#bright green pond filled with plants
headspace-hotel · 5 months
Nature is healing.
I burned the Meadow a couple weeks ago. At first it looked like nothing but charred ashes and dirt, with a few scorched green patches, and I was afraid I'd done something terrible. But then the sprouts emerged. Tender new leaves swarming the soil.
My brother and I were outside after dark the other day, to see if any lightning bugs would emerge yet. We had been working on digging the pond. That old soggy spot in the middle of the yard that we called "poor drainage," that always splattered mud over our legs when we ran across it as children—it isn't a failed lawn, and it never was.
Oh, we tried to fill in the mud puddles, even rented heavy machinery and graded the whole thing out, but the little wetland still remembered. God bless those indomitable puddles and wetlands and weeds, that in spite of our efforts to flatten out the differences that make each square meter of land unique from another, still declare themselves over and over to be what they are.
So we've been digging a hole. A wide, shallow hole, with an island in the middle.
And steadily, I've been transplanting in vegetation. At school there is a soggy field that sadly is mowed like any old field. The only pools where a frog could lay eggs are tire ruts. From this field I dig up big clumps of rushes and sedges, and nobody pays me any mind when I smuggle them home.
I pulled a little stick of shrubby willow from some cracked pavement near a creek, and planted it nearby. From a ditch on the side of the road beside a corn field, I dug up cattail rhizomes. Everywhere, tiny bits of wilderness, holding on.
I gathered up rotting logs small enough to carry and made a log pile beside the pond. At another corner is a rock pile. I planted some old branches upright in the ground to make a good place for birds and dragonflies to perch.
And there are so many birds! Mourning doves, robins, cardinals and grackles come here in much bigger numbers, and many, many finches and sparrows. I always hear woodpeckers, even a Pileated Woodpecker here and there. A pair of bluebirds lives here. There are three tree swallows, a barn swallow also, tons of chickadees, and there's always six or seven blue jays screaming and making a commotion. And the goldfinches! Yesterday I watched three brilliant yellow males frolic among the tall dandelions. They would hover above the grass and then drop down. One landed on a dandelion stem and it flopped over. There are several bright orange birds too. I think a couple of them are orioles, but there's definitely also a Summer Tanager. There's a pair of Canada Geese that always fly by overhead around the same time in the evening. It's like their daily commute.
The other day, as I watched, I saw a Cooper's Hawk swoop down and carry off a robin. This was horrifying news for the robin individually, but great news for the ecosystem. The food chain can support more links now.
There are two garter snakes instead of one, both of them fat from being good at snaking. I wonder if there will be babies?
But the biggest change this year is the bugs. It's too early for the lightning bugs, but all the same the yard is full of life.
It's like remembering something I didn't know I forgot. Oh. This is how it's supposed to be. I can't glance in any direction without seeing the movement of bugs. Fat crickets and earwigs scuttle underneath my rock piles, wasps flit about and visit the pond's shore, an unbelievable variety of flies and bees visit the flowers, millipedes and centipedes hide under the logs. Butterflies, moths, and beetles big and small are everywhere.
I can't even describe it in terms of individual encounters; they're just everywhere, hopping and fluttering away with every step. There are so many kinds of ants. I sometimes stare really closely at the ground to watch the activities of the ants. Sometimes they are in long lines, with two lanes of ants going back and forth, touching antennae whenever two ants traveling in opposite directions meet. Sometimes I see ants fighting each other, as though ant war is happening. Sometimes the ants are carrying the curled-up bodies of dead ants—their fallen comrades?
My neighbor gave me all of their fallen leaves (twelve bags!) and it turns out that piling leaves on top of a rock and log pile in a wet area summons an unbelievable amount of snails.
I always heard of snails as pests, but I have learned better. Snails move calcium through the food chain. Birds eat snails and use the calcium in their shells to make egg shells. In this way, snails lead to baby birds. I never would have known this if I hadn't set out to learn about snails.
In the golden hour of evening, bugs drift across the sky like golden motes of dust, whirling and dancing together in the grand dramas of their tiny lives. I think about how complicated their worlds are. After interacting with bees and wasps so much for so long, I'm amazed by how intelligent and polite they are. Bumble bees will hover in front of me, swaying side to side, or circle slowly around me several times, clearly perceiving some kind of information...but what? It seems like bees and wasps can figure out if you are a threat, or if you are peaceful, and act accordingly.
I came to a realization about wasps: when they dart at your head so you hear them buzzing close by your ears, they're announcing their presence. The proper response is to freeze and duck down a bit. It seems like wasps can recognize if you're being polite; for what it's worth, I've never been stung by a wasp.
As night falls, bats emerge and start looping and darting around in the sky above. If the yard seems full of bugs in the day, it is nothing compared to the night.
I'm aware that what I'm about to describe, to an entomophobe, sounds like a horror movie: when i walk to the back yard, the trees are audibly crackling and whirring with the activity of insects. Beetles hover among the branches of the trees. When we look up at the sky, moths of all sizes are flying hither and thither across it. A large, very striking white moth flies past low to the ground.
Last year, seeing a moth against the darkening sky was only occasional. Now there's so many of them.
I consider it in my mind:
When roads and houses are built and land is turned over to various human uses, potentially hundreds of native plant species are extirpated from that small area. But all of the Eastern USA has been heavily altered and destroyed.
Some plants come back easily, like wild blackberry, daisy fleabane, and common violets. But many of them do not. Some plants need fire to sprout, some need Bison or large birds to spread them, some need humans to harvest and care for them, some live in habitats that are frequently treated with contempt, some cannot bear to be grazed by cattle, some are suffocated beneath invasive Tall Fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, honeysuckle or Bradford pears, and some don't like being mowed or bushhogged.
Look at the landscape...hundreds and hundreds of acres of suburbs, pastures, corn fields, pavement, mowed verges and edges of roads.
Yes, you see milkweed now and then, a few plants on the edge of the road, but when you consider the total area of space covered by milkweed, it is so little it is nearly negligible. Imagine how many milkweed plants could grow in a single acre that was caretaken for their prosperity—enough to equal fifty roadsides put together!
Then I consider how many bugs are specialists, that can only feed upon a particular plant. Every kind of plant has its own bugs. When plant diversity is replaced by Plant Sameness, the bug population decreases dramatically.
Plant sameness has taken over the world, and the insect apocalypse is a result.
But in this one small spot, nature is healing...
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djarincore · 9 months
Your Hobbies
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summary: Din wants to give you the life you deserve, starting with the garden you've always wanted.
word count: 518
a/n: din djarin my beloved
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After a life of bounty hunting and being on the run from the Empire, Din never envisioned it would all lead to simple domesticity on a quiet plot of land he spent most of his life hiding under. On rare days, the peace made him restless; he craved the chase, the adrenaline, the aches and bruises from a successful job. 
But, the nearly perilous mission to reclaim Mandalore opened his eyes; his life was more than the adrenaline of dangerous missions now—he had Grogu, the bounty he grew to love as a son, and he had you, his ever-loyal riduur who stood by him through every hard day and failed mission. The two of you deserved more than an old gunship, more than cold ration packs, and more than a life of unknown dangers that stalked in the shadows. 
You always talked about growing a lush garden, filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, long before owning a home on Nevarro. For so long, it remained a dream and you would tell him it was alright; as long as the two of you were together there was nothing you’d want more. A single potted plant, which you took out on the occasions he tracked his bounty to a sunny planet, was enough for you. 
Din knew you deserved better than that, and on darker nights he knew you deserved better than him, but he was too selfish to let you go. All those nights, you were always there to dispel those dark thoughts. So, he’d spend the rest of his life giving you everything, starting with the garden you’d always wanted.
“It’s actually growing!” Your vibrant voice carried through the gentle breeze of dawn. With Grogu, knelt in the soil of your new garden, you pointed at a budding piece of green poking out of the ground. The bright smile on your face beamed brighter than the climbing sun.
He could hardly see the sprout from his spot on the bench if he was being honest, but he was proud nonetheless. 
He pushed himself off the bench and approached the plot of dirt near the pond. You grabbed his hand and pulled him down to kneel beside you. Now that he was closer, he could see the sprout you were so excited over. Funny how such a small plant could be the cause of such joy. It wasn’t blasters and bruises, and maybe a small part of him would never get it, but watching as you and Grogu gathered around the sprout with beaming smiles was enough. 
“Good job, mesh’la. I knew you could do it.” His praise was gentle and full of warmth. He knew there was so much more he wanted to say, to prove, to show you how much he truly loved you. “You too, buddy,” he added when a tiny hand rested on his knee. Both of you deserved this.  
“Would you like to water it?” You thrust a brand-new watering can into his hands. 
“Of course.”  He would gladly give up the life he knew to give you both the one you deserved.
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echantedtoon · 2 months
To Where The Hand Extends
(This is the promised raffle prize for @iron-embers. If Shinjuro comes out too ooc I apologize it's my first time writing him. Warnings for mentioned drinking and alcoholism concerning Shinjuro and mentioned death concerning Ruka. Hatomi belongs to iron-embers. I had to look.up so many japanese dishes lmao.)
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The day was beautiful this morning.
With the sunlight sinking into the room through the window as the ball of light was nearing to setting within a few hours. The birds singing outside. Beautiful fresh smelling air. Beautiful visions of nature right outside of you looked. A bright blue sky. Fluffy white clouds. Yellow sun. Flowers of every color. Green plants everywhere. Trees providing shade as the wind rolled by. A little blue pond in the distance full of fish.
An absolute picture perfect scene for what could very much be a good day. Nothing in the world to worry about. Nothing to do. Just peaceful quiet and nature. It's why she left most of the windows and doors leading to the outside open today it could get rather stuffy inside. The gentle noises of dishes being moved about the kitchen area along with the distant sounds of a few pots bubbling away on the furnace. The heavy smells of delicious spices and not quite done yet rice lingered in the air before wafting out the mentioned open windows and doors. Small footsteps ran out from up the side hall and the chef knew without even looking around that a pair of eyes had found their curiosity wondering into the kitchen.
"HUNGRY!," A loud voice declared out.
"You're going to have to be patient now.  Food doesn't make itself."
"What we having?!"
"Miso soup and onigiri."
A small chubby face scrunched up in protest. "Soup again?"
"There's leftover ochazuke from lunch if you don't want what I'm making for dinner," her calm voice replied back despite the smile that still plagued her features. Petite hands reached out to grab a potato while the other held up a sharp cutting knife above the chopping board. "And we're having all the leftovers tomorrow night. We don't waste food around here."
"Can't I have some momiji instead?"
Her eyes turned, head looking over her shoulder. Potato sternly pointed out to seven year old pouting in the doorway. "You're not getting any sweets unless you eat something healthy young man. It'll spoil your appetite and give you a stomachache and it's not healthy."
His response was to pout more buuuut his mad face only made him look like an adorable chubby hamster. "That's an old wives tale! Just like saying the Boogeyman is gonna come out of the closet if I don't sleep."
"My answer is still no. Now go wash up. If you don't eat anything good you won't be getting desert and that's that." 
Softer but heavier sounding footsteps came down the same hallway just as the first fiery haired and eyed boy stomped away as all upset children do and second later a second child stood in the doorway. He was a perfect mirror copy of the first boy only older by about six years at thirteen years old and he was smiling instead of pouting like his baby brother. Kyojuro always seemed to be smiling to be honest and it was no exception for when he curiously watched his brother go before looking back on her.
"What was that all about?"
Her smile never left as she went back to what she was doing before, trying to chop up this potato. "He's upset with me for not giving him dessert on demand." The sounds of chopping filled the air as the knife easily sliced through the potato at last. "Although he does seem a little crankier than he was a little while ago. I wonder why."
"Oh...It was Father actually."
The hands paused in their movements. Knife resting between two potato slices as her head turned back to him. Blinking wide eyed before a sigh left through her nose and a frown settled upon her face. Oh. Their father.
"Oh, I see. ..What happened?"
His orange eyes sadly looked at his shuffling feet. "W-Well.. There's a festival in town A-And we wanted to go bu-bu-but...Father said it was a waste of time."
"Oh..Well I'm sure he didn't mean it like that. He's probably just tired and cranky right now."
"No. He always says no. Every year...he doesn't like it when we ask him." Young eyes suddenly lit up in a pleased idea as he looked at her in a gasp and clenched his fists in excitement. "I know! Can you take us instead!?"
She blinked at him but couldn't help but smile at the cute face he made while all hopeful. "You want me to take you? Really?"
"Uh huh! You're really nice and responsible and he thinks you're really pretty so of course he'll say yes!" He ended that surprising sentence by throwing his hands up. "So will you ask him?!"
Her eyes blinked again slightly surprised. "Pretty? I doubt that."
"But you are pretty, Ms. Hatomi! You're about as pretty looking as a sweet potato!"
His sentence made her giggle again as she shook her head. "Well thank you. I'm glad you think so."
"So you'll ask?!"
"Alright. I'll ask him when dinner's ready. For now go wash up with Senjuro-"
A rush to her legs made her look down as two arms wrapped around her waist in a tight hug as Kyojuro hugged her tightly. "Thanks, Ms. Hatomi! You're the nicest person ever!"
Her smile didn't wain as she patted the top of the young boy's head. "Thank you. Now off you go. Food is almost ready."
Soft footsteps echoed throughout the hall. The delicious smells of the food in her hands on the tray. The soup in the bowl sloshing around slightly with each sway from her steps through the late evening. There was still plenty of light outside but it was nearer to sunset now about maybe one or two hours away. Hey that didn't stop her from walking down the hall and stopping in front of the one door in particular. One she's already visited two times today to deliver breakfast and lunch. Carefully balancing the tray into one arm, she reached out her other hand to knock on the door just loud enough to get anyone inside's attention.
"Master Rengoku-san? I brought you dinner. Can I come in?"
If no one answered then that meant he was passed out again in which case she'd just leave the food by the door and come back later, however a loud grunt from inside gave her all the go ahead she needed to use a foot and slide the door just enough to peek in first.
The room was dark inside despite the sun still being out. She saw why when her eyes saw the shutters still closed tightly on the windows and the only source of light being the crack in the doorway and a single candle lit on a table in the far corner.
"What is it? Can't you see I'm busy!"
Silvery light collided with the dancing gold of the flame in a beautiful glow making shadows dance against the walls and furniture. Reflection beaming off eyes unblinking within the strange alluring mixture of darkness and lights. The motions of writing ceasing in their motions completely and the emotions taking over. The one whom was working stopping to set the feather back onto it's rightful pedestal and sitting there unblinking. The one who had the emotions stirring around from his mind and down to his heart. Those eyes turned slowly, head turning to the doorway behind him as he sat as his table. The area behind him was dark, and almost hard to see but he saw what the eyes were searching for. Her head peeking in through the doorway and staring back to the man sitting on the pillow in the otherwise dark and silent room.
The master of the entire Rengoku estate. Sitting there with paperwork of some kind unfinished in front of him and a tired look to his face as she quietly shuffled in  holding up the food tray in her hands.
"I brought you dinner, Sir." Nevermind she already told him once outside the door. "I figured you might be hungry by now."
Fiery eyes seemed to glow in the dark as they eyed her..and then the tray in her hands before turning back to stare blankly at the unfinished papers. "Bring it in then."
She smiled walking in with the tray gently over to where she had left the last tray taking note of how it was empty now with the dishes from that lunch being left on top. That's good. That meant he was eating today and filling his stomach with something other than the sake that was usually seen around him. He paid no attention to her as she gently slid the old one away from his side and replaced it with the newer one filled with the delicious smelling good. And despite himself, she caught his head tilting slightly towards it. Good. He was showing more interest in eating again. That fact alone made her smile.
"What is it?", he bluntly asked.
"Miso soup and onigiri. I figured it'd be a nice day to have onigiri since a festival is going on in the next town over," she answered just picking up the tray.
"Is that right?"
"Mm hm...You know Kyojuro was just telling me about it today. I was told there's going to be a Kabuki theater there. It sounds like fun."
"Did that boy of mine put you up to this? If you're here to try and get me to change my mind then you can forget it!" A finger harshly jabbed down into the wood of the table. "Those two are staying HERE where they belong and studying until I decide they're improving!"
"No one put me up to anything." Maybe it was the matter of fact way she spoke of the fact she didn't react to his anger at all but he was taken off guard every time she looked at him like that. The silent calm stare that was both full of disapproval and sadness at the same time. "I was only stating that it sounded like fun. After all  everyone has need for a break sometimes."
"And sometimes someone needs discipline to make them learn."
"And sometimes someone can push someone else so hard to do something so much of the time that they burn out."
He flinched. Hard.
"But that is only my opinions on what might happen to someone if that happened, not that it is happening to anyone else I know." Her body bowed at the middle before turning her body. "I'll come back in a few hours to see if you're done eating."
"... Where's this dam festival at anyways?" 
She paused in the middle of stepping away, head turning back to him but he didn't look up from the papers on the table in front of him. 
"Just in the next town over. It's not even an hour away."
".....I want EVERYONE inside before any sunlight disappears. I do not care what any of those boys have to say."
It was curt, blunt, rude, and with a small time limit for fun...But that was a yes. An actual yes without even saying yes.
She nodded. "Of course. We do that every night." She went to leave aga-
"The lunch you made me."
"Was it too much? I can make the portions smaller if you prefer or maybe you didn't like how I made it?"
There was a long moment of silence between the two of them but she couldn't leave until he finished talking to her. He remained silent sitting there still not looking at her.
"..It tasted good. It could use s-..some more salt but it was fine."
She could not see his face otherwise perhaps she might've seen the way a pink hue coated his features and thank goodness for the dark or else she might've seen the glow to his ears. Instead she blinked slightly in surprise... before smiling wider.
"Then I'll be sure to add some more salt next time I make that dish."
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natriae · 1 year
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wakatoshi x fem! reader (mxmxmxf)
Y/n's special dream~
warnings: manhandling, SMUT, three toshi's, half proof read, oral (both) , 2.3k words
The sun was low and the owl's began to sing their songs as y/n laid in her husband's arms. 
but this is no sweet poem. Let's take a look in y/n dream. 
She was in a beautiful forest where birds sang songs to their lovers and little rabbits would hop though the moss and flowers. Ahead of her was a small trail that turned into a dark oak bridge. There were panels of wood covered in moss that were clearly old and probably had several travelers walk its path. some panels crooked, but none were broken. They shone in the bright sunlight that still made its way through the tall trees. 
Following the path through the woods she was left to find a beautiful waterfall that led into the crystal, cerulean pond below. The leaves on the trees were fresh and healthy; not a single leaf had left its family to fall into the water. They swayed in the light breeze as the woman covered in white cloth entered their home. The cloth had made an X shape to cover her bosom leaving the bottom side of the fat to be seen. Clearly taunting the man that would walk the very same path as her. The white garment draped over her body with two large slits where her legs would peak out of. 
The woman wasn't afraid of the unknown forest; the plants and the animals were her friends much as the water was. She dunked her toes at first feeling that natural warm pool engulf her body as she walked further to the middle. There were no fish in the pond; they must have traveled elsewhere. From afar the young woman heard startled steps breaking sticks that had fallen into the ground and rabbits and squirrels ran in fear. However, she was not afraid she felt excited as the heavy steps drew closer. There was a tingle in her stomach that led down her body, heating up her core. She felt it clench on nothing as the man walked through the bushes. His shiny, green hair reflected in the sunlight, his head held low as his large palm held onto his bare stomach. Quickly she ran out of the pond to make sure he was okay. He lifted his head up to see the most beautiful woman. He hadn't even noticed that her clothes were see-through from the water. 
She watched his hooded green eyes look down at her in pain. You glanced down to see his large pectorals filled with scratches and cuts. His large palm was covered in blood and shaking. He must have been injured. The giant clearly towered over her, but she knew what she must do. She held his bloody hand in hers and replaced it with her own right hand. She held his side as she led him into the water. The young man had taken notice of her perky nipples through the white fabric, and the cloth hugging her perfect body. Suddenly his pain was taken away before they even got into the pond. The cerulean water glowed slightly as the two unexpecting couple walked in. The woman unwrapped her top letting her boobs free in the breeze. Once the water hit her nipples she turned around and motioned for the man to get closer. The water glowed around the man's stomach where the injury was. 
Her jubilant voice cut through his thoughts of her beauty as she began to wrap the wound in her cloth. 
"hehe, I guess the water likes you too," she had told the quiet man. His face did not change, but she could tell he was comfortable. She felt as if she knew him before. She left a small kiss on his cheek after wrapping him up and let her hands rest on his chest gazing into his eyes. Behind her she heard another crunching of sticks and then another from her left. The same sound of heavy footsteps making their way over, but before she could move to see who was on their way the olive haired man gripped her hips with his large hands. 
"stay." he said gazing into her y/c eyes. Turning her head she saw an exact replica of the man before her, but this time with a wound on bicep. Furthermore, the footsteps behind her stopped to reveal the same man but with a wound on his left pectoral. She still had no fear and welcomed the men into the large pond. Once again it glowed around their bodies as they walked closer. Her skirt was made of two more white cloths wrapped around her body. She unwrapped them and quickly wrapped them around the men's wounds leaving her naked surrounded by three of the same man. She left a kiss on each of their cheeks sensing they're comfortable around her. All of them are tall in stature and have strong bodies. All of them had olive hair on their heads, and straight olive happy trails. All the men had green eyes and baggy pants on. All the men watched her happy face with nothing but love and admiration. They must take care of her. It seems they've only just met her but it feels like a lifetime. 
One of the men stood behind her holding her arms as the other two men picked her up from the sides. Her feet no longer touched the rocky ground of the crystal lake, but now her naked thighs and butt were being held up by two strong men. Instinctively, she wrapped her arms around two of the men's neck while leaning her head back on the man behind her. Leaning to the side she left a kiss on the lips on one of the men then the man on the other side and finally she left the man behind her grip under her chin and leaned her head back to give her a sloppy kiss. No longer the sound of the water falling could be heard, but just the sound of two lips sloppily kissing one another.The connection of her body with theirs sparked something in her brain and suddenly the slight air moans of 'toshi escaped her pretty lips. The men finally set her wobbly legs back on the rocky floor below her and turned her so she faced the first of the men. His nose brushed against hers before his hands trailed down her goddess of a body. His fingers brushed her tits while the second of the men brushed his rock hard cock against her ass. You let out an airy gasp in surprise before smiling and wrapping her arms around the man's neck. Behind her the man left a trail of kisses from behind her ear down her neck while in front of her the man worked his pants off to reveal one of the largest cocks she's ever seen. 
He lightly jerked his hand over his cock under the water before lightly smacking it on the female's thigh. 
Between kisses and the now three naked men y/n began to moan in her sleep successfully waking up her lover next to her. He shrugged his shoulders and assumed it was best not to wake her up.
In the dream, the second wakatoshi picked you up and brought you to a small pastel picnic blanket in the woods. They laid you down and you watched the trees sway in the breeze. The once green leaves were now pink and fell off the trees onto you and the three beautiful men. Two laid on their sides massaging your breast and brushing your hair. Taking turns leaving kisses over your body and lips. You couldn't help the smile that creeped up your face as Wakatoshi spread your legs and left a light kiss on your glistening pussy. You weren't cold from the water, but you weren't hot either. Everything was just right. 
Tangled in strong muscle and now a thick tongue making its way through your pussy you couldn't help but think you were in heaven. Large hands gripped your thighs so they stayed a part as another tongue slithered its way into your mouth. Heavy open mouth kisses were left on the men leaving long trails of saliva from their mouth to yours. The man between your legs began to lightly press his finger against your entrance making you gasp. Your back arched into the air as three thick fingers worked their way to your g-spot. A small Wakatoshi smirk was on one of the men's faces as he leaned down and began to make small circles on your clit. Three Wakatoshis, a tongue and fingers deep in your pussy, and one playing with your clit swirled in your mind, not allowing you to think. The third Wakatoshi wasn't even touching you sexually yet all you could think about was how badly you wanted the thick cock that was so close to your face. He was now sitting next to your head allowing you to take him by surprise and lightly lick the base of his member. You felt a knot build in your lower stomach as two of the men worked on your pussy. The knot grew tighter, feeling like you would burst, as the Wakatoshi next to you began to lightly hit your wet lips with his heavy, veiny cock. It was pretty and long. The tip was flushed with need as you wrapped your lips around it. Precum has already been leaking from the head before you even put it between your lips. Your breathing picked up as you squirted all over Wakatoshi's face between your legs. Glancing down, cock still in mouth, you watched him lick his lips and then his fingers after withdrawing them. 
The Wakatoshi that was handling your clit lifted you up like a feather flipping you to be on your hands and knees. The cock popped out of your mouth still bouncing with need as the two Wakatoshis watched you being manhandled. You felt one of the men press on your back signaling you to arch your back for them. Thinking they wanted doggy. You bit your lip and spread your legs shaking your ass for them, but then you felt a strong slap echo through the forest before the searing pain was felt on your ass. It felt so realistic to Wakatoshi's spikes. Quickly your front was lifted out of your position and now you sat on your knees between the two men. The Wakatoshi who's cock you were sucking stood up allowing you to see his large, muscled thighs in all their glory. He walked over to you guys and gave his counterparts a small look before holding his cock in his large hand, making it look small, before hitting your cheek with it twice. You felt thick hands spread your legs out a literally more before one cock head shoved its way through your vagina. Unlike real life there was no pain. It felt so good. You realized that the cock in you was from the Wakatoshi behind you when the Wakatoshi in front of you attempted to put it in the same hole. For the first time in this dream you panicked. Your eyes widened in shock and then pleasure as hands held your waist. Your pussy graciously opened up to the second cock like a perfect whore. The men leaned in closer leaving you trapped between their strong chest as you watched the standing Wakatoshi with hearts in your eyes. Each cock took turns going in and out of your wet pussy making the most lewd sounds. Your eyes completely glossed over as you wrapped your lips around the cock head for the second time. The precum already tasted so good. You couldn't imagine how good the sticky cum would be. You lifted up the hand closest to the man attempting to wrap it around his cock, but strong hands wrapped themselves around yours and rested them on the toshi in front of you's shoulders. The stern look on his face told you there would be punishment if they left their spot. Behind you Wakatoshi reached in arms around your body, tweaking and pinching your nipples all while a big hand began shoving your pretty face down an even prettier penis. 
Your eyes rolled back as your head bobbed quickly up and down the shaft. Every part of your body felt so good. Orgasm after orgasm left your body so they point you're sure you came in real life too. The men finally let out grunts after several minutes of hard thrusts. The first grunt had your pussy gushing over the two cocks and tightening up making the grunts come out faster. You watched as both Wakatoshis leaned back to rest their weight on their hands while they bounced you up and down on their dicks. The dick that was in your mouth was now being jerked off over your face with his head leaned back and quiet moans leaving his mouth. You watched as abs constricted and all three of the men lost their composure at the same time. Warm cum shot out over your face while you spasmed over the two cocks in you doing the same thing. 
That night you woke up with wet underwear and the strong need to pee. Your husband rested peacefully next to you as you escaped his arms to the bathroom. He didn't need to know, right?
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nessie-writes · 1 year
Alone - Thomas Brodie Sangster
Summary: Thomas sees you a month after your break up.
Warnings: None
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It was a sunny autumn day in London. Thomas ran his fingers though his hair, releasing a sigh of disappointment as his eyes adjusted to the sunlight peaking though the crack in the curtains. His body felt cold despite the warmth radiating from the sun rays. The space left open besides him, only hurt him more. He closed his eyes, hoping to feel a similar sense to when you were laying by his side. As the memory faded, he pulled himself out of bed, reaching for his phone. 12:38pm. It was unlike him to sleep in. Blinding himself in the process, the blond separated the curtain, revealing the busy streets of London. The air was anything but fresh, filled by the typical city aromas. He decided anywhere but here would be better. After fully awaking up and preparing himself for the day, he left his home while also hoping to abandon the memory of you.
The sun was at its peak. Thomas decided to leave his coat inside the car, as his admired the view of the parks greens. The park included a small pathway decorated by many plants. At the end of the path, it greeted him with a large pond with ducks swimming around. Thomas starred enchanted by the vibrant colours layout messily on the ground. The weather was warm upon his face, but it still had a light breeze preventing it from being hot. He walked closer to the lake, his favourite setting in the park. He froze.
His body started to shake lightly, there you were. In another mans hands, despite it only being a month since the two of you separated. Thomas felt himself adore your smile, the sun perfectly displaying a light shine on your face. Your hair ran lightly with the breeze, you were well dressed, matching the colours surrounding you. Thomas felt a stray tears fall unpin his cheek, you looked so happy in the moment. The man you were stood with spoke up, your face lit up, your eyes creasing at whatever joke he had just told. Your smile was twice as wide as it had ever been with him. He noticed a bright colours faded. He assumed he was over you. Or at least thats was he hoped. Despite it being obvious, he told everyone he was over you.
Thomas was captivated by every moment you made. The way you hand lifted to your hair to brush it back, all the way to the way you lightly tapped the floor with your foot. You were everything he needed, everything he wanted, all that he would ever love. Yet here he stood alone, watching you.
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Luming: Lanterns of Fish
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Designer's Reflection: Lanterns of Fish
Obtained: Blessed Blossoms top-up
Rarity: SSR
Attribute: Green/Fresh
Awakened Suit: Lanterns of Spring
Story - transcripts from Designer's Reflection
Chapter 1 - Fish in Yue
Chapter 2 - Fish Lantern Wish
Chapter 3 - Glittering Night
Chapter 4 - Awaiting Bloom
Story - summarized
Luming is on a mission to fulfill a wish in Yue Prefecture City. One small problem: the wish belongs to a goldfish, and he has no idea where to start.
He gets a fish lantern to store the Wish Lantern in while he searches. The marketplace is filled with hot, sweet cakes and passionate storytellers, and he runs into you, the player. The two of you decide to fulfill the wish together.
The Wish Lantern guides him to the nearby pond where the fish used to live. Luming finds out that someone had gathered fish from the pond earlier this morning to sell at the market.
Finally, they find the right vendor... but someone just bought the last goldfish. Luming hurries to catch up with the family. The little girl with the goldfish sees the bright lantern that Luming has. She offers her fish for the lantern.
He gladly accepts. As the family walks away, the lantern inside dissolves into stardust. The wish is almost complete. You and Luming return to the pond and release the goldfish into the water. It reunites with its old friend, a piece of alga floating on the surface.
The both of you return to the festival, determined to enjoy the snacks and the entertainment. One such play you pass is Qin Yi's play about sacrificing a goldfish to be accepted by others. He spots you two in the crowd, and he swears he saw a goldfish.
-We met Luming during the first Chinese New Year event, Wishes on the Cloud. It was the first time he was able to leave the Lake of Wishes, and we learn more about his birth, existence, and job in his Reflection for Cloud Benediction.
-Goldfish are usually a good omen, but in Qin Yi's memories for Mind Maze 3, he ended up killing his beloved pet fish in order to convince the Qin family to take him in as their "long-lost son."
-The story of the goldfish reuniting with the pond alga parallels the story of Lingwu the Tiger and Yuntan the Flower: two friends promise to meet each other again later, and encounter obstacles along the way.
Fun Facts
-"Yue" means moon, and it's pronounced "yuAY" (all one syllable).
-Alga is the singular of "algae," and it encompasses all aquatic, photosynthetic organisms, from plankton to kelp. Algae are neither plants nor animals, but instead protists.
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barbiegirldream · 1 year
I'm in southeastern europe lol but the scariest thing are the lawns, it looks so empty and impersonal. Like, what do you mean you have a house with a yard but there is no fence, no furniture and you havent planted anything (flowers or fruit/veggies) or that there isnt a giant tree that has been there for 200+ years and the house was build around it
again HOAs regulate lawns. They exist to gentrify neighborhoods and run black people away. If you live on a street that isn't filled with people that go to secret klan meetings it's whatever you want. bright yellow house and yard of dandelions go for it. bright green house an an apple orchard with a pond whatever man. live in the middle of the woods surrounded by trees that have been there before Columbus course long as you don't mind well water
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supersaiyanjedi14 · 1 year
Jedi June 2023
*This was originally meant for Week 4 (Focus/Gathering), but a linty of life factors led to me scrapping my plans for participating this year. However, this fic is one I was determined to pump out, so I can still say I took part in this year's Jedi June. Enjoy!*
*SPOILERS for Jei Survivor
“Clear your mind.  Let yourself submerse into the world around you.  Become one with the plants, the stones, even the air.”
The young woman heard her master’s words with her mind rather than her ears.  The exercise was after all meant for her awareness beyond her physical senses.  Taking deep breaths, she reached into the Force.  The scent of fresh air filled her nostrils, but this sensation was quickly overpowered by all she sensed beyond it.  It was far more than just seeing or feeling what was around her; she was what was around her.  She was the breeze blowing by, she was the towering cliffs and bottomless gorges, she was the trickling water in the ponds and streams, she was the grasses and bushes and all their roots, she was the very warmth radiated by the sun’s light, she was…the pair of hands excitedly pulling on her head.
Snapped out of her mediations, Kata Akuna let out a groan as she turned to face the interruption.  The tails of her headband were currently gripped in the mits of a young girl no older than seven, her deathly pale skin and dull green eyes sharply contrasted by her bright red hair and toothy grin.  Upon seeing that she had caught the elder’s attention, the girl started giggling like a caffeinated bogling, seemingly unaware of what she had just interrupted.
“Hylana,” Kata scolded, trying to find a proper blend of her frustration and amusement of her “sister’s” antics, “I can’t concentrate when you yank on me like that.”
“It was BeeDee’s idea” the girl argued back, prompting an indignant series of warbles from the small droid trailing behind her.
The man next to Kata let out a chuckle.  At thirty-seven standard years, Cal Kestis’s face bore the signs of his strenuous years.  Between his constant battles with the Empire, his efforts to maintain the Tanalorr sanctuary, not to mention fatherhood, his face was as weathered as anyone would expect.  Regardless, he still wielded the energy one would expect of any Jedi, as the rigorous training he had subjected her and the other impromptu initiates to would attest.
“Did he now?” Cal asked as he rose to his feet.  “And I’m sure he would only have given you that idea if all your chores were done for the day, right?”
“Yep!” Hylana replied almost immediately, her smile big enough to swallow a freighter.  “Does that mean I can go play in the grotto now?  Please?”
Cal sighed.  Kata knew that Hylana would milk her wrapping around Cal’s finger for whatever it was worth.  Kata didn’t want to say Cal and Merrin spoiled their daughter, but it was undeniable that they would let her get away with things none of the other trainees could ever dream of trying.
“Alright,” Cal relented, ruffling Hylana’s fiery hair, “But only if BeeDee and Kata go with you.  And you need to be back by dinnertime, okay?”
Hylana perked up and rushed over to the older girl.  “Can you come with me, Kata?  Please, please, ple-“
“Hold your banthas,” Kata laughed.  Seeing as meditation was out of the question for the moment, she got to her own feet.  With her cargo pants, loose green tunic, bandana and the blaster rifle she slung over her back, she looked more like a bounty hunter than a Jedi apprentice.  Not that anyone would dare suggest she was any less a Jedi for it.  Kata had dedicated herself to her studies harder than anyone else on Tanalorr.  Ever since she had first met Cal all those years ago, she had been dedicated to learning everything she could about the Jedi way; as well as how to prevent that way from being deformed.
Kata may have been young at the time, barely older than Hylana was now, but she still remembered her first trip to this sequestered world.  More importantly, she remembered what her father had become.  She clung onto her loving memories of her father as tightly as she dared, but she knew she could never truly forget what Bode Akuna’s obsession had turned him into.  Focus was a critical part of being a Jedi, honing your senses and instincts so as to best heed the will of the Force.  But that focus could not come at the expense of the big picture or how your actions affected the world around you.  Obsession had turned her father into a murderer, blinding him to how he was harming others, herself included, even as he fought to protect her.
For all she had sought to emulate, Kata knew that she would eventually find her own struggles with such things, no better exemplified than the youngling running off with BD-1 scampering at her heels.  Kata loved Hylana like a little sister, just as much a doting part of her life as her parents and Greez, and she knew she would do anything within her power to keep her safe.  This was no abstract of course; Tanalorr’s status as a refuge from the Empire had demanded an obscene amount of security precautions, and discovery was both a very real danger and something they had had several serious close calls with.  The first time Kata had been forced to take a life had been when Inquisitors had attempted to seize the Forest Array, and she and Cal had had to silence them to keep the colony and newborn Hylana safe.  The one she had fought had threatened unspeakable things once he made his way through the Koboh Abyss, things that haunted her nightmares.  Obviously she feared what may happen to those she loved, but she also privately feared what lengths she may go to keep them safe.  How much would she be willing to sacrifice?  How far would she go before she stopped?
A giggle broke Kata’s thoughts.  Taking a deep breath, she pushed the intrusive thoughts aside and started jogging down the path.  Now was not the time to be fretting on what-ifs.  Now was for exploring the beautiful crystal grotto alongside her little sister.  She made her way down a winding path until she reached a short cliff face, just in time to see BD-1 latch himself onto a cable that led right down towards the cavern entrance.  Hylana caught onto the little droid and began to slide her way down.  Kata was at the edge of the drop by the time Hylana reached the bottom and turned up.
“Hold on, Kata!” the little girl called up, “I’ll send BeeDee right back up!”
“No, it’s okay!” Kata called back.  “I’ll take my own way down.  Go on ahead, just don’t go too far!”
“Okay!”  Hylana giggled as she and BD-1 took off.  As much as Kata liked zipping around on the droid, and knowing that it was the faster way down, she found her personal route far more fun.  Turning towards one of the ravine’s walls, she opened with a sudden sprint followed by a powerful jump.  What followed next was a series of downward slides, heel kicks off walls, dynamic flying flips, and traversing a multitude of natural handholds she had all but memorized by now.  Initially she had required a grappling cable to reach the most advantageous spots, but now all she needed to do was call upon the Force.  It took several minutes to reach the bottom, but by the time her feet touched the bottom, she had completed an acrobatics course that would have made even the birds blush.  Wiping the sweat off her brow, Kata made her way down the tunnel where the grotto lay.  She was just turning her mind to the mesmerizing crystal growths of the caverns when she heard something unexpected.  It was Hylana’s voice.
And another, unfamiliar one.
“-re’s a landing pad near the temple you could have used.”
“I probably should have, but my ship was acting up.  That’s a pretty weird nebula I had to fly through.”
“Everyone says that first time out.  My daddy had some issues too.”
“Your daddy sounds very interesting.  Could I meet him?”
Kata’s mind went blank, then raced.  Hylana talking to strangers was troubling enough, but a stranger who had flown through the Abyss?  Had neglected to dock with the land at the blatantly obvious landing pad?  Was lurking around in the caves?  And he was asking about Cal?  Alarm bells started ringing in her mind.  She broke into a run and burst into the grotto.
“Hylana?  Who are you talking-“
Kata stopped mid-sentence.  Any other day she would have been enamored with the beautiful crystal formations that grew on the walls in a rainbow of colors, reflecting off the shimmering pool of water at the grotto’s center.  But Kata ignored all that.  Her eyes were focused on Hylana, who was sitting on a boulder playfully kicking her feet.  Then she snapped her attention to the figure sitting across form her on another rock, a figure dressed in a black tunic and cloak- and seemed to burn in the Force.
In her experience, people dressed all in black with a strong presence in the Force only meant one thing; trouble.
“Hylana, get back!” she barked.  Kata swung her blaster from her back and leveled it on the stranger, who immediately threw up his hands.
“Whoa, whoa!” he said in a startled and now clearly masculine voice, “easy there.”
Hylana was on her feet and running up to Kata in a heartbeat.  But instead of jumping behind her legs, the girl stayed in front of her.  “Kata, wait!  It’s okay he’s friendly.”
“Hylana, back!” Kata repeated.  She forced her way between Hylana and the stranger, her weapon trained on him like a hawk sensing it’s prey.  “You, drop the cloak and whatever weapons you have.  Now!”
“Alright,” the stranger said slowly, “let’s just stay calm.  I’m not going to hurt anyone, I promise.”  As he spoak, he undid the clasps of his cloak and let it slide off his shoulders.
Kata finally got a good look at the face of the black-clad man.  He was human, somewhere around her own age, though with a lighter skin tone and short dark blonde hair.  Aside from the color, his clothes were fairly nondescript, just a normal tunic, trousers and boots.  What certainly wasn’t standard was one of the objects he removed from his belt and laid on the ground.  A roughly 28 centimeter metalic cylinter with a set of ridges on one half leading up to a narrow-necked flattened emitter on one end.
Kata’s girp on her blaster tightened a bit.  The last time a powerful Force-sensitive with a lightsaber had approached Tanalorr, Kata had had the fight of her life on her hands.  If this guy was anything like that…
Kata stopped herself mid-thought.  As the stranger rose to his feet, hands raised again, she tool several deep, calming breaths.  It was good to be vigilent, but not paranoid.  An inability to trust others had led to her father’s descent into darkness, and assuming the worst could only lead to so many outcomes.  She thought backto what Cal had just been telling her and let the Force speak to her.  She focused on what had actually happened so far.  The man had cooperated fully with her.  He had not harmed or endangered Hylana in any way.  And as she took in his demeanor, she probed his mind for his intentions, anything that even resembled ill will.  Nothing.
Kata wasn’t foolish enough to take a gut feeling at face value, but the Force was basicially waving a sign in her face; this man is no threat.
Slowly lowering her weapon, she genstured to the lightsaber on the ground.  “Nice stick,” she quipped.  “Where’d you get it?”
“I built it.” the stranger answered, still making no further move towards her.  “If you want, I can tell you the exact details of the construction.”
“For now,” Kata breathed, “let’s just have you tell me your name and what you’re doing here.”
The stranger gave a reassuring smile.  “My name is Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight.  I heard rumors of another Jedi who survived the Emperor’s purges and was operating a refugee colony concealed in a nebula.  I’m hoping to rebuild the Jedi Order and I’m hoping to gather as much of the remnants of the Jedi tradition as I can.”  He let out a sigh as he continued.  “So much was lost all those years ago, and starting from scratch is daunting.  If this Jedi is here, I could really use his help.”
Kata regarded him.  “Interesting story,” she reasoned.  “One we’ve heard from a few would-be visitors on occasion.  Not a lot of success.”
The man- Luke, apparently- chuckled.  “The Laterro running the bar said much the same thing.”
Now it was Kata’s turn to snort.  “That’s Greez for you.”
Hylana peaked around Kata’s legs.  “If he’s a Jedi, we should take him to Daddy, right?”
Luke smiled at the girl’s comment.  “I take it her daddy is the Jedi in question.”
Kata thought for a moment.  Common sense would have said that being this transparent with a complete stranger would be stupidity of the highest order.
The sense she relied on, however, was neither common nor so cynical.
“I would hope so.”  Kata remarked.  Reaching for her blaster again, she gripped a thick cylinder latched to the underside of the barrel.  Detaching it with a slide, she turned it in her hand for a moment before holding it up and thumbing a button on the side.  With a snap and a hiss, a shining beam of green light shot out of the end, letting off a soothing hum as its emerald hue filled the grotto.  “Who else do you think taught me how to build this?”
Luke regarded Kata’s lightsaber with awe, and his face turned into a look of satisfaction and relief.  Kata could pick up on what he was thinking without even needing to use the Force.  He was trying to gather what little remained of an order that had faced attempted extermination for over two decades, and now he had found one of the best leads he could hope for.  Reaching down, he collected his cloak and lightsaber.  “Would it be okay if I were to meet him?”
“Yeah!  Yeah!” Hylana’s cheering echoed through the cavern.  “You have to meet Daddy!  And Mommy too!  They can tell you all sorts of cool things!  Right Kata?”
Kata looked from Hylana to Luke, and her mouth turned upwards into a genuine smile.  “I guess you can come up for now.”  She said with a hint of mirth.  She then looked down at the little droid.  “What do you think, BeeDee?”
BD-1 warbled for a moment, the rapidly shot off a string of affirmatives.  He seemed to think that Luke was true to his word.  As BD finished beeping, a different set of electronic noises came about.  BD ran off behind Luke, and Kata followed his path to find a blue and white R2 astromech droid rolling into the grotto.  Humored smirks adorned the humans’ faces as the two droids shared a spirited conversation in binary.
“That settles it,” kata said with an air of finality.  She shut down her lightsaber, reattached it to her blaster, then slung the whole thing over her shoulder.  “Let’s see what you think of Tanalorr, Luke Skywalker.”
Luke smiled, patted his droid on the dome and gestures towards the path leading back to the temple.  “Lead the way.”
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Meet the clans: WolfsFootClan
Clan Name: WolfsFootClan 
- ClubmossClan was formed by MossPatch, a very seniory warrior, who recruits nine farm cats into a clan after his best friend SpeckleDaisy died unexpectedly, and her last wish was for him to create a safe place. After many years, a sickness called WolfCough spread through the clans and nearly eliminated them. ClubmossClan split off into four clans: TipClan, DownyClan, QuickClan, and ClubmossClan2. It took a few more years before the clans reunited and formed WolfsFootClan, a large clan of  around seventy strong. 
- Fallen Clowder
- Cicada’s Faction
- RippleClan
- 13 years in the cliffs territory, 5 in the in the valley territory as seperate clans, and 44 years in valley territory as a combined clan. 
Shaping Events: 
- Root’s rebellion, QuickStar’s legacy, the BeeClan war, WolfCough, CoyoteStar’s Revolution, WolfStar’s serial killer reign, and finally HollowStar’s Slaughter. 
Heroes and Villains: 
- in the new territory, QuickStar is viewed as the best leader and BerryStar is the clans savour during the plague. 
- WolfStar was the youngest leader in history. He turned on his clan, killing over 80 souls alongside his deputy GoldfishFur. 
- dense, shady forest with small ponds and underground tunnels. 
Climate zone: 
- cold winters below freezing, short hot summers. 
- predators: foxes, badgers, wolves, bears, raccoons, dogs, European northern pike.  
- prey: squirrel, voles, shrew, birds, frogs. 
- neutral: weasels, owls, muskrats 
- North-American plants and fungi. I know too much about plants and definitely should not be allowed to list all of them. 
Medicine and sicknesses: 
- your basic herbs, they make tinctures and wrap the herbs in leaf bundles. 
- WolfCough 
           Symptoms: wheezing, high body temperature, dizziness, sores appearing on joints, aches, previous scars tear open, foaming mouth, incredibly aggressive and attack anything that moves. Some say they appear undead, coughing blood. Passed through: fluid (saliva, mostly). Treatment options: blazing star, borage, bright eye, chickweed, feverfew. Recovery status: 3/10 usually recover, with kittypets having the highest recovery rate 
- Kittencough (Fading-kitten-syndrome) is frequent in these clans because of the tough territories. This would be normal if it weren’t for one thing: the paranoia of wolfcough returning, which leads to most kits suspected of having kittencough being killed in fear of it turning into wolfcough. 
Landmarks (new territory) 
- Bat Cave: a cave filled with bats and a sandy floor. Often used to train apprentices 
- Herb Field: a small secluded area that’s covered in herbs, making the clan abundant in medicine and supplies. 
- DownyClan’s old Border: the grass starts to get dryer around here, and the dirt gets more sandy. 
- Camp pond: a small pond next to the camp filled with Lilly pads, cattails, tadpoles and minnows. 
- Broken Maple: a maple tree towards the edge of the territory, bordering the other clans, that was struck through the centre by lightening. This is where they bury the bodies. The maple is in a small island circled by a thin stream of water. 
- Beyond the territory: unexplored lands 
Religious centers: 
- Broken-Maple burial ground. 
- StarQuartz Cave: a large cave filled with giant quartz pillars and spikes. 
- A sandy clearing with a badger cave for the leaders den, a root patch where the herbs are stored. The camp is protected by large, thick grasses that kits are forbidden from going near. There’s a dug-out den under a rock for the warriors. The apprentices sleep under a patch of folded over ferns. The leader stands on the large rock in the clearing. The nursery is a protected ring of brambles and vines. 
Clan Characteristics
- very strong, poor stamina. Thick legs and large ears. 
- mainly medium furred grey cats with green eyes, lots of rossette, point and smoke patterns. 
- kits are taught quickly what predators to ignore. Kits are taken care of by their parents or the whole clan depending on the parenting style of the parent(s). 
- kits are named after birth, but can be renamed by parents and leaders later on 
Custom Roles: 
Dencat - doesn’t participate in most warrior duties and stays in camp. Usually tasked with watching kits. 
Lore-keeper - they hold and pass down the stories of the clans 
Champion - an amazing warrior who will likely be chosen as deputy after the current deputy retires, becomes leader, or dies. 
Messenger: clans can only have two messengers at a time. They travel between clans and are allowed to cross borders and even hunt on other territories. They send messages and info between the clans and are forbidden from fighting. 
Collector: a fast and agile cat who fetched items in a pinch. Herbs, mossballs, hay, prey, trinkets and tools. They often are trackers, but mainly need to be fast. They have to pass a race to become a collector. 
FishWatchers: meant to keep an eye on the rivers, swamps and lakes to predict water level rising. They consider rain to be an omen of something, but all refuse to say what.
Gender Roles
- very fluid concept of gender and sexuality, Kittypets helped them come up with terms such as tolly, demitom/demimolly, and jacks  
Clan Culture
Code of Conduct: 
- the most important rules are to kill kits that show symptoms of WolfCough in fear of another plague. Aside from this, and kits in danger must be protected regardless of circumstances.
Process of law: 
- laws are decided by votes and strategical debates. Any cat can propose a rule to be considered. 
- most clans in this area operate on a “not-my-problem” system. They can mate with cats from other clans and groups freely, and if a cat brings home kits they are not required to say who the other parent is. Age differences between two years are looked down upon, and cats have to be 12 moons to take a mate. 
- The 12 moon ceremonies have a “trinket casting” to predict how they will do in their life. Pebbles, shards of glass, bones, sea glass, herb stems, twoleg items and skinned twigs are casted and each has its own specific meaning. 
- They mourn by placing the cats favourite prey item on the grave, and scattering seeds from their favourite plant onto the grave. 
- non-traditional, 1-3 part names
- Kits are named by their parents, and cats can request to change their names. 
- Certain names are forbidden, such as Root and much later, Wolf. 
- The dead— starclan, dark forest, Father Mallow, and the Crystal Path. 
- Father Mallow is a lilac-silver pixiebob tom with very bright indigo eyes who watches over the clans as a deity. As the patron saint of newborn kits and herbs, they protect kits from sickness. They represent rebirth, health, and curiosity. They’re heavily associated with ceremonies regarding kits, and are called on by the clan when a kit dies. 
- religion is kept as a belief that holds little values to clan decisions unless a prophecy is involved, and even then the clan is wary of self fulfilling prophecies. 
- New-Sprout Festival: honey is smeared on prey, herbs are replaced and flowers are scattered around camp. Plants are placed in the cats fur, and those who are able to sleep in the clearing under the first full moon of spring. 
- Mallow Moon: held on the last moon of leaffall, the clan collects mallow and spreads the seeds in their dens in hopes of welcoming Father Mallow to rest for the season so he can prepare for the next spring. Mallow are weaved into cats tails, and placed in a circle around the nursery. If a cat dies during mallow moon, they have a piece of mallow placed under their tongue so they can hopefully speak with Father Mallow while they pass through the Crystal Path. 
- starclan, the dark forest, and ghosts. All must be remembered by at least one cat, or their final resting place is undisturbed. 
- Father Mallow watches over the ghosts and leads them along the crystal path where they can choose to be reincarnated, sent to starclan, or made a ghost to wonder and protect the clan.  
- crystal path is a third form of afterlife, where the ghosts of cats who do not find a place in starclan or the dark forest, such as kittypets and loners. The crystal path is represented by the shimmers in water, and the Milky Way in the sky. 
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I had dreamed of the galaxy. Dreamed of its darkest caves and brightest suns, dreamed of the flourishing ponds of Naboo, dreamed of Coruscant and its city lights, Umbara and its glowing plants; dreamed of an horizon made of water and rain, of sand and sun.
I had dreamed, it is true, of a galaxy far, far away.
At night, I would sneak out through the window and reach the roof - a small effort to climb closer to the stars. Thousands... Millions of stars, faint yet omnipresent, as a reminder of what was out there, just out of reach.
As I would gaze upon them, I would try to get a feel of their warmth. I would remember the words spoken by my father - promises of vast and rich worlds. I would remember my mother's eyes, glowing with delight as we would listen to stories of adventures and discoveries. Images would fill my head, and hope, my heart.
Hope, to one day get close enough to the stars. To one day be able to reach them. To see beyond the limits of my own land, to go further than the end of our garden, further than the neighboring forests, deeper than the nearby river. I dreamed of feelings.
The feeling of cold snow resting on my cheeks, of shivers running down my spine and warm smoke coming out of my mouth.
The feeling of eternal warmth as the sun would kiss my skin and burn my eyes, of the rough sensation of sand slipping in my shoes and under my clothes.
The feeling of restlessness from strolling endlessly through the capital city, a place where lights never goes off, where heartbeats join in unison to keep the planet alive.
I would bury myself in dreams and expectations for a galaxy far, far away from me.
I would never pay attention to my sister's words, dipped in too much wisdom for such a young age.
"Even the brightest star must fade and die," she would say to me, "It has always been, and will always be."
To me, the stars were eternal. Glitter peppered accross the galaxy, a reflection of our hopes and dreams, captured in all their bright glory. Nothing could cause them to fade and die, not even the words of a child.
Until that day, where a new star appeared in our sky. It was closer than any other star, so close I could almost reach it. I tried, with my fingertips, to get a touch of it, a texture, an impression. I could guess, from the shape of it, a cold surface. It did not look like anything I had ever imagined.
It did not glow. Not until it was too late.
All I could see was a green bolt of light, brighter than anything I had ever seen before.
I knew, somehow, that I would never feel the coldness of a snowflake on my cheek, nor the eternal warmth of two suns kissing my bare skin; and I would never feel the heartbeat of a city that never sleeps.
The roof collapsed under my feet. My heart fell, as did my body.
Farther and farther grew the galaxy I had spent countless nights dreaming of, and as the glowing light turned blood red, as the stars faded away behind a thick veil of smoke and ashes, I understood my sister's words.
More than a reminder... a prophecy.
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pandiongames · 2 years
The Mega Grove - Week 01
Week 1 of our #dungeon23 project is complete! Let's see what we've made. - Reminder we're building this in our Discord server, so members of the community can participate in construction of the Mega Grove! The numbering we use corresponds to the Fragment hex map.
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Fragment 01 - The Convergence's Center
Plane: Banda's | The Quantum Realm A unique fragment at the Grove. This was the center of it all. The beginning of the quantum convergence of campgrounds. All other planes radiate out from the center where Banda's Home resides. While everyone has been to this fragment, it still holds many mysteries.
01A - Banda's Home
In the center of the fragment is a prairie dog mound. A mushroom sits just off to the side, a gentle smoke billows from its gills. d6 Table: What do you find inside Banda's Home? 1. A telescope that Banda uses to zoom in and observe anything in the universe. From a single atom to the procession of a galactic cluster. 2. A collection of strange and exotic artifacts, possibly from entirely different universes that existed. 3. A greenhouse full of beautiful plants, some of which seem to have unusual properties or behaviors. 4. The bright rainbow singularity where all planes converge into a single point like the roots of a dense forest all meeting together. A steady flow of quantum ether seeps into the singularity. 5. A library filled with books, records, and other information about the Grove, the Campers, and the surrounding area mostly from time not yet experienced. 6. A comfortable living area with cozy furniture, where Banda relaxes and unwind after a long day of managing the Grove.
01B - A Gathering Place
A community gathering point for food, song, and socializing, a large campfire two meters in radius sits in the center surrounded by carved log benches. A specialized alcove in the stone fire ring is setup to allow dragging hot coals from the main fire under a stone oven for cooking. A weather tight cabinet at the perimeter holds an instrument library - at least one instrument from each plane is stored here for anyone to use or learn. At the will of those who are in attendance, the sky overhead the Gathering Place can shift from early morning, to day, to the perfect evening, to an expanse of stars and galaxies swirling and dancing in the cosmos.
01C - A Reedy Pond
A shallow pond full of reeds and cattails that hum melodies in the breeze. The waters always reflect the quantum ether's stars and galaxies regardless of the time of day, giving the waters a sparkling glimmer. Small youth events are performed here, such as learning how to fish, finding and categorizing plant and insect species, and talking about ecologies and biomes. It's not uncommon to find children from every plane frolicking in and around the pond.
01D - The Grove Ranger's Cabin
The large Ranger's Cabin sits at the edge of Convergence's Center, nestled among tall trees and surrounded by lush green flora from different Planes. The exterior of the cabin is made of rough-hewn logs, with a sturdy wooden door at the front and windows that look out onto the surrounding forest. A wide porch runs along the front of the cabin, complete with rocking chairs and a swing, inviting campers to sit and relax while they take in the natural beauty of their surroundings.
Inside, the main room of the cabin is spacious and airy, with high ceilings and a stone fireplace that takes up one whole wall. A comfortable couch and armchairs are arranged in front of the fireplace, providing the perfect spot to gather and tell stories or play board games on rainy days. The main room also contains a dining table and chairs, where campers can enjoy meals cooked by the Ranger Murie and the Grove Ranger themselves.
Off to one side of the main room is a small kitchen, equipped with a stove, refrigerator, and sink. Ranger Murie uses this space to prepare meals for the other Grove Rangers and campers and keep the cabin stocked with snacks and supplies for all.
At the back of the cabin are several bedrooms, each with a few bunk beds to accommodate the Rangers. The rooms are simple but cozy, with thick quilts on the beds and small windows that let in natural light.
A winding staircase leads to the second floor, where Ranger Murie's personal bedroom, study, and office are located. Everything in the space is utilitarian, but well cared for and sturdy. One wall holds floor to ceiling windows, the center of which opens out to a small balcony. On it is simple telescope, a gramophone record player, and several rocking chairs. Murie and the Grove Ranger can be seen here in the early mornings and late evenings discussing the day and enjoying hot coffee while listening to Murie's favorite music: Mexican brass bands.
d6 Table: Adventures at the Cabin
1. A group of campers discovers a hidden compartment in the Ranger's cabin, containing a mysterious map whose lines and contours shift and change depending on where you stand in the Grove. 2. A storm forms and begins to rage over the cabin, shrouding it in a dense curtain of rain, lightning and winds. It shakes the pummels the cabin. As the storm rages on, strange noises and flickering lights lead the campers to believe the cabin may be haunted by a malicious spirit, or the beginnings of a powerful blip. 3. Group of many diverse baby fauna arrived overnight on the cabin's porch. Ranger Murie has asked the campers to figure out how to care for them while discovering which plane they belong to and getting them back to their parents, while discovering why they were delivered to the cabin in the first place. 4. The ranger's cabin has been robbed! The campers must work together to gather clues and figure out who the culprit is. 5. Ranger Murie (or the Grove Ranger) falls ill, and the campers must step in to take over the daily duties of maintaining the cabin and the Grove while finding a cure to help Ranger Murie survive the ordeal. 6. The campers find an old, handwritten journal in the ranger's cabin that tells the story of a past summer at the camp, and decide to try and recreate some of the adventures described within its pages.
01E - NPC - Ranger Murie
The First of the Grove, Ranger Murie has been Banda's right-hand from the beginning and works tireless to organize and maintain the Grove. She recently selected a new Grove Ranger to assist her. Not much is known about how Murie came to be, as the first days, when the original fragments arrived, were filled chaos and confusion as they hurtled through the quantum ether's expanse until Banda's intervention. But perhaps Murie has written about it, or would be willing to talk about it some day. She is a gracious, loving, but determined individual. The Grove and its People's safety and wellbeing are always at the top of her mind. No one is quite sure which Plane she's originally from, as each of the plane's peoples see her in the shape of one of their own, but always with a classic tan and green park ranger's uniform and the wide-brimmed hat. Name: Ranger Murie Pronouns: All, many default to She/Her. Origin Plane: Unknown Quirk: Ranger Murie seems deeply knowledgeable about the Grove, but only teases at information and loves keeping an air of mystery. Hobby: Drinking coffee on the Ranger's Station balcony while listening to Mexican brass bands during the suns' rise and suns' sets.
01F - The Activity Field
Nestled against the forest's edge and abutting the Ranger's Cabin, the open field at summer camp is a peaceful and serene spot, perfect for all sorts of activities. The tall grasses rustle gently in the breeze, and the warm suns filters through the trees. A gentle stream babbles nearby, and the air is filled with the songs of birds. Whether you're playing a game of capture the flag or simply basking in the beauty of nature, the open field is a place of endless possibility and enjoyment.
Downtime Action: Organize A Game | 2 Pebbles
Get together a group of campers, and decide on a game to play. If it's competitive in some way, split the table into teams and play a real life game to determine the winner (checkers, rock paper scissors, tic-tac-toe, etc.) The winners gain +1 Pebbles and an additional downtime Action, the losers gain +1 Pebbles. If it is not a competitive game, work together to create something: A drawing, map, friendship bracelets or anything else. Everyone gains +1 pebbles and an additional downtime action.
01G - A Fissure
One of the seams between two planes has split as they wind their way to the center of the convergence. Looking into the unsettling fissure, campers are met with a sea of stars and galaxies. Sometimes they pass through the it, and find their way to the night sky above.
01F - The Supply Shack
There are two known keys for the Supply Shack - one is worn by Ranger Murie, while the other is held by Groundskeeper. All that is known about the Supply Shack is that it seems to have every paddle watercraft known to the universe, along with the grounds and maintenance supplies for every Plane that has converged at the Grove, including the quantum ether
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The Steady
Thicketclan is the clan considered the most traditional of the five clans and is thought to be the oldest of the five because of such. Their pelts combined with the thick forest they live in have them also known for appearing much more secretive than they actually are. These cats are actually known to be friendly, if a bit patronizing, to the other clans. It’s often a Thicketclan cat that will keep a calm mind in troubled times. Compared to the other clans, their number of members always seems to be larger and this fact is often what the clan uses to its advantage should a battle arise.
Typical Traits:
Dark-colored pelts (usually black or brown), short or average heights, small ears compared to the rest of the body
The territory is filled with a thick forest with a large variety of plants from oak trees to the plentiful amount of herbs that the clan has access to. Despite this though, there is a marsh in the southeast of the territory where the border with Floodclan is and a large open meadow near the southwest when one heads to the gathering area that is a favorite hunting and training area during greenleaf especially. There are a few ponds that litter the forest these cats live in.
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Clan Roster
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Mousestar, a fluffy cinnamon mink point munchkin she-cat with teal eyes.
Harestorm, a short-haired, lilac mackerel tabby tom, with green eyes, large ears, and a bobtail.
Medicine Cat:
Snakeroot, a long-haired black mackerel tabby she-cat with orange eyes and a thick tail.
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Goldenfeather, a tall, long-haired pale golden ticked tabby tom with bright orange eyes and plummed tail.
Apprentice: Beepaw
Cormorantstripe, a broad-shouldered, short-haired black ticked tabby she-cat with amber eyes.
Sootfang, a long-haired dark gray she-cat with amber eyes and a thick plummed tail. 
Slugpelt, a lean, short-haired solid brown tom with amber eyes and small ears.
Apprentice: Crowpaw
Spiderberry, a lean, short-haired, scrawny-looking black tom with bright orange eyes.
Apprentice: Bleakpaw
Rabbitwhisker, a small fluffy cinnamon and white tom with green eyes.
Apprentice: Graypaw
Mistpelt, a short-haired sepia point gray bicolor she-cat with green eyes and curled ears.
Apprentice: Falconpaw
Blackclaw, a broad-shouldered, long-haired black tabby she-cat with amber eyes.
Starlingstorm, a broad-shouldered, short-haired cinnamon ticked tabby tom with gold eyes
Beetleshine, a lithe, short-haired, black and white she-cat with gold eyes and a pink nose.
Hollyfang, a lithe, short-haired black tortoiseshell she-cat with an overbite and one orange and one blue eye.
Apprentice: Rookpaw
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Beepaw, a broad-shouldered, short-haired red tom with golden eyes. 
Graypaw, a short-haired solid gray she-cat with green eyes and plummed tail.
Rookpaw, a long-haired black she-cat with amber eyes with a thick tail.
Falconpaw, a short-haired gray mackerel tabby with amber eyes with a long tail. 
Crowpaw, a short-haired black and white tom with green eyes and a bobtail.
Bleakpaw, a short-haired light gray and white she-cat with orange eyes.
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Shadowstorm, a lean, long-haired, very dark gray she-cat with golden eyes.
Owlkit, a short-haired gray-ticked tabby tom with golden eyes and unusually small paws.
Crowkit, a broad-shouldered, long-haired black she-cat with yellow eyes.
Father is: Starlingstorm
Brindleheart, a stocky, short-haired brindled lilac ticked tabby calico she-cat with green eyes 
Wrenkit, a short-haired, chocolate and white she-cat with bright green eyes and small ears.
Brightkit, a short-haired, chocolate calico she-cat with golden eyes and small ears. 
Tigerkit, a long-haired, red-and-white tom with green eyes and small ears.
Father is: Slugpelt 
Rookstone, a stocky, short-haired black she-cat with green eyes with a stump tail.
Mothkit, short-haired, seal lynx point tom with blue eyes. 
Dark-kit, a short-haired, black she-cat with orange eyes 
Nightkit, a short-haired, black tom with green eyes.
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Ravencloud, a stocky short-haired black and white tom with green eyes and curled ears.
Daffodilcloud, a tall, lean, and lithe cream classic tabby tom, with short fur, and green eyes
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wedezine · 27 days
From Roof to Retreat: Turn Your Rooftop into a Luxurious Green Haven
In the heart of urban landscapes, a roof garden is a luxury that transcends mere aesthetics—it’s a sanctuary where nature and sophistication converge. As city living continues to squeeze space, rooftops offer a unique opportunity to create a lush, elevated retreat that not only enhances your home’s value but also elevates your lifestyle. Whether you're surrounded by the vibrant pulse of the city or the calm of the suburbs, a well-designed roof garden can be your private paradise. Here’s how to craft an extraordinary roof garden that harmonizes with your interior design while providing a serene escape from the everyday.
1. Frame Your Sanctuary with Lush Greenery
The foundation of a stunning roof garden lies in its greenery. Start by defining your space with a variety of plants that create natural borders and provide a sense of seclusion. Consider tall, sculptural plants like bamboo or boxwood, which can act as living walls, enhancing privacy while adding texture and depth. Mix in evergreen shrubs, ornamental grasses, and seasonal flowering plants to ensure your garden is a vibrant, dynamic space year-round. This layered approach to planting not only adds visual interest but also fosters a tranquil environment where you can unwind and recharge.
2. Design Luxurious Seating Areas
Comfort and elegance are key to a luxury roof garden. Invest in high-quality outdoor furniture that combines durability with style. Materials like teak, rattan, and powder-coated aluminum are ideal for withstanding the elements while offering a refined look. Add plush, weather-resistant cushions in rich hues and textures to enhance the luxurious feel. Create distinct seating zones: a dining area for enjoying alfresco meals, a cozy lounge with comfortable loungers or a hammock, and perhaps a shaded nook for quiet reading or contemplation. These thoughtfully designed areas ensure your rooftop is as inviting as it is beautiful.
3. Introduce Water Features for a Tranquil Ambiance
Water features are a hallmark of luxury garden design, bringing both aesthetic and sensory appeal. Consider installing a sleek, modern fountain, a cascading waterfall, or even a tranquil pond filled with aquatic plants and fish. The soothing sound of water can drown out the noise of the city, creating a peaceful atmosphere that invites relaxation. For those seeking the ultimate indulgence, a heated plunge pool or hot tub surrounded by lush greenery not only elevates the garden’s visual appeal but also adds a functional element for leisure and entertainment.
4. Illuminate with Smart Lighting for Evening Elegance
Lighting is essential in setting the mood for your roof garden, especially as the sun sets. Incorporate a mix of task, ambient, and accent lighting to highlight your garden’s best features. Use LED strip lights to outline pathways, spotlights to accentuate architectural elements, and string lights or lanterns to create a warm, inviting glow. Solar-powered lights offer an eco-friendly option, while smart lighting systems that allow you to adjust brightness and color add a touch of modern sophistication. The right lighting can transform your rooftop into a magical, evening retreat.
5. Blend Natural Elements with Contemporary Design
Achieving a luxurious yet grounded aesthetic involves harmonizing natural materials with modern design elements. Incorporate natural stone, wood, and metal in your garden structures, flooring, and planters. To add a contemporary edge, introduce geometric shapes, clean lines, and minimalist features. Consider a pergola or trellis adorned with climbing plants to add vertical interest, and include a fire pit or outdoor fireplace to create a cozy, inviting space for cooler evenings. This blend of natural and modern elements ensures your roof garden is both elegant and timeless.
6. Create an Outdoor Kitchen and Entertainment Hub
For those who love to entertain, an outdoor kitchen or bar area is a must-have feature. Equip your space with a built-in grill, a sleek countertop, and a mini fridge to make food preparation seamless. A stylish bar area with high stools, a wine cooler, and ambient lighting can make your rooftop the go-to spot for gatherings. To ensure a cohesive look, design this area to reflect the same level of sophistication as your interior spaces, creating a seamless transition between indoors and out.
7. Add Artistic Flair with Sculptures and Installations
Art has the power to elevate any space, and your roof garden is no exception. Incorporate sculptures, wall art, or unique installations that resonate with your personal style and complement your garden’s design. Choose pieces made from weather-resistant materials like metal, stone, or resin to ensure they withstand outdoor conditions. Whether it’s a bold, modern sculpture or a delicate, nature-inspired piece, art adds a layer of sophistication and personal expression to your garden.
8. Embrace Sustainability with Eco-Friendly Features
Luxury and sustainability can go hand in hand. Incorporate eco-friendly elements into your roof garden to create a space that is not only beautiful but also environmentally responsible. Use sustainable materials like recycled wood, reclaimed stone, or eco-friendly composites for your furniture and decking. Implement rainwater harvesting systems, permeable paving, and solar-powered lighting to reduce your garden’s environmental footprint. Opt for native plants that require less water and maintenance, and consider a green roof to improve insulation and reduce energy consumption. These sustainable choices will ensure your garden is as kind to the planet as it is pleasing to the eye.
A luxury roof garden is more than an outdoor space; it’s a personal sanctuary that offers an escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. By integrating thoughtful design elements, from lush greenery and elegant seating to water features and artistic accents, you can create a rooftop retreat that is both beautiful and functional. Ready to transform your rooftop into a luxurious paradise? Let WeDezine Studio bring your vision to life with bespoke design solutions that reflect your style and enhance your home’s value. Contact us today to start planning your dream roof garden.
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the-dying-star · 2 months
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The highest Ring of Hell, inhabited by mostly Fallen and their demon charges. The Pride Ring consists of the main Palace of Hell, Lucifer's home. The Forge, and the Draehim Keep. Everything else is moatly what mortals would think of as Elesium. Beautiful forests of strange trees and plants, plains of wispy gray grass, moutain ranges and ponds and lakes of black waters. In this Ring you can see the star filled black sky with its shimmery pink clouds and duel suns of orange and blue as well as the scarlet moon at night.
The Greed Ring is a central hub of Hell for all things matieralistic. Shopping, clubs, hotels, casinos, and everything of the like exist in this ring. With the addition of Cyberhex the technology of this ring has developed tenfold. This ring shadows the Pride Ring and thus sees the same sky as them.
Situated below Greed. Lust has it's own veil and therefore it's own sky. It is a smaller Ring consisting of brothels and all manner of... debauchery. Lust has alao gained from the addition of Cyberhex above them. The sky of Lust is always dark and filled with whispy blue clouds and very few stars. There is no moon or sun since the main inhabitants, incubi and sucubi, can see in the dark incredibly well.
Sloth, like Lust, has it's own veil. This ring is where average Fallen and demons live. Believe it or not Hell has it's very own middle class and they reside in Sloth. It's your pretty average looking suburban city and is overseen by Fallen Archangel Gabriel, like a mayor. The sky in Sloth mirrors the mortal realm.
Envy is where things start to heat up. Literally. The city in Envy literally surrounds a massive crater where heat rises from Purgatory. Envy is pretty average as well, a typical city with typical demons and typical demon lives.
Gluttony gets a tad bit hotter than Envy and is inhabited by mostly Old Testemant demons, and...cannibals. Yea, hence the name. Gluttony gets a little more rustic but still pretty basic looking with a dark red sky and a bright red sun and a blue moon.
Wrath is the last stop before Purgatory. Wrath is one of the hotest rings and is only inhabited by Old Testament demons like Mammon, the Overlord of the entire ring. Wrath resembles an old midevel village including it's own castle where Mammon resides. The sky is a burgundy color with a bright green moon as well as a smaller blue moon and an orange sun.this realm is where the Sif Games is held in the gladitorial arena. Shades come from every ring to try and win back enough power to form corporeal bodies and thus, gain more power in Hell.
No sound but the screams of the tortured. Purgatory is where the worst of the worse reaide. But it's Hell? Isn't everyone bad? Not necessarily. Purgatory is where the fires of Hell blaze the souls of Purgatory are charged with keeping the fire lit. That's their job. Their only job. They feed the fire or sit and rot in their prison cell.
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sadmachine1190 · 5 months
10 Low-Maintenance Rock Garden Ideas for Drought-Affected Areas
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Transform Your Landscape with Xeriscaping
Drought is an ongoing and critical issue in the U.S., affecting millions of acres of crops and millions of people. As the need to conserve water becomes increasingly urgent, homeowners can play a significant role in combatting drought by embracing xeriscaping. Xeriscapes are landscapes that require little water besides what the sky provides, often incorporating native plants.
Not only does xeriscaping help conserve water, but it also adds beauty and personality to any property. In this article, we explore 10 low-maintenance rock garden ideas that are not only environmentally friendly but also visually stunning in arid areas.
Intersperse Bright Hues and Rough-Hewn Rocks
Let your creativity shine by pairing broad splashes of brightly-hued flowers with craggy, rugged rocks. Create a sprawling terrace garden with alternating sections of ground-cover plants like flowering thyme, phlox, and sedums, and wide, relatively flat rocks that can double as stepping stones during maintenance.
Dig a Petite Pond
Add pizzazz to your backyard with a pint-sized pond filled with fish and floating lily pads. Surround the pond with stones in various sizes, such as large, chunky rocks interspersed with smaller pebbles, to delineate its perimeter and create a visually appealing water feature.
Add Gravel in the Garden
Transform an ordinary flower bed into a visually appealing space by incorporating a decorative bench tucked among flat rocks that are flush with the ground. The contrast between rich, dark mulch and small, multi-colored stones adds depth and visual interest to the area.
Divide and Conquer a Large Lawn
If you have a large lawn, consider dividing it into discrete areas that serve different purposes, such as an herb garden, butterfly or bee garden, or even beehives or a chicken coop. Use large, boulder-like rocks to separate these spaces and create distinct areas within your yard.
Rock That Walk
Create a minimalist rock garden by edging a sidewalk with a narrow border of smooth pebbles. This clean and asymmetrical style adds a touch of elegance to any outdoor space. Complete the look with deep-green, leafy plants that complement the rock border.
Use Lighting to Create an Otherworldly Atmosphere
Transform your rock garden into an enchanting evening scene by incorporating illuminated rocks. During the day, the rocks blend into the background, but at night, they create an eerily beautiful moonscape when softly glowing LED indoor/outdoor orb lights are added.
Pair Stone With Succulents
In drought-affected areas, inorganic materials are often used in larger quantities. Create a balanced and aesthetically appealing xeriscape by combining multicolored pebbles with a solitary palm tree, widely spaced succulents, and a low stone wall. This composition is both visually stunning and water-efficient.
Elevate an Outdoor Space With Stone Steps
If you have a sloping yard, embrace the split-level look by incorporating wide, irregular stone steps. These steps not only define the different levels of your outdoor space but also add visual interest and functionality.
Make a Modern Rock Garden
Create a modern and minimalist rock garden by using precisely pruned shrubs that resemble giant green Rubik's cubes, oversized square pavers, and a tidy rectangle of monochromatic stones. The simplicity of this design makes a bold statement and is perfect for those who appreciate clean lines and simplicity.
Add Some Country-Garden Charm
Create a charming garden path by using midsized slate chips. The horizontally oriented rocks add a touch of country-garden charm and can lead to a wishing well or a cozy seating area.
Create a River-Like Design Through It
Create a meandering river or rocky point effect by incorporating curving lines and seaweed-like tufts of foliage in your rock garden. This design not only adds visual interest but also helps reduce lawn maintenance while catching the eye of visitors.
Keep It Simple With Stones
Create an expansive rock bed that serves as a backdrop for showcasing exquisite plants, rocks, or sculptures. Whether you choose smooth pebbles, snowy-white pea gravel, or chunky creek rocks, a simple surface of stones will enhance the beauty of your displayed items.
Get Creative With a Small Garden
Add drama to a small garden by choosing the right type of landscape rocks. Polished black pebbles or moonlike lava stones can transform an ordinary area into a visually striking space that captures the imagination.
Think Inside the Box
Create a stylized lawn with a deliberately boxy composition. Fill each section with contrasting or complementary materials, such as stones of different sizes and foliage with varying heights, to create a unique and eye-catching "lawn-drian" masterpiece.
Transforming your landscape into a low-maintenance rock garden is not only visually appealing but also a smart move for conserving water in drought-affected areas. By embracing xeriscaping and incorporating rocks into your design, you can create a stunning outdoor space that requires minimal water while adding beauty and personality to your property. Whether you choose to intersperse bright hues with rough-hewn rocks or create a minimalist rock garden with stone steps, the possibilities for creating a stunning rock garden are endless.
Embrace your creativity and take the first step towards a water-efficient and visually appealing landscape.
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damasaknjigama · 5 months
Transform Your Yard with Low-Maintenance Rock Garden Ideas
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Discover creative and environmentally friendly ways to enhance your outdoor space
Drought is an ongoing and critical issue in the U.S., affecting millions of acres of crops and millions of people. As water scarcity becomes increasingly prevalent, homeowners are searching for ways to combat drought and create sustainable landscapes. One solution that has gained popularity is xeriscaping, which involves designing gardens that require minimal water.
Rock gardens, in particular, offer a low-maintenance and attractive option for homeowners in arid areas. In this article, we will explore a variety of rock garden ideas that not only conserve water but also add personality and charm to any property.
Intersperse Bright Hues and Rough-Hewn Rocks
Let your creativity shine by incorporating vividly colored flowers with rugged rocks in your rock garden. By creating alternating sections of ground-cover plants like flowering thyme, phlox, and sedums, and using flat rocks as stepping stones, you can achieve a sprawling terrace garden effect. This combination of vibrant hues and natural elements will transform your space into a cheerful and visually appealing landscape.
Dig a Petite Pond
Add a touch of tranquility to your backyard with a small pond filled with fish and floating lily pads. Surround the pond with stones of various sizes to create a visually pleasing perimeter. Consider using large, chunky rocks interspersed with smaller pebbles for a more dramatic effect.
This addition not only enhances the aesthetics of your rock garden but also provides a soothing atmosphere for relaxation.
Add Gravel in the Garden
Elevate the visual appeal of your flower bed by incorporating a decorative bench surrounded by flat rocks and multi-colored stones. The contrast between the dark mulch and the small stones creates an eye-catching display. Keep the plant selection minimal, with a few flowering bushes of varying heights and shades of green.
This design allows the rocks and stones to take center stage while still providing a touch of natural beauty.
Divide and Conquer a Large Lawn
If you have a large lawn that feels overwhelming, consider dividing it into separate areas that serve different purposes. Create distinct spaces for a herb garden, butterfly or bee garden, or even beehives or a chicken coop. Use large boulder-like rocks to set these areas apart and save money on pavers.
This not only adds functionality to your yard but also adds visual interest and structure to the overall design.
Rock That Walk
For a minimalist approach to rock gardens, create a narrow border of smooth pebbles parallel to a walkway. This simple addition acts as a visual embellishment, drawing attention to the path. Pair the pebbles with deep-green, leafy plants to complete the clean and asymmetrical style.
Consider low-water ornamental grasses, vibrant tiger lilies, or gladioli for a stunning contrast.
Use Lighting to Create an Otherworldly Atmosphere
Transform your rock garden into an enchanting evening scene by incorporating illuminated rocks. During the day, these rocks blend into the background, but at night, they create an eerily beautiful moonscape when paired with softly glowing LED indoor/outdoor orb lights. This lighting technique adds a touch of magic to your outdoor living area, perfect for entertaining or unwinding after sunset.
Pair Stone With Succulents
In drought-affected areas, the use of inorganic materials is common. Create a balanced and visually appealing xeriscape by incorporating multicolored pebbles with a solitary palm tree, widely spaced succulents, and a low stone wall. This combination ties together the natural and manmade elements of your rock garden, offering a stunning alternative to a traditional grassy lawn or blooming garden.
Elevate an Outdoor Space With Stone Steps
If you have a sloping yard, embrace the challenge by incorporating wide, irregular stone steps. These steps not only separate different levels of your outdoor space but also provide a visually appealing design element. The elevated design creates a bi-level backyard perfect for entertaining, playing games, or enjoying outdoor meals.
Make a Modern Rock Garden
Simplicity meets sophistication with a modern rock garden design. Pruned shrubs resembling giant green Rubik's cubes, oversized square pavers, and a rectangular area of monochromatic stones create a stunning visual effect. Opt for marble chips instead of stones to elevate the minimalist composition even further.
This modern design is perfect for those who appreciate clean lines and a minimalist aesthetic.
Add Some Country-Garden Charm
Create a charming garden path by using midsized slate chips. The horizontally oriented rocks add a touch of elegance and guide visitors to a focal point, such as a wishing well or a cozy seating area. This design is perfect for those who desire a country-garden feel while maintaining the low-maintenance benefits of a rock garden.
Create a River-Like Design Through It
Add a touch of whimsy to your rock garden by creating a border that resembles a meandering river or a rocky point at the ocean's edge. This design not only adds visual interest but also reduces the need for lawn maintenance. The unique shape and texture of the rocks are sure to catch the eye of visitors and create a remarkable example of xeriscaping.
Keep It Simple With Stones
Create a showcase for your prized plants or treasures by using a simple surface of stones. Whether you choose smooth pebbles, snowy-white pea gravel, or chunky creek rocks, the stones will reflect attention back to the exquisite objects on display. This design is perfect for gardeners who specialize in growing rare plants or for those who want to highlight sculptures or other unique features in their outdoor space.
Get Creative With a Small Garden
Transform a small space into a visually striking rock garden by choosing the right type of landscape rocks. Consider using polished black pebbles or moonlike lava stones to add drama and interest to an otherwise ordinary area. This creative approach allows you to make the most of limited space and create a unique outdoor oasis.
Think Inside the Box
For those who appreciate abstract and geometric designs, consider creating a stylized lawn with a boxy composition. Fill each section with contrasting or complementary materials, such as stones of varying sizes and foliage with different heights. This design allows you to showcase your creativity while maintaining a structured and visually appealing rock garden.
As water scarcity continues to be a pressing issue, homeowners are turning to xeriscaping and rock gardens as sustainable and visually appealing solutions. By incorporating low-maintenance rock garden ideas, homeowners can create beautiful outdoor spaces while conserving water. Whether it's interspersing bright hues with rough-hewn rocks or using lighting to create an otherworldly atmosphere, there are endless possibilities for transforming your yard.
Embrace your creativity and make a positive impact on the environment with these innovative rock garden ideas.
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