#britt abroad
uswnt5 · 8 months
Britt hasn't been announced anywhere yet and most teams have already announced their preseason rosters (only the Courage haven't yet). I think she's going abroad, probably to Sweden or Norway.
That would surprise me honestly
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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Japan buys aircraft carrier landing system used by the U.S. Navy
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 09/02/2023 - 14:00 in Military
The Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) commissioned the Joint Precision Approach and Landing System (JPALS) developed by Raytheon under a foreign military sale contract of $ 8.6 million granted by the U.S. Navy in December 2022.
JPALS, which is a high-integrity differential GPS navigation system based on software and precision landing system, ensures greater safety and greater operational capacity for equipped aircraft.
JPALS allows aircraft to approach and land on ships at sea while operating in all weather conditions and is integrated into the F-35 fighter.
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Japan does not have complete aircraft carriers, but is converting two Izumo-class helicopter destroyers into aircraft carriers capable of operating the fifth-generation F-35B fighters that Japan is buying.
JPALS is scheduled to be deployed in JMSDF's JS Izumo in 2024.
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Japan is preparing Izumo to operate with the F-35B.
“The urgency with which this contract was concluded is proof of our commitment to collaborate closely with our JMSDF partners, which is fundamental to the call for the 2022 National Defense Strategy to reinforce the robust deterrence in INDO-PACOM [Indo-Pacific Command],” the commander said. Charles Steele, deputy manager of the PMA-213 JPALS program.
According to the deputy manager of the PMA-213 International Programs program, Casey Edinger, JPALS is a critical facilitator of the improved landing capabilities of the F-35B Joint Strike Fighter for coalition partners.
JPALS is currently being deployed on all U.S. Navy aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships. Japan joins the United Kingdom and Italy to acquire JPALS, which is currently deployed in HMS Queen Elizabeth of the British Royal Navy and ITS Cavour of the Italian Navy.
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JPALS has supported F-35B deployments on U.S. Navy Amphibious LH-class assault ships since 2016 and F-35C deployments on U. Navy aircraft carriers since 2021.
“Taking advantage of existing production resources and historical technical/cost data has optimized the use of declining supply sources, avoided significant price increases and avoided any impact on the deployment schedule,” said John Britt, director of hiring at PMA-213.
Tags: Military AviationJMSDF - Japan Maritime Self Defence Force / Japan Maritime Self Defense Force - Japan NavyJPALSLockheed Martin F-35B Lightning IIaircraft carrier
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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brittabroad · 3 years
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Sherlock BBC, London & Me
I’ve been asked a couple times recently about London and specifically my experiences with BBC’s Sherlock that I had there.
I’ve decided to make a post to somewhat summarize it because if I told and showed everything I’d be here for days creating an extremely long post with hundreds of pictures! I’ve truly been blessed.
So the following are some (not all) experiences I had with BBC’s adaptation of Sherlock while I was living in London, England. This doesn’t include any other Sherlock related adaptations or adventures ;)
Ok so let’s start with the Sherlocked Conventions I attended. I was privileged enough to attend their 1st ever annual one in April of 2015 and then the 2nd in Sept of 2016. Both amazing times and unique experiences! My favourite thing (besides seeing some set pieces and costumes) was actually talking with people who have worked on the show in makeup & hair, set design, special effects, music and more. They were all so humble and kind and patient to let me ask questions or look at their sample pieces they’d brought along. So fortunate! And of course seeing a few of the actors from the show didn’t hurt either ;D
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One of my favourite fictional places in the world...
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One of my favourite fictional “friends” in this world...
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Benedict’s wig for SSN 3 (I think it was 3... er no maybe 4. EIther way his hair was short from a previous job so they had to wig him haha)
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ze door...
and then quickly let’s show off the Victorian Special Sherlock stuff:
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If anyone wants pictures of other characters/things from here just lemme know I can show off more but I didn’t want to overwhelm and go overboard ;D
Next let’s talk about...THE FALL. This is the actual location at St. Bart’s Hospital in London where the show was filmed/took place. Behold:
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here’s show reference pics:
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I visited this place a few times. It felt morbid and weird to flock to where Sherlock allegedly jumped to his death but there was something so neat about just knowing that this is where that took place and I’m currently here some years later -clean sidewalk and no sight of John or Sherlock.
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that’s a long way up or a long way to fall depending on where you’re standing...
Ok let’s talk about the ACTUAL 221B filming location that wasn’t a set. This place actually exists as well as Speedy’s Cafe next door and as you’ll see the number on the door is not the famous one we know ;)
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(No, it’s not on Baker Street btw...)
I visited this location numerous times because it’s on my way to or from a train station i frequented to get out of London ;)
Ok so this is where I shall conclude for now... As a Sherlockian nerd these experiences were just breathtaking I was in awe of my life every single second and if people have questions or comments or need to know something for their own potential visit(s) just lemme know! ;)
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von-frappe · 3 years
it is so weird how any desire santana has is instantly treated like it's only second to wanting to be with Brittany
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canadachronicles · 5 years
Two Canadians made it to the HSBC Women’s Dream Team at the Dubai Sevens last weekend, and it could have been more! If only for that glorious comeback after a rather disappointing Season opener in Glendale in October. After finishing sixth overall in Colorado, they made it to the Final last weekend in the desert, and it was a very, very close one against the Black Ferns Sevens, with the Kiwis defeating the Canadians 17-14.
I’m all the more excited about the Cape Town Sevens, which begin tomorrow!
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danasmonster · 4 years
Comparing the SKAM Remakes: ISAK (Part V)
Robbe (wtFOCK/SKAM Belgium)
The Differences:
OK let me start off by saying this is the most turbulent Isak/Even relationship yet. They lie to each other (Sander & Robbe), they yell at each other (Robbe), and they call each other homophobic slurs (Robbe). They also say “I love you” a lot more . . . 
Instead of pawning the weed off on someone else, Robbe had the weed pawned off on him
Unlike Isak, Robbe is still going through the process of finding a place to live. His mom has just been hospitalized and his dad lives really far away from his school, plus they don’t get along. 
Also, instead of Zoe (the Noora character) being in London, it’s Lisa (Linn) who is studying abroad, thus making the room available. It was a bit like the writers thought “meh, this character is just window dressing” and replaced her with Zoe, and it was nice to see more of Zoe's interactions with all the characters since she is more central to the series. Honestly both Zoe and Milan seem to really look after and take care of Robbe, more so than the other incarnations of Eskild and Noora. 
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Milan is way more in your face about making out with men in front of Robbe than Eskild was. 
Both Robbe and Sander are in relationships with girls when they meet, however neither has been long term. Sander’s relationship with Britt has only been going on for six months, as opposed to four years with Even and Sonja. I think this is pretty significant because you could feel a lot of history between Even and Sonja and that is missing here with Sander and Britt. 
Robbe never lied to his friends in order to spend time with Sander, which was nice
But then he also totally freaked the fuck out after they kissed in the pool and went on the offensive with Sander, calling him a faggot and pushing him away . . . yeeek. I liked that Isak never took the hate for himself out on Even, never pushed him away. That Robbe did it here was understandable yes but I think I still prefer the orig. I mean Sanders face goddamn
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Robbe broke up with Noor in person instead of just avoiding her/generally treating her like shit until they just fell apart 
I also liked that while yes the boys were creeping on the dancing girls like in the orig, in wtFOCK they were actually invited to be there as part of an actual audience. It didn’t feel as gross here.
Robbe and Sander didn’t just ditch the girls before the bike/pool scene - the girls went off on their own earlier and requested to be alone. It felt a little less dickish this way.
And OH MY GOD THE VIOLENCE! There is very explicit homophobia in the form of slurs and an actual physical attack on Robbe and Sander. No other incarnation has experienced such blatant hatred from other people. 
And what the fuck, Sander??? Sander flat out lied to Robbe when he told him he had broken up with Britt. 
There is also definitely some homophobia on the part of Moyo/Madhi and Aaron/Magnus. I mean, they actually call being bisexual gross and say they would be creeped out to be around a gay guy because he “might be into them.” That’s more than just ignorance, it’s intolerance, something that wasn’t present in Madhi and Magnus. Moyo in particular is way more of a dick. 
The scene where Sander has a bipolar episode is a little different because Robbe never tries to contact Britt, but somehow she is still there? Also her opinions on whether or not Sander’s feeling for Robbe are real hold a lot less weight considering they were only together six months as opposed to four years. Then instead of Sander’s friends and family taking care of him, he admits himself to a mental health facility. Then Jana/Eva encourages Robbe to just give up on Sander. Eeesh. 
Instead of Aaron/Magnus having a bipolar mother helping Sander understand it better, it’s Moyo/Madhi. Moyo also gives the minute by minute advice to him instead of Britt/Sonja. 
My Favorite Parts: 
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I love the street art/graffiti subplot. I’ve always loved this type of art (when it is art). That first scene where Noor took Robbe to spray paint was so atmospheric, another song added to my playlist (
by The Bugg & Ina Copeland)Honestly any scene with Zoe and Milan was fantastic I liked when Milan readily admitted to going through everyone’s stuff when they weren’t home. I love the way Zoe is taking care of Robbe by making him food and just generally making him feel welcome when he moves in to the apartment with her and Milan. She was also really sweet when she made sure his wounds were disinfected after he was beaten up and making sure they were bandaged. Milan snuggling up to a sleeping Senna was great. I also really enjoyed the little taste of couple life from Zoe when she complained about Senna’s snoring. Zoe’s line was definitely on point. I don’t know how her relationship will end for her but this ideology is paramount to having a healthy relationship, period. 
“We’re a couple now but we also have our own lives”
It was really great and amusing foreshadowing when Noor replied to the boy’s saying all the chicks that go to the art school are hot with “
You haven’t seen the boys yet.
” Enter Sander.  
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When Robbe meets Sander and they go around the store riding the grocery cart. It’s so carefree and happy and while I miss the pure absurdity of watching Even take all of the paper towels this scene was absolutely wonderful
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The Halloween party was fucking epic.
Trick R Treat
by Josh A and Iamjakehill, added to playlistThe conversation between Milan and Robbe about Milan’s gaydar was really good, with the beginning of his response definitely tailored toward Robbe, and the look he gives him is so telling it’s uncomfortable. He was basically like, “I know you’re gay, bro.” Milan describes his gaydar as picking up on subtle signals, 
A certain look in their eyes. Or . . . It’s a bit like there is something in them that is desperately trying to get out. 
The conversation between Jens and Robbe about how sex isn’t everything was a prime example of how to be a good bro and healthy masculinity and I fucking loved it
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The conversation between Milan and Robbe where Robbe admits to having feelings for another boy was super sweet. I feel like Milan was kind of taking on an Eskild/school nurse hybrid role here because he was mostly just encouraging Robbe not to keep everything inside and to be himself. His relationship with Robbe seems a bit more paternal and I love it for this version.
The scene where Robbe is actually open and honest with Sander about his conflicting emotions about his sexuality was much appreciated
The scene when Milan was describing a very butch guy on the bus becoming all soft like when he looked at him was great. Everyone melts for you, Milan 💋
Have I said how much I love Zoe and Milan??? Also I can’t wait to see Zoe and Senna’s story when I go through all the Nooras, Senna definitely seems like the best William so far. I know they break up in the last episode of Robbe’s season but I have hopes they will get back together.
It was absolutely amazing to watch Milan put Mojo in his place
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The scene where Zoe and Robbe go Christmas shopping is terrific. I just love watching their friendship 
The scene of everyone opening their Christmas presents together was also adorable 
Things I Missed:
The funny, quirky little moments like the metal leg conversation between Even and Isak right before their almost first kiss or the absurdity of the paper towel scene when they first meet
The scene where the whole boy squad is together and giving Isak relationship advice. In this one is was just Jens and I felt let down that Aaron and Moyo couldn’t be there as well. 
And a shout out for Noor, who gets my vote for best Emma
Noor (Emma) kissed Robbe after he complimented her, not after he insulted her. 
Robbe also seems to have more of an actual relationship with Noor than Isak had with Emma. 
Noor is definitely the coolest version of Emma so far, both in personality and appearance. I mean not only does she look fucking great but she was so sweet about how Robbe couldn’t get it up when they tried to have sex. 
I really love the development of their relationship in this and how much more complex it is than in the original.
I also love that she and Robbe seem to have repaired their relationship and can be friends by the end of Robbe’s story
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direnightshade · 4 years
Happy Monday Britt! ✨ Can I ask for a crumb of Hitman!Clyde for this week? I keep thinking about him on and off, how’d he get in the business and what was his toughest spot to encounter when on a job? Anything really 🤗 Thank you so much!
Happy Tuesday! No surprise here, but I am once again late in responding to things. lol
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Getting into the business is something that should, for the normal individual, be a difficult if not near impossible thing, but for Clyde it had been anything but. He’d gotten the offer from a former military pal-turned-contractor not too long after Clyde had settled back into life in Danville. The offer was a simple one: serve a greater purpose, bring in more cash than he knew what to do with, and most importantly, feel meaningful again.
It started with important influencers in the foreign political arena, men who threatened democracy and sought to incite turmoil in nations abroad. It was a job not unlike the missions he’d carried out in his time in Iraq prior to the attack that had taken a portion of his arm. The job had taken him across the globe and back home again all the while allowing him to build and expand the small bar he keeps back in Danville.
Eventually, his job took him back home to deal with domestic ‘issues’, as it were. When the political targets became few and far between, he opted for smaller jobs that kept him close to Danville and close to the bar, and eventually...close to you.
There hasn’t been any one instance in his professional career that he’d consider to be tough, per say. What is tough, however, is having to put those instincts aside when someone so much as looks at you wrong. The urge to take out the simplest offender is always overwhelming, so much so that it usually takes you calling his attention back to you to break the heated stare and the fists that have formed without so much as a second thought.
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hopetofantasy · 4 years
Culture, parallels & meta - S2 E6
Zaterdag 18:12
C is for culture: “Because we’re going to Angèle” - Angèle is a Belgian singer-songwriter. She's one of the biggest breakout acts in French and Belgian pop, with the hit ‘Tout oublier’ ft. her brother 'Roméo Elvis'. In April 2020, she performed for ‘One World: Together At Home’, the global broadcast to support healthcare workers and the WHO for COVID 19, hosted by Lady Gaga.
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Hello from the outside: The singer did have a concert in ‘Vorst Nationaal’ Brussels that night, which the actresses both attended and put on their characters’ insta. 
Perfect parallel: Zoë jokingly saying “I started being afraid that you thought we were official or something” in a previous episode, Jana’s sarcastic “There is nothing going on between you two anyway” now.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë has a vintage tin box on her desk.
Zondag 11:53
C is for culture: “When I arrived back at the polling station, ..." - In Belgium, voting is mandatory for anyone of legal age and Belgian nationality. Not showing up for polling station duty or voting itself, could cost you a fine or even a lawsuit. Exceptions are illnesses, working abroad, being jailed, etc. The election always happens on a Sunday morning, so that (almost) everyone can cast a vote on a non-working day. Due to the complex political system, some elections are grouped together. Every five years, it’s the one for the European parliament, the Federal government and the regional governments (Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels). Every six years, the municipal and provincial council election. It’s entirely possible to vote ‘blanc’ if you want to, then it simply doesn’t count.
Perfect parallel: Zoë asking for a break in their relationship in the exact same spot as the start of it - their first kiss in an earlier one. 
That’s character: Throughout the seasons, Senne has shown that he has got some anger issues. Whenever he feels frustrated, scared or incapable of things, it often results into physical violence. From slamming doors and punching walls to threatening Viktor with a knife. This is a consequence of his own insecurity. He often feels incompetent about the situation he’s put in (due to his past) and wants to change that by ‘being the bigger (tougher) guy’. 
Hello from the outside: After this whole Zoënne ordeal, Jens posted a picture to his insta claiming that he ‘lost his bike last night due to heavy drinking’. He provided a vague location and the fact that his number was attached to it. This resulted in an actual search for the fans around Antwerp. Eventually, someone found it, called the number and the actor Nathan Bouts showed up to collect.
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Maandag 10:14
Perfect parallel/Funny coincidence: The principal thinking about cancelling FreeFest due to the Beat Boys’ violence in S2, then cancelling it due to COVID-19 in wtFOCKDOWN.
Oopsie: You can clearly see that Senne’s black eye is smudged with white make-up at the borders, making the whole thing look fake. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë mouthing ‘Wat?’ (= What?) to Jana, her answering ‘Ik weet niet’ (= I don’t know).
Bonus: The fact that they put ‘Sound of da police’ by KRS-One underneath the image of the police officers going outside. Brilliant!
Dinsdag 13:50
Perfect parallel: 
Zoë having a conversation about what to do with Senne in the same classroom as her making up with him in an earlier episode.
Yasmina vaguely revealing a (former) crush in this episode and later on in S2, Robbe trying to pry information out of her about that someone, without result, in wtFOCKDOWN. 
How ‘meta’ of you: Yasmina saying “That I have to wait” about the feelings for the boy, but it’s also a hint that we have to wait for her season to explore that storyline. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Senne gifts her a ‘Huawei Psmart 2019′. Zoë needs to finish her Biology report, as the subject is a red thread in this season like Psychics was Jana’s.
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Woensdag 13:45
Perfect parallel: Milan saying “I think you’re looking for excuses to be angry at Senne” in this episode and Zoë doing exactly that in the episodes before their first kiss. 
Lost in translation: Milan saying “Dat is geen huiswerkge-ijsbeer. Dat is boyfriendgebanjer”. The words ‘ijsberen’ and ‘banjeren’ both mean nervously pacing around, but the last one is only used in the Netherlands. Milan wants to make an alliteration, so he chooses that to rhyme with ‘boyfriend’. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Some of the Grindr profile names include ‘Power bottom XL’ and ‘Sex now’.
Donderdag 13:45
C is for culture: Why aren’t Zoë and Amber in school on a Thursday? Well, it’s the holiday weekend of ‘the Ascension of Our Lord into Heaven’. In Belgium, when a holiday falls on a Tuesday or Thursday, the schools and some companies have an extra day off in between that holiday and the weekend, thus extending the weekend.
Perfect parallel: Zoë confessing her relationship with Senne to Amber in S2, in the same location as Jens confessing to Jana that he smokes weed in S1.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The coffee cups have the sentence 'I’M a big HOT cup' on them and are instantly forgotten during their conversation. 
Vrijdag 21:42
That’s character: Viktor’s manipulative behavior is starting to get apparent here. At first, he’s being nice, offers help and invites her in. Then he throws her off by saying things like “Did Senne tell you that? Typical”, “Our Senne doesn’t like it when his friends get to know his family” and “And I don’t think he’ll be sleeping alone either”, while he acts like he’s doubting, insecure and wounded.
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: The hardened look on his face right before he calls Senne, a sudden change from his (fake) nice face.
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Vrijdag 21:53
That’s character: Senne’s big brother keeps controlling this entire conversation, not only by the words he’s saying, but also his body language and timing. He already gained some trust in the previous clip, by helping her out and acting innocent. Now he put a glass of wine in her hand, compliments her, waits for the moment that she’ll ask more about Senne and makes up a sob story. Then he digs into Zoë’s insecurity by stating "He saw a lot of women trying to change him and getting hurt". At the end, adding the final blow to make her believe that he’s cheating. And viola, Viktor has an intoxicated victim he can prey on. 
Perfect parallel: Viktor lying that Senne has an undiagnosed MI, doesn’t want people to find out and that all sorts of women tried to change him in S2, while Sander actually has an MI, wás scared that Robbe found out and Britt somewhat tries to change him in S3. 
Blink-and-y’ll-miss-it: Zoë doing shots of ‘Pisang’.
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years
Nov 6th, Friday 20:18
JANAAAAAA!“ A parade of voices outscreaming themselves erupted at the new little video screen popping up on their online chat, as the familiar face of their abroad living friend appeared. 
She looked hilarious, wide eyed, absolutely overwhelmed, and even leaning away from her camera, as she laughed: „Good god, guys. I thought Jens was the boy, or better man, of the day. Not me.“
„Well we were just discussing our rescue mission to get you back home from still Trump Country.“ Luca said conspiratorial, as she whispered at short distance into her mic, making her sound a little asmr-ish and that much better.
„Also we can see or talk to Jens every day, we already sang him happy birthday, so you are more special.“ Robbe added, sticking his tounge out, as Sander grinned, raising his thumb in support. Jens rolled his eyes at them, giving them his middlefinger in return.
„Fuck you guys.“ He added without meaning it in the slightest. It was his birthday party chat, but he really didn’t mind their taunting, calling him an old man, leaving Milan and Senne to stick up to him. The real friends here in the group, Jens would make sure to remember that.
„So how is my birthday boy today?“ Jana asked smiling brightly as she looked as beautiful as ever, her hair a little shorter. He liked it, it looked very good on her. He wondered if she would ever leave his heart, and if they would have found each other again, hadn’t she moved away. 
Jens had Lucas now though, and the thought that he may not even had considered the boy, was unimaginable. Or worse he could have nonetheless fallen for him, while being with Jana... A  much scarier thought reminding him of his end with Britt, something he definitely didn’t need to revisit. So he smiled at her and kept it short: „Pretty great actually, I thought I would hate not having a party, but I really enjoy celebrating in bed in my comfy home clothes.“
I also got kissed by the prettiest boy on earth and slept like a baby for the first time in weeks.
Jens never said it out loud, but he couldn’t help his smile from growing, as did his heart in his chest planning to escape, just thinking about the morning. Both of them awake once the alarm went off, staying in bed another couple of minutes in a lazy cudlle, pecking kisses at heach other. God it was too cheesy and he loved every moment of it. Lucas had changed clothes, just as fast as Jens, as the boy had hurried out of the house to get home, while Jens panicked to get everything done on his agenda. They had spent a little too long in bed. 
Jens would welcome the stress back every morning, if Lucas would promise to show up on his doorstep every time the clock struck midnight. 
„Jens?“ Aaron asked amused, waving his hand in front of the camera to get his attention back. He may have drifted off there a bit.
„Sorry, what?“
„Milan said, you have to come by tomorrow because he is not gonna have you spent a birthday without getting a cake and blowing out a candle with a party hat on.“ Senne provided as an explanation, but the only thing happning in Jens’s brain was the image of Lucas last night. Fuck this boy was taking over his mind way too fast.
„Eh sure. Though I think I have to bring Lotte, my mom is busy tomorrow. Children under 12 do not fall under the lockdown guidelines, so should be safe. That’s okay for you?“ Jens asked looking at the little screen showing all members of the flatshare in a tangled mess on Zoenne’s bed.
„Yeah I think that’s fine. It’s not like we have to make it toddlersafe.“ Milan said already looking excited of having the little girl over too. Until now, they only ever had visited the flatshare one time back in February and only for an hour or two, usually they met at Jens’s place.
„Shit Babe, that means we have to finish his present today.“ Robbe exclaimed a bit too panicked for it to be a joke. His boyfriends eyes widned, as he looked at Robbe in shock. „Jens, is it too late to say it is for christmas?“ 
„Pretty much, yes, it better be amazing, or I’ll cancel this friendship.“
„Oh I forgot, fuck!“ Luca suddelnly loudly announced getting off of her chair and stumbling out of frame her voice still being picked up by the mic: „Let me just turn the speaker on.... Wait...wait... Okay! I know it is not the best time given election. Yikes! But we are all together in chat since Jana moved, soooo.“
One note was all that was needed for the group to immediatly loose it.
„You are not playing Miley Cyrus now!“
„Hell yea, I am!“ Luca replied to Moyo’s absolutely horrorfied face, before starting to sing the lyrics: 
„I hopped off the plane at LAX
With a dream and my cardigan
Welcome to the land of fame excess,
Whoa, am I gonna fit in?“
Milan joining in instantly as if he had waited his whole life for this moment. Sander following suit, next to Robbe fishing for his phone. He was definitely going to record his boyfriend for leverage. Or because it was Sander singing, to Robbe even Sander breathing was worthy of adoration.
By the time they reached the jay-z line leading up to the chorus, they all had giving up their resistance and begun to sing whole heartedly, between giggles, dancing and messing up on words and notes. Any music teacher listening in would let them all fail class. No questions asked.
„Yeah it's a party in the USA“
Ending in a big crecsendo before all 11 voices fell silent, as they looked at each other and proceeded to burst into laughter.
„I miss you guys sooo much.“ Jana cried, hugging her laptop. All they saw was a black screen for a long minute, before she sat back, grinning: „Though I am dating this super hot guy from Geography. Like he is an absolutely idiot, but he is very cute and super gorgeous looking.“
„So American Jens?“ Yasmina said as dry and confident, that Jens was pretty sure she meant it. At least a little. Much to their friends’s amusement.
„Ey! This is my birthday, you can’t be mean on my birthday.“ He pretended to be offended, yet smirked at her, as soon as her lips curled up into a big smile, her eyebrows risen up high. 
„She’s got a point though, bro.“ Moyo laughed, lucky that he wasn’t near enough to be hit by Jens, who raised his hands.
„Alright, alright. I definitely gonna have to find new friends now, that’s for sure.“
„No! You are a cute idiot, our cute idiot.“ Zoe chimed in, absolutely delighted and Jens couldn’t really ever be mad at that girl, so he sighed, accepting his fate. It wasn’t exactly that they were very off anyway, he supposed.
„Well whatever, I actually wanted to let you know that I decided to apply to University in Antwerp, Brussel, Utrecht and Rotterdam, so hopefully I can move back next summer. I talked to my mom, and she isn’t the biggest fan of her daughter being so far away, but she knows how I hated moving here. I guess she feels guilty and I’m gonna take full adventage of that.“
An amount of variations of „seriously“ to „are you joking?“ Filled the chat to a point it all merged into a single distorted sound for a good couple of minutes. Jens joining right in. They all wanted her back, especially the girls.
It was Amber who than took the conversation over, completely leading them onto a new topic, one that Jens should have seen coming, but kinda hoped wouldn’t be turned into a big deal. But obviously it, would be, as Jana had seen their insta posts and the last vlog from wednesday.
„That means you get to meet Lucas! That would be so cool, he is also from Utrecht, maybe he could help you out with it. We should invite him for the next time.“
„Oh right, tell me all about him, I’m ready. Someone’s dating him? Because if not I’m calling dips.“
Jens had to use everything in him, to keep himself from snorting, laughing or commenting, giving away any knowledge he possesed. But having his ex lusting after the boy he kissed last night, was the funniest shit ever.
No one seemed to notice though, as they all went full in, describing everything they knew about the poor absent dutch boy. Not able to defend himself. 
Jens leaned back and enjoyed every second of it.
Best birthday so far.
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sakurology · 4 years
hello!! omg congrats on 2k!! 🥳🎉🎉 your blog is immaculate and i hope you’re having a nice day 🥰 if your event is still open, i wanted to request something hehe. my self ship is me and iwa, i would like fluff, and i am a taurus sun, scorpio rising, and aquarius moon! congrats on 2k and i can’t wait to see your blog grow even more 💕💕
BRITT! First of all I’m sorry this is 900 years late- I’m a shithead 🙃. Second of all I hope you love it as much as I love you uwu
Your Card: Ernest Hemingway
Message from the Oracles
♾: “To love someone and mean it is a valuable thing.”
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“Whatcha thinkin’ about?”
His eyes fluttered open to your soft voice. You were safely nuzzled in your favorite place- right in the center of his chest. Looking down at you, he gave a soft, genuine smile.
His fingertips grazed your hairline, hooking downward as he twisted your head to tilt upward.
“Well what about me, dummy?” You prodded.
Iwaizumi shifted his weight on the couch, sitting up a bit more, now cradling you into him. You could listen to his heartbeat forever if he let you- so still, so strong- so present.
“Just,” he began.
“Just that you are singlehandedly the most beautiful person I’ve ever known....”
“Go on....” your smile at his flattery wasn’t lost on him.
“No, babe- I mean beautiful inside.”
He was sitting upright completely now, pulling you off of him to stare into his eyes as he held your shoulders.
“You’re kind. You’re patient. You listen....” he was so serious. He was always this way, but for some reason there was an urgency- the sense that if he didn’t tell you exactly what was on his mind, he never would be able to.
“You could’ve chosen anyone in this world, Y/N... literally anyone...”
Tears were welling up in your eyes. It hadn’t been easy. No one said it would be, but no one told you that loving Iwaizumi Hajime would be this way either. He was gone a lot, busy with his teams, busy with study abroad, and now busy with the Olympic national team- but you were there regardless. You were his one constant.
“And you chose to love me, probably the hardest person in this world to love.”
“Not true,” you sniffled. “I love you because I spent my entire life wishing for someone like you on shooting stars and dandelions.”
He looked at you confused, and then broke into a laugh.
“You’re my prince, Haji,” you stated matter-of-factly.
“You’re everything my dreams have been made of.”
🔮Mystical 2k- REQUESTS CLOSED🔮
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oblivious-prada · 4 years
About Me
2021 Britt:
Hi I’m Brittney and I’m 22 now. I’m just trying to figure out what the hell is going on in this world. I want to move to New York or Los Angeles to pursue my dreams and I know there over populated places, but they can make room for one more. I shouldn’t have listened to my parents and I should’ve studied abroad in Paris when I had the chance. Oh well I guess… Senior in college almost done with this shit. Currently learning how to do what I want and not be timid of other’s opinions. Bitch I’m doing me from now on, so get with the shits. I’ll be the next great actress so remember me. Celeb crush: Colin Farrell<- That’s my man don’t forget it. Fav Actors: Elijah Wood, Robert De Niro, Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Benicio Del Toro, Samuel L. Jackson. Instagram: @Britt.simoneminx Twitter: @Brittneyysimone
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brittabroad · 2 years
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I wrote this on FB for The Globe's birthday
I had a picture to accompany of me looking up into the big O for the first time, a gaze of happiness and wonder.
My 1st "visit" to the theater was actually through Susan Cooper's book titled King of Shadows and the way that that novel inspired me to want to study Shakespeare (A Midsummer Night's Dream specifically) and visit The Globe Theater one day was unexpected but very welcome.
Cut to well over a decade later I've moved to London from Canada for a 2 year visa and I see The Globe outside for the first time with complete elation. Then some time later I see they're playing AMND there and I knew it was fate: I had to go. I had to see the play I'd read about being played within the O in the book. I had to experience the theatre for the first time watching this production.
Through some crazy long day filled with twists and turns of fate I got a ticket for a midnight performance.
I entered inside, and it was a moment like a storybook where I felt my dreams had come true and a cinemaric moment where time slowed and sped up all at the same time. Here I was in a place I'd only ever imagined in my mind, where I'd had numerous times experienced a very special emotional adventure with the characters of the novel I loved so much. And where I was about to see "the play that started it all" —the Dream that began my dreams of learning more about Shakespeare, more about Elizabethan England and to one day see another piece of London which I already had such a fascination with.
That Rice production that night was great and I will always remember standing as a groundling touching my hand to the stage and knowing I wasn't dreaming anymore. 💜
Happy Birthday, O!
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dujourmeans · 4 years
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who doesn’t love a good childhood friendship crew? this is going to be pretty to the point, but still super cute and all that jazz. the town is orlando, it’s summer in the early 2000s, and a bunch of tired parents are out asking for nothing more than a break from the summer break infused energy of their kids. it’s after a “stroke of genius” from one of the parents and a handful of community discussion that work begins on the remodeling of a large but virtually abandoned old building into that of a community center for kids. the objective of the center is not only to give them a trusted and safe place to go throughout the year, but to … you know, give parents a bit of a break (but the kids didn’t really understand that until later in life). the center opens just shy of the finishing of the 2000 - 2001 school year, and it’s a hit right off of the bat. minds are molded, children are happy, and friendships begin to be formed that are either temporary or long-lasting. for a group of twelve of these kids, it’s the latter. all roughly six years old at the time, these twelve kids bonded together in a way that was unique to any of the other friendship circles who frequented the community center. they did everything together and, by the time their first summer at the center had ended and a new school year had began, they began to meet up just as often elsewhere. twelve birthday parties yearly, trick r’ treating together at halloween, christmas parties with cliche secret santa presentings, outings into the heart of orlando to terrorize all of the theme parks, carpooling together to school (no matter how cramped and questionably legal the seatbelt situation got). even after they grew older and were less likely to hang around the community center they still hung around each other … exchanging out their more childlike activities for “age appropriate” ones (like hanging around the mall, loitering outside of gas stations and trying to sneak into r-rated movies). now all in their early twenties, they’re all still close in their own way, but with adulthood brings changes and also challenges. some have stayed within the orlando area while others have moved away. some attended college locally while others went to other cities around the country, or even studied abroad. some are just as they were growing up while others have drastically changed. all that has really stayed the same is that they love each other and they swear that they’ll always be there for each other whenever they can. or they hope, at least.  like said: this is a pretty general plot and it’s broad enough that it can be worked at from several different angles depending on the character that you have. there aren’t a lot of requirements for it either, just the following: they were all raised in orlando (and lived in the same general neighborhood), they were in the same year in school, and they’d all be twenty-five or so (either recently turned twenty-five or they’re set to turn it before the end of this summer). for the sake of being fair and even there’s gonna be a six male / six female ratio for the group, but obviously if anyone wanted to make a trans or nonbinary character we can work that out!!!!
boy #1 • taken by piper
boy #2 • taken by maddie  
boy #3 • taken by layne
boy #4 • taken by derek
boy #5 • taken by bribri
boy #6 • open
girl #1 • taken by britt
girl #2 • taken by jo
girl #3 • taken by alex
girl #4 • taken by alice
girl #5 • taken by marie
girl #6 • taken by fi
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blackkudos · 4 years
Harold O’Neal
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Harold Mujahid O'Neal FRSA (born March 27, 1981) is an American composer, pianist, actor, dancer, and public speaker. He has recorded and performed with artists in a variety of musical genres (U2, Lupe Fiasco, Busta Rhymes, Damien Rice, Aloe Blacc, and Jay Z). O'Neal has been compared to Duke Ellington and Maurice Ravel by The New York Times and is considered to be of this generation's greatest pianists and composers. In 2019, he was inducted into the Royal Society of the Arts with the Patron being Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Harold O'Neal was born in Arusha, Tanzania, and raised in Kansas City, Missouri. His great-grandfather, Ollie Harold Pennington, was a jazz pianist and composer for silent film in Kansas City, where his grandmother walked to school with Charlie Parker. Harold began playing the piano by ear at age 4 on his father's miniature keyboard. He found his earliest inspirations in the music of Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes, and Disney. While growing up, his family had a tradition of playing games together to find the distinct rhythms of songs. Having spent much of his youth living in the projects (Public Housing) and surviving near-death experiences, he credits music with saving his life.
O'Neal attended the Paseo Academy Of Fine And Performing Arts, with classmates Logan Richardson, Lil' Ronnie, and Brian Kennedy, where he began his jazz piano studies while being mentored by Ahmad Alaadeen. He studied classical piano and composition with Margie Cameron-Jarrett, whose musical lineage can be traced back to Franz Liszt. He began working with musical luminaries from a young age — touring the world with Bobby Watson when he was 19 after studying composition at the Berklee College Of Music. He then went on to study at the Manhattan School of Music. It was there where Harold met the great American jazz pianist and composer, Andrew Hill, with whom he soon became the apprentice of. Mr. Hill was an apprentice of prolific composer Paul Hindemith. Following Andrew Hill's advice, O'Neal left the Manhattan School of Music to replace pianist Jason Moran in the influential band, the Greg Osby 4, making his major-label debut recording for Blue Note Records at the age of 21. In 2004, O'Neal premiered a jazz quartet featuring Greg Osby, Jeff "Tain" Watts, and Matt Brewer.
In the following years, O'Neal released a number of albums including "Charlie's Suite" (2006), which was a compilation of his family's legacy, "Whirling Mantis" (2010) with a jazz quartet and a solo piano album "Marvelous Fantasy" (2011) on Smalls Records. He then partnered with Ski Beats and Damon Dash, after being signed to Universal Music Group as a songwriter and producer, to release the albums 24 Hour Karate School 2 (2011), Twilight (2012) and Cam'Ron And Vado's Blu Tops (2012). In 2012, O'Neal formed a partnership with producers Lil Ronnie and Jerry Wonda working with many Pop and R&B artists (Miguel, Akon, Melissa Ethridge, Raphael Saadiq, French Montana). In 2013, he released the album "Man On The Street" featuring a jazz quartet as well as solo piano for Universal. O'Neal worked as an additional composer on the 2015 Disney film Tomorrowland with Anthony Giacchino, which starred George Clooney and Britt Robertson. The film was directed by Brad Bird with the bulk of the film-score being composed by Michael Giacchino. His solo piano album "Piano Cinema" was released in May 2018, with "Sam and Sam" serving as the lead single. Following the album release, O'Neal completed a spring tour across the U.S. with The Blk Shp with Pixar as a partner.
Notable Events
Electric Burma
On June 18, 2012, Harold performed with U2, Lupe Fiasco, Bob Geldof, Damien Rice, Angelique Kidjo and many other major artists for the presentation of Amnesty International's prestigious 'Ambassador of Conscience' Award to Aung San Suu Kyi. The award was originally announced from the stage when U2 played Croke Park in July 2009 - while the Burmese Nobel Peace Prize recipient was still under house arrest in Burma.
Global Citizen: World On Stage
On September 22, 2016, Harold performed with Aloe Blacc and Maya Jupiter for The Global Citizen Festival's The World On Stage, a night curated by Tom Morello and Jon Batiste. The evening was dedicated to several prominent speakers who addressed various causes—such as education, the refugee crisis, gender equality, poverty, hunger, and much more—and the presentation of the inaugural George Harrison Global Citizen award, presented by Paul Simon to Olivia and Dhani Harrison (George's widow and son).
The BLK SHP Bus Tours
Harold is a key member of Blk Shp (Black Sheep) -- a diverse collective of educators, entrepreneurs, and artists. With the recent Blk Shp Bus Tour the group traveled across the U.S. in search of untold American mentorship stories. Exploring a range of disciplines: from classroom experiences to museums to blacksmiths; BLK SHP partnered in this project with Pixar. Pixar—who are famous for their original and inspiring movies—co-hosted many of the Bus Tour workshops, having inspired the origin of BLK SHP back in 2012. Today, the BLK SHP community includes over 3,000 creative specialists in North America and abroad.
Benjamin Franklin Medal Ceremony
Herbie Hancock received the prestigious Benjamin Franklin Medal (Royal Society of Arts) from the Royal Society for the Arts on December 4, 2018 at the Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—being recognized for his long lifetime of creative achievements and humanitarian efforts. The 264-year-old Royal Society for the Arts, based in London, includes Franklin as a founding fellow and initiated the Benjamin Franklin medal in 1956 to honor people who transcend their vocation to generally benefit mankind. The ceremony featured bassist Christian McBride and pianist Harold O’Neal as guest star performers, each musically representing the electric and acoustic side of Herbie's legacy.
Film and Television
In 2009, O'Neal appeared as an actor in Jay Z's music video for the hit record Young Forever, from his multi-platinum album The Blueprint 3. In 2010, he was cast in the HBO television series Boardwalk Empire, portraying James P. Johnson. He was also featured in MTV's Sucker Free as a principal dancer.
Harold is the nephew of Pete O'Neal, former leader of the Black Panther Party
He holds a black belt in kenpo karate having spent significant time as a full contact kickboxer
Harold's cousin is Emanuel Cleaver, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives
He is a member of the legendary breakdance crew, the Dynamic Rockers
Harold is considered by many to be a polymath.
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