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hiislegacy · 3 years ago
Starter | Muse: Fandaniel (and prob Zenos at some point)
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    "And just WHO are YOU?? To come here and LOOK AT ME with that silly face of yours!”
Fandaniel was already not pleased to see this one, getting a strange feel of his aura by just the mere presence of him. Though, this one seemed to not be really making much of a face at him, the Ascian just wanted to yell about anything. When did he not? There was something so familiar about this one, and it was taking him a moment to figure it out. Which just meant more time to see what made him tick.
    “Are you just another dull and BORING husk of a mortal?? Wanting to rid the world of EVIL?”
| @brokenxfragments​ |
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cornerstonc · 3 years ago
⚫〰️⚫ (idk, either Rosa or Taiko? I just love your art asdlfkja)
Low-Effort Doodles | Accepting
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porque no los dos??
taiko blithely holding a lazily-drawn but threatening spray bottle like 'it's not water, i microwaved some peanut butter and mixed it with vinegar' and rosa Doing Some Preening bc i remembered reading either an IC update or an open recently regarding that thinking emoji
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primalvessel · 4 years ago
It was supposedly a big day for the Miqo’te who had been dressed in the finest clothing the soldiers could manage for a savage, which wasn’t saying much and still left him barefoot. But it was the day that the feline was to be gifted to a superior officer, traded for favour like a possession that nobody really wanted.
Nevertheless there he was, cuffed just to be absolutely sure the feline wouldn’t fuck something up despite him having been mostly compliant to that point (the claws had come out when they’d tried to brush out his tail and done a shit job of it).
His ears were up and alert though and he followed where his escort led, wondering to whom he would be gifted. He had heard names bandied about by the soldiers who had seen to his ‘care’ but had no faces to put to them.
Eventually though, an office door was knocked upon and the Miqo’te was forcibly shoved into the room before he was made to kneel, baring his fangs at the process.
“A gift for you, sir,” one of the soldiers announced, stepping forward. “A savage he may be but a trained one, amenable to your orders. It seemed a waste to let this one rot as menial labour in the processing plants. He was feisty, capable in combat. We believed you could make use of one such as he,” the soldier announced, while the feline remained quiet, taking in the sight of his soon-to-be-owner, assuming he wasn’t rejected.
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levityshelled · 3 years ago
@brokenxfragments сказал(а): All I can say is take your time - it’s for YOUR fun, after all. <3
;~; thank you for the kind words aha ;; i was worried (still am a bit) but it seems i just sort jumped right into it, tonight at least
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twotonedechoes · 3 years ago
-quietly places Rosa & Emet down as a ship then sprints away-
Send me a ship
send me a ship and i’ll reply with
vomit / don’t ship / okay / cute / adorable / perfect / beyond flawless / hot damn / screaming and crying / i will ship them in hell
Ooooooooh, I'll admit I hadn't thought of it, and it would be really hard to get Emet to ever consider looking at anyone that's not Azem or Hythlo, but damned if that ain't cute as hell as a comfort and recovery ship
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pcsitivibee · 4 years ago
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positivity for brokenxfragments : A positivity bee for @brokenxfragments! We don't talk too much but they're the sweetest and most supportive bean! I love all of their muses so very much and I wish them the best of things ❤️
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unsndrd · 4 years ago
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@brokenxfragments​ asked: 🐶- Favorite animal?
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i absolute turned into a baby if i see a puppy or a big floof doggo. like, it’s not even funny. unfortunately, i don’t have one myself. my favorite breeds are newfoundlands and bernese mountain. i put a picture of my dad’s bernese floof under the read more ♥
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rothalion · 4 years ago
@brokenxfragments said: She doesn't say anything, but she welcomes him with open arms, should he want even a small amount of comfort.
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  He doesn’t say anything, nor does he allow himself to cry. He avoids her gaze, but does move to wrap his arms tight around her - his body tense.
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cornerstonc · 4 years ago
⚡ for a shocked expression?
Expressions | Accepting
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jfjfdka; this definitely reads less as Shocked to me and more Alarmed but. uh. welp
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dreadwxlf · 4 years ago
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@brokenxfragments​ sent:  “ What is your favorite color? ”
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~ “ Green, I suppose. ” ~
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twotonedechoes · 4 years ago
The ripple in the aether drew his attention. Of course it did. How could it not? Amid the endless muted sea of the sundered world flared a beacon, undiluted, pure, and utterly foreign, alien. The soul burned like a second sun, sending an aching pang through Emet-Selch’s Ancient heart, a yearning for the days when all creation burned so brightly. 
But this soul he did not know, and that was enough to dampen any hopes that may have sprung unwanted at first sight of the pure brightness. 
He wasted no time in preamble, stepping instead from the shadows without any additional fanfare. 
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“I know not what brings you to this star, traveler, but you’ll find little for you here. This is but a world in decay. I would advise you to move on. Somewhere the colors have not lost their shimmer.” 
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ritterblood · 4 years ago
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“ you look lost, my lady, “ haurchefant addresses the stranger kindly, though there is wariness in his eyes as they briefly take in the eye adorning her forehead, marking her garlean. she would not be the first he’s encountered. certainly not the last either; and as far as it goes, she looks non-threatening at first glance. his instincts do not ring warning bells. “ is there aught i may do for you? “ / @brokenxfragments​
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drachenblood · 4 years ago
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       What  fate  would  mock  him  by  sending  he,  of  all  people,  here?  No  man  more  ill-suited  to  stand  between  the  stacks.  Scowling,  he  navigates  through  the  labyrinth  of  towering  shelves  until  at  last  he  finds  a  woman  stood  within  a  shaft  of  sunlight,  an  open  book  in  her  hands.  “You  there.  I  have  need  of  the  services  of  any  who  are  under  the  employ  of  this  establishment.” / @brokenxfragments​
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warriorsoftwiggenstein · 4 years ago
Rosa vc: ❝Whom even knows at this point, & truly, does it even matter?❞
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“...Matters ta me. I can try all I want ta stir up trouble, but mentionin a DICK an’ that’s what gets people goin? Psh...mortals ‘ave no ‘preciation fer real artistry.”
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risingsouls · 4 years ago
            Bored of the doctor’s commentary devolving into his typical single-track topics, 21 excused herself after the last match between two combatants who escaped the wide-range of her data. A strange happenstance, as neither of them were considerably weak by any means. She supposed the holes came from their lack of relationship with Gero’s number one target, and thus, he had no use for information on them. Not a particular concern, as they were no match for her, but a lust for knowledge left her feeling annoyed by it.
             Distracted by her own thoughts, her trek through the stands came to an abrupt halt, her frame colliding with that of another. She grit her teeth and caught her glasses and, remembering her charade, swapped her demeanor for a more demure, unassuming one. Her brows knit together, and her lips morphed to a frown of concern instead, and hand over her heart to complete the image.
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              “ Oh! I’m sorry! You’re not hurt, are you? ” Another stranger, but an interesting one. “ I can get lost in thought and it makes me a little clumsy... ”
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rothalion · 3 years ago
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@brokenxfragments sent:
Quietly offers a small bowl of carefully sliced strawberries & bananas, sitting nearby. She could explain that bananas helps well with low moods, but she didn't think he'd want to hear about it. They only have to taste delicious.
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While Rosa's home was not so far away from civilization as his mind wished for him to go, he had known just the comfort he would find going there anyway - and so the destination had been a swift decision. He sat quietly upon a log, his back turned to the house as though if he didn't look maybe he wouldn't just burst into tears at the very sensation of home. He didn't really have a home, but with his choice to see Rosa as a mother it was hard not to view the place she stayed as home.
He lifted his head upon hearing he approach and glanced to the side, though he didn't look up to meet her eyes. He did, though, catch sight of the bowl of fruit. He had always loved fruit - or at least, he had loved fruit upon entering the proper world. He hesitated for but a moment, before reaching out to pluck a slice of banana from the bowl. He popped it into his mouth and closed his eyes as he chewed, savouring the sweetness upon his tongue.
Then, everything grew heavy. He swallowed the morsel, a whimper exhaled upon breath. He bowed his head again, shoulders shaking with silent sobs as finally did the tears break free and his body relent to the breakdown. The sob that broke audibly from lips was more akin to a wail, Rothalion leaning over to press his forehead to Rosa's arm while hands gripped her sleeve.
When his weeping finally eased, he was tired. He leaned heavier against her in fatigue, sniffling.
"Thank you..." he whispered.
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