#brotherband headcanons
mostlyonthefloor · 1 year
Brotherband Sleep Headcanons
Source(s): Bro trust me
Edvin sleeps unreliably - sometimes he gets to bed late, often he wakes up early, because of the work he does for the crew making meals. However, his hardline is that he cannot be woken up between midnight and 4am. He is not a naturally grumpy person but if you wake him up at 3am for any reason less than his life is in imminent danger he will bite your head off (your life doesn't count. your life your problem he still has an hour of sleep left) That's not to say that he only sleeps four hours a night but those are the only four hours he will consistently sleep every night.
Ulf's favourite time to take watch is in the middle of the night. He loves how serene it is, and tracking his time by watching the moon set over the ocean. Also, nothing really happens in the middle of the night because all the potential enemies are also asleep. Has a symbiotic relationship with Edvin.
Wulf's favourite time to take watch is the last watch, in the morning. It means he gets a block of uninterrupted sleep earlier in the night, and he loves watching the sun rise while everyone stirs and wakes. He's memorised who tends to wake in what order, and he enjoys the feeling of being the first one up.
Hal tends to sleep very little on board ship, since he's either steering or subconsciously paying attention to the ship's movements. So when they're on land for whatever reason, he sleeps a lot. Unless he's in the grip of some idea, he might sleep twelve hours in one night (and then go back to sleeping two hours a night for the next three weeks 😬). Thankfully, he doesn't need a lot of sleep to function.
Stig needs a reasonably high amount of sleep to function well. He can live life on a little bit of sleep, but he won't really be having a lot of fun unless he's had eight hours at least. It doesn't all need to be taken during the night though - Stig is a big napper. He also sleeps in really weird positions, since he's quite flexible. A favourite of his is scrunched up on his side in a rowing well with his back against the side of the ship and his head halfway under his knee. It's a bit creepy.
Jesper sleeps all. the. time. He loves to sleep it's his favourite activity <3 It's because he's never sure when the next time he'll get to sleep somewhere safe is
Stefan remembers nearly every one of his dreams. He doesn't dream every night, but he remembers them all. They're mostly a bit mundane, but once every year or so he has a mildly prophetic dream. However, he doesn't usually realise it until after the event has happened - he looks back at his dreams in the few months beforehand and goes ahhh.
Ingvar takes a really long time to fall asleep but he doesn't mind because it's really calming and restful just to listen to the waves and everyone around him sleeping.
Lydia naturally goes to bed really late and loves the feeling of being awake when no one else is. Like Stig, she's also a big napper to make up the sleep she loses during the night. (They are nap buddies.) However, if she's tired enough she will go to bed and fall asleep Instantly.
Thorn must have 12 hours of sleep per night or he starts killing (this is why he is such a deadly warrior he's Sleepy)
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vilintux · 5 months
It's 1.30 AM and I cannot fall asleep so here are some BB Heirons headcanons:
) Stefan used to cry easily, but learned how to control it.
) Jesper loves hugs but is scared to ask for them.
) Stig is crazy over head pats (Hal likes to tease him bc of that).
) Ofc Ingvar is a cudlle bug.
) The heroins like to wear matching costumes on Halloween, but they don't always do that.
) when Thorn was a kid, he liked to collect pretty rocks and seashells.
) little Edvin got hit by a rock in the eye and got a black/blue eye, so now he is afraid... of... flying rocks???
) Jesper wishes on Dandelions.
) Lydia has a friend who died saving her (IM SORRY-).
) Hal is very VERY ticklish.
) Ulf and Wulf loved playing hide and seek with each other, just because they would always find the other twin and claim that they are better (Twin magic).
Edit: some people liked this post at night. DO YOU PEOPLE DON'T SLEEP?
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brotherbandchronicles · 2 months
The only mirror in Hallasholm is in Erak's storeroom. Over the years, it witnessed quite a few interesting meetings.
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twofoursixohjuan · 6 months
Skandians having very complicated hairstyle traditions for weddings, incorporating crew braids, job braids, family braids back several generations, your partner's family braids, etc., etc....
Hal and Stig doing Ingvar's.
Ulf and Wulf doing Lydia's.
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nothernghostbat · 1 year
so... Hal is autistic, right?? it's not just me??
all the talking to himself, the pacing(stimming), the hyperfixing on projects/work, being the "weird kid", weird sleep habits (the less the better), being inattentive(he gets over this one), rejection sensitive dysphoria(the gear in book seven for one of many examples), all that stress he's got, constantly going over the finest details imaginable to find faults in his plans (this one goes back to the rejection dysphoria too)
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Since it's disability pride month in the US, here's a list of disabled characters in the Flanagan books, including canon, hinted, and headcannon. These are ones I can remember, additions are encouraged.
Starting out strong: Thorn is canonically physically disabled, with a missing hand from a boating accident. He also suffered from depression-induced alcoholism for years afterward. He overcame that, and with Hal's help developed several prosthetics to use.
Ingvar: has severely impaired vision that affected him for most of his life.
Maddie: is physically disabled, with permanent muscle and/or nerve damage from a javelin wound. She has a limp that limits her movement but continues to pursue becoming a ranger.
Will: suffered from severe depression and suicidal tendencies after Alyss died. He also overcame addiction from warmweed.
Jesper: has borderline kleptomania as a result of childhood poverty and hunger.
Here's a couple headcannons:
Hal: is autistic. He hyperfixates on his ideas and stims by pacing. See @y3t1cr4b54ndb4t5 's post for some details!
Wulf: has post traumatic stress from that time Ulf almost died. Ulf doesn't really remember it.
Halt: has chronic pain from archery.
That's all I can think of for now, please add on if you're interested!
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al0ra · 1 year
Brotherband appearance headcanons part 1!!
Very tanned
Hazel eyes
Dark brown hair
He also has a few freckles around his nose
He definitely has a lot of scars on his hands and arms from working on his inventions
Broad shoulders but a small waist
Dirty blond shoulder lenght hair
He almost always wears it in a bun
His eyes are normally dark blue but when the sun hits them they are lighter
He has a straight nose and big lips
Stong jawline
Hes 1,5 heads taller than Hal
Teases Hal about this
Hes just pure muscle, broad shoulders and strong legs
Thick black hair that comes to her waist
She has a lot of hair, and its kinda wavy
When she lets it down its just a huge waterfall of hair
She has a bump in her nose
Green eyes
Long eyelashes and bushy eyebrows
Lean but broad shoulders
Hip dips
Grey beard and hair
But with streaks of black and white
Very big eyebrows
Scar on his eyebrow and on his cheek
Dad bod
Also a lot of scars on his biceps
Very dirty fingernails (I'm sorry but this man needs to learn hygiene)
Ton of muscle but still a little chubby
Really soft blond hair
Straight nose and big lips
His eyes have a lot of different shades of blue in them
A ton of freckles, on his face but also on his arms and shoulders
Has a scar on his jawline
A lot of scars on his legs and knees from tripping because he couldn't see well
When he doesnt need his spectacles he wears them on top of his head
Also wears quite a lot of jewellery, like necklaces from shells
(Can you tell he's my favorite?)
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swordanddreamcatcher · 10 months
The friendship between Lydia, the twins, Edvin, and Jesper is supreme. Add in anybody else, ESPECIALLY if it's any of the Lotte-Rollond-Hal trio, and it's a fucking disaster. Erak almost had to ban them to stop their prank war.
(Nobody is sure who won, but the people of Hallosholm now fear rubber ducks. And normal ducks. And being the first to cut into food. Nobody wants it to explode again.)
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birds-of-wax · 2 years
Brotherband Chronicles Headcanons
Skandians have mostly blond hair, but a broad range of eye colors
Edvin has grey eyes 
Edvin is an orphan
Jesper has dark brown, almost black eyes
Jesper isn’t an only child, he has six older sisters
Stephen also has a fairly large family, including older siblings and his grandmother
Two of Stephen’s older brothers serve together on the same ship’s crew, along with one of the twin’s older brothers
Ulf and Wulf have green eyes
Edvin is good with kids because of his healer training, the twins, Ingvar, Stephen and Jesper are good with kids because they have younger siblings or nieces/nephews, but Lydia, Hal and Stig aren’t allowed near kids.
Edvin is actually a much better than average fighter, but doesn’t realize that because everyone else in the crew is faster and stronger than him
Edvin’s bedtime is much earlier than the others, partly because he gets up before everyone else, and partly because he’ll start to fall asleep as soon as it gets dark (unless he has a job to do) 
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theraven-gil-lyn · 1 year
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#Ranger Gathering 2023 is coming this June!
What is this?
Our very own Ranger Gathering is an event running during June. Every day has its own prompt which you’re free to respond to in whichever way possible, relating to Ranger’s Apprentice, The Early Years, The Royal Ranger and/or Brotherband.
Check out last year’s stuff here!
How does it work?
The prompts are being released early for those who wish to begin chipping away at some of them before June comes around. This is mostly for those who want to do as many as possible and would like to avoid burnout or may be busy in June, but either way, no one is obliged to do every or any prompt. We’re just here to have fun!
This prompt challenge is not just about making fanart or fanfic, however. You can post about whatever has been inspired by the prompt. This could be playlists, moodboards, memes, analysis, quotes, literally anything you have your heart set on. You are also free to talk about your headcanons, AUs and OCs if you want to.
If you wish to take part, tag your post with #ranger gathering 2023 so we can all find it! You may also choose to post on other platforms, just know that it might not be as monitored as here.
Other than that, there’s no real rules. You can do as many or as little of the prompts as you want. You can post wips or polished works, short or long word counts, lil doodles :’)) and rendered art, one song or a playlist etc.
I would just urge you to know your limits and your workflow and work accordingly. Burnout is brutal and pumping stuff out is not gonna be worth it. In the case of you really want to finish your work, you can just do it later it’s 100% okay 💖🍵
2023 links
• masterpost - i refer to this as the masterpost as it includes the prompts and rules. i write it here for your reference • #ranger gathering 2023 - this is where you will find everyone’s posts • AO3 (2023) - collection for this year’s fics if you so wish to use • AO3 (all) - parent collection
Prompts in text:
01. camp 02. mystery 03. sneak 04. delight 05. complicated
06. lead 07. disguise 08. war 09. bond 10. scheme
11. risk 12. capture 13. revolt 14. expert 15. warning
16. friend 17. speech 18. prowess 19. follow 20. change
21. nurture 22. defend 23. knowledge 24. fail 25. cozy
26. genius 27. struggle 28. love 29. search 30. home
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isilee · 3 months
💀 and 🏳️‍🌈 for the ask game (evil laugh)
ooof you really spared no mercy
okay, since you didn’t specify a fandom I will take it into my own hands. be warned.
💀 - If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
from keeper of the lost cities: this might legitimately get me hatemail, but if I had to choose a character to die, I think dex would be an interesting choice. I could see a lot happening from that, hmm how should I term this, event that would really change things up and make it interesting. for example, would one of the triplets take his place? so many interesting outcomes
🏳️‍🌈 - Which character who is commonly headcanoned as queer doesn't seem queer to you?
from brotherband: wow, it’s actually really hard to think of a character that I don’t think has even a little queer flavor. uhhh since I have to put someone, maybe rolland? idk if he’s popularly headcanoned as queer (I really need to get more involved with the brotherband fandom) but he kinda just seems like a big himbo to me. just a cishetallo who’s happy to be here, yknow?
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mostlyonthefloor · 2 years
Autistic Edvin: here it is, folks.
He's so quiet because he doesn't know what (is appropriate) to say a lot of the time and he learned very young that it's better to say nothing than to say something that one of the bigger boys will think is "smart" and get hit for it
He's also quiet because it takes a lot of concentration for him to tell what's happening with body language and social cues. Constantly monitoring how people are standing, where they are looking, their facial expressions and what they mean, is energy-consuming.
He mimics characteristics of the people around him. This is why he is so inconspicuous and forgettable, because he will see what other people are doing/saying and copy that, so he blends into a group. Body language is a conscious choice for him, and like above, it's easiest to just not be noticed.
(He also accidentally mimics accents, he will occasionally spend time with Lydia and pick up a little Limmatan accent)
Sometimes people's characteristics stick if he spends enough time with them. For example, he says "what" with identical inflection to the twins, and it messes Hal around when he's not looking. (His repertoire of weary sighs are entirely his own)
He likes to knit because it's so rhythmic, and he deliberately chooses needles that make little clicks because he loves the sound.
When he joins the Herons he's pleasantly taken aback to see that no one will care if he says something a little strange or fails to pick up on a social cue that everyone else does. He's hardly the strangest person there anyway.
He probably couldn't say something weirder than anything the twins could come up with if he tried, and people tend to say things out loud for Ingvar's benefit as he can't see people's body language well, so Edvin also won't miss out on silent cues
He and Lydia become good friends quite quickly because they bond over their shared inability to know what to do in social situations (autistic Lydia as well?? who knows)
He is prone to assuming that things that he experiences are universal, and is astonished to find that non-verbal social cues are intuitive to most people, and that in fact most people "just know" if something is acceptable to say or not
On that note he is absolutely shook to discover that sexual/romantic attraction is inadvertent and just happens to people (aro-ace Edvin supremacy)
He takes his job as quartermaster very seriously god bless and will occasionally hijack a conversation to talk about needing rations or what town to put into
He has accidentally walked into and directly through several Stigal moments in compromising positions. It wasn't until afterwards when he was doing his Lie In Bed And Think About Today Time that he realised what happened
This isn't relevant but he's #1 stigal shipper
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vilintux · 5 months
But this time (secret) hobbies
) Hal likes sudoku
) Stig loves watching birds in the morning or evening
) Thorn can and likes to just hum
) Lydia likes rock climbing.
) Ingvar would love cake decorating
) Edvin wants/tries to learn sign language
) Jesper loves playing cards and sometimes cheats
) Stefan does wreth making
) Ulf has definitely tried gardening before
) Wulf laughed at him for it but secretly realy wanted to try it too
I also headcanon that either Stefan or Jesper has tried pole dancing before (NOT LIKE IN STRIP CLUBS-). Liked it, but didn't do it often bc thought it was weird +did not had time.
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Today's random headcanon: Ingvar is the youngest of the Herons and, therefore, sometimes referred to as 'the little one'. It confuses a lot of people.
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twofoursixohjuan · 5 months
so we all have slightly different headcanoned backstories for Jesper — drop 'em in the reblogs! let's see how many we can collect!
yes I fully intend to do this with each Heron until we all get bored
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brotherbandarchive · 2 months
I've been in the RA fandom for quite some time, but I prefer BB. But the problem with joining this fandom is all the characters that you people have made up (not in a negative way). For example in the RA fandom most of the posts are just about well known characters like will and halt. But I've been scrolling in the brotherband tag for maybe 30 minutes and I'm so confused. I don't recognize a lot of these names, you guys make content about the most minor characters ever and all the characters suddenly have last names that I didnt know existed. I mean no hate with this, just something I've noticed :p
Ah, hello there!
So... the made-up people and names and facts and headcanons and whatnot. Yes, yes; the liberties we take to help the Herons along.
Which specifically did you mean?
I'll start: Ansgar Leatherfist is my guy; he's a jeweler/metalsmith that I created so he could adopt Jesper, because that boy needs adoptin'.
The Herons have brand-new shiny last names courtesy of the Brotherband fandom here.
Thanks for the ask, Anon; we're all quite pleased to have you! Anyone else want to take this up?
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