” he pressed with a smirk on his face.
“Tell you what, I’ll try with my door open tonight, and if that doesn't work I’ll come hunt you down,” you promised.
“I'll take that.” he compromised. You got your things ready to go take a shower.
“What are you doing?” Simon questioned, leaning over to peer at Johnny’s phone.
“Trying to find spooky sounds off of YouTube,” Johnny replied. “Haunted house, maybe?”
“You are not scaring her into sleeping with you, fucking nutter.” Simon scolded, ripping his phone out of his hands.
“You're right L.T. I've turned into a desperate man.” he sighed.
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Helloooooo! Hope everyone liked this choppy chapter! Chapter 11 will be posted in three days! It's a bit of a rough one 😬 Friendly reminder: reblogs, likes, and comments are always appreciated, and don't be afraid to pop by my inbox and say hi (and tell me your deepest darkest secrets)
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
Your Weird Relationship Milestones
Weird couple things that no one talks about that is a major milestone
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Buggy, Mihawk x GNReader
Support on Ko-Fi ☕️
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You and Luffy had known each other since you were children and had also been dating since you joined his crew as the Ship Barber.
Truthfully it had been a fun journey and everyday you two got closer and closer- Just in your guys own unique way.
Today was no excpetion- After doing some basic training till noon you had skipped breakfast and was starving to rushed to the kitchen.
Walking over you saw lunch had already been made and almost the whole crew was there eating, looking over Luffy's massive plate in question to see what it on the menu- Seeing Cutlet sandwiches served with shredded cabbage.. you didn't like the recent cabbage that much.
"You didn't like the cabbage right?" Luffy questioned as if reading your mind- Nodding as he held up one of his plates to you to taste the cabbage to see if you wanted it The crew staring at you two in now total shock as you munched on a strand of cabbage and took a small bite of his sandwich.
"Ehh- Sandeich is good- But no cabbage" You hummed and Luffy nodded as he went back to inhaling his own food. Everyone watching as you went to get a plate- excluding the cabbage.
It wasn't till way later when you were half asleep cuddled against Luffy that the thought came to you- Did Monkey D Luffy just share his plate with you?
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It had been a normal morning- you waking up first to roll out of bed and start your morning routine, of course it starting in the bathroom.
Too zoned out to care since you and him shared a living space with a bathroom so you knew it could only be Zoro- As you brush your teeth you hear the sound of water and realize he was taking a piss, with you right there?
"What island are we going to today?" Zoro questioned, you trying to rack through your brain
"Errr- S'mi S'mi i'land I 'hink-" {Sumi Sumi Island I think} You say with the toothbrush still in your mouth- Zoro finishing and stepping to the sink.
You step to the side so he can wash his hands and he grabs the deodorant- like with all your products he seemed to use prefer yours so he puts yours on instead. You handing him his hair cream which he thanks quickly and smooth through his mossy locks-
"Want a cup or coffee? Normal fixings?" Zoro called out as he walked out of the bathroom.
"Mhm!" You hum out earning a grunt of approval and spit into the sink finally. Yawning again as you were now starting to wake up.
The realization of everything hitting you. Were you two that comforble with each other now!? It felt like some marry couple morning- your face heating up as you simmered on it..
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Being on a ship was nice, but it did have some downfalls- One being the bath situation. For some reason there was only one bathtub in the whole ship- So you had to travel from a hot bath across the entire ship to get to the room you shared with Sanji- Freezing your ass off the entire way and wrapped in the thinnest towel.
Finally in the room you shed the napkin like towel and look for something warm to wear- already starting to shiver.
"Sanji! did we do laundry?" You called, looking to see you were out of all pants and underwear- Tsking as it was a bit too cold tonight to go full natural in bed.
"Uhh No we didnt- why?" He asked as he stepped back into the room and saw you still naked as day looking through clothes- staring for a bit before Grinning.
"I think what you're wearing now is a perfect outfit" He chimed, you rolling your eyes looking back at your gawking boyfriend.
"Yeah well this outfit I can catch a cold- Remember we are getting close to the north and it's going to be freezing tonight!" You reminded and Sanji nodded in understanding before a thought crossed his mind.
Sanji sighed at this as he went to your guys shared closet- Returning with sweats and shirt in hand.
"These are my favorite pair- BE good to them" He said calmly as he held out the very nice sleep sweats you'd seem him wear multiple times- fairly sure these were the ones Zeff shipped out. Smiling as you gently took it from his hands and kissed his cheek- knowing these were going to be the best sleeping pajamas ever.
"I promise I will"
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Show business was never easy- It was a constant swirl of chaos. Especially on Buggy's ship. So it was nice to have some moments were you and Buggy could just relax, especially after a hectic day or shows and making money.
So here you both are, Showered, out of makeup and lounging on the couch in Bugs office.
You laid there with your legs across Buggy's lap as you two chatted, there were random times that you and Buggy would absolutely say nothing in terms of conversation but just wanted to hear the others voice. Buggys hands stroking your legs as he kept his eyes half closed.
"Your legs feel different?.." Buggy questioned, still running his hands over the exposed skin-
"I didn't shave them" He seemed to nod at this and finally look at your legs to indeed see they were indeed hairy still touching them-
"Eh still not as good as mine- It's like a damn blue carpet" He grumbled flexing his leg as if giving and example. However he noticed you hadn't replied and glanced- noticing your intense stare at him.
Rolling up you sit on his lap facing him and look over his face, he looked at you confused as you did this- Watching how your eyes focused in something.
"Stay still.." You mumbled before touching his nose, he felt a soft pinch and then you pull back looking at your finger.
"You had a blackhead on your nose-" He say calmly and show it to him. He scrunched his face in disgust.
"Ew Thats fucking gross... See any others?" He questioned and you began to excavate his face and back of any blemishes still talking about nothing. Buggy's mind however running over the fact that for the first time in his life- he hadn't felt worried about his nose with someone..
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Mihawk is a cautious person- so he is always on his guard and prepared for the worse case scenarios. That I clues you in the first few years of your guys relationship- While he trust you there is always some wall built up to protect himself.. You understand and let him take his time-
You didn't even really notice since how living he was towards you, however as time went on he did relax around you more. Got more comforble with you around and It wasn't till one night after a relaxing date and time together that you both tucked in. Mihawk had always claimed to be a light sleeper, laying on his back perfectly posed like a vampire ready to rise at any moment- the slightest movement waking him so you learned to be still when he tried to sleep. Reading a book quietly since you weren't quite ready for bed, dozing off for a good 30 minutes before you felt a slight shift from Mihawk assuming he was still awake till-
Zzzz!!! SNORT Zzzzz!!
Loud deep Snores suddently rattling the bed like a damn earthquake!
Startling you, turning to see the man laying in the bed next to you as you see his face unattractivly shoved into the side of a pillow, his hair a fluffed mess and him on his side in a deep sleep. You'd never seen him like this before, you didn't know it was even possible as you heard another thunderous snore leave the man. It taking everything in your body to not giggle as you closed your book and dimmed the light on your side of the bed. Cuddling down next to him as another wash of snores left him.
Smiling as you realize this ment he finally felt comforble enough around you to deeply sleep- in a true REM sleep for the first time in probably years. It made your heart flutter and you giggled softly- Defiently a milestone you were proud of.
Even if it ment the snores.
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delulustateofmind · 5 months
Marriage-Life (One-shot)
A/n: Thank you all for all the love on the Between Worlds series! I promise an update next week. This is just something I thought about while on my walk with my dog :) SUPER FLUFFY!
**Also, it is unedited so fair warning, like a rough draft!**
Word Count: 1.8K
Summary: Collections of domestic life with Azriel, married/mated for fifty years. 
Warnings: Fluff & crack at times, drinking, some intimate moments. Pet names (Sweetness, My Love, Baby)
Azriel the spymaster was your mate, the most handsome man you’ve ever laid eyes on. Balancing life with a spymaster was no easy feat. Azriel’s frequent absence on risky missions tested the boundaries of your marriage at times. Yet, amidst the challenges, you found solace in the ways he made up for his prolonged departures.
Like sleepless nights in bed after a long mission…
As you settled in settled into bed, with Azriel lying on your chest, his breathing growing heavy as his eyes were closing. A question tugged at your lips. “Would you…’ you began, hesitating for a moment. ‘Yes, I would love you if you were a worm,’ Azriel hummed, his warm breath grazing your skin.
“Love me if I was a snail” You finished, feeling Azriel’s smirk form against your chest. He gave a soft nip on your breast. A deep sigh escaped his lips as he opened his eyes to look up at you. The hazel eyes looked up at you with amusement you could see his smirk turn smug. 
“Oh sweetness, that changes things” he drawled as he sat up a little, pushing himself up to see your face. You bit your lip trying not to giggle as he continued. 
“I mean, are you a normal snail? Like could I tell you apart from all of the other little snails?” Azriel began, his deep voice filled with a teasing tone. His hand roaming your bonds, fingers caressing your curves. 
You stifle a laugh as his fingers find ticklish spots, “I would be a cute snail, one that you could distinguish from the others”
“A very cute snail…but the fact remains. You would still be a snail” Azriel hummed as he ran his fingers across your curves again. His gaze goes down to your body and back to your lips and then your eyes with a playful grin. A grin that only you ever saw. “I would feel so guilty if I stepped on you by mistake. Can’t have that, can we?” 
Giving him a playful pout, you look at him innocently. “Are you saying…that you wouldn’t love me if I was a snail?” you whisper to him in a soft gaze, as you notice his movements. Azriel grinned again, pushing himself onto his elbows against you as he moved closer to you. His wings continued to drape across the both of you. 
“What I’m saying is I would always have to worry about stepping on you if you were a snail. Which would make being married to you quite the headache.” His hand once rested on the curve of your waist, moved its way to your collarbone then your jawline, and finally to your chin. Tilting your head as he brings himself closer to whisper on your lips. “How about you stay fae my love, maybe in another universe we could be snails together. But this one, I would love to be fae with you.” A gentle kiss was planted on your lips, which led to you both having a very sleepless night. 
Azriel never really had much of a sweet tooth, in fact, he typically stayed away from sweets until he met you. When you both got married, you would try out a new cafe once a month, sometimes going to the same one if their seasonal menu changed. 
“Let’s get ice cream today, it’s starting to get so warm out.” You whined as you slipped on a sundress. Azriel in the middle of brushing his teeth as he shrugged and gave the confirming nod. 
One of the best things about Azriel was that he always tried to match your outfits. If you wore a blue ribbon in your hair, he would wear a blue button-up shirt. If you wore a floral sundress, he would find a shirt that matched one of the colors. Today wearing a blue floral sundress, he opted for a light blue button-down and khaki slacks. One of which, he never owned any colorful clothing or anything other than his leathers and a few formal outfits until you two met.
Once you were both ready, Azriel took you on a flight down to the Palace of Hoof and Leaf. A district is known for its food. Once landed, you both walked hand in hand. Shadows trailing the both of you as you walked. Azriel’s huge hand compared to yours as he guided you to a cafe. 
“Feyre mentioned this place the other day” he began as he guided you through the busy streets. His wings were tightly tucked in. “I guess they make the ice cream look cute, like little bears and pigs” he gave you a warm smile as you trailed next to him, giving him a confirming squeeze with your hand. 
The streets were packed today, the market was selling spices, the smell of delicious food filled the air, and merchants trying to gather attention as people walked past. It wasn't until after a few blocks away, that you noticed a cute pastel pink building that had “Ice Cream” written in a beautiful cursive font on the window. You moved your hand from his, moving it towards his bicep as you both walked to the front doors. When you grasped his muscle, he flexed. The pastel-pink building exuded a quaint charm, its exterior adorned with delicate floral motifs that seemed to dance in the sunlight. Inside, the decor was equally inviting, with plush cushions and paintings on flowers on the walls. Along with cute stuffed animals on shelves around the parlor. A beautiful fae girl led you both to a table and placed a menu in front of you both. Azreil looked at you. “Order anything you want. I will just share with you”
The menu was filled with a tempting array of ice cream parfaits, each more enticing than the last. Ranging from little animal-themed ones to flower ones  You ended up ordering the panda, and right when you ordered you noticed there was a drink menu that showed an adorable foam cat latte. You order it as well obviously. Azriel smirks as he looks at you with a smile. People in the ice cream parlor glanced over. A smile from the threatening looks of the spymaster was quite rare. 
You both talked about what other errands you both needed to run, a market trip was due. Luckily Azriel won’t have a mission for a while but will be training with the Valkyrie and having to go to Hewn City soon. As you both talked, you very impatiently waited for the dessert, Azriel held your hand across the table. He was rubbing his finger across the top of your hand. 
“I appreciate you” He whispered so softly that you almost didn’t catch it. You give him a warm smile “I appreciate you too and everything you do.”
After what seemed like forever! 
The ice cream and latte finally arrived, you looked at the ice cream with a pout and looked at him. 
“I don’t think I can eat it, it’s too cute” you pout as you look down at the panda ice cream staring up at you. Azriel had already taken the latte and was about to sip it. As he raised a brow.
“Shall I eat it for you” he teased, flashing a playful grin as he took a sip of the cute cat latte. Something about this intimidating creature sipping a cute cat latte caused your heart to flutter. A blush made its way across your face, even after fifty years of marriage, he still makes you have butterflies in your tummy. You reluctantly used your tiny spoon that was given to you, to poke the face of the little panda ice cream ball on top. Tasting the ice cream, it was a cookies and cream flavor. So cute and so delicious. Azriel teased you by claiming you’re murdering him. You would flash him a playful glare which would cause him to laugh. It was moments like these, that you enjoyed being married to him. 
Drunken nights, meant drunken mates. 
Azriel arrived at Rita’s to find his mate giggling drunk next to Feyre who was being led away by Rhysand. Azriel’s mate however was still sipping on her drink as he walked over. 
“Sorry, I have a mate,” you slurred, raising a hand to Azriel’s face as he approached.
“Oh, do you? Is he handsome?” He teased in a low voice, taking a seat next to you. His wing brushing against your shoulder. 
“The most handsome man in the whole world, let me tell you if he caught you right now, you would be catching his hands” You drawled with a drunken grin as you sipped the rest of your cocktail. 
Azriel covered his mouth covering a laugh, “Is that so? So he’s like super powerful.” He teased, his tone holding amusement. One of his shadows trailing around your arm. 
You notice it and giggle, “Yeah, my mate has these little shadow things too” You point at the shadow and show it to him. He laughs a bit harder and leans closer to you. You almost immediately recognize him. 
“Hello! My mate!” You giggle as you lean your head on his shoulder. His arm slipped around your waist. “When did you get here, there was such a strange man here” you giggle as he holds you close, placing his chin on top of your head. 
“Just now, how about we head home? Hm?” He hums as he plays with a strand of your hair, leaning back a little to slide a hand under your chin to tilt your face to his to see your drunken smile with a red flush on your cheeks. 
“Can we walk a little?” You smile up at him as you slur a little.
“Can you even walk?” He teases in a low tone, “If you can then sure” 
He pays the tab and walks with you out. A hand firmly on your waist to stop you from stumbling when you both walk the streets of Velaris. If anyone even looks at you stumble they’re met with the glare of the spymaster. You notice a pigeon leaving his arms and make your toward it. 
Tears stream down your face. 
Oh fuc- Azriel almost thought you were about to throw up but here you are giving the pigeons coins while crying. 
“Baby please, he’s homeless” You give Azriel a longing look as big alligator tears stream down your face. 
“The pigeon?” Azreil covers his mouth from laughing, there’s no way his mate is crying about a bird on the street. This is one of her more normal moments. 
“Yes, and he’s so poor. I mean he had no pockets!” you slurred as your voice cracked feeling so bad for the poor pigeon.
“I’m sure he’s fine love, please leave the pigeon alone,” he says quietly as he pulls you up. Perhaps, winnowing home would be for the best. 
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hotmomsonly101 · 8 months
Olivia’s girl (Olivia benson x fem reader
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Summary: when someone disrespects you and Olivia(your wife) needs to remind them who’s wife they just go fucked with.
Genre: cute
Warnings: light teasing
This morning I woke up in pain as I am 5 months Pregnant, the bed is empty as Olivia had already went to work, I slowly get up and go Noah's room and walk in and see him sleeping, I smile to myself and walk next to his bed and lightly shake him.
"honey its time to get up" I say as I gently rub his back and he is slowly waking up
"mommy" he says sleepily and slowly opens his eyes
"hi baby, time to get up and get ready for school" I walk to his closet "how about you wear the new shirt mama got for you angel" I grab it and go to his drawer and grabs pants as he slowly sits up in his bed
"I wanna see mama mommy" he says as he gets up and raps his little arms around me
"I know honey, shes at work but if you get dressed we can face-time her before I take you to school" I say and he gets happy and quickly gets dressed for school and I grab my phone and video calls Olivia
"hello princess" she says as she answers wearing her glasses in her office "what do I own the pleasure to see your beautiful face this morning"
"hi liv" I laugh as Noah sits next to me "Noah wanted to talk to you before I drove him to school"
"HI mama" he says waving
"hi my love, I see your in your new shirt, are you ready for school" she says
"yes mama" he nods and smiles
"did you brush your teeth" she tells him
"no mama" saying it truthfully and smiling
"go brush your teeth" she says in a sweet but motherly tone and he goes to the bathroom "how are you feeling babygirl" she asks me
"good just my lower back hurts so much" I tell her ad I get up to get Noah's lunchbox from the fridge and put it in his bag
"come visit my later" she says making that teasing and loving face I love and I giggle
"okay baby, I will come see you later, maybe you can see something later" I say smiling brightly
"mhm is that so?" she says In the dominant and seductive tone
"yes" I smile and we talk for a little longer and I hang up so i can get Noah to school, drive him to school and go home and take a shower, picking out an outfit I pick leggings and sweatshirt and vans, and I do a little makeup and do my hair in a half up half down hairstyle with a cute black bow, I go to my car and drive to the station I walk in and see Amanda and Eliot
"hey there beautiful" Amanda comes over and hugs me "you are glowing today how is the baby" she asks and rubs my belly
"active" I say and smile as Eliot comes over and hugs me too
"you do look amazing Y/n, the baby is making you look like a million bucks" he laughs
"wish I felt like a million bucks, but thank you guys, the baby is so active lately mostly when Noah or Liv talks to my belly" I say as I feel the baby moving a lot "is the lieutenant busy" I say
"I think she has a girl in office but go in girl" Amanda tells me as I walk to her office and knock and hear come in and I walk in and see Olivia with someone but I'm not sure who it is
"well hello, this is a new hire, Jane, and Jane this is Y/n my-" she gets interrupted
"friend?, wow girl, you should lose a little weight not gonna lie no man will want that sorry" she says I look at her and then at Olivia, I can tell her blood is boiling right now "I mean you are pretty but you are fat"
"excuse me, what did you just say to my wife" Olivia says and gets up with her hands on the desk
"your, wife?' she says not fully believing it
"yes my wife, detective, not that it would matter she isn't fat, she is 5 months pregnant with my baby, so watch what you say" she is so pissed right now
"you guys are married, lieutenant she is like 20" she says looking at me
"actually Jane, I'm not 20 I'm 29 thank you very much not that it is any of your business" I tell her
"lieutenant you are a beautiful woman and you're dating a child carrying a child"
"I'm not dating a child I'm married to my wife who I love very much and we have an age gap so what, we love each other, we've been married for 4 years and please get out of my site you're fired" she says pissed
Jane leaves and I look at Olivia "woah baby that was hot" I say causing her to raise her eyebrow and smirk
"oh yeah? I'm sure it was come here" she says and I go over and she grabs my waist causing me gasp and smile and lean up to kiss her as she lightly makes my back lean on her desk
"you are such a beautiful girl" she says and kisses me again "my girl" she says and smiles leaning to kiss my forehead.
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calummss · 1 year
Bleeding into Nightfall | Klaus Mikaelson
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summary: life is gloomy and you’re tired of repetitive days that don’t get better. you say goodbye to the world forgetting about once person in paticular—niklaus mikaelson
pairing: fem! reader x klaus mikaelson
words: 3k
a/n: story of my life with the love of my life
tw: heavy descriptions of depression, suicide!!!
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Waking up every day was like waking up from the calm and facing the storm. Days bleeding into nightfall. Day after day starting to warp into each other, each day as listless as the day before. Mystic falls’ grey gloomy clouds constantly above your head as you managed to get out of bed. You kind of found common ground with autumn mornings. You enjoyed them more than any other morning but enjoy is a strong word for someone like you. Autumn mornings are dark that make it look like it was three in the morning. A time where nobody in this world expects a single thing from you. Just you alone existing in this world.
You brush your teeth.
Comb your hair.
Put on an outfit.
Make yourself look presentable so that nobody would be able to tell just how empty you felt. How draining it was getting ready when you could easily wear the same pair of clothes day and night. Forget about your appearance as you just try to pass the day.
Leaving the house you took one last look in the mirror with the same face you wish you could rip off, but instead you put on your best genuine smile that didn’t make you look like a manic sociopath and closed the door to make your way to school.
13 hours and 30 minutes to go.
Out of 24 hours you only feel okay for a couple. And it’s not even that you feel good, you just feel okay. You just try to get through the day. It’s been like this for a while. Time wailing past you, time wailing before you that has you trapped. You wake up. Go to school. Eat and sleep. Sometimes you don’t even eat or sleep. The easiest tasks seem impossible to complete. Why do you have to waste such a long amount of time? You’d be perfectly fine with only living eighteen years instead of eighty. You don’t do anything all day but you’re exhausted each time you lay down in bed, ready to shut your eyes. Still, you drag yourself through the day like cattle; unable to break free from what's holding you back.
The walk to school isn’t too long. Rustling leaves on trees, crunching of dead leaves that were kicked up into the air with each step you took, the thought of simply being a leaf on your mind as you barely noticed the person ahead.
‘I’m so sorry— Caroline…hi. I’m sorry,’ you lifted your head from the ground to see Caroline’s smile. ‘I wasn’t really paying attention to my surroundings,’
‘Yeah, I could tell.’ She gleamed, hooking her arm into yours as you continued walking the last blocks.
It was an okay walk. Your ears picking up different sounds of your surroundings as the mixture of sounds seemed to be blocking out your thoughts. It's too hard to concentrate on them.
‘Do you have anything planned for your outfit on Saturday?’ Caroline broke you from the chattering of your mind, hearing her voice bringing you back to the present.
You stared at her. Your eyes on her, your face hanging from your head as you stayed quiet, pressing your lips against each other as her smile turned to a frown.
‘Y/n, come on,’ she moaned, the sparkles in her eyes duplicating as she stared back at you. Her personality reminding you of the warmth of a fireplace on a cold evening. ‘It’s the school dance! It’s so important that we make these memories to look back on them when we’re old and wrinkly,’
‘I think I have enough memories.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘I mean I just don’t really feel like going, that's all…’
‘Why not?’ She came to a halt, taking her arm from you so she could stand perfectly square of you, her arms folded in front of her chest as the wind blew her hair from the back.
‘I don’t know,’ you shrugged, ‘I just don’t want to go.’
‘Not even to please Klaus? I mean no offence—‘ (Caroline’s favourite way to start being offensive) ‘But no one knows what he sees in you. I mean he’s this grumpy old maniac that terrifies the vampire species and you’re just…you. A human with a normal life. A nice girl that just, in comparison to him, lives a boring life.’
‘I don’t know, Caroline,’ you huffed, picking up pace again, readjusting your school bag. Feet sluggishly bringing you forth. ‘He’s nice to me and he makes me forget certain aspects of my life but even for him I wouldn’t go.’
‘What’s wrong with you, Y/n?’ Caroline held you back again, stopping once more. ‘Are you okay? I’ve noticed that you seem off for a while now and I didn’t want to pry but I cannot hold myself back any longer. What happened? What is it that’s making you so glum all the time?’
‘I’m okay, Caroline,’ you half smiled, ‘I think I’d just rather go home and watch a movie or something.’
Caroline opened her mouth but before she could say another word you cut her off, ‘And before you offer yourself as my sleepover company, I think I’d rather be alone.’ You started walking again, the school doors only a few minutes away. ‘Besides, I know you want to be a good friend by wanting to come over but you and I both know that deep down you hoped I would say no because you want to go to the dance, and that is fine. Make those memories, Caroline! Your life has so many blank pages left to fill and I don’t want to hold you back! Go and have fun.’
Caroline immediately pulled you into a hug. Her perfume hitting your nostrils as you placed your arms around her, a quick smile forming on your lips.
‘Come on now,’ you took hold of her arm, ‘We need to get there on time otherwise Rick will have us doing detention the rest of the week.’
‘Do you think he dislikes us?’
‘No, I actually think it’s his way of showing that he cares,’ you let out a giggle that infected Caroline as you walked onto the school premises just as the bell rang for first period.
School was the same every day. Go to class. Pay attention. Write down notes. Stare outside of the window, the teacher’s voice fading into silence as your mind powered through to absent you from life.
Everyone seems so content with life? Why can’t I? What is there to be happy about?
‘Miss Jacobs, the action is here. Not outside.’ Mrs. Clark said, snapping your head to the front of the class. ‘If my class is boring you’re welcome to go outside.’
‘I’m sorry,’ you cleared your throat, sitting up straight. ‘I’m sorry.’
‘Now, where was I?’
10 hours to go.
When the school bell rang for the last time, you started to clear your table and cram all your stuff into your bag, people pushing past you as everyone tried to leave. Out in the hall you quickly waved Caroline, Elena and Bonnie goodbye, ready to go home and sit in silence.
Plugging in your headphones you slowly started to walk home, music blasting through your ears and you tried to block out any sound from the world.
Trees and cars passed you, barely anyone on the pavement. You kept walking when you noticed a person in the distance; dressed in dark colours, stance confident and a face you could recognise from a mile away.
‘Hi.’ You gave him your best smile, not too much, not too little.
‘I hear there’s a school dance this saturday,’ he accompanied you towards your home. ‘I was hoping that I could ask you to the dance.’
‘I’m actually not going.’
‘Don’t feel like going, that’s all.’ You shared a quick glance.
His pupils dilated, eyebrows drawn together, the skin between them wrinkled. ‘Are you okay, Y/n.’ He gently grabbed a hold of your upper arm, the frequent blinking of his eyes telling you that you made him worry.
‘I’m fine,’ you chuckled, your crooked smile paired with dull, sparkless eyes not in your favour.
‘Don’t give me that bullshit.’
‘Klaus, please. I’m not in a mood to argue right now.’
‘Arguing?’ His eyebrows drew his eyebrows even closer. ‘We’re just talking.’
‘Look, Klaus.’ You stopped in your tracks, allowing yourself to stare up at his face. Lips plush, eyes squinted as his focus was on you. ‘I see that you want to go to the dance with me and if I were up to it I would, but I would just rather go home. Watch a movie. Be alone. Get away from all this,’ you sighed.
‘Okay.’ You breathed, ‘See you around, okay?’ You got on your tiptoes to place a quick kiss on his cheek before walking home.
‘Yeah, see you around.’ Klaus mumbled as you were already out of earshot, leaving him confused as to what was happening to you.
6 hours to go.
When you arrived home you went straight upstairs. Throwing your bag into a corner of your room as you wasted no time to change into more comfortable clothes like your lounging outfit (a pyjama). Down the stairs you walked into the kitchen, taking a bag of doritos and a bar of chocolate from the cupboard, a glass of water to wash down the junk and placed them onto the coffee table. Snatching a blanket from the living room trunk, you made yourself comfortable and put on the TV, ready to watch the Big Bang Theory and waste your time.
‘Y/h honey,’ your mother’s heels sounded through the living room. ‘It’s date night so we’ll be home quite late.’
‘Make sure to get some healthy carbs and protein in you too, okay darling?’
‘Yeah, mom. Have fun.’ You said, your eyes haven’t left the screen.
‘See you later.’
The door closed. Silence swept the house. Your TV the only thing that sounded within the walls. Sighing, you took a row of chocolate and let out a half-sounded giggle as you continued watching TV.
1 hour left to go.
8:50pm; it was time to go upstairs. You put away the stuff you used, made sure the windows and doors were locked and the lights turned off. The floorboard creaked with every step you took. Going into your bedroom you halted in front of your dresser, picking up the framed family portrait that you took on a trip to the family cabin on christmas day.
Your lips started pressing together, your fingers on the back of the frame scraping against the wood as a blink of your eyes let the first two tears roll down your cheek. Your heart twisted, aching with every shaky breath you took, a sting of melancholy growing inside your throat.
4 minutes to go.
You placed it back on the dresser, taking another glance at your room before taking off to the bathroom where you closed the door and took a long look in the mirror: messed up hair, red puffy eyes that blinked uncontrollably, the face of a person you never got to know.
Wiping away your tears you opened the cabinet and grabbed the packet of razors you purchased just last week in preparation for tonight.
Taking a deep breath you climbed into the bathtub, letting your back fall against the wall, a new surge of emptiness growing as you realised that you were going to be utterly alone when you went.
The cold metal pierced into your soft skin like fresh butter. The warmth of your blood no longer flowing like it normally did but instead poured onto your skin. Quiet drips spilling into the bathtub, staining your clothes on the way. Once your blood started spilling you didn’t feel any great pain, it hurt, but it was manageable. You hoped it wouldn’t, however seeing all the blood that was streaming from your cut, made your heart start to beat at immense speed.
Then the sweating started to begin. Your body was damp, head to toe and toe to head. You thought back on the days you went running. Every time you finished you’d have the same, wet, and uncomfortable sweat sitting on your skin, soaking into your clothes. A deeply unpleasant feeling started to make itself noticeable, heart pounding in your chest, throbbing with pain, but there was nothing you could do. Neither did you want to. You wanted nothing more than to disappear from the earth’s surface. You didn’t need to be here. Trapped with nowhere to go. No one would miss you. You barely had anyone but yourself and that was all you needed. Even in death you felt comforted by your own thoughts. A very strong headache, accompanied by a loud, white noise ringing almost made you regret your decision. The room spun like crazy before your vision started fading out; the ringing got louder as darkness came for you…
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Klaus made his way to your house. He didn’t like the way you were acting before you left. Your behaviour hasn’t left his mind since you last spoke. He turned into your driveway and jogged up the stairs, ringing the bell to hope that you would open up to him. To let him make you feel better. To let you know that he would do anything to see you happy.
But you never answered.
‘Y/n, open the door.’ Klaus raised his voice, his fist hitting against the door.
No answer.
‘Y/n!’ He slammed the door again.
Still, nothing.
Klaus focused his hearing to see if you were home when he suddenly heard shallow breaths; breaths he knew belonged to you. Without wasting another second Klaus kicked down the door, his vampire speed taking him to the location of decreased breaths. Almost taking the bathroom door off its hinges, Klaus found you sitting in the tub; red staining your body, head hanging sideways.
‘Y/N!’ He bellowed, falling to his knees, his arms hooking under your lump torso, pulling you out of the tub. The lack of tension in your body making his heart fall into an empty pit.
‘No, no, no, no, no,’ Klaus’ hands grabbed the sides of your face, twisting and turning. Hoping that your eyes would flatter open and greet him with a smile. A smile he held dear to his heart. But they stayed closed, his eyes getting blurrier the longer he fought.
‘Don’t you die on me!’ Klaus bit into his wrists, placing it on your lips, letting the blood flow into your system, his shaking arm staining your lower half of your face red. ‘You do not get to die! Wake up! Wake up…’
You stayed still. Just as lifeless as before you weighed Klaus’ body to the ground, his tears falling to your chest, pulling you close as his heart ached greater than it ever had. His reason to be good went without saying goodbye, leaving him to be alone like he had been for hundreds of centuries.
Klaus has heard thousands of heartbeats stop. Seen thousands of bodies covered in blood. Thousands of dead people. He didn’t know why it was so hard to see you there when he had been through this a million times. He felt empty. Everything about you came crashing down, his hope for hearing you say his name draining into nothingness. Klaus’ breathing grew louder, his chest feeling like it was being filled with water, the same water that spilled from his lashes, staring down at someone he always put first; forever wishing he hadn’t let you go home by yourself that afternoon.
Suddenly your body jolted forwards, gasping for air. Eyes wide as you took a large gulp of air, your chest rising and falling.
‘Y/n?’ Klaus whispered, his hands back on your face. ‘Y/n, y/n, talk to me.’
You coughed in response, droopy eyes making it hard to see your surroundings, blurry vision fading into one big blob of colour.
‘Y/n, say something please…’
‘Klaus,’ you whispered so quietly, lips barely parting as you spoke.
‘Can you hear me?’
‘Yes, what— what happened?’
‘What happened, Y/n?’ Klaus’ voice increased in volume.’You almost died on me!’ His tone shook.
‘Am— Am I a vampire?’ You started to come back to your old self. Your vision clearing up, your ears no longer feeling like a tunnel.
‘No, my blood just healed you.’ He caressed your head, softly stroking your hair.
‘Why did you save me?’
‘Why?’ A frown painted his lip, ‘I care about you, Y/n! So much. You don’t deserve to die. How could you leave me without saying goodbye?’
‘I didn’t want to say goodbye to you Klaus because if I would’ve looked at your face and said those words, I wouldn’t have been able to do it. It would’ve made leaving so much harder.’
‘Look at me,’ his thumb swiped across your cheek, ‘this is the face of someone who will never let you die or get hurt,’
Your heart clenched as you looked at him, tears pooling at your lower lash line. ‘Klaus—‘
‘Please promise me to not leave without saying goodbye first,’
‘You have to promise, Y/n…’
‘What makes you think I don’t want to die anymore, Klaus?’
Klaus stared back at you; empty eyes, no thoughts to be said out loud.
‘Promise me to not kill yourself, seriously? What makes you think I won’t try to do this again? I love you Klaus, I do, but my love is not bigger than my will to live.’
‘Y/n, stop talking…’
‘Why? Because you thought I’d thank you for saving me? I didn’t want to be saved, Nik! I never wanted to. All I wanted was for all of this shit to go away and you brought me back to this shit.’
‘Y/n, please,’
‘I said leave!’
Tears started streaming down your face, ‘Fuck you, Nik.’ And you stood up to go to your room.
Klaus stayed over the next several days. Sleeping against your closed door as he tried to patch things back up. But it was your decision to make a change, and your decision to forgive him.
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boizandgurlzinthehouse · 10 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞.
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pairing: coriolanus snow x toxic!fem!reader
summary: someone always throw a spanner in her works, to achieve her biggest dream —being coriolanus’ lover, wife and claiming power. luckily, y/n is not on the loser side when it comes to playing. 
trigger warnings (overall): mastermind!reader, toxic!reader (for real, she’s doing nasty things), reader’s family is a bit fucked up, reader is obsessed with coriolanus snow, lying, swearing, blood, violence, killing people, hunger games stuff, i just love volumnia gaul, reader hates lucy gray and everybody who’s around coriolanus, mental health problems mentioned such as psychotism, domestic violence mentioned, drugs, mention of sexual fantasies.
trigger warnings (in this part): mastermind!reader, toxic!reader (for real, she’s doing nasty things), reader’s family is a bit fucked up, reader is obsessed with coriolanus snow, lying, swearing, domestic violence mentioned, drugs, mention of sexual fantasies, mentions of gaining weight and wearing a corset (patrick bateman vibes), i really hope it doesn't seem like bodyshaming, reader has problems only with her own body.
another day. another chance to win him over. 
y/n could be named for many things: a filthy liar, a nepo-baby, a psychopath or simply a crazy girl, but she was never, ever lazy. waking up, she always had the same routine: getting out from the bed, changing into her underwear she wore the day before, making her hair up into a bun, spreading carbon on her teeth to be white as marble. working out, even if it hurt, because how could she be the best wife ever for coriolanus if she was lazy and out of shape? through workout, she thought about who she is. i am y/n y/l/n, youngest member of the house y/l/n. we are noble, i am noble, and i deserve everything what i have now. i am beautiful, clever and nobody can ever drag me down. the people who hate me are only envious of my life, my body and my mind, but they’re all going to soil. i love the life i have, and i will appreciate every single second of the life i will have when i achieve my goals. i have every tool i can use to win, and i will use them to be the woman i want to be. it’s not far away, and everyday is a chance to be closer to the woman i want to be.
after that, taking a bath, scrubbing her body with a sponge, so her skin would always be silky, using her razor to get rid of the unwanted, ugly hair on her body. smearing vanilla and rose oil onto her skin: vanilla for being gentle, and rose for coriolanus. brushing her teeth, washing down the charcoal, washing teeth with the regular toothpaste. sitting in front of her dressing table, picking her eyebrow, putting cosmetic oils and serums on her cleavage, her neck and her face. while letting it dry, picking out the outfit of the day, calling in her maid, hortense to help her with the corset if she felt that she gained too much weight because of the medicine, or was on her period. y/n hated so-called red days, and waited for the day when she could bear her husband’s children. putting her clothes on, sitting at the dressing table again, her maid helped her if she wanted a special hairstyle. checking her manicure, it was now soft pink, it’ll match with her clothes. making her hair, she did her makeup, curling her eyelashes, putting a little chili on her lips to be so full –it hurt like hell, but how could she be perfect if she didn’t put effort in it?, whilst repeating another list in her mind. this was for coriolanus. 
be kind with him, but never too kind. be kind and modest with everybody else, so they won’t notice it. agree with him in the things that are important, but also speak your mind if he seems doubtful. speak your feelings to convince him, you are important to him. always accept his help, but don’t make redundant situations, don’t look like the damsel in distress. make him feel special, let him be the man he is, make him feel that you support him and his plans, but never make too big promises. don’t look pathetic, don’t show your emotions too much. never talk about him to others, only if they mention him, talk good about him, and talk bad about others if it’s needed. don’t make a scene if something doesn’t work your way, it will sooner or later. take action when it’s the right time. 
applying lipstick as the last step, she was ready to step out from home. y/n knew she had a strict routine, but doing mornings on autopilot let her think about more important things, like her daily plans. first destination was the school where coriolanus was, but first, she needed to get her papers after graduating, after that they’re gonna have lunch together, and then, she’ll look for the letters to see if volumnia gaul accepted her application. probably she will, she knows her entire family, how great they are, and she probably heard about y/n herself too. 
“good morning ms. y/l/n, how are you?” lacy, her sister’s maid asked her as she carried the laundry in a big basket through the hallway on the ground floor. 
“i slept well, lacy, thank you. where is my sister?” 
“your sister, morphia went to arrange the flowers and the cake for her marriage. i am so happy for her, ms. y/l/n!” 
y/n couldn’t decide if lacy was truly happy or just acting. but she wasn’t a threat, so y/n didn’t care. 
“me too, lacy.” 
her father was sitting at the head of the table, reading the tabloids, her mother, lorelei was eating some eggs with meat, some gin in her glass on the side. 
“this pheasant is really good, cyril.” she mentioned, looking up to see her youngest child. “oh, my sweet, y/n! good morning.” 
“good morning, mommy.” she said, giving her a kiss on the cheek, going to her father, she waited until he stopped reading the tabloid and looked at her. her father, cyril y/l/n was really strict, but not as strict as crassus snow. once, after her father made her burn the flowers she tore off from their garden and beat her, her mother stroked her cheek, saying “oh, honey, don’t be sad. your father is a good man, not like crassus snow. i think you should be glad that you don’t have him as your father.” so this way, y/n was happy. or so her mother thought. 
“good morning, father.” she told him too, giving him a kiss on the cheek too. she could do that until she was eighteen, after that, only the greeting was acceptable. y/n saw once, when morphia tried to kiss her father when she passed eighteen, she got slapped across the face. but they were happy, weren’t they? 
“how’s your application with gaul?” he asked as y/n sat down. 
“i handed it in yesterday. probably a letter will wait for me in the afternoon.” 
“why, what will you do today?” 
“cyril, i already told you that! your butler even wrote it down for you!” her mother whined, looking at her daughter. y/n took a slice of bread, reaching for the butter and the knife. 
“don’t mind it, mother. i’m going to the school to get my graduating papers, then have lunch with coriolanus, and then–”
“coriolanus snow? that boy and his family are broke, his father was gullible and got killed by the rebellion. why are you humbling yourself in his presence?” 
control. control your face, your hands. y/n’s fist curled around the knife tighter, grabbing it with real force. 
“i know, but he has great talent. and he’s gonna be the next president of panem.” she replied calmly, looking at him. sometimes she fantasized about stabbing him there, at the head of the table. 
“president of panem? y/n, you are so amusing when you say things like this. but i truly hope your words will become reality someday. crassus wasn’t gullible, everybody was afraid through the first rebellion.” his face softened, just as he spoke to a three year old. 
“yes, honey! your father doesn’t doubt you, he’s just amazed at what you are saying.” her mother added, sipping on her gin, batting her lashes. it wasn’t even ten in the morning, as she was already wasted. after eating the slice of bread, y/n stood up, hiding the knife into her sleeve. 
“i’m going out, but i’m gonna be here for the letter. please don’t open up before me.” she asked, making her father look up. 
“hortense is going to bring it to your room.” 
“thank you, father.” 
“honey, you didn’t even touch the caviar and the honey, please eat some more!” 
kissing her mother’s cheek again, y/n looked at her. she got her eyes, her mother was truly beautiful when she was young, acrimonious lips talked cyril only married lorelei because of her looks. nevertheless, the creed family was also noble, y/n only had to bear festus’ horrible personality twice a year, christmas and the reaping. 
“don’t worry mommy, i’ll be fine.” 
she could work easily with an empty stomach, getting back to her room, preparing her bag. looking at the medicines, she put the bottle under her clothes. she didn’t need these pills that made her useless, slow and lazy anyway, she needed something else… and she knew her horrible cousin, festus got that white, powdery thing. grabbing the butterknife from under her sleeve, she touched it. it was the worst knife ever, blunt and short, like some of the fighters in the games. y/n loved her father, respected him and counted on his words, but questioning her and laughing at her, it was the exception if it came to love and respect. and if her father is doubting her again, she will–
funk! well, who thought that people could stick butter knives into the wall? 
arriving at the school, showing her papers that she was a private student, the secretary gave out her graduation stuff. nodding, the secretary told some things, but her mind was focused on finding festus. going to the main hall, everybody whore red, y/n was the only outstander with her black skirt, soft pink blouse and black blazer. every school uniform was truly awful, the capitol is the wealthiest in all panem, couldn’t they make it a little bit more… pleasant? it’s a shame that every fabric is on their hand, available, and still, they style it horrible. nevermind, festus was there, chatting with that bitch arachne and that fucker pliny harrington. 
“hey, festus, hey, everybody. can we talk for a minute?” she turned to her cousin. festus looked at her, smirked, then looked at the others. 
“of course. sorry, it’s only a minute.” he said to them, walking to one of the corners with y/n. leaning to one of the marble piles, he dug his hands into his pockets. “so, what do you want?”
“why are you asking me so pitiless?” y/n blinked at him. for some people, formality in family could seem heartless, but she was relieved that she didn't need to waste her time if she didn't want to.
“you talk to me only if you need something.” 
“me? don’t be ridiculous, i helped with all your assignments in school, what would your mother say if she heard that?” y/n couldn’t be a big gamer if she didn’t knew the connections in her environment perfectly well. seeing how festus’ face became a little bit rigid, she continued. “anyway, i want from that white dust you gave me last time.”
she couldn’t even carve a wider grin on his face, even if she wanted to.
“so you liked it? it’s better than your stupid pills.” y/n had a poker face, but she wondered how he got to know. “you’re not the only one who knows things in the family.” fucker, you don’t even know everything, yet you still play like you’re the most clever. the funny thing is that it ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble, no. it's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
“i have business somewhere else soon, can i get it or not?”
“it will cost some money, but i am always happy to help my family.” oh, fuck off. y/n reached her hand like she wanted to shake hands with him, and this way, demand and supply met. “if you drink some of it, it’ll be better. you are a crazy bitch y/n, but if snow really will be the president, remember me as one of your biggest supporters.” he smiled. “oh, and volumnia heard some of his great ideas about getting more audience for the games. if you’ll work for her, that ugly power couple thing can be really dangerous.” what ideas? she knew it was a problem that the game wasn't so popular, and he thought that coriolanus wasn’t so interested in that. of course, until now, because big money was at stake, and everybody was prowling around the corner. y/n curled the corner of her lips up under duress, bidding goodbye to festus. she wasn’t gonna take it now, she used it only for emergencies.
now, she could completely focus on coriolanus. where was he? walking to the other long hallway, looking around, he was nowhere despite that they stuck to eleven am yesterday. suddenly, she felt two hands on her shoulder, making her turn. 
“there you are!” there he was. y/n could look at him for an eternity, could he look better under eleven hours? everything about him was perfect, from the way he looked to the point he talked, and y/n almost tasted the sweetness when his mind was forming those clever, great thoughts. and his looks? she knew they could have the most precious children; angel blonde hair, blue eyes, chiseled jawline she could kiss a million times, his body was sculpted by the gods who were looking down on them, and she prayed every night to the deities so they could be each other’s one day. in y/n’s mind, coriolanus wasn’t just a boy or a soon-to-be-man. no, he was the base of everything, he had everything that y/n needed, and y/n was raised truly the best way. nobody else could get in the near of the perfection he formed, and y/n could see the future. the future, where they marry, she is in the longest, most beautiful white dress full with gemstones like rubies, sapphires, diamonds and emeralds, vowing endless loyalty to each other, the whole world is envious of the wealth they have. the future, where he becomes the president of panem, leading the nation with a strong hand and making decisions with a strong mind, while y/n helped to make the games more impressive, more dangerous, more cruel, but first of all, supporting him in everything, even if she has to get her hands dirty. the future, where she was pregnant with his children, naming them ancient names so they could mirror the same noble qualities those deities had, raising them the best way so they could even outgrow them, perfect people. “how was your morning?”
the future they could have. the future they WILL have. 
“hello, corio. mine was pretty good, got my graduating papers. how was your day so far?” 
“it was… good, i guess? this mentoring thing is new for everyone, i spent all night thinking how lucy gray could win.” 
that name, again. keep it cool. 
“i’m sure you will think it out. shall we go and eat lunch?” 
sitting in a gorgeous, golden restaurant, y/n chose a corner for them to sit in. when their food arrived, she waited for him to speak. it seemed like something was itching his mind, and she was one of his best friends, wasn't she? corio looked to the side, then at her, then took a bite from his lunch. let’s break the ice. 
“is everything okay, corio?”
“yes, yes, everything’s fine. is it… on my face?” 
“well, since i…” don’t make it too personal. “...since we know each other so well, i see worry on your face. you can tell me everything.” 
“it’s… it’s gonna be really, really embarrassing for me, but… so, y/n, it’d be my pleasure if… you’d come with me on a date?”
clawing on her thigh, was this reality? was coriolanus really, really asking her out in this glorious place? was she truly worthy of his love? moderating her grin to a smile, she looked at him. he was truly a love-child of an angel and a god, and while y/n was truly a masterpiece herself, it was the biggest honor for her to get into the grace of this guy. now, the idea of the wedding and the best imaginable life wasn’t so far away. did the gods hear her prayers above, and saw the list she created? 
“forget it, y/n, i know i’m not–” coriolanus tried to hush the previous idea with an embarrassed look on his face, but y/n shook her head. obviously, her mind wandered for too long. 
“no, no! of course i’d go on a date with you. with pleasure.” y/n smiled, slowly reaching for his hand that was on the table. they touched each other frequently before, but not like this. she hated a part of herself, the part that could melt under his touch and got dizzy from only his skin. but truly, she could eat it up if she could. 
“oh, okay, well… i just… thought that it’s embarrassing, because you pay for all of this, and–” never let a man’s pride falter. it’s the firewood for the campfire, the pressure for the diamond, the water for the plants. if you feed a man’s ego, he’ll trust and love you. 
“corio, dear, please. i’m not with you because of your money, we can’t do anything about our past and families. and you’re gonna win the plinth-prize, so what are we worrying about?” 
“but–” y/n hushed him gently, playing her finger in front of her lips. 
“i’m sure you will win that prize. why, who else would win it? the daughter of an energy secretary? or a rich, spoiled kid?”
“they are all rich and spoiled.” y/n totally let pass the fact that she was too. but what was the problem with it, really? they couldn’t do anything about it, you can’t decide where you were born. a person can change everything about itself, but not its origin. it always stays with you, clinging onto your ankle, to drag with yourself everywhere. in this life, they got on the winning side of the wheel. and who cares about the next life? 
“but no one’s father is a general, except you. and i know that you didn’t like him, but keep the mindset.” 
“you are so clever, y/n. thank you for always putting my mind into it’s place.”
“i’m just telling the truth. and… how are things with the game? is it hard?” 
“oh, it’s… i still need to figure out some things. but i had some ideas about ways to get people more engaged in the games, like getting them sponsors, or interviewing the tributes so the viewers can get closer to them, pick a favorite, some things like this.” 
“it sounds really interesting, did volumnia hear these things?” as much as she hated festus’ bragging, he also mentioned things that she could use. maybe that’s why everybody got rid of her so fast at a big gathering like the graduation two days ago. she never had ‘juicy tea’ or some things like that, only if she wanted to get something. and when she wanted to get something, the chamber of secrets instantly opened. 
“yeah, well she came in when we were discussing those things. she said that i need to write it down, and then clemensia interrupted that we’ve always worked and brainstormed together, so we can write that together, too.” 
totaling another pen, dovecote? being a tricky bitch, i wasn’t expecting less from you. 
“i think volumnia should know that the idea was yours. clemensia is your good friend, but why wasn’t she just cheering that you got the gamemaker’s attention?” plant the seed. maybe not with clemensia, she will do it for herself, but anyway. coriolanus needed to know the truth. 
“i will talk with her about this.” he won’t. he’s too kind-hearted for it. “and i’ll write down my ideas. anyway, how’s your application for volumnia gaul? did you hand it in?” y/n nodded at his question, chewing on the potatoes. 
“got handed it in yesterday. i really hope if i go home this afternoon, a letter will be waiting for me.” the smile on his face was worth everything. what could that mouth do if there were only the two of them? because she knew what her mouth could do. 
“i’m sure she’ll hire you. one of your thesis got onto her table, remember? the one you wrote about the possible content of venom in mono– and dicotyledons. and if she’s not, then she’s a dingbat.” y/n remembered that thesis, her brain always burned out from the three-day long insomnia. 
“careful, corio! i hope she doesn’t have ears everywhere.” that woman was the queen on her chess table, it was the side that could never be decided. 
all the way home, she thought about coriolanus. y/n gotta hide the grin she was forming with her lips when she was driving home with the chauffeur of the family. all the effort, all the pain… it was worth it. she almost teared up from the joy, but her mascara was really expensive, even her mother thought that it was too rich for their blood.
“is everything alright, miss y/l/n?” helius, their private driver asked, looking into the rear-view mirror. y/n nodded, exhaling and inhaling. big news like this always messed with her head. nodding, everything was perfect. 
stepping inside the house, she raced up to her room immediately. there was the letter, persephone slept beside it. picking it up, y/n used her nails to tear it up. she never waited for news like this. the sooner she knew, the sooner she could got suit in the new situation. 
dear y/n y/l/n, you got accepted…
throwing it away, she instantly picked up persephone, screaming into her fur. persephone meowed, already used to her owner’s insane habits. anyway, the food was tasty in the house, so why not bear it? 
“you hear this, persephone? the lucky star is shining on us.” she whispered to the cat, stroking her head. she couldn't sit back, not now. not when good things, the reward of the hard work could be felt. not when everything worked for her plans. “mother and father will be so happy. and we are happy too, aren't we?” 
y/n didn't know happiness, only when her heart got fast and drug-like feeling curled in her blood. but now, she got to be a predator. a predator who sat for hours, days to catch its prey. when news were coming in, things always changed. she had to be patient, but she couldn't get lazy, not now. not when strange news was coming up. news that didn’t match with her expectations, nowhere, never. news that bathed her soul with venom. news that raised her little game onto a new level. 
a/n: the prologue got so many notes like my tumblr literally BLEW UP thank you so much girliez 😭 i hope you liked this part, more focus will be on corio i just want to size up reader's mindset
take care of yourself babes, love y'all luisa
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sturnihoelo · 2 months
Bad Girl
summary: matt punishes you for being a brat
‼️: smut, brat!tamer matt, sub!reader, y/n, bareback, smacking, breeding
⇨this one is a lot longer
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background: you and the triplets have been out all day running errands and filming, and matt has had enough of your attitude.
10 am
*knock knock knock*
“are you awake?” says nick from behind matt’s closed door.
“mmmm” matt groans in response. he rolls over in bed and lays on top of me. ive already been awake for half an hour now. ive just been laying there on my phone. matt rolls over onto my lap and i run my fingers through his hair.
“get up we have shit to do today” nick says before walking down to chris’ room to wake him up. “cmon baby we gotta get ready” i said pushing matt off of me. “noooo” he protests while trying to grab onto me and stopping me from getting up.
i throw on one of his shirts that was on the floor and head to the bathroom to start getting ready. i wash my face and put my hair up before brushing my teeth. im greeted by a shirtless matt standing behind me in the mirror gripping onto my waist and giving me a hug from behind. “hi baby” i try to say while still brushing my teeth. matt kisses the top of my head and continues to hold me while i finish brushing. i bend down over the sink to spit out the toothpaste and matt pulls me in closer to his crotch. “whats got you so happy” i can feel his hard-on press into me. “seeing you” he said while slowly dry humping me. i kiss him on the cheek before leaving the bathroom and going into the kitchen where nick and chris are. “hey queens” i say to them both while taking eggs and orange juice out of the fridge. “do you guys want me to make you something?” “yes please” chris says in a baby tone. “that would be nice thank you” nick said. matt comes out of the bathroom and comes up behind me. “can you make me something too” matt says in my ear while hugging me. “fine”.
i get out a pan from the cabinet and make some eggs and french toast. i make both chris and nick’s plate. “wheres mine?” matt nags. “i didnt make it yet, you can wait bitch”. i say slightly annoyed. matt just scoffs and goes back to being on his phone. nick pulls out the camera and starts vlogging. “heyyy vloggggg! today we’re gonna be going out and running errands and going to a dinner party later! super fun and exciting i know.” he pans the camera to chris and they begin to show off their outfits. i finish making matts food and carelessly toss it onto the table. i sit down and eat my food. “y/n is going to be joining us todayyyy. y/n show off ur fit” “im not dressed yet!” i say putting my hand in the camera trying to cover my face. matt comes over to the table and sits next to me, putting an arm around me and rubs my leg. “matt not right now” i whisper to him in an annoyed tone. he doesn’t listen and continues to rub his hands all over me. “matt!” i say slightly louder. “fine.” he says as he picks up his fork and begins to eat.
i get up from my seat and put my dishes in the sink before walking back into matt’s room. “matt!” i yell out. he comes rushing in. “what’s wrong?”. “have you seen my red dress for tonight? i cant find it anywhere” “nah i havent seen it” i notice a wrinkled mess on the floor. “matthew.” “why is there soda spilled all over my dress.” “oh my god. im so sorry princess. i must have knocked it over when i was streaming last night. im sorry.” “ughhhhh” “now i have nothing to wear for dinner!” “i can put it in the wash for you” “no its fine” i say clearly annoyed and frustrated. “ill just find something else.” i say sarcastically with attitude. he grabs me by my throat and stares deep into my eyes “hey. know who youre speaking to.” he says in a dark voice. i say nothing and just look at him in his eyes. he lets go of my throat and ever so slightly pushes me back. “get dressed.” he demands. i put on some grey sweats and one of matt’s navy blue long sleeve shirts. it was pretty cold out today so i wore our matching uggs.
we all meet in the living room to give the camera a full fit rundown and say what our plans for the day are so far. me and matt are matching, we’re both wearing grey sweatpants and blue sweaters and our matching uggs. chris is wearing loose jeans and a orange zip up over his fresh love shirt, and nick is wearing black jeans and a striped sweater. “right now we are going to the grocery store to pick up some things for dinner tomorrow and possibly something for a video idea i had”. chris says to the camera. we all walk down to the garage and get into the car. i grab matt’s phone and queue some songs that i want to hear. he snatches the phone out of my hands and said “im driving, we’re listening to what i want.” i just roll my eyes.
10 minutes later we arrive at the grocery store. i turn on the camera and film nick, matt and chris. we walk inside the store and begin to grab everything we need. i walk off towards the candy aisle while chris and nick are recording in the deli section. “matt can we get this please” i say while shoving bags of candy in his face. “matt can we get this” i shove another bag in his face. “matt!”- my words were cut off by matts hand covering my mouth. “youre being a brat. knock it off.” he says in a stern voice. “sorry…” chris runs up to us to ask what cookies to get. “should i get double chocolate or sweet vanilla?” he asked us. “chocolate for sure” “yeah i agree.” “okay thanks. we’re done now so lets head to check out.” we walk over to self check out and chris makes a joke “self check out? if you say so” he says while smirking and biting his lip. “shut the fuck up kid ur so annoying” nick said behind the camera. matt smacks my ass while im scanning the groceries. “matthew! enough!” i say out loud. “youre so gonna get it when we get back home.” matt whispers in my ear. i now start to worry because last time i got on his nerves he punished me. “oh yeah?” i taunt back. “yeah.” he says back, smacking my ass again, slightly harder this time. he pays for the groceries and we all walk back to the car. “im so excited for dinner tonight i’m starving!” “same i can’t wait to see what they have for dessert”. “don’t get your hopes up princess.” matt teases. “shut up you pessimist!” i say back. he does nothing but give me an unpleasant look.
we drive back to the house just in time for us to start getting ready for dinner. i grab my makeup from matt’s room and go into the bathroom. soon after, matt invites himself in and locks the door. “what are you doing?” matt traps me into a corner and hovers over me. he gives a gentle slap to my cheek. “you’ve been acting like a brat all day. you know what happens when you act like a bad girl. you get punished.” he lifts my chin up with his hand and caresses my face. “promise you’ll be a good girl for me?” he brings his thumb over to my mouth, tracing my lips and gently entering his finger into my mouth, forcing me to suck on him. i nod and continue to suck on his thumb. he pushes in deeper.. “thats a good girl” he smirks. i get up off the floor as he exits the bathroom. i continue to put on my makeup and do my hair for dinner. i walk back into his room to put on a black off the shoulder dress and basic black heels. we walk back out to the kitchen to show the camera our dinner outfits.
8 pm
at the dinner table i sit next to matt by default. he notices the waiter checking me out and his subtle flirts with me. i can see the jealousy grow in his eyes as the night goes on. nick and chris order their food and the waiter asks me what i would like, offering to give me free drinks. as i begin to tell him what i want, matt cuts me off and proceeds to order for me. matt places his hand on my thigh and grips it tighter as the waiter comes back. “you know hes flirting with you y/n.” “what are you talking about matt” “dont act dumb y/n”. his grip intensifies on my inner thigh. “are you jealous matty?” i taunt. he grips my thigh as hard as he could, staring so deep into my eyes. “bad girls get punished y/n.” i pull out the camera and vlog the dinner. “what did we get everyone?” “i got alfredo pasta” “i got ribeye steak” “me and y/n are sharing the thai chicken.” “perioddddd” nick says and i give him the camera. 30 minutes pass and we finish our meal. “did everyone enjoy dinner?” nick asks the vlog. me, chris, and matt rate our meals and do an outro to the video. we wrap up the night and head back home.
i immediately go to the bathroom to take off all of my makeup and get changed into my pajamas. as i go into matts room, im immediately blindfolded and thrown onto the bed. “matt?” i whine worriedly. “brats get punished” an aggressive voice said into my ear. my blindfold is ripped off and i see matt holding handcuffs. he sits on the edge of the bed and bends me over his lap. he aggressively pushes me down and handcuffs me so im unable to move. he pulls my shorts down. exposing my ass to the cold air in his dark room. “you’ve been such a bad girl today y/n. i Was going to be gentle. but you’ve been such a little slut”. he rubs my ass before laying several harsh smacks on me. “uhngh~” i cry out. matt’s smacks only get harder with each hit. “you had enough yet princess?” he taunts. “hnnng~” i wail. he took off his belt and gave me a few firm smacks. i choke on my tears and moans from the abuse on my ass. he pushes me off of his lap onto the floor. “does the princess need her daddy?” “dont act like such a slut then” he smacks me one last time. i manage to crawl on the bed but matt pulls me towards him. he flips me onto my back and rips my panties off. he plays with my heat and teases me. he slaps, kisses, bites, and touches my pussy. not giving me any full action. hes doing it on purpose. he takes off his pants and slides his dick in my folds. which sent me over the edge. “fffuckk matt~” i moan out. he slips his member inside of me and begins thrusting aggressively. i start moaning loudly before he pulls and and teases me even more. “if you want daddy’s cock your gonna have to beg for it.” “please give me your cock! please! fill me up with your cock!” i moan and cry out. “ur so pathetic when you beg for me” “get on the ground.” he pulls me off the bed and pushes me down to the floor. “on your knees.” he demands. he shoves his full length into my mouth. gripping my hair so hard while he fucks my face. he moans out so elegantly. “god your gonna make me cum”. tears run down my face and im unable to form a coherent thought. “please cum on me matt!” i moan. “im not done with you yet.” “ass up baby.” he enters me again and fucks me deeper than before. “ffffffuck y/n” he grips my ass for more support. “you want my cum dripping out of you princess?” “yes!~ yes!~ please!~” i moan. “fuck.” matt releases inside of me, pumping thick white cum deep into my pussy. still gently fucking me, he pulls out to watch his cum drip from my pussy onto the floor. “learned your lesson brat?” he takes off my handcuffs and picks me up. “lets go get you cleaned up baby” he kisses my forehead and then my lips.
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Chiori, Navia, Furina and Bronya with an s/o who wears a full on tuxedo outside regardless of blazing hot weather or frigid cold, when asked the reason they simply reply “I look really cool while doing stuff” in it
(Genshin Impact/H:SR) Chiori, Navia, Furina, Clorinde, and Bronya's S/O always wearing a tuxedo
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On some level, Chiori respects that S/O refuses to not be stylish.
But she could see the sweat dripping onto the white part of their tux, disgusting her.
(Chiori) "You realize that you're ruining your tux just by sweating, right?"
(S/O) "Oh come on, it's nothing that a washer can't take care of."
Her eyes shot up and down before her expression repulsed at whatever ran through her mind.
(Chiori) "Ew, no. It's so bad that I can see the shirt changing color. Go and change already."
(S/O) "But you never get out of that dress-"
(Chiori) "Because I can still breathe in it. You on the other hand are roasting alive in that. If you really must wear that thing everywhere, I can tailor it to where you won't be adding to Fontaine's water level."
Fashion was important to Chiori, and so was making sure your clothes weren't soaking wet on a dry day.
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Navia absolutely understands S/O's struggle.
Looking fashionable on a hot summer day was hell on earth, the things she had to do to ensure there would be no sweat!
(Navia) "S/O, we need to make you an umbrella that complements your suit!"
(S/O) "You'd do that for me?"
Navia scoffs and smiles, hands going onto her waist.
(Navia) "Of course I would! We gotta make sure your fashion statement goes unimpeded, come on, I know what we're doing today!"
Navia and S/O walk side by side, with umbrellas in hand to protect them from the sun.
Sadly, S/O's doesn't turn into a shotgun, but Navia could have it special ordered for them if they wanted!
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Furina never really feels that much of the heat, due to her usually staying indoors all the time.
But that being said, she appreciates that S/O always strived to look as good as her, no matter the weather or situation!
All that being said, she never really saw them wear anything else.
Either they had spares, or...
(Furina) "...S/O, I must ask, when was the last time you washed your suit?"
(S/O) "When was the last time you washed yours?"
Furina actually had an excuse! She could use her Vision to wash it out and let it air dry, then she could use lots of perfume and shower...That was good enough, right?
(Furina) "D-Do not dodge my question by asking me one! Don't tell me you just wear the same thing day in, day out!"
(S/O) "That's not fair, I never see you get out of that suit either!"
The two get into a mini argument about wearing the exact same thing every day, while proceeding to actually not change their outfits at all.
It ends with Furina snapping her fingers and changing into a slightly different variation of her usual, letting her get the upperhand.
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Clorinde thinks S/O just looks way more gaudy than they actually are, always wearing a tux.
Granted, they were in Fontaine and gaudiness was what they were essentially known for besides their technology.
But she always felt like it attracted the wrong crowd, but its not like she had much room to talk.
(Clorinde) "...S/O."
(S/O) "Hm? What's up, Clorinde?"
(Clorinde) "I am aware it might be hypocritical to bring this up but...Must you wear that suit to this?"
(S/O) "Come on, Clorinde! It's not like this is any different to what I wear everyday."
(Clorinde) "While that is true, the fact you are in that first thing in the morning is concerning."
They were just brushing their teeth, and Clorinde had not even gotten into uniform yet, simply donning a nightgown with her hair neatly tucked behind her.
Wouldn't the water just get all over the suit anyway?
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Bronya appreciated that S/O was always looking presentable, given that she was the Supreme Guardian of Belebog, and her S/O should not be caught lacking in the style department.
However, she swears that S/O has never worn anything else in their life.
Even before the Astral Express crew came along, before they had become a couple, S/O was in that suit.
Even more impressive considering that they were in the Eternal Freeze for their entire lives, but still chose to go out in that.
Seele had tried to drag her and S/O out multiple times to at least get something new to wear, which she admittedly didn't do a good job of wearing either.
But S/O's dedication to their one outfit bordered on psychotic.
(Bronya) "S/O, may I ask you something?"
(S/O) "Sure, what is it?"
(Bronya) "Do you have spares of that suit?"
(S/O) "One for every day of the week."
She just blinked at that revelation and sighed loudly.
(Bronya) "...We should change our wardrobe."
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maxillness · 9 months
If Daddy Knew || T.W x Horner!Reader
Warnings: 18+, hair pulling, oral (M&F reviving), handjob, fingering, degrading kink, praise kink
Wordcount: 2.1k
Part 2
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If she knew how this would end up in the long term, she would had agreed to go with her father a lot sooner
She would always say no if she was invited to a Grand Prix and to come to the paddock
She hadn’t always been the most social person, and she was scared she would mess up her words or don’t talk at all
This time was different
She felt confident that day. She has been invited again, and she said yes. It surprised her father. He couldn’t understand why she said yes
She couldn’t either, but she’s glad she did
As she stood in the Red Bull garage, she kept feeling like she was stared down by people outside of the garage
And she was right. When she got to the paddock afterwards, people still kept staring her down as she walked with her father. He wanted to introduce her to all the drivers and team principals
It all went good, until they reached Mercedes
Don’t take it the wrong way, they were all very nice, but after she had greeted the drivers, she had to meet the team principal
Toto Wolff
She had heard about him through her father, now, of course she didn’t take his word for it. They were rivals after all, they’re bound to say bad stuff about each other that weren’t true
“Darling, this is Toto Wolff” He said his name through gritted teeth
“Hi. I’ve heard so much about you” He didn’t answer her, he just looked her up and down and went back to what he was doing
She would have said something about his rudeness, only if he hadn’t been so handsome
Maybe he was all those things her dad said
The rest of the day, she thought about Toto and if it was something she did or said to make him rude, or if it was just how he was
It finally became Sunday and she stood in the garage. She knew it was bad, but she kept starting at Toto from the distance
“You okay, dear?” Christian asked her as he walked over to her “You’ve been kinda starting out in the abyss” He chuckled
“Yeah, I’m fine, dad. Thank you” She nodded up at him
The race went well. Max won, no surprise there. We all knew he was gonna win. Even the opposite teams knew he was gonna win
That night, they all went out celebrating the win, even though it was routine that he won by now
She drank to keep the thoughts away. She really wanted to be on his good side, but how could she do that?
The next morning she woke up with a slight headache, but nothing a few painkillers couldn’t take away
Just as she was about to brush her teeth, her phone started ringing. It was an unknown number
“Y/N Horner” She answered the phone
“Hi, Y/N, it’s Toto Wolff” His accent was thick through the phone “I just wanted to apologise my behaviour when we met. I’m sure you’re aware that me and your father don’t have the bestest of friendship, that was the only reason why I didn’t say anything, and that’s no reason, I know, but I just wanted to apologise. Can I buy you some coffee to make up for it?”
She stood and thought about her answer a while “Yeah, that sounds nice. When?” She finally answered and she heard him sigh on the other end
“Great. Shall we say 12 o’clock at the Café across the street?” God, his accent was to swoon over
“Yeah. That’s perfect” A smirk drew on her lips. They hung up and she looked at the time. It was currently 10. She had two hours
Two hours would have been fine if she had anything to wear. She tried to look through her clothes. She tried all the combinations of clothing that was clean
She finally settled for an outfit after 45 minutes and some going back and forth trough clothes
Before she put on her clothes, she went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She stood there for what felt like hours, but was actually only 10 minutes
She looked back at the clock after she got dressed and put on her shoes. 11:30. She debated if she should go now and be early, or if she should wait and be on time
She has only now realised she had forgotten her perfume. She founded and sprayed it lightly on the skin on her neck
She now decided to go out, but she should probably had waited. She bumped into her father in the hallway
“Where you going in such a hurry?” He chuckled as he looked her up and down
“I was just going out, checking the city out” She smiled innocently
“Okay. Have fun, don’t be out too late” He said to her before he continued to walk away
She continued to walk over to the elevator. The ride down to the lobby seemed like it took ages. She got to the lobby and walked out and across the street
She walked into the Café. She looked around to see if she could see Toto. She found him sitting at a booth up against the far wall. She sat down across him
“Hello, can I get you anything?” The waiter asked as she walked over to them
“I would like a coffee, black and a chocolate scone” Toto said as he looked from her to the waiter
“Can I get a hot chocolate and a croissant?” She asked as she looked up at her
“Of course. I’ll bring it down for you” She smiled and walked over to the counter
“I’m sorry for how I reacted, Y/N, I really am” He rambled and she just stared at him
“Toto, it’s fine. It’s no problem. I know how your relationship is with my dad, I totally understand” She smiled at him, trying to reassure him
“Yeah, I’m not friends with your dad, but I shouldn’t take that out on you” He sighed as he placed his hand on top of hers
“Toto, don’t worry about it, okay?” She smiled at him, looking him in his eyes through his glasses
All he did was nod before the waitress came over with their order. As they sat and drank their coffee and ate their food, they made small talk
The only annoying thing about this whole conversation was his smile. He would smile every so often, and it made her legs week
Everything that happened between that time and when they were in the elevator was a blur for her. All she knew was that she was pressed up against the elevators wall, her hands intertwined in his hair while his lips was on hers as his hands roamed her hips and waist
The ding of the elevator startled them. They hurried out into the hall and over to her room. She struggled a bit when she opened the door, but managed fine
As they got into the room, he pushed her up against the door. Her hands went to his waist, and in one swift motion, she had them turned around
Her hands went up his torso to unbutton his shirt. When she got the last button unbuttoned, she discarded the shirt on the ground
Her hand went to his hair to pull his head back so she could start attacking his necks with kisses and bites. He groaned at the sudden dominance from her. Her other hand went to unbuckle his belt
Toto covered his mouth with his hand to minimise the sounds that came out of him. She took her hand away from his belt and up to his hand to remove it from his mouth
“I want to hear your sounds, Toto” She said as she drew away from his neck, which drew out a groan from him “Fuck, you sounds so pretty” He could feel her smirk on his neck
She turned them around again, but this time, she guided him towards the bed, their shoes getting kicked off in the process
When the back off Toto’s legs hit the bed, she pushed him down to sit. She got on her knees and zipped down his pants
He bucked his up from the bed so she could pull down his pants and boxers. When she had gotten them off, she threw them beside her
She licked a stripe up his shaft before spitting into her hand, and started stroking him slowly. He started moaning low, almost silently
“Keep up those sounds, I wanna hear you, baby” She told him as she looked up at him from between his knees
Her words could make him undone right then and there “Fuck, I want your mouth around me, please” His voice was getting desperate and his accent was getting heavier
She removed her hand, but quickly replaced it with her mouth. His moans got louder as she started moving her head up and down
He started bucking his hips up, trying to fuck her mouth, but her hands came up to push him back down to stop his movements, which makes him groan in annoyance
“Fucking shit, Ah…” He wasn’t making any effort to swallow his moans “Fuck, I’m gonna cum. Fuck, please. I’m so-Ah. I’m so close” His head leaned back and his eyes rolled to the back of his head
His hand was shaking when he drew it up to his face to take off his glasses as they started fogging up. He got them off and threw them on the ground, not caring if they broke or not
“I can’t- Ah. Fuck, please, I can’t take it anymore” His words didn’t stop her actions, if it did anything, it made her faster
A few seconds later and he came down her throat. She held her head down as he finished. She got off of him and swallowed his loath
He was panting hard when she stood up. She took his chin between her fingers making him look at her. She kissed him deeply, making him taste himself on her tongue
“Think you can return the favour?” She asked seductively. With closed eyes, he nodded “Good. Get on your knees” He quickly got on his knees where she once sat as she herself sat on the bed
She leaned back, her weight resting on her hands. She watched as his trembling hands tried opening the button on her jeans
She chuckled seeing him struggling “God you’re pathetic” She pushed his hands away to do it herself. She lifted her hips so he could pull down her pants and panties throwing them away with the rest of the clothes on the floor
He pulled her close to the edge of the bed, and therefore closer to his mouth. He drew his tongue through her soaking folds
“What wouldn’t my father say, hm?” She drew one of her hands through his soft, brown locks when he started attacking her clit
“His biggest rival eating out his daughter” He groaned into her cunt from her degrading, making her moan “What don’t you think he will do? Most likely kill you, or maybe, he would never invite me again to keep me as far away from you as possible so this could never happen again”
He groaned again, making her grip his hair tight and moan louder than before “Fuck, you’re so beautiful from here” She chuckled mixed with a moan
He drew one of his hands towards her cunt. One of his fingers drew through her folds, stopping at her entrance. She moaned as he entered her slowly
He started going in and out of her, drawing loud moans from her. He added another finger as he started curling his fingers up and hitting the spot inside her that made her see stars
Her moans got louder and heavier as she was pulled closer to the edge of her orgasm “Fuck, you’re doing so good for me, Toto” She moaned pulling his hair so his face got showed into her cunt
“Fuck, I’m so close. Fucking keep going. Ah” Her head rolled back while she bucked her hips up and into his mouth “You’re doing so fucking good” He groaned which send her over the edge. Her legs shakes as she came down from her high
“Fuck, you did so good for me” She smiled down at him as she drew his face up to look at her “So fucking good” She leaned down to kiss him
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luvrdrop · 3 months
ft. ran haitani x afab reader! ( father’s day special. )
synop: you and ran, are co-parents, parenting one babygirl named saiyana. you let saiyana spend the day with ran for father’s day but when you go and pick her up, plans seem to change.
cont: no established relationship, rough sex, ran basically seducing the fuck outta you loll , tipsy driving, tipsy sex , cursing , unprotected sex , fingering , oral ( f. receiving! ) , no clear aftercare! , hair pulling, petnames - baby, sweetheart, pretty thing , good girl lmk if i forgot anything!!
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it was currently 11:35 am, you woke up to the tapping and shaking of little hands and the soft call of your daughter. “ mama, mama! we have to get ready. “ saiyana repeats. you open your eyes to your babygirl pouting, you smile softly placing your arms around her holding her in your embrace. “ good morning, yana. “ she hugs you back uttering a sweet greeting. “ good morning mama! “ your eyes shifted to the clock, it was time to get up and get ready. today was father’s day, ran haitani, your ex-boyfriend and father of saiyana was supposed to be coming to pick her up around 12:45 pm.
you lifted your daughter up, while lifting your own body off of the bed slipping on your brown fuzzy slippers. “ you ready to go with papa? “ you asked, pressing your forehead against your daughters while she played with your necklace. “ yes mama “ she chirped. you carried her to the bathroom , standing her on her stepping stool, brushing her teeth and washing her face doing the same thing for yourself. “ what do you want for breakfast, hun? “ you asked while wiping her face with the warm face towel. “ hm.. pancakes!! “ she squealed. your daughter always favored pancakes over any other breakfast dish. “ okay, cmon sweetie. “ you held her hand, helping her down from the stool, leading her to the kitchen.
after around 15 minutes , the pancakes and fruits you had placed on her plate where almost finished. at this point it was almost 12 pm and you still had to dress her and put some actual clothes on, speaking that you only had on some shorts and a tshirt. “ mama i’m all done. “ she had ate all her fruit and only had a few crumbs of her pancakes left. “ okay, you can go pick out your outfit sweetheart. mama’ll come help you get dressed in a few minutes, kay? “ you went a wiped her face and hands with a napkin, she hopped down from the chair and ran to go pick out her cute little outfit.
you laughed before scraping the remainder of food in the trash and placing the dishes in the dishwasher. you turned to the sink and washed your hands, shifting your head once you hear your cell phone ring. “ i wonder who that is.. “ you dried your hands, quickly walking back to your bedroom to grab your phone, picking it up without looking at the name in fear of it sending the caller to voicemail. “ hello? “ you said softly into the phone. “ good morning, darling. “ you hear a familiar voice on the other end. it was ran. “ you two pretty girls awake? ” you turned on your heels, heading back into saiyana’s room seeing the outfit she had picked out, she was actually getting better, before she would pick out costumes and tutus to wear but now she’s picking out cute jean shorts and shirts with shoes to match.
you smiled and answered ran, “ yes, ran. we’re up, she’s already had breakfast, she’s picking out her outfit now. yana, here’s your papa. you remember what i said? “ you whisper the last part to her, and she giggles before you placed the phone on speaker and sitting it on the bed so you can start dressing saiyana. “ hi papa, happy father’s day!! “ she said perfectly just like you asked her to say it. “ aw, thank you sweetheart. thank you so much. i’ll be there to pick you up soon. okay? “ he said sweetly over the phone. you never really understood why you and ran left each other, it just seemed like the right thing to do. he was so busy and you didn’t work as much, but you can’t lie you ended up missing him. it’d take a hell of shit to get you to admit that though. “ okie! byebye papa!! “ she said to him and the phone clicked off.
after saiyana was dressed, you combed through her hair softly while she watched tv, some cute little pony show she liked. you glanced at it, it was pretty interesting. “ all done, you look so pretty, yana. “ she smiled and replied with a small “ thank you mama “ you were so proud of her, she was so well mannered even without you reminding her. you heard knocks at the door, saiyana’s eyes widened and you did the same, to be playful with her. “ i think that’s papa! cmon “ she hopped off her bed and ran to the living room, you went and opened the door revealing who was on the other side.
“ hi papa!! “ saiyana ran up to ran and hugged him and he held up effortlessly. “ hi sweetheart. i missed you. “ he kissed her cheek, closing the door behind him. “ happy father’s day , ran. “ you said to him, your heart warming at the sight of your daughter seeing her dad for the first time in a while, he was away on a business trip before this. “ thank you, darling. “ he turned to face you, his hair was down and he was dressed casually, a white shirt and sweater over it. “ i see you let your hair grow back out. “ you acknowledged referring back to a few months ago when he had cut his hair shorter. “ yeah, i didn’t feel like going to get it cut again. i think i like it longer, what do you think, sweetie? you think papa looks better with long hair? “ he looked at her as she played in his hair. “ yep! it’s super long, i want my hair long like papas! “ she exclaims. “ well i won’t cut it hun. “ you reassured her that if she wanted her hair long she wouldn’t cut it. ran chuckled, before looking at her. “ sweetheart you do have to get trims regularly, that’s the only way you’ll have healthy and long hair. “ he explains , pretending to trim her hair with his fingers. saiyana nods, before laying her head on his shoulder.
“ i’ll come pick her up around 9:30? “ you ask tilting her head. “ any time is fine, love. “ he says. “ okay, i’ll call when i’m on the way. “ you noticed how he kept calling you cute little nicknames. “ alright, sweetie. tell mama bye and give her a kiss. “ he leans her in to you and she wraps her arms around you, kissing your cheek. “ byebye mama, i love you! “ she gave you a pretty smile, “ mama loves you more, i’ll pick you up later. “ you kissed her forehead. “ see you later, darling. “ ran said sweetly. “ byebye, ran. “ you closed the door behind them.
you locked the door and headed back to your room, laying back in the bed. you wondered if maybe ran was having the same thoughts as you, like the whole break up was nonsense. you used to argue a little bit, but it was never nothing serious. never any disloyalty. your family back home, loved him. there was quite frankly, no reason to separate. you just felt like he was always so busy, and it kinda lead you to feel as though he didn’t want the relationship anymore. he did try to reassure you that it wasn’t that, but you guess it was in your best interest to ask if breaking up was best. him being the person he is, never wanting to hold someone where they aren’t happy.. he let you go.
you were in your head so much you didn’t even realize that you fell asleep, you woke up to your phone ringing. you jumped before closing your eyes again, grabbing the phone and putting it to your ear without looking at the caller. a bad habit you had at this point. “ hello? “ you answered very sluggish sounding. “ y/n? are you sleeping? i thought you were coming over here! “ you hear your friend hina on the other end, “ huh.. what hina? “ you groan out of exhaustion. “ y/n. you told me yesterday that you’d come hang with me and emma while the boys were out for father’s day. you said you’d be here at 3, it’s 3:40! “ hina squealed, making you sit up and look the clock. “ shit- my bad i’m on my way. “
you sat up and went to go get ready, putting on some black tights and a tank top, throwing your everyday jacket over it. double checking to make sure you grabbed the little things you were taking you walked out and locked your door behind you. normally you would have walked to hina’s but you had plans to go pick up saiyana after this so you just drove. it took you around 6 minutes to get to hina’s. you hopped out of the car, locking it and knocking on the door. emma was the one to open it and greet you.
“ hi y/n! “ emma hugged you, squeezing you. you hugged her back, “ hi emma, so the boys are gone? “ you questioned, the house being unusually quiet. “ yep. they left about 10 minutes before you got here, “ you nodded. “ saiyana is with ran, i’m guessing? “ emma asked out of curiosity, “ yeah , he came and picked her up from the house earlier. “ you explained before you realized both emma & hina were side-eyeing you. “ what… “ you genuinely were confused on why they were looking at you like that, taking a sip of the drink hina passed you as you sat in between the two.
“ you really don’t want to talk to him about it at least? “ emma asked once again. “ no.. i mean.. i don’t know? “ you were feeling uneasy with the questions. “ you do know!! either you miss him or not. “ hina poked your shoulder. “ i mean i do.. but it just didn’t work out.. i don’t know why “ you shrugged your shoulders , looking at both of them. “ my point! you don’t know why, which means that you don’t have a reason not to try again. “ you sighed, they went on and on about how you two should hash it out like grown ups and talk about why the two of you broke up. you looked at them once again, “ if i agree to talk to him about it, will you two zip it? “ you took another sip of your drink, “ yes! “ they shouted in unison. “ fine, fine. i’ll bring it up. “ rolling your eyes, you finished the drink.
after around 3-4 hours, it was time to go pick up saiyana. and you knew this because the sky was getting darker and you felt the tingling of the few cans flowing through you and you wanted to make the trip before you got too wasted. you said your goodbye’s to emma and hina before hopping in your car and heading into the city to make it to ran’s house. you couldn’t lie your head was spinning, you were nervous to say the least. ran probably had a girlfriend by now, it had been 8 months since you and him called it quits on your relationship. you didn’t have any idea on how to bring it up, or how to go about it. you were on the highway, trying not to speed. you realized you were around 10 minutes away so you decided to call ran, the phone rung.. once.. twice. and then there he was.
“ hi darling, what’s up? “ the way the words had rolled off his tongue had you feeling a bit hot, but then that could have just been the tipsy mindset you had. “ ran.. i- uhm.. i’m on my way to your house. “ you tried not to sound too.. off. but you were far too late, ran noticed the weariness in your voice. “ okay, you alright? you don’t sound too good. “ he said, voice going deeper than usual. you had to get him off the phone or you were going to lose it right there. you adjusted yourself in your seat. “ yeah- i’m fine.. we’ll talk when i get there. “ you said quickly, “ i’ll see you then. “ you hung up after a few seconds. you sped up until you reached the street of ran’s home, carefully pulling into the drive way. “ i can’t believe i’m doing this shit.. fuck. “ you cursed to yourself. deciding that time was only gonna kill you, you hopped out of the car and walked up the walk way, knocking on the door once you reached it.
ran opened the door, looking down at you as soon as he did so. “ darling, come on in. “ he moved over slightly , letting you in. you walked in , uttering a small “ hi, ran. “ you walked in not hearing anything so you already knew that saiyana was asleep. “ i’ll go get her from upstairs.. but before i do that, are you sure you’re alright, love? you sounded troubled over the phone. “ ran moved a bit closer to you, looking deep into your eyes. “ oh yeah- i actually wanted to see if we could talk about something.. i just.. “ you were tailing off, a loss for words and he picked you up right where you lost it. “ of course. come sit with me. “ he lead you to follow him to sit on the couch next to him. once you looked more comfortable, he asked. “ what’s on your mind love? “
after 30 minutes of talking about how “ neither of you did anything wrong” , you found yourself layed over ran, lips crashing against each other, your hands find their way in his hair while his found the familiar curves of your body, caressing them in ways he says he missed so much. “ missed your lips.. you’re so sweet baby. “ he whispered to you, squeezing the flesh of your ass through the thin material of the tights you wore. “ ran.. want you.. please. “ you whined, body aching to be touched at least a little bit. “ he lifted you up, taking you to his bedroom.
once you both entered the room and the door was shut, he layed you on your back, kissing you once again. you can hear him groaning through the kiss, the tent in his pants pressed against your sopping midpoint. your hand reached down to feel it, until he gripped your wrist. “ not yet, pretty thing. be patient, i want to show you how much i missed you. “ he moved down to your neck, sucking and kissing onto your soft spots. you started to let out moans and quiet whimpers, in need of more which he promised to deliver. he removed your top layers of clothing, while you helped him remove his own. he moved lower, cupping your breasts and placing his mouth around the nipple, the right one first. he used his fingers on the left, pinching and twisting it while his mouth sucked and nibbled on the current, he switched once he was satisfied, moving even lower, sliding down your pants and panties.. “ sweetheart.. you gonna let me see? open em f’me.. “ he basically pleaded while opening your legs, bending them and pressing them against your chest. “ hold em for daddy.. can you do that, hm? “ he whispered.. “ answer me, pretty. you know what to say.. “ he reminded you of how he liked to be addressed.
“ yes daddy.. oh- fuck.. “ you stammered out.. feeling a fat glob of his spit fall on your sensitive clit, he went down and sucked it up, licking all over your pussy, making your legs tense and close up, “ mmh, r- daddy.. please oh fuck!!! “ you squealed. ran wasted no time in spanking your ass from beneath you, “ shut it.. don’t you wake my baby up.. “ he warns you, ran was always meaner during sex. he never meant any harm. one of his hands slid up and wrapped around your throat as he sucked and nibbled on your already swollen clit. his finger found it’s way into your mouth and you lapped at his middle and ring finger getting them all wet. once he felt it was good enough, he brought them down and pushed them into your aching hole. “ d-daddy.. wait, i- “ you quivered, legs shaking. “ shhh.. shut up. i need you prepped before i fuck you.. you don’t wanna hurt do you, baby? hm? answer daddy.. “ you shook your head , saying “ no.. i don’t wanna- ah! “ he moved his fingers faster, pressing his tongue flat against your clit. once you started to squeeze his digits, he pulled both his fingers and tongue away. a long string of slick connecting both of them. “ you’re still as wet as ever for me.. such a good girl.. “
“ you ready, pretty thing? “ he was lining the tip of his cock with your opening, “ you know what to say if you want me to stop? “ you nod and heave out, “ yes daddy.. i want it.. “ he smirks before pushing it in , watching you gasp and take in the stretch. “ shh.. it’s okay.. “ he coos at you.. once he’s in until the hilt, he pulls out and pushes back in at a even speed, but he makes sure you take the whole thing, and he means the whole thing. by this point, you’re pressing against his abdomen, and he’s gripping your wrist. “ nuh uh, stop pushing me, love.. you can take it.. take it, baby.. such a pretty girl.. “ he has your eyes rolling back, when he starts to go faster, the tip of his dick hitting your insides just right. “ shit... daddy.. “ you whine out, he knows you like it. he won’t stop until he’s fuck a load deep into you.. his thumb has made it’s way to your clit, rubbing it backs and forth, you’re shaking and on the verge of cumming. “ daddy- i’m.. oh god i’m cumming!! “ you feel his body detach from yours, “ no, not yet. “ he rubs your stomach to soothe you from the fallen orgasm you couldn’t reach just yet.. “ please.. daddy please.. i wanna cum.. “ you beg.
now, he’s behind you and your back is arched, he pushes in, hands placed on your back to balance himself, “ oh fuck.. baby you feel amazing… “ ran grunts out. your mouth is open, at the feeling of his cock so deep in your tummy. you lay your head on the mattress. you’re letting out a river of curses as he begins to go at a fast pace, you’re crying and drooling at the feeling, completely fucked out. it doesn’t take long for him to hit that spot again that has his cock twitching inside you. “ daddy’s gonna cum.. cum in you and get you pregnant all over again, hm? you want that? “ he’s grabbing your hair, pulling your head upward. “ yes- yesyesyes daddy… wantyoutofuckmefull.. oh god!! “ you still haven’t came yet, but you’re really close.. “ can i cum.. please daddy let me cum.. “ you scream, he hisses spanking you once again, “ i told you not to wake my baby.. cum, cum for me. “ once he gives you permission, you’re gushing all over him, and his hot seed is spilling out from the sides of your cunt..
after cleaning you up and getting you nice and comfortable, you and ran lay down falling asleep in each others arms. maybe emma and hina were right about it , there was no excuse not to try again. <3
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kai:3 - hiii this is my debut fic & father’s day special!! i had a ask for this but i read it completely wronggg and didn’t respond do it correctly!! so sorry to whoever that sweet soul was i hope this is good!! but any requests can still be sent!!
( not proofread! )
©️luvrdrop <3 reblogs are appreciated!!
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jsluvtzu · 11 months
ruined her sweater
g!p hirai momo x fem!reader
summary: it all started with a bag of gummy bears
cw: no plot. just smut. men dni, voyeurismish, exhibitionism
wc: 1.5k
a/n: I WAS FEELING PARTICULARLY TOP WRITING THIS CAN YOU GUYS TELL!!!! tbh not my best work but we move on!
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momo and you finally had the same day off from work.
it’s been weeks since you two had gotten to spend quality time together, so you both decided to make the rare day a date.
you bought tickets to see some new movie, making sure to pick your seats at the very top row.
both of your outfits were matching, but rather casual — momo wearing grey sweatpants with a black tee, and you with one of her black crew neck sweatshirts paired with a grey skirt.
after getting some overpriced candy from the concessions area, you both headed inside the designated theater and up to your seats.
the movie didn’t start until 3:30, and it was only 3:18, so you had plenty of time to put your plan into action.
“babe, can you open the gummy bears for me please?”
momo nodded and grabbed the bag to rip it open for you, but gasped when her lap was somehow littered with colorful little candies all over it.
“oh shit, i didn’t mean to do that. sorry baby, lemme clean it up for you.”
you were lying straight through your teeth. you had every intention to spill those food dye infused gummies on her.
your hand accidentally slammed into hers when momo was prying the bag open and accidentally knocked the bag out of her hands.
momo tsked at you annoyedly and lifted her arms up to give you room and clean up the mess you so innocently made.
the dimly lit theater hid the forming smirk on your face when your palm brushed lightly against momo’s dick.
you sat up straight and turned to face your body towards your girlfriend, leaning in close to whisper in her ear,
“let me make it up to you.”
momo turned to look at you with furrowed brows, your faces merely centimeters apart.
“what? y/n, there’s people around. we can’t.”
you were still rubbing momo through her sweatpants, feeling her get harder with every movement you made.
“mm, but it’s dark in here”, your hand moving up and under her shirt, rubbing at her abs. “nobody’s around us baby, you just have to stay quiet for me”, you said, reaching the waistband of her boxers, “can you do that for me?”
momo let out a small whimper when she felt your fingers wrap around the base of her cock.
“y-y/n.. we can’t..”
you cooed at her gently and reassured her as you freed her cock from her pants, letting it rest against her stomach.
your girlfriend scanned around the room, frantically praying that nobody was close enough to see what was going on.
it was obvious that she felt exposed when she desperately attempted to cover her lap with her hands.
her hands couldn’t even fully cover her length though, leaving only half of herself protected.
you leaned back to cross your arms over your waist, grabbing the ends of momo’s sweatshirt and pulling it over your head, revealing your favorite tight fit tank top that made your boobs look good.
momo watched silently and gulped at the tempting sight of you.
your hair was splayed over one shoulder, a little messy from pulling off the sweatshirt — the spaghetti straps on your top showing off your toned arms in the dim light.
she let out a small sigh of relief when you laid the sweatshirt over her lap, relaxing her tensed body and leaning back into the seat.
“better?”, you said, laughing slightly at your girlfriend’s shyness.
momo nodded and gripped the armrests, mentally preparing herself.
her cock was uncomfortably hard at this point, the tip of it poking through the cloth, making a visible tent on her lap.
you leaned in to give your girlfriend a kiss, smiling into it and feeling her moan against your lips.
when momo felt your lips leave hers, she whined in confusion when you pulled back and sat back into your seat, picking your phone up and scrolling through it.
“y/n..? what’re you doing?”
you kept your eyes on your screen and answered without looking at her, “hm? i’m just passing time before the movie starts.”
even in the dark theater, you felt momo’s confused stare boring into the side of your head.
“but.. i- i thought..”, her voice soft and whiny.
you turned your head to look at her, feigning innocence.
both of you shot glances down to her lap at the same time, sending a silent message to each other.
“i thought you said we couldn’t?”, you said, tilting your head slightly.
your girlfriend shook her head immediately, regretting her previous decision.
“no! no, i didn’t- i just..”
momo licked her lips while she gathered her thoughts together.
“need you..”, she said at a barely audible volume, facing her head down shyly.
“hm? speak up, love.”
you pressed the power button on your phone and threw it on the empty seat to your right, reaching over to release your girlfriend’s grip from the armrest and locking your fingers together.
“y/n.. please..”
“please what baby? i won’t know what you really want if you don’t use your words”, you said, gently rubbing her thumb with yours.
“need you to.. touch me.”
“yeah? even with these people watching?”, you shot your gaze straight ahead at the two guys sitting in the last few seats, momo turning her head to join you.
“i don’t even care anymore, y/n. ‘s hurts so bad- please.”
you hummed and let go of momo’s hand, satisfied with getting the reaction you wanted out of her, only to land it back on her cock under her sweatshirt, grabbing at and stroking her length slowly.
the lights suddenly turned off completely with the theater turning pitch black, the ads getting replaced with the movie’s opening scene.
a few minutes passed and you hadn’t changed your pace on momo’s dick, your left arm slotted under her right one and your head resting on her shoulder.
your poor needy girlfriend was growing increasingly frustrated with your lack of action, her release nowhere near in sight.
she was squirming under your touch and whimpering when your thumb would skillfully rub circles around her tip.
“fuck y/n please.. ‘need more- ‘wanna cum so bad please.”
her pleads were getting louder the longer your teasing went on, your movements switching between lazily pumping her and twisting your cupped palm around her thick cock.
“shhh, you have to be quiet baby, you don’t want all these people to know how dumb you’re getting for me do you?”, you said, nuzzling your face into momo’s neck.
you felt her shake her head and heard her attempts at biting back her whimpers as best as she could.
at this angle, your boobs were in perfect view for momo to stare at, her eyes locked onto your chest.
you noticed and wanted momo to focus on watching whatever was playing, “keep your eyes on the screen, or i stop and leave you with nothing. you understand?”
momo let out small whines and tried her hardest to keep herself together, grinding herself into your hand with ease when her dick was lubed up with her own precum.
you lifted your head up to her ear and nibbled at her earlobe, softly moaning to rile her up even more.
“such a needy little thing aren’t you? you don’t even care if everyone can hear your pretty moans for me hm?”, you knew momo loved it when you talked her through it.
“just wanna be good for me and cum all over my hand, right baby?”
“fuck yes, yes y/n, ‘wanna be fuck- so good for you.”
you kissed her cheek and slid your free hand under the cover, flattening that hand and rubbing a circular motion over her tip while you massaged your other hand up and down her cock.
unfortunately, momo’s moans were getting uncontrollably loud and you needed to shut her up.
“look at me, pretty girl”, you said, kissing her immediately to suppress her whimpers.
her dick was already sensitive from your prolonged foreplay, making her extremely close to cumming when you started palming her dick back and forth faster and pumping her length faster, driving her absolutely crazy.
“mmph, fuck y/n, ‘gna fucking cum- fuck, fuck, fuck-”
you felt her cock pulsing in your hand as it got soaked with her cum flowing out in increments, choked moans escaping her lips.
“that’s it baby, so good for me..”, you praised her with coos and pretty names as you helped her come down from her high.
momo threw her head back against the headrest and tried to catch her breath, mumbling out small thank yous in between her gasps.
you wiped your hands on her now ruined sweatshirt, cleaning off her dick gently with the sleeve and tucking it back into her boxers for her.
“you made a mess all over your sweatshirt baby, it was expensive too.”
“it’s fine.. was worth it..”
needless to say, the two of you left the movie theater with disgusted stares following you the whole way out.
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thesightstoshowyou · 7 months
Shoot for the Moon
Bo Sinclair X GN Reader
Warnings: None. Just fluff. Who am I?
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Keys jingle as you cut the engine. The thrum ceases and a moment of tranquil silence passes before the nighttime sounds rise to life all around. Crickets and frogs chirp, night herons splash, a barred owl calls. Cypress, oak, and maple trees creak and rustle in a gentle breeze. Car door hinges squeal as you slip from your vehicle and your boots swish in tall grasses as you make your way to the trunk.
Carefully, you unpack the telescope, flashlight, guides, and notepads. The scents of damp earth and decaying wood wash over you as you move. Already, the oppressive Louisiana humidity sticks your hair to your forehead, yet you wear a jacket and jeans to protect your limbs from mosquitos and ticks.
Satisfied with a small, nearby clearing, you meticulously set up your equipment. You peek through the eye piece and adjust the telescope’s position incrementally. Little flashlight clutched between your teeth, you scratch notes on the illuminated portion of paper before repeating the process.
An hour or so in, you abruptly surface from the lull of peaceful concentration. At first, you’re not certain what distracts you, but then you recognize the silence. All the wildlife has gone quiet, disturbed by something close by.
You frown and quiet your own breath, tilting your head to listen intently. To your left, a sharp snap; twigs underfoot. Something stalks through the brush, just out of sight.
A bear, maybe, or a stray dog. Your mind whirs with the possibilities, but you will yourself to stay calm. Nothing you can’t handle.
However, when a man emerges from the tree line, your heart stutters. Fear and confusion take root in your brain and you must consciously fight back the panic to keep your thoughts clear.
Where the hell had he come from? There isn’t a town or house around for miles, as far as you’re aware. You’d carefully chosen this particular spot for that very reason.
The man saunters toward you, hands buried in the pockets of the deep blue coveralls he wears. His pace is leisurely, every step measured and deliberate, meant to instill dread. You can’t make out the details of his face through the gloom and the cap perched atop his head does you no favors.
“Yer out here awfully late,” he notes, the pleasant drawl of his voice disturbing the hush of the clearing. He nods toward the crescent moon hanging low in the sky as though you need his help to tell it’s nighttime.
“Could say the same about you,” you respond, slipping the flashlight into your palm. You could blind him if he gets too close.
He stops his advance about twenty feet away, head tilting slightly as he studies you and your equipment. “Folks out this late don’t often have the best intentions.”
Pot, meet kettle. You resist the urge to call him out and instead motion to your telescope. “Just star gazing. I wasn’t aware this was private property. I’ll go—
“Nah, s’not private. Yer good, sugar.” He takes a few steps closer. The muscles in your shoulders tense. You swallow thickly, mind racing. What now?
You speak before you can stop yourself, “I, uh, I just found Saturn. It’s nice and clear tonight. Wanna see?” The man stops abruptly, obviously taken aback. He’s silent for a moment, contemplating.
“…Yer serious?” he questions. His steps are tentative now, cautious. You caught him off guard, it seems.
Roll with it. “Yeah!” You wave him over and allow the excitement to take control of your vocal cords, “And the Milky Way is so pretty right now. We can look at that next….”
He’s close enough now that you can make out the incredulous expression on his face…his very handsome face. The scents of engine oil, burnt grease, and metal hit you and the outfit suddenly makes sense. Still, you question why he’s out for a midnight stroll in such a remote area wearing his work garb.
You scoot out of the way and instruct him to look through the eye piece. He shoots you one more skeptical glance before carefully leaning over and peering into the telescope. You smell him now too: Cigarette smoke, faint aftershave, and woody musk that is not at all unpleasant.
You watch the exact moment the man spots the planet. What you can see of his face lights up and he shifts his body in toward the telescope, hunching more to get a better angle through the eyepiece. “Well, I’ll be damned,” he murmurs, hand coming up and hovering over the finderscope, hesitant to touch. You can’t help the grin that spreads across your face.
“So beautiful, right? Do you see the rings?”
“Sure do,” he replies, straightening and flashing you a hesitant, crooked smile. Your thoughts are almost derailed by the charm of it, but the eagerness to teach keeps you grounded.
“Here, scooch over a sec, lemme just readjust it….” You quickly check your notes then fiddle with the telescope. You’re overly aware of the man standing next to you, but he surprises you with polite silence, hands on his hips, apparently content to watch you work.
“Here, look,” you excitedly tell him as soon as it’s adjusted. With a quizzical expression, he leans down again, though there’s more enthusiasm in his movement this time.
“…What am I lookin’ at?” he asks, glancing over at you expectantly.
You giggle and mutter a quick, “Oh right,” before launching into an explanation. You gesture and describe, the animation in your voice and knowledge on the subject captivating the stranger.
He watches you speak with a mixture of admiration and bemusement on his face, like he can’t believe he’s listening so attentively, but doesn’t want to miss a word. All previous tension evaporates as you show him the charts you’ve drawn and move the telescope to and fro.
“Oh, and you should be able to see Phobos right now—
“What’s yer name, darlin’?” the man interrupts suddenly. You glance up at him and realize just how close he stands. Your shoulder brushes his chest, his body heat palpable. You’re glad for the darkness when your cheeks burn.
You do your best not to trip over your own name when he smirks, sudden shyness drying your throat and making your heart skip a beat. There’s irritation there too, annoyance with his smugness. You’re easier to read than you’d hoped, apparently.
“Bo,” he tells you as he holds out his hand. You turn to face him and accept his outstretched palm. It is then you notice your watch.
“Oh christ, it’s late. I really gotta go!”Hurriedly, you gather up your notes and pack away your equipment. Bo watches quietly and you can tell by the way he stands so stock still that he’s contemplating something.
You don’t give him a chance to decide on whatever it was he was planning when he entered the clearing.
“I, uh…I was gonna come back on Thursday if, you know, if you wanted to learn more.” Bo blinks at you, genuine surprise on his face. You’re just as shocked by your own words. Offering to meet a strange man with questionable intentions, alone, in the middle of rural Louisiana to teach him amateur astronomy?
Have you lost your damn mind?
Yet, the way he’d engaged with the subject and how eagerly he listened makes you think there’s something more to this man. The initial trajectory of your meeting had changed, hadn’t it? There was a spark, a yearning for connection. He wants to learn, and you want to teach.
That, or you’re completely delusional.
“Next Thursday?” You nod at his question. He tips his head again, like he’s thinking. Slipping his hands back into his pockets, he shrugs. “I can try and make it.”
He does make it on Thursday. You do too. And again on Saturday. And the following Friday. And Monday.
Sunday finds you seated on a blanket, Bo at your side, flashlight in your mouth and pen in had. Around you, the nighttime creatures sing their songs. Your trusty telescope points to the sky, ready to capture the comet you’re tracking.
You’re relaxed in his presence now. You’ve decided to attribute your initial meeting to simple chance. He hasn’t given you a reason not to trust him, and you’re not going to look for one.
Your name murmured in a hushed and careful tone breaks your reverie. You hum in response before lowering the flashlight and glancing up. The look in Bo’s baby blues freezes you in place and brings heat to your cheeks.
He’s closer than you anticipated. He removed his hat at some point and his dark hair is ruffled like he hastily ran his fingers through it. That self-satisfied smirk you tell yourself you hate pulls at the side of his mouth and there’s warmth in his eyes as they trace the curve of your lips.
“Been tryin’ t’kiss ya for the past ten minutes,” he teases, his hand reaching out to playfully flick the pen in your hand. You release a breathy laugh as your heart flutters in your chest like a trapped bird.
“Oh, um…s-sorry,” is all you can manage, mouth curving in a weak smile. Your teeth worry your bottom lip when Bo slides closer to cradle your face in his palms.
“Looks like I finally get t’teach ya somethin’ huh?” he jokes, lips ghosting across yours.
You huff, “Oh shut up,” but there’s no real bite to your words. Bo chuckles affectionately and smoothes his thumbs over your hair.
His next words are soft, the vulnerability in them meant only for your ears. “You been real sweet, darlin’. Ain’t nobody taught me anythin’ like you.”
“Oh,” you breathe, moved by his admission. The gratitude in it warms you deep in your chest. Bo wrinkles his nose.
“Alright, enough a’ that. Turnin’ me into a fuckin’ sap.” Your next scoff and eye roll is cut off when he finally claims your mouth in a searing kiss.
Overhead, stars twinkle, your silent spectators.
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moralesluvr · 1 year
Could I request a hobie x reader with a morning routine?
morning routine with hobie brown <3
♡ pairings & aus: hobie brown x spider!fem!black!reader ♡ summary: morning routine with hobie!! ♡ warnings: none ♡ a/n: this idea was literally the cutest ever! tysm for requesting amor ♡ got a request? | masterlist in the works! ♡
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"HOBIE, IT'S TIME TO GET UP." You called out to your boyfriend as you slid a pair of shorts on in front of your mirror, stepping into your white Spider-Man slippers. You heard Hobie groan into one of your pillows, "Mmgh, five more minutes, love?"
"No." You sighed, "Unfortunately, there are bad guys we have to defeat today, just like every other day-- you know this. I love you, but you gotta get up."
Your statement earns another groan from your lover, but you ignore it as you walk over to your bed, pulling the covers off of Hobie. A string of loud curses leave his lips as you toss the comforter onto the ground.
"You're so annoying," He mumbled, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. You grabbed his hand and pulled firmly, "Get ready with me?"
Although he pretended otherwise, Hobie loved when you shared your morning routine with him. That definitely woke him up out of his former slumber as he rose up off the bed, following you into the bathroom so that you could start your morning.
You opened the drawer next to you as Hobie flicked the light on, hands taking home on your hips as he stood behind you. He rested his head atop yours as he sighed, "'M tired...think I'm jus' gonna let some people accept their fate today."
"Hobie!" You snap, pulling your matching headbands out of the drawer. You reach above you and hand Hobie his black one, "You can't just say that. We're super heroes and we have to do our job."
"I was only joking," Hobie scoffs, sliding his headband on.
"Handsome, can you tie my braids back?" You asked him sweetly. He nodded eagerly and grabbed a thick hair tie from the cabinet, taking your hair in his big palms and pulling it into a neat ponytail. You thanked him as he stepped beside you, grabbing his toothbrush. You copied his actions as you brushed your teeth, singing the ABCs in your head a couple times to make sure they were clean. You turned the water on and spat, and you nearly felt Hobie shiver.
"I know spitting is necessary in this moment," He starts, "But I have to admit, doll, it is disgusting."
You ignore his statement and roll your eyes, grabbing your face wash. You run your hands under the water for a couple seconds and squirt some into your hands, massaging it into your skin. Hobie follows suit, although he washes his face for what seems like about five seconds.
"Now you know good and well your skin is not clean." You said, eyes screwed shut in hopes to not get the soap in your eye.
Hobie shrugged at your statement as he moisturized his skin, taking the headband off and laying it back in the drawer where it belongs. You finished up your routine quickly, following your lover into the kitchen for quick coffee and breakfast.
"I'm feelin' peckish," Hobie remarks, opening the doors to your shared pantry to find something to eat. You scoff at his use of British slang.
"Peckish? Why not just say 'looking for a little snack' you nerd." You laugh, grabbing one of your mugs from the cupboard. You pop a Starbucks pod into the Keurig, letting your mug sit underneath as you venture back to your bedroom to grab some clothes and your suit.
You slip on a pair of black cargos and a teeny white crop, something that you can easily slip in and out of if need be. You hear footsteps approach the door, Hobie's half-clothed body leaning against the doorframe.
"Wanna match outfits today?" He suggests, taking a bite out of a bagel that's filled to the brim with cream cheese. You nod, "Sure, if you wanna wear somethin' like this, 'cause I don't feel like changing."
"Mkay," He remarks, pulling the first two items out of the drawer that resemble your outfit. He grabs a spiky belt and pulls it through the loops of his pants, the waistband of his Calvin Kleins showing. You take the hair tie out of your hair and stuff it in your pocket, grabbing your keys-- "Are you about ready to go, Hobs? Don' wanna be late."
"Yeah, comin'!" He yells, but you're already heading for the door by the time he's even halfway ready to go. You scoop your coffee up from the kitchen, opening the front door, "Yo, I'm leaving!" You sing song, stepping through the door.
"Y/N, you idiot, wait!"
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 ☻ thank you for reading!
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ashdreams2023 · 1 year
Hiii, i was wondering if you could do some headcanons about Loki x femenine reader, who have a child together, i just like the thought of them being a family. I love your writting also <3
Of course!
Loki x fem reader with a child
The very few months we’re his favorite, he loved watching his baby sleep and warp it’s little hand around his finger
Was very attentive to you both, brushed your hair for you and took the child for you to shower
Buys tons and tons of tiny socks because he doesn’t know self control
When the baby starts teething he lets it sucking on his fingers because they feel cool and nice
Lots of group naps because when the baby sleeps everyone else does
You and Loki go on walks together every weekend, Loki wears those body strap baby carriers
You braid Loki’s hair because the baby always tries to pull on his hair
Will tease you about the baby say dada before mama
He will cry on the first day of kindergarten more than your child and you
"You know they’re coming back right?"
"That’s still my baby!"
Takes you on nice dates every once in a while if there is someone to baby, you trust
Thor is the worst because he keeps bringing things a child should not play with
"Loki he can’t have a sword!"
"You think I don’t know that?!"
Builds pillow forts and then magics them up to look realistic
The baby mimics your moves and goes running to Loki when he gets home to show him what you did all day
When the baby is sick he’s so stressed it’s not even funny, he can’t sleep or eat until the little one gets better
Floats the baby around just to mess with you and give you mini heart attacks
"Are you trying to kill me?!"
"Nah we die together"
When you get dressed up both him and the baby are just mesmerized
They are your number one fans
"Mommy looks beautiful doesn’t she?"
Loki’s favorite thing is when you and the baby lay on top of him and nap, it’s just comfortable weight
Halloween is crazy because you want to try every cute little outfit on your baby and Loki takes lots of photos
Overall Loki loves his little family, and appreciates every small thing about you both
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