doubtfultaste · 1 year
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Atacan Las Brujas (1968)
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luziomisayoc · 4 months
💘 Amarres de Amor: ¿Realidad o Mito? 🔍 MIRA este Video! 🎥 #LuzioMisayoc
🪄 Amarres de Amor: ¿Magia o Mentira? ✨ No te Pierdas este Video! 📲
Los trabajos llamados amarre de amor son en realidad limpias espirituales y el efecto positivo se dará siempre que se hagan adecuadamente el tener la oportunidad recuperar a tu pareja solo depende del alto grado que alcances con tu energía y es por eso que se recomienda la guía de un chaman.
Al hacer una purificación espiritual, es fundamental reconocer que, al igual que en cualquier otro proceso de mágico chamánico, existe la posibilidad de que no funcione si no se sigue el procedimiento adecuado. Aunque la purificación y atracción espiritual puede ser profundamente transformadora y enriquecedora, su eficacia está intrínsecamente ligada a varios factores, incluido el compromiso y la calidad del proceso.
Las consultas no son de paga y no son compromiso de hacer un trabajo solo es para informarte de cómo funcionan los amarres de amor y si ya tomaste la decisión de hacer un amarre de amor debes de saber conscientemente de cómo es que funciona
CONSULTAS: ➡️ https://wa.me/51986743155
➡️WhatsApp/ TG: +51941184404 /+51986743155
➡️ Correo: [email protected]
➡️ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LuzioMisayocMistico
➡️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misayoc
➡️ Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@luziomisayoc
➡️ Web: https://luziomisayoc.pe
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"No creo en brujas, pero que las hay, las hay"
A Magia é algo simbólico sempre, por isso muitas vezes é confundido com a loucura. É tudo sobre arquétipos como os de Jung, ou como o mundo das ideias de Platão. Se aquilo corresponde com o que chamamos de realidade ou não, não importa, no final o que importa é o efeito que, determinadas simbologias causam em nossa mente ressignificando o nosso subconsciente. Afinal, como diria morpheus no filme Matrix de 1999:
"O que é real? Como você define o 'real'? Se você está falando sobre o que você pode sentir, o que você pode cheirar, o que você pode saborear e ver, o real são simplesmente sinais elétricos interpretados pelo seu cérebro."
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stregamystica · 2 years
We're going LIVE in FIVE! Join the conversation! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmAqamIvoB4
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zai-doodles · 10 months
Me n my friends are obsessed with you. Your FT art captures us like nothing else we love your redesigns they all look so great!! So glad we're on the same page for black Mirajane and Lisanna.
Anyways, which character do you think has the worst (or at least strangest) design choices in the show?
this ask is so old im so sorry
Anyway, thank you so much!! im so glad people like my extremely self indulgent designs!
As for worst design there are... a lot of bad ones, but since ive been struggling to redesign him im gonna talk about bickslow.
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ok so im gonna preface with i am NOT a professional character designer or anything, my designs arent perfect and are extremely tailored to my tastes specifically so if you hate my redesigns and prefer the og thats super chill idc.
That being said what the fuck is this.
So ok just... his magic has to do with the tiki heads right? with strong connections to the idea of voodoo and black magic, like brujaria and shit.
So please can someone tell me why his outfit theme is a knight????
like ok i GUESS you could say it has to do with him being part of the thunder legion like, in a protective role?? but then??? freed and ever dont have that themeing???
like ive been struggling so hard to redesign him because his themes just make no sense to me? not to mention the outfit is just?? Ugly???
Between the horrible stripes and the bright ass purple green combo i just?? what is he doing?? who dressed you??? like then if his power is tiki heads y r there giant skulls on his shoulder pads???
I've been messing with the idea of his rewrite being that he actually wants to be a knight one day for some reason and instead of tiki heads his babies are like, little wooden skulls? Just so i can go hard with the skull themeing in his design to give it some cohesion?
idk im spit balling i just really hate his look.
im not even going to talk about his hair because its jsut.... no.
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claudiyerrr · 1 year
Hey!! I’d like to request a creepypasta match up :))
My names Erin and i’m pansexual! (she/they/he)
I love musical theater, arts and crafts, painting, singing, acting, writing, the occult, fashion, and makeup.
I’m Dominican and Black so I practice brujaria. It’s a cultural practice :))
I’m VERY extroverted and have a relatively large amount of friends. I love hanging out with them and exploring places with them.
I love the outdoors and exploring random abandoned places. I’m very adventurous and love to be with people as I do so.
I have really bad jealousy problems and I could be very clingy at times.
As soon as I got your request I was like boom, this is the one >:D I hope you enjoy!!
Your matchup is. . . Kagekao!
Exploring abandoned places with friends had always been a really fun pastime of yours, but something was different about this time.
Maybe it was because everyone else in your friend group wanted to get out of there due to feeling like “something was off,” while you didn’t. You brushed off their concerns, turning the doorknob to another room before glancing back at them one last time.
“Guys seriously, don’t worry. I’ll only be a few more minutes!” you reassured while letting go of the round metal knob to give them a wave goodbye.
Swiveling your head back toward the door after they all left, you took a step forward only to come face to face with solid wood. Huh, didn’t I open that door just a minute ago?
Shrugging it off, you opened the door and took a step inside the mostly empty room save for a few pieces of furniture pushed up against the walls. “Weird,” you looked around in awe for a moment.
Shutting the door behind you and trying numerous switches on the wall, the dark room was suddenly illuminated with bright, flickering white lights, which reflected off the shards of broken glass scattered along the ground.
“Sweet,” you beamed to yourself while turning off and pocketing your flashlight. Taking a few more steps, you get chills when a scratching sound from the ventilation system above echoes throughout the room.
Pausing for what felt like an eternity, you swallowed your fears and kept traversing through the place. That’s when you noticed a slim door on the opposite end; Must be a broom closet.
You went over to it anyway, but just when your hand hovered above the knob, a loud crash came from behind you and you gasped, clutching your mouth.
Narrowing your eyes at the object, you take deep breaths. It was just a broken wine bottle from under the open vent. It could’ve been a broken garbage chute that a squatter decided to use. Yeah totally…
“Kekeke!” you heard a muffled laugh from behind you and turned around with hands on your hips. “I better be losing it right now,” was all you could say before biting your bottom lip and ripping open the broom closet’s door only to be met with nothing.
Blinking in utter disbelief, you close the door and turn around to be met with a black and white masked man standing halfway across the room, a large smile spreading across both sides of the mask.
Bumping into the door behind you, you grunt before taking a deep breath as he tilts his head. “Thank god,” you muttered with a relieved grin. “I thought this place was haunted for a second there.”
After your run-in with the masked man, you walked out of the building amusedly, taking your time to traverse down each flight of stairs. “待って,” you heard someone call out from behind you.
Turning around with a hum, you give the masked man a little wave. Coming over to where you stood by the main exit of the place, he extended a hand to you while holding what you could only assume was his phone, the “New Message,” screen showing.
“My number?” you asked with a light laugh, flattered but also very puzzled. The guy only nodded, inching the phone closer to you. Taking it and naming your contact, you felt yourself beaming subconsciously as you took your leave.
You two texted for a few months and each took turns using translating apps as you got to know each other. He was honestly a super funny guy and you liked how carefree he could be.
It was when Kagekao asked to meet up in person to hang out again and your heart fluttered that you knew you felt something more towards him.
Right outside the abandoned factory that you both agreed on checking out together, you got a tap on your shoulder. Turning around with a huge grin, you threw your arms around him.
“Kagekao!” you exclaimed with bright eyes as he hugged you back, picking you up to spin you around in the air once before placing you back down carefully.
Shining your flashlight around, you took mental notes of where each of the rooms were so you wouldn’t get lost while Kagekao stuck by your side.
Almost losing a limb a few too many times, Kagekao and you decided to stop messing with the hazardous machines and go to the roof, the setting sun shining through some of the cracked and dusty windows.
Holding the door for you, Kagekao followed you over to the stone ledge and sat down to admire the scenery in a comfortable silence. That is until he wrapped an arm around you, grinning mask looking over at your face. “I love you,” he spoke slowly in his second language.
You felt a heat rush to your face and giggled while swinging your feet happily, making Kagekao’s tense shoulders relax as he did the same. “I love you too.”
Random headcanons:
- He understands a good amount of English but verbal conversations aren’t really two ways yet, more like one and a half the way there. That doesn’t mean Kagekao’s going to use you for amusement purposes and dispose of you though.
- This guy acts so bizarre at first and does the most random things to test the waters with you. Seeing how ticklish you are without scratching you is one of them.
- He thinks you’re really fun to be around and tease, whether that be with pranks or by him playfully flirting with you (usually physically) when you least expect it!
- He’s totally going to call you cute Japanese nicknames in a low voice to try and get you flustered.
- Since he’s more comfortable speaking in his first language, you’ll probably pick up on the basics of it pretty quickly. If you ask him to give you Japanese lessons, Kagekao will be absolutely ecstatic.
- Kagekao loves when you tell him about how you practice Brujaria. It’s a huge cultural experience for you and it’s really interesting to him. Also, the fact that it’s you who does Brujaria makes him that much more eager to learn about it.
- This guy will prank everyone else on stage at your theater plays and make them mess up in not-so-tiny ways just to make you seem like a god out there.
- You’ll never see him actually switch a prop out from under somebody’s nose or shine a spotlight on the wrong person, but trust me, you’ll know it’s him doing so.
- He thinks your paintings and crafts are really pretty and neat. Kagekao might ask if he can have one but won't take no for an answer because he’ll end up taking off with a little something of yours anyways.
- Kagekao likes how you coordinate your makeup with your outfits. He thinks you’re eye candy and will most definitely let you know in one way or another.
- I can see you two exploring those super abandoned places that look like they’ll fall apart any second. Don’t worry, Kagekao will 100% catch you before you hit the ground if you trip over some debris. He also loves trying to make you laugh by crawling on the ceiling like he’s in “The Exorcist” lol.
- If you think you have a jealousy problem, just picture how envious this man gets when other people are making you giggle or giving you hugs. He’ll definitely find ways to embarrass them in front of you just so they’ll stop trying to take you from him.
- Kagekao adores your clinginess and doesn’t mind it one bit! If you refuse to let go of his hand, he’ll just hold it even tighter. If you don’t want to leave his side, you two will spend the entire day together no problemo.
- He drops little hints that he’s not a good person by society’s standards and that’s how you piece together that Kagekao murders people. You could already tell he didn’t have an ordinary 9:00-5 job or go to school. I mean, you knew he wore a mask and had razor-sharp claws for a reason, so this wasn’t much of a shock.
- Because he’s a demon, Kagekao’s pretty cold all the time despite being bundled up well. He’s a nice cuddler who likes to just sit you down on his lap by the fireplace while sipping some wine to relax after a long day.
- If you hold onto his hand and just run your fingertip lightly along his claws, he’ll blush so hard and probably end up pulling his mask up all the way over his face.
- The only time he gets extremely shy around you is when you ask for a kiss. He barely EVER fully removes his mask, so kisses are always something special to him. They’re usually quick pecks on the lips, but he’ll take a sweet moment to just look into your eyes and admire you before each one!
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colaherrerar · 8 months
Lo que me faltaba
La Julia Rivas se cree que mi novio villancico es el Tomi Rotella
Yo no te lo puedo creer
Yo no te lo puedo creer
Mi novio villancico es MI novio
Es MI novio taradaaaaaaaaaaaaaa que te pasaaaaaa
Que te queres meter con mi novio villancico 🤌🏽
Que te haces la que te queres meter con mi novio villancico hueon 🤣🤌🏽
Esta tarada que se piensa que mi novio va a estar de su lado
Mi novio es villancico no es patriótico asique andá a llórale al Bauti Herrera con lo de las montañas
Se cree que mi novio villancico es uno de sus patrióticos que la respaldan
A mí me respaldan los villancicos que te parece
Ay no sé tontilitis pero mi novio villancico nunca va a estar de tu lado y no porque sea villancico
es porque es MI novio y mi novio ya sabe lo que me hiciste de la brujaria que me echaste por algo que te hize que VOS empezaste primero riéndote de mí con lo de mental cuando se me juntó mi problemon de que apareció mi ex Gonzalez cuando yo me había casado con el Bauti Herrera al mes siguiente que el Gonzalez mi ex apareció después de lo del BAUTIGATE
Cosas mías de mi ex y mi esposo y vos te metiste riéndote con lo de mental
Y bueno que subidón maall tuviste que aguantarte después
Mi novio siempre va a estar de MI lado
Porque a mi si me quieren
No como a vos que no te quieren porque tenés unos tornillos sueltos en la cabeza
Es más
Me sobra cariño
Tengo al villancico que me quiere y al Bauti Herrera desesperado por mi del todo pendiente
Del nunca se va el Bauti Herrera
El villancico a mi no me hace nada que YO vea y diga “Sí, me hace algo”
Yo sí un día me llego a quedar sin el villancico de no tenerlo más en mi vida yo sé que si se me da de llamarlo al Bauti Herrera para desahogarme yo sé que el Bauti Herrera va a estar hay
Me quieren en Norteamerica
me quieren en Mendoza
A mí me quieren los villancicos
Me quieren en Norteamerica
Al parecer me quieren en Norteamerica 😊
Y yo a los canadienses les falseo para cumplir mi sueño
Así como vos decís que yo era falsa con vos y con el Tomi Rotella
Siempre generando controversia del directamente me valían verga
Yo estaba chocha con mi matrimonio con el Bauti Herrera
YO no tenía tiempo para nadie más porque yo me había recién casado con el Bauti Herrera
Ahora si prácticamente ni les falseo
Ahora los retumbo de una sola CA GA DA que les meto
Y yo siendo ahora una villancica aún más porque soy villancica
DE villancico
Y estoy en Norteamerica
Tengo todo del para seguir ganando en destruyendolos por patriotismo de patrióticos hediondísimos todos
La herrerona me advirtió que la Julia Rivas tiene un problema
Mi fan me aconsejó diciendo que me fije bien que la Julia Rivas tiene un problemita de que problema tenés
Tiene un problema de la escala de enfermedades mentales de un porcentaje elevado que le rodea la única papita neurona que tiene en esa cabeza
Su problema mental que le circula todo su cerebroespinal en mal mentalizarse permanente que se apodera de la bola de cabeza diminuta de este ser indeseable únicamente por un patriótico bolas rancias
Que me venís acarrear tu retraso enferma
Déjame tranquila a mi que no te registro
No te das cuenta que no existís para mi
Vivis pendiente de mi si sos un fantasma
Estas traumada conmigo y yo ni me acuerdo de tu existencia en el hoy porque encima te adueñas del 22
No compraste una mierda el 22
Te lo tuvimos que dejar yo y el villancico porque vimos que sos una retrasada que nos das tanta pena que te lo juro
Sos más retraso humano que esperanzita
eeeella la tiene que mi novio villancico es el Tomi Rotella pero porque tiene un problemita me dice la herrerona
Me dice mi fan que a la Julia Rivas no la quiere nadie porque tiene un retraso de que ella se hace que el villancico es el Tomi Rotella
Bueno sisi
Ella la tiene que mi novio villancico es el Tomi Rotella porque no está bien mentalmente pero YO que soy la novia del villancico no me hace gracia pero para nada de que juegue que MI novio es el que a ella le guste o esté enamorada o que se yo 🤣
Porque se la agarra con mi novio esta enfermiza 🤣🤌🏽
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 🦇 Witches Wanted Dia De Los Muertos Halloween plush & Cozy Mini throw pillow 🍁.
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aluha · 3 years
Santa Fic
Hey everybodyyy
Here’s my humble fic for dearest @oxiosa
Hope you like it, and that 2022 brings you lots of fun, inspiration and magic <3
Prompt: Brujaria
Title: The Ice Queen
Summary:  There are three things Luciana must do in order to be a Good Witch. Unfortunately, she sucks at each one of them.
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honeyricemagic · 4 years
A Daily Ritual Practice:
My connection to water is so Intense! So much thanks to & for this life source that restores, renews, and revives.
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oencontrodasdeusas · 3 years
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Horóscopo Semanal - Escorpião Desde o dia 27 de julho Marte, um dos planetas regentes de Escorpião, está transitando por Virgem. A influência desse trânsito traz aprendizados importantes, chamando a sua atenção para a necessidade de organizar melhor a sua rotina e os seus planos. Questione-se sobre o que você tem feito diariamente para se tornar a pessoa que deseja no âmbito pessoal e profissional. Durante as duas primeiras semanas de setembro, em que Marte estará transitando por Virgem, você vai perceber que a forma de conquistar as coisas no mundo tem a ver com estrutura, disciplina, rotina e organização. O planeta regente dos relacionamentos, Vênus, começou o mês transitando por Libra e ingressa no seu signo no dia 10. Esse posicionamento desperta uma dose extra de sensualidade, fazendo com que você irradie charme e beleza, chamando atenção por onde passa. Por outro lado, você pode ficar um pouco mais fechado emocionalmente, precisando lidar melhor com as suas inseguranças para que elas não atrapalhem seus relacionamentos. Converse com alguém que você confie sobre os sentimentos que estão vindo à tona nesse momento. ☆O Encontro das Deusas☆ ♤Luatha♡Nyx◇Magirrom♧ ⭐O Encontro das Deusas⭐ ♠️Luatha♥️Nyx♦️Magirrom♣️ #luatha #magirrom #nyx #morrigam #hecate #wicca #witch #bruxa #espiritualidade #brujaria #ocultismo #esoterismo #numerologia #astrologia #horoscopo #holistica #reiki #tarot #runas #baralhocigano #cigano #gipsy #esmeralda #cromoterapia #pedras #poderdaservas #terapiaholistica https://www.instagram.com/p/CTdOMIVHnq1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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fl00dland · 5 years
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yoongikinsregulus · 4 years
hi any witch accepting an apprentice? 🥺
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rokkr-witness · 5 years
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Hispanic Heathens do exist.
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My Rain Ritual
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I have a bad habit of penting up my emotions. Especially when I'm mad, frustrated or stressed. So one thing I do is my rain ritual.
What you need:
Just you.
A crystal (optional)
What to do:
Before actually doing this make sure there's no thunder or lightning. I don't want y'all to get hurt <3
Okay so when it starts to rain go outside, go barefoot and stand in a puddle, wiggle your toes, taste the rain water, look up and just focus for a while on the rain that's hitting your face.
Imagine as you feel the water on and around you all your pent up emotions being drained away. As you do this you'll feel your body relax and feel more at peace.
Optional: hold a crystal and direct your emotions to it to charge it :)
Remember: once you're back inside, change into warm clothes and to put some warm socks on. Your health comes first bb <3
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divinacomolaluna · 4 years
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