a knight unbending
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priv rp blog for haurchefant greystone
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ritterblood · 5 months ago
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Is this what my life is supposed to be?
petrokhelidon. independent multi-muse rp blog featuring leon kennedy and rebecca chambers from resident evil, as well as muses from genshin, hsr, ffxiv and more. as written by curry, 30+ she/her.
*** sideblog that follows back from ritterblood.
*** carrd / pinned / promo template credit
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ritterblood · 5 months ago
*peeks head in* what if i just randomly did the drafts i still have here?
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ritterblood · 1 year ago
The ointment stings, but not enough to be truly uncomfortable. Instead, mild blue eyes look down fondly as Roi sets to carefully staunching and cleaning out the cut with an intensity in his eyes that has Haurchefant shiver from something other than the cold if but for a brief moment ere his friend's words pull him from those thoughts.
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" It is, though not even the best armor can withstand the wear and tear of frequent battle and frost for extended periods of time ere the quality inevitably deteriorates, " Which is exactly why he keep pressing the importance of proper maintenance and repair. A lesson he should mayhap start taking to heart himself, for Roi is not wrong in his assessment that the hit should not have cut skin to begin with. " I will see to getting it looked over by the blacksmith 'pon our return, fret not. " Same with his sword and the shield, which had glanced off the hardest of the blows from the fight, at least.
When it seems Roi is just about done wrapping the wound, Haurchefant takes in a deeper breath to test the limits of the bandages and finds they will work well enough for the short journey back to camp, where Ninne will undoubtedly chew him out for his negligence.
A small smile appears on his lips, his own gloved fingers curling around Roi's. He'd not missed the slight tremble in them, the worry he can still see in Roi's gaze making his heart clench. He'd already lost so much, truly. Haurchefant needs not add to his burdens by being reckless with his gear. " You did an exceptional job. I am grateful, " Grateful too for the oath of protection, even if he hardly needs it. He has lived through worse injury than this.
Still, he says naught to that end, simply bringing Roi's hand to his lips ere pressing a gentle kiss to the leather-covered palm, the pad of his thumb sweeping once, twice, in a slow circle over the inside of his wrist. He wishes he could pull him closer, show his gratitude in a proper kiss, but with all the vulnerability already shown in Roi's widened eyes, 'tis not the time for it now.
" What say you I repay you with some hot chocolate once we return? "
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⸻ ♞ The biting cold only makes his heart feel heavier in his chest. Even as he finds his composure, he still feels shaken. There is such fear within him. To lose even one more person may break him beyond repair. Roi had lost it all too many times. There were only so many times someone can get back up. Every single time he came to call something home or someone family, it was cruelly snatched away from him.
He can’t help but wonder if there is some sort of grand design. If Her blessing was the reason. A destiny shaped by Her hand, in which She makes certain to tear away at him and turn him into a perfect weapon. He would never forgive Her. She claimed to cherish him and want to protect him… But despite a supposed goddess blessing him, he had faced all his darkest moments alone. He had learned not to trust any gods long ago. They never aided or listened to the prayers of their people. Either they did not exist, they were malicious, or they did not care. And while he knew Hydealyn existed, he still could hate Her all the same. Though, he had lost Her blessing anyway. He was no longer worthy, not that he ever was.
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He watches the blood leak from Haurchefant’s wound. There was a time in which blood upset him greatly. Memories of those he loved dying came from the crimson sight and metallic smell. However, he had grown used to it. Though it is uncomfortable to see it coming from someone he cares for.
He always carries some supplies with him. He had a tendency to get injured and behave recklessly. So after a short look, he retrieves his bag that he had cast aside to fetch a clean rag and bandages.
“It could have been worse.” He says softly. “The armor protected you. Though it is troubling that it managed to get through it at all.”
Roi’s tone is quiet and gentle, much unlike the raging storm under his skin. He wipes away the blood, pressing the cloth to the wound to apply pressure. He would bandage it after he check how badly it was still bleeding.
“Is it truly strong enough to withstand the claws of a dragon?” His flat tone carries little in the way of emotion. He didn’t want to expose the other to the cold for too long. After confirming that the bleeding had certainly slowed, he begins to wrap his wound in a bandage. His hands tremble still, and he isn’t certain it’s from the cold.
“Sorry… It might be a little tight, but it only has to last until we get you to a real healer.” He says. “It isn’t easy to do with these gloves on.”
In truth, it was the burns beneath the gloves that made using his hands difficult. But that was his burden and his alone.
“Stay close to me when we head back in case something happens. I will protect you.”
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ritterblood · 1 year ago
polymorphs zephirin into a chocobo to save haurchypant
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He stands there, utterly flabbergasted, as Zephirin the now brilliant white chocoboe lets out a shrill and confused kweh ere proceeding to tear their assailants to utter shreds ere Haurchefant can so much as blink or move a muscle.
" Oh, Halone, " he sees the calamity in waiting before it happens, watches as the chocobo that was naught but five minutes ago still a man and a ruthlessly trained Knight at that, turn on the man who apparently had the power to turn people into animals with a look of rage hitherto seen only on red chocobos instead. " Uh... I would advise not to make any sudden movements. "
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ritterblood · 2 years ago
also currently active over at @tripleflames, my ff16 multimuse.
so i think i shall put haurchefant on a semi-hiatus. will still reply to stuff when i have the inspiration to, but otherwise won't do any new threads for now. my inspiration for 14 is a little low and as i've been rp'ing haurche for close to 4 years now he's allowed a little break :) rest assured i do plan on coming back and don't plan on dropping anything.
anyone who wishes to still write with me and isn't following my multi yet, i am way more active over at @petrokhelidon
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ritterblood · 2 years ago
yanno there was a time where those stupid bots actually had stopped but they seem to be back in droves. think i got about 50+ on the block list at this point.
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ritterblood · 2 years ago
I died but I came back exactly the same. You though, I came back and you were wrong. Did the fact of my dying really damage you that much? Was bringing me back worth what it cost you? Would it have been better to just leave me?
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ritterblood · 2 years ago
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PRIVATE / LOW ACTIVITY FFXVI MULTIMUSE featuring clive rosfield and jill warrick as written by curry ( she/her. 30+ ).  this blog is iconless and not spoiler free.
carrd for rules and roster.
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ritterblood · 2 years ago
so i think i shall put haurchefant on a semi-hiatus. will still reply to stuff when i have the inspiration to, but otherwise won't do any new threads for now. my inspiration for 14 is a little low and as i've been rp'ing haurche for close to 4 years now he's allowed a little break :) rest assured i do plan on coming back and don't plan on dropping anything.
anyone who wishes to still write with me and isn't following my multi yet, i am way more active over at @petrokhelidon
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ritterblood · 2 years ago
Haurchefant believes he should be commended for at the very least trying to hold back, for he wishes not to make his Lord think he is teasing at his expense.
It does hearten him somewhat, however, to know that while so many things have changed, there are some things that will likely never change at all; and Clive's inability to read when someone is flirting with him or teasing in such a manner very much seems to be such a thing.
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" Worry not, my Lord Rosfield. 'Tis simply good to see much of the young man I once knew yet remains. "
@ritterblood said: "bottom bunk tho, right?"
"I haven't slept in a bunk bed before, though given that I tend to rise quite early and usually come back late from running errands, I'd assume whoever I'd share one with would prefer it if I—"
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He frowns.
"Why are you laughing?"
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ritterblood · 2 years ago
Haurchefant laughs, the sound cutting bright and joyous through the air around them, glad to see Meteor in already better spirits indeed. He would fain dislike seeing his dearest friend brought low by a dish and, of course, ever wishes to ease the pressure of his burdens from his shoulders, whatever it may take. Agreeing to spending some time with Meteor in the privacy of his chambers hardly seems like a high price to pay; no, indeed, 'tis one he would pay gladly.
" Fret not, my friend. You will barely needs miss me at all. " His words are filled with true promise, the tilt of his smile genuine and kind. That he can be the source of Meteor's happiness is not something he will ever take for granted, watching relief and joy easy away the strain and tiredness on beloved features a boon and a gift he would never tire of.
True to his word then does Haurchefant set out to tidy his affairs, ensure that his men know what to do and that they also know not to disturb him unless absolutely necessary. His desk is tidied up, the paperwork peeking from one of the drawers summarily ignored━ surely Aymeric would understand the presedence this took━ and with a last trek to the kitchens to prepare two mugs of hot chocolate, he at last sets off t' wards Meteor's rooms.
He raps his knuckles against the wood, eyes gleaming in the low light as Meteor takes but a few moments the open the door, as if he had truly been waiting just behind it. A fire is crackling in the hearth, two chairs arranged so that they would be able to bask in its heat━ 'tis there that Haurchefant settles the steaming mugs ere turning t' wards the other. " Now then. Will you tell me of your day? Your travels? Please, make yourself comfortable━, " As if to put word to deed, he himself starts taking off his gloves and the outer parts of his armor, sighing in contentment at the decrease in weight. " I know not of you, but taking off one's armor always counts as the best part of the eve for me. "
His eyes, once filled with apprehension, began to soften, revealing a glimmer of respite. Haurchefant possessed a rare talent for assuaging the burdens that weighed heavily upon his heart, he noticed. Through subtle gestures and gentle reassurances, they've woven a thread of solace that eased the knots of worry that plagued his thoughts. The night had been long and arduous, its relentless hours demanding both physical and mental fortitude. Yet, Haurchefant's presence offered a beacon of comfort amidst the turmoil.
Camp Dragonhead, once an unfamiliar outpost on the fringes of a snow-barren land, had swiftly become his sanctuary. Within these makeshift walls, he fostered a sense of belonging, a sense of home that resonated deeply from within. With every passing day, The Warrior of Light discovered new reasons for the men's adoration of Haurchefant. Their leadership encompassed more than just strategy and command; it also allowed room for empathy and understanding. Haurchefant possessed an innate ability to perceive the unspoken fears that gnawed around them. With a simple touch, a reassuring nod, or a well-timed word, they gave a safety net of reassurance beneath people's fragile hopes.
He wanted to become like them. Or try to, at the very least.
The Hyuran man slowly rose from his weathered chair, his body gradually responding to the demands of movement after a bell of seated respite. Nodding his head with a polite smile at the small gathering that surrounded him, their raucous celebrations resumed as soon as they realized he was fit to wander about unaccompanied. With a small hint of weariness still etched upon his face, he directed his gaze towards Haurchefant, seeking once again the presence of his friend, before closing his eyes in apparent contentedness. How could he not?
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"A hot chocolate would be nice," he smiled subtly, his voice tinged with a delicate anticipation that betrayed his attempt to sound nonchalant. Despite his best efforts to temper his eagerness, the very essence of his longing was apparent, so alike a maiden speaking to the subject of her affections.
Steadying the wooden chair beneath the dining table, he cast a final glance at the door, a flicker of impatience glimmering in his eyes. "Do not tarry too long, lest you find me slumbering like a hibernating bear," he jested, a playful tone lacing his words. While the remark was delivered with humor, there lay a kernel of truth within it. The biting chill of Coerthas had a peculiar knack for luring even the most vigilant into the embrace of sleep, a temptation that even he found difficult to resist.
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ritterblood · 2 years ago
The very thought of entertaining company seems a monumental task, his mind still beset with the fog of a long sleep he has barely been able to shake off, a small knot of dread forming in his stomach at the thought of needing to face his father's grief, his brothers' worry. Of course he wishes for them to be reassured, for them to know he has awoken, and yet━
His lashes flutter, exhaustion and lingering discomfort clear in the lines of his face. " I fear you may be right, " Even his voice seems to have quietened, energy waning further. And then, quieter still, " I do not wish for them to see me like this. " Weak, small, a failure in his duties as a knight. Could he have done something differently? Had his impulse to throw himself between the oncoming attack and the Warrior of Light been a folly? He does not regret doing it, does not think he ever would, but that does not mean it will make any repercussions easier to bear.
" Ere━, " He swallows, his grip on Urianger's hand tightening slightly and blue hues shift to look at the Elezen's face to gauge his reaction. " Ere I see anyone━ what is the extent of my injuries, Urianger? Do━ do you know? Please. "
He notices Haurchefant's flinch but cannot do anything to undo or ease it. The motion was already made, and healing magics have their limits. Urianger has to force himself to keep from feeling too much relief, as if he lets himself relax he's fairly certain he won't be able to get back on his feet for a while. And that would hardly be helpful to Haurchefant or anyone else. Haurchefant is watched with worried attention. Even though he's awake and communicative, it is still so recent a victory that Urianger cannot be certain it won't be fleeting.
That being said he can't help but relax a little bit as Haurchefant remains speaking, and now Urianger can lay his free hand over Haurchefant's. The pulse felt in him is reassurance. "A good many days. I am unsure of the exact number." A small apology in his tone that he can't provide that answer. "That being said— thou hath many close friends who have been vying for news. Thy father and those present at the Vault forefront among them." He looks down at Haurchefant's hand, thoughts a bit of a mess.
A number of paths, which of course.... "I fear it may test thee to have interaction so soon, as even I must tire thee, but I should tell them at a point. It hath been long enough at least that 'twould be something of a rudeness to delay overmuch. Hast thou, ah... a preference, for whom I shouldst attempt to delay or encourage?" He does think it best that such be put off, but can't tell if that is due to his own preference for quiet and protectiveness, or a genuinely useful option. He can't help that after such a close brush with death, he wishes to protect Haurchefant from everything, be it injury or simple overstress of speaking.
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ritterblood · 2 years ago
A monster is only a monster when it has never known the sweet sting of love and Haurchefant, figment or not, has never been loved the way Meteor loves him. In sickness or health, 'til death do us part ; but when not even death is capable of extinguishing the flame that yet flickers within a broken heart, desperate for touch, for affection, then Haurchefant would not, could not consider himself aught but alive.
Even if such consideration is built on nothing but a desperate lie borne from the man kissing him with salt on his lips and ache on his tongue.
" There is naught that could banish me from your side, " The specter murmurs, feeding into that desperation, his hands sweet but carrying with it a touch of deathly cold, a bittersweet solace as he cups Meteor's face and lets their lips slide together with each uttered word. " As long as you keep me in your heart, tethered to your soul. " For who cares about consequence when any future without it seemed but a bleak, desolate landscape not worth considering? Haurchefant remains a figment, but with Meteor's connection to the Crystal, the strength of his very soul bringing him back to a half - state of life, who is to say he will not eventually grow into more?
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For better or for worse?
" You will see, " His lips utter empty promises into his beloved's mouth, like a life - giving, hope - inducing breath. " This I swear. " And then woe be the soul to try and separate them. He would see to that as well.
The Warrior of Light’s weary gaze lingered upon the absence of a familiar fog, no longer twirling from his beloved’s breath. It was a subtle detail that pierced his heart with a cruel clarity, shattering the fragile illusion that had kept him tethered to hope. There was no comfort to be found in that moment. Not right now. Not ever. It was an irrefutable proof, a truth that mercilessly revealed Haurchefant as naught more than an animated corpse in his desperate embrace.
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They bore the guise of a living, breathing human being, yes, but beneath the facade, a void gnawed at his soul. Yet, he clung to the Elezen, refusing to release his grip, as if his stubbornness alone could defy the unkind forces at play. It was this obstinate refusal that seemed to keep them chained to some semblance of existence, if one could even call it that. But alongside his unwavering grip, regret clawed at his conscience. A sorrowful admission welled within him, acknowledging his role in prolonging the inevitable. Selfishness had blinded him, enticing him to embrace the ephemeral illusion rather than confront the unforgiving reality.
Why did it matter that this was not real, that it danced upon the precipice of an illusory realm? He would rather indulge in the sweet delusion of eternal togetherness, even if it meant the world itself suffered in his wake. So, with bittersweet tenderness, he kissed Haurchefant’s lips, the taste of salt mingling with his silent tears. Each brush of his lips was an embrace of falsehood, a desperate bid to deny the cruel fate that beckoned them both.
Haurchefant must not leave him again. The world, once vibrant and alive, now seemed listless and cold in their absence. Its turning felt hollow, meaningless, when they did not grace its existence. To live without the Elezen was to be condemned to an endless torment, a ceaseless ache. He had already borne the burden of unbearable loss before, a child lost within the depths of inconsolable grief. The mere thought of returning to that desolate state terrified him, shook him to his very core. And so, he clung to them, both physically and emotionally, in a desperate attempt to ward off the encroaching despair.
“It’s alright,” his whispered words, laden with a mixture of solace and deceit, grazed their lips. His voice trembled, betraying the turmoil he felt. “I… I will not allow anything to… to separate us. Not… not again.”
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ritterblood · 2 years ago
Sore in all the right places and skin yet stinging with the various love marks littering his body, bruises, scratches and bites alike, Haurchefant feels no qualms at taking his ease, relishing in the proximity of Estinien's body and the familiarity of his touch despite the humidity and the heat making it a little more uncomfortable than it would usually be in their own quarters. His lips quirk up lazily, half-lidded eyes carrying an impish glint at his beloved's words, as if he knows exactly what the other is thinking of. Still, he'll not deny he's not quite ready yet to simply stay indoors for the remainder of the sojourn, not when the city proper yet has so much to offer. Would that his younger self could see him now, he thinks, denying himself this time 'neath the sheets with someone he's wanted for so long in favor of exploration.
But no longer is he that boy, clinging onto his friend, his lover with such intensity for fear that Estinien might one day disappear ne'er to return. The years of toil and hardship, the fact that throughout it all they chose each other time and time again have made their bond strong enough he's no longer plagued by such doubts.
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And so he lets Estinien pull away and stand, stretching himself a little longer across the bed in a lazy sprawl as he watches his beloved get dressed. " Both sound like exceptionally fine ideas, mon coeur, " His voice yet sounds a little rough, from having quite loudly declared his pleasure earlier as Estinien had taken him and he feels the echo of it in a dull throb as he too deigns to move from the bed. Slender fingers run through messy stands of hair and he rolls his left shoulder to work out some stiffness. He could do with a bath, he thinks, wash off the sweat and the grime and the residue of their tryst. " Though at present the hot springs or indeed any body of water sound somewhat more appealing, " He motions down at himself, lips curling to a sheepish grin.
At least the clothes are light and airy enough he does not feel them stick to him right away, his body protesting some of the movements as he sets about dressing himself as well. " Will you help me back into this? " He indicates the garment recently purchased, the one that had them head back here in such hurry to enjoy each other.
@ritterblood continued.
Ne’er will he tire of these moments shared with Haurchefant. A score and more of friendship and only a handful of those years spent in the intimate knowledge of each other’s bodies. He knows map of his beloved’s body now, by touch and scent, by taste. And without fail will each new mark upon Haurchefant’s skin have him pause in his ministrations, mouth coming away from warm and tender flesh in perplexity of what should not be. ‘Tis a reminder of a mortality he loathes, another echo of the greater scar that sits as a sunburst upon his beloved’s shoulder. How it must test Haurchefant’s patience when distress lights anew each time he sights that scar when their separation has been overlong.
In keeping to his promise, he’s gentler. A feat of strength, since he’s never been one for gentle. Still does his restraint wane at the feel of claws sinking into flesh and the taste of blood upon his tongue. Sweet as nectar and twice as thrilling when accompanied by the beautiful litanies that fall from his beloved’s mouth. He drinks each sound until they’re both a breathless mess ‘pon the futon, the heat and humidity such that he grimaces when held too close and too tight. But ‘tis for the growing warmth in his heart that he endures it and smiles, against the man pressed close to him.
“Hm. Were it my choice then might I have us do naught but remain abed and make full use of our shared time together.” And thus would he needs not worry of Haurchefant’s ability to walk for there’d be no need for it, but if he’d wanted naught but to nail his beloved to the futon and mayhap test the integrity of every furnishing within their room, then he’d have simply taking the nearest aetheryte to Ishgard instead. “Yet you’d not endured a long sea voyage for naught but amorous congress.” His grin is wicked and with a great sigh, he heaves himself away. Standing and stretching and relishing in the sting of his own marks that he’ll bear with great pleasure. He begins to pick his discarded clothes tossed about with careless abandon and then the tedious task of dressing himself.
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“I’d a thought to take you to the hotsprings. For a certainty would its known medicinal properties aid  you in mending what new wounds you’ve since acquired, yet I’ve a mind to take you to the firewords. You’ve come at an opportune time, beloved to be witness to such a display.”
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ritterblood · 2 years ago
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ㅤ𝐢𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝, ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫.
independant ffxiv oc full of crossover universes, molded by biscuit . ©
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ritterblood · 2 years ago
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PRIVATE / LOW ACTIVITY MULTIMUSE featuring clive rosfield and jill warrick + various npcs from ffxiv, resident evil and tokyo ghoul, as written by curry ( she/her. 30+ ).  this blog is iconless and has spoilers for the latest patch of ffxiv as well as ffxvi.  as a sideblog, i will follow back from my main blog @ritterblood​.
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ritterblood · 2 years ago
i really should make a ff16 verse for haurchefant so i can throw him at everyone. maybe a former ducal shield of rosalia now with the guardians of the flame or a former bearer at the hideaway helping everyone out...
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