#brother in arms: jerard
familylightfox · 11 months
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"No fair! I was just startin' t' get used t' usin' him as an armrest. Now I gotta wait til the magic goes away."
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projectlightfox · 6 years
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          Spring Time Reunion: Featuring Jerard
     Nothing beats getting to see your Uncle again after him being away on a mission at the opposite side of the world. But now that he’s back, he can be sure that Harmony is going to be making up for lost time. 
Art by: Me Jerard: @unsung-heroesofmobius Done on an iPad Pro with Apple Pencil and Clip Studio Paint for iPad Don’t Repost/Use without Permission Commission Info!
Free to Reblog
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“Stay with me until it’s over.”
Jerard was rushing across the field. He couldn’t believe what he’d seen when he heard Volt was in danger. The blocky familiar form. The being that had caused Volt so much misery and rage, come to finish the job. He was too late...he rushed up to the body of the hybrid, clinging desperately to life, but in vain. The blonde held him up. 
“Don’t give up on me now, ner vod! Not now! It’s not your time. Get up!” He tried urging the bloodied hedgefox, ignoring the pool of blood soaking into the soil. The blaster automaton did a number on his brother. He looked into Volt’s amethyst eyes with desperation, sadness, and misplaced hope. Tears welled up in his eyes as he watched Volt’s expression change from neutral to relieved, relieved to know that his brother, his family, was here with him in the end. However, in Jerard’s mind, it was unjust that he was here instead of his husband. Speedy deserved to be here with Volt in the end, not him. Almost as if reading his mind, Volt shook his head ever so slightly.
The hybrid’s movements were subtle and weak, but their significance was powerful. Jerard could sense Volt trying to ease his sorrow, something that would not suffice, not when the one dying was Volt. Jerard tried holding the hybrid close, focusing his power to try and heal him, but it all felt like it was being drained into a hole that could not be filled. Jerard didn’t want to lose his brother. The time he spent with Volt, however short compared to his life, made a huge impact for the displaced mercenary. What would he do without him? What would Harmony do? Or Speedy? Or Atlas? “Volt. Volt Don’t die on me! VOLT! VOOOLT!” 
Jerard wouldn’t have noticed that the hybrid had already passed in his arms, still being shaken as if in some vain effort, he could be revived. The blonde placed his forehead against that of his dead brother, bloodied fur staining his clothes. He should have come faster...
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lenin-it-to-win-it · 7 years
happy girthday
Summary: when chuuyas villainous twin brother cyuya murders his weed dealer ranpo, chuoya attacc, but he also protecc
Notes: crackfic won the poll so i figure what better way to celebrate fanfic writer appreciation day or whatever its called than with some good ol fashioned meme fuckery and bagel ass eating, have fun kids
“romeo no homeo, wherefore art that tight little ass romeo?” chuuya grunted hornily as he jacked himself off over a balcoeny. he’d gotten drunk off his ass watching the 2004 phantom of the opera movie adaptation with jerard butler in it again which always put him in teh mood 4 dicks n secks. unfortunely for chungus nobody loved him enuff to squeeze his sweet summer sausage. chyuuya began 2 cri.
“o woe is me” he sobbed, sadly storking his half-limp shrimp dick “i wish I had a romeo of my very own 2 take big hits off my beef bong and/or fuck me senseless on top of a shandeleer”
ranpo appeered out of NOWHERE with 3 bongs up his ass and 2 to seven blunts crammed in each arousedly quvering nostril. “did sOMEBODY say WEED????”
“i sed bong” chuuya repleyed angrily crossing his arms and also his dick
ranpo poked chuuyas dick with his extendable flexible sexily bendable scrotal snake. “IS THAT A WEED” he shrieked as his noot-noot started doin the shoot-shoot.
kermet the frog burst thru the door like the cool aids man and shanked rabpo to deth with a giant ass green crayawn that was actuelly his frock (frog cock). “ITS NOT WEED U PEACE OF SHIT STONER” he scremed as he beat the shit out of ranpo
ranpo dragged  his bloody pulp of manggled flesh toweard chuuya useing his weener like a grappleing hook. “o daddy” he whimpered tragically. he coughed up blood, nut, and ten to pounds of the devils lettceplay. “i am the ded” he died.
while chooya was crieying/nutting over the smushed up corpse of the artest formerly known as ranppo, kermot creped toerd the bodey and snagged up the weed with his long veiny tongue.
“YOU IGNORANT FOOLS” he cried swelling to his magestic height of 5’3” as his boner swelled to ITS majestic height of 6’8”. his frog skin slid away to revel a green tracksoot with wite stripes and he tore off a rubber mask so his radient orange hair could flow freely except it couldnt cuz it wass matted with nut and also the blood of his enemies. there was no noddle. “ITS FITNESS TIME MOTHERFUCKERS!”
chuuya GASPEd. “cYUYU HAKOSHO??!??” he exclammed. he remmaried the clam and then exclaimed “HOW UNFORESKINNABLE”
“thats rite slut!” said cyuya smugly as he shoved each tender leaf of mariagge iguana up his tite little ass. “trembol in fear, for u and ur loose buttholed compainon rampo never stood a chance! its time for u to fitness gram pacer test-“ he wipped out a glock and also his erecktion “-DEATH” cyuya stuck his sexin’ noodle into the trigger and flexed it to shoot chuuya in the hed
“YALLDVE GONNA GET REKT PARDNER” yelled chuoya angerly as he leapt in front of chuuya and proteccted him  from cyuyas rath. the bullet rebounded off chuoyas rock hard erection and hit cyuya in the dick hole. cyuya collapsed in a heap of corpse.
chuoya cradled chuuyas head in his bara tiddys. “yehaw buddy youve been thru a rough ridin’ rooty tootin’ ready for shootin’ kinda day aint ya pal?”
chuuya sniffled and wiped his nose nut onto chuoyas hair noddle as he fondled the tiny sheriff badges chuoya wore over each perky nipple. “i most certainly have good comrade” he whimpered sexily. “pls, wipe of my tears with ur cowboy crotch cable”
“ill do ya one better m’pardner” chuoya replied tipping his hat and winking with all three eyes, “ill make ya brekfast”
“just dont make it tWO fast if u now wat i mean” sed chuuya seductively as he spred his noddle limbs wide for his cowboy compainon. one of his legs brushed over ranpos ded bodey so he moved it back. “take ur tim daddy”
chuuya was dissapointed when it turned out chuoya actuaely ment that he was making brekfast. “o” he sighed disapointedly “so when u sed u’d make brekfast, u ttoaley ment it”
chuoya took 8 bagels out of the toster. “wat else could i possibley hav ment? now shov these up ur ass”
“now ur talkin dady!” chuuya shrieked exceitely as he opened up his buttholeio with glee
chuoya slowly and tenederly insulted the bagles into chuuyas ass. “get in there u punk bitch motherfuckERES” he roared “ur bagel mothers never loved u! that outfit makes ur bagle ass look too flat for a rap song!” the bagels sobbily lept into chuuyas anus
“i am packed to the brim with bagely goodness” chuuya whimpered satisfiedly “now pack me with ur schleen queen 2017!”
chuoya tenderly inserted his titanic tallywacker into chuuyas fresh young asshole so preceisly and smartly that it went thr the holes in the bagels and pulled them all out at once like a shishkabob. “happy girthday bitch” he whispered sexily into chuuyas poop chute.
chuuya nutted 17 times at once! chuuya and chuoya ate bagels rosted on a fire they made out of cyuya and rnapos corpses and they all fucked happily ever after the end
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ivycreativewriting · 8 years
Imagery Piece - "Temporary Labor"
I walk into the Bayfront Hotel exactly thirty-two minutes early. It is now 3:28 pm. I look around and see the usual props that accompany these extremely dull jobs: long blue lanyards, life size signs representing the company I will be working for for the next four hours, booths open for “registration,” and computers. There are always computers. Almost immediately after entering, a chubby woman in her early twenties hastily approaches me. “Good morning! You must be Emma. My name is Dianne and I will be your supervisor this weekend. Welcome to the ISTAT crew!” she says, holding out a confident hand for me to shake. While her grip is firm, I can see a slight sense of disapproval dart across her eyes as she looks me up and down. I, in turn, do the same. She is young and blonde, kind of cute actually, except she is definitely too Type A. I am already exhausted listening to her as she explains the easier-than-breathing task I face ahead. She wears a tight black pencil skirt to the knee with a white blouse, grey jacket, and black ankle boots. Oh. So that’s business casual. I look down at my own attire, suddenly feeling overwhelmingly insecure. Long sleeve sweater dress with a black woven shawl and sandals I last wore in the sixth grade. Nice. “So Emma, your job here today at this week’s convention will be to greet every ISTAT member who walks in and point them in the right direction for registration,” she says, as I nod my head obediently. “You will work from 4pm to 8pm and will receive a fifteen minute break whenever you’d like. Let me know if you have any questions. Most of the members in this convention are older men who would love to be welcomed to California by a pretty all-American girl like you. So smile big!” she finishes, and bounces off to fret politely about another co-worker. On my feet for the next four hours greeting sweaty balding men into California? Now that’s a job! I think as I dutifully walk towards the entrance of the lobby with a fake and already-fading grin on my face. I begin greeting and pointing, trying to smile big and act like I want to be here. My twin brother Jake would be laughing his ass off right now if he saw me doing this. “You, femi-nazi Emma, ‘looking pretty’ for a bunch of old geezers from Chicago? Shit sis, I’d pay serious dough to see that,” he’d say. I roll my eyes instinctively in response to my obnoxious sub-conscience. Jake is always in my head. Twin thing. “Good afternoon sir, welcome to ISTAT,” I say, shaking off my intrusive thoughts. I look at the man I just greeted and am surprised to see youth, the first man I’ve greeted so far who seems to be closer to my age than my dad’s. He is also not wearing a suit. Maybe we both forgot what business casual looks like. “Oh, hello. I’m not here for the convention, miss. I will be working with you today,” he says in an adorably thick Irish accent. As he says this, four more young men, practically boys by the look of it, enter from behind him and introduce themselves. All shy, all cute, and all Irish. This just got interesting, my subconscious dotes. “My name is Liam miss. And these lads here are Luke, Ivan, Jerard, and Keegan. It is our pleasure to meech-ya,” the first man-boy says, extending a tan freckled arm coated in stoute blonde hairs. “Hi. I’m Emma. Nice to meet you guys too,” I say, smiling sheepishly as a fiery blush spreads across my cheeks. I silently hope my recent summer tan will loyally disguise the red, but I can’t be certain. Each boy shakes my hand with a childish grin and a bouncy step. Keegan even kisses my wrist, obviously not shy, causing my blush to deepen. I watch as the five of them skip to their booths to begin work. Irish…huh. That’s a new one, I think as I study their statutes. They have to be at least nineteen, with eyes so bright and skin so young. Each of them wears tight black skinny jeans and white t-shirts, outlining their sculpted biceps and back muscles. They were very attractive, in contrast to what I’d stereotyped Irish folk to look like. No, Emma. Not all Irish people look like red-headed leprechauns my subconscious snarked. Jeeze. Maybe the next four hours will fly by after all.
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familylightfox · 11 months
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@unsung-heroesofmobius asked:
Of course Jerard is going to be bringing Harmony an awesome present this year. He’s wheeling in a massive terrarium for her to keep her pets entertained in whenever she wants. It’s got a very soumercan jungle vibe to it including a statue head of an old ancient god from the time before Mobians, Quetzalcoatl, in the middle of the back wall of the terrarium. “Happy Birthday, Harmony!”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Leave it to her uncle to get her something that was so massive. Volt had to shake his head, completely used to his brother's antics and just gestured to the teen's room. The way emerald eyes had widened when he brought it into her room said it all, but Harmony quickly went to work on making space with the help of her teammates.
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"I saw somethin' like this on a video the other day! The guy had so many things inside." Oh her mind was running with ideas of what else she might be able to house in an enclosure like that. But it did need to pass a certain test.
Just as she reached a hand into her quills, the large serpent poked his head out to bump a finger and take a look. Red eyes looked over every detail, slithering down an arm and into the terrarium, right up until he was nose to nose with the ancient deity. It was like a staredown.
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All before he turned to face those outside the tank, flare his wings, and stick out his tongue.
"I think it's Blep approved."
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familylightfox · 1 year
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Anonymous asked:
I heard Jerard was going to take up absolute pacifism.
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"Uh huh... And if I believed that one, I'm willin' t' bet ya got a bridge t' sell me in middle o' the Mazuri desert."
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familylightfox · 3 years
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Commission from the Awesome @getters-blog-index
It’s been awhile since Volt has gotten together with his brother but man was I glad I got this piece from Pool. I love the expressions and still get a pretty good laugh outta how short Jerard is compared to them. 
Free to Reblog/Do NOT repost
Jerard: @unsung-heroesofmobius  Volt and Harmony: Me
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projectlightfox · 5 years
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OOC: I’ve been struggling to draw anything lately so I decided to do a redraw of a piece a few years ago that I did. This is what the Shadow of Volt and Harmony’s Zone looks like. 
The scars on his arm and leg were from a run in with Avani, Volt’s adopted brother (another Shadow) as revenge for the torture Volt went through after Forces. The scar across his chest was from a fight with Jerard and his lightsaber. 
Unlike Volt, Shadow can not heal at the rate in which the hybrid does. If not for Volt allowing The G.U.N to use his skin as replacements, Shadow would have lost those limbs. 
They still can’t be in the same room alone together for long without a fight breaking out.
Art by: Me Done on an iPad Pro with Apple Pencil and Clip Studio Paint for iPad Don’t Repost/Use without Permission Commission Info!
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projectlightfox · 5 years
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     “Get ‘im Unca Jerard!” Where’d the pup find cheerleading pom poms? Volt had no idea, but he was going to shiver at the memory of what it felt like to be shot like that. 
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projectlightfox · 5 years
Jerard is proud of Harmony. "Now I teach you Teras Kaasi. Space Kung Fu."
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     “Really? I get ta learn how ta fight like dey do on tv?” Color her excited and happy, already bouncing on the pads of her toes and wiggling from the force of her tail. 
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     “She’s going to hold you to that...”
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projectlightfox · 5 years
Cherry Garcia: a role model/inspiration headcanon. Fudge Behaving Badly: a misbehaving/getting into trouble headcanon. White Raspberry Truffle: a weakness headcanon.
One Scoop or Two:
Cherry Garcia: a role model/inspiration headcanon
Volt actually very much looks up to Hark, Avatar, and Jerard. All three to him are strong willed and always willing to do what it takes to save those they care about. He strives to try to be half the Mobian that they are in his eyes.
But he doesn’t realize that he’s looking at them in the same light that Harmony does him. The pup wants to be a Freedom Fighter one day, just like him and make him proud. Volt always thought that she wanted to be one because of the stories he told or she saw on tv, but it’s because of him.
Fudge Behaving Badly: a misbehaving/getting into trouble headcanon
Harmony likes to play pranks. Nothing ever really dangerous, but a whoopee cushion here or fake spider/snake there can sometimes get a jump out of her father or any other unsuspecting victim.
White Raspberry Truffle: a weakness headcanon
Volt is very susceptible to the Black Arms hivemind and found that out after the first encounter with the alien race when they tried to take over the planet the first time (Events of Shadow the Hedgehog). Because of this, he is VERY nervous around anyone with strong bloodlines connecting them to the aliens. He has met an Eclipse, but not the one from his world so only time will tell how that encounter will go.
Harmony is actually very weak against Dark Gaia’s direct energy. So while she can handle one or two small Gaia Spawns like Rex and Frights, they can overwhelm her and the larger ones are completely out of the question as she’ll start to become physically ill. From a fever to being nauseated, the effects can just get worse with prolonged exposure. This is also why her unleashed state is a last resort as she is literally calling on the Dark Gaia energy inside of her to use it. 
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projectlightfox · 6 years
📄 I'm curious if the scene where Jerard and Volt confronting Tower would be too much or not. It seems like an important moment in their lives to face down the former commander.
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Based mostly on this scene:
Jerard unleashed that blazing yellow blade once more, holding it at Tower’s neck. It would be so easy to end this man’s life here and now, but that would be a kindness compared to the hell he could bring down on this man. “You created an illegal experiment with the hopes of turning a sentient being into a living weapon, something that I’ve seen done before and failed miserably. You detained, stripped, and experimented on a helpless man who crashed on this planet for some misguided attempt at the same goal. What will public opinion think when they hear about this? I could murder every single member of G.U.N. and people would still be on my side, saying you deserved it for treating another sentient being like cattle, dissecting and reshaping it to suit your needs.”
“I so swear, if you come after us, I will not hesitate to bring everything you’ve ever built crashing down on top of you, and your United Federation. You do not mess with Mandalorians, jackass.”
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projectlightfox · 6 years
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Happy Pride Month
Featuring: @impetuousthunder, @a-wind-of-freedom, @freedomfighterfcs, @sharpandpointysonic, @needf0rspeed, and @unsung-heroesofmobius
Free to Reblog Art by: Me Static: @impetuousthunder Starlight: @a-wind-of-freedom Mystery, Candy Dots, and Roxanne: @freedomfighterfcs / @nomadicdark / @stolenspeed Sonic: @sharpandpointysonic Speedy and Atlas: @needf0rspeed Jerard: @unsung-heroesofmobius Done on my iPad Pro with Apple Pencil. Don’t Repost/Use without Permission Commission Info
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projectlightfox · 6 years
2 Fluffs and a Toddler
[continued from here with @unsung-heroesofmobius]
     Never let it be said that a toddler could find someone who was in need of a cuddle. It didn’t matter to her what Jerard looked like or the fact that there was a metallic smell coming off his clothes. She knew that he needed a hug at the moment. The only thing Harmony had wished was that she had been able to stay awake in the large warm arms. 
     Moving through the woods, Volt raised his large ears to try to listen for his daughter. 
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projectlightfox · 6 years
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     “Why do I get the feeling he’s going to break into Prison Island again...”
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