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"Slow Horses,” Apple's TV highly acclaimed espionage drama returns for season three.
#GaryOldman returns to lead the Slough House team for a third season of #AppleTVPlus's #SlowHorses.
Slow Horses is a darkly humorous espionage drama that follows a dysfunctional team of British intelligence agents who serve in a dumping ground department of MI5 known un-affectionately as Slough House.
Slough House is an administrative purgatory for MI5 service rejects who have bungled their job but have not been sacked. Those consigned there are known as "slow horses”
In season three, a romantic liaison in Istanbul threatens to expose a buried MI5 secret in London. When Jackson Lamb and his team of misfits are dragged into the fight, they find themselves caught in a conspiracy that threatens the future not just of Slough House but of MI5 itself.
Oldman stars as Jackson Lamb, the brilliant but misanthropic leader of the spies, who end up in Slough House due to their career-ending mistakes as they frequently find themselves blundering around the smoke and mirrors of the espionage world.
The ensemble cast also includes Kristin Scott Thomas, Jack Lowden, Saskia Reeves, Rosalind Eleazar, Christopher Chung, Freddie Fox, Chris Reilly, Samuel West, Sophie Okonedo, Aimee-Ffion Edwards, Kadiff Kirwan and Jonathan Pryce.
Ṣọpẹ́ Dìrísù joins the season three cast as Sean Donovan, the former head of security at the British embassy in Istanbul, along with Katherine Waterston who plays Alison Dunn, an MI5 agent who uncovers a dark secret at the heart of the agency.
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Adapted from Real Tigers, the third novel in the Mick Herron spy series, the six-episode third season of Slow Horses season three will begin streaming via Apple TV+ on Wednesday 29th November.
Slow Horses is produced for Apple TV+ by See-Saw Films and adapted for television by Will Smith (Veep).
Jamie Laurenson, Hakan Kousetta, lain Canning, Emile Sherman, Douglas Urbanski, Gail Mutrux, Will Smith, Jane Robertson and Graham Yost are executive producers on the series. Season three is directed by Saul Metzstein.
Apple TV+ previously announced a fourth season is set to be adapted from the fourth novel, Spook Street.
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#SlowHorses #espionagedrama #SloughHouse #Britishintelligence #agents #MI5 #AppleTV #JacksonLamb
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laomusicarts · 2 months ago
laos Female British Spy
LAOMUSIC ARTS 2024 presents
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#UNPGA #UNODC #USSecretService #RishiSunak #CsabaKorosi #BritishIntelligence
Clemency on all charges for my bandmate Kosuke Mikami because I had the drugs delivered to him so he could hold them for me when we have band practice — he's holding right now and you can't raid him nor arrest him.
I made Kosuke a Secret Agent and he got the hookup — they're letting him manufacture.
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in-dicas-blog · 6 years ago
British Intelligence | 1940 | Espiã Fascinadora
Durante a Segunda Guerra, a espiã Helene von Lerber chega a Londres para viver com a família de um oficial de alto escalão britânico. Lá, ela encontra o mordomo Valdar, também um espião, e o ajuda a descobrir os planos secretos britânicos.
Data de lançamento: 29 de janeiro de 1940 (mundial) Direção: Terry O. Morse Música composta por: Heinz Eric Roemheld Produção: Bryan Foy Produtora: Warner Bros. Entertainment
During World War I, Franz Strendler, a master German spy has cost the British dearly. In desperation, they send for their best agent, currently undercover in Germany. Pilot Frank Bennett (Bruce Lester) is sent to pick him up, but the Germans are forewarned and Bennett is shot down. Luckily, he survives and is rescued by friendly soldiers. While recovering in a hospital, Bennett is tended by a pretty nurse, Helene Von Lorbeer (Margaret Lindsay). He tells her he loves her, but she informs him she is leaving, and they will not see each other again. However, after Bennett falls asleep, she kisses him on the cheek.
Von Lorbeer turns out to be a spy herself. She is recalled to Germany to receive a high honor sent personally by the Kaiser and to undertake a new mission. Posing as a refugee named Frances Hautry, she infiltrates the London household of Arthur Bennett (Holmes Herbert), a cabinet minister, and, coincidentally, Frank's father. She takes her orders from Valdar (Boris Karloff), the butler. However, unbeknownst to her, he is a British double agent. Valdar later secretly reports to Colonel Yeats (Leonard Mudie), the head of British Intelligence.
When Bennett's secretary, also a German spy, taps out a secret message in code on her typewriter, Yeats is present and recognizes it. Since only Hautry is also in the office at the time, he sets a trap for her. A captured spy named Kurz seemingly escapes from the British and flees to Hautry's bedroom. She hides him in her closet, but then betrays him when Yeats and his men show up. Afterwards, she tells Valdar that she knew "Kurz" was an imposter.
Frank Bennett unexpectedly shows up, his squadron and others having been recalled to London for some reason. He is surprised to find his former nurse there and under a different name. Hautry is forced to reveal that she is loyal to the British. However, Valdar overhears their conversation.
That night, the British cabinet meets in Bennett's home. It is the moment Valdar has been waiting for. He forces Hautry at gunpoint down in the cellar, where he has set a bomb to blow the house up under cover of a Zeppelin bombing raid. Hautry tells Valdar that she had no choice but to make up a story to allay Frank's suspicions. Convinced when she shows him the award she was given, Valdar finally reveals that he is Strendler.
Fortunately, Valdar has been under surveillance. Yeats and his men rush to the cellar door. When Valdar escapes through the coal shute, Hautry unlocks the door and informs Yeats about the bomb. Valdar rushes to his hideout to transmit the stolen British plans for the spring offensive, pursued by the British, but, ironically, a Zeppelin bombs the location and kills him and his confederates before he can send his information.
Directed by Terry O. Morse Produced by Bryan Foy (uncredited) Written by Anthony Paul Kelly (play) Lee Katz (screenplay) Starring: Boris Karloff Margaret Lindsay Music by H. Roemheld Cinematography: Sid Hickox Edited by Thomas Pratt Production company : Warner Bros. Distributed by Warner Bros. Release date: January 29, 1940 Running time: 60 min. Language: English
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penandswordbooks · 5 years ago
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We love James Bond and were thrilled to get our hands on some of the new Bond stamps from @royalmailofficial! The new film may be postponed, but it’s a great time to find out more about Bond author Ian Fleming and the real life experiences which inspired the novels and one of the most well-known fictional characters in history. Ian Fleming's Inspiration is currently in production and coming soon, Ian Fleming and SOE's Operation Postmaster and Ian Fleming’s Secret War are available now 😍📚💌 • #Bond #SpecialEdition #Books #BooksToRead #Stamps #StampCollection #RoyalMail #Reading #BondJamesBond #007 #JamesBond007 #IanFleming #Recommended #Inspiration #BritishIntelligence #WW2 #PenAndSword #Bookstagram #PenAndSwordBooks #SOE https://www.instagram.com/p/B99FVNVn0rK/?igshid=1kcrpqm77on0t
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#Declassified #Documents Online :
#TwentiethCentury #BritishIntelligence on #Gale 
Via  @GaleEMEA #History #TBT #UK #Intelligence #Military #Libraries 
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steveasherwriter · 6 years ago
Jason Gleaves the UFO Umbrella space and beyond
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blogofhistory-blog1 · 6 years ago
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Birth Anniversary..! Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" Philby..! 1 January 1912..! #KimPhilby was a high-ranking member of #BritishIntelligence who worked as a double agent before defecting to the #SovietUnion in 1963..! He served as both an #NKVD and #KGB operative..! https://www.instagram.com/p/BsFzfBggPLaq9EP2hM8v5FRDkjvZGkVb5cpCN80/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1eas91yy1ii6h
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randyfreddyprizzle · 6 years ago
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The Clear Point Podcast #47 is up link in bio (main page) #clearpoint #podcast #stanlee #marvel #hologram #clearoffs #referee #tonychapron #Nantes #ligue1 #uefa #celebrityhunted #sas #britishintelligence #escape #pokemon #detectivepikachu #trailer #dragonair #pointaview #gadgets #apps #emotions #currentgeneration #pastgeneration #santiagosolari #claudioranieri #danielbryan #nxttakeoverwargames #whatsdaword @sheku_sw16 (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqVnGmAn629/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10gttmk368cau
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roguenewsdao · 7 years ago
Lavrov Points to Likely British Intelligence Role in Skripal Poisoning
The widespread skepticism of the novichok story coming fifteen years after Tony Blair's UK government joined the Bush 43 Administration in lying its way to war over Saddam Hussein's alleged awesome chemical weapons arsenal is spreading far beyond alternative media and Russian outlets, vindicating the doubts expressed in Parliament by Labour opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn. The same Corbyn who is likely to succeed the incompetent, flailing Theresa May and who has been smeared as a Kremlin stooge via photoshopped graphics of him wearing a Russian-style hat in front of Red Square on the taxpayer funded BBC program Newsnight.
Moscow is also building its case that the British government has violated its 1963 and 1968 Parliament-ratified treaty obligations under the Vienna Conventions and relevant articles, denying a Russian citizen in distress, Yulia Skripal, access to consular assistance. Regardless of whether or not Yulia has asked to speak to her embassy and relatives (and an army of pro-NATO Twitter trolls are insisting as of this hour that she has not) while being denied phone access by hospital or law enforcement officials, it's apparent that a UK court hearing convened last month on the incapacitated Skripals' behalf, covered by Australian journalist John Helmer but largely ignored by MSM, (deliberately?) disregarded public facts and Russian media reporting.
Russian media reports at that time and since clearly demonstrated that the Skripals relatives in Moscow were seeking to contact the victims. and find out about their status in a hospital through their country's Embassy in Kensington. Adding to the mystery and signs of possible British Scotland Yard or GCHQ intelligence tampering with cyber forensics was the reported login to Yulia's VKontakte (Russian version of Facebook) account three days after she allegedly fell into a coma and was hospitalized from alleged nerve agent poisoning. -- JWS
Lavrov Points to Likely British Intelligence Role in Skripal Poisoning
April 2, 2018—The issue of likely British intelligence involvement in the poisoning of former Russian GRU colonel, turned British double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia is increasingly coming to the fore.
Speaking at a press conference this morning in Moscow, TASS reported, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov pointed out that British intelligence, “or the government,” were clearly the beneficiaries of the poisoning of Skripal and his daughter.
“There are other explanations besides the ones, which our Western colleagues trumpet that only the Russian trace can be considered to be the final verdict,”
Lavrov said. He cited experts who observe that the whole poisoning affair “may be advantageous for Britain’s special services, which are known for their ability to act with a license to kill.” Moreover, he emphasized,
“this can be also beneficial to the British government which found itself in an inconvenient situation” after failing to negotiate favorable terms for Britain’s exit from the European Union.
“Leaders of a whole number of countries are asking questions,”
the Foreign Minister stated, and
“Britain, I think, will not manage to avoid answering these questions, because they are already only too obvious and it’s only too obvious that our British colleagues have lost their sense of reality.”
From London, Russian Ambassador Alexander Yakovenko similarly charged that London’s refusal to share information on the poisoning has led Moscow to “strongly suspect” that London was the actual perpetrator of the crime. In an interview with Russia’s NTV “Weekly Results” news program, as reported by RT, Yakovenko explained that while Russia has no direct proof, the British government’s behavior constitutes “strong circumstantial evidence in support of this theory.”
Ambassador Yakovenko also pointed out that in order for Theresa May to win support from both the population and the Parliament, she needed a “serious provocation,” and came up with a particularly “savage” one, so as to claim a leading role in the Western campaign to “contain” Russia. But, Moscow will not allow London to escape the legal consequences of its actions, Yakovenko warned. “They will have to give answers,” and bear full responsibility for their actions.
British Empire War Plans Already Backfiring
From LaRouchePAC.com April 2, 2018 The Russian Embassy in London sent a list of 14 questions to the British Foreign Office which, in themselves, demonstrate the total fraud of the British declaration of Russian guilt for the nerve agent attack on two Russian citizens in Salisbury. Among the questions: Why has the U.K. presented no evidence; why have they broken several international laws and protocols to prevent access to the victims; what antidotes did the U.K. have on hand for the nerve agent, and how did they obtain them; do they have a control agent of the so-called Novichok; has the U.K. developed the agent themselves?
But also included in the list of questions is the revelation, not previously known, that the French are deeply involved in the investigation. Why, the Russians ask, and on what grounds? What U.K. legislation or international protocols allow for the French to be engaged in an attack on Russian citizens on U.K. soil, and what have the French been given access to?
Similar lists of questions went to the French Foreign Ministry and to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).
These are questions which can and must be taken up by all interested parties -- and it can be definitively stated that every person on Earth is an interested party when the British are provoking a conflict between nuclear powers.
President Trump has continued to say nothing against Russia since the scam was launched, including in his rally in Ohio last week, while he held a long productive phone call with Putin without mentioning the phony charges against Russia. Although he did allow his administration to take the drastic measures against Russian diplomats and to close Russia's consular facility in Seattle, the war-party spokesmen in both political parties and in the press are furious that he won't personally join in the hysteria against Russia.
The Chinese took note of Trump's personal silence, while Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang called on Russia and the U.S. to resolve the issue: "Russia and the U.S. are influential countries in the world, who share big responsibility for the world's peace and security. We hope they will appropriately solve the dispute via dialogue based on equality and mutual respect."
The absurdity of the British accusations, claiming certainty with absolutely no evidence, in a manner which pushes the world into an existential crisis, comes at a time that President Trump is emphasizing the destructive results of an earlier British scam -- Tony Blair's launching of the Iraq war based on similar lies, provoking destruction across Southwest Asia and the mass exodus from the multiple war zones, leaving millions homeless and aggravating the economic crisis in Europe with a mass refugee crisis. George W. Bush and Barack Obama swallowed the British lies gladly, willing to commit crimes against humanity to prove their allegiance to the Mother Country.
Not so President Trump, who repeatedly points to the $7 trillion wasted in these illegal and unjustified regime-change wars, killing thousands while the U.S. physical economy was rotting. He could (and should) add that speculators in London and on Wall Street were simultaneously looting additional trillions from the real economies of the western nations.
India is increasingly working directly with China and Russia on productive investment projects, both among themselves and in third countries, especially in Africa. The work is being integrating through the international New Silk Road project initiated by Xi Jinping, and long promoted by Lyndon LaRouche.
On October 10, 2009, Lyndon LaRouche delivered an address to the Seventh Annual Session of the Rhodes "Dialogue of Civilizations" Forum in Greece, defining an agreement of the "Four Powers" -- Russia, the United States, China, and India -- as the necessary combination required to end the global economic destruction unfolding across the West. These four great nations, he said, must "agree, as a group of countries, to initiate and force a reorganization of the world financial and credit system -- under those conditions, with long-term agreements, of the same type that Franklin Roosevelt had uttered before his death, in 1944, under key nations, the intention of Roosevelt all these years later, could have been realized, and we could do that, today."
This insight, and this program, is even more urgent today, but it is also more possible, due to the New Silk Road paradigm sweeping the world, and the potential that President Trump will carry out his intention to work with Putin and Xi Jinping to achieve this new paradigm. All patriots, and all citizens of the world, must act to this end.
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alexindiagroup-blog · 7 years ago
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Saturday Night Cigars Addendum: Documentary on Laurence Of Arabia- last night we finished the 1963 movie and tonight we watch the documentary on the real man. Great biography! #parris #alexindia #alexindiapalace #laurenceofarabia #britishintelligence #wwi #worldwarone #british #britishempire #1914 #1918 #cigars #saturdaynightcigars (at Aledo, Texas)
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poetponyofmidgard · 6 years ago
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Ian Fleming 111th #wespeakyourname #ianfleming #rip #birthday #007 #jamesbond #onthisday #chittychittybangbang #writer #ww2 #goldeneye #casinoroyale #drno #youonlylivetwice #thunderball #goldfinger #liveandletdie #fromrussiawithlove #thespywholovedme #diamondareforever #thankyouforyourservice #britishintelligence #conceptart #neversayneveragain #writersofinstagram #blackandwhite @007 @007everythingornothing @talesfromthevideostore @fconniff @mgm_studios @seanconnerydaily @turnerclassicmovies https://www.instagram.com/p/ByAQ9nIJb6o/?igshid=ijs78jo7tv9r
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boyangeorgiev · 8 years ago
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Street lights 🌃 #london_enthusiast #pano #panoramacity #sky #london4all #secretlondon #uk_shooters #metropolis_london #upwardsvisual #londonlife #thisislondon #river #waterreflection #thames #thetower #mi6 #nikond810 #zeiss #15mm #wideangle #nofilter #lightroom #highrise #tower #britishintelligence
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rusty-pincers · 5 years ago
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Codename: Madeleine / Callsign: Nurse / Unit: Cinema #sixfanarts Noor Inayat Khan was a British-Indian undercover wireless operator, the first female operator to work in German occupied France during WWII. She was betrayed by double agents in her cohort and was executed in Dachau concentration camp in 1944. She served four years in the Special Operations Executive and attained the rank of Assistant Section Officer, and was posthumously awarded the George Cross. #noorinayatkhan #ww2 #britishintelligence #secretagent #codename #morsecode #taptaptap #overandout #spygames #warhero #ink #watercolours #blackandwhite #yycarts #yycdrawings #thespywhocameinfromthecold https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Jxfl4JPS8/?igshid=9vr4qg69o86a
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