#broppy pictures
poppibranchlover · 1 year
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Leave a reblog and like IF YOU THINK THIS IS TOO CUTE!!! 😁👍
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grim-ghosty · 3 months
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Here are some doddles for the AU.
The first one is just some scenes from the first chapter, the second is just Broppy, and the last one is Branch singing/dancing.
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jae-in-a-trenchcoat · 6 months
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Human broppy!
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sili-a · 2 months
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I dyed my bangs magenta yesterday and immediately thought, "Omg Poppy!"
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bibluebutterfly · 10 months
I think the beautiful thing about the Broppy relationship is how they impact one another.
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Branch’s impact on Poppy is the most obvious in the movies because he’s the one who teaches her to calm down and listen.
But what I think people overlook is the fact that despite her flaws, Poppy never gave up on Branch. Because as cute as they are now, there was a time when Branch was actually pretty cruel to her (ie. Putting her down, smashing her custom made invitations for him in front of her face, mocking her ideals, etc) and probably had been treating her like that for years before movie #1.
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Everyone else had given up on him, basically deeming him as a lost cause, but Poppy never stopped trying. Yes Branch got on her nerves and hurt her feelings, and as far as she knew he would just throw her invitations away afterwards. Yet despite that she still put in the effort to make him custom invitations and genuinely want him to be there.
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And even though he never dared express it, those efforts meant something to him.
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Like we love Branch, but I don’t think we give Poppy enough credit for her role in Branch’s life. He was unkind (to put it lightly) to her for years, but despite that she never held any resentment towards him and still felt that he deserved to be happy. And by that incredible persistence, she worked her way into his heart.
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See, Branch is a character who is completely used to tragedy and people he loves leaving in his life. So that’s partially why he pushed Poppy away and treated her so poorly. But despite that, Poppy was always THERE. She was with him when literally nobody else was. She was naive, optimistic and annoying, but she was there. Always putting the effort to be his friend, and the only one who had any sort of faith in him. He may have been isolated, but because of Poppy he was never truly alone. And even if it irked him, he still appreciated that.
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And when somebody sticks with you literally no matter what, it’s not surprising that he fell more than a little bit in love.
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As for Poppy, she’s slowly becoming aware that she can be a bit much sometimes. She always wants the best for her people but she doesn’t always know how to do that. Branch, even if originally rude about it, has always been able to give it to her straight. And even if he pretended not to care, he still had her back when it mattered the most. And after number one, it looks like he has her back more than ever while still being able to be the voice of reason. Which yes, Poppy definitely needs.
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(Gah I wish I could put more pictures to elaborate my point but y’all get it.)
Anyway. They’re not perfect characters, but they are perfect for each other. Branch supports Poppy but gives it to her flat out. Meanwhile Poppy too supports Branch and is stubborn enough to stick by him, even when he’ll intentionally and/or unintentionally push her away. And that’s just gorgeous.
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spooky-pop · 5 months
OK so I've received a lot of asks requesting me to draw broppy comforting Ivy, but I'm dishing out a little more angst before then 👀 Because...what if they tried, and it didn't work?
I can picture them resorting to comfort methods that work when shes feeling down, but these simply don't work when she's grey. Being young also means that everything feels so much bigger and so much scarier, and I think she turns grey because of an intense moment of hopelessness. Branch and Poppy know a thing or two about being grey and dealing with it within themselves, but it's an entirely different thing to help their child through it.
I can see them realize how serious it is when she fully rejects every attempt they've made at trying to make her happier. Poppy's method of comfort to Ivy would naturally be hugs, but this time, Ivy doesn't want them.
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Branch would resort to trying to make her smile by being silly, because she is a dad's girl and anything he did would make her beam like the sun. But here, she just wants to be left alone.
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I WILL make a follow up that shows their next approach in trying to fix this, but their initial reactions to her being grey would probably be slight denial because they don't want to believe their baby feels THIS low.
I'm done breaking hearts now bye!
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skels-trolls-blog · 10 days
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I liked the Broppy picture so much I decided to give it it's own post! I was really experimental with shading for this one, and I have to say that I love how it turned out.
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haileysnaileyone · 3 days
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“My dearest Branch, if you don’t mind
I’d like to join you by your side
Where we can gaze into the stars
And sit together
Now and forever
For it is plain
As anyone can see
We’re simply meant to be”
Happy Broppy Day y’all !!!
P.S. if you look closely, you can see me in this picture, I’m the spider 😂
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storydays · 10 months
A silly little request from anon.
What if while in Gristles and Bridgets wedding, John Dory’s daughter (y/n) was found by Branch, thinking that she was lost and shocked that his older brother had a kid. (actually JD just lost her in the woods while hunting for food. Branch knew that Y/n is jd’s kid cuz of the looks) JD AND Y/N, FATHER-DAUGHTER REUNION. But also angst, since y/n didn’t know anything about her father
sorry my english is bad
When Will I See You Again?
John Dory X Daughter!Reader
Branch X Niece! Reader
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(15 years ago)
“Yeah, yeah! Baby girl, wait until you try Big Daddy’s gumbo!” a 30 year old John Dory laughed loudly as he mixed some vegetables and yak burger meat in a pan, making faces at his 8 month old daughter who giggled from her playpen.
It’d been the two of them since Kyomi, John’s wife of 15 years, passed during labor. It still hurt but John still had a reason to smile everyday:  you. 
You were a perfect combination of himself and your mother; although you took his smile and hair color, you took your mother’s calming personality and you both had that cute little gap between your front teeth. Your mother was an R&B Troll, one of the subgenres of Pop and Funk Trolls, who lived on a small island between Pop Village and Vibe City.
John Dory came across her during his journey of self discovery and Kyomi helped him break out of the role of oldest brother and the leader role, and helped him to understand why his brothers’ reacted the way they did. Together they then traveled around the world, looking for his siblings. But once John had seen how happy his brothers were, he’d decided to keep his distance, they didn’t need him anymore. 
John snapped out of his thoughts when he smelled something burning. “Ah sugar!” He yelled as he moved you further away from the campfire and hurriedly put the water out. 
Once the fire was out, he turned to check you over, but you were fine, and not even paying attention to him anymore, instead you were facing away from him, playing with the necklace around your neck and babbling to yourself. John sighed softly and walked over to your crib and watched you play for a few minutes.
“Well, that gumbo is going to have to be made another day, darlin’. How about a breakfast dinner?” He asked, before grabbing you up, making you squeal in surprise, and put you in the baby carrier before heading out into the forest for more wood.
You babbled along as John Dory sang softly under his breath, as he gathered wood, when a loud screech startled you both. 
John cursed under his breath before rushing off, trying to get you both to safety when a claw scratched against him, making him trip, and hiss as he pressed a hand to his chest, feeling the deep scratches, before he felt his blood run cold when he realized you were no longer attached to him. 
“Nonononono!” He yelled, chasing after the bird before he tripped over a tree branch and face planted in the dirt, rushing to get up, yelling your name, hoping something could help him.
But the bird was far from his reach and so were you.
John Dory fell to his knees before an harsh sob escaped him as he started to wail in despair, calling for you desperately:
*Fastforward to present day*
“GOOD MORNING, UNCLE BRANCH!” You squealed, as you saw your uncle yawning. He chuckled softly, accepting the cup of coffee you were offering him.. “Hey, firefly. You ready for a royal wedding?” “You mean the one where Aunt Poppy and Aunt Bridget tried to dress me up as an actual flower?” 
Branch snorted in his coffee. “Oh yeah, Poppy showed me the pictures.” “It’s not funny, traitor!” You huffed, pouting and crossed your arms. Branch chuckled again making you smile before turning back to your journal, which was filled with different Troll fashion designs for each tribe. Branch started to make breakfast before peeking over your shoulder.
“Wow, (Y/N)! These are amazing!” You smiled brightly, you always did when people complimented your work. “Thanks! I was so excited for the wedding today, I got so inspired! Can you guess what the theme is?”
“Hmm,” Branch hummed, as he got the ingredients ready for breakfast. He smirked to himself seeing all the hearts and swirls in your designs. “Chesseburgers?” He guessed playfully.
“No!” You giggled, “It’s love. Love comes in all shapes and sizes, Uncle Branch. Sometimes, you just need a little bit of help to find it.” You said softly, fidgeting with the necklace around your neck, and looking over your designs with a thoughtful look. 
Branch studied you carefully, something was bothering you, you wore the same look he distinctly remembers his oldest brother having when he thinking hard. He cleared his throat before asking, “Wanna help me cook?” 
Now dressed in your wedding outfit,( you were the flower girl with Tiny being the flower boy), you stood next to your Uncle, dancing on the balls of your feet excitedly, stars shining in your eyes.
“Now, if there is anyone who objects to this—” “STOP THE WEDDING!” A loud voice screamed, making everyone turn to watch the mysterious Troll parkour their way down to the front of the crowd. Branch pushed you and Poppy behind him, eyeing the new Troll suspiciously. 
“Sorry, sorry, is this a bad time? I’m just looking for a Troll named–” asked the Troll as he pushed his goggles up, before gasping seeing Branch.
“Baby Branch!” The weird man then came up and started rambling about nothing of interest to you, as you could see how much this Troll looked like you and was strangely familiar. But seeing your Uncle uncomfortably trying to get out of the man’s grip.
“Hey! You put my Uncle down right now!” “And tell us who you are!” demanded Poppy, standing tall besides you. Branch groaned as he jumped down. “Oh right, right, sorry. I’m Branch’s brother.” You gasp as Poppy took the lead. 
You studied the new Troll, ignoring the argument between Branch and Poppy, and approached him. “Have we met before?” You asked, ceasing all conversation, not noting Branch bit his lip nervously.
“Now that I think about it……” John trailed off, seeing the necklace around your neck and gasping softly, before pushing your bangs from your face. “(Y/N)?” He asked softly, eyes tearing up. “Um.. yep that’s my name, heh. Says it on my necklace.”
“Oh my God….oh my God! You-you’re alive! “ John Dory laughed in disbelief before hugging you tightly. “I’m alive! I’m alive?” You giggle, hugging him back instinctively before backing away nervously. 
“Of course you wouldn’t remember me…you were just a baby when we got seperated.” John huffed softly, before looking at you with sad fondness. 
“(Y/N).....I’m your dad.”
There's no such thing as silly request :)
PART 2???????
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hey-hey-j · 3 months
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I'm just going to copy-paste my previous post: designing next gens less because I actually think these two characters should have kids but because I live and breathe for Making Up Little Guys
(bonus little design breakdowns and notes below the cut)
Rosaline (Floyd/Hickory)
- yes, she's named after grandma Rosiepuff
- I actually don't have that much to say about her pfgfggg her design came together really easily, the only bit I struggled with was her hair but that was mostly trying to get the right balance between Floyd's pink and Hickory's orange
- her name comes from her color palette: I pictured a Flickory kid with pink hair and green skin and immediately decided their name should be a variation of "Rose." It's thematic!
Fresca (Viva/John Dory)
- okay, I have a LOT to say about this one, starting with her name: I wanted something similar to Viva ("alive") but with the same goofiness as John Dory (man's a fish) and I eventually settled on Fresca ("fresh") (I'm a native Spanish speaker I know what I'm doing sshhhhh)
- I originally pictured her with blue skin for this reason—I thought making her blue would evoke the "fresh" imagery I was going for. But then I decided to make her purple instead and that imagery got kinda lost oops.
- I'm actually not completely satisfied with her color palette to be honest. I think I messed up making her so purple—giving her blonde hair made her look like Milton (lmao) and giving her a pink/blue gradient made her look too much like a Broppy kid for my liking. The current pink/yellow with hints of orange looks nice enough but I think if I did a design overhaul I would try making her a little more blue. As it stands there's not much in her palette that really indicates JD to me.
- I very briefly attempted to give her JD's green hair but that looked atrocious so I trashed that idea pretty quickly lmao
and if you've made it this far, congratulations! You get my links:
(★ my Ko-fi) | (★ commission info)
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jessidogg · 3 months
Broppy Headcanons!!
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Branch is the romantic one (duh-) meaning he is always the first one to flirt, wrote her a song or poem, and give sweet encouragement. But Poppy is the physical one, so she is the first one to hug, kiss, and just give him sweet little grazes across the arm for no reason necessarily.
Most of their time together is spent doing things they love. One date night might be Poppy showing Branch how to scrapbook, while another might be Branch tinkering with inventions and having Poppy test them.
Branch keeps a photo album only filled with pictures of Poppy 💕; Poppy keeps a scrapbook filled with their memories together ❤
They read books together sometimes in dates where Branch is reading out loud to Poppy (wouldn't be surprised if one of the books were Clay's)
During their first few months of dating, whenever Branch wants to kiss Poppy himself, he always acts like it's his first kiss, and his words get all jumbled and he starts stammering, which is when Poppy knew that he wanted to kiss her (she always found this funny
They rarely aren't singing a love song in some form
Poppy and Branch have sleepovers, but Poppy always makes up excuses to sleep at his bunker because she likes it better, so they usually have sleepovers there.
Goodnight kisses are short, sweet, and tender. Good morning kisses, however, are much longer than needed or intended 👀
Selfish by JT is one of the songs that Branch wrote for Poppy ❤
Poppy had all kinds of silly nicknames for Branch- Branchifer, Branchie Boo, Beau, Blueberry, Sweetie, Honey (she used that one for special occasions)-- but Branch only had one for her, other than "Poppifer"... Angel (which she loved more than anything), with exceptions for Sweetie and Honey every now and then.
The first thing Branch does when Poppy is sick or hurt is offer to call 911 or take her to the ER, even if it's just a silly stuffy nose or scraped knee.
They love being silly together-- but you already knew that 😘
I think I will add another part soon, but these are what I have so far. These aren't the best but they're a beginning. Love ya! 💕
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imasoftieforbarb · 10 months
Hi! Um, I had this idea. How do you feel about broppy? It would just be fun to see some headcannons, in terms of their relationship, behavior among themselves. A wedding? hahaha. I know it's probably corny, but I'd like to see
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It’s no energy x too much energy
But we all knew that already
I like to think that after finding out Poppy is allergic to her favorite flowers, Branch would press the flowers and seal them so the pollen can’t reach her
He would literally go to the ends of the earth for her
Poppy has a scrapbook with photos of him and lil songs she wrote for him
She also keeps the scrapbook he made for her in a safe place with a picture of them both together
Sleepovers happen- you cannot convince me otherwise
I like to think that Branch has sensory issues so he has his own blanket at poppy’s pod so if a spontaneous sleepover happens, he can sleep in peace
If a wedding did occur
It would be small, contrary to popular opinion
It would be their friends, branches brothers and poppy’s dad and sister (along with Bridget and Gristle
The brothers definitely pulled the ‘first look at the bride’ prank
John Dory dressed up in a wedding dress and tapped branches shoulder, Branch turned around- expecting to see poppy and instead burst out laughing at his brother
It was a good moment
Then it happens for serious
Viva and King Peppy walk Poppy down the aisle
Viva is already crying- Peppy isn’t too far behind her
John Dory is proud, Floyd is sobbing with happiness, Bruce is smiling, Clay is shooting thumbs up at Branch
When Branch sees poppy walking down the aisle-
Everything disappears except her
He doesn’t even realize he’s crying until poppy wipes them off his cheeks
Everyone starts crying when they say their vows
“If anyone sees any reason as to why these two should not be wed, speak now or forever hold your peace”
Poppy smiles cause she knows no one will say anything
Branch glares into the crowd
You can hear JDs ominous knuckle cracking as everyone is silent
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weirdrandomtina · 10 months
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Can we just take a moment to appreciate the Broppy kiss?
Honestly, I was expecting just an almost kiss or a quick peck like in Holiday in Harmony, so this was a very pleasant surprise.
The way she grabs his vest and pulls him closer is what I always envisioned but never thought it would happen in canon. It's so darn cute, and so them. And the way Branch melts into the kiss, then tenderly holds her hands (and we all know how important hand touches are with these two!).
In the 2nd&3rd pictures showing them on the big screen, if you compare the two, you see subtle differences of them shifting in closer.
And if you compare the first and 4th photos, their lips have clearly changed, especially Poppy's - again, it was no split-second half-hearted kiss.
Then the way Poppy smiles so lovingly at him afterward and glances down at his lips more than once...
I'm happy🥰
P.S. Also, the ending of the kiss played in reverse is super cute and provides a second Broppy kiss perspective!! Check out the gif here:
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penguinzzz · 9 months
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Here's without that weird lighting
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Also you can't tell me you don't picture branch having a long ass messy hair. This man has been isolated for 20 years. Ofcourse he'd have a long messy hair.
Also damn I think I've drawn poppy's head a little massive..
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strawtebby · 3 months
Hypno-Pop Fem!Branch AU
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Two AUs in one! I was thinking about the Hypno Pop AU by @djmurphy and listening to Britney Spears and I was like... "Huh. Theses two fit really well together." And then I starting thinking about the Idol industry and I was like. "Ok I have to make something." So here it is! I plan on writing a fic too, but so far I have a rough idea of how this goes
Fem!Branch Hypno-Pop AU
Branch - Queen B, Mega popstar and savior of the pop trolls alongside Poppy 
Poppy - Branch’s SDBFFFL (Super Duper Best Friend Forever For Life - acronym by Poppy) savior of the pop trolls alongside Branch 
Creek - Branch’s Manager and Boyfriend (wanna clarify he's just a slob, the last picture isn't trying to imply anything violent)
(it's eventual Broppy, throw in some Peppy bashing, brotherly kismet, and supportive snack pack)
After the escape from the Troll Tree, King Peppy uses the power of the string to basically brainwash Branch, she becomes Poppy’s best friend and continues to perform as Bitty B until she gets older and Creek becomes her manager after they start dating (yes he pursued her with that in mind). 
Creek decides most of her outfits and while she’s allowed to write her own music it has to be approved by Peppy and Creek first so most of her lyrics are watered down or double meanings. She has to go to Peppy pretty much everyday to get a re-up on the string’s power otherwise the negative emotions being dulled by its effects start to creep in and her colors dull.
Creek suggests she rebrand to something a little more mature, to try and perform as a woman instead of a girl while keeping up her friendly persona. It was a difficult tightrope to work but with Creek’s help she does it subtly over time with her dress and lyrics becoming more mature, culminating in her rebrand as Queen B. This happened on the 20th Anniversary of the Trollstice and the chef, thinking she was Poppy since the crowd was calling her Queen, took her and a few others, Creek included. 
Trolls 1 follows a similar flow but Creek does not get outed as a traitor, instead giving up cowbell up when the Chef threatens to eat Branch, because this was to save someone Poppy loves she understands it more and while very upset, her colors come back after Bridget saves everyone and the bergens realize they can be happy without the Trolls. Branch does not regain her colors at this time.
In this AU World Tour happens later, and instead Branch's brothers are together. JD went back to the Troll Tree like in the movie and finds no one but after he left he a few years later found the Putt Putt course by pure coincidence and reconnects with Clay. JD is grey when they meet and even though Clay has issues with his brother he doesn't want to see him like that so they decide to find the others. They track Floyd and realize he left too and Branch might be alone so they get Bruce and try to look for her. They eventually find Pop Village and find a show is being put on by some pop queen named "Queen Bee" and she's... singing a cover of their song??
(Alt lyrics for perfect)
Da-da, da-da-da
Da-da-da, da-da-da
Da-da, da-da-da (Queen B)
Da-da-da, da-da-da
Well, there she goes
On the floor, let's do this, no more talkin' (no more talkin'), huh-uh
Did anybody notice?
The energy just shifted when I dropped in
Ooh, let it drop in (let it drop in), ooh
I don't flex, but I might
Groove about to take flight
'Cause the night is young and the music's on
You’ll fall in love on sight
The sky was the limit
Now, the stars where I’m livin'
It's the vibe and I’m in it
And I’ll blow your mind
I’m so perfect, perfect, perfect
A hundred percent
Put us together you know what you'll get
Yeah, I’m so perfect, perfect, perfect
Harmony's so cold
And you'll never, ever wanna let me go
They keep on watchin' me, watchin' me
I don't pay them no mind (She don't pay them no mind, no mind, no mind)
There ain't no stoppin', no stoppin' me
I ain't pressin' rewind (rewind, rewind)
And the sky was the limit
Now, the stars where I’m livin'
It's the vibe when I’m in it
And I’ll blow your mind
I’m so perfect, perfect, perfect
A hundred percent
Put us together you know what you'll get
Yeah, I’m so perfect, perfect, perfect
Harmony's so cold
And you'll never, ever wanna let me go
Won't let me go
I don't flex but I might
Groove about to take flight
'Cause the night is young and the music's on
And you fell in love on sight
Yeah, I don't flex but I will
I ain't lack the skills
'Cause when I do my dance, you put up your hands
Yeah, you can buy these thrills
And I’m so perfect, perfect, perfect
A hundred percent
Put us together you know what you'll get
Yeah, I’m so perfect, perfect, perfect
Harmony's so cold
And you'll never, ever wanna let me go (go)
Perfect, perfect, perfect
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spooky-pop · 2 months
I have so many scenarios in my head that I would love to make into comics but bc of time and life and other priorities, a lot of them are on the backburner. I'm rambling so I'll put my ideas under the break, but I just have silly moments in my head relating to my broppy parent AU--
I also think the word "eggnant"/"eggnancy" is amusing but it's also perfect lmfao
I've been asked before to elaborate on how Broppy handles life before the egg arrives, but also, what if trolls laid eggs fr instead of the magic hair thing.
I can just picture Poppy in her nesting phase right before the egg arrives and Branch brings Viva by to keep her company, only to be greeted by an absolutely feral Poppy who is LITERALLY trying to build her own "nest" for comfort and safety in their home. And that means gathering every pillow and blanket she can sink herself into for comfort. Branch tries to tell her that maybeeee she has enough because half the room is filled with comfort items and she looks at him with the biggest glare demanding that she must get more pillows or else 😂 And Viva flies out the door trying to get her whatever she wants.
That would be canon in my AU for me tbh. I just love the idea of Trolls having eggs in a variety of ways and handling it differently from troll to troll.
If I had more time and more hands, this would be a comic
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