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eroticnightshadow · 2 months ago
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iheartsexybeautifulwomen · 1 year ago
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Here's a mystery one... Not sure what her name is. Feel free to lmk so I can attach proper socials if any.
Always been a fan of this picture. Again the dark hair always gets me as well as the big tids but the bath really completes it. Imagine just being able to come home and have a smokeshow like this ready to go.
Of course I wouldn't just let her work by herself in the bath... ;)
EDIT: Name is Joana Bliss! thnx
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alittebitweird · 1 year ago
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boanerges20 · 2 years ago
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natur1978 · 22 days ago
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natur1978 · 1 month ago
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tomasart · 10 months ago
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I just love this latest creation.
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flashbackvixen80s · 1 year ago
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Just two blondes and a brunette...
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delusional-delirium · 2 years ago
Also, began actually caring for my hair, using the proper stuff and what not. And growing it out. Its super thick and healthy :) today was wash day so heres it clean
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ilovenicebutt · 2 years ago
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ashc-from-ao3 · 8 months ago
I could never leave you I love you too much
Remus Lupin x male reader
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Remus lupin was terrified, the night before had been the full moon and his boyfriend of a year, (Y/n), had been out in the forest not knowing the danger he was immediately in, the wolf side of Remus had found him quickly. mere minutes after fully changing he had found and attacked the young man. Luckily James and Sirius had managed to pull him off him while Peter took him to the school. Immediately madme pomfrey had taken the boy and started healing. That was hours ago and now Remus was human and pacing worriedly by the boy's bed.
"Oh Merlin Prongs he's going to leave me! I attacked him! If I had told him I what I was he would have broken up with me earlier and he wouldn't be out in the forest because he would know I was out there and he would be safe! I think I'm going to be sick." The bruenett flopped onto his own bed and turned to bury his face in the pillow before groaning angrily, the two other boys walked over to him and gently Sirius patted his back.
"Moony it's okay, he may be a Slytherin but he's not evil, he won't leave you and I already bet on my life he would never hate you or Merlin forbid tell anyone, he is the only Slytherin we stand for a reason, he may do what he can to get his way or do what he has to to protect people and he maybe cunning and sly but he is a good person." By the time he was finished Sirius was out of breath and he realized he had only rambled and not calmed Remus down at all,the boy still had his face in the pillow and he was still muttering about how he was a monster.
"He's going to leave me..........I love him to pieces but he will leave me, I can feel it." He turned his head away from his friends as he spoke, a soft but livid voice piped up moments later.
"REMUS JOHN LUPIN, YOU ARE SO STUPID! I'm not going to leave you, I mean I'm surprised by your.....um condition but it changes nothing you're stuck with me babe, now that i'v curled by snake self around your lion heart I'm staying. You can't get rid of me n-OMPF" during his speech Remus realized what he was saying, using his slightly faster werewolf speed Remus had flung himself off the bed and crushed (Y/n) to his chest muttering "I'm sorry" under his breath as tears fell in his boyfriend's hair.
"You're not leaving?" He asked once more just to be sure. His answer came in the form of a scowl and a slap on the arm. Before (Y/n) snuggled into his chest again.
"I could never leave you, I love you too much. But if you could stop crying into my hair......yeah that'll be great" a soft chuckle came from the young werewolf and he simply hugged (Y/n) tighter and hummed happily now knowing he hadent scared him off, he was staying with him.
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natur1978 · 29 days ago
Bekomme ein Harten
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mysteriouschar · 2 years ago
also available in wattpad
In a Cafe
A bluenette with pretty blue eyes was sitting at a table looking at the window while lightly tapping the table waiting for someone.
The bluenette was none other than Marinette Dupain Cheng ,a young designer in her mid 20s. She had light make up with hair slightly longer than shoulder length. Her white purse sat atop the table.
She is wearing this
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Just then four people enter a blonde male(adrien),a guy wearing headphones(nino),a bruenette wearing specs(alya) and a sausage roll(lila)
"what are you doing here ?"said Alya accusingly pointing at Marinette.
"oh I am sorry ,I thought this was a free country and people can come to a cafe if they want or do they have to take your permission?" Marinette said in a sarcastic tone.
"Why you!!" said Alya who was red in the face.
"not cool dudette" said N ino.
"How else should I speak to someone who is disturbing me ,who was also uninvited mind you mister" said Marinette coldly.
"You don't have to be so rude because of me Marinette, if you want I can leave." said liela.
"Look what you did Marinette you made Lila feel bad again and its not like someone is going to meet you, looking as you do "said Alya even though she thought Marinette looked nice, even cute like this.
"There is no such rule that one has to meet someone to be in a cafe ." said Marinette
"Oh that's ok Marinette I will introduce you to one of my friends "said Lila
"you are so nice Lila" said Alya
"Its none of your business what I do , and if your friends are like you or these stupid followers of yours wouldn't want to meet them let alone talk to them" said Marinette with a smirk.
"Why are you being like this Marinette Lila was just being nice" said the naive sunshine boy aka Adrien.
"Well she doesn't need that bloated sausage's help, dear cousin of mine "said a voice from behind.
"Felix?,what are you doing here?"asked adrien.
"it doesn't concern you so don't interrupt us" said Alya.
"oh but it does when you are saying rude things to my girlfriend and ruining our date. Just so you don't misunderstand Marinette here is my girlfriend." said Felix with a smirk.
"girlfriend?" said Alya and Lila.
"date??" said Adrien and Nino
"you are late." said marinette.
"Sorry berry, I just had difficulty finding flowers worthy of you."(giving her a bouquet of pale pink roses)
"thank you, my knight"said marinette while blushing and accepting the flowers.
The couple walked out hand in hand while the bunch of morons stood there shocked.
Do you guys want me to post my felinette oneshots here in tumblr also?
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faunandfloraas · 4 months ago
5, 14, 23, 50 for the ask game <33 (also i just love ur posts + energy smm ty for being here 🥹)
who was your very first bias? lil channie.... he caught my attention with the australianisms, but i got fond for personality reasons :)
your bias(es)' best look(s)? Ough.... that's so hard- Changbin when he was in paris and he was hungover and went "Burgah... bonjour... merci" while doing the hand signal for fuck off in italian- was such a good look. Chan last saturday night, tbh.. he looked good.... just realized i should get pics instead of describing things.... this seungmin/ silky blouse / dangly earrings lee know... ginger jeongin.... bruenette lily!! esp with lots of eyeliner!!
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tell me your unpopular kpop opinion! Hmmmmmm.... I dont know if it's unpopular, but I'm def going to need the /almost every song is 2 minutes 20 seconds long bc tiktok and ig reels favour short songs/ thing needs to... end. like sometimes a song is perfect at that length but when a whole album is barely 25 minutes long? Nah...
Aww, thank you! That's sweet 💗💗💗
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thatsauceysauce · 8 months ago
I know this is cringe af but can you make Wilbur imagine wherein he is dating Tommy's older sister/cousin (whatever u like since tommy has no siblings) and they're dating secretly even tommy doesn't know they're seeing each other. them one day while wil and reader were out, having a date together tom sees his cousin with him then.. idk u do the rest 😭😭😭
+ Wilbur didn't know they were cousin and Tommy doesn't know they r linking since he thought reader is js gonna be a single madwoman forevs
++i thought of this because this happened to me but kinda different because I'm not the cousin... but i js heard this during a fam reunion last time and it happened that i remembered it a while ago 🤣
imagine meeting wilbur when you were dropping coffee off at tommy’s office
talking to wilbur and getting his number
going on dates for multiple 5months and always hanging out
imagine you started dating thinking that tommy knew
imagine going on a normal date at your favorite restaurant and seeing tommy walk in, and approach your table
and then with a confused face ask what wilbur’s doing with his big sister
imagine them exchanging confused glances and then looking at you asking if you knew
and then having to explain that you thought wilbur had told tommy and that he already knew you two were siblings
imagine the drive home with wilbur and the laughs you two shared of the awkward situation
and then getting undressed and sliding into bed with the tall bruenette
Short fic
You were tommy’s older sister by 4 years, no doubt he’s accomplished way more than you have but that never stopped the love you had for your younger brother, you were proud of him. You’d met wilbur when you’d drove tommy to his last sorry boys film set, he convinced you to come and watch them film it, which wasn’t a problem there wasn’t anything else you had going on..
once you’d seen wilbur and locked eyes, you knew it was off from there. after the filming you and the boys decided on getting dinner at a fast food place, the others went in while you and wilbur stayed in the car. “y/n right? beautiful name” he spoke softly and you nodded, turning your head to the passenger seat next to you which wilbur resided in, “you’re wilbur right? tommy talks about you all the time”..
the two of you shared numbers and continued talking.. which led you to your date with him. It was atleast the 7nth or 8th date, the two onto you had hung out often and even began dating, you thought wilbur knew you were tommy’s sister and hoped wilbur had already broken the news to tommy, but never bothered to ask. everything was fine, he’s gotten you (fav flowers) and told you to order whatever you wanted, until you saw tommy enter the restaurant, and approach the table, “what the fuck! wilbur your on a date with my sister?” tommy asked in a surprised voice and you looked at the two with confusion, “she’s your sister?” wilbur asked looking at you and then back at the confused blonde. “yes man! that’s my sister!” tommy said now looking at you, “you didn’t tell him?” he asked, “i thought you did?..” a smile rose from your face and from the two boys. “what the fuck..” tommy almost laughed and palmed his face.
if i messed something up and i need to rewrite it lmk😭
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