#bruh why am i blushing
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death is pretty but his eyes are prettier
pairing: gojo satoru x reader (gojo’s past arc)
genre + warnings: - blood, injuries, mentions of death, passing out and intestines spilling out of the body (it's a bit gory but nothing crazy), swearing, reader is shorter than satoru but other than that it's gender-neutral (i'm pretty sure), shoko smoking, protective satoru and suguru.
a bit angsty but definitely FLUFF !!
word count: 3,191 (yikes lmao)
authors note: okaaay, so i was inspired by taylor swift saying "you drew stars around my scars", and also i love slow burns and two idiots silently but obviously pining for each other; SO satoru and reader aren't dating here yet. but they very much do like each other.
also apologies in advance if i messed up any location descriptions :')
enjoy this chaos lol <3
I’m an idiot.
The curse was dead. The special grade curse you were assigned to kill was dead and you were almost dead.
As the dissipating remains of the curse mixed with the wind and faded away, you heaved as the blood from the gash across your stomach soaked your dark blue uniform and colored it an even darker shade. Taking a few steps towards the nearest wall, you lean against it, legs buckling and gasping for breath. The light-headedness was growing exponentially and you had to force your eyes to stay open and your legs to stay upright. Blinking rapidly and trying to regain focus, you press one hand to the gaping wound on your abdomen. Red bleeds through your fingers and you feel like you might just pass out. Or die. Or both.
Feeling liquid drip down your chin, you lift your other hand to the right side of your cheek to assess the source of what you assumed had to be blood. Sure enough, your previously bloodless hand was now stained with sticky crimson. Slowly moving your finger on your cheek to figure out where the blood was coming from you felt a sharp pain when your hand made contact with what seemed to be a pretty large cut.
Shit. That’s gonna leave a scar.
Your scythe was broken so you had no weapons to worry about carrying back to Jujutsu High. Sluggishly taking your phone out of your uniform pocket you pray to every force you know to let your phone be okay. The black cracked screen stares back at you and the reflection of your worn out, disappointed, and bloodied face is all you see.
Oh, you have got to be kidding me.
Now the question is whether to go to a hospital and get questioned by non-sorcerers about the horrendous wounds covering your entire body or, to go to Shoko and get patched up and hopefully not get asked too many questions and look like an absolute idiot.
Shoko will ask questions and she’ll obviously be concerned. If Shoko knows, Satoru and Suguru are bound to find out and they won’t be happy with the higher-ups about this… misjudgment.
So, the hospital sounds better. But the nearest hospital is further from my current location than jujutsu high.
Your breathing is getting shallower and your head feels so light you feel like it’ll just fall off. Closing your eyes and taking the deepest breath you could take without feeling like your stomach will tear open from the searing pain, you decide.
Fuck it. Shoko it is.
Pushing yourself off the wall with one hand still clutched to your bleeding stomach you start moving towards Jujutsu High. You control your breathing and use every last bit of cursed energy you have left to staunch the bleeding and somewhat ease your pain. With that, you urge your legs to move as fast as physically possible without breaking down.
You don’t know how you made it without bleeding out in the middle of the road, but the gates of Jujutsu High have never looked prettier. But, the sight of the stairs was enough to make bile rise to your throat. Swallowing it down and heaving some more, you make your way up the neverending steps of your inevitable doom.
Upon reaching the final step, your legs give out and you fall, wounded cheek first onto the stoned pavement. The pain was like nothing you’ve ever felt before; shooting upwards to your neurons and all the way down your body, right to the tips of your fingers and toes.
It feels so nice to lie down. No no, get the hell up and go to Shoko. Or all this damn walking would’ve been for absolutely nothing.
Hours was it? Or minutes? You’re not sure but you managed to get back up. After first turning from your side to your back and then bending one leg and then using one hand to help your body up and then finally sitting up. Then at a snail’s pace, managing to stand up on your two feet you start moving towards the morgue, where Shoko spends most of her time anyways. That was your best bet. And if she wasn’t there, well then death seemed like the next best option.
Slugging your way to the morgue, one hand still clutched to your stomach, you aggressively slap your free hand on the doorknob and turn it with your full body weight on the door. The door swings open and unable to keep your balance, you fall again, right cheek hitting the cold floor for the second time that day.
All you remember hearing before your eyes finally shut is the sound of a chair screeching on the floor followed by the sound of rapid footsteps and a string of unintelligible words you assumed belonged to Shoko.
Darkness. More darkness. Muted voices. Yelling. Some more darkness. Pain.
When you finally open your eyes, everything is a blur. You blink a few times and look around until your eyes find something to focus on. The white walls, the green curtains, and the smell of antiseptic chemicals all lead you to believe you are in the infirmary. Flexing your hands one, two, three times before slowly lifting your right hand up to gently caress your right cheek, you feel the soft cloth of a bandage taped to your skin. Bringing the same hand down to lay it flat upon the blanket covering your abdomen, you apply the slightest bit of pressure down until you feel a slight prick of pain. Lifting the blanket up you tilt your head down to check the situation. You’re wearing a flowy hospital gown and your stomach looks a bit bulky. Feeling around the wound site you realize there’s a bandage there too. Laying your hand back down by your side, you stare up at the ceiling, wondering how you were even alive.
The creaking of the door opening breaks you from your stupor.
“That was fast. Thought you’d be out for longer,” comes the smooth voice, the smell of cigarettes and that familiar sandalwood sweet perfume you know only belongs to Shoko.
Turning your head to the side you watch her sit down on the chair next to you fiddling with an unlit cigarette and crossing her legs. Her bangs almost cover her left eye and you notice how tired she looks. She sighs and looks at you with a lazy smile, fingers still twirling the cigarette with ease, she asks, “How you feeling?”
You shift and push yourself up to lean your back against the headrest of the bed. With a loud exhale you look back at her with a half-assed smile, “I’m great actually. Good job, doc.” You give her a thumbs up and hope it’ll be enough to squash any more questions she might have.
With her smile still on her face, she looks down at the cigarette and hums, “You know, Gojo was about to unleash hell on the higher-ups for giving you that mission.”
Your smile is immediately replaced with a frown and you feel unbelievably small upon hearing this. With a scowl you ask, “I mean, the mission was a success, wasn’t it?" You shrug, "And I’m fine too so win-win.”
Finally, her smile fades as she stares straight at you; and you think this is the most serious you have ever seen Shoko look, “You could’ve died. That doesn’t seem like “fine” to me. For once I actually agree with Gojo. It wasn’t right of them to assign you on that mission, especially without warning.”
“I’m feeling unbelievably underestimated right now, Shoko,” your voice is small as you fiddle with the seams of the blanket covering the lower half of your body.
Shoko sighs and shakes her head, short hair swishing as she leans forward with her arms on her legs, “I’m not doubting your abilities. No one is doubting your skills. But your wounds were really bad, you know that as well as I do.”
It’s quiet for a bit before you speak again. You look at her downturned head as you reach out your hand to hold hers. Your voice is demure.
“I know. I’m sorry for worrying you, Shoko. But I promise I’m fine. And that’s all thanks to you.” You smile at her as she lifts her head enough to lock her eyes with yours. A smile she doesn’t return but her hand holds yours back and you know she believes you now.
“Yeah well try not to pass out with your intestines all over the floor next time, thanks.”
You laugh. “I promise. I hope you’re joking about the intestines though.”
Shoko huffs a short laugh and lets go of your hand. Bringing the cigarette to her mouth as she stands up she says, “Your cursed energy is the reason that’s a joke. It’s amazing you held out for that long. But don’t get too used to that luck.”
Bringing your hand back to your lap, you watch as she makes her way out and shuts the door.
Immediately after leaving she pokes her head in again and says one thing before leaving again without waiting for your reply, “Please talk to Gojo and Geto. Go now actually.”
You sigh and bring down one foot then the other. The light-headedness returns once you stand up but it’s manageable, so you look around for a change of clothes when you find a new uniform folded neatly on the side table next to your bed.
Changing into the new uniform, you make your way out to look for either Satoru or Suguru or if you’re lucky (more so unlucky) both of them.
Jujutsu High really is beautiful this time of the season. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom and the campus looks downright ethereal. You think while walking the halls how this place would feel if it were just an ordinary high school and not a place teaching kids how to wield weapons and slay curses. The classrooms would be filled with boisterous students and teachers talking in the courtyard. Canteens with flirting couples and students playing football outside. The gymnasium would hold basketball games with students wearing the school jersey and cheering for the school team. It would be different. It wouldn’t be Jujutsu High, you think.
“Well well, look who’s up and walking already,” the loud, smug voice you know only belongs to one white-haired, blue-eyed boy.
Stopping in your tracks you turn around and stand face to face with Satoru. You give him a sheepish smile and with the sweetest voice you can muster you say, “Hey there Satoru! I was just looking for you!”
Satoru scoffs and walks closer to you.
"Drop the crap."
Oh shit.
Once close enough to touch you he waits for a few beats staring at your face, eyes locked with yours as he occasionally looks at the bandage on your cheek. He breathes your name.
“What the hell were you thinking?” he seethes.
You groan, exasperated but expecting this reaction.
“I’m okay, Satoru. I don’t get why this is such a big deal honestly.”
You can see his eyes widen behind his sunglasses with pure rage as he scoffs yet again. His voice gets louder and his arms flail around trying to prove his point,
“Oh, you don’t get why this is a big deal? Well for starters, you could have died. You’re a semi-first grade, why the hell would you even accept a job to kill a special grade curse?”
“Okay, I didn’t know it was a special grade. And I killed it, didn’t I? Have some faith in me,” your tone matches his and you glower as you cross your hands across your chest.
He starts pacing back and forth, facepalming himself to oblivion as he goes on a rant,
“Oh my- that’s not the point! It’s not about having faith. You were all messed up and half dead and you could’ve been fully dead and we were almost about to kill those stupid old geezers but then Shoko stopped us and I swear if she didn’t we would’ve actually gone through with it. I mean seriously what the hell-“
You stomp forward mid-rant and grab him by the shoulders, forcing him to stop. Your voice is soft but steady like you’re comforting a child in distress.
“Satoru calm down. I’m okay. The curse is dead. It’s fine. Now please breathe.”
He stares at you through his sunglasses. His chest is heaving and fists are clenched by his sides, not trying to move at all even though he could easily shove you away and continue pacing and ranting.
He dips his head down and exhales deeply, shoulders slanted downwards and breathing slowing down. He moves forward as his arms encircle your body and his head rests on top of yours. Your nose is squished against his chest and you can smell his scent; a mix of sweets, laundry detergent, and his signature scent; the smell of dewdrops and what you assume would probably be some expensive brand of perfume. You relax against him as you breathe him in and your arms move to hug him back. Shifting your head to rest your cheek on his chest you hear his heart beat steadily. You close your eyes and get lost in the feeling of Satoru.
Neither of you say anything, but say everything at the same time. All his thoughts poured into that one hug, and you silently hear them all as you hug him a bit tighter.
You can feel him gulp as his Adam's apple moves against your forehead. His voice is small and honest as he says, “I would kill them all. If you didn’t wake up, I wouldn’t hesitate to kill them all.”
You know he would, so it’s not really a confession. But it feels like a confession. Satoru would turn the world upside down for the people he loves. You know that too well.
“I know,” your voice is quiet. You feel so safe in Satoru’s arms. You think it’s so embarrassing how safe you feel whenever you’re with him. You feel like a baby; guard down and vulnerable. You’re sure Satoru feels the same way. You’ve never once seen him keep his Infinity on when he’s with you.
He hugs you tighter and you can feel his heart rate quicken. He takes a deep breath and exhales as he lets you go and looks at you. You tilt your head up and try to find those cerulean blues hidden behind the shade of his sunglasses. Lifting your hand up to push his glasses up to his head you finally look right into the swirling blues of his eyes. They’re like the ocean. Calm, but with an unmistakable power surging within them. Like the energy you feel in the water right before a wave is formed, the blues in his eyes seem to pulse and flow with power. But they’re also still and serene, and filled with so much emotion. His eyes hold so much more than just power.
His hand comes up to your bandaged cheek and he slowly takes off one side of the tape and then another until the bandage flaps open. You suddenly feel smaller and even more vulnerable. You haven’t even seen your face with the scar yet (you’re positive there’s a scar). His eyes zone in on the cut as he traces the raised flesh lining the center of your cheek. As his finger runs down the scar, you envision just how large the cut really is; about 3 inches vertical. It didn’t hurt anymore. Shoko really is a fantastic sorcerer, you think. Not moving your eyes from Satoru’s even once, you see the whirlpool of emotions swirl around in those crystal blues. Anger, sadness, worry, relief, adoration, hope.
His jaw clenches as he furrows his brows ever so slightly, fingers moving across your scar with featherlight pressure. Moving his gaze to your eyes, he rests his entire palm against your wounded cheek. Adjusting his hand to hold the side of your face perfectly like two pieces of the same puzzle, his thumb lays on the scar with a gentleness you didn’t know Satoru had.
It’s so quiet, you can hear your heart pounding in your chest. The occasional breeze and the mellow chirping of birds bring you back to the world, otherwise, you’re positive you’d forget all about the outside world and be content standing in the middle of the hall in Jujutsu High wrapped in Gojo Satoru’s arms.
You and Satoru were friends. Of course, you loved him, but that love is no different from the love you have for Shoko and Suguru. They’re your home. You’re a family. You know they love you too.
But right now, it feels different than all the other times Satoru has held you. Held your hand, held your face, hugged you, clumsily threw his lanky arms over your shoulders, ran his fingers through your hair, wiped the blood off your face, flicked you on the forehead, patted you on the head, messed up your hair, rested his head on top of yours. This particular instance feels different. More intimate, perhaps.
Maybe because you really could’ve died. Your life was hanging by a thread and you don’t seem to understand that. You were so prepared to die, that such a close brush with death’s scythe didn’t affect you in the slightest. This job comes with a guarantee of death. Even though that is life in general; being a jujutsu sorcerer means your days are already numbered. Anytime you embark on a mission, your chances of dying are much higher than your chances of survival. So you always went out on the field with the thought of dying. Knowing you could die and leave everything and everyone behind. But this was the first time you felt you were one step through death’s door.
You can feel Satoru’s breath on your face, and you think he might kiss you. You keep one hand on his back as you lift the other to hold his wrist near your jaw. As he leans forward you close your eyes bracing for the kiss to reach your lips. But it doesn’t reach the place you were expecting. Instead, the lightest kiss touches your forehead, almost chaste; as he lingers there for a moment and then moves back.
By now, your heart is racing and you think you’re dreaming. Only when his hands leave you, do you open your eyes and realize this isn’t a dream.
He exhales as he stands straight, with both hands by his side. Bringing his sunglasses back down, perched on the bridge of his nose, he gives you a small smile, “I’ll see you later, yeah?”
You try to mask your stunned expression with a smile and nod.
As he turns to leave he says, “Suguru’s at the gymnasium, probably.”
You release the breath you didn’t realize you were holding, “Alright.”
He walks away and you go in the other direction.
part 2
#gojo x reader#gojo satoru x reader#jujutsu kaisen#jjk x reader#gojo satoru#jjk fluff#jjk angst#gojo satoru x y/n#jjk x y/n#suguru geto#shoko ieiri#bruh why am i blushing#reader is kinda nonchalant ngl
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↳ Index [Snippet #55 - Body Chains]
“When you get drunk on a houseparty and sneak away to fuck.”
Genre: married life!AU, houseparty!AU, Smut
Warnings: switch!Kook, switch!Reader, the switching in this is so good, they get drunk together & dance their hearts out, he is so effortlessly attractive, ah yeah they also have a lil roleplay where they pretend to be strangers meeting at the party (they last ten minutes bahhaha), Jungkook’s tiny waist, he wears body chains + a crop top and oiled himself up, I’m literally foaming at the mouth, Wednesday!JK levels of devoted & needy vibes from him, drunk giggles & making out, he is a very giggly and vocal drunk, he is also a goof <3, consensual & mutual drunk sex, thigh riding, dry humping, cumming in her panties, dirty talk, mutual stripping, nipple play & licking for him, whiney Koo <3, a very quick blowjob ofc, the bodychains stay ON during sex, rough penetrative vaginal sex in Mating Press & Deep Missionary, clit play, his chains hit her clit as he fucks her, creampies, sappy & cuddly aftercare, ah yeah they do all that in Tae's bed JFAJDFJ & he has no idea bruh
Wordcount: 9.4k
a/n: this is based on anonie's idea. But listen. this is lowkey a story about his waist jsjsj like i kept thinking of all the dainty waist koo pics which exist and you besties have no idea how feral i feel for his waist like i am OC in this story, this is practically me jjajaja either way, have fun besties 🧡
You are at Jimin’s place today, getting ready for Taeseok’s (that’s how Hoseok and Taehyung like to jokingly call themselves to your friend group) annual summer party. Most of the town’s party folk is going to be there and you have been looking forward to it for weeks. You still remember how you and Jungkook snuck glances at each other when you weren’t a thing yet and how he got jealous of Taehyung “hooking up with you”. Oh times were so much spicier back then. Not that you would ever want to trade the safety and comfort you have with Jungkook these days, but sometimes you miss the sparks of being in the getting to know each other stage.
This is why you are currently at Jimin’s place, while Yoongi is at your place. You and your best friend are going to go to the party together, while Yoongi and Jungkook will go there as a duo. You plan on meeting each other there and pretending to be strangers meeting for the first time.
The plan is perfect and so sexy.
Jimin is singing loudly, dancing to the song on the radio as he is putting on his eyeshadow. You sit on the floor in front of the mirror, busy with your own eye makeup. You join him in song every now and then, dancing in your seating position and laughing loudly whenever Jimin twerks way too aggressively.
Your days of youth might have passed already, but mentally you still feel like a late teen getting ready with your best friend for the best night ever. Especially this year around where you pretend to get ready to meet “your potential new boyfriends” at the party. Oh it is so much fun to play this silly little game of pretend.
You and Jimin already shared a bottle of sparkling wine, feeling giggly drunk.
“What do you think? Red or peach?” Jimin asks, holding up different kinds of blushes against his cheeks.
“None of them. Pink. It fits with the top.”
“You know what? You are so right, girly”, Jimin says and switches the blush to a pink one. He smiles so his cheeks stick out and applies a generous amount on his face. You busy yourself with applying mascara, pulling a silly face for it.
Jimin finishes first, posing in the mirror.
“Do you think that there’s gonna be cute boys at the party?” he asks for the sake of the roleplay.
“I hope so. I really wanna make out tonight.”
“Yes god, that would be so much fun. I wanna grind on a cute boy. I’m not gonna stop until he’s hard.”
“Of course you won’t. God bitch, you’re such a whore.”
“I so am”, Jimin agrees and turns to dance to his jewellery stand. He drinks from the bottle as he does, singing to the song whenever he can.
You are almost done with your makeup. Only your lips are missing now. Then a quick touch up of your hair and you can stand up.
“What do you think?” you ask, pulling a pose.
Jimin studies you from head to toe.
“Biiitch you look hot dot com. I bet the boys are gonna fight for your attention.”
“Thank you, thank you. I tried.”
“Well you definitely nailed it. You look sexy as fuck”, Jimin says and holds up two pairs of earrings, “left? Right?”
The left is a pair of silver sterling hoop earrings. The right is silver as well, but two studs with a white gemstone in the middle.
“Left. Definitely. The right ones are way too boring.”
“Good choice”, Jimin says and looks at the small stand mirror, “I’m so excited, seriously. Taeseok’s summer parties are always so much fun.”
“I know, right? I’m already so curious about DJ Tete”, you snicker at the name, “I wonder how he’s gonna do.”
“I bet he’s gonna be awesome. What’s the time by the way?”
You check your phone. A picture of you and Jungkook is looking back at you. He is leaning in and kissing your cheek while you are smiling into the camera. Your heart flutters. You are so excited to see him at the party.
“Huh?” you let out, meeting Jimin’s eyes.
“The time. Girl, did you just stare at your screen?”
“Sorry, I looked at the pic”, you say, showing him your lock screen, “he’s so handsome. We went on a beach walk with Bam when we took this pic. God, I love this man so much.”
Jimin chuckles, “hey, pretend. Girl, you don’t know him yet. You’re single and ready to mingle.”
“Yeah right. Ah shit, I forgot”, you whine.
Jimin laughs, “that’s fine, I get you. I keep wanting to text Yoongi updates on my outfit. You think they’re almost ready too?”
“Yeah probably. Kook’s been planning his outfit all week. He didn’t let me see it even once. I’m going crazy because I wanna know what he picked out.”
“Same, oh my god”, Jimin exclaims, “Yoongi’s been locking his office since Wednesday ‘cause he has his outfit in there. I’m going crazy. I need to see him or I might pass away.”
“I feel you, god”, you groan, throwing your head back in frustration, “what do you say, should we text them that we’re ready already?”
“No”, Jimin snatches your phone away, “pretend. We’ll meet them at the party. Maybe, wink wink.”
“Fine urgh”, you give up, “now give me back my phone and let me have a sip as well.”
Twenty minutes later, you are in front of Hoseok’s and Taehyung’s place. Hoseok opens the door for you, greeting you with his brightest heart shaped smile. He is in jeans shorts and a neon green crop top which really showcase his defined ab-lines. He matches his nails to the shirt.
“Look at you guys. I’m so happy that you could come”, he cheers and hugs you tightly. The masculine scent pf his cologne tickles your nose.
“Of course we’d come. Your summer parties are the highlight of the year”, you tell him.
“Yeah dude, we’ve been looking forward to it for months”, Jimin says, hugging him.
Hoseok steps back with a squeaky giggle, looking happy about the praise.
“What can I get you?”
“We’re gonna look around for a little if that’s okay. Is Tae already playing DJ?”
“Not yet, he’s by the pool with Joon and Jin.”
“Nice, we’re gonna say hey.”
“You sure that you don’t want me to get you something?”
“Fine, get us your special cocktail. I know you have something brewing.”
Hoseok grins, “that’s what I like to hear”, he says and hurries away in happy skips.
You and Jimin make your way outside to the pool.
Your friends are chatting with each other, holding cocktails. Namjoon and Seokjin are wearing matching fishing shirts, while Taehyung is wearing a fishnet shirt with leather shorts. He spots you first, lifting his hand to wave you over. Namjoon and Seokjin smile, waving as well.
“Hey guys, nice outfits”, you greet them, giving each of them a hug.
“Right? We bought it at a gas station for ten bucks. And look.”
Namjoon and Seokjin do a synchronized twirl, showing off their back. The words “New Dad Alarm” is stitched into the back in neon yellow lettering.
“Why?” you laugh, “you guys aren’t even dads.”
“No, but it’s the vibe that counts.”
“You guys look like a couple of fishing gays celebrating the adoption of their child”, Jimin teases.
“And? It’s the vibe that counts”, Seokjin throws back to which Namjoon snaps his fingers sassily.
“Alright, we’re not gonna stop your fishing gays with an adoptive child vibes”, you joke with a snicker on your lips, “and you? Are you the fishing net to the fishing gays?” you address Taehyung.
“Hey, uncalled for. I’m a hot queer with a nice ass and good tits”, Taehyung says.
“You really are”, you say, nudging his cheek, “sorry, you know that I was only being a dick right now?”
“I do. It’s fine, I know I look hot.”
You snicker, agreeing with a nod of your head. Hoseok appears by your sides with his signature cocktails. He hands each of you a glass, then sits down next to Taehyung.
“Where are your husbands?” he asks.
“Actually, we’re single today”, Jimin says.
“What are you guys playing again?” Seokjin asks with a knowing look in his eyes.
“We’re pretending not to know each other so we can hit each other up”, you explain your perfect plan to which Jimin snickers and nods his head.
“And you guys wanna judge our fishing gays vibes.”
“Hey, we weren’t judging. You guys rock the look”, you defend yourself and take a sip of the cocktail. It tastes sweet with a hint of coconut at the end, “the cocktail’s amazing. Wow.”
“Thanks, I worked on the recipe for a week. Tae and I solely consumed cocktails this week.”
“No, he’s being dramatic. There were a lot though”, Taehyung says and sips on his cocktail, moving his head to the music as he does.
It isn’t long and you find yourself in the kitchen with Jimin. If there is one thing you and your best friend are, it is party alcoholics. You rarely drink in your daily lives, but love getting drunk when going out. It is only natural for you and him to get yourselves another drink once the cocktail was empty.
It is Jimin’s turn to mix the drinks. Taehyung’s current boyfriend is still DJing, filling the beach mansion with bassy techno music. You move to the sound of it, scanning your eyes over the crowd.
Hoseok and Taehyung really know a lot of people. There are faces present which you have never seen before and you have been coming to these parties ever since you were sixteen and Hoseok threw them in his parent’s basement.
It is impressive how there are still new faces each year. Your eyes halt. Wait a damn minute, you know this face. And you know this face too!
“They’re here.”
“What?” Jimin’s head snaps up. “Where?”
“There. Entrance.”
“I can’t see.”
“Girl, there” you say and take Jimin’s hand to drag him closer to the entrance area.
“Oh there! Holy fuck. Oh my fucking god, look at them”, Jimin gasps, grasping your arm for support.
You agree with him. Jungkook has never looked hotter before. He is wearing black skin-tight jeans with a black belt. He paired a very small crop top to it. Silver body chains peak out from underneath it, accentuating the paths of him. Judging by how glowy his honey skin is, he oiled himself up. Holy fuck indeed. It takes everything inside you not to storm to him and instantly take him.
Jimin is having just as much of a hard time. Yoongi is also wearing black skinny jeans and combines a cropped t-shirt and a black choker with it. His belly button piercing peaks out from under the hem of the tanktop, his black tattoos are exposed as well. He seems to have oiled up his toned arms.
“Girl sorry, but I need to have this man”, Jimin says and abandons you to run to Yoongi.
Yoongi, who clearly wanted to roleplay, gets surprised as Jimin flings himself around his neck and kisses him deeply.
Jungkook launches to the side in surprise, gawking at them. Yoongi stumbles at first but soon catches his rhythm, grabbing Jimin’s ass greedily as his lips melt with his’.
Seconds later, Jimin collides with the wall and Yoongi slams his hand on said wall above his husband’s head. Another second later, you can see tongue. Lots of tongue.
Well there go your plans of pretending to be strangers. You huff out air in frustration, pouting. Jimin could have at least tried to control himself.
Jungkook looks away from the violently making out couple, scanning his eyes over the crowd in search of you.
Maybe you could still pretend. It isn’t too late yet.
He meets your eyes. Your heart skips a beat. He is looking at you like a golden retriever having spotted his owner. Seriously, if he had a tail, he would wag it vigorously right now.
He abandons Jimin and Yoongi, making his way to you through the crowd.
You let him think that you will wait for him until he is just a few steps away. His eyes are sparkling like crazy, his lips are curled into a giddy smile.
You turn your back to him and flee into the kitchen. You can’t see his reaction, but you know for a fact that confusion and offense are both on his features.
You hope that he is following you. You swerve past a few people once in the kitchen. Your goal is to get a drink. Vodka with some orange juice as mixer. It’s honestly not a good drink, but it gets the job done.
You are in the midst of pouring in the orange juice when Jungkook appears by your side.
“Hey there.”
You try to ignore him. Your heart is racing like crazy. This is so exciting.
“Uhm. Hey”, he tries again louder this time around, leaning a little closer in case you can’t hear him.
You give him nothing, despite really wanting to look at him.
“Helloooo”, he singsongs, tapping your shoulder.
“One second”, you tell him and finish pouring the juice. You close the package of juice, putting it back in the fridge. And only then, do you finally turn to look at him. You scan your eyes up and down. Fuck he is so hot. You need to devour him. Not yet. You have to stay strong.
“Hey”, he says one last time, giving you a lopsided smirk.
“Why did you run away from me?”
“Do I know you?”
Jungkook seems taken aback for a second before realisation lights up his face. He smiles, lowering his eyes playfully.
“Not yet”, he leans against the counter nonchalantly, “but that can change. I’m Jungkook, but you can call me JK if you want to”, he says, offering you his hand to shake.
You eye it, but don’t take it. You sip on your vodka orange, leaning against the counter just as nonchalantly as he does.
“JK you say?”
“Or Jungkook whatever you might prefer. I can also go by yours if that’s more to your taste.”
He makes you laugh. Of course he still got it.
“Mine? Well, that’s ambitious.”
“What can I say, I’m an ambitious dreamer.”
“You definitely are”, you say, running your eyes over his torso.
The crop top is just long enough to it hides his waist in certain angles and exposes it in others. He styled his hair out his face and clearly did his eyebrows. He currently keeps his hair shorter and his sides even shorter. He looks to die for. You need to eat him up. You take a sip of your drink instead, meeting his eyes again. He knows that he is sexy. It is obvious in his eyes.
“You are single, aren’t you?” he asks.
“I’d hate to accidentally hit up someone taken.”
“So you’re hitting me up?”
“As of now, I am.”
You smile, “I’m single, yeah.”
“Really? Wow, I could have sworn that someone like you is already married.”
“Someone like me?”
“Someone as beautiful as you. I was sure for a second that someone was already lucky enough to catch your eye.”
“Mhm not yet”, you say, following his body chain until you can study his neck instead, “my eyes are definitely caught right now, though.”
“The feeling’s mutual”, he says, taking a step closer. Just a little one.
You take a step back, feeling tingles of excitement when Jungkook’s eyes darken in the thrill of the chase. He lets out a sexy chuckle, fixing his posture with a roll of his shoulders.
“What are you drinking?” he asks.
“Vodka orange. It’s nasty.”
He laughs, “I can imagine. I’m more of a whisky guy myself.”
“You are?”
“Mhm”, his eyes flit to your lips, “I like the burn.”
Everything inside you tells you to close the distance and kiss him stupid. You need this man like air. Not yet. Let’s play for a little longer.
He seems to struggle too. His eyes keep flitting to your lips and if they aren’t yearning for a kiss, they are on your chest. You purposefully wore a really short and tight dress tonight. It’s definitely working.
“What’s your name?” he asks.
“You have a really pretty name.”
“Thanks. My parents picked it for me.”
“Your parents seem to have done a lot of things right with your creation.”
You laugh, trying so fucking hard not to call him an idiot. He is so silly and funny and you love him so much.
Jungkook laughs with you, inching closer. You don’t flee this time around, staring at his smile as if it was art. It is.
He puts his hand on the upper corner of the fridge. He is so close like this. His eyes don’t lie. They never could. He is so utterly in love with you even if you pretend to be strangers.
You can’t stop looking at him. Your eyes can’t lie. Even of you tried, they couldn’t. He is the love of your life, even if you pretend to be strangers.
You could never pull off this roleplay perfectly because it’s in your eyes.
And somehow it just makes you and him so excited tonight. To know that even if you were strangers, you were meant to be. The memory of years ago, when you were truly strangers, feels foreign to you and him, but this is what makes it so good. The connection. The memories. The safety and trust you built. The knowledge that once this party ends, you and he can go home together to your doggy son and you can fall asleep cuddling. This is what makes it so fucking good. Knowing that you already found your person.
“So do you live here or are you just visiting?” he asks.
“If you don’t want to, we don’t have to pretend anymore.”
You nod your head. Jungkook laughs in relief, knees buckling as he melts in giddiness.
“I’m so glad. It was so hard to act as if I didn’t know you. How are you, baby? I missed you. Oh my god, you’re so sexy, I can’t stop looking at you. I missed you so much”, he babbles, cradling your cheeks.
You melt into his touch. This is it. This is what matters.
“I missed you too. Let’s never ever do a separate sleepover again.”
“Never. Ever.” He insists, shaking his head.
“At least we held out longer than Jimin and Yoongi.”
“Right”, he looks around the room in search for them, “they’re probably fucking somewhere.”
“A hundred percent they are. Jimin spent like an hour douching. I know cause he told me every detail. I even had to help him wax his ass.”
“This sound like Jimin. But oh my god”, his knees buckle again and he pouts as he talks, “you’re so pretty. I missed you so much, baby. I can’t stop looking at you”, he whines, brushing the back of his hands down your face.
“What should I say? You look so fucking good, holy damn.”
“You like it? I wanted to be really sexy”, he explains and steps back to flex, pulling a dorky face for it.
Of course it makes you laugh because he is the funniest person ever. It also makes you swoon however. His muscles look very good when he flexes even with clothes on.
“What do you think? Do I look sexy to you?” he asks, flexing his arms.
“You look so sexy. I could eat you, I’m serious.”
“Thanks, yeah”, he lets out and finally gives in completely. He giggles, swaying giddly. He drops his head on your shoulder, hugging you against him, “let’s never ever be strangers again, baby.”
“Yeah. Never. Ever.”
He squeezes you and steps back, holding your hand as he talks.
“How was your day?”
“Fun. It was nice acting like teens with Jimin. Yours?”
“Fun too, but I missed you like crazy. I wanted to keep sending you texts.”
“Me too, oh my god.”
He smiles giddily. So he wasn’t the only one going crazy without his other half. He gazes at you, heart racing.
“Are you drunk?” he asks.
“I’m jolly. Why?”
“Because I need to catch up. I’m too sober.”
“Oh? So we’re doing this tonight?”
“Definitely. You and I are gonna get shitfaced.”
“Well if that’s so. Shots. Tequila.”
“Like we did on our first party.”
It is Taehyung’s turn to DJ when you and Jungkook finally feel drunk enough to dance. You spent time outside with the others, having to admit your defeat which didn’t come as a surprise to them. Jimin and Yoongi joined about an hour in, looking dishevelled. Nobody dared to comment on their state in fear of Jimin dropping way too graphic details. Taehyung left an hour in to switch places with his boyfriend, while said boyfriend joined the dancing crowd first row.
“Wanna get another drink?” Jimin asks Yoongi.
“Sure, we can get another drink. Seokjin, wanna join?”
“Yes, I do actually.”
Hoseok and Namjoon are playing beer pong by the pool, which leaves you and Jungkook.
“You two wanna join?” Yoongi offers.
You and Jungkook communicate through a look.
“Actually, we wanna go dancing for a bit.”
“Fine with us. We’re in the kitchen.”
And so it happens that you and Jungkook go dancing. Jungkook leaves you for a little while to talk to Taehyung. He seems touchier than normally, which is a telltale sing that he was drunk. Taehyung doesn’t seem to mind, talking to him whenever he isn’t busy mixing.
You’re all alone on the dance floor, enjoying the music and the feeling of alcohol in your veins. Seriously, you aren’t someone who drinks a lot of booze, but man is it fun to be drunk on a party. Especially when you know that you can dance with Jungkook in the near future.
He taps you on the shoulder. You turn, instantly throwing your arms around him.
“Hey. Ew, sorry”, you startle, flinching away as an unknown man looks at you.
“Wow, I’m trying not to be hurt. You are the first girl who reacts with ew when she sees me.”
“Sorry. I thought that you were someone else. I just startled, that’s all. You’re not actually ew.”
“I’m not? Thank you. You’re very pretty yourself. I’m Frank and you are?”
“Oh. Oh, no sorry. I think you might have misunderstood something. I’m-”
“Hey, I’m back”, Jungkook thankfully saves the day (on purpose because he watched you from the DJ booth and instantly felt jealous). He puts his arm around your waist, giving Frank a very territorial and dark look.
“Your date?” the stranger asks.
“Husband. We’ve been married for years. We’re very happy”, Jungkook snarls.
“Sorry, my mistake then. You guys have fun”, the stranger is thankfully one of the good guys, leaving with a slightly bruised ego but no complaints.
Jungkook turns to you and nudges your cheek.
“Bad girl. Don’t be so cute.”
“What do you mean?”
“I watched you put your arms around him.”
“Okay but mister then you also saw that I instantly flinched back when I saw that it wasn’t your fine ass”, you snicker, poking him.
“I leave you alone for five minutes and you already have men falling over you. Stop being cute or I’ll have to hide you away in my pocket.”
“Okay, you’re just acting adorable now”, you snicker and put your arms around him, hooking them behind his head. “I can’t help it. I’m born cute. Thankfully, I’m married to someone as strong as you to keep me safe.”
He likes it, scrunching his nose.
“Yeah, that’s right. My wifey”, he says and slides his hands to your hips to hold them.
You begin dancing, looking into the other’s eyes as if the universe itself was in them. And in a sense it was. When you look at Jungkook, you can see your whole universe. When Jungkook looks at you, he can see his whole universe.
“Fuck, I love you. You know?”
“I love you too. Now look at these moves.”
Seconds later you are screaming in laughter as Jungkook gives you his best performance. He comes out of it a little out of breath, looking proud.
“And whatcha think?”
“Amazing, you were amazing.”
He grins, pointing at you.
“Your turn.”
“Watch this.”
Jungkook cheers you on, jumping and laughing on the spot as you give him your best performance.
People always say that it is impossible to actually find someone you can be a hundred percent yourself with. That there will always be parts which just don’t match and you will have to live with it. But these people have never experienced what you and Jungkook have. Nobody else matches your goofy freak as well as he does.
And as you and he have the most embarrassing yet free dance off, the world seems to glow all around you. The people around don’t matter. It is just you and him.
The night continues like this for a long time. You take a short break in the middle of it, going to the kitchen for more drinks and a round of beer pong with the others.
Then Namjoon wanted to go on a drunk beach walk to which Hoseok and Seokjin agreed. You and Jungkook returned back to the dance floor. Well, at least he did because you left for the kitchen first to get more shots.
Jungkook is talking to another woman when you come back. You jump into a full sprint instantly, reaching his side within seconds.
“I got our drinks”, you blurt out, shoving it into his hand.
“Thank you.”
“Is this your friend?” the stranger asks.
“Do we look like friends to you? That’s my husband and he is my pookie wookie and I’m his egg and you are not welcome here because we’re very happy.”
“Urgh fine, message received. Bye”, she says and leaves.
“You” you whip around to him.
��I didn’t do nothing. I swear”, he panics, squeaking when you poke him in the cheek.
“Stop being a cutie pie. I can’t leave you alone.”
He relaxes and snickers, “she approached me. I was trying to tell her that I’m married when you came running.”
“Next time I’m taking you with me. We need a leash for parties.”
“Yes please”, he begs, making puppy eyes. Truly you have the most loyal hubby ever.
And so the night continues. You and he get drunker and dance. Taehyung switched places with his boyfriend again when you and Jungkook officially can’t stay apart anymore.
Well, it is you who starts it. Jungkook is very lost in the music, dancing with his eyes closed and his arms up in the air. The position makes his crop top slip up constantly, exposing his toned stomach. It looks so pretty when he stretches.
Somewhere to your right, Jimin and Yoongi are dancing as well. Well, Yoongi is barely moving while Jimin is grinding on him. Sometimes he playfully slaps his butt which makes Jimin laugh and snuggle closer for a kiss. Which in return makes Yoongi smile and kiss him hungrily. They seem very happy doing what they’re doing.
But you can only look at Jungkook and how freely he dances. His smile. This goddamn smile. It’s so beautiful. The lights hue his body into such beautiful colours. Seeing his stomach flex and relax and the body chains swing just does something to you. The song switches. Jungkook yelps and looks at you.
“I love this song! Fuck, I feel so good”, he laughs, throwing his head back and closing his eyes as the music moves his body again. His smile is even brighter than before, captivating you.
You can’t do this anymore. You are so insanely attracted to him.
You grip his waist and tug him to you. Jungkook lets you, running his eyes up and down your face playfully. He hooks his arms behind your head, swaying his hips to the music because he thinks that you wanted to dance with him. His arms rest on your shoulders like this. He is still smiling. Your attraction to him is unbearable.
You tell him to lean down, which he does.
“You’d also feel good if you were inside me”, you rasp, forcing his knees to buckle and his eyes to go droopy at the same time.
“Holy fuck, baby”, he chokes out and melts closer.
“Mhm I mean it.”
You squeeze his dainty waist, tilting your head so your noses touch.
“Don’t say that. Please. Not here”, he begs.
“I can’t help it. You’re so fucking cute. And sexy”, you say, running your hands along his oiled up sides.
Jungkook tenses and shudders, knees buckling and face dropping to the side of your head. His lips brush your ear, letting you hear the very soft moan your touch elicits.
So you do it again. His waist is dainty enough that you can dance your fingers along his sides and trace his ab-lines with your thumbs at the same time. His tummy is sensitive, which means that he gets very shivery from it.
He even has to reach down and stop your hands from further wandering.
“Please, it’s unfair of you.”
You step closer, letting your lips brush his ear.
“Let’s go somewhere else.”
Jungkook’s head shoots up, his eyes are widened. The music changes to a louder song, making his words silent to you but you know for a fact that he currently exclaims “are you serious?”
You nod your head, squeezing his hands. You mouth back a “are you down?” which you know for a fact is useless because Jungkook sucks at reading lips.
He leans closer, “whatever you just said, I agree with you”, he says against your ear, following it with a needy little sound.
“Then come on.” You say and pull him away from the dance floor. Jungkook follows like a love drunk puppy, only having eyes for you.
You and he manage as far as the kitchen and then Jungkook can’t take it anymore. He grips your face to pull you into a kiss.
“Nuh-uh what are you doing?” you stop him with a finger on his lips. He is but your finger’s width away, looking at you with desperate neediness in his eyes.
“Don’t do this to me”, he croaks, sliding his hands to the back of your neck. “Please, don’t do this.”
“I didn’t give you permission, did I?”
“Baby, please. Can I kiss you?” he is pleading. It’s a panicky reaction, his sad puppy eyes are indicator enough.
“I’m not sure”, you say and slide your finger away.
Jungkook chases you instantly, moaning softly. You move away, make him chase you, deny him the kiss.
Jungkook grips your hip and cups your cheek. The inner corners of his brows lift in a beg.
“Let me kiss you. Please.”
You smile. It’s driving him insane that you are. Your fingers on his chest are doing the rest. His heart is pounding, his skin is so overly sensitive that he swears he can feel your touch through his shirt. He is starved. It’s scrambling his brain not to taste your kiss.
“Please just one kiss.”
You shake your head, moving closer just to deny him again.
“Too many people.”
“Then let's go somewhere else”, he says and takes your hand to pull you away from the crowd. He seems to go straight for the stairs, which are off limits to the guests.
“Wait. What are you doing? Where are we going?”
“Somewhere nobody can disturb us”, he says and leads you upstairs. No guests are allowed upstairs, but you both know that you are an exception.
“But the party’s downstairs. We’re not supposed to be here.”
“I don't care. I need to kiss you.” He twirls on the highest step, walking with his back facing the path. His hands are on your hips, leading you with him. He is giggling, face scrunched in the prettiest smile. “We’re little criminals right now”, he gushes and twirls you.
“Oh god, this is very fast”, you laugh, letting him twirl you as you and he sneak down the forbidden corridor.
There is a wall close to you. Something inside him snaps. Your laugh is the reason for it. Jungkook lifts you so he can press you against the wall. He drops you in front of it, taking your wrists to pin them above your head. He is using one hand for it, using the other to touch your waist.
Like this you are caged in and completely at his mercy, moaning softly because you expected anything but this. You look at him with wobbly knees, finding it hard to breathe.
“But you’re my criminal. Gotcha”, he purrs, following it with a sweet giggle. He is truly the most adorable yet sexy person to ever exist.
“Kook, fuck…”
“Do you wanna find out what happens to criminals when I catch them?” he coos, tugging your wrists further up the wall. He tightens his grip, lowering his head at the same time. All you can see is him. His big arms, his oiled up chest, the silver chains, his playful gaze and styled hair. All you can see is him and the lips you ache to kiss.
“Yeah”, you breathe.
“Too bad I’m not gonna show you. Yet”, he says and lowers your wrists. He still keeps a hold on them, using his grip to tug you with him.
“Wow, I see what you did there”, you grumble, making him giggle and skip along the way.
You follow happily, walking a little wobbly because he just completely ruined you with his show of strength. It’s what you get when you tease him and he pins you against a wall. It’s so hot when he does that.
“I just had to”, he says and opens Taehyung’s room, “in here. Now”, he growls the last word playfully, snickering instantly as he slaps your butt.
Jungkook is a very giggly drunk. Which is the most endearing thing ever because he is so cute when he giggles and snickers his way through life.
You enter the room happily. Jungkook closes the door and locks it. He flips the lights on, looking at you instantly.
Taehyung’s bedroom is reached by three steps and separated into two spacious areas. A living area closer to the door and the sleeping area down the stairs. You are below the steps, Jungkook is still on top of them, looking down at you with starving eyes.
“Now we’re alone”, he says, lowering his eyes dangerously.
Holy fuck, you need him to act soon or else you will pass away.
“Don’t be scared, I’ll be gentle”, he rasps and follows it up with a giggle.
“Fucking hell you drive me insane. Come down here and let me kiss you”, you get out, reaching for him needily. You grab his waist and tug.
Jungkook stumbles down the two steps and falls into the kiss with a needy moan. He cradles your face and kisses you as if he had never kissed you before. Deeply. Passionately. For a long time. Wrongs become rights again, pains become comforts and time passes just a little slower. He is kissing you and it feels so good.
Like this, you pull him closer and closer to the bed until your knees hit the edge of it and you fall. Jungkook doesn’t let you fall harshly, cushioning your head with his hand.
“You’re okay?” he checks on you.
“I’m okay. You?”
The kiss deepens. Your hands are on his waist again, feeling it up. You are obsessed with it. Actually obsessed. Jungkook is halfway on top your lap, sitting on one of your legs so his knee was right against your pussy.
This is your personal heaven. The pleasure is instant. You moan and grind on him within the first touch. It’s almost an instinct to use his muscular thigh to get off. You’ve done it a million times before and tonight you need it to survive. There is so much painful pressure between your legs, your clit might actually burst and your pussy feels so empty. You need to find relief. Please any kind of relief. You don’t even mind that the position is slightly uncomfortable, that you have to bend and stretch your back so you could reach him. All you take in is the instant relief his thigh gives you.
“What are you doing?” he breaks the kiss breathlessly.
“Kiss me, fucking kiss me”, you rasps and pull him back. You keep one hand on the nape of his neck while the other digs deep into his waist possessively.
“Oh my god”, he is mewling between kisses, “you…humping…my thigh. Oh my…god.”
He digs his fingers into the softness of your hip, pulling you against his hard thigh. He moves closer for it.
Your legs shake, you try to find your sanity but he is keeping your body pinned with just his addictive presence.
“Feels good? Baby…you…like?” he asks and grips the nape of your neck. His thumb still reaches your face, caressing your cheek most tenderly. It is a reminder how much he treasures you. That his heart beats only for you.
“Like it so much.”
He lifts his leg higher, keeping the intense pressure going. You are so needy that he might actually make you cum like this. In your panties, after mere seconds. The revelation makes you grind down even harder.
Jungkook was so occupied with mewling and being in disbelief about his luck that he didn’t even realise that the rough movements of his leg were too much for you until you suddenly moan his name and sink into yourself in the distinct way you always do when he is throwing you over the edge.
The kiss breaks because you need to fight for air as your body shakes.
“Holy fuck, are you having an orgasm right now?” he gasps, but you can only whimper and shake on his leg. It is very faint, but he can feel the orgasmic throbbing of your pussy against his thigh.
He grips your waist with both hands and growls.
“You are. Fuck, you are. Holy fuck, this is so hot. You’re actually cumming too soon. Holy fuck”, he babbles and helps you ride it out until you begin writhing in overstimulation.
Clarity comes back to you. The jeans against your pussy hurts. The pressure is uncomfortable. You just lost control. He manhandled you so good that he made you cum.
The realisation sends burning heat to your cheeks, you try to writhe away instantly.
“Hurts, ahm, please.”
“Holy fuck, I’m actually gonna fucking ruin you. You actually came too soon. Oh my fucking god, that only happens to me normally”, he is still babbling, now pushing you further onto bed until you can’t help but shimmy to where he wants you. Nestled into Taehyung’s pillows.
He is on top of you instantly, caging you in between the thing which seconds ago made you lose control. His thighs. He takes your wrists and pins them above your head. His tangling chains swing with each movement.
“How does it feel, mhm? How does it feel knowing that I’ve got so much power over you that I can make you cum too soon, mhm?” he taunts, breathing heavily. You didn’t think that this would affect him as much as it does, but you aren’t complaining. His competitiveness is so adorable.
“I could still make you cum faster.”
“No, you couldn’t. That was barely even a minute”, he is squeaking and giggling.
“Liar. Unless we’re talking about you, then it’s correct.”
“Shut up, oh my god”, he whines, “you’re so fucking mean. It’s not my fault, okay? I spoke to the doctor and he said I have sensitive peepee syndrome okay?”
He makes you belt a laugh.
“Fucking hell, you’re so stupid. What the fuck, just kiss me again, you idiot.”
Jungkook goes into the kiss, smiling and grinning, moaning needily as you run your hands over his body. His heart might jump out of his chest if this keeps going. He feels so alive. So goddamn alive.
You feel the same. Including such burning need for him that it gets difficult to function. It isn’t long that you break the kiss again
“Koo take it off”, you writhe, “take it off please, hurts. It hurts.”
“Yeah that’s awful isn’t it? Cumming in your panties. I bet your clit’s so fucking big and swollen right now. Just begging to be sucked and licked.”
Your clit throbs. Your panties feel even tighter.
“You’re awful”, you croak, “how do you go from being an idiot who says shit like sensitive peepee syndrome to someone who says the hottest stuff?”
“Why? Does it make you needy?” he coos and pecks your lips.
“Please, you proved your point. I’m sorry I teased you.”
He smirks, “yeah, you shouldn’t have”, he purrs and takes your face between two of his fingers, “say it again.”
“Sorry. Say it.”
“Sorry. I’m sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?”
“Teasing you so much.”
“Mhm”, he hums, letting go of your face and swiping his thumb over your lips, “I shouldn’t be so obsessed with hearing you say sorry, but I am.”
“I need to have you, please Koo be inside me.”
“I will. I fucking will, just let me get out of this.” He climbs off bed to step out of his pants and briefs. No shoes because Taeseok have a no shoes policy at their place.
He takes off his crop top, finally exposing what he hid beneath. The oil makes his tattoos stick out so well. He also exchanged his barbell nipple piercings for silver nipple shields in heart shapes. White gemstones are glued on the hearts.
His cock is already hard, which means that he is really horny right now. Normally, he takes a little longer to get there when he is drunk, but tonight he seems ready to burst.
He is so sexy.
“You literally drive me insane”, you say and sit up, “come closer.”
He obeys, moaning and giggling as you hold his waist to pull him in for kisses on his tummy.
“Tickles”, he sighs and rolls his head back, “ah, sensitive…”
You purr and wrap your lips around the tip of his dick.
Jungkook’s knees buckle, he grips the back of your head and moans. His pretty cock throbs on your tongue, giving you a taste of his excitement. It’s a little bitter tonight because of the alcohol. You don’t really mind because he is so yummy to you.
You give his cock a very harsh suck then slip off to kiss path back to his tummy. You get on your knees on bed, kissing every inch of his torso until you reach his nipples. You have your hand around his cock, jerking it sensually.
“Absolutely insane what you are doing to me”, you lull and suck his pierced nipples one by one.
Jungkook mewls, arching his back. His cock throbs in your hand.
“I feel dizzy”, he confesses, “please can I lie down?”
“Sorry, I’m already done.” You straighten up, holding his waist as you stare deep unto his foggy eyes.
He pouts, cheeks flushed, “why’d you touch me like this?”
“Because I can.”
“Oh god, you’re so mean”, he whines.
You chuckle, “mhm maybe. Keep the chains on, I beg.”
“Okay, yes.”
“Good boy. Now, my turn.”
You get off bed, taking off your dress and underwear. You keep the jewellery on.
“Oh my god, you are beautiful”, he gasps.
So here you and he are. Bared, naked and vulnerable in the bedroom of another. It was kind of useless to get completely naked, you could have done what needed to be done with your panties pushed aside, but you are too drunk on tonight to think rationally. It’s just you and him. And you and he want to connect how nature intended it. How your souls feel when you are together. Naked, raw and fucking exposed.
He answers you with your nickname and closes the distance. Your naked bodies connect, seconds later you are back on bed and he is on top of you.
The kissing continues, more intense than it was all night. Because you and he are finally naked, skin against skin. Each touch feels a million times more intense. Each inch feels so much more interesting to explore. You and he can’t stop touching each other, grinding on the other as if it was your destiny.
He is also a giggly drunk, however, meaning that he breaks the kiss way too soon for your taste. He grins at you.
“Now I finally got my kiss.”
“Wow, okay.”
“Yeah”, his smile grows into blinding magnitude, “didn’t even realise that this was my goal all along, did you?”
“No”, you play along and roll your eyes fondly. You love his antics.
“It was”, he giggles and smiles, kissing you as he does, “I told you that I’ll show you what it gets you when you tease me.”
“God Koo”, you let out and reach for him, “god.”
“I’m not done with you though. Hear me? We’re not done yet”, he purrs and adds in a sweet voice, “okay?”
“Yeah please”, you beg, dragging him back into a sloppy kiss.
Jungkook purrs, melting closer. He can’t escape it anymore. This magnetic pull between you and him. He needs to chase it or he will go insane.
“I love this. Oh god, yes”, he babbles, kissing a path to your neck and further down to your breasts. He is so noisy, licking and sucking your chest hungrily. Jungkook mewls as he kisses down your tummy, drooling in anticipation of your pussy. You know exactly what the end goal of this journey will be and it would be fucking amazing to have him eat you out. It really would be. But you are impatient and need his cock inside.
“Koo wait”, you stop him with a gentle tug on his hair.
“What’s wrong?”
“I know you wanna be a good boy and make me wet, but I’m already dripping. Just get up here and be inside me.”
“Yes, fucking hell, really.”
“Oh god, I can’t wait. I want you so bad.”
He climbs between your legs, resting on his elbows and falling into a messy kiss. He smoothes over the top of your head as his tongue dances with yours.
Your legs wrap around his waist, your hips lift in search for him. You can’t be without him any longer, aching.
Jungkook seems to feel the same, feeding you his needy moan just as he sinks his aching cock into you.
You and he shudder, sobbing drunkenly as you hug and grip the other. Reconnecting is everything which matters. This is it. The moment tonight was for.
“I’m all in”, Jungkook is panting his words, voice shaky in both emotion and pleasure, “tell me what you like. Talk me through it.”
“Deep and rough, please Koo.”
“Like this?” he starts off gentle, gazing at your face drunkenly. He pets your head, wanting to soothe you.
“Like this?”
He is still so gentle with you. Which is cute and it’s so sweet that he tries to be careful, but you can’t do careful tonight. Not when you literally need him to live inside your veins from now on.
You cradle his cheeks, squishing them together until his lips stick out in a pout.
“Listen, pookie. I need you to fuck me like you hate me.”
“But I don’t hate you, I love you.”
“Then fuck me like you love me and want me screaming your name.”
“Okay”, he whimpers.
“Good. Do it.”
He straightens up and lifts your legs to put them against his arms. He folds you in half, with your knees sitting against his arms and your legs in the air. Like this, you are completely exposed to him, able to take his perfect cock.
He picks up a sloppy rhythm, moaning loudly when this makes you yelp up on pleasure.
“Is this it? Do I fuck you how you need it?”
“You’re so good. Ah! Koo! Kookoo aha!”
“I feel fucking alive. Holy shit, just wanna fuck you right all day all week. Shit, I’m going insane.”
Another reason why Jungkook is the one for you and why you think that matching each other’s freak is an actual thing, is how vocal he gets during sex. So much of the pleasure he gives you is from the way he just constantly talks to you. He can be so filthy, so dirty and yet he can also be so loving and gentle. The underlying message however is always how he is devoted to you with his entire being.
“Feels…so….good”, you moan, legs twitching and shaking on his arms. Nothing beats the feeling of him. Especially when he finally shows you what those hips can do. He is honestly so good in using them.
“Yeah, so good. You make me feel invincible, holy fuck.”
He is strong in how he fucks into you, making each thrust count. Because they should. He gets to be with you each time he is inside, this should count something. This should create something wonderful. And in your case, it is pleasure so good nothing could ever recreate it.
“You, you just keep shaking like this. Your pussy’s heaven, baby. Can barely breathe. You get me so good, baby.”
“Closer please.”
He listens to your begs. His body chains, once tangling without a purpose, begin slapping against your clit.
“Jungkook”, you wail, arching your back.
“Too much?”
“No! Keep going please. Your chains! Ah!”
“My chains?” He looks down and moans, hips buckling. “No way, this is so sexy. Holy fuck, I can’t. Baby, ___ baby.”
His hips pick up speed, his drunk moans join yours. And if he isn’t moaning, he is talking. He is such a sexy drunk fuck. Maybe this is why you love getting shitfaced with him. Because you know how much of a yapper Jungkook becomes when he is drunk. And horny yapper Jungkook means you get his unfiltered thoughts constantly.
“Love fucking you so deep, babygirl.”
“Yeah, you’re moaning so sweet. Makes me fucking wild.”
“I’m made to fuck you, that’s what I was made for.”
“Can’t believe this is happening. I’m so lucky.”
“I’m yours, baby, I’m yours.”
It is constant and it is so honest. They’re your biggest turn on. Mixed with his cock loving your sensitive insides and his body chains slapping your clit and you are a goner.
“Koo, I’m cumming.”
“Don't hold back. cum for me, baby.” He encourages you and takes your clit between his fingers to rub her. His chains still slap against you, adding electric intensity to your high. “Does this help?”
You wail, clawing at the sheets and writhing helplessly. This is your answer. Or course it fucking helps.
“Yes babygirl, cum for me. Shit, my cock’s at home with you. That’s it, let me feel you lose it. Give me everything.”
“Please slow please we’re not at home.”
He knows what you are insinuating, pinching your clit because he is awful.
“Please Koo, I need to squirt. Don’t make me do this.”
“Just say the words and I’ll slow down.”
“Slow, please slow.”
“Good girl, using your words so well”, he praises and drops to his elbows. Your legs are around his thighs, shaking as he fucks into you messily. His body chains tickle your chest like this.
He shudders, eyes clouding over in ecstasy. It feels so good the way you grip him for support.
“Can you still go?” he asks.
“Yeah”, you mewl, fingers grasping the back of his body chains.
“I’m gonna cum like this. Can I cum inside?”
“Yes, please do. Koo oh god, Koo”, you beg, twisting the chains for support.
“I love cumming inside”, he whimpers, kissing you seconds later. Quite frankly, he licks into your mouth more than he kisses you, giving you the squeakiest and neediest moans ever.
You bury your hand deep in his hair, clenching down on him to make it feel good for him.
“___”, Jungkook mewls.
“Is this good for you? Am I making it nice?”
“Nice, so nice. I really have to cum.”
“Then do it. Fill me, baby.”
“Play with my nipples, please.”
You fulfill his wish, instantly sending him to nirvana. He squeaks your name, trying to kiss you as his orgasm shakes his body. You kiss him back, trembling from getting all of him. This is everything.
“I love you”, he manages to get out because at the end of the day, this is what he does. He fucks you as hard as he does, gets naked with you, dresses up and goes out because he loves you.
“I love you too.”
“Oh god, it feels so good. You feel so good. I can’t stop cumming, oh god”, he sobs and shakes, holding you close for support. Your fingers on his nipples really ruin him.
“I’m here, baby. Just let it all out, I can take it.”
Jungkook mewls, giving you seven more sloppy thrusts before he finally drops. Just like he always does after a very intense high, he seeks your closeness. He whimpers and sobs quietly, trying to kiss your entire face at the same time. All while his cock throbs inside you slowly.
“I love you. I love you. I love you.”
“I love you too. I love you too. I love you too”, you answer his emotional babbling each and every time, You just really love this man so very deeply.
Every side of him. The rough, dominant side when he is really horny. And the sappy, cuddly side when he comes down. You just love him so much.
“I can’t believe you just let me hit, I can’t believe it.”
You snicker, “why shouldn’t I let you hit, you stupid egg? You’re my hubby.”
“I just. I can’t believe it. I’m so lucky. And I fucking missed you so bad”, he gushes and kisses you.
Oh so deeply and with so much emotion. Jungkook breaks the kiss with a suck on your lower lip. He smiles at you, caressing your heated cheeks.
“This was amazing. I can’t believe it. I feel amazing and wow. Just wow”, he babbles, making you giggle because he is so cute.
“Yeah, right.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Good. Really fucking good.”
“Yeah right. Phew, this was amazing”, he says and guides his kisses to your jawline, “you were amazing. I’m so happy. I can’t stop giggling. Wow, I feel so good. I’ve seriously got the best wifey ever.”
He makes you melt. He knows exactly how to treat you after being so rough with you. His aftercare is the reason why you never feel disgusting or used even after the hardest of fucks. He fucks you that hard because he loves you. The reminder will always heal you.
“You’re so sweet.”
“Was it okay what I did?”
“It was more than okay. It was perfect. I loved every moment of it.”
“Yes, really. You were amazing.”
“Oh god, I love you.
“I love you too, Koo.”
Your eyes meet. The weight of your situation finally sinks in as you and he lie here in silence, while downstairs the music is hammering against the ceiling.
“So uhm, how are we gonna bring the news to Tae that we fucked in his room?” you ask.
“Maybe we don’t have to. Maybe we can just clean up really well and then leave again without saying anything.”
“Yeah right, as if this will work.”
“We could just blame Yoongi and Jimin.”
You squint your eyes at him for a second. He wiggles his brows.
“No. No, do not tempt me with your evil ideas. We can’t betray them like this.”
“Ugh fine, I’ll tell him.”
Silence. You and he exchange another look, thinking the same thing.
“Only if he notices.”
“Definitely only if he notices.”
“Yep, it’s a good plan.”
“A totally good plan.”
#jungkook smut#jungkook fanfic#jungkook fanfiction#jungkook scenario#jungkook oneshot#jungkook x reader#jungkook x you#sub!jungkook#bts smut#bts fanfic#bts fanfiction#bts scenario#bts oneshot#bts x reader#bts x you#sub!bts#bangtan smut#bangtan fanfic#bangtan fanfiction#bangtan oneshot#bangtan scenario#bangtan x reader#bangtan x you#sub!bangtan#fanfic: ogc
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After that absolutely masterclass by the one and only Azzi Fudd, I think this means we should get an Azzi fic 👀
Keeping it simple and just her and her gf celebrating her domination in that game and her gf being so freaking proud of her

yet again guys....if it's not good let me know
For our princess, Azzi, cause she cooked today
"UCONN UPSETS SOUTH CAROLINA IN A BLOWOUT GAME," I couldn't believe my ears. UConn really just played like their lives depended on it, and it gain them a win. The shouting, the upsetting groans, it was a thrilling experience I didn't think I was gonna experience...ever.
"Oh my God! We did it!" Azzi pulled me into a hug over the bench she had been sitting. Laughing aloud, I hugged the girl back. The energy radiating off the girl and the team.
"Baby, you need to go celebrate with the team...not me."
She shakes her head, nuzzling it further into my neck, "but I wanna celebrate with you."
I sigh, "Azzi...."
"Yes, my love?" Her eyes meeting mine, playing innocent.
"You know what."
"Fineee...but I wish we could go back to the hotel....cuddle...maybe throw in a movie while I read my book," I laugh as her eyes light up.
"And we'll do that...after you spend some time with Paige," I noticed the blonde making her way towards us, "speaking of the devil."
Paige scrunches her face up in disgust, wrapping an arm around Azzi. Pulling the girl away from me a bit. "First of all, I am an angel...not a devil. Second, why are you holdin' the people's princess back from her team, y/n/n? Like, girl, come on!"
Rolling my eyes, I snap back, "sorry your best friend would rather hang with me....guess I'm just better."
Paige's turn to roll her eyes, Azzi's never leaving mine, "whatever, bruh...can I steal your girlfriend for like two minutes?"
Azzi's eyes plead for me to say no, but that didn't matter to Paige. She would've taken the girl anyway.
"Sure...just don't keep her too long...I wanna have my fun with her too."
The blonde's eyes widened, "aye yo....chill out there."
Blushing, Azzi laughed, "P....get your mind out the gutter. We're just gonna have a movie night."
"Sure....almost 30 point game and watching movies is all you're gonna do....right," The curly haired girl shoved Paige playfully. Sending the blonde back, her raising her hands in surrender before walking back with the team.
"Yeah....I wouldn't wanna wear you out of course," she slapped my shoulder, "ow!"
"I need you to stop being a flirt," she took a quick look before leaning in to place a soft peck to my lips, "You might make Paige jealous."
"Good," a smirk played on my lips, "cause she's missing out."
She rolled her eyes, "wait for me by the exit, okay? Oh, we should totally grab something to eat on the way to the hotel too."
I snicker, "you got it, princess."
She leaned in for another quick kiss, running off into the locker room with the rest of the Huskies.
After about 20 minutes, I get a message, Azzi was on her way out. Waiting by the doors, I watched as the girl made her way through the hallway. Her smile was bright, her laughter was warm, she made me forget about everything else in the world. Everything bad or good. The only thing I knew was Azzi.
"Hey babe," kissing my cheek, I intertwined our hands.
"Hey baby," Paige let out a loud gag before sprinting off, "I don't even have to flirt to make her jealous."
"Whatever...I was thinking...."
"What were you thinking?"
"What if we stopped and got a pizza," I nod, "then, we run to Barnes and Noble."
"And why do we need to go there, Az?" I tilted my head, knowing what the answer was going to be.
"Since I had such an amazing game....maybe you could buy me a book?"
I laughed, "you got it, but that's totally a princess move."
"And I'm proud of it," she held her head up high, soft chuckles falling from both of us.
The car ride was nice. We listened to whatever she wanted to play, we stopped by Barnes and Noble to buy the book she was wanting,.we grabbed drinks from Dunkin, and finally stopped to get pizza before heading back to the hotel. I sat down the box before throwing myself on the bed. A small laugh fell from Azzi's lips.
"I'm so tired," I whined.
"You're tired? Baby, I'm the one who literally played a game," a teasing tone dripped from her voice.
"I get your tiredness... we're just connected or something," a laugh escaped her again.
"What happened to movie and cuddles though," I could hear the pout in her voice, my head snapped to look at her. Her lips out in a pout, her eyes wide.
I jump up, pulling Azzi into me, before falling back in the bed, "then come lay with me!"
Without fighting, she just let me hold her. Her arms tighten around me, her head resting on my chest. I knew I loved her, I always had, but something about this moment felt different. It was so easy yet so charged with emotions. I didn't know what to feel.
"I love you, princess," mumbling the words against her hair, placing a soft kiss afterwards.
"I love you too, y/n/n."
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Reckless ─=≡
[2012] Donnie x reader
Prompt 5: "How many fingers am I holding up?...I don't have six fingers"

Ugh. Donnie couldn't stand you.
Sure, you were his s/o, but sometimes you just got on his nerves.
I mean, seriously, who even tried to do a backflip without previous experience or practice?
Ok, maybe you didn't do that
That was Mikey.
No, you had decided that you would mess around with one of Mikey's Nunchucks, of course.
Mikey was going to "teach" you how to use them
The same way he "taught" you how to skateboard
Donnie overheard the conversation between you and Mikey
"Woah! Mikey! That was awesome!" "I know right, my ninja skillz are like no other, bruh"
"why don't you show me how you use them?" "Well.. magicians don't share their secrets... But I'm not a magician! I'm a ninja! C'mon, let's go to the dojo, I've got some extra Nunchucks there!"
Donnie had never left his lab so fast-
But by the time he was out, you and Mikey had disappeared
You were going to be the death of him
Recently you had been getting more and more reckless
When he first met you, sure, you were stubborn and reckless, but recently, it's like you were trying to hurt yourself
Then he heard it
And you groaning
Oh no oh no oh no
When Donnie burst into the dojo, he saw Mikey crying, supposedly over your death
And you on the floor, rubbing your head, with your eyes barely open
"Mikey! Go get me some ice, quick!"
Donnie leaned down over you, and examined your injury
"How many fingers am I holding up?"
"zix?" You said groggily
"...I don't have six fingers"
"oh... Oops..."
Donnie sighed, and brought you to his lab
"what were you thinking y/n?"
"I don't know, I just thought it'd be fun"
"and how did skateboarding with Mikey go?"
"yes. Exactly"
"but seriously, why are you being so much more reckless ?"
"I just... I'm scared."
"Don, we've gone through more life threatening events than pretty much anyone! Heck, we could die tomorrow!"
Donnie's gaze softened as he saw you getting teary eyes
Of course you were... What all of you had gone through was much more than any typical person should ever have to go through
"I just... I guess I just want to make sure I'm making the most of it, y'know? I want to have fun, and take risks, before I won't be able to anymore"
Donnie understood this was a normal response to all of the trauma you had experienced
"I understand, but you still need to be more careful! I... I don't want these stupid stubs to be your last, ok?"
His eyes met yours once again,
Only this time, you smiled up at him, cupped his cheek
And closed the space
"thank you, Dr. Donnie " you smiled coyly
As you left his lab, Donnie was stuck in his chair, frozen yet blushing from neck to ears
"o-of of Course dear!"
#bluberri writes#prompt#tmnt x reader#tmnt#2012 donnie x reader#2012 donnie#2012 donatello#donnie tmnt#donatello hamato#donatello#tmnt donatello#donnie x reader#2012 tmnt donnie#2012 tmnt x reader#2012 tmnt donnie x reader#x reader#x gn!reader
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"AITA for pushing my best friend away?"
warnings: english is not my first language!! use of (y/n), teenagers in love lol
This it my first time posting here and I really don't know how to use Reddit but...
I (17M) have been friends with this girl (17F) since my first year of high school. I've never been really sociable and I can only say that, until then, I had one friend but ever since I met her, I have considered her a really close friend.
We go to the same class and I’ve been getting this weird feeling whenever I see her or when we talk. It has been happening for a while now, but ever since we came back from break, it has affected me mentally. I can't concentrate on tasks and I need to prepare for my final exams and university entrance exams so I have decided to just, ignore her, I guess?
The thing is that the feeling has not gone away and it has grown and I don't know what to do. Maybe she's not the problem and I just have anxiety for the future? idk.
Am I the asshole for pushing her away without an explanation? I'm the worst with social interactions.
It was the middle of Tsukishima's third year, a time that should have been filled with the usual grind of studying, volleyball practice, and casual banter with friends. But lately, something had shifted. And it had everything to do with his best friend (Y/N).
She had been friends with Tsukishima for more than three years. Tsukishima could not remember what brought him closer to her, but he remembered clearly that he first noticed her his second day at Karasuno. (Y/N) was not afraid of challening him and his sharp tongue, and somehow, even when he didn't mean to, he let his cold demeanor down whenever she was with him. If he was being honest, being friends with her was easy and everybody knew it.
It was easy until he spent a week away visiting Akiteru. Then, he started to feel it - a weird and unfamiliar tightness in his chest whenever he saw her texts on his screen and the heat on his cheeks whenever he opened her Instagram story. He dismissed it as home sickness. Truth be told, he had not been away from home for more than a few days and even when they had no school, (Y/N) and Yamaguchi were always trying to hang out with him but, why would his heart skip a beat whenever his phone pinged with a notification?
Then, it became worse. Back at school, his heart quickened whenever he heard her laugh or when her hand would softly brush his trying to reach a pencil. It made no sense to him and the uncertainty gnawed at him, annoyed as well. He needed to concentrate on getting a good grade for his university entrance exam and needed no distractions.
So, he began to isolate himself and push her away.
It started small—avoiding eye contact, muttering curt answers when she asked how his day was. Soon, he stopped texting her back, stopped waiting for her after classes, and made excuses when (Y/N) asked to hang out. She didn’t seem to notice at first, still bright and hopeful, assuming that Tsukki was just being his usual, antisocial self. But then she started frowning more, voice dropping when asking him if there was something worng and sighing whenever her texts weren't answered.
Tsukishima opened his laptop to see that his Reddit post had comments on it and opened it quickly.
"Hey! YTA bruh."
"you have feelings for her lol i can feel it from this side of the screen... weird feeling and can't concentrate on tasks!! bro, you are in love with this girl but yeh, YTA for pushing her away without saying a damn thing so you need to fix this if you want her to be your friend or girlfriend lmao good luck"
"you're just a teenager in love, talk to her"
Like her? Not even like her, LOVE her? Tsukishima shook his head, blushing sightly at the sight of those words on his screen. He didn't like her like that, right?
Tsukishima turned his computer off, laying his head on the desk, closing his eyes. The closer he got to (Y/N), the harder it became to ignore those feelings happening inside him. He hated it. He hated the vulnerability that came with trying to find out his true feelings for her, because, even if he wanted to avoid them, they were completely true.
Since the beginning of their friendship, he always found her pretty and as time passed as he got to know her, he knew he was completely fucked.
Why did he let it get so hard? He could never tell her. What would she say? She would probably reject him and ruin their whole friendship and that what something he did not want at all. Not now that they were going to the same universitry but he was not like Kuroo, who told him stories about his university flings or Bokuto, who had no problem telling anyone what he felt.
(Y/N) deserved someone better than him, someone that could communicate their problems and love her unconditionally. Tsukishima sighed deeply, moving from his desk to his bed, looking at his phone, trying to find her last messages that he had not responded. If he told her how he felt, she’d probably laugh it off or, worse, feel sorry for him.
And so, he kept her at arm’s length, until one afternoon.
"Tsukki, wait!" (Y/N)'s voice rang out and Tsukishima froze. He had just finished volleyball practice and was walking back to the volleyball club room when he heard rapid footsteps walking up the stairs.
He turned slowly, adjusting his glasses and clearing his throat, looking at the shorter girl, still in her uniform, up and down.
"What?'" His tone was flat but she didn't back down, instead, she crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him angrily.
She stepped closer. "You've been avoiding me." Her eyes searched his face for an answer. "For like... two weeks now. Care to explain why?"
Tsukishima clenched his jaw, hands tigheting into fists at his side. She was completely right and the truth was sitting like a weight on his chest. He had no escape now and had to make a decision: tell you the truth and suffer the consequences of her rejection or lie and hope she believes his lie.
He was about to open his mouth but the sight of (Y/N)'s face stopped him. There was no sight of anger but of concern and hurt that broke his heart. He was a complete asshole.
"Did I do something to upset you? I-"
"No." Tsukishima replied, heart pounding. "You didn't do anything wrong."
"Then?" She stepped even closer to him, little space between them. "I don't understand why you've been pushing me away and not answering my texts or even looking at me."
He couldn't tell her. He couldn't but her saddened eyes bore into him, desperate for an answer and he crumbled under her gaze, like always.
"You need to talk to me, Tsukki." She whispered. "Please."
"I..." He took a deep breath, eyes darting away from her face. "I like you."
The silence that followed felt deafening and she blinked, stunned at the soft words spoken by the boy. He turned away, heat rising to his cheeks.
"I don't expect you to like me back." he said "But I... I suppose I needed to tell you even though that may have totally ruined our friendship."
(Y/N) stepped closer to him and, trembling, hugged him from behind, his, still, sweaty body, jumping from the sudden closeness of her body to his.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Her voice was gentle and low, as if she was hiding her face too and her touch sent a shiver down Tsukishima's spine.
"It's stupid, right?"
She giggled, shaking her had. "You're an idiot, Tsukishima Kei." She stopped hugging her for a second and he turned, eyes widening at her rosy cheeks and big smile. "I've liked you for a year now."
She blushed again, looking into his golden eyes. "I thought you'd never notice or that you didn't want to hurt my feelings."
Tsukishima stared at the girl in front of him, trying to process her words. He didn't know what to say to her. He had never had a girlfriend or even had a girl approach him like this. He had his first kiss with a girl on Kageyama's birhtday party last year but that was it.
"I... I don't know how to proceed." He admitted. "The... Boyfriend-girlfriend thing? I'll screw things up."
She laughed softly and nodded. "You want me to be your girlfriend?"
She smiled and nodded again. "That's okay. I don't know either but... We'll figure it out?"
For a moment, Tsukishima stood there, watching (Y/N) as she played with the sleeve of his jacket. He cleared his throat, trying to maintain some control at the thought of (Y/N) being his girlfriend but he took a step closer, reaching for one of her hands, interwining his fingers with hers while his other hand went to her face, caressing her cheek softly.
His heart thudded heavily in his chest as (Y/N) stood on her tiptoes, tilting her head slighty and eyes closing as her lips brushed against his, tentative, as if she were asking for permission and he froze once again, but, without a second thought, he leaned into the kiss, his hand slipping from her cheek to her waist, pulling her just a bit closer.
Just as he was about to pull away, a loud, familiar voice echoed down the hall.
Tsukishima froze, his lips still hovering close to (Y/N)'s as his eyes snapped open in horror. Both of them quickly turned to see Hinata standing a few feet away, mouth agape, eyes wide in shock and delight.
Before either could react, Yamaguchi came jogging up behind Hinata, looking confused.
"Hinata, why are you yelling—" His words died in his throat as he took in the sight of (Y/N) and Tsukishima, still standing too close, cheeks flushed from the kiss.
"Oh," Yamaguchi said, a grin spreading across his face. "Ohhhh."
"Tsukishima!" Hinata’s voice was full of glee, as if he had just stumbled upon the best gossip of his life. "You were kissing (Y/N)!" His tone was incredulous, as if he couldn’t believe what he had just seen.
"I knew something was up!" Hinata continued, practically bouncing in place with excitement. " I never thought I'd see the day!"
Tsukishima pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling the heat rise to his face. "Shut up, Hinata."
But Hinata was on a roll. "Kissing in the hallway, huh? That’s so unlike you, Tsukki!" He paused dramatically, eyes widening even further. "Wait—are you dating?!" Hinata gasped, then leaned forward with a mischievous grin. "So, how long has this been going on, huh? How many secret kisses? How many dates? Tell me everything!"
Tsukishima, already at his limit, glared at Hinata with a deadly expression, his lips pressed into a tight line. "If you don’t shut up in the next three seconds, I’m going to kill you."
But Hinata, fearless as ever, just grinned wider. "You’re in love, Tsukishima! Admit it! You’re all soft now!"
Yamaguchi snickered, clearly enjoying the sight of his usually stoic best friend looking so flustered. Hinata, sensing he had pushed enough buttons for one day, held up his hands in mock surrender. "Okay, okay! I’ll stop! But seriously, this is amazing! I can’t wait to tell Kageyama!"
"Don’t you dare," Tsukishima growled, his voice dangerous low, glaring at the orange-haired ball of energy. But as much as he wanted to snap, he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at the corner of his lips when he looked down at (Y/N).
He rolled his eyes, squeezing (Y/N)'s arm as he walked past her, heading towards the club room. "Wait here, I'll walk you home."
Hinata, ever the observant one when it came to emotions, pointed dramatically at Tsukishima. "See! He’s smiling! He likes this! He’s totally in love!
"Hinata, shut the hell up."
update: hey reddit, I looked at all your comments and decided to talk things with her which was great. Made her my girlfriend and had our first date yesterday, it was great and I think she enjoyed it a lot. Thanks for all your advice.
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— 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈 ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ jack hughes
chapter 2: fein
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*:・✧* 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: jack hughes x fem!oc
*:・✧* 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: swearing, drinking
𝓐𝓾𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓼 𝓝𝓸𝓽𝓮: a bit of written dialogue so yall can see the character dynamics😝am i writing this while i should be studying for finals?? yeah but fuck it we ball!!! this is like semi proofread also😭
series masterlist + character intros

liked by jackhughes and 8372 others
naomihill ANOTHER SHOT!!!!
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↳ quinnhughes: okay so this actually what we like to call alcoholism!
↳ naomihill: like what are you even talking about i barely had anything to drink
↳ trevorzegras: miss girl you were on the floor throwing a tantrum and jack had to carry you out…
↳ naomihill: what if i just wanted to feel his muscles???
↳ jackhughes: wait what
↳ yasminramirez: body sooo tea (hungover beyone belief rn)
↳ lhughes_06: i’m making hangover soup come over
↳ colecaufield: omg so nice of you i’m On my way!
↳ lhughes_06: i invited yasmin not u😒
↳ colecaufield: oh ok i see how it is
↳ quinnhughes: okay no more drinking for you you’re actually cut off for a bit
↳ lhughes_06: more like one shot + another 36
↳ yasminramirez: this bitch bruh💀💀
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last night’s events…
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“you wouldn’t.” trevor had a devilish grin on his face as he egged on naomi. “oh but i would!” she stomped off to the bar to get yet another shot of tequila. she and trevor had a bet going to see who could drink the most while appearing the most sober. “hon, do you really need another?” the bartender smiled softly, expression slightly laced with concern. “how much?” naomi asked, dodging the question. the bartender handed her the machine as naomi dug through her purse looking for her card. just as she was about to pay, a hand reached over tapping the machine. she looked up confused but blushed slightly when she saw a man who had a faint resemblance of drew starkey. “oh, why did you do that?” he smiled at her question, shrugging. “pretty girl like you shouldn’t have to pay.”
“oh hell no.” jack eyed the situation at the bar as he stood with quinn and luke, their other friends scattered elsewhere. the two brothers followed his gaze to the bar, before eyeing eachother and bursting into laughter. “he’s stealing your girl.” quinn nudged. jack scoffed at this, “he couldn’t if he tried.” luke raised an eyebrow at his brothers comment, “did you just admit she’s your girl?” jacks face went red. “i- no- he just looks like a fuck boy.” he responded, fixing the cap on his head as quinn rolled his eyes. there was no way jack was calling him a fuck boy whilst wearing a backwards cap and a graphic tee. naomi and the drew starkey look alike had continued conversing, while jack had noticed the guy inching closer towards her. feeling annoyed, he shoved his drink into quinn’s hands, he powered off to the bar. “not his girl my ass.” luke chuckled.
“so are you from here?” the guy sipped his drink, shamelessly eyeing her from head to toe. “i live here now but i’m actually from-“ before she could finished a hand wrapped around her. “hey baby. who’s this?” she rolled her eyes, turning her head towards jack. “oh shit- is this your girl? thats my mad bro.” he raised his hands in the air. “you’re good.” jack replied sternly. getting the message, the guy walked away and naomi groaned. “jackkk!” she whined and he just grinned at her. “what? can’t have anyone taking you away from me.” he shrugged. “awww you’re jealous.” she wiggled her finger in his face. “that’s so cute!” she laughed and he just admired her. he really couldn’t have anyone take her away.
it was 1:30 am, quinn had suggested they go home since he had been getting tired and not drunk enough to get over it since he was DD. to this, trevor had called him a grandpa and naomi pleaded to stay longer. sighing, he had agreed to another half hour. naomi and yasmin had stumbled their way to the women’s washroom for a quick refresh. “so…” yasmin leaned against the wall as she watched naomi reapply her lip combo. “you talk all the time about needing to pull, yet you haven’t approached anyone after jack slid in when that guy bought you a drink.” she commented, sounding more like a question than a statement. “is it cause you actually just want jack?” she teased and naomi blushed. “oh my god stop it.” naomi grabbed her arm, dragging her out of the washroom and back to their group of friends. yasmin smiled to herself, knowing what she had said was completely true, and everyone around them also knew it.
“dance with me.” naomi stumbled towards jack placing her hands on his shoulders. “we’re going home now.” he, placed his hands on top of hers, subconsciously rubbing his thumbs on the back of her hand soothingly. she pouted at his response. “quinn’s already pulling up the car.” he said stepping backwards to lead her towards the exit as their friends also headed over. “we’ll dance next time okay?” and he was 100% sure that the next time they had went out he would dance with her for however long she wanted, even if killed his feet. without warning, naomi slumped down the the floor in protest. his eyes widened, trying to catch her on the way down but failing to do so. everyone else had already made their way to the exit but stopped when they noticed they were missing two of the group. yasmin looked around and when her eyes fell to naomi pouting on the floor and jack pleading for her to stand up, she let out the loudest cackle. “holy shit look.” everyone turned their attention the the scene. “yeah i think naomi had one too many shots tonight.” cole laughed. “I WIN!” trevor exclaimed, giving everyone a high five. feeling somewhat embarrassed by the looks they were getting, jack pulled her hands up so she’d stand before picking her up bridal style and walking to their friends. “hey- what- put me down!” she exclaimed, yet she still wrapped her arms around his neck for support, she never wanted him to let go.

#jack hughes#jack hughes fanfic#jack hughes x reader#luke hughes#nhl fanfiction#nhl fic#quinn hughes#jack hughes fanfiction#nhl imagine#trevor zegras#cole caufield
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Drums ~ Rodrick Heffley oneshot

I am currently laying on the couch while Rodrick is "playing" or rather hitting the drums he owns. It's a hot summer evening. He's not wearing a shirt and listening to music while doing so. I stand up and look around his garage.
After a few minutes of just looking around, he notices. "What are you doing?" He asks me with an eyebrow raised. I shrug "It's boring.." I whine. "Where's Ben and Chris anyway?" I continue. He rolls his eyes "I don't know" he admits and fidgets around with the drumsticks.
I look at his hands. The way they move around the stick is just.. wait a damn minute why am I thinking about his hands. He notices me staring and chuckles. "Into hands much?" (YES, YES I AM) I roll my eyes. "You're disgusting.." I joke.
He tells me to come closer. I just stand next to him so he can continue. He looks up at me and looks at his lap. I raise an eyebrow and stand there awkwardly. "sit down." He kinda demands and WHEN I TELL YOU-.
I simply sit on his lap waiting for him to do something. "Let me show you how to play the drums, okay?" He offers and I nod. He hands me the sticks and wants me to play something. I start doing something but it sure doesn't sound right at all.
He chuckles WITH HIS DEEP HOT VOICE. The butterflies in my belly be breakdancing by now. He shows me a "super basic and easy" tune. Everytime he hits the drum his arms flex. He waits for me to copy him and I do so.
After a few tries and laughter Susan enters the garage and sees me sitting on her son's lap. AND I ONLY NOW REALIZE HOW WEIRD THIS LOOKS CAUSE THIS MAN IS SHIRTLESS AS WELL. She looks at us with wide eyes and immediately closes the door shut again.
I look behind me and start to laugh. He looks back at me and joins. The laughter dies down and he stares at me. I look back at him again and see his eyes wandering to my lips. He notices me smiling and starts blushing.
The tension rises and his lips meet mine. I feel his hands on my waist. I turn my body to him so we're facing each other. My hands tangle in his already messy hair. He squeezes my hips which makes me gasp onto his lips. He uses this opportunity to slip his tongue in.
I pull away and start giggling. He smiles at me and leans in to kiss me again. The kiss lasts 5 seconds before being interrupted by Greg, who calls for his mother because... idk why.
Bruh why is this so cringe tho
#rodrick heffley#rodrick#rodrick x reader#rodrick heffley x reader#diary of a wimpy kid#diary of a wimpy kid rodrick#fanfic#wattpad#cringe#doawk#doawk rodrick
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Brothers with a MC who likes to read wattpat (Lets call it devilpat here 💀) of sexy men and they get jealous. Bruh I just randomly got this idea. Thank you sm!💗✨️
This is honestly so funny to me because I always wondered how they would react to even like celebrity crushes too 😂
How the brothers would react to a Devilpat(Wattpad) reading Mc
At first he always wondered what you were reading so intently on your phone. He was amazed you could spend so much hours just reading over and over. He was seeing you highly that is until he caught a glimpse of what you were reading. He didn't say anything at first just basically sulked about it all day. 'why are they reading that stuff? They can just ask me to do it...' and he eventually spoke up getting annoyed with now seeing you constantly read the stuff. "MC! I know what you are reading and I would much rather you have that type of gaze on me." He says all proud and stern. You remove said gaze and look at him. "Don't worry Luci I was imagining it was you the whole time" you say with a smile. Let's just say his pride went up and he now doesn't mind much.
He did notice you were always on your phone. How could he not? He watches everything you do. Whenever he asked he saw how you brushed it off and didn't really say anything about it. He decided to take matters into his own hands. When you were reading on your phone he suddenly snatched it out of your hand and ran off reading what was on the screen. He immediately halted and stood still for a minute. After you caught up to him you snatched the phone away from him. "Mams what the hell!" You yell at him. He pointed at the phone "why...why do you read that stuff? Am I not enough for you?" He whined. After a bit of reassurance and telling him you were reading thinking of him he eased up a bit but he still is not a fan of the app.
He knew immediately what app that was and what you were reading about. He had Devilpat once himself for more fluff scenarios since he couldn't handle any higher. But did he secretly read over your shoulder and look up the exact thing you were reading all the time? Nope. Definitely not. He was jealous of course when it came down to the initial finding out but as time passed he realized all the characters had this strange resemblance to him. He just gaslight himself into thinking you thought of him. That is until he saw you reading with a character that was not like him (appearance wise). And he freaked. He suddenly babbled on about you being his everything and he didn't want you browsing an app for all the lovey stuff he could do with you instead. After calming him down you explained what he guessed and that the recent character was very submissive so it reminded you of him. He was overjoyed you were thinking of him but he also still didn't like the app. He in fact begged you to delete it often.
He just thought you were as he was. Constantly reading whatever you could find even as it was on a phone and not an actual book. He let it go for a bit until you started giggling and blushing at certain things. Were you reading a romance book? Why? He decided to look into this said app. Well what he found when browsing Devilpat was uh. Interesting. He eventually confronted you as professionally as he could. "Oh yeah I just like reading that stuff is all" he stares at you then at your phone. "You enjoy reading porn?" He suddenly says. After a long explanation that it's not just porn on the app he then felt relieved. He felt even better when you stated you were thinking of the scenarios with him even. He then didn't care much after that.
This freak saw the app and immediately said what he liked to read. Hardcore smut barely any fluff unless he's 'sad' he stated. You told him you didn't read just pure porn and he just gave you a 'yeah okay honey' look. He didn't really care what you were reading about more so the fact you were paying attention to the phone more than himself.
He didn't even notice that you were reading on your phone he just enjoyed that you were near him doing it. He did one day look at your screen and attempt to read some words. He then decided to ask fully not being able to hide his curiosity of course. Once telling him what you were reading and why he then let it go. It was just fiction why should he care? He even saw some good romance stories online in an ad and recommended them to you.
He was half asleep most of the time so he didn't even notice what you were reading all the time. He did notice however when in class when you woke him up leaving your phone on the table. He read through a bit then looked over at you. "Why read that stuff? You that lonely?" He suddenly teased. When you yell at him and then explain every category and what they are he just sighs. "I don't care just don't go obsessing over something fictional when I'm right here okay?" He says and then takes your hand to hold his. Definitely not doing it so you can't scroll on the phone yeah definitely not.
#obey me shall we date#shall we date obey me#obey me beelzebub#obey me headcanon#obey me x mc#obey me fandom#obey me scenarios#obey me belphegor#obey me mammon#obey me asmodeus#obey me satan#obey me leviathan#obey me lucifer#obey me belphie
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i lied. i'm still here
first of all, straight up 14 minutes spent staring athis stupid eyes. what are eyes? squishy orbs with holes in them? dunked in saltwater? connected to a bunch of vermicelli? ludicrous. they don't even know how to stand up straight. duymass orbs standing upside down all day relying on the brain to make sense of its wonky projections. i'm staring at salty upsidedown spheres for too many minutes. ims o anrgy
THE EARRING IS UNMOVED. UNCHANGING. STARING AT ME WITH ITS BEADY SALTORBS. mocking me. this is its everyday. this is normal. you twine that obsidian with the mundanity of the 9-5 grind and i just fume at you. STOP MOCKING ME
wait hold up a minut
who pulled this thing down. doesn't he have a rather tight collar around his neck? there's no way someone could so easily just drag his entire torso's worth of clothing down past his shoulders-- *checks my notes*
DID THEY ONLY GIVE HIM HIS SECOND LAYER ? WHERE'S HIS SHIRT? i don't see any of that telltale white-
ok, well, there it is,? so, he's wearing it after all, but HOW DID THEY PULL DOWN THE UNDERSHIRT SO EASILY IS IT BAGGIER THAN EXPECTED? bruh i don't THINK so the waay that silk vacuum-seals to yakumo's skinnyarss chest in his regular sprite DID THEY TEAR IT APART?!?!?! just ripped at the neck. he can sew. he can fix it later on his own time. we got shoulders to expose here
WAIT. WHY IS HE WET? WHO THREW A BUCKET OF WATER ON HIM? other evil fan whispering in my alternate earhole: oh, they're ALL wet in their bday pics. don't worry, fish. it's like misting the vegetables in the grocery store-- me: I AM NOT MOLLIFIED BY THIS NEWS. WHY IS HEWET!!!!
way too godadam wet..... downright sopping😡
actually, that's a mighty fine bow. i wonder who tied that. it's a picturesque bow. i can never get my bows to look so perfect irl. very even. no lumpy sides. honestly, i wouldn't put it past eiden or olivine with their crafty hands to be able to pull that off-- EXCUSE ME WHAT THE TFOKF
stupid fkin hipbone on the bonyffikin snaek i'm gonna rip[ his greeater trochanter clean off his pelvis
WHATEVER. i'm fine. i'm totally fine. .......... bony snass out.....
you slap that thing and it's gonna shatter......couldn't even afford basic padding......economy-fare-level-buttmeat gotdamt taunting me with its fragile slappaibility
WHEN will this hoe learn. he beteter put those ankles away befroe he LOSES them i am THIsc lose to BITING THEM OFF his SNAPPABLE fibula PUT SOME SOCKS ON YOU WHORE
stupid anime legs. makes no sense. too frghign long couldn't even be contained by the border of the image. got cut off by the edge because his frivolous stilts had to stretch beyond reasonable restraints. surrender your left kneecap to customs. punishment for your femur hubris.
you're barely even tied up you dweeb there's nothing tethering you here if you stood up i bet the whole thing would unravel and you'd be completely unencumbered by that lightweight ribbon. i bet if we turned you around we would only see the ribbon loosely draping across your chest like a celebratory sash . congratulations on your self-contained imprisonment you wibbly reptilian beansprout
#i do not need ecoins. i do not need them.#i am f2p. i have already given them money thru the artbooks and merch.#i do not need to give them money for things i cannot . physically... sorta... own#i don't even know what the bday package would . what does it have. the picture? some voiced lines?#i'm not even a voice freak#i don't need it.#deep breaths...#THAT'sMY GROCERY MONEY. you ain't getting my food funds nuca!!!! u dastards!!!!!!!! away with u!!#to the anon who asked if i've seen yakumo's birthday itinerary#let this be your answer#i haven't. because i am holding on by the thread of my grocery budget#I SHALL NOT FALL. I WILL ENDURE!#*face scrunches up in horrible turmoil*#nu carnival yakumo
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Y'know what? I've seen you ask for art a lot, but I've never seen you yapping about it...
What are your headcanons on HorrorError? Or goreglitch bc it sounds cooler (to me)
Tbh, I am not a big fan for any version of HorrorError, sure it's cool to see people draw them, and to see them being warm to each other But the specific version of this ship that hits my heart real hard Is BSSMP HorrorError
Gosh I could ramble about this for hours, but let me just put, some of what is most important, in this specific version of this ship
They are fakin' MORONS!!! Here, I said that, from the start they both where slowely likeing each other more and more, they didn't knew each other for long and they already where traveling(?) and doing shit for each other Horror helped get Errors cats back to the camp, Error gave Horror his chest plate after he saw that Horrors got distroyed
They where acting so warm and sweet, but still with distance I didn't knew about this at first, but the rest of the gang thought that Horror and Error where already together!!! LIKE HELLO that's so funny!!! We accidently fooled the rest of them TOT
They are so doomed your honour... Both have different ways of showing affection, and both do not see the signs the other is sending
Horror from what I remember and understand, his way of showing affection and that he cares about someone, is to, well, care about them, keeping them safe, well feed, giveing stuff and such
Error on the other hand, he's more distant, sure, he says many times that he's around just for enterteinment and what not, but daim, look at you blush and smile when you are around Horror, you lill stupid gey boi... You gave the big guy a sheild, your chest plate, HELL, YOU FORCED THE GUY TO TAKE A BREAK FROM BUILDING!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!?!?!?
Goodness greicious, my stars, and my rain
Bruh I NEED them to fakin' make up bruh, I need them to understand each other and talk with each other STOP SAYING TO YOURSELF "Oh he's probably like that to everyone", "Why is he doing that? He doen't even know me"
I am sick becouse of them, they are my favorite
#Ask#HorrorError#GoreGlitch#Horror Sans#Error Sans#BSSMP#BSSMP Horror#BSSMP Error#Kaneverse#Krejn's Post
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Skz under the Mistletoe
Pairings: bf!Skz × implied fem!reader
Warnings: FLUFF FLUFF NOTHING BUT FLUFF, mention of food, a bit suggestive in Minho and Changbin's
A/N: I needed something to help refresh this dumb brain of mine cause I CANNOT work on any of my smut wips rn so here ya go! Also I know it's not Christmas yet and this is really Christmassy but y'all I live in Scotland. ITS ALWAYS CHRISTMAS MUHAHAHA
Bang Chan/ Christopher

this mf would start giggling so hard
I'm like a hundred percent positive he would deliberately hang mistletoe above you
Imagine you're baking cookies and you're too busy to give him a kiss
And he just pouts and stalks off ☹️ somewhere to do God knows what
And then you find him sitting on the couch with mistletoe on his hair
"baby quick! Kiss me I'm under mistletoe! Don't you know it's bad luck if you don't kiss someone under mistletoe?"
You'd give in of course, not wanting to sadden your adorable boyfriend,🥺 who looked even more adorable with heaps of mistletoe stuck to his curls
Please save me I am obsessed with this man
Lee Minho/ Lee Know

This man
This man istg
"I wouldn't kiss your dumb face normally why would I do it now?"
Meanie 😐
But he'd immediately melt on seeing your pouty face and sad expression
So like the great boyfriend he is, he'd tie strings of mistletoe to Soonie's collar and send her to you.
"alright we need to kiss your mom on her stupidly cute face so go to her and don't mess this up."
Soonie would walk up to you followed by Minho and he would just meekly be like "Mistletoe?"
Would a 100% pick you up and throw you on the bed, saying that mistletoe doesn't only consist of kisses 😏
Changbin/ Seo Changbin

Bang Chan part 2
He'd be so giggly and blushing so profusely when you both would notice you're under mistletoe
Like if it was at a party or something, and everyone was shouting "Kiss!" At the both of you, how could he refuse?
Would definitely do that thing where he squeezes your waist
It would be such a soft kiss istg
Would probably take you up to the bedroom after the kiss though
Hyunjin/Hwang Hyunjin

You'd decorate his art studio with mistletoe
Specifically putting it above the place where you'd pose for him when he's painting you
This man would probably be confused at first like he's so immersed in painting,
And then you're like "Hyunjin look mistletoe!"
Bitch will be like "You want me to paint the mistletoe in the picture too?"
Truly the leader of PaboRacha
But afterwards he'd give you the most precious kiss ever
Just so soft, warms wrapped around your waist
"Wanna make some hot chocolate darling?"
I need to stop Hyune is wrecking me too hard
Han/Han Jisung

Ngl he would be the one badgering you
"ooh baby where did this mistletoe come from?"
*holds the mistletoe above your head*
Would pout when you'd say you'll give him kisses later, because you need to get ready for work
Literal sparkly eyes begging you for a kiss
You'd give in eventually, how could you refuse the power of the Han Jisung puppy eyes?
"baby did you kiss me because of the mistletoe or because of my charms?"
Felix/Lee Yongbok

Alright I'm imagining this is Australia because obviously you guys went to visit his family for the holidays
His sister's would a 100% prank him with mistletoe
NAUR cause they'd hang mistletoe over your bed, and when you and felix spot it, they'd pull out their phones to record you guys kissing
DEFINETLY did not do that to my gf once nope
"oh sunshine look mistletoe! Should we have a kiss then?"
Seungmin/Kim Seungmin

Bruh this guy
I swear to god this guy
KIM MF "it's a childish thing to do" SEUNGMIN
NAUR he WILL make fun of you for wanting to do it
Like you're just goofing off, decorating the house for Christmas
And you decide to jokingly put mistletoe on his hair
He'll just roll his eyes and go back to his book, completely ignoring the grass on his hair
And you'd be like bitch kiss me we're under mistletoe
"Seriously pup, you still believe in that childish crap?"
And he's done it, he's upset you great job Seungmin (I don't know why I'm so salty towards him rn)
And then he'd just sigh, looking at your pouty face
Then he'll proceed to grab your face in his hands and kiss you in the most devastating way ever
"next time when you want a kiss, just ask for it darling."
Wodjdjeb you will not survive
I.N/Yang Jeongin

Lemme calm down first
Look if there's anyone in Skz who believes in miracles and the holy spirit and whatnot
Flashback to when he wanted to be a priest
Giggles and blushes part 3
Girl he legit kiss you for so long if you do that
Iike sir you need to breathe too stop with the smooches
He'll legit kiss you in the middle of a store if there's mistletoe there
Like just in the middle of the hygiene aisle, where there's mistletoe decorating the shelves
Just BAM his lips are on uours
"We can't resist the power of the mistletoe honey."
I swear to God this man will be the death of me
#skz#stray kids#skz headcanons#stray kids headcannons#skz imagines#stray kids imagine#skz fluff imagines#skz fluff#stray kids fluff#bang chan#lee know#changbin#hyunjin#han#felix#seungmin#i.n#bang christopher chan#Lee minho#skz lee minho#seo changbin#hwang hyunjin#han jisung#lee felix yongbok#kim seungmin#yang jeongin#skz × reader#stray kids × reader#bye bye now
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Can I request? You don’t have to if you don’t want:)
Where the reader is to someone he was brought from the real world, and yuu is like still there, so like yuu and the reader, both get teleported from different parts of the real world and they get teleported into twisted wonderland together. However the reader doesn’t get acknowledged as much as yuu, because yuu is more out there and the reader kinda keeps to herself but the reader has a crush on mallus and she’s make it known to him. However, he has disregarded her feelings and practically made it obvious that he prefers yuu over the reader which breaks the reader’s heart, and let’s say the only person who knows about the reader or pay attention to the reader is Rook, and Rook talks to the reader as a best friend in a way. Let’s say during mallus’s overbot she takes a hit that was meant for yuu and she gets really really hurt. As she’s in pain yuu take the chance to defeat mallus, the reader starts to feel a bit woozy and this gains the attention of yuu and mallus and everyone around, but the reader disappear like the evaporate, a bit like how in Demon slayer when you defeat the demons in a more of flowery way. The plot twist is that the reader is not dead but, they return back to the point in the real world as if time had not changed, and at this point mallus is upset and tries to move on like yuu has but realises after a while how much he actually likes the reader’s attention and has feeling for the reader not yuu. He then becomes very distraught after the realisation and find ways to bring back the reader. you can ask me for part two if you want any more ideas I guess.
You can ignore this if you already busy. ☺️😊(sorry for the mistakes🥹)
*ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴A/N: BRUH why is this so good. I felt like I was reading a story more than a request when I read your ideas. I’m lowkey just adding my own head cannons onto this with a little bit of pazzah, pls tag me if you ever write this as a full story, part 2 and everything! ( ๑‾̀◡‾́)σ" I will probably not write a pt2 just because I am terrible at writing parts 2. Not completely happy with this one-I don’t think this is that fluffy with all the info/thoughts in my head, but I tried to flesh it out in my own way!
*ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴Malleus x f!Reader (NOT YUU)
*ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴WC: 1.2k!
*ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴Tags: bittersweet love, pinning, one sided love, miscommunication of feelings, fake!death, some dragon tendencies like possessiveness, got a good amount of mistakes in here so pls forgive me *cries*
It really wasn’t fair. You peered over the railing, looking out into the night. The fairy lights and moon shine against Yuu- short, chopped hair accenting their feminine features, an innocent like beauty, outgoing and extroverted unlike yourself. She was the main character here as she stood next to Malleus, quiet, ebony hair that drapes down his shoulders. He tucks a slimmer of her hair behind her ears.
Yuun affirmed that there was nothing between them. That she had no feelings- she didn’t even know his real name! And that was ridiculous, because how could she not see the regal air around him?
He doesn’t notice you; that because Yuu is perfect. She is the sun shining and you are the shadow that it casts.
Your confession came out of the blue. Yuu was feeling under the weather after diving deep into the ocean to search for some painting. You never really understood the details. What you understood is that Yuu acted rather delirious and needed sleep. Green pulses outside the balcony window, your heart races.
A light blush overtakes your cheeks as you see the firelights flicker outside the front door’s side window. You step outside, the cool porch tingling against your bare feet. He’s there, graceful and poised as ever compared to your bags and tangled hair. A squeak of the boards catch his, his eyes widen with the downturn of his lips, “Oh, Ramshackle other inhabitant,” he looks up towards the room Yuu is resting in, something stirs in your heart at his expression, “It seems as if your Prefect is fast in the realms of dreams.” You nod your head, clutching the blanket closer to you. Head tingling, this is the closest you’ve been to him. Your first conversation and yet monotone comes out, “She is sick and needs sleep. Come another night to talk to her.” He hums, a delicate finger holding his chin in thought. “Ahh…I pray that our nightly chats haven’t disturbed you.” He is about to turn around, to leave, you can see his foot already ready to pivot, “Tell her I will return when she recover- “ “I like you.” Malleus pauses and you can’t believe you were stupid enough to confess to him. You want to deny it, to explain how you fell in love with the way he walks, the charm of his voice through windowpane seals, the way you wish he looked at you like the way he looks at Yuu- “I have read about this before, this type of confession,” he starts, and your stomach drops as he crosses his hands against his chest, “I cannot accept your feelings.” He looks up towards the balcony and it mortifies you.
So, you try to do your best, well the best you can with the insomnia caused by yourself and your big fat mouth.
Rook eats breakfast with you each day- him curating a balanced meal towards a heart-broken soul. He could read you so well.
“Why my petite ombre! All you need to do it become the beautiful sparrow everyone can’t help but want.” Rook says before heading off to class. He tussles the hair on your head, or fixing it? You couldn’t tell.
So, again, you try. A little more active, a little more talkative, a little more confident. If the sun cast shadows, then you were the flower peaking over the edge.
What you didn’t expect was Malleus to Overblot.
It’s scary. Yuu looks like the commander as she barks out orders with the rest of the NRC students fighting. Silver sending off another attack, pain etched on his face. Another attack blasts students away and you see Yuu fly among the rubble. You see another flash of light coming from the dragon’s breath-
You didn’t expect to take a hit for Yuu as well. But she is the sun, and you need the sun to live no matter how far in the shadows you are. She will save him.
You can’t see straight after the battle is over, that half the world is dark…blurry…like it doesn’t exist, like it's disappearing.
“(Y/N)! Oh god.” You hear Yuu from your right as she grips your hand. Everything feels so cold. You hear him shout towards Rook, oh he’s here also? “Why- why is she like this?” You want to talk, and you open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. Yuu is crying, she has tears in her eyes, and you wonder why. Rook speaks this time, you’ve never seen him this discomposed, “I- I’ve never seen this before.” “What do you mean!? She- she’s evaporating!” Yuu cries taking off her jacket trying to cover your arm. You don’t understand, as you twist out of Yuu’s jacket, she tries to stop you, “No, don’t move! Not until we figure this out.” But she’s too slow at explaining and with your blurry vision, you see your hand? Or half your hand as it dissipates into the air. “(Y/N)…?” You don’t even have to see to know whose voice that is. Malleus.
He kneels next to you, alongside Yuu and Rook, his bare hands touching against the wisps of what your hand was. He looks frightened. Can you even read expressions right when you can only see half a face?
You want to tell him not to worry, even though you are scared. That you're glad he is alive, that he was your first love, and you wish you could redo that night all over again. Something warm tingles against and suddenly stops. He must have done something wrong because you see pink and black hair- Lillia- tugging on his shoulder, shaking his head.
Love is bittersweet. There are no last goodbyes as you fade away.
You wake up on your bed. Your bed. The AC flowing, the faint hum of your earbuds against plush comforter, the city noise in the background.
You’re back…?
A weight on your palm as you turn against your side. It was there- your phone turned on and open to the home screen of Twisted Wonderland. You click on the screen…Nothing. Again, again, again! And nothing happens. It still just reads the logo.
Your mind is spiraling as you twist on your bed, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror by your nightstand, and everything stops at once. Your hair is shorter- by your chin. It was so long… you haven’t cut it since the day you woke up in Twisted Wonderland…
It wasn’t a dream…. was it? . . . . “This won’t bring her back.” The caldron bellows into an array of green and yellow swirling into one. Books litter the floor as chaos organized the room. He is one of the most powerful magicians in Twisted Wonderland. Something was strange about that last night, the way you seemed so scared, different that how steady you presented yourself. The way your eyes stared at him seconds before you phased out of the existence of this realm. He adds a pinch of hazel dust and the green turns into a dark blue like your eyes. He shakes his head- unnecessary thoughts would be of no use to him. Not until you returned.
#.wwrenwrites#twst x reader#twst headcanons#twisted wonderland#twst x you#malleus draconia#malleus x reader#reader is not Yuu#malleus x y/n
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People using Palestine as a pick up line/as their dating prompts on dating apps makes me feel some kind of not very good way 🤨
"Together we could: Free Palestine"
"This year, I want to: See a free Palestine"
"If loving this is wrong, I don't want to be right: wanting Palestine to be free"
"My green flags: 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸" (EDIT: this is showing up as PSPSPS on Tumblr web which is kind of funny but it's supposed to be the Palestine flag three times)
"I'll pick the topic if you start the conversation: Why Palestine should be free"
Supporting Palestinians is not a catchy pick up line it's just common sense 😭🙏 I understand wanting to make sure your partner has the same views as you but BUDDY we're Muslims dating Muslims why WOULDN'T we care about Palestinians 🤨
Someone sent me a comment like "What a coincidence it is to match with [my name] with what's going on in Palestine!" (where my name operates as a kind of pun/reference to the events) and it's like...bruh I am not giggling and blushing and wanting to match with you! I am frankly horrified!
Dating apps are a joke fr want to delete them again smh
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pretend I’m looking at you seductively while I slide this your way… Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five of your other fave writers. Spread the self-love! 🖤✨
ooh-! got me blushing darling 🥴
god, self-recs...let me have a think
Mamacita - Taeyong x Fem!reader (Part 1) This one is truly a self-indulgence, considering my account focuses around Batman mostly, so I'm recommending this purely for me interests, lol (I will say, the endings kinda shit, but that's to be expected from me, lol)
Office Hours/Bells Series (Jonathan Crane x Reader (MASTERLIST) This is my Jonathan Crane series...yep... 👍 this one is on-going, I am in the middle of writing the next chapter right now. This is one of my fics that was meant to be a one shot, but got requests for more parts, so turned into a series, so there are probably a lOt of things that don't make sense or whatever, but that's cause I wrote this without a plan on where it was going, so sorry 💀
Bunny - Joker x Fem!Reader (Part 1) (I still need to make a masterlist for this one) this is my joker series, on going, and same as Office Hours/Bells, this was a oneshot turned into a series, so might be off in places, my bad fam. But yeah, love this one, slay slay
Behind the Mask - Jonathan Crane x Fem!Reader (Part 1) I have a bit of a soft spot for this two part fic, because it was really me just having fun, lighthearted fic and stuff, so yeah, I recommend this one too :)
Everything is Fine - Hendery x Reader (Oneshot) now this one trULY is a self-indulgence, this fic is quiet possibly my most ignored one (cause not enough people care for WayV fics 😭, I have so much trouble finding any bruh), but I honestly love this one. Again, my account is mainly focused on Batman and this is NCT, so that's another factor as to why my baby gets ignored, but oh well!! my definition of "writing for myself"
yeah, those are my rec i suppose 🤷♀️ I got more fics planned that will hopefully be better than what I have right now, so maybe I will be able to feel more proud about recommending my fics next time :)
thank you again, my beautiful dictionary @chaos-4baby 💚 🫶
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Me and @kermit-the-fag-official made some dumb ships so here’s the fanfic💀
Their fic: https://www.tumblr.com/kermit-the-fag-official/769167417183207424
Tuvix x Lizard Janeway
Chapter 1:Bro is lowkey wild for that
Chakotay was extremely enraged as he watched Tuvix step off the transporter pad. “GRRRRR!!!” he exclaimed. “First, our helmsman and captain become lizards, and now our security officer and lunch lady became one person!!!.”
“Erm…ackshully,” Tuvix said, “Neelix is not a female, and he does a lot more than prepare lunch.”
Chakotay hissed. “I DID NOT ASK FOR YOUR OPINION.” He proceeded to throw Tuvix against the wall.
“Not nice, man.” Tuvix said. “I was like, just born. Can’t you cut me a break?”
Kes nonchalantly entered the transporter room. She looked at Tuvix and started blushing. He’s such a rizzler, She thought.
“ARGGHHH YOU STUPID FURRY!!!” Chakotay yelled at Tuvix.
“Erm, what the sigma are you doing?” Kes asked.
Chakotay turned around and realized she was there. He started blushing kawaii like a schoolgirl in an anime. “Erm, I was just chatting with my new friend.”
Kes looked at him in disbelief. “Bro stfu you’re not an alpha. Also The Doctor asked me to take ermmmm….Neebok to sick bay.”
“Erm…ackshully, my name is Tuvix; a combination of the names of my fathers.”
“Um no,” Tuvix exclaimed in a rather annoyed tone. “I am a unique person with the combined DNA, knowledge, and memories of Tuvok and Neelix. I call them my fathers because they did create me using their DNA, so it would only be logical to do so.”
“Just put the fries in the bag, bro.” Kes said, “It’s time to go to sick bay.”
Chapter 2: wtf moment💀
As soon as the turbo lift doors closed Kes started moaning violently and Tuvix was lowkey a traumatized mf at this point. “Hrrrnnbhhhfggggggg.” Kes mumbled. “Finally, someone lowkey chill as Tuvok, and as much skibidi rizz as my alpha Neelix.”
“Erm,” said Tuvix, “I’ll have you know that I have only been living for about twenty minutes and I am too young to lose my virginity.”
Kes looked at Tuvix in a sarcastic way. “Bro lowkey forgot I’m one year old. Imagine, could never be me.”
Tuvix was concerned. “So you’re telling me you’re not a virgin?”
“Erm, I thought you said you have the combined memories of Tuvok and Neelix.” Kes bombastic side eyed.
“Well, about that…..ermmmmm I’m just a forgetful person.”
Kes didn’t care so she continued moaning violently. I need to get him pregnant. She thought.
Finally, the turbo lift doors opened and B’elanna Torres was standing outside.
“Oh, skibidi!” Kes said in a frustrated tone indeed. “I forgot to halt the doors. No wonder it was hard to looksmaxx.”
B’elanna nonchalantly looked at Kes, then at Tuvix. “Who tf are you!?” She asked him.
“I’m Tuvix.” he said.
“Bruh.” B’elanna exclaimed and then she proceeded to enter the turbo lift.
“Whoa buddy, who do think you are?” Kes said in a preppy ahh way. She pushed her.
“Chat, aren’t you going to sick bay with this beta?” B’elannna growled. “Cuz sick bays on this deck, y’know.”
Kes hissed. “HOW DARE YOU CALL MY ALPHA SIGMA DISCORD KITTEN A BETA!!!!” B’elanna rolled her eyes and yeeted Tuvix and Kes into sick bay. B’elanna barked at them to make sure they didn’t come back into the turbo lift.
Chapter 3: Tuvix meets lizard Janeway
Tuvix was rather annoyed indeed that Kes kept touching him. Not as annoyed as The Doctor when he entered the room.
“Oh,” said Kes, “Hi, doctor.” Tuvix could see her blushing like Chakotay did earlier. Bruh, he thought. Why is blud like this? “This is my alpha, Tuvix. Tuvok and Neelix got in a transporter accident.”
“Argghhh,” said The Doctor. “No one ever tells me what’s going on around here.”
Suddenly, Tuvix’s ears bled. “ERMMM!!!! WHAT IN THE ACKSHULLY IS THAT SONG!?”
The Doctor was super pissed. “I’ll have you know that this is my favorite song.” He said angrily. He sang, “FROM THE SCREEN TO THE RING TO THE PEN TO THE KING WHERES MY CROWN THATS MY BLING ALWAYS DRAMA WHEN I RING!!!!!”
“Bro actually thought he ate.” Tom Paris said while laying on the bio beds. He still had some lizard characteristics, such as the tail, so it was really hard for him to mew without having to change his gyatt position every 5 seconds. Janeway was there too, and as Tuvix looked at her, he realized he was blushing in the same way Kes and Chakotay were.
“Hey you beta!” Janeway called to The Doctor. “Who is this mf?”
The Doctor sighed. “Tuvok and Neelix got combined bruh.”
“Bro…that sucks.”
“REAL!” The Doctor exclaimed. “He doesn’t even like my music taste!”
Janeway mewed. “Blud no KSI song is a bop wtf man.”
Tuvix tried not to giggle, because Janeway was so rizzful.
“So, when are we gonna get Tuvok and Neelix back?” Janeway asked The Doctor.
“Soon,” he said, with a huge smirk on his face.
Janeway looked at Tuvix, and she realized he had kind of a jawline. “Have you been mewing lately?” She asked.
“Bruh never mind.”
Chapter 4: THE EPIC EDGING BATTLE pt 1: Tom Paris is moaning
“HES MY EDGER!!” Kes screamed angrily. “HOW DARE YOU TRY TO RIZZ HIM UP!!!” Janeway was very angry so she yeeted Kes with her lizard tail.
Janeway lowkey didn’t really care cause she was just a chill guy who lowkey didn’t really care.
The Doctor looked at Tom Paris.
Tom Paris moaned, “If you don’t hawk tuah, then I won’t talk tuah.”
The Doctor sighed and then proceeded to spit on that thang.
“Ugggghhhh,” Paris mogged. “Now glaze my lizard toes.”
The Doctor looked at how dry and sad his toes were. “Only if it gives you aura.”
Meanwhile, Tuvix was watching Janeway and Kes fight. “THATS IT!” Janeway announced. “I CHALLENGE YOU…..TO AN EPIC EDGING BATTLE!!!”
The Doctor gasped. “Did I hear what I thought I heard?” He smiled. “Ah, I remember the first edging battle on this ship.”
Kes rolled her eyes.
The Doctor continued, “It was when we first lost our aura-“
“GRRRRRR!!!!” Janeway screamed. “SILENCE!!!” Tuvix watched quietly as Janeway and Kes edged violently. Kes moaned….Janeway moaned….they both moaned…. The Doctor was still getting Tom Paris oiled up. Tuvix was still worried about his aura points.
“Gyatttttt.” Said Tom.
“Bruh,” said The Doctor.
“Okay…..Alpha.” Tom moaned freakily.
Suddenly someone yelled, “SKIBIDI TOILET!!! ENSIGN KIM IS PREGNANT!!”
Chapter 5: THE EPIC EDGING BATTLE pt 2: Ensign Kim is pregnant
“But how?” The Doctor asked. “He can’t be pregnant, he’s a man.”
B’elanna explained, “So you know that Quinn guy? Well it turns he and Harry Kim secretly fell in love and so Quinn used his magic aura points to make him pregnant.”
Harry Kim was furious. “Doctor, B’elanna is lying. Chakotay is the father.”
The Doctor lowkey didn’t really care, because he was still in the middle of massaging Tom’s lizard toes.
Kim looked at him awkwardly, “Erm, we were never dating, what the sigma are you talking about? Also, why is The Doctor getting you oiled up?”
Tom was cooked.
Meanwhile, Janeway and Kes were still doing their epic edging battle. Janeway was edging so fast barely anyone could identify her aura. Kes got blinded by the light of her mewing. “NOOOO!!!” Said Kes, “AHHHHHH!!!” Janeway’s streak of edging light was so powerful that it lowkey ate and left no crumbs. Kes died.
Harry smirked. “Maybe you shouldn’t have lied to The Doctor about who the father to my child is!!!”
“The gacha heat is wild.” Tuvix exclaimed.
“SHUT UP, TUVIX!!!! NO ONE LIKES YOU!!!” B’elanna yelled angrily.
Tuvix lost so much aura that he never won a dress to impress game ever again.
Chapter 6: Tuvix gets unalived I think
“Golly gee,” Janeway announced. “Looks like I won the epic edging battle.”
Tuvix blushed. “Now we can get 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂.”
The Doctor sighed. “Well, sorry to burst yer bubble, but I have just found a way to bring Tuvok and Neelix back. And also to make you lizard folk human again.”
“GRRRRRRR!!!!” said Janeway.
Tuvix knew what he had to do because queen never cry. “WAIT! THEY DONT LOVE YOU LIKE I LOVE YOU!!!!!!”
The Doctor side eyed bro. “Chat, I barely know you.”
Tuvix was lowkey cooked. He looked at the dead body of Kes. “Erm, shouldn’t we have a funeral for bro or smth?”
B’elanna blushed kawaii just thinking about her. Tom Paris started hitting the griddy. Harry was in labor. The Doctor was rewriting his program subroutines to emit the perfect jawline.
Tuvix sighed. No one cares about me. “Do it,” he said sadly, “Kill me. I deserve it. I’m a mistake.” He said to The Doctor.
“Just put the fries in the bag bro.”
Bro did the transporter thing and now Tuvok and Neelix are mewing again. The Doctor also cured Janeway and Tom’s incurable beta disease somehow.
“Erm, hi Mr. Vulcan, I mean…alpha male…I’m your discord kitten, right?” Neelix said in his gacha life male anime protagonist ahh voice.
“No, wtf-“ Tuvok was cut off as he heard Harry moan violently.
“Oh my sigma!” B’elanna exclaimed. “It’s a lizard baby!!”
“That’s enough sick bay for today.” Tom said as he proceeded to leave.
“We can be a polycule right?” Janeway and Tuvok asked Neelix.
“Sure skibidi slicers.”
#star trek#st voyager#tuvix#threshold au#crack fic#fanfic#janeway#chakotay#emh#tom paris#harry kim#kes#belanna torres#tuvok#neelix#cringe#brainrot#spent actual time on this unfortunately#plz don’t laugh this is my first time doing this ahh post💀#gonna wake up tomorrow and regret everything🫃
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2 - 31 Ski Lodge a Complaint: There's Been a Murder!
ski lodgico
Well (also definitely not stolen) I made a ship chart for the cartoon oxymorons! with BEAUTIFUL profile pictures chosen for them as well
I'm still mindlessly obsessed with Smallarry from TAWOG. But I have no choice but to deem these idiots as #1 OTP for obvious reasons.
IRRATINO: Well, convention’s over. Now it’s my turn to decide an activity again. LOGICO: Or! We could not play dictator and each do what we want. IRRATINO: Come on, Logico, we’ll never get anything done like that. Hey, I have a friend who owns a ski lodge! Let’s go there.
Logico has no choice. Grandmaster Rose, Deacon Verdigris, and Editor Ivory are bundled up for a chilly time. They’re all waiting in line.
IVORY: OH MY GOD-UH! This isn’t going ANYWHERE. VERDIGRIS: Nice RECOMMENDATION, Inspector Irratino. ROSE: I will bump off my next opponent using 1… e5. LOGICO: You’ve been recommending this place to strangers? IVORY: Bruh, we’re not STRANGERS? IRRATINO: It’s usually busier than this, hm…
He goes into the back room using his special access key he got from who knows where. A dead human is found.
IRRATINO: Ah. That’s why. LOGICO: Well. Um… who’s this ‘friend’ again? IRRATINO: No that was them. That was the friend. LOGICO: Oh.
Logico is somewhat relieved, because he’s probably not physically capable of skiing anyway. But it’s not like people need to SEE that.
Everyone is waddling around in a puffy jacket, bumping into each other stupidly. Except Logico. He ALWAYS looks like that.
VERDIGRIS: As a godly woman, I say that Grandmaster Rose brought poisoned hot chocolate.
Rose blushes severely. He hates being compared to Santa Claus!
ROSE: I do not only drink hot chocolate, just because I am a tad round!
Irratino immediately gives him a hug. This makes him more embarrassed!
LOGICO: Stop hugging suspects.
As Logico goes into the woods, he sees creepy scratch marks on the trees. He feels like if he goes too deep, he’ll never return. And now there are horrible savage noises! He HAS to look here, even if it kills him…
All the scratches and sounds turn out to be Verdigris, who seemingly had a feral attack. She has a few wounds, but just pretends nothing happened. Logico is very scared.
Irratino climbs all the way up the mountain with a pendulum.
LOGICO: Are you trying to hypnotize… the snow? IRRATINO: HAHAHAHHA! No, Logico. I’m looking for clues in an esoteric manner! LOGICO: Yes yes, your favorite word that doesn’t mean what you think it means.
It turns out it’s not just Verdigris’ own blood on her!
VERDIGRIS: Curse you! The Church wanted this mountain to build a Cathedral that would rival even the one in Holy Drakonia! And you have ruined it! God will curse you, Logico! He’ll curse you for this!
Logico is shaken when she brings up Drakonia. The place seems to have affected him a lot more than he initially thought. And her savage attack… He has a flashback to when Marble uttered him a creepy warning (before following him home).
IRRATINO: Oh, Logico, don’t worry. Even if God curses you, I still love you. LOGICO: Good… to know.
The end!
L O R E???
I LOVE messing around with species-specific traits in this series. There are so many gags that would make zero sense if they were human and it's so much fun
And I love making new lore too... >:)
The power of Goat Lord compels you!
See you next time murdlers!
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