#brought to you by me seeing ‘red riding hood’ as a team name for Red Robin and Red Hood
ideas-ideasideasideas · 5 months
Fic titled “Red Riding Hood” and it’s just gratuitous smut of Tim riding Jason. Maybe “Red Riding Hood” is the name of an NSFW social media account where they post photos/videos of exactly that and nobody is quite sure whether they are the real Red Robin and Red Hood or just some lookalike cosplayers. They get it on in a variety of adventurous ways and public locations (someone swears they saw them on the rooftop opposite their apartment and the analysis of the skyline in Red Riding Hood’s next sexcapade confirms it) but one thing stays constant: Red Robin rides Red Hood.
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sir-adamus · 4 months
i've got the blu ray for volume 1 playing and i'm watching the behind the scenes video and Monty explicitly spells out how important collaboration with other creatives was in building RWBY, saying how he wanted to work with Kerry and Miles on it in creating the world and how he mostly gave them broad strokes. and it's mentioned how they all put the show bible together - i'm gonna put the whole transcript for the video under the cut (which i'm having to do myself because no one has uploaded this video anywhere as far as i can tell and there's no fucking subtitles)
Monty Oum [Creator and Director]: It’s the stories I’ve always wanted to tell versus the idea I came up with about, a little over a year ago. And we were talking about doing another show, and I just kind of half-asleep came up with the idea of a color rule for a bunch of characters. The red, white, black and yellow color scheme was something that was very prominent even in my previous work, so I started matching names up, matching ideas up. Also thinking about like, some of the ideas I’d stored up over the years. At some point or another the word ‘RWBY’ came to me.
Monty: Starting the show out originally, I designed the original character, Ruby, as well as going into the other characters. So once I had the first trailer done, and thinking about the rest of the characters for the show, I started bringing in other artists who I had watched for years. People I’d always said “someday I’ll work with them, someday I’ll have them design for me.” And when I was certain about having certain characters, I first contacted an artist I admired and found over DeviantArt. Her name was Ein Lee, she’s actually from Taiwan, and I found her art probably well over five years ago, and just loved her art style, and therefore wanted to incorporate it into my characters. So, I would do rough designs for team RWBY as well as designs for team JNPR, and she would flesh that out to be even further. To the point where eventually I didn’t need to design characters anymore, she started designing a bunch of the rest of the characters down the line.
Monty: The second person I brought on to RWBY was Kerry, because we had just been having conversations about the kind of show we could make. I’d been working with Miles on Season 10. He was writing scenes while I was making scenes, and so the three of us would have a lot of meetings and collaborate on the show to the point where I just started coming up with the broad strokes eventually and they had pretty much written the bulk of the show. Collaboration’s a big deal here, and I tried to include as many people as I can.
Kerry Shawcross [Co-writer]: Right after RvB ended, we wanted to just go straight into RWBY, but that was like right when we were going into commercial season. So we would work our normal hours here. Like 10 to 7-ish, then we would go back to one of our apartments and just start writing.
Miles Luna [Co-writer]: Monty really was enthusiastic about having these characters that may appear really one-dimensional for like the first few scenes that you see them, but the longer you get to know them, you realise “Oh, Yang isn’t just a dumb blonde party girl. She’s a very caring and nurturing girl, that has had to essentially be there for Ruby when she was young.”
Kathleen Zuelch [Producer]: When Monty and Miles and Kerry came to me, and really took me through the story. I started becoming a huge believer, because I’m a big fan of old school, traditional fairy tales, I love the Brothers Grimm, I love all the Snow White, and I love Little Red Riding Hood. I grew up with all of those stories, and the way that they were very clever in creating this whole world that’s kind of making homage to all of these amazing stories really inspired me to get more on board with what they wanted to do with this whole anime show.
Taylor McNee (née Pelto) [Art Director]: The world of RWBY, it looks very familiar. We wanted a blend of very classic looking architecture and clothing and cars, but we’re also mixing in this really kind of futuristic feel, like these little touches of some really futuristic stuff like holograms and things that you wouldn’t find in a classic [inaudible]. And that’s how we’re making this world unique. Our assets have to go through this pipeline of concept, modelling, texturing, and then finally being able to be put into the 3D program. So we start out with the concept and we usually bring that image into Maya, which is the main 3D software that we use. We have to make a 3D model that looks exactly like the concept that we were given, and it’s quite a process. Basically, we’re pushing polys and extruding stuff until we make the perfect shape, then afterwards we have to UV unwrap it, and then lay everything out on a texture sheet and then paint it, and that will put the image on the model. After that we’re basically done with the model and texture, and then we have to give it to the animators. So then we will set it up in Poser so the animators can grab it and use it for their characters.
Gray Haddock [Lead Editor]: There’s a lot of people working on this show, and there’s a lot of different elements in the pipeline. Editorial kinda serves as a hub between all the different departments, so we help all the communication and coordination between all the different pieces of the show, depending on what part of development that they’re in. Editorial’s getting involved way early in the process, we work alongside the director and the writers and the storyboard artists, and we use the scripts to help develop the storyboards and the camera angles for all those boards. So editorial is responsible for building up the moments of any given scene in terms of the timing and what you wanna look at, at any given moment. So we take the script and we help develop the camera angles and how long you wanna linger in a particular camera angle, look at one character or another or the scene as a whole, and the rhythm of the scene in terms of how long is it gonna take to spend on a particular line or when you want the music to come in, things like that. So we build up a set of animatics with the storyboards, and the first pass of all the audio. This is what then is handed off to the animators, so they can know exactly what is in what shot and how long do they have to animate it in a given shot. And once they’re done animating and their shot’s been approved, then their shot goes to the render farm, we get the rendered shot back and we drop it into the timeline for our episode and finesse the cut a little bit if we have to. But for the most part, we’ve done our job right and everything should pretty much be locked in for the most part by the time we’re getting animation.
Kerry: What’s kinda interesting as we’re creating the characters is, we kinda knew what kind of character they’d be. We knew Ruby would act a certain way, we knew Weiss would act a certain way, but we didn’t really know much about them. So we would get to the point where we’d be figuring out plotlines or figuring out dialogue and we’d be like “What would Weiss say here? What would Nora say here?” And then it turned into “Oh well now we know.”
Miles: Obviously we put a lot of thought into Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang before we started writing the dialogue. I remember sitting upstairs and we made a show bible, and we’re starting- we talked about likes, dislikes, personality traits. One of the first things I remember making was “Weiss drinks coffee. Blake drinks tea.”
Kerry: It’s important. It sounds not important at all, but it’s very important. It says so much about them
Miles: But it’s so important. So much about them, also it says nothing about them. It was just like- that’s just what it is.
Monty: I want the show to have resonance with people who are growing up. Cos everyone’s story is the story of kind of becoming who they are. Especially these days when the path of becoming who you are tends to be marginalised with reality. Having done what I’ve done, where I’ve essentially dropped out of high school, started learning this stuff on my own, and therefore land in a position where I get to take the things I was dreaming about when I was growing up and make it real. I tend to get a lot of response from people who are also not sure what they’re meant to become, a lot of them also have the same bright imaginations and with the way the world is, the hardships of what it means to grow up tends to marginalise who you are, and I would hate that to happen to anyone because the future is in creativity and that’s not something you can just manufacture. I actually would like this show to grow up with the people, so unlike most shows where they tend to be ageless or age very slowly, I’d like our fifteen-year-old fans watching fifteen-year-old Ruby, when they’re twenty-five, to be watching twenty-five-year-old Ruby, and to actually have some resonance with the character. Probably one of my favourite types of feedback is to say “I know this person” or “this person is just like me,” and that’s probably one of the best things about coming up with these characters.
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iamafanofcartoons · 9 months
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Psychogator gives us "The Waiting Room" with Ruby Rose, Claire Redfield, Heavy, and Hellboy.
Somewhere in an omni-dimensional realm: The Merchant's Inventory...
(Claire Redfield finds herself in the bright room, where she sees the other three characters sitting on their seats. They seem to be waiting for the same thing she is. She just sits on her seat, taking a magazine and tries to read...though she can't help but feel curious)
Claire: *To Ruby* So...what are you supposed to be? Some kind of Red Riding Hood?
Ruby: Huh? Oh, my name's Ruby. I'm kind of a monster hunter.
Claire: And you...? Red Guy?
Hellboy: "Red Guy"? Really?
C: You some kind of demon? Who I guess also hunts demons?
H: That's kind of leaving out important details, but...yeah. That's the gist of it.
C: And the other guy's some of mercenary.
Heavy: I am Heavy Weapons Guy. I was commissioned to Red Team.
C: And none of you are weirded out by this?
R: Mmm...Nope.
Heavy: Niet.
Hellboy: Trust me. I've found weirder things in weirder worlds than this.
C: Okay, then...
Claire: So, how did you guys hear about this place?
Hellboy: I was recommended to it by a friend of mine, and I was pretty much okay going into any place that can cook up a good new firearm for me. No questions asked.
Heavy: My Soldier friend brought here one day.
R: A Blacksmith Lady give me a ticket for a dimensional-traveling gig. I told them I just wanted to see cool weapons instead of just being around people. That's what's school's for.
Heavy: Da. School is good, Tiny Sniper. Where do you go?
R: Ever heard of Beacon Academy?
Heavy: I do not. This is good school?
R: *sigh* It's the BEST. You can learn how to fight monsters, how to work as a team, but the only bad thing is learning about history and stuff.
Heavy: Learning is good. I went to Soviet College of Mines, Farms, and Science. I have PHD on Russian Literature.
Claire: Do you...use that in your line of work?
Heavy: More than you think. *Turns to Hellboy* Hell-Man, what is your favorite enemy to kill in war?
Hellboy: I don't know about "war", but...I think my favorite enemy is probably giants. Either normal giants or gods, it's all the same to me. It makes things a lot more challenging.
Heavy: Killing giant robots is good thing, but to kill Spy is glorious thing! Brings glory to team! What about you, Little Rose? You are killing type.
Ruby: MY favorite enemy? I-I don't know. Beowolves, Ursas, Nevermores, Geists...It's like choosing what my favorite kind of cookie is!
Heavy: Hahaha! I like you, Tiny Sniper!
Claire: I got a few enemies I've come across. A few lickers and an asshole tyrant are kind of a breath of fresh air after swarms of zombies.
Heavy: Do Lickers disguise as best friend and stab you in the back?
Claire: Well, no, but...I have lost a few good friends to worse...
Ruby: *Turns to Heavy* Why do you call me "Tiny Sniper"?
Heavy: You are tiny and Sniper, no? You wear red, fitting for RED Team. Your gun hits like Machina. You earn this by being futuristic killer. You should try out for RED Team.
Ruby: I guess that could be fun. I mean, If I'm only there to kill monsters and robots and not...you know, people.
Heavy: Da. This is good for you. I suggest helping us against Gray Manns' robots and Merasmus' undead. You will kill many of them before dying, I think.
Ruby: I hope it doesn't come to that. Yang will get pretty worried if I do.
Hellboy: So, Redfield, what heat do you usually carry?
Claire: Anything I can get my hands on, really. Shotguns, grenade launchers, miniguns, secret weapons with infinite ammo. That sort of stuff. Usually, though, I rely on a good handgun or two, like my brother's Samurai Edge. What about you? You seem to carry a lot in that coat.
Hellboy: Well, it's your usual monster-killing stuff. Brimstone Grenades, Valisia's Gift, Agrippa's charms, but most of the time, I often rely on my Good Samaritan. I'm not a good shot, but it uses really big bullets.
Ruby: What rounds do you even use for them to be that big? That sounds like something that my Crescent Rose uses.
Hellboy: I usually use custom-made 22 millimeter Whoppers. Made them, myself. Holy water, clove leaf, silver shavings, white oak...the works.
Heavy: Hmph. Not much to be of use for Sasha.
Hellboy: Yeah? What rounds do you use?
Heavy: BIG.
Claire: Are we talking .300 Weatherby Mag?
Heavy: Bigger.
Ruby: .50 Cal?
Heavy: Bigger than .50 Cal. They are handmade, custom-tooled cartridges with classified diameter.
Hellboy: Geez. Why's that?
Heavy: So enemy cannot use ammunition...but Sasha can chew through THEIRS.
Ruby: That sounds...SO. COOL! Love
Heavy: *nods* I think so.
Hellboy: *To Ruby* So, Ruby, what's this "Crescent Rose" of yours? Some kind of a gun?
Ruby: Oh, my sweetheart is more than just a gun. It's a customizable, high-impact sniper rifle that's also a mechanical scythe. It pretty much uses .50 Cal bullets built with Dust.
Hellboy: *cocks a brow, unimpressed* Dust.
Ruby: Fire Dust, Ice Dust, Electric Dust...I can use Gravity Dust to launch myself like a missile. And if there's one thing you need to know about me, it's that I'm not slow.
Claire: You just "launch" yourself with your gun? That sounds...dangerously irresponsible.
Heavy: I know of this. Soldier does this with rocket launcher all the time.
Ruby: Yeah, but I usually have a semblance, or "superpower", to use speed. I usually do this to outpace monsters WAY bigger than me! I move around like a blur!
Hellboy: So, your world has weapons that are also guns, bullets that use magic, and you fight monsters bigger and deadlier than you.
Ruby: Yeah! Killing monsters is the coolest thing to do in the world! *Realizes it's Hellboy* Oh. Um...I hope I didn't offend you.
Hellboy: Offend me? *He smirks, genuinely excited* You just made my winter!
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4rainynite · 1 year
EAH Dorm Rooms Headcanon pt 12
Hunter & Dexter
What do you get when one roommate is a prince & the other is a huntsman? Two epic roommates!
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Hunter & Dexter are the opposite of each other in many ways and I don't just mean the whole Royal/Rebel thing. Dexter is a prince who was brought up in a world of elegance while Hunter was raise to be a hunter (pun not intended for crying out loud his last name is Huntsman) who was brought up to be tough and a hero.
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Yet, the two are alike in many ways. Both feel like they can't add up to their families' reputations and both are in love with girls that are not part of their future stories. Which makes them perfect friends since they understand where the other is coming from with high expectations from their families and destinies, they obviously confide in each other.
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This is the only time we see the dorm, but it's purple. Dexter's color is blue (as the rest of the Charming siblings) & Hunter's is green, in the same episode Ashlynn's divider was purple too, so it was an animation error.
In the books the Charming family and the Huntsman family have family crests (Dexter's is on his shirt) so a majority of the students have family crest (Faybelle has one and I think Raven also had one in the books).
Hunter's side: As the future huntsman for Red Riding Hood & Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs, Hunter is not only a hero but a nature boy. He'll save damsels, cute furry animals, heck he'll save dragons.
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Despite being the traditional huntsman, Hunter is in love with a princess and would rather save animals than eat them. Being a Rebel gives Hunter the choice to be himself and to be with Ashlynn.
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We alI know Hunter is a nature lover and I can see his side of the dorm resembling a wooden cabin or a woodsy version or Ramona's room. I doubt Hunter's wallpaper is like the one above (looking at it too long gives me a migrane).
On Hunter's divder wall he would have pics of his friends and pets (Pesky and a griffion). After, revealing his relationship with Ashlynn he has pics of her too.
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Instead of going to Throne Furnishings Hunter made most of his furniture, thrift shopped, or brought some from home. But being a nature love I doubt he cut down any trees, instead he used fallen trees.
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Before Hunter and Ashlynn revealed themselves as a couple they (hopefully) disguised themselves during dates in public places so no one would notice them. Now that everyone knows they're dating Hunter and Ashlynn have closets/wardrobes full of costumes that they still wear for fun.
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He totally has a collection of bows & arrows and axes on his wall. As mentioned above about Hunter making his own furniture he makes birdhouses and arrows, so he might have a craft section on his side of the dorm with saws, paints, and hammers and sometimes invited Ashlynn and Cedar over to help design birdhouses and such.
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Seeing that Hunter is on the bookball (football) team, cheerleader, archery, and etc. he must have a cast full of trophies.
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In the webseries Hunter has a pet squrriel named Pesky and a pet griffon. Given Pesky's size he's one of the few pets that can live in the dorms and acts as Hunter's alarm clock to wake him up.
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Hunter practices the flute so he might practice in his dorm like a desk or something (I'm running out of ideas now).
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In the books the Huntsman family have family crests and on Hunter's legacy day outfit it appears to have Celtic knots. So, I believe Hunter is half Native American and Irish.
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Hunter loves playing video games when he's not doing anything athletic and being roommates with a gamer like Dexter the two play together. Dexter also got Hunter a green camouflage gamer's chair as a gift.
On the balcony Hunter grows veggies he eats & flowers to give Ashlynn. Once, Dexter starts dating Raven, Hunter teaches Dexter how to grow flowers that Raven's magic can't wilt.
Dexter's side: Not only is Dexter a prince charming, he's the (second son) of the main Charming family line. So. he is expected to be strong, brave, and well - charming.
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Despite this Dexter is clumsy, shy, and nerdy. But he makes up for that with being smart, crafty, and a big sweetie. Dexter's a Royal so he won't disappoint his family due to his lack of destiny. He's one of the few who is an ally to the Rebel party and tries to be opened minded.
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On Dexter's divider wall he would have pics of his siblings and his friends. And when he finally dates Raven pictures of her.
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The only time we get to see Dexter's side of the dorm is in 'Class of Classics'. Like his siblings he has a canopy bed and his walls would be a shade of blue since that's the family color. As a glasses wearer I must say putting your glasses on a windowsill is stupid, Dexter! I noticed the little vines on the wall, so Dex lets some of nature takeover his room.
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Dexter is a techie so I can see his room having tech equipment. He also a gamer so he has a fancy blue gamer chair (and he brought one for Hunter).
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As much as Dex loves tech he loves reading from books. When hes not on his mirrorphone, mirrorpad, or etc. he's reading a book with Mr. Cottonhorn. Dexter has a huge bookshelf with books on the topics of: comic books, tech, poetry, and romance novels.
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Despite being a tech nerd Dexter seems to have other interest besides that such as being on the bookball (football) team. He also seems to juggle, which I doubt he learned to do at home. Dexter has a knack for knitting & crocheting after finding the Crochet Hook of (Great) Aunt Arachne (More lore headcanons later). So, he knits and crochets in his dorm and Hunter supports him on it and he gives sweaters and stuff to his friends.
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On the balcony that he and Hunter share, Hunter teaches Dexter how to grow flowers that Raven's magic can't wilt.
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Dexter owns a jackalope by the name of Mr. Cottonhorn. Giving Mr. Cottonhorn's size he's one of the few pets that can stay in the dorm. I can see him and Pesky causing mischief.
@spelledmonsters, amazon, royalrebelpedia eahpedia
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unholyplumpprincess · 4 years
Speak Up
A commission for @mintocchi ! Thank you so very much for your patience while I moved everything around :D
Summary: You and Crypto have been in a relationship for awhile now, and he's still got issues when trying to speak up for things that he wants. You always try to get him to voice his opinions and concerns, and somehow this leads to training him how via the bedroom. Or! In which Crypto needs to learn to stop being an actions over words guy or else you'll make him beg over and over again for what he wants.
Reblogs > Likes. Please Reblog if you hit Like :D
!!!Minors and ageless blogs dni or you will be blocked!!!
Fandom: Apex Legends
Relationship: Crypto/Reader
Warnings: R18+/NSFT, Reader is gender neutral and written with a vulva, they were originally supposed to be a cis gal but there’s no real language depicting them as strictly a gal!, Denial and forcing Crypto to beg and use his big boy words, P tame kink wise!
Words: 5k
That’s how you had first felt when you had met Crypto. 
You were a new camera operator on the set of the Apex games, someone who got all the good angles and made sure the drone cameras could really catch all the action. You’d met him the same season he’d been introduced, noting how he’d been cold and disregarding, yet appeared confident in himself. But his eyes, they’d been so...paranoid. Especially when you approached to introduce yourself as one of the camera operators. 
He’d regarded you with a short, quick nod. Odd, you’d thought. But that had quickly vanished when Elliott had taken you aside and chatted you up, an arm slung around your shoulder and a grin on his face. “Hey, don’t mind the kid, probably still jet lagged, dropships, bein’ legends and all- anyway sooooo I hear you operate those cameras now, huh? Make sure you get all my good angles- not that any of them are bad, just, you know, keep that attention on the money maker you feel me? The money maker being me, of course-” 
~Rest under the cut~
“Mirage.” Crypto’s voice had cut in between you two, watching as you both had turned and you could note his irritated look at Elliott before a much more apologetic one was glanced your way. “Apologies. He does not understand personal boundaries-” 
Elliott feigns a dramatic gasp, cutting Crypto off with his free hand against his own chest as if wounded. 
You stifle your laugh when Elliott keeps up the act, sputtering before pointing at Crypto accusingly. “Woah, woah, woah, I’ll have you know that I know this lovely thing. Used to be the tech head up iiiiiiin- audio, right?” He turns towards you after that, squeezing his arm around your shoulders in a friendly way as you beam at being remembered. 
“That’s right! I was actually hoping to speak to you, Crypto,” You gesture at him, noting Crypto’s light surprise of raised eyebrows before confusion and worry passes his features. Quick to overthink, huh? 
You’re quick to follow up to ease his possible fears. “N-not! Not as an employee, I mean, I just- your, uh, your drone. They kinda remind me of an old camera used back in the day and I was wondering if you had any tips or tricks I might be able to pick up on?” 
That’s what started the relationship in the first place. Crypto, that day, had offered merely a one shouldered shrug, but after Mirage giving him a look and whining to him like a puppy, he’d agreed. Resulting in you having your own private session with him as he helped you learn a few tips. You were already trained in operating the newer models, but having a few pointers never hurt. 
The entire time he’d asked questions about you, it almost felt like he was interrogating you rather than trying to start up curious small talk. But, to ease any fears he might have had about you having ulterior motives, you answered as honestly as possible to each one. Judging by his more paranoid nature, you didn’t ask any in turn for fear of him shying away. 
The least you wanted to do was make Crypto feel as though you were untrustworthy. 
As you two grew closer, the more relaxed he became around you. No more tips were to be given, so that excuse flew out the window, so you’d offered hang outs. It took a few tries until he finally mumbled he’d feel more comfortable in his room, which is where you two ended up being and you learned he had a sweet little cat named Isabella-Marie. 
You had smiled at her name, asking where he got the idea from, and he’d smiled softly- almost sadly when he’d said she was his sister’s cat he took in, but no more information. Said cat took to you nicely, and just as she had, Crypto started warming up to you as well. 
It was a slow, slow process. You took your time with him and learned that the personality he put on was nothing but a front. Something to keep more hidden. In private, he’s so soft, almost shy in his approach to you. He’s still got his sarcastic tongue, but he’s more playful when in private with you. Much like a cat. You see him opening up the slightest bit to people he’s starting to enjoy too- Elliott and Natalie both seem to have won some sort of favor with him. 
That friendship slowly worked its way into romantic. 
The first time you kissed him is with your hand cupping his cheek and his cheeks flushed red as his dark eyes flickered to your lips multiple times until you took initiative. It took a bit of coaxing to even get him to rest his hands on your waist, but once that had happened, it’s like he’d been so touch starved all his life. Clinging to you and sighing into your mouth as if he’d just sunken into bed after a long day. 
His need for touch didn’t surprise you considering when you offered hugs and snuggles that he’d melt into you and cling to you so tightly. Your height difference, with you being much shorter, made that kind of funny when he’d lean down to bury his face in your neck and you’d stand on your tiptoes to make it easier. All within a private setting- outside of these rooms, you were both strictly professional. 
Crypto’s name had been revealed to you not long after. Tae Joon Park. You both agreed that if you used it frequently that you might yell it in public, so it was reserved for more intimate moments or serious when you two were alone. You were mindful about switching his name, so you kept to using ‘Crypto’ in your head to ensure you wouldn’t fuck it up. 
Though, it never failed to delight you in hearing him sigh fondly when you’d mumble his name by his ear after a sweet kiss. 
Dates were more reserved for the bedrooms as well. You never minded that either, but sometimes on rare occasions, he’d don a mask and a hood so you two could go out. You could only imagine the type of anxiety those outings brought, but it always warmed your heart that he was willing to take a breath and push himself out to do these things for you. In turn, you would spend the nights with him, with his head on your chest and his arms squeezing around your middle. 
Crypto, you quickly find however, is really bad at vocalizing his desires. 
He’s a man of action, hardly using his words and if he did it was one worded or quick. You’ve been trying to help him on communication skills for both your sakes, but it’s more difficult on him. It doesn’t help that he’s quiet either, so sneaking up behind you to snake his arms around you normally results in you jumping and making a squeak sound. 
But it also meant that for more...bedroom activities, that he would use actions. You always knew when he wanted something, you weren’t blind to it, you just wanted to make 100% sure of what he wanted. Normally resulting in you straddling his lap, a hand around his neck and speaking low for him to tell you what he wanted. 
Crypto always got the cutest face anytime you took the reins and control. A healthy flush over his cheeks, his breathing heavier and his eyes pleading, but his mouth refusing. 
 Stubborn was a good way to put it. How his eyebrows would furrow and he’d whimper and buck his hips up, but not tell you what he wanted. It took a lot of trial and error to even get him to utter ‘please’ at times. Your poor baby. 
You especially found you liked teasing him. Learning quick that he liked nicknames like ‘Good boy’ and ‘Baby boy’. You enjoyed edging him, tying him up or even just making him cling to the sheets or his own hair as his hips humped the air and he sobbed without begging for you. Always trying so hard to convey in his body language what he wanted you to do. 
You found yourself mesmerized by his desperation at a lot of times. Where Crypto’s kiss flushed lips would part, his eyebrows knitted and his eyes frantic on you. His own hands gripping his hair to follow instructions on not to touch you as his hips thrust into the air and made his thick cock bob. 
Sometimes you wondered if he could cum just by humping the air alone. 
Another time, you’d always tell yourself, always so eager to hear that final sobbed out word of ‘Please’ before you would swing your legs over him and ride him hard and fast. Normally fit with cruel croons about what a sweet, pathetic little thing he looked like. Your very good boy. 
That’s what you were thinking of now as you sat on the couch in his quarters, waiting for him to return from his match in the arena. 
Isabella-Marie is happily purring in your lap as your hand strokes through her soft, strawberry blonde fur. You’ve set up there with a blanket over your lap that she’s kneading happily, the match Crypto had been in having ended about an hour ago. You could tell he was struggling, too much talking around him that was reflecting in his steps. 
He’d been in a team with Mirage and Wattson, both people you knew he liked being around, but unfortunately, they kept striking up conversation. Leading to Crypto being off his rhythm. But it was nice to hear him breathe out in amusement at their antics sometimes, caught on the audio feed with the announcers crooning about how it looked like he made some friends finally. 
They at least made it to the top three. Fighting valiantly to maintain their location on World’s Edge in the city. Mirage had gotten cocky when they’d knocked two of the opposite team, going up to finish them off and ending up with a shotgun in the back and a cracking snarl in the sky of Bloodhound. 
The rest is history. But, at least you knew Bloodhound wouldn’t be the type to gloat and act cocky if they caught Crypto- at least out loud. You’re glad it was them rather than Caustic. Bad blood ran deep between them, not to mention Natalie struggling herself with it all. You were glad her and Crypto could solve whatever issue it was that ran between them- one that not even you were aware of. 
Security and secrecy, Crypto had told you with apology in his eyes. You understood, some things were best kept secret. Especially in case you accidentally got caught up in a mess, you could genuinely say you had no idea what was happening in all the legends’ lives. 
The beep of the door being unlocked makes Isabella-Marie awaken, doing a stretch across your lap before she chirps and hurries to the door to greet Crypto. She curls around his feet as he removes his shoes at the door before entering any further into the room in the rest of his gear. 
“Hello, sweetheart,” You hear him tiredly coo downwards, hearing Isabella-Marie's delighted chirp as she’s scooped up, quickly followed by her loud motor engine of a purr. 
You slide off the couch, dressed in your lounging outfit of soft black sweatpants covered with cliché little green alien heads and a loose gray sweater with a green Apex symbol over the right breast, the collar falling off your shoulders. Crypto looks worse for wear, his eyes are tired and he’s got dirt smudged on his cheek and smells heavy of sweat. Not that Isabella-Marie minds. Nor you. 
“Hey,” You greet him, a smile on your face as his eyes rest on you whilst his cat presses her cheek in insistent strokes against his chin, cradled in his arms. 
“Hey,” He murmurs back to you, adjusting Isabella-Marie in his arms when you reach for him. Despite his tired expression, his cheeks flush when he leans down and to the side for you to cup his cheeks and peck a kiss on his lips in greeting. 
“You need a shower. You go wash up and I’ll order dinner.” You tell him, offering your arms out for Isabella-Marie to be transferred to your arms in all her purring glory. “What were you thinking tonight?” 
“Mmh.” Is his only reply, leaning down to rest his cheek on the top of your head in a small nuzzle. Affectionate boy. You laugh a bit, gently nudging him with your hip as Isabella-Marie jumps out of your arms. Giving you time to hook your arms around his waist and shove your hands into his back pockets under his jacket to draw him close and make him blush. 
“Tae Jooooon,” You tease his name, enjoying how he hums low in his throat in response and turning his head to press his lips against the top of your head in a kiss. “We’ve talked about this. You can’t go your whole life being a one worded man.” 
“Mmh.” He responds again, this time with a smile that you feel. 
You shove at him playfully to shoo him off for the shower, calling out after his back when he goes dutifully towards the bathroom. “Fine! But if you don’t like what I picked because you didn’t give any options, I don’t wanna hear you complain!” 
Not that he ever did complain. If he was picky this would be a bigger concern. But thankfully you two seemed to be on the same page a lot of times, especially when it came to food. 
The food you order is Chinese takeout, getting here just in time for when Crypto emerges from his long shower looking a lot more awake and less grouchy. He’s dressed in his thick framed glasses, his normally slicked back hair nice and slick, some black sweatpants and a loose white crop-top, something you appreciate very greatly to be able to see his fit frame. 
Like a nerdy jock. 
You show your enjoyment when you wrap your arms around him from behind when he goes to look at what you got for dinner. Running your nails up his exposed beauty-marked, warm skin on his abdomen to feel him squirm and lean back against you with this flustered huff falling from his lips. 
Eventually you two make it to the couch where you have dinner and watch one of the K-dramas he liked to indulge in. Sometimes Crypto will pause it to explain a verbal pun that wasn’t caught via the subtitles for you, something that always makes you smile and appreciate when he takes the time to pause and explain for you. 
Though you’re sure he doesn’t appreciate when you wait for his most distracted point in time to steal a piece of his food and shove it in your mouth too quickly for him to stop you. Resulting in him poking at you until you squeal from being tickled and he can take a piece off your food in retaliation as you whine at him after. 
Domestic. That’s the best way you could describe yours and Crypto’s relationship. 
After dinner is put away and teeth are brushed, you two settle back onto the couch. You curl up on the corner, Crypto following you to cuddle up to your side. His cheek rests against your shoulder, kind of tilting his body into you as you rest your arm behind him, your hand resting on his nape to slide up to pet at the shaved portion of his head. Another hum from him of appreciation, but not verbalizing his like of it. 
Crypto softly adjusts, but you take it as nothing more than him getting closer to you with the soft sound of the TV in front of you. You’ve got your phone in your lap to play a puzzle game while he watches his show, very much like a cat as he rubs his cheek against your shoulder affectionately. 
Another squirm, another adjustment is felt after a moment of him pressing his thigh to yours. You take it as him wanting to be closer, only sliding your fingers higher along his scalp to the coarse hair atop his head to lightly scratch at the root like he likes. 
You don’t notice his mouth starting to part, quickly cut off with the ringing of your phone and you groaning aloud. “Really? Right now?” Before you’re answering it with a polite ‘Hello?’ that makes Crypto snort at your tone change. 
He watches as you chat, watching your lips move and hearing you discuss footage and what your boss must have wanted you to edit or someone else. He’s not really paying attention when you’re still petting his hair. He tries to nudge closer to you, near flush with your side as his hand now rests on your thigh, hoping to catch your attention. You only offer him a quick smile before returning back to your conversation. 
After five minutes, it’s clear this isn’t going to be a short call either. 
A sigh is heard from Crypto before he’s leaning up to start pecking soft, brushing kisses on your neck. Your head tilts for him, only a light flutter of your lashes as you go ‘Mmhm yeah’ to whoever you are on the phone with. Your nails press lightly at his scalp, letting him know you feel him as his teeth lightly nip at your neck like you like. 
You’re damned good at keeping your composure verbally, and now Crypto’s beginning to wonder if you’ve ever done anything on the phone with him without his knowledge. Even the mental image of you spread out and touching yourself while on the phone near making him whine, something he swallows down. 
You clearly can feel him and see him. You offer a little smile when he peeks up at you, catching your gaze. Emboldened by you sparing even a little attention to him, his hand slides down to your wrist in hopes you’ll catch up to what he’s saying. Gently drawing it to his thigh and towards his inner thigh. And yet, you still chat on the phone, but now you’re squeezing and massaging his thigh, your pinkie lightly skimming over his crotch and making Crypto’s breath hitch against your shoulder. 
His brows are furrowed, looking ever so frustrated as you now purposefully lengthen the conversation out by bringing back a point from the last game played. Crypto’s head tips lightly up to you, his eyes pleading with you when your knuckles brush over the bulge in his sweatpants. 
Your eyes meet his and you quirk a brow with a light smirk on your face. Your eyes say enough for him, you’re sure, judging by how his face flushes and his brows furrow once again. You can see and feel how he squirms, realizing he’s not going to get anything until he uses his words. 
He’s stubborn. He’s always so stubborn. Squirming in his place and getting more frustrated as you keep chatting. Only after three minutes does he finally give in when he realizes this isn’t going to work and you’re only going to keep teasing him through his pants. 
“Please?” He all but whispers, his mouth felt quivering on your bare shoulder and his hot breath felt in a shaky exhale. “Please touch me, please?” 
You smirk. 
“Oh! Hey, boss, looks like I’ll have to chat with you tomorrow morning about that- uhuh, yeah, yeah, getting,” -You pause there to let out a feigned yawn- “Oof, yeah, getting real tired....uhuh, yeah, sounds good! Buh-bye.” Before you’re ending the call and practically pouncing on him. 
You end up in his lap, straddling him and cupping his cheeks, brushing some of his hair from his face before you lean in to kiss him. Crypto’s hands find your waist, hovering at first before gripping you when you lick into his mouth after biting his lip to make him gasp. 
You sit up higher to press him back into the couch, letting your hands slide into his hair for him to tip his head back when you pull at it. His moan is low and vibrates his chest when your tongue licks over his own, feeling his hips jerk lightly up and against your ass needily. 
“I like when you beg,” You breathe as you part from the kiss, moving the kisses down his jawline and towards his ear where you lightly nip. “Do it again for me?” 
“Nnh-” Is the only response he manages at first, his fingers shaking as they slide down to grip your hips when you start grinding across his lap. Back and forth to your own rhythm and feeling just how hard he is. Bless whoever made sweatpants. 
Crypto’s so cute when you pull back to look at him. Where his head is tipped back and to the side, his lips parted and letting out ragged breaths with each drag of your hips across his lap. How his brows knit together when you grind low and slow downwards to catch his attention and his mouth falls closed to hiss. 
But. He still wasn’t speaking. 
“Be a good boy and tell me what you want, hm?” You try to encourage him, letting your hands fall down to his exposed abdomen to slide your hands up and under his crop top. Slipping your hands over his chest to thumb at his sensitive nipples, gently pinching and rolling them. Crypto whimpers sharply, his head rolling to the opposite side and looking more stubborn by the second as he strains to come up with words. 
“I-I-” His voice comes out in a whine, framed by how his lips quiver and his blunt nails cling to your hips when you stop grinding to encourage him further. “I...I want your mouth. On- o-on my cock. Please?”  
“Awww, baby, when you look that cute? I’d do just about anything for you.” 
You move down his body, kissing your way down until you can slink in between his knees onto the floor. You waste no time in hooking your fingers under his sweatpants, your mouth watering as you follow his happy trail downwards as it gets more exposed. You tug them completely off with his underwear, watching his thick cock bounce with a satisfying bob and a drool of pre-cum from the flushed head peaking from foreskin. 
Crypto covers his face with his hands to hide his burning red flush that edges down to his chest when you hum at him approvingly. But, judging by how his cock throbs, you already know that as he likes being watched and praised without words. 
You take your sweet time kissing up his length and down his balls, letting your tongue run over the sensitive skin. Your hand holds the base, stroking downwards to pull back his foreskin, mouthing at the flushed head and letting your tongue slide against the slit in teasing dips until a whimper falls from his lips. 
You tease him like this for a good enough amount of time before you even take him into your mouth fully. Suckling and bobbing your head, your free hand holding his hip to squeeze to remind him to keep his hips down when he starts trying to hump upwards into your mouth. 
Anytime you feel how his cock jerks and you hear his breathing quicken; You stop. Pulling your mouth off to kiss at his hips and thighs instead. Squeezing on his legs soothingly and rubbing at his skin when Crypto whines and rolls his hips up with not a single word peeping from his lips. Even if now his arm is thrown over his forehead, able to see how he peeks open one eye to look down at you pleadingly. 
You smile up at him each time before you take him in again. Suckling, licking, your nails sliding down his thigh until your hand can cup his balls and lightly squeeze. And each time you feel him get close, you pull back. The same bite of pain of your nails on his skin, same edging, the same denial even as pre-cum spills from his cock and it mixes with your drool to connect you with a sliver that makes him near sob when he sees you. 
You know he liked it messy. Liked seeing the mess you could make. 
The mess you could make of him. 
You’re about to remind him that he needs to use his big boy words if he wants to get anywhere tonight. But, seems Crypto gets the memo when he starts pleading. 
“Let me cum inside you, please, please, please- please let me cum i-inside you, please, I’ll be good-”  His voice is breathy, a high whimper as his hips try to fuck up into the loose grip you have on his shaft. He just looks so pathetic for you right now. Just a teary, drooly, humpy mess. 
You like how desperate looks on him. 
“Mmmhhh, I dunno, baby,” You let your voice elongate your words, your breath fanning across his sensitive skin and causing his dick to jerk, lightly tapping your lower lip and making you smile. “You look awfully cute. Can’t you hold it a bit longer? C’mon, you can be my good boy and hold it, can’t you?” 
Each end of your questions is punctuated with a drag of your lips across his cock, letting him feel how you murmur across his reddened skin. 
Crypto sobs out again, his body jerking in sensitivity as both his hands come back up to hide his red face and teary eyes. His nod allows you to continue, continuing your teasing kisses and licks. Making sure to bite pain into his thighs to cause his mind to either associate the pain with pleasure or to back off his pleasure. Judging by the way he sobs out and twitches each time you scratch or bite him, you’re guessing it’s your prior guess. 
“Please, please, please-” Crypto starts to sob when you deny him again, his cock jerking heavily and spilling pre-cum on his lower abdomen. His hands have fallen to grip the couch as best as he can, his teary gaze looking down at you and his lips quivering with his shaky breaths. So cute. “Please, I-I cannot take it anymore, please, please let me cum in you, I want to cum in you-” 
You’ll give him credit. This is the most he’s ever spoken during sex, let alone been so clear in his needs and desires. Something you’ll praise him for later. For now, you smile up at him, wiping your mouth off on the back of your hand before standing to wriggle out of your lounge clothing.  
Crypto’s quick to help you, hooking fingers in your sweater to help you out of it. It’s fit with your laughter as you nearly fall on him, lots of giggling when his mouth presses a kiss to your abdomen when you get halfway stuck through your sweater and pants. “Tae Joon-” You laugh out his name when you feel him smile against your abdomen, “C’mon, lil help here?” 
Eventually you escape your clothing prison, able to set the mood again when your straddle his lap. You’re plenty wet enough, but you still take the time to tease him a bit more by reaching down to stretch yourself while hovering over his cock. You feel flustered as he watches you, sitting under you and looking up at you with such love in his eyes while you make soft sounds yourself. 
It takes a few tries to line up correctly, but soon you’re bouncing your hips on him with your fingers in his hair and your mouth on his neck. He always sounds so pretty the way he cries out, clinging to your hips at first before his arms wind around you to hug you to his trembling frame. You pepper kisses all over his face, cupping his cheeks adoringly as you rest your foreheads together. 
He cums rather quickly, clinging so hard to you as his hips frantically hump up against you. He ends up accidentally holding you still so he can thrust up into you, resulting in you clinging to him in turn with your lips parted and murmuring praise as he fucks you through his orgasm. He’s swearing in his mother tongue, something you can only catch bits and pieces of. 
When Crypto’s done cumming, one of his hands quickly goes down to between both your bodies to rub at your clit as you hump against his cock still lodged inside you. He finds your lips to capture when you whimper out his name when you begin to cum, your nails biting into his shoulders as he rubs you through it. 
By the time you’re both satisfied, you slump against his frame, burying your face into his neck as your sweaty bodies press together on the couch, still connected. 
When both of your breathing settles, he presses a kiss to the top of your head, nuzzling himself there as his hands slide up and down your sides. You smile softly, adjusting your hips a bit and laughing a bit when he grunts in this little oversensitive way. 
When you lift your head to meet his gaze, you smile a bit brighter, gently bumping your noses together. “Hey,” 
“Hey,” He murmurs back just as fondly. 
“You need a shower.”  
He smiles when he realizes you’re replaying your interaction from earlier that day, reaching up to brush your frazzled hair from your face. “Mmh.” 
“You need a shower with me?” 
“Mmh.” He repeats, moving to rest his cheek atop your head as you laugh at him when you feel his chest shake with a quiet laugh in turn. 
“Alright fine. Guess I’ll be getting a shower first and you’ll be left out here with your dick out and cold-” 
That gets him. Pushing you off him and to the couch with a yelp from you as you fall gracelessly on your side and gasp as he takes off towards the shower and you quickly following after him with a playful swat to his ass when you catch up. 
Yeah. You would say your guys’ relationship was domestic. 
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silkling · 3 years
Could you please write another “Sierra joins Team Prime” fic? I loved the first one, I’d really like to sea Sierra meet the rest of Team Prime and talk with Jack, Mimi, and Raf.
YES!!!! I would be very happy to! I have ideas for Smokescreen and Sierra shenanigans! Smokescreen is basically a giant puppy because he tries very hard and only wants to make people happy and he doesn’t have the necessary life experience to understand why the things he’s doing may not be the best. But he tries!!! And I love him. :D
There was a white, blue, and red sports car parked outside the school when Sierra stepped out from the doors. She stopped for a second when she saw it, before she managed to get over her shock and walked over to it. She supposed she shouldn’t have been surprised, she mused. Jack, Esquivel, and Nakadai did get picked up by their guardians everyday. It made sense too, if she thought about it further.
She came up to Smokescreen, running the tips of her fingers along his hood. She was about to call a greeting when she heard someone behind her.
“Smoke- I mean, Sierra, hi!” It was Jack.
She turned to face him, smiling. “Hi Jack.” she greeted. “Is there something you want?”
Jack was shifting. “Uh, no? I mean, yes. I think that car is here for me?”
“So you own a motorcycle and a sports car now, do you? I didn’t know working at KO burger paid enough to earn that much extra cash.” she said dryly. She could see both Esquivel and Nakadai hovering nearby, obviously listening in. They were probably worried she was close to learning their secret.
“No, I mean, it’s not? Not mine, I mean.” Jack fumbled as he spoke.
Oh, poor boy. She could see his brain working in overtime trying to produce a good excuse. She supposed it didn’t help that he still had that crush on her. She’d noticed. Of course she had. She wasn’t blind, thank you very much.
Sierra decided to be merciful. “Actually, Jack, this is my ride. I’m sure your motorcycle will be here soon, though.” she said cheerfully. Then she turned, smoothing a hand over her partner’s hood. “Hey, Smokescreen. Thanks for coming to get me. Do you mind if I get in?” She knew she had to anyway, but it always paid to ask first. Besides, it was only polite to make sure the giant robot you were about to hitch a ride with was okay with you climbing inside them.
“Sure!” The young bot answered. His voice was quiet, but still cheery.
His driver’s door popped open partway, and she pulled it open enough to climb inside. It closed after her, and once she buckled herself in she looked up to see Jack and his two friends gaping at her. She smiled at them, lifting her hand in a wave, and then Smokescreen was backing out of the parking space and driving off. They got further away from the school, and then both of them broke into laughter.
“Oh, the looks on their faces!” Smokescreen gasped, delighted. “Sierra, Sierra that was amazing. Oh Primus Sierra you should have seen how they reacted when you called my name. I’m never going to forget it.” he sounded so giddy. It was adorable.
Sierra giggled, a hand curled over her mouth. “I wish I did, but their faces as you drove off will have to do. God, Smokescreen. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a teenage boy look that confused by something that wasn’t the opposite sex.” she said, very delighted. Just because she had manners didn’t mean she didn’t like having fun, after all.
Smokescreen made a sound that couldn’t be described as anything other than a giggle. “I really don’t know what that means. But I think I get the idea. Did you see Miko? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her speechless before.”
She smiled, patting his wheel. “I did. I don’t know her as well as you but from what I’ve seen of her I’d have to agree with your sentiment.” she said lightly.
She glanced up to see they were coming up to the base. Mentally, she planned what she’d need to do this evening. She had homework to complete, and she needed to do it because she refused to fall behind in any of her classes. She didn’t care that she was now privy to America’s greatest secret, she had a GPA to maintain and no giant alien robot war was going to stop her. But, after she did her homework, she fully intended to relax and have fun. She was, after all, partnered to a giant alien robot. She had to take advantage of that.
When Smokescreen pulled up into base and popped open his door, she grabbed her back and slid out. “Thanks for the ride, big guy!” She said brightly.
Smokescreen transformed, rising to his full height. “It was my pleasure!” he chirped, his winglets–or doorwings, as he’d told her they were called–wriggling at his back.
Sierra smiled, and was about to say something else when she heard engines, and then Jack came in on his motorcycle, shortly followed by a green SUV and a yellow sports car. The other humans disembarked, and the three other bots transformed. Sierra smiled, waving. She’d met them the night she’d been introduced to all of this, after Agent Fowler had gotten her up to speed on everything. She liked Bumblebee. He was sweet. It made her determined to at least try and learn to understand him.
“So what’s the deal, huh?” Miko demanded, looking irritated and ready to storm over. “This was supposed to be just our thing! How’d you find out about it?”
Sierra snorted, and turned to Smokescreen to find he was already crouching and offering her his palm. She smiled, stepping up and gratefully letting him transfer her to his shoulder. It seemed he liked having her close just as much as she liked being up here. It was cute. He was a sweet bot.
“Calm now, Nakadai.” she said dryly.
“It’s Miko!”
“Fine. Miko.” Sierra rolled her eyes. “I found out because Starscream decided to try and abduct me. Apparently, the Decepticons have been watching you three and have learned that I mean something to Jack. They thought they could use me against you.” She said, directing the last part towards the boy in question.
Jack looked stricken, his face paling and his eyesight blowing wide. “Oh hell, Sierra, I’m so-“
“Save it.” she cut him off. “I’m not mad. It would be wrong to say you’re not allowed to have friends beyond Miko and Esquivel just because you know a secret like this.” he said, making a vague gesture around her.
“Um, you can just call me Raf. Or Raphael. Whatever you prefer.” Esquivel said, sounding a little awkward.
Sierra shot him a warm smile, then turned her attention back to the still irritated Miko. “Anyway, Starscream was about to grab me when Smokescreen stopped him.” she said. “He got me out of there, brought me back here, and now I guess I’m part of this, too.” he shrugged.
Miko huffed, obviously still annoyed that the secret was even a little less exclusive now. Still, she made no more arguments, instead walking to the small deck Smokescreen had described as the “human entertainment nook” and firing up the TV. Raphael stared, looking back and forth between the two girls before sighing and going up to join her. He sat on a separate seat, pulling out his computer and settling back. Jack stared at Sierra, then sagged and sighed.
“I am sorry.” he said after a moment. “But I am glad you’re alright too, and that you’re here. Welcome to the team, Sierra.” he said, then quickly went up to sit next to Miko.
Sierra snorted, arching a brow and glancing at Smokescreen. “I’d say that went quite well, wouldn’t you?”
Her partner snickered, his doorwings fluttering, and even Arcee chuckled as she went off to do…whatever she did in her spare time. Bulkhead looked incredibly awkward and sheepish, shooting Sierra an apologetic look as he moved further into the base. Bumblebee, for his part, just buzzed his amusement and went to sit on the ground by the entertainment hook.
Sierra hummed, then shared one last look with Smokescreen before she settled further on his shoulder and pulled her bag off her shoulder.
‘Well,’ she thought. ‘Time to get to work.’
Sierra had just finished her homework and was settling down on the couch to read her novel when Smokescreen returned. He’d gone out at some point in the past hour, leaving her in what she’d decided to simply call the Nook, and gone off to do…something. Currently, Raphael was up on a higher platform doing something with the computers, Miko was in another room playing her guitar with Bulkhead, and Jack was curled on the Nook’s armchair watching TV. As far as she could tell, Arcee was off doing…her things, Bumblebee had gone out for a patrol, and Optimus was with Fowler, trying to deal with something. Ratchet was working quietly with Raphael. It was peaceful.
And then Smokescreen came back, and it caught Sierra’s attention because he was walking. He held his hands cupped in a sphere in front of his chest, padding over to the Nook and beaming. Immediately, Sierra started getting a feeling in her gut that Something Was Up.
“Sierra!” her partner greeted cheerfully. His doorwings flapped. “I remember you were telling me about your research for school, about the local wild animals, and I thought I’d help!”
‘Oh no.’
“Help.” Sierra said carefully. “I see. Help how?”
Smokescreen looked like he was going to say something, but then-
Sierra froze. Jack froze. Raphael froze. Ratchet froze and turned to face the scene very, very slowly. The look in his eyes promised doom and destruction. No one said anything.
“Smokescreen.” Sierra said slowly. “Please don’t tell me you caught a wild goat for me.”
The adorable, idiotic giant robot tilted his head. His right doorwing twitched once. “I didn’t? I caught that sheep thing you mentioned.”
“You caught a desert bighorn sheep.”
“Yeah, that’s the one!”
“Smokescreen, put it back.”
“What? Why?” And bless him, he looked so confused.
Sierra could see Ratchet losing his patience. She had to diffuse this, fast. “Because it’s very cruel to take a wild animal from its home. It’s terrified, Smokescreen. I can finish my research with stuff from the library. I don’t need an actual bighorn sheep. I wouldn’t know what to do with it. Please put it back.”
Smokescreen blinked. “Oh.” he paused. “I guess I shouldn’t bring you that owl you really like, in that case?”
And oh no, he sounded so sad. The poor bot just wanted to make her happy. Oh, oh no. She couldn’t be mad at this. He was trying so hard and she couldn’t fault him for genuinely not knowing any better. He hadn’t been here for years and years like the other bots had. God, he was just excited the have a friend, wasn’t he? It was almost like he didn’t have the type of social connections he so clearly craved with the rest of Team Prime.
‘I will find who hurt him and I will destroy them.’ she vowed to herself. ‘It is going to be slow and painful, and I will make the devil himself fear my fury.’
“Probably not.” she agreed, her expression and tone gentle and kind, showing nothing of how she actually felt. “But how about you can come and get me and bring me to it if you ever see an animal you think I’ll like?” she offered. “And if you know I’m busy, I’ll never say no to a picture.” she gave him a warm grin. “Now, how about you and I both go put that back, and I’ll even tell you more about that species on the way?”
It seemed the sheep agreed.
“Alright.” Smokescreen said, sounding faintly embarrassed.
Sierra put her book down, then took the Nook’s stairs to the floor and looked up at her partner. He set the sheep down and transformed, then popped open his backseat door. Before she sheep could bolt, Sierra scared it back towards her partner and herded it to jump into his backseat. The door slammed shut, and Sierra hopped in to the open driver’s seat. Then, they were driving out of the base.
In the rear view mirror, Sierra could see the shock on Ratchet’s face. Almost like he hadn’t expected her to fix the situation the way she had. It made something angry curl in her gut, as she remembered how tired and resigned her partner had sounded that first day when Ratchet had been scolding him over the comm. line. It made her wonder how the bots usually dealt with Smokescreen making mistakes. She hoped it wasn’t just yelling and berating him.
Sierra sighed, forcing those thoughts to the back of her mind, and refocusing on her partner. “So.” she said. “How’d you even catch it, anyway?”
“Oh that? It was pretty easy, actually. I accidentally scared it off a cliff and I caught it before it could fall.” he said cheerfully.
‘Huh. That’d work.’
“Well, thank you very much for bringing it to show me, Smokescreen. I appreciate the thought and the gesture.” she said.
“You do?”
“Of course! You saw something you thought I’d like and you brought it back for me. That makes me happy. Just, please. No more animals, okay? I won’t say no to plants and flowers, if you really want to bring me something. No cacti, though.” she told him.
She could practically feel him brightening now that he knew what he could bring her instead. “Alright!”
“Now, let’s get this guy home. I’m sure it’ll be very happy to be back where it belongs.” she looked back at the terrified sheep huddled on the backseat. “Right, fella?”
‘I’ll take that as a yes.’
And there it is! I know it’s not exactly what you asked for, but there was some of Sierra talking with the others! The idea with the sheep just wouldn’t leave my head though so I had to. I just did. I hope you liked it!
This ‘verse is fun. I like it. But for now, back to my other work!
Until next time, friends!
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thatringboy · 3 years
Xiaoven idol au? 👀 (no angst please ahah)
okay it may seem a tiny bit angsty at the beginning but i prommy it turns into kisses and cuteness as it goes on
We're Doing It Together
Warnings: Xiao being dumb as rocks and oblivious as hell to everything
Characters: Xiao, Venti
Ships: Xiaoven
Word Count: 1,774
Summary: Idol!Xiao finds out that his close friend Venti wants to join a new troupe after the two of them being solo for a while
The cold night air bit at the young man’s nose as he pulled his forest green hood down over his eyes. He could see his breath float away in the air as he sighed and checked his watch.
He’s late.
The sound of sneakers smacking the pavement got louder in his ears until someone ran up to him out of breath. “Xiao! I’m so sorry! Practice ran long and then Kaeya started an argument with Lisa and then--”
Xiao put a hand to silence him and returned his gaze to the frozen river under the bridge. “It’s fine. Must be nice to have a group like that.”
The new arrival laughed lightly and nudged him. “You make it sound like I’m on stage preforming with them!”
“It’s not like Jean won’t let you.”
He put his hands behind his head, his teal braids blowing gently in the wind. “Eh, my time has come and gone for this business.”
Xiao glared at him. “You make us sound old!”
It was true, the two young men no longer preformed with their original groups. Xiao’s group “Yaksha 5” had disbanded as the other four members all left the idol business and his new band “Adepti” only met once a month to write songs. No more live performances. The other young man, Venti, used to preform under the stagename “Barbatos” with the famous idol group “Celestia”, but he and the other remaining senior member - a tall man who went by the stagename “Morax” - had left a while ago. Now, Morax went by Zhongli and occasionally wrote songs with Adepti while Venti became a choreographer with a popular rookie troupe named “Favonius”.
The two stood there in silence watching the lights of streetlamps dance off of falling snowflakes before them. Venti tucked his hands into his jacket pockets and sighed. “I got an offer from a new group of guys who want me on stage with them. They say they want me on soprano.”
Xiao gave him a sideways look. “And? I thought you swore off preforming or something when you left Celestia.”
Venti balled his hands into fists inside his pocket and didn’t meet his eyes. “I think… I met the center of this group; he’s a really nice guy. They’ve got a manager already and apparently have done some music with Jean. She’s the one who got me in contact with them.”
“So you’re gonna join them?” His voice sounded distant, lonely. There weren’t many solo performers in the idol world. Xiao and Venti had been riding their residual fame from their past groups for years and hadn’t really signed contracts with a single troupe from how sourly they left their past groups. Xiao thought they were special in that way… but Venti was the one still getting new offers for shows while Xiao had to almost beg to be an opening.
Venti looked him in the eyes. “I haven’t agreed to yet.”
“Really?” Xiao scoffed. “And here I thought you would be all over the chance to start a new group.”
The shorter man squinted his eyes. “I told them I’m only joining up if my conditions are met!”
Xiao’s eyebrows shot up. “You have standards?”
“Of course! And very high ones at that!” Venti pouted. “How else do you think I put up with you?”
Xiao felt warm in the face at that remark, he only prayed that the darkness of the night hid this from Venti.
Suddenly, Venti’s volume dropped to a whisper and he began to fidget with his fingers. “My conditions were that you had to join the group as well. They want to call the group ‘4NEMO’ and they were still searching for a fourth guy so I figured…”
He trailed off as he caught Xiao staring at him with a bewildered expression. Venti began to panic. Did he just hurt Xiao’s pride? He knew that the taller man didn’t like to accept help from others, but for some reason he thought this time would be different.
Venti was yanked from his thoughts as Xiao closed the distance between them and engulfed him in a hug. “My my, what a sudden show of affection!”
Xiao had did it to keep Venti from seeing the red on his cheek. Truth be told, he was deeply touched by Venti turning down a chance to play more shows if he couldn’t be by his side, but he was too inexperienced at returning kindness. A hug seemed to suffice, right?
“Thank you, Venti, that means the world to me.”
“Does it really?” The words spilled from his mouth before he even finished thinking them. He didn’t want Xiao to agree to something as serious as starting a new idol group with strangers just to appease him.
Xiao pulled away just to lean down and press the softest of kisses to Venti’s lips. The shorter of the two thought his heart was going to explode. Sure, the two had danced around each other for as long as they knew each other and Venti would have been a fool to not notice Xiao’s attractiveness during that time. But they had never been more than friends-who-flirt-with-each-other.
The taller pulled away with a red face as he searched Venti’s eyes. “Does that convince you?”
Venti nodded briskly, his brain not exactly processing what had just happened. It seemed Xiao’s brain was only just then catching up to his actions because he suddenly stepped back and covered his mouth with his hands, his eyes widening to a horrified expression.
“I didn’t--I mean--I--Sorry!” He blurted out from behind his hands.
Venti touched his own lips and blinked a few times before thinking of what to say. “So you really want to be in a group with me, huh?”
Xiao pulled his hands down and while his face was contorted into a snarl, his cheeks still burned red. “And? So what?! Don’t let it go to your head, I just need the money!”
The shorter man giggled and grabbed Xiao’s hand, lacing their fingers together without any resistance. “Sure, whatever you say~”
Despite his harsh tone, Xiao pressed the side of his body next to Venti’s to b closer to him. “So, who are the guys in this group?”
Venti hummed. “Well, the center is this blonde guy named Aether who’s new in town. I heard he’s done some work for Favonius in the past and that he’s friends with the girls in Qixing. The other guy is named Kazuha. He ran with Beidou’s crew for a bit to get away from the whole Tenryou Doxxing drama and now he’s teaming up with Aether to form 4NEMO. I think the manager is Sucrose. You know, Albedo’s manager? She’s picking up the job for this group too.”
“Hmm, impressive. Sounds like a good group. I think I’ll like it.” Xiao looked out to the distance.
Venti beamed. “Wait, you mean it?”
Xiao felt himself turning red again. “Ah, yeah, sure. I know Aether, we did so collab work once, I trust him.”
Venti reached up and poked his cheek. “And because you’ll be dancing with me?”
Xiao grabbed his hand and leaned down again. “I wouldn’t mind getting back into the idol drama if you were by my side. Maybe I just want you.”
The shorter man went red in the face and tried to laugh that last statement off. “Wow, that’s some confession, huh? It’s a good thing I feel the same way, otherwise I’d tease you to death over this.”
Xiao let go and his face dropped into a shocked expression. “You’re serious? You feel the same?”
Venti laughed out loud, hugging his sides. “Yes, dummy! Otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered with all of this! I thought all of that was clear when you kissed me! Gods you are slow!”
Xiao frowned and crossed him arms. “I was just… you’re very hard to read!”
Venti stopped laughing and grabbed the sides of Xiao’s hood, pulling him down to eye level. “And you are like an open book. It’s funny to watch you, Xiao. You can be very suave and smooth with your words, but other times you get all flustered and you close up. It’s cute!”
“I’m not cute.” He didn’t pull away, just adverted his eyes.
Venti made a disagreeing noise and closed the distance between them. This time the kiss was softer, smoother and had much more passion behind it. Venti made a happy noise when he felt Xiao wrap his arms around his back and moved to place his own arms around Xiao’s neck.
Xiao found himself sinking more and more into Venti’s embrace. The taste of cheap wine on his breath, the way his mouth molded to hold him and the way his hands gently caressed the back of his head was all too much for him to handle. His anxieties melted away as he pulled Venti’s smaller frame flush against his own. For just how long had he been waiting to do this? Ever since they met, Venti had always been flirty and open about his emotions, but Xiao had quickly deduced that it was all a mask he put on to keep himself from being hurt by those around him. Xiao was similar in that sense, always acting aloof and angry to keep people from getting too close to him. But when he was with Venti… none of that mattered. When he was with Venti, he didn’t care how badly things ended with Yaksha 5, he didn’t notice the way his ratings dropped, he didn’t pay attention to the social media slandering.
Venti was like some sort of wind spirit: always floating from one place to the other without a concern. Xiao wanted to learn more, to be more like him. And to him, joining this new 4NEMO group was the fastest way to do that.
When they pulled away, Venti did not fail to notice the glimmer of love in Xiao’s gaze. He brought his hands down to Xiao’s waist and hugged him close with a giggle. “You are cute.”
“No I’m not.” Xiao hugged him back with a pout.”
“Yes you are~”
“No I’m not.”
“Yes-s-s-s you are Gao-Xiao!” Venti bit his lip to keep from laughing.
Xiao let go and tried to push him away. “I am going to throw you over the side of this bridge if you call me cute one more time.”
Venti let him go with a smile, a hand fishing into his pocket for his phone. “Then I’ll call Aether and tell him you’re in?”
Xiao’s face went back to the loving smile from before. “Sure thing.”
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stevie-wicks · 3 years
red, black and blue
She’d taken the photo in some empty parking lot in downtown LA, sunlight two years younger glinting off the hood of the Camaro. Billy’s moustache was still a couple of stray gold whiskers on his upper lip; his hair just past the tips of his unpierced ears. A different Billy to the one Hawkins had seen, but post-California Billy hadn’t had much time for Max’s amateur attempts at photography. Or for Max, in general.
“It’s a good photo.”
Jonathan Byers was not a formal wear kind of guy. He looked stiff and uncomfortable in his ugly suit- or maybe that was just an extension of how he was feeling. How they all were.
Max wrapped her hands around her elbows, suddenly regretting resisting her mother’s attempts to usher her into a jacket. “Thanks. I know he looks- different.”
Jonathan looked for a moment like he might offer her his ugly coat; then he probably remembered the uglier shirt he wore underneath. “He looks happier.”
“He was.” Max dug her nails into her skin. “He hated it here.”
Jonathan shoved his hands into his pockets. “Listen, Max; I know it’s not- it’s not really the same, but when I- when I thought Will was gone, I-” He swallowed. “Will is my best friend. I know that sounds really lame, but I just thought that. Maybe you’d feel better, or, I dunno. I know what it’s like.”
He was trying so hard. Max almost felt bad for him. “I don’t think you do.”
She’d wanted to sit next to Lucas, but her mom hadn’t. Some murmured nonsense about Neil not liking it; some louder nonsense about how they were a family and that now, more than ever, they had to stay together.
El became the compromise.
Not that Neil was gung-ho about El, either; not with the oversized flannel and suspenders she’d refused to change out of. Light blue eyes bore a hole into the side of Max’s head as she shuffled into the pew next to El. They weren’t the same shade of blue as Billy’s; he’d had more green to his, more like Max’s own. Neil’s were like ice chips.
A bony hand reached over, and Max looked up at Joyce Byers’s warm brown instead. “I’m sorry, sweetie,” she whispered.
Stupidly, Max said, “He owed you a plate.”
El stirred. “I owe him my life,” she said quietly.
The last funeral Max had been to had been for some distant Mayfield relative. She’d been six and she’d cried all the way to Glendale because she was missing Jabberjaw. Then Dad bought her an ice cream and she’d forgotten all about Jabberjaw. She fell asleep halfway through the service, and they got home in time for Speed Buggy.
Billy’s service took half as long and felt an eternity longer.
Mom had offered to do a eulogy. She’d brought it up over breakfast, nervous eyes darting between Max and Neil, as if either of them would put up a fight. She tottered to her feet now, shuffling awkwardly to the front, in a dress a few laundry cycles short of being grey. For a fleeting moment, Max wished she had put up a fight. Billy would’ve died-
Max bit her cheek hard enough to taste copper.
Mom cleared her throat. “Billy and I didn’t know each other for very long, but I wish we had. He was a wonderful young man.” She dabbed at her eyes with a ratty handkerchief.
Max sank back into her seat. Maybe it was for the best; she could never lie about Billy the way her mom did. Not when all she could think of was the blood- God, so much blood, his blood- his last scream torn out of his chest by misshapen claws- apologies on a dying breath-
She stood up. Mom paused midway between some crap about Billy’s ‘respect and responsibility’.
“Maxine,” Mom said, mortified.
“I have to go.” She tore outside, knuckling her burning eyes.
The breeze nipped at her skin. She leaned against the wall, rubbing her hands up her arms. It was mid-July, for Pete’s sake.
She should’ve worn the stupid jacket.
She wiped at her face roughly. When her vision cleared, Lucas stood in front of her.
“Your mom’s done talking, if you wanna head back inside.” He kicked at a pebble.
Max kicked it back. It skittered away, just out of Lucas’s reach. “Not really.”
He squared his shoulders. “Mind if I join you, then?”
She shrugged. He hesitated for a moment before sidling up next to her, arms barely brushing.
“Steve’s giving his speech now.”
Max’s eyebrows reached her scalp.
“For the basketball team,” Lucas clarified, then added, a little awkwardly, “None of the other guys showed up.”
It shouldn’t hurt, but. “Yeah, well. Didn’t think Steve would, either. He hated Billy’s guts.” She dug her heels into the gravel. “You all did.”
Lucas fell quiet. “I didn’t hate him.”
Max snorted. “’Cause you’re not supposed to hold grudges over people who are-” She blinked back a fresh wave of tears. God, Maxine; you’re such a goddamn girl, Billy would’ve said. “You should. He was awful to you.”
“I didn’t hate him,” he repeated. “I mean, he scared the shit out of me, sure. But still. He was your brother.”
“That’s not an excuse. And he was my step-”
“He was your brother.” Lucas had turned on his side, fully facing her now. “And I know you lo- cared about him. And I’m trying to tell you that it’s okay to cry.”
Her eyes welled with tears. She hadn’t allowed herself to; not since Starcourt, not since she’d read the twenty-eight other names in the paper, not since she’d come home in an ambulance and her brother in a casket and Neil locked up Billy’s room and tore down everything else that had belonged to his son and threw it all in the trash like he’d been waiting to get rid of it-
Lucas held out an arm. Max buried her face in his chest, clutching the fabric of his shirt and turning it translucent with her tears.
She cried long enough for her tear ducts to run dry, and then stood sniffling into the wet shirt. She was probably making it all gross with her snot, but she didn’t let herself get too torn up about it. The Sinclairs could afford a washing machine.
Max went rigid. Lucas, unbothered and oblivious, kept his arms around her. “Hey, Mr. Hargrove.”
She turned around slowly, just in time to catch the flicker of revulsion that passed over Neil’s face. “And who are you, boy?”
There was a painful pause. Max’s nails carved crescents into her palms.
“Lucas Sinclair, sir,” Lucas said at last.
Neil’s eyes were glacial. Max barely suppressed a shiver when they trained on her. “Maxine; something you learn when you grow older that there are a certain type of people in this world that you stay away from. And this boy?” Neil cut his gaze to Lucas. “This boy is one of them.”
Max reeled back. “I-”
“You stay away from my daughter, Sinclair; do you hear me?” Neil hadn’t raised his voice once since he’d started speaking. To any passers-by, this would look like a normal conversation. “Stay away.”
He didn’t wait for Lucas to respond, tugging Max away with a harsh grip on her wrist. She didn’t dare to turn around.
“I don’t want you anywhere near that boy, Maxine.” His hold loosened the closer they got to the car- Neil’s car, a respectable Ford sedan. She didn’t dare tug her hand free, either. “I hope you learn your lesson with this. Billy didn’t; not at first. I’m afraid I had to use more- forceful- methods with him. I trust I won’t have to do the same with you.”
Max turned to Neil despite herself. It was the first time he’d said Billy’s name since the Fourth of July.
His eyes gave nothing away. “Do I make myself clear?” His fingers tightened again.
“Yes, Papa.”
“Good.” Neil’s smile was a mirror of Billy’s; shark-like and vicious, moments away from tearing into your throat. “It’s about time you got some new friends, too. Girls your age shouldn’t be hanging around with boys too much.”
“El’s a girl,” Max told her shoes.
Neil scoffed. “Really? Did she show you proof?”
What happened to you, Mad Max? Billy would’ve asked. You’re not going to stand up for your little hick friends?
Or maybe-
I had to use more forceful methods with him - the bruises she’d see on Billy while his own knuckles remained unscathed- Mom whisking her away on impromptu shopping trips whenever Neil and Billy raised their voices- forceful methods -
- maybe he would understand.
Billy’s life couldn’t have fit into a garbage bag.
Max hadn’t gone into his room since she’d gone with El, but he had to have more than what Neil had thrown out onto the sidewalk. Outside the four walls of his room, it was like Billy hadn’t even existed.
She slipped out of bed in the quiet.
Billy had taught her how to pick a lock, back in California. “Use a hairpin, or somethin’- you got one of those?”
She unfurled her fingers. The hairpin was damp with sweat. She wiped it on her t-shirt, and slid it into the keyhole.
“Keep your big ears close to the door; you won’t hear squat that far away.”
She held her breath, pressing her ear to the cool wood.
“Wait for the sound- there, you hear that? That’s how you know the tumblers are in place.”
The door swung open with a soft click.
Max half expected to be assaulted by cigarette smoke and hair metal. But it had been almost a week, and all that Billy had left behind were stale air and silence.
She flicked on the flashlight. The blinds were drawn, the bed unmade, half his closet on the floor. Air the room out, and you could pretend he’d walk right in.
His schoolbooks balanced an ashtray; the desk was not for studying. Instead, he’d cluttered it with beer cans and tapes and a tree’s worth of loose-leaf.
She padded over and sat down in his chair, trying to imagine him hunched over the desk, scribbling on page after page in messy letters. Billy’s handwriting was just as angry as he was.
Her eyes flickered over song lyrics- snippets from the racket she’d been forced to sit through every weekday morning and afternoon. Somehow, silent car rides had lost their appeal.
Strange little doodles decorated the margins- band logos and cars and anatomically inaccurate depictions of women. “Gross,” Max said aloud, pushing the papers away with a theatric shudder.
The tabletop had not been exempted from Billy’s artistry; Max shone the flashlight on more band logos and cuss words and names engraved into the wood. Here there was a crude AC/DC logo, the lightning slash extending down to form the ‘t’ in ‘TWAT’. There was a ‘María’ right next to that, the accent mark angled in the wrong direction. Max remembered her; she’d gone out with Billy for all of sophomore year- the longest Max had ever seen him go out with one girl. She’d taught Max how to do makeup.
A few paces away was Tina- the prettiest girl in Hawkins High, everyone agreed- Laurie was a slut, but she’d complimented Max on her hair- and then Karen. Max traced the ‘K’; she didn’t know any Karens who went to Hawkins High- but then again, she barely knew all the kids in the middle school. There could be a pretty blonde cheerleader somewhere, talking to her friends over the phone. “Yeah, I went out with him a couple of times,” Max imagined her saying. She’d twirl a strand of hair around her finger, lips pulled down in a pout. “And now he’s dead. Spooky.”
She knuckled her eyes. The beam of the flashlight caught on the letter S.
She held the flashlight up, frowning at the name that made itself obvious. Stevie- except the ‘i’ was jammed haphazardly between the ‘v’ and the ‘e’, like it had been an afterthought.
She stared at it until the light flickered overhead.
Max dropped the flashlight, head snapping back to the door. It hung ajar, just as she’d left it. Heart in her throat, she inched towards the doorway.
The hallway light flicked on.
Max held the flashlight close to her chest, knuckles bone-white and stark. She stepped outside, and the light turned on in the living room.
When she stood in the doorway, staring out at the lifeless room, the telephone started to ring.
Her feet felt heavy as cinderblocks. She plucked the receiver from its cradle, bringing it to her ear with shaking hands.
From the other side, someone breathed heavily.
Max pressed the phone closer, hard enough to hurt. “Billy?”
A crackle of static. Some peculiar noise.
Apologies on a dying breath.
Then, “Max.”
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Blood Hungry: Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: ~1.8k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill, fluff and angst
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated.
Feedback is gold, and it’s the only currency I take
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“The guy the kid described definitely sounds like a tweaker,” you say once you, Spencer, and the cops show back up at the police station.
“Pull the files of all the methamphetamine arrests in the past six months,” the sheriff asks of the deputy.
“Will do.”
“We should narrow the suspect list down according to the guy's residence. Crimes like these are always crimes of opportunity,” Spencer points out.
“So the first guy on our suspect list will live in the closest proximity to the victim.”
“Do you have a place where we can set up?”
“You can use Simpson's desk. He's out. You got a phone there and a computer. Meantime, I'm gonna narrow down that list,” Sheriff Hall says.
You and Spencer walk over to the desk, and you take a seat on the edge of it while Spencer sits on the actual chair.
“You know, that house was full of chaotic energy. I saw Annie walk around her house, and I felt Wally’s energy as well as both unsubs. One was violent and angry while the other was jittery and nervous. There was only one killer, and the other guy didn’t even know what he was doing.”
“That can help us when we determine who’s on our suspect list,” Spencer nods.
“Hey, you guys find anything?” Derek asks as he and Hotch enter the station.
“Yeah,” you nod.
“Y/N found an eyewitness. A little boy who saw someone in the driveway.”
“That's more than we got at Thompson's place,” Hotch shrugs.
“We got two suspects,” JJ and Elle make their way over to everyone else. “Judd Franklin and Domino Thacker.”
“Can I see them?” you ask, and JJ hands over the files.
Both men are equally suspicious, but Domino is the one who screams at you to catch him. You hand over the file to Derek who reads it.
“I know Domino. He's bad news. Serious tweaker. Cooks his own stuff,” Sheriff Hall butts in.
“Does he live near the crime scenes?” Elle asks.
“Almost directly between them.”
“Robbery, armed robbery, possession, and possession with intent. This guy's been hospitalized for overdoses and attempted suicide,” Derek reads.
“What do you think?” Hall asks.
“We need to find Domino,” you conclude.
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Derek and some burly cops went to get Domino which was the best idea they had. According to Derek, this guy ran and tried to fight back. However, due to his small stature and nervous outlook, he was easily caught and brought back to the station where Sheriff Hall placed him behind bars. This guy is wearing nothing but his underwear, so he was given a blanket due to him shivering like a Chihuahua.
“Hey, Hotch, I think it’s best if I talk to this guy. His energy is spiking in every direction, and I know I can make a connection with him easily.”
“Okay,” he nods.
Him, Derek, and Elle want to see this pan out, so they follow you to where the suspect is. From only one glance, you know this guy is the thief and not the killer. His energy matches the nervous energy you saw at the house. He is the one who robbed Annie, not killed her.
“I’m freezin’,” Domino complains as he scratches at his head.
You, Hotch, and Sheriff Hall are the only ones inside the cell while Derek and Elle are hanging outside of it.
“Domino, what were you doing at Annie Stuart’s house?” you ask gently.
“I didn't do nothin'. I got the flu. I'm sick is what I am,” he sniffles.
“We know you were there, boy,” Hall glares.
“Sheriff,” you whisper and shake your head when he looks at you.
“In the driveway. I was lookin' at that car, but I never stoled it. I was thinkin' about it, but I left. I seen that kid.”
“The blood found on the bottom of your boot is Annie Stuart's. The tread from the bottom of your boot is the same as the tread found all over the crime scene. Inside!” Elle yells.
“Elle, stop,” you snap and glare at her.
She is not helping this situation.
“Deputy. Coming out,” she sighs and leaves since she knows she won’t be of any help here.
“I didn't do nothin',” Domino whimpers.
“Domino,” you sigh and bend down so he doesn’t have to look up at you. “Look at yourself. You have a record and the blood of Annie all over you. How do you think that’s going to hold up in court? Think about that.”
“I... I… came back. I came back to her house. But he was leavin'.”
“Some dude, man. I don't know.”
“What was he wearing?” you ask.
“He had a hood. A black hood.”
“Domino, look at me,” you order gently, and he just shakes his head. “I’m not going to hurt you. No one is. I just want to talk to you. Come on, look at me.” He finally does and you can see just how scared he was. “You didn’t do this, did you?” He shakes his head. “Okay, if that’s true, then you gotta help us out here. Talk to me. You left. You saw him leave. Then what?”
“Went in and--and she's lying there. You know, um, I needed money real bad so... she was already like that.”
“She was like what?”
“You know, she was all cut up,” he starts to cry.
“She was all butchered up and you robbed her anyway?”
“It ain't right!” he yells, and you stand back up. This interview is done. “It ain't right! I'm sorry! It ain't right. Oh, god, forgive me. Oh, god... It ain't right! I'm sorry!”
“We’re done here,” you say to the Sheriff and Hotch.
It’s time that Domino is left alone to think about what he’s done. When you get to the main part of the station, you turn to the Sheriff.
“He didn't do it.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“He was pretty freaked out just thinking about what was done to Annie,” Derek points out.
“People pretend,” he shrugs.
“Anybody delusional enough to eviscerate Annie would not be lucid enough to recount it the way he did. Trust me, he didn’t do it. He robbed her, but that’s it.”
“Alright. I'll have him taken to detox and then I'm gonna arrest him for robbery.”
“In the meantime, I'd have your men canvass the neighborhood again to see if they saw a guy in a hooded sweatshirt,” Derek orders.
“Will do,” he nods.
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Once you and the team had a rough idea of what to look for, it was time to give the profile. Every single cop in the station gathered around to hear what your team had to say. According to Gideon, he discovered that the unsub is drinking and eating the blood and organs after placing them in round containers. It’s why there were bloody rings on the coffee table. You have enough to put together a profile.
“We are looking for a twenty to thirty-year-old male,” Hotch begins.
“The unsub engages in anthropophagy. It's a psychotic conviction that he must drink human blood and possibly eat human flesh,” you add.
“For Richard Rrenton Chase, the vampire killer, he drank his victims' blood because he believed that aliens had invaded his body and were slowly drinking his blood,” Spencer spits out facts only he would know.
However, you knew about this too.
“If he didn't get the blood he needed, he'd die. Anthropophagy suggests such an extreme level of psychosis and disorganization that he couldn't have ventured very far from home to commit these crimes. This guy lives or has lived in this town. He knows the territory.”
“You've all seen him,” Derek takes over. “Maybe at the ballpark or riding his bike home from the grocery store. He wasn't always a threat. He could have been your neighbor. He might have been your friend. We think something about his delusion is keeping him here in town.”
“So, we're gonna start at Annie’s house and we're gonna spread out there in quadrants. We're gonna eliminate all of his hiding places,” Hotch determines.
“Paul Thompson's funeral is this afternoon. A lot of his neighbors are gonna be there,” Sheriff Hall mentions.
“Then that’s where we start,” you nod.
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The funeral is in full service, and you’re scanning the area to see who might be at all suspicious. Most everyone is passing your tests, but there is one woman wearing a lacy black veil that raises a bunch of red flags. For some reason, she has a tint of that angry red energy you saw back at the house. There is something not right with her.
You go to mention this to Hotch who stands next to you when JJ and Elle walk over with a bunch of case files.
“So, we got some names of unsubs. Farrell Belvedere, twenty-three. He, uh, took a little too much LSD and flipped out in a Winn Dixie and tore up a cheese counter.”
“It’s not him,” you shake your head.
“Okay, show her Mark Ward. He's twenty-one with five counts of petty larceny. Attempted suicide, committed for a year, but now he's living back with his parents.”
“Nope,” you shake your head.
“The last one is Oley Maynor, twenty-five. He was institutionalized for severe manic-depression. He has violent mood swings. When he was eighteen, he got arrested for biting the heads off chickens.”
“He matches what I saw. It could be him, but it ain't the other two. I know it for sure,” you say.
“Gather as much information as you can about him,” Hotch orders.
“You got it,” you nod and leave with Elle.
Derek catches up with you and Elle to gather information on Oley, but you have one woman in mind. By the time you got debriefed, the funeral was over. The woman in the lacy veil was leaving, and you rushed over to her to see what she knows. You really want to get a feel about who she is and what she’s hiding because you know she’s hiding something.
“Ma’am, do you mind if we ask you a few questions?” you ask and flash her your badge.
“Of course, what do you need to know?”
“Do you know a man named Oley Maynor?”
“Of course. I just saw him the other day,” she nods without looking at you.
“You saw him where?” Derek asks.
“He was with his brother. In fact, I think it looked like they didn't want to be seen because he took Oley out of the car and went straight into his house.”
“When was this, Mrs. Mays?” Elle asks.
She must have known who this is because you didn’t know her name.
“Three days ago.”
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artxyra · 4 years
I got another request! So, Jason is Red Hood at the time when he sees Marinette clutching a backpack (it has the miraculous box inside and some essentials and clothing) as she was falling from a portal (even tho a cloud was covering it so it looked like she was falling from the sky) into a river. He jumps in, saves her, and says something like "Holy sh*t I just saved an angel" He stays hidden for 2 weeks helping her until the fam meet her. [Anything you want from here but end goal is daminette]
It was close to midnight when the Red Hood notice that something was up. Little did he knew was that his next encounter with someone would have changed his entire life. He looked up to the cloudy night sky that always plagues Gotham, nothing felt out of the place. Well, the moment lasted into his begins to see a silhouette of someone falling from the sky. The person was coming down fast, real fast.
Rushing to what he presumed to be the persons landing grounds, he failed to realize that the person wasn’t going to reach the cold hard concrete ground but the river not far from him. As the person was falling quickly than anticipated, he ditched his jacket and ran towards the river.
Splash. Splash.
He breaks for air pulling the formerly falling person with him to shore. Back on dry land, the Red Hood was finally able to get a good look at the person he saved.
“Holy shit, did I just save an Angel?” He whispers to himself brushing back strands of dark hair that clings to the girl’s face.
Looking around for any signs of help coming, he picks the girl up into his arms and disappears into the night, not caring that it was his night to patrol.
Marinette woke up the next day with a massive headache. Quickly leaning upward, she calls out for Tikki as she searches through the blankets looking for her backpack. It hasn’t registered to Marinette that wasn’t at home nor was she in Paris anymore.
Tikki flies up to Marinette, giving the panic guardian a sense of reassurance.
“Where am I? Kaalki?” Marinette finally takes in her bearings as she touches face noticing the lack of glasses that is the horse miraculous.
“Kaalki’s fine, Marinette. Your entry coming here was rather shaky.” Tikki states keeping close to Marinette as the realization hits her. Turning to the side table, Marinette sees the horse miraculous and puts.
“Kaalki, where did that portal send us?” Kaalki finally appears but she scoffs and looks around the room.
“The portal sent us to a place called Gotham. In the Americas, apparently.” Kaalki answers before flying off to who knows where.
“Gotham, like in the Batman comics?” Marinette says before groaning resting her hand over her forehead and lay back down. All she could do is think, how was this possible.
“Hey Angel from the sky, you alright in there?” A voice startles her out of the bed. She stares at the tall muscular man in front of her. He has a turf of white in his dark hair, blue eyes, and wearing the worst kind of leather jacket she has ever seen in her life.
Racking through her brain, she tries to find the words to say in English, “Uh… and you are?”
“I should be asking you the same, but the names Jason, and you look like someone who has been trucked over, twice,” Jason says cautiously take a few steps forward.
Marinette’s shoulders relax. “I’m Marinette.”
Marinette walks over to Jason, shaking his hand, thus creating one of the most cherished siblings’ bonds ever created in the city of Gotham.
Over the course of a week, Jason quickly learned that Marinette’s English wasn’t that great (she knew basic English, but then again who doesn’t know anything past basic English), he also learned that Marinette was only sixteen almost seventeen, just a year younger than this youngest brother. Marinette had learned that Jason lives by himself in this rundown apartment complex, though he does spend a handful of times over at his adoptive family’s house. She also learned he really enjoys guns and rock music, so of course they bond over Jagged Stone’s latest new album.
At the beginning of her second week in Gotham, Marinette was growing anxious and a little stir crazy. After Jason had left to go to work, she decided that it would do her and the kwamis well to leave the apartment and explore. She doesn’t know why, but she found herself drawn to the park.
Pulling out the remains of one her sketchbook, she finds a dainty little bench underneath a tree far away from people. Looking around, inspiration hits her, so she begins sketching out an outline.
Marinette doesn’t know how long it has passed until a ball dropped in front of her. She sets the sketchbook aside and is immediately greeted by black Great Dane wagging his tail. Marinette giggles before bending down to search for a name tag.
“Titus?” Marinette mutters before scratching Titus’ head and neck.
Titus nudges the ball towards her getting the message to Marinette. She managed to play ball with her new furry friend until a concerned voice calls out the dog’s name. The person she assumes is Titus’ owner walks in fury towards her direction.
“Hi, he came over to me…” The owner cuts her off turning his attention to the dog who wags his tail in the owner’s face before walking over to Marinette. Marinette tries and fails to conceal her laughter.
The owner sighs and turns his attention to Marinette, “Damian.”
“Damian,” Marinette test the name, “Well you have a very nice dog. Actually, I’m very thankful for him pulling me out of my zone.” She holds out her hand. Damian shakes it after a moment of eyeing her down.
“Titus does have a tendency to do that.” She’s beginning to wonder if Damian was a person against small talk or better yet talking about himself.
Marinette bends down to say goodbye but not before wishing to see him and Damian again in the future.
Damian turns to Titus who does the same, and Damian could have sworn that he says a smirk on that dog’s face.
After their first encounter, Damian and Marinette continuously met at the park. Their second encounter was by pure accident. Marinette had wanted ice cream the following day and decided to enjoy her soft serve back on that dainty bench. Titus wanted to get out again, so Damian took him back to the park around the same time. After that, they decided to meet at the park every day around the same time.
As another week past by, Marinette finally began to wonder what was going on in Paris. She doubts that any besides her parents would care that she was missing, but she can’t help but wonder whether that person (or group) that was after her left Paris alone.
As Marinette grow closer to Damian, she did the same with Jason. He even took her to the shooting ring for practice one night and was blown away by her aim. Jason now swears that if Bruce doesn’t adopt his newly claimed sister then he would find a way to do it legally.
After having Marinette to his lonesome for two weeks, Jason decided that it might be best to introduce her to the family against every bone in his body. He knows that Marinette is hiding something, but it also seemed like she didn’t know what she was hiding also.
“Hey Pixie-Pop, you would you mind coming with to B’s house?” He asks on that faithful Sunday morning, which is odd considering Sundays were the days he typically leaves Marinette to herself.
“Sure,” She pauses for a moment, “Are you sure that they wouldn’t mind? I hate to be—” She rambles on getting a chuckle out of the older male.
“Nah, Pixie-Pop, they wouldn’t mind.” He tells her easing her growing anxiety.
Marinette smiles up at him before rushing into the guestroom that slowly became her room.
On the back of Jason’s bike reminded her of her Nona. In fact, every time she rides with him it’s a constant reminder of her Nona, the rush of wind blowing through her hair. The feeling of someone close to you knowing that you’re most likely being protected. Marinette had dreamed of getting a bike of her own when she older and in case she can never return to Paris perhaps Jason would be willing to teach her.
“Jay-Jay this a house, it’s a mansion.” Were the first few words upon entering the Wayne Manor grounds. Jason laughs it off by rubbing her head and motioning for her to follow him.
“Sup nimrods, I’m back and I brought a guest. Treat her right and there will be no bullets shooting tonight.” He calls out to the group of people settled into the room.
Marinette squirms underneath all the glances she was receiving but upon seeing the familiar sight of green eyes and a certain Great Dane, she slowly became at ease.
“Hey Damian, I didn’t know you lived here.” Well, ring the alarms because immediately she is greeted by screams of all kinds some projected to the green-eyed teen while one was projected to her.
Ignoring the commotion that is aimed at him, Damian curtly nods to Marinette as Titus rushes over to her. “Hi, Angel.” Cue another round of commotion.
So, dinner was a complete mess, well not like food is thrown everywhere kind of a mess but it was an emotional disaster. Tim was knocked over the table, the like of caffeine and sleep finally getting to him. Dick and was having a heated conversation with Jason about Marinette, all while Bruce sat there in silence. Secretly he was hoping for the chance of grandchildren in the future if this girl can make it through with his family.
Once Damian had finished his food and notice how uncomfortable Marinette is, they managed to disappear down the halls to who knows where. Alfred walks in shaking his head all while cleaning up the dishes.
Marinette ended up moving into Wayne Manor just days after the dinner at the request of Jason who ended up tag-teaming with Bruce. It didn’t take her long to figure their secret identities and it wasn’t long after that when they question her as to why she was declared missing and presumed dead in Paris. Let just say that was another heated conversation because it unleashed a whole lot of emotions.
Damian finally worked up the courage to ask the bluenette out after her staying with them for over a month. Both of them were too afraid of ruining the friendship they created. Not long after they started dating, Marinette learned that the people who were after her in Paris were a part of some cult under the name League of Assassins. This is then prompted Damian to talk about his past and Marinette telling the family that she had known their identities for quite some time. It didn’t them long to meet the kwamis and adding Ladybug to their personal alliance.
Marinette only went back to Paris after some convincing from the Batfamily to at least give her parents some sort of closure that their daughter is safe. She took Kaalki to make the trip easy. Her parents were, of course, mad at her for not contacting them sooner, but after she explained everything it was Sabine that had some choice words to say to some “old co-workers” of hers from her early teen and adult years. As much as they didn’t want Marinette to leave, her parents knew their daughter was happier in Gotham than she ever was after the whole Hawkmoth ordeal and even both that. Her missing person case was closed, and Marinette went back to Gotham with the promise to come to see them again in the summer.
Damian and Marinette finally shared their first kiss with each other after a couple of months of dating. It was Titus that pushed them to do at the park underneath the bench where they meet.
Permanent Tag List: @vixen-uchiha | @i-is-mysterious | @kuroko26 | @maribat-is-lifeblood | @marinettepotterandplagg | @loveswifi | @ladybug-182
Unspecific Tag List: @g-arya | @jardimazul | @jeminiikrystal | @zalladane | @bluerosette23  | @dast218 
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popquizhot-shot · 3 years
You’re not him-Chapter 4
Mobius was holding a candy box called Kablooie, which you recognized.
"Kablooie." he said.
" What's that?" Loki asked.
"Candy. Do you have candy on Asgard?" Mobius says.
"Yeah, grapes, nuts."
"Huh, well no wonder your so bitter." he says before grabbing a large bunch of files and heading to the desk leaving you and Loki to follow him.
"Okay, so Kablooie was only sold regionally on Earth from 2047 to 2051, so we need to cross reference that with every apocalyptic event, I'm gonna give you half, Y/n take a few from him, have a competition see who finds it." Mobius explains.
"Sure." Loki says seeming interested in the 'competition'
" You wanna bet on something?, Yeah a bet, let's play for pride, may the best person win!" Mobius declares.
Rolling your eyes with a small smile, you take the files Loki hands you.
"Anything?" Mobius asks, going through a file.
"Uh, it's not the climate disaster of 2048." Loki replies
"Or the Tsunami of 2051." you pipe in, not looking up from your pile.
"Let's go, let's go come on." Mobius chants.
"2050..the extinction of the swallow.." Loki reads out.
"That's a thing?" you say, a little shaken up at number of natural disaster and problems.
"Completely screwed up the ecosystem.." Mobius answers.
"Krakatoa erupted in 2049 as well." you say
"No kablooie" Loki says.
"God, it's just one damn thing after another, isn't it?" Mobius muses.
"Tell me about it." you scoff.
"Cyclones, famine, volcanoes,floods-"
"Got him!" Loki says, holding up the file, "That's where he is."
"Alabama, 2050." you say reading the file.
Leaning forward, Mobius looks at Loki and smirks," You're gonna take my job, if I'm not careful."
" Ok, pack it up, Lovebirds!" you say giggling, while simultaneously feeling this unreasonable jealousy.
Playfully glaring at you, Loki leans back and lets out a little breath.
" I have to go to Ravonna and ask her  to approve a fully-armed task force, this mission, if it even happens, is really important." Mobius gets up and you and Loki closely follow.
Mobius was inside Renslayer's office, you and Loki were waiting outside. To pass the time, you decided to play a game.
" Ok, tell me about a time you scared your brother" you ask, hoping to hear the iconic snake story.
" Ohhh, I have a good one, we were about eight at the time, and you see, Thor loves snakes, so to scare him, I transformed myself into a snake and he picked it up to admire it and then I transformed back into myself and said, " MEUH IT'S ME! and stabbed him." he said smiling at the memory.
"My turn!" you say
" Ok, were you ever in love with someone?" he said.
Taking a deep breath, you for yourself to look at him.
"Yes. Yes I was." you say smiling lightly.
"Oh! tell me about this lucky person." he says interested, and..is that a tinge of jealousy in his voice?
" Well, he was one of the most caring, sweet, and amazing people, I had ever met in my life, he loved forehead kisses.  But h-he was murdered, right in front of me" you say sadly, eyes becoming moist.
" Oh, I'm sorry about that." he says sympathetically.
" What about you, were you ever in love?" you ask, when Loki was alive, he didn't tell you much about his past relationships, mainly because you never asked.
" Well, I've had my fair share of  relationships, but in most of them there was nothing ever......authentic or real.." .
You selfishly sigh in happiness on the inside.
"-except one girl." he continued.
"Oh, nice so who was she?" you ask, jealousy raging and burning inside you.
" Oh, well her name was Astrid and I really loved her, we talked about marriage and things like that, but then she was married to a duke of Vanaheim."
"Huh, I'm sorry."
" It's alright, it was for the best."
The awkward silence is broken by Mobius walking out of the office.
"So? Are we on?" you ask.
" We're on" he replies, walking to the locker room.
"I'm telling you, you help us catch this variant, and who knows my friend-" Mobius begins.
" What good enough for a face to face with the time keepers?" Loki asked, while you headed to your locker.
"I didn't say that, one step at a time."
" Ok, one step at a time."
Reaching into his locker, Mobius pulls out a pair of daggers and hands them to him, " Just in case."
While Loki fawns over them, Hunter B-60 immediately comes and snatches them away, putting them in her own locker, leaving Loki adorably pouting and you laughing.
"Gather around for a briefing!" she announces.
After everyone is gathered, she begins.
"Roxxcart is a vast superstore common to the era, it consists of a series of sprawling sections, including a large warehouse. This warehouse is being used by civilians as a shelter trying to ride the storm. Remember this is a class-10 apocalypse, while the Variant wouldn't know we're coming, he could be hiding anywhere, and should be considered hostile. So stay alert. Every time there is an attack, the Variant steals a reset charge, he's planning something, we just don't know what. So keep an eye out for the missing charges, and if you see a Loki, prune it."
"The bad Loki, preferably." Loki pipes in.
Destination, Haven Hills, Alabama.
Year, 2050.
It's pouring outside and as you walk in, there's a flash of thunder. Out of habit, you look up expecting Thor, only to look at Loki and seeing him so the same.
Poor sweetie.
Walking into the store, you immediately see Loki use his magic to dry himself, and that reminded you,
Shit, I can do magic.
So you did the same, only the color of your magic was gold.
Loki looked surprised as hell.
" The hell was that?" Hunter asked Loki.
Loki, looking surprised that you could do magic, said to her, " That was me, using magic to dry my clothes, so I don't announce myself with every squeaky footstep like the rest of you." he says.
The lights flicker making all of you alert.
"Ok, take two teams and sweep the storm shelter." she says.
"Loki and I are gonna check out the greenhouse, we'll mee-" Mobius begins
"No" Hunter says.
" No? He's under my supervision" Mobius, argues.
They argue back and forth making you get frustrated.
"Ok, enough! Mobius let Loki go with her, I'll scout on my own." you butt in.
Begrudgingly, he allows Loki to go with B-60.
As you go through and check the aisles, you see Loki and B-60, talking to someone with his hands up.
"It's a hurricane sale, azaleas are half off." the guys says.
" Could that be you?" B-60 asked.
"I mean I probably would have worn a suit, but yes, maybe."
You walk over and stand next to Loki, " Who's the guy?"
" We're about to find out." he replies.
Hunter makes her way to the guy, prune stick( is it called a prune stick? if anyone knows what it's called, please tell me) charged. As she goes near him, he grabs hold of her arm and you can see a flash of green magic make its way up Hunter's arm, the man falls to the ground.
"Is he dead?" Loki asks not realizing what happened.
"Loki, that's not Hunter." you say.
" No, they usually survive." Hunter, no, the Variant says.
Facing Loki, she says," So you're the fool the TVA brought in to hunt me down."
"Me, I presume." Loki says
"Please, if anyone's anyone, you're me." she says smiling cheekily at him.
He retaliates by smiling wider.
Rolling your eyes, you scoff.
Children, literal children
"How nice to meet you."
In the surveillance room, Mobius and the others find C-20
The poor girl looks traumatized, saying one thing over and over again.
"It's real, it's real, it's real." she says shaking, her voice wavering
Speaking into a comm, Mobius says, "Y/n, we need y-"
"Enchantment is a clever trick." Loki says, as you all walk around." Cowardly, a bit amateur-ish, but clever."
"Almost as cowardly as working for the TVA." the Variant replies.
"I'm working for me."
"You really believe that don't you?"
"Heh, and here I was worried that they found a better version of me."
This is getting boring
"Hi, are you guys looking for the disaster shelter?" a worker asks.
"No." the Variant says before enchanting him and taking over his body, Hunter falling to the ground, Loki and you go to check on her.
"Oh bless, you gonna call you're little friends for help?" the Variant says.
" What's the matter, you too scared to meet me face-to-face?"
"Y/n, we need you here, come to the surveillance room, we have a problem."
Slowly backing away, you leave and teleport to the surveillance room.
"It's real, it's real, it's real, it's real-" C-20 kept saying over and over again.
"What's real?" you ask.
" She's off the dial." an agent replies.
"Look at me c-20, what's real?" you repeat
"I wanna go home." she says eyes wide.
" We're gonna get you there, call the TVA and let the infirmary kno-"
"No, I gave it away!" she shouts
"What, what did you give away?" Mobius asks.
" The Time Keepers! Where they are!"
In shock, you look at the live camera footage of the shop and you see Loki getting beaten up.
"Shit, Mobius I'll be back." you say and teleport to a different part of the store
You arrive just in time to see a hooded-figure in front of Loki and you.
"Where did you go? I got my ass whooped." he asks you
"The Variant knows where the Time- keepers are." you reply
The hooded figure comes forward and lifts the hood to reveal a-
Holy shit.
a beautiful lady is standing in front of you, wearing the signature horns, her hair is like Loki's except it's blonde. Blonde?
"This isn't about you." she says
In shock you just nod and Loki slowly says, "Right."
At that exact moment, a timer goes off and and the lights go out, the only source of light coming from.... wait is that a TemPad?
Everything becomes brighter and you can see lots and lots of reset charges, each one going into a different timeline.
The lights flicker red and you can see the lady wave and then walk into a time-door.
You can also hear Mobius shouting in the distance.
You and Loki look behind and then at each other and nod before running through the door after her.
The last thing you hear is Mobius shouting.
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mamourland · 4 years
10+4+2 for miggy 🥰
High School AU / Meet Messy / “fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit. fuck.”
Rating: T (for the cursing) 
“Hey Jules! Wait up!”
Juliet recognized that voice and turned around to let her best friend Tani catch up to her in the hallway as she was about to head out after finishing her homework in the library.
“Do you mind giving me a ride home?” The dark-haired girl asked her once she stopped next to her.
“Not at all,” Juliet answered, and in reality she didn’t, but she was apprehensive of her friend’s reaction.
They walked for five minutes past the parking lot where most students parked to go to school until Tani voiced her concern.
“Uh, Jules, why are so parked so far away from the entrance?”
They arrived near the football field and as soon as Juliet pressed the button of her key fob, illuminating a red, shiny Ferrari, Tani got her answer.
“Girl! Are you fucking kidding me? You got a Ferrari??? No wonder you’re parked so far away. Those morons with their Hyundai would scratch the paint of this baby in no time.”
Juliet rolled her eyes.
“That’s not why I’m parking all the way near the football field; I just don’t want people to know I’m driving this.”
“Why? I would so brag about it if I were you.”
They climbed in the car and Tani marveled at the leather seats and the wonderful smell.
“My father bought it for me just to make himself feel better for missing my birthday and Christmas and basically all special moments with me for the past year since he sent me to Hawaii. I just use it because I don't have another way to get around the island but in reality I don’t care for it. ”
Her friend turned towards her and Juliet hated that she could see pity in the dark-haired girl’s eyes.
“He never came to visit you since you’ve been here?”
Juliet shook her head and then shrugged.
“It’s ok I guess, I mean I live in the most wonderful place on earth and I have this great car, even if I only got my American driving license a week ago.”
Tani laughed out loud and Juliet was glad they managed to escape the sour mood that had settled before.
“Well, show me what this baby got under the hood!”
“Well, that’s what boys say when they talk about cars anyway,” Tani confessed.
The girls laughed and Juliet turned on the engine, making the car purr like a really big cat, before engaging reverse gear. She quickly checked behind the vehicle before pressing the gas pedal gently, putting the car into motion but it didn’t have time to move more than a few feet backwards before it hit something. Juliet hit the brake pedal immediately.
“What was that?” She asked Tani.
“No idea, but maybe we should check it out.”
They climbed out of the car and when they arrived at the end of the Ferrari, Juliet’s stomach dropped to her feet.
“Oh my God! You killed the quarterback!” Tani screeched and her words made Juliet become as white as a sheet.
Lying on the ground behind her car was Thomas Magnum, the football team quarterback. He was so popular that even library rat Juliet knew who he was and she had killed him with her fucking race car.
“Fuck! fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit! fuck!”
She wasn’t one to curse usually but she had just hit someone with her car so she couldn’t care less about good manners and social etiquette.
She kneeled next to the 16 year-old boy prone body and didn’t see any noticeable injury but was still worried since he was unconscious. She doubted she had actually killed him since she was merely backing away from her parking space but checked his pulse just to make sure. Once she was reassured he was still alive she turned towards Tani who was still freaking out.
“Tani, calm down, he’s alive. Go get the school nurse while I call 911,” she ordered her friend who didn’t waste any more time before running towards their school.
Juliet fished her phone out of her pocket to dial the emergency number. When she finished telling the officer on the phone the details of the accident and where they were exactly she hung up, just at the moment Thomas slowly regained consciousness.
Juliet was thrilled he managed to wake up.
“Was I hit by a Ferrari 488 Spider?” He muttered while trying to look around.
“Don’t move your head, you could be injured. The paramedics are on their way,” she explained to him.
He zeroed in on her, apparently noticing her for the first time, which made Juliet blush. She already knew he was handsome - that was part of why he was so popular in the first place - but his perusal suddenly made her uncomfortable. Boys like him never noticed girls like her.
“Did you hit me with a sports car?” He asked her and Juliet wasn’t sure why but he seemed amused.
Who, in the bloody hell, was amused after being hit by a car?
“Do you think this is funny?” She asked him in a high-pitched voice, unable to contain her frustration at seeing him laugh about what could have been a tragedy.
“Oh I don’t think being hit by a car is funny,” he winced as he brought a hand to the back of his head, probably where it hurt. “But the thought of you driving this car is hilarious.”
He was making fun of her. She hit Thomas Magnum with her car and, if it wasn’t traumatic enough, he was now laughing at her. He tried to sit up but the paramedics told her on the phone that he shouldn’t move until they got here so she grabbed his shoulders and kept him down.
“Don’t move, you might have internal injuries.”
“I feel fine, well other than a nasty bump to my head when I hit the ground,” he told her and she felt reassured by his words but it didn’t mean she was going to let him get up as if nothing had happened.
She sat indian style next to him and suddenly felt self-conscious when the skin of her leg brushed against the skin of his forearm.
“You are Juliet Higgins, right?”
Juliet was taken aback by the fact that popular quarterback Thomas Magnum even looked at her, let alone knew her name.
“Yes, how do you know that?”
“You’re always hanging out with Tani and everyone knows who Tani is,” he answered.
He was right; Tani became fast friends with her but she was the kind of person who cared and talked to everyone and was popular just for that quality.
“Besides, you’re a foreign student so everyone knows who you are,” he continued.
She was about to retort that it didn’t make her popular since no one actually talked to her except for Tani when she heard the sirens of the ambulance coming closer to them.
She reluctantly got up to move away from the paramedics’ way while they examined Thomas and wondered why the loss of his warmth against her leg left her feeling hollow. She had never felt anything like it before and it was quite unsettling.
The medical personnel transferred him on a gurney and talked about bringing him to the hospital to take some tests to check his head injury. She saw the brief instant of panic written all over his face and felt bad for putting him through all of this.
She didn’t know what came to her but suddenly she heard herself speak.
« Can I ride with him? I’m his girlfriend. »
She tried to ignore Magnum’s smirk as she did her best to keep a straight face so the paramedics wouldn’t find out about her lie.
« Aren’t you the one responsible for his injuries? » A middle-aged woman asked her skeptically.
She blushed, flustered by the whole ordeal.
« It was an accident, » she stated.
« Well, come along, we will need some informations for the statement anyway, » the woman sighed as she rolled the gurney, with Thomas lying on it, inside the ambulance.
Once they were driving to the hospital, Thomas looked at her with a smile that unnerved her.
« What? » She snapped at him.
« As my girlfriend, I think you should hold my hand, » he teased her, still mindful of the paramedic riding with them.
« Don’t push it, » she told him.
He pouted and she did not find it adorable. After a few minutes of his puppy dog eyes trained on her, she finally relented and held his hand, which earned her a sincere smile that certainly did not bring butterflies to her stomach.
« Come on, Higgy, don’t pretend you don’t enjoy it. »
She huffed to show him she didn't like the use of this new nickname and also to pretend that she wasn't affected by him. 
She had a feeling Thomas Magnum would be trouble. But what a handsome trouble he would be.
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request: could I request 64 and 68 off your prompt list w Brock Boeser? I’ve been binging your writing and it’s so good! 💖💖
prompt(s): “I’d like to think I know you.” & “I want you to look at me the way you look at him.” / numbers 64 & 68 off of this list with Brock Boeser
summary: you bring a new guy around and Brock isn’t too happy, and it may have something to do with the fact that he’s a walking cliché.
warnings: none
word count: 2.1k
requested by: @hockeybabestars​
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For as long as you could remember, it had always been you and Brock against the world. From weekends spent in the stands cheering him on to him staying up late to help you make flash cards and review for an upcoming test, you and Brock seemed attached at the hip. You were a walking cliché, childhood best friends who took their first steps in diapers together to walking across the stage in a cap and gown. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, if Brock was there so were you, and vice versa. 
Which was why it was so easy for you to follow him to Vancouver as he continued his hockey career into the NHL. 
You’d never tell anyone, but he was a big part of the reason you accepted the nearly full ride scholarship to your top choice college in Vancouver. Now, five years later, you had built a life in the bustling city, working an entry level position at your dream job. 
Brock remained in your life, like he had promised he would and you knew he'd never break that. No matter how bad hockey was going for him, how many nights out he was invited to join as a result of his pro-athlete status, he always made time for you. Sometimes you felt bad that he canceled on his teammates to hang out with you, but he tried not to make a habit out of it, and when he passed out on your couch midway through a movie you knew he wouldn't have wanted to go out. 
To further your cliché status, you had to go ahead a fall in love with the blonde you called your best friend. 
The realization hit you all at once, one minute you were just friends and the next, you recognized that the way you felt towards him was no longer platonic. You had been at his apartment one lazy Saturday, and just the sight of him covered in a pile of blankets on the couch, trying to coax Coolie from your lap to his, had you falling for your best friend. 
So naturally, you hid from your feelings. You couldn’t risk Brock finding out about your feelings for him, worried that your longest friendship would be over as a result of one careless confession. You were so certain that he could not possibly feel the same way as you, the next time your nosy coworker offered to set you up on a date with one of her boyfriend’s friends, you agreed. 
Enter Trevor, a genuinely nice guy that you got along well with. He was kind, a gentlemen, and intelligent. He was everything you should have wanted in a guy, but he was still missing something you hadn't even realized you were looking for in all of your past dates. He wasn’t Brock.
The thought that you couldn't fall for anyone besides the one person that was off limits had you agreeing to a second date with Trevor, and then a third, and suddenly you were in the awkward stage where neither of you are seeing anyone else, but also there's no labels.
So when Bo, Brock’s captain, had texted you that he and his wife were having a get together at his house with guys on the team and told you to bring a plus one, you asked Trevor if he’d come. You had long since stopped being considered Brock’s guest, the sibling-like relationship you had with most of the team meaning you were close with the other guys as well. 
You weren’t sure why you were so nervous as you pulled up to the Horvat house, spotting most of the guys were there already. You were glad Trevor had driven the two of you, your mind was running in a million different directions. 
It might have something to do with Brock’s car, parked almost teasingly in front of you, serving as a reminder of what you wanted but couldn't have. And the fact you were about to introduce the guy you were in love with to the guy you were supposed to have feelings for. 
Trevor opened your door for you, letting you lead the way up the walk to the front door since you had been there before. You only had to wait a few seconds after knocking for Holly, Bo’s wife, to swing open the door with a wide smile on her face. You returned the warm greeting, hugging her back like you knew she wanted before turning to introduce her to Trevor. A few days after your realization, Holly had interrogated you about feelings and though you didn't explicitly tell her how you felt, she guessed correctly from how cherry red your cheeks had gotten.
You pointedly ignored her questioning stare as you shrugged off your coat and hung them on the rack by the door. 
You loved Holly, but thankfully the next person you ran into was a little less overbearing. The tall blonde, who you argued was Brock’s second best friend, smiled politely at Trevor and shook his hand. 
“Hey, Petey.” You greeted the Swede, followed by introducing him at Trevor. “Where’s Brock?”
“He’s in the living room, pouting.” Elias explained, the faintest traces of a smirk evident on his face at the jab. You grinned, though you could tell he knew your heart wasn’t in it. Elias may have been on the quieter side, but he was observant as hell. He probably could tell something was off with you from the moment you walked into the house. Instead of pushing it, though, he nodded his head in the direction of the kitchen in a silent gesture to introduce Trevor to the rest of the team. 
You did just that, and not long after Brock found his way into the kitchen. He made a spectacle of crossing the room to greet you with a hug, dropping a kiss to the top of your head before bypassing Trevor completely to make his way to the refrigerator for a water. Trevor chuckled awkwardly at the cold reception from your best friend while you openly glared at the back of his head.
Jake, who had been in the middle of animatedly telling a story, quieted down to a mumble to watch the interaction with a raised brow. 
“Brock.” You called, probably a little harsher than you should have, but just because you didn't totally see things working out with Trevor meant that he got to be rude to him. Quinn was looking between you and Brock with eyes wide as if he was seeing his parents fight for the first time. “This is Trevor.” By now Brock had turned around, a forced smile on his face that you didn't have to know him as well as you did to know it wasn't genuine. 
That was how most of the night continued to go. Brock making passive aggressive comments or passes at Trevor, who took it all in stride. You had to give him credit, if you had been subject to Brock’s blank stare as any times as he was in one night, you would’ve cut your losses. Instead, Trevor was making an effort to get on his good side, having heard how close you and Brock were. 
Just after dinner and desert was finished, you were in the kitchen helping Holly and Petey load the dishwasher and clean up, when Trevor entered the room. You smiled at him, heart dropping to your stomach when he asked if he could talk to you in private. Elias took your spot clearing the plates so you could follow Trevor into the entryway, where he was already pulling on his coat.
“You’re leaving?” You questioned, watching with furrowed brows at he nodded, smiling softly at you.
“Yeah, but you stay. I don’t think your friend likes me very much, plus I think you have feelings for him. Don’t want to step on any toes.” He explained, causing you to blush so hard you almost let him slip out the door all the way before you could call his name. 
“Sorry it didn’t work out, not to be cliché, but it’s not you, it’s me.” You explained, rushing to press a chaste kiss to his cheek as he stood on the front porch. Trevor chuckled, a little sad but otherwise he seemed relatively unscathed by what had transpired between the two of you. 
“I know.” And with that, he turned, leaving you alone in the Horvat entryway wondering just whose toes he would be stepping on. You watched through the door as Trevor drove away, and by the time his car was out of sight you were no longer alone. The tall Swede placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, his other clasped around the hood of your coat to give it to you.
“Brock’s on the back porch, go talk to him.” Elias spoke softly, and though you were having a hard time seeing through the haze of confusion the past two hours had brought on, you nodded, slipping silently to the back of the house. Brock was right where Elias had said, outside in the cold Vancouver air with his back to the door.
When you slid the door open he didn't give any reaction other than a slight turn of his head to see who had joined him. After that, he faced the backyard again, arms crossed over his chest. You tried to ignore the way your heart was hammering in your own chest, but it was becoming harder and harder to with each step you took towards the blonde. You still weren’t sure why Elias had sent you out back to talk to Brock, so you said the first thing that came to mind.
“Really living up to the nickname Mr. Sensitive, out here brooding by yourself.” You teased, because if you could get him to call you by your annoying childhood nickname then you knew things weren't irrevocably damaged between the two of you. Instead, you were met with only a scoff that had your stomach dropping. “Alright, what’s wrong?”
“You wouldn’t understand.” He brushed you off, still not meeting your gaze. You leaned sideways against the porch railing, head tilted up in a desperate attempt to catch his eye so you could read them. He had always held so much emotion in his eyes, but now he was blocking you out. 
“I’d like to think I know you.” You muttered, not ignoring the irony behind your words. You did know Brock, you knew him better than anyone, maybe even better than his own mother knew him, but now you were absolutely clueless. It was a scary thought. 
Brock turned to you at the end of your statement, and you finally were able to look into the expression behind his eyes. He looked hurt, but you weren't sure what had happened. Your pulse began to quicken at the thought that maybe you had hurt him, but still you were blanking on explanations. 
“I want you to look at me the way you look at him.” He stated, as if it was the simplest thing and not the one sentence that could make or break your entire relationship with him And if that hadn't been at the forefront of your mind, you would’ve laughed at him for thinking that anything more than a friendship could form between you and Trevor. “I’ve been in love with you since we were what, fifteen? And you never were interested, so I figured I’d deal with it, get over you, but I never could. I can't.” 
You surely looked like a fool, standing there shocked to your chore, gaping at him. You mind was working in overdrive trying to process everything that Brock had just dropped on you that you couldn't give him any discernible reaction. 
“Forget it.” He mumbled, turning to make his retreat into the house before you could stop him. 
“I love you, too.” You declared, stopping him dead in his tracks. As if he was afraid his mind was playing tricks on you, he didn't dare turn to face you, but you continued to talk. “Trevor left, we’re just friends. And I can’t say I've loved you since we were fifteen, but at least a few months. God, I love you, Brock.” As you spoke, you stepped closer until you are wrapping your arms around his middle, feeling him relax under your touch.
He spun in your grip, pulling you into his chest as if you would disappear if he didn’t keep you close. As if, you had gone with him from Minnesota to Vancouver and would follow him to the ends of the Earth. For a moment he just held you tight, relishing the feeling of you in his arms under the context that there was something more between the two of you. When he spoke next, you could feel his chest rumbled under your cheek from how closely you were pressed against him.
“What a cliché, falling for your best friend. Mom’s going to love this.”
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
Marinette did Not sign up for this part 5
so, this happened. i would feel bad, but the characters hijacked this story after chapter 1 and i’m just along for the ride and checking that words makes sense.
First part here Previous Here ao3 Here
“Hey Alya, you haven’t been getting more hits on your blog from Gotham lately, have you?” Marinette asked.
Alya rolled her eyes as honestly, could her bestie be any less obvious? She could see the “new” necklace. The one that only shows up when Multimouse is on call. Honestly—why is it everyone keeps thinking she doesn’t know who’s who? She’s the Fox—Illusions and Truth are her bread and butter.
“Now that you mention it,” Alya pulled up her latest stats. “Yes. The whole site—jeez these guys must have just found out and want the scoop from the best source in Paris,” Alya preened.
Marinette acted… different after she got that answer. Moved in on herself. Alya could feel the attempt at a cover-up before she even asked.
“Hey, is something up?”
“Nothing! Nothing is up, why would something be up! Ha, that’s a good one Alya!”
Ah, the miraculous-related tic was in full swing then. Marinette isn’t exactly the most in-the-know miraculous user, and the Mouse is always taken back after its been used. She could be forgiven for assuming Alya, the expert in all things Miraculous second only to the Original duo and their boss, would not know that something was going on in a certain spotted heroine’s life, and it was all hands on deck.
“Okay,” Alya switched to her theory notes, “Any new names to add to the ‘would not be surprised if they were Hawkmoth’ list?” Marinette is a goldmine on this topic, and while miraculous adjacent, definitely able to ease the whole ‘not in control’ and helpless feelings this situation was probably stirring in her girl. She knew it was for herself atleast.
Marinette perked up with a familiar ‘I know what you will say, but lets do this anyway’ type of sly smile. “Okay, so we do agree that it has to be someone that knows Gabriel’s schedule and doesn’t want to interfere with it for the most part, right?”
“Well,” Alya wasn’t letting this hunch go anytime soon, no matter what LB and Chat said about evidence against. She knew she was onto something with it, and for all she knew, some miraculous magic could be interfering. “I still say it could be him and Natalie taking turns, but that doesn’t rule them both out.”
Marinette shot Alya a look, of the ‘I strongly disagree, but feel it is futile to remind you why’ variety.
“I’m kidding, your boss isn’t Hawkmoth, I know… He’d totally have better designs for akumas if he was.”
Marinette leaned forward conspiratorially. “You should have seen him tear into the Bubbler one when I brought it up as an example of horrible design. His face was perfect!”
Alya would love to imagine the many, many ways to torment Gabriel after what she and Nino have come to understand about the man from their friends. Ranging from negligent and uninvolved control freak at best to manipulative, victim-blaming, and abusive POS. If Adrien and Marinette were a little less attached (re: not pedestalling the man so much), then she could get them to see the truth and they could go over the pair’s options to get them both away from his BS and make the man pay for the all the crap he put Adrien through, and was starting to put Marinette through. Why else would the girl be running herself ragged—especially the past week—if the man wasn’t a demanding asshole boss?
“That’s great, next time, get a pic or vid and share the love.”
“I will, so I met another one of his suppliers and…” Alya began to take vicious notes, glad for Marinette’s attention to detail on these things. It made looking for possible Hawkmoths much easier on her and Max—yes she knows who Pegasus and Cowboy are, Markov in a hat is still Markov in a hat. It was a wonder that no one else noticed.
Alya grinned when she saw Trixx peek out of her hiding place, a wide smile that reminded her exactly why Alya could catch everyone’s identity while her friends still hadn’t put together she’s Rena; a Fox casts illusions. To do that well, you have to learn to seek and see the truth, and get your evidence. And Alya? Is a damn good fox.
Tim hates his stupid insane list of designers. He managed to knock of half by using his own damn filters, thank you very much for dominant genes from the Wayne side that could be seen visually. It knocked out a good chunk (about two thousand out of five thousand) on hair alone. He decided he would let it keep running for those that linked their socials to their psueds and aliases.
The problem was the handful (about ten) that didn’t. He’d have to meet them in person, used his glasses to get pictures, and run those against social media posts in Paris to find out who these more private designers were—all to find out if they really are in the right age range, and if their natural features do put them in the ‘likely a Wayne’ category for Wayne dominant traits (and those possible given Bruce’s own DNA makeup, which he doesn’t know Tim has. Hey, he’s the Robin that Gets Shit Done, never said he was the polite one. That’s Dick’s job, not his.)
Adrien hates not having Plagg with him. Not that Tikki isn’t great and all! Really! Just… he misses him and his stinky cheese, okay?
“Adrien,” Natalie knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
Natalie entered the doorway, but no further. “When is Marinette free for consultations next? we have a high end client who would like to commission her as soon as possible.”
“Give me a minute…” Adrien checked his ‘overseeing Marinette’ schedule on his phone. “Uh, she has walk-ins around four until five tomorrow.”
“Excellent. Will she be at her home or the studio Gabriel has provided for consultations?” By her tone, he could tell which Natalie and Father would prefer.
“Let me check with her.”
“See that you do.”
Adrien sent a lipstick, X arm lady, and house emoji to Marinette.
In a minute she sent back a thumbs up and apartment building emoji.
“Studio it is.”
Natalie nodded. “Excellent choice. I will let them know to be there at four ten, given Marinette’s… difficulty arriving on time.”
Adrien grimaced a bit on that as yeah… no longer having a Danger sense meant her punctuality was… not very good.  “Are they speaking to Marinette or MDC?”
He’d need to know if he should just pick her up or not. MDC didn’t have to get picked up—designers to celebrities are allowed to be late and can blame it on getting caught up in a few details on a commission design for a walk-in consultation. Marinette was tied to the Gabriel Brand and needed to reflect that, therefore, be there on time and ready.
“Marinette for now, though they expressed an interest in MDC as a budding designer, and they are well within the MDC price range,” Natalie hinted.
Adrien kept the hiss growing in the back of throat quiet. Marinette chooses who MDC works with, not his Father.
Stephanie is both delighted and upset when she sees Cass. As its Cass—she probably figured it out already damn it!—but its Cass and she missed her since she left a few months back for a mission and got caught up in the Chinese crime scene again.
“Hey Cass!”
Cass grinned when she saw Steph and made her way over.
“Found her!”
Stephanie was gutted. She really wanted to win, just this once, at a detective thing. You know, be the normal one that managed to out-do the prodigies and geniuses. Not to be again. “Oh, that’s great. Where is the baby bat?”
Cass shook her head. “Not her, Soup Girl.”
Stephanie opened and shut her mouth. Then lit up as she still has a chance! “Oh, right—right! You said you wanted to meet her a while back.”
Cass nodded. “Her family is nice.”
“Did you talk to her or…”
Cass shook her head. “Busy.”
“Ah.” That made sense. “Well, uh, still competing?”
Cass raised an eyebrow. That was a yes.
“Maybe we should work on helping her on the hero side of things together, you know, so we don’t freak her out when we all swarm her place. Make the whole thing a bit less…”
Stephanie nodded. It would help ease the girl into the family, and keep Cass on that case instead of finding Baby Bat for a bit. Win-Win for Stephanie and Baby Bat.
Chatte Noire really, really hates dealing with akumas. She's built for strategy, to see tricky parts and work out how to make them safer for the team and minimize risk. She is not made to be Chatte Noire. Yet here she is, in an akuma attack, trying to play the role of a Black Cat—identify and destroy threats to the team. Problem is, she lacks Chat Noir's heightened ability to sense danger. In fact, she lacks it completely--and she knows the team isn't happy.
The attack is taking longer than it would if she was Ladybug. This would be over if she had just managed to keep her big mouth shut and not talked to Aquaman. Then the Justice League wouldn’t be involved. Then the whole promise to Murder Robin would not be broken and Paris would already be saved for the day instead of dealing with another Sandboy attack going on well into the night, with a cure that won’t be able to handle fatigue, energy renewal or relax the body for sleep post ‘I’m scared out of my mind’ fear.
She made sure to avoid this Sandboy’s attacks and she would save whoever got caught. Her Cataclysms may not be as strong as Chat’s (his do make the whole thing go away) but she is just as quick on her feet and just as good at getting civilians out of danger.
“On it Buggaboy! And not yet!”
It was too off for the Lucky Charm. They’d need Viperion, and he was stuck underwater with Aquaman trying to get him out at the moment. Until then, she just had to minimize damage, keep civilians away from their nightmares hunting them down, and keep moving and planning and work everything out while playing bodyguard for the team at Cha—At Mr. Bug’s call.
She hopes things turn out okay.
Then she sees a bat symbol and the world vanishes.
Red Hood blinked when he saw some girl running around on rooftops in… Isn’t Chat Noir supposed to be the cat one? Where the hell is Ladybug—and why is some guy in her place? Shit, did the baby bat lose her miraculous or was it stolen? Damnit, now he has to steal it back for her!
“Okay, how did LB get hit when she isn’t even here?” The fox girl groaned as she dodged another attack. “Aren’t these guys supposed to go after who’s scared of them?”
The bee girl rolled her eyes. “More than just Ladybug can be terrified of the bats. They’re the Ghosts, remember?”
“Hey, can we argue about fears and who has rights to them some other time?” fake ladybug asked, flinching and moving closer to the Turtle guy. “Uh, Chatte, that way!”
Cat girl—Chatte— said something he didn’t catch and grabbed a kid stuck in a mob and bounce out.
“I—” the boy threw his hands up. “We’re screwed. She really, really isn’t getting the whole Cat thing.”
Red Hood pulled out his guns, checking that the darts were loaded and aiming for Spots.
“Chatte---guy with a gun!”
This time cat girl managed to look over and froze. She started… hyperventilating? Shit—kid’s having an attack.  
Red Hood lowered his gun and made sure to get closer to her---seeing as the other heroes—Dragon girl, Monkey boy and Snake Guy were busy with the bee and fox girls trying to circle some kid on a pillow. No clue where the other kid in black was, but the cat girl losing it? that was his current focus.
“Kid, come on, breathe.”
“Oh my—” the kid looked at him like he was the threat. “Fuck, no—I shouldn’t have talked back to---shit. Shit, now I’m gonna—”
Just like that, Red Hood was dropped into Gotham harbor. Jason didn’t even get to look around to see what happened. He did manage to tread water and work out which was to go to get to shore.
“Jesus Hood—sending Robin to your location. What happened?”
“Some kids stole baby bats’ jewels, some akuma attack, the actual cat thief was hyperventilating and then I end up here.”
“Oh, B is not going to like this.”
“I already don’t like it.” Batman growled out over comms. “Did someone say voyage?”
Red Hood wracked his somewhat waterlogged brain. “In French, yes.”
“One of the local heroes.” Jason could feel Bruce’s annoyance. “Why were you in Paris.”
“Well,” Red Hood kept swimming to shore. “When you find out a long lost bat is in life threatening danger, one must locate and meet this possible winner of the ‘avoided having crappy parents raise me’ lottery to give a well-earned ‘congrats, you’re a well-adjusted person in a family of crimefighter! Mazel tav.”
“Hood.” Robin began on a private channel. “We need to talk.”
“Gotta go B, life to live, baby bat to find.”
“Red Hood!”
“Bye!” Red Hood climbed out of the harbor, finding his baby brother on his motorcycle that was definitely not Bruce-Approved.
“What’s up buttercup, didja miss me?”
Robin scowled at him. “Of course not, the world is more peaceful without the drivel that falls out of your mouth.”
Red Hood snorted. “Yeah, and that’s why you hide in my room all the time.”
Robin refused to make eye contact, shoving Red Hood onto his bike. “Is it true, did my sister lose her miraculous?”
“Unless she’s B and Catwoman’s lovechild and she decided to embrace it.”
Robin was quiet on the way to the cave. “…how long would it take to get the pilot to return and take me to Paris?”
“…you’d make it there around their in time for dessert.”
Robin frowned. “that’s not soon enough.”
“Closest you’ll get. And don’t’ think you’re going alone.”
Robin frowned. “I am not exposing my sister to you.”
“She’s our sister first of all,” Red Hood corrected. “and second of all, I have a bet to win, and I’m behind thanks to this portal guy. So I’m coming.”
Robin rolled his eyes. “Only if you get past Father and Alfred.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Robin smirked as they pulled into the Batcave.
“Father, I believe Red Hood needs your full attention given he was in the harbor for so long, and we all know how cold they are this time of year.”
Jason decided Damian was by and far his least favorite sibling in that moment. “Wait, B, no, look—no signs of hypothermia, no shaking, just need to change and—”
“I will check and ensure you don’t develop it with Alfred on standby.”
Jason glared at Damian, already stripping from his Robin gear with that self-satisfied smirk. “Traitor!”
“I simply want what is best for my siblings, how is that wrong?”
I hope this gave you all a good idea of what’s going to happen next… I do love the Batfam and all, but some of their approaches here… no good and need to have that hit over their head.
And if I’m screwing up ladybats characterization, feel free to let me know so I can fix it---going off what I could find from DC fans and lore but I also do not know these characters inside and out, and want to do them justice.
OH and for anytime i refrence princess Justice, got a refrence for you now! picture the one made by @tinymelonbug right here with the only (maybe?) change being that below the cut it is cut off as a romper: Here 
@heldtogetherbysafetypins @laurcad123 @raisuke06 @chaosace @jeminiikrystal @toodaloo-kangaroo @kris-pines04
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sserpente · 5 years
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A/N: Requests from two anons and @eislyn-vis. I changed the scenario a bit but now there’s a different kind of Red Riding Hood concept.
Words: 1954 Warnings: angst, fluff, attempted rape, mentions of smut
“Come on, brother, it’ll be fun. How will you ever redeem yourself if you don’t spend time with us and prove to them you’re more than just the God of Mischief?” Thor bellowed, patting Loki’s shoulder so hard he stumbled forward. The Trickster rolled his eyes.
“I have no need to be redeemed, Thor. You are fully well aware it were not solely my actions that brought chaos to New York.”
Thor’s smile faltered a little. “I know. Maybe tonight, you can convince the others of that too.”
“I will not costume myself and drink myself into stupor, brother.” Thor had painted his face entirely white and added dark blue circles under his eyes. Fake blood was dripping down the corners of his mouth and whenever he spoke, Loki caught a glimpse of those way too big plastic fangs. He looked absurd.
“You don’t have to. Just come along, have a drink with me and celebrate Halloween with us.”
He stared at him, considering his invitation briefly. He could always cause some mischief among the crowd. Surely, a real living snake in the punch would elicit some kind of reaction.
“Fine,” he finally replied. “One drink.”
Thor’s grin was triumphant when he grabbed his brother by the neck and dragged him with him into the living room. Loki was already regretting he had said yes when he shoved a green drink in his hand and then joined Tony, Natasha and Steve. Dirty looks were shot in his direction as soon as they lay their judgemental eyes upon him.
He rolled his eyes once more, carefully sipping on his drink. It was not too bad, for a Midgardian brew. Annoyed, he let his eyes roam over the costumed crowd—he was not interested in a conversation with the Avengers anyway—right until he caught sight of a petite woman next to one of the doctors. Alas, you were petite to him, your red dress barely covering your delicious backside. You were wearing a red jacket that came with a hood, too, presumably made of leather. What were you supposed to illustrate? Red traffic lights Loki had discreetly ignored the first time Thor had sat him behind the wheel of a Midgardian vehicle?
“Who is that?” He found himself asking. Fascination was boiling in his veins, an interest he could not quite name as of yet.
Thor frowned. “Who?”
“That woman over there… the one wearing the red dress.” You had combined your outfit with black heels and equally black tights. Quite frankly… you looked ravishing. When was the last time he had felt immediate sexual interest in a woman?
“Oh, that… that is (Y/N), she’s a young scientist. Works with Banner. Why?”
Loki pursed his lips. “Never mind. What is she dressed up as?”
“Red Riding Hood.” Natasha said, folding her arms suspiciously. The God of Mischief rolled his eyes once more. He had no idea who or what Red Riding Hood was. All he knew was that he needed to hear your voice. He doubted you would be willing to speak to him though—after all, you worked with the Avengers. You knew what he had done.
Loki downed his drink quickly, choosing to spend the rest of the night watching you. For a moment, he even considered casting an illusion, transforming himself into someone else but then decided against it. If he were to get to know you… then he should have a chance for you to like him just the way he was, no tricks involved.
He almost snorted at the thought. Whoever would? According to Midgardian myths, he was the incarnation of evil. According to his life, he was an outsider, a villain, a monster.
Pressings his lips together to a thin line, he stood to pour himself another drink. Perhaps he should drink himself into stupor after all.
How come he had never seen you around before? Granted, Loki usually spent most of his time in his cell, pardon, room in the compound and he had not been here long enough to be acquainted with the entire team as of yet. Still… a young beauty such as you… he should have noticed you.
He was met with a hungover Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff in the kitchen. Cleaning maids—apparently, so Loki had been told by Thor, they were getting paid for their services—were taking care of the disgusting mess the party guests had left. Loki really did not understand all the fuss about Halloween.
Repulsed, he stepped over an empty glass bottle on the floor and poured himself a cup of coffee. Unlike the two mortals in the kitchen, he had remained entirely unaffected from last night’s alcoholic adventure.
At three am, when there was still no end of the party in sight, he retreated, stopping by Stark’s library before returning to his cell—bedroom. He quickly found what he was looking for and ended up falling asleep to the fairy tale of little Red Riding Hood wandering through a dark forest to bring her sick grandmother cake and wine.
“You left early last night, brother. You didn’t disappear with the lovely (Y/N), did you?” Thor entered the kitchen with a sneaky grin on his lips. Tony’s face fell, his eyes locking with Loki’s.
“Did you touch her?” Hmm… interesting. Of course they would not want him anywhere near an innocent young woman—but he sure loved getting on the billionaire’s nerves. If only he could say yes. He would have loved to have felt you underneath him last night.
“And if I did, then what?” He replied instead, scorn swinging in his voice.
“He’s bluffing.” Natasha stated unfazed. Tony ignored her. “(Y/N) left the compound to go for a run in the forest nearby ten minutes ago.”
“Stay away from her. If I even see you near her, I’ll see to it SHIELD locks you up again.”
“Because that worked out so well the first time you attempted to do so, yes?” Proudly, Loki lifted his chin, staring him down until he had to blink.
“(Y/N) is an honourable, decent woman. She’d never waste her breath on you.” The God of Mischief swallowed. There was a chance Stark was not lying. Still, he had all the information he needed.
“Worry not, Stark. In case you are concerned for her honour, however, I would strongly advise you stay away from the girl yourself.” He teleported himself out of the room before Tony could respond, finding himself on an idyllic forest path. Romanoff’s information had been vague but it was enough for Loki to locate you.
Casting an illusion on himself, his heart almost leaped out of his chest when you ran past him, dressed in a tight sports outfit complimenting each and every one of your curves. Ironically, it was red.
By the Norns, was this not pathetic? Making himself invisible and watching you sweat like a mad predator? What other choice did he have? Stark’s harsh words rang in his ears, making him wonder if they were true after all.
Oh, nonsense. If you were truly honourable, perhaps you would give him a chance despite his past. He would simply… where had you gone? You had been there only a second ago!
Loki flinched when you screamed. Alarmed, he rushed to your side, abandoning his invisibility charm. A strange man had sneaked up on you, holding a small knife to your throat from behind and dragging you off the safe path into the undergrowth.
He could only imagine what it was he wanted from you. He gnashed his teeth. How dare he even think about touching you against your will. Possessiveness crawled through his body, along with a strong urge to protect you. Loki had never even heard your voice and still… He was not cruel. Surely, he would have helped any woman from getting raped before his eyes, yet with you he felt that if he failed saving you, something inside him would break. His heart? No, his heart had long been broken. But there was a connection. A connection he could not quite describe. He wondered… would Frigga know? His mother… the woman who had raised him had always known advice for any predicament he had found himself in, up until he had found out what he really was.
Without any hesitation, he grabbed the stranger by the throat and hurled him against a tree, the knife falling to the ground and landing mutely in the green moss.
“What the…”
He looked up, realising who had attacked him and swallowing thickly.
“You have three seconds before I rip your head off.” He growled, making him stumble to his feet and run faster than you had ever seen a man run before. Relief washed over you.
“L-Loki?” Your eyes widened when you recognised him, hovering above you, his dark glare downright murderous. You frowned.
“And there I was thinking that I would be the big bad wolf in this scenario.” He replied with an amused grin, remembering the fairy tale he had read last night.
“What are you talking about?” Still frowning, you let him help you up, electricity rippling through you when your hands touched.
By the Norns, standing this close to you only made him realise now how tiny you were compared to him. He could just lift you up with both his hands, bring your delicious quim to his face and bury his tongue between your folds all the while you hung in his arms completely helpless, forced to accept the pleasure he was offering you…
“I am afraid you caught my attention at the party last night.” Now that was an understatement but at least, it was not a lie.
You raised an eyebrow. Oh… your costume, of course… “That does not explain why you followed me into the woods.” Ah. Yes.
“I shall be glad I did. Stark was very vehement about me staying away from you.”
“Tony tends to get a little overprotective from time to time.”
“I do not like being told what not to do.”
You blinked. You had never actually spoken to Loki before. You were aware of his presence in the compound, of course—yet the stories the Avengers had told you had made you hesitate. You had not exactly avoided him, still you had to admit you had not been overly keen on joining Bruce in the lab when he was present.
Loki had shattered your opinion of him like a piece of glass. If he truly was as evil as the heroes made him out to be, then why had he just saved you from a rapist? Your heart was still beating like a steam hammer, adrenaline cursing through your body. You didn’t even realise you were bleeding until Loki reached for your neck and gently pulled you towards him.
“He injured you. I should have killed him after all.” He muttered tenderly.
“I-I’m okay.” Loki looked up, your eyes locking. He had not imagined it then. There was a connection. But you were suspicious of him, he could tell. The hesitation radiated off of you like liquid heat. At least, he felt no hatred and disgust.
Making you flinch, he brushed his thumb against the bleeding wound the man’s knife had caused. One second passed before it disappeared, leaving behind unblemished skin Loki was itching to taste with his mouth.
“Thank you…” You murmured, unsure of how to react to his gentleness. What was it he had said? That you had caught his attention last night? “I, um… I’m heading back now, will you… will you join me?”
Loki nodded slowly, suppressing a triumphant grin. “With pleasure.” It was a start, at least.
A/N: Check out my blog to find more Imagines and take a glimpse at my first (to be) published novel! Also, if you enjoyed this story, I would appreciate so much if you supported me on Kofi! ko-fi.com/sserpente ♥
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the-east-art · 4 years
Easts Story Ideas
Just so lots of these are in one place. Not comprehensive. I’m hoping this will help with my anxiety. Go under the read more and see why I’m losing it literally all the time. 
WTGP - Kyle, a college drop out, accidentally gets sucked into the magical underground of his town thanks to his housemates. 
The Rovers - Four humans travel across space back to the Local System (the Solar System where humankind originated from). A short story. 
A Nether Time - The life force of the world is dying, so Silas journeys to the other worlds in an attempt to find a solution. Timeloop.
Supernaturalists - When Briar gets shot, his heart stops. And then starts again. Starting from that day, his hair turns green, his eyes turn red, and he develops incredible powers. 
The Dragon House - a set of pre-teens find themselves in the forests of Maine brought to the Dragon House, needing to find out what is wrong with the mana of the world. 
Ghost Squad - A group of college friends come together to form a ghost hunting, paranormal investigating team. In the process they get in over their heads, and things go south. 
Reprise and Repeat - The year is 1965. After the death of her uncle, Sen becomes the owner of her families estate. Returning back to her family after spending years in an orphanage, Sen learns to inherit the family magic that rests inside of her. (In truth mostly brownies story idea)
Project Babel - Two girls are chosen by their people to control two giant and powerful robots in an attempt to kill the cruel god that rules over them. 
In The Eye - A girl gains extraordinary abilities by aligning herself with a magic source, until she discover its’ true nature (in very rough stages). 
Children of the Sea - The strange children of the sea become lost on land and must rely on the kindness found in the worlds people to finish their journeys (in very rough stages)
Cumulus - In a post-post apocalyptic earth, Dmitri is the last of the cloud boys, cowboys that were sent to the skies to watch over the clouds that take the form of horses. One stormy night the entire team of horses is taken and he falls from his land in the sky. Airren, a boy from the land, finds him, and journeys with him to repair things. 
Wires Twisted Like DNA - Red, a young prodigy, created the first AI robot, named Twone. Years later, they create the second AI robot, Delta. Twone struggles to deal with envy and the concept of siblings. 
The Stars - Zvezda, an intrepid space explorer haunted by a ghost, journeys as an independent thief across the universe. (in very rough stages)
In Our Shadows - A mother makes a pact with a demon in order to keep it away from her son (in very rough stages)
To Stumble - After the death of her parents, young Lily is sent to live with her college age cousin Kay, who now has to juggle school and teaching the family magic to his younger cousin. 
Cinder and Ash - A Cinderella story where Cinder is a boy and works in the stables, accidentally falling in love with the prince. (a verse novel)
Snow Queen - (there’s nothing here, but I want to do an adaptation of this story)
The Barracks - The chosen one is missing, sent to earth to prepare for the battle in three years. But this isn’t about him, this is about the birth and the fight of the rebellion in the years while he is gone. 
And We Forget Ourselves - When you turn 18, you forget your childhood (in very rough stages, probably a short story)
How High Must Men Pile Mud To Ask God A Question And Get An Answer
The Mother and The Beast - Kaviron gives birth to a child destined to wreck havoc on the land. But she cannot bring herself to kill him, so instead she raises him, trying to keep him safe from those that would harm him.
Retrograde - the planet is hurt and loses it’s long term memory. This results in a world wide time loop. A rag tag group (Including a lawyer, an old man, and a kid who works at Chili’s) must find out how to heal the memory of the world. 
Space Dust - A rag tag space group each has a reason to break into a highly protecting space facility (in very rough stages, a podcast)
Road Trip - A handful of preteens and young teenagers are charged with saving the world. They need Casey for one reason - she’s old enough to drive. 
Little Red Wolf Slayer - Little Red Riding Hood takes up a sword and goes to save other folklore characters, while also searching for someone important to her. 
Horse Crew - A group of horse girls (in very rough stages, only characters)
Law of Pelts - Selkies (in very rough stage, only characters)
Candle Queen - (in very rough stages, only characters
Silk Skin - A Naga and a young researcher fall in love (In very rough stages)
Frog Cadet - (in very rough stages, only characters)
Hello, it’s me, the space station - after seeing their crew in danger from human enemies, the space station accidentally creates a robotic body for itself and breaks through any programming blocks they had (in very rough stages, only characters)
Libra - (in very rough stages, only character)
Marina - The story of five friends who spend the summer on a house boat and the surrounding area. About facing the future, learning about the past, and the uneasy feeling of summer. 
Moodboard Characters - just a set of characters I made up from moodboards a while back
Exulansis - a series of short, wordless comics about different people solving the problems of different worlds. 
Eat Crow - The story of a crow girl with a sword (in very rough stages, only characters)
Inktober - characters from inktober prompts
Letters From No One - A boy is put in charge of delivering letters from the afterlife to the living
In The Rubble - Surviving in the apocalypse (very rough stages, only characters (caterpillar girl))
Breeze - a man and the soft fairy that accompanies him (very rough stages, only characters)
Mystery Dungeon The Comic - more of an honorable mention, an adaptation of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. 
Emily and Paxton - A witch and her familiar (very rough stages, only characters)
Of Magical Things - a hunter moves into an apartment building that is well known for hosting magical creatures and people in hopes to infiltrate and destroy them from the inside. She poses as a witch, and things get sticky when she starts to actually become one (very early stages)
Up Old Hawk Road - (Supernaturalists side story) Lynn lives in a home full of other supernaturalists, wander the property, and falls in love with a boy. Now how to keep the true nature of her ‘family’ a secret from him.
Arius and Enoch - two brother (very early stages)
Lady of the Estate - the many murders of Lady Macbeth (preferably a series of painting exploring the character)
Aerodynamic - The story of superheroes, human experiments, and found family. 
The Sun Warrior - fighting until she is burnt out (very early stages, only vague concept)
Stardust - after fighting the darkness, a deity falls to the planet, becoming a young child. 
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