#brrr skibidi dop dop yes yes
factleyoccasion · 6 months
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Occasionally Factley: 11
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sqmelqnelylqser · 1 month
skibeter toilet
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What is the secret of happiness?
yeah it's simple, it's cuz' my style is
ridic-dic-dic-culous (culous-culous)
brrr skibidi dop dop dop yes yes! skibidi dobboyou NIM-NIM, skibidi dop dop dop yes yes! skibidi dobboyou NIM-NIM
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gamie99 · 8 months
Skibidi Grammar: A Brief Amateur Study
Because I honestly have nothing better to do. We studying the Skibidi writing system up in this bitch 🔥🔥
(Spoilers for Episode 70 Part 2 below! Proceed with caution!)
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In the latter half of Episode 70 Part 2, Plungerman picks up this document in what I'm calling 'the hardware artifact room', featuring what is very clearly the written form of the language used by the Skibidi Toilets. This honestly kind of shocked me (the toilets have a writing system??) but at the same time it doesn't - every intelligent civilization, no matter how absurd, has to have some way to keep records handy, especially one as advanced as the toilets.
Unfortunately, due to the fact that we obviously can't translate the Skibidi language, the exact nature or contents of this document are completely unclear. However, I'm going to analyze what we can see and understand anyway, because that's fun and I have horrific brainrot. LET'S BEGIN!!
But before we start analyzing the actual text itself, I'd like to quickly get the two photos on the document out of the way:
The first photo is of the Scientist Toilet, with some weird round thing behind him that kind of looks like an airplane engine. His photo is apparently captioned, written in red and in larger text than the rest of the text on the document. What is the caption? Is that his legal name?? Again, it's completely unclear.
The second photo depicts an Astro Toilet - his style of helmet makes it obvious. What isn't obvious, however, is who this Astro Toilet is. He isn't the one from Part 1, and he doesn't resemble the other two Astro Toilets we've seen before either - all of their helmets are different. If I'm not mistaken, this is the fourth Astro Toilet we've seen in the series, and looking at where we currently are at, he definitely won't be the last.
Why these two are featured on this document is, again, unknown. But we can deduce that the Astro Toilets and the Scientist Toilet are connected in a very important way.
Now, with that out of the way, time to actually analyze the written toilet language!!
The Skibidi language is written in all caps, and makes obvious use of some of the characters from the Greek alphabet - you might be familiar with a few if you've taken any kind of advanced math in school. This seems to be purely for aesthetic reasons, seeing as how the Greek letter Ψ is used in place of the Latin letter Y in 'YES' when Ψ makes the 'ps' sound. I ain't gonna complain though. I love doing shit for the sake of 'make it Fancy™'.
A couple of the words are underlined, which wouldn't be too strange by itself, if not for the fact that some of the words are also overlined (this can most clearly be seen in the first 'SKIBIDI' in the second paragraph). Some kind of punctuation or markings to denote proper nouns, maybe? I don't know.
Speaking of punctuation (kinda), we have some symbol usage in the form of {}! They're used to surround a set of words in the second paragraph ({DOB YES YES}).
< and > also make an appearance! In the second paragraph, they're used to separate two words (SKIBIDI<>DOM), and in the third paragraph, they're used to surround four words (>SKIBIDI SKIBIDI SKIB IDI<). Again, no idea what purpose these symbols have - maybe they have a similar function to the {} we see here?
And now, for some various other interesting things I've noticed!
The first four lines of the first paragraph is the classic unaltered Skibidi chant. Neato!
There's a lot of variety in the community when it comes to spelling the word "DOP". This document features three different spellings - 'DOP', 'DOM', and 'DOB' - which I suppose makes them all correct! There's also the word 'DIP' that's featured here too.
There's a random upside down A in one of the words in the second paragraph (it's a bit hard to read due to the faded text, but I can best Latinize it as 'YES∀SKIBIDI'). Interesting!
'BRRR' and 'BRRRRH' are words. Hahaha!
And that's about all I have to say about the Skibidi written language! Moral of the story: ...uh, man, my brainrot is horrible right now have a good day everyone LMFAOOOO
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pinterest-staff · 1 month
BRRR SKIBIDI DOP DOP DOP YES YES also hahaha do you like my pintereet acc….. [isabelle0kyung] ypu better before i get 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂
i would rather die than open pinterest tbh
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test-tube-iii · 6 months
brrr skibidi dop dop dop yes yes
What does that mean???
Can one of you anons explain again
i tried googling this but just saw a bunch of....toilets???
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bakingcakeroll · 3 days
are you skibidi toilet 🤑🤑🤑
brrr skibidi dop dop dop yes yes skibidi doppledip Dee Dee 🤑🤑🤑
" ..HUH?? "
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robo-boy · 18 days
skibiid toilet guitar cover
Brrr skibidi dop dop dop yes yes skibidi dop e da deep deep
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snowypolaroid · 3 months
Brrr skibidi dop dop dop yes yes
how do i kill someone through a screen
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the-lonelyshepherd · 4 months
what if in stead of brrr skibidi dop dop dop yes yes it was 😁👍
i’d be so happy i love sending that emoji combination 😁👍
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nimos-flakes · 5 months
tom sawyer if he was in 21st century: brrr skibidi dop dop dop yes yes! Huck lets chug jug together, i need to show you my level 110 mewing experience!
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Brrr Skibidi dop dop dop yes yes Skibidi dopple dop niii niii
What. The. Hell.
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dimentiodimento · 1 year
Deepest thought I’ve ever had today
deep: brrr skibidi dop dop dop yes yes skibidi dop dop dop deep deep
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purrfurnax · 2 days
brrr skibidi dop dop oh yes yes
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rechenzentrum · 8 months
brrr skibidi dop dop dopmm yes
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feenmies · 1 year
Brrr Skibidi Dop Dop Dop Dop Yes Yes
hi giornonyan ❗❗❗❗❗
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