#brooklynne: some time to explain!!!!
kitabearuwu · 4 months
Been thinking to myself lately about Ben’s girlfriend and have a theory to share 😼🙏
Here’s a compilation of all the evidence that Brooklynn is Ben’s girlfriend (but probably in disguise) and that we will see her come into the story soon
1.) The repeated yet cryptic mentions of her.
Ben mentioned his girlfriend only twice in the show, first framed as a joke and again in a more serious tone later. Both times, he was interrupted/questioned while talking about her and didn’t get to share any details. This usage of her presence tells the audience that she is important in some way, and leaves us to speculate on her role in the story. If Ben was lying about having a girlfriend, it would’ve been a one off gag and not mentioned in a serious light later on. Because we have no details to go off of with her, it makes her much more of a mystery to the audience.
2.) She lives in an unspecified country in Europe.
The series is set a couple of months before Dominion. If you all recall, the underground dinosaur market was featured heavily in Dominion, and the market they infiltrated was based in Valletta, Malta, which is in Europe. What does Brooklynn just so happen to be tracking in Chaos Theory?
Illegal dinosaur purchases.
We have no idea where she is at the moment, but if Brooklynn is currently in Europe and has been since she “died”, she could very well be tracking the market in Malta. It’s possible she’d want a “man on the inside” of sorts, and by connecting with Ben, she’d be able to keep track the N5 without revealing herself to be alive.
3.) The N5 boarded a boat that is going somewhere unspecified to meet a broker.
The boat they’re on is carrying a lot of illegally owned dinosaurs, and if they’re off to meet a broker, it’s entirely possible the boat is headed to one of the market checkpoints around the world. Darius listed a couple of them off as they walked through the storage unit, and one of the countries he mentioned was Malta.
If the N5 end up in Malta and are tracking the purchases at the same time as Brooklynn, who seems to be tracking the same boat and the events surrounding it as seen at the end of the show, they’ll see her there at some point no doubt.
It would also make sense for them to end up in Malta because the atrociraptors are in Malta by Dominion. If they end up going to Malta in Chaos Theory and defeating The Handler there, Soyona Santos could very easily take over the raptors there in Malta instead of receiving them elsewhere.
4.) When they put out a casting call for “Sydney”, the character they used as a cover for Brooklynn, they gave her an unnecessary backstory.
It would’ve been just as easy to put out the casting call and keep all information about her a secret besides the basics, but they shared a lot about her, like the fact that she was supposedly a child actress now working to expose the industry for mistreatment, or that she lost her arm protecting her friends. These details that were shared about her were unnecessary to think of at all, unless they actually plan to USE those details in the show. They could be part of the identity she’s using to date Ben. This could also explain why her name has been kept from the audience, because if she’s going by Sydney, we’d be able to guess that she’s not who she says she is with a little research.
5.) Brooklynn and Ben both use Dark Jurassic, and could have easily connected there.
Brooklynn knew how much of an avid user Ben was of Dark Jurassic, and could’ve easily forced a connection with him on there somehow since she would’ve known his account information and such. If they didn’t connect directly on the website, they could’ve easily connected off the website over a shared interest in Dark Jurassic and conspiracy theories. Brooklynn and Ben were shown to be pretty close before her “death”, and so it’s likely that Brooklynn would know how to befriend him/what values would get him interested in a connection in the first place.
I really wouldn’t put it past the show runners to pull some twist like this, especially with how Brooklynn’s character has been framed as someone willing to do ANYTHING for information. She said herself that she isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty, and fake dating one of her friends to get trusted information or to build on theories of her own etc seems like something she’d be willing to do if she felt it necessary for her investigation.
Regardless of whether this theory ends up being true or not, I’m excited to see where they take her character in season 2!
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lamponellatempesta · 5 months
A thought that I shared in the discord server a few nights ago but that I will also put here, just because if I have to suffer thinking about it, we will do it together.
Let’s imagine Darius, at a time during the trip where they are in trouble or the adrenaline is coming down after escaping from any dinosaur or danger, and the absence of Brooklynn hits him in full.
The guilt that drowns him, that unbearable weight on the stomach that he carries with him since the day of the tragedy and as if it were not enough even his mind plays a bad joke, a memory that for the time was sweet but now is bittersweet: the words that Brooklynn told him in the tunnels in season 5 "Your light shines bright Darius Bowman, and I will follow you anywhere." He hears the words with her voice. As if that moment in the past were now, as if her was really telling him at that moment, to fill him with courage again. Only this time, she’s not there, he couldn’t save her. So they give him the strength to go on but at the same time they make him feel even more guilty than he already feels.
Probably next to him is Ben who sees him totally detached from reality, elsewhere and not knowing well what to do, but knowing well the reason embraces him to give him comfort.
Darius returns to reality when he feels the tears that flow copious along the cheeks and arms of Ben that surround him and that point would begin to try to explain to Ben why he is crying and was detached without succeeding and Ben would just hug him stronger and would tell him "I know what are you feeling, it’s hard for me too, I miss her too, it’s not the same without her."
And they’d be hugging for a while, looking for some comfort in each other, or at least until Darius calmed down.
(@mangosaurus @withdenim , I know you want to gently hit me for this, ops)
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aristaspark · 4 months
My Chaos Theory... well, theory.
Who's the villain?
I thought about it hard, and I think I came to a pretty solid conclusion as to who's the villain.
And the best candidate is...
There are so many things not adding up with his character, but I'm going to lay out why I think that.
1: He's way.too.nice. I don't buy his whole naive persona, sorry, I still have PTSD from Tiff and Mitch.
2: The night Brooklynn "died". His story is awfully convenient and can actually seem believable from Darius and Kenji POV, but from an audience standpoint? Hell no. We know Brooklynn is alive. She was saved by someone that night (there was only a puddle of blood so it's certain she was picked up by someone with a car). I don't care how strongly he claims he covered his ears, he would have seen or heard something/movements (her screams because she lost her arm, for starters). The fact that, if he tells the truth, he would have magically waited for Brooklynn to be taken away by someone before coming out of the bushes is ridiculous.
3: His reaction when Kenji and Darius are shocked that she had a secret apartment. I swear, I found the delivery of his line suspicious the first time I heard it. "You didn't know she had a secret appartment? 🥴" It seems like he was saying "Well, how could you not know your friend was the kind of person to have a secret apartment, even I KNOW THAT since she's been after my ass for months before I tried to kill her.
4: I don't remember the line exactly, but when the DPW agents said the boss didn't like when things weren't "done right", basically, which made me sure we had already seen the villain.
5: Sorry it took me so long to give the phone of your dead friend back to you, I just conveniently waited for you to be targeted by a psychopath to do so. Just because.
6: Why did he take the phone in the first place? 😂 Even in the scenario he gave to Darius and Kenji that part isn't explained like dude wanted a new phone??? Like in his scenario he had no reason to hide it, if he was who he claims to be he would have given it to Darius right away.
7: The fact that he was the one at the crime scene is suspiscious enough. If it hadn't been deemed a dinosaur attack, he would have been interrogated by the police right away.
So my theory is that:
Brooklynn discovered that someone was doing some horrible things using the DPW to dinosaurs. She pretty much had all the informations, except for one thing: the identity of the person who was doing these things (aka Matteo). Maybe Matteo's daughter is real, and she is the one who told him Brooklynn was getting closer to him (possible she's the one Ben spoke to on DarkJurassic) (or Matteo's lying about that too and is actually really good at tech). The night Brooklynn died was an ambush and he had planned on killing her, but he wasn't actually there, only his subordinates. Brooklynn was saved by someone though, which is why now he is so hell bent on finishing things. When he arrived, he discovered her phone and took it, in case it could be of some use (and maybe to erase all the things she had on him), and that's when Darius arrived. He decided to leave the campers alone since they didn't suspect anything anyway, but when Ben started questioning the night Brook died on Dark Jurassic, he panicked. For the time being he knows Brooklynn didn't tell anything to her friends and probably doesn't know his identity, but he knows that if the campers start investigating, he's in danger. So I think he has two reasons to target them: So that they don't investigate further but the main reason: to make Brooklynn come out of hiding, and to kill her for good (he now has a personal vendetta kind of thing). Maybe he's the one who put the money in her appartment, I'm not sure about that, he might be willing to put the blame on her so that when she reappears everyone will think whatever he is doing was her doing all along (since poor Brooklynn already appears to be suspicious for faking her own death) and that's why he decided to try and gain the trust of the campers.
I think that's about it.
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hurlingsupport · 5 months
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (Gender Neutral Reader Insert)
Chapter 7: Welcome to Jurassic World
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When you awaken, your eyes refuse to focus. Your sight is blurry, and it’s as if everything had been covered in black smog.
A cracked windshield greets you once your vision clears, some small pieces hanging by a thread or just completely gone. You’d have to check yourself for any protruding glass later.
Blinking away any lingering blurriness, you realized that the black smog was actually smoke coming from the hood of the car.
“Is everyone okay?” Darius mutters, his voice hoarse.
“Is everyone…?” Yasmina chuckles at his words, but you can hear the undeniable anger in her voice.
She trudged past everyone, throwing open the back doors and jumping out sluggishly.
Oh right, what was even more embarrassing than crashing the van was the fact that Sammy had you all right under her thumb. Well, except Brooklynn, of course.
Sammy calls out to Yasmina, but she pays no mind to the girl and instead walks away from the van with a livid expression. As the two girls walk off, the rest of you hop out of the van to access the damage.
The front of the hood is crumpled, black smoke pouring out of it like a volcano about to burst. The culprit in the crash was a large rock, about the same size as the hood itself.
Other than a singular crack running across the middle of it, the rock didn’t seem to be affected by you crashing into it. But of course, a rock is a rock, and a van is a van.
Do you have a concussion or something?
As you and Darius stare down at the hood of the car, Yasmina and Sammy’s argument continues.
“We’re in the middle of a jungle with a monster dinosaur out there, and you…” Yasmina’s words fall short, her rage overwhelming her. “You…”
“Destroyed our only way to get help and lied about it!” Brooklynn finished for her. “I told you guys!”
“So, you did take Brooklynn’s phone?” Darius says in disbelief, his eyes narrowed in a mix of exhaustion and betrayal. “Why? What were you doing?”
While Darius and Brooklynn walk forward to interrogate Sammy, you stay back to think about what to do next. Sure, Sammy’s deception was surprising, but the van was undoubtedly more important. Now all of you would have to continue on foot, and so far that hasn’t gone too well.
“Probably trying to erase my video of her taking those samples from the Sinoceratops.” Brooklynn huffs.
Sammy gasps, her eyes full of guilt. She looks to Yasmina, but upon meeting her angered stare, she lets her gaze fall to the ground.
“And you knew about the Indominus rex because you were snooping around Dr. Wu’s office when I ran into you. I knew it!” Brooklynn yelled, her shattered phone held tightly in her hand.
Is that where they went? You noticed Brooklynn was gone, but Sammy had never even crossed your mind.
“I didn’t mean to destroy the phone. I fell on it when the zipline came down and–”
“But you did steal it?” Ben interrupts her. “You had it this whole time and didn’t tell us?”
Darius walks forward. “Hold up. What were you doing in Dr. Wu’s office, Brooklynn?”
“I…” Brooklynn begins, but when her eyes land on Sammy, she avoids the question altogether. “It doesn’t matter. I didn’t break our only way to call for help and then lie about it! This is not my fault! This is her fault! She–”
“I’m here to spy!” Sammy shouts suddenly, her words causing a confused silence to fall across your group. “For a company called Mantah Corp.”
“Mantah Corp?” Darius wonders aloud, before explaining to the rest of you. “They’re a bioengineering company, big rivals with Masrani. They tried to make dinosaurs, too, but Wu beat them to it.”
“You doomed us all for some lousy company?” Ben snarled.
“Why would you do that?” You asked quietly.
Sammy pauses, her gaze wandering across everyone in the group. She wasn’t going to get out of this, so she might as well explain herself. And so, with a sigh, she does exactly that.
“Our ranch was in trouble, so my folks had to borrow a lot of money from some shady people. We didn’t know that they were fronting for Mantah Corp. They said we’d lose everything unless I spied for them.”
She continued with a shuttered breath. “Use the behind-the-scenes access I’d get at camp to gather info from Wu’s lab, and DNA from dinos, and whatever else they needed.” She spares a glance towards Brooklynn, her head lowering with guilt.
“But then Brooklynn caught on, and I got scared, and then everything went wrong.” She walks towards Yasmina, her face wrinkled with remorse. “This is the last thing I wanted to happen.”
“Oh.” Yasmina scoffs. “To be next to a broken van on a killer dinosaur island? Hey, me too! What are the odds?”
“Yaz, I–”
“Was it all a lie, wanting to be friends? Pretending you cared about…” Yasmina’s voice trails off, before getting back on track. “You just needed someone to hide what you were doing. Tell me I’m wrong.”
The only answer she gets is a shuttered sob from Sammy.
“I’m such an idiot.” Yasmina murmurs before turning around and walking off.
Sammy follows her, trying to explain her actions. She places a hand on Yasmina’s shoulder to stop her.
“Don’t touch me.” With a tense jaw and clenched fists, she pushes the girl’s hand off her. “Go away, Sammy.”
With watery eyes, Sammy runs away from the group.
With Sammy gone, Yasmina rejoins the rest of your group, who all stay awkwardly silent.
Bumpy, unaffected by the sad atmosphere, rears her hind legs to get Yasmina’s attention.
“Not now Bumpy.” She whispers.
“Look, I know the situation we’re in is suboptimal–” Ben starts tersely.
“It’s trash. Just say it’s trash, Ben.” Brooklynn says as she pinches the bridge of her nose.
Ben’s about to continue his attempt at cheering the group up, but a sharp gasp from you distracts him.
“What?” Darius asks, ever the leader.
Ignoring his question, you pull a small shard of glass out of Kenji’s arm, prompting a yelp to escape him.
“It’s gone now.” You answer curtly, throwing the shard off to the distance. Kenji stares at you in what you think is fear, and you almost laugh in his face before Bumpy grabs your guy’s attention.
She jumps and squeals, causing Ben to look at her worriedly.
“Bumpy, what are you…”
A loud rumbling became obviously apparent, and only a second later, the Indominus rex burst out of the treeline.
Everyone runs out of the way, and you hurriedly help Ben and Darius pull Bumpy out of the way so that she doesn’t get squashed.
“This is trash! This is trash!” Ben screams.
Hiding on the other side of the van, confusingly, the Indominus doesn’t bother with any of you. Instead, it bolts in the other direction as it roars.
“It’s running.” You state in a fit of confusion.
“What the…” Darius sputters.
The sound of rotors and gunfire soon invade your ears, a helicopter soon coming into sight chasing after the Indominus.
“Masrani’s helicopter!” Kenji yells as he points to the aircraft. “That’s his call sign on the tail!”
“They’re shooting at the Indominus!” Darius yells over the commotion, quickly pursuing the helicopter, causing you all to do the same.
Eventually, you all come to a stop as an enormous hemisphere comes into sight. Even without your glasses, the geodesic dome was large enough for you to recognize it as Jurassic World’s Aviary. It stored their Pterosaurs, although with the Indominus headed straight for the dome, that’s likely to change soon.
Glass shatters loudly, and yet the helicopter continues its gunfire as it hovers over the dome.
“What was that?” Brooklynn yells.
“Yeah! Kick its butt, Masrani!” Kenji screams, his hands cupping his mouth. “We’re saved! Yeah, baby!”
Kenji turns to Darius, slapping his back playfully. “Ah! I told you, they’ve got it totally under—”
In an instant, the helicopter is falling through the dome, gray smoke trailing after it before an explosion sounds across the dense forest.
A long string of blurs come after the explosion, and you can only hope that they aren’t what you think they are.
“Are those…?” You squint your eyes to differentiate the blurs soaring in the sky, but a tug at your wrists steals your focus.
Darius pulls you closer to the group as he replies. “The Pteranodons got loose. We’re practically sitting ducks! We’ve got to take cover!”
Kenji gasps as he takes the van tablet from Brooklynn’s hands.
“The Kayak River!” He points to a spot not too far from where you all were. “The entrance is near here. It goes underground, beneath the ridge. If we follow it, it’ll take us right to the main park.”
“Then that’s where we need to be. Come on!” Darius shouts, and everyone immediately heads for the Kayak River.
However, Bumpy can’t seem to get the hint that you all need to go. Ben tries to pull her from one side, but with her weight, he can only move her an inch or two away from where she stands.
You run back towards the two, grabbing one side of Bumpy as Ben grabs the other. With a huff, you both hold her in the air as you run after the others.
“Come on!” Darius hollers towards you and Ben, running ahead but never straying too far from the two of you.
Screeching from above becomes fearfully obvious, and you can only push yourself to run faster. Your legs ache, and a cramp in your side steals your breath like a parasite.
One Pteranodon dives, and Kenji, the appointed line leader, has to duck down to avoid its beak.
“Come on!” He yells as he changes course, running through some foliage.
Bumpy’s weight really begins to… well, weigh on you. Your breath comes out in shallow huffs, and a short glance towards Ben tells you he’s in the same boat.
Just before you can reach the tunnel leading towards the Kayak River, Ben’s legs give out, and Bumpy’s mass is shoved onto you. Her weight forces you down to the ground with her and Ben.
In an instant, Darius is in front of you, trying his best to pull Bumpy towards the tunnel where the rest of the group had already gone. Ben and you try to push her as Darius pulls, giving up on the whole carrying thing. Still, she only shrieks in fear of the situation.
A screech from above finally scares her into getting a move on, and she rushes past the three of you. The victory is extremely short-lived as a Pteranodon dives towards you all with ill intention.
You yowl in fright, pawing at the dirt to pull yourself upright and into a running position. Darius and Ben scurry after you, screaming all the while.
Running into the tunnel doesn’t grant you any safety, as the Pteranodon follows with determination. Its piercing cry echoes on the concrete walls.
Lit up by electric lanterns, a sliding door leading to the river attraction becomes your goal destination. Ignoring the soreness in virtually every part of your body, and the pounding in your head, you center your attention on the small gap between the door and the concrete frame.
Barging into the Kayak River area, twist your body in order to avoid stepping on Bumpy. With a leg up in the air, and your other foot bouncing to balance yourself, someone flings themselves into you before you can stabilize yourself.
You and the perpetrator fall to the ground, and though you expect to crack your head open on the concrete floor, your head meets a wooden dock instead. You can’t say the same for your back, sadly.
Pushing yourself up and onto your elbows, you stare with narrowed eyes at the culprit. Ben ignores your heated glare, koala-hugging you in response. You try standing, but the boy sticks to you like glue despite your efforts to peel him off. Gloomily accepting your fate, you survey your new surroundings.
Yasmina stands in front of the door, having been the one to slide it shut after the four of you ran in. The animalistic squeals behind the metal door give you tentative relief. Exhausted panting infiltrates the tunnel, everyone too busy catching their breath to discuss anything that had happened just yet.
“Jurassic World River Adventures,”
Ben’s grip on you falters as he looks up at the speakers in the ceiling. “What?”
“Prepare yourselves for the wonder of the underground river. Two adventurers per kayak. Life vests must be worn at all times. Adults, please fasten your own life vests before helping little adventurers. Remain seated at all times. Your journey begins now.”
In due time, Ben releases his grip on you and explores the tunnel with Bumpy. You gladly take a small break away from him. He was getting a bit too clingy for your tastes.
You pick up a stray life vest from the floor, the color a bright yellow hue. Both the vests and the oars had been left scattered around the Kayak River docks. The people down here must have been in a hurry to get out. Has the park already been evacuated?
Striving to forget that thought, you pull the vest over your head and fasten the click belt.
“Brooklynn and I call the CKK.” Kenji announces, hands placed proudly on his hips.
“CKK?” Brooklynn asks.
“Cool kids’ kayak.” He answers, flicking open some sunglasses before putting them on smoothly.
Brooklynn huffs in annoyance.
“Ben and Bumpy can go on this one.” Darius points to a specific kayak.
“I’ll go with them.” Yasmina says as she barges past Sammy. “Let’s go, dude.”
Ben stammers as he’s pushed toward the kayak.
That leaves you, Darius, and Sammy. Seeing as they were nearing the weight limit on Ben’s kayak, and Kenji didn’t invite you to the quote unquote CKK.
And you’re definitely saying that while doing the air quotes in your mind, because honestly, you’re a little peeved that they didn’t invite you.
“Come on, Sammy. Let’s get out of here.” Darius addresses her after a long silence.
She follows quietly as you and Darius lead her towards your guy’s boat.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we’d like to thank you for your patience.”
As you all begin your little kayaking adventure, the tunnel becomes darker and darker. Yasmina and the CKK have a little collision because of the darkness, but Kenji brushes off Yasmina’s annoyance.
Your stare travels from the kayaks in front of you to Sammy’s back. You’re not too mad about her betrayal. You’ve only spoken to her once, after all.
You only wonder what the specifics of her situation are. Did her parents tell her to spy for them? Did she do it all on her own? What’s going to happen to her farm now with Jurassic World’s Indominus Rex situation?
You shook your head, putting your focus into paddling the kayak. You didn’t feel like asking her those things. It really wasn’t any of your business. You cast your gaze on Darius instead, who had his full attention on Sammy’s back.
Geez, he’s staring harder than you ever would. You slowly turn your head down towards the water beneath you. Along the walls of the artificial cave, a bioluminescent glow from the algae lights your group’s path.
It’s impressive just how pretty they made this place. You wished you could have come here in different circumstances. Words can’t describe the beauty of the waterfall in the Kayak River. And with the added bioluminescence, it has a magical glow that leaves your bunch gawking at the sight.
Your kayak sits in silence, at least until Sammy has enough of Darius’s prying eyes. Even the beautiful view can’t get her to ignore his prominent staring.
“Just ask.” She mutters.
Darius’s eyes widen upon being caught, his paddling pausing for a moment, though he adheres to her words, regardless.
“It’s just that you talk so much about your ranch and your family, but your family sent you here to break the law.” He draws out his words, awaiting a rebuttal from Sammy.
Sammy immediately turns to the boy, her brows furrowed. “Don’t, Darius. You don’t know anything about my family.”
“I know they put you in danger when they sent you to spy on the park. How can you still defend them?”
“Because they didn’t send me.” She admits. “They said no to Mantah Corp. I was the one who contacted the Mantah Corp agent. I agreed to come here.”
She finally turns to look you and Darius in the eyes. “My family… they didn’t even know what I was planning until I was already on the ferry. Smashing the phone was an accident, but Brooklynn’s right.”
You and Darius’s paddling had just about completely stopped. It’s only when she pauses do you both start up the paddling once more.
She faces away from the both of you, shaking her head earnestly. “This is all my fault.”
“I still don’t see why–” Darius begins.
Sammy turns suddenly, a serious expression worn on her face. “If your family was in trouble, wouldn’t you do anything in your power to save them?”
You and Darius stop in your tracks, her words sinking into your minds like a snake’s venomous fangs. Right, many people would, wouldn’t they?
A dreary atmosphere comes after. No words are spoken until everyone gets farther into the underpass.
“You guys, should the algae be moving?” Sammy questions, her voice loud so that the others could hear her from their kayaks.
On the upper cave ground stood two Parasaurolophuses, their bodies glowing a similar hue to the rest of the bioluminescent cave.
“Don’t panic, guys. They’re herbivores!” Darius reassures. “Unbelievable! Dr. Wu must have put the bioluminescent gene into these Parasaurolophuses.”
They growl deeply, watching calmly as the kayaks pass them by. When Bumpy squeals, however, the Parasaurolophuses crawl into the water. One emerges from the water right next to your boat, scaring the three of you from the sudden appearance.
Darius quickly gets over his surprise, reaching out to stroke its glowing snout in amazement. You watch as a carefree smile stretches across his face.
Though it quickly reverts into an expression of surprise when another Parasaurolophus bursts out of the water on the other side of your kayak, with about four more appearing soon after.
They groan and growl, pushing the kayaks against each other. It’s hard not to fall off of your kayak with the dinosaurs nearly shoving it underwater. The arm of one pushes your side of the kayak down and into the water. You push the arm away from you, aiming to stop the kayak from capsizing.
You can feel the chill of the water creeping onto your arm, and with a final push, the Parasaurolophus releases its grip from your side of the kayak.
Though with the freedom, you get tossed onto Darius’s legs while accidentally kicking Sammy.
She gasps, the kayak tilting to one end as she struggles to stay on board. Darius can only push himself into the kayak to avoid the neck of a Parasaurolophus.
Eventually it dives underwater, a bump coming from under your kayak as it makes its way towards Bumpy. With the disturbance gone, you help Sammy to the middle of the kayak, which settles the previously tilting boat.
She sends a thankful glance, but your attention is solely on the group of Parasaurolophuses surrounding Bumpy, Ben, and Yasmina.
Bumpy’s squealing had drawn them in. Did they think you guys were hurting her? That would explain their rather abrupt attack on your group. Someone just needs to calm Bumpy down and the Parasaurolophuses should back off. Maybe.
“Calm–” you start, however the unexpected silence from the Parasaurolophuses stuns you into a silence of your own.
The flock of dinosaurs stand eerily still, all peering into the darkness of the tunnel further ahead. With a sudden cry from one of them, the group of dinosaurs dive into the water and swim opposite to where your guys were heading.
Without finishing your sentence, you stare at the retreating herd, to the darkness of the tunnel, and then towards the kayaks of your fellow campers.
However, they soon disappear from your sight as in a thick layer of darkness obscures your vision. The colorful light of the algae from before is nowhere to be seen.
“Uh, cool kids to nerds, where are you?” A voice calls, and you don’t need to see him to tell that it’s Kenji.
“Over here!” Darius answers, ignoring the name-calling. “I think something scared the Parasaurolophuses.”
Sammy cuts in with a call of you and Darius’s name, her voice wobbly. “If we stopped paddling, why are we still moving forward?”
The two of you gasp, snapping your heads to the water carrying your kayaks forward all on its own. You hadn’t noticed because of the lack of light, but a current had forced your kayaks forward.
This isn’t right. As far as you know, the Kayak River attraction isn’t supposed to have a current. The fences may be down, but how would that affect the water down here?
Your question is answered by two separate tunnels further down. One mimicking the artificial cave architecture the tunnels had until now, while the other is a simple circular passage.
“Paddle! There’s a current pulling us into a different tunnel!” Darius orders with a shout.
Everyone shoves their oars into the water to backtrack, but the pull of the tide is much stronger than your guy’s paddling. Inevitably, your kayaks drag you down into the tunnel, your surroundings turning pitch-black before you’re shrouded in the blinding light of the sun.
Wait, the sun?
With a hand hovering over your eyes, you check your surroundings. Though they aren’t too different from before. You all are still on your kayaks, floating on water, only now your group is in some sort of water stadium.
“We’re okay. We’re okay.” Ben sighs happily.
Sammy leaned backwards into the kayak, her back resting on your legs as she laughed.
You ignored her, your head swiveling around in all directions. This place was like a football field, both in size and in looks. Only instead of a field, it had an enormous pool. This must be an attraction of some sort that happened to be connected to the Kayak River.
Although, if that’s true, the only aquatic animal Jurassic World could recover is the Mosasaurus. And you really don’t want this to be the Mosasaurus attraction.
A gasp from Kenji is enough confirmation that your assumptions are true. You hate being right sometimes.
“Why did you gasp? That didn’t sound like a good gasp!” Ben whines.
“Cause I know exactly where we are, guys.” Kenji mutters. “We’re in the Jurassic World Lagoon. And so is the Mosasaurus.”
His words bring about a quiet panic, one that has everyone looking every which way.
“I assume the Mosasaurus is some kind of giant fish dinosaur that’s gonna try and eat us?” Ben assumes with a whimper.
“Not exactly a dinosaur, but yeah, pretty much.” You correct, eyes searching for some kind of escape from the lagoon. But your lack of glasses makes it impossible.
A low, raspy growl sounding not too far behind you gets a yelp out of Darius. Definitely your guy’s signal to get the hell out of here.
Harder said than done, especially when the Mosasaurus circles your group. Its body is just barely hidden under the blue water, almost as if it wants to be seen. And maybe it does.
“It’s circling, testing us. It’s acting like a shark.” Brooklynn says in a low tone. “We’re intruders in its domain, so it’s investigating us. Before it gets confident, decides to… to…”
A snarl interrupts her whispering, and Bumpy squeals at the noise.
“This is bad,” Brooklynn finishes.
“We have to get out now!” Kenji whines, holding his oar to his chest in fear.
“There’s a ladder by the spectator stands.” Darius points, and though it’s only a blur of colors to you, your eyes follow his hand, regardless.
Kenji winces at the distance. “How are we gonna–”
“Y’all?” Sammy draws your attention to the water.
Just like Brooklynn said, the Mosasaurus is getting more confident, now swimming directly beneath your kayaks.
“Paddle! Go, go, go!” Darius commands.
“This is not how Kenji wanted to go out!” Kenji yells, his sunglasses close to falling off.
“This isn’t on my to-do list either!” Yasmina hisses.
So far you’ve all made it more or less half-way across the water with no disruptions from the Mosasaurus, but you’re sure that’ll change soon.
“Keep paddling!”
“Almost there!”
Bumpy squeals, fearful from the constant splashing and movement of the kayaks.
Another growl from the deep blue pushes you to paddle faster despite your sore arms.
The CKK, as Kenji had previously called it, arrives at the spectator stands before anyone else. And you wonder if your kayak will make it at all. With three people, your kayak’s been falling behind the other two. Even Bumpy’s kayak had gotten in front of you guys.
The three of you pant from exhaustion, shrieking at every wave made by the Mosasaurus. Because if anyone was going to get eaten, it would be the ones falling behind the rest. And admittedly, your kayak was doing exactly that.
You don’t draw your attention away from the spectator stand. You may not see it too well, but you trust Sammy and Darius to guide the kayak in the right direction.
“Don’t look back! Just keep paddling!” Darius calls out to Sammy and you.
“I’m trying!” Sammy says as she forces her head away from the splashing behind your kayak. “What’s Yaz doin’?”
Her words cause you to divert your attention to your side. There stands Yasmina in all her glory atop a small foot area at the bottom of a large metal pillar.
The pillar in question is used to keep the meat conveyor upright so that it’d stay out of reach from the Mosasaurus. It’s not how it would’ve fed in the wild, but they’ve got to put on the show for the guests, don’t they? Taking your attention off the money hungry tactics of Jurassic World, you wonder why in the world Yasmina’s standing there.
You get an answer when she bangs on the pillar, shouting at the top of her lungs. You couldn’t see it, but judging by her laughter, you guess it worked. Either that, or she was just insane. Considering her antics, you wouldn’t be too surprised.
“She’s distracting it, buying us time. Keep going!” Darius ordered, more towards Sammy than you, whose gaze had wandered yet again.
With a thud, your kayak meets the spectator stand roughly. Sammy crawls out first, lending a hand to you when you crawl out after. She instantly turns her attention towards Yasmina while you help Darius out of the kayak on your own.
“We’ve gotta do something!” Sammy cries, watching as the Mosasaurus swims towards Yasmina. She tears off her life vest, face wrinkled in fear as she hurries up the ladder leading to the stadium above. Darius and you follow in her footsteps, although a lot less hysteric.
A mechanical stir followed by Kenji’s shouting leads you to believe that Yasmina might actually have a chance at surviving this. Or at least you hope so. She’s one of the few people you enjoy here.
Joining the rest of the group at the stadium, you watch as a thick wire rope cable emerges from the water, a hook at the end. Tossing her oar into the depths below, Yasmina jumps onto it, grasping the cable with all four limbs.
“Go, go, go!”
Once the cable is pulled as high as it can go, it moves in your guy’s direction. Yasmina leans back with her legs out, and then forward with her legs in. Over and over she does this, most likely to build momentum. With the Mosasaurus circling her below, and no set drop point, she’s going to jump.
“Come on, Yaz!”
“Oh, no…”
“She’s not gonna make it.”
As those words leave Kenji’s mouth, the Mosasaurus breaks the surface of the water, flinging itself upwards to snap its jaws at Yasmina. In an incredible show of luck, the Mosasaurus latches onto the horizontal wire holding the line and hook. Its teeth cut the wire and Yasmina swings through the air. Can’t be too lucky, it seems.
With little to no time to prepare herself, she’s flung straight into the stadiums. She lands in a crouched position, her feet meeting the ground violently. Yasmina grunts at the impact and curls in on herself, clutching her left leg in pain.
You all surround her, forming a circle of concern. Darius and Sammy help her sit up.
“I’m okay.” She assures you all, but a touch to her ankle forces a pained groan from her lips. “I think.”
“Uh, also, where’d everyone go?” Ben asks, looking side to side at the empty stadium surrounding your group.
“They must’ve evacuated the park.” You answer swiftly, gaze switching from Yasmina’s injured leg to the empty stadium seats.
With no further words, everyone explores the stadium for signs of… well, anything really. Yasmina sits grumpily at the very bottom of the stadium, forced to stay where she’s at because of her possibly broken leg.
Despite the pain, she continues pressing her hands against her ankle as if it would suddenly stop hurting. You watch Sammy approach her, but it doesn’t seem to go well, considering Yasmina stands up and limps away from her.
You sigh, heart still beating out of your chest from everything that’s happened so far. Bumpy bellows softly to your left, happily being used as a pillow by Ben. His eyes are shut, but you doubt he was actually sleeping. At least he feels safe enough to close his eyes at all. You wonder why that is.
You jump and look away when he shifts from his previous position. He looks towards you, who pointedly looks the other way until he speaks.
“I’m… glad you’re okay.” A confused stare from you brings him to continue hastily. “I–I mean you, Darius, and Sammy.”
His words bring a perplexed look to your face, but you let a chuckle leave your mouth all the same.
“Thanks. Uh, you too, I guess.” Your words are lackluster, but his face lights up despite it.
It goes quiet between the two of you, but not in an awkward way. Which is a first for you. Ben lies back down, head resting on Bumpy’s back once more. And this time, he might actually sleep.
The blaring sound of a siren makes that an impossible feat, however, the noise invading everyone’s ears out of the blue. The siren stays at a steady pace, blaring its loud horn before fading and doing it all again.
The deafening sound of it forces you all into a wide-eyed daze, looking around like deers to the headlights of a car. You don’t want to ask, but you truly wonder how much worse this experience can get.
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bendarius · 2 years
Tumblr media
see, its working, right? don't you feel a little better?
(my jwcc tdp au; rayllum!benrius redraws 1/?)
i have many thoughts about this okay but long story short here are the roles (modified to an extent)
callum!darius: Adopted son post-parent death into Brooklynn's family along with his brother, Brand, who was Brooklynn's regent until he was "assassinated". Has a love for dragons and magic, loves learning, feels misplaced as royalty at times. Has a better relationship with Kenji than Callum w Soren at the start; like brothers.
rayla!ben: Moonshadow elf who wants to redeem his fearful past, tired of feeling incompetent as a kid due to his culture. Adopted into Yaz's family (her and her mother) after his mothers never came back from Dragon Guard. Joins Yaz as an assassin and she takes him under her wing. Think S3 Ben, impulsive, risky, but does the right thing in the end.
soren!kenji: Do I even need to explain this one....goes along with viren!daniel
claudia!sammy: Since her and Kenji both betrayed the group in jwcc, I thought it fitting. She's less blunt than Claudia, and was taken in as a child by Daniel when her family's farm was torched by a dragon, leaving her the only survivor. She ultimately releases Yaz from her restraints (think "just go.", but still stays by Daniel's side. Darius tries his best to learn the basics of magic without touching dark magic, and she views him very fondly; like family, so that's their relationship
runaan!yaz: She's just in the role to be Ben's mentor/sister-figure, and prides herself on being one of the fastest and strongest assassins. Since Runaan doesn't really have a story role after he gets captured, I'd think she hangs around Sammy after she gets released to try and convince her to switch sides/understand her.
ezran!brooklynn: Can understand animals, more adventurous and silly. Heir to the crown, but really doesn't want the responsibility (learns it through the journey though). Adopted sister of Brand and Darius; Darius and her are best friends and very close, even if they bicker a little over differing opinions. More sassy (think Nyx) than Ezran's personality.
zym!bumpy: Because Bumpy is needed ok
bait is bait...
and for the minor roles
harrow!brand: I was thinking of making the Bowmans the OG family, but I wanted Brooklynn to be the one to take the throne, and it would require too much hierarchy bending to get to that point. So, they're pretty much a trio of sibs, essentially orphans.
amaya!roxy and gren!dave: I was really thinking about amaya!mae, but as I couldn't fit the Bowmans as royalty, ultimately Roxy and Dave work as a pair.
lujanne!mae: This fits really well okay she mentors both Callum and Rayla and extends it perfectly to Darius and Ben. She's just here for some goofy fun
that's all for now heh other than the roles it should play out as canon, 4/6 of the camp fam view each other as family/extended family already so the betrayals are gonna...haha
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theoracleofgiana · 2 years
The First Q&A Stream
(Streamer au)
Camillia sets down her beer with a smug smile. "Come on, chat. Don't you guys have anything good?" Marcie says, exasperated at the lack of questions. Emil had been the one to suggest they did a Q&A stream together. Everyone agreed it was a good idea. It was decided it would be filmed when they met up for PAX. So here they were, in a nice hotel streaming the Q&A. At some point, Brooklynn had got some alcohol for those who needed it. 
"Have you ever shot a gun?" Emil reads from chat. Marcie snots while Brooklynn seems to be rethinking her life choices. Camillia sits up, causing the other three to look at her. "No way," Brooklynn says with disbelief. Camillia shoots her a grin before launching into her story. "So, my dad's a single parent. As a single parent and father, he wanted us to bond somehow. So, little thirteen-year-old Camillia was dragged out for a camping trip which was a cover to teach me how to hunt. I'm not going to be too graphic, chat. But, to answer the question, yes, I know how to shot a gun and I can never watch Bambi again, "Camillia gives the chat a soft smile before standing up. "Where are you going? You can't just leave us with that!" Marcie cries out while Camillia walks away from the group. "I'm heading to the bathroom, Mar. You'll be fine without me," Camillia calls over her shoulder before walking entirely out of frame.
"Well then," Emil says, uncertain about what to do next. Brooklynn saves her by checking if the chat has more questions. "What is the most embarrassing memory you have from school?" Brooklynn asks the other two to save them from Camillia's lack of story. Emil takes it with grace. "I think my most embarrassing memory is when I thought I was dating this girl," Emil starts, and Marcie gives him a look of pity. "What do you mean, thought?" Brooklynn asks, already getting concerned for the boy. "Well, that's the thing," He gives the two a sheepish look. "I thought we were dating because she had told me she liked me. I told her I felt the same way. We held hands and kissed a lot. We went on dates and were always with one another. An important thing to remember is I was still very feminine looking during this time." The last sentence makes Marcie concerned. It was no secret Emil was trans, as he often had trans flags littered throughout his channel branding. "So, a few months into this, she comes to me and starts gushing about this guy," Emil continues his story, oblivious to the concern of the other two. "I'm sitting there confused, but I assume she's excited to have a new friend. Until she tells me that she has a crush on him. So I'm upset and tell her that I am. She was then confused, so I explained that we were dating. She laughed and informed me she did those things with all her best girlfriends. So, my most embarrassing memory is that whole situation." He finishes and takes a deep breath to steady himself. "Dude! I'm sorry you had to go through that," Marcie tells the boy as she hugs him. Brooklynn hugs him as well. Emil lets out a soft sigh and gently pushes the two girls away. "Let's just move on," He tells them. 
The two give each a quick look but agree and move back to read the chat. "What is the dumbest thing you've ever done?" Brooklynn finds a question before Marcie. Marcie sighs wistfully. "So, chat, you know how I have a girlfriend," Marcie starts and immediately gets wide-eyed looks from the other two. Marcie scoffs at their expressions. "The dumb thing I did isn't related to us dating," She tells them with a huff. Emil chuckles sheepishly while Brooklynn shrugs. Rolling her eyes, Marcie begins her story. "The dumb thing I did was specific date plans I made. I wanted to celebrate my girlfriend coming home from the army, so I planned this girl's day. It was messages, getting our nails done, the whole work. Before anyone asks, Christy enjoys things like that and has often taken me on dates like this before. She also had been home for a while, but we lived in different states. She wanted to be with family the first few days before she came to visit me." Marcie explains, giving a slight glare to the chat before continuing. "So, I'm excited to surprise her with this, and I head to the airport to pick her up. Now while planning this day, I didn't ask her about certain things. For example, she shaved off her hair because it kept getting in her way. She didn't want to be touched by other people due to panic attacks," Marcie pause and hangs her head. "I felt so bad! I should have asked how she was with others and everything. She reassured me a thousand times that it was okay and that I couldn't have known. I still feel bad about it, even if it's a funny story. So, that's the dumbest thing I've ever done, in my opinion." Emil is laughing into his hand, Brooklynn is trying hard not to chuckle, and Camillia, who arrives in time to hear the end of the story, grins widely. Marcie scoffs at all her friends and grabs the phone from Brooklynn. 
"Do you consume a lot of caffeine?" Marcie reads off the first question she finds. Brooklynn snorts but realizes the other three are staring at her. "What?" She asks, confused by the looks. "You laughed so clearly there's a story. So, spill," Camillia tells the redhead with a wave of her hand. Brooklynn rolls her eyes with a smile playing on her lips. "First of all, I snorted, and second, there is a story," She takes a moment to gather her thoughts before continuing. "The answer is yes. The story is about how my sisters and I were difficult kids. My mom is a big coffee drinker and a single mother of three. She deserves a gold medal for putting up with the three of us. Anyway, there was a day the oldest sister, Bridget, had a brilliant idea. For April Fools, she roped Rina, the youngest, and me into this awful idea. The plan was to dump out all of my mother's coffee beans and pretend we had eaten them all," Brooklynn takes a moment to reminisce while  Emil looks at the woman in shock. Camillia shakes her head, and Marcie seems to be rethinking her choice of friends. Brooklynn continues her story. "My mother wakes up on April first and sees her coffee bean container empty. When she goes to her kids, they tell her they ate all of them. My mom very calmly gets us dressed and into the car very quickly. My sisters and I didn't understand what was happening, and one of us asked about it. Mom told us we were going to the doctor, and immediately, we started to complain. She explained she needed to know if we were okay after eating coffee beans, the truth came out, and we headed home. She wasn't mad and just sighed. I recently asked my mother about the incident and how she managed to stay calm. She told me she was furious and wanted to yell at us. What kept her sane was repeating how much she loved us in her head." The group gives an aw at the end of the story. "That's kinda sweet," Emil says as Camillia nods in agreement. Brooklynn smiles softly and playfully pushes him. "Whatever, let's just move on," She tells the group, a little embarrassed. 
The four continue the night, telling stories and jokes. When they're all getting sleepy, they decide to end the stream. After saying goodbye and telling chat about some of their plans for the next day, the stream officially ends. The four get ready for bed and climb into the beds. Marcie and Brooklynn are in one bed. Camillia and Emil are in the other. Emil smiles softly as he's wrapped in the arms of Camillia. The taller girl gives him a light squeeze before drifting off. Next to them, Brooklynn and Marcie are nestled together in their bed. All four drift peacefully to sleep. 
(A/n: A Q&A stream with platonic cuddling! This is really a get-to-know-the-streamer/character in this world better. I'm happy with how this turned out. I hope you all enjoyed it and I can't wait to write the next one!)
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yeehawgame4ever · 5 years
bsc mc is truly on the same level as the teenagers in that game and i appreciate that so much! dumbass rights!!!
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duchezss · 3 years
Today I’m gonna talk a little bit about relationships and how Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous hits the nail on the head. Now when you think about relationships I know most people immediately think of romance, but today I’m mostly going to be talking about platonic because that's what the show is very good at. 
Platonic relationships, and I’m talking actual good ones, are extremely hard to come by in any media. Whether it’s books, tv shows, movies, regardless if they’re made for kids or adults. A lot of the time they lack depth and/or just become romantic especially between boy-girl relationships and I think that shouldn’t always be the case. As a raging lesbian I have a bunch of guy friends and I see them as brothers, but even for the straights it shouldn’t always be the “oh guy and girl are good friends ok they’re dating blah blah”. Friendships are very valuable and media should really showcase that more. This is what originally attracted me to this show. It’s incredibly difficult to have such a big cast in general, but it’s even harder when all of them are actively great friends with each other and work like a family. So here’s some numbers. In a group of 6 there are 15 different pairs of two, that’s a lot. That’s a crazy amount and it’s even more daunting for the writers because each one of those relationships is gonna be different and trying to flesh all of them out will take time. But this show spares no explanation when it comes to this. Out of the 15 different duos the show has actively explored 14 of them. I can’t emphasize how incredible that is. In just 3 seasons, 26 episodes, 14 have been explored, you could argue 15 but the last pair isn’t quite there and I’ll explain why below. 
So here’s my list, for my convenience I shortened all of the names and I’ll put a key below just in case:
Darius - D
Kenji - K 
Ben - Be
Brooklynn - Br
Yazmina - Y
Sammy - S 
Alrighty now comes the pairs, I’m gonna write a little on each and explain how I think their dynamic is and how well they’re written. Also I have a small phrase to describe all of their relationships and I’ll be adding that as well. 
D & K - Darius and Kenji have gotta be one of my favorite pairs in the show. They are arguably the most fleshed out duo of them all because they’ve had a lot of screen time together since the beginning. My phrase to describe them would be “sibling rivalry”. They have experienced a lot together and both of them have grown so much. I mean they started off hating each other and all they did was butt heads, but as time went on you could tell they truly do care for each other. I think they both see each other as brothers and for Kenji, Darius is a crutch to lean on. I really hope they make up after what happened at the end of S3. I want it to feel natural, but I trust the writers. 
D & Be - Darius and Ben were honestly a friendship I expected from the beginning, which is why I was surprised that most of their development happened in S3. They just have this unspoken understanding of each other and it’s clear they care for one another even if it’s in unique ways. My phrase to describe them would be “lifelong friends”. To me these two are the ones I think will always stay friends no matter what happens in life. Sometimes things can be tense between them, but Darius has always been understanding of Ben after his fall. Darius blamed himself so much, but Ben never did. I was so happy and satisfied that the first “I love you” of this show was not only platonic, but between these two. I’m curious to see how their friendship will grow. 
D & Br - I really thought Brooklynn and Darius were gonna fight a lot more than they did. Both of them have very strong personalities, but I actually ended up liking their dynamic so it was a nice surprise. My phrase to describe them would be “comforting”. Not as in comforting to the audience, but as they comfort each other when times are hard. They hug each other a lot and regardless if this is romantic or not, it’s sweet. Their relationship is very consistent throughout the series and I like it, this seems to one of the more stable friendships so they don’t worry me as much as the others 
D & Y - Yaz always has interesting relationships with people because she was very closed off when the show first started, Darius is no exception. To me there’s felt very natural and the phrase I would use to describe them is “older-younger siblings”. Darius never pushed Yaz the way Sammy did, which isn’t a bad thing btw, he just doesn’t approach friends like that. So instead they went very slow, but honestly I like it. I like how the show shows that some friends form fast and some take a little longer. Yaz is very patient with Darius and she really lets him act like a kid. A lot of the time it’s just him rambling and her listening, I really enjoy this friendship and I like how simple and yet calm it is. 
D & S - The arguments Darius’ and Sammy had were something I didn’t expect. I really thought the two of them would get alone, but I like how we as the audience can see the battle of mortality. Doing what’s right vs what’s good. That doesn’t mean they don’t get along though, Sammy is a real sweetheart and has always been kind to Darius. My phrase for them is “butt heads but still get along”. They know how to work together and they know how to calm each other down. This is because they’ve been in several serious situations with one another.
K & Be - These two have always been an interesting pair. They started off hating each other, but after Ben’s fall it was clear that Kenji cared very deeply for him. Their reunion was so sweet. Phrase for them is “caring but pretending not to”. Romance aside they have such a unique bond and I really hope we get to see more of it. They have been very distant with each other and I think it’s an interesting showcase to what happens when both characters are closed off. They get defensive quickly and it’s evident that they have some unresolved problem that needs to be addressed.
K & Br - When I first watched this show, at first I couldn’t get a read on what they were going for here, but it came through later on. My phrase for them is “brother and sister”. They are both very understanding of one another, and they keep each other grounded. They have such a lovely platonic relationship, and I admire how much they care for each other. Not to mention both of them know how to help lead, and I hope we get to see more of that in later seasons. 
K & Y - Kenji and Yaz are polar opposites of each other, and that’s why their friendship is so interesting. They balance each other out, and they literally dedicated a whole episode to showcasing this. Kenji taught Yaz how to relax, and she taught him how to be more serious when it mattered. But within this they both also confide in one another a little more. So therefore my phrase for them is “a shoulder to lean on”. A personally love their friendship and I love how they can understand each other without saying anything. They like to sprinkle in this duo a lot and I’m here for it. 
K & S - These two were practically destined to get along because both of them have such a carefree attitude. But within their cheerful front there seems to be a deeper layer. My phrase for them is “comedians with a twist”. They clearly get along, and I love to see them on screen together. Kenji was the only one to never bash Sammy during S1, and was even the one that helped Brooklynn forgive Sammy. It’s clear they both care a lot for each other, and I’m curious to see their future interactions.  
Be & Br - Remember how I mentioned that I felt there was one duo that wasn’t quite there. Well this is it. We know how both characters act by themselves, but they’ve never held a conversation on their own and we’ve never really seen them interact outside of a group setting. I would describe them as “not explored enough”. I really hope they do get explored though because I think this could be a fun duo. 
Be & Y - This duo is more on the side of underdeveloped, but not quite like Ben and Brooklynn. See these two have had moments together, but it’s few and far between. One thing that does stand out though is that Yaz clearly listens to Ben’s advice. Usually when he suggested that the group are not gonna be friends once they make it off the island. My phrase for them is“sorta tense but valued”. Yaz values Ben’s words, and he does so with her as well. But other than these small moments we don’t know much, probably due to the fact that Ben was gone for most of S2, which is where a lot of development happened. 
Be & S - I really thought Ben would be the last one to mess around and pull jokes on Sammy, but here we are and I love it. I feel like most of the campers were really gentle with Sammy, but wasn’t afraid of a little harmless fun. Sammy was always first to hug Ben and I just think their friendship is super sweet. My phrase for them is “playful siblings”. Sammy has always had a soft side for Ben, and I wonder if it’s cause he remind her of one of her siblings. Regardless of why they get along, I want to see more of them soon.  
Br & Y - Their friendship at the start was bumpy to say the least, and frankly I liked that. Not all of them were going to be friends from the get go and it was nice to see them have to awkwardly become friends. Especially after both of them were at each others throats in S1, and to me that’s why their friendship was that much sweeter when it happened. My phrase for them is“competitive friendship”. They don’t really butt heads anymore, but I doubt they’d pass up the opportunity to try and show each other up for fun. 
Br & S - Originally these two got along fine, but they had to start over after S1. It was interesting to see them earn each’s trust back, and now I think it’s clear that they have each’s back. My phrase for them is “tense to comforting friends”. Sammy approached Brooklynn first for their little “mission” in S3 and I think that’s very telling of how far their friendship has come. They both seem very approachable for one another. I think it’s a cool how their rivalry quickly became a friendship. 
Y & S - My phrase for them is “literally gfs”. Honestly that’s all I have to write because it’s so obvious, but alas I will elaborate, cause I have a habit of doing so. Sammy seems to be Yaz’s first good friend, and she clearly helped her “get out of her shell”. Yaz was the first to defend Sammy, and even in the aftermath, they eventually get close again. The long run? Yeah that entire episode was dedicated to them, no more explanation needed. They mean the world to each other and I really hope they’ll be canon one day, wishful thinking I know, but let me. 
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Your song fics are so cute 🥺
Could I get Brooklynn Baby by Lana del Rey with lil Timmy T please
awwww thank you :))
Brooklyn Baby
“timothee! timothee! over here!”
“now give us a smile!”
“who are you wearing”
“turn to the left.”
the cameras flash around you. it’s a world of bright lights and dazzling smiles. unfortunately, it’s not your world. you would prefer to be anywhere where poetry is being yelled and not camera commands. where you can wear feathers in your hair and dance to a record player of jazz.
no, this isn’t your world, but it doesn’t matter. because it’s timmy’s world. and what’s his is yours.
it’s not that you don’t appreciate everything that’s given to you because of “his world.” and you don’t hate everything about it, but this? this you hate. the big events where you function mainly as an accessory. which, is in no part due to timothee’s efforts. he tries so hard to make you fit in, but he untimely can’t control what everyone else is thinking.
you’re well aware that most people don’t think you should be with him.
you, of course, think otherwise. you know your value, why shouldn’t you? your old enough to know that self-doubt won’t get you anywhere. if he’s happy with you, then you’re happy to accept that and move on.
you smile at the cameras, timothee’s hand on your lower back, keeping you close to him. he knows how you don’t like these kinds of things. he does everything he can to make it better. it’s of the reasons you love him.
when you’re quiet, he’s there to stand up and talk. when you’re uncomfortable, he can help you and be perfectly fine. when you’re calm, he’s excited. you balance each other out pretty well.
you walk together into the building. it’s some art museum that some famous person wanted to host a party at. you honestly got lost when he was explaining it, and you don’t care enough to ask again if you end up talking to the host, timothee will tell you.
after an hour, you walk out onto the balcony, fresh night air a breath you haven’t been able to take. timothee is, predictably, right behind you. you turn around to face him, knowing that it could end bad. you took what you could stand of judging stares and “you don’t belong here” eyes. there’s only so much you can ignore.
“i don’t think i can go on like this anymore,” you say with a sigh, leaning against the wall for support. “i’m tired of people comparing me to some perfect partner they have in mind for you. we either need to talk about this, or find some other ride home tonight.”
“if you don’t like that, you can leave. as much as i say i need you, i’ve lived without you for most of my life. i shouldn’t keep having to prove myself to everyone who thinks i’m not good enough, old enough, pretty enough, or smart enough for you.”
“i agree. it’s bullshit. you don’t need to prove yourself to anyone but me, and you’ve already done that a million times over.”
“you’re not mad? i thought that you would think…” you trail off.
“i would think what?” he prompts gently.
“you would think i’m being paranoid or dramatic and that you wouldn’t want to hear me say it out loud. you would be upset that i finally brought up what everyone is thinking about us.”
“do you think so little of me?” he asks, hand cupping your face, earnest eyes staring into yours. “i’m not mad. i honestly believe that we would have to talk about it sooner or later, no matter how unfair it is to you that this is happening in the first place.”
“and as for everyone thinking it,” he continues, “i know that’s not true. a lot of people have been very taken with you.”
“then you’re blinded by love,” you say.
“or maybe you are. you don’t see what other people think of you because it doesn’t matter. it isn’t a bad thing. it’s just who you are. once you have the approval of a lover you don’t need anything else.”
“i think that’s the most true thing anyone has ever said about me. and i’m supposed to be the poetic one,” you joke.
“i dabble,” he says with a smile, pushing a strand of hair away from his face to hide his blush. “don’t worry, i’ll go back to my joking and light-hearted mess when you have your next poetic thought.”
“already have one,” you say, thinking about his smile. “already have thousands.”
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soulmate-game · 3 years
Not related to the other two Bio!mom Harley AUs that I did. Just... similar. I wrote this instead of sleeping, as per the usual.
“I need your help.”
No accent, no threats of violence, no beating around the bush (figurative or otherwise). No fighting or unconscious bodies.
Just Harley Quinn with her hair down, no makeup, and completely serious, in the center of the Bat Cave. Even though her usual exaggerated Brooklynn accent (circa 1950s) had become a pretty inseparable part of her personality over the years, every now and then she forcibly stuffed it down and used her mostly unaccented voice. The one reminiscent of days with less colors on her face, a high bun, and a pristine white lab coat.
Every single one of the Bats and Birds present, fresh from an interrupted patrol thanks to her, could count the number of times they had seen Harley like this on one hand. Bruce would have the most recollections, but everyone else would have plenty of fingers left on said hand. So they all knew, especially when Bruce willingly pulled down his cowl so he could look Harley in the eye, that this was the start of something they were not likely to forget. And maybe their chances of survival were slim too.
“Harley,” Bruce’s voice was still gruff, seeing as he was still mostly Batman at the moment, but his eyes were soft. “Maybe you should tell us what you need help with first. And sit down. You look exhausted.”
Sure enough, there were dark circles under Harley’s eyes. She let Bruce-man lead her over to one of their debriefing tables and sit her down. She let out a huge sigh, her fingers tangling in her loose blond locks.
“I have a confession, and it isn’t gonna leave this cave, capiche?” The slight return of her accent relieved a little of the tension, but not much. Taking this as their cue, the rest of the bats spread out into their usual seats at the table. Bruce stayed near Harley, keeping a hand on her shoulder in silent support. Harley didn’t continue talking until he gave her a solemn nod in agreement. She gulped— an action that immediately returned the tension.
“... fifteen years ago, back when I was still with Joker, I disappeared off the Gotham scene for a few months. I’m sure a few of you remember,” she looked up, and a couple of the older vigilantes nodded. Really, Jason has still been Robin back then. But the memory stuck out in his head now that he was thinking about it.
“Yeah, you were breaking away from him a little bit, which was weird at the time,” Red Hood mused aloud, arms crossed. “I think you helped us out a couple times and did some of your first team ups with Ivy before you vanished. Then a few months go by and you were back in action with Joker, so we mostly ignored it as you just being you.”
Harley nodded. “Ah, my Ivy’s a lifesaver, even back then. She helped cover up the timeline by keeping me in action for longer than I should’a been without putting me at too much risk.”
“Timeline…” Red Robin spoke up, eyes huge even behind his mask. “You don’t mean—“
“Harley,” Bruce breathed, having also caught on. “You were pregnant?”
The air went still. Harley sniffed, eyes watering even as she smiled.
“Oh yeah. Shouldn’t have been possible, ya know? Me ‘n Joker being dumped in that damn acid should have made us both more sterile than an operatin’ room. But I knew I couldn’t raise a kid, so after she was born—“
“You kept her?” Damian interrupted, earning a gentle cuff over the head from Dick. Harley just snorted.
“Yeah. Not gonna lie, I thought about abortion. But the baby didn’t do nothin’ wrong, and I was still in love with Joker back then so I was ecstatic that I was able to make something new with part ‘a him in it. Still, I knew a baby didn’t deserve to be raised in Gotham. Especially not my baby, not with my enemies and history. Not with who her father was. I knew he’d never want her, never let me keep her. So I spent the last five months of my pregnancy lookin’ around for the best possible family to take her in. And I found them in Paris, France. A sweet couple, both of them bakers. Sabine, she’s both adorably sweet and super kickass. Comes from a Chinese family that is crazy about teachin’ their women martial arts. But nothing shady about it, I triple checked. Just bonding through kicking people in the face. Which is perfect, I wanted my baby to know how to defend herself. I knew she’d need those skills eventually. And Tom, that’s Sabine’s wife, he’s a gentle giant. Same size as Bane, but as harmless as a puppy and makes the best croissants ever. Seriously, the best.”
“Harley,” Bruce gently prodded, but there was a tiny grin on his face. Seeing her behaving so… so normally, so proud and reminiscent, was a rare treat. Bruce would be lying if he said he wasn’t proud of how far the woman had come. How she had freed herself and become a better person, mostly on her own.
“Right, right. The point,” Harley took a breath, rubbing her forehead. “I came clean to Tom and Sabine, but apparently they knew who I was the whole time. They just didn’t care— did I mention they are perfect? Anyway, once I explained everything, they agreed immediately to adopting my baby. They’d been wanting kids, but it would’a been too risky for Sabine’s health. That’s how I found them anyway, they were in the market to adopt. We named her Marinette. She took Tom and Sabine’s last names, hyphenated. We decided Quinn would be her middle name. And after that, I came back to Gotham and told myself that she was in good hands and I needed to forget about her. Cuz I was no good for her. I knew that. I went back to my old tricks. And then…” Harley chuckled, but it was self-depreciating.
“Then a few years passed, and I started breaking away from Joker for real. Then we broke up, I blew up Ace Chemicals while you guys were outta town doing Justice League and Young Justice shit. I started dating Ivy. And—“ she smiled softly at the table, clearly seeing something the rest of them couldn’t. “Then Ivy convinced me to go see her. Visit my baby, see how she’s been. And I did. Marinette was seven years old, but damn it to hell she was gorgeous. And say whatever you want about me and Joker— most of it will even be true— but neither of us are stupid. And she inherited all of our intelligence. All of it. She got my blue eyes. But she got his hair, which meant Sabine teased me relentlessly about ‘are you sure she isn’t that Wayne’s kid?’ And don’t make that face Bruce, you’d be lucky to have a kid half as beautiful as my Mari-pie. No offense, Damian. Anyway. Anyway, this is the important part. Or part of it.
“She sat there and listened to everything I had to say. Everything. A little seven year old, who could barely understand English at the time, and she listened without interrupting once. She never threw a fit, she wasn’t angry or confused. I told her about the things I’d done in the past— well, G rated versions— and she didn’t care. She called me Momma Harley right away, said she wanted to meet Aunt Ivy sometime soon, and started telling me everything about her that I’d missed. From that day on, she became my sunshine. The light of my life, and I still call her at least once a week every week. When I disappear for a few days out of the city? I’m visiting her—“
“You’re banned from international travel, Harley,” Dick scolded, but he sounded way too amused for it to work. He knew she had her ways, anyway. Nobody could actually stop Harley damn Quinn from doing whatever she wanted.
“—Ugh, she tells me the same thing every time! Disappointed glare and everything. I don’t know how I gave birth to such a goodie goodie, but somehow I did. Not important though! The important thing is, I’m always the first to hear when something new happens in her life. And we had decided that she wouldn’t visit me in Gotham until she was at least eighteen, but apparently she disobeyed me— which I should have expected honestly— and entered you guys’ WE international scholastic competition.”
“Oh no,” Bruce pinched the bridge of her nose. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng? The contest winner?” He finally pulled out a chair and sat down. “The winner gets an all-expense paid trip to Gotham for them and their whole class.”
“Exactly!” Harley threw up her hands. “Mari told me last week, and I’ve been trying to talk her out of coming ever since. But she’s inherited both of our stubbornness too, and she isn’t budgin’ a bit. ‘Momma Harley, I wanna see you and Auntie Ivy though!’ And ‘Momma, Gotham’s nothing I can’t handle,’ or my favorite, ‘Maybe you’ll finally get to see me dropkick someone three times my size then, and I’ll prove it.’”
“So that’s what you meant by you need our help,” Tim said as he leaned forward over the table. “Joker just broke out of Arkham yesterday. You want us to protect her.”
“I’d prefer if one of you was with her outside of the mask too, as often as possible,” Harley confirmed. “I can’t stop her from coming here anymore, but I also don’t trust Joker for a second. As soon as he sees her, I’m afraid he’ll make the connection.”
“She looks like him?” Damian asked, scrunching up his nose at the ugly mental image of Joker as a teenage girl. Harley shook her head, solemn.
“She looks like a dark-haired mini-me,” she corrected. “She even keeps her hair in pigtails as her way of showing support for me. And I know Marinette can kick ass, Sabine’s trained her well. But Marinette inherited more than I’d like from me,” Harley ran a hand through her hair. “I didn’t notice it until she was thirteen. She got a crush on a classmate, and it was almost like watching videos of me back during the early days of— well, of Harley Quinn. Just without the crime and insanity. She didn’t even realize that she was almost stalking the poor kid until I pointed it out, and luckily I was able to put my doctorate to good use and we nipped that right in the bud ASAP. She never meant it that way, anyway. As soon as I explained things to her, she was horrified and immediately asked me to help her learn how to have a healthy relationship. That was a fun discussion,” Harley grimaced. “But she still gets attached to people really, really easily. Once she grew out of her crush on that boy, she adopted him as her unofficial brother. She already calls Selina “Auntie,” even though I’ve barely mentioned her to Marinette. She gets attached fast, and deeply. And I’m afraid that even after all the warning I’ve done, all the stories I’ve told her—“
“You’re afraid she’ll get attached to Joker just like you did,” Bruce finished for her, closing his eyes. “Because she knows he’s her father.”
“Yes,” Tears were slowly dripping down her face already, her hands curled into fists so tightly that her knuckles were paper white. “You know how he is. If he finds out she’s his biological daughter, he’ll immediately try to take advantage of that. And he’s far too good with his words for people like me and Mari. I’m worried outta my mind. Please. Help keep my baby safe from him.”
“We will,” Jason no longer had his helmet on, or the domino mask that he usually wore underneath it. All of them knew masks were merely formality with Harley nowadays. And he needed to look her directly in the eye so she could see how serious he was. “I can sign up as a bodyguard for the class. It won’t be weird, seeing as they’re tourists and this is Gotham. They also have several rich kids in their group if I remember right.”
Bruce nodded, agreeing with Jason. “That’s a good idea. I can lead the class on their tours of WE personally. That’ll serve the purpose of keeping an eye on her and shutting up the investors that keep begging me to make more public appearances for the sake of the company. Marinette’s name is already released to the news as the winner of the contest, so we can’t keep her out of the spotlight long. Tim, you’ll have to keep an eye on any and all pictures of the class. Try to erase or doctor the images with her in it well enough that connections between her and Harley can’t be easily made. Dick, you and Damian will be in charge of keeping an eye out for any activity from Joker. The slightest hint, and you notify all of us. We’ll decide on a case-by-case basis who is necessary to stick with the class and who goes after the clown.”
“She’s gonna sneak out of her hotel to stay with me and Ivy,” Harley admitted, bringing the (now slightly judgemental) attention back to her. She raised her hands up in surrender. “She didn’t tell me that, and I didn’t approve or suggest it! I just know my baby too well to not realize that that’s her plan. Could ya provide an escort?”
Bruce sighed. “This is gonna be an eventful month.”
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alonely-dreamer · 3 years
The Valuable Sun | Chapter 24
Summary: Bill, Eric and Brooke are taken to the Authority.
Pairing: Eric x OC
Warnings: 18+
A/N: Please, note that I am French so there might be some mistakes here and there. Apologies for the wait. I do not know when I’ll post again.
Words: 4072
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 (Part 1) | Chapter 23 (Part 2) | Chapter 23 (Part 3)
Tags: @parabatai-winchester @mousee555​ @oh-so-many-fandoms-ohmy
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She knew she should say something. But she didn’t know what. Maybe anything would do. But she didn’t feel like speaking. And she had a sense she’d regret it. She stayed out of Eric and Bill’s mind as they were probably thinking the exact same things as her. They were going to die before dawn, they’d never see Sookie again, they’d never have a chance to fix what had been broken.
On the way to New-Orleans, Eric had explained the sanguinista movement to her. Crazy religious vampires who thought Lilith was God and humans only served one purpose: to be food. They were suspected to have infiltrated the AVL and the Authority, which meant keeping the fact that she was a fairy a secret was vital. Under no circumstances were they to find out, because that would be catastrophic. Not only for Sookie and herself, but also for all the fairies that were scattered around the world. They’d be hunted down, and killed, if they were lucky.
There would be no mention of her mind reading abilities, no mention of day walking or of human tears. She was a vampire who could make a strange light come out of her hands, that was all she was. A mystery. To them, to the world.
That was who she had always been to others. But she had always known she was a fairy. She had kept that secret her whole life, even to Sookie. All her sister had ever wanted was to be normal, so she kept it a secret. It wasn’t like anyone would have believed her anyway.
And now, all that Brooklynne wanted was to be normal too. Not human, because she didn’t know what that meant, but normal, living a simple life with her family and friends, not having to worry about the Authority or anyone else that wanted to hunt and kill her and the people she cared about. She wanted to be happy. She wished she could have had happy days with Eric before they had to meet the True Death.
The van stopped and Eric squeezed her hand, not to reassure her, but to say goodbye. “This is it.” “I love you.” “I’m sorry.” She didn’t squeeze back.
He didn’t let go of her hand as they exited the vehicle. She didn’t understand right away that it was because he was afraid they’d take her as soon as they were out of the van. He kept his hand around her wrist and kept her close behind him. It was useless and they both knew it. If they wanted her dead they’d kill her and would have no problem going through him first. But it was her maker’s instinct to protect her and he would until he couldn’t anymore.
They were led to an elevator. Two armed guards joined them inside and positioned themselves behind them. As she felt the elevator move up, she slid her hand in Eric’s and intertwined her fingers with his. He looked down at her, hoping he’d see some forgiveness in her eyes. He didn’t know exactly what he saw in her pupils but at least she didn’t look away this time. She looked right back at him, and, to his relief, he saw no hate there.
As the elevator stopped and the doors opened, she slid her other hand on his arm and moved closer to him. He put his hand on top of hers as the entrance revealed itself. It was surprisingly empty, with only a busy receptionist at the desk. She didn’t even acknowledge their arrival.
“No welcoming party?” Eric said, looking at Bill. “Can’t be good.”
“At least there’s not a firing squad.”
There were led by one of their guards to the next room on their right. Music welcomed them when he opened the door and they entered a big conference room. Five vampires were waiting for them there, with red champagne. Brooklynne recognised Chancellor Akinjide, who gave her an amused smile.
“Congratulations, boys!” the other man, a white tall and well dressed vampire said with a heavy German accent as he welcomed them from where he was sitting at the end of the room.
“There are the boys!” a short red-head woman raised her glass at them.
Chancellor Harris was sitting on her own on one of the two blue sofas that had been arranged into a small relaxing area at the opposite of the large conference table at the other end of the room. Facing her were two women, one whom Brooklynne recognised to be Molly as she congratulated them. The woman to her left must be, according to Eric and Bill’s description, Chancellor Agrippa: Salome. At Molly’s right sat Chancellor Akinjide on a black leathered armchair and to his right was Chancellor Braun on an armchair of his own.
“Hail the Conquering heroes,” Salome said as she made her way to them.
She shook Bill’s hand before she kissed him on the cheek as if they were longtime friends.
“Roman is very impressed,” she continued as she put a hand on Eric’s right arm.
Her eyes finally fell on Brooklynne who was still holding Eric’s left hand, harder now, as if he would be taken away if she let go.
“I’m afraid I don’t know your name.”
“Salome,” Eric cleared his throat, “let me introduce to you my progeny, Brooklynne.”
“Right,” the chancellor smiled as she held out her hand to the hybrid.
Brooke stared at it for a long moment before she took it.
I wonder why she’s here, why did they include her in their plan? Perhaps he doesn’t care about his progeny at all. No, he must, seeing the way he’s protecting her. She’s just a baby vampire. No reason to worry. Russell is here. The plan doesn’t change.
She released the chancellor’s hand as if it had burnt her and seized Eric’s arm again. Salome rose an eyebrow but thought nothing of it. She was just a baby vampire. She was intimidated and scared, that was all.
“Please, join us,” Salome said with a nod as she led them to the sofas.
The petite vampire, Molly, walked up to them with a candid smile. She took a phone out of her jeans pocket and unlocked it.
“And you don’t need these anymore,” she told Eric and Bill.
And as she lifted her hand and reached for Eric’s heart, Brooklynne swiftly seized the techie vampire’s wrist as she took a step forward. Molly jumped and opened her mouth but the deadly look in Brooklynne’s eyes silenced her. The chancellors started to laugh.
“It’s okay,” Eric said as he took his progeny’s hand away from Molly. “She’s just removing the iStake.”
Brooklynne stepped back but didn’t even attempt to apologise to the girl whom she let worked.
“She’s quite protective of you this one,” Chancellor Braun said. “Is that why you brought her along?”
“She helped us a great deal in the capture of Russell,” the Viking replied with a servile tone.
“Our heartfelt congratulations and gratitude to you three, then,” he raised his glass of bloody champagne at them.
“Okay, stand still,” Molly told Eric before she slid her hands under his shirts.
Brooklynne almost growled.
“Don’t want to accidentally set up this thing, would’t that be ironic?”
“No, it wouldn’t,” Brooke told her with a menacing tone.
Bill chuckled. Brooklynne could swear Molly had gulped. Good.
Chancellor Harris started to laugh. “I still can’t believe you snagged that little psychopath alive.”
“Have we learned who released Russell from the ground to begin with?” Eric asked as Molly finally removed the iStake from him.
“Salome has been interrogating Russell but…” Chancellor Akinjide started to say.
“Well, he’s been a little tight-lipped,” Salome finished.
He can’t be asking questions now. There are only so many times I can avoid the question.
Brooklynne frowned. She watched as Salome picked up three glasses of bubbly blood she intended to give to them.
“We should know soon.”
You will all know soon.
“But for a moment at least, let’s celebrate.”
Enjoy the party, boys. Things are about to change.
Eric took the drink she handed to him before he summoned the courage to ask:
“Would it be possible for me to speak to Chancellor Gainsborough?”
The suspicious thoughts of the chancellors echoed in her head, but there was only Salome’s that interested her. 
Don’t worry, you’ll see your sister soon enough.
“Chancellor Gainsborough has revealed her true sanguinist leanings while you were gone,” she informed them.
Bill wasn’t surprised, though saddened by the news. However, Eric was stunned.
“Anyway, I should go back to interrogating Mr. Edgington…”
I have to make sure he understood the plan. Russell is a wild card. Only Lilith can save him. Only she can save us all.
“I’m hoping he will provide us with a wealth of useful intelligence.”
Even the smile she gave them was fake.
“Be careful,” Eric warned her. “He’s the strongest vampire I’ve ever met.”
“Well, he’s been silvered intravenously. He’s quite impaired. Trust me.”
Lies. Only lies came out of that woman’s mouth. But how could Brooklynne safely warn anyone? Would they even believe her?
“Congratulations again, and thank you for all you’ve done. We will not forget.”
Lilith will not forget.
“It was our duty,” Bill smiled at her.
Salome gave him a weird look before she walked away.
“Boy Scout,” Eric whispered.
Brooklynne’s eyes followed Salome who was about to exit the room but a vampire entered through the same door she meant to take.
“My boys! My boys!” he shouted as he spotted Eric and Bill. “There are my boys! From here on out, officially known as the guys who took down Russell Edgington. How’s that sound?” he said loudly, as if any of them were deaf. “Well done, well done.”
He tapped them both on the shoulder before his eyes fell on Brooklynne.
“My apologies,” he smiled at her. “Kibwe did mention you helped as well.”
“She did, Guardian,” Eric nodded.
“Right, and she demonstrated some… abilities,” he inquired after Eric. “How did you describe it, Kibwe, remind me.”
“A light, Guardian. I saw this young vampire here use light against Russell. She stopped him from killing Mr. Northman here.”
“Brave, very brave,” the Guardian nodded, “to expose yourself in order to save your maker. You can’t wish for anything better from your progeny, can you?”
“Indeed,” the chancellors echoed their leader’s sentiment. “Here, here.”
“So, what are you?”
There it was. The questions. The Guardian’s eyes pierced through her, as if he were trying to see inside of her, but she knew that he knew. And he knew that she knew too.
I have no interest in your kind. I’m sure you want to keep it a secret, in fact I’m certain your maker has told you to. Do you know what you are? Fairy?
“Yes, I know,” she said, and even he was surprised to be surprised.
Eric’s worry worsened but the other vampires in the rooms were just confused. The Guardian laughed.
“I wasn’t expecting you to be honest about it.”
“Neither was I.”
“Brooke…” Eric tried to stop her but she raised a hand to silence him.
“I wasn’t going to, but there’s something I know you need to hear.”
The Guardian rose his eyebrows. “I’m listening.”
She took a deep breath, before she moved her eyes on Salome who was standing behind the Guardian.
“She’s the traitor you’re looking for.”
Gasps filled the room and even Eric was too shocked to worry about the implications of her accusations.
“When I shook her hand I heard, I saw. She hasn’t silvered Russell at all. In fact she’s the one who freed him.”
“Impossible!” Chancellor Harris breathed.
“What are you talking about,” Salome laughed nervously.
“If you think I’m lying there are easy ways to find out.”
“Brooklynne,” Eric tried to make her stop.
“Think about it, Eric. You told me she’s the one who helped Nora’s career, she’s the one who convinced your sister to become sanguanista. I saw it, Eric.”
“You cannot come in here and start making insane accusations at a chancellor of the Authority. What proof do you have?” Chancellor Braun asked.
“Like she said,” the Guardian replied. He was pissed. He was fuming. “There are easy ways to find out.”
He gestured for the guards that were posted at each side of each door to move on Salome.
“Arrest Chancellor Agrippa. I will check on Russell myself.”
“It’s a lie!” Salome yelled. “They’re setting me up! Can’t you see?”
“I will see,” Roman snarled. “Lead them to their quarters. Next time I see you three, someone will die.”
Eric was alive and that’s all that mattered for the moment. She had been given her own rooms, though she could see they were someone else’s. Personal items were scattered around the room, makeup and dresses in the closets… At least the sheets seemed to have been changed.
She could hear Eric’s erratic thoughts. She could feel him worry. But why would they have to worry? She had told the truth, and the Guardian would see that. And as pissed as he would be about the betrayal of another one of his chancellor’s, he couldn’t exactly put that on them.
She sat on the chaise lounge, not knowing her maker had sat right there just a couple of days earlier. And she waited. And she wished Eric were there so they could talk. So she could explain. Eventually, she started to wonder if she should even feel bad. After all, she could make her own decisions, and she hadn’t endangered any of their lives. In fact, she had saved many lives, including the Guardian’s. He were to be thankful for that, wasn’t he?
Maybe she had done it out of anger and frustration. Maybe she were too tired for these schemes and secret plans. Better to be done now than having to deal with it later on. She had seen Salome’s plans. What would have happened if they had succeeded? It would have been a catastrophe.
About two hours after having been locked in those chambers, she heard footsteps coming from the hallway. Coming for her. She straightened up as the Guardian entered the room. He didn’t seem angry. Or not at her, at least.
“These were Salome’s chambers,” he said. “I’m not sure why I wanted you to see them. Or perhaps, I just wanted to make a point that Chancellor Agrippa was a trusted member of this Authority and now, these rooms are all that is left of it.”
“You killed her?”
“No, no,” he chuckled. “No, she will be given the True Death. But, she has many things to tell us first. Your help would be welcomed.”
“What are you gonna do with Eric?”
He rose an eyebrow. “Your first thought is for your maker. Such loyalty is rare nowadays.” He sighed. “Mr. Northman and Mr. Compton have been given full pardons,” he informed her as he sat in the armchair before her. He crossed his legs as he leaned back. “What do you know of Salome’s plans?”
“She thinks you’ve betrayed all vampires. But she wanted to go by the book, so, she meant for Russell to kill you then pardon him as she would take your place.”
“She thinks the mainstreaming agenda is an abomination, doesn’t she?”
“Yes. As Guardian her first order would have been to put a stop to it.”
“You got all of that from shaking her hand.”
“I looked around inside her head. She’s… old.”
“That she is… that old bitch.”
“What about Nora?”
“What about her?”
“Are you going to kill her?”
“She will be given the True Death. She is, after all, sanguinista.”
“Salome brainwashed her! I saw it. It took years and years of manipulation for her to convince Nora.”
“And she is still convinced. I can’t release Nora as she is now.”
“What if I can get through to her?”
The Guardian frowned. “How do you mean?”
“I could get inside her mind, remind her of what it was like to be human, of a time when she thought differently.”
“What if you can’t help her?”
Brooklynne paused.
“Then I can’t help her.”
“How long have you known Nora?”
“I don’t. I… I met her once.”
“And you would do that for her?”
“She’s Eric’s sister.”
“Indeed… None of us knew Nora was Mr. Northman’s sister.”
“I shouldn’t have said, it was a mistake.”
“That mistake, Miss Stackhouse, is how I know I can trust you.”
She watched as he stood up.
“You will have your chance to speak to Nora. For now, it is time for all of us to rest for the day.”
“Wait! Have you… who else knows…”
“The Chancellors may know, as I did, but they’re under strict orders to keep it confidential.”
She frowned, as she couldn’t understand why he’d even try to protect her secret.
“Few of us know about fairies. But those of us who do know for a reason.”
“Daylight,” she guessed.
He nodded. “The sun is forbidden to us. And it would be against our own laws to allow vampires to go after another vampire. Even if you’re only half a creature of Lilith,” he said as he turned around and made his way to the exit.
“Can I…”
“You may join Mr. Northman in his chambers,” he finished her thought as he disappeared out of the room.
She didn’t know what to expect from Eric. He’d be angry, for sure. Worried too. But would he be more pissed than anxious? She had lost all of her confidence from before. She had thought about it while she waited in Salome’s chambers. It wasn’t confidence that had made her do it. It was anger. It was frustration. She was in a room, surrounded with the most powerful vampires in the world, and she had the one information that could save them all, and the only reason she couldn’t tell them was because it was dangerous. Because she was too weak to do it. But she wasn’t weak. She wasn’t strong, or as strong as them, but she wasn’t weak.
Her whole life people had told her what to do, what not to do. But what about what she wanted? It was never considered. It was always about her safety, about what was best for her. And that had led them here. That had led Eric to leave her. Never again.
Two guards opened the door to Eric’s room and they closed it behind her as she disappeared inside. Eric was pacing, worried, no doubt, for both his sister and Brooklynne. But when he heard the door open, he was expecting to see the Guardian or another chancellor, someone to tell him they had killed Nora and taken the gifted vampire away.
She saw the surprise on his face, but mostly the relief in his eyes. He froze, not daring to move, as if she were a hallucination he could blink away. But she kept walking towards him. She was real. She was safe.
“Hey,” she said gently as she stopped before him.
He stared at her, a million thoughts running in his mind. He didn’t know what to do, what to say first. She was expecting another scolding. But it never came.
She felt his lips on hers before she even saw him move. He put his hands on each side of her face as she tiptoed to meet his mouth. He put all of his regret and all of his relief into the kiss.
He kissed her so deeply, as if he were looking for something. Her forgiveness maybe, or just her love. He kissed her like it had been a thousand years since the last time. He kissed her, maybe, to tell her all the things he wanted her to know but for which he hadn’t found the right words. He had looked for them, had tried to find ways to tell her, but it was as if the words didn’t exist, as if they hadn’t been invented yet. So he kissed her, because that was the only thing he could do to let her know how sorry he was. How much it broke his heart to leave her behind, how it had almost killed him to walk away from her. She had to know it was the most painful thing he had ever done, and for four days, those torturous four days he had been away from her, had been convinced he’d never see her again, all of his thoughts had been for her. And he died all over again each day when he woke up at sunset without her. And when he came back, when he entered Fangtasia and saw her on his throne, it was like coming back to life, like his heart had started beating again just to get crushed all over again by the look in her eyes. It had felt like a thousand needles to see that look of betrayal in her eyes, that pain and that anger, and those tears… And though he had tried to remind himself he had done it to protect her, he couldn’t help but regret it, because he might had just lost her while trying to save her. So he had included her in his plans, he wasn’t about to make the same deadly mistake again. He wouldn’t put her aside this time, he would stay with her and never leave her again. Until the Authority came for him and gave him the True Death. Because even if his last days consisted of chasing after Russell Edgington, they’d be the most beautiful days of his life if she were there with him. But he wasn’t dead. And she wasn’t dead. Even after his worst fears came true. Even after all of this and all of that, she was there, she had come for him, and she was kissing him too.
She kissed him because she loved him. She kissed him because she had missed him. She had missed his lips and his hands on her. She had missed his blue eyes, his voice and his subtle accent. She had missed his love. She had missed him. As angry as she was she kissed him. Because that was the only thing that could wash off the last five days. It wouldn’t erase them, but it would make it better, for the moment. Because she had been convinced she’d never see him again and for those four agonising days she had wondered what she’d do with herself and an eternity without him. She could taste his regret and his pain on his lips, and after a while, after they got each other’s clothes off in a desperate hurry, the pain went away. His mouth traveled on her body, and after kissing every inch, biting every weak spot, devouring her like she liked it, his lips started to feel normal again, as if her skin had cleaned him of his sins.
And though she still had things to say, she cast it aside for now, wanting to enjoy the moment. She had thought she’d never see him again, thought she’d never be here again, thought she had lost him forever. Every second with him healed the wound he had given her, filled the hole he had left in her chest. So she laid on the bed and let him worship every bit of her. Let him make amends.
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spacetime1969 · 3 years
Surviving Jurassic World! A Brooklynn Exclusive! Intro: Part 3
December 20th & 21st, Instagram posts by BrooklynnUnboxesOfficial:
[Image ID: Darius with his hood up. He is dramatically underlit as he leans over a fire.]
Scary stories around the campfire!
[Image ID: A selfie of Brooklynn standing in front of a Gyrosphere, Darius already inside.]
It’s Gyrosphere day! Dino drive here we come!
[Image ID: There are two photos. One is a selfie of Brooklynn, Darius, and Kenji, posing with a sinoceratops in the background. The other shows Yaz, Sammy, and Ben around the sinoceratops, Sammy is feeding it.]
Up close with a sinoceratops! Make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss it!
December 21th, YouTube video posted to BrooklynnUnboxesTheWorld:
Brooklyn is standing on top of a hill. Behind her there is a herd of dinosaurs grazing.
BROOKLYNN: Hey Brooklanders! Welcome back to Jurassic World! Today we’ll be getting up close and personal with these dinos using Jurassic World’s famous Gyrospheres!
As she says this she turns so that the Gyrospheres come into view behind her.
The video cuts to the view from the inside of the Gyrosphere. You can hear the doors slide close and then it rolls forward. As the sphere crests over the hill the dinosaurs come into view, Darius and Brooklynn both making amazed sounds. The camera pans up as they roll up to a brachiosaurus, showing just how big it is.
Brooklynn pans the camera to Darius who is sitting in the seat next to her.
BROOKLYNN: So Dino Nerd, you got any facts about these dinos that everyone would be interested in?
Darius seems surprised for a second, before grinning.
DARIUS: Yeah! So this herd seems to have five separate dino species. There’s brachiosaurus, parasaurolophus, sinoceratops, stegosauruses, and ankylosauruses.
Brooklynn interjects.
BROOKLYNN: So which ones which?
DARIUS: Oh right, sorry.
Darius points out into the herd and Brooklynn pans the camera to each dinosaur as Darius talks about them.
DARIUS: So first there's the brachiosauruses, they’re pretty easy to identify because they are the only sauropod in the herd. They use their long necks to forage for leaves in treetops, and they eat over 400kg of them a day!
This continues for several minutes. Darius identifies each dinosaur, explains their feeding patterns and behaviors, and their history with the park.
Brooklynn eventually turns the camera back to her.
BROOKLYNN: Well there you go Brooklanders! Dinos with Darius! If you guys enjoyed having more informative stuff like this, let me know down in the comments section and I’ll try to do it more often!
The video cuts, and now shows the gyrosphere following a sinoceratops.
BROOKLYNN: Hey Brooklanders! Check this out! One of the dinos split off from the herd so we're all following her!
The video follows the dino as they chase it across the field, the other gyrospheres moving in and out of frame.
The video cuts and the campers are now in the forest with the dino, all of their clothes a little dirtier. The video is paused and Brooklynn's voice comes over as a narration.
BROOKLYNN: Here we are guys! Take a look at this dino! We followed her here into the forest, and Sammy got her to calm down with her mad cowgirl skills!
Brooklynn's voice gets softer as she walks closer to the sinoceratops, glancing briefly at someone off camera before reaching out to pet it.
BROOKLYNN: I promised I'd get you all up close with dinosaurs, and here we are! Petting a real live sinoceratops!
Brooklynn takes a moment to pet the dinosaur before turning back to the camera.
BROOKLYNN: Well Brooklanders, that's all for today! Make sure to like and subscribe! And I'll see you all next time on Brooklynn Unboxes… Camp Cretaceous! Bye!
Video End
Just one more part to this arc, and then we move on to the actual story!
One note in case anyone was wondering why some of the more exciting moments have been edited out: Brooklynn is getting paid to advertise the park. This is literally her job, and talking about how she almost died is not a very good look for the park. Or for her actually, since a lot of the issues in these first episodes were caused by the campers. 
However, any contract she had with Jurassic world is going to be null and void by the time they get back. 
Intro: Part1 | Part2 | Part3 | Part4
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aristaspark · 2 years
I don't like (I actually hate 👀) Benji. A long rant.
Here I said it. And I'm gonna explain why, even though nobody asked for it 😂. (And I know I'm gonna receive hell for it lmao)
One argument that people like to use to justify their hatred for Kenji and Brooklynn is the 2 years age gap (just for the sake of being transparant, I personnally do not have a problem with it, it's legal and I could never have a problem with a two years age gap). But that on its own can be understandable, we all have different beliefs and that's fine...I'm not gonna try to make people change their beliefs. But I have a really hard time taking it from people who ship Ben and Kenji (and surprise surprise...most of the fandom do 🙃).
The problem people say they have with the age gap is the difference in maturity between the two. Which is a really real thing, and is the reason laws exist to protect kids from predators. But while that is a thing, I think a lot of the fandom CHOSE to ignore that everybody does evolves differently and that not everyone matures at the same age/pace. Saying that a gap in maturity is an ethical problem and going around shipping Ben and Kenji is the biggest mindf*ck ever.
And so this is my problem.
Ben is the most immature of the whole group. At least to the other characters, he is. He had his MOM calling the camp consellors to give them a list of things to do to make him feel confortable. Kenji is mad when Dave and Roxy leave them with crayons, asking "how old do they think we are/when was the last time you ever saw crayons" clearly indicating that he sees that as a kiddy activity...only to see ben drawing himself and bumpy with crayons. And let me tell you that the way he draws himself says a lot about his self perception. It looks like a kid with his baby dino. He clings onto kenji when he is scared of the story Darius is telling, story that does not seem scary at all. This is not a romantic moment, and I find extremly weird that people look at it that way, EDIT it that way. This just looks like a twelve years old clinging onto the most reassuring person around because he is scared at night. There are a LOT of moments where Kenji makes fun of Ben's immaturity/makes sneaky comments or is annoyed by it, but people turn it into some romantic thing ? Half (if not all) of their interactions are just this. I repeat, Ben clinging onto Kenji because he is scared and Kenji dealing with it because Ben stubbornly refuses to let go will never be romantic. At least to me.
Basically Ben's entire arc, from season 1, is that he needs to let go of his fears, (and probably his mom overshielding) to become his own person and MATURE...GROW UP and be self-reliant. And Kenji appears to be the oldest camper. Do the math.
That's why when I found out that it was the most popular ship in the fandom (there were only two seasons out at that time) I was genuinely PHASED.
Yes, Kenji cares about Ben, and yes, he was the most affected when he "died". But to me, it was because he finally started to like/accept Ben despite his childish behavior, exactly as in the older brother/annoying and overbearing little brother trope. And not to mention that it's later shown that he has a personal struggle with the idea of loosing people and death as seen by the way he reacted when Sammy was about to die. So it was really more about Kenji than Ben. Or maybe Kenji is in love with Ben and Sammy.
My problem with this ship is that people make their scenes to be something it's not and argue that it was being set up, that there was chemistry. When really... It.Was.Not.Set.Up.
And they have as much chemistry as a kid and his nanny can have.
The single idea that Kenji could be ATTRACTED to Ben in season one (the season where everyone started shipping them) should normally be disgusting to anyone watching. Because KENJI SEES HIM AS A KID. Which is the difference with him and Brooklynn. Everyone can have their problem with that, but the fact is that Kenji never ONCE refered to Brook as a kid/being childish nor made fun of her for that. Heck, in episode one he even singles out Darius as "the younger kid" when the three of them are together.
Which brings me to my point. A lot of people took the ages of the campers Dreamworks released, and ran with it without even a second thought. Watching season one, without that info - that is never clearly stated in canon, keep that in mind - (And funnily enough for all we know Ben could be like a month older than Brook since it was their age at a specific point in time but weirdly enough everybody chooses to ignore it) you CANNOT tell me that you'd find Ben to be even remotely older than Brook. When Ben and Kenji are together, it looks like a 18 years old standing next to a 12 years old. With Kenji and Brook, it looks like a 18 years old and a (minimum) 16 years old. I still think the ages they gave them are REALLY unrealistic but even if you consider them to be canon... doesn't change the fact that there is an enormous maturity gap btw Kenji and Ben which you need to be blind not to see. A gap that was and will always be bigger than the one btw Brook and Kenji.
I could go on and say that even after he comes back, he is still the most immature and only starts to evolve by the end of season 3 but I don't need to because this ship only "exists" in season 1 (and 2 but tbh the only scene they have for them is Kenji being happy and emotional that his friend is alive...and hugging him ? Heck, Darius and Ben reunion is ten times more impactful). Also, if Kenji suddenly started to have something for Ben in season 4 it would still creep me out ngl.
So yeah, I hate the fact that people hate a ship based on an hypothetical maturity gap btw two characters because of a two years (maybe one and a half) age gap but have no problem shipping a kid who thinks of himself that way with Kenji.
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hurlingsupport · 3 months
Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (Gender Neutral Reader Insert)
200 Heart Special
This series gained over 200 hearts on Quotev, so I wrote this chapter in celebration! Unlike the 100 Heart Special, this chapter actually focuses on (non-canon) romantic development, so I felt that it was only right to post it on here as well. Also, just for context, I wrote this with season 3 in mind.
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Your skin is warm, almost uncomfortably so. You'd think with the camp being surrounded by trees, you'd be spared from the sun; but no, it always gets through somehow. Pulling your collar away from your neck in an attempt to feel a nonexistent breeze, you spare a glance around at the almost empty camp.
Yasmina and Sammy had gone off together, for a reason you've long forgotten, Brooklynn is playing some game you don't know the name of with Darius, and Kenji is snoozing away on the couch. You tap your feet against the wooden ground, growing more and more impatient just sitting on your bed. And finally, you decide enough is enough. Jumping up from your bed, you make your way towards Brooklynn and Darius, the duo quickly giving you their attention.
“Hey!’ Darius sits up taller at the sight of you. “Did you wanna play?”
“We can start a new game for you.” Brooklynn offers as she sorts through her cards.
You squint down at the cards strewn about, shaking your head soon after. “No, I just wanted to know if you guys have seen Ben anywhere.”
Darius looks to his side in contemplation as Brooklynn tilts her head. Sadly, they both shake their heads.
“No, weren't you guys supposed to go do something today?” Darius asks, placing a card into the pile in the middle.
“Yeah, that's why I'm asking.” You huff, turning your head to see if you can somehow spot him through the foliage.
“Well, if he bails on you, just know that you're welcome to play with us.” Brooklynn places another card onto the pile, causing Darius to sputter.
“Wait, did you just win?” He looks utterly befuddled, as do you. Are they playing Uno? It looks different, though.
“Yeah, I told you, when the joker matches the suit, it beats everything.” Brooklynn confirms.
“But the suit was a heart, not a diamond.” Darius says with furrowed brows.
“Look…” Brooklynn begins to re-explain the rules to Darius, and you take that as your cue to leave.
Turning towards Kenji's sleeping form, you unapologetically shake him awake. He fumbles for a bit, covering his eyes with his arms and cursing nonsensically.
“Do you know where Ben is?” You ask, ignoring his mumbling.
“What?” He rasps.
“Ben. Where is he?” You repeat.
“How am I supposed to know?” He groans, taking a look around the camp. “What time is it?”
“Daytime.” You respond, leaving Kenji behind to recollect himself.
Did he not tell anyone he was leaving? No, it's more likely that he left, and no one really cared to ask. Ben left randomly quite often, which was fine since he always brought Bumpy with him, so he's probably safer than any of you are even at camp. Still, you wish you had at least a hint as to where he went. This is a gigantic island, and unlike Ben, you don't have any protection to ensure that you can go wherever you please.
With much reluctance, you climb down the treehouse ladder to look for Ben. You'd much rather try and run into him than sit around and do nothing all day. Of course, you could try playing that card game with Brooklynn and Darius, but just looking at Darius's confused face ensured that it would just worsen your mood.
Ducking to avoid an outstretched branch, you continue walking deeper into the jungle. Slapping bugs away from you served to occupy you for some time until your thoughts eventually overtook you. Would you and Ben have to reschedule your hangout? Did he even want to hang out in the first place? Well, he's the one who brought it up, so why would he ditch you and not the other way around? Not that you would ditch him. This place is way too boring to even think of doing that.
Now that you think about it, getting bored of Jurassic World is a little funny. That's like getting bored of roller-coasters. But, then again, if you were continuously riding a roller-coaster, you'd obviously get bored after a while. So, really, it's not that strange.
You wipe sweat from your face, hand brushing against the right side of your face. The skin is still sensitive despite being entirely healed. Sometimes, you wonder if someone could hit your brain if they stabbed something through it, but that's a gross thought, so you try not to wonder about it. You hate thinking about that. You should think of something else.
How far are you from camp? Not too far, probably. You've been walking at a slower pace than usual in hopes of spotting Ben. Still, you're getting a little anxious. Should you go back? Oh, but you really don't want to. This isn't too bad. You haven't run into anything scary.
A rustle to your right has you stopping in your tracks. Almost instinctively, you crouch down, turning in that direction so you could actually see what was there. The rustling continues, almost as if something was continuously going back and forth within the bushes. Could it be Ben?
Moving closer despite literally every experience of yours telling you not to, you almost get struck in the face by a giant boulder. Or, wait, no, that's not a boulder. That's a tail, an Ankylosaurus tail! And, when you stand to your full height, the dinosaur turns towards you, bellowing excitedly. Before you know it, you're being held in the air by Bumpy's head as you hug her. Wait a minute, if Bumpy's here…
You stumble a bit as she throws you back onto your feet, swiftly turning your head in any and all directions in search of Ben. And to your delight, he's not too far off. Crouching in front of a bush, Ben plucks some plump caterpillars from the leaves. You try to ignore the fact that those things are going in his mouth and instead quietly walk up to him.
“Are you trying to scare me?” He asks suddenly, squishing one of the wiggling insects between his pointer and his thumb.
“Not really.” You refute with a grimace. “Did you forget about our plans?”
Ben turns towards you, briefly forgetting about the bug in his hands as guilt crosses his face. “Oh, that. Yeah, sorry, I got hungry.”
“We have cans of food at camp.” You remind him.
“I have my preferences.” He says, eating the caterpillar in one gulp.
Holding back literally everything you want to say in response to that, you simply sigh.
“Do you… still want to hang out?”
He only hums.
“I heard you. Come on.” He gets up without another word, walking in a random direction.
Dejected, you follow after him with a frown. If he didn't want to hang out, he should've told you before running off so you didn't waste your time trying to find him. But also, why didn't he want to hang out? Is he mad at you? Why would he be mad at you, though? You haven't done anything to him, or at least you don't think you have. Have you?
You cross your arms, a mixture of anger and worry stirring within your mind. Is it because you make a weird face whenever he eats bugs in front of you? But everyone else does that, so that can't be it. Did you say something that he took the wrong way? Well, thinking of that, a lot of the things you say could be taken the wrong way. Or, well, not exactly the wrong way, just meaner than you meant it.
Your thoughts come to a stop when Ben settles down onto the grass. Looking up, you realize he's taken you to a part of the island you haven't yet seen. It's pretty, honestly, a cliff overlooking a good portion of the island. You didn't know a place like this was so close to camp. You can even see some Brachiosauruses. Taking a seat next to Ben, you nearly jump out of your skin when a ‘thump’ sounds behind you, but a quick glance reveals the culprit to be Bumpy.
It's silent for an awkward moment until you realize Ben’s refusing to speak. So, you muster up the strength to say something to the boy you're sure hates you at the moment.
“Are you mad?” You ask outright.
Ben’s eyes flit to your form, silence stretching on.
“No. It's…” He pauses, collecting his thoughts. “Can I tell you something?”
“Yeah.” You answer maybe a bit too quickly.
“I, uh, I'm worried. About what's going to happen once we get back home.” He runs his fingers over the bark tied to his arm. “I know this is kind of random, but it's been bothering me.”
You find yourself shaking your head absent-mindedly. “No, I've been thinking about it too.”
“Good, good. Um, it's… I don't really know how to explain it.” He looks up at you. “I'm just not sure how it's going to go, y’know? I'm… different.”
You hum, nodding along to his words.
“I'm also scared I'll go back to the way I was. At the start, I mean.”
“I think you'll be okay.” You follow the tapping motion of his fingers before meeting his eyes. “If you want, I can remind you of every cool thing you've done on this nightmare island.”
“Can you remember it all?” He grins.
“Yeah, Ben, don't you remember when you beat Toro?” You say in a teasing tone. “And when you rode Bumpy while an explosion went off behind you?”
“Did I tell you about that?” He ponders.
“Wait, that actually happened?”
Ben barks out a laugh at your puzzled expression, and you can't help but crack a smile.
“When? I've never seen that happen?” You scoot closer.
“You weren't there. If you don't believe me, ask Brooklynn or Kenji.” He snickers.
“I'd think you're bluffing even if I did ask them.”
“I'm not!” He huffs. “Seriously, you just missed out.”
You groan, resisting the urge to smile when he smacks your shoulder.
“Did you want to tell me anything?” Ben asks suddenly.
“Like what?” You raise a brow.
“I mean, I kind of just ranted about my worries. What about you?” He implores.
“Oh.” You look to your side. “No, I'm fine.”
“Do you wanna talk about Mit–”
“I said I was fine.” You interrupt, anger flickering in your chest at the offhand mention of that poacher.
Ben goes quiet at your rejection, staring at you for a few silent moments. “Will you tell me about anything else?”
You don't reply for a few seconds, mostly out of pettiness. However, the silence gets to you eventually, and you mumble out an answer. “Do you… like your parents?”
“Well, yeah, I'd say I do. Why?”
You don't speak, at least not until his shoulder touches yours. It's a bit uncomfortable, considering how hot you are wearing your sweater, but you don't say anything about it.
“I… don't like my parents.” You mumble, ignoring how Ben leans in closer to hear you. “They're not… there.”
“Like, physically, or…”
“Mentally, I guess.” You specify.
“How so?”
“They, um, take these… medications.”
You feel sick. But you feel Ben leaning against you, and it feels like you can think better when you focus on the heat of his body rather than what you're saying.
“It just… bothers me.” You force out. It's not exactly true, but you'd rather not tell Ben the entirety of it.
Ben hums. “Is it prescribed?”
You only shake your head. He waits, likely assuming that you're going to continue, but you never do. This is the most he'll get out of you willingly, at least for now.
Ben grabs your hand, fingers intertwining with your own. “I think you'll be alright.” He assures you. “I'll remind you of how cool you are anytime you want.”
“Well, how cool am I now?” You lean into him.
“Cool enough to kiss.” He affirms.
“Wh– huh?” You stammer.
Ben uses his free hand to grab ahold of your face, pulling you closer until his lips meet your cheek. And now the only thing you're able to worry about is if he can feel how hot your face is from under his lips. Unknowingly, you clench the hand holding his own, and he holds you tighter in return.
He hums, eyes latched onto your surprised face. “Yeah, I think you're cool enough for two kisses even.”
And without another thought, he's leaning in again to push his lips onto your face. It's not even an actual kiss, and yet you're clumsily trying to find the words to tell him… tell him what? You're actually not too sure. The most you can think to do is hold his hand tighter and lean impossibly closer so his lips can meet their mark quicker.
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bendarius · 3 years
i started writing this benrius coleadership analysis a month ago and i finally deem it finished after weeks of not looking at it it so here we go
So as we all know their arcs in s1 start of completely on opposite ends. ben is less than psyched to be there while this is darius’ dream. however ben ends up stepping up during the train moment inspired by darius. they go through their struggles in s2; darius w leadership and ben w himself/survival. beginning of s3 they get brought together and are shown sadness leaving jurassic world because of their individual connection to it: darius w his dad through dinosaurs, and ben’s connection to himself through bumpy/island.
s3 has darius fighting to keep ben by their side bc he cant lose ben again bc that’s threatening his promise that he made to get everyone out safely. meanwhile darius’ attempts to do so threaten ben’s own selfhood. their interests are at a standstill both wanting to do what’s best for ben and having different ideas of such. bc of ben’s specific past that darius still feels guilt for is why he’s so unwilling to let ben go again, that much is obvious. ben is the only one able to absolve darius of the guilt in a deeper conversation than the one we got at their reunion, reassuring that he doesn’t blame darius and loves darius. Now that’s important bc even though the others have tried to remind darius that he’s not at fault for ben this was the only one that was able to get through to him fully. brooklynn did remind darius in s2 and sure; bc its ben himself that he’s able to say “i’m the person you dropped and i’m telling you it’s not your fault” but ben makes sure to not only absolve him of that guilt but to remind darius of his doings and how he’s always tried to protect him—to protect everyone (He’s branching out from his specific instance) they couldve stopped there but we got the “I love you bud” which! the bud is important so i don’t want to take it out of context but i just find it so prominent that ben decides to tell him That instead of a “you’re amazing” like. it’s coming from ben’s feelings. “quite a pair” from darius like theyre partners on equal ground (which they are! co-leaders.) anyways.
through the seasons we get shoulder touching. lots of it. it means reassurance from darius, worry from ben in s1; but in s3 the Amount of reassuring shoulder touches we get. they begin to be able to communicate support through this without words. while i did talk abt their arcs entwining from s1, s3 really shows the equal level they get to be on by being able to comfort one another. the thing that differentiates them from the other campers is ben being the cause of darius’ guilt which means he’s the only one able to help darius w that specifically. having ben there is its own comfort. darius feeling down after the historical jurassic park structure was destroyed was pleasantly surprised by a ben comfort shoulder touch. this doesn’t stop in s4; after ben’s speech, ben isn’t sure if it worked and while darius is going through his own disappointment, he takes the time to give some reassurance to ben. even when darius doesn’t know what to say after they think brooklynn and kenji are gone (and ben pulls away, knowing there’s nothing to say. damn his self blame. will get into that in a moment) there’s an attempt. after darius’ love for dinos cause them to miss the plane again, ben touches his shoulder to tell him non-verbally “hey. nothing can be said rn” and as this post explained so well, gives the other campers space from darius. i am willing to bet a convo takes place on the walk there with ben trying to absolve darius of guilt of “holding everyone back” (sound familiar? ben being tired of holding everyone back in s1) despite it being the right thing. ben can understand darius bc of their connections to dinosaurs thats one big similarity of their arcs and why they work so well together along w how darius has dino knowledge and ben w island knowledge. both of them shielding others behind them w their arms at one point showing their inherent need to protect others bc of this advantage of knowledge they have
the traits they inherit from each other in s4 broadcasted so obviously like. ben’s attempts to lighten everyone’s mood with a plan of action (bc darius for once is not coming up w it. Sign one of shared leadership). ben’s “it’s all my fault” self blame taken from darius i see….bc hes the one who made the plan this time, and darius HAS to understand that when plans fail and people are put at risk the crushing guilt that falls upon him. the moment he steps up he feels like he messes things up. however even before this they both tried to do their parts to keep the group running smoothly, most noticeable during the brooklyn/sammy tension where they both try and dismantle it in their own way (sure ben more because of them being loud but. hey i’ll take it) ben goes through a bit of a leadership arc trying to get darius out of kash’s clutches coming up w another plan that nearly fails but doesnt and he gets darius back! wooo reward. i could talk about his reaction compared to the others when talking abt darius’ potential danger and how worried he was that entire arc but i’m gonna save that for the season compilation post
meanwhile the short arc of darius having to choose between dinosaurs and his friends was done excellently (in how it was introduced not how it was…executed). his need to do the overall right thing vs saving his friends…im proud of him for that. even if the season shouldve given him space to explore his feelings and mental state. but Anyways that must’ve created some sort of cognitive dissonance with his self much like what ben had to go through in season 2. i wish we could’ve seen more of his struggle w choosing one over the other…but his little persona he put on was 100% inspired by ben’s with the “i survived all alone and i am amazing for it” aura. not to mention ben single dad w firecracker and darius just. smiling at him???? he wasn’t even there for ben’s struggle w connecting w the dino, although he was in s3 where ben decided isolation was the way to go so he’s probably like Woo my boy is reaching out!! maybe ben confided in darius about missing bumpy and he just automatically got what was going on. or he’s just gay yeah that could be it. and then ben’s little attempts to impress darius where he says the most cheesy line ever and gets all flustered when darius isn’t impressed i was like Ayo whats goin on
just ben’s admiration for darius i really hope that gets addressed because the leadership bit of ben coming up with the plan—they were already coming up w plans together back in s3: to blow up something as a distraction, to defeat scorpius rex (where ben overrode darius’ “IM going to stop then” with “what are WE gonna do”), to save brooklynn (“if your plan turns out as good as this model, we’re in great shape” go co leadership!!!) and had their little meeting upstairs as the files were being copied, and s4 ben telling darius to listen up, then being like “Darius is already on board. Everyone else ready” like darius agreeing is the only thing that matters which to be fair that is the main leader. but it was rly nice to see him falling into this role in darius’ absence. honestly i somehow forgot brooklynn’s short bit of leadership at the time when i wrote this so i think it’s unfair to not acknowledge it. both ben and brooklynn are darius’ right hand ppl but this post is more focused on ben’s role. at the beginning of the season we see darius communicating w ben like they’re already partners, telling him his solo task to pack the food up while they were stalking the compy and then relying on ben to distract it with berries
i’m just really excited to see where s5 takes them because i really do love both of them as characters and their dynamic together bc they just complement each other so well. i want to see more of darius’ emotions and how he/others deal with them. i want to see ben’s emotions and how he acts while finding himself in the new situation. i want to see them comforting each other bc they know how to and figuring out plans together. they’re just so interesting to me bc of how they started w the guilt and how their personalities reflect and work off one another and i hope i can explore that accurately in my writings.
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lovlydovlyjaycie · 3 years
Ævi - Frontlines
Hey again! This will be a continued series. The first Ævi series is in my masterlist and is only four parts. This is going to be a ongoing series, so there is going to be a lot more of Ævi to come. :)
Summary: Y/n or also known as Ævi has lived through varies of world events. Now it is 1941, she has excepted that some things cannot be changed so Loki has convinced Y/n to go to New York and live a normal life, a life Y/n always wanted. Or as normal it can be, because new introductions lead to events that didn’t go down in the history books.
Warnings: Fluff
Characters: Y/n, Loki, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers
Part 2
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Two weeks later
Bucky POV
“How about Dottie?” Steve asked. He was asking me if I went on any other dates with her. But truth be told. After I had met Y/n I couldn’t think of anybody else. I sighed and took a sip of my coke, we were sitting at a diner. “No? Buck you still got your mind on this girl? It’s been two weeks.” He tried to reason. He was right, but a girl like y/n I have never met before. “She was somethin’ else Steve.” Was all I has to say. “How was she so special?” Steve asked. “She was beautiful, you had to see her. She had this beautiful smile and this glistening in her y/e/c eyes. She carried herself in a way that was just so graceful. And she was so kind. and her laugh, Steve, you had to hear her laugh.” I sounded crazy, but that one encounter with her was what that did to me. “Well if it is meant to be you’ll see her again.” He tried to cheer me up. I looked out of the window at all the people that were walking around going places, work, home. “Maybe it wasn’t.” I said quietly. I wanted to look for her, but she would definitely think I’m crazy if I succeeded in that and I wouldn’t want to scare her away. In the corner of my eye I saw a woman walking the same walk as y/n did. I tried to get a better look, as much as I could with the window being in the way and the people on the street. I could only see her back. She had a yellow dress on with the same hairdo as y/n had that night. “It’s her.” I couldn’t believe it. I immediately stood up and walked out of the diner as fast as I could. I kept a quick pace to keep up with her. “Y/n!”
I must have startled her, she turned around a little shocked looking to who ever just called for her. “Y/n.” I said again coming closer. “Hey.” I gave her an awkward wave. “I saw you from out of the diner and had to say hi.” I quickly explained. This might have been a mistake, because she still hasn’t said anything yet. “Uhm, hi, Bucky. I didn’t think I’d see you again.” She said the last part a little more quiet. “Oh, uhmm-.” This was a mistake, a stupid one. I mean of course what would anyone think if some guy ran up to them after only seeing them once for an hour two weeks ago. “No! I didn’t mean.. Sorry.. How have you been? It’s been like, what? Two weeks since we had an escape?” She said making light of this awkward situation. I laughed at that. “I’ve been doing good. Just grabbin’ some food with a friend of mine at the diner over there. How about yourself? You look beautiful.” Shouldn’t have said that last part. She is probably gonna run away screaming. But then I heard her angelic laugh, that made me smile. I hadn’t heard it in so long. “Thank you. I was actually on my way back home. Not doing a lot today.” She told me. “Well.. If you want you can join me and my friend, Steve, for some milkshakes? Only if you want.” Please say yes, please say yes. “Steve? I think you had mentioned him when we met, right? He left you alone on the dancefloor.” I snorted at that. “Yes, him. Other than leaving me behind on the dancefloor he’s a good pal.” Again she gave me a beautiful laugh. “Well, I would like to meet him then.” That made me sigh in relief, I was so happy seeing her again. And now I get to spend time with her. And Steve will now know I wasn’t just drunk talking to myself the other night. “Great follow me.” I put my arm out for her to take and she did. I could smell her perfume, it was some sort of citrus, it smelled amazing. Keep it together Buck.
We walked in the diner to the booth I was sitting with Steve. I waved at him and he looked at me with big eyes. “Steve, this is Y/n. Y/n this is Steve.” I introduced. Steve stood up and patted down his clothes quickly before he put his right hand out. “Pleasure to meet you ma’am.” He said I snorted. Y/n took his hand. “Nice to meet you Steve.” She responded. I motioned for us all to sit down and a waiter came over. I ordered us all some smoothies. “So.. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Steve started as I gave him a glare. I had only seen her once before. “Oh, he has.” Y/n gave me a look. I was busted. After all the ways I could’ve embarrassed myself, this is how, with Steve. “He has now? What are the things he has told you?” She asked Steve. I swear if this kid embarrasses me more. And by the look he gave me he was going to embarrass me more. “Oh, well just that he can’t stop talking about how beautiful and funny this dame is he met at the dancehall. Ahh.” Under the table I kicked Steve. That is enough. “Did he now. And it was me right? Or did you meet another beautiful dame there after I left?” She asked me narrowing her eyes and smiling at me. “What no! It was you definitely you.” I stammered rubbing my neck awkwardly. If I had known I was going to be this embarrassed I would’ve sat at a different table. Who am I kidding, I would still embarrass myself then. All she did was laugh again, that made me smile. The milkshakes couldn’t come fast enough and when they were placed in front of us I took a big gulp, hoping to cool myself down. Didn’t work.
After a short moment of silence Steve continued small talk. “So what do you do for a living?” Steve asked. That intrigued me as well, I didn’t know this. “Uhm, well my family invests in anything that seems interesting all over the world. We have a lot of connections and houses all over the world because of that.” Interesting. They must know exactly what to invest in then. She seems like she or her family have a lot of money. “Where over the world do you have houses.” I wondered out loud. “In Sweden a few, but that’s where I am from. Then we have a place in Norway, Italy, France and the Netherlands, Australia and now I’m looking for a place here. I have been staying in a hotel so far. And I used to have a place in Germany, but.. you know.” The war in Europe, we are all hoping this ends soon. Germans or Nazi’s taking over killing. “It is awful that that is happening.” I stated not really knowing what else to say. “Is your family in Sweden still?” Steve asked. “Yes, but luckily Sweden has been neutral so far.” Y/n looked down so I gently took her hand. “I’m sure it will all be over soon.” It had to be. She looked at me and nodded. She held my hand a little tighter. Considering the topic that made my heart beat a lot faster and I was almost scared she could hear it. Cause I certainly did.
I held Bucky’s hand a little tighter. Considering what I know I still wished he was right. I wished that that awful nightmare would end now and that it would be the end of it. But millions of people would still die and I couldn’t do anything about it. Over the years I had tried to stop or help with world events that would lead to a lot of deaths, but always it would do absolutely nothing. If I tried to kill someone that would late cause a lot of tragedy, something always seemed to go wrong and someone else would die. Believe me I have tried to kill Hitler himself in WWI, but I missed. I tried to get him in to a painting school as a last resort, but he got denied. Always nothing seemed to work. And everything that went down in the history books that I know happened exactly like it was written. It was a sick game knowing exactly what was going to happen, but I could not do anything to stop it. Loki had seen that it was getting to me and wanted to leave earth and go back to Asgard, but that was too hard for me. If I did that it felt like I wasn’t even trying to do anything, even if it was small. I keep getting in my own head about this situation, so I decided to change the subject. 
“So have you guys been keeping up with football or baseball?” I asked. I didn’t really care much for it, but they might. “Yes! Next month our team is playing, but it is impossible to get any tickets the baseball game.” Bucky said excitedly. “I’m telling ya, we just need to show up there and hope that others might not show up, so we can take their seats.” Steve responded. Alright they love baseball. I smiled. “Who’s playing?” I asked. “The Dodgers against the Phillies and it’s gonna be here in Brooklynn.” I’ll have to look into seeing if I can get tickets for that for them. They seem excited about that.
After some more time and more small talk Steve excused himself. “He seems nice.” I noted out loud. “He’s a good kid, but seems to get himself in trouble a lot.” Steve didn’t seem like a troubled kid. “How come he gets in trouble so much?” Genuinely curious. “He wants to stand up for what is right. Fight against the bullies you could say.” “But that is not bad.” I told him. “No it’s not, but Steve is not a big guy or anything and seeing that the bullies usually are the big guys gives him a disadvantage.” I see what Bucky means now. “You fight any bullies?” I asked him squeezing his left hand. It made me smile. The first time I met him I couldn’t let go of his hand and now again. It didn’t feel uncomfortable even though we barley knew each other. It felt like the opposite, it felt like we had known each other for a very long time. “Not like Steve has.” He said smiling. “Here’s your check.” The waitress interrupted. This was the first time Bucky had let go of my hand to reach for his wallet. Instantly it felt empty. “Let me-.” Bucky started. “Oh no you don’t have to pay for my-.” “I insist.” He said as he put his hand on my purse. 
As we walked outside I looked at my watch and saw it was getting late. ”Oh, I need to go it’s getting late.” I told Bucky. “I can walk you back, where ever you need to go.” He said with hopeful eyes. Honestly I wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet. It felt nice seeing him again. So I nodded in response and we walked back to a hotel I had a room at in Brooklyn. It wasn’t very far from the diner, I really was almost back before I saw him. “I am happy that I saw you again Bucky.” I told him honestly. “I’m happy that I saw you walking outside. Honestly I had been hoping that our first encounter wasn’t our last.” We both smiled at that. “So you and Steve were not lying that you couldn’t stop talking about me.” I said jokingly. He laughed at that, he had such an amazing laugh, so light hearted. “No, he was telling the truth.” I thought that was very sweet. I walked slightly closer to him and our hands were slightly brushing up against each other. I wanted to grab his hand so badly. I decided to do it when I man walked in-between us separating us a little farther. We both let out a breathy laugh at that cause of the awkwardness. We tried again getting closer and closer when another man tried to walk between us. Bucky quickly grabbed my hand and put it us so the man walked under us. The stranger seemed a bit shocked at that, which made it all the more funnier. We both started laughing and Bucky pulled me closer. “This time I’ll make sure it won’t happen again doll.” He said half jokingly but also serious. Because of that I felt my cheeks heat up. “Such a charmer.” I noted, but I couldn’t look him in the eyes as I said that, cause I knew I would turn more red if I did. 
We walked around the corner of the block. “Well this is me.” I said a bit sad. “Thank you for walking me back, even though it was a short walk.” I was looking at our hands not ready to let go yet. “Of course doll, no problem.” And he put on his charming smirk. “Before you go. I was wondering if.. Would you like to see me again, maybe?” I gave him a big genuine smile. “I would like that very much.” And his smirk turned in a full smile. “Great can you do this Saturday at six?” He asked eager of my answer. “I can do Saturday.” “Alright it’s a date I’ll pick you up here then.” He said happily. “Ok! See you on Saturday.” I stepped closer and gave him a kiss on his cheek. I slowly stepped away and let goof his hand. I waved at him before walking inside the hotel and hearing a “Yes!” From Bucky who was still standing outside. He’s a good man.
As just closed the door of my room I heard a knock. Loki. I sighed and walked over. “Where have you been?” He asked already stepping inside. “What are you concerned now?” I asked Loki. “You said you’d be back by three... It’s almost five. Where have you been.” I rolled my eyes. “Not like I can’t protect myself or anything. Not like I have this weird energy shielding me.” Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. “You said three, it’s almost five now. Where have you been?” Loki asked more calmly this time. “Nowhere in particular.” I said not really wanting to answer him. Because I already knew his response if I told him I saw the guy from the dance. “Y/n. I don’t like to play these games.” He started. “Since when? I thought you were the trickster God? Or has that changed in the time I was gone?” “Y/n..” He narrowed his eyes at me. “Alright fine. The guy I met at the dance was at this diner that I walked passed and he asked me to go for milkshakes. And I know what you’re gonna say, but it was just a milkshake, nothing more.” Loki walked up closer to me. “Was it?” He asked. “Well.. He asked me out for this Saturday.. and I kinda said... Yes.” I answered and Loki sighed. “Y/n, you’re going to get hurt, again... You need someone that is not.. what’s the word.. Die. They grow old and die and you’re still you. You need someone who can be there for you, not someone that you have to be there for them.” He has told me this so many times. “Who is that person than?” Loki got quiet at that. And I decided to leave it at that. “I’m gonna go take a shower.” I said as I was walking towards my bathroom. “Oh one last thing.. It is just a date. It doesn’t mean anything.” I said as I closed the door of my bathroom.
It doesn’t mean anything. It is just a date. Nothing more. Bucky is just.. a random guy I met and I am going to see him for a third time. After that I am not going to see him anymore. It doesn’t mean anything. 
So that was a complete lie I told myself before the date. Bucky was wearing a very nice tuxedo and had his hair done. He had given me some flowers, tulips. They looked lovely. I wasn’t excepting this much. And the date itself.. He did all the things right. He made me laugh, he made me feel comfortable. “Bucky you’re being too kind tonight. This restaurant? The flowers? You? This has been amazing!” I said genuinely and took his hand again. Taking his hand every time felt good. “Really? I was nervous to take you to a restaurant like this.. I thought, maybe it wouldn’t be up to your-.” “No, all of it was perfect.” I interrupted him. After that I excused myself to go to the ladies room, but I went to the host instead to pay for dinner. I am not letting him pay this time. “Alright we can go.” I told him when I came back. “I just need to pay for tonight doll then we can go.” He told me. “Nope, we don’t, I payed. And before you say anything, you can pay me back by taking a walk with me right now. I don’t want this date to end, not yet.” I put my right hand out and he took it and we walked out.
Outside we were both enjoying the cool night breeze. “It’s cloudy today.” He noted. “It is.. you can’t really see the stars.” He nodded at that. “You have to be lucky to be able to see stars in a city like this. Did you live in a city in Sweden as well?” He asked. “No, I.. It’s a island where I lived and they are basically stuck in time. Not really noticing what is going on outside of that island.” I decided to tell him the truth on that. I don’t know why I did. Usually I would lie and say Stockholm, but with Bucky I didn’t want to do that. It wasn’t even a thought to lie. “That sounds interesting to live like that. What do you prefer?” And I honestly didn’t have a answer for that. I loved the island Kattegat, but I only went there when I wanted to take a breather from the world and live the life.. Bjorn.. always wanted to keep alive. The Viking life. It was something for me to hold on to for all this time. The world was moving so fast and Kattegat always stayed somewhat the same, at peace. Kattegat was my vacation and the rest of the world was basically my work. “I like both. What about you?” Was all I had to say. “I like the city. It’s fast paced. It’s the future. I mean have you seen Stark industries? What they’re doing there you won’t find on a secluded island.” I laughed at that. “Stark? he sounds familiar.” Bucky’s eyes lit up. “He is this brilliant guy and rumor has it he is building a flying car. Before you know it everybody will have flying cars! trust me.” I laughed at that. “And his name is Stark?” He nodded his head. “Howard Stark is his name.” I hummed at that. “I have heard of that name I think.. a long time ago.” And I am pretty sure I have it sounded so familiar, but it was such a distant memory. Over the years a lot has happened and I have been better at remembering faces than names. Especially from before I got sucked back in to time. 
A cold breeze went by and immediately Bucky gave me his jacket. “What a gentleman.” I said and he smirked. “Always doll.” He said. I couldn’t help but smell his jacket straight away. It smelled like fall, the woods. We got to a pier and could see the New York skyline. “Isn’t that a sight.” He stated. “It is as I stepped closer to his side. He put his arm around my back and I rested my head against his shoulder. “I really liked tonight.” I said out loud, but it was more meant for myself. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. And I’ll be sad to go back home soon. “I did too. I would like to see you again.” And Bucky looked down at me. “I would like to see you again too.” I said turning my head towards him. “Tomorrow again?” He said softly. Our faces were close I could feel his breath on my skin and smell his cologne better now. Wood, grass and peppermint. “Tomorrow again.” I answered back getting closer to him. Bucky inched closer as well and our lips were almost touching. He rested his forehead on mine and our noses bumped. He was waiting, trying not to overstep any boundaries. I didn’t know if I should tell him I probably wanted to kiss him just as bad as he did me. I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his. For a short moment we just took each other in. His soft lips against mine. I put my hands up against his chest and he moved to put his hand on my neck and one on my back. Pulling each other closer.
Loki is going to kill me if he finds out.
Let me know what you think :)
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