#bring back the queerbaiting 😭😭😭
vaguelyaperson · 28 days
expectation: led on by the buildup of bkdk just for it not to become canon
reality: bkdk pretty much canon but the story themes are fucked and the villains got a shitty end
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sammygems · 6 months
Things I Have Noticed/Remembered from my MCDiaries rewatch
I will be updating this as I continue my rewatch, currently everything listed is out of order, cause I've started writing this as I am on episode 64 of season 1 and I don't feel like fixing it to be in order, so sorry!
What the fuck was Garroth's "plan" he mentions to Zenix in the first episode 😭
Zenix seems to be younger then Garroth in Diaries, considering the way that Garroth talks about him, but I think in MyStreet, Zenix is either the same age or slightly older then Garroth, so far this is like, the only obvious age difference between the series (besides Travis and everyone else of course)
I forgot how entertaining Brendan's character is, he's far less annoying then I remembered
I love Vylad, but I legit forgot how much he was in Diaries season 1, I thought he was in it far less
Currently at the stage of Diaries where there is no lgbt+ people, i'm very disappointed by this (we haven't even reached the queerbaiting)
KC's character is....not as bad (racist) as I was expecting, still not great though. I'm choosing to believe that KC is from Tu'lu and Maid Cafes are a thing there, and "Kawaii~Chan" is just a stage name for her work.
Y'all know how Cadenza went missing and she was actually turned into a chicken? Yeah, the way Hayden, Castor, & Laurance talk about her to Aphmau makes it sound like Cadenza is a small child. But then it turns out she's the same age, if not older, then Laurance and Aphmau.
Aphmau should've just made Joh and Hayden lovers, I'm so serious, it would make the whole Cadenza and Laurance being "close like siblings" in season 1 to I think actually being called as siblings in season 2 and in MyStreet a lot easier to understand and make a lot more sense.
Why does Kenmur have like, some sort of romance with all the girls from Meteli??? He was engaged to Sasha and is stated to have feelings for Cadenza.
I love when the episodes open from Sasha's POV, and she goes and talks to Gene and there's just no voices. I love having to pause to read what they're saying. (this point is sarcasm)
The way literally everyone reacted to learning Laurance was blind was....icky. Like, I understand Cadenza and Aphmau reacting as like "we need to find a way to bring his sight back", but the fact that it was literally EVERYONE who decided he needed to get his sight back was so weird.
I don't mind Laurance ACTUALLY getting his sight back, but I wish it was done differently. Like, personally, I'd have him like, have to wash his face with the water of the fountain of Lady Irene.
Emma & Corey, Dale & Molly, and Logan & Donna are very sweet couples.
After Zoey and KC were able to turn Cadenza back to her human form, Zoey mentions that she "recognizes Cadenza from somewhere", but I don't think this goes anywhere???? I'm assuming it was supposed to hint at like, Cadenza's backstory.
ngl, I kinda wish we got more of Zane and Kiki's relationship, I really wanna know what side of Zane Kiki actually saw.
Anyway, Kiki is currently expecting.
Nicole (my beloved) has showed up. I've decided I won't question the logic behind her iron fists being able to break bedrock, and instead say that her referencing her iron fists just made me think of Ace from One Piece and Natsu & Gajeel from Fairy Tail.
I need to mention that in one episode (before Aphmau went to Scaleswind and learned about Lady Irene), Garroth says to Aphmau "by the seven", which I think she was hurt, but the use of "by the seven" is similar to how the same phase would be used in Game of Thrones or to how irl lots of people say "oh my god", so I'm really wondering if there were originally supposed to be 7 Divine Warriors instead of 6.
The way when Aphmau found Levin and decided to keep him and Garroth IMMEDIATLY decided he would be Levin's father figure.
The way when Laurance found out that Aphmau had a kid, his response was to play with Levin and say to Aphmau "you didn't tell me you had this little buddle of joy/energy".
That's all for now, I'll like, update when I have more to add.
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wordsifelt · 9 months
Don't you think it's funny cause actual canon gay characters in BL manga/manhwa will say "I love you" but only the shounen bromance can spew out some of the most romantic shit akin to a 19th century poet writing a letter expressing his surpressed love for his lover 😭.....
Lmao yes it's quite ironic. But I think that's what draws people in.
I'm all here for "I like you"s and "i love you"s. They are meaningful and lovely. But there's something about the "My one and only-", the "Meeting you had changed my world-" the "I wanna skate infinitely with you", the "How precious is it to be with trustworthy partners in our life", etc. that changes you irreversibly the first time you read/hear them.
It's so raw and it's so steeped in love (whatever form of love it may be) and it awakens a need in me for some sort of connection like that, that stems from pure conviction. I have always had such a weakness for things that stir my soul. If I am ever to love and be loved, I want to have something like that.
I think that's what brings me back to my ships and queerbaiting anime again and again. It's so frustrating that it will never be canon and I hate it sometimes but this pulls me back in every time.
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(this is kind of a long post that somehow turned into lowkey a conspiracy theory but i don’t want to rewrite the start bc it was written pretty much stream of consciousness and that amuses me)
maybe this is an unpopular opinion but i don’t want byler to be spoiled lol
crumbs, sure, little things that keep us invested, but i want to go into s5 completely unawares of how it’s gonna play out. i don’t want the cast or the official socials or some random leaker to tell me what’s gonna happen beforehand.
honestly the fact that so many people involved with the show have acknowledged byler yet none of them have shot it down as a possibility is a big enough crumb for me. or the way official netflix accounts have posted promotional things with byler since s4 dropped. yeah, they don’t have any involvement with the production of the show, but if the ship is being used for marketing then it’s considered a possible sales point.
actually now that i think of it, does anybody remember the june advent calendar??? when, immediately after v1 dropped, the official netflix accounts started posting pro-byler stuff damn near every day, to the point where we made an event out of it???
at the time we all got super hyped over it and then figured it was queerbait when they didn’t get together in v2, but isn’t it mighty fuckin convenient that the netflix accounts just “coincidentally” happened to start posting pro-byler stuff as soon as v1 dropped??? because yeah, byler started picking up traction immediately after it aired, but it took a while to really get the ball rolling. they started cashing in on the byler hyper train when it was only just beginning to grow from its tiny pre-s4 presence. seeing official accounts mentioning byler probably helped to cement it in a lot of people’s radar in the gap between the volumes. and didn’t noah also start saying he shipped byler around then??? 
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POSTED ON JUNE THIRD??? only a week after v1 aired??? and ppl were so surprised by this tweet that when he was on a panel somebody asked him if he got hacked 😭😭
back then it really seemed like “oh the official accounts are queerbaiting during pride month” but A: we know noah wasn’t just saying this for nothing,he’s made it very clear that he believes it and B: why the hell would they be queerbaiting the tiny fledgling post-v1 byler audience when it was only just coming together??!?
hindsight says something was afoot here actually. they started releasing the pro-byler agenda from its tightly locked enclosure AFTER the volume where mike tells will hawkins isn’t the same without him and will brings the painting “for somebody he likes” when they go to pick mike up, IN PREPARATION for the volume where will gives said painting to mike along with an extremely emotional nameswapped love confession and mike turns around and gives a stilted and phony confession to his girlfriend. why the hell was attention being drawn to byler outside of the show itself in that interval if not to make people recontextualize what they just saw in v1??? and then when they see v2 have that recontextualization validated when will is confirmed to be both gay and in love with mike??? and to pick up on the fact that mike and el’s relationship is on more rocks than your average pile of gravel???
we know that they’ve had actors straight up lie to the audience before, too, because even if u just take noah as an example he said in a JUNE interview that will’s sexuality was up to interpretation, and then not that long at all after v2 dropped he did the iconic “will is gay and in love with mike” interview!!! and obviously he knew that will was confirmed gay when he did the first interview bc they had filmed that scene like a year earlier. so the fact that he never rlly mentioned byler, except for vaguely negatively when he was a kid, until v1 comes out and “SUDDENLY” he’s byler’s biggest warrior doesn’t mean he randomly changed his mind, it means he hadn’t been allowed to talk about it until after volume 1. after the first half of the season that made the majority of byler shippers see it as a genuine possibility and even the most likely outcome.
sorry i have no idea how much sense this makes and i’ve completely derailed whatever i was talking about at the top of this post. has anybody pointed this out??? have i pointed this out and i just forgot??? help?!!?!??
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lokislytherin · 1 year
jaeyeol missing anon here….
i’m literally in shock… no words.. can express what i’m feeling now…. HEAHRAHFAHFSJFZ *muffled screaming*
now that he’s back and joining the crew, i’m sure we’ll see way more of him now AS WE SHOULD 😤😤 but yes, thank you ptj… STILL i really hope he didn’t bring jay back just because he so very conveniently forgot him and he’s only back for some daily dose of queerbaiting but instead, i want jay back because he was planned to come back since the start and he’s actually here to get in on some of the action to show his true potential and so we have a chance to see his backstory…! BUT WHATEVER I’M LIVING IN THE PRESENT I MISS HIM SO MUCH AAAAAAA 😭🥹😩😩😩❤️❤️❤️
hello hello! i think we are both in shock rn i could not believe my eyes when i saw the chapter i was just like :O for half a day before fanfic writer brain started working again and i planned out a whole chainsaw man au in my head at the airport… yes i was on a plane when you sent this ask lol i got home last night
AS WE SHOULD INDEED! ptj please take this as a chance to build jay’s character and make him less 2d bc he has so much potential!!! i wanna see jay’s improvements in battle! i wanna know his probably-tragic (bc we’ve seen everybody else’s) backstory! i wanna know what he’s been doing so bad. ptj pls catch us up on what our blonde baby boy has been doing after you introduce the last member of daniel’s crew. pls. 홍재열 주세요.
let’s live in the present tgt!! i missed jay sm i hope he’s been living well 🥺🥺 i hope he wasn’t too lonely without daniel… must be sad living in a giant penthouse when you’re mute and the guy you like / the only person you’ve probably only ever invited to your penthouse for fun has been mia for god knows how long… home alone for half a day is fine but more than that n i go kinda crazy bc it’s too quiet so jay u can have all my hugs. if ptj won’t give u the happiness u deserve in canon i’ll let you have all of it in my fics i swear on my writer’s honor
also joy content when. hong sibs keeping each other afloat when. ptj-nim im making the hong sibs content i want to see by myself rn but i wanna see more canon interactions bc hong jae siblings are the best siblings in lookism
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principalinstigator · 2 years
I only recently got into Sailor Moon. A little late I know but hear me out. This series gave me the worst case of queerbait from 3 decades past like no show has (yes even CW's Supergirl).
Nobody told me about the Sailor Stars. There was no warning about the damage it would inflict to my young soul from the unadulterated yearning and repression the season would bring. I was happily enjoying the og magical girl of all magical girls live her teenage years fighting evil, in the name of the moon, falling in love, fullfilling her destiny, occasionally arguing with her daughter from the future, until this curveball of a season came outta nowhere.
So let me explain how I experienced this life changing event this year before I fall further into dispair because of an anime that aired before I was born.
In this season, Usagi basically lived out every fangirl’s fantasy scenarios before anyone else did.
The first scene of her meeting Seiya was by accident and she snuck in a film set and didn't know who he was. The second time, they bump into each other on the street. The next time is when he attends her school and he recognizes her and sits behind her in class, pays attention to no one else for the rest of the school year. Asks her out on a date, saves her life, gets a secret identity reveal, saves her life some more, then she saves his life, they get into a romeo and juliet situation, also destiny interferes, also that goddamn scene in the rain of him asking her if he's enough, and how am I supposed to process the fact that Seiya can change gender in the animated series too but Usagi does not care about that, like what the actual fuck
They went on for the whole season like this because Mamoru (Tuxedo Mask) was GONE gone. He basically died the same day Seiya first sees Usagi, and I shit you not, when Seiya first saw Usagi it's literally in that slow-mo, flower effects, and wind chimey music kinda way.
Throughout the season, Usagi mentions she has a boyfriend but, narratively, they got rid of him to tell this story with just their dynamic and IT SLAPPED. But the show had to end, people were brought back to life including Mamoru, destinies had to be fullfilled and it's like they only had that little pocket of tragic first love goodness in there and all of their friends KNOW. The fact that it's queer is just icing on the cake but also how can a show from 30 years ago do me dirty like this 😭😭😭
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dwtisgay · 2 years
Mabye it’s just because I don’t like romance in general but romantic ships always take away from the actual relationship of the characters, at least by fan perception. Drunz could be a good romantic ship but I don’t think it would play out correctly or be viewed correctly by fans because lbr most people probably like drunz because it’s just another dude to ship with another dude, whatever good dynamic they had gets overridden, at least for me. Dnf and skephalo I don’t count because they are insane irl, so obviously that’s going to translate in everything they do, regardless if it fits whatever story they are trying to play into. Awesam and ponk was way better than karlnapity I’ll give you that, but I still wasn’t really a fan. Don’t even get me started on quackity and Wilbur, or whatever the hell they had going on 😭
I think it probably just comes down to personal preference, I think that if romantic ships were more fleshed out and people weren’t just doing it because it’s there, then I’d be way more into it, but i don’t see that ever happening 😭 I also physically cringe at the thought of watching romantic ships live
agreed wholeheartedly , I definitely hate how people consume dreamsmp romance ships in this fandom, I think mostly because the relationships themselves aren't super fleshed out they default on what they think is a "blue print romance" disregarding what we DO have and what could be extrapolated from it and that gets annoying if I wanted cookie cutter romance about dude x dude number 340920 medieval au id go read merlin
I think the best way to roleplay romance coded relationships is precisely to keep them vague from the romance aspect - people call that queerbaiting I think its peak story telling give me all the subtext without explicitly shoving it down my throat, I don't want to hear love confession number 40928 without substance because people dont know how to pull them off bbh's latest lore stream for example, because he cant get skeppy to roleplay with him for some reason he wrote an alternate story to his that is supposed to mirror him, with "sam bucket" a character who discovered the egg before him and wrote down what it was like to kill all his loved ones including the person he loved most francis (Who is a dog but we are going to gloss over that haha) and in the sam bucket diaries he wrote and I quote "Dearest Francis.. not a day goes by I do not miss you, I cannot wait to see you again.. when the egg brings you back to me..." "Forgive me Francis, all I ever wanted was to see you one more time.."
""I wanted to believe it so bad. I wanted to believe the egg could bring you back to me but it cant"
which is a PERFECT mirroring of his relationship to skeppy in the dream smp and shows the weight and depth of his feelings to skeppy and what c!bad was going through when he killed skeppy
this isn't an explicit romantic relationship but its so laden with romantic subtext and good writing that I just adore it
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merrrrrrrrry · 1 year
hiiii ✨🫶🏻
being away from family is the worst 😭😔 do you not get to see them often throughout the semester? i assume since you live closer to school during the semester that it’s far enough away from home that it’s not easy to travel back and forth 😔 i hope the semester passes quickly so you’re able to be with your family again 💗🫶🏻
listen i have no idea. idk if the cookie scoop was just cheaply made or if it like the thing got stuck? on a chocolate chip and that’s what broke it but it was sad 💔 (i have no idea if u know what kind of cookie scoop i’m talking about but if you don’t i will send you a picture as soon as i can)
i love that for you djshs there’s a few shows etc i read fic of on ao3 that i either haven’t ever watched but saw a lot of on tumblr or only watched a season of before stopping. it’s always fun when there’s one of those like super common things that a lot of people put in their fics and then you actually watch the show/movie and it’s not canon at all dkshsjs
ahhh yes!!!!! im glad your christmas lunch etc went well!! im not sure if you told me before (sorry if you have) but what kind of cake did you make?
this will likely be my last ask before reveal day (im screaming inside im so excited) so i just wanted to wish you a very happy new year and an excellent start to your semester 💗💗 it has been such an enjoyable month getting to know you through these asks and i hope we stay in contact afterwards ✨🫶🏻 manifesting your whole year is everything you want and deserve 💗💗💗🫶🏻🫶🏻✨✨✨🥹
-✨holiday pal✨
Yeah i live on campus. There are 'girls' and 'boys' hostel on campus. It's a pretty big campus actually. I'll tell you the name personally when I get to know you. And yeah, it's in a different state from my home so it's difficult to travel back and forth
I will be looking forward to examining the deceased cookie scoop 🫡
Akdnjakaan yeah, Yuri on ice isn't the only one either. I read sterek fics from time to time and I have zero intentions of ever watching that show wkshsjksak. Actually with watching Yuri on ice, the exact opposite happened to me. I absolutely was expecting that a lot of stuff that I read wouldn't be canon because to me it felt like they were just too perfectly crafted. I thought the show would just be like 'okay so queerbait' qksnakaka. But i was pleasantly surprised. I won't spoil it for you if you ever plan to watch it but it's fun. And yeah, they're not very explicit but i didn't expect them to and it's actually pretty sweet
I hadn't told you before and please don't say sorry even if you do ask me multiple times. I made a semolina cake for the first time. Also i made my first egg cake. I usually make eggless because then my parents can have it without needing to think about 'oh today's Saturday, can't have non-veg'. I made it chocolate flavoured and someone gifted us dried cranberries for diwali so i just did a simple syrup thing, added the chopped up cranberries to that and covered the cake with it.
I wanna get to know you so bad!!!! I'm so excited 💕💕💕
Thank you for making this month so special for me and being the best
May this year bring you joy and contentment and bliss. Have the bestest day💕💕
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supop · 3 years
make an "exposé" thread who cares 😭 as if you're the only person to do that, one thing about jm antis is that yall are obsessed
K. The reason there’s so many threads exposing Jimin in the first place is because there’s always so much new material that arises. No other member has as much shit working against them. He constantly sets himself up because he’s simply not the angel you idiots paint him out to be. He truly is the weakest link of the group.
People try and bring up Jungkook’s scandals but at least the guy can actually sing. Sure he could do with sharing some of the spotlight in their songs but I’m pretty sure that 100% comes down to hybe calling the shots. How else do you explain Hoseok who can rap, sing, and dance constantly being sidelined in most of their group songs.
People try and bring up Yoongi and JJ but the sooner you all realize sampling =/= co-signing, the better off you’ll be. He wasn’t the first to sample someone controversial and he won’t be the last. Hybe could’ve explained it but instead chose to throw him under the bus by issuing a dumb apology with zero context. BTS would also be nothing without him.
People try and bring up Taehyung being cold but dude is as straightforward as can be. He’s not here for the shits. Him and Jin are probably the two that fuck with the company the most and do what they want. What’s there to be mad at? He isn’t a puppet so deal with it. Taehyung and Yoongi are also the two whose on screen and offscreen personalities are likely 1:1. What you see is what you get.
People try and bring up the racist/colorist things Namjoon has said but I promise you’ll never catch him slipping again. Who knows if he’s actually a changed man but that whole nature/art persona has done wonders for him. Along with Yoongi and Hoseok, he’s quite literally the backbone of BTS. Without these 3 the rest of the group would’ve never see the light of day.
Edit: Apparently Jin isn’t angelic because he’s said some things (what things? idk). Also Jin’s condom debacle? He’s a grown man and those were basically pre-debut days so that shouldn’t even be classified as a scandal to begin with. If you really think BTS have never been in any sort of romantic relationships 8+ into their career well then keep living in lala land. Jin also minds his business and stays to himself. Unlike some others.
Finally, as for Hoseok and Seokjin? These two are squeaky fucking clean. They’re the definition of class. Not only are they the two whose behaviors/attitudes/personalities get praised the most by people that have worked with BTS, they also never say any unnecessarily rude or harsh things to the other members. Even when a members says something uncalled for, they brush it off with a laugh. If BTS were children, Hoseok and Seokjin would be the most angelic and well-behaved ones. Hoseok is also the member that donates the most to charity and is known to support tons of great causes via the clothes he wears and figurines he collects.
If there’s any member that’s gotten the short of the stick in all this, it’s Hoseok. Some of the things the members have said/done to him could be classified as grade-A bullying. I’m not painting him as a victim. He isn’t. Without Hoseok BTS would be nothing. He’s the one that works nonstop behind the scenes to make sure their choreography and performances are as “Grammy-Worthy” as can be. And yet he’s also the member that constantly gets the least lines and screen time. Not to mention he’s also the member who ARMYS did NOTHING to protect when he was receiving all that hate from antis years back.
I find it ironic how when any other member gets hate some of you are mute. And yet when Jimin is on the recieving end we’re suddenly going to war. Lol well fuck you. I could dedicate a whole blog to Jimin’s shitty live vocals, bitchy behavior, unnecessary queerbaiting, violence towards the members, offensive remarks, etc. Not to mention the fact he’s contributed the least to BTS’s discography. I’m not saying all musicians should write their own songs, many don’t. But if you’re going to sit there and be useless, the least you could do is be a genuinely good human being. Unfortunately for you fans, calling him a “sweetheart” doesn’t alter the mile long list of evidence that proves otherwise. If he can’t take the hate, then he himself should stop dishing it out.
I never would’ve made any of the posts I’ve published in the past 48 hours had you idiots not come into my inbox harassing me for my moreso tepid opinions via a random Twitter screenshot. Blame yourselves for all the excessive hate Jimin gets. He alone does a wonderful job at setting himself up, but his fans are truly the icing on the cake.
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