wootusart · 2 years
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T Rex Chef. . Tyrannochefus Rex? Or Chefasaurus Rex perhaps? . I dunno. . Commission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #tyrannosaurus #tyrannosaurusrex #tyrannosaur #trex #dinoart #dinoartist #dinosaurart #paleoart #dinoartwork #dinosaurartwork #chef #dinochef #brontoburger #cretaceous #mesozoic #cretaceousperiod #prehistoric #chefart #prehistoricanimals #animalchef https://www.instagram.com/p/ChVXXK6I03b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sohannabarberaesque · 2 years
Meanwhile, back in Bedrock ...
[Mise en scene: No less than the Brontoburger shop on an otherwise boring weekend made even more interesting by the fact of halfterm break at the Bedrock schools winding down. We find the crew from The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show, as in teenage versions of Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm, and then some, at the usual conversation table.]
PENNY PILLAR, somewhat histrionic: So who exactly is this Tina Delgravel everybody seems to be talking about?
PEBBLES FLINTSTONE, finishing a prickly-pear smoothie: As in that "Tina Delgravel is ALIVE!" schtick heard on the radio every now and then?
PENNY PILLAR: One and the same.
BAMM-BAMM RUBBLE: And does it really matter, anyway?
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colorinable · 6 years
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#Sinclair #SinclairGas #Brontosaurus #gasoline  #propane #appropriateLogo #dinosaur #DinoMart #DinoCare #petrol #convenienceMarket #ConvenienceMart #diesel#internalCombustionEngine #internalCombustion #brontoburger #StoneAge #obsolete #bigOil #selfie
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manfredns · 5 years
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Desde principios de noviembre, Doña Bertha (mi madre) se asoció con una vecina para vender #hamburguesas en el #bazar de #bosques. Ya lo habían hecho desde el año pasado, pero en estos dias crearon está #brontoburger que está mucho mejor de lo que se ve. Les recomiendo que vengan de jueves a domingo (si, diario) por una para cenar, quizá no les ayude a baje de peso, pero si serán muy felices de su 💜 por tener #panza llena. ¿Dónde? Frente a los juzgados, junto a "Los Toritos". Ah! Y si dicen que van de mi parte, ya saben, no habrá descuentos, pero en esta temporada se siente todavía más bonito que se acuerden de uno. #emprendimiento #pornfood #burguer #economialocal #negociolocal #misrumbos #motophoto (en Juzgados Civiles De Coacalco) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6R-pZ5Bs4W/?igshid=1ujdppxe7fqlm
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yoshioatelier · 5 years
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¿Hambre? ¡¡BRONTOHAMBURGUESAS!! 🍔 #BrontoBurger #Delicious (en Bronto Bugers & Ribs) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtvNHLZHeZO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xo17xdha44ek
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curmudgeonness · 3 years
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“Mother!  Father!  I’m home!  I’m famished!  Where’re the brontoburgers?”
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acidxfrost · 7 years
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Bronto isn't the only thing sore. #BrontoBurger #Brontosaurus #Dinosaur #OhYeah #CuriousBob #ComicStrip #ComicArt #Cartoon #Cartoonist #Funny #FunnyShit #FunnyComics #SundayFunnies
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timothyodne · 4 years
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Brontoburgers I'll say
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the-fearmonger · 4 years
Last week on the Dragonslayers... 
Marred Lagoon Security Log 
Entry Date: 23rd Day of the Summer Harvest 
Primary Security Objectives: 
1. Protect the Principal Asset and his property (Donald Tiefling) 
2. Defend points of vulnerability (three Macguffin switches) 
3. Maintain deniability for any events on the premises (plausible or implausible)
Special Objectives: 
1. Provide security for the Gala Reception 
2. Ensure social distance between Melania Tiefling and Joker Trudeau at all times 
Today’s Journal of Record Kept By: Lachrymose Poot, Sergeant at Arms 
1830 Hours: Full security staff is in place prior to tonight’s gala reception. Floor sweeps conducted without incident. Inexplicably, the delivery of highly explosive fireworks was stacked right at the entryway between the dock and the main house. No time to relocate it so we will station an extra couple of guards there, relocated from posts in the private residences upstairs. Can’t see how this would possibly create any issues. Guests beginning to arrive at entry checkpoints. Brontoburger catering is on premises and Melania is in plain sight. Off to a good start. 
1908 Hours: Docking bay reports the arrival of an unexpected galley carrying renowned portrait artist Leonardo Retardo, along with his wife, child, and personal guard. I officially recommended against granting entry but was overruled by Mr. Tiefling. He called it, “Great publicity”, and “Proof of his popularity”. Guests were escorted in by the Oompaloompa with blue hair. I’m sure that documenting this breach in protocol approved by Mr. Tiefling will protect me in the event of any mishaps. Dock guards also reported two additional deckhands on the boat upon arrival who seem to have disappeared. I dispatched Kushner the ghoul to inspect the lower levels for signs of entry. As with most of his previous endeavors, I don’t have high expectations of tangible results. 
1936 Hours: Reception hall guards were called to remove the Retardo child from the atrium. In retrospect, since one of the Macguffin switches is hidden there we probably should have posted a guard or at least put up some fuzzy red ropes. The child left the atrium quickly and probably didn’t find the switch anyway. Probably. Remember to check later after the event. Guards reported that Mr. Tiefling seems to be getting uncomfortably close to Mrs. Retardo, which seems to be provoking her husband and his security detail. Joker Trudeau last seen headed up to “use the restroom” in the private residences. 
1951 Hours: Kushner reports that discipline in the lower levels appears lax. Some of he Duregar assigned seem to be AWOL, and the carpet trap has been sprung with no apparent captives. I told him to go back and find out where everyone went. If those stunted gray bastards are shirking I will punt their squat asses back to Tiefling Tower. 
2000 Hours: Guests have been called to dinner and are gathering in the dining hall. Mr. Tiefling seems to be enamored of the artist’s wife and has invited her to a “private audience” in his office. Mr. Retardo and his guard seem to be resigned and are waiting patiently in the hallway, where I have a guard posted. No one seems to have eyes on Melania. 
2011 Hours: Kushner rushed back to report that it appears the Duregar left their posts to bet on a major arm wrestling match between the Middle and East guard teams. Not sure what the fuck is happening down there but it sounds like total chaos, and anyone could waltz through. Sent Kushner back to regain control and reach a Middle/East peace accord but he’s such a pussy and a failure I’ll probably have to assign him to another project while everyone is distracted. 
 2016 Hours: There is a major disturbance outside the dining hall. Guards have reported that Mrs. Retardo fled Mr. Tiefling’s office to the restroom leaving the door open, where guests are being treated to a full view of Donald going balls deep in Private Miller (Steven, not the rookie). Kudos to the team for not raising the guest’s alarm, but they are reporting that Miller appears to be stunned and unresponsive, and Mr. Tiefling under the influence of something which renders him incapable of coherent thought. More so than usual, anyway. I dispatched Private Mnuchin to locate that sorcerer Conway who colors Mr. Tiefling’s skin to see if she can snap him out of it. In the meantime, he’s still boning away. Unsure of the status of the switch under his desk or the location of the key to the lower level storeroom Mr. Tiefling typically wears around his neck. Sounds like there’s not a lot of places he could be hiding it right now. Also unsure of the current whereabouts of the Artist, his wife and guard, or Melania. What the hell is happening around here? 
2022 Hours: Note to self: When dispatching Kushner make it clear that he should handle whatever disturbance he encounters BEFORE coming back to report. Apparently all the arm wrestling match continues and all the Duregar are laying around on the ground. Probably drunk or sleeping. There’s some kind of weird light and a voice coming from the storage room in the back but no one seemed to notice who went in there. Since I can’t count on dipshit I’m going down there myself, and I’m going to leave Kushner to find out where the guards in the private residences got off to. A couple seem to be off their posts chatting with the Artist’s private guard, and the rest have ‘disappeared’. There are odd grunting and slapping noises coming from the room at the end of the hall that can be heard from the base of the steps. My guess is that we now know the location of Melania, Trudeau, the Retardos, or all four. Frankly, I don’t have time to figure it out with everything else going on and I can sort them out later. Certainly can’t expect Kushner to handle it. Hopefully they don’t accidentally trip the switch up there. 
2045 Hours: We are going into full alert and the reserves have been dispatched from the North guard team. There are two men in the basement, one human male with a severe personal hygiene problem, and his white haired twink. Upon reaching the basement with the South guard team these two emerged from the back room with one of them gripping some kind of power object. From the look in his eyes I could tell he was switched off, and he proceeded to go on a rampage. The entire South guard team is dead. Most of them two or three times over. Cleanup and funeral detail is going to be over budget this month. He got me in a choke hold and seemed to come to just before popping my head like a zit, and then they ran off back toward the drain pipes. With reinforcements hopefully we can catch them at the docks. 
2110 Hours: Calling in the fire brigade to handle the dock control tower inferno. As the North guard team pursued the intruders to the docks, Leonardo Retardo, his wife, guard, and child emerged from the main house with Middle guard team in pursuit. Kushner will have to catch me up on why later. As they were cornered by the stockpile of explosives, Mr. and Mrs. Retardo panicked and used the barrels to threaten their way past the men and make their way to the ship. In the confusion we missed the intruders slipping past us to make their way on board. The dockhands had the sea gate closed, but Mrs. Retardo seems to have had a ‘Me Too’ moment after her fondling at the hands of Mr. Tiefling and lashed out at the control tower with a fireball, which damaged the locking mechanism and let the gate fall open. The ship cut their lines and sailed through the flaming wreck. 
2221 Hours: All guests have been escorted off the property. Wounded guards have been taken to the infirmary. The dead have been stacked by the docks where the fire brigade has managed to put out the blaze. Private Mnuchin has been unable to locate Mrs. Conway so Donald and Private Miller are still at it, but it appears friction has become their enemy. Private Barr is standing watch with whale oil until we can break whatever spell they’re under. This will be my final entry, as I have resigned my post of Acting Sergeant of the Guard. I’m sure he’ll say he fired me if questioned, but whatever. Good luck to whoever takes this job next.
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chrisxtd · 6 years
Yo if we found out how to bring back dinos how much food would we make outta them?
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davepryor72 · 7 years
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"Bronto Burgers and Ribs" is part of the @squaredco Tasty Real Estate art show. A modern stone age hot spot that satisfies the biggest caveman appetite; this and other pieces from their show can be seen on their website tomorrow at noon PST - or stop into @rosecitypizza to have a slice and see the entire "Tasty" gallery! 🍖 - #squaredco #tastyrealestate #rosecitypizza #artshow #brontoburgers #theflintstones #modernstoneagefamily #davepryor
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sohannabarberaesque · 6 years
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Moth Mondays with the Funtastic World of Hanna-Barbera: Wiggy Rockstone from The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show
We all knew her as the astrology-obsessed drama queen of the teenage Bedrock crew from the early 1970's transformation of Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm into teenage types ... but this week, we have Wiggy taking stage with her own amusing take on looking towards the stars (and then some) in prehistory:
I never had the notion, for all my astrological obsessiveness, that somehow, we must be but one in a larger vacuum known as The Universe. (And then some.) Which prompted something as could probably be called classical camping out:
During a mild spell a couple of springtimes back, the discussion at the Brontoburger Shop after school turned to the idea of stargazing. But not just so much stargazing as combining it with a campout in some field away from Bedrock's lights; understandably out of concern that the same could prevent any serious attempt at stargazing, to begin with; you have to have the ideal conditions of nil light pollution to make it all the more possible. And it had to be on a clear night, besides, requiring Moonrock to do a lot of weather forecast research just to get the ideal date figured out.
Which, as it happened, was in no less than two nights' time. And it certainly took much scrambling just to get the sleeping bags, the cookstove--and, of course, the parental consents--in order. And our crew, led by the ever-intrepid yours truly, along with Penny, Moonrock, Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm--how could we forget those last two?--set out for what we chose as the ideal site: On a ridge just a few miles from Bedrock, yet distant enough to have the ideal conditions to watch the heavens at their most spectacular. (If you ask why we chose sleeping bags rather than include a tent in the bargain--well, the cool conditions they were expecting made for just having a sleeping bag all the more worth it, maximising the very opportunity to watch the celestial lights overhead.)
Setting camp up just after sunset, and allowing much time for the dusk to settle upon all, made for much banter being opened up about how things were generally going otherwise among us, and what we had in mind over the rest of the summer, including some diving misadventures which Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm were looking at (and Moonstone coming up with an air bladder made from stegasoarus skin for prolonged underwater dives, which might be tested out beforehand).
... and all in all, once the night settled in, were we impressed at the light show big time. Impressed enough for Penny to ask us "It just has to make you wonder if we must be alone in this greater universe, does it not?"
And as I replied, "We being alone? Hardly; it looks as if things may just be getting started!"
Which somehow elicited quite the laughter.
"... and that's the story from The Moth"
(The preceding is an independent fanfic feature having no official connexion or association with The Moth. For more information, please visit TheMoth.org. And tune in to The Moth Radio Hour weekends on your local public radio station; check your local radio listings for the day and time.)
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colorinable · 6 years
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#Dinosaur #brontosaurus #brontoBurger #restaurant #eat #homecooking #wheelinresturant #Cabazon
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bisouschuu · 7 years
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abandoned parks  ⇢  ᴮᵉᵈʳᵒᶜᵏ ᶜᶦᵗʸ ⁽ˢᵒᵘᵗʰ ᵈᵃᵏᵒᵗᵃ⁾ . 
Flintstones Bedrock City is a 62-acre theme park and campground in Custer, South Dakota in the Black Hills which features buildings and characters inspired by The Flintstones television series. The facility opened in 1966. It closed in 2015.There is a sister location still operating in Williams, Arizona, although this location is derelict and currently for sale. The park's entrance includes a large gift shop, a drive-in restaurant which features Brontoburgers, and a 20 foot tall statue of Dino overlooking the entrance. After entering the park, visitors can ride an 1880s miniature train whose tracks take guests to a western façade, through Dinosaur Canyon, around the park and return to the depot after passing through a volcano called Mt. St. Wilma. Bedrock's City Hall welcomes visitors to the prehistoric town which includes the homes of the Flintstones, the Rubbles, Mr. Slate, and Mr. Granitebilt. Other features are a working movie cinema, playhouse theatre (featuring a show by the Flintstone Trio: Fred, Wilma, and Dino), radio station, telephone company, grocery store, police department, dentist's office, beauty parlor, stonescraper, fire department, Water Buffalo lodge, auto garage, and bank buildings. Interiors are decorated in the style of the show and feature sculpted and animated characters going about their daily lives in Bedrock. A feature at one end of Main Street is Mt. Rockmore, a replica of nearby Mt. Rushmore with the heads of Fred, Barney, Dino, and Mr. Granitebilt carved into a hill. There is also a playground with lots for the kids including a slideasaurus and a running Flintmobile which takes you on a lap around the playground. The campground is tucked away behind the park and includes a swimming pool, laundry/arcade, grocery store, putt-putt golf, playground, bath houses, camping cabins and many campsites.
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sohannabarberaesque · 6 years
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Now It Can Be Revealed: What Explains Why Bedrock's Finest Brontosaurus Ribs Are So Deliciously Popular
(The which, I understand, was revealed by way of a conversation Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble had with the owner of the Brontoburgers and Ribs stand coming home once from a Water Buffaloes Lodge meeting after Barney commented that the brontosaur ribs tasted "gamey")
The stand's brontosaurs are naturally bred, for the most part (which means that there can be risk of an occasional "scrub" in the breeding stock, but then again such can add some variety).
Their brontos are fed on natural grasses and seeds, for the most part, and have their fill of natural spring water (free range, shall we say).
Their brontos enjoy the occasional massage from their keepers, so explaining their tenderness.
Extended smoking for at least six hours, to bring out the almost gamey taste. No added water or juices injected.
Now we know.
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sohannabarberaesque · 6 years
Meanwhile, we join Another Unlikely Conversation in progress:
(As in the teenage versions of PEBBLES and BAMM-BAMM heading home from another day of school and after-school socialising at the Brontoburger Stand)
BAMM-BAMM: I suppose you're still wondering if I still happen to have some strength in me, Peb.
PEBBLES, rather curious: Do tell.
BAMM-BAMM: Considering where my own strength could easily be a curse, especially after all this time in school (and the likelihood of getting all manner of demands for displays of said strength), I keep it discreet.
PEBBLES: How exactly?
BAMM-BAMM: You'll never guess.
PEBBLES: Lifting weights in the back rooms?
BAMM-BAMM: Not quite. [Pause] Actually, I go underwater into a pond just out of town once or twice a week and simulate weight lifting underwater. It's basically doing pullups underwater. Naked.
PEBBLES: I just hope it's not too shocking.
BAMM-BAMM: Actually, I have to admit that keeping up my strength naked underwater is rather comfortable.
PEBBLES: But then again, don't you get short of breath underwater?
BAMM-BAMM: I hyperventilate before going into the water, making sure I have adequate air supply into the lungs. And I haven't had serious problems yet.
PEBBLES: Rather proud of you for saying as much....
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