#bruce waynes not dead and im gonna prove it
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oifaaa · 2 years ago
Hey I absolute love your baby damian au and all the Talia Bruce custody shenanigan potential so thank you for introducing that into the world.
I have a niche question tho. Cause in that au, Tim side loses all plot relevance and doesn’t become Robin. And it made me think. What happens to a Tim that doesn’t become Robin? Or actually, what happens to Jack and Janet Drake???
My opinion is that they probs both die in Haiti because the only reason Jack survived was because Batman comes to save them and I don’t think Batman would’ve gone to rescue the Drakes without Tim looking sad at him in the cave. Like not in a callous way but like. They’re not in Gotham. And in the comic itself Bruce is already preoccupied with the money spider stuff. (So much so that he fully like interrupts mid-sentence his comforting of Tim to go hacker fight ms lol). And then I assume Tim gets to live out his sad boy arc without bats or even a fake uncle to adopt him.
But like what do you think would happen? I’m trying to collect the opinions of fandom creators who have actually read comics but no worries if this is a question you have no interest in. Tbf it’s got very little relevance to the au anymore.
Anyways love your art - thank you again for sharing it with the world!
Ive actually talked about this before and see I do actually disagree on the jack dying bc while I know obviously tim wouldn't be there to make Bruce focus on it I still think he'd go save them since Bruce has solved crimes outside of Gotham before and the drakes are famous gothamites so I can still see Bruce being compelled to go and save them - so yeah I do think Jack would still survive and go into a coma and tim probably wouldn't be effected much - jack would wake up 6 months later remarry and life would go on as normal - jack wouldn't even die later on consider he was only targeted bc he was related to Robin and if tims not Robin he's fine - so yeah then I can see one of two things happening either tim still trys to become a hero later on (17 to 19ish) but he doesn't have that bat training so he's more in the way then anything or he just has a normal life
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luckycheesefoodie321 · 5 years ago
Titans Season 1: A Summary
Rachel: Please help me!
Dick: I will help you.
Rachel: Please dont leave me behind!
Dick: I promise I will not leave you behind.
*Dick leaves her behind*
*Rachel is kidnapped*
*Rachel is rescued by someone else*
Rachel: Please help me!
*Dick enters the chat*
Dick: But I’m helping her!
*5 minutes of Rachel emo sadness about no one wanting her*
Dick: Fine you can come
Titans Season 2: A Summary
Dick: It’s fine I got dis
*Dick did not in fact got dis*
Donna, Hank, Dawn: We hate this tower and have irrepressible guilt but we will lay blame entirely on Dick until he shows up in a new suit
Jason: I just wanna prove myself because I’m working under the original Robin who continues to never give me the time of day because of his unresolved insecurities in relation to Bruce despite starting the season with a supposed closure scene. And all his teammates continue to treat me like shit and mistake my immaturity and rashness with outright cruelty thinking I was pranking them by targeting their own insecurities when I myself nearly died and am clearly suffering trauma from the event
(Yeah I have some feelings)
Rose: I have a very complex relationship with my father but my character development will be shallow
Rachel: My powers are, once again, a mess and will define my entire character
Gar: I guess I’ll hang out here then and get brainwashed into a murder weapon
Conner: Look I’m literally a week old, I just want friends and to help people
Check date: 1/3/22
Titans Season 3: A Summary
Bruce: I think of Jason as my son but don’t even offer him the tiniest amount of faith that he can make his own choice regarding being Robin and if he still wants to continue it. And when Jason dies, I will take 0 actual responsibility for my actions, and just fucking murder the Joker before writing my will and ditching Gotham
(Im sorry but Titans Bruce Wayne is kinda a travesty)
Dick: Ok Titans I will now finally focus on you completely! All my attention is on you guys- oh wait what was that?? My past trauma with Bruce and my current issues with just the fucking horrible way I treated Jason require my immediate presence??? There’s also my former literal partner in crime who is super fine that is giving me vibes?Sorry fam, gotta go. HAHAHA jk im back I died for a hot second but let’s go on a road trip. I hear the DickKory love story finally beckoning (and not just bc I saw my daughter in a dream).
Kory: I’m having dreams. Oh wait lol it’s just my sister. I hate my sister. I love my sister. My sister stole my powers. I’m still having dreams. Oh wait lol my dad was actually a piece of shit. Oh wow look I actually have my own powers. And also I never call that therapist dude except during a crisis. I am currently unaware that Dick saw our daughter while he was dead.
Barbara: I’m a badass Police Commissioner but I’m gonna get swayed by a man child with severe trauma and attachment issues to his father figure.
Gar: Kory keeps trying to sleep-kill me??? Also I guess bonded with Jason a little so that’s the other half of my arc other than missing Rachel?
Connor: I am, for all intents and purposes like, what? A few months to a year old? But yo Blackfire is hot so sure let’s throw me into a relationship. Also Dick “betrays” me, then I torch my girl’s ship when she was boutta leave and claim her throne, bc I feel betrayed, but we’re gonna brush past all that and pretend everything is fine and settled.
Blackfire: I have a sister complex and that boy is hot. But actually I was probably one of the most interesting characters in the show and had a genuinely complex story arc (aside from the love story which felt stunted and out of nowhere).
Jason: Finally made it to the RedX story line. Do people still hate me? Yah. Did I try to make things better? Yah. Did it work? Kinda. Do I feel better? Nah. But hey at least Dick doesn’t treat me like dirt anymore.
Rachel: lmao I’m so bored on this island and Donna is still dead. Oop wait no her body disappeared. Guess imma head out.
Scarecrow: Mommy issues. Genuinely fascinating character to study. Genuinely brilliant plan to turn the masses against the Titans. Death by nightmare fuel via Rachel??? Brutal as shit
Dawn: I am once again completely defined by my relationship with Hank and none of my own personal worth. And then Hank died so guess I will have to continue to wallow in my misery.
Hank: Dawn hates me. Now I have a bomb in my chest bc I was a piece of shit to Jason, who was just a kid. Now I’m dead. But wait I can get back to the land of the living— aaand never mind. OH LOOK. MY BROTHER. Guess it’s all fine now.
Donna: I’ve been dead for like half a season already, but like there was this kid on the train and then I ran into Hank in the afterlife so what was I gonna do? Stay dead? Not for a hero.
Tim: I think superheroes are neat. Dying sucked but hey superheroes are still pretty cool.
Rose/Jericho: what was that? What was that you said about finding family in the Titans??? Hm?? Where were you?? All season???
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bowditch · 5 years ago
day six: dragged away dick grayson & bruce wayne general canon, Pre-N52 tw: drugging, blood, vomit
The moon cast pale gray light on the building spires and then the city was plunged into darkness by swiftly moving cloud cover. Nightwing glanced up, looking for a break in the inky sky, and saw miles of storm system spread out over the bay and moving in. 
He’d been hoping the forecast would be off by a few hours, at least. No such luck.
At least Robin wasn’t out with him tonight. Damian still had a penchant for leaning into things that made him uncomfortable— habit or defense mechanism or both. If he was freezing in the rain, he’d insist on stay out longer than a normal patrol, just to prove that he could. Dick had spent more than one night as Batman surreptitiously finding ways to warm Damian up after a cold night, while the kid pretended he wasn’t visibly shivering. 
Nightwing had been watching Gotham for five days now, and Damian had been out for three of those. Tonight, he’d insisted Damian stay in, and had left the cave to angry stomping going up the stairs into the house. He’d cool down, Dick knew, and probably crash and sleep within thirty minutes of furiously flinging himself into bed to sulk.
Five days of Bruce being undercover with hardly a word, and Damian was wired, on edge, and exhausted. Nightwing had that deep current of worry he always did when Bruce was out of contact, but that was undercover work, and he was used to it. 
Overhead, the sky rumbled ominously. Nightwing leapt from the edge of the First National building and let the free fall carry him down ten stories before throwing a grapple line and curving into the arc of its catch. He landed in a roll and the second he was back on his feet, his comm beeped. He froze. That pattern, that tone— that was the emergency beacon signal. 
“O,” he said, into the comm. 
“Osborne and St. Mark,” she said, immediately. “It’s not Robin. A’s confirming now that he’s at home. It’s a warehouse, one of Roman Sionis’ frozen assets in federal holding. Should be empty.”
“I’ll be there in seven,” he said. “Cycle’s two blocks from me. Any visual?” 
“I’ve got a camera a block down St. Mark’s that shows an empty lot. No in-building security online to use. Deploying a recon drone.” Oracle sounded purely businesslike, not a hint of stress present in her voice. Nightwing knew that meant she was masking, work-focused, and frustrated without enough information.
Nightwing made it to his parked and cloaked cycle in record time and ate up asphalt speeding through the streets as it started to rain. 
“Heat scan shows three bodies inside,” Oracle said when he was close. “Hand to hand, one against two. One of the two down.”
Nightwing gunned the engine. He could see the warehouse now. 
“Second is down,” Oracle said. “One man standing. Bottom floor.”
“I’m here,” Nightwing said.
The cycle skidded and squealed to a stop and Nightwing leapt from it and took the first double doors with a kick. He had a suspicion— a hope— who the one man left on his feet was, and there wasn’t much reach to proceed with caution or strategy at that point. 
“You’ve got a car enroute,” Oracle said. “I’ve got A on standby for emergency response prep orders.”
The emergency beacon probably meant blood, and lots of it.
Nightwing went through the dark building at a dead sprint, frantically scanning for any sign of Bruce. The interior was lit with warming fluorescent lights, the faint hum above head a clue that they’d been turned on very recently. He rounded the abandoned machinery just in time to see a hunched figure stumble backward and fall.
“B!” Nightwing flew across the room on a burst of extra speed and slid to a stop on his knees in front of the sitting figure. 
The ragged coat, the moth-eaten wool hat, the graying new beard, the colored contacts— all would have been remarkably effective disguises if he hadn’t already known who he was going to find. Bruce swayed, even sitting. There was blood trickling from his lip, and his pupils were blown.
Nightwing glanced up and down, hunting for seeping bloodstains. “B. What happened?”
“Drug,” Bruce slurred. “Organ...chop shop.”
The two men on the floor didn’t stir and Nightwing wished they would so he could kick them both in the teeth, and watch their faces while he did it. He put a hand on Bruce’s shoulder to steady him.
“Can you stand? O’s sending a car. We gotta get you back to the Manor.” 
“No,” Bruce said, trying to shake his hand off. “No, not...Robin…” 
“Robin’s fine, B,” Nightwing said, frowning. 
Bruce twisted clumsily and vomited on the floor. It splattered one of the unconscious men. “No,” he said again, staring at the mess.
“He probably deserved that,” Nightwing said. 
“DN...din...A,” Bruce mumbled, tugging uselessly at the man’s zippered jacket. His fingers struggled to grasp the zipper pull while he leaned and Nightwing braced him and sat him back upright, tugging him a foot across the floor.
“Oof. You’re as heavy as a freighter, B. Nobody’s gonna run DNA here. Don’t move.” Nightwing patted the unconscious man’s face to check for response and whistled when there wasn’t even a groan. “Holy right hook, Batman. You knocked him out colder than Mr. Freeze. Listen, A’s going to be ready for us. Robin will be fine.”
“Drugs,” Bruce protested, sounding far more upset than he should have been. He didn’t usually let much seep into his tone, ever, so this was downright unsettling. “He’s...will...drugs scare ‘im.”
Nightwing went as still as a startled animal, and then slowly, he turned back to Bruce and crouched in front of him.
“B,” he said, softly. “Just what’d they give you, anyway? This Robin isn’t going to be upset like that.” 
“No,” Bruce insisted, his head bobbing forward like he was having trouble controlling it. “No. Jay can’t...he’s...he’ll see...”
The comm beeped softly in his ear when he activated an open channel. “O, is the penthouse clear tonight? The big guy’s gonna need to sleep something off.” 
“No janitorial scheduled. Back elevator’s still programmed with your access code.” There was a significant, but brief, pause. “He’s okay? A’s waiting.”
“The only blood out here isn’t his. He was drugged but he’s conscious. I will take that car, though. I don’t think he could stay on a cycle right now. Tell A I’ve got him and to keep Robin at home.”
“I’ll send Black Bat,” Oracle said. “Keep me updated.”
Nightwing glanced at the men and sighed. “Hold on, B.” He pulled ties out of his cuff pockets and rolled them both, tying their hands behind them. He’d call it in, or have Oracle do it, when they were far enough away, but at least they wouldn’t get too far or choke on their own puke if the police were slow.
“Is not...” Bruce said, his brow knitted in confusion. He blinked slowly and tried to focus on Nightwing. “Is not Jay anymore.” 
“No, B,” Nightwing said quietly. “It’s not. Do you know what they gave you?”
“Somethin’...fuckin’..._strong_,” Bruce spat out, sounding profoundly annoyed. Nightwing  grabbed his arm and counterpressured with the heels of his boots when he stood, and fortunately, Bruce cooperated. He leaned heavily on Nightwing as they walked, but he was managing his own feet well enough. 
“Organ chop shop, huh,” Nightwing commented. “How long have you known? I’m guessing it wasn’t long before they drugged you, or they never would have gotten that close.” 
“Drug me,” Bruce repeated, and his arm slung around Nightwing’s shoulders tightened.
“So you said,” Nightwing answered. “Here’s the car. Come on, in you go, and if you try to take the wheel from me or open the door while we’re driving, I’m going to knock you out for your own good.”
“Brat,” Bruce said. As soon as Nightwing closed the car door, he was tearing out the colored contacts and dropping them on the floor. 
The ride to the penthouse was mostly silence that Nightwing filled with chatter. Bruce didn’t normally contribute much in the way of actual words, but the drugs disrupted his ability to grunt or move at the right times, so Nightwing felt a bit like he was talking to an actual brick wall.  It made Dick uneasy, even knowing it was drugs, to feel like Bruce was beside him and very, very far away.
It took some maneuvering to get Bruce onto the elevator but they made it into the penthouse without incident. As soon as they were there, inside, with the door locked, Nightwing peeled off his mask and Bruce shrugged awkwardly out of the beaten coat and hat. He dropped them on the floor and stumbled into the living room, and past the couch.
“Wait, wait up,” Dick called, hopping on one foot and then the other as he tugged off the suit boots. He left them on the floor and followed Bruce as he bumped into one item after another like some sort of human pinball, until he swerved hard left and into the bathroom. 
Bruce hugged the toilet and puked more, while Nightwing stood beside him, feeling helpless, while wrestling the suit off of himself. He waited, hovering nearby, trying to decide what to do. Bruce’s shoulders stopped heaving and he leaned there, forehead on forearm, trembling faintly.
“Uh, I’m gonna, I’m gonna grab some water and some clothes for both of us,” Dick said. “I’ll be right back.” 
It only took him under a minute but he still expected to see Bruce on the couch or climbing into a bed after. It was a surprise to find him still in the bathroom, shaking. Dick crouched down beside him, a worn t-shirt on, and offered the glass of water.
“Shit,” Bruce said, a word that was more low groan than speech. 
“You were not kidding when you said they gave you something strong,” Dick said, putting a hand on Bruce’s shoulder after the glass was transferred. 
Bruce gulped half of the water, set the glass down, and exhaled roughly. He staggered to his feet again. He braced himself on the wall and a desperate little gasp escaped him.
“B,” Dick said, unable to keep the alarm out of his voice. “Are you crying? Bruce. What did they do, exactly?”
“No,” Bruce said, stumbling past him. He went for the nearest bedroom and all but collapsed face down on the bed, turning his head just enough to get the pillow off his mouth and nose. There were tear streaks on his face and Dick climbed onto the bed next to him, his face pinched in worry.
“B. It’s me. You gotta tell me what’s going on. Is this just the drugs?” 
“No,” Bruce said again, and a sob tore from his chest. It was the only one— he sucked in a lungful of air and sniffled, and rubbed at his eyes with the tips of his fingers. “S’not...something else.” 
Dick elbowed him in the side, gently, and scooted closer. “Yeah? It is something else or it’s not?” 
“Tired,” Bruce said, closing his eyes. He threw an arm around Dick and dragged him that much closer, trapping Dick in a warm cuddle. He buried his face in Dick’s hair and Dick relaxed incrementally, as the arm around him did. 
“You big oaf,” Dick muttered fondly. “You could have just called and said you wanted to see me. You didn’t have to go get yourself kidnapped for your kidneys.”
Bruce snorted a laugh that ghosted across Dick’s scalp. 
“Feeling more you yet? I should get you some more water,” Dick said, without struggling to get away. Bruce didn’t let him go.
“After sleep,” Bruce said, firmly. “Wanna. Sleep. S’been cold.”
“I bet you just loved that,” Dick said. “Undercover means no blankets and fancy mattress. Why don’t you ever do white collar stuff? Seems like that’d be a more comfy gig.”
“Batman...doesn’t…he doesn’t...I don’t..._need_ comfy,” Bruce managed, with several stops and starts. “M’fine.”
More of the tension slipped out of Dick’s muscles and he laughed, and laughed, until his eyes filled with tears. He pressed his face into Bruce’s shoulder and laughed harder at the grumpy little snort of indignation.
“Chum,” Bruce said, and that was enough for Dick to know. He started telling him about a case he’d worked the week before, involving smuggling swans, and one of them attacking him in the suit. 
The non-verbal or quiet responses grew more Bruce-like and less slurred as Dick talked, until they were mostly normal. Dick felt the yawn Bruce tried to stifle and then the tell-tale deep breathing of Bruce truly out, the way he slept if he had been sedated. 
Dick wriggled enough to fish the comm out of his pocket, where he’d left it.
“O,” he said. “He’s fine.” 
“You done for the night?” Oracle asked. 
Dick scrunched closer into Bruce’s furnace-like warmth and smiled at the pleased hum.
“Yeah,” he said. “I’m staying in.”
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years ago
looking for the shapes in the silence
by popsunner
Damian has decided that he is not, in fact, a fan of this. Richard is sitting on the kitchen counter, swinging his legs while he eats a banana. Richard is eating a banana in the manor kitchen. Except Richard is dead. He’ll have to gather more information. This is proving to be difficult, because Richard is eating a banana in the kitchen, and he isn’t dead. *** Or, Richard is dead. In the past, things are the same.
Words: 8566, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Constellations
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne
Relationships: Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne
Additional Tags: this is so fucking long istg, I didn't even realize, Okay uhhh, Time Travel, Past Character Death, Dick is. not alive lough out loud, Hurt/Comfort, im gonna fill the tim and damian tag myself, let them be brothers, anyway, Brotherly Bonding, Good Sibling Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne Needs a Hug, Good Sibling Tim Drake, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Dead Dick Grayson, ig fake dead but whatever
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44008932
0 notes
ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 years ago
looking for the shapes in the silence
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/zwJ9BQ8
by popsunner
Damian has decided that he is not, in fact, a fan of this. Richard is sitting on the kitchen counter, swinging his legs while he eats a banana. Richard is eating a banana in the manor kitchen. Except Richard is dead. He’ll have to gather more information. This is proving to be difficult, because Richard is eating a banana in the kitchen, and he isn’t dead. *** Or, Richard is dead. In the past, things are the same.
Words: 8566, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Constellations
Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne
Relationships: Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne
Additional Tags: this is so fucking long istg, I didn't even realize, Okay uhhh, Time Travel, Past Character Death, Dick is. not alive lough out loud, Hurt/Comfort, im gonna fill the tim and damian tag myself, let them be brothers, anyway, Brotherly Bonding, Good Sibling Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne Needs a Hug, Good Sibling Tim Drake, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Dead Dick Grayson, ig fake dead but whatever
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/zwJ9BQ8
0 notes