#bruce trying to bond more with barry now that dick is dating wally
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headcanonthings · 2 months ago
Bruce: How did Wally come out to you? Barry: Well there were always signs, but when he really did, he did it by giving me a bunch of blue cupcakes and a greeting card that said "it's a boy!" Bruce: That's cute Barry: It was NOT cute! Barry: I thought he was pregnant.
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sqoiler · 7 years ago
family swap au stuff
haley’s circus was in smallville for a rest stop and john and mary went out and were killed in a car crash
it was the talk of the town and martha and johnathan decided to take in their orphaned son, as he was around kara’s age (kara had just landed a few months ago and they thought she could use some company)
they tried to keep the alien thing a secret from dick but it was hard for kara not to brag (i mean come on she’s like 10 have u ever met 10 year olds)
so dick knew and demanded to meet superman and thought clark was the COOLEST EVER
and dick and kara become besties and then one day they’re on a field trip and they go to a lex corp lab for a field trip and one of the workers “accidentally” spills something on kara and dick sort of.jumps in front of her? and then it gets on them both and there’s an electric shock that gives dick kara’s powers. she still has powers but now he has a weird version of them, too
after this clark takes kara & dick and they both move into his apartment in metropolis so he can keep an eye on them and be there for their training
this all ended up with dick and kara sneaking off to the fortress as soon as they could both fly and making themselves suits and supergirl and superboy were born
dick & kara co-found the titans which consist of kid flash, speedy, aqualad, aquagirl, wonder girl, and starfire
the titans eventually disbanded but before that happened kara & babs dated for a while. they mutually broke up when babs decided to move back to atlantis and quit being aquagirl 
when the titans disbanded dick and kara decided to. move on and be a lil more solo so they became nightwing and flamebird
they were still partners but they worked less with clark or the titans and more with each other or justice leaguers 
their home base is still metropolis but they worked on cleaning up bludhaven and work worldwide
b’ara is an atlanteian and she’s the adopted daughter of orin & mera
she grew up a princess and she learned magic from her mom
when garth became aqualad, b’ara (who’s around his age) forced her dad to let her be aquagirl alongside him and garth and babs joined the titans together
babs & garth were always friends but never super close?
babs dated supergirl for a lil bit but when the titans disbanded babs decided she wasn’t so sure about being aquagirl anymore so she went home to atlantis to work with her mom some more
at some point babs went up to visit with her friends for a titans reunion and while she was up there she got shot in the back of the spine by a mugger and was paralyzed 
she had to stay up in the surface for a while after that and started doing tech stuff to help her dad with heroing
this led to her going up to the watchtower and helping the whole jl once she got really good at tech
she still goes to atlantis & can swim around still (her arms are ripped af)
cass & jason were twins born of shiva and given to cain
when they were around seven shiva showed up and killed cain and rescued her kids, leaving them with someone to take care of them. that person, of course, immediately dumped the kids in the first waste hole they could find. 
jason & cass are left in gotham and they’re both mini killers who cant talk, all alone on the streets. fun times
black canary, who occasionally teams up with batman, was in gotham and found the two of them, cold and alone
dinah was sorry for them and took them in, just for winter to get warm so she could dump them in the foster system
then she got attached and taught them how to talk and they got cursed by the wizard (who approached dinah about some sort of alternate timeline or something) and now they both had the same canary cry and before dinah knew it she made ollie pull some strings to legally adopt them and jason & cass lance were born
dinah worked to re-train them and when they were 11 cass and jason decided that it was far past time they became superheros and snuck out as gold & red canary
dinah loves them a lot but they really give her a headache sometimes
the three of them live in an apartment in star city and crash at ollie’s place a lot and when roy got addicted and ollie kicked him out dinah brought him in (cass & jason were still pretty little then) and they all bonded and roy’s basically their brother now
when tim & kon restarted the titans cass and jason became reserve members since they were a lil older 
cass & raven became really close friends through the titans
jason is close with gar and kid devil and others idk
cass and steph, another reserve member, become pretty close and become known as a nightmare pair
speaking of steph, 
she and her parents move to central when she’s like 3ish and crystal dies when steph is six
when steph’s 11 flash brings down cluemaster and adopts her
steph pressures wally into telling her how to get powers and executes the procedure and survives 
around this time, wally hung up the KF mantle, so she took it on
it only lasted a few years before she, too, had to give it up
when barry died and wally became the flash, steph picked up the mantle of dart and bart showed up soon after 
steph was a reserve member of the titans and befriended cass lance
she dated courtney whitmore when she was kid flash but when she retired they broke up
when she was dart steph & cassie got together and have been going strong since
she and damian became friends and ever since whenever hal looks at steph he gets a mini heart attack
t’hym m’orzz came to earth at the same time as his sister m’gann did, and they both sort of hung around before j’onn introduced them to kon, who’d recently come into existence, and the three of them hit it off and from kon’s older brother dick’s encouragement they re-started the titans
soon enough people like bart and cassie joined, bringing along steph and cass and jason and raven and gar an
t’hym and kon started dating and making plans to see the stars and generally being gay
duke thomas’s parents were killed by a wonder woman villain, and diana took duke in
duke convinced her to train him and she did 
the gods found out about this and blessed him with some powers (strength and flight) and he became wonder boy
he’s never been to themescyria and doesn’t really want to intrude or anything
he and cassie are best friends and when cassie joined the titans he wasn’t far behind
duke & diana have a mother/son relationship and cassie jokingly calls him her nephew since she and diana are sisters
duke and bart have mutual crushes on each other and are skirting around the issue atm
damian was dropped off with bruce and he was trying to convince him to be batboy or something when a green ring descended from the sky and announced that damian was the youngest green lantern of earth ever
bruce begrudgingly took him to hal who stuck him with jessica and simon
damian and jess immediately got along really well and it took longer but he and simon eventually got along, too
the three of them are known menaces among the green lanterns of earth and hal is eternally faceplanting at them all
damian & steph met when hal & barry started dating and all the lanterns decided to shovel talk barry
damian voice: allen PLEASE break jordan’s heart i don’t want him to be happy
steph: [snorts in laughter]
anyway damian & dick met when jon befriended damian (as new members of the new titans) and jon invited him over and dick was like “this is my new brother”
damian: hey father i have a new brother and sister now
bruce, tiredly: who
damian: stephanie allen and dick kent
bruce: im moving to ethiopia 
(feel free to ask me or my artblog @sam-and-crystal if you have any questions! <3)
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itsdragonfire13 · 8 years ago
YJ Livejournal Fic Rec Part1
I’ve become tired of losing stories I like on the Young Justice Livejournal so I’m going to make a list of them here. There’s a lot... Most will be under a read more. IF LINKS DON’T WORK PLEASE TELL ME!
This has 21 fics, I’ll probably make a few more of these fic rec things.
1. The Checklist: Wally has a HUGE crush on John Stewart-- posters on his wall, t-shirts, always trying to catch a glimpse of him whenever they're with the league, etc. I'm not too sure how old John was when he was given his ring, but I'd guess that, since Wally's 15 in YJ and John is already part of the league, he's in his early twenties? And maybe one day GL has to take Wally home after a mission or something, and Wally's all, "Ohmygod OHMYGOD what do I say to him" and the like. (Complete)
2.  Greetings from the Twineball (Wish You Were Here): Doing stuff together at super speed. Running to Paris for lunch and racing each other to the south pole to play with penguins, for example. I want lots of silly brotimes between the two, because Kon needs to have some fun.(Complete)
3. The Batsitter Begins:  all the batsiblings have a crush on wally, and they try to woo him in different ways. BONUS: they're all younger than dick BONUS2: they try to court him the bat way so it's extremely subtle, and after a while they get impatient and one of them just kisses him. (WIP, though you can kinda look at it as if it’s complete)
4.  Just Affectionate:  Wally's parents aren't abusive, just... neglectful, mainly in an emotional way. Distant. Fortunately, Wally has his aunt and uncle, and the Garricks, for hugs and smiles and emotional support and caring about that 'A' he got on his chemistry test. Small things. None of them realize that he's not getting any of these at home. They think he's just really social. Then, Barry and Iris are both gone at the same time, for whatever reason. (Mission, reporting, etc.) So are the Garricks, if you choose to include them. This absence lasts for an extended period of time, to the point where it starts to affect Wally. So he compensates when visiting Mount Justice. At first it's just extra hugs for teammates, which are nice, if a bit confusing. As time goes on, though, it extends to other things. Talking about his day, getting moody when there isn't anyone around, spending more time at Mount Justice than usual, taking negative feedback as more of a blow. This includes mentors, not just teammates. (Complete!)
5.  Five Times Wally Couldn't Drive and One Time He Could:  Wally, learning how to drive and being horrible at it. So Barry calls in Robin, because Robin is BAMF and can relate to Wally. And I'd love it if you included this little tidbit, because I kind of fell in love with it but am too lazy to write the rest. "You have a license?" Wally asks, his eyebrows horribly skeptical. Robin snorts. "Yes." Wally's eyebrow hitches higher, and the corner of Robin's mouth twitches as he tries not to smile. "In Russia." (Complete)
6.  On my honor, I will do my best: Superboy hears people refer to Superman as a boyscout. So, to try to be more like Superman, he joins the boyscouts. (Complete)
7. Play It By Trust: Despite how brief his stint as Dr. Fate was, Wally can still hear Nabu when he’s near enough to the Helmet of Fate (how near is up to you anon.) Surprisingly, Nabu is kind of a bitchy roommate. (Complete)
8. Kidnapping is Bad:  Wally is the only one that knows Robin's secret identity on team right? So I figure they probably hang out on the weekends in Gotham or Central or some place when they aren't doing missions or dynamic duoing. And seeing as how Dick Grayson has to be the receiving end of a multitude of kidnappings but this time I would like a time when kidnappers are forced to take Wally too because there can't be witnesses! (Complete)
9. Wally VS Wednesday:  So say Wally's dating someone older, whether it's Kaldur or Roy or someone from the League, and at some point when he hasn't been having a good day, his boyfriend comes to see him after school ends, right at the gate. Cue hug, or a careless kiss, and by the next day, everyone's talking. (Complete with a few bonus chapters)
10. Baby’s First Book:  Superboy is brand new in the world and he has a lot of firsts. Someone gets him a baby's first book were you put down all of the first things a baby does(first word, first laugh, first spit bubble). It can be a joke, something serious, maybe M'gann just trying to follow earth culture. Even though it's kind of silly the whole team helps to fill it up. So what would be the kind of things the team would want to remember?(Complete)
11. Wally.. Why do you Have Two Hearts?:  There is something about the Young Justice team. A secret hidden so deep that only one of them is privy to the knowledge. There aren't two aliens on the team. There are three. (and Timelords are very good at running.) (WIP, But can be looked as Completed)
12. ‘Cause They’re Part of the Six Teens: The mentors have to face a horrible, horrible realization. Even though their former-sidekicks are still nominally their partners... in reality, the members of YJ are Batman's. How they come to this conclusion is up to you, but I would love to see Batman stepping up for any non-Robin member of YJ. Crack/angst/slash/gen/whatever is perfectly fine.
Bonus: "Batman is the happiest I've ever seen him. Six teenagers and they're all his." (Completed)
13. Speedster Chase Instinct: Speedsters have an innate need to chase/race really fast things. Wally keeps his under control by playing tag/racing Barry every couple of days (and vice versa), but what happens if Flash can't be there for some reason? Bonus points if he suddenly goes running after the Javelin /Batmobile (Completed)
14. Everyone Needs a Little More Dick:  A certain Dick Grayson is put into the custody of a certain Agent Gibbs and his staff. He gets to meet the whole team and trolls the shit out of Tony though no one believes the poor guy when he tries to tell the others about it. Dick's got those innocent-who-me? baby blues that NO ONE can resist. Bonus if this when he's older and can still pull off the kicked puppy look. Super bonus if Superboy gets involved somehow, though just him. EPIC SUPER BONUS if you have Dick and Gibbs bonding in their red head kink. (Completed)
15. Hal Jordan or Uncle McAwesome:  Five times Hal Jordan was there for Wally as an uncle/mentor and the one time Wally was there for Hal. (Completed)
16. Batty’s Little Babies: 5 Times Batman thought of the members of Young Justice as his children.(Completed)
17. Mission: Seduce Sexy Snarky Damian: Wally is thrilled when Robin tells him his secret ID! After doing so, Robin takes him to Wayne Manor to introduce him to his brothers: Damian, Tim, and Jason. What Wally wasn't expecting was the feeling that came over him as he laid eye on the gorgeous Damian Wayne. Cue Wally beginning phase one of Mission: Seduce Sexy Snarky Damian! Romance ensues! Damian/Wally Note: The ages are reversed. Meaning, Damian is the oldest (precisely what age is up to author anon), Tim's second oldest, Jason is second youngest, and Dick is the youngest. Bonus: Insert humor as Wally tries pick up lines, over the top flirting techniques, and failed attempts to be seductive, etc. (Completed, it’s a minfill)
18. Fill(It’s just called that no other name): Cadmus cloning project always ended in failure - clone degeneration, imperfect powers, starts to have mind of its own and goes against them, etc. They can't make a perfect weapon that can kill/replace Superman. So tried a different approach this time. Instead of developing one weapon, they're going to make a set of different weapons - each focusing on different powers that could go toe on toe with Superman. And so Cadmus had their perfect set of weapons. Separated, they can handle a fight of their own. They have been trained thoroughly and their powers have been honed to perfection - the clone is now stronger, the speedster now rivals the Flash with his speed, and the alien could now use all her power with great expertise. (WIP; it’s amazing though!)
19. Filling the Empty Rooms: Since Roy has shown a love for masks only rivaled by every memeber in the batfamily, I would like to request AU where Roy is adopted by Bruce. Could it also include Roy, Rob and KF hanging out in the Batcave? (Completed)
20. Kid Lantern: Wally loses his powers (reason up to anon) and starts feeling down about being depowered. Though he knows that powers don't make the hero, he still feels that he needs them help. Cue Uncle Hal lending Wally Green Lantern powers until he regains his speed (which he does, eventually). And Wally, being the ever lovable teenager that he is, has some 'fun' with those powers. Perhaps he trolls people or maybe the powers allow him to save his friends from a really powerful villain. (Complete; Minifill)
21. The Hazard of Accidental Dimension Travel: Wally doesn't disappear. He travels dimensions. The JLU one to be exact. And he manages there for quite some time, getting himself an identity, a job, and even becomes a founder of the Justice League in that dimension. (Completed)
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