#britain agencies
britainmillionaires · 1 month
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britain millionaires, britain billionaires, MillionaireCEOclub.com, https://www.MillionaireCEOclub.com
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fatehbaz · 8 months
[D]omesticated attack dogs [...] hunted those who defied the profitable Caribbean sugar regimes and North America’s later Cotton Kingdom, [...] enforced plantation regimens [...], and closed off fugitive landscapes with acute adaptability to the varied [...] terrains of sugar, cotton, coffee or tobacco plantations that they patrolled. [...] [I]n the Age of Revolutions the Cuban bloodhound spread across imperial boundaries to protect white power and suppress black ambitions in Haiti and Jamaica. [...] [Then] dog violence in the Caribbean spurred planters in the American South to import and breed slave dogs [...].
Spanish landowners often used dogs to execute indigenous labourers simply for disobedience. [...] Bartolomé de las Casas [...] documented attacks against Taino populations, telling of Spaniards who ‘hunted them with their hounds [...]. These dogs shed much human blood’. Many later abolitionists made comparisons with these brutal [Spanish] precedents to criticize canine violence against slaves on these same Caribbean islands. [...] Spanish officials in Santo Domingo were licensing packs of dogs to comb the forests for [...] fugitives [...]. Dogs in Panama, for instance, tracked, attacked, captured and publicly executed maroons. [...] In the 1650s [...] [o]ne [English] observer noted, ‘There is nothing in [Barbados] so useful as … Liam Hounds, to find out these Thieves’. The term ‘liam’ likely came from the French limier, meaning ‘bloodhound’. [...] In 1659 English planters in Jamaica ‘procured some blood-hounds, and hunted these blacks like wild-beasts’ [...]. By the mid eighteenth century, French planters in Martinique were also relying upon dogs to hunt fugitive slaves. [...] In French Saint-Domingue [Haiti] dogs were used against the maroon Macandal [...] and he was burned alive in 1758. [...]
Although slave hounds existed throughout the Caribbean, it was common knowledge that Cuba bred and trained the best attack dogs, and when insurrections began to challenge plantocratic interests across the Americas, two rival empires, Britain and France, begged Spain to sell these notorious Cuban bloodhounds to suppress black ambitions and protect shared white power. [...] [I]n the 1790s and early 1800s [...] [i]n the Age of Revolutions a new canine breed gained widespread popularity in suppressing black populations across the Caribbean and eventually North America. Slave hounds were usually descended from more typical mastiffs or bloodhounds [...].
Spanish and Cuban slave hunters not only bred the Cuban bloodhound, but were midwives to an era of international anti-black co-ordination as the breed’s reputation spread rapidly among enslavers during the seven decades between the beginning of the Haitian Revolution in 1791 and the conclusion of the American Civil War in 1865. [...]
Despite the legends of Spanish cruelty, British officials bought Cuban bloodhounds when unrest erupted in Jamaica in 1795 after learning that Spanish officials in Cuba had recently sent dogs to hunt runaways and the indigenous Miskitos in Central America. [...] The island’s governor, Balcarres, later wrote that ‘Soon after the maroon rebellion broke out’ he had sent representatives ‘to Cuba in order to procure a number of large dogs of the bloodhound breed which are used to hunt down runaway negroes’ [...]. In 1803, during the final independence struggle of the Haitian Revolution, Cuban breeders again sold hundreds of hounds to the French to aid their fight against the black revolutionaries. [...] In 1819 Henri Christophe, a later leader of Haiti, told Tsar Alexander that hounds were a hallmark of French cruelty. [...]
The most extensively documented deployment of slave hounds [...] occurred in the antebellum American South and built upon Caribbean foundations. [...] The use of dogs increased during that decade [1830s], especially with the Second Seminole War in Florida (1835–42). The first recorded sale of Cuban dogs into the United States came with this conflict, when the US military apparently purchased three such dogs for $151.72 each [...]. [F]ierce bloodhounds reputed to be from Cuba appeared in the Mississippi valley as early as 1841 [...].
The importation of these dogs changed the business of slave catching in the region, as their deployment and reputation grew rapidly throughout the 1840s and, as in Cuba, specialized dog handlers became professionalized. Newspapers advertised slave hunters who claimed to possess the ‘Finest dogs for catching negroes’ [...]. [S]lave hunting intensified [from the 1840s until the Civil War] [...]. Indeed, tactics in the American South closely mirrored those of their Cuban predecessors as local slave catchers became suppliers of biopower indispensable to slavery’s profitability. [...] [P]rice [...] was left largely to the discretion of slave hunters, who, ‘Charging by the day and mile [...] could earn what was for them a sizeable amount - ten to fifty dollars [...]'. William Craft added that the ‘business’ of slave catching was ‘openly carried on, assisted by advertisements’. [...] The Louisiana slave owner [B.B.] portrayed his own pursuits as if he were hunting wild game [...]. The relationship between trackers and slaves became intricately systematized [...]. The short-lived republic of Texas (1836–46) even enacted specific compensation and laws for slave trackers, provisions that persisted after annexation by the United States.
All text above by: Tyler D. Parry and Charlton W. Yingling. "Slave Hounds and Abolition in the Americas". Past & Present, Volume 246, Issue 1, February 2020, pages 69-108. Published February 2020. At: doi dot org/10.1093/pastj/gtz020. February 2020. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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8/15 π^2 r^5
1/2 π^2 r^4
4/3 π r^3
Use the 5th physical dimension and higher to differentiate projections from the surrounding universe.
Attempts are also being made to portray him as an alien invader so that he can (and most of the time, is) be attacked with mind control and sensory replacement weapons, or even have unwitting military members deployed to attempt to kill him.
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bradleycarlgeiger · 2 months
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tearsofrefugees · 2 months
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xtruss · 6 months
A UK Jewish Group has blockaded the entrance to Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) to demand that the government send aid to the Besieged Gaza Strip instead of sending arms to “Terrorist, Fascist, War Criminal, Apartheid and Genocidal Zionist 🐖 Isra-hell.”
Among other calls, Naamod urged the government to reverse its decision to defund the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (Unrwa), which supports millions of Palestinian refugees in Gaza, the occupied West Bank and regional countries.
The UK government announced in late January that it was pausing funding to Unrwa in the wake of Terrorist Zionist 🐖 Isra-helli Allegations that agency staff were involved in the 7 October attacks.
Naamod's actions also come after a Conservative MP admitted that the British government had received legal advice that “Terrorist, Fascist, War Criminal, Apartheid and Genocidal Zionist 🐖 Isra-hell Had Breached International Humanitarian Law.”
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teddybasmanov · 1 year
Why are all the CIA agents called Johnny?
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Japanese Central Government Agency (3) Ministry of Defense
Nuclear missiles are no longer scary. About 10 years ago the USA developed a laser beam that can "neutralize" sonic nuclear missiles with such precision beams. Britain and Germany may now have this weapon in combat. Russia's nuclear threats are laughed at.
On the other hand, stupid liberal arts prime ministers and defense ministers are sticking to obsolete Tomahawk missiles and Aegis defense systems, and are trying to impose an excessive tax burden on the Japanese people. Japanese politicians are full of idiots.
Rei Morishita
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marzzrocks · 2 years
i’m really considering dropping out of college and taking a boat out to sea
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great britain billionaire, great britain millionaire, MillionaireCEOclub.com, https://www.MillionaireCEOclub.com
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nando161mando · 2 months
"The Samaj criticised the then elites who had monopoly over the education—both the British who only catered to the modern education of the higher classes and the traditional elites who prohibited women, Shudras and Ati-shudras from gaining knowledge.
Phule with the help of his associates had established primary schools for the marginalised in the 1850s. The Samaj took this mission forward to create a cohort of rational individuals from the lower castes who could lead their communities.
The Samaj used different tactics to further the cause of education in marginalised communities. It announced scholarships for poor students who could not continue education due to lack of funds. It also distributed prizes among sincere students to encourage them to study further."
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sonia-nicole-levi · 1 year
Where is my job after that prophecy at Bethany Adventist Church? What British people? I'm Australian 🇦🇺🦘 Thandie Newton is British NOT ME 🤣
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Hilarious Histories - July 26
Letters in meaningful arrangements constitute words, so something like this is meaningful, but something like piquant isn’t...
On July 26, 1775, the United States Post Office was established by the Second Continental Congress. On the exact same day in 1945, Sir Winston Churchill resigned from the post of prime minister. Coincidence? I think not. The Second Continental Congress was responsible for the Declaration of Independence, which established the United States. They sent it (the declaration, not the country) by mail…
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snovyda · 6 months
Historically, some of the biggest Russian opponents to domestic repressions are imperialists. Solzhenitsyn, most famously, is, on the one hand, bravely fighting the GULAG, and on the other hand - a vile imperialist with a sense of fascism. These aren't new phenomena, in many ways. Somehow one feels that [moving away from imperialism] is unlikely in Russia, because it goes so deep. This is just the latest Russian invasion of Ukraine, this is not just one war, this has been going on for centuries. Russian imperialism is embedded in Russian humour, Russian literature, codes of thinking. It's not about statements. It's not just about policies. When Pushkin writes, I don't know, "Кавказ подо мною" ("The Caucasus lies below me"), one of his famous poems... the amount of imperialist psychology that goes into saying that - that goes very, very deep. So until those much, much deeper sort of deep cultural roots of Russian imperialism, racism and oppression are addressed, nothing is changed. So let's think what we have agency over, in a way. [...] we can change the way Russia is perceived globally and in the West. Because this idea that Russia is a great power that has the right to a sphere of influence and that has the right to suppress others because it's great - that sits very deep in people's heads across the world. We can start working on that. So why don't we start working on that? Let's get people in my world - Britain, America - to re-read the Russian classics and understand how much imperialism and oppression of others there's there. Let's start de-mystifying this idea of "the Russian mystic soul" and really start rooting it to very specific histories of violence and oppression. Let's start changing the way Russia is perceived, so it's no longer seen as inevitable and so vast and huge that you have to drop on your knees in front of it, which still sits in people's heads. That means changing the way the universities overfocus on Russia studies and completely silence the voices of Ukrainians, Georgians, Kazakhs... There's so much we can do that will make people's perceptions of Russia rooted in reality. And they will help gain self-confidence to say, "Stop, we're not dependent on you".
Peter Pomerantsev
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Nearly 50 South African lawyers, led by attorney Wikus Van Rensburg, are gearing up to file a lawsuit against the United States and Britain, asserting their complicity in Israeli forces’ war crimes in Palestine, Anadolu Agency reports. This initiative follows South Africa’s filing of a genocide case against “Israel” at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).
Rensburg, the driving force behind the legal action, aims to prosecute those complicit in the crimes through civilian courts, collaborating with legal professionals in the U.S. and Britain.
In an interview with Anadolu, Rensburg emphasized the need to hold the U.S. accountable for its actions and highlighted the forthcoming legal proceedings against Washington and London.
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tearsofrefugees · 3 months
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