#british stationery
night-for-night · 1 year
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1x1" 1910s woodcut stickers - 16 designs x 10 - julie de graag & others
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notebookshelf · 2 years
hey I'm so sorry to bother you but I think it's spelled stationery
well i'll be damned, it is. thanks for letting me know, there's no way i'd have realized otherwise!
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thedesignpaletteuk · 1 year
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Colourful and Patterned Luxury Notebooks by The Design Palette!
The Design Palette offers a range of uniquely patterned and colourful notebooks that are beautifully designed and crafted on luxury paper. Made in Britain, our stylish stationery is designed entirely in-house to brighten up your desks and inspire creativity. From classic A5 hardcover notebooks to mini pocket notebooks, our collection has something for every stationery lover.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
You think Roop won’t even begin? What about all the articles on all the potential merch it will sell? **snickers** I’ve never seen a brand launch without any product!
Roop, and Meghan, has potential.
Meghan has always had the potential to be a success. She's focused, dedicated, and ambitious enough to be successful. I mean, the lady went from an unknown D-List cable TV actress to the fiancee of a British prince in 12 months. That takes serious focus and dedication. Especially considering that they spent much of those 12 months apart from each other (again, according to their own PR).
(It's 12 months if you take Sussex PR at their word - they met in July 2016 and Meghan was leaking/hinting they were engaged in July 2017).
Meghan's problem is that she's obsessed with immediate gratification. Part of it is how she was spoiled by her father growing up. By all accounts from Sam and the Toms, Tom Sr gave Meghan everything she wanted when she wanted it, which led to an expectation in her adulthood that "what Meghan wants, Meghan gets" -- and for the most part, that expectation was validated. She married a producer, she got a cable network show. She posted on social media, and the likes, shares, reposts, and mentions start growng immediately. She wanted luxury travel, she got it comped by Soho House. She wanted Harry to prove how much he loved her, he blew up protocol and wrote a love letter on KP stationery. So on.
Meghan doesn't understand that real success takes time. It's the core root of her problem with the UK and the BRF. She expected everything immediately and was immediately offended when everyone told her (and showed her) that it doesn't work like that. It never has. It never will. So she did the only thing she knew how to do: throw a tantrum nasty enough that the BRF/UK will give in and do what she wants...because it's worked in the past. It worked with Tom Sr. It worked with Trevor. It worked with Harry. It worked (partially) with the press. Rinse and repeat for six years and here we are with Roop.
I've gotten way off-tangent here. Anyway, the point is that Meghan expects instant immediate gratification on everything and anything she does that she can't fathom the idea, or the responsibility, of follow-through.
But she can follow through when it's her own ass on the line. She followed through with marrying Harry, despite how vicious the cyberbullying and media harassment was (per her own PR). She followed through with Megxit, despite a pandemic that drastically and rapidly altered the world as we knew it. She followed through with the Oprah interview on Prince Philip's deathbed. She followed through on "Kate the Racist Royal" narrative despite zero evidence. She followed through on earning Prince/Princess titles for her irrelevant children. She followed through on merchandizing the Sussex brand, despite the Sandringham Agreement.
If she applied that same dedication and that same focus to Roop, it can be successful. Will it, though?
I'm skeptical. Meghan's (and Harry's) own track record shows that the only follow-through they have is in doing photoshoots that lets them take credit for everyone else's work.
So if Roop ends up being more like Invictus Games or Clevr - where Meghan gets paid to be in their social media posts and shake hands with fans at the farmer's markets - the fighting chances are much, much better once they have a product. (And the lackluster reception for Meghan's vanity video should make it clear now that they need real product, not just Meghan's existence.) Because the actual team can fudge the data and stroke her ego to keep her unaware of what's really happening.
But if Roop ends up being more like Pearl or British Vogue - where she's closely involved in the day-to-day management/oversight - there's absolutely no chance. Even with the most gamechanging product in the world, Roop is going to fizzle faster than Blake Lively's attempt did. Because Meghan wants immediate gratification and when she doesn't see those results after one hour of product launch, she's going to take it out on people. In fact we're already seeing this, when she threw Mandana under the bus in the Page Six story.
Unfortunately, I think Roop is going to be a situation more of the latter, since we're already seeing that. And, as everyone has pointed out, it does Meghan absolutely no good to have launched the brand without any tangible product. Even if all she had was a newsletter (like Goop/Gwyneth Paltrow did) or a premiere date for her Martha Stewart show.
So TL;DR - Roop has the potential to be a success but it depends on Meghan and
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scotianostra · 2 months
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On July 31st 1845 The Caledonian Railway Company was incorporated by the Caledonian Railway Act.
In spite of its initial promotion and capital subscription being largely English, the Caledonian Railway became the most Scottish of the pre-grouping companies: its blue locomotives reflected the Saltire, and its adoption of both the “Lion of Scotland” and the Royal Arms of Scotland as the Company Coat of Arms meant that these appeared on everything from locomotives and carriages to buildings, timetables, stationery, and hotel crockery.
The first section of the railway between Carlisle and Beattock was opened on 10 September 1847. The line was completed to Glasgow and Edinburgh on 15th February 1848 and to Greenhill / Castlecary on 7th August 1848, where it joined the Scottish Central Railway. The line to Glasgow utilised the earlier railways Glasgow, Garnkirk & Coatbridge, and the Wishaw & Coltness, which it purchased in 1846 and 1849 respectively.
Between 1849 and 1864 the company repeatedly tried to absorb the Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway Co. into the Caledonian system. If it had succeeded the Caledonian would have had a virtual monopoly of Scottish Railways. The company however acquired other lines and later the services encompassed Aberdeen, Dundee, Forfar, Perth, Stirling, Oban, Ardrossan, Peebles and a large number of other locations.
The Company also owned two very fine hotels as part of the stations at Glasgow Central and Edinburgh Princes Street. The development of the majestic hotel and golf course at Gleneagles was interrupted by WW1 and was not fully completed until after the grouping.
Caledonian was grouped with the Glasgow & South Western Railway, the Highland Railway, the London & North Western Railway, the Midland Railway and a number of smaller railways across Scotland and England to form the London, Midland & Scottish Railway Co in 1923. This company was nationalised as part of British Rail in 1948.
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jinxiguess · 1 year
GONE characters in a british highschool
this is like the stupidest post ive ever made also disclaimer i know NOTHING about the american school system so i think half of them are probably in the wrong years also i didn't want to put all of them in the same year so ignore how some of their ages dont even match up😭
year 11
ALWAYS forgets ingredients for food tech
and then burns everything
and then forgets to take it home and just leaves it in the fridge at the end of the day
never remembers to put money in his school account and quinn has to buy him lunch every single day
sleeps through maths
has the most obvious crush on astrid and the entire school knows
year 11
made it her life goal to get head girl when she was in year 7
and got it ofc🤭
try hard in every single class
and top set in everything
always has so much stationery
goes to homework club EVERY SINGLE DAY
besties w the librarian
somehow oblivious to the fact sam likes her
year 11
always late to every lesson no matter WHAT
somehow keeps ending up front row in school fights and gets interrogated abt them
"can i go to the toilet?" and takes like 20 laps round the school before he comes back
takes 0.5 pictures of everyone
sells overpriced sweets at lunch and makes bank
threatens to fight people after school but never does
joined the football team but nobody ever passes to him bcs he cant play to save his life
year 10
accidentally downloaded a virus on one of the computers and nearly got expelled
gets squashed in the lunch queue
buttons up his blazer to look smart
makes sam join clubs with him so he isnt alone (he's scared of the year 8s)
tried to feed the seagulls outside the school
hangs out in the library w roger and denies that they're dating but literally everyone knows
so bad at pe that he doesnt even bother bringing his kit anymore n just gets sent to iso
year 11
literally never in class
vapes in the toilets w diana
ALWAYS in iso
dated quinn for like a week in year 8
somehow pulls absolutely everyone
so popular but everyone is also scared of her because one time she scrapped w drake and bashed his head in
brings alcohol to EVERY party
year 11
head boy even though he does NOT deserve it
leads the year 7s to the wrong side of the school
pe try hard (screams "WHAT ARE YOU DOING GET THE BALL" at his teammates)
year 7s all have a crush on him
acts like he caught a disease after he touches a year 8
has like 60% attendance but the teachers still love him
never goes to form
always shoving in the canteen queue🙄
gets way too competitive over kahoot
literally never been sent to iso except that one time he shoved drake off his chair in the middle of class
year 11
rolls her skirt up and always gets in trouble for it (and refuses to roll it back down)
vapes in the toilets w lana
sprays entire bottles of perfume every time shes near the year 7s
and then makes friends w them specifically to slag them off later
stalks the teacher's socials
uses xx or 💋 after EVERY SINGLE TEXT
has a pandora bracelet and wears different charms on it everyday
somehow untouched by school air
year 11
"WHAT DID I EVEN DO???" every time he gets sent out of class (he was literally jumping on the tables)
starts like half the fights in the entire school
scraps outside tesco like every single day
LOBS paninis at the year 7s
steals tesco trolleys
should probably just go live in iso atp
got kicked off the football team bcs he wouldnt stop slide tackling
literally on the verge of being expelled
year 10
1000% done w everyone elses shit
sits in empty classrooms at lunch n pals w the teachers
way too stressed abt gcses
actually really really good at music
so quiet but somehow everyone knows who she is
used to take the bus to school but decided she didnt want to have to deal w all the year 7s and stopped
got hit in the face w a netball in pe
year 9
absolutely sprints to the lunch line
gets so mad whenever someone doesnt pass the ball to her in pe
and always fighting w caine in pe
shoplifts from tesco
forgets her pe bag at least once a day n leaves it everywhere
always getting sent out for talking back
LOST the form pet hamster
nearly blew up a science classroom
year 8
always talking shit about everyone
makes those tips for year 7 videos
defo has pe first on a friday😭
snitches on EVERYONE
makes tiktoks in the bathrooms
spends half the lessons making her titles cursive and pretty
makes fun of the year 7s as if she wasnt one like two months ago
year 7
GIANT backpack
and probably gets trampled in the corridors
probably wears undertale or harry potter keychains (and gets bullied abt it)
always gets hit by paninis travelling at 1000kmph
got given a top locker and cant reach it
cries when he gets in trouble
year 8
rolls her skirt up unevenly
side eyes EVERYONE
vaped in the toilets and taylor snitched on her
REFUSES to wear her blazer
falls over in pe and everyone sighs when she gets put on their team
got put in iso for insulting all the teachers
year 10
stabs his radnor fizz w a compass and sprays it at all the year 7s
also starts like a million fights
NEVER has a pen
grabs peoples bag straps and yanks them backwards
always steals the year 7's footballs and boots them into orbit
wears black airforces instead of school shoes
and is never ever ever wearing his tie
year 9
keeps getting mistaken for a year 7
hangs out with older kids to look cool
and then brags about it
sells vapes behind the school at break
tries to break up orc's fights and gets flung halfway across the pitches
MASSIVE blazer (looks like a roblox character)
year 10
probably a theatre kid
runs to every class so he isnt late
always skips pe
that one kid who highlights EVERYTHING
somehow manages to record EVERY SINGLE FIGHT (and then sends it to everyone)
holds therapy sessions in the toilets
that one asthmatic kid who screams whenever anyone sprays anything
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t0asty-mail · 6 months
Unfortunately I was Sick for quite a while and lost most of my Penpals 😔
So now I’m Trying to Get back into it!
Name: Dee
Age: 30
Location: USA
Pets: 2 cats one dog
Hobby: Writing fanfics, reading fanfics, watching The Great British Bake Show, collecting Stationery supplies
Digital art, watercolors and washi art
Other: I’m obsessed with Jiang Cheng from Mo Dao Zu Shi, and collecting Fat ceramic birds
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djbunnie · 1 year
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DnD Hell hounds are monstrous fire breathing fiends that take on the form of powerful dogs. They can be found throughout the lower plains, where they serve evil creatures as companions and guard dogs. They are smarter than most beasts and their lawful nature makes them good at following orders. Unfortunately their malevolent hunger makes them difficult to train for anything other than killing. If it’s not allowed to indulge in the hunger it will turn on its master. Hell hounds that are on the loose will hunt in packs and they’ll feed on any creatures that even appear edible.it won't hesitate to hunt and kill larger and more dangerous enemies. They will pursue their prey to the bitter end. They have the ability to breathe fire which comes from this eternal flame that is consistently stoke from the flesh that they eat and have the ability to shapeshift to any breed of dog to blend into the human world undetected.
I have a fun idea! Imagine if John Constantine and Toddler Raven recently returned from Japan. During their trip, Toddler Raven discovered her love for Japanese Shiba Inu Dogs. She was sad to leave them behind and return home, especially since she couldn't play with the kind old lady dog that John left her with while he was saving the day. Toddler Raven had been pleading with her adopted father, John Constantine, for months to get her a Shiba Inu. However, John had always refused her request. Despite this, Raven persisted in her appeals. Nevertheless, everyone has their limits.
John Constantine learned that “Hell Hounds” were on the loose. In the abandoned graveyard. Toddler Raven escaped from the House of Mystery and followed the British Warlock.
Toddler Raven: “Daddy why are we here?”
Dad Constantine: “Daddy is here to-WTF!!! Rachel, why are you here!?”
Toddler Raven: *🤩* “LOOK LOOK!!!” *shows a poorly drawing of herself hugging a Poorly drawn Shiba Inu* “See daddy! Look how happy I’ll be with my own Shiba Inu!!!!”
Dad Constantine: “Racheal not now. Open a portal and go home. We'll talk about this later.”
Toddler Raven: “No.”
Dad Constantine: “I beg your pardon?”
Toddler Raven: “NO I WANT! A SHIBA INU NOW!!!”
A toddler was throwing a tantrum and Constantine attempted to quiet her down. Unfortunately, it was too late as three HellHounds heard Raven's cries and were ready to hunt and kill. However, when the HellHounds got closer, Raven lost control and transformed into a demon, unleashing a powerful wave of dark magic that scared the HellHounds. The HellHounds, instinctively sensing danger, listened to Raven and transformed into Shiba Inu dogs to soothe her. This tactic worked and Raven calmed down, happy to see the three dogs.
Raven is the proud owner of three Demonic Shiba Inu dogs. It's adorable how she never outgrew her love for Shiba Inus! She has Shiba Inu-themed stationery items, a backpack, fashionable clothing, plushies, a blanket, and everything else.
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danielle-dna · 6 months
20 - Harm-Others
Books are ancient. The literature as an art is even older. Young people are mostly stupid and lack any artistic ability. I would know. I sat in class with them for six hours, two days a week. University as an institution represents intelligence and the desire for knowledge. But not the university I picked.
When you have limited options for higher education due to the lack of nepotism, you just need to settle for what is given to you. My local university had excellent young and educated professors and many useful resources, but lacked intelligent and enthusiastic students.
Most of my classmates barley attended the seminars, most of them smoked, vaped and drank like it was a sport. I attended all lectures, submitted every assignment on time and did my best to keep up. But still, I was unable to achieve higher score than a B.
This of course led me to a downward spiral on social media as I was desperately trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. My first solution was to do a hot-girl-walk. So I got dolled up like I was going to a fancy yoga studio, when in fact, I was strolling in my local shopping centre with a cheap iced coffee can from Poundland, wearing a cheap black Primark workout set. Slowly I ventured in posh shops, where everyone was white and british and they always made me feel like an imposter. What do you think you are doing here, you filthy broke foreigner? Where is your trust fund? Where is your daddies Rolls Royce?
Ignoring the intrusive thoughts I entered Waterstones and started looking through my favourite sections, however every time I picked up a book, it made me painfully aware of my situation. There was not a book in the entire shop that was under £10. £10 - that is groceries for a few days. That is two bottles of shampoo. A pair of leggings from Primark that will get worn off in a few months. My working class math mind was working overdrive. It made me angry. If i could, I'd have a library of my own. I'd invest in my own education and read all the books I wish. Instead of owning my own, carefully curated library I had to use the local public library that was pretty good, but not incredible.
Once again, pushing my intrusive thoughts aside, I ventured further into the expensive world of beautifully curated books and aesthetically pleasing yet equally expensive stationery. There I stumbled upon a small section of self-help books. Well, browsing couldn't hurt, right?
Very soon, I noticed a common pattern among the titles and content of the books available. All of them claimed that the problems and solutions are inside of ourselves. That all issues and challenges we encounter are solvable, but only if WE really try and if WE find a solution. Fuck this, I thought. I always tried to do everything right. I never got in trouble with the law, I never drank, did drugs or even smoked. I tried my best to succeed while not having a single day off a week and working in a job where everyone else was disrespectful to me, while I tried to help them. Where coworkers would not acknowledge me because I was always the youngest staff member. I tried to stay positive, despite my mother always having less and less interest in me, often leaving me to deal with my issues by myself, or worse, caused me emotional trauma just because I disagreed with her and then she would blame me for everything else in her life.
Fuck this.
As calmly as I could, I exited the bookstore.
On my way home, I decided to visit Simon. Entering his apartment building, I headed towards his flat. Thankfully, he gave me the combination to the main gate. Right before I knocked, I heard some voices inside the flat. Before I could cheez it, my gorgeous masked man has already opened the door. This time without a mask. "You okay?" I was almost too stunned to speak. "Yeah, yes...aha? You got company....?" Nodding his head and leaning on the doorframe he calmly answered: "Few of my mates are over to watch the game." Slightly craning my neck, I could see the same man from the shooting range. Soap, I think. And I recognised the second one with the fishing hat, except, this time he didn't wear any hat and didn't wear a military uniform. The third man seemed younger, but I've never seen him before. But I knew they were all military.
When they saw me, all three of them looked at me curiously. I felt judged, scared. Like a fly under a microscope. "Oh, shit, sorry...I didn't know. See you later then."
Before he could reply, I almost ran downstairs. However, right before he closed the door, I could hear the following: "Is yer lass joining?" Simons' sharp "Shut up Johnny" followed.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Hi Skippy. TRG (the royal grift & zirconia) on YT stressed that it was important to archive copies of their noprah conversation because they would ultimately pretend it never happened. I didn't believe her.
A few YouTube links that I recently shared here on Tumblr (proving Harry is a liar) are now broken because as of last week, the channels have been deleted. These channels have been active for 2 years to promote their lies and suddenly they're just gone.
I don't get it. The entire world knows what they all (Meghan, Harry, noprah, gail, tyler) did so why bother deleting videos? We even have the transcripts as evidence.
I realize they are liars and master manipulators but I sincerely dont understand the method to this madness.
The world knows what they all said for 2 years. Gail attended the ripple of nope awards and said the brf is not racist and meghan & harry don't think they are racist.
Obviously if Harry thinks the "institution" is racist or unconsciously biased he should give up all BRF titles/associations and remove himself from the line of succession. No one with integrity would continue to be associated with a racist institution or family.
Marketing himself as PRINCE Harry and using royal monograms on stationery and homegoods (see the doormat) is evidence that Harry has ZERO credibility.
Separately and then together, Meghan & Harry told Noprah & the entire world that at some point while Harry & Meghan were dating, a British Royal Family member told Harry that the dark skin tone of any children born from their union would impact the child's privileges, titles & royal status.
Also, Oprah asked Harry whether or not he fled the UK because of racism and Harry answered, "yes."
Serious Question: what is there to be gained by hiding the video?
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Hi! Thank you! Great post….the reason they want things shut down, is because in time…it will be forgotten….that is why it is so important when people post articles…not only the link, but the article itself. Those words they can’t erase. They will though say, if it is an article, that the reporters put that in, and it’s a lie. The reason Diva has been able to get this far, is she denies, denies, denies. Every article she puts out, she has at least 3-5 different versions. This keeps people guessing…gaslighting is her friend. She plays with people’s minds. No one knows what is true, and what isn’t….the more they keep talking, the more proof we get as we have the info to back it up! Also, I LOVE your blog! You are an amazing researcher….thank you for all you do!🙂❤️
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Hello :) 📚☕🍁
My name is V (short for my real name), and I'm 26 years old. My pronouns are she/her.
I've had this blog for about four years, but recently returned from a quite long tumblr hiatus. I graduated with a Master's degree in Visual Communication in England and did an internship in Australia while I was gone!
I thought I'd reintroduce myself to y'all since it's been so long since I'd been an active studyblr on here! <3
Who/what I am:
a graphic design graduate (BA & MA)
living on the countryside not far from a city in Northern Germany (I want to move back to England though)
former student in the UK 🇬🇧
former graphics intern in Wales and Australia
fluent in German and English
I also speak basic French and I'm a beginner in Spanish (planning on learning more languages)
a shy introvert (I feel more confident talking online though!)
bigender (about 60 - 70% female, the rest feels male deep down). I don't make a big deal out of it though. She/her is what I go by 100% of the time, but I don't mind he/him either!
What I love:
music (metal & rock) + concerts
travelling - I especially loved travelling through Australia! 🌏
goth-y and witchy stuff 🦉
collecting vinyl, CDs and DVDs
books - I buy more books than I read though haha
art, design and museums
languages - however I wish I didn't lack motivation to study most of the time!
food & going to restaurants
coffee, tea & cosy cafes
nature, the sea and space
animals - especially dogs and birds!
stationery & pretty journals
decorating my home
Harry Potter (proud Ravenclaw!)
summer & autumn
the UK
ancient Egypt
philosophy, psychology & paleontology
old typewriters
more stuff that I can't think of atm
What I want to achieve:
become an art director at some point in my design career
learn more about these topics: marketing, art history, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, astronomy, ancient Egypt, etc. (I love learning!)
read more books, esp. British classics 📚
draw & paint more
overcome depression
be less anxious
post more original content on here
spend less time on my phone - I'm not a social media person and only use WhatsApp and Tumblr
not be a perfectionist all the time
I might add a few more points later.
Thank you for reading! I look forward to getting to know more of you lovely people and reuniting with old friends! 💕🌻
P. S.: I follow (back) from my main blog @hardwired-to-self-destruct.
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Bohemian Rhapsody
Freddie Mercury’s autograph draft working lyrics for Bohemian Rhapsody written across British Midlands Airways stationery. The estimated price is £800,000 - £1,200,000.
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thedesignpaletteuk · 2 years
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New Arrivals: Elevate Your Workspace with Our Latest Collection
Discover the latest in designer stationery with our newest arrivals at The Design Palette. From playful notebooks to on-trend office essentials, our 'New In' collection has everything you need to elevate your workspace and spark creativity. Shop now and experience the beauty of British-made stationery
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sanversandfriends · 2 years
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Sanvers fans know her from her amazing contributions of art and fic to the Big Bang, but @morganastorm24 is also a multi-talented writer and artist for multiple ships in the DC universe. She also has love of everything Lois Lane. In honor of the Planet's star reporter, we've asked her to share a glimpse into her writing process. Thanks, Morgana!
Tell us a little about yourself. How did you get started writing fic? Have you written for other fandoms? What are your favorite tropes?  
I've been writing for as long as I can remember - even longer according to my mum. I've always loved creating stories and would sit with my teddies and toy horses, reading them stories (even before I could read, because that's what pictures are for, right? Telling a thousand words and all that). For my 6th or 7th birthday, I apparently asked for a "really nice writing set and an even nicer book to write in". I was given a ring binder with plastic pockets, a notebook and a pencil case full of stationery. I still have that ring binder to this day, though it's not filled with all my random childish scribbles like it once was. 
I started writing fanfiction not long after Star Wars: Attack of the Clones came out. That's the earliest fanfic I can remember writing, anyway. I wrote Anakin and Padme's adventures after they got married, and then when rumours started flying about what was going to happen in Episode 3, I wrote my very first "fix it fic" by finding a way to keep Padme alive (as I couldn't bear the thought of my favourite character dying). Most of those very early fics never left the pages of the notebooks they were scrawled in and nobody else ever saw them (thank god!), but it wasn't until I started reading fanfiction online that I realised I could actually do that too - share my ideas with the world. I dabbled a little in fanfic for the tv show Casualty (a British medical drama), had more success with Doctor Who, wrote some more Star Wars, then Merlin and eventually (and most recently) Supergirl (with a dash of other DC). 
What were your inspirations for this particular story? What was it about this/these ships that grabbed you?
This fic was born of a single image - namely Chyler first revealing that she was going to wear a black and blue super suit and become Supergirl for one episode. That image alone was enough to get my mind racing with possibilities and ideas of how it might come to pass. I have to be honest and say I stopped watching the show after the Crisis stuff, so I've never actually seen her episode as Supergirl, but maybe that's a good thing? At least this way I know that my version of her is different and unique.
I am and always will be a huge Sanvers stan, but there's something so appealing about AgentCorp as well, and the show really dropped the ball when they wouldn't let Alex and Lena be together. They're an interesting and dynamic pairing - they share interests, are both huge science nerds and yet so completely different that its great fun writing them both together.
As for Lois and Kara - that one literally came out of nowhere and took me by surprise. I'd never intended for it to happen, and yet now that it has, I'm wondering why I never thought of it sooner!
Has the time spent away from your story changed your outlook or approach to any of the storylines or themes? Have you had any new inspirations or breakthroughs/revelations in the meantime? 
Absolutely. I got to a point with the fic where it had grown stale, and I was constantly hitting up against a wall with no idea how to get around it, or to power through it. So, I walked away from the fic and decided to focus on other WIPs and new creations instead. Coming back to it now, I've been able to see everything with fresh eyes, and I can see not only where I was going wrong before, but also a way to fix it. Changing the villain, adding characters, getting rid of redundant plot threads and adding more relevant pieces has really helped to get this work to a place where finally, I can see the finish line and I know I'm going to make it. That's a huge relief, considering where I was 2 years ago when I first started writing it.
Any advice for new or aspiring fic writers?
Never give up. No matter how hard it might be, just put words on a page. It doesn't matter how rubbish they are, as my BFF always says, "You can't edit a blank page." Let yourself suck, let yourself write horrendously. It's all good practice. Even if those words never leave your notebook or the document on your computer, they've taught you something, they've helped you to improve, so be proud of them.
Writing is also a bit like a painting. Not even Da Vinci or Van Gogh sat at his easel and created a masterpiece on his first try. There's the initial sketches to plan out the idea. That's your plot or summary. Then you add basic blocks of colours. That's your first draft. From then on, you work away slowly, adding details, shading, contouring...those are your second, third, fourth drafts. Keep revising and editing as much as you need - there's no right or wrong number of times you should be doing it. Because each time you do, you're adding more detail to your masterpiece. And what you end up with is a work of art.
One final piece of advice... writing is not a solo event. All those times a writer is depicted sitting along, tapping away at a keyboard or scribbling in a notebook, it's so misleading. Get yourself a writing buddy. DKGwrites and I are best friends, we met through fanfiction (and I'm eternally grateful for that everyday). We have regular writing sessions together, and ok it's 90% messing around, distracting one another, talking utter nonsense or throwing random videos and links to each other, but that 10% when we do actually behave and get down to the task at hand, it's so much more fun writing together than it ever is when we try to write alone. Silliness aside, we help one another, bounce ideas off one another, motivate and encourage one another, and it's the best thing ever. So find yourself a writing buddy, and have a blast!
If you were going to promote this fic with a single line, what would it be? 
What if Supergirl was a badass redhead called Alex Danvers?
We'll have more about her artwork in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, check out her work on A03!
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scotianostra · 4 months
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Margaret Neill Fraser was born on 4th June 1880 in Edinburgh.
Madge, as she was known was one of the brave Scottish woment who volunteered for the Scottish Women's Hospital in Serbia under the overall umbrella of the French Red Cross, alongside Elsie Inglis, like Elsie she didn’t survive the war.
Madge was the daughter of Mrs M. Neill Fraser and Patrick Neill Fraser, a botanist. The family lived at Rockville on Murrayfield Road in western Edinburgh and ran the company Neill & Co, who ran a printers and HMO Stationery Office, both at Bellevue and at 13 George Street The printworks was originally started by an uncle and started life at 10 Old Fishmarket Close in the Old Town.
Before the outbreak of World War One Madge was a promising amatuer golfer, her home golf club was Murrayfield Golf Club. She was runner-up in the 1912 Scottish Ladies Golf Championship, beaten by Dorothea Jenkins and semi-finalist in the 1910 British Championship. She played often at internationals in Ranelagh and Barnehurst.Fraser was a member of the Golfing Gentlewomen and the Ladies' Golf Union. She represented Scotland at international level every year from 1905 to 1914.
Fraser was a member of the St Andrews Ambulance Association and a trained nurse. At the outbreak of the First World War she volunteered alongside others for the Scottish Women's Hospital in Serbia. The majority of the group of women were also suffragettes, for example women doctors surveyed in 1908 had been 538 for the vote and only 15 against. At the time high profile women golfers, like Fraser were a rarity even being allowed to play on men's courses and wanted to demonstrate responsibility and fair play, thus 'most good women golfers of that time tolerated the Suffragists and abhorred the Suffragettes'.
Fraser arrived at the hospital in Kragujevac in Serbia in December 1914 in the midst of a typhus epidemic, tragically she contracted typhusand died on 8th March 1915. Twenty-one other Scottish medical workers died in the same epidemic. Fraser is buried in the Niš Commonwealth Military Cemetery, eastern Serbia and is remembered on her parents’ grave stone in Dean Cemetery in Edinburgh.
It was a double tragedy for the family, her brother, Patrick Neill Fraser, was a Lieutenant in the Border Regiment and was killed on 1 July 1916, the first day of the Battle of the Somme.
Following Fraser's death, she was described as 'perhaps the most popular woman's golfer in Great Britain' he Ladies Golf Union collected funds from international donors sufficient to provide 200 additional beds in Serbian hospitals in her memory. And it was reported that a transport lorry for Elsie Inglis' latest field hospital, was funded by her golfing friends, and seen leading out a column of vehicles by the Serbian Crown Prince George.Fraser's funeral was described as a 'terribly sad affair with the funeral party having to struggle through thick snow and mud. Margaret Neill Fraser is also commemorated on the Scottish Women's Hospitals' Roll of Honour;
"There is no Sea
Nor Time nor Space nor Division
God's dear Home
There is only God and His strong
Love and Peace
" Let us remember before God these women
Who gave their lives in the service of others.
Madge Neill Fraser is the only woman listed on Murrayfield Golf Club's Roll of Honour. The British Journal of Nursing expressed regret at her death, and noted she was a nurse and a chauffeur.
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pix4japan · 1 year
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Japanese Maple Tree at Historic House
Location: Yamashitacho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Japan Timestamp: 15:11 April 4, 2023
This is a photo of a Japanese maple tree captured at Berrick Hall, a registered historical building located in Yokohama that was built in 1930.
Japanese maple trees (紅葉 / momiji) have various types, and this one might be a "green cascade" Japanese maple, which has a drooping form that would need some support structure as it grows larger. During autumn, its leaves transform into vibrant shades of red and orange.
The estate of this mansion, which is quite sizable by Japanese standards, boasts flowering plants and trees, as well as a grassy area that serves as an ideal location for outdoor wedding ceremonies. The mansion's backdrop provides a picturesque setting for wedding photos and creates an atmosphere that feels like the wedding is taking place in a foreign country.
The mansion belonged to Bertram Berrick, a British trading merchant, whose company imported cosmetics, fragrance, paper, and stationery to Japan, while exporting Japanese paper, silk, and lacquer goods to England. Due to the increasing threat of World War II, Berrick left the house in 1938 and immigrated to Canada.
Fujifilm X100V (23 mm) with 5% diffusion filter ISO 160 for 1/680 sec. at ƒ/3.2 Velvia/Vivid film simulation
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