chaosworthy · 1 year
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➤ Specifically Helpful | Accepting
↳ @afracturedexistence asked: 42 If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
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Honestly for Arrow would be something revolving around music and its therapeutic qualities, plus all his firsthand experiences with it. He's a strong believer in the fact that music can heal. But, of course, he would have to make his title punny. Like 'a Trebled Man' or something.
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On a similar note Mina would also do something about music but more so on the 'coming togetherness' of it all. Basically, her experiences in seeing people from all walks of life come together to enjoy this one, harmonious thing. And her title would be far more to the point, something like 'Music and Us.'
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chaosworthyarchive · 5 years
⇀ starter | @afracturedexistence
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     {➹} – IT WAS UP TO MEPHILES to decide if the hedgehog staring at him was doing so because he was honestly wary of the other (given how the dark had an odd way of throwing ‘affection’ his way) or simply didn’t know what to say after such a long absence. Or what he could only assume was a long absence. The multiverse was funny that way, what had been three years for the hero could have been any length of time for Mephiles.
     Regardless, if the dark looked hard, they would have undoubtedly seen some joy in that emerald gaze. Despite everything, Arrow had missed the other. 
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theislandkeeper · 5 years
10. What was the hardest lesson they had to learn as they got older? - maybe something more recent?
[ backstory ] ;; accepting
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     That some things just have to happen and no amount of trying is going to stop them. He knew this but it was really thrown back in his face during Robotnik’s last attack and the appearance of Chaos. He and the other heroes tried their best to keep damage and casualties to a minimum but that didn’t work out as well as they wanted. No matter how hard they tried it seemed that Robotnik was always one step ahead of them until the doctor died. And then they couldn’t stop Chaos from causing more disorder. 
     So I guess he learned some things have to happen and that he just has to accept them and move on. 
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familylightfox · 5 years
shoves a red heart box with a bow on it full of chocolates at him "Have this. Don't ask where I got it. Oh and the box is edible."
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     The question is there. He wants to ask it but just looks down at the box and the chocolates before just accepting it. It wasn’t completely out of the blue with the holiday from yesterday. But...
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     “Thanks, Mephiles.” The box was set to the side, to be shared with Harmony when she got back from her little adventure with tracking dinner. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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amberthief · 5 years
Send a 🎯 to learn a random headcanon I have for my muse
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Despite the fact that she probably should be a bit concerned for her hair at the very least, Rebecca doesn’t give a single damn about crawling through the sewers and air vents.
The same surprisingly doesn’t go for when she’s actually working on repairs, she ties her hair back with a strong, blue ribbon so it doesn’t get in her face or get set on fire while she uses a welder or similar.
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dyadhogsarchive · 6 years
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           now there was a familiar face. it was a face neither hedgehog had seen in a while but a friendly one all the same. even if they hadn’t gotten to know each other that well the last time they had met, there was no reason that couldn’t change today, right?
           “you’re...mephiles, right?” amy sounded fairly sure that was right and smiled warmly at the taller being while her partner managed a much more casual wave. “what brings you back around here?”
          STARTER ○ [ @afracturedexistence ]
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projectlightfox · 5 years
Dog Salad: What kind of food do they enjoy that other people typically find disgusting or questionable?
Undertale Headcanons:
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Volt has occasionally grossed out a friend or two when he takes a piece of raw meat and will eat it. Sometimes he’s not even aware he did it until the taste hits his tongue and he hears the ‘disturbed’ sounds next to him.
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the-twinventors · 5 years
No Inside Voice (Accepting)
“... you’re strange.” Jayce’s head was just tilted to the side. “... nice, but strange. Can’t quite put my finger on why.”
“I wanna get to know you better.” Stella smiled. “You seem pretty interesting, and I think you’d be a great friend to have.”
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perfectdownpour · 6 years
((Catching up on Meph & Harks thread like
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Anger water boi not gonna be happy with the welcoming committee...
...or their “in your absence” report.))
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chaosworthy · 1 year
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➤ Heartbeat| Accepting
↳ @afracturedexistence asked: 💓
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{➹} – "UM..." SOMEWHERE IN the back of his head the hero could have swore that there had been a talk about personal space with a certain deity at some point. In some other part? He had a feeling Mephiles hadn't cared even if they had. There were many things the hedgehog wanted to say, but none of them seemed to want to come out in that moment.
Namely because someone had taken it upon themself to press against the hero's chest and, frankly, it had frozen him in place. He hadn't even gotten to utter a word after seeing the deity but Mephiles either had incredible observation or this was the oddest greeting the hedgehog had ever been a part of.
Maybe it was both...
"Hello again. 'M fine, by the way..."
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chaosworthyarchive · 5 years
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   {➹} – “I’M PRETTY SURE that’s just how he says ‘hello’ these days...” 
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goldentelepath · 6 years
🔍 for something you look for on other’s blogs
((Aside from the essential rule and about page, I will read further along the blog posts. I take that time to see more of how they thread, extra character headcannons, what kind of OOC posts there are.
I can tell ye, that I can’t help but smile ear to ear when I see mun that gushes and nerds out in their OOC posts about their muses. Seeing muns that are passionate about their muses and enjoying their own stories and headcannons is a pleasant, and something I more than welcome on my dash.
However, If I see tons of recent posts that involve participating in drama,  callout posts, vaguing others, then… I will be hesitant…))
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dyadhogs-a-blog · 7 years
▢ @afracturedexistence ¦ starter ▢
          slowpoke isle was, perhaps, one of the very few areas around where the winter season could actually flourish. its usually high rolling hills and impressive architecture was now hidden under a blanket of snow, creating a mystifying effect when it came to the varies small waterfalls and lakes. 
          with white being the primary color around them, it was no wonder how sonic or amy saw the tall, dark figure not too far from them in the distance. whoever they were, amy was adamant about introducing herself but, before she could take more than three steps, sonic’s hand grabbed her, stopping her in her tracks. 
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           ❝ what are you doing? does he look friendly to you? ❞
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+ | x |
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   {➹} – THE HEDGEHOG JUST WATCHED the poor animal fly by his head as he stepped out of the way, eyes wide and puzzled beyond belief. He only half heard Mephiles’ reply, his attention obviously focused on other things.
     “Sure, whatever,” was his unattentive reply as he gestured around them, namely to the turkeys and fixing the dark with a bewildered look. “So...are you a bird keeper now or...?”
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theislandkeeper-a · 7 years
[ starter for ;; ] @afracturedexistence
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     “You have ten seconds to explain why you’re here before I start punching.”
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projectlightfox · 5 years
[continuation of this] 
     Sometimes dreams were heavier than they should be. Sometimes they felt just like a memory from the past and even after one woke up from them, their skin crawled from the lingering feelings of hands all over them. And that was what Volt was dealing with at the moment. 
     He honestly should have thanked Mephiles before he woke up, but assumed the God was already aware of just how much the hybrid turned human had appreciated the interruptions of a nightmare like that. A part of his mind had scolded him that he should have known it was a dream because of this or that, but could anyone that wasn’t a deity really have all that control over their own mind. Volt didn’t think so or at least he didn’t think he could. 
     But even though the dream of the scientists taking away chunks of his skin and slicing into his muscles until they could see the bones for their data wasn’t exactly what had bothered him about the dream. It had been Mephlies’ comments after. A shaking hand came up to run through his sweat drenched hair, pushing it away from his face and allowing it to fall back behind his shoulders. 
          Why do the humans bother you?
     That question had lead the hybrid turned human to have to think. Was it really only because of the things they did to him that he could remember. Unlike his daughter who had been rescued shortly after her creation, Volt had been a subject for them for months before he was able to escape with the help of fellow experiments. 
          How could a species wage war against you?
     Mephiles was right. An entire species wasn’t to blame for the actions of a few. Because if that had been the case than the other part the god had brought up should have him hating other Mobians for the actions of the council. The ones who had taken everything away from them once again and left Volt and his Daughter living out of the tent they were in. It was a lot for him to think about and likely wasn’t going to be something that would allow him to go back to sleep anytime soon. 
     Another thing their friend had been right about was that his daughter was far stronger than he was. There wasn’t even a way Volt would deny that one as he relied on her more than she did on him to help handle situations. His therapist had made comments about it as well, that while he had to work on his traumas, he also had to work on being able to handle them on his own, for when his daughter wouldn’t be around to poke or prod his cheeks. Both organic and cybernetic hands came up to cover his face as the ginger closed his eyes. Just listening to the sounds of nature outside of their tent. To the soft snores that came from his daughter as she laid on the bedroll beside him.
     “You’re right Mephiles... I can’t judge them all on the actions of a few... Those that wronged me don’t speak for the rest of the universe and I can’t let my past control all the aspects of my life...” It was mostly spoken to himself, being that they were hopefully alone in the tent, but Volt assumed the little sausage link curled up under his daughter’s chin was likely listening in. “I wouldn't be who I am today if not for the actions of those from my past. And I’m just going to outlive them anyway. Might as well look at the world like my daughter does. Everyday is a new adventure. Every person is a new friend with the right words...”
     “Guess I just needed to pull my head out of my ass to see it.”
     “lan....guage....” Volt had to snort at the comment from his daughter in her sleep. Even as she scooted closer to his crossed leg for the warmth that he provided. A hand was run through her soft blue hair and a smile passed his lips. 
     “I need to be a better person for you.”
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