demifiendrsa · 2 years
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Acclaimed South Korean comic book artist Kim Jung Gi has passed away at age 47 due to a heart attack. He’s best known for drawing complex and large-scale works entirely from memory, which earned him a Guinness World Record for “longest drawing by an individual.” Some of his works include Tiger the Long Tail and SpyGames. He also collaborated with western comic book companies such as Marvel, DC comics, Dark Horse comics, and Image comics on variant covers.
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the-last-dillpickle · 5 months
Sloanshir and while in Sloan's POV, Carly Rae Jepsen's 'Call Me Maybe' is playing in the background, and in Julian's it's a horror movie soundtrack
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nellarw95 · 3 months
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Happy Heavenly Birthday Tony 🎂💔
Anthony David Leighton Scott 🤍
June 21,1944 - August 19,2012🙏🏻
We Miss You So Much 🕊️♾️
Buon Compleanno in Paradiso 🎂💔
21 Giugno 1944 - 19 Agosto 2012🙏🏻
Ci Manchi Moltissimo 🕊️♾️
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davealmost · 2 years
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Deadly Spygames
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kraniumet · 8 months
double feature thursday - the ipcress file (1965), the transporter (2002)
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st-just · 6 months
So how are you feeling about Wildbow's stealth adaptation of the Americans?
First thought: On the one hand baiting and trolling the fandom is something wildbow already does either accidentally or intenitonally waaaay too much.
On the other hand making his next protagonist a textual doctrinaire Marxist-Lenninist would be hilarious.
Actual answer: Family drama and spygame bullshit and hopefully actually fun pseudo-cyberpunk crime procedural plots is a combination I am actually now much more excited for than I was from the initial pitch.
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skojukebox · 18 days
Taking a break from boiling my brain writing commissions and failing to put a short story to the page adequately to think about the structure of Road Out of Ruin.
There are two different paths forward I can take right now. There are two storylines in Road to Ruin that need to be resolved more or less.
Revenant- A story that mainly focuses on Whisper and Kit. Shorter than Spark, closer to the length of I'm Doing This For Revenge and also closer to that story's somber tone with a lot of spygames-y stuff.
Surge in the Sol Dimension Titles Pending 1 and 2- This could maybe be one story if I REALLY wanted it to but it would be very long, and the tone of the two halves would be dramatically different. Picks up where the ending of Spark dropped off Surge. The first one has a more adventure-y tone to it, the second a bit different.
Chronologically they take place Surge 1 -> Revenant -> Surge 2. Part of me is thinking it would maybe be a good idea to write them out of order though so that I can both reorient the focus back to the Diamond Cutters for awhile while also what's going on with Kit during this period.
I genuinely can't decide yet, though, because I feel like people would also be appreciative of more Surge. Spark really took off, and there is a big cliffhanger in there that I know some would appreciate more resolution to sooner than later. I also have that story a lot stronger in my head, so there's that, but I've got plenty of time to plan for Revenant too. I aint gonna do anything sonic related until at least November.
I dunno. Gonna take some thinking, I guess.
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hooked on the concept of Simon Blackquill suspecting Phoenix of being the Phantom because noone knows anythign about him pre-meeting Mia, except for Larry who just pops in an out of existance, and Miles who knew him for (at most) 1 year.
He could be anyone!
obv hes not but the thought of Blackquill trying to spygame him while he - poker master, master of the poker face; unkillable man; can see when someone has secrets; general fuckin weird guy - is either unaware-yet-perfectly avoids it [Phoenix: (I sure felt surprised. Maybe I had my poker face on.)] or knows hes being stalked and is just bein casual about it (outwardly, inwards u know hes collecting 1million data points)
the actual phantom thinks this is a great mistdirection until either he also becomes obsessed with "who the fuck is Phoenix Wright???" or Phoenix , completely unintentionally, proves without a doubt who the Phantom is via a series of insane events
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ouroboros-hideout · 11 months
Project Garmr
This is just a wild list of ideas I had after finishing Phantom Liberty and beeing slightly dissapointed how they treated Kurt Hansen as a character.
- Spoilers ahead -
First of all: I love PL but I think it has its weaknesses. But that's for another post.
I am manly dissapointed, that he was introduced as the main antagonist (Myers is the actual villian if you ask me) but got very little screentime or impact on your choices or story imo. He was there, the quests involving him where epic but in the end he just got low to medium depth lore and an unspectacular death. I could rant about the problems I have with the fight (gameplay was sick but the story was meh) or the not-fight if Alex is taking care of him. But that's for another post aswell.
I just want to write down some ideas and headcanons about how things could have turned out differently, if he didn't die.
- I'll give it to V or Alex, that they're actually able to defeat him
- But he'll survive the attack, badly wounded but alive
- He'll then recover in the hospital, maybe getting new chrome to compensate the injuries
If you leave Hansen alive after the fight, you'll later get informed by Mr. Hands that he was assassinated in the hospital.
But what if that's not true. What if Kurt faked his death and spread this missinformation. By placing a body double at his funeral and asigning Bennett and Jago to give the public some drama to make his disguise waterproof but secretly still pulling the strings in the back.
Why? Because it's an opportunity. An opportunity for revenge. Playing hide and seek spygames against the spies and government, who got him into this situation in the first place.
He failed to kill or capture Myers and that's grinding his gears. The grudge he's holding against her is becoming unberable. After Song and the agents of the FIA screwed him over he's more than done fucking around with the marionetts and wants to start a last attempt to kill the puppet master.
He basically wants Myers head on a silver plate.
- This top secret plan is communicted as 'Project Garmr' within the structures of Barghest and Dogtown
- only Kurts most trusted associates know about his plans and that he is still alive
- the risk of someone spilling the tea in the lower ranks of Barghest are to high
- means he needs to get along without the manpower of his militia. At least in the beginning
- in addition to that he doesn't want that his smuggling business or Dogtown in general gets involved too far
- he worked to hard and is proud of his achivements to throw everything into the trash for his personal revenge
- he reaches out to his contacts all over the world, asking around who'd profit from the death of Mrs. President and shifting powers
- all or most of it undercover, so his disguise stays in tact
- building kind of an army
- the course and outcome of this plan would highly depend on the people or organisations Kurt's siding with
-  because after all he wants Myers dead  and in the best case replace her with someone in his favor
- could mean he's 'accidentally' starting the next war or does it in a more discrete manner
- it would suit his character if he used all his wits, instead of just sending some missels to her face. He would not make this mistake again
If this would evolve into a legit fanfic or what ever there are a lot of possibilities to give the Colonel additional lore and depth. For example:
- Meeting people of his past, friends, lovers or enemies alike
- Showing different sides of him (vulnerability because of a trauma or cyberpsychosis or smth like that)
- more of his top tier interrogation skills
- knife fights! Oh yeah
Yeah that's it. For now. A big 'What If'. Don't know, really like the idea somehow. All of it is a WIP that I came up with in the middle of the night but I would like to make it a little project in some way. Even though Kurt didn't had the impact I'd hoped for in the game, he managed to get into the top 3 of my fav chars within the blink of an eye lol.
Side note: Garmr is a dog/wolf mentioned in norse mythologie (who has a lot in common with Fenrir, who is probably more popular). He's described as a fucking huge, blood-stained dog caught in chains, guarding Hel's gate, the door to the underworld. He is ascociated with the beginning of Ragnarök, the final battle between beasts and gods. Once he breaks free from his chains, he's ultimately responsible for plunging the world into chaos.
Think that's an appropriate name Kurt would choose. He's a mythology nerd lol.
Bark. Bark.
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lullabyes22-blog · 1 year
Couple of Q's on FnF. What do the sex workers on Silco's network think of him? What do ordinary people think of him?
tw: sex work, violence
In FnF, the sex workers on Silco's payroll say a prayer each time they're summoned. Not because of anything he'll do physically, but because he handles business through them, and uses them as proxies for spygames, assassinations, info trading etc. They're on the edge each visit, because they'll have no choice but to accept whatever's on his agenda.
One does not simply refuse the Eye of Zaun.
Beyond that, physically, they would happily do without having sex with him. In FnF, he's got a taste for bloodplay, and an unpredictable nature. Neither of these are pleasant to deal with. Also, er... well-hung clients might be up one's alley for a fun one-night stand, but by and large, most sex workers prefer an underendowed john because there's less wear and tear on their own bodies, and less 'prepping' before the deed.
Beyond that, any pleasure they experience is in knowing he's satisfied and not about to go ripping their throats out.
Plus, have you met his kid? Grade A psycho and might blow you up.
They like that he's generous with tips, though. And if you're talented and business-savvy, he will go out of his way to cultivate your skills. Play things right, and he'll even score you nice digs, jewels and other assets.
As for ordinary Fissurefolk - in FnF, I've got a few scenes which make clear most don't even know what he looks like. For the working classes, he's a mix between a shadowy bogeyman and Pablo Escobar. They see him as a nearly mythologized figure who sticks it to the man (ironic because his Shimmer empire hurts them more than anyone else).
He does, as the story goes on, contribute a lot to infrastructure, hospitals, schools etc - but that's less philanthropy than wanting to stabilize the city (and also, he does feel the Fissurefolk deserve better than what they were given, having lived through the same deprivations himself.)
The educated middle class dislikes him, because he sows disorder and runs his empire through violence. Upper-classes are fond, not of him, but the money and opportunity he lures in through his schemes. For them, it's about jockeying to stay on his good side rather than considering the ramifications of his actions on the city itself.
All in all, he's a deeply polarizing figure.
Also, Jinx is far more popular than him - and more widely known and adored, even beyond Zaun (except Piltover where they hate her guts but are quietly fascinated too). A fact that he makes maximum use of as the story goes on...
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cephalopodvictorious · 8 months
reconnaisance faire (spygames)
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scotianostra · 2 years
Two birthdays today from the film industry, I don’t know much about either , but they were only born a year apart on January 8th.
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Happy Birthday Gillies MacKinnon, born in Glasgow in 1948.
After studying mural painting at Glasgow School of Art, he became an art teacher and professional cartoonist, and spent six months travelling with a nomadic tribe in the Sahara, what an adventure that must have been! 
He studied at Middlesex Polytechnic in the 1970s and the National Film and Television School in the early 1980s. His graduation short Passing Glory, an austere recreation of the Glasgow of his youth, was premiered at the 1986 Edinburgh International Film Festival, where it won the first Scottish Film Prize. He then went on two direct two projects for BBC 2’S Screen Two, Small Faces, about three teenage brothers,  in a downtrodden section of 1960’s Glasgow and The Grass Arena the true story of John Healy, a boxer turned alcoholic turned chess master portrayed by Mark Rylance. The film won several prizes, including the Edinburgh Film Festival’s Michael Powell Award for Best British Film.
MacKinnon also directed notable TV shows including, Trial and Retribution and George Gently. More recently he directed the TV film Torvill and Dean, and the latest version of Whisky Galore.
I recommend his latest work, a film called The Last Bus…….Life is a journey and The Last Bus takes pensioner Tom Harper (Timothy Spall) on an epic trip from the remote village he calls home, back to the place where he was born.   The film also stars our very own Phyllis Logan, in it Spall uses his free bus pass to travel from John O'Groats to Land’s End in Cornwall, It's a joyful film that is also sad in places.
The second birthday boy is Iain Smith was born in Glasgow in 1949, and graduated from the London Film School in 1971.
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He worked in London for several years before returning to his native Scotland to make “My Childhood”, for the British Film Institute, the first of the award winning trilogy.
He formed his own production company in partnership with Jon Schorstein and produced television commercials, documentaries, children’s feature films and low budget dramas, and in 1978 production managed Bertrand Tavernier’s “Deathwatch” starring Romy Schneider and Harvey Keitel. A year later he joined David Puttnam and Hugh Hudson to make “Chariots of Fire” starring Ian Charleson and Ben Cross.
Smith has worked with some of the best actors in Hollywood, including Julia Roberts in Mary Reilly, Robert De Niro in the Mission and Spygame with Robert Redford and Brad Pitt. His most famous Scottish work is arguably as an  associate producer of Local Hero. He alson worked on some Hollywood titles including The Fifth Element, The A Team(movie) and The Killing Fields.
Iain Smith has served on the boards of the UK Film Council, Scottish Screen, the Joint board of Creative Scotland, the Scottish Film Council, the Scottish Film Production Fund, the Scottish Film Training Trust as a Governor of the National Film and Television School, a director of the Children’s Film and Television Foundation, and as Chair of the Edinburgh International Film Festival.
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millenniumbreak · 1 year
jack de quidt doing spygames forever and ever amen
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irvinenewshq · 2 years
Late Artist Kim Jung Gi Honored at New York Comedian-Con
Photograph: Linda Codega/io9 Earlier within the week, the information broke that South Korean illustrator Kim Jung Gi handed away on the age of 47. Kim, in response to his US agent, had skilled chest pains in France as he was making ready to take a flight to New York, and died after being transported to a hospital. Kim was anticipated to have an Artist Alley desk at New York Comedian-Con this weekend previous to his passing. Over the weekend, the desk has since change into a memorial the place followers have left flowers, drawn illustrations, and signed the desk skirt with well-wishes. io9 took photos of the desk, which you’ll see beneath. Photograph: Linda Codega/io9 Born within the Seoul suburb of Goyang on February 7, 1975, Kim’s first revealed work as an illustrator was the story Humorous Humorous within the pages of Younger Soar Journal. Following that, he taught artwork at personal colleges and universities whereas concurrently working on the artwork studio SuperAni. His first collaboration with one other artist would include author Seung-Jin Park’s Tiger the Lengthy Tail in 2008. Different collaborations would go on to incorporate Belgian artist Jean-David Morvan (2014’s SpyGames comics), Riot Video games for League of Legends, and a variant cowl for Marvel Comics’ Civil Warfare II occasion in 2016. Previous to being an artist, Kim served within the Republic of Korea Military, and attributed that service time to his capacity to have a powerful visible reminiscence for weapons and automobiles. He was greatest recognized for being in a position to attract scenes that includes massive crowds in a handful of hours. He’d usually do that in entrance of a reside viewers, and would narrate his course of. G/O Media could get a fee Photograph: Linda Codega/io9 Throughout his time as a instructor, he would steadily inform college students to “think about the memorable second of the day,” and to mix psychological photographs with what they noticed whereas out and about. In 2020, he tried the Guinness world document for “longest drawing by a person for the Fisheye Artwork.” Throughout that 4 day, 20-hour course of, he created artwork that depicted the “dwelling heritage of Penang.” Along with followers, each Marvel and DC Comics’ Jim Lee, together with different trade professionals, have given tributes to Kim. Moreover, New York Comedian-Con revealed a small assertion that was positioned in an indication at his desk. “[Kim] was a pioneering visible artist, and having him at our occasions was at all times an honor,” the group wrote. “You couldn’t watch him reside draw with out being in full wonderment, however extra inspiring was his appreciation and kindness in direction of his followers and friends.” “Our hearts are together with his family and friends presently.” Photograph: Linda Codega/io9 Need extra io9 information? Take a look at when to count on the most recent Marvel and Star Wars releases, what’s subsequent for the DC Universe on movie and TV, and every part you might want to find out about Home of the Dragon and Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Energy. Originally published at Irvine News HQ
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powerixnews · 6 months
The Untold Story of Mata Hari The Legendary Dancer Turned Spy.The Untold Story of Mata Hari The Legendary Dancer Turned Spy.Discover the captivating tale of Mata Hari, from her rise as a legendary dancer to her involvement in espionage during World War 1. Dive into the world of mystery and allure as we uncover the web of intrigue that led to her tragic fate. #MataHari #Spy #Dancer #WorldWar1 #Espionage #Intrigue #Legend #Mystery #Allure #History #MataHari #WWISpy #LegendaryDancer #Espionage #Paris #ExoticDancer #SpyGames #DoubleAgent #FiringSquad #MysteryIcon #Intrigue #Seduction
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lonewolf23k · 1 year
Dream Journal: series of dreams last night.
1- dreamt I was a furry virtual avatar in a RPO-style virtual world, navigating the floors of a building complex to find my new virtual appartment, an dealing with things like entertainment floors.
2- dreamt something like a first confrontation between a Kim Possible clone and their archrival.
3- A tactical SNES-like spygame inspired by Spy x Family, set in a fictional Earthlike world like Strangereal.
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