picorihero · 4 years
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@brokenexalt​ said: Another way to make Mini happy - hugs from big sister. Which he promptly gets.
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She knows him so well.
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panickypeachboy · 4 years
Hi I'm an old URL
Do I Follow Them?: YAH
Why Did I Follow Them?: Followin’ from my multimuse blog! And they’re a splendid mum to the campy pichu!
Do We Role Play?: Only on that other blog ;w;
Do I Want To Role Play With Them: YES, probably am welcome to fitting their situation and doing the discord doot doots
An AU Idea For Our Muses: Actually rping Lucina and Momo interacting like…I feel like Momotaro would have some hesitance towards her considering her aloof-ish nature…and dating Dia…especially dating Dia. Also Tiny Mew is all welcoming.
A Song For Our Muses: n/a
Do I Ship Our Muses?: Momo would be fuckin’ skewered if he tried to date her. …but also he’s not interested.
Overall Opinion: A hearty recommendation!! Please give the blog warm welcomes!!!
Blog Rate: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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aplushemporium · 6 years
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How do kids keep themselves entertained at a party anyways?
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Decides to try and bribe the detective. There's a plate of pancakes left out somewhere, and a blue haired girl listening to headphones close by.
Akechi was rather surprised when he came across the plate of pancakes that seemly been left out as he looked around but saw no one before picking up the plate in curiosity.
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“Why is there a plate of pancakes here?”
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liittlemac-a · 6 years
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brokenexalt replied to your post “dhxrkon replied to your post “HƐƳ LIƬƬLƐ MAƇ ƊOƇ SAƳS HƐ ƜAƝƬS MƐ ƬO...”
MAC DON'T DO IT! LISTEN TO YOUR SENSES! And if you don't listen I will buy you some delicious food!
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“I ain’t turnin’ down any other offers, y’know... I’m open t’ all suggestions.”
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untameablesands · 6 years
@brokenexalt ❤ ‘d for a starter from one of Sundira’s siblings
Sibling chosen - Shaia!
         In hindsight... Telling their brother that they were coming to participate in the tournament would have made this easier. A lot easier. But then they wouldn’t have been able to surprise him, which was the entire idea behind the secrecy to begin with! So really they made the best decision, maybe they just should have asked what his room number was before they got there... That sounded like a smart idea, why hadn’t they thought of it!?
        Oh well! They were here and that’s what was important~
        Besides, there were so many people here- at least one of them would be able to help them find their brother right? Right! That was the reason the three had split up, though they were in a strange new place surrounded by strange new people and therefore wanted to stick together for precaution reasons they really wanted to find their brother. Sure they tended to get into trouble easily (’they’ being her and Shane specifically) but they could behave! Probably... Maybe... Why would they want to?
        Promises were made to be on their best behaviour (really Sachi you’re the youngest who put you in charge when Sunni wasn’t around?) before they parted ways, determined to reunite later with their elder brother in tow. Which is how Shaia found herself where she was now- wandering the halls in search of her brothers and having no idea what she was actually looking for, like. Did they have Sunni’s name on the door maybe and she didn’t notice?
       Luckily enough for her, it wasn’t long into her searching before she found someone to ask for help from. Unfortuntely, her steps were naturally quite quiet; she had the grace of a dancer and the stealth of a shadow, if the other happened to hear her approach it would be surprising, honestly. At least she announced herself, giving a casual “Heeeey~” as she slipped an arm around the shorter woman and leaned against her in a way that was perhaps too familiar for those who had bigger ‘personal space bubbles’ than Shaia herself did. “Any chance you might have a moment to spare to help out another gal hmm?~”
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drylic · 5 years
brokenexalt replied to your post: ✮ WHY THE HELL NOT
“And…what if it is?” She asked, raising her head barely at him.
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            Marc sighed and staggered himself closer. All those years, Morgan and he both kept bandages on hand, making sure to tend to each other’s wounds immediately. He’d do the same for the future Exalt here. “ Show me... I’ll take care of it. “ 
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guardiantactics · 6 years
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“Woah, is that..”
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Morgan chirped happily, darting at Lucina and suddenly pulling her into a hug. He was clearly ecstatic to see her.
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jasperlion · 5 years
brokenexalt replied to your post:
Ayy new World order! It’s so pretty!
yeah! It sounds so good!! and the lyrics fit, hehehe
@galdrgraced replied to your post
I see nier 👀
hehehehe, i have so many songs from nier and automata for almonds B)
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flamingopuuuunch · 6 years
Ayyy flamingo your art is still amazing!
Oh hey!! It’s been a long while!! It’s super nice to hear from you!!
And thank you!
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smash-topia · 6 years
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“Oh come now, you’ll all be wearing masks, right?” the Dark Lord said with a bit of a cackle, “It’s not like you’d need them for the occasion anyway!”
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herxina-aa · 6 years
@brokenexalt liked this post for this starter !!
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— ✿         “ Howdy, Pumpkin. Not that it’s my business or nothin’, but I can’t help but ta feel yer a bit ... Out of place, ” The heroine speaks as she approaches the woman, a sincere smile to her face. Out of everyone here, she seemed the most ... Well, different. She holds her hands behind her back, leaning forward a bit.
“ Not many people got blue ... Everythin’ ‘round these here parts. ”
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sakvrafvtaba · 6 years
"Hey Akira, are you - " The girl started to say, coming up to his room to find it lacking the phantom thief, and in its place a different person. "Oh hello. Who are you?" She asked.
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Futaba had been crouching in Akira’s room, playing video games. Usually when Akira was out at his part-time jobs, Futaba would come by the cafe, and when the cafe had too many people, she’d hide in his room...and snoop. This time, she just stayed playing video games though...so when this girl suddenly showed up in his room, it startled her. This is when Futaba grabbed the pillow she had placed on the chair and covered her face.‘‘U-uh, who are you? Customers aren’t allowed up here, y-y’know!!’’ She’s stuttering, but considering she’s only comfortable with talking to the phantom thieves...well, it’s not too much of a surprise.
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aplushemporium · 5 years
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“ ...does that mommychu and daddychu have a special baby making dance of their own, dechu? “
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Hey Dark Pit did you know it is almost Leaf's birthday? You should get her a present!
"Wait, it's what? Presents? More human traditions, huh..?"
he thinks for a minute. Okay, fine.
"What do you even get someone for that?"
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liittlemac-a · 6 years
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uhtcexru replied to your post “mac boutta get his ass whapped by lucina”
spoiler alert: he will
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