#brought to you by this evening’s entertainment: watching my sister in law try to keep up with my oldest kid
mommalosthermind · 5 months
Let people talk about the things they love.
Let yourself talk about the things you love.
Enrichment In The Enclosure!! Community!! Share!!
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thewritersplace · 1 year
A Night Among the Dead (and Undead)
“This city is built on their bones.” – “Will you stop being ominous?” – “No, literally, watch where you step.” (prompt: mini marshmallows)
“See, that’s when you should be afraid. When it’s all quiet and peaceful like that.” (prompt: chocolate lentils) 
Rose did not often join her brother on his assignments, but on the occasion she did, they traveled to places she would not have gone otherwise. Her husband would sometimes join them, as he had nothing better to do, and did not particularly like being away from his wife for long periods of time if he could help it.
Judas, for his part, was a very entertaining tour guide. He often had little tidbits of information that even the most knowledgeable of tour guides didn't have, and delighted in sharing them with his sister and brother-in-law, and anyone else who asked.
Today, they were walking through an area very familiar to Rose — the streets of Paris and the city's famous catacombs. Their target was residing in said catacombs, looking for unsuspecting tourists who had signed up to, well, tour the place.
Judas had decided that he and Rose would lead a group, so that they could get closer to the target, and also prevent anyone from becoming victim to a wayward vampire. Rose was less than thrilled, but Judas was having the time of his life.
“...This city is built on their bones.” Judas was saying to the group, and his sister immediately rolled her eyes.
“Will you stop being ominous?” Rose said, giving her brother a disapproving look.
“No, literally. Watch where you step.” Judas said, his demeanor deadly serious.
“Judas, stop that. You're scaring them.” Rose scolded, giving her brother a reproachful look.
Judas shrugged. “How else should I have put it? The catacombs are right underneath us.”
Rose rolled her eyes again. “There are plenty of ways to say that without being so ominous.”
Judas grinned. “Being ominous is part of the fun.”
“Not to them, it’s not.” Rose said, and gestured to the tourists, who were looking a little unnerved.
Judas merely shrugged and turned to face the entrance of the catacombs. “Shall we continue, everyone?”
It was rhetorical, of course, and the group followed him through the entrance, and down into a dark tunnel. Rose and Vlad brought up the rear, and kept their senses attuned to their surroundings, as there was still a vampire on the loose — which not only posed a threat to the human tourists, but also made for a PR nightmare and subsequent media circus, as Judas had so aptly put it.
The tour went on for another fifty or so minutes, and Judas continued to talk the entire time, while Rose merely added a few comments here and there. She was far more focused on trying to figure out where their target was located.
As they approached the exit, an eerie silence overtook the atmosphere, and Judas grinned almost wickedly. “Hear that?”
“Hear what?” One of the tourists asked, and blinked when Judas pointed his index finger at them.
“Judas, for god’s sake, stop scaring them.” Rose sighed, folding her arms across her chest. “They’ve already spent an hour in this place. That’s enough to keep them on edge for the rest of the evening.”
“My dear Rosie, it’s part of my job to be as unnerving as possible. After all, who wants a light-hearted tour guide when exploring the catacombs?”  
“The faint-hearted, and children.”
Judas snorted. “Neither of those should be on a tour like this to begin with.”
“And yet here they are.” Rose said, gesturing to the group with a thin, delicate arm.
“It’s so quiet.” A young child, no older than ten, remarked, and Judas grinned again.
“Yes, it is. I didn’t notice it before.” A woman, who appeared to be the child’s mother, agreed with the sentiment.
“See, that’s when you should be afraid. When it’s all quiet and peaceful like that.” Judas said, his expression now grim and haunting. Barely a minute later, he was back to the jovial, smiling tour guide that the group had come to know over the last hour, and Rose was almost certain all the humans would go back to their housing accommodations with severe emotional whiplash.
After the last tourist had departed, Rose gave her brother the severest look she could muster. Judas, for his part, continued to smile pleasantly. Vlad, who had been silently watching the two siblings the entire evening, finally spoke up. “Rose, don’t forget we have a job to do.”
“I remember.” Rose said shortly, still focused on her brother.
Vlad sighed. “Rose.”
Rose ignored him and jabbed a finger into Judas’ chest. “You could’ve gotten reported for that shit you pulled, dear brother.”
Judas shrugged. “So what? It’s not like I actually work here.”
Rose opened her mouth, but Vlad pulled her away before she could say anything. “Now is hardly the time for bickering.” he said, and Rose scowled. “I’m serious, Rose.”
“When are you not serious?” Rose spoke rhetorically, and Vlad pointedly ignored her.
A shot rang out from behind them, followed by a hiss, and Rose immediately spun around on her heels. A vampire stood clutching its arm, which was now smoking from the impact of a blessed bullet. A sigh came from behind her, and Judas appeared by her side, gun in hand. “Shame on you, Rosie.”
“Shame on me?”
“Yes.” Judas said, and reached for another weapon from his belt. “You didn’t notice it sneak up behind us.”
“I did too!” Rose protested, giving her brother an offended look. “I was just waiting for it to make the first move, so I could strike at the last minute.”
The target seemed just as offended that it was being ignored, and lunged forward, but was thrown back by another shot — this time from a new gun. With a loud snarl, it cradled its other arm against its chest, while Rose adjusted her weapon so that the barrel was now pointed at the creature’s heart. Judas did the same, and the vampire sneered at them. “What can the pair of you do to a creature like me?”
“Would you like us to tell you?” Judas asked, a calm, neutral, calculating expression on his face.
“Or just show you?” Rose asked, a wicked, unhinged, devilish expression on her face.
“Too late.” Vlad spoke from somewhere behind the target, his smooth, low voice startling the creature. The moment the last syllable was spoken, two synchronous shots rang out, and two blessed bullets pierced through the vampire’s heart. Then, came the swing of a sword, and the swish of a rosary, and something similar to a howl echoed throughout the tunnel. A head rolled towards the wall, and Vlad grunted in displeasure as it touched his shoe. “Disgusting.”
“Oh, calm down, you big baby.” Judas said, pulling on black leather gloves and reaching down to pick up the severed head. “It’s not like you haven’t seen dismemberment and decapitation before.”
“That is not what disgusts me, as you well know.”
“No?” Judas smiled as he stuffed the head into a canvas sack.
“No.” Vlad said, and Rose sighed. She knew exactly what was coming.
“So what is it?”
“These are my good boots, and I do not wish to have them dirtied by filth such as this.”
Judas laughed heartily. “Ah, mon beau-frère, you are such an aristocrat.”
“Yes, I am. I was a prince, after all.”
Rose sunk a stake into the creature’s heart, and then ripped the weapon out with the heart still firmly impaled upon it. “Judas, this body isn’t going to clean itself up.”
“I know.”
“Well, if you know, then get over here and help me with it."
Judas sighed. “Yes, sister.”
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harryskalechips · 3 years
one and done Part 3
A/N Hey guys so sorry for a late update but here we are!!!! The last part of the series! I really enjoyed writing this one and I hope you guys enjoyed as well! Let me know what you guys think please and also also also thank you for reading!🥰🥰🥰
Side note: I’ll come back and edit my brain hurts
Harry is engaged and having a baby but Y/N is just his best friend’s little sister.
Today’s warning: We are anticipating some heavy smut in this last part. Please prepare for a spitting, spanking, choking, and hair pulling kink, Male receives oral, unprotected sex and just shit like that y’know? I think there is begging in here too LOL OMG they almost had sex outside again but that’s just so inappropriate but yeah... I think that’s all. Oh yes, Y/N rides and just loves being a horny mess hehehe
Word Count: 11k // Masterlist // one and done PLAYLIST /  Part 1 / Part 2
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 If there was one thing Y/N was excited about… it was her last summer of high school. As she reflected on her junior year, she was happy Harry and her were finally in a place where she could just reach out to him and be comfortable. Although they didn’t have labels, it was the last thing on their minds as they spent most of their free time together away from Ryan and any other nosy classmate of theirs. Harry also spoke about long roadtrips. Despite him staying home for college, he was excited to drive his girl to different campuses and check out new destination sites around the many different cities. 
They were optimistic they would stay together in the summer yet here they are spending it apart. 
Y/N was in her bedroom sitting on the floor wearing Harry’s sweater as she was staring at the pile of scattered clothes on the floor. It was July 6th and even after a month of grieving for her broken heart, she managed to still wear her ex’s sweater… only because it was the sole object that made her feel like what they had was real. 
They were so on and off throughout the year and the one time they managed to stick together, it was all washed away. Too many signs telling them they were not meant to be. 
But that’s the truth. Y/N thinks to herself as she wipes away a new coming tear falling down her face. Harry and her are not the cliché plot of dating your brother’s best friend. Their relationship was based on lust and ended with unrequited feelings. They are not soulmates. Y/N rests her head against the back of her bed. No matter how much you try to fight it, if you are not meant to be… that’s it. 
“Are you okay?” Ryan stops by her doorway with a plate of late dinner. He was also blatantly oblivious to the fact his little sister was wearing a sweater of his best friend’s. 
“Yeah, why do you ask?” She stares at him with an unamused expression on her face. Her room was a mess, her head was in places where it shouldn’t be and her heart just felt broken. 
“You’ve been in a pissed off mood since last month.” he genuinely states as he walks into his little sister’s room. Maybe before he wouldn’t bother to ask Y/N how she was but the truth is, he is leaving soon and he’s a bit worried with the way Y/N has been taking care of herself. 
“Is it that obvious?” Y/N sarcastically laughs as she throws some clothes away for Ryan to sit on her bed. He places his plate on her desk and takes her offer as he looks around the floor. 
“You haven’t left the house nor have I seen Ness around.”
“I haven’t really been speaking to her.”
“Oh so you guys fought?”
“No, we didn’t. I just haven’t really been feeling social.”
“Y/N, you know you can talk to me right?”
“I know.” Y/N bites the inside of her cheek knowing full well that she’s lying. 
“Will you be coming to the party tomorrow night?” Oh, that’s right. It’s Harry and Carla’s engagement party. 
“That’s why I’m cleaning out my closet.” Ryan laughs a bit as he stands up and pats her head. 
“You don’t have to impress anyone. You’re not the one getting married.” Y/N feels her throat tighten a bit as she watches him leave her room with his plate. She lets out a sigh before rubbing her face in frustration. If she had the choice, she wouldn’t go but that would also show Harry that she cares more than he thinks. It’s been a month and she had to prove that she was over him and over the deal. 
After a couple hours of sulking on her bedroom floor, she finally stands up and takes off his sweater. In the corner of her room is a cardboard box of clothes that were to be packed away and stored in the attic. Without hesitation, she throws the piece of clothing and carries on with her night. 
“Y/N, you look beautiful sweetheart.” Her mom waits for her at the bottom of the stairs. The sun was just about to set and it was also time for their family to drive to Carla’s home for the party everyone has been anticipating. 
“Thank you.” Y/N musters a smile as she glances at herself in the mirror one more time before heading out to the car. Her mom was honestly surprised her daughter was all dressed up for the party tonight, there was something off about her but today, it felt like she had a piece of her daughter back again. Saying nothing out loud, she locks the front door and walks with the young girl towards the vehicle.
 Truth be told last night before Y/N fell asleep, she knew today would be her biggest performance. All she knew is that she couldn’t wait for this day to end so she can go back and hide in her room. 
“Hey mate.” Harry smirks as he offers a hug to Ryan. The party had just begun and Harry waited outside the house to wait for his best man to arrive. He was shitting his pants at the moment and the only thing that would make him feel a bit more comfortable at his own party is if Ryan was by his side -like the usual. 
“I can’t believe you’re getting married, Haz.” Ryan tries to hide his disappointment in front of his family. Y/N and her parents stood behind him waiting for the duo to greet each other first. “I thought we would enjoy our bachelor era a bit you know… longer.” Harry tries to laugh as he makes eye contact with the pretty girl. Once the two pull away, he awkwardly laughs and greets Ryan’s parents. 
“Carla is it for me man.” Harry tucks his hands inside the pockets of his trousers. “We’ve been together since grade school, I guess it’s time I tie her down to me forever.” Y/N’s mom laughs and pats his shoulder. The five began to walk to the backyard as she spoke up.
“Forget Ryan, I think you two make a lovely couple and are honest soulmates.” Harry glances at her and flashes a small smile. He thought having Ryan here would make him feel more comfortable but there was only one thought that was processing in his head as they walked the stoned pathway. 
This engagement made him feel ten thousand times much worse knowing his in-law family wouldn’t be Ryan’s because the truth is there wouldn’t be anything much better than to have Y/N and Ryan’s parents as his too. 
“Hi.” Carla approaches them with a warm smile on her face. The nude slim dress was impressive on her, especially as it made the diamond on her finger stand out more. She casually wraps her arm around Harry's waist as she takes a sip of the mango smoothie in her other hand. Although the smile on her face seemed genuine, Y/N wanted nothing more than to punch the girl’s face. If Harry was a jealous asshole, Y/N was much worse. Keep it together Y/N, please you don’t care. You don’t care. 
That was the whole idea for the night anyway. Y/N has barely spoken a word since her father parked the car on the side of the road. She was even the last one to exit the vehicle because in all honesty, she didn’t want to unbuckle her seatbelt. Now, She stands beside her dad once again, shying away from the hosts of the party. Although her mom made her feel beautiful today, there was nothing more than to stand in front of the prettiest girl who has constantly been chosen over her. 
“Thank you guys for coming. I’m so happy to meet you all.” Carla smiles as she turns her attention on Harry. She was happy and excited about their future. This whole night felt like a fever dream. Once more she looks at Ryan’s family and speaks up. “There’s a table for your family and dinner will be served out soon. I hope you guys enjoy” She rests her head on her fiancé but notices Y/N staring at her heels. “Are you okay Y/N? You seem a bit off.” And that statement was coming from a concerned person who was genuinely curious if the acquainted junior she got to know this year was alright. Y/N gulps as she makes eye contact with Carla. She was also very careful not to look at Harry. 
“Ignore her. She’s been like that for a couple of weeks.” Ryan laughs as he turns around and glances at his sister. “This is your night but I still am wondering why you guys are getting married next month.”
Carla awkwardly smiles and waits for Harry to respond first yet she notices his eyes stay focused on his best friend’s little sister. “We just thought we should get the wedding out of the way before university starts.” Carla squeezes his palm for him to reply to. 
“Don’t worry Ryan. I’m sure we’ll do everything we planned to do.” Harry smirks as he turns his back around to the music that just started to play. “Let’s walk you guys to your table, I believe the party is just about to actually begin.”
Throughout the night, Y/N did nothing more than fake a smile and applaud as speakers came to the mic and talked about Carla and Harry’s relationship. Blah blah blah. It was the same old thing really, and if she had the choice deep inside, she would wish she was the one sitting beside Harry talking about other things. 
Dessert was finally available and due to the lack of activities and entertainment this party has brought to her, she waited until the line died down before she could carry her plate towards the table. She internally sighed as some of the choices were gone, leaving her to pick up a red velvet cupcake and two french macaroons on the side. Once she arrived back to her seat, her family that stayed back continued to talk about the two lovebirds. Her father and Ryan seemed to be having an amusing conversation as her mother made a new friend from the table beside them. Compliments after compliments was the only topic tonight, she really needed to take a walk around the unfamiliar neighbourhood after this. 
“Guys, I’m just going inside to use the bathroom.” Her mom nods and acknowledges Y/N’s statement before turning her back once more to talk to another attendee of the party. Grabbing her purse, she excuses herself from the table and shyly walks around the party and towards the sliding door. Once she’s inside the home however, she ignores all the signs that gesture her towards the bathroom and instead makes her way to the front door. Carla’s home was pretty but not enough for her to stay.
“That’s not the washroom.” Harry speaks out as he walks down the staircase re-adjusting the sleeves of his polo. She realized the navy blue blazer he was wearing earlier today was now resting on the ottoman by the end of the railing. 
“I was actually going to go on a walk.” She fixes her gaze on the painting in front of her instead of the boy casually making his way down. 
“It’s a bit late, d-don’t you think.” He scratches his nose and picks up the article of clothing on the chair. He couldn’t help but stutter as his eyes followed the pink dress on the pretty girl. 
“The neighbourhood seems really nice and I’m sure none of the rich families here are going to kidnap me and lock me in their basement.”
“Here.” She notices him walk towards her offering his blazer. “I would invite myself to walk with you but uh I think people would notice.” He rubs his palm against his neck and looks back at the door where the party is. 
“It’s okay.” She shakes her head as she rejects his considerate offer. She continues to unlock the door before looking back at him. “I’ll be back soon. Ryan and my parents think I’m in the washroom.  So if they ask, just say you don’t know. Congratulations, by the way.” She gives him a sad smile and walks out the door. He’s left speechless as he finally realizes this might be the last time things will be normal between them. “Fuck it.” He murmurs to himself as he rests the blazer behind his back and walks out the front door as well.  
“Why are you following me?’ Y/N turns around carefully as she crosses her arms over her chest to keep herself warm. She was also trying very hard not to fall. Harry’s been distracting her all night, she didn’t realize she was wearing heels despite her goal to go on a night walk. 
“Because I can’t let you walk around this neighbourhood by yourself!” Harry raises his voice as he tries to catch up with her. “God, I told you, you would need this.” He thoughtlessly puts the blazers over her shoulders as they walk down the slope. 
“I promise you, I am not your responsibility anymore. You don’t have to be concerned about my whereabouts.” Y/N murmurs as she accepts the fabric and hugs it around her frame. Harry couldn’t help but look away from her as he heard that statement. Before everything went crumbling down, he used to pick her up and know every update from her. He used to watch out for her and just be there for her but even now, it was no longer okay. 
“Who’s going to watch over you when I’m gone.” His voice is a bit more quieter now as they exit Carla’s neighbourhood. 
“I don’t know. I always expected you were going to stay.” She glances at him before walking ahead of him. 
“I know you’re mad and I’m sorry I had to put you through a lot.” He pulls her wrist to make her stop walking. 
“How can I not be mad, Harry?” She closes her eyes, trying to not let the new formed tears in her eyes show. “You constantly choose Carla and the moment you finally break up with her. I get you and then you what… ghost me, break up with me? I don’t hear from you for 2 months only to find out you’re engaged! Fuck you.” She quickly wipes away a tear from her face. “God, I- You cheated on me! Didn’t you?”
“Y/N.” His heart beat drops as her voice raises. Never in his life has he seen Y/N this upset. 
“No. It makes sense. Carla is barely even showing yet. It’s been three months and you…” She steps away from him and looks around. “I don’t know -you didn’t even have the audacity to tell me you don’t like me anymore.”
“I didn’t know how to react when you told me that.” 
“Well you did.. You ignored my calls and continued to see Ryan.” She shrugs her shoulders and sarcastically laughs. “It’s fine. Now that I think about it, maybe I said it in the heat of the moment.”
“I know I messed up.” He bites his lip and runs his hand through his hair. “I don’t know why I reacted like that. Carla has always been so familiar to me… and with you, I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this before.”
“Like what?” The monotone question rolls off the tip of her tongue.
“The fear I guess. I’m scared of losing Ryan, your family and um, you.” He clears his throat. “It’s just there’s so much on the line when it comes to you and me. Maybe if I tried harder, we wouldn’t be here right now but we are.” 
“Well if it makes you feel better,” She takes a pause and stares directly at him. “I didn’t really mean what I said that day. You freaked out on something that was a typical post orgasm statement.” She lies. 
“Why are you lying?” He shakes his head in disappointment. “Why are you trying to hurt me? You think this hasn’t been difficult enough.”
“No, I’m not lying. It’s true.” She attempts to walk again but his hand grabs her immediately letting her know, their conversation is not over. 
“So you’re saying you don’t love me.”
“No, I don’t love you.”
“Harry, I don’t even owe you an explanation!” and sometimes when you force yourself to lie too much, you begin to cry. “Fuck.” He immediately hugs her as she cries on his shoulder. “I don’t think we should do this.”
“I could never leave you alone, you know that right?” He whispers in her ear as he wraps his arms tighter around her frame. 
“You have to. We can’t do this.” Y/N repeats herself as she tries to pull away. His scent is just so fucking intoxicating. It was his scent that made her drastically attached to him and now she knew like from the start, it was time to go. 
“If my wishes came true, it would’ve been you.” He tries to keep her in his embrace. He was rambling at this point but he had no idea what his goal was. Is he trying to persuade her to stay or to let her go? 
“You made your choices, Harry. All you have to do is lie in it.” She pulls away and wipes away her tears. “We’re just these high schoolers that found a loophole in our deal. Carla though, she has always been the one for you.” 
“You’re right though. I- I guess I always choose her in the end.”
“Make her happy H.” She gives a sad smile and shrugs her shoulders. Despite wanting to punch her face, Y/N knew the look in her eyes as she watched Harry. Carla was always madly in love with him and forever will be. 
Harry and Y/N were just a glitch in the system. 
“I hope I see you again. Maybe Christmas huh?” He looks down at his shoes as the girl gives him back his blazer. 
“Maybe Christmas.” And without a word, Y/N walks back to the house leaving Harry to walk around the neighbourhood himself. 
Harry and Carla had just gotten married and on the night of their reception, they announced their pregnancy. Y/N was there. She witnessed the smile on Ryan’s face, on her parents’ face and on Harry’s. Everyone was happy except for her.  
The night left her to play with the food on her plate as it was her only source of entertainment. Broccoli grouped with the carrots suddenly being grouped with the steak. How about we make a snowman? To be honest, moping a bit too much at the event left her clueless to the fact the groom has been watching her all night. 
It wasn’t a choice for him. Of course, he looked at other guests and spoke to Carla throughout the night but for some reason as he mindlessly ate his food and restated his vows to his wife, Y/N was the only thing his eyes could focus on. He’s been looking for her face in every room for a year and to be exact, nothing about his feelings has changed -Except tonight was the last day, he would ever feel like this again. 
There were only three rules Harry gave himself tonight.
Rule 1: Don’t try and make conversation with Y/N.
Rule 2: Don’t beat the guy who offers her a dance.
Last but not least, Rule 3: Don’t tell her you love her.
And it was a success because he watched her walk out with an unfamiliar guy and come back with a flushed neck and red cheeks. He knew she totally got fucked in the washroom and all he did was take a sip of his glass as the fist on his lap began to form once again. 
It’s been a week since and her whole house is a mess. She has been currently helping her brother move his things to the moving truck they rented. Her little grieving process was cut short due to the fact, things around her started to change so quickly. Ryan was on his way out of here. Harry and Carla were probably on an island, trying to make another sub baby and Ness started to come by more often. 
The thing about her best friend is that Nessa understands space but she won’t let Y/N peacefully sulk for more than a month. To successfully distract her, the duo have been taking road trips around the cities and visiting different campuses together. Although it was an old plan of her and Harry’s, Y/N couldn’t help but feel delighted to have Ness back once again. 
She cleaned out her room and removed all her old soccer trophies because for some odd reason, they reminded her of Harry. She even went to the measures of blocking his number and deleting pictures from their past dates off her phone. 
She knew she wasn’t ready to let him go but he was now married, living in a new city with his own family. There was no other choice but to forget this shit happened. 
Senior year was just about to begin for Y/N and if there was one thing she needed, it was a fresh start. No love interests, no heartbreaks. Just fun experiences before she leaves this hell hole.
After all, if you never bleed, you’re never going to grow.
3 years later…
“You’re going to be fucking late.” Ness throws a pillow at her best friend as she enters the room. “You have that plane to catch.” 
“Fuck, what time is it.” Y/N murmurs as she could feel some drool on her pillow case.
“Fuck!” She sits up immediately and grabs her phone.  Her flight is leaving in an hour and God knows the traffic in Seattle. “Why didn’t you wake me up sooner!” 
“Because your lazy ass wouldn’t wake up.” Ness walks out of the room and drinks her coffee. She was totally unfazed about her best friend panicking. “Relax.” Y/N gives her a death glare in return  as she brushes her teeth in the kitchen. The two were very used to each other since they’ve not only been best friends for a long time but also roommates after moving to a new city. 
“My brother’s wedding is in two days and I’m not even there yet.” 
“Tell Ryan to choke for not inviting me, by the way.” Ness scrolls though the news feed on her phone as she casually bites into her bagel. 
“Okay, I think I have everything.” Y/N walks out of her room in tights and an oversized sweater. “I really have to go.”
“You’re going to see him again, you know that right?” Ness really didn’t want to be the one to bring him up again but shit, Y/N looked like a dead zombie. 
“It’s fine.” Y/N shrugs her shoulders. She couldn’t care less if she sees Harry again. “The last time I saw him, Carla and him were acting like total love birds at my mom and dad’s thanksgiving party.”
“That was like two years ago.” Ness tries to contain her laugh as she remembers their new pet names. Honey bunny and sweet treat. Oh to be in the honeymoon phase once again. 
“Don’t think I forgot what you used to call Tom.” Y/N laughs as she rolls her luggage to the door.
“Shut up.” Nessa’s eyes widen as she throws a crumb at her. “That’s why I broke up with him.”
“Yeah, yeah. You better answer my call okay?” 
“Yes babe, I know. I love you, take care!” 
And after the long haul of successfully boarding the plane, Y/N had five hours before she could finally see Ryan and his soon to be bride in Boston.
 She was definitely nervous. The last wedding she attended was Harry’s and she knew full well how she badly coped with that. Not to mention how she calculated her schedule so she could “accidently” miss Ryan’s engagement party. Truth is, she doesn’t care about Harry but if there was any way she could try and dodge another awkward encounter...that’s what living in another city is for. 
He also wasn’t really an ex but just a person in her life who managed to make her happy and sad at the same time. James had no idea who he was since she believed it was best to make that portion of her adolescence a secret. Just buried along with the other dreams she used to have. 
After watching two movies and playing a random phone game, the plane finally landed. Y/N managed to brush her teeth and make herself look a bit more presentable after a heated run out of her apartment. Once she was at the pick up centre to grab her luggage, her heart beat began to increase signaling that she failed to neutralize her anxiety. Beads of sweat began to form on her forehead as she walked past the crowd of people. There was a constant voice in her head screaming at her to tell Ryan her flight just got cancelled. Unfortunately, Ryan was on time as she could picture his figure right outside the window of the airport.
 “Hey.” Ryan smiles as he gives his little sister a hug. He saw her a couple months ago but time still makes everything different. He’s happy his sister is finally here.
“Hi.” Y/N tucks a piece of hair behind her ear as the wind blows by them. “I see you got a nice haircut.” 
“I did.” Ryan laughs as he carries his sister’s suitcase into his trunk. 
“I can’t believe you’re getting married Ry! I swear to god, it was only yesterday you were complaining to Harry about his wedding.” Y/N squints her eyes due to the sun shining directly at her. She uses her hand to cover the side of her face as she lets out a joke,“Are you sure about her?”
“Meghan? Absolutely.” Ryan shuts the door as they stand there. “ I didn’t know what Haz was talking about when he told me he wanted to marry Carla but shit, when I met Meghan… I-”
“You’re whipped more than ever.” She smiles as she notices her brother’s cheeks flush. She tried to change the topic immediately after her brother said his name. “I knew Cassidy wasn’t the one.”
“Sure you did.” Ryan rolls his eyes as they sit in his car. “How about you? Any new updates?” 
“No not really.” Y/N shrugs her shoulders as she puts on her seatbelt. “James and I have been together for a year now which is crazy-”
“I wish the guy could have come to the wedding, didn’t know how serious you guys were.” 
“Honestly, if he didn’t have that internship at the hospital, I would’ve tried and persuaded him some more.”
“It’s okay.” Ryan laughs as he shakes his head. “Meghan found you a date already and I’m sure you’re going to be okay with it.” Y/N eyes widen. 
“I was going to go stag.” She looks out the window in disbelief. It wasn’t her fault, her boyfriend was trying to get into medical school.
“Don’t worry sis. It’s a platonic date -that’s all it is going to be.” Ryan reassures her as he drives out of the parking lot.
“Let me tell James. Just in case, he might get jealous.” She pulls out her phone. “Who is this guy anyway?” 
“I’m not telling you but who knows, James might fly over here just so you don’t go with a random guy.” Ryan smirks as he exits the highway. 
“Who is he?”
“It’s a surprise.” Ryan tries to hide his laugh. 
“Does he know you’re setting me up with him.”
“Please.” Her brother scoffs. “The guy is always too nice, he offered first.”
“Well, shit then.” 
“You’ll get to know him before the wedding I promise. At least, you have company other than mom and dad.” 
“So you’re going to let a random guy just sit at our table?” 
“You have no idea.” And truth be told, Y/N wasn’t worried about the date Ryan and Meghan set up for her. Maybe it was one of Meghan’s family members who thought she was still single. It didn’t matter though because this event was for her brother and that’s all that was important. 
“Oh my god!” Ryan and Y/N’s mother stood outside the house waiting at the driveway for them to arrive. 
“Hi mom!” Y/N gives her a warm hug. “I missed you, where’s dad?”
“He’s inside with-”
“Y/N.” Y/N’s dad steps through the doorframe and meets Y/N at the steps for a hug as well. She knew her father couldn’t walk that much due to his recent hip surgery. What she didn't expect however, was for Harry to be following right behind him. “I missed you darling.”
 “Hi dad I missed you more, I didn’t know Harry was here.” Y/N backs away and turns her back to look at Ryan. He didn’t seem surprised at all as he carried her luggage towards them.
“Hey.” Harry offers a small wave, seeming too quiet. He kept his hands behind his back as he observed the girl in front of him. It’s been two years and a lot has changed. Y/N thought he would still have his long hair yet it is very evident, he had a haircut as well. He also seemed much more muscular as well as the new addition of tattoos on his arm. While she stared at him, she didn’t realize Harry was noticing all the different features she had too. Her hair was longer and darker and she carried a different aura than before. She didn't look like the girl whose bedroom he used to sneak into. 
“Hi Harry.” Y/N didn’t know how to start a conversation with him. 
“I guess you met your date.” Ryan walks ahead of them and laughs as he continues to bring in the bags. 
“Harry's my date?” Y/N asks in shock as she follows him behind. Her mom slaps her arm as Harry and their dad follow. 
“Don’t act offended, You’ve known Harry since you were a kid.” 
“Aren’t you married though.” Y/N turns her back and looks at Harry before facing the front again as she suddenly became distracted by the house’s decorations. 
“I actually got divorced.” Harry bites his tongue right after. 
“See, now look what you did. You embarrassed the young boy.” Y/N’s mom rubs his back as she murmurs to him. “I’m sorry, Haz.” 
“Oh, it’s okay.” He shakes his head, trying to act as if the topic didn’t make him feel uncomfortable.  
“I’m sorry too.” Y/N finally looks at him once more. “I had no idea.”
“It’s been a year. That’s what happens when you marry too young.” He laughed it off but everyone ignored that statement as they all knew there was a deeper cut in his heart.
When Carla was around 5 months, she had a miscarriage and although, they claimed they would try again… there was no new announcement after that. 
“Y/N, this is your room.” Ryan tries to change the topic as he scratches his head. 
“Thank you.” She steps inside for a bit of privacy after a long flight. Ryan and Harry along with her parents went back to the living room to go and continue their movie.  
Today is Ryan’s wedding and the house was giving her many little flashbacks of Harry’s. The family was in this foreign home and was still running around getting ready. Her mother was screaming at her dad as he decided last minute to steam his suit. Ryan and Meghan were gone which left Harry and Y/N the only victims to her mother’s loudness. The two kept quiet as her mother ran around the house doing her hair and calling relatives for updates. Y/N managed to be ready on time so it let her sit on the couch looking at the photos in which mehgan has framed around the room. 
“Your dad said I should drive you to the venue now. I think they’re definitely running late.” Harry speaks up after two days of ignoring her. The truth is last night when he went to the kitchen he saw Y/N sitting down on one of the counters and maybe if it was three years ago, he would’ve spoken to her but something about now told him to go back to his bedroom. He used to feel comfortable around her but now he’s walking around her as if he was on eggshells. He was so fucking nervous. 
“Okay.” She agrees with him. Harry was the best man and she didn’t want him to be late because of her parents. Y/N puts her phone in the purse resting on her shoulder as she follows him out of the house. She would’ve been a bit more calm if she didn’t end her call with James midway through their fight. 
“Um A-Are you okay?” He opens the door for her as he tries not to check her out. It was definitely difficult however as the way her long hair was styled and the pretty dress she wore. Luckily for Y/N, while Harry was doing some errands at home, she managed to “observe” him in his suit.
“Yeah, I’m good.” She lets out a small smile as she realizes Harry was still driving his car back from high school. You know the vehicle they had sex i- 
“Alright.” The man breaks her out of the thought as he starts the car. “I promise tonight isn’t going to be weird around us.” 
“Who said it was?”
“I don’t know I guess I just assumed.” He bites his cheek as he glances at her. That’s when the déjà vu hits and he feels like he’s eighteen years old again. She keeps her eyes on the road yet she had no idea that Harry was picturing her seventeen year old self sitting in the seat beside him. One of his favourite memories to be exact. 
 “So you’re kidnapping me to go camping in the woods.” Y/N smiles as she watches the unfamiliar road in front of them. Harry takes his shades off and passes it to the girl as he notices the sun is shining much more brighter than before. 
“Hey, you got permission from your parents.” He smirks at her as he keeps his hand on the gear stick.
“They think I’m sleeping over at Nessa’s.” Y/N laughs as she puts on the shades and looks at him. His cheeks turn red as he catches the sight of the pretty girl wearing everything of his. 
“Is little Y/N scared of the dark?” His hand smoothly travels to her thigh. 
“I am not.” Y/N chokes on her breath. It was bad enough Harry looked so hot whilst he was driving. 
“I think you are.” He notices her breathing becoming a bit more short. “You and me in a tent alone in the dark.” His hand goes a bit more south, gipping her inner thigh. 
“I have a surprise for you.” She blurts out. She was also seconds close to making Harry pull over to the side of the road. 
“And what is that?”
“I’ve been wearing a plug and I’m ready.” The speed of the car increases a bit as he mindlessly presses his foot to the sound of her voice. He looks at her one more time before taking over the car in front of them. 
“Fuck then. My baby once again proves that she isn’t as innocent as I thought.”
End of flashback*
The venue was beautiful. Ryan and Meghan chose this beautiful garden that had tulips growing everywhere. The white gazebo was obviously where the wedding would take place as the reception was only a stoned pathway ahead. Since Harry was the best man and Y/N was his date, she managed to follow him around the place as he spoke to the event planner and the maid of honour. She had a whole tour of the location as Harry spoke about the party’s process to her. Not only that, but he was an amazing date -he kept his hand on her back and introduced her to people she didn’t know. 
Currently, she was sitting on the bench watching Harry talk to some familiar faces. They seemed like a few boys Ryan and he would hang out with back in high school. She was mindlessly watching him laugh and smile throughout the conversation until she didn’t realize he was already staring at her. After excusing himself, he walked back towards her. 
“I’m sorry, If I’m boring yeh.” Harry rubs his neck as he sits down beside her. The wedding was about to start in a couple of hours. 
“No, you’re not.” Y/N laughs as she keeps her eyes on the lake behind him. She suddenly remembers their camping trip. She shakes her head at the thought and shrugs her shoulders. “How are you feeling?”
“About the wedding?” He pulls down the sleeves of his dark grey suit. She nods her head and waits for him to continue. “I’m happy Ryan is marrying Meghan. It’s funny how he thought he would stay single for long.”
“I remember him telling you that when you were engaged.” She bites the inside of her cheek. She definitely just put her foot in her mouth again. She was definitely known for that but Harry didn’t seem fazed at all about her statement. 
“I mean don’t get me wrong, Weddings are a bit difficult to attend at the moment just because I know mine didn’t end well but um…” He clears his throat and faces himself more towards her. “I also got married knowing I wasn’t really in love with the girl.”  Y/N finally looks at him as she watches the familiar green eyes say the truth. 
“I know.” She nods her head again. “Things are different now and I hope you do find the girl that you are 100% about.”
“Yeah.” He looks at the patch of flowers in front of them. He would tell her what he thinks but he knows she’s dating someone. 
“Let’s go check out your brother.” Harry stands up and offers his hand out. “I’m sure he’s wondering where we are.”
And so the event continued. Y/N’s parents arrived and so did the other guests. The beautiful girl in her wedding dress walked down the aisle and Harry couldn’t keep his eyes off the girl sitting in the crowd. 
It was simple for him, he knows he’s not over her but he wouldn’t tell her that.
Would he tell her that he started coming home more after Carla’s miscarriage in hope of seeing her? No.
He definitely can’t tell her that he was hurt. He would come over to their house only to find out she wasn’t home or when he found out she was moving to Seattle for college. 
After the past two years, Ryan briefly mentions her and James and he felt like he no longer had a chance. At least with her. 
So standing beside Ryan as his best man felt like a total shot in the heart because Harry knew he wasted his time and lost the girl as well. 
Y/N catches his eyes watching her and just for a moment, she wished things were different too. 
When the reception started, Harry and Y/N along with her parents sat at one of the tables close to the bride and groom
 The hosts were right however, as Harry fit perfectly with the family. Throughout dinner, he made jokes and started conversing with her parents more than she thought. Although he gave her some attention, he didn’t fail to compliment her mother as well. 
The two sat together eating dessert as he leaned over to whisper something in her ear. “I’ll let you have a bite out of my brownie if I can steal a bite from your cake.” Harry smirks as he takes a sip of his glass of tequila. He wasn’t trying to get drunk but a little strong (strong) alcohol should cause no harm. Y/N casually steals the glass from his hand and takes a sip as well. 
The two were finally much more comfortable with each other after spending the day side by side. Harry laughs as he takes his fork and steals a bite of her cake. The red velvet flavour melting in his mouth as he watches the girl swallow the rest of his drink. 
“Sorry, I’m a bit quenched.” Y/N laughs as she puts the glass down and stabs her fork back into her cake. His fork immediately swats hers away. 
“I’m not done with my bite.” He teases her as he pulls the small plate towards him. Y/N mouth drops.
“You guys fight like children.” Her dad speaks up and smiles at the scene in front of them. 
“He asked to steal a bite but he stole the whole plate.” She laughs as she watches him shove numerous tiny bites in his mouth. Y/N mom laughs as she smiles at the cheeky boy.
“I said you can have some of my brownie but you proceed to finish my drink.”
“You seem a little drunk anyway.” She lies as she leans forward to take the brownie from his plate.
“Want some shots.” Harry blurts out as he finishes the dessert. “You finished my drink so I’m heading back to the bar… you still might be a bit quenched.”
“Okay.” She laughs as the two excuse themselves from the table.
“Do you remember the scrunchie on my wrist and you called me out on it.” Harry slowly dances with Y/N as the night continues on. The event was almost over but all the attendees were on the dance floor dancing to Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran. As a proper stellar date, Harry didn’t hesitate to ask the girl for a dance as he knew last time he missed out.
“I know you stole it.” Y/N laughs as she unconsciously rests her head on his shoulder. The truth is when in doubt, Y/N always drinks a bit more than usual. It seems whenever Harry is around, she can’t help but be drunk. 
“Oh really?” He pulls away and laughs. “I was going to tell you an old story but you already know.” Y/N rolls her eyes as she looks at the people surrounding them. Nobody was shocked to see how close they were dancing. Everyone was in their own little bubble and maybe if Y/N and Harry didn’t break the ice or drink a bit, they would definitely not be as bold as they are right now. 
“No! You have to tell me now.” Her eyes widen as she readjusts her hands on her shoulders. Harry smirked at her anticipation as he willingly rests his hands back on her waist. 
“It was the first night we made the deal.” He whispers quietly hoping no one would hear them. “It was on your vanity and I took it after you sleepily threw my clothes at me.” They both laugh at the old memory. 
“I saw you wearing it during the game.” 
“So did you always watch me back then? Probably just wanted to get into my pants.” Y/N cheeks flush as she hides her face away from him. 
“You’re acting as if I never caught you staring right back at me.” 
“True.” he twirls her around. “Couldn’t keep my eyes off you after that deal you offered.” Y/N immediately pulls away after he hears the statement roll of his tongue.
“Harry, I know tonight has probably been the most normal conversation we had with each other but… We can’t go back there.” She walks off the dance floor, making him follow her without hesitation. Instead of going back to their table however, she makes a b line to the unlighted pathway of the garden.
“Hey, don’t go. I’m sorry I ruined the moment.” He unbuttons the top of his vest seeing his blazer was still on his chair. “I spoke about fight club-”
“You remember that?” Y/N slows down her speed and turns around. “It’s been three years and you still remember it?” 
“Why don’t you?” Harry turns his back around to notice the bushes covering them from the rest of the party. 
“Of course I do but you got married and moved away. I just thought that would slip your mind.”
“Well it didn’t.” He musters up a small smile and shrugs his shoulders. “Look, can we go back to the party and pretend I didn’t mess this up.” 
“It’s not about you messing up H. It’s the fact that I still get flashbacks of you and I -and seeing you here again is making me feel like the past three years didn’t happen.”
“I didn’t see you during Christmas.” He blurts out as he watches her sigh. “Any holiday except thanksgiving to be exact.”
“Well, I moved to Seattle and couldn’t book a flight home every time of the year.”
“Carla is dating someone new.” Y/N nods her head. “And I’m still not able to get you out of my head.” 
“You might just ghost me next time around.” She lets out a sarcastic laugh as she tries her best not to trip over herself as she walks a bit further into the pathway. 
“I told you I regret doing that.” He continues to follow her. “It’s been three years and you’re still mad about it.”
“I’m not mad. I’m just saying whenever it’s you and I, you tend to ghost me and run back to Carla.”
“If it makes you feel better, I could give a fuck less what Ryan thinks of us. It’s why I asked him if I could be your date.”
“I have a boyfriend Harry! An actual boyfriend who waits for me after work everyday. A boyfriend who actually replies to my calls-”
“He hasn’t even met Ryan or your parents!” 
“Look Y/N, all I’m saying is I don’t care about this fucking guy!” Harry sternly walks towards her until he backs her up to a wall of vines. 
“Then why are you trying to talk about our old memories and shit like that.”
“Because,” He pauses as he thoughtlessly rests his hands on either side of her head. “I fucking care about you. The moment Carla had a miscarriage and she needed me the most, I needed you! I didn’t realize I let you go the moment I went back to her.” 
“So it’s true, you didn’t love me.” He pulls away but Y/N brings her hands up to his face to keep his eyes on her. 
“Of course, I did.” Y/N cries as she shakes her head in disbelief. “Why would you think that would be true? You called me out on it before.”
“I came back every couple of months hoping to see you at home with your parents. You were always gone.” 
“Did you actually?”
“Fuck.” He pulls away and runs his hand through his short hair. He swore he would never tell her this. Is this how desperate he is now.  “Yeah, of course I did. I knew you would leave for college but I wish I knew from you.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not even your fault.” He laughs as he hugs her. “I want you back.” His arms wrap around her much more tightly than before. “Please.”
“Do you love him?”
“Harry, don’t ask that?”
“No, I want to know.”
“Well I don’t know because after what you did-”
“Then you still love me.” He looks up at her in hope she would say yes. Just admit it, please.
“Okay and if I do -what do I do now? I like James and although it hasn’t been long I’m sure something will change.”
“Can’t you see?” He directs her back to the wall of vines. “You were always mine the same way, I was always yours.”
“The loophole of our deal.” She mumbles out loud as her hands mindlessly hold onto his forearms. 
“The deal has always meant more to me than it should’ve.”  He whispers as the sound of music and distant chatter is the only thing they can hear.
And I want to tell you everything
The words I never got to say the first time around
And I remember everything
From when we were the children playing in this fairground
Wish I was there with you now
If the whole world was watching I'd still dance with you
Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you
“Just kiss me already.” Y/N watches him as she lets out one more breath. Without hesitation he kisses her as the grip on her waist tightens. Y/N’s hands immediately play with the curls that reach the nape of his neck. 
“Fuck, I missed you.” His soft lips rub on her left cheeks as he rubs himself on her. His hands begin to wonder in disbelief that she’s in his arms again. Her scent clouding his thoughts that they haven’t even noticed they’re still at a party.
“I want you.” Her hips raise itself on him as she rests her back on the cement behind her. “Harry, please.”
“We’re going home.” He bites his lip as his eyes darken. Without even thinking of what others would say, he mindlessly holds her hand as they walk out of the secluded space. The two didn’t bother telling anyone they were leaving the party as he basically dragged the poor girl to his car. 
“Do you even know how to get inside Ryan’s house.” She giggles as she keeps herself close to his arm. He takes his blazer and rests it on her shoulders back like a few years ago.  
“I have my ways.” He smirks as he helps her inside the vehicle. 
This whole event felt like déjà vu. The wedding, the car ride, the quick secret escape from a party just to have sex. If there was one thing Y/N and Harry were good at, it’s probably how good they were at keeping themselves as a secret. 
“I’ve missed you more than I thought.” Y/N bites her lip as she rests her head on the seat, watching Harry drive.
Him in his suit too focused on driving them home made her want to fuck his brains out. Truly. 
Harry’s cheeks flush as he takes her hand into his. “I’m no longer that frat boy you used to know. I’m much nicer.” 
“Oh really, in what ways?” she smirks as she eyes the growing bulge in his pants.
“I promise you won’t be able to leave my room tonight that’s for sure.”
“Then I’m happy.”
Moist air, dark night, and bodies clinging to each other as Harry struggled to open the front door. As the groom’s best friend, of course he had keys to his house. Y/N couldn’t help but keep her hands on his slim torso as there was something about just holding them that was driving her crazy. 
“Fuck, your parents are going to wonder where we are.” 
“I don’t fucking care.” Y/N licks the side of his neck before running inside. She’s trying to laugh quietly as she attempts to take off her heels. Harry being the responsible one, he texts Y/N’s dad they went home. Afterwards, he stops by Y/N’s room to lock it before he follows the girl into his room. 
Once he locks the door, he realizes Y/N managed to take all her clothes off as she laid on his bed. “For fuck’s sake.” He mumbles to himself as he forgot how horny and crazy Y/N can be. He rubs the slight stubble on his chin as he watches the girl bite her lip and roll in his sheets. “You’re such a little devil aren’t you?”
“Like I said I missed you.” She fakes her confidence as Harry crawls up to meet her on the mattress. His finger takes the lip out between her teeth as his lips move forward to kiss her once again. His goal was to lay her down and kiss her naked body but it seemed like Y/N had other plans in mind. Her arms push him away as she kneels on the mattress. Keeping her eyes on him, she unbuttons the rest of his vest before spreading her palms over where his heart beat. Harry is speechless but the moment she began to unbuckle his belt he had to say something.
“Oh I see.” He smiles as his hand holds Y/N’s chin to his face. “I thought my girl really did miss me but it seems like she missed my dick a bit more huh? You want it?” He grips her face a bit harder as her hands maintain on his waistline. She nods shyly as she tries to continue her action. 
“Fine, do what you want but I’m not done with you yet.” His voice softens as his hand immediately brushes the soft hair away from her face. His green eyes watch her drool over him as she unzips his pants. His hands on the flip side continued to remove the white long sleeve off his body. “Take it in your mouth. I know you’re dying too baby.” Y/N cheeks turn red as her tongue peaks out to kiss his hard cock. The funny thing is, she couldn’t keep her eyes off him despite being a horny mess. Sex was never the same if it wasn’t with harry and that was a fact because the moment she put him in her mouth, he pushed himself harder until he could feel the back of her throat. 
The constant humming and gagging sounds wasn’t enough for him because the moment he pulled himself out of her little wet hole. He pulls her hair harder to keep her eyes on him. Without even hesitating, he spits in her mouth and puts his dick back in. From the way Y/N’s eyes rolled back, he knew full well that this was his girl and some things don’t change...especially the way she reacts to him. 
“Are you going to let me fuck your mouth baby?” He moans quietly as he softly strokes her scalp. “How many times are you going to make me cum huh?” Y/N chokes a bit as he thrusts himself at a faster rate. “Always so pretty aren’t you dove?” He pulls himself out and slaps her tit. “What do you want me to do?” He whispers as kisses her lips once more. His mouth thoughtlessly kisses down the side of her neck as his hands press and grope on her tits. 
“I want you everywhere.” His eyes watch her dilated ones as he slowly pushes her down the mattress. 
“Hm, I don’t think you want to as much I thought?” He teases her as one of his fingers pops into his mouth and later into hers.
“You want me to beg?” Her tongue swirls around his digit as she lays helplessly on his pillows. “Never.”
“Never?” Harry laughs as his wet fingers pretended to walk down her body to her heated centre. “When did my baby become such a brat?” The devious smirk plays on his face as his tongue licks the side of his mouth. 
“I’ve always been a brat.”
“Oh, so you don’t want me to fuck you is that what you’re saying?” His hands immediately stop teasing her as he begins to jerk himself off -slowly but surely. 
“I do.” She tries to sit up but his hand pushes her back down immediately. “Harry, please?”
“Is that you begging me?” He laughs as his thumb wipes a bead of precum on his dick. “I would rate that three out of ten, Extra point because good girls say please.” 
“Baby...” Y/N moans out as she tries to reach for him but Harry’s hands immediately grabs them and places them above her head.
“Just beg a bit better and maybe you wouldn’t have to work so hard, love. You said it before so show me you want me.”
“Daddy please fuck me.”
“Like music to my ears.” He spreads her legs open and pushes himself inside her. “Fuck.” It’s always the condom that gets to him. 
“No, stay.” She whines as she holds onto his wait. “Please, I’m on birth control and James and I don’t really-”
“What?” His eyes widen as he bites the inside of his cheek. “What did you say?”
“He’s an intern at this hospital so he’s just always been busy.” She whispers in embarrassment. Don’t get her wrong, she has sex just not as much as she thought she should.
“Fucking hell.” He mumbles as he thrusts himself a bit harder into her. “No one has taken care of you in a while huh?” He bends down and kisses her again. The soft wet licks stay longer as he hears the beat of her heart. It was beating fast just like his. 
“Mhm. Please Harry just fuck me.” She cries out as she takes his fingers back into her mouth.  His thrusts become harder and harder as he watches her face cry in pleasure. “Oh daddy, fuck.” 
“So fucking good. You’re such an angel oh shit.” His palm immediately chokes her. He couldn’t help but watch how her tits move up and down due to the force he’s putting into her. 
“Let me ride you.” Her hips thrust up and meet him. Her mouth opens wide at the feeling. 
“You sure about? Sure you can still take me?” His hand gives her a little slap to the cheek. 
“Of course I can.” Y/N smirks. Harry immediately pulls himself off her as he lays down on the mattress himself. “You think I’m going to let you fuck me all night long. I’ve been wanting to fuck your brains out.”
“Y/N,” He smirks as he watches her straddle him. “You think you can fuck my brains out? You seem pretty fucking confident, baby.” He flicks her nipple which makes her press herself deeper onto his dick. 
“I can.” She closes her eyes as Harry watches the moonlight shine on her face. 
“Yeah, then show me.” He slaps the side of her thigh more harder than before. “Fuck me. Just use me then.”
“Just promise I’ll be a good girl, daddy.” her hands slide down to his waist.
“Promise.” He bites his lip and watches their wet desperate centres meet. 
And in that moment, there was nothing but lust in their eyes as they fucked back and forth. Y/N moaning as Harry continued slapping her ass. He couldn’t help but thrust his hips as well due the fact there was nothing better than feeling Y/N’s desperate pussy clenching for more. 
“Go on all fours.” He cries out after a few more rounds. Y/N wasn’t lying since she definitely fucked his brain out. There was nothing on their minds other than jumping each other’s bones over and over again. 
 Once she’s in position, he slaps her ass once again before putting himself back in. 
“Oh god, shit baby.” Y/N bites the end of his pillowcase as she keeps her hands on the headboard. “You’re so big, I can’t anymore fuck.”
“I know you have one more in you, come on baby.” He pulls her hair and slaps her ass once more. 
“Fuck!” She moans out as she feels his wet spit travel down her pussy.  Harry immediately thrusts harder as the sweat on his neck begins to bother him. His thrusts were becoming sloppy but he needed Y/N to cum one more time.
“God, fuck me.” Harry moans out as Y/N finally cums one more time around him. Without even thinking, he releases himself inside of her and pulls her hair harder one more time. She immediately falls down as she can’t feel a thing. Harry felt her clench around him despite his need to pull himself off her. 
“Baby, you have to let go.” He kisses the back of her shoulder and grips the side of her waist.
“Please don’t go.” She cries out and wipes her tears on the pillowcase. Harry slowly pulls himself off and lays on the bed beside her. He puts himself back in and wipes her tears away.  His arm pulls her closer to him as he whispers one more thing into her ear.
“I love you.” 
“Glad to see you two are awake.” Y/N’s mom waits in the kitchen as she makes pancakes on the stove. “Ryan and Meghan left last night right after the reception.” She suspiciously keeps her eyes on the two as they walk together to the breakfast table. “Harry, thank you for leaving the door unlocked. We came home around one last night.” Oh shit did they hear us? Y/N looks at Harry who seems bothered as he takes a sip of the coffee in his mug. 
“I didn’t hear you two.” She brings the plate to the table. “If you’re wondering Y/N.”
“Mom, it’s not what-” Her cheeks flush in an embarrassment. 
“Oh please, don’t bother lying. I already lied, Harry was the one who opened the door for us.” She laughs and rolls her eyes. “And Harry, don’t bother giving me an excuse. It makes sense.” She sits down with the two of them. “You always kept visiting us back home and the way your eyes watched her when she came here after her flight gave it all away.”
“Not to mention, you answering the door shirtless and Y/N not responding when we knocked on her door last night.” Y/N’s dad appears with a newspaper in hand. 
“Does Ryan know?” Harry looks at Y/N and puts a pancake on her plate. Does her parents even know she’s wearing his clothes?
“Ryan saw you two leave together.” Y/N’s mom laughs. “Don’t worry, it was him and Meghan’s idea to also try and pair you guys together.”
“Wait so he’s okay with it.” Y/N speaks up after murmuring a thank you to Harry. 
“Of course he is, Y/N. You guys are no longer teenagers right? So make your own choices for Christ’s sake.” Her mom states in disbelief. 
“Did you know I’ve been seeing her back in high school?”
“Harry.” Y/N’s dad’s tone changed. Sounded a bit like disappointment. 
“Oh god, there is more to the story?” Y/N’s mom rolls her eyes. “Alright, eat up everyone, you two have to tell us everything.”
“So this is it.” Y/N smiles as she sits in his car. The two were currently at the airport. “I had no idea, you relocated to Boston. It makes sense why you had so many things in your room back at Ryan’s house.”
“Yeah, I transferred last year. I’m hoping to finish here, graduate and then see what else I can do.” 
“What do you think this means for us?” She puts her shades on as she pulls on the sleeves of her light sweater that she was wearing over her collared shirt. 
“It means that this is when I ask you if you would please be my girlfriend.” Y/N’s cheeks flush and she hides her face in her hands. 
“Are you for real?” She laughs. 
“Yes.” He smirks as he keeps his hands on the steering wheel. 
“I will be your girlfriend, Harry.” 
“Good. You’re breaking up with James right.” Y/N rolls her eyes and nods. 
“I’m ending it with him, the moment I land back in the city.”
“Make some space, I might move there.” He lightly jokes but there was some truth in it. Meghan and Ryan were married, there was no need for him to take up some space in their house. 
“Sure, you’ll love Seattle and Ness is there too.” 
“I like that. Will you introduce me to your ex?” Y/N laughs as she opens her door. 
“No.” but right before she can get out, his hand pulls her back in for a kiss. Once their lips touch, he looks at her once again.
“I love you.” He genuinely states as he watches her eyes melt in happiness. 
“I love you too.” She smiles and kisses him once more. “Bye, Harry.” She hugs him across the platform and kisses his cheek too. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you more. Call me later tonight when you land yeh?” 
“Okay.” She pouts. She had to catch a flight and be away from him for at least one more year. 
“I love you okay, baby.” He kisses her forehead. “Bye.”
“Bye.” And with that, Y/N steps out of the car and watches him drive away. She has a plane to catch and he has some sheets to clean but that doesn't change the fact, they are finally together.
And everyone knows it. 
Taglist:  @f-flourishing , @nataliedahlia , @florenceskies , @much-love-tay , @goldenxstyles7 , @sixwyrxstuff , @y0uresogolden , @gucciantidote , @kikisparadise18 , @muffpuff23 , @stylessugarhigh , @f-vasquezp , @alwaysclassyeagle
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supercorpbb · 4 years
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Are you a fan of SuperCorp or a fandom creator? Want to see more art and fics like this or take part in this kind of collaboration where artists inspire writers? Follow us! Sign ups begin soon. Everyone is welcome! Now, enjoy the story.
(Thanks @iwishicoulddrawheatherforaliving for the art and @emiliarowan for the story !)
It wasn’t entirely unusual for Kara to visit Lena at work.
What was unusual, however, was Supergirl barreling headfirst through a plate glass window into the conference room while Lena was personally welcoming the newest group of L-Corp interns.
Lena stood at the front of the conference room, heart thundering in her chest, as Kara rolled around on the floor for a long moment before standing and whipping her cape over her head.
“Whoopsie-daisy!” Supergirl exclaimed in a sing-song voice not entirely appropriate for the amount of destruction she had just caused. She looked around the room with wide eyes before her gaze landed on her wife. “Lena!”
“K— Supergirl,” Lena huffed as the Kryptonian hugged her, squeezing just a bit too tightly for Lena’s human rib cage. “Are you alright?”
“Just peachy,” Kara replied. “You smell nice.”
“Supergirl,” Lena muttered as Kara inhaled deeply into Lena’s hair. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing,” Kara said innocently. “Ooo, what’s that?”
Lena looked up and realized that she had squeezed the laser pointer in her hand, and the small red dot was moving across the screen behind her. Kara released her from her hug and backed up, sticking her tongue out and furrowing her brow in concentration before launching herself at the wall. Lena’s wrist flicked in surprise, sending the little red dot across the wall and onto the ceiling. Kara, unrestrained by the laws of gravity, took off after the dot, and in doing so sent the projector screen to the floor with a loud crash.
“Miss Luthor?”
Lena looked away from the chaotic Kryptonian as her assistant poked her head into the room. “Jess, I’m not sure now is the time…”
“Agent Danvers is on Line One,” Jess told her, but she was watching as Kara chased the laser pointer into a corner, knocking over a potted plant in the process.
“Right,” Lena replied. She looked back at the dozen interns currently watching National City’s heroine pouncing on a red dot. “Okay, I think everyone should head to lunch a bit early. Orientation will resume at one thirty with your department heads.”
The young scientists didn’t even grumble as they shuffled out of the room.
“Here, keep her occupied,” Lena instructed, handing over the laser pointer to Jess as she stepped into the lobby to take the phone call. “Alex?”
“Heeeeey, Lena,” Alex answered, raising Lena’s suspicions. “I don’t want to alarm you, but, um, have you seen…?”
“Have I seen my wife? Yes, she crashed through the window into my conference room about three minutes ago, and now Jess is… entertaining her,” Lena replied, peering into the next room. In fact, Jess might’ve been having a bit too much fun leading Kara around the room using the laser pointer. Lena sighed and focused her attention back to the phone call.
“Oh, good, good,” Alex replied. “Does she seem a little… off?”
“If by off you mean high as a kite, then yes, I’d say she’s a little off,” Lena told her. “Care to explain?”
There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line and Lena could practically hear Alex trying to formulate her response. “Well, the team got a call from the NC Botanical Gardens about this plant that somebody donated that they couldn’t identify and it turned out to be alien and while they were inspecting it, the plant shot some kind of pollen in their faces.”
“Some kind of pollen?” Lena interrupted. “Is it dangerous?”
“I don’t think so,” Alex replied. “It affected them all differently. J’onn passed out immediately— he’s fine, he’s sleeping it off in the infirmary. Brainy is acting like he’s had fifteen shots of espresso— he’s currently reprogramming the Roomba for combat. It didn’t affect Nia at all, probably because she’s half human. Kara flew off before I could really get an idea of how it was affecting her, but you say she’s… high? How so?”
Lena looked back into the other room to see that Kara was lying on her back beneath the broken potted palm, slapping playfully at the fronds and giggling. She really only had one comparison she could make.
When she was seven years old, Lionel had brought home a kitten as a pet. A little black and white fluff ball with a flat face, Lena had named her Duchess. Lena had doted on the cat until Lillian sent her away to boarding school, and she wasn’t entirely sure what became of it after that. One distinct memory of the cat came to mind now. She had given Duchess a catnip-stuffed toy, and the normally refined feline had spent hours rolling around on the toy, carrying it from room to room, pupils dilated, completely relaxed, stoned out of her mind.
That was exactly what Kara looked like now.
“Are you telling me my sister is—“
“Basically a human-shaped cat at the moment? Mmhmm,” Lena confirmed.
Alex let out a long-suffering sigh on the other end of the phone. “Okay, we need to get her someplace safe where she can’t do any damage until the chemicals get out of her system.”
“If I can get her home, I can turn on the red sun lamps in the bedroom,” Lena replied.
“Every time I try to forget that you had those installed, you just have to remind me,” Alex grumbled. “But yeah, good idea. Take her home, make her shower to get any excess pollen off, and then just lock her in the bedroom until it wears off.”
“Okay, I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes.”
Lena made her way back to the conference room where Kara was hiding behind the edge of the table, eyeing the laser pointer on the wall yet again, and Jess was smiling gleefully as she slowly moved the light in circles around on the wall.
“Okay, I hate to break up the fun, but hand over the laser pointer,” Lena said, holding her hand out expectantly.
“Awwwww,” Jess groused.
“Jessica,” Lena warned.
Jess sighed and gave her the device. “Fine.”
“Thank you,” Lena told her. “I’m gonna need you to—“
“Cancel your meetings for the rest of the day and have facilities come clean up this mess and replace the window?” Jess supplied. “On it, boss.”
“Now I remember why I hired you,” Lena said with a grin. “Come on, Kara, darling, we’re going home.”
“But—“ Kara began to argue, only to stop when Lena aimed the laser pointer at the door.
Lena managed to get the pouncing Kryptonian into the elevator, downstairs, and through the lobby with minimal incident and only one bent elevator panel of destruction. What Lena hadn’t realized, however, was that once they were outside, the bright midday sunlight made the laser pointer’s dot near-impossible to see, even for Kryptonian eyes. The city itself, however, offered plenty of things to distract Kara away from the town car on the curb.
“Ooo, look, Lena!” Kara exclaimed. “Kebabs!”
Lena grabbed Kara’s cape in an attempt to stop her, but that only resulted in her being dragged across the sidewalk towards a falafel stand. Once they were at the front of the line, Lena bought several servings of kebabs and grabbed them all up before Kara could get hold of them.
“Nuh-uh,” Lena chastised. “You only get kebabs if you get in the car. Deal?”
Kara pouted, but she reluctantly cooperated. Once they were in the car, Lena instructed George to take them to her penthouse. When they reached the apartment building, however, there was an ice cream truck serendipitously stationed on the corner, and Kara pointedly refused to enter the building without getting ice cream. Lena couldn’t help but scowl as she paid for a heaping cone of Kara’s favorite chocolate swirl. Her dour mood couldn’t last, however, with Kara happily lapping at her ice cream cone as the elevator made its way to the top floor.
Once inside their apartment, it wasn’t difficult to get Kara into the bedroom, and once she was there Lena immediately hit the button that switched on the red sun lamps and locked down all of the windows and doors. The room was awash in a coppery glow, and Kara immediately sank down on the foot of the bed.
“Whoa!” she exclaimed woozily.
“You okay?” Lena asked, immediately concerned.
“Yeah, just really sleepy all of a sudden,” Kara replied, and then she yawned in further confirmation. She stretched her arms high over her head, the remainder of her ice cream cone tipping precariously.
“Easy there,” Lena warned, pulling the offending dessert back down to face-level. “Why don’t you finish that up while I get the shower going, and then after that you can take a nap. Sound good?”
“Will you nap with me?” Kara asked pitifully
“Of course,” Lena replied. After the last half hour, she certainly felt like she needed a nap herself.
Kara finished the ice cream quickly, as Lena collected towels and pajamas. She managed to get Kara out of her super suit and into the shower without using the laser pointer or bribing her with food. For a moment Lena felt quite successful— until Kara reached out and yanked Lena, fully clothed, under the spray.
“Kara!” Lena sputtered.
Kara just giggled, eyes fixated south of Lena’s face as her white blouse became more and more transparent. “Hehe… tiddies.”
Lena put her fingers underneath Kara’s chin and pushed her face up until she met her gaze. “Eyes up here, Danvers.”
By the time she got Kara out of the shower her wife was practically falling asleep standing up. Lena managed to get Kara’s blonde hair mostly dried and forced her into a t-shirt and pajama shorts before she staggered to the bed.
“Just gonna close my eyes for a bit,” Kara murmured as she cuddled into a pillow.
“You do that, darling,” Lena chuckled. Then she made her way back to the bathroom. She cleaned up the puddles of water, dried her hair, and put on her own pajamas before returning to the bedroom.
She blinked at the sight that greeted her. In the ten minutes she had taken in the bathroom, Kara had raided their closet for all of the pillows, blankets, and extra comforters, and had used those to construct a round fort on their king-size bed.
“Kara?” Lena called hesitantly, and a blonde head appeared over the top of the nest.
“Lena!” Kara exclaimed, reaching toward her with grabby hands.
Lena went willingly, climbing carefully over the blankets and into the red-tinted pillow fort Kara had created. Once she was inside, Kara tucked a blanket over her and then curled into her body, resting practically on top of her as her head found Lena’s chest for a pillow.
“Mmm, this okay?” Kara asked.
Lena sighed, moving a bit until her body fit even better against Kara’s. “This is good.”
“Yeah,” Kara sighed. “You’re so soft. Love you.”
Lena stroked her hair and let out a sigh of her own. “Love you, too.”
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reinerispretty · 4 years
beneath the moon. (sokka x f!reader) pt1
hello and welcome to my new fic :) i hope u have enjoyed urselves and i hope u like it!! thank u very much for reading!! pls share if u can but no worries if u can’t :)
Y/N) let out a gasp, her breath clouding in the chilly air. She had heard rumors of the return of the Avatar, an Air Nomad boy who travelled around on the back of a flying bison. She had never anticipated that they were true. 
“Early morning, rise and shine!” A hard hand pounded at the bedroom door.
(Y/N) groaned in her bed, turning over and covering her head with a pillow. The servant outside sighed. “You have to get up, Princess. You have lessons today.” 
She opened her eyes and stared at the white walls ahead of her. Bare and bleak. She tossed her blankets to the side and quickly pulled on her warmest fur robe and slippers before padding down the hall to the washroom.The servants had readied a tub of hot water for her. She inhaled the steam as she set herself inside and let the servants begin their work. They scrubbed every inch of her body, even the bottoms of her feet (and it took every ounce of her strength not to kick one of them in the face), and combed and washed her hair. They pulled it back into her usual style of two braids and dressed her in her warmest navy-blue coats. One of the servants smiled at her as she tied her into her garments. 
“It’s cold today,” the woman said. (Y/N) gave her a tight smile but didn’t speak. The servant’s own smile fell. She must be new, (Y/N) noticed, because she tried to talk to her. (Y/N) hadn’t spoken all morning, and it was rare if she did. In the past she had been labelled as a difficult child, so she decided it was easier if she just didn’t speak to the servants. She rarely spoke to anyone, really. 
She was escorted to her healing lessons once she was finished getting dressed. (Y/N) was the only waterbender in her family, so healing lessons were the only duty that took up the majority of her time. She sat in the hut quietly, like always, did her work, received good marks, and then left. After her lessons, she was free to do whatever she pleased. But there wasn’t much to do at all, so she walked around the city. 
Sometimes she watched Master Pakku train his pupils. She chose a spot on top of one of the highest buildings, with a good view, where she wouldn’t be seen. Her body itched to try the moves the boys were learning but it wasn’t allowed. Doing so could possibly get her banished from her tribe, and while she didn’t enjoy life there, she had nowhere else to go. So, she chose to watch instead. After watching, she walked around the canals. She greeted the people she encountered with a solemn nod of her head. (Y/N) was the serious one. No one tried to engage her in pleasantries and she was thankful for it. 
“(Y/N)!” A voice shouted as she walked down the icy sidewalks. She sighed, stopped, and turned around to face the source of the voice. Hahn skidded to a stop in front of her, a bright smile on his face. 
(Y/N) didn’t like Hahn. In fact, she detested him. When they were children, he would push her around when they were playing games and pull on her hair. He’d call her names and whenever she tried to bring it up to anyone, they would shrug and give her the average, “Boys will be boys,” answer. She knew it wasn’t right, how their tribe idolized Hahn, and she knew he certainly didn’t deserve it.
“Did you hear the good news?” 
“No, but I have a feeling you’ll tell me.” 
“Your feeling’s right. Yue accepted my proposal. We’ll be married sometime after her sixteenth birthday.” 
She felt the anger rising inside of her but kept her expression calm. She turned back around and continued on her walk. Hahn followed and walked in stride with her. 
“I take it my sister has had a continuous lack of judgement.” 
“What do you mean?” When she didn’t answer, he shrugged. “I’m psyched to be married to the Chief’s daughter. Does this mean I’ll be chief one day?” 
(Y/N) stopped once again and turned to face him. “Hahn, believe me when I tell you that I’d rather choke on a thousand sea prunes than ever let you be chief.” He scoffed. 
“Just goes to show I picked the right sister.” He walked right past her, his shoulder bumping into hers and knocking her off her balance. Once she had righted herself, she headed in the direction she had come. Back to their igloo, where her family would be getting ready for dinner. 
(Y/N) stormed through the igloo to find her family was already getting ready to eat their meal. Her mother looked up at her and smiled brightly. “(Y/N)! We weren’t sure if you were going to be joining us today. I’m glad you could make it.” 
She ignored her mother and instead faced Yue directly, whose eyes were downcast as she stared at her plate of food. “You’re marrying him?” She demanded. “Out of all the men in this tribe, you pick the dumbest, most insufferable--” 
“Hahn proposed to me,” Yue said, her voice barely above a whisper. “I said yes.” 
“For what reason? You could have literally any guy in this tribe, Yue, but you say yes to Hahn? A walking pile of sea sludge?” 
“(Y/N), that’s enough,” Her father said, his voice stern. She sat down at the table but made her mood obvious as she aggressively reached for the food the servants had laid out. “I won’t have you disrespecting your future brother-in-law.” 
“The only thing that’s disrespectful is that Yue’s marrying him,” (Y/N) grumbled. Yue slammed her hand on the table. 
“Why do you have to question every decision I make?” 
“Why do you continue to make stupid decisions?” (Y/N) knew she had gone too far as soon as she said it, but it was too late. Yue excused herself from the table and exited the room, leaving an icy chill in the air in her absence. (Y/N) prodded at the noodles on her plate. She had lost her appetite. 
“You need to apologize to Yue,” Her father said as he took a sip of wine. “Your words were not very kind.” 
“They were the truth,” (Y/N) sighed. “Why does she have to marry him, Father? He’s horrible.” 
“Hahn is a strong boy who is well-respected in the tribe. We need someone like that to help your sister when your mother and I are gone.” 
“She has me.” (Y/N) stood and excused herself from the table. She walked to Yue’s room only to find the door had been shut. She gave it a weak knock. “Yue? Can you hear me?” 
“Go away,” Her sister said from inside. (Y/N) frowned. Her voice had been jagged and watery. Yue was crying, and (Y/N) was the one who made her. So (Y/N) did what she was told and walked down the hall to her own room. She could apologize to Yue in the morning. 
It hurt her to know that she had made her sister cry. It hadn’t been her intention at all, it was just that sometimes her words of care came out wrong. Yue may have been her older sister, but ever since she was born, (Y/N) had always felt a strong need to protect her. Yue was the kindest person she knew, which resulted in a lot of people trying to take advantage of her. (Y/N) wouldn’t allow it. She stood at Yue’s side always to make sure that no one approached her for the wrong reasons. Being the princesses of the tribe meant that it was hard to determine who was actually trying to be nice to them and who was searching for something to gain. (Y/N) had developed the skill of judging others’ intentions a long time ago, but Yue always tried to see the good in people. 
That is why (Y/N) was so angry when she found out Yue had accepted Hahn’s proposal. She knew her sister didn’t care for that idiot, but she also knew that Yue cared deeply for the tribe. She would do whatever she could to protect it, even if it meant marrying the worst person ever. 
(Y/N) changed out of her day clothes and undid her braid. She sat in front of her mirror and brushed out her hair before climbing into bed. She stared at the ceiling of the igloo for what felt like hours. 
She wasn’t sure when she had fallen asleep, but (Y/N) sat up quickly when she heard the horn. Horns meant something was happening, something exciting. She hopped out of bed and ran to Yue’s room, not even bothering to put on her robes, but her sister was nowhere to be found. (Y/N) pursed her lips and made her way to the tallest part of the igloo. It was slippery and required some skilled climbing, but (Y/N) was no stranger to the task. She sat atop the rounded portion and watched as a flying bison and three travelers landed inside the wall of the city. 
(Y/N) let out a gasp, her breath clouding in the chilly air. She had heard rumors of the return of the Avatar, an Air Nomad boy who travelled around on the back of a flying bison. She had never anticipated that they were true. Living in an area as secluded as the Northern Water Tribe, all people did was make up rumors to keep themselves entertained. She had heard enough about herself to last a lifetime. 
(Y/N) felt her mind race as she tried to anticipate the days’ events with the addition of the Avatar. It was Yue’s birthday today, so a great feast had been planned. She only hoped that the Avatar and his friends would be in attendance. 
(Y/N) slid down the side of the igloo and went back inside, where the servants instantly bombarded her with warm clothes and hot teas. “Are you crazy?” One of them asked as they led her to the washroom. “It’s your sister’s birthday and you’re trying to catch a cold?” 
(Y/N) exhaled a breath out of her nose, but let them say as they pleased as they began preparing her for the day. She had learned a long time ago how to drown them out. Usually they weren’t talking to her, but at her, so there was no need for her to even speak. 
As she stepped out of the warm water, a chill traveled up her spine, lifting the hairs at the nape of her neck. It was different than the normal cold air that came with living here. This wind seemed like it brought change. 
Tag List!!
@beifongsss , @aimee1602 , @musicalkeys , @aroyaldarknessblr , @mdgrdians
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unimpressedperson · 4 years
Diary Entry: Sorority
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I spent the year of 2020 cloistered in my home and took this never-ending time to study about the faces of feminism. Some books and articles were revisited, but like ‘The Beauty Myth’ by Naomi Wolf I read it for the very first time. Every new work I absorbed to realize how used to the injustice and pain we’re used, then it feels normal, ordinary. Men underestimating or gaslighting us feels common.
Fighting against this feeling of custom isn’t new, women have been building, dwelling and owning the concept of revolution and equity for ages, trying to be seem as a human, because that’s what we are, not a toy, a joyful little ornament to possess. Striving is a ceaseless occurrence. If we settle, then the tide takes us back to tempestuous times.
Meditating within those thoughts, it’s perfectly possible to see how far we’ve came. From having to watch many sisters die in order to have labor legislation applying in our behalf - kind of -, reading about how Suffragettes were portrayed solely for demanding the voting rights (they were portrayed as ogres, enemies, unloved creatures), the right of maternity leave, choosing to marry and take a last name or keep ours. Black women, their fights were even more brutal, seeking for the right to get a higher level of education, existing without restraints.
Their fight. Our fight. Women’s fight.
Sorority is about supporting each other in our inner-fights, on battles fought as a group and as individuals, ‘cause in the end all the results resounds on ourselves. It’s also the understanding that some of those struggles won’t affect everyone the same, for differences brought by a whole divergent set of bias (racism, transphobia...).
Sorority is what brought me here to write this diary entry.
Yesterday I heard some sad news: Jesy Nelson left Little Mix, after 9 years, in order to work on her psychological health,  following years of virtual harassment.
I could feel my stomach folding and heart aching with anxiety when I read it on Twitter.
Jesy Nelson is one of the most talented people in the world. One of the most beautiful and brave women to ever set a foot in this world. Also one of those whose privileges never stopped the cyberbullying and, consequently, took the mental toll, that dimmed the light and dreams out of her.
Do you know how much virtual attack a person needs to receive in order to give up on a dream?
Jesy spent nine years of her life working with entertainment, a patriarchal industry long known for the mistreatment towards women. Back in 2011 she joined The X-Factor trying to make her dreams of working with art come true. In fact, with three other women (Perrie Edwards, Leigh-Anne Pinnock and Jade Thirlwall) she hiked her way to the top and won that TV show. Little Mix became huge and from the beginning brought messages of sorority, supporting and love for who you are. However, positive messages were commonly replied with attacks, harassment, cruel words thrown effortlessly by people and received hard as a rock by them.
In theory, loving who you are, is easier said than done. A woman who loves herself is dangerous. Throughout the years, their skin grew thicker, but it’s impossible to ignore it, if from the beginning people chose to pinch your insecurities. Jesy went through hell and back because of her appearance, her weight, size, etc. 
In 2019, Jesy released a documentary with BBC called ‘Odd One Out’ and talked openly about the experience as a celebrity, a public person. The whole narrative heart-breaking: what began as an unique opportunity, the Willy Wonka golden ticket for stardom, is now filled with spikes of humour, constant insecurity, panic crisis and an everyday struggling, trying to keep true to herself and healing. Watching someone whose life never been easy, sobbing about how online scrutiny ruined her dreams, that shattered every piece of my heart.
Sometimes people forget that celebrities are humans too.
I’m not a Mixer (I gave up on using fandom names it’s been years now), but as a woman whose been struggling with the consequences of harassment and bullying through 11 long years, her pain resonated. Imagine dealing with mean and destructive comments coming from all over the world, people you’ve never met or heard of, but still they had a say in your appearance, you dancing, your body, your life.
Internet created a whole new layer of problems, both for men and women, but considering we still live in an unstable society, the burden always gets heavier on a female’s back. 
Suddenly peer-pressure is tempting to ruin your confidence on your appearance, intelligence, self-worth, talent, capability, your will and strength. You can get in touch with victims in similar situation, but also opens tabs for more attacks on aspects of yourself you’ve never paid a thought before. It gives you fuel to light a dream and then push you against the cold water. It gives you the right to love sex, but exposes and humiliates you when the opportunity is given. In the end, internet treat a woman’s body as if it is public domain. My body belong to myself.
The only thing we own from the very first breath in this world is our bodies. Everything else we grow up absorbing and learning.
Internet is no longer a no-man’s land - slowly laws are being created to stop cyberbullying -, but the negative content and the nightmares set previously will never be completely erased. It creates new prejudices, new concerns. Our daily fights now approaches the virtual ambience, trying to find justice.
Jesy is indeed a talented women, with an unreal stage presence, an astounding voice. However her sanity is worth more than our happiness and satisfaction. As I mentioned before, we are so used to the pain and masked-injustice, that stepping up against it seems unrealistic, but owning your fate is the best measure to recover.
I’ll always support Jesy, and every women that chooses her happiness and mental health, because in the end of the day it’s all about sorority again.
I feel that every woman loses a little bit as well when one of us gives up on her dreams, surrendering after not being capable of bearing the pressure of existing - simply existing and endeavouring - in a world that doesn’t want us succeeding.
That’s how I realize how far we’ve got to date, yet there’s still a long way down to go.
Once we fought for the right of having dreams, now we battle for keeping them. Dreams should never die.
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Reunion Part 2 (Javier x Reader) {MTMF}
Title: Reunion (Part 2) Rating: PG-13 Length: 1400 Warnings: None Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. Set December 24th 1998. Part 2 of yesterday’s update. And a shorty, because I was working on my room all day. Unbeta’d because we ride like warriors.  Summary: Mitch and co. enjoy dinner with Reader and her family
@grapemama @seawhisperer @huliabitch @pedropascalito @rogrsnbarnes@thewallpapergoesorido @twomoonstwosuns @gooddaykate @livasaurasrex @ham4arrow@plexflexico @readsalot73 @hdlynn @lokiaddicted @randomness501 @fioccodineveautunnale  @roxypeanut @snivellusim @lukesrighthand @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts@synystersilenceinblacknwhite @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @exrebelshocktrooper@awesomefandomsunited @ah-callie @swhiskeys @lady-tano @u-wakatoshii @space-floozy @cable-kenobi @cool-ultra-nerd @himbopoes @findhimfives @pedrosdoll @frietiemeloen@arrowswithwifi @random066 @uncomicalhumour @heather-lynn @domino-oh-damn @cyarikaaa @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl​  @yabby-girl​ @xqueenofthecraziesx @punkass-potato @coredrive​ @pascalesque​@theduchessofkirkcaldy @queenquazar @sabinemorans​ @buckstaposition​ @holkaskrosnou​@yespolkadotkitty​ @fleetwoodmactshirt​ @seeking-a-great–perhaps @kochamcie​ @jaime1110​
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The afternoon had gone smoothly. Catching up with Mitch had proven easier than you had expected it to go. He was an easy going guy, but you had still been nervous about revisiting those parts of your past. 
You and Connie helped Chucho with dinner, which proved to be a bit of a smorgasbord of different side dishes and choices. Proof of the blended nature of your families. 
“What is it that you do, Monica?” Darla questioned as she primly forked up a bite of the brussel sprouts that Connie had brought. 
“Well, I’m a student right now.” Monica answered, wiping at her mouth. “I graduate in May.”
“Oh, that’s right.” She nodded. “Have you decided what you plan on pursuing after graduation?”
“I’m considering law school.”
“She’s incredibly smart,” You boasted. “She’s got the drive, passion, and intellect to really go places.”
Javier was quick to add on after you, “She’s top of the class. She puts a hundred and twenty into every project.”
Monica rubbed at her cheeks, “Guys, come on. You’re going to make me turn into a puddle.”
Nadia nudged her, “She’s brilliant and humble. A winning combination.”
“And what are you studying?” Mitch questioned. 
“Already graduated.” Nadia explained, “I’m working at NASA. My internship transitioned into a full time job.”
“NASA?” Mitch pursed his lips approvingly. “That’s pretty impressive.”
“I’m gonna go to space!” Josie announced, shoving a piece of bread into her mouth. 
“Please don’t choke.” You chastised her gently, “I thought you were going to wrangle dinosaurs.”
“In space.” She said as she chewed.
“Mouth closed.” Javier tapped her arm to get her attention before giving her a stern look. “Manners.”
She stuck her tongue out.
Mitch laughed, “Someone’s a spitfire.”
“We have our hands full,” You shook your head, taking a swig of your beer. “And someone is going to go to bed without dessert.” You warned Josie.
“So, Tate,” Javier cleared his throat and took a swig of beer. “Still in college or thrust into the job field?”
“Fortunately, I’m done with college.” Tate offered. “I recently got hired at a big architectural firm in the city. Mostly working as a consultant on a few rehabs downtown.”
Javier nodded with interest, “I had a friend in college who went on to become a pretty successful architect. Designed a bunch of the Holiday Inns in Texas.”
“That’s a sweet gig if you can land it,” Tate agreed. “Architecture sort of fell into my lap.”
Darla coughed politely, “Tate had initially attended Syracuse.”
“That’s a big party school, isn’t it?” Nadia questioned and the face Tate made in response was answer enough. 
“We got him transferred back home sophomore year. Temple.” Darla shrugged. “The head of the architecture program’s wife is a dear friend of mine. We serve on the DAR board together. She put in a good word for Tate.”
“Fortunately,” Tate shifted in his seat nervously. “I enjoy it. I always loved building tracks and Lego models.” He shrugged. “So, uh… what do you both teach?”
“I’m not teaching yet,” You answered, as you watched Mitch converse with Chucho to his left. “But it’ll be an elective in the criminology course at UM.”
“They’ve got me teaching a handful of courses,” Javier explained. “The thing people fail to recognize is just how much government overreach and bureaucratic bull you have to put up with if you wanna go into a field like the DEA.”
Steve leaned forward, resting his arms on the table. “It’s not for the faint of heart. I just got out myself. Starting up my own consulting business.” He shrugged. “The government doesn’t care about the people affected by the narcos. Just look at what the US did to Mexico.”
You watched Javier then, searching his expression for any signs of discomfort. You knew he despised bringing up Colombia — but these last few months had made it impossible. 
“Is Santa in Mexico?” Josie questioned.
Chucho clicked his tongue against his teeth, “I bet he is. You gonna be good the rest of the night so I don’t have to tell him to fly by?”
“I’m a good girl.”
“I know you are.” Chucho winked at her. “But you’ve gotta be good right up until the moment he shows up… and then for a whole year after he’s gone!”
“Is Sofía going to be on the good list?” She looked at her sister then. “Sissy cries a lot.”
Javier leaned over and kissed the top of her head, “I have it on good authority that both of you are on the good list. Right alongside Emily and Olivia.”
Monica dropped her voice, “I heard that even Nadia was on the good list.”
“Speaking of the good list,” Nadia gave Monica a look, “My momma’s going to be expecting us soon.”
“Oh? Are you still going?”
“Yeah,” Nadia shrugged. “She’s still a little iffy with the whole girlfriend thing, but I think she’s coming around.”
“I’m glad. Still coming over tomorrow afternoon?”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Monica beamed, clearing off their dishes. “Mitch, Darla, Tate — I’ll see you tomorrow. It was a pleasure to meet you.” She looked to Chucho then. “Still need a ride to the hotel?”
“Stephen here offered to give me a ride.”
“Drive safe and have fun.” You called out as they got ready to leave. “See you in the morning.”
“You two have been awfully chatty down there,” Javier pointed out as he gestured between Chucho and Mitch. “Should I be afraid?”
You chuckled, “I wasn’t going to say anything, but… What horror stories are you telling?”
Mitch gave a good natured laugh, “We’re just commiserating on how good it is to see you both happy.”
You smiled warmly, “It’s hard to believe we’ve spent seven Christmases together.”
“More if you count the years prior,” Steve pointed out. 
“Yeah, but you were always trying to pair me off with someone.” You made a face. “Mitch, can you believe these two tried to pair me off with doctors.”
Mitch laughed, “She hated the hospital.”
“I got chickenpox.” You grimaced. “No sixteen year old should have the chickenpox.”
“Well, how was I supposed to know you were in love with Javier?”
You shrugged, “It all worked out in the end.” You reached around Josie to rest your hand on Javier’s shoulder. “Can you get dessert ready, while I get Sofía down?”
“Of course, baby.” Javier nodded, scooting his chair back. 
“I’ll help,” Mitch offered. 
“He’s not bad around the kitchen.” Darla assured you. 
You scooted your chair back and grabbed Sofía out of her high chair, hauling her back to the nursery. 
Sofía was quick to fall asleep, clearly worn out after an afternoon of entertaining everyone. Josie would be quick behind her — you doubted she’d make it past dessert. 
And the sooner they both went to sleep, the sooner you and Javier could put out the gifts from Santa; and drink down the milk and eat the cookies she would leave out for him too. 
Christmas was fun as a parent. 
 “The bells have been put on Josie’s door, we’ll know if she tries to escape.” Javier told you as he quietly shut the bedroom door behind him and moved to join you in bed.
You rolled over to face him, reaching out to run your hand down his arm. “Do you think she’ll like the bike?”
“She’s been dying for one.” Javier smiled, “Santa did good.” He shifted closer to you, until his lips were mere inches from yours. “What did you get me for Christmas?”
You brushed your nose against his, “You’ll have to be a good boy and wait until the morning,” You teased as you traced your fingers over his cheek. 
“I don’t know if I’ve been good.” He retorted with a smirk as he curled his hand around your hip. 
You cupped his cheek and kissed him. “You were great today. It went so well.”
“That was all you, baby.”
“It was everyone.” You kissed him softly again. “What did you think of Mitch?”
“He’s a hell of a guy. Down to earth despite…” He made a face. “Darla’s loaded, isn’t she?”
You nodded. “Yeah. I mean, our dad was middle class. But Darla is a whole different league.”
“Did you enjoy today!”
“It was so weird to see them again,” You chewed on your bottom lip. “I think I’m going to keep in contact with them.”
“They seem like good people.”
“And I want the girls to know their aunt and uncle. Aside from Steve and Connie. I want them to have a family… a big happy family.”
“I could get used to spending Christmas like this. A full house… a full belly.”
You poked him in the gut, “That's all your pops. He cooks the best holiday dinners.”
“Yeah, he was always good about making the holidays special. You know, we always had these big extended family get togethers around the holidays.” He shrugged. 
“They’re overwhelming, but they’re fun.” You stretched your legs, reaching one over to slot in between his. “Thank you.”
“What for?”
“Being mine.”
Javier missed your forehead. “Merry Christmas, baby.”
You smiled to yourself, remembering the first time he said that to you. 
That photo album had long been filled with photos of the two of you and the family you’d made together. 
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talesofedo · 4 years
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Prompt - Exhaustion ...
Despite the consistent coughing and the numbness in his legs, the next few days were good ones, and eventually it even stopped raining, giving way to warmer and brighter days. Although the humidity that followed brought mosquitoes in the afternoons, it also set the garden aglow with lightning bugs each night, adding hours of entertainment for the cats who chased them and for Soji and Hajime who watched from the porch.
But when he woke the next morning, he immediately knew something new was amiss: his hands felt numb. At first, he tried shaking them, hoping that he'd merely slept awkwardly on his arms, but when he tried to also rub his palms, he found that his fingers were not only extremely sensitive to touch, which was painful, but that he had no strength in them. It had started similarly with his legs and by now they were completely numb most of the time, making walking without help nearly impossible, and the thought that he would become unable to use his hands terrified him.
"Oh, you're up!" Saito said brightly when he came back after washing up, carrying a bucket of water and a cloth for Soji to do the same in the room. "I'll go and make breakfast, then." He had been cooking rice porridge each morning since Okiyo had been away, partially because it was something Soji could still eat and partially because it had become part of his apology to Okiyo: he'd agreed to take on all of the early morning chores in her place.
When Saito returned carrying their breakfast, Soji lay curled in bed, his painful hands folded against his chest. He had tried to suffer through it but hadn't been able to undo the knot on his obi, and even pulling his arms out of the sleeves and tugging the yukata down to his waist had been difficult. When he found that he didn't have the strength to hold the cloth after lifting it from the water, instead dropping it soaking wet onto the futon, he'd given up.
"Soji?" Concern was obvious in Saito's voice as he put down the tray.
"Go away." He didn't mean it, but he was embarrassed and in pain and he didn't want Saito to see him being this pathetic. (Nevermind that Saito had seen quite a lot of pathetic from him already.) Why was Saito even still here, he wondered. Certainly, any sane person would have left by now rather than continuing to put themselves through watching him deteriorate more each passing day, especially when they didn't have to. Even his sister had left when his brother-in-law was posted elsewhere, hadn't she? He wondered, if his and Saito's roles were reversed, would he choose to stay with Saito or leave to return to battle?
"Please," Soji said and although he was closing his eyes to avoid looking at Hajime, it made him realize his lashes were wet with tears. "I don't want you to see me like this." He found that he couldn't stop the tears from spilling over. He tried covering his face but Saito grabbed his wrists and pulled him into a hug, which was so unexpected and felt so much like something his sister might have done that he couldn't keep himself together anymore. "I don't want to do this anymore," he sobbed. "I want it to be over." He coughed into Saito's shoulder, gasped trying to get more air, but his breathing was short, hurried and shallow from the sobbing. "I can't ... even ... use my ... hands." More gasping. More coughing.
"Breathe." Saito was gently rubbing his back trying to calm him, as one might with a sick child.
Eventually, when his breathing had slowed, Soji asked in a small voice, "Why are you still here? Why are you staying?"
"I told you I would, remember?"
"But that was before," Soji said dryly. "Today, I can't use my hands. Dr. Matsumoto warned me this might happen eventually when the same started in my feet. Look at me. I can't even get myself undressed or cleaned up. I won't be able to eat on my own. I can't do anything by myself." It hurt saying these things out loud and he found himself taking deep breaths, trying hard not to let himself slip into the embarrassing mess he'd been minutes ago, but it was difficult. He felt exhausted with the pointlessness of it all. "Why would you stay?" he asked again.
"Why would I leave you to face this alone?"
Medical Note (for those interested): The medical issue that is gradually worsening for Soji is called peripheral neuropathy, which can be caused by tuberculosis or a condition occurring alongside or due to the tuberculosis, such as a lack of vitamin B.
A lack of vitamin B1 specifically was common in Soji's time because of the amount of polished white rice people ate, especially in cities like Edo where it constituted the primary ingredient in most meals, including the okayu Saito is cooking for breakfast. (It caused a medical condition so common in Edo it was dubbed Edo disease.)
Here's a really simple peripheral neuropathy symptom chart for reference.
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Promises Not Kept Part 25
Summary: Tommy Shelby made a promise to Jonah Ward while in the war. A promise he didn't keep. But it comes to haunt him when he tries to drown out his sorrows with a young woman.
Part 25: Leah discovers the darkness Tommy has been living in as she tries to make life normal for her children. 
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          “I think you ought to stay home from lessons, poppet.” Leah gently removed Charlie’s coat. “Have a day off?”
           “Why? Dad says I can only miss lessons when I’m sick.”
           “Erm, right, well the weather’s looking a little grim. We shouldn’t have Miss Daisy coming if the weather is bad.” She lied after seeing dark clouds rolling in.
           Charlie shrugged. “Okay.” He smiled, happy for any excuse to skip school. He went running off to play before Leah changed her mind.
           “Let’s see what dad’s doing, huh love?” Leah scooped up her daughter and brought her downstairs.
           Tommy was in his office finishing up a phone call at his desk. His wife waited patiently in the doorway until he was finished. “Is that my Joey awake already?” He held out his arms.
           Leah let Johanna down and she scrambled up into Tommy’s lap. “G’morning!” The little girl chirped happily.
           “Good morning, love.” He kissed her forehead. “Did brother go off to lessons already?”
           “Mummy says he don’t have to go.”
           “Doesn’t. Doesn’t have to go.” Tommy corrected. His children were to be well educated but of course, they still had relatives who hadn’t finished much schooling, himself included. But Tommy refused to let them grow up like he did. They’d speak properly and act accordingly. They weren’t being raised in that massive house for no good reason.  
           Johanna giggled. “Doesn’t.” She mimicked.
           “Good lass.” He smiled. “Right, then why don’t you find him and go get breakfast. Maybe some toast and jam.”
           “Okay!” She pecked his cheek and hopped down to search after her older brother.
           Leah lingered in the study. “Who was on the phone?” She was afraid it had something to do with what was left out in the field.
           “Michael’s returning home.” He cleared his throat and adjusted some paperwork on his desk.
           The message left a bad taste in her mouth. Accompanied by the look of disdain on her husband’s face, Leah knew there was trouble brewing. “Tom…he’s your cousin.” She reminded him.
           He didn’t reply for a few moments. His blue eyes staring hard at the empty hearth. “He also lost me a lot of fucking money.”
           “But he’s family.” She insisted again and approached his desk. “I’m sure he didn’t intend to. I was reading the paper; a lot of investors were told to keep faith. He was probably advised the same. He’s so young…”
           “I hired him into this company under Polly’s advice and his assurance that he was smart enough to avoid things like this. I told him specifically to sell and he didn’t listen.” Tommy snapped. “No one fucking listens.”
           “I listen.”
           His eyes met hers. “Yeah.” His voice softened. “You listen.”
           She smiled and went to kiss his cheek. “Are you off then?”
           “Couple of minutes.” He nodded and rubbed a hand over her hip. “Tonight, I’ll come back for dinner. Gonna put the kids to bed. Then, Mrs. Shelby, I’m going to fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk straight tomorrow morning.” He growled softly.        
           “Tom…” Leah’s cheeks flushed pink. “What’s gotten into you lately?”
           He heaved a sigh and pulled her close so his cheek was pressed into her stomach. “I want to feel nice things, Lee.” He whispered. “No matter what I still want to feel you.”
           She carded her fingers through his dark hair. “Alright, well I’ll clear my nightly schedule for you.” She murmured teasingly. “’Long as you’re not late.”
           He shook his head and let her pull away. He stood and began to gather his things. “Won’t be late.”
           “Oh, you’ve got Johanna’s birthday on your calendar as well?” Leah asked. “It’s next week.”
           “I know.” He nodded. “Haven’t forgotten.”
           Leah smiled before leaving him alone in his office. Tommy sighed and looked at the phone. Michael was going to pay. One way or another.
           Ada came to visit Leah in Warwickshire as often as she could. The two had grown close over the years they’d known each other, especially once Leah became a mother as well. Ada was helpful with advice for raising Johanna. From then they became close enough to see each other as a sister.
           Charlie and Karl went outside to play while Johanna tried to keep up with them. Ada and Leah sat in the sunroom that faced the patio and back lawn. That way they could keep an eye on the children but keep out of the cold.
           “I’m pregnant.” Ada dropped the news without much lead-up.
           Leah tried not to have a strong reaction, who was she to judge? But it came out of nowhere. As far as she knew, Ada hadn’t seen anyone romantically since Freddie passed. At least, that’s what she told the family.
           Ada pursed her lips and nodded, her eyes gazing outside. “Just a few months along.”
           “Well that’s…that’s wonderful.” Was it? Leah didn’t want to make any assumptions.
           Her sister-in-law let out a defeated sigh and put her head in her hands. “I don’t know what to fucking do. I haven’t told the father and it’s…I can’t-” Her voice broke.
           Leah moved her chair closer to Ada. “It’s alright. Just take a deep breath.” She touched her shoulder comfortingly. “Take your time.”
           Ada worked through a few deep breaths and dropped her hands from her face. “It’s Ben Younger.” She confided.
           “From the cavalry?” Leah had never met Ben before but she recognized the name from when Ada confronted Tommy about her arrest and strip search.
           She nodded and chewed on her nails.
           “Does Tommy know?”
           “I’m sure he knows I’m pregnant.” Ada rolled her eyes. “He’s probably got all the doctors in London on payroll. But I don’t think he knows Ben is the father. So, if you could keep it between us.”
           “Oh, of course.” Leah agreed and noticed the anguish in the Shelby woman’s eyes. “How are you feeling about it?”
           Ada squeezed her eyes shut and let out a bitter laugh. “I don’t know anymore. Every time I see him, I tell myself I’m going to tell him. But the words won’t fucking come out.”
           “Oh, Ada, I’m sorry,” Leah said gently. “I know this can’t be easy.”
           “I’m only making it harder for myself the more time passes.” Ada grimaced and opened her eyes. Taking a sip of her tea, she shook her head. “There’s just so much going on.”
           “What else is there?” Leah asked even though she was well aware there was always a medley of things poised to make their life difficult. They were Shelbys, after all.
           “Your husband has begun to talk to a very dangerous man,” Ada reported.
           After she discovered Tommy’s bottle of dope, Leah was tense and at the ready to be disappointed again. Perhaps she’d accepted that it was a cycle. He hid something from her, they argued, he made it up to her, and the wheel kept turning. She swallowed and wished she had gin in front of her instead of tea. “Who?”
           Another MP. Oswald Mosley.” She answered. “The two were going on about Ireland and some promotion. I don’t trust him.”
           “Does Tommy?”
           “No. But that doesn’t mean he won’t entertain the man.” A dark look clouded over Ada’s face. “You know that’s how he operates, Lee. Whatever he thinks he can get from Mosley, he’ll try for. No matter what.”
           Leah bit her lip and nodded. “Yeah.” She whispered. But there was no anger inside of her. It was disappointment in herself.
           “Mum!” Charlie came bursting in through the back door. “Andy says Duke fell in the paddocks.”
           Leah looked up and saw the stable boy waiting outside. He looked anxious, clutching his cap in his hands. “Oh dear.” She stood up. “Tell him I’m going to call daddy. I’m sure everything’s okay, there’s no need for panic.”
           After confronting Michael, Tommy was in a bad mood. It only got worse once he got a call from his wife saying one of his prized horses had taken a fall. The drive back to Warwickshire, Tommy was stewing over everything. Michael, Mosley, no one listening to a god damn word he had to say. It was bound to drive him mad. Maybe it already had.
           It was getting dark by the time he arrived home. Leah was waiting by the door, a worried look on her face. Over the hours, the prognosis only looked worse for Duke. According to Andy, the break was bound to be impossible to heal.
           “What happened?” Tommy asked curtly. He began striding towards the stable, his wife following close behind.
           “Andy says he didn’t see it happen. But he says it’s bad.” Leah admitted.
           “Fuck,” Tommy muttered and entered the lantern-lit stable.
           “Mr. Shelby…”
           Tommy ignored the young stable hand. He took off his coat and knelt down next to the horse on the crossties. Duke’s leg was in a sling to keep any weight off it. He examined the swollen leg, barely touching it as to not cause the horse more pain. Like Andy had reported, it was too far gone. There was little chance that the leg would heal properly, leaving the horse crippled.
           He put a hand over his face. “Fuck…fuck!” He shouted suddenly, spooking a few nearby horses in their stalls.
           “Tom…” Leah tried to step in.
           Her husband stood and stroked Duke’s cheek. “Andy, take him out to the pasture.” He muttered. “Put something over his eyes.”
           “Tommy?” Leah’s forehead wrinkled. “What are you doing?”
           Andy began to lead the horse outside. He was smart enough not to question his employer’s decision.
           Instead of answering his wife, Tommy picked up his coat and found his gun then took a lantern off the wall. “Go inside.”
           “I can be there for you.”
           “Leah, I said to go back inside.” Tommy snapped and shot her a glare before leaving the stable and heading into the pasture.
           She didn’t go inside. Instead, she went around to the fence of the pasture where Tommy most likely wouldn’t be able to see her. She watched as Tommy spoke a few words to Andy. The young man nodded and headed back to the stable.
           Now alone, Tommy stood in front of Duke. The horse’s eyes covered. Even from a distance, Leah could see his hand shaking as he lifted the gun to the horse’s forehead. There was a long pause and she looked away when she heard the shot finally go off. There was a loud thud as Duke hit the cold ground, dead in an instant.
           When her eyes looked back up, to her horror, Tommy had the gun pointed at his temple. Without a second thought, she ducked under the pasture fence and rushed over to him. “Tommy!” She screamed.
           The man, who assumed she was inside, turned and slightly lowered the gun in surprise.
           When she reached him and the dead horse, Leah wrestled the gun from his hand. “What the fuck are you doing!” She unloaded the bullets and threw the gun into the long grass.
           Stunned he’d been caught, Tommy didn’t move a muscle or speak.
           Out of breath, Leah stared at him in disbelief. “What were-why?” The words tumbled off her tongue before she had time to organize them.
           “I’m sorry.” He whispered.
           “Don’t apologize I just…why?” She asked again. “Tommy, why?”
           His head shook ever so slightly. “I don’t know.”
           Her chest still heaving with adrenaline, Leah roughly ran a hand through her curls. “Well what am I supposed to do after seeing that?”
           Tommy swallowed. He didn’t want her to know that it wasn’t the first time he was moments away from ending his life, doing the same thing when he had to shoot Dangerous. Seconds from punching the land mine in the field. “Nothing.”
           “Nothing?” Leah threw her hands up. “Tommy, you were pointing a gun at your head!” She exclaimed. “And I’m supposed to just turn away and pretend I didn’t see it?”
           “I’m not dropping this, Tommy, not this time.” She warned. “Maybe it’s the drugs, or the drinking, or the War…” She began to pace. “We should call a doctor.”
           “Not calling a fucking doctor.” Tommy’s body unfroze and he began to walk away from her. Heading back to the stables to tell Andy to cover Duke’s body until a grave could be dug.
           “Then I will!” She called after him.
           He ignored her. Maybe if he never brought the matter up again, she would be satisfied and forget. If only she would forget.
           Tommy lifted his head from his desk. After squabbling over calling a doctor, Leah gave up in frustration and locked him out of their bedroom. He could forgive her for not knowing what to do with him. He didn’t know what to do with himself either. Exhausted, with his mind whirring, Tommy retreated to the big room. It was doubtful he would sleep, but it didn’t matter.
           Johanna peered into the room from behind the heavy door. She knew not to bother her father while he was working, but had heard him and Leah fighting.
           “S’late, Jo, why aren’t you in bed?” He asked.
           The little girl shrugged and wandered into the office. “Are you sad, daddy?”
           He sighed and opened his arms out to her. She took the invitation and crawled up onto his lap. Leaning back in his leather chair, Tommy held his daughter close to his chest. It reminded him of the days when she was just a newborn. When Leah needed a rest, he’d lay the tiny babe on his chest. His heartbeat and breathing lulling her to sleep.
           He smoothed a hand over her long hair. When had she gotten so big? “No, love, I’m alright.” He lied.
           Apparently, even his own daughter could see right through him. “When I’m sad, mummy sings to me.”
           “I know, Joey, mummy loves you, doesn’t she?”    
           Johanna nodded and yawned. “Yeah.”  
           Tommy was quiet for a moment. He closed his eyes and couldn’t help but see Duke falling to the ground. The rush of that overwhelming feeling that overcame him following seconds after. The urge to drive a bullet through his own brain. Leah’s scream echoed in his head. Would he really have done it if she hadn’t been there?
           He opened his eyes. “Yeah, Jo?”
           “I love you.”
           A faint smile crossed his lips. “I love you too.” He murmured and pressed a kiss to her dark hair.
           Despite the many arguments ensuing in the week to follow between Tommy and Leah, they didn’t come to a solution. Tommy refused to speak to any professionals about his behavior and Leah refused to drop the subject. She couldn’t get it through his head that she was doing this because she was concerned, not because she wanted to see him suffer. But he was deaf to her explanation. Just forget about it and carry on, that’s what he continued to urge her to do.
           There was a sort of armistice when Johanna’s birthday arrived. Neither wanted to ruin the day by fighting. Tommy worked most of the day so they held a celebration after dinner.
           In the library, Frances brought out a big chocolate cake with pink roses. Johanna’s eyes lit up when she saw the cake. As Tommy, Leah, and Charlie sang to her, she bounced happily with a thrilled smile.
           “Blow out the candles.” Tommy instructed gently. “Make a wish first.”
           Johanna giggled and leaned forward to blow out the candles. She reached out to grab a handful of cake before Tommy stopped her.
           “Ah, ah, wait.” He chuckled. “Why don’t you open your presents while Frances cuts the cake?” He coaxed her attention elsewhere.
           “C’mere, poppet.” Leah beckoned and pulled out the gifts for her. “Open them up.”
           Charlie came over to sit by his sister as she tore open the toys. The two chattered excitedly.
           Tommy’s smile faded when a set of headlights danced across the room. He stood and went over to the window, drawing back the thin curtain to look out to the driveway.
           Leah frowned. “Who is it?” She asked.
           He shook his head and stalked off towards his study to retrieve a gun.
           Panicked, Leah stood up and hurriedly herded the kids upstairs. Johanna protested. “I wanna eat cake!”
           “We will, we will. We just need to go upstairs.” She scooped up her daughter and took Charlie by the hand, quickly leading them upstairs to the nursery. Frances followed and took Johanna from Leah as she went back downstairs. A commotion from outside was starting to kick up on her way down. With her heart beating in her chest, Leah stopped in the big room and selected a handgun from the closet. Loading it, she stepped outside and found a frenzied scene.
           Aberama Gold was pointing a large rifle at Tommy while Johnny Dogs was on the gravel, clutching his ribs.
           Leah had had enough. This was supposed to be her daughter’s special day. She would not stand to have it interrupted. Pointing the gun at the sky, she fired off two shots. “Get away from my fucking house!” She shouted and fixed the gun on Aberama. “It’s my daughter’s birthday and you will not ruin it! I’m sick of this!”
           Tommy walked over to her and snatched the gun away. “Are you fucking mad? Walking out with a gun like that?” He emptied the pistol.
           “I’m sick of this.” She hissed. “I’ll have no more of it.”
           His jaw clenched and he went to confiscate the gun from Aberama next. “You need me.” He snapped. “Everyone fucking needs me!” Turning back to his wife, he gave her a firm look. “Now go call for an ambulance or the man loses his arm.”
           She saw Aberama holding his arm to his chest. Tommy’s orders were starting to weigh on her and she nearly told him to piss off. If it weren’t for Aberama’s injury then she might have. Instead, she went back inside and called for help. On her way to the phone, she passed by the abandoned cake in the library.
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PB Masterlist
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theheroheart · 4 years
New Years Meme 2020
@arqueete:  “This survey is a meme that has been passed around among my friends since back in LJ days. If you want to join in, please consider yourself tagged.”
I used to journal more, and stuff like this is really nice to look back on, because I have terrible memory for life stuff or the passage of time. So here, for future me.
1. What did you do in 2020 that you’d never done before? Uhhhh wear a mask to the grocery store? This was not a groundbreaking year for new experiences.
2. Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions and will you make more for next year? I didn't have any. I don't make any. I mean, sometimes I make them in the vague "I want to focus on this in the future", but I'll already have forgotten by March, like I don't really PLAN my life in such a way. I just have goals that aren't tied to specific points in time. You get there when you get there, and you choose what you want to prioritise.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? No, but my brother got married, which was very exciting because he's 40 and has never had a girlfriend who he considered important enough for me to meet. (And my sister-in-law is delightful.)
4. Did anyone close to you die? My (half-)brother's dad died a few weeks ago (cancer), but I didn't really know him, so I wouldn't say he was close to me. I did spend almost a week at my brother's place to be there for him though. And honestly, I kept thinking about how my mom's dead this year, because in a way I'm glad we didn't have to deal with this year together. She already died from respitory failure, had poor impulse control and sense of safety, and I would've been CONSTANTLY worried about her.
5. What countries did you visit? I was gonna go to Malaysia (for my brother's wedding celebration), but that didn't happen. (Flatmates were gonna go to Japan.) So. Yeah. Home country all the way.
6. What would you like to have in 2021 that you lacked in 2020? A driving force to move forward in my life?
7. What date from 2020 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? I don't think... that there is one specific day? I guess the US election? Despite me being Norwegian, it's still fairly historic.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? /stares blankly at the wall I did do some nice art pieces? I coped? I managed to have good times and make friends despite everything else.
9. What was your biggest failure? I dropped out of two classes specifically because I couldn't do remote learning and self-structured study (BECAUSE ADHD YO), even though it wasn't even that HARD subjects, which was very frustrating. It hasn't set my study plan back, thankfully, but it still felt like a waste.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? Only mental. And thankfully not as bad as it could've been, but hell yeah there was some strong anxiety in there.
11. What was the best thing you bought? I've bought some great video games this year. Animal Crossing brought 250 hours of fun, Hades brought 100 hours so far. Good investments.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration? // 13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Both of these are related to pandemic behavior so I think you can guess.
14. Where did most of your money go? Entertainment? Also, god, I spent so much money on theatre tickets that are now just vouchers for non-specific future performances. I'll get my money's worth eventually, but right now it's hundres of dollars worth just sitting in vouchers. OH, and, digital D&D books.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about? I had tickets for Chess. Several tickets, for multiple performances. STILL HAVEN'T SEEN THIS PRODUCTION THOUGH. But they're still doing it so hopefully it will still happen.
16. What song(s) will always remind you of 2020? Not sure I have any specific ones, actually. No iconic music.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: Last year I was feeling very accomplished. I was challenging myself, had befriended lots of classmates, had gotten through some stuff I was quite proud of managing. This year has been... not that. But on the other hand, I'm not as exhausted from school stuff, and I'm ready to actually go places and try to do things, as opposed to just wanting a month long nap.
18. What do you wish you’d done more of? General life maintainance stuff. Not just school work, but like, focus more on money sensibility and try to get on disability, go to the dentist, work with my doctor more... All of that got a little bit just... postponed indefinitely.
19. What do you wish you’d done less of? Uh, can't think of any notable negative behaviour. It's mostly stuff I didn't do. Like, I had some bad anxiety in the spring, but honestly I think I did an appropriate amount of worrying.
20. How will you be spending Christmas? Had my first christmas with my flatmates (whom I love very much), and had my dad over as well. It was very lovely, and socially way less draining than usual.
22. Did you fall in love in 2020? lmao I'm aromantic
23. How many one-night stands? lmao I'm asexual
24. What was your favorite TV program? There were a few this year! Good Omens, The Queen's Gambit, Julie and the Phantoms, Avenue 5. There were more I watched and enjoyed, but I think those stand out the most. Also, does Critical Role count? OH, The Baby Sitters Club! A lot of good stuff.
25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? Nah. I don't hate a lot of people.
26. What was the best book you read? Don't think I read anything notable this year. Don't read a lot of books, I prefer to consume stories in other media.
27. What was your greatest musical discovery? Julie and the Phantoms. Not because the music is astounding or anything, but it was very feel-good and fun. Don't think I had a lot of new music.
28. What did you want and get? D&D campaigns? Have gotten really invested in one of them in particular, it's delightful.
29. What was your favorite film of this year? Hmmm. The only one that stands out was The Old Guard. I watch more series than films. 2 hours isn't long enough for me to get properly invested AND satisfied.
31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 33 and I don't know that I did anything special. I think I just chilled? Flatmates made me a nice breakfast!
32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Having the energy for essays/exams, probably. Just feeling like I actually had some accomplishments. OR LIKE. If Norway did like New Zealand and just wiped the virus out.
33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2020? Pyjamas. Occasionally 'apocalypse chic'.
34. What kept you sane? My flatmates and my dad. Reliable social interaction with people I care about.
35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Matthew McNulty, which applies to every single year. But this year I started both a gallery website and a discord server for him, so it was a particularly good year for him.  (Special mention to Paul Spera, who I finally talked to face-to-face, through Zoom, but still.) Also I'm using 'fancy' platonically.
36. What political issue stirred you the most? Ha aha hah all of them, oh god. BLM, probably, though. That was when I still had the energy to get invested.
37. Who did you miss? So many people. Like, come on. I don't know that it was even specific people so much just... being in a group? Like, my choir gang?
38. Who was the best new person you met? Met a guy I ended up playing a LOT of board games with. We haven't really talked in a few months now tho. And there's a friend I didn't MEET this year, but I really connected with, who's also now my DM, which was really nice.
39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2020: It's not necessarily new knowledge, but this year has really driven home the need for both community solidarity and governmental support/leadership.
40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year: I'm alone in my apartment, that means I can do anything / I'm not wearing pants (alone in my apartment - Brian David Gilbert)
Summary: It's been a conflicted year, a lot has felt like it's been on stand-still, but there's still been some good things in there.
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Life After Snowpiercer: End of the Line
Summery- Matts Alive! Curtis is given a choice, learns the truth about the kids, You are attacked, and also still alive! Some non con implied, but all mild. 
Word Count- 5806
Chapter 4 / Masterlist 
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Curtis just shook his head in disbelief at the man before him, certainly grown up from the eleven year old boy he knew, but somethings never change. His eyes, Your eyes looking back at him, but they held a bit of coldness in them that yours didnt. “H-ow? What is going on. They TOOK you Matt.”Although Curtis always assured you to hold out hope Matt was alive, he knew the likelihood was not good, but he could have hope to keep you from feeling hopeless. Then after you had healed, accepted that it was a possibility, you still had the nightmares, crying in the dark for your brother, Curtis waking to your sobs and cradling you in close to protect you... of course he couldnt let you suffer like that. But here Matt was, alive.
“Yea, Wilford saved me Curtis from a life of shit. You all did this to yourselves back there. Always plotting and scheming to take control of what isnt fucken yours.” Matt looked his nose down at Curtis, glancing away at Claude and smiling fondly at her. “She knew that I wasnt like that, did you sweetheart?” He caressed the womans face and leaned down to peck her lips. “Nams still alive out there, can you watch over him and his daughter till were finished in here.” She complied with a soft nod, leaving the three men alone.
Wilford cleared his throat. “Oh trust me Curtis, Matt took a while to understand what the truth was. But he came around, didnt you son?” Smiling almost loving at Matt. “He understands what the train needs from him, and Im an old man now, I wont be here forever. You and Matt working together, well this train is my legacy and will continue on forever. With some help of course.” He moved to open a cupboard and Timmy crawled out, Curtis eyes widening at this next shock. Timmy to was alive! The boy just ignored Curtis though and proceeded to go up the stairs, and enter in a car.
“Timmy? What are you doing, get back here?!” Curtis called to the boy, but he merely buckled himself in and whoosh, he was gone. Curtis turned to look at Wilford and Matt “Where the fuck did he go?!”
“Into the engine of course, it builds up crud, and kids like Timmy, they clear it out, also run some of the gears that need help. Reason we need all those kids from the tail end is although the train is self sustaining, the parts wear out. Many have gone extinct, and we have no way to replace them anymore. We ran out of metal for workers to mold. So we need someone who can fit into tight spaces. Gotta be about 4 or 5, you tail enders are always so scrawny. When they outsize, we replace them.”
Jesus fucking christ... how many kids have they taken over the years? At least over 2 dozen. Oh Curtis.... He could hear your sorrow now, it broke your voice, picture the tears streaming down your face as you mourned for all those babies you all lost in the tale end. Curtis growled out “What happens once they age out?”
Matt rolled his shoulders nonchalant like “Well if someone here wants one, they can just take them as there own, or if no one else can use them in there service, we execute them. Originally we were just gonna bring them back, but hell over crowding has started becoming an issue. You all really need to learn more creative fucking methods. What was the term you used the other day Wilford? ‘Like a bunch of god damn rabbits back there?” He chuckled at his attempt of wit.
What the fuck did they do to you Matt?!
They have no idea, thought Curtis, all the people they broke taking the children. The parents weve found that died because it broke there heart, shattered there will to live. How many women in the tail end lived in FEAR, not at the dangers of child birth, but that they might lose there children and can not stop it. How many times you confessed to him that you just couldnt get pregnant, it was just to dangerous to bring a life into all this, although he knew that you want nothing more then to be a mom one day. They had no idea they caused all that pain.
Curtis, they fully know. They just dont care. Your voice flat, the truth.
Wilford shook his head, chuckling “Now now, we need them more now then ever. As I said before, the front end and tail end work together. We provide them with shelter, food and safety, they provide us with necessary replacement train parts and the occasional entertainment of cleaning up the excess baggage the train carries. Already were running smoother then before thanks to The Great Curtis Revolution.” That fucker is was still trying to make that a thing, Curtis could already see you rolling your eyes.
Matt cheerfully turned back towards Curtis. “And I heard that Y/N will be coming  up to the front, since you two seem to be an item now. I say Curtis you will have more options now then just her if you want. Im sure after all this time your getting bored of her. Although I cant say Im surprised about you two, she always followed you since she met you like a little whimpering puppy. How is she anyways? I haven't thought about her in a while till Wilford brought you up. I suspect shes well.”
Curtis brows came together in anger at the mans words, at everything. That was his sister and he talked about her as if she was just a item Curtis happened to have possession of. “You havent thought about her? Your fucken kidding right? That woman constantly thinks about you, every damn day. Everything she does for others in the tail end is in your memory Matt. Even after all these years she has nightmares about how she couldnt save you, She thinks you will hate her because she cant get to you. And you havent thought about her this whole time?!” Curtis started laughing, shaking his head at all of it. Anger just making him snap at this point. “I cant believe im having this conversation with you of all people Matt. Fuck my life, they brainwashed you man. Everything about this.” Curtis waved his hand around and looked back at Matt, the laughter having died, now it was just cold facts he was raging out. “All this, its maybe more messed up then us starving and eating people, we were just trying to survive. You all think your some kind of gods for supposedly saving us and were a fucking game, you cant see why its so fucked up though, can you?!.”
Matt looked appalled over the outburst and Wilford spoke up “God Curtis your so over dramatic, cant you loosen up? Your acting like the fate of the world rests on you. Trust me, you have no control over that, and sounds like a good thing. I doubt you could handle that pressure. Look at you, so tightly wound.” Wilford made a motion like he had gone stiff, shaking.
Matt snorted in anger at the situation. “You act like you all werent happy for me, that it was my fault I earned my place by Wilfords side.” he basically spat out this next line. “That I should even care about what happened to either of you. That I deserved to be in that same shit hole as you? Wilford you really cant be serious about having Curtis be our Minister. He still lives in the old world view, has yet to embrace new world values. We are FUCKING GODS Curtis, make no mistake. Our word is the law on this train. People like my sister, all this for the people bullshit yall preached back there all the time, have no real place here. You both will get it soon enough.”
This was the final straw, Curtis couldnt, he just couldnt deal with the vile they were spewing, the lives they themselves sacrificed to try to kill him, and it was all a game to them, let alone the friends Curtis dragged into danger to get him here. With a twist, he tackled Wilford first, he had a pistol in his robes, it made sense. His right hand reared back and he caught the man unaware. When Curtis fist impacted, Wilfords head snapped back with a gush of blood exploding from his mouth and nose, those iced blue eyes rolled back and yes, it was that easy to just knock his senses askew.
Matt on the other hand had the upper hand, and he tried locking Curtis arms to his side, but a quick whip with his head backwards cracked against Mats face, and he howled out in anger and pain, releasing his hold against Curtis and cupping his face. “Your Fucker! You son of a bitch, I will kill you!” he screamed out. Clearly Matt forgot anything he learned in the tail end, cause he didnt even prepare for Curtis kick of his heavy treaded boots, hitting squarely in the chest and threw him back into the kitchenette.
Reaching wildly, Matt was able to grasp hold of a butcher knife from a black, slashing it so completely out of sync, that as Curtis ascended on him, he ducked backwards quickly when it wildly arched to him and his hand grabbed Mats wrist, twisting and crushing it in his single hand as he drew in close to the man, his hand grabbing his other hand to keep him from hitting him. “I would like to see you try, I came up here expecting alot more then over privileged cum stains like yourselves. Your finished.” He twisted Matts wrist further till he heard a snap, the knife clashing to the metal floor. Matt howled, not one of those cries out of pain, no this was a howl that almost sounded animalistic, he wrung his hand out of Curtis grasp and cradled it to his chest. Wasting no more time, Curtis ended up bashing his head into the overhead cupboards till he felt him go limp, releasing him to the floor. “Y/N, your brothers a fucking dick...” he muttered to himself.
One last issue to really take care of, Claude, she was out there guarding Yona and Nam. He heard her voice from outside of the gate, and going up behind it, he waited till he could see her yellow arm stretch beyond the gate, gun pointing inwards “Mat? answer me hon” and at that moment, Curtis pushed the door as hard as possible, crushing her into the door frame. She yelped out in pain and Curtis reached around to fist his hand in her hair and drag her into the room, kicking at her hand until it knocked the gun out. “Yona get in here now.” Claude hissed as she twisted and turned to get loose from Curtis and he gave her a vigorous shake to stun her, her hands trying to tug his loose from her scalp. “Your dead buddy, wait till Matt finds out you even touched me with your filthy paws.”
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“I dont think hes doing much for a while sweetheart” Curtis promised her when Yona appeared in the room, wrinkling her nose at the scene before her. “We thought they would have killed you Curtis” She said softly while Nam followed along behind, sluggish. His face was pale and the rag he had pressed in his chest was soaked, still dripping big heavy drops of blood, gravity making a steady drip drip drip echo softly in this metal dungeon. “Not yet, they had other ideas apparently. Yona, can you sense where Timmy is? He went into the engine and we got to pull him out.” She had displayed hints of Clairvoyance throughout there journey, and she nodded, turning away to start searching. Claude chose this moment to start up again, smacking Curtis right in his gut and groin causing him to cuss out and tighten his grip in her hair to keep from releasing her.
“Fucken bitch” he hissed and having had enough of her, he knocked her upside the head, her screaming the whole time till she to went silent as her partners, she to was simply dropped to the floor with a thump. Still trying to catch his air once again, the ache going dull easy to ignore. Dont underestimate them Curtis a familiar whispered voice came to him, taking quick glances at the other two. He went to check Wilford, collecting his pistol still in his robe, and hobbled over to where Claude lost hers near the door. Handing one off to Nam, he spoke softly to him, to keep Yona from breaking concentration. “Are you okay?”
“Yea im fine.” The man grunted in his language, loosely translated by the box hanging off his neck. Just then he coughed and spat a wad of blood. It was clear he wasnt fine, just from the way he was wheezing, Curtis guessed at this point his lungs were filling with fluid. He had heard it before with others in the tail end. No one here was trained to drain it either, sure now that anyone who could was probably dead. He gave Nam a knowing look and the man cast a downwards glance. “Dont tell Yona, not yet.”
It was then Yona sprawled to the floor, clawing to pry up a tile “Curtis, hes here! Hes right under the tile.” her fingers scrambled against the smooth tile, and Curtis grabbed the abandoned butcher knife, wedging the tip into a crack, pushing till it popped open. What they opened was unlike anything Curtis had seen before. The small boy was squatting among the gears, digging his hands into chunks of oily gunk and digging it out, flinching every now and then when a piece of metal gear would cut shallowly into him, his arms were covered in bloody shallow knicks. Robotic like motions, he plunged his hand into the gunk and scooped out a handful. “Timmy! Timmy look up!” The little boy looked up, but it wasnt like he was seeing Curtis, more like through him. Curtis whats wrong with him? “Timmy you gotta get out of there, can you go back out?” I dont know Baby, I dont know what they done to him.
The boy just ignored him, his sightless gaze going back to the task at hand, and it was then Wilford made his presence known with a heavy groan, pushing himself up to a sit, swiping at his face. “Maybe I made a mistake with you Curtis... “ His gaze bleary as he sought out Curtis and Yona kneeling over the hole. “You just dont get what were doing here, cant see the bigger picture.” He moved to get up and Nam came between them, wheezing worst then before but ready to defend them. They were running out of time and Curtis knew it. A glance at his hand was the resolve he needed. I mean, it was the sacrifice he originally was going to make in a sense anyways. And into the gears his arm shot, stopping everything in its tracks, almost immediantly the gears all locked up, the train shuddered and wobbled unsteady.
Nam was blocking Wilford from ascending, but was struggling, surprise the gun had no fucking bullets in it, Yona reached in the gaps and stretched to reach for Timmy, who still seemed oblivious to what was going on above them. “Please Timmy, take my hand.” She turned her head to the side and stretched further, facing Matt whom now was starting to groan as well, Yona started to panic “Curtis, fuck hes waking up!” Panting through the pain of his arm getting crushed in the gears, he glanced to see Matt roll to his back, covering his face with a series of curses. Curtis, get my baby out of there, please! This time it was Tonyas voice yelling at him to save her child. Pushing Yona back with his free hand, he shot it into the one slot Timmy might fit through and grasped the boys skinny arm, hauling him up and pushing him to Yona who wrapped him up in her arms and started to pull back.
Matts foot connected squarely with Cutis jaw, wrenching his arm out of the gears, half skinning it in the process, his whole body flinging backwards. The enraged man landed on Curtis, trying to choke him out with his single hand, his broke wrist still cradling against his chest. Even with both short the use of an arm, Curtis was able to overpower him, pushing him to sprawl backwards. In there scuffle, the gun Curtis had tucked away in his jacket fell out and in both of there lunge to retrieve it, they scuffled it across the floor to land in the open hole. Matts eyes widened a bit “Oh shit!” It took a second for Curtis to understand what the issue was, yes that gun was loaded and it was currently twisting into the gears, making the entire train shudder, then a ping ping ping!
The pressure had set off the bullets in the weapon, and all around them steam shot out of the pipes. Everyone stopped what they were doing, looking around with fear at the reaction, and there was another mighty shudder. “Its gonna go off the tracks, good job fuckers!” Wilford hissed out in a panicked rage. Another shudder and the nose of the train must have hit something, an ice block on the tracks Baby your voice sounding scared in his confused mind, cause it jerked upwards, loosing traction on the track, without the wheels working in tandem to keep the forward momentum. It scrambled everyone, slamming them to the left side, Curtis skidded on his backside, crashing into Matt, who slammed into the kitchenette cabinets. The kids they went flying backwards towards the half opened gate, falling into the car just behind, Wilford and Nam entangled together smashed into the bolted down kitchen table. Claude, she screamed in fear at just waking up to everyone being whipped around spinning backwards across the floor. The engine started to tip to its side. The side of the Engine suddenly was ripped away with a screech of metal and sparks, having hit cliff side rocks. Wilford and Nam got sucked out of the giant hole, and thats when Curtis went black, something falling and smashing him in the skull.
During this time, in the tail end, James was dragging you back down the aisle, your body bouncing against random bunks and junk scattered around from where they had torn everything apart. Finally he tossed you to sprawl on the ground and fell on your stomach, bouncing enough to knock the air out of you. “I thought we already talked about this hunny, just be a good girl and spread them. Not that I dont like it when you all fight a bit.” Thinking he had subdued you, he pulled back to hike up your coat and shirts to what he claimed as his prize. .
Taking a chance you twist and shoot a foot out to hit him in his chest to topple backwards and start to crawl away, but a large hand encircled your ankle and jerk you to fall on your belly with a omph! Panicked, your hands shoot out under a bunk to see if theres anything to hold onto. Your hand closes around a small shard, fitting in the palm. You snatch it as he keeps dragging you back, flipping you to your back with a smirk.
Calm down Y/N, wait for the right opportunity. Of course it was Curtis calm voice, the one he used when he was bringing you back from a panic attack. You take a deep breath, and change tactics on James, stopping trying to fight, you hold up a hand in surrender. “Please, I give! What do you want?” James hand fisted in your mess of hair, tipping your head back till your throat was exposed. Dragging his tongue over you, you fight back a wave of bile burning your throat at the feeling of the man all over you. “well what do you think sweetheart, I want your sweet pussy gripping the best dick you ever had and begging for more.” God how the fuck do you not gag at that. Concentrate Baby. Praise how good he is. you shudder in the mans grip as he starts to palm a bruised breast, twisting it painfully like before. Do I really have to Curtis?
Trust me Babygirl
“You made me feel so damn good last time, and I was so ungrateful.” trying to make your voice husky with false lust and looking up at him wide eyed. Reaching up you cup James face and bite your lip, giving it your all. “But how about this time you let me make you feel good? A thank you.” Leaning up your brush your lips against his, really putting your all into drawing him into the kiss. Fucker fell for it, and he got caught up in what you were doing with your tongue, where your hands were running all over him, palming his crotch through his pants. “Biggest ive ever had” Cant believe Im saying this. God I hate you bastards. You were fighting everything in you to not start crying in disgust. Finally when he was panting against your lips, you push him hard enough to make him roll, his hands grasping your hips to have you follow, and now.... now you fucking dick head, I have you right where I want you, you think triumphant when you straddle his stomach.
That you do baby, you know what to do next. Curtis hissed in your mind. Dont hesitate, hard and quick.
Arching up, you smile so sweetly at James looking up at you hazily. “God I knew you were a good fuck, but this is even better then I thought it could be.Tell me im the best, better then whatever his name was.” Tracing his chest, and winking at him to respond. “Oh baby, Curtis was nothing like you.” And with a quick twist of your wrist, you shove that shard of metal in his eye, pressing down hard and quick with your palm as you could. You literally felt it pop, and the warmth of blood shoot against your palm. “Hes every fucking thing a man should be!” Smashing your hand against the next vulnerable part of him, his nose, he bucks in pain underneath you, shooting you off. Tumbling, you scramble up and start running towards the back as James is screeching, dodging the unsuspecting hands of other guards reaching out of the bunks they were laying in, some of them following James choices and there captives started to fight back in the confusion you caused. “GET THAT WHORE!” James screeching, his hand covering his eye as he struggled up, red gore oozing between his fingers.
You were looking for anyplace to hide when thrown off your feet violently.
It wasnt another person, the train started rattling on its tracks and screeching, fishtailing back and forth. One violent turn and you were flung into the bars of a bunk, screaming out as pain blossomed white hot through your spine, tumbling now. Bottom was above you, crashing onto what should have been the roof of the train, items pelting you, bouncing off and crushing you. Your cries of shock and pain turning ragged when it all rolled once more, going right side up, the kids and other survivors going through a similar experience, whipping around and around as it kept rolling and bouncing. The back end of the train had gone off the side of a cliff and falling into a valley under the tracks. everyone whipped around and around, till it crashed to a stand still.
Groaning you push up under a bunch of random debris, and try to focus. Leaning over and puking from the dizziness, you push away from the mess and look around at other passengers and guards pushing themselves out of the mess, somewhere bright light was streaming in. Fuck fuck fuck fuck, you have to figure out how to get one of there guns before they take control again. Pushing up, you stumble around people, some of them eerily still, twisted bodies and blank stares. Not all survived. Relief flooded you as you saw more and more kids scrambling to your side. “Quick, find anything we can use as a weapon.” urging them with a hushed voice, they scattered to fulfill your request. Coming across a dead guard, your quick to strip him off anything valuables. Shouldering a rifle over your shoulder, more children and some of the women came back, fight in the adults eyes, most of the kids holding something they could use.
“Hey, Yall get yer asses back here!” some fucker drawled heavy accented, and a look over your shoulder saw that they had rejoined ranks. “Quick, get out that hole!” You urge your group, scrambling back the opposite way where the light was, bullets whizzed at you, ducking just in time, it clipped a woman next to you, fuck it was the woman who helped you before, Sara. Sara cried out grabbing her shoulder. Grabbing her waist, you tug her to follow along and aim the automatic rifle in your hand, just randomly shooting behind you as she climbed up to fall out of the hole with a yelp. No one followed you as you to scrambled out, maybe for once luck was on your side, there seemed to be alot less of them then there was of you survivors.
Crashing rather ungracefully over the edge of the train car, you land in the snow, and blinded you try looking around, drawing in for the first time in 18 years, fresh air. It burned your lungs,the intense cold and just that it was so god damn clean. Looking around your surrounded by cliffs, and as your eyes go into focus you can see where you all went over the edge, snow still rolling down, and scattered around you was a few more cars, above one hung precariously over the edge. Fuck, how did you all survive that? “Y/N, what do we do?” What do you do? What would Curtis do? You all had never discussed being on the outside. “We have to get away from here, they will be coming out any second after us.” Everyone shivered around you, wrapping arms around themselves. The entire group surrounding you wouldnt make it for long without shelter and heat.  
“Curtis” You voice was soft, he missed that.
“Hey baby” He looked over his shoulder and smiled.
“Curtis” You looked lost to him, confused.
“Im right here Babes” He held out an hand to reach for you.
“CURTIS” Why wouldnt you take his hand?
”Babygirl, whats wrong?” Striding over to reach for You, his brows coming together in confusion.
“CURTIS!” Fear and Panic etched all over you
He sat straight up with a gasp, Yona falling back from where she had been leaning over him, her face a look of fear and shock, tears tracking down her face. “What the fuck happened?!” Curtis cussed as he wildly looked around, Timmy was rocking on his heels next to Curtis, and he reached over to touch the boy, make sure he was real. “Yona... wheres Nam?” The girl shook her head, and straightened from where he knocked her over.
“Wilford and Dad are not here. That guy and girl are, over there.” She pointed among the mess. “But they wont wake up, I checked.” Curtis moved to get up, wincing. There was something broken, just ribs hopefully. He wouldnt be taking deep breaths anytime soon. And then his gaze went to his mangled hand, Okay this is more serious. Wincing as he pulled his sleeve over it to protect it, it had at least clotted enough to stop bleeding but had no idea what the real damage was yet on it. Timmy just stayed rocking nearby, Curtis debating what to do, the boy had obviously been traumatized by what had happened. But at this point, there was more pressing matters. “Yona, grab that butcher knife” Somehow they still had it.
Going to a panel, Curtis inspected it and with the knife, they managed to pry it off, and tossing the panel to the side. Ahhh, bingo, Curtis tested the wires and finding them not live wires, he started to pull and yank them out. “Cut these, a good three feet at least” He stretched it out, and Yona started slicing back and forth. Right now his first worry was Matt and Claude coming around before they could be tied up. He probably should just kill them after everything, but Curtis was just done with death. At least for now, and if You ever found out he had killed your brother, He simply couldnt. Claude, well we will see what ends up happening with that bitch. You snigger. Curtis had to hide a bit of a laugh, apparently his imagination made you a bit dark.
Yona, well he would be royally screwed without the girl, she was nimble and quick with her knots, the two of them dragging the still unconscious duo to a wall, tying them tight and far apart so they couldnt help one another, Curtis finally sighed in relief. At least for now he didnt have to worry about them at the moment. Yona again came to the rescue,having found coats in the other car, wrapping her and Timmy up.
“Theres a way out in the other car Curtis, a few are outside, just... standing around. I think they are high still.” Her own eyes bleary, it occurred to Curtis she to was coming down from the kronoles and alcohol she consumed on the trudge to the front. His voice soft “Are you okay yourself?” She twitched a bit and nodded. “Just after effects, nothing I havent felt before.” Curtis didnt like it, but he had to trust her, completely out of options. Yona took Timmys hand and together the three of them worked there way out of the Engine, and the next car, well it wasnt much better off then theres was, completely flipped over, several dead. Curtis was still questioning how they even made it out. What about the tail end? You? The anxiety of not knowing.... A deep breath was drawn in, and made him instantly regret that, fuck my ribs.
Popping his head out, rubbing at his face, he took it in. Oh God your voice echoes, and before him, stretched across the blinding whiteness of where you all ended up, was just destruction, chaos, and more death. Twisted metal cars, split open to spill out its contents to scatter across the snow, it seemed like the end wasnt to bad off the further he looked down the line, but shouldnt there be more?
Wheres the rest of the train Curtis?
Were going to go find out Y/N, Im not leaving you out there alone.
Nearby there was a small group of people, most of them were hiding in heavy fur coats, and watching them for a moment, Curtis pegged Yona to be right. These fuckers are high as a god damn kite. There were a few though, that looked more put together, and Curtis recognized one of them, his eyes narrowing. Right now he didnt have any of the typical gear on, but it was one of the men who would bring there protein bars. Wonder how many you I got to deal with? Curtis sighed, fuck he was so tired suddenly. “TImmy climb on my back” He ordered and squatted enough for the boy to wrap his arms around his neck. Going to the edge, he deemed it safe enough and jumped down, stifling a groan at the jolt in his ribs. His hand, god that was just a steady throb.
Yona inched to the edge, her feet coming over the edge, and she slid off as much as possible till she landed on Curtis shoulder, his arm wrapping around her thighs to keep her from tipping over and easing down for her to get off. As he straightened the men whom he dared guessed were some of the guards came over, they were scuffed, but not bad off as Curtis nearly was, and he braced himself for the typical aggression he knew from them, but they all held up there hands in a peace sign.
“Seriously man, were not going to do anything.” Curtis took a step back from them anyways, keeping the kids behind him. Yona peaked around him warily, studying them.
“Curtis right? weve heard of you. Listen, we have to look for survivors, this group over here is kind of useless right now, and these cars might have people trapped.” One started, another picked up.
“Front, Back.... it makes no difference now, Theres probably not enough left to make it count.”
“Right... suddenly im supposed to believe you all have a good conscious?” Curtis sure as hell wasnt going to trust them, 18 years of entrapment will do that to a man. Yona tugged on his jacket, and he spared her a look.
“Good, they will help us.” He nodded encouragment, and his gut twisted. The girl hadnt been wrong yet, but his mistrust and instinct was still was over riding that. He trusted another, and betrayed everything he believed in.
Curtis she hasnt been wrong yet, shes special.
Alright Alright, he thought, holding out his uninjured hand, he growled out. “truce for now... we wont give you any trouble. Were making our way towards the back to check on our people.” One of the guards winced.
“The back? We were coming over a bridge when the train derailled. Honestly the fact any of this is still here is shocking. Im sure the back end came off the rest of the train and went over the cliff side. A fall like that in a hunk of metal.” The man shrugged in a im sorry motion “The chances are not great anyone in those cars would survive such a fall. The tail end, its gone. Any survivors will be making there way up this way.” He looked over his shoulder and sure enough, people were slowly coming in groups. “Slim, the chances are slim, but... maybe...”
Slim, the chances were slim, but... maybe... it was all Curtis heard after he said those words. 
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@what-is-your-plan-today​ @curtisbbq​ @jtargaryen18​ @p8tn0lish​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​
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anubislover · 4 years
A Family Matter - Chapter 1
(As far as Ikkaku was concerned, deep down, every Marine was a corrupt scumbag. Some were just better at hiding it than others)
“Really hope Law doesn’t take too long to rescue us,” Shachi sighed, laying against the cool tiles of the prison floor, staring at the florescent lights in the ceiling, “otherwise I’m gonna die of boredom.”
“Agreed,” Penguin said from the cell next to him, using his shoelaces to make a cat’s cradle. They’d been locked in there for two days, and he had managed to tie and untie every type of knot he could think of for the sake of having something to occupy his brain. “They could have at least let me keep the deck of cards I’d brought.”
“Or given us a checkerboard or something. Hell, I’d take a book on Marine rules and regulations at this point—at least I could use it to beat my own skull in.”
“Ah, it’s not so bad,” Ikkaku chuckled from her cell across the room, folding her hands behind her head as she settled against the wall. “There are worse places to be incarcerated than Drake’s ship.”
It was true; while the brig was grey and boring, it was undeniably clean and well-kept, which was far more than they could say for other prisons they’d seen. On top of that, while the three Heart Pirates were locked up in separate cells, they weren’t chained to the walls or even cuffed, there were small cots with pillows and blankets, and no one was being tortured or interrogated. Hell, they’d even been given regular meals that resembled actual food, which was a pleasant surprise.
Really, the only concerning part was the cell in the far back corner that, from the look of things, had Seastone bars and shackles. Anyone could guess who Drake had reserved that one for. He might as well have hung a welcome banner.
Of course, the brig could have resembled a 5-star spa resort with meals prepared by a personal chef and Ikkaku would still have a fairly low opinion of the commodore. He was still a Marine, and she’d never known a Navy dog that wasn’t some kind of corrupt scumbag deep down, especially those that attained an officer’s rank. Some were simply better at hiding it than others.
But for now, she’d appreciate the decent-by-Marine-standards captivity, then take great pleasure in wrecking their shit.
“Maybe, but that doesn’t make me any less antsy,” Penguin stated quietly, suspicious of any guards that might be listening just out of sight. “We’ve got to be ready. Remember the plan.”
The mechanic rolled her eyes. “Of course we remember the plan.” Law had basically drilled it into their heads; the three of them had been dropped off on Einer Island to cause a commotion as a decoy while Law took the ship to Zwei Island to quietly raid the Marine base housed there.  He’d known Drake would take the bait and capture the three of them, and the Polar Tang would intercept his ship a few days later so Law could sneak aboard, free them, and they’d set about causing some wonderful havoc for the commodore and his crew. It was convoluted and complicated and she had no doubt Law would get the exact result he wanted. Which was, she suspected, the ire and attention of a certain Allosaurus.
Her grin widened as she connected the dots. “You’re not worried about the plan; you just don’t like thinking about the last time we were aboard this ship.”
Shachi sniggered while Penguin blushed from his neck to his hairline. His expression was nearly as mortified as it had been during the incident in question. “Damn it Ikkaku! I was so close to repressing that, too!”
“When we next hit land, I’ll buy you a bottle of grain alcohol as brain bleach,” she cackled without remorse. Really, being locked in a Marine prison cell would never be her idea of fun, but she was glad she was stuck with these two—teasing Penguin was far more entertaining than any poker game.
The good cheer was swiftly vanquished as a deep, cold voice from the doorway stated, “Honestly, Ikkaku, are you really still such an idiot? Or do you find the idea of dying in prison amusing somehow?”
No. It can’t be, she thought, freezing as her mind registered the familiar, intruding voice. She hadn’t heard in years, save the occasional nightmare, but it still made a wave of dread crash over her like a tsunami. Her palms immediately began to sweat while her heart pounded in her ears. He’s supposed to be stationed in the West Blue, not the North.
In sync, Penguin and Shachi turned to observe the unfamiliar man that entered the brig. He was about Law’s height but with at least three times the muscle mass. He wore the crisp white suit of a Marine officer, his coat dutifully perched on his broad shoulders. His hair was jet black and gelled back, but it was clear that the locks were naturally curly despite his efforts to tame them. There was something vaguely familiar about him, though neither man could put their finger on it. He wasn’t that different from most Marines they’d encountered; he held himself with the same over-bloated self-importance to match his too-polished appearance. His smile was especially disconcerting—there was nothing genuine about the curl of his lips, as not a hint of warmth reached his dark brown eyes.
The newcomer approached Ikkaku’s cell with measured, slightly-too-loud steps. “What, not going to greet me properly? It’s been at least four years.”
“…hi, Ushi.”
His insincere smile dropped as he scowled in disapproval. “Tch. Try to say my name with more respect, you worthless little brat. I’m a Marine captain now.”
“Good evening, Captain Ushi, sir.”
Shachi’s jaw dropped when Ikkaku didn’t make some sarcastic, biting comment. The woman he knew never let someone talk to her like that. She’d certainly had no trouble sassing the Marines when they’d been captured. Hell, once she’d gotten comfortable among the Hearts, she’d taken to back-sassing Law on the regular. It was funny as hell to watch the two of them go at it like a couple of squabbling siblings. In fact, he suspected Law enjoyed and even encouraged it to an extent, as he’d just argue right back instead of pulling rank or disciplining her. The crew occasionally wondered if their captain spoiling her like that was a good thing, as it reinforced her lack of respect for more powerful figures.
To see that fire doused so easily by one man set Shachi’s teeth on edge.
“Better,” the Marine said blandly, pulling a key out of his pocket. “Though, it’ll be Commodore Ushi soon; there’s been talk of promoting me. I’ve made a good impression among some important people. People who want to see me advance. Unfortunately, that’s unlikely to happen unless I clear up a few loose ends first.”
Instinctively, Ikkaku shrank back, pressing herself hard against the wall as if it might open up and swallow her. Her big brown eyes were fixated on the floor, and her lips were pressed together so tightly they’d turned white.
It was easy to guess what “loose ends” he was referring to. Ushi had always been ambitious. Praised for his strength, intelligence, sense of responsibility, and charisma, the whole island had loved him, giving him a grand send-off the day he left for the Marines. On the few occasions he’d had time to visit home, everyone was quick to call him the pride of Rivet and a future hero.
The handful that knew better had learned to keep their mouths shut long ago.
In the cell across from her, Penguin’s hands clenched as he watched the interaction before him. This was very, very wrong. In the year and a half that he’d known her, Ikkaku didn’t shrink. From anyone. Not Law, not enemy pirates, not drunken brutes twice her size—even Drake had gotten a few bruises when he’d been forced to subdue her during their capture. She was feisty and scrappy and wasn’t afraid of slamming her foot into some asshole’s groin when threatened.
It became clear that this particular Marine was the exception when he unlocked her cell door, marched inside, grabbed her by the collar of her jumpsuit, and dragged her to her feet.
Ikkaku didn’t resist. Resisting had never done her any good in the past. Ushi always took it as a personal offense and would come up with worse punishments. Or make Hapushiru, Nausagi, and Fukuro beat her up instead so he could keep his hands clean and maintain his image as the “responsible” one.
Of course, she was swiftly reminded that he’d never been shy about taking matters into his own hands when he was in the right mood when he sharply smacked her across the cheek so hard she saw stars for a moment.
At the loud smack, Penguin and Shachi sprang to their feet, ready to fight. “What the fuck—”
“You’ve got some balls hitting our crewmate!”
Ushi ignored them in favor of sneering down at the woman in question, “Can you believe the twins were actually bragging about you being part of the most wanted crew in the North Blue? As if you’re the one the family should be proud of! You’re going to come with me, nice and quiet, or we’re going to have problems. And you remember how I tend to make problems disappear, right?”
She shuddered at the memory. Three days. She’d spent three days wandering alone in the woods, cold and hungry and terrified that she’d be eaten by wolves. Three days wondering if Ushi was right—that Mama and Papa would be better off without her. Without a worthless daughter than would never amount to anything holding everyone back…
Gramps had been the one to find her. Nausagi and Fukuro had realized that, even if their baby sister annoyed them, and even if having one less mouth to feed meant more money for toys and treats, leaving her out there to die was sick and wrong. The twins had defied Ushi and told their grandfather she was missing. The old lighthouse keeper had searched the woods in the middle of a storm for the sake of finding his seven-year-old granddaughter, and she could still remember his wrinkled face lined with worry and raindrops when he’d finally found her shivering in a hollowed-out tree.
As relieved as her parents had been that she was safe, Ikkaku had been scolded for causing such trouble and forcing Gramps to abandon his post and risk something happening, like the light going out and a ship crashing into the rocks. How dare she run off without telling anyone? She’d put herself and others in danger! Why couldn’t she be more responsible like Ushi?
Neither she nor the twins had told anyone that it had been Ushi’s fault—no one would believe them, and he’d just make them pay for it.
He had made them pay for it. He’d taken his aggression out on Nausagi and Fukuro, beating them both bloody while making Ikkaku watch, telling her that it was her fault, that he wouldn’t have to hurt his beloved little brothers if she’d just stayed gone…
CLANG! Shachi threw himself against the bars of his cell, desperately grasping for Ikkaku in hopes of getting her away from the Marine. She hadn’t even noticed that Ushi had dragged her out of her cell—she’d been too caught up in the past. Of the memory of how pointless it was to fight Ushi.
“Buddy, I don’t give a shit if you’re an Admiral—you let Ikkaku go right the fuck now, or so help me I’ll rip your goddamn throat out!”
Meanwhile, Penguin was yelling towards the doorway, “Hey! Is somebody out there? I know this asshole isn’t part of Drake’s crew! Get him out of here!”
Ushi gave the younger men a death glare. “Shut the hell up. I sent the guards to get some coffee so I wouldn’t have any interruptions. Not that they’d step in anyway; what self-respecting Marine would help a bunch of pirates?”
As if to prove his point, he slammed his fist into Ikkaku’s stomach, his grip on the collar of her boiler suit the only thing keeping her from crumpling to the floor.
She would have sobbed if she had the breath to. He was right. Ushi could do what he wanted, and no one would help them. Hell, they’d probably thank him for taking them off their hands; no need to expend resources on prisoners, after all.
Men like Ushi were the reason she could never trust the Marines. The fact that they’d allowed such a violent bastard to advance to a position of authority—that “certain people” wanted to give him even more power—told her everything she needed to know. The World Government was just a gang of bullies who liked to push people around just for kicks. She’d seen it plenty of times; Navy dogs refusing to help innocent civilians, valuing the glory of arresting a notorious pirate over human decency.
Hell, Commodore Drake was probably lounging in his cabin, greedily counting however many belli her brother had paid him to take a single problematic prisoner off his hands.
No one would come to help the Heart Pirates.
That didn’t stop Shachi from straining against the bars harder, the veins in his neck bulging as he struggled to rescue his friend. “Go fuck yourself!”
Smirking, Ushi moved so he was just out of reach of Shachi’s grasping fingers, making sure to harshly shove Ikkaku behind him to keep her out of the way. “Do yourself a favor and stand down, scumbag, before I break that spindly arm of yours. This is a family matter, anyway.”
“Then it definitely involves us! We’re nakama!” Penguin snapped, turning away from the door to face the Marine. If the guards couldn’t help them, he’d just have to figure out how to take down this asshole himself.
Ushi raised a disbelieving eyebrow. “Seriously? You wanna fight me for her? Why? Is it because she’s the only woman on your ship?” He glanced over his shoulder at Ikkaku, who was still clutching her stomach in pain, silently praying that the boys would back down before they got hurt. She knew from experience that breaking an arm was far from an empty threat. “Are you the ship’s whore or something? God, you’re an even bigger disgrace than I thought.”
Eyes lighting up with fury, Shachi pulled his arm inside his cell, took several steps back, and then rushed forward, slamming his shoulder against the door in an attempt to break it down.
“She’s our mechanic!” Penguin defended, teeth grinding as he tried to figure out some kind of plan. Damn it, there had to be something in that stupid cell he could use as a weapon. He couldn’t just stand there while this bastard manhandled and insulted Ikkaku! He’d throw his boot at the son of a bitch if he had to!
“Tch. You people must have been really desperate to hire a talentless brat like her.”
“Ikkaku! Are you really gonna let this guy talk to you like that?!” Shachi shouted as he futilely slammed into the door again. He winced at the pain the shot through his shoulder, but he couldn’t bring himself to care. Not when his shipmate was in trouble.
“She’s the best damn mechanic in the North Blue,” Penguin stated, his tone leaving no room for argument. “Soon she’s going to be the best in the whole world. And you’d better let her go right now; otherwise, you’re in for a world of pain when Law finds out you’ve threatened his nakama.”
A pang went through Ikkaku’s chest at their words, warm and stronger than even the pain in her stomach. It was still such a foreign feeling, having people that genuinely cared about her. That believed in her abilities and her dream. Only the twins had really ever had her back, and it had been too dangerous to show it until Ushi had finally left…
She was given a stark reminder of why that was when her oldest brother drew his pistol.
“Ugh, arguing with you two is a waste of time,” he scoffed, pointing it casually at Penguin, whose eyes widened beneath the brim of his hat as he realized there was no space to dodge in the cramped cell. “I’m on a tight schedule, and I’m pretty sure Drake doesn’t need both of you alive to lure out Trafalgar.”
Without even thinking, Ikkaku lunged forward, desperately grabbing Ushi’s arm and jerking it upwards so the bullet hit a ceiling light instead of her friend.
“Don’t you fucking touch them!” she screamed, spinning around and slamming her foot into his ribs. For a moment, her boot appeared black as it made contact, and the blow made the Marine faulter, the gun falling from his hand to clatter on the tile floor.
Unfortunately, he recovered quickly, and before Ikkaku could dive for the gun he grabbed her by the shoulders, lifted her up, and bashed her right against the bars of her empty cell. The impact shook her to her core, and she once again curled into herself, the blood pounding in her ears sounding like frantic footsteps to her dazed mind.
“You stupid fucking bitch!” he shouted, shifting one of his hands so it wrapped around her throat. “You just never fucking learn!”
Thinking fast, Penguin reached through the bars for the pistol, but it was just out of reach. He yanked off his hat, planning to use it to catch the gun and drag it towards him before Ushi could strangle the mechanic.
Everything came to a halt when the sound of stomping boots became unmistakable.
“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!” Drake bellowed from the doorway. He charged into the brig, sword drawn, ready to end whatever fight had resulted in a gun being fired on his ship. His eyes widened at the sight before him; a Marine officer choking his sole female prisoner—who for some reason was out of her cell instead of locked up tight like he’d ordered—while another prisoner reached through the bars for the smoking pistol at their feet. Shards of glass littered the floor of Penguin’s cell, the remains of the florescent light sparking dangerously above him while Shachi clutched his shoulder in pain.
Instinctively, the two guards that flanked Drake drew their rifles, though no one was quite sure if they were aiming at the Captain or the pirates.
“It’s about fucking time,” Shachi said shakily, gripping his shoulder. The adrenaline was beginning to wear off, and the pain was making its presence known. He was sure he’d injured himself trying to break the door down, but there was no way he was going to stand down until he knew his comrades were safe.
Drake didn’t spare him a glance, his intense grey eyes solely focused on the two figures that weren’t locked up.
“Captain Ushi,” he growled, “while I gave you permission to come aboard my ship, I don’t recall giving you leave to visit the brig. Mainly because you didn’t request it.”
“Ah, yes,” Ushi said, releasing Ikkaku’s throat. His grip on her shoulder remained firm as he lowered her back down to the floor. “I apologize for that. You seemed extremely busy planning Trafalgar Law’s capture, so I planned to bring it up at dinner.”
“Dinner started ten minutes ago. I was waiting for you.”
“Must have slipped my mind.”
“Much like I’m sure your hand slipped when you fired that gun.”
“More like it was forcibly jerked about,” Ushi replied, sparing the wheezing Ikkaku a disdainful glance. “I drew my weapon in self-defense.”
Drake sheathed his sword, mainly so he could cross his arms in disapproval. “Against three unarmed prisoners, two behind bars and one of which is a woman a third your size?”
He had the gall to shrug. “From what I’ve heard, you shouldn’t underestimate the Surgeon of Death or his men. I mean, they’ve been crafty enough to slip through your fingers before, Commodore.”
Grey eyes narrowed at the small show of disrespect. “While this is true, I’m curious as to what business you have with them. And why you sent the guards that were stationed here away. Surely if you’re intent on not underestimating them, you’d want backup? And given the state I’ve found everyone in, I’d say it’s a damn good thing they came to find me instead of taking a coffee break like you suggested. Otherwise you’d have been shot in the back by Trafalgar’s first mate, and the woman could have unlocked the cells, thus allowing them to slip through my fingers once again.”
Ushi glowered at the man in question before grimacing, fully aware that Drake had backed him into a corner. “Fine. I’m here because I’m taking custody of the Heart Pirate woman.”
“Do you have some sort of official paperwork formally requesting a transfer?” he asked, lifting a critical eyebrow.
“Well, no. I was hoping I could make that request of you personally. Of the record, so to speak.”
Shooting Ikkaku a sharp warning glare—the kind that promised unimaginable pain if she dared speak against him—Ushi indicated the woman he had pinned against the bars. “You see, sir, I’m ashamed to admit it, but Ikkaku of the Heart Pirates is my baby sister. She’s always been a spoiled, disobedient brat, but I’d never expected her to devolve into piracy. Maybe it’s my own fault; I left to join the Marines when she was twelve, and I guess without me around, there was no one willing to discipline her.”
Drake looked thoroughly unconvinced, giving a meaningful glance at her cheek, which was already darkening into an ugly bruise. “Is that what you were doing? ‘Disciplining’ her?”
Penguin and Shachi could practically hear the air quotes around the word, and the duo found their hopes beginning to rise just the slightest bit. Drake was their enemy, but they knew for a fact that his tolerance for bullshit was exceptionally low.
Ikkaku was less convinced. There had been plenty of times when it seemed like someone would finally see past her brother’s lies, but he always managed to talk his way out of it and push the blame back onto her. Partially because people didn’t want to see the town’s Golden Child as anything but the perfect, responsible young man everyone had set him up to be.
Seeing that his superior was less than impressed with him, Ushi immediately set to justifying himself. “Look, our parents worked long hours to put food on the table for five kids; keeping them all in line fell to me. I did my best but, well, I guess her career choice shows she’s always been a bad seed.”
Drake actually scoffed. “Your failure as an authority figure among your siblings does not fill me with confidence, Captain Ushi. Get to the point—why do you want me to hand the woman over to you?”
His jaw tightened in frustration. “Because this is a family matter. I’d rather spare our poor parents the shame of the world finding out their daughter became a pirate.”
“You fucking liar!” Shachi shouted.
“You just care about your damn promotion!” Penguin grabbed the bars of his cell in a fruitless attempt to break down the barrier and get to the man who held his crewmate hostage.
“Like he’d listen to scum like you,” Ushi jeered.
“And yet I find myself inclined to believe their side of the story over yours,” Drake snarled, jerking his head towards the prisoners. “I have no time for games. If you don’t start telling the truth in the next three seconds, I will report you—and your little ‘off the record’ request—to Headquarters.”
Frustration finally coming to a boiling point, the Marine captain snapped, “Look, I know it’s a bit unconventional, but my superiors say I could be up for a promotion soon, and I can’t let her cost me everything I’ve worked for. Surely you understand just how difficult it is to advance your career when the Navy knows you’re related to a pirate, right Commodore Diez?” he finished with a sneer.
Silence filled the room at the utterance of the ginger’s surname. Penguin and Shachi actually froze; they vividly remembered the name Diez Barrels, the pirate captain that had made the neighboring Minion Island his base of operations. They’d never seen the man himself, but their parents would often whisper about bodies of those he’d brutally murdered washing up on Sparrow Island’s beaches.
Drake was the son of a pirate?
Meanwhile, the man in question took a deep, calming breath as he assessed the situation. As tempting as it was to rip the man to shreds for daring to bring up his father, doing so would do nothing but make things spiral into blood and chaos. He needed to keep his temper in check and be rational before he made his call.
He regarded his colleague carefully. Captain Ushi had been perfectly cordial when he’d requested permission to board his ship. Had commended Drake’s bravery and impressive record, and the way he led the men under his command. He’d been polite, professional, and while perhaps a bit heavy-handed with the praise, a generally respectable man.
Now, he had his little sister pinned against the cell he’d dragged her from, a smoking gun at his feet, and two prisoners declaring he’d basically tried to kill her for the sake of a promotion.
Drake turned his full attention to the woman. She hadn’t spoken a word since he’d arrived—very odd based on what he knew of her, though their interactions were limited. What he did know was that the mechanic was mouthy and quite the plucky fighter. After all, she’d tried to break his nose and had called him a rather colorful array of curse words during her arrest. Yet now, she was silent.
Her body language spoke volumes, however. Glistening eyes averted to the floor so as to make her assailant feel dominant. Shoulders hunched in pain. Teeth digging into her bottom lip so as to hold back any defiant words that might slip out. Hands and knees trembling ever-so-slightly.
It was when a pair of tears bubbled over and trailed down her bruised cheeks that he made his decision.
“You’re right,” he said slowly and calmly, taking a few casual steps forward. “I do know how difficult it is. It takes an exceptional amount of hard work and ambition to overcome the stigma that comes with being related to a pirate. You may have her.”
One of Drake’s hands shot out to rip Ikkaku from Ushi’s grasp while the other fisted the collar of his shirt, lifting him up so his toes dangled over three feet off the ground as the ginger growled, eyes momentarily burning orange, “When you have the appropriate transfer paperwork, signed by an Admiral, stating the exact reason you wish to take this particular pirate into custody. Until then, she remains my prisoner on my ship. And speaking of, I’m revoking any permission I gave you to come aboard. As such, I’m going to ask you—once—to leave quietly. Immediately.”
For his part, Ushi stared at his superior in unconcealed shock, however any argument he might have made was swiftly silenced as Drake unceremoniously dropped him to the floor. He crumpled a bit, but at the larger man’s ferocious glare he backed off, clumsily scooping up his gun before marching out of the brig with his head held deceptively high, not even sparing Ikkaku a glance.
“Athos, escort Captain Ushi to his ship so he doesn’t get lost,” Drake ordered.
One of the guards nodded and lowered his gun, running off after the chastised officer.
Silence weighed down the cramped room until the pair’s footsteps faded. It didn’t escape Drake’s notice that Ikkaku’s slight shoulder still trembled beneath his hand. Duty momentarily fought with compassion in his mind. Her reaction to her brother’s presence was painfully familiar. And while he shouldn’t give any preferential treatment to a pirate, even a female one, he had no doubt this would not be the last time Ushi came after her.
“It’s Ikkaku, correct?” he asked her, voice gentle but firm.
She blinked up at him, surprised at his tone. “Uh…yeah.”
Nodding to the remaining guard, he shifted his grip so his large hand wrapped almost entirely around her bicep. “Given the current circumstances, I believe it is no longer safe for you to reside in your cell, at least until I can be certain your brother is well and truly gone.”
Loathe as she was to agree with a Marine, Drake was right on the money; Ushi may have retreated for now, but there was no way in Hell he’d let Drake’s ship out of his sight so long as she was on it, especially with the added threat of his superiors finding out about both their relation and his attempt at an under-the-table transfer.
Marines were shady bastards, but they liked to pretend to be squeaky-clean. Ushi’s screw-up might have cost him his promotion, but that didn’t mean he’d give up. If anything, he’d be even more determined to kill her.
She glanced at Penguin and Shachi, who seemed just as conflicted. Separating them wasn’t in Law’s plan. Sure, there was no place on the ship they could put her that he couldn’t find, the it could cost him the element of surprise if he had to Scan the whole ship.
Then again, if Ushi did manage to sneak aboard before Law arrived, there was the very real possibility that he’d come to find a dead engineer, and potentially even the corpses of his first and second mates, too.
On top of that, Drake’s firm grip on her arm and the fact that he’d managed to throw Ushi around like a rag doll made it clear that, as polite as he was being, she didn’t really have a say in the matter.
Heart in her throat, Ikkaku found herself nodding. “Ok. Yeah, that’s…that’s reasonable.”
Pleasantly surprised at the Heart Pirate’s compliance, Drake gave her a brief smile before leading her towards the hallway, turning to the remaining soldier. “Porthos, double the guards in the brig, and if anyone you don’t immediately recognize as a member of this crew shows their face, notify me at once.”
“Hey, where are you taking her?” Penguin called, eyes narrowed. In all honesty, he didn’t disagree with either Drake’s or Ikkaku’s decision—it was more important for his crewmates to be safe than conveniently together. Law should be there to get them tonight, and it didn’t matter if they were on opposite sides of the ship or not; he’d rescue them all. The plan would be fine. Drake wouldn’t know what hit him…
His blood ran cold when Drake actually smirked at him over his shoulder. “When he comes to rescue you, tell your captain that he can find Miss Ikkaku safe and sound in my quarters. And that the cell in the corner is reserved just for him.”
To Be Continued...
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itsafanficthing · 5 years
Lights Up
Oh how life changes when you look at it from a different perspective.
My arm was twisted and I wrote another part of “When the Light Fades”. You can read Lights Up by itself, or in paring with “When the Light Fades”.
A03 Link is here
(also @notevenjokingfic is the greatest and we should all appreciate her all the time)
Shame. She was ashamed and embarrassed. Why did she say anything? She’d ruined them. She should have just kept her mouth shut and now she had lost it all.
But how could he not see? How could he not see the way that she looked at him? She thought it was so obvious and she was so tired of carrying around her love for him. He told her that she had a glass face, so how could he have missed this?
She hadn’t thought about it, she had just gone to him, barely remembered to grab her jacket and before she knew it she was standing in front of him. What a mistake that had been.
How could he not know?
She had to tell him. It was nearly Christmas, and maybe she had watched too many terrible Netflix specials about Christmas, but it seemed like tonight was the night for a Christmas miracle. It always worked out in Christmas movies when the protagonist suddenly realised that they had what they wanted all along- so why shouldn’t it work out for her? She would tell him tonight and that would be that.
Provisions. She would take provisions. It would just be a casual hang out together and then she would tell him. She didn’t know how he would react, but she was going to tell him. It was her cancelled date that sealed the deal. Fate- some would call it. Her date canceled on her, and she didn’t really mind all that much. It had to be done, she had to tell him- she couldn’t keep living with this stupid secret.
“I bought pizza, I bought beer, I have ice-cream, biscuits, wine and I have a terrible Christmas movie that we should watch.” Claire stood in front of Jamie with her arms full of bags with her provisions. She smiled at him and loved the smile that she received in return.
“Seems ye’ve thought of everything then, haven’t ye?” Jamie stepped to the side and Claire passed him in a rush. He smelled like a bonfire, smokey, dark and subtle. It was an effort not to inhale him as she passed.
“I am nothing, if not prepared.” She made her way to his kitchen without asking. They were beyond that now. Friends for so long, if she really told him how she felt it might ruin everything. Maybe there wasn’t Christmas magic in the air. Maybe she shouldn’t say anything.
“I thought that ye had a date tonight?” 
She noted that Jamie was scratching the back of his neck which he only did when he was nervous. Was he expecting someone else to come over? Maybe she should have called. He did say that he was going on a date last night- Christ what if she was still there and Claire had crashed their date.
“He canceled,” She answered stiffly. She didn’t want to think about Jamie on another date when her own had cancelled on her, especially when she was going to tell him how she felt tonight. She didn’t want him to think that she was only saying it because hers had canceled.
“His loss,” Jamie grunted and she felt herself blush slightly. She couldn’t help it. Jamie brought something out in her that she loved about herself. He made her better and he didn’t even know it.
She opened a beer and handed it to him. “Exactly. I’m a catch.”
Jamie shuffled on the couch as they watched the movie, occasionally his leg would brush up against her own and at one point his arm had slung across the back of the couch. If he shifted it any closer, she would probably be cuddled into him. She didn’t think she could hold back the confession if he did that.
Jamie audibly scoffed at a scene in the movie and Claire snorted with laughter.
“Will you shut up and watch the movie?” She chastised him. She didn’t mean it. This was part of the fun of watching terrible movies with Jamie- the way that he would pick them apart and leave Claire gasping for breath with laughter.
“I’m sorry, but she’s meant to be a journalist. She types in “Christmas Surprise” and only one result comes up, and she says it’s a dead lead. She’s a shite journalist. Look what happens if I google it.” Claire rolled her eyes at him as Jamie pulled out his phone to prove his point. The movement sat him up higher on the couch and away from Claire. No chance of his arms going around her now. She was disappointed.
“See, I’ve got five videos of someone giving a christmas gift. I’ve got a news article about a pensioner brought to tears because of some gift, wait there’s one- two- three- four stories about that. I’ve got book results for bairns, and a… a fuckin’ article about Kim Jong Un’s Ugly Christmas Surprise: A Return to Threats of War. Shite. I should read that later.”
Jamie’s forehead wrinkled as he looked at the news article and Claire scoffed with laughter.
“She looked up one result and it gave her a sentence in response and she says that lead is cold,” Jamie huffed. He sounded so put out by such a simple part of the movie that Claire couldn’t help grinning at him. There was so much to love about Jamie and this was definitely high on her list.
“Yes, because that’s the most unbelievable part of this movie. Not the fact that she’s carrying around a three foot wooden carving of an angel that is supposed to help you to fall in love. No. Googling one result- that’s the flaw in this movie,” Claire said sarcastically, baiting him to continue with his outrage. True to her prediction Jamie continued.
“Also, why is the text on her computer size 42 point. What person aside from 90year olds have their font at 42point?” Jamie sounded aghast. He was her best friend, she loved him deeply.
“So your major concerns for this movie are centered around the computer?” Claire looked over at him and saw that he was frowning at the television.
“She’s a journalist. It’s meant to be a plot point for her and she’s using the computer like it’s the first time she’s ever seen one.”
Claire laughed loudly and she saw Jamie smile at her. The smile he gave when he knew that he had said something funny and it had really got to her. He had a few different types of smiles. A cheeky grin when he was trying to entice her into doing something she didn’t want to do (and inevitably ended up doing). One when he was sad, but he didn’t want her to know it, it didn’t quite reach his eyes and the corners of his mouth dipped slightly. One (like the one he did just now) when he knew that he had really made her laugh and he was satisfied with her entertainment. A smile when he saw his sister and brother-in-law, pure joy at seeing the people closest to him. Claire had only seen him look at her a few times with that smile, specifically when they were around his family and she wasn’t really sure if the smile was actually for her, or for the fact that he was surrounded by people that loved him- Claire included- and much more than he knew.
“There she goes again. Better increase that font size sweetheart, ye almost have one full word per line.” Jamie tried to get Claire to laugh again and she shook her head as she picked up her half full glass of wine.
“Shut up and enjoy it.”
“I’m not sayin’ that I am’na enjoyin’ it. I’m just sayin’ it’s ridiculous,” Jamie mumbled as he threw his phone back onto the coffee table in front of them.
“That’s the point of Christmas movies. They are supposed to be terrible and predictable, and the girl finds the prince, there’s an old man that just appears everywhere, and he’s Santa and there’s a misunderstanding and everybody’s heart is broken. But wait, what’s that? A letter in a hidden desk- everything is saved!” Claire loved Christmas movies. They were always just so terrible, so predictable, but everyone was always happy in the end. Everything always worked out and if her life could be like a Christmas movie for just one night- tonight specifically, when she told him how she felt about him, all would be well in the world.
The movie showed the woman looking around her desk, finding a hidden stack of letters and calling out to the male lead and Jamie burst out laughing.
“Have ye seen this one before?”
“No!” Claire answered in surprise, she hadn’t actually been paying attention to the movie and noticed that the woman was now holding a stack of letters. “I’m just very good at Christmas movies.”
“They’re unbelievable,” Jamie shook his head. “Imagine if I just showed up at a cabin unannounced, when ye hadn’t even given me an address. Ye’d have me arrested.”
Jamie didn’t hate Christmas movies, but he didn’t understand the hopefulness that Claire found in them. Still, if Jamie did turn up at a cabin in the woods to confess his love for Claire, she thought that she would probably be alright with it.
“I know you. That’s not that surprising. I think I’d let it pass.”
 “Aye, but if we’d only been datin’ for a week and then I turn up.” Jamie scoffed the words as if it was the most unbelievable notion he’d ever heard. Him and Claire dating - ridiculous.
Dating. They had never dated. They never would date. Claire’s Christmas miracle movie idea of confessing her feelings for him came crashing down around her. She was an idiot to think that it would be a good idea to say something to him. The idea of them together was clearly ludicrous and she was stupid for thinking that they could ever be anything more.
“We aren’t dating.” Claire said stiffly, more to herself than to him. They weren’t dating. They never would. She sat up slightly on the couch, moving away from him to pick up her wine and throw it back as quickly as she could. As soon as the movie would finish, she would smile at him, she would pack up her things and she would go. She was an idiot to think that they could ever be anything more than friends.
Days passed and Claire tried to go on another date. Tom. He was nice enough, he made her smile but important things were missing between them. She knew what he did (Science Teacher), knew about his family (Father, Brother, Sister), knew what he did on the weekends (lesson planning, visiting his Brother, exercise) and she didn’t quite understand his sense of humour (he laughed at things that were mildly amusing, nothing hilarious and he hardly understood any of her terrible dad jokes and puns). There was no spark there. Nothing that made her want to come back to him. They hadn’t kissed. There was no chemistry to even warrant trying. She hadn’t kissed many of her dates. She was waiting. Waiting for someone to spark her interest enough to want to kiss them. No one had done that since she was 17 and he also happened to be her best friend. Not ideal.
Jamie was free to see other women. Of course he was. Why shouldn’t he? She didn’t have rights over him. But the more that he told her about the dates that he went on, the less she wanted to hear about them. She didn’t want to hear about the girl that had gotten completely plastered and thrown herself at Jamie, begging him to take her home. She didn’t want to hear about the girl who’s cleavage nearly knocked Jamie over when she turned to ask him a question. Nor about the girl that he was seeing again because she seemed nice enough and Claire would like her because she reminded him of her.
She had been so close to telling him how she felt. She was actually surprised that he hadn’t said anything before about how obvious it was. Jenny certainly liked to point it out often enough, though Jamie just laughed it off. They hadn’t even made that pact- the one where if they were both still single at 40, they would marry each other, just for the company. They were beyond that though, and they probably would spend their lives together- just not how Claire would have liked. They would be platonic friends and Claire would go to the grave with her secret. She was desperately in love with her best friend.
She knew that Jamie was on a date. She didn’t want to see him. Claire wanted to wallow in misery and the best place to do that was McWilliam’s. She and Jamie had more than a few drunken nights there, the live music was always good and the drinks flowing. Jamie had described this newest date as “quiet” so she was sure that a busy pub would be the last place that they would be. Of course, McWilliam’s didn’t really start getting good until much later in the evening and the Irish Pub around the corner, O’Malley’s, had cheap enough drinks to sustain her until she could go where she really wanted.
Claire sat in a back corner early in the afternoon nursing a glass of red wine. One glass turned into two, two turned into three and three turned into a pint of beer, a vodka soda, a gin and tonic, and a shot of tequila for good measure. Claire knew that she was beyond a little bit tipsy, had been in the pub for far too long and if she wanted to even have one drink at McWilliam’s she would need to leave now. Checking her watch, she almost sent Jamie a message asking him to meet her for a drink before she remembered that he was on his date. Nadine… Mavis… no, M… something starting with M. Claire didn’t care. Whoever she was, she hoped that it didn’t last. The last thing Claire wanted to do was meet the girl.
The walk to McWilliam’s was short and the crisp evening air helped her to clear her fuzzy head, at least a little bit. She could hear the thump of music reverberating against the windows of the pub and she felt herself relax a little bit. The self pity dissipated for a moment. This was a happy place for her, and she could have a few quiet drinks before she went back to her flat and tried not to drunk text her feelings to Jamie.
Her sense of calm and peace was shattered approximately 6.8 seconds after walking through the door of the pub. A frigid breeze swung the door open as she entered and she gasped a little as the biting chill worked its way under her scarf. She turned to close the door behind her, the singer strumming lazily on a guitar while he sang Johnny Cash’s cover of a Nine Inch Nails Song - Hurt. Ironic, that he should be singing a song like that when she saw them.
Claire would be able to pick Jamie out from a line up in a Jamie look alike contest. She knew him well, knew his posture, knew how he brushed his hair, had helped him choose almost every outfit in his wardrobe and she would have picked him out in McWilliam’s from a mile away. 
(I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel. I focus on the pain. The only thing that’s real.)
Shit. He was on his date. His date was leaning closer to something that Jamie was saying before smiling and nodding. Claire took a step closer. Like a car crash- she couldn’t look away, except she was the car crash, she was the injured, she was the dying, she was the one who’s heart was going to stop beating. Jamie looked hesitant. Claire was only two tables away from them. She could call out to them, grab his attention, stop this from happening, but as it was as if in slow motion she felt her walls come crashing down around her.
(What have I become, my sweetest friend? Everyone I know, goes away in the end.)
She had never seen Jamie kiss someone before. Occasionally on the cheek in greeting, she’d seen him have his arm around his latest girlfriend but he always kept the PDA to a minimum around Claire. For a moment, when Jamie’s lips found his dates, Claire was shocked out of her body as she imagined that it was her sitting next to Jamie, it was her chin that he was tilting towards him, it was her lips that met his and then she blinked and she was exactly where she had been standing, staring at a couple who were blatantly making out in front of her.
(And you can have it all, my empire of dirt, I will let you down, I will make you hurt.)
Snip, crack, shatter, crush. The newest version of rice bubbles was Claire’s heart. Broken she turned quickly and left the way that she had come, turning at the last moment she saw Jamie’s date picking up her bag and her coat. Shit they were going back to one of their places and Claire had witnessed the kiss that had set it off.
Frozen tears stung her eyes as the early December chill shocked her system back out on the street. Hailing a taxi she simply asked him to drive. She gave him directions to her house, but at the last minute changed her mind and set a course to Jamie’s apartment.
Call it drunken decisions, call it a jealousy fuelled rage- she was going to tell him how she felt and damn it- he was going to listen.
Somewhere between paying the outrageously expensive cab fare and standing in front of Jamie’s front door- Claire had lost her nerve. She was shuffling from foot to foot, trying to calm her racing heart. She needed to tell him, she needed to get this off her chest, because it was crushing her and it would start suffocating their friendship soon. She’d shed a few tears in the taxi and tried to discreetly dry her eyes on her coat. She probably looked a mess and she saw the cab driver look her over twice when she finally stepped out of the car.
This was it, it was now or never. He might not even be home. He might be at Matilda’s…. Whatever her name was.
Claire knocked.
It took longer than usual for Jamie to come to the front door and Claire had a terrible sick feeling at the thought of Jamie needing to find pants to answer the door. She heard his heavy footsteps coming down the hallway and she tried to steady herself.
“Claire? What’s wrong? Are ye alright?” Jamie looked genuinely surprised to see her (she couldn’t blame him, she had shown up unannounced) and he was thankfully, still fully dressed.
Claire didn’t wait for an invitation, marching into his apartment, past him and waving away his questions with a brief “I’m fine, fine,”. He smelled like mossy, deep green forest and Claire almost closed her eyes at the comfort and familiarity of the smell.
She didn’t bother taking off her jacket- this would only take a minute, she just needed to get the words out. Claire’s eyes focused on the single glass of whisky on the coffee table. No second glass? Was Muriel here?
“Would ye like to take a seat?” Jamie asked. His eyebrows were furrowed and he looked somewhat alarmed. 
Claire probably looked a mess, the wind had done a number on her curly hair and she could feel her hair-tie holding together for dear life.
“Is there anyone else here?” She asked, ignoring his question, still focused on the single glass. She was too agitated and she started to pace. Not the cool, calm and collected appearance she wanted to exude, but here she was.
“Just me,” Jamie paused and she could feel him studying her. “What’s going on?”
Her eyes darted quickly to his and he took a step closer to her and she took an involuntary, stumbling step away from him. This would be easier if there was a bit of space between them.
“Are ye alright?” 
“I’m fine. I told you. Fine.” Claire mumbled the words as she tried to sort out what she wanted to say, how she was supposed to say this. “I saw you tonight, at the bar, with your date.”
“Aye.” A short sharp grunt from Jamie. He didn’t sound mad, but the date wasn’t here. What had happened between them?
“How did it go?” She tried to sound casual, as if this was a completely normal thing that she did all the time. Dropping by unannounced and telling your best friend that you saw them on a date, oh, and coincidentally, that you were also in love with them.
Fine? Fine? That wasn’t an answer. She saw them kissing for goodness sake. More than kissing… that was… they were… someone might have been getting lucky with a kiss like that.
“Fine was it? Fine when you were snogging her? Was that fine?” Claire’s voice broke at the end and she coughed to try and cover it. Her emotions were already running high and Jamie’s answer of “fine” was simply not good enough.
“I suppose so,” Jamie shrugged and Claire wanted to hit him for how casual the gesture was. “Claire, I dinna ken what is goin’ on.”
Claire was speechless. Was he truly so clueless about how she felt about him? Was he so unaware of the effect he had on women, that he could kiss someone like that and then when asked about it, just say it was “fine.” 
“I just… how can you… we’ve been friends for so long…”
“Aye, we have… ye are’na makin’ any sense. Ye ken we both go on dates…” Jamie sounded perplexed and Claire was sure that if Jenny was there she would have whipped him with a tea-towel by now.
Of course they both went on dates, but it was entirely different seeing the man you love snog another woman in front of you. How could he not see that?
“I know, yes, you do, I mean we do. We have. But I’ve never seen you on a date before. I haven’t seen you kiss any of your other dates before,” Claire blurted the words out before she could stop them. Whatever filter she usually had around him, seemed to have crumbled with the word “fine”.
“Aye, that generally happens when ye go on a date… ye kiss.” 
“It just surprised me, is all. I didn’t realise that you were that serious.” Claire tried to regain some of her control. It wasn’t working.
“It’s not,” Jamie answered bluntly and Claire felt her temper start to flare up.
“But you kissed her,” Claire argued. How could it not be serious when a kiss went like that?
“Aye, I’m sure ye’ve kissed yer dates.”
Claire shook her head- she couldn’t look at him. How…how could he be so unaware? How could he not know that Claire had only loved him and that the people that she had kissed, paled in comparison to what she felt for Jamie? “I’ve been waiting.”
“Waiting?” Jamie repeated stupidly. “Waiting for what?”
“You don’t know?” Claire looked up at him and half mumbled the words. Of course he didn’t know. If he did, he would have said something by now. There were no secrets between them, except this, of course.
“I don’t know, what?”
“I should go.” She was stupid to have come here and think that she had the bravery to tell him how she felt and she was stupider to think that maybe, there might be some small part of him that felt the same way. She ducked her head and tried to leave.
“Wait, what?” Jamie turned quickly as Claire tried to pass him. “Claire, I dinna understand anything that is going on right now.”
She was going to cry. She knew it. She hated crying. Did anyone really enjoy it? “It’s fine. I shouldn’t have come here, I shouldn’t… I shouldn’t…”
“Please, tell me what’s going on.” Jamie’s voice was soft and gentle and Claire paused for a moment. Perhaps there was something there. Perhaps he was just waiting for her to say it. Claire took a deep, shuddering breath.
“How can you not see it?”
“See what?”
“I love you, Jamie.” She could barely say the words above a whisper, as if saying them too loud would make them less true.
“I love ye too, Claire. Ye ken that,” Jamie said as an automatic response. She should have expected that. They had told each other that they loved each other before, but it was always “you’re my best friend, I love you, I don’t know what I would do without you.” It was never this.
“No, Jamie.” Claire took a deep breath and looked up at him. It was now or never. “I… I love you. I always have and you just… you don’t see me like that. It kills me. I want to see you happy and if dating other people makes you happy then I should be alright with it. But I’m not.” Claire’s eyes darted away from his and back. The blue of his eyes seemed to shrink as his pupils expanded in surprise. “I want you to be happy, but I want you to be happy with me.”
Jamie’s mouth opened and closed a few times at the confession. He looked like a fish and Claire briefly fought off the grin that threatened to come to her face at the sight. But then he didn’t say anything…. And he still didn’t say anything and anything that could have been funny about the situation dissolved very quickly.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have mentioned it, I should go.” Claire turned quickly to leave. She shouldn’t have come. She shouldn’t have said anything. He clearly had no idea and he clearly didn’t feel the same for her. Now she had ruined their friendship as well. Perfect.
“No, wait, don’t go.” Jamie finally said something and Claire paused with her hand on the door knob. She was trembling and she flexed her hand, trying to stop the shaking, though it was vibrating from her core.
“I’m sorry, I’m just… I’m surprised.”
Claire sighed heavily and shook her head. “I wasn’t expecting you to suddenly confess these deep down, unrequited feelings for me, Jamie.”
She hadn’t been thinking that he would suddenly fall at her feet or take her in his arms and kiss her senseless, though that would have been nice. But now she just felt ashamed and embarrassed that she had said anything at all. “I just… I needed to tell you. I couldn’t hold onto it anymore, but… you’re happy, and it’s not with me and I guess I’ll be ok with that… I just need some time. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have come.” Claire twisted the door knob and started to let herself out before Jamie grabbed her arm to stop her.
“Claire, I just… we should talk about this. Ye can’t just walk in here, tell me ye love me and then leave. Ye have to let me react.” He sounded angry and Claire couldn’t really fault him for that, but her embarrassment was eating away at her and now she just wanted to leave, go home and lick her wounds.
“You don’t know how to react and that tells me volumes. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship and it feels like I’ve just done exactly that. I should go and leave you alone for a while.” Claire sniffed and quickly wiped her nose on her sleeve. She needed to get out of there. Her face was burning with shame and embarrassment. She should have known Jamie better, she shouldn’t have said anything.
“Damn it, ye haven’t given me a chance to say anything. Ye just come in, confess these things and then just breeze on out of here. That’s no’ fair.” He was angry, she could tell. Why wouldn’t he be?
“This was a mistake. I shouldn’t have said anything.” Claire tried to shake her arm free from where Jamie was holding onto her. It was the only connection they had at that moment, Jamie touching her and part of her didn’t want him to let go. How could they ever go back to being friends now?
“Why did ye? Why now?” Jamie’s voice was rough and Claire winced. 
“Call it too much to drink, call it seeing you with someone else and an overwhelming sense of jealousy, I don’t know, but I don’t think that I could have held onto it for much longer. But I should go. This was a mistake. I shouldn’t have said anything.” Claire felt like she was on the edge of breaking down. Her body was suddenly exhausted and she just wanted to go home, curl up in her bed and forget that she had said anything in the first place.
“Why are ye trying to run away from me? What’s the point in telling me that, only to regret it and run away?” 
“Because running is easier, you know that, you know me.” Claire sighed heavily.
“I do… I do know you, but I didn’t know this.” Jamie sounded defeated, betrayed almost. And why wouldn’t he? They told each other everything and she had held onto this for so long. He thought that he knew everything there was to know about each other.
“And now you do.”
“Aye. Now I do.” Jamie was frowning and Claire glanced up at him quickly. She couldn’t look at him. Did he know how much it had cost her to say anything? Their entire friendship. She had cost them both an entire friendship because she couldn’t keep her secret, because she couldn’t not fall in love with her best friend.
“Just let me go Jamie. I’ll probably wake up tomorrow and regret saying anything.” She tried to soften the blow. Maybe if she passed it off like a crush, they might be able to move past it. Maybe if he thought it was a passing whim, years from now they would be able to laugh about the night that Claire got too drunk and told Jamie that she loved him.
Jamie flinched and Claire wasn’t sure why. “Will ye? Regret sayin’ it?”
Shrugging and finally removing her arm from Jamie’s grasp, Claire shook her head. “I know you Jamie. Better than anyone else. I know the type of woman you like and I’m not it. At least I got this off my chest but probably at the cost of our friendship and I just… yes I regret it.” It was a half truth. She regretted telling him and costing them both their friendship, but at least she didn’t feel like she needed to hide it from him anymore. 
“For,” Jamie’s voice cracked and he cleared his throat, “for how long have ye known?”
He clearly wasn’t buying that this was passing whim, a crush that she would get over on the weekend. Claire shook her head. How much more embarrassment would she have to endure? Though perhaps it was her comeuppance for dumping this so unexpectedly on him. 
“How long?” Jamie repeated, sounding like a calm sort of anger had settled over him and that was far more terrifying than if he had just yelled at her. She may as well tell him, she’d already dove in head first, what was the point in not following through?
“Do you remember when we went for a drive to Aberdeen, when you’d just gotten your license?” Claire asked slowly, she couldn’t look at him. It was such an old memory, so many years together. “And we went to that garden… Seaton Park. We were sitting on the grass near the lake. You’d just started seeing that young blonde girl, Laoghaire and you said… you said that you wished your first kiss was better, that it was sloppy and all over the place and that was how Laoghaire kissed.” Claire remembered Laoghaire. Blonde, blue eyes, voluptuous, loud, carefree- everything that Claire was not.
“And I said that my first kiss was a disappointment as well. And that we should have just kissed each other and dealt with the awkwardness then so that our future kisses would have been better.” Frank. All tongue, so wet, not remotely enjoyable. It got better over time, but still- first kisses were awkward and messy. It would have been better with Jamie. 
Claire glanced up at Jamie to see that his jaw had dropped open, his mouth making a comical little “o” shape. She could see him trying to remember what she was talking about. He probably wouldn’t. Why would he? Nothing had changed for him that day, but Claire knew. Sitting next to him, laughing about their tragic love-lives at 17 years old, she knew that she loved him, and he would never feel the same about her. It was a discovery that was all at once exciting and heartbreaking. Finding the person that was perfect for you in every way, to know that he would never feel the same.
“You laughed at me and we never spoke about it again. But I knew. I knew then that I wanted to kiss you and only you. But you… you didn’t want me...” That was the truth of the matter. He didn’t want her. He didn’t then, and he didn’t now. Claire could feel a sob starting to well deep in her chest, but she refused to cry in front of him.
She should go. Jamie was clearly in shock and wasn’t going to be able to respond any time soon. “Goodbye Jamie. I’m sorry for this. For everything.”
She waited a moment for Jamie to stop her once more, but he was lost in his own thoughts. She looked at him, trying to memorise him- as if she would ever forget- and she almost reached out to hug him. Maybe to pretend for a moment that he could love her back and that this night wasn’t wasted, but she couldn’t. Hugging him would be heartbreaking and she didn’t want to put herself through that.
Claire quietly opened the front door and let herself out, sealing her heart behind her in Jamie’s apartment. He smelled like the earth, fresh and new- he smelled like home.
Claire walked down the darkened streets rather than wait outside Jamie’s place for a cab. He might run after her, and she didn’t think that she would be able to deal with that. She had spilled her heart and left it with Jamie. She wasn’t angry at him for his reaction. Not at all. She had dumped a lifetime of hidden emotions on him and he was speechless. Who could blame him?
She felt her phone buzz in her pocket. Jamie was calling her. She let it go to voicemail. She needed time. He needed time. She needed to go home and cry herself to sleep. He needed to figure out if he could still be friends with her, knowing that she loved him more than he loved her.
Her phone continued to buzz with calls and messages from Jamie, begging her to pick up. When she finally made her way home, safe in her apartment, tucked into her bed with tears leaking continuously from her eyes, she replied to one of his many text messages.
-I just need to be alone for a bit. I shouldn’t have said anything. I’ll call you later.-
Shame. She was ashamed. Why did she say anything? She’d ruined them. She should have just kept her mouth shut and now she had lost it all.
But how could he not see? How could he not see the way that she looked at him? She thought it was so obvious and she was so tired of carrying around her love for him. He told her that she had a glass face, so how could he have missed this?
How could he not know?
Just as she was starting to fall asleep she was startled awake.
A knock on her front door- gentle at first, she thought that she might be imagining it. The gentle tap, tap, tap became a steady pounding when she didn’t answer. And then her name, said in desperation- “Claire, please. Open up.”
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orangeoctopi7 · 4 years
Every Little Past Frustration
: Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 4 :
Bill watched through the eyes of a hundred eye-bats as the truck carrying his quarry barreled down the wooded back roads of Gravity Falls. The flock was closing in, despite Sixer's erratic blaster fire and manic driving. Of course, just as soon as it looked like Bill’s victory was in the bag, the Mystery Shack came into view on the horizon through the trees. The demonic triangle growled with rage and willed the flock to fly faster. He was not letting his bargaining chip get away! 
The cloud of eye bats descended on the truck. Maybe Bill’s luck was changing. The idiots had just left Four-Eyes lying in the truck bed unprotected. Bill didn’t know much about humans and the protection laws they used to try and keep themselves alive a little longer, but he was pretty sure that was a stupid thing to do even if you didn’t have otherworldly forces chasing after you.
Unfortunately, the eye-bats weren’t strong enough to turn someone to stone yet. They still hadn’t absorbed enough of the Nightmare Realm’s power. But they did have this nifty tractor beam ability, which came in handy since they didn’t have any hands or claws to speak of. A few of the eye-bats got in close enough to start lifting the scruffy hillbilly out of the back of the truck. He started thrashing and yowling in panic. 
“I TOLD YOU, YOU’RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE UNTIL I GET WHAT I WANT!” Bill crowed triumphantly. True, since he was back in the Nightmare Realm instead of possessing that time traveling loser, the only one who could hear him was Four-Eyes, but it wasn’t any fun if Bill couldn’t brag to someone.
“!Votmzrig ivskrx oory! Taht rebmemer ot tnaw t’nod I! Niaga ti ees ot tnaw t’nod I! Gnimoc si mlaer eramthgin eht…” McGucket howled.
Of course, every time Bill spoke directly to Fiddleford’s mind, the nerd had to go and be a drama queen about it! It was honestly the main reason the demon had continued tormenting the guy over the years. It wasn’t like Bill got anything out of it, he couldn’t possess the old coot or coerce him into helping the rift along. It was just hilarious to see how he reacted. Some mortals and the Nightmare Realm just didn’t mix.
Four-Eyes’s clamoring got the attention of the rescue team sitting in the truck cab. Shooting Star fired her grappling hook out the back window and snagged onto the old inventor’s overalls. Meanwhile, Sixer leaned almost half-way out the driver’s side window, blasting down the eye-bats that had been carrying off his friend; Question Mark struggled to keep them on the road while the driver was otherwise occupied.
Bill roared with volcanic rage as the truck veered around the corner, into the long driveway leading up to the Mystery Shack. They were almost to the barrier! He was not going to lose this bargaining chip, not after everything else that had gone wrong over the past few days.
The remaining eye-bats clustered around the open windows, trying to squeeze inside and block the view of the road. The truck careened through a few advertising signs, but stayed on course for the Mystery Shack. Maybe, if he blocked their view long enough, he could make them crash into the wall of the Shack and break the line of unicorn hair, disabling the shield spell.
But luck was not with Bill this week. The breaks squealed, and the truck skidded to a stop just inches away from the gift shop entrance. Sixer threw his door open and laid down some blaster fire to cover Shooting Star and Question Mark as they carried Four-Eyes inside. They were within the barrier.
“DiD tHeY gEt AwAy, BoSs?” Hectorgon asked, noticing his boss’ temper tantrum.
“THE ONLY REASON THEY GOT AWAY IS BECAUSE I’M STUCK WORKING WITH SUB-PAR LACKEYS!!” Bill steamed. Hectorgon took the hint, scurrying away.
It really was a shame that good pawns were so hard to come by in Gravity Falls. Since the original plan of taking the rift from Shooting Star didn’t pan out, Bill had to start improvising. And hey, he was an ageless being of pure energy. He could do that. But the mortals available to him in Gravity Falls were just so lame!
Wendy, the Cool Girl, had seemed promising. She was smart and strong, and best of all, the Pines trusted her. Unfortunately she was a little too smart. Bill had known convincing her to smash the rift was a long shot, but she would have been a real asset, had things worked out. As it was, she was a nice distraction.
Toby Determined had definitely just been a distraction. The guy was about as competent as a leaky paper cup. But he’d actually gotten most of the Pines family out of the house, so that part of the plan, at least, had worked. They’d even left the Big Mackerel in charge of guarding the place! It seemed like the perfect opportunity to try out his new pawn, Preston Northwest. Bill had been sure Stan would take the bait, but no! Everyone in the Pines family had to do the opposite of what was expected this week. And Preston was such a priss, he’d rather just make vague threats and drive off than actually do what Bill asked him to and get his hands dirty! 
Unfortunately, possessing Preston wasn’t possible quite yet. The guy was too business savvy to make a deal on a handshake. It all had to be in writing with him.
The only other viable pawn in town was Lil’ Gideon, but he didn’t exactly have easy access to the Shack right now. Sure, Bill could break him out of prison, but it’d take a lot of effort, and it’d draw a lot of attention. Not just from the Pines, but from the Time Paradox Anomaly Avoidance Squad. There were a lot of perks to possessing a time traveler, but they came with the inconvenience of having to watch his step whenever he used them.
Bill sighed as he watched Sixer through one of his effigies still left in the Mystery Shack. Now there had been a good pawn! That rare balance of competence and gullibility, of intelligence and naivety, really did only come around once in a generation! So eager to please, so desperate to prove himself, so willing to just go along with things and not ask too many questions. Too bad Four-Eyes had to blunder his way into the portal on the test run. If Bill hadn’t had to tip his hand early, he might have brought the party to Earth thirty years ago. Ah well. Fighting Sixer all these years certainly kept him entertained.
For now, Bill was going to have to make due with his current pawns. Speaking of which, his latest puppet was trying to make a break for it. Bill popped out of the Nightmare Realm and into Blendin’s mindscape. The bumbling time traveler was about to pull out his time tape and jump into the future.
“Y-y-you can’t do this to me!” Blendin stammered. “I-I’m a time officer! I h-have rights!”
“I-I’ve escaped the infinitentiary before!” the time traveler protested.
Blendin opened and closed his mouth several times, trying to come up with a good comeback, or rebuttal, or any reason to refuse Bill’s offer, but he apparently couldn’t think of one. Finally, he just hung his head in defeat and held out his hand. Bill smiled with his one eye and grabbed it, taking possession of the time traveler once again.
* * *
The flock of eye-bats dispersed once Mabel and Soos got McGucket within the barrier. Ford breathed a sigh of relief. That had been too close. He wasn’t sure what he would have done if Bill had tried to bargain with Fiddleford’s life for the rift.
Thankfully, McGucket’s incoherent screams had stopped once he was safely inside. The old inventor looked exhausted, but relieved, like he’d just outrun a raging wild animal. Ford locked eyes with him, and for a moment, he could have sworn a hint of recognition flickered on Fiddleford’s face. But then, the fatigue caught up with his old friend, and he passed out in Soos’s arms. 
Dipper, who had been keeping watch from the window, rushed over to them. “Oh my gosh, are you guys ok?” He asked, taking in everyone’s battered appearance. 
“I think I might’ve cracked a rib.” Soos said nonchalantly, as though he was talking about a paper cut and not one of the most painful injuries he could still walk on. 
“Come bring Fiddleford into my room; I’ll examine you both.” Ford instructed.
Dipper followed them in as they laid Fiddleford on the couch. A quick glance over found no serious injuries that needed immediate attention, although the old inventor definitely looked like he needed a few good meals in him. Next, Ford had Soos pull his shirt off, so he could properly check his ribs.
“Luckily they’re not cracked, just badly bruised.” Ford assured the handyman after a few moments of careful prodding. He handed Soos a small packet of some medicinal cream. “This cellular-regeneration optimizing salv should allow you to heal within the hour. I assume you can apply it yourself.”
“You got it, dawg.” Soos took the packet with a salute and left for the bathroom.
“Er, alright…” Ford wasn’t quite sure what that response meant, but it sounded like an affirmative. 
“What happened?” Dipper asked once Ford finished his examinations and just sat down, watching his friend anxiously.
“Your sister was there for it all. You can ask her.” Ford replied simply. He was trying to let the boy down gently, but the kids really were better off without him.
“Oh, O-ok…” Dipper left reluctantly, casting a glance over his shoulder as he closed the door.
* * *
“And so we skidded into the parking lot next to the gift shop like something out of Nagoya Burnout!” Mabel concluded her dramatic retelling of their rescue mission.
“Aw man, I wish I was there!” Dipper complained. “Although, I did get to see Stan psych out Preston Northwest. That was pretty gratifying.”
“Oh, that reminds me!” Mabel pulled out her cell phone. “Pacifica called me while we were at the dump, but it wasn’t a good time, so I hung up on her.”
“Huh. We got a call just before her dad showed up, but Grunkle Stan told me to just let it go to voicemail.”
Mabel checked her inbox to find several missed messages from Pacifica.
“Hey you asked if my parents were acting weird earlier?” The rich girl’s voice crackled from the voicemail. “Well, my dad just asked the chauffeur to take him to your shack. Last time he wouldn’t even ride there himself, he made ME go! ...Omg he’s packing a briefcase of money. I’m gonna have to call you back.”
The next message continued Pacifica’s panic, “When I asked him what he was doing he just said he was going to make a ‘business transaction’. Mabel seriously, call me back! I am freaking out!”
“I think he’s going to try and buy your house? Either that or maybe your uncle deals drugs? None of this makes sense to me. Just call me back already!”
“Mabel! Pick up! Why aren’t you answering!?”
“Uugh, fine! I’m calling your house!!”
“Oops.” Mabel grimaced. “I guess I should call her back.”
“Do you think her dad is actually working with Bill?” Dipper asked worriedly.
“I mean, I know he’s a shady rich guy and a bad parent, but he doesn’t seem like the kind of person to make a deal with a demon.” Mabel reasoned. “But maybe Bill came to him disguised as Blendin, like he did to Toby, and offered him technology from the future or something?”
“Maybe.” Dipper agreed. “I can’t think of any other reason the Northwests would try to buy out this place. I know Stan’s made enough to support himself and run the portal, but the Shack can’t be that successful compared to all the Northwest’s businesses. I’m just worried about Pacifica. Her parents are already the worst. If Bill is controlling them, who knows what they’d do to her?”
Mabel pulled up Pacifica’s contact and started calling. Her crazy rich rival picked up on the second ring. “Now you pick up!? What happened!? My dad said Stan pulled a gun on him!”
“Sorry!” Mabel apologized, “I was on a rescue mission, I had to be stealthy!”
“And Stan only pulled a gun on him after he made it clear calling the cops wasn’t an option!” Dipper defended.
“Why didn’t you just text me?” Mabel asked.
“And leave a written record that I was trying to warn you guys?” Pacifica scoffed. “You’ve got to be kidding!”
“...Your parents go through your texts?” Dipper asked warily.
“Yeah, don’t yours?” Pacifica asked, clearly not seeing anything wrong with the practice. 
“Nevermind all that!” Mabel interrupted, “We wanted to make sure you’re alright!”
"What? I'm fine. You two are the ones living with the guy who pulled a gun on my dad!"
"After he threatened us!" Dipper repeated.
“Not in any way that would hold up in court, I’m sure.” Pacifica said, and Dipper swore he could hear her rolling her eyes.
“Anyway, we called because we’re worried about you!” Mabel broke up the argument.
“Why would you be worried?” Pacifica asked. “Guys, I’m just grounded. It’s not like my parents have me locked up in a dungeon or something.”
“We have reason to believe your parents are fraternizing with a dream demon.” Dipper explained. “Or at least your dad is.”
“Um… you’re joking, right?” the rich girl huffed a weak laugh.
“Don’t freak her out, Dipper!” Mabel elbowed her brother.
“But it’s true!”
“Hey Pacifica, sorry, Dipper’s being crazy paranoid.” Mabel forced a laugh, “But seriously though, you should keep an eye on your dad. And like, if he gets yellow eyes or something, you should just leave.”
“What!? What the heck is going on, you two? Is this another ghost thing?”
“Well I mean, it does seem like Bill’s main way of getting things done in our world is possessing people, so that’s kind of like a ghost…” Dipper answered.
“Who the heck is Bill!?”
“He’s a dream demon who wants to end the world.” Dipper explained bluntly. “But he needs something in our house to do it.”
“Are-are you serious?” Pacifica asked incredulously. “You’d better be serious right now, because if you’re messing with me I’ll come over there and buy your uncle’s filthy tourist trap myself!”
“I’m dead serious.” Dipper assured her. “What do you know about that creepy tapestry in the alcove just to the left of the grand staircase in the main dining hall? The one with the triangle eye on it?”
“Ugh, that ugly thing?” Pacifica groaned. “Mom can’t talk dad into throwing it out because it’s a family heirloom or whatever. Once I inherit this mansion, it’s going in the trash where it belongs!”
“Haha, Bill belongs in the trash!” Mabel giggled.
“So what, is Bill the guy who made the tapestry or something?”
“He’s the one on the tapestry.” Dipper corrected. “He’s the triangle eye.”
“I told you, if you’re messing with me--”
“I’m not messing with you! I know it sounds crazy, but this is a matter of life and death!” Dipper said earnestly.
“Ok, ok!” Pacifica backed off, surprised by Dipper’s sincerity. “I honestly don’t know anything else about it, though. Just that apparently it was a gift to Nathaniel Northwest when he founded the town.”
“Which we all know he didn’t do.” Dipper reasoned. “So where did it actually come from?”
“How the heck should I know?” Pacifica retorted.
“Could you maybe ask your dad about it?” Mabel proposed.
“I guess. He might find it a little suspicious if I suddenly seem interested in it though.”
“Could you at least take a picture of it and text it to us?” Dipper asked. “I didn’t think to take a good look at it while I was there, and I only remember a few vague details.”
“Ugh, ok, but you’d better help me find a good way to explain why I sent it to you once my parents find out.”
* * *
Dinnertime rolled around, and Ford still hadn’t left his room since the rescue party returned earlier that afternoon. Dipper was beginning to worry. Despite his insistence that he could live off of his nutrition pills for another three years, Ford always made a point to join the family for dinner. Even though the old researcher wouldn't admit it, Dipper was pretty sure it was because he got lonely spending all his time in the basement. The fact that Ford was absent as they dug into a plate of Mac'n'Cheese left Dipper wondering if something was wrong.
"Hey, uh, Mabel? Did Great Uncle Ford seem upset when you guys found McGucket?"
"He did seem pretty sad, but I don't think he really had time to be upset. We were busy running from Bill."
"Of course he's upset. He's finally seen first-hand how his old college buddy has become the self-proclaimed local kook." Stan said without looking up from his dinner. "Just give him some space, kid, he'll be fine."
Dipper wasn't in the habit of listening to Stan, so as soon as he finished eating he dropped his plate in the sink and snuck down the hall to Ford's room. Thankfully, it wasn't locked.
Ford looked up at him with such a dead-eyed stare when he stepped in that the boy suddenly wished he had listened to Stan.
"H-hey… um… we, uh, missed you at dinner… heh…"
"I'm otherwise occupied." Ford said quietly, not looking the boy in the eye. "Don't worry about me, I still have plenty of nutrition pills."
"Oh, uh, yeah…." Dipper scratched the back of his head awkwardly. "... That's not what I'm really worried about though."
Ford tensed. "Has there been a new development with Bill?"
"Uh… I mean, Preston Northwest did come by here and try to buy the Shack, but Stan scared him off, for now…. Oh! And Wendy wanted to know if you would help put up a barrier around her family’s house if she got some more unicorn hair.”
The old researcher nodded. “It will take time. It would be safer for her to stay here until I’m able to assemble another barrier spell.” 
“Oh, ok, I’ll let her know.” Dipper shuffled his feet. “So, uh, how’s McGucket?”
“He needs rest.” Ford watched his friend’s sleeping form carefully, still refusing to meet Dipper’s gaze.
“Um, are you ok?”
“Don’t worry about me.” Ford reiterated shortly. “Shouldn’t you be getting back to your sister about now?”
“...Mabel told you we weren’t going to stay, didn’t she?” Dipper fretted. “...Are you mad at me?”
Ford finally turned to face him. “Of course not, my boy! If anything, you should be mad at me.”
“What, why?” Dipper asked in confusion.
“I came between you and your family. I got you involved in my problems. I put you in danger. I shouldn’t-- you shouldn’t-- you’d be safer if you kept your distance from me.”
“But you are my family!” Dipper insisted. “And I was involved with Bill before I even knew who you were!”
“Because you found my journal. I still started you on that path.”
“Well, technically, I guess.” Dipper admitted grudgingly. “But that wasn’t your fault!”
Ford scoffed and looked away again, obviously not convinced.
“If you and Mabel already came to your own decision to return home, then you must have realized on some level that I am a toxic influence. I don’t understand the thoughts and feelings of other people. I’ve hurt every person I’ve ever been close to.” The old researcher watched the slow rise and fall of Fiddleford’s far-too-thin chest. “You deserve better than that. You deserve better than me.”
Dipper was dumbstruck for a moment. He never would have guessed that his Great Uncle Ford, the Author of the Journals, would feel this way. And it felt so wrong, because this wasn’t the way he viewed his uncle at all. Didn’t he know he was Dipper’s hero? Deserve better? Ford being Dipper’s uncle, and actually liking him and spending time with him, was better than the boy had dared to hope for.
“That’s not why we decided to go home!” Dipper insisted. How had Mabel put it? She made it sound so simple. “It’s not like we don’t want to stay with you. Now just isn’t the right time.”
“Not now… and not ever.” Ford said glumly. “It’s… it’s for the best.”
“No it’s not!” the boy blurted. “I know a lot of the people you care about end up hurt, and I know you have a hard time understanding why other people do things sometimes, but that doesn’t mean you don’t understand other people’s thoughts and feelings at all! That doesn’t mean all you do is hurt other people! I know because you were the first person this summer who understood me! 
“I love Mabel, but we don’t see the world in the same way. That’s a good thing most of the time, but sometimes when I try to talk to her about the paranormal, she just dismisses it as me being paranoid, or ‘dumb nerd stuff’. And don’t even get me started on how hard it is to talk to Stan about that stuff. 
“When I found your Journal in the woods, it wasn’t just an exciting mystery that fell into my lap. It was like finding validation that all the weird things I saw actually mattered. I think that Journal helped me get out of trouble just as often as it got me into trouble. And as the summer went on and I read more and saw more, it was like I was getting to know you, even though I still didn't have any idea who you were. I knew I felt a connection with whoever wrote it, so I started trying to figure out who it was. 
“Yeah, I got in a little too deep and got in trouble at a few points, but that just made it all the more amazing when I finally found out that the Author was you, and you were my family, and I wasn’t just imagining that we had something in common! And somehow, impossibly, you’re even cooler than I ever imagined because you’re more than just paranormal mysteries and cryptograms that take me ages to decode! You like to play the same games I do, and you actually take my theories and stuff seriously instead of just laughing it off or telling me I’m paranoid! And… and…” Dipper slowly became painfully aware of how long he’d been talking without any response from Ford, who was still turned away from him. “And you’re really important to me, ok? I know we’ve known each other for less than a month, but I just can’t accept a future where we can’t hang out anymore, ok?”
Ford didn’t answer for a long time. He just stared down at McGucket’s sleeping form. But if Dipper watched closely, he could see his uncle just barely keeping his breathing under control.
“You’re a very intelligent boy, Dipper.” The old researcher finally croaked. “Why can’t you see the evidence lying right before you?”
Dipper looked down on McGucket's prone form, then to his uncle, who was just barely containing his grief.
“You may have hurt McGucket, but you can’t completely blame yourself for the state he’s in now. And you obviously still feel bad about what happened, and you’re doing everything you can to help now. If you ask me, that’s not toxic. 
“I know you’re scared of hurting the people you love again, but just cutting yourself off from everyone isn’t gonna help, even if it seems like the easiest option. I think you just need some people who love you back and are willing to help you learn to be better.”
Dipper decided to take a risk and stepped forward, tentatively hugging Ford around the waist. His uncle tensed for a second at the unexpected contact, but his rigidity crumbled after a moment. The old researcher dropped to his knees and hugged his nephew tightly. 
“Thank you, my boy. I didn't realize how badly I needed to hear that.”
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twrites1 · 4 years
“Another Woman’s Treasure”
Sam threw the glass of whiskey back, hissing at the stinging sensation as he sat it back on the tray, asking for another refill. Tonight, he wasn’t in the mood for this engagement party. He looked over to his future wife, a spoiled brat indeed. She started off as a good friend of the family, someone who he didn’t see more than that but fell victim of their mothers interference and nagging. He wasn’t going to engage into the foolery, but he prematurely proposed to her under the influence of alcohol and pure horniness. He wasn’t going to lie, he tried to get out of it but only gave up the fight due to belief that it wouldn’t be that bad. She wasn’t a bad girl, but there just wasn’t no romantic feelings nor love there. It was more of a long distance friendship type of love but even that was a reach.
“Here you go, Mr. Evans.”
Sam came out of his thoughts when the woman appeared with him a new drink, downing that immediately and sat it on the tray before picking up the second glass as well. He looked at her and smiled, “Keep them coming, sweetheart.”
“Will do.”
He turned his attention back to the guest, who were mingling, when he caught his mother’s eyes. He forced a smile once she sent one to him, she was his mother, so she probably knew that it wasn’t a real one but then again, she had been busying herself with her future daughter in law and the wedding planning. This was going to be a long night. Feeling someone come beside him, he knew who it was without even looking, “I’m surprised you showed up, Sarah.”
“Almost didn’t.” The woman spoke as she moved her straight brunette hair back behind her right ear, “It’s not too late to call this sham off because you and I both know she’s not the one for you and you’re definitely not in love like you’re pretending to be.”
“How you know I‘m not?”
“Please Sam.” His sister said without another fit of explanation, picking up the champagne flute and thanking the man with a smile before she began to scan the room, “How they are isn’t even close to how we are. That bitch and her family are no good.”
“Don’t be like that. She’s a sweet girl.”
“If that lie doesn’t keep you up at night, why should it for me?” Sarah chuckled as she pressed her lips against the glass, shaking her head before walking off, “Mark my words, this thing won’t go beyond this tonight. Just wait, big brother.”
Back in the kitchen, the caterers were busing around getting trays of drinks and hors d’oeuvres out for the crowd in their normal routine, but for some reason tonight, they were a tad bit more busier with the alcoholic drinks going out.
“Who’s in charge?”
The woman, who sitting the glasses on the tray for one of the severs, turned her head towards the entrance door of the kitchen, raising a brow at the woman, “I am.”
The rich woman stared at the girl, giving a cold glare for no apparent reason other than the fact that she could, “Don’t send anymore appetizers out. The main dishes need to be prepped and out in the next thirty minutes. No guest should have anything cold on their plate.”
“Do I hear a please in there? Matter of fact your rudeness needs to be cut from the tone you miserable bit-” A boy mumbled, causing the woman next to him to distinctly step on his foot, prompting him to speak in the full volume of his voice, “Ouch Mercedes.”
Mercedes gave him a look before her eyes turned back to the woman, giving her a respectful nod. Usually she didn’t take anyone talking to her in the way she did but her boss told her that this particular job tonight, she needed to bite her tongue because they were all going to get a healthy bump in their paycheck. She didn’t put money before verbal aggression but in this case, she would because she needed it.
“Miserable Bitch.” He said loudly once the woman was out of sight, “That’s what I was trying to call that hag. I try to respect my elders and never call women out of their name but she’s been pushing it all night. And plus, she’s acting like she’s the one who’s paying us.”
“I know, we only have a few more hours.” Mercedes reassured the youngest of the staff, watching as he huffed out before picking up the tray and heading back out, “Hang in there baby.”
Zachary, Mercedes’ best friend and colleague, met him coming into the kitchen, heading over to her, “All I know is that we better be getting a good bonus because I have bit my tongue so much, I might have to go to the ER.”
Mercedes gave him a sympathetic look before setting the glasses on two more trays, “Yeah, I’m about ready to go at this point, but I need the check bad this month. Things haven’t been good.”
“I know you don’t want to ask your family, but you know you have me and Kels, right? Put the pride aside, we got you.”
“I know.” She told him with a small frown, “I’m grateful but I can’t because you guys have your own family.”
“Shut the hell up with all that.” Zachary said in a way he told her all the time when he saw her stressed and refused help. Him and Mercedes have been friends since they were in pampers, and every since he has known her, she has always had to stubborn, independent stance within herself. He hated it, “We got you. End of discussion. What’s ours is yours, you know that. Now give me the damn tray.”
“Yes sir.” Mercedes mumbled as she handed one off to him then the other server, watching as the walked out.
The next hour had went by without a hitch, thankfully, for the the crew. Mercedes was leaned against the wall, watching as the speeches were made and the interactions between the couple. Usually, after dinner was served, this was her favorite part. Seeing the love between others always brought a smile to her face, but tonight, something felt so inorganic this time around. The groom for one seemed uninterested in everything, and the bride was too busy showing off her ring to everyone more than anything else. Most couples couldn’t be apart from one another on this joyous occasion. It just felt wrong. Hearing the applauses, she saw the groom’s sister come and announce that she had a special video for the couple.
What started off as innocent pictures of them from their childhood, turned into something unimaginable. Mercedes’ mouth went wide as she stared in horror at the video, her eyes traveling to find to Zachary, who was standing next to her in the same position, then the groom, who’s face was unreadable.
You couldn’t hear a pin drop when the video finally shut off. On it was photos of the bride, which looked taken by a PI, making out with some man numerous times that was obviously not her fiancé. What made it even worse was that the same man was here, due to the picture of her dressed in what she was now. Lily, Sam’s fiancée, looked at him in horror, making her way to him, “Babe...it’s not what it looks like.”
“Oh, it is.” Sam glared at her before moving away, a mixture of joy, anguish, and pity in the eyes of the guest, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear, “Party’s over. Engagement’s off. Everyone have a great night.”
Mercedes watched as he walked out the room, his ex-fiancé and their parents following closely behind as well. The mumblings about what just happened rose amongst the guest as the started to file out of the venue. She came out of her thoughts when she heard one of her colleagues speak.
“Guess it’s a short night for us. Let’s get to packing up.”
Mercedes started to head to the back, busing herself to get things in order so they could leave expeditiously and that they did within the hour. Her and Zachary were the only ones left, finishing up the last of the kitchen, which wasn’t much.
Zachary looked at his watch and eyes went wide, “Shit, Kelsey’s going to kill me. I was so wrapped in this drama.”
“Go, I can manage the rest.”
“You sure?”
Zachary kissed her on her forehead before heading out, “I love you.”
“Tell her I said hi.” She called after him, shaking her head when he told her he would and was going to tell about her situation. She shook her head as she moved the dolly towards the counter. Turning back around, she gasped when she ran into someone, eyes going up and seeing it was the man of the night, “I’m sorry, Mr. Evans.”
“Sam, just call me Sam and there’s no need to apologize.” Sam told her, making his way to the other side of the counter, grabbing a paper towel to dry his hands. Truthfully, Sam was hoping that everyone was gone and had accidentally left a bottle of anything brown down there.
Mercedes eyed him carefully before gathering up the cork screws and placing them in the bag.
Sam’s attention was on her. Seeing the uniform, he took obvious note that she was part of the catering crew. He had used them last year but has never seen her before, “I bet this was one of the most entertaining receptions you’ve ever worked.”
“Nothing’s entertaining about what happened.” Mercedes told the man truthfully as she threw the unusable cling wrap in the trash, “You didn’t deserve that.”
Sam watched her movements closely, seeing her at ease as she quickly straighten up the counter. She then moved over to grab the leftover, never opened champagne bottles, stopping her, “Leave one.”
Mercedes glanced at him and nodded, sitting one of the bottles down before she grabbed four, a talent in Sam’s eyes, and placed them in the box.
Sam grabbed two champagne flutes from behind him, sitting them on the counter before swooping the bottle up. He opened the top, somehow avoiding the dramatic spill that comes along with it and poured the liquid into the flutes. He looked at Mercedes once she turned back around, picking up one and gesturing to her, “Have a drink with me.”
“Mr. Eva-urm, Sam.” She corrected as she shook her head, refusing the drink, “I’m still at work.”
“I’ll handle Laura if she so happens to pop up.” He sent her a lopsided grin in reference to her boss, pleading eyes, “Please, for a poor man whose heart just got broken.”
Mercedes pursed her lips and raised a brow, muttering and not realizing that she was that loud when she spoke, “You’re not torn up about it like one would expect.”
Guilty. Sam stared at her seriously, speaking honestly, “Maybe I just want to have a drink with the one genuine, beautiful soul I have met tonight. Who, may I add, have been nothing but nice and professional for the past ten minutes. Hard work pays off and this is your pay off.”
Mercedes rolled her eyes at the guilt trip, mumbling but not admitting how his words made her feel some type of way, “Fine.”
Sam smiled triumphantly as she took the flute, clinking his glass again hers before moving back and taking a sip.
Mercedes did the same, the bubbling alcohol stinging as it went down her throat. To be honest, she wasn’t much of a drinker but she would indulge in the kindness of the client.
“Not a drinker, aye?” Sam took note from the features on her face, laughing a bit when she shook her head and sat the glass down.
“Far form it.” She managed to get out with a snort.
“Maybe I should’ve ask if you’re even old to drink.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” Mercedes laughed a bit before resuming back to her work, “I’m old enough to rent a car then add seven more years.”
“Wow.” Was all he said, causing the woman to look at him with a raised brow, he shook his head, “A good wow.”
Mercedes smiled as she leaned against the counter, “Is there anything...” she stopped when she heard her phone ring, grabbing from her pocket to look at the screen, “Excuse me for a second.”
Sam watched as she left out, his eyes wandering over to the platters that was wrapped up. He took a seat and grabbed one, placing it in his lap and picking one. He haven’t even gotten a chance to eat due to all the drama that went on. He powered through three of the delicious croissant sandwiches when Mercedes came, her phone call taking a littler longer than expected, “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, my babysitter was just checking in.” She said absently as she looked at him, seeing the surprised look on his face puzzled her, “What?”
“You have a kid?”
“Kids. Six month old twin girls, Bronx and Brooklynn.”
Sam caught her smile get bigger at the mention of her daughters, watching as she showed him her lock screen. Present were two brown skinned, hazel doe-eyed, chubby cheeked little girls giving gummy smiles, “They’re beautiful.” Sam complimented, his eyes going back to her to ask a question, “Is the father in the picture...oh shit, I’m just all in your business, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Mercedes giggled as tucked her phone back into her pocket, going back over to finish stacking the things on the dolly, “Their father was a cheating bastard. Slept with someone, who I thought was my friend, during my whole pregnancy and ended up getting her pregnant. He’s with her now, raising their child and don’t acknowledge my girls.”
“That’s....that’s fucked up.” Sam said bluntly, a frown plastered on his face. He had known this woman all of twenty minutes and was pissed that anyone would treat her and her innocent children like that.
Mercedes shrugged as she moved around, placing a few napkins in front of him so he can use, “It is what it is. I didn’t and will never dwell on it. I’m just trying to make a living for me and my babies. It’s hard, but I’m doing what I need to do.”
“And from what I can tell, you’re doing a hell of a job. Seriously. I commend you for it because having a child, let alone twins, is a lot.“
Mercedes smiled at him, “Thank you.”
Before Sam could respond and ask her some more about herself, he heard the sound of heels clicking against the hardwood, a familiar face appearing as her voice ran out.
“Mercedes, you were suppose to check in thirty minutes ago.” Laura stopped when she noticed that Sam was in the kitchen too, “Oh, Mr. Evans, I didn’t know you were in here. Hopefully Mercedes wasn’t bothering you.”
“She wasn’t.” Sam spoke before Mercedes could, giving the woman a pointed look, “Matter of fact, I was the one bothering her with my venting and held her up.”
“Oh, well that’s quite alright.” She waved off, earning a side eye from Mercedes, “I’m sorry for tonight.”
“Don’t be.” He pulled an envelope from inside of his suit jacket, handing it over to her, “Here’s the rest of your payment, plus some extra for the staff for the snobbish attitudes that they may have encountered from her side.”
“That’s very generous of you, Mr. Evans. Thank you.” Laura smiled at him before her eyes darted to Mercedes then him again, “And I’m sorry once more, but I kind of need my employee back so we can get going.”
“No, it’s okay.” He pushed off the counter, grabbing the platter and champagne to take with him, giving Mercedes a smile, “Thank you for being a listening ear and feeding my stomach.”
“It wasn’t a problem. You try to have a wonderful rest of the night, Mr. Evans.”
“I kind of already did talking to you.” Sam sent her a wink before heading out, leaving the two women alone.
Laura’s eyes back to Mercedes with a raised brow, opening her mouth for a question but Mercedes beat her to it.
“I’m done in here.” She grabbed the dolly and headed out, trying to avoid any questions that the woman may have had for her.
Mercedes mumbled as she headed through the crowded grocery store, cursing at there literally being no baskets left. She didn’t know why she just didn’t do this earlier and was regretting not bringing the stroller with her, prematurely thinking that she would’ve had a basket for the two girls occupying both sides of her hips. She sighed as she looked at them, “Looks like Mommy is going to have to just come back tomorrow.”
“Or not.” A voice came behind her, causing the woman with the children to whip around, familiar green eyes staring back at her with a smile, “You can have mine.”
Mercedes smiled at the man, who she last saw a month ago at his disastrous party, “Sam, hi.”
“Hi.” He had saw her when she first came in. He knew that the baskets were gone because he had grabbed the last one, “It’s good to see you.”
“You too and you don’t have to give me your basket. I’m sure you have things to get too.” She chuckled softly as one of her antsy daughter’s, Bronx, started to wiggle in her arms.
“It’s quite alright, you obviously need it more.” He commented as he looked at the little girls, who were a tad bit older from the picture he saw last month, “So, these are the little cherubs that were on your lock screen?”
“Yes, the one who is trying to escape my arm is Bronx and the always so calm one on my left is Brooklynn.” She watched as Bronx stared at the man curiously, a smile breaking out of her face as she leaned out of her mother’s arm for him, catching the woman by surprise. She never did that for anyone, especially strangers.
“May I?” Sam asked first, watching as the mother nodded before he picked her up, “Hey there cutie pie.”
Mercedes felt sudden relief of the extra weight being lifted but abandonment at the same time. She adjusted Brooklyn on her hip, shaking her head, “She usually doesn’t like people.”
“Guess I’m an exception.” Sam laughed as his eyes went back to hers, “But really, the basket, you can have. I can wait.”
“Are you sure?”
“Thank you.” She told the man, shaking her head, “I’m sorry, how rude of me, how have you been?”
“Good.” He responded as he walked forward a bit, sitting the little girl in the seat part of the basket, watching as a pout took over her lips but she didn’t cry. He watched as Mercedes placed Brooklyn in there as well, thankful that this was the basket that was capable of sitting them both, “I’m going to be honest here, I’m glad I ran into you because I haven’t stopped thinking about you since that night.”
The keys that occupied her hand slipped but Sam was quicker, catching them before they fell to the ground. Her eyes were shocked at the admission, not knowing what to say, “Huh?”
Sam knew he caught her off guard but it was nothing but the truth. That night, Mercedes had made it worth the pretense of it all and he was really grateful that it turned out the way it did. Her presence drew him to her and he knew exactly why. This woman, only talking to her for the short amount of time he did, was the one. Something he didn’t feel with any of his exes, “I fought for a whole month on whether to call Laura and ask for your number. Funny enough, today was going to be the day I did but look at fate interfering. I want to ask if you would like to go out on a date sometime.”
Mercedes looked at him in surprise at his words, not believing that this was happening, “Me?”
“Yes you.”
Mercedes gave him a skeptical stare, shaking her head, still trying to wrap her mind around the fact that this man was asking her out, “You can have any girl you want. You’re in your prime, newly single, handsome, have a great job, and no children. I’m a single mother with twins, who gets paid minimal wage. Why?”
“Why not?” Sam watched as she ducked her head shyly, a smile tugging on his lips when he saw the realization on her face that she didn’t have a comeback, “One thing you should know about me, I’m not like them. You’re beautiful, smart, caring, real, hardworking and a great mother to your daughters. What more can a guy ask for?”
Mercedes lifted her head. No man, besides her father, had spoken so highly of her. And here he was. After that night, he left an impression on her and it was more than the act of him being so nonchalant about being cheated on. He was right, he wasn’t like anybody there, snotty, nor belittled the staff, he treated her and she would guess everyone else as equals. That’s what drew her to him, but she didn’t act on it for the simple fact that he probably wouldn’t see her in a romantic way. Deading that idea that night, she went on about her life, until those thoughts and feelings she had resurfaced in this moment. The sincerity in his voice and eyes was all she needed to know that he was serious and because of that, she was willing to give him a chance, “Okay.”
The smile spread so wide on the man’s lips, repeating her words, “Okay.”
Mercedes couldn’t help the heat of cheeks as she stared underneath his gaze, the only thing breaking their trance was her daughter reaching over and throwing the chips down, “Bronx, no.”
The little girl looked at her and giggled, causing Sam to do so as well as he picked it up and placing it back on the shelf, “How about this count as a predate? While we’re shopping, we’ll get to know each other better. What’d you say?”
The smile couldn’t leave Mercedes’ face if she wanted it to, “I’d like that.”
As she shopped, Sam stayed beside her every step of the way doing exactly what he intended to do. Get to know her and vice versa. This grocery trip was full of information and laughter between the two, and the unnecessary need for ease because it was already there.
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rosesisupposes · 5 years
Epilogue: Lay Us Down
Part 12 of Another Goddamn Hero Story
read on ao3
Chapter Pairings: Romantic LAMP; Familial LAMPT; Background Remceit; Background OC F/F pairing;
Chapter Warnings: feelings of betrayal & guilt; mention of human experimentation aftermath; unwise cooking practices; michael jackson lyrics; unrelenting Momming; Ewwww My Moms Are Flirting; jk we love it; this one’s mostly fluff, y’all; love you
Taglist: @residentanchor @royally-anxious@bewarethegrammarpolice   @jemthebookworm@arandompasserby  @sparkly-rainbow-salt @astral-eclipse@thelowlysatsuma @monsterinatophat @turtally-pawsome @um-yes-hi-hello @idkaurl @potestessemagishomosexualitatis@hawthornshadow
a/n:  I'm absolutely gonna cry saying goodbye to this story. Thank you to everyone who's read and followed over the past year and a bit! My life has changed in so many dramatic ways over that time but thanks to y'all, I never lost the motivation to finish this.
“Get him!”
“Don’t let’im get away!”
A blow hit Virgil in the back and he let himself be knocked to the ground. He twisted his head to look up at his attacker with a grin.
“Oh no, you got me!”
Quil smiled in triumph as the other children caught up with them both. “That’s right! We did it! We caught you!” Their curls fanned out around their head as they bounced up and down on his chest. If he wasn’t so durable, it might have been painful, but then, that was why he was the kids’ favorite playmate.
“What will you do now that you’ve caught me?” he asked, trying to look less amused and more intimidated by the group of children circled around him.
They all looked confused for a moment, then one little boy shouted, “Piggybacks!”
“Piggybacks!” the others agreed.
“I have to be able to stand up to give piggybacks,” Virgil pointed out from where he was still lying prone, Quil and others sitting on top of him.
One of them giggled. “We trapped you! Can’t get away!”
“Is that a challenge?” he asked with his best Roman-Is-Offended gasp. He lifted himself into the air, bringing children as he went, until he was floating in midair with three kids balanced on his back.
The rest of the group cheered, clapping and egging him on.
“Guess you three are first up for piggybacks! Are you ready? Hold on tight!” He never flew fast while carrying them, but any distance into the air was still a thrill for them. He did a low loop, then gracefully returned to earth.
A line had formed as he flew, and as he let his first passengers off, he knelt to let two more wrap their arms around his neck. He held them in place with his arms and they were off once more.
On the porch, watching, sat Patton with Tatiana and Celeste Skylar. Some of the quieter children sat with them, apart from the raucous cheering and laughter of the group. Patton’s winds were carrying paper airplanes swiftly through the air, the crafts perfectly aerodynamic thanks to Logan’s earlier tutelage.
Patton himself was leaning on Tati’s shoulder, watching the kids and Virgil as he swooped carefully through the air.
He looked around, and suddenly stiffened, sitting up. “Where’s Thomas?!” he asked, a panicked edge to his voice.
“He’s with Roman, honey, remember?” Tatiana said warmly, squeezing Patton’s shoulder lightly. “He’s safe.”
The tension leaked out slowly as Patton sank back into leaning against the woman. “Oh, yeah. I… forgot.”
“It’s okay, sweet pea. You’re worried for him. It’s always too easy to think of what could be goin’ wrong if you’re not there yourself. I’ve been there. It’s okay. It’ll get easier.”
Patton nodded. “I don’t want to coddle him but- but I know he still has nightmares, and flashbacks, and…”
“And Roman’s been getting the same trainin’ as you have from Dr. Picani. He can help too. It’s not just on you, honeycakes,” Tatiana reminded him gently. “You aren’t all that Thomas has now - he has a whole home of people who love him and want to help him recover.”
“Don’t you mean a whole Haven?” Patton asked with a small grin.
“Same thing, aren’t they?” Celeste asked from Tatiana’s other side.
Haven Foster Home had been open for business for almost three months, and was growing steadily. They had sixteen children between the ages of three and twelve living with them currently, and plenty of space to expand. Which was good, because Virgil and his boyfriends had all moved in as they helped with construction and day-to-day operations. And Thomas, of course, had come too. Between the five of them, they were assisting the Skylar women get the home fully operational. And they were a so-far-endless source of entertainment.
Patton hugged Tatiana impulsively. “Thank you, Mrs. Skylar.”
“Pattycakes, what have I told you about callin’ me that?” Tatiana asked with a smile. “Even if you weren’t my son’s partner, you’re family here.”
Patton nodded shyly. “I know, but-”
“We mean it, Pat,” Celeste said seriously. “You have a home here, no matter what happens. Wherever Haven is, you belong. You and Thomas both.”
Patton brushed away a tear. “Thank you, Mrs- Celeste. It feels wrong to call you Mum and Mama like Virgil does, even if-” he shrugged.
“You know what the kiddos call us?” Celeste asked. “Mumma C and Mama T.”
“Those’re so cute,” Patton admitted with a small giggle.
“Just like you, bean,” Tati said, booping Patton’s nose. “And it took Roman all of two seconds to start using them.”
He grinned. “Well if the light of my life uses them, I guess I can too.”
“Did someone say Light of their Life?” Roman asked, coming out onto the porch with Thomas behind him.
“Roro! Tommy!” Patton said happily, standing to hug them both.
“Pat, we’ve only been inside for an hour and a half,” Thomas said, but he was grinning as he hugged his brother tight.
“Which is half an hour longer than I promised Captain Muscles I’d make him be on kiddo-duty,” Roman admitted. “Time for me to take over!”
He strode out into the field, a giant red slide coming to being as he gestured. The children who’d been entertaining themselves by ripping out grass leapt to their feet and ran over.
Virgil threw Roman a two-fingered salute as his boyfriend blew him a kiss. He rolled his shoulders and stretched his neck. It didn’t tire him physically to give the kids rides, but their energy was emotionally draining in its own way.
“Am I too late for one more flight?” a voice asked from behind him.
About to apologetically decline, Virgil turned to face the speaker. A young woman smiled up at him, the volume of her springy red hair making up only about half of the difference in their heights.
“SANDRY! You’re home from school?” Virgil asked with delight, sweeping up his little sister in an enthusiastic hug.
“Couldn’t miss seeing my favorite brother!”
“I notice you didn’t say sibling," Virgil responded, cocking an eyebrow at her.
“That’s right,” Sandry said with a smile. “I’m not starting that argument again. Alex will never let me hear the end of it.”
“That’s because they know they’d lose,” Virgil said with an overly-elegant sniff. “Can they help you set up roof-to-ceiling bookcases? I don’t think so.”
“Always playing the super card, god,” she groaned, rolling her eyes. “So rude.”
Virgil ruffled her curly fro. “Hey, I know my strengths. It’s every sib for themself in this family. Especially when the mums keep finding more for me to compete with.”
“And you will be introducing me properly to the boyfs later,” Sandry said. It wasn’t a question. “Lo’s already told me all his embarrassing stories of you but I want to hear them all.”
“I’m getting flashbacks to, hmm, let me see, every single year growing up with you competitive little gremlins,” Virgil groaned. “I can’t get a break.”
“Your fault, you’re the greedy one who brought home three men and a new brother. I feel threatened. Truly. I do.” She tweaked his nose with an impish grin. “Now where’s my piggyback ride?”
Virgil stuck his tongue out at her. “You’re only three months from graduating college, aren’t you a bit old?”
“Virgeeyyyyyyy,” she whined, poking him in the cheek with obnoxious delight, punctuating each poke with a nickname. “Virgey. Virgey. Virge. Vee. Vee-man. Virgil. Virgey. Virge.”
“Fineeee,” he groaned, turning so she could wrap her arms about his neck. His huge smile betrayed his feigned irritation, though, and the minute she was secure, they were off, flying much faster than he every took the little ones.
“WHOOO!” she cheered in his ear as he flew them into a loop-de-loop, arcing over the house and field. “Hey, hey Virge! Do a barrel roll!” she said in her best Starfox impression. Virgil grinned and spun them into a tight spin, holding her legs secure as she whooped in exhilaration.
He finally landed and let her slide off, breathless. “Mum, why didn’t you warn me there was an invasion of little sisters?”
Celeste looked up from a game of tic-tac-toe in the dirt with a six-year-old. “She swore me to secrecy, V. I couldn’t betray her.”
“Also I promised to help arrange furniture,” Sandry added, fluffing her hair back to a normal shape after the wind’s free blowout.
“For someone who plans on law school, you’re too good at coercion,” Virgil grumbled, messing up her hair again just for the fun of it.
“Technically, this was bribery,” she responded with a wink. “See you at dinner!”
Tatiana passed her coming out the door, kissing her daughter’s cheek as she passed. “Oh, I just love it when my babies are home together. Virgey, don’t forget, Jacques and Liv are coming over for Sunday dinner this weekend, too, so make sure your boys don’t have any plans!’
“Yes, Mama,” Virgil said. He checked his phone, and walked over to where Roman was still supervising the kids on their glowing playset.
“Hey, you,” he said, wrapping his arms around the man’s waist from behind.
“Hello there, Purple Gay-ze,” Roman replied, squeezing the muscled arms wrapped around him.
“Do you know where Lo is?”
Roman pouted. “What, I’m not enough?”
Virgil smiled and kissed his cheek. “Why do I have three boyfriends if I don’t get to want them all at once? No, I just wanted to check in on him. I haven’t seen him all morning, and he’s doing the not-responding-to-texts thing again.”
Roman nodded at house behind them. “Last I saw, he’s up there.”
“Again? Why’s the only one who can’t fly the one spending all his time on the roof?”
Roman shrugged, mouth twisting into a worried line. “I’m still learning his signals but… I think he wanted to be alone.”
Virgil hugged Roman around the shoulders briefly, then stepped up into the air. “First rule of Logan: what he wants and what’s going to make him happier are not always the same thing. I’ll go check on him.” He waved to the kids and flew up to the roof.
At first, it seemed empty. The chairs were unoccupied, and the trampoline was still. The cupola, an idea Virgil stole from City Hall, was empty too, its door to the inside shut for once. About to search somewhere else, Virgil suddenly noticed a flash of blue behind the chimney.
Logan was sitting on the ground, feet planted, arms hugging his legs. He stared off into empty air, fiddling with his black-and-white goggles.
Virgil approached slowly and sank down gently next to him with a murmured, “Hey.”
Logan jumped slightly, almost falling on his side before he realized who it was. “Oh. Hi.”
Virgil tentatively touched Logan’s shoulder, only for him to lean in to the touch immediately. Virgil wrapped his arms around the smaller man, letting him get so close he was practically in his lap.
“I won’t ask if you’re okay, because I know this has been all sorts of terrible for you, but - do you want to want to talk about it, or do you just want comfort?”
Logan shrugged and nestled his face further into the space where Virgil’s neck met his shoulder. Virgil squeezed his arms around him firmly carded his fingers through his hair in a soothing, repetitive way.
A mumbled rumbled into his shoulder. “What was that, love?”
Logan lifted his face, a little pink from the pet name. “I just. With Tommy and Pat, even Ro, even you - you all have had so many more struggles and heartache. I feel selfish for feeling this bad about it when I wasn’t even hurt.”
“First off, emotional hurt counts just as much as anything else, so jot that down,” Virgil said with a slight smile. Then his expression shifted back to serious. “But Lo, really- you’re allowed to be hurt and feel bad, even if others are too. I’m not going to run out of sympathy or patience. Neither are they.”
“I know that, intellectually. And yet, I feel guilty.”
“That’s okay. It really is. And I think it’ll help if you can talk it out.”
Logan sighed, withdrawing from Virgil’s hold, but still leaning against him.
“I still feel responsible. Even if I wasn’t the one who actually did this to Thomas, my work, my research was involved. I helped my par- I helped the project progress and escalate, even if I didn’t know what it was progressing to. And if Thomas resented me for my part in it, I wouldn’t blame him.”
“But he doesn’t,” Virgil said softly.
“I wish he did. No one blames me. Not Joan, not Talyn, not any of you.”
“Because we love you and know it wasn’t your fault.”
“But that’s just it!” Logan said, sitting up fully. He threw his goggles in frustration, and they cracked on the brick wall as they collided. His grey eyes blazed, all the brighter with no lenses currently blocking them. “You all know me and assume the best. If the public knew my full involvement, they’d hate me, and they’d be right to. Instead, I get off scot-free, known only as the star witness of the trial, while all the hate gets directed at my parents.” His voice broke on the last word as his head fell forwards into his hands. Virgil rubbed his back soothingly, seeing Logan’s shoulders shake with silent, suppressed sobs.
“You miss them,” Virgil murmured.
“I know they did terrible, unethical things, they hurt our brother and countless others, and they perverted my research and life’s work and yet I still miss them so much. Bea and Jem are barely speaking to me, and I know they both say they don’t blame me, but I can tell that they do. I haven’t been able to visit them at our cousin’s house yet because I can feel the betrayal. I broke my family, Vee.”
“Your parents broke it,” Virgil said fiercely. “They made a choice, and now they’re facing the consequences. That’s not on you.”
“But the fact remains that the Lancaster family is broken, and the rest of the family would rather blame me than them, because that way they don’t have to admit that our parents did something like this all on their own. And I… I get it,” he said, deflated.
Virgil stayed silent, but kept rubbing small circles on Logan’s lower back, waiting for him to continue when he was ready.
“Parents are… they’re larger than life. Especially mine,” Logan said, with a wet chuckle. “Two brilliant doctors, one a literal superhero. And she wasn’t just any superhero, she was the face of them all, the one in all the PR spots. We grew up with a mom who was on our TV and in our PSAs at school. She was the most anticipated guest lecturer at HEARTS. I grew up in awe of her, surrounded by a city who was in awe of her too.” Logan paused, looking out into the distance again. “I always knew deep down that she was human, of course, but until now, I never saw any flaws myself. And I feel like I should have. Dad, too, except - people always used to tell me how much I look like him. How much I take after him. And now they’ll see my face and see our generation’s fucking Armageddon.”
“Lo, I know this is hard, but exaggeration won’t help. They’re not Armageddon villain-level. They didn’t flatten the city or threaten the entire world.”
“They may as well have,” Logan replied, voice tight with anger. “They could have, if we hadn’t stopped them. If Thomas hadn’t escaped when he did, they would have kept going.”
“Don’t torture yourself with what-ifs and could-haves, starlight.”
“...are you quoting Mum?”
“Mama, actually.”
Logan cracked a smile at that, but it flitted away again like the sun on a cloudy day. “I feel like the world’s gone wonky,” he admitted. “If I was so wrong about them, what else have I misjudged?”
Virgil looked meaningfully behind them, where they could dimly hear the happy shouts of the kids as Roman and Patton led them in a sing-a-long.
Logan sighed. “I mean, yeah, that’s it, isn’t it. The one thing I thought I knew for sure, as certain as my power or gravity, was that the world had heroes, and everyone who could be one and chose not to be was a villain. And my parents were heroes. Now all that’s gone, and I don’t know where that leaves me.”
Virgil nodded sympathetically. “You’re lost, Lo. But it’s okay.”
“How can you know that? What if I can’t find myself again?” His voice was small and hesitant, and Virgil immediately pulled him into his arms.
“Because I was lost once too. And you were the one who found me. And thanks to you, and our boys, and this whole big new family - life sucks less now. You’ll figure it out, Lo. You’re the smartest person I know, the most brilliant star in my sky. And I’ll support you in any way I can.”
Logan looked up into Virgil’s face. That wonderful man started back, his face so frank and open that Logan couldn’t help but believe him entirely. He blinked back tears, smiling shakily. “I love you, Virgil.”
“I love you too, Logan. More than words or sound.” They held each other tightly for a moment, then Virgil let go, standing. “Now c’mon. You have other boyfriends to love and be loved by. And the moms want taste-testers.”
“I’m not particularly hungry-” Logan started, but Virgil interrupted.
“They’re trying a new recipe for jelly thumbprints. And one of the new flavors is blackberry-pomegranate Crofter’s.”
Logan immediately was on his feet. “Well, can’t keep the moms waiting, better go!” He sped away, running down the outside of the building rather than wasting time by taking the stairs. Virgil laughed as he flew behind him.
As he flew to the yard and landed, Patton smiled up at him from where he was lying with his head in Roman’s lap.
“Hey there, big guy. Was that blur our boyfriend on his way to get spoiled?”
“You know it. Pretty sure his first time breaking the sound barrier was because of a Crofter’s sale. This was so worth it, even if I did have to promise Mama I’d do more construction as a trade for the extra baking.”
Roman smiled, his fingers tangled in Patton’s curls. “You big fellas and your big hearts. Lookin’ all tough, but you’re the softest possible touch.”
“What can I say, my boyfriends are my one weak spot. Or, you know, my three weak spots,” Virgil said with a smile, sitting so that Patton could sprawl his legs over him. He kissed Roman’s temple and rubbed Patton’s calf with a warm hand.
“Hm, and are we your only weak spots?” Patton asked, eyes dancing with mischief as he sat up between the two men. “What about here?” He poked Virgil in the side, wriggling his fingers as he did so.
A laugh bubbled out of Virgil’s mouth before he clapped his hand over it with a mock-glare. “Oh no you don’t.”
“I’m sure a big, strong man like you can’t be disarmed with some petty little tickles,” Roman purred, reaching an arm around to his other side.
“Fuck you!” Virgil gasped, giggling, but he was surrounded, his boyfriends on either side tickling him mercilessly. They trusted him not to lash out, not to hurt them even accidentally, and that warmed Virgil just as much as their affection. When it became too much, he laughed aloud and lifted them onto his shoulders, one on each.
Patton whooped at the sudden elevation, twining his fingers around Virgil’s where he gripped his thigh. Roman just posed, reclining elegantly and winking at the muscled man he had the good fortune to be dating.
“Oh darling, you’re so smooth, always ready to sweep us off our feet,” Roman drawled.
“Nice one, Roro,” Patton giggled.
Virgil grinned up at his boys. “What can I say? This is the closet I can get to putting you both on the pedestals you deserve.”
“VIRGIL!” a voice suddenly shouted from inside. It was immediately followed by a blur that crashed through the door and resolved back into Logan. His face was flushed, his hair askew, and there was a smear of jam on his mouth still.
Roman and Patton both immediately lifted themselves up and off of Virgil’s shoulders as the big hero ran to Logan’s side.
“Lo, what is it? Are you okay? Are the kids okay?”
“Yes, they’re great, everything’s great, I have just made the best discovery!” Logan said, words spilling out in a rush. “Tommy! Are you coming?”
Sure enough, Thomas was emerging from the door in Logan’s wake, walking at a normal human pace. He carried a jelly jar with a spoon stuck in, though he’d been slightly more successful in cleaning his mouth than Logan had.
“Are you alright, Thomathy?” Patton asked, brow knitting slightly.
His brother smiled up at him, glowing in a tentative way. “I’m great, Pat. Logan - you should explain, I don’t know that I fully understand it-”
Logan nodded eagerly. “My dears, it’s wonderful- we discovered another power of Thomas’. Something new. We were both so excited to try the Mums’ cookies, and I was moving fast to help, and without extra effort, I started getting faster and faster. I was barely even aware at the time! And I could still control it, it was just easier. I- knowing what we know now, about Thomas’ origins, I think I know what his true power is. The same way he can spread emotions that paralyze, he can spread emotions that amplify. He’s not just a human dampening-field- he’s an enhancer!”
Roman frowned. “Sorry, my dearest nerd, I don’t think I follow?” He summoned a handkerchief and handed it to Virgil, who wiped Logan’s face free of jelly as he continued to explain animatedly, barely aware of Virgil’s movements.
“Our emotions are tied to our powers, right? The first time we used them, it had to be through a certain feeling, and then over time we could trigger them through experience. And we know Thomas could shut them down the same way, by triggering the antithetical feelings, or even a complete absence. But, he can send out positivity, too! And excitement, and elation, all the normal discovery-emotions. He’s like a rainbow cloud full of mood-enhancers! A human embodiment of an SSRI!”
Thomas smiled at them all, and the extra years of stress seemed to fall away, leaving him looking like an actual teen again. “I think I can be a teammate now, not just another person on the attack. I can help. In training, in learning- Ro, I think I can even help you on grey days.”
Roman stared in shock. “Really?”
“I hope so, at least. I want to make up for what I’ve done. I think this could be how I do that.”
Virgil clasped Thomas’ shoulder. “Remember, though, you don’t have to, Tommy. You don’t owe the rest of us anything, not if you don’t want to give it. You don’t have to become a professional hero.”
Thomas nodded. “I know. But… I do want to. Maybe not constantly, not all the time, but I want to help.”
Patton seized his brother in a hug. “And you will, Thomathy. And we’ll be there to help you, no matter what.”
“Promise?” Thomas’ voice was small as he looked over Patton’s shoulder at the other three.
Roman was the first to wrap his arms around both the Sanders, but Logan soon did the same, and Virgil rounded out the group hug, resting his face in Patton’s curls.
“We promise, Tommy,” Roman murmured. “Whatever it takes.”
“Whatever it takes,” Logan echoed.
“Whatever it takes,” Virgil promised.
If a tear or five happened to roll down their cheeks, well. Nothing to be ashamed of. They were all family, after all.
>>D.R.E.A.M. Index
     >>User Mode: Administrator
>>Update Impact: Global
     >>Update Field1: Classification
           >>Update Type: Criteria
     >>Update Field2: Affiliation
          >>Update Type: Delete
     >>Update Field3: Threat Status
           >>Update Type: Created
>>Description: Overhaul of the classification system with respect to ‘affiliations’. New guidelines for entry:
     A - formerly ‘Hero’ - now defined as a registered H.A.T.C.H. participant, willing to use their powers to respond to threats and attacks
     M - formerly ‘Neutral’ - now defined as “Not a foreseeable threat”
     Z - formerly ‘Villain’ - now defined as “Foreseeable threat”
>>Justification/Note: If we’ve learned anything from the past year, it’s that forcing us all to pick sides does more harm than good. Fighting isn’t what makes a hero. - Joan and Talyn
D.R.E.A.M. Index #337501 [UPDATED]
Classification: M.1.ii [Primary Tier, No Threat, Acquired Powers]
Name: The Understudy
/////////Reason: Enrolled
Civilian Name: [CLEARANCE: TOP SECRET] Thomas Sanders
Threat Status: No Foreseeable Threat
/////////H.A.T.C.H. Status: Blackout
Partners/Sidekicks: DI#A-4894 - Team Left Brain; DI#A-4895 - Team Right Brain;
Primary Foes: N/A
Powers: Pathokinesis - Broad Spectrum; Illusions - Broad Spectrum;
/////////Specialty: Assistance and Enhancement;
Costume: Black t-shirt with rainbow flowers, jeans
Age: 19
Height: 5’10”
Pronouns: He/Him
H.E.A.R.T.S. Class: Enrolled
Note: Brother of DI#337437 - Gale Force; Powers created through Project Charcoal, see IR19-Z-0001;  
It was a normal afternoon at Haven, which is not at all to say quiet. Virgil and Thomas were on chaperone duty, with Sandry lending a hand, and they’d brought the children to the upstairs play rooms so the other adults could get a break.
Logan and Patton had volunteered to cook that night’s family dinner. It was their first time doing so together, as Virgil and Roman had carefully made sure an actually-experienced cook had been involved each time previously. But the two shared a stubborn streak, and had insisted that they’d be fine.
Celeste wasn’t supervising, per se. That would be implying she didn’t trust them. She just happened to be sitting at the bar between the living room and kitchen. In theory, she was reading a young adult novel that one of the kiddos had brought home from the library for their monthly mixed-ages book club. In reality, her eyes spent about twice as much time watching the boys in the kitchen as on the page.
Patton had never learned to cook growing up, and Roman had been the cook of their little home. Logan had been spoiled by home-cooked meals his entire childhood and now had his own method of ‘carry out’ which was actually ‘run over to the next state because they have much better pho than the place across the street.’ They’d mutually decided on Breakfast For Dinner. That was the last thing they’d both been sure about.
“Should eggs be this runny? Do I need use the whipper more?”
“I think it’s a whisker.”  
“Well that can’t be right. I don’t care how I look, I’m a Patton, not a Cat ton!” he said with a giggle, pulling the cat-ear hood of his sweatshirt over his curls.
Logan groaned fondly and turned to kiss Pat on the cheek, which turned into several more. Unfortunately, he’d forgotten that he was frying bacon at the same time. He whirled back as the smell of burnt fat started to rise from the pan.
Logan blushed. “Whoops. Um, crunchy bacon is a thing people like, right?”
“That’s how I like it,” Celeste commented from the bar with a smile. “I used to like it chewy, but Tati showed me the light. Or, dark, in this case. Insert ‘once you go black’ joke here,” she added with a wink, gesturing vaguely.
Logan chuckled and grabbed tongs, salvaging what bacon he could. “Well, this is edible at least. Let’s get started on the pancake batter, yeah?”
“Batter’s up!” Patton chortled, and went to get a mixing bowl.
Celeste sighed fondly and stood to answer a knock at the door. As she did so, she blew a kiss to Tatiana where she was sitting with Roman in the living room.
“So, I was thinking this weekend’s big Outdoor Activity could be Treasure Island!” Roman said excitedly.
“Oh, that’s a new one! What’s that?” Tati asked. She had planner open on her lap that was stuffed full with tabs and notes.
“So it’s like capture the flag, but with four teams, and you need a treasure from each team to win,” Roman explained. “So I can make, like, crowns for one team, and coins for another, and gems for a third-”
“Or, we can just buy some more play equipment that we know we’ll re-use,” Tatiana interrupted, smiling. “I don’t want you to push yourself too much, honey.”
Roman blushed. “Oh, yeah. We can buy things.”
“Don’t forget, that means things for you, too, okay? If there’s anything you need, we’ve got you covered.”
“I wouldn’t want to impose-”
“Roman,” Tatiana said with a warning tone, but she was smiling. “What have I said about you being an imposition?”
“That I’m not one,” Roman recited.
“And you never could be, sweet pea.” She patted his cheek fondly. “Now, tell me more about Treasure Island. There’s no permanent outs, right? We know the little ones don’t do well with those.”
Celeste came back and smiled at the two of them as she slipped back into the kitchen. Pancake batter had gotten on the bowl, spoon, the counter, Patton’s brand new cat hoodie, and Logan’s glasses, but not yet on the walls or the floor, so Celeste reasoned it was going about as well as could be expected.
“The recipe book says it should be smooth,” Logan said, looking with despair at the lumps in the mixture. “I am fairly certain there is no world in which this is smooth.”
“Ooh, let me try,” Patton said. He took the bowl with a grin. “Maybe we just need to encourage it!”
“I fail to see how that will-”
“C’mon, pancakes! C’mon Pannie!” He suddenly grinned. “Pannie, are you okay? Are you okay, Pannie?” the man started to sing. “You’ve been hit by-” he tapped on the side of the bowl, “You’ve been struck by-”
“Please no-” Logan tried to interrupt.
“A smooth criminal!” Patton finished with a flourish, pointing at himself with the spoon. Unfortunately, it still had batter on it, flicking even more on them both.
Celeste took that as her cute to intervene. “Okay, Patty-pan-cakes, maybe less MJ and more Ramsay, okay?”
Patton looked over, still grinning. “Okay, Mumma C.”
“Maybe you should go clean up and let Lo try in the meantime?”
Patton nodded and handed Logan the bowl back, kissing a bit of flour off his cheek as he did so.
Logan took the bowl, but paused. “Ah, Mum, would you mind giving me a hand? I believe I may be a bit lost here.”
She smiled. “Of course.” She helped him add more milk until the batter was smooth but not runny, and got a clean pan up to the right heat.
“So you’ll want to add a bit more oil in between so they don’t stick, does that make sense?”
“Oh, it’s like resetting to stasis for a new experiment run!”
“If that’s what makes sense to you, sure!”
A sound echoed down the hall. “I’ll be right back. I believe in you, Lo!”
Logan got to work, brow furrowed in concentration, barely aware of the batter and flour smutches on his face and glasses. He could hear Tatiana and Roman laughing in the living room, and the muffled shouts and bumps from upstairs.
He’d promised the kids pancakes. And pancakes they would have, dammit.
Celeste wandered back down the hallway to the living room, fiddling with her pride flag bracelet. “Tati, honey, I think I’m hallucinating,” she complained. “I could have sworn I heard a knock, but no one was there. Were we expecting any more arrivals today?”
Tatiana stood, looping an arm casually around her wife’s waist as she checked the detailed calendar on the living room wall. “Hm. No planned dropoffs, but it has been picking up as word spreads. But I thought I heard something too. Maybe it’s Virgey? He’s upstairs with Sandry and Tommy and the kiddos.”
Celeste leaned her chin on Tatiana’s shoulder. “That’s probably it. Hey, have I told you recently that you’re gorgeous? And also incredibly organized, and so amazing at keeping track of details? And that this place would never have become so wonderful without you?”
Tatiana blushed so hard, her brown cheeks practically glowed. “Ceecee! Stopp!”
“How can I stop when you’re just so cute?” She took advantage of her wife’s attempt to hide her face by kissing her fingers and cheeks while Roman laughed in the background.
Another knock sounded under the chatter. Patton, coming back from the bathroom, turned into the hallway to answer it.
This time, there was definitely someone there.
“Pat?” came the shocked gasp from the doorway.
Patton stared, jaw hanging open. “Damon?”
There were far fewer scales than when he’d last seen him, a sign he hadn’t had to use his power recently. And right behind him, staring back over their dark glasses, was an equally-shocked Remy.
Patton started in silence for half a moment, then stepped back, pulling the door with him. “Come on in, you two. Uh, assuming you wanted to, that is.”
The couple nodded and stepped in cautiously. Damon looked around warily, holding his partner’s hand tight. Remy might have been surveying the cozy entrance hallway with similar trepidation, but the lack of irises always made it difficult to tell.
“I… didn’t expect to see you ever again,” Patton admitted. “I thought you’d left town and the state. Or I assumed? I’m a bit fuzzy on when or how exactly you left. I just remember seeing you.”
“Ah, that’ll be my fault, sorry babes,” Rem said, giving a slight bow without letting go of their boyfriend’s hand. They held themself in the bow so they could look up over their glasses to wink at Patton.
Damon reached out hesitantly to touch Patton’s shoulder, and relaxed a bit. “I gotta say, I didn’t expect to see you here either. Or anywhere. I thought…” he took a breath. “Last we heard, you were volunteering to fight the thing that… Valerie.”
Patton’s face fell. “Oh. I- fuck, it’s been a really long couple of months, Dam’. There’s so much to tell you.” He bit his lip, worrying it between his teeth, not sure how to begin.
At that moment, Tatiana came around the corner.
“Oh, Patty! I thought I heard voices. Do we have new guests?” She looked over the pair. “Or are they friends of yours?”
Patton took a breath. “They’re friends. I- actually, how did you two come to be here?”
Damon flushed under his golden skin. “I heard there was a new foster home and I had to see it, at least. And then I kept losing my nerve when we knocked and had Remy blank the woman who answered.”
Tatiana laughed. “Oh, so you’re to blame for my wife’s confusion! And hear I was ready to start making senior citizen jokes. Welcome, then! Any friends of Patton’s are practically family. I’m Tatiana Skylar, my wife Celeste and I run things here at Haven. And you two are supers as well, or just Blank Space over there?”
Remy grinned “Oh hun, can I steal that one? Yeah, we’re both supes. Dam’ here has like, restraint, though.”
Damon smiled up at them, then turned to Tatiana. “Trust them to not actually introduce us. This tall string of sass is Mx. Remy Dormions, also known as an absolute headache and, sadly, the love of my life.” Remy chuckled and just preened as their boyfriend continued, “And I’m Damon McLeggan. Pat and I, uh, grew up together for a bit.”
Tati smiled even wider, her white teeth flashing against her plum lipstick. “So you are family! Wonderful!”
Damon had all of one second of warning before he found himself wrapped a welcoming hug. Tatiana turned to Remy to give them the same treatment, and saw them grimacing awkwardly. “Sorry, I know I’m too long to hug normall- oof!”
They found their middle wrapped by warm brown arms, Tati’s head angled so that their neck didn’t need to stretch awkwardly around hers.
“Honey, don’t even worry, I’ve got all the practice in the world of Tall Hugs,” she said with a smiled as she withdrew. “You should meet my son!”
Patton raised an eyebrow at Remy. “Actually, they have. Last I saw, they were flirting with him dramatically.”
“You’re gonna have to be more specific,” Damon and Remy said in unison.
“They were flirting dramatically while being arrested,” Patton clarified.
Remy’s glasses slid down their nose. “Oh worm? Wait, who’s mom is she, Specs or Flex?”
“Both,” Tatiana said proudly. “Come in, you two, come sit. Dinner’s going to be awhile still, but the smoke has gone down, at least. Hope you like extra-crispy bacon!”
Damon hesitated, but Patton grabbed his arm and tugged him down the hallway to the living room.
“Patty-my-dear, who’ve you brought us?” Celeste asked.
“Mumma Cee, this is Damon and Remy. Dam’ was at the old home with me, and Remy’s his partner. And they apologize for making you forget they were there, right?”
Remy grinned. “Yeah, I’m sorry. Mostly. But I can’t promise I won’t do it again.” Damon elbowed them. “Ow! My own boyfriend, my darling, attacking me in front of new people, how dare.”
Celeste looked utterly charmed. “Please, come sit, here, take the long-legs chair.” She and Remy launched into gossip about powers and their partners with equal enthusiasm.
Damon tugged Pat’s sleeve. “Pat, you’re sure it’s okay we’re here?”
“Of course, everyone’s welcome.”
“Yeah, but. I mean. Villains? Technical fugitives? Multiple times over? We just thought we’d lurk and make sure it didn’t seem sketchy, I didn’t think we’d be invited in. I don’t want the heroes to shut this place down from association.”
Patton brushed a comma of black hair that had fallen in Damon’s face. “Oh, no need to worry about any of that-”
Just then, Logan emerged out of the kitchen, wearing a batter-splattered apron but looking pleased with himself. “Dinner’s ready!”
Remy and Damon whipped around and made eye contact with Logan the same moment he noticed them.
Remy tensed up immediately and grabbed Damon’s hand, but before they could use their powers, Logan was beside them in a blur.
“Rem, no, it’s- you don’t need to, I’m not gonna, it’s fine,” he babbled. “Don’t blank me, okay?”
Remy grimaced. “Lolo, hun, I love a good reunion as much as the next bitch, but this is clearly your house. It’s one thing to tease you when it’s your job to chase me, I’m not gonna invade your space.”
“Remy, Damon, please, no, it’s not like that anymore,” Logan said. He stepped back at a normal speed. “Pat? Can you help me?”
The couple looked confused, staring between Patton and Logan. Celeste and Tatiana stayed quiet, watching the interaction but letting the supers handle it themselves.
Patton grinned tentatively. “So, let’s see, what’s the fastest way to explain. Um. Number 1, you’re not fugitives anymore, because of the Fresh Start Initiative by the mayor’s office. Number 2, you’re not villains, because no one is, not even me ‘n’ Ro. Oh, and number 3, we’re dating,” he finished, waving at Logan.
Remy frowned. “You left the sparkling red beauty for Specs?”
Damon rolled his eyes. “That’s what you got out of that?”
“That’s the part I understood immediately, sue me.”
Logan cleared his throat. “Patton meant, he’s dating Roman and I at the same time. Also Virgil. All four of us.”
“Virgil?” Damon asked, tilting his head in confusion.
Tatiana chuckled behind him. “I’ve been forbidden from using it when he can hear me, but his other nickname is ‘Flex,” she provided. She smiled up at Remy. “I told you I’m used to giving tall hugs!”
Remy settled back into their chair. “Holy shit. Y’all’re dating Flex? I thought he was still pining over Short-Stack over here.”
Logan colored. “How many people knew this besides me?” he muttered to himself.
Patton heard him and grabbed his hand over the back of the couch. “All of us, love. You’re kind of oblivious sometimes.”
Damon was leaning on both his hands, brow creased. “What’s wrong, sugar?” Remy asked.
“I- so much has changed. I’m not sure I get it yet. I didn’t think we’d ever be staying in Harmony City again, not long term.”
“Technically, we’re outside city limits,” Celeste offered. “We’re over the Easthamshire County line. But within the municipal government jurisdiction for taxes and tax break purposes, that was important.”
“You’re jargonin’ again, honey,” Tatiana said, brushing her fingers through Celeste’s bright hair.
Celeste smiled up at her. “What I mean to say is, Damon, Remy, you’re welcome to stay here as long as you like. We’ve got a whole house full of folks figuring everything out - you’ll be in good company.”
Patton nodded. “And there’s someone else you need to meet, too. Virgil, when he comes down, but, Damon, you should- actually, let me get him now. Uh, Mama T, can we use the sitting room?”
“Of course, sweet pea.”
Two days later, Damon sat watching the open field behind the house as Remy joined the kiddos in playing Treasure Island. (They were forbidden from using powers because “it’s cheating,” Quil had insisted, and everyone agreed. It turns out that Remy was a terrible thief without their powers, but they were having a grand time all the same).
Thomas sat beside him, and Patton sat on Thomas’ far side. They watched in companionable silence for while, until Damon broke it.
“Thomas, you know I don’t blame you, right? For any of this.”
The boy swallowed hard. “I know you said so.”
“And I meant it. I get it, you know? People always say that, say they understand, but I really do.”
“What do you mean?”
Damon smiled lopsidedly at him. “You think I don’t know what it’s like to be an experiment?” He waved his left hand in a faux-salute, the hand that never fully healed from his shape-shifts, the one covered continuously in scales that ached and itched and got covered up when he was around strangers. “The anger, at the one who did this, and at this whole fucking society that could have stopped it and didn’t? The regret when you lash out mixed with a weird satisfaction that at least you finally did something on your own terms for once?”
Thomas softened. “You do know.”
Damon nodded. “So I mean it. I don’t blame you. And I - Lo mentioned what you hope to do. To be a teacher and coach and protect these guys.” He nodded out at the children, from the ones running and falling and shrieking in delight to the ones sitting separately, reading or watching or just dangling from tree branches. “I’m… god, I’ve had years to recover, and you’re been out for what, four months, and already ready to make amends and pay it back?”
Thomas shrugged.
Damon sat quiet for a moment. “Could I help too? I don’t know what I’d do, but… I feel like I have something to make up for, too.”
“What do you mean?”
“I- I was pissed at the world and the city for letting us get pulled into that. But I didn’t try to fix it, I just mentally flipped off the institutions and took all the resources they offered me. And I didn’t- I let her drop out. I kept tabs on her, but she reminded me too much of that place and that time. I didn’t let her talk about it around me, I just refused to listen. I could have made an effort, been a safe person to relate to, but I didn’t. And I know these kids won’t be the same, but maybe it would be a way to make up for it.”
“It’s a start,” Patton commented softly. “This place won’t make everything better but… it’ll mean a world of difference to these kids. We can’t protect them from every possible struggle, but-”
“But we can keep them safe from the ones we faced,” Thomas finished. He grabbed Patton’s hand and squeezed. “I’ll do it, Pat, just you watch,” he said fiercely. “I’ll keep them safe. I promise.”
“I promise too,” Damon said. “For Valerie.”
Patton nodded. “For the Parsons.”
“For us,” Thomas said softly.
They squeezed hands, watching the children of Haven play. The clouds above were turning cotton candy pink as the day wound to a close. Light glazed the home behind them and the graceful branches in front of them, painting everything golden.
The sun was setting on Harmony City.
~~~~~~THE END~~~~~~
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