#british ties
maturetemptations · 2 months
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Stephen Rycroft. British.
Absolutely stunning! Nice bulge.
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hardcore-jones · 2 months
Jonah x Listener (Featuring Elias being the best wing man)
Okay listen. Hell week is coming up VERY quickly and I've been stressed, of course I have to listen to all the Jonah audios while doing chem homework...which then turned into writing this instead of studying. I just love Jonah sm 🥹🥹
"Okay, just give me one minute, I'll be right back." Your attention was taken away from your book as Jonah emerged from his cave streaming room. His smile widened when he saw you, sprawled out on the couch in your most elegant pajamas. 
"Oh, I didn't realize you were awake already. I didn't wake you up, did I?" 
"Oh no, of course not," you bookmarked the page you were on to give Jonah your full attention. "I mean, it is after 2 pm. All the late night shifts in the world can't knock me down for a whole day." 
He chuckled, shaking his head. "If you say so. I'm gonna make some tea, you want some?" 
"Oooh, that would be nice. Do we have any biscuits?" 
"I think so, let me check." He stepped closer, pressing a kiss to your forehead before turning away. 
You whined in protest, grabbing his jacket sleeve and pulling him towards you. He gasped in faux shock, clearly expecting you to ask for more. 
"My my, aren't you feeling insatiable today?" 
"Shush and kiss me." 
"And bossy!" He laughed as he kissed your forehead again. 
"No, not there!" 
"Alright, your Highness." 
He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your lips. You held him close, feeling the stubble on his cheek with your thumb. You wished he could stay with you, but you knew he had to get back to his stream eventually. 
"Was that enough for you?" 
You tapped your chin in pretend thought. "Well, that's enough for now. But I expect a few more later!" 
Jonah rolled his eyes as he laughed. "Pinky promise I will, babe, now let me put the kettle on." 
You watched as he slipped away into the kitchen. Theoretically you could join him but... 
Eyeing the door to his streaming room, you had a better idea. 
Quietly, you tipped toed over to the door, opening it slowly to cover the sound of the squeaky hinges. The PC was the brightest thing in the room, some of the decorations and string light you had set up for him were drowned out by the lights coming from the monitors on the desk. You crept over and sat in his surprisingly very comfortable chair. 
One monitor had a game paused, the other one had a few different programs open. The chat was on one half of the screen, a few users talking amongst themselves as they waited. You realized the window open next to it showed what the chat was looking at, which currently showed a paused screen. 
Trying to decipher through the different commands listed, you tried a few before the monitor changed back to its normal view. The game was on the main screen, and you could see the back of your head in the camera as you leaned over to see the second monitor. 
xXIsmoke420Xx: he's back
LIAS_E: wait... no the hair colors all wrong
Blade_Main: yoooooo is that Y/N ??? 
CenterAtkMid: did they hijack again? XD 
You giggled to yourself reading through the chat, realizing you were successfully able to get the screen back to normal. 
"Hey guys, what are y'all up to?" 
You watched chat, leaning back into Jonah's chair. 
PickleMick: Y/N playing LOL would be hilarious 
LIAS_E: oh hes gonna be pissed lmao 
CenterAtkMid: @picklemick LMAO they'd be so lost XD 
"Oh is he playing League today, that's what LOL is, right?" You asked out loud, looking back to the first monitor. "What is this squirrel thing? Is Jonah a squirrel in this game?" 
You moved the mouse around a bit, trying to get a better look at the character on screen. 
You could see chat going by a mile a minute out of the corner of your eye, not able to see each individual message anymore. 
Behind you, you heard the door creak open, followed by a loud, dramatic gasp. 
"You! What are you doing in here, you gremlin!" 
Jonah walked in, shutting the door with his foot and setting two cups of tea down on his desk. 
You let out a maniacal giggle, spinning around in his chair to face him. "I'm the streamer now!" 
He shook his head. "You're unbelievable! I make you some tea and you pay me back by taking over like a dictator?" 
He leaned over the chair, trying to read the chat. 
"A squirrel? Why did Elias say I'm playing a squirrel?" 
You broke down into giggles again, pointing at the screen. 
"Look, you're playing as a squirrel!" 
"What, that's Yuumi! Yuumi's a cat, can't you see!" He shook the computer chair from behind you, grabbing the mouse and zooming in on the character. 
"Hey, it's not my fault the designers made it look like a squirrel!" 
Jonah let out a dramatic sigh behind you, taking a sip from his mug and shaking his head at you. 
You went back to the chat, not willing to get in a debate with him about game design (again).
LIAS_E: jonah is now a dedicated squirrel main 
Blade_Main: I cant even image Y/N trying to play lol 
"Is league of legends hard? The chat said I'd be bad at it, " 
"It's not hard but it's... " Jonah hummed to himself in thought. "Its not the gameplay I'm so worried about, it's the people who play the game. I wouldn't want you to hear what some of the players say in game." 
He nudged your mug closer to you. "Hey now, don't let this get cold." 
"Oh yeah," You took a quick sip, savoring the perfect mix of sugar and milk Jonah always managed to pull off. "Amazing as always, love." 
You didn't hear Jonah respond, and you almost turned to check whe you caught your name in chat again. 
LIAS_E: how was work, Y/N? 
"How was work? It was... Ughhh." You groaned, resting your head on your hand. "Arsenal lost pretty bad last night and the crowd got a little hectic. Luckily, my boss got a few of them to leave and the rest calmed down after that. The train was absolutely full of them too, I almost thought about just getting an Uber instead." 
PickleMick: :monkaS: 
CenterAtkMid: did anyone else see that?? 
xXIsmoke420Xx: someone clip this 
"What the heck are they talking about?" 
"Hm, what are they saying?" Jonah asked. You noticed his voice sounded further away, like he was by the door again. Checking the camera, you realized Jonah was directly behind you anymore, but stood a foot or so away, with one arm hiding behind his back. 
You turned away from the monitor and towards your boyfriend. He looked nervous for some reason, his cheeks red and a wide grin across his face. 
"Are you up to something right now?" 
"Babe," He smiled as he took one of your hands, the other one still hiding behind his back. "this isn't how I planned this but... this just feels like the right time." 
"What do you mean?" 
Jonah's other hand came back to the front, holding a little velvet box between his shakey fingers. 
"Open it," 
You could feel your heart beat a million miles an hour as you opened the box, a ring sitting perfectly on the velvet inside. 
He laughed nervously, slowly sinking down to his knee. 
"You have no idea how happy you make me, and how much you truly mean to me. I love you so much. Will you marry me?" 
"Jonah!" You pulled him back up to his feet, holding him close to you. 
"Oh my god, are you crying? Don't cry, please!" 
"No, they're happy tears!" You let him go then, giving him free access to wipe away the tears. He ran his thumbs over your cheeks, his own eyes wet as well. 
"You still haven't answered, babe," He teased. 
"Of course I'll marry you Jonah! Do you even have to ask?" You giggled at him, standing on your tip toes to press kisses all over his face. 
Clip by LIAS_E
April XX, 20XX
Jonah leaned from behind the computer chair, pushing the mug closer to you. "Hey now, don't let this get cold." 
Making sure you were distracted for just a minute, he quickly pulled his phone out and shot a quick text to Elias, asking if he could keep you occupied for just a minute. 
He checked you weren't watching and quietly slipped out of the room for a minute. 
You took another sip of tea before noticing a question in chat directed to you. "How was work? It was... Ughhh" 
Jonah came back into the office, making sure the hinges didn't creak too loudly. Luckily you didn't notice and he knew he'd be able to pull off his risky plan. 
Silently, he came up behind the computer chair, holding up a small box close enough for the camera to see, but making sure to keep it out of your field of view. With a shaky hand, he opened it, flashing the ring to the camera for just a moment.
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marlinspirkhall · 1 year
I do think it's possible to watch Red Dwarf at an impressionable age and still turn out normal, but unfortunately that did not happen to me.
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fatehbaz · 4 months
[T]he Dutch Republic, like its successor the Kingdom of the Netherlands, [...] throughout the early modern period had an advanced maritime [trading, exports] and (financial) service [banking, insurance] sector. Moreover, Dutch involvement in Atlantic slavery stretched over two and a half centuries. [...] Carefully estimating the scope of all the activities involved in moving, processing and retailing the goods derived from the forced labour performed by the enslaved in the Atlantic world [...] [shows] more clearly in what ways the gains from slavery percolated through the Dutch economy. [...] [This web] connected them [...] to the enslaved in Suriname and other Dutch colonies, as well as in non-Dutch colonies such as Saint Domingue [Haiti], which was one of the main suppliers of slave-produced goods to the Dutch economy until the enslaved revolted in 1791 and brought an end to the trade. [...] A significant part of the eighteenth-century Dutch elite was actively engaged in financing, insuring, organising and enabling the slave system, and drew much wealth from it. [...] [A] staggering 19% (expressed in value) of the Dutch Republic's trade in 1770 consisted of Atlantic slave-produced goods such as sugar, coffee, or indigo [...].
One point that deserves considerable emphasis is that [this slave-based Dutch wealth] [...] did not just depend on the increasing output of the Dutch Atlantic slave colonies. By 1770, the Dutch imported over fl.8 million worth of sugar and coffee from French ports. [...] [T]hese [...] routes successfully linked the Dutch trade sector to the massive expansion of slavery in Saint Domingue [the French colony of Haiti], which continued until the early 1790s when the revolution of the enslaved on the French part of that island ended slavery.
Before that time, Dutch sugar mills processed tens of millions of pounds of sugar from the French Caribbean, which were then exported over the Rhine and through the Sound to the German and Eastern European ‘slavery hinterlands’.
Coffee and indigo flowed through the Dutch Republic via the same trans-imperial routes, while the Dutch also imported tobacco produced by slaves in the British colonies, [and] gold and tobacco produced [by slaves] in Brazil [...]. The value of all the different components of slave-based trade combined amounted to a sum of fl.57.3 million, more than 23% of all the Dutch trade in 1770. [...] However, trade statistics alone cannot answer the question about the weight of this sector within the economy. [...] 1770 was a peak year for the issuing of new plantation loans [...] [T]he main processing industry that was fully based on slave-produced goods was the Holland-based sugar industry [...]. It has been estimated that in 1770 Amsterdam alone housed 110 refineries, out of a total of 150 refineries in the province of Holland. These processed approximately 50 million pounds of raw sugar per year, employing over 4,000 workers. [...] [I]n the four decades from 1738 to 1779, the slave-based contribution to GDP alone grew by fl.20.5 million, thus contributing almost 40% of all growth generated in the economy of Holland in this period. [...]
These [slave-based Dutch commodity] chains ran from [the plantation itself, through maritime trade, through commodity processing sites like sugar refineries, through export of these goods] [...] and from there to European metropoles and hinterlands that in the eighteenth century became mass consumers of slave-produced goods such as sugar and coffee. These chains tied the Dutch economy to slave-based production in Suriname and other Dutch colonies, but also to the plantation complexes of other European powers, most crucially the French in Saint Domingue [Haiti], as the Dutch became major importers and processers of French coffee and sugar that they then redistributed to Northern and Central Europe. [...]
The explosive growth of production on slave plantations in the Dutch Guianas, combined with the international boom in coffee and sugar consumption, ensured that consistently high proportions (19% in 1770) of commodities entering and exiting Dutch harbors were produced on Atlantic slave plantations. [...] The Dutch economy profited from this Atlantic boom both as direct supplier of slave-produced goods [from slave plantations in the Dutch Guianas, from Dutch processing of sugar from slave plantations in French Haiti] and as intermediary [physically exporting sugar and coffee] between the Atlantic slave complexes of other European powers and the Northern and Central European hinterland.
Text above by: Pepijn Brandon and Ulbe Bosma. "Slavery and the Dutch economy, 1750-1800". Slavery & Abolition Volume 42, Issue 1. 2021. [Text within brackets added by me for clarity. Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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crofter · 2 months
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001: a (visual) study into lara croft.
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flymeandtiememaam2 · 8 months
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Once More For Instagram!
I had unwisely seized Amanda, the British Airways stewardess from behind as she entered her hotel room, far earlier than I had expected. I put on my most convincing scary stage-villain voice as I clapped a hand over the young woman’s mouth. “I just wanted some of your panties and tights, slut,” I snarled, “but now you’ve interrupted me, perhaps I’ll just the peel the ones you’re wearing right off you!”
Before I had even finished speaking, I found Amanda had pushed her shapely backside hard into my stomach, pushing the air out. As I gasped in pain, and my grip around her mouth loosened, the stewardess seized my wrist with both hands and the next thing I knew, I was flying through the air as she threw me over her shoulder and I landed painfully and ignominiously on my back on the floor. I lay there groaning and blinking as the light flicked on and the uniformed woman pinned my wrists to the carpet and she swung her legs either side of me to straddle me. There was no way I was going to endure the inevitable female face slapping that would accompany her schoolgirl pin (I remembered them well from my schooldays), so I quickly surrendered. “I give up, miss,” I whined.
She hauled me to my feet, put me in an armlock with one hand while she examined her open underwear drawer with the other. “Ew!” Amanda remarked at the sight of scattered nylons and panties. “Well, if you like them so much..” she laughed as she then tied my wrists tightly behind my back with pantyhose. Once I was safely bound, the stewardess squeezed my nose and forced a pair of panties into my open mouth before tying the gag in place with another set of tights. Soon, propped up against the wall, ankles also lashed together, I stared pathetically as the woman sat nonchalantly on a table opposite, legs crossed provocatively and snapped pic after pic of me with her phone. “Once more for Instagram!” she beamed as I “Mmmmphed” sadly in reply. “Before I call the girls in reception to come and collect you!”
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Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones, Bt., A.R.A., R.W.S (British. 1833-1898) The Legend of St George and the Dragon, VI: The Princess Tied to a Tree, 1866
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wilcze-kudly · 1 month
Not the worst thing that I brought out of my incredibly religious upbringing, but I've been very much conditioned to not swear or take the lord's name in vain, so now I sound like a kid's cartoon character from the early 20th century.
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maturetemptations · 2 months
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Paul Golding. British.
Clean cut, suited and conservative. As it should be.
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janetsnakehole02 · 2 years
Me watching my Indian cousins posting on their stories with “rest in peace 🕊❤️” for Lizzie like
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Bonus from @flyinlove:
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robotpussy · 1 year
i have never seen this much love and appreciation for a British character in a while spider punk is doing good PR for black brits 🙏
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leonisandmurex · 2 years
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Love Actually 2003 || The scene where Aurelia's sister tries to convince her to accept Jamie's (Colin Firth) proposal just so she can move to England & bag someone much, MUCH better........Prince William ;)
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↑ The culprit in 2003 ↑
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xemsmith97x · 2 years
‘tis the damn season short film 🎬
PSA to all Swifties!!
I am so incredibly proud to finally be releasing my tiny TikTok short films for ‘tis the damn season!
As a filmmaker, Taylor has always inspired me. When I heard ‘tis the damn season for the first time two years ago, I could immediately see a music video concept in my mind. With a lot of planning, hard work, and tears (literally) I now have two tiny short films bringing Dorothea and her small town love to life!
The first film can be viewed on my new TikTok account - @incandescentfilmmaking
The second film will be posted this evening and I can’t wait to share it with you all!
Please watch, like, comment and share with all your Swiftie friends! It would mean the world ❤️
@taylorswift @taylornation
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vzajemnik · 3 days
ohhhhhhhhh ill never be over her I Get It
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merrymorningofmay · 6 months
ofmd?... "premature end"??....... ofmd???.........
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fauxintellectual · 3 months
Every time someone tries to talk to me about whatever is going with the British royalty other than one of them dying, I have to fight back the urge to say "why do you give a shit??? We're American....they got nothing to do with us"
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