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wish-less-gallery · 2 years ago
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[本日最終日] 3/5日、12-18時まで営業。シエナ・バーンズの個展最終日です。お見逃しなく! LAST DAY of Siena Barnes’s solo exhibition at @wish_less today. Open until 6pm. Don’t miss it! —- Siena Barnes solo exhibition シエナ・バーンズ 個展 'Even Bad Girls Get the Blues' 2023年2月11日(土)~3月5日(日) 木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00 月曜~水曜 休み 会場:WISH LESS gallery (東京都北区田端5-12-10) @sienabarnes @wish_less --- ロンドン出身、独学でアーティストとなったシエナの優艶でエロティックな作品の根底には、反骨的なパンクスピリットが存在し、アイコン的スターからインスピレーションを受け描かれた美しい人物像や挑発的なスローガンよって、現代社会で問題視されるジェンダーやセクシャリティについて訴えかけます。圧倒的なウーマンパワーを見せつけるシエナの世界観と大胆なラインワークにご注目ください。 --- シエナ・バーンズ ロンドンの下町イーストエンド地区出身のアーティスト。これまでに東京、ナッシュビル、ロンドン、ベルリンなど世界各地で展覧会を開催。セクシーで反抗的な彼女の作品は、トム・オブ・フィンランド財団のコレクションに所蔵され、ナッシュビルでの展示ではキム・ゴードンと肩を並べた。最近ではヒステリックグラマーと継続的にコラボレーションするなど、ファッション業界でも注目される作家である。 シエナ・バーンズはエロティックで挑発的なインクドローイングを通して、世間に蔓延る女性問題や性差別について声を上げ続けている。 --- London-born, self-taught artist Siena's elegant and erotic work is rooted in a rebellious punk spirit. Inspired by iconic stars, her beautiful portraits and provocative slogans address issues of gender and sexuality in contemporary society. Sienna's vision and bold linework showcase the overwhelming power of women. --- Siena Barnes has exhibited across the world in cities including Tokyo, Nashville, London and Berlin. Examples of her sexy, subversive and surprising work can be found in the Tom of Finland Foundation collection, hanging next to Kim Gordon in Nashville and emblazoned across the chests of Harajuku fashionistas. She continues to collaborate with iconic Japanese fashion legends Hysteric Glamour, hits the studio every day and sells on the secondary market. --- #sienabarnes #シエナバーンズ #UK #london #EvenBadGirlsGettheBlues #HystericGlamour #TomofFinland #art #painter #britishpainter #feminineart #punk #artcollector #ロンドン #アートコレクター #アート #ペインター #ガールパワー #grrlpower #fashion #ヒステリックグラマー #dragqueen #screenprint #シルクスクリーンプリント (WISH LESS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpZDcauPGs0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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digswellarts · 1 year ago
Exciting News from Digswell Arts! We're thrilled to announce that Digswell Arts fellow Magdalena Gluszak-Holeksa's stunning work "Her Husband Didn’t Die, He Just Became Beautiful" has been selected for the prestigious John Moores Painting Prize 2023! 🖼️ About the Artwork: Title: "Her Husband Didn’t Die, He Just Became Beautiful" Medium: Oil on Canvas Dimensions: 90 x 120 cm Year: 2023 👩‍🎨 About the Artist: Magdalena, a talented artist at Digswell Arts, continues to inspire and challenge the art scene with her unique and powerful expressions in painting. 🏆 About the Prize: The John Moores Painting Prize is the UK's most renowned painting competition, showcasing the best in contemporary British painting. This year's exhibition will be held at the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, from 16 Sep 2023 to 25 Feb 2024, with a private view on 14 Sep 2023. Join us in celebrating this incredible achievement and supporting Magdalena in her artistic journey. 🔗 For more about Magdalena and her work, visit her website and follow her on Instagram @magdalena_gluszak. #JohnMooresPaintingPrize2023 #DigswellArts #ContemporaryArt #BritishPainting #ArtCompetition #ArtistsToWatch Read more https://digswellarts.org/magdalena-gluszak-holeksa-selected-for-john-moores-painting-prize-2023/
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abwwia · 2 years ago
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Anna Airy (British, 1882 - 1964)
Jour de Fete, s.d.
oil on canvas
127 x 102 cm. (50 x 40.16 in.)
signed 'A. Airy.' (lower right)
private collection
Anna Airy (6 June 1882 – 23 October 1964) was an English oil painter, pastel artist and etcher. She was one of the first women officially commissioned as a war artist and was recognised as one of the leading women artists of her generation.via Wikipedia
#AnnaAiry #womensart #artbywomen #britishpainter #ukartist #PalianShow
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allmyfavoritepaintings · 2 years ago
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Algernon Cecil Newton (1880-1968) | Summer Afternoon in Bayswater.
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menportraitsseries · 4 years ago
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Glyn Warren Philpot (1884 -1937)
Head of a man c. 1912-13
Charcoal with white heightening on brown paper 26.5 × 25.5 mm. 
Courtesy of Agnews Gallery.
Las de peindre des portraits mondain sà Londres, Glyn Warren Philpot, décide de s'installer à Paris ou il avait étudié dès le début du siècle  à l'académie Julian de Paris auprès de Jean-Paul Laurens. Il commence ç changer de style dès avant  la Première guerre mondiale ,opte pour un style plus moderne, plus plat et plus stylisé que son ancienne manière. Ce nouveau style lui vaut un accueil  plus que mitigé de la part de ses premiers admirateurs londoniens dont ilv a d'ailleurs s 'éloigner peu à peu. Si bien qu'en  avril 1932, on peut lire dans Scotsman : « Glyn Philpot est entrain de tourner au Picasso ». il s'en faut de beaucoup mais la touche moderne ne plait pas. Dommage car elle est superbe et ce dessin qui est le tout premier où il manifeste son intérêt pour les modèles masculins noirs (qui seront récurrents dans toute son œuvre),  est d'une grande beauté.  
Plus de Men Portraits ...
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met-european-paintings · 3 years ago
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Eye Miniature, British Painter, European Paintings
Gift of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Starr, 1954 Size: Irregular, 1/2 x 7/8 in. (13 x 22 mm) Medium: Ivory
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themosaic · 4 years ago
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Thomas Ralph Spence (1855-1918) “Sleeping Beauty”
British Painting Collection
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milenaolesinska · 4 years ago
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John Hoyland - Abstract Artworks  John Hoyland (b.1934 Sheffield, UK – d.2011 London, UK) was one of the most inventive and dynamic abstract painters of the post-war period. Over the span of more than a half-century his art and attitudes constantly evolved. A distinctive artistic personality emerged, concerned with colour, painterly drama, with both excess and control, with grandeur and above all, with the vehement communication of feeling. #art #artist #britishpainter #britishartist #artistic #fineart #artwork🎨 #painting #abstractartwork #abstractart #abstractpainting #artinformel #abstractexpresionism #contemparyart #culture #blog #artblog @expositionblog https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ57qwYr9w2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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met-european-sculpture · 4 years ago
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Box, British Painter, 1832, Metropolitan Museum of Art: European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
The Moses Lazarus Collection, Gift of Josephine and Sarah Lazarus, in memory of their father, 1888-95 Size: Box: 1 in. × 3 1/2 in. × 2 5/8 in. (2.5 × 8.9 × 6.7 cm); Miniature (sight): 2 1/16 × 1 7/16 in. (5.2 × 3.7 cm) Medium: Gold, rhinestones, enamel
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wish-less-gallery · 2 years ago
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[明日終了] 3/4土、本日12-18時まで営業。シエナ・バーンズの個展は明日までの開催です! シエナとWISH LESSが共同で制作し��A3シルクスクリーンプリントもお取り扱い中。全て直筆サイン&エディションNo.入り25部限定。アイコニックな女性像がインパクト大なアート作品です。 Sat 4 Mar open 12-6pm today. Siena Barnes's solo exhibition runs until tomorrow! A3 silkscreen prints produced in collaboration with Siena and WISH LESS are available. Limited edition of 25 ,signed & numbered. The iconic female figure is a high-impact artwork. —- Siena Barnes solo exhibition シエナ・バーンズ 個展 'Even Bad Girls Get the Blues' 2023年2月11日(土)~3月5日(日) 木曜~日曜 12:00~18:00 月曜~水曜 休み 会場:WISH LESS gallery (東京都北区田端5-12-10) @sienabarnes @wish_less --- ロンドン出身、独学でアーティストとなったシエナの優艶でエロティックな作品の根底には、反骨的なパンクスピリットが存在し、アイコン的スターからインスピレーションを受け描かれた美しい人物像や挑発的なスローガンよって、現代社会で問題視されるジェンダーやセクシャリティについて訴えかけます。圧倒的なウーマンパワーを見せつけるシエナの世界観と大胆なラインワークにご注目ください。 --- シエナ・バーンズ ロンドンの下町イーストエンド地区出身のアーティスト。これまでに東京、ナッシュビル、ロンドン、ベルリンなど世界各地で展覧会を開催。セクシーで反抗的な彼女の作品は、トム・オブ・フィンランド財団のコレクションに所蔵され、ナッシュビルでの展示ではキム・ゴードンと肩を並べた。最近ではヒステリックグラマーと継続的にコラボレーションするなど、ファッション業界でも注目される作家である。 シエナ・バーンズはエロティックで挑発的なインクドローイングを通して、世間に蔓延る女性問題や性差別について声を上げ続けている。 --- London-born, self-taught artist Siena's elegant and erotic work is rooted in a rebellious punk spirit. Inspired by iconic stars, her beautiful portraits and provocative slogans address issues of gender and sexuality in contemporary society. Sienna's vision and bold linework showcase the overwhelming power of women. --- Siena Barnes has exhibited across the world in cities including Tokyo, Nashville, London and Berlin. Examples of her sexy, subversive and surprising work can be found in the Tom of Finland Foundation collection, hanging next to Kim Gordon in Nashville and emblazoned across the chests of Harajuku fashionistas. She continues to collaborate with iconic Japanese fashion legends Hysteric Glamour, hits the studio every day and sells on the secondary market. --- #sienabarnes #シエナバーンズ #UK #london #EvenBadGirlsGettheBlues #HystericGlamour #TomofFinland #art #painter #britishpainter #feminineart #punk #artcollector #ロンドン #アートコレクター #アート #ペインター #ガールパワー #grrlpower #fashion #ヒステリックグラマー #dragqueen #screenprint #シルクスクリーンプリント (WISH LESS) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpWYY_VvXou/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gabriellepythonisse · 5 years ago
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Talon Abraxas es un pintor y artista autodidacta nacido en el sur de Londres en 1980. Sus obras consisten en una combinación de imágenes tradicionales y digitales creando paisajes surrealistas propios de los sueños. Su inspiración para crear viene de artistas y místicos como Austin Osman Spare, Jean Delville, Hieronymus Bosch, Aleister Crowley, Beksinski y HR Giger.
Se considera como un ocultista, pintor simbolista y escritor comprometido con el esoterismo espiritual.
Su visión como artista es como un iniciado desarrollado espontáneamente cuya misión es enviar luz, espiritualidad y misticismo al mundo.
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abwwia · 2 years ago
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Winifred Margaret Knights #bornonthisday (5 Jun 1899–7 Feb 1947) was a British painter.
Amongst her most notable works are The Marriage at Cana and The Deluge.
Knights’ style was much influenced by the Italian Quattrocento and she was one of several British artists who participated in a revival of religious imagery in the 1920s, while retaining some elements of a modernist style.
Knights died from a brain tumour in London in 1947 at the age of 47. via Wikipedia
#WinifredKnights #artbywomen #womeninarts #PalianShow #painter #britishpainter #artherstory
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oddstoanend · 5 years ago
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{1944} migrators with bird by gordon onslow ford . check out @oddstoanend for more . . . . . . . . . . #visualart #painting #abstractart #oiloncanvas #1940sart #gordononslowford #paintings #abstract #modernart #britishpainter #abstractpainting #englishpainter #paintersofinstagram #englishartist #britishartist #englishart #britishart #oilpainting #art #artlovers #artistsofinstagram #paintingsofinstagram #oddstoanend (at Wendover, Buckinghamshire, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9LNMBolRH8/?igshid=2y1tof7ggn91
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gauthierborsarello · 5 years ago
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« Man in a string chair » 1988-89 by Lucian Freud via @sarahdemavaleix 👌🏻 #LucianFreud #BritishPainter (at Paris 16) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8G8moBIEZD/?igshid=1ukpavxf3mag4
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met-european-paintings · 3 years ago
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Sir John Shurley of Isfield (1565–1632), British Painter, European Paintings
Gift of Kate T. Davison, in memory of her husband, Henry Pomeroy Davison, 1951 Size: 35 3/4 x 29 3/8 in. (90.8 x 74.6 cm) Medium: Oil on wood
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brujademente · 6 years ago
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Circe by Wright Barker (British) 1889. Oil on canvas. #arte #art #oiloncanvas #oleosobrelienzo #britishpainter #pintorbritanico https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxu8BSnJvk_/?igshid=180ez53c20j8r
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