#brozone angst
kkpaaw · 5 months
Ya know what I would like to see be made? A series that covered the years post bergen escape, but pre 1st movie.
Show us baby Branch struggling to fit in
Show us baby Branch beginning to make his bunker
Show us his freak outs
His lonely nights
How the village's treated him
Show us flashbacks of his brothers and how much he prayed for them to come back
Show us him slowly realizing they never would
Show us his relationship with other trolls during that time
Give us Kismet interactions
Give us Poppy being the cutie pie she is
Show us Peppy grieving his lost daughter
Give us snack pack formation
Coopers eggs being found and how he fit in (I need more than a single scene here man)
I would honestly love to also see what the brothers got up to. Their lives their interactiosn with the outside world
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oodlelunazx · 7 months
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bobbydagen24 · 7 months
I'd kinda like it if we actually saw Branch trying to give up on his relationship with his Brothers in the future so we could actually see them making the effort for a change to try and keep him a part of their family.
like I said in my other post I Hope we see in the future Branch just struggling to feel fully comfortable around his family again given how many years he spent as a loner.
and eventually he does end up emotionally trying to self destruct and push them away asking them to leave and saying that it was a mistake for them to try and be a family again.
given he just feels too uncomfortable trying to play happy families with them since its so unfamiliar after all the years he spent without a family.
I think it'd be a good way to actually show the older Bros making the effort to fight for their relationship with him them not giving up on him even tho he's seemingly given up on them and himself.
as the Relationship felt very one sided in TBT Branch just forgave them time and time again despite them letting him down multiple times and in the end he had to save their lives and convince them to do the Harmony.
so I really think we need to see the shoe being on the other foot and Bro zone actually making the effort to stand by Branch and convince him that their family can work and that they do want him in their lives.
even tho Branch is convinced he just isn't meant to be part of a family given the way he felt when they were all just spending time together acting like a normal family would.
and he just didn't feel like he belonged.
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lms274 · 8 months
Go read this if you crave for a good brozone angst
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ohposhers · 8 months
My favorite thing is how lowkey uncomfortable Branch's brothers look when they find out Branch highkey replaced them with a new band/found family after they left LOLOL
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JD and Clay being quick to crack incredibly forced jokes to cover up the awkwardness of the situation ooo And you KNOW the Kismet trolls probably think so fucking lowly of all of them too if Branch confided in them over everything that happened throughout the years rrrrr I think the brothers would definitely take personal issue with particular members too uh ohh the girls are fightingg
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and they know they have no right to be mad cause they are the ones who walked out and never came back but they're gonna be bitter anyway <333 i love troll drama
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sandflakedraws · 15 days
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re : how each brother reacts learning that they can't go back
you'll have to pry the "all the Brozone Bros knew what happened at the tree" headcanon outta my cold, dead dead dead hands.
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finnylemon · 6 months
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🥚John Dory and the lonely egg 💔
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Headcanon that the brother's dad left before they even knew Branch existed and he was just left in a basket with a note for JD to find 🥲 we love giving our boys trauma ✨️
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This is shortly after losing their mother 💕😭 BABY FLOYD IS SO CUTE HERE HELPPP give John a hug PLEASEEEE Branch is basically the equivalent to a premature baby because of this 😌🫶 so smol
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"Casually recites this extremely traumatic event with a shrug"
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em-doods · 4 months
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I sketched this really angsty thing byeeee
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“Forever fiances”
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Viva and Willow comic2
Okay to whoever said that Willow never had a daughter is totally wrong because Viva is totally adopted in her mind (she’s actually Willow’s goddaughter but she will fight Peppy for her in a second).In this comic Floyd is still an egg that’s why Viva said 4 kids instead of 5. I actually made this comics with totally different characters on a different scenario (I was going to introduce a new parent character) but I didn’t like how it turned out so I made it from the beginning but with Viva. ( i found Viva’s obsession for planning Poppy’s wedding so funny for no reason and that gave me the idea)
I’m still deciding If I should show more of Rowan and Willow when they met or wait a little longer and show it after showing how they got taken??? I don’t know Maybe a comic about the present? I’m still deciding, comics are taking longer because I’m also on other projects so I don’t have a lot of time.
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(Me after posting this)
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glitterp0prhaps0dy · 6 months
cant stop thinking about the fact john dory said HE CAME BACK BUT NO ONE WAS THERE, HE THOUGHT HIS ENTIRE FAMILY WAS DEAD YALL-
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shirecorn · 8 months
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I have nothing new to add. In love with these rodents.
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I like to hc that after the events of trolls 3 the brothers would just randomly hang out, to get to know each other again and bond, and one day some random person saw them and the interaction went along the lines of:
Stranger to Branch: *Laughs* Being the oldest must be hard.
*All brothers look at each other in confusion*
Branch: Umm...I'm not the oldest.
Stranger: Oh. Oh, I'm sorry. I just though- Well because- Um... well, who is the oldest?
JD: That would be me.
Stranger: I never would have thought. It's just that Branch is always so serious and protective, of himself and the village. Plus, look at those crow's feet. *They say jokingly obvi* Anyway, sorry again. Have a nice day.
After that the brothers all turn to look at Branch, like REALLY look at Branch. The deep lines and wrinkles, probably permanently scars from living in the wild for like 20 years and his stitched up pants that he did himself. Then Branch is all like,
"What? Raising myself since I was 4 wasn't an easy easy and stress-free job to do."
And the weight of leaving a full child to fend for themselves really hits them like a truck and they start tearing up and apologizing and they sit down to finally and fully talk about the elephant in the room. I just know that after the events of trolls 3 Branch did not just fully forgive and forget the 2 decades of abandonment and probably still harbors a bit of anger and other emotions deep down but he doesn't talk about it and I need him to talk about it and just ARRGH-
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bersqunk · 29 days
Human Pirate AU ~ Chapter 4 (End for Now)
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The first to return is met with a husk of what was. Striving for freedom, adventure, yet to lose a treasure that can never be replaced. Tale of 5 brothers with a bond so effortlessly broken by the pursuit for something more.
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moshpitgamma · 8 months
😚Zoom Zoom Mama G has posted again!!!
HOPE YALL ENJOY THIS ONE AND I HOPE ITS NOT TO BAD….(You��re older than branch but younger than Floyd btw😌)
Family Reunion||Brozone x Sister Reader
Warning:Angst and Mild Cursing
Word Count:1.3k
Other:It’s kinda proof ridden😝✌️
You knew JD wasn’t always the best brother, but you didn’t expect for it to go like this…
“It’s called BRO-ZONE meaning BROS not GALS” JD said angrily at the h/c haired troll. “So youre saying just because I'm a girl I can’t be in the band. I’m basically the damn melody John.” you loudly yelled at him clearly pissed at how your brother didn’t want you to ruin brozone. “It has to be perfect and the name is perfect for bros. MAYBE IF YOU WERE PERFECT IT COULD WORK, BUT YOU’RE JUST A FUCKING MISTAKE FOR THE BAND” he yelled at y/n tired of her shit. He didn’t mean to totally call her a mistake, but it was too late. She already ran to her room in the shared pod, crying her eyes out and muttering small complaints. All the brothers stood with their mouths agape from witnessing the scene. “John what the hell,” Bruce said, holding the blue decorated egg with blue hair sticking out. “You just called her a damn mistake” “Maybe she is and it would be best if she left….The band is almost there and she’ll just get in the way.” John said it as if he was hoping y/n would leave to save the band for the family harmony. After John said that all the brothers left the area with sour and disapproving faces. Ignoring him till later that night.
It was now 2:34am and fast paced footsteps were heard around the pod waking John up from his humble sleep. He groggily dragged himself out the bed and headed towards the noise and found his three brothers and branch’s egg sitting in the living area. “What’s going on and why are you guys up so early.” John said, kinda annoyed from losing his beauty sleep. “Y/n left” Clay said barely above a whisper. “Huh,” John asked again, not being able to hear Clay. “Y/N FUCKING LEFT” Clay bursted as his tears started pooling his eyes. “You drove our sister away because of your stupid and glorious dream. Now she’s out in the wilderness by herself and we don’t know if she’s alive or dead.” John felt his whole body freeze and run cold. Did he fuck up or was it just you overacting? Before Bruce could add in to the statement, John wasted no time in leaving to go put on his jacket and shoes ready to go find y/n. He left out the door after he finished getting dressed, without a word to his brothers.
{Y/n’s POV}
I woke up in a cold sweat, absolutely drenched from the wrenched nightmare of your older brother. My mind has been messed up recently ever since my eventful trip to mount ragous.
“It’s some kind of love”
A voice rang through the area. It was so soft, but with a familiar melody.
“It’s some kind of fire”
It was my part? But sung by someone different. An angelic voice.
“I’m already up, but you lift me higher”
But that’s when it hit you..it was your brothers with a now full grown relationship saving Floyd.
{2nd POV}
After your brothers and those two mystery girls brought Floyd back, you couldn’t help ,but feel nothing but relief and a little wave of nervousness. All five of your brothers were standing right there together but the time just didn’t feel right for you. You wanted to go hug and celebrate with them, but you just felt disappointed and angry at them for not trying to find you. Without a word you started walking away, but caught what now sounds like a grown man spruce saying “How about we all celebrate at Vacay island this weekend.” You then had an idea set up perfectly for this Family Reunion.
I sighed heavily as I parked my motor beetle in front of this big resort looking restaurant. “I hope they aren’t too mad to see me” I told myself, trying to hype myself up from all the nerves. As I step foot into the resort I see this tall yellowish woman at the bar, so I head over to ask her where the boys may be. “Umm excuse me…can you help me” I asked her in my nice bright tone. “Of course hun! What can I help you with and by the way you can call me Brandi” she exclaimed, clearly being an extroverted person. “Well you see I’m here looking for my brothers and i’m kinda here to reunite with them after basically being away for 22+ years” I say not trying to sound crazy or out of the ordinary. “Ok well what are their names?”Brandi asked me as she took out a notepad ready to write them down, assuming that it was more than one. “Well to start off it’s John Dory for the first one and Bru-” “Is that them?” she pointed to a corner before quickly apologizing for cutting me off. I was literally stunned when I saw all of them bonding and getting along like we were little kids again. I guess Brandi picked up on my distressed and nervous face that she offered and said” If it makes you any better I can go with you for emotional support” She says tucking a burgundy loc behind her head. “I would like that very much”I say releasing some pent up air that I didn’t know I had.
As Me and Brandi walked to the corner it felt like time was slowing down and my breaths were getting shorter by the second. I was trying to calm myself down in my mind, but I was brought out by Brandi speaking. “Um hi y'all sorry to interrupt, but you guys had a little surprise that decided to drop in today.” As on cue I stepped from behind Brandi with nothing but hope and fear in my chest.
“Who’s that?” Bruce said as he looked at the familiar troll. “If you wanted an autograph you could’ve asked us” John laughed as he pulled out a notepad and passed it around to each of the brothers to sign. “Are you guys kidding me?” I exclaimed, wondering if they were joking or not. Every single last one of them looked at you with a dumbfounded expression. “After leaving, you guys clearly forgot me” I said with tears in my eyes as i couldn't believe that they forgot me. “It’s me Y/n…. but I guess you guys didn’t care” I bitterly laugh as I see the visible expression changes on them except Branch. Guess John got what the fuck he wanted” I said getting ready to leave, but felt a hand gently catch mines, stopping me from leaving in the progress. Before I could turn around, I was pulled into a hug by a pink and white haired troll. “We could never forget you n/n” Floyd said genuinely. Slowly one by one the others hugged me except JD and branch.
Me and JD stared at each other as if we were to look away, we would die. Jd cleared his throat before saying “Umm are you good” while giving you that charming smirk. If looks could kill, JD would be dead right now. “That’s all? No sorry or are you ok sis.” I say starting to get angry. “Just be glad I'm happy to see you.” “Or what Jd” I said, letting a few tears fall. “You wanna know how tired I am from fighting with you. I bet Branch didn't even know he had a sister till now.” I advertise my hand to point at a shocked Branch. “But when I want my older brother to show me affection and let me be apart of the group it’s a fucking problem.” I say getting tired of his mess. “I don’t care no more JD. I will really walk out of this resort and leave again if that’s what you want.”I said, grabbing my helmet from the nicely made table. When Jd just stared at me I knew he meant it. So therefore without any words I got out of there and left. But before I did I said….
“So much for a Family Reunion….Hope we meet again, but on better conditions.”
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miccimocha · 10 months
Just Brozone with their problems...
JD: Not being "perfect"/good enough, Blaming himself for everything, Low Self-Esteem, Suicidal thoughts/ideation, Thinks everyone hates him, "everyone would be better off without me" mindset
Bruce: People only liking him bc of his looks and not who he really is, Being told that he's only one thing and that's being the "heart throb", Feeling of Loneliness
Clay: Only seen as a laughing stock since he's known to be the "funny one", never taken seriously, Feels like everyone treats him like he isn't any important
Floyd: Blames himself for abandoning his youngest brother, Takes care of everyone but who's taking care of him?, feels like he isn't allowed to have problems, the "sensitive one" and feels like he's only that
Branch: Abandonment issues, Attachment issues, Feels responsible abt the fact that his brothers left, feels like he's never good enough, feels like a waste of space, Trust issues, Anger Issues
Correct me if there is anything wrong. And reminder it's just a headcannon of mine for angsty purposes.
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they had my boy locked up for TWO. MONTHS.
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