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stormbound58 · 3 months ago
These two 💛🥰💜
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Even though they may or may not be canon, KamiJirou always have a special place in my heart.💜💛
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stormbound58 · 3 months ago
IzuOcha Nation, How are we feeling Tonight?
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stormbound58 · 3 months ago
Is it just me or did I saw a Rumblehorn or a Snufflefang on the trailer during this scene?
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stormbound58 · 4 months ago
I was rewatching JWCT S2 to recount the Dinos and reference, when I NOTICE-
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[A Baryonyx inside the container above the N5 container] (JWCT) (S2:Ep1)
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[Chaos, the Baryonyx. The Dino-Medical Ward Scene] (JWCC) (S2:Ep2)
Just LOOK!
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Teal/Cyan markings below Amber colored eyes on a Cool Gray skin/scale Alligator-like head-
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stormbound58 · 4 months ago
MAJUNGAsp3c1men2/5, whats yours?
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wow mine is so bad [link]
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stormbound58 · 4 months ago
Just scrolling back down to find DinoStar content. Dunno how much coincidence that you manage to predict this, but damn.
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stormbound58 · 4 months ago
My take of "The What-Ifs, Season 2 Version"
The Brooklynn Reveals
What-If 1.) Darius alone met Brooklynn
Darius was separated from Sammy, Yasmina, and Zayna when Red is chasing Capt.Lang. Red Spotted Darius and goes after him, Darius lost Red by hiding in a room, unbeknownst to him he got inside the control room, Darius turns around to see someone who thought died months ago, yet, Brooklynn is standing right before him. Brooklynn manage to save Yasmina, Sammy, and Zayna from White (Let's call that Eyeless Baryonyx for now) she gets up and was about to aproch the door when Darius barged inside. Both of them took a moment to process when they realized they're have some serious talk between them.
What-If 2.) What if Ben told the others about Brooklynn. Ben had 5 chances to do this.
2.1) In the Lifeboat: He could've told them, but they would think he's hallucinating
2.2) When he got back at Episode 2: He showed what he saw earlier at the phone at them. (This can be connected to 2.1 or not)
2.3) If he accidentally slip up:
A:) During the boat Ride: Ben grew furstrated on making conntact with Brooklynn and blurt out she's alive.
B:) After the Hippo attack: Ben is deperate to get the phone back while the others who're trying to calm him down. Ben shouted he needs to know what is Brooklynn duing.
2.4) When Ben have a Panic Attack: Despite Brooklynn's warnings. Ben fails to composed himself and falls into a full-blown panic attack, aftewards Ben tells them about Brooklynn's last call, knowing he broke his promis to her.
2.5) Yasmina's Counselling Session: When Yasmina tries to have Ben open up his trobles, Ben tells her about knowing Brooklynn alive. Ben and Yas had a 1on1 talk.
What-If 3.) Darius found out Brooklynn Staying at Ronie's:
3.1) Ronie called Darius about something important, yet classified. Darius got to Ronie's house and Darius found Brooklynn there. (Some time Before/After she woke up.)
3.2) Darius finds out: Darius wants to check Gordon (Injured Compy) and he has a spare key to Ronie's, he went inside and founds out two things, first is that Ronie isn't home, and second he saw Brooklynn. Cue a lot of explaining and conspiracies full of angst and comfort.
What-If. 4.) Brooklynn stayed for a moment when she brought the Container down.
That scene when Brooklynn looked up on the container holding Darius, Sammy, Yasmina and Zayna&Geba. She brought the container down, instead of going away after, she stayed and met them. Featuring Sammy' cries and bear hugs, mother Yaz lectures her child, an Awkward tension between B & D, Zayna is confused, And Geba is Geba. Afterwards they formed a plan (of somekind, idk) met up with Ben and Kenji and tries to stop Soyona.
What-If 5.) Brooklynn choose her friends instead of joining Soyona on the plane.
There's already one fanfic on Ao3. But as the Watcher said "Every Universe is a Different Possibility."
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stormbound58 · 4 months ago
A perfect 10/10 for exceeding all my Expectations!!
The tensions are building up in every scenes in every episodes, there are times where I was holding my breath and BOI do we actually have Red, but mainly Soyona Santos debuts on JWCT and intertwined with JW Dominion.
Episode 3 is probably my favorite, it let us explore and clarifies things that happened throughout Season 1 and before on Brooklynn's pov. Man, we really owe a huge apology to the Allosaurus for taking the blame. Blindside (Lets call the allo that) tried helping Brooklynn escape by confronting Panthera and Tiger, sadly Ghost is a step ahead.
Kenji, oh you absolute trainwreck he had put up so much. From his breakup, Brooklynn's death, his dad killed, to now him knowing Brooklynn is alive in the worst way possible, chases her like a mad mad, have a brief moment only to be pushed away. How is Kenji still stable like at all!
Zayna and Geba(Gullimimus), they may be new and only to this season, they Successfully captured our hearts. Zayna has good character development, throughout Season 2, how she learns on the way upriver, her brief conflict with Sammy, and how she knows the place. And I like how Zayna keeps sassing Darius about his Dino-Facts like her Miniture version of her Dad. And Geba, may not have that much screen time, I like 'em acting like a energetic dog and shooing ofc Red with kicks like that one Russian dance. These Two gain my respect.
Brooklynn, god you are getting yourself to a pit that you can't return and inflicting more trauma not only to yourself, but also to the rest of the CampFam. Not Once. Not Twice. FOUR TIMES!! She "Died", She reveals herself to the gang she ain't dead beyond my expectations, She chose to go with Santos with the egg, and she Left Them again! Despite her bad choices, she still cares for the rest of the Camp, doing all this just to protect them, saving them, and she still cares about them, even giving back Bumpy's egg.
Guessing we will see season 3 is about the rest of Camp Cretaceous chasing Brooklynn all the way to Malta. Because god, from some part of California (I think), to Dubai, to Africa, and to Italy full of Illegal Dino operarions is not exactly what I call a roadtrip
As for the Dinosaurs this Season... where do I began because GOD they are amazing. Firstly, Major the Majungasaurus is an absolute night terror not only giving Darius and Yaz a run of their life but also proven itself in combat with Suchomimus. Speaking of it, the yellow/brown Suchomimus (lets call it Mangga) put quite a show not only in the first half of the season, but Mangga also faught with the Hippo, It also give Yas a new Dino-Trauma on the waters, the Writers KNOWS what they're doing with Suchomimus being Half Aquatic hunters, but sadly Mangga gets taken out by Major.
Red the Atroci-Leader, all this time we were wondering where she is. Red is just chillin' with Soyona on her painting room of her penthouse in Dubai, while her sisters chasing grown-kids on some place, but over all Red's debut has taken a next big step with the white Baryonyx by mimicking the Doctor's snapping sounds by clicking, and fully turning the WBaryonyx against him. Speaking off. My god, here I thought Dino Experimentations would not go more terrifying, Thry just did an Eye-less Echolocating biological weapon, considering the fact it's just as same as Dominion's Therizinosaurus, but its fun having a show's equivalent counterpart.
Overall Season 2 is great with all the Heart-Stopping moments, Awsome Dino-Fights, Emotional Damages, Jaw-Dropping scenes, Twisting Feelings, and Mindblowing Turns
Guess we gonna knockdown the points of this season's Bingo Card!
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stormbound58 · 4 months ago
It pains me to say it, but I have to agree. After watching Chaos Theory Sason 2, the DinoStar dynamic in it, is way... off than their dynamic in Camp Cretaceous. Darius' confession really didn't help at Brooklynn situation. Darius' Love is mostly based on Desire, unlike Kenji who's has Genuine Love for her.
Personally, I like the Build-up in Camp Cretaceous, where it taken months and too many close calls of life&death for two of the couples to be together. Just disapointed it wasn't DinoStar that happened in CC.
Now with two seasons in Chaos Theory, I'm having mixed-feelings between DinoStar and Kenlynn. But I really hope for Darius to have more chacater developments, especially this topic on later seasons.
Kenlynn/Dinostar observations
I don't know if it was intented (I hope it was) but Darius's confession came off as really... idk, unhealthy and icky.
Like, he was willing to have a relationship with her after she just broke up with his BROTHER. And it's not like he was like forget it, I'd never do that to Kenji... no, if Brooklynn had said yes, he would have been willing to date her. Also the way he ridiculed HIS BROTHER'S feelings when he had been with Brooklynn for 6 WHOLE YEARS.
I was pretty neutral about dinostar but now I truly hope they won't happen. I hope this storyline is here to allow character development for both Brook and Darius: for Brook to realize that Earnest's depiction of her was right (she had eveything but was blind to it, was never satisfied) and that it only caused her pain when she could have been perfectly happy with Kenji.
And for Darius to realize that he loved all the wrong things about Brooklynn (her determination, blabla, all those things that have pushed her to loose her arm and act on her own, to hurt herself and the ones she loved).
Everything about season 2 dinostar is unhealthy.
I'm not too worried, I trust the writers, because if they had planned for dinostar to happen I believe they would have done many things differently to avoid this.
Let me explain:
In Darius's case it's believable that he'd fall for her, he was single. But if Brook was suddenly in love with him that'd mean that she would have dated someone for 6 years while been in love with someone else which I don't think is the case. Or that all it took was a week for her to fall for someone else. Or if she wasn't in love before, then they'd need to actually show her develop feelings for him in season 3, and I don't see how they would do that with how things have ended.
Then there's Brooklynn's letter they posted on instagram where she only wrote to Kenji. Reminder that they were broken up and that Darius had already confessed to her and yet she only wrote to Kenji, calling him "dear Kenji". She knew how much she seemingly mattered to Darius, and yet the person she wrote to wasn't him. Kenji was also the most affected when they learnt that she was alive (he has his own scene, while Darius is with Yaz and Sammy, no special moment).
Despite everything he still loves her. I think that if they had wanted Dinostar to happen, they would have made it VERY clear that all Kenji felt toward Brook were feelings directed at an ex he's over with, to prepare for Dinostar but they didn't. The biggest proof of that is that they could have given the last scene to Darius but they didn't. It would have made sense for Darius character to be the one to find her first since we saw him mourn her so much last season, he could have been desperate to meet with her, and yet it was Kenji.
With how things are right now, if Dinostar happened it would destroy Kenji because he still loves her even if he doesn't understand her, which would make both Darius and Brooklynn horrible people, that's why I don't think it'll happen, because the writers could have easily avoided it.
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stormbound58 · 4 months ago
DLN Before Watching Season 2:
Damn, we really getting our selves a Dino-Cult now? They sounds like a really bad threat to the N5
DLN After Watching Season 2:
Dumbasses, Dumb Animal-Activist Idiots- well, Dino-Activist to be on the nose.
They really trown a curve ball on us thinking the DLN is a threat when actually it was Soyona Santos is the one whos really the real threat!
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stormbound58 · 5 months ago
Last Expectations & Predictions for Season 2
How Brooklynn joined the DLN
Brooklynn's time with Darius and how he fall inlove to his bestfriend, get rejected, and the aftermath of The Night She "Died" in Brooklynn's POV
Reckless Kenji's Suicidal Stunts disguised as Heroic Sacrifice moments
Darius confronts Brooklynn, or vice versa
Kenji punches someone
More info of Ben's "Girlfriend"
Zayna knows Sydney (but doesn't know it's Brooklynn)
Majunga (Major) VS Suchomimus
Full Atroci-Squad
A Love Triangle??
The Nublar 6 are Wanted
Sammy's Family Problem Explained
Therapy session with Yasmina
Brooklynn Stays with the CampFam or Got Away for another Cat-&-Mouse Chase
Darius having a breakdown
"What? Never seen a ghost before?"
Bumpy's Egg hatches
Pierce the Kentrosaurus
Chaos the Baryonyx
New Pterosaur
The Broker's Identity
We just now Entered the same timeline as JW: Dominion
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stormbound58 · 5 months ago
Well I'll be damned, this is too good to be true
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stormbound58 · 5 months ago
Spoilers for JWCT SEASON 2
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Oh joy, morse codes. The mystery keeps on coming. Do any of you guys know what it said?
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stormbound58 · 5 months ago
Random Prediction:
Ever since the trailer, I can't seem to stop thinking about this.
I've always predicted even before season 2 that, if Brooklynn have meet the N5 again. It would be her poiting a gun at them or one of 'em. I thought to myself "It'll be either Kenji, Ben, or both if they want to do a Camp Cretaceous Recall."
And the Trailer dropped Ben knowing Brooklynn is alive and kept it to himself, then later on Kenji confronts Ben in a pit of rage about it. And that random thought looks more closer than before, but knowing the show (and netflix) they wouldn't have the guts to do it.
But do imagine like, the N5 +the new girl got split in pairs with Ben and Kenji lost on some place while they had the case full of dino eggs. They were arguing when a voice cause them to stop. Both Kenji and Ben looked to the source to find Brooklynn, pointing a gun at them because she was ordered to get the case, and with a sly smirk she just says "What? I thought you guys seen a ghost before?" Cue- The Episode Ends
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stormbound58 · 5 months ago
JWCT Season 2 is gonna be an Emotional Breakdown
The Season 2 Trailer 2 Is HERE!!!!!!
Here are my Comments on some of the scenes while Watching the new trailer:
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Right off the start with Brooklynn on how she lost her arm, and it ain't good old Allo. It's probably one of the Atroci-es.
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This Ominous Dino Cultist is deffinetly gonna trow lot'a dinos at the Nublar 6.
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Kenji "trying" making dino sounds while Yaz slowly shaking her head and looking so done of Kenji's stupidity. 🤣🤣🤣
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Oh so beautiful bastard, I'mm gonna say. The Sucho is really appealing to me now.
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New Character??? Maybe it's Ben Gi-
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Now the teaser makes sence now. A Sucho Chase, lured to a Stego herd, Sucho VS Stego Fight ensures!!
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Kenji is LOSING HIS SHIT NOW!!! He just went through all emotions in what? A single Week? 5 days? This ain't going to end well.
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Red??? And Maybe Brooklynn's gonna change sides?? I know for sure is that the Handler would be here.
/\ These Two scenes are deffinetly connected. \/
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"I'm not the same Brooklynn you knew.."
Its just this One-Liner and its already so cold. I always predict Brooklynn's Reveal to the N5 is Brooklynn had a gun on one of the N5's head.
Overall, the Trailer is awsome and exited for October 17th to come!!! I'm gonna stamp out some slots on my bingo card.
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stormbound58 · 6 months ago
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I think Jinx's new look is from the end of the season, and I think it's inspired by her taking Ekko's words to heart.
In the trailer, we see Ekko telling her, "Sometimes taking a leap forward means leaving some things behind." What's notable about this clip is that we can see that Jinx still has her long blue bang in front of her face when he's talking to her. Now, maybe it's just the lighting — it does look like they're in a dark room — but it looks Powder blue, not cyan like in her new look above.
The thing about Jinx is that she, consciously, has moved on from her past by the time arc 2 starts, in the sense that she knew that she grew up to be who she is, that she took the name Jinx, she saw Silco as her father, etc. Vi, who clung to the past (for sympathetic reasons) did sow some doubts in her about "could I get some of that (i.e. my sister's love) back?", but by and large she knew that she was always the same person (Powder = Jinx, people, and always has, and she has always known this), and the act of "choosing" which one to be was just that: an act, a performance for Vi and Silco, both of whom acted as if Powder and Jinx were two separate people. She was performing for them, while also punishing them for hurting her and testing their love for her. There was a lot going on at that family dinner.
But I digress. The point I'm making is, for the most part Jinx accepts who she is in the present, but she is still held by some things — namely, Zaun and all of the trauma that has been inflicted upon her there since she was a baby, from all sides. (Sides which include her sister, even though Vi was only a traumatized child herself and did her best.)
I made a post just last night about how being a symbol is not a good thing for Jinx and not a thing she wants, and if I'm right and her updated look comes at the end (or at least later) in the season, then I think this is a conclusion that Jinx herself comes to as well.
Because look at her.
Jinx no longer matches any of Zaun's murals of her, nor does she match those who changed their appearances to look like her. She is wearing a completely different outfit, yes—but she has also marked her own skin with bright graffiti. She has put lavender and cyan streaks in her hair, a stark difference from the blue Zaun took to use as a symbol. And if you look closely, it looks like she cut her hair:
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Paint washes off and temporary dye fades fast, but hair can take forever to grow, especially Rapunzel braids like Jinx had. But she cut it off, despite how her long, long braids were depicted in multiple of Zaun's murals. Jinx doesn't want to be their symbol. She wants to be a person. Her own person. And to do that, it means leaving Zaun—and everything and everyone there who can trigger her—behind.
I think Jinx is saying goodbye to the city at the end of this season. Vi may stay as an enforcer, and Ekko will stay to try to build Zaun back up, but Jinx? I think she's leaving.
And honestly? Good for her.
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stormbound58 · 6 months ago
With a month before JWCT Season 2 comes out, I'm just gonna revive This Poll of mine fom before.
The Top answer of the poll, that Brooklynn "Faked Death and Captured while is forced to work with the Baddies."
Meanwhile the runner up is that "She's Spying inside" or simply Undercover among the ranks.
With Brooklynn's Fakeout and possibility of making a major interactions in Season 2. I would like to know your theories about her!
Rumors in the grapevine says that Brooklynn would constantly making bad decisions that could endager and/or self-destruction to herself.
Other sources theorized that She's working with the main baddies of the series.
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