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*spoilers* Just finished the Chimera ant arc and I have to say I love Reina’s ant design
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got chimera ant fever!!!!
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thinkin about bloster from hunter x hunter and i’m in tears again asfderfgthyj
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#when will i stop drawing ants? never#Hunter X Hunter#HunterXHunter#Chimera Ant Arc#hxh#my art#welfin#brovada#peggy
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Buonasera che fate io a casa che mi fa male il tallone 😢 e sono coccolata dalla mia gatta ganesha 💕 #puresilksaree #purefood #purèdipatate #alettedipollo #lenticchie #brovada #buona #cenasaludable #mipiace #miami #mipiacecucinare #foodporn #foodphotography #foodieofinstagram #instambul #francetrip #foodindia #magicalelyrecipies🌟 #novagorica #picoftheday #picofme #magnemo https://www.instagram.com/elymagical/p/CYUKAAAMhUs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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#animalidacortile intorno alla #brovada (at Tolmezzo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJTWMZInJGH/?igshid=1uxun3cdhl3in
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w- wh- what about brovada? what did he do after chimera ant ark??
Brovada was arrested for loitering.
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oh this is so funny did he forget brovada's arms are literally machine guns
#genuinely sincerely literally this is one of my favorite mini-arcs/subplots in ANY media#I love the dilemmas ikalgo faces I love the mind games and the strategies I love how everything comes back around in the end#and ikalgo not killing brovada results in one of the most beautiful and incredible scenes in the series#I am eating it. I wish it was longer but alas#and it's SO engaging the entire time. it's so well done#hxh rewatch
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komugi and meruem really did that huh....
#i was already dispondent and the reina+brovada thing fucking KILLED me#that shit had me tearing up#reina colt reunion WHEN
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it would be funny if ikalgo just ran over brovada
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Tutti i prodotti DOP: Aceto balsamico tradizionale di Modena Aceto balsamico tradizionale di Reggio Emilia Aglio bianco Polesano Aglio di Voghera Alto Crotonese Aprutino Pescarese Arancia di Ribera Asiago Asparago Bianco di Bassano Basilico Genovese Bergamotto di Reggio Calabria – Olio essenziale Bitto Bra Brisighella Brovada Bruzio Caciocavallo Silano Canestrato Pugliese Canino Capocollo di Calabria Carciofo Spinoso di Sardegna Cartoceto Casatella Trevigiana Casciotta d’Urbino Castagna di Vallerano Castelmagno Chianti Classico Cilento Ciliegia dell’Etna Cinta Senese Cipollotto Nocerino Collina di Brindisi Colline di Romagna Colline Pontine Colline Salernitane Colline Teatine Coppa Piacentina Cozza di Scardovari Crudo di Cuneo Culatello di Zibello Dauno Fagioli Bianchi di Rotonda Fagiolo Cannellino di Atina Farina di Castagne della Lunigiana Farina di Neccio della Garfagnana Farro di Monteleone di Spoleto Fichi di Cosenza Fico Bianco del Cilento Ficodindia dell’Etna Ficodindia di San Cono Fiore Sardo Fontina Formaggella del Luinese Formaggio di Fossa di Sogliano Formai de Mut dell’Alta Valle Brembana Garda Gorgonzola Grana Padano Irpinia – Colline dell’Ufita La Bella della Daunia Laghi Lombardi Lametia Liquirizia di Calabria Lucca Marrone di Caprese Michelangelo Marrone di San Zeno Mela Val di Non Melanzana Rossa di Rotonda Miele della Lunigiana Miele delle Dolomiti Bellunesi Miele Varesino Molise Montasio Monte Etna Monte Veronese Monti Iblei Mozzarella di Bufala Campana Murazzano Nocciola Romana Nocellara del Belice Nostrano Valtrompia Oliva Ascolana del Piceno Oliva di Gaeta Ossolano Pagnotta del Dittaino Pancetta di Calabria Pancetta Piacentina Pane di Altamura Pane Toscano Parmigiano Reggiano Patata di Bologna Patata Novella di Galatina Pecorino Crotonese Pecorino delle Balze Volterrane Pecorino di Filiano Pecorino di Picinisco Pecorino Romano Pecorino Sardo Pecorino Siciliano Pecorino Toscano Penisola Sorrentina Peperone di Pontecorvo Piacentinu Ennese Piave Pistacchio Verde di Bronte Pomodorino del Piennolo del Vesuvio Pomodoro S. Marzano dell’Agro Sarnese-Nocerino Pretuziano delle Colline Teramane Prosciutto di Carpegna Prosciutto di Modena Prosciutto di Parma Prosciutto di San Daniele Prosciutto Toscano Prosciutto Veneto Berico-Euganeo Provolone del Monaco Provolone Valpadana Puzzone di Moena/Spretz Tzaori Quartirolo Lombardo Ragusano Raschera Ricotta di Bufala Campana Ricotta Romana Riso di Baraggia Biellese e Vercellese Riviera Ligure Robiola di Roccaverano Sabina Salame Brianza Salame di Varzi Salame Piacentino Salamini Italiani alla Cacciatora Sale Marino di Trapani Salsiccia di Calabria Salva Cremasco Sardegna Seggiano Silter Soppressata di Calabria Sopressa Vicentina Sopressa delle Giudicarie Squacquerone di Romagna Stelvio o Stilfser Strachitunt Susina di Dro Taleggio Tergeste Terra d’Otranto Terra di Bari Terre Aurunche Terre di Siena Terre Tarantine Tinca Gobba Dorata del Pianalto di Poirino Toma Piemontese Tuscia Umbria Val di Mazara Valdemone Valle d’Asota Fromadzo Valle d’Aosta Jambon de Bosses Valle d’Aosta Lard d’Arnad Valle del Belice Valli Trapanesi Valtellina Casera Vastedda della Valle del Belice Veneto Valpolicella Veneto Euganei e Berici Veneto del Grappa Vulture Zafferano dell’Aquila Zafferano di San Gimignano Zafferano di Sardegna
Dall’articolo "Mozzarella Gioia del Colle: in Gazzetta Ufficiale la domanda per la Denominazione di Origine Protetta (DOP)" di Manuela Chimera
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Cordovado è un paese di circa 2700 abitanti della provincia di Pordenone, inserito dal 2004 nella lista dei Borghi più belli d’Italia. Famoso anche per essere il luogo dove Ippolito Nievo ha ambientato il suo famoso romanzo “Le confessioni di un italiano”, Cordovado ha un centro storico ancora ben conservato. La storia di Cordovado Il grazioso borgo medievale ha probabilmente una storia molto più antica rispetto alla prima attestazione, risalente al 1186. Sembra, infatti, che Cordovado sia nato sulle vestigia di un castrum romano. Successivamente, il borgo è stato residenza dei vescovi di Concordia, fino a quando, dopo l’assedio, delle truppe carraresi nel 1387 e delle truppe veneziane nel 1412, nel 1420 è passato alla Repubblica di Venezia. Fino all’unione al Regno d’Italia nel 1866 ha seguito tutte le vicende dei Comuni della Patria del Friuli. Cordovado: cosa vedere Cordovado è un piccolo gioiello situato tra il Tagliamento e il Livenza, dove si respirano ancora i profumi della campagna e della natura. L’attuale area fortificata, risultato di modifiche e stratificazioni che si sono succedute tra il ‘600 e l’800, è nota come Castello di Cordovado. Nel Medioevo, la cerchia esterna di mura, con terrapieno, fossato e due torri, racchiudeva il palazzo vescovile con una torre quadrata con merli guelfi. Nell’area del Castello si concentra la Cordovado medievale, dove si trovano alcuni degli edifici storici di maggior interesse del borgo. Da non perdere il Palazzo del Capitano, noto anche come Bozza-Marrubini, e il Palazzo Agricola, una volta abitazioni del personale amministrativo e in seguito diventati palazzi signorili. Di aspetto rinascimentale, il Palazzo Bozza-Marrubini ha all’interno cicli di affreschi settecenteschi, il retro dà su parchi e giardini. Dentro la cerchia murata, è possibile visitare il Palazzo Freschi Piccolomini, fatto erigere nella seconda metà del Seicento dai nobili Attimis. L’edificio rinascimentale è formato da tre piani, con un ampio portale d’ingresso, ed è immerso nel verde. Vicino alla porta nord sorge la Chiesa di San Girolamo, risalente al XIV secolo. La torre portaia meridionale conserva la posterla, la settentrionale (detta dell’Orologio) conserva invece le scale e i camminamenti in legno all’interno. Al centro del borgo si erge il Palazzo Beccaris Nonis, di origine cinquecentesca. Compatto e massiccio ma allo stesso tempo sobrio e armonioso, ha un porticato a tre aperture. Prende il nome dalle due famiglie che lo hanno abitato. L’Antica Pieve di Sant’Andrea è l’attuale Duomo, sorto dopo la devastazione della peste del 1454. In stile romanico, con affreschi dell’abside realizzati agli inizi del Cinquecento, aveva originariamente un’aula unica, con presbiterio quadrato voltato a crociera. Successivamente, nel Seicento, vennero addossate le due navate laterali. Da visitare, ancora, Palazzo Cecchini, attualmente sede della Biblioteca Comunale e utilizzato per convegni, incontri, mostre d’arte ed esposizioni storiche. Da non perdere neanche il Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie, vero gioiello dell’arte barocca veneziana. Cosa fare a Cordovado Cordovado non è solo monumenti e arte, ma anche natura. Troviamo qui alberi secolari, laghi artificiali, fontanelle e una quiete che ha ispirato scrittori e poeti, tra cui Ippolito Nievo, a cui è dedicato un Parco Letterario. Ogni due anni, inoltre, si svolge la Festa delle Rose di Cordovado, ogni volta con un tema differente. L’evento prende vita nel Castello, nel Palazzo Piccolomini e nel parco secolare. Da assaggiare anche prodotti tipici del territorio, come muset e brovada, vale a dire cotechino con contorno di rape bianche coperte con vinaccia di uva nera bagnata in acqua calda, o lo Spaccafumo, dolce fatto con fichi secchi, uvetta, noci, nocciole, pinoli, mandorle, arancini e miele. https://ift.tt/2qM7NsO Cosa vedere a Cordovado, borgo medievale storico del Friuli Cordovado è un paese di circa 2700 abitanti della provincia di Pordenone, inserito dal 2004 nella lista dei Borghi più belli d’Italia. Famoso anche per essere il luogo dove Ippolito Nievo ha ambientato il suo famoso romanzo “Le confessioni di un italiano”, Cordovado ha un centro storico ancora ben conservato. La storia di Cordovado Il grazioso borgo medievale ha probabilmente una storia molto più antica rispetto alla prima attestazione, risalente al 1186. Sembra, infatti, che Cordovado sia nato sulle vestigia di un castrum romano. Successivamente, il borgo è stato residenza dei vescovi di Concordia, fino a quando, dopo l’assedio, delle truppe carraresi nel 1387 e delle truppe veneziane nel 1412, nel 1420 è passato alla Repubblica di Venezia. Fino all’unione al Regno d’Italia nel 1866 ha seguito tutte le vicende dei Comuni della Patria del Friuli. Cordovado: cosa vedere Cordovado è un piccolo gioiello situato tra il Tagliamento e il Livenza, dove si respirano ancora i profumi della campagna e della natura. L’attuale area fortificata, risultato di modifiche e stratificazioni che si sono succedute tra il ‘600 e l’800, è nota come Castello di Cordovado. Nel Medioevo, la cerchia esterna di mura, con terrapieno, fossato e due torri, racchiudeva il palazzo vescovile con una torre quadrata con merli guelfi. Nell’area del Castello si concentra la Cordovado medievale, dove si trovano alcuni degli edifici storici di maggior interesse del borgo. Da non perdere il Palazzo del Capitano, noto anche come Bozza-Marrubini, e il Palazzo Agricola, una volta abitazioni del personale amministrativo e in seguito diventati palazzi signorili. Di aspetto rinascimentale, il Palazzo Bozza-Marrubini ha all’interno cicli di affreschi settecenteschi, il retro dà su parchi e giardini. Dentro la cerchia murata, è possibile visitare il Palazzo Freschi Piccolomini, fatto erigere nella seconda metà del Seicento dai nobili Attimis. L’edificio rinascimentale è formato da tre piani, con un ampio portale d’ingresso, ed è immerso nel verde. Vicino alla porta nord sorge la Chiesa di San Girolamo, risalente al XIV secolo. La torre portaia meridionale conserva la posterla, la settentrionale (detta dell’Orologio) conserva invece le scale e i camminamenti in legno all’interno. Al centro del borgo si erge il Palazzo Beccaris Nonis, di origine cinquecentesca. Compatto e massiccio ma allo stesso tempo sobrio e armonioso, ha un porticato a tre aperture. Prende il nome dalle due famiglie che lo hanno abitato. L’Antica Pieve di Sant’Andrea è l’attuale Duomo, sorto dopo la devastazione della peste del 1454. In stile romanico, con affreschi dell’abside realizzati agli inizi del Cinquecento, aveva originariamente un’aula unica, con presbiterio quadrato voltato a crociera. Successivamente, nel Seicento, vennero addossate le due navate laterali. Da visitare, ancora, Palazzo Cecchini, attualmente sede della Biblioteca Comunale e utilizzato per convegni, incontri, mostre d’arte ed esposizioni storiche. Da non perdere neanche il Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie, vero gioiello dell’arte barocca veneziana. Cosa fare a Cordovado Cordovado non è solo monumenti e arte, ma anche natura. Troviamo qui alberi secolari, laghi artificiali, fontanelle e una quiete che ha ispirato scrittori e poeti, tra cui Ippolito Nievo, a cui è dedicato un Parco Letterario. Ogni due anni, inoltre, si svolge la Festa delle Rose di Cordovado, ogni volta con un tema differente. L’evento prende vita nel Castello, nel Palazzo Piccolomini e nel parco secolare. Da assaggiare anche prodotti tipici del territorio, come muset e brovada, vale a dire cotechino con contorno di rape bianche coperte con vinaccia di uva nera bagnata in acqua calda, o lo Spaccafumo, dolce fatto con fichi secchi, uvetta, noci, nocciole, pinoli, mandorle, arancini e miele. Cordovado è un borgo medievale friulano ricco di cultura grazie ai numerosi monumenti storici, ma non manca di natura e tradizioni enogastronomiche.
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Bloster/Brovada: *remembering all the crazy shit that happened in this location* yeah I’m gonna live here
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Part 2 The Dominant
Loki x Reader (SMUTTTTTT)
New to the series? Start with The Prologue ;D
This takes place during The Avengers. It is a third installment in a series I am doing on each movie featuring everyone’s favorite God of Mischief, read the Prompt if you haven’t seen it already! Taking Tag Requests <3
WARNING: This chapter contains some sexual violence. If you’re uncomfortable with it, please move on.
Part 2 The Dominant
An entire year passed before you discovered the truth.
In the year since Loki had fallen into the abyss, you had rose in the ranks as one of Odin’s most trusted and powerful soldiers. You were known for following orders. But in all honestly, the last night you saw Loki, you still regretted not breaking away to check on him sooner or questioning why he would send you away from Asgard. It always haunted you, not knowing if you could have done something more.
One day, between patrols, Odin asked to speak to him in private. There he sat, alone, on his throne. His face was contorted, so much so that you asked if his highness was alright.
“Y/n, I have news,” he strained.
When he didn’t continue, you pressed, “What news, sire?”
“My son. Your prince. Loki. He is alive.” It felt like your heart stopped in your chest at the realization of his words. Before you could fathom this information, he continued, “He has traveled again to Midgard. I am afraid he is wreaking havoc.”
And like that your chest felt empty.
“Y/n, you are my most capable soldier. A trusted friend of this family. I want you to go and retrieve my son. Stop him before he can cause any more trouble amongst the midgardians. Bring my son home.”
“Your highness,” you responded, unsure how to feel, “wouldn’t Thor prefer to go in my stead? I just don’t know if I should…”
Odin cut you off, “I have a task for you that Thor would not be able to commit to. One that I trust you to fulfill as a member of my royal guard.”
You knew before he spoke the words, knew before he could even make the suggestion, as tears welled in his good eye, that Odin would ask you to end Loki should he prove too difficult to manage.
Loki had already devastated so many before, betrayed Asgard, betrayed you.
And you had always followed orders.
Odin had hidden away a second means to travel between the realms, which he had shown you once before when he brought you back from Alfheim. The only items you travelled with were the cloak on your back, a pound of gold for trade, and a simple dagger with a deactivated tracker implanted in the hilt. Should you fneed help, pressing the beacon would call back to Asgard.
But you had no use for the dagger. Just the beacon. You just knew, deep down, that Loki would listen to you. Listen to reason. Whatever dark place he was coming from, you could pull him from it.
It only took an hour walking through the Midgardian city of New York to realize you were clearly an eye sore to its people. But you didn’t want to blend it. You needed Loki to see you.
And see you is what he did.
The world around you vanished and you were inside of an underground bunker, clueless as to how you got there.
Dressed like a Midgardian, carrying a bizarre walking stick, Loki appeared before you with a man encasing the brovada of a trained killer standing at his side.
“Lady y/n,” you heard Loki speak, his eyes locked onto yours. “What a pleasure. Barton, we have a guest, stop looking so serious.”
Your brow furrowed as you fought the urge to cry out. Seeing him standing there, as well as ever, as cocky as ever. The last time you saw him he ordered you to leave Asgard, an order you foolishly followed. He had tricked you before betraying so many others. And now, here he stood.
You reared back and slapped him across his the face.
The metal of Barton’s gun was on your temple but your resolve never faltered. Your eyes were still steaming into Loki’s.
“A pleasure indeed. Really, Barton, bullets would be useless against her,” Loki spoke clearly, a half smile across his face. “Now leave.” The man did as he was asked without a second of hesitation. A midgardian willingly following Loki’s orders was concerning.
“You coward.” Tears threatened to fall but you managed to keep your composure. “Hiding away all this time? From your parents. From Thor. From me. How dare you.” Your rage flared again and you swung at him, only to have your hand caught before grazing his cheek.
Loki’s smile left, a crazed look left instead, like a wild animal. “Tell me, darling, was it Allfather that sent you here?”
You didn’t answer.
“Of course he did. So where is Thor, hm? Surely Odin’s favorite is somewhere around here. Skulking around, chasing after the midgardian women, no doubt.”
“I came alone.”
Loki’s interest peaked and you saw a shift in his demeanor. “Alone?”
You yanked your hand away from him. “I am only here to bring you home, Loki. Odin wishes you to return..”
His eyes narrowed as he hissed, “You expect me to abandon my efforts here and return with you? To Asgard?” He scoffed. “To spend the remainder of my life in prison? What a hard choice you have given me, y/n.”
“There is nothing here for you, Loki,” you pleaded. When you saw anger start to rise in him, you took a step towards him, lowering your guard, adding, “If not for Odin, do it for me. Come home. Whatever trials you face, I will be at your side, Loki. I swear it. Please.”
“Come home with you…” he echoed.
You weren’t sure how to read him, he was not usually so stoic. His fingers tightened on on the staff in his hands and you thought you saw a blue sheen go across his eyes.
“No,” he said sharply, bringing the tip of the staff to your chest, “I think not.”
A surge erupted starting at your chest until you lost all sensations. You weren’t cold, weren’t warm. You couldn’t smell, couldn’t taste. You could only see.
“Follow me,” Loki ordered and, with no reaction on your part, you followed.
‘What is happening?’ Horror overcame you, feeling trapped within yourself. You legs moved like they were your own, your arms at your side, your head straight. But it wasn’t you.
As you followed Loki out of the room, you realized the span of his agenda. Several, if not a hundred humans were here, typing away on computers, working with weapons. He turned around another corner and saw Burton about to press other matters. “I will deal with it in a moment, I have urgent business to deal with now,” he told him. Burton stepped aside like a robot. These Midgardians were under the same control. How Loki got ahold of such power you were unsure.
Up a flight of stairs, Loki held a metal vault door open for you to walk past him. When you entered, you saw nothing more than a simple bed in the corner. “Lay down,” he commanded, and you did so. With a flick of his hand, he willed chains from the wall above the bed to come down and encase your wrists. You were trapped.
Loki’s eyes were menacing, but you noticed something else. The blue hue that was there before. Was it possible Loki wasn’t himself? In all the years you had known him, in all of the years you both insistently teased one another, he had never acted in such a way. He sounded like himself, but the cruelty of his words and actions were much more than the god of mischief. This was the work of someone who was truly chaotic.
Once you were secure, he touched your chest again with the staff. You looked up at him, confused. “Loki, stop, whatever you’ve done, it can all be forgiven!” You pulled against your restraints, pleading, “Let me help you!”
He ignored you. “Do you know why I lifted your enchantment, y/n? Because I want you to be fully aware of what is happening.” Before you could speak again, he grabbed hold of your face, his palm over your mouth, his fingers digging at your cheeks. “When I make you scream- oh and I will, pet, countless times- I want it to be the real you. Unencumbered by influence. Unmasked. Purely, simply, you.” He reached into your cloak and presented your knife. He began cutting away at your shirt, never leaving your gaze as he continued, “I want you to feel every part of this. I don’t want there to be any confusion of what I am about to inflict upon you.” As the last of your clothes were torn away, he stood straight and took in the sight of you. “Because there will be pain, my darling. Never ending. But also pleasure. I will promise you that.” Running the knife down the chain binding your hands and then down your arms, he went on. “You say you came because Odin asked you to? He wanted you to bring me home? And I’m sure to kill me should I refuse?” His knife stopped at your breast, the edge gently scratching against your soft skin. “I want you to remember that. Remember he is the one who delivered you to me. Remember he is the reason you are here now. With no help. With no hope.”
You shook your head away from his hand. “Loki, stop this madness...”
“I am madness!” he roared back. Your eyes widened as you looked at him, feeling an ache in your heart for the Loki you once knew. Could he be so far gone? “Do you know what I am, y/n? Do you know what I truly am?” You sulked back, biting your lip. “Say it.” You didn’t answer. “Say it!”
“I know you’re a frost giant. I don’t care. It didn’t change things before I knew and it doesn’t change things now.”
With a wave of his hand, Loki’s garments vanished and he stood before you in all his glory. “It has changed everything.” He moved between your legs, laying across you and bringing a hand up the back of your head. His fingers tangled in your hair, gathering it up in a tight grip that felt like it could rip your scalp. You tried to ignore his growing eagerness rubbing between your thighs, tried to ignore the turbid desires forming in the pit of your stomach. “Odin is not your king. I am your king.”
Your jaw tightened as you stared back at him, your eyes mere centimeters apart.
His hand jerked your head back. “Say it!”
Again you didn’t answer.
Loki brought your leg up straight against his shoulder, pressing your knee against your chest. The stretch was sharp between your thighs as you did your best to muffle back cries. Of anger. Of fear. Of frustration. Of anticipation. Your mind was a whirlwind.
Loki brought his mouth to your ear, breathing lightly into as he whispered, “You do look lovely when you’re helpless.” Your arms pulled hard against the restraint as he buried himself deep inside of you in one powerful thrust. His girth and length surprised you. You let out a scream, your back jerked violently against him. Still holding tightly to your hair, his other hand snaked up your body to your breast, squeezing the tender flesh, his fingers pinching and teasing your nipple to attention. He pulled away and pumped back into you with the same force. Again you screamed, this time mixed with a moan as your flesh melted against his.
He lifted your other leg just as high, both knees folded against you as he towered over you. The pressure was too much and your thighs moved against him. His hands took hold of both your ankles, pinning you down at that angle. “No, darling, you are to keep yourself open for me. You’re going to be a good little pet, y/n, you just need proper training.”
With every hard thrust, with every slam of his hip into yours, you were losing yourself. Your stifled back cries, fought as hard as you could, but in the end you succumb. All these years of thirsting for the god of mischief were your undoing and you found yourself moving along with his erratic thrusts. Your hips moved with his, your moans becoming ragged breaths of ecstasy as you spiralled within yourself.
“Who is your king?” he asked, his husky voice warm against your ear. You fought not to answer until he leaned up, pushing your ankles with such force you thought he’d break you. “Who! Is! Your! King!” He commanded between each powerful thrust.
“Loki!” you screamed, “Loki!”
His mouth crashed against yours as you felt his seed erupt inside of you. The sensation was enough to make you reach your height. You moaned into his kiss feeling yourself release.
Loki held you in your awkward position while he collected himself, absentmindedly running his fingers through your hair. When he finally pulled away, you felt the incredible ache in your legs when they unfolded from you. You couldn’t hold back the whimper.
“My sweet pet,” Loki laughed, bringing his hands down your hips and digging his fingers into your flesh. “We’ve only just begun.”
For three days Loki took you, hour after hour, sometimes leaving to do whatever tasks he was doing with his enslaved midgardians. Always coming back to you, ravishing you, taunting you and breaking you. He didn’t speak to you for any other reason than to spit commands at you. You were left chained to the bed day in and day out.
But on the fourth day, when he came to you, he was dressed in his midgardian clothing again, carrying the awful walking stick.
Loki looked you over and you saw, for the first time, what resembled remorse and hesitance in his eyes. “Oh, darling,” he cooed, tracing a finger up your jaw. His hand caught your chin and tilted your head up to his, lightly brushing his lips against yours. It was the most gentle he had been to you since you came to Midgard. He pulled back, pressing his forehead against yours. You wondered if a part of his old self was bubbling back to the surface, but his words shook you when he asked, “Would you stay with me? Would you stand at my side as I rule over these pathetic people?”
“Stay with you? Here?” He nodded. “Loki…” You felt tears sting your eyes, felt the years of longing that exploded in that very bed in the last few nights. Abandon Asgard. You knew this wasn’t really Loki. You knew he was corrupted somehow and you couldn’t bring yourself to believe in this lie. “No, Loki, I cannot.”
He exhaled sharply and moved away from you. There was nothing else to be said. You hung your head, knowing there was a real chance you may never see your god of mischief again.
When you looked back up, he was holding your dagger in his hand. He had seen these Asgardian devices, knew what it was for. He looked back up at you as he pressed the beacon and tossed it at your side.
“I wish you luck in all future endeavors, lady y/n,” he said simply before removing the chains from your wrists with the same motion that locked you there. He turned and left you naked in the bed.
Your head laid back. Your body hurt so much from the days of strain and abuse that you couldn’t move. “And I’ll pray for your failure, my prince.”
It was less than an hour before you heard a banging on the vault door. Suddenly Thor came bursting in.
“Y/n!” he exclaimed. He saw you, all of you. The god of thunder stood in utter disbelief, unsure of what to do. You struggled to sit up, your elbows buckling under your weight. Thor rushed to your side, wrapping the bed sheet around you. “Y/n….” His voice deepened, you could hear the rage behind his tone. “Did Loki do this to you?”
Your fingers drew the sheet closer to you and all he could do was lift you up in his arms. In all of your shame you couldn’t admit that you didn’t hate every moment of it, which was probably the worst of the pain he had caused you.
Thor took you back to Asgard where Odin and Frigga were awaiting you. When she saw your state, Frigga lashed out at Odin for putting you on this mission without speaking to anyone. She set you up in the palace in a room with attendants around the clock to help you heal. Before Thor left left your side to return to Midgard, you grabbed hold of his wrist.
“Something is wrong with Loki,” you told him. You saw Thor’s jaw clench but you pressed on, “Someone is making him do this.” You made him promise to bring Loki back to Asgard. To you.
The Avengers managed to defeat Loki and his army. By the time Thor brought him back, you were well enough to walk down to the throne room to see him be brought before Odin for punishment. You were at the doors, one of the first to see Loki being brought in on chains. When his eyes met yours, you felt a shutter to you core. He wasn’t the cocky, heartless man you had seen on Midgard. He was a broken shell of the Loki you had once held in such high regard. You could see it all. The torment of his lies, the pain of his betrayals. His conscious had come, just far too late to help him. His lips moved but you couldn’t hear or make out the words he said.
“Oh Loki,” you sighed as he passed, his gaze not leaving you until the chains forced him past. “What have you become?”
TAGS!!!! I’m pretty sure I got everyone. If you wanna get added to the tag and be the first to know when the next part goes up, hit me up ;D
@cas-has-ass @jessiejunebug @tinysquirrrrrelgirl @ maladaptive-ninja-returns @ slytherins-assemble-to-fightsith
Part 3 The Broken is up!!
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