#brie bella return
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supermanreturns · 2 months ago
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Superman getting his head pushed in the water so he can’t breath, but when the big thug releases him his head is still underwater so it looks like he got unconscious after he got drowned for 5 seconds
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trashbin-nie · 2 months ago
Chapter 5 - Total Divas Begins!
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TAGLIST: @angiedawn02 @reignsboy19 @yana3sworld
Do NOT copy/translate my fics. Reblogs are always welcome!
Summary: Rosa Winters and her cousin have moved to the main roster, and onto Total Divas. Rosa and Josh have gotten much closer, but where will they go from here.
WARNINGS: mentions of anxiety, fluff. This story WILL contain sexual content so minors DNI
A/N - So much faster. I am so excited for this part of the story I love the show and it just has so much drama which is what sparked this story idea in the first place!
Word Count: 2135
One whole year has passed and Josh and I have become great friends.
Oh who am I kidding, I’m head over heels for this man.
No matter, It’s been one year and Trinity, myself and her tag partner were called up to the main roster. Which means not only more screen time, but Trin and I get to travel with Jon and Josh.
We were also approached with the idea of a reality show called ‘Total Divas’ which would star Trinity, Ariane and I, the Bella twins, Brie and Nikki, Natalya, Eva who’s a brand new girl,and her partner, Jojo.
We started filming today.
“Hi my name is Rosalinda Santos-Winters, also known as Rosa Winters in the ring,” I said smiling at the camera. “When I started wrestling they said it was very clear I couldn’t be in a tag-team full-time with all the flips and tricks I do they were afraid whoever would be my partner would be outshined so I was signed as a full-time singles wrestler.”
“Yeah, so, Trinity is my blood-related cousin we grew up together and share the same birthday.” I said. “My relationship to Josh Uso? We’re just friends. I mean it was inevitable considering Trinity is going to marry that man one day.”
-Return to show-
Once I finished my introduction for the first episode I went to meet Trin, Ariane, and Jon at the gym.
“C’mon you gotta get amped!” Ariane said jumping up and down.
“I’m not workin out wit’ you if you don’t stop,” Trin said.
“Seriously Ariane who has this much energy when they’re at the gym at fricken 10am?” I asked putting my bag down.
“Hey Ro, good to see ya. My bro’s been askin’ fo’ you, you don’ answer your phone no more?” Jon asked as I climbed onto the treadmill next to him.
“What the hell you talkin bout’ Jon?” I asked scrunching my face in confusion. “He hasn’t texted or called in two weeks!”
“That ain’t what he said,” Jon said throwing his hands up.
“Then call him and tell him to get his ass down here,” I said pulling my headphones on.
I finished my warm-up jog turning to find the other two doing some weird lift while Jon watched. “You on union duty Jon?” I asked laughing, taking a sip of my water.
“You know it Ro,” he winked.
“Aye you winking at my girl?” Josh asked playfully smacking him in the stomach.
“Not your girl Joshua,” I said shaking my head.
“Not yet,” Josh smirked. I raised my brow at him.
“Mhm sure Uso,” I said elbowing him. “Now come help me stretch.”
“You fo’ real? We haven’t talked in two weeks and all Imma do is help you stretch your bendy self?” Josh asked trailing after me. I laid on a yoga mat on the ground
“Not my fault! I was busy, you were busy we just didn’t have time. Now push my leg farther!” I said.
“Yo’ leg is past your head you freak of nature!” Josh laughed.
“Just cuz you’re not flexible doesn’t mean you get to make fun of me for being extra bendy in all the right places,” I said.
“I can agree. Definitely all the right places,” he said.
“You are nasty!” I said kicking him. “You gon’ have to meet me in the ring for that one Joshua.”
“Fuuck man I don’t wanna be Winter whipped or White widowed today,” he whined throwing his head back.
“Don’t be gross and you won’t, but here we are,” I shrugged. Josh groaned hanging his head.
“Sucks to be you uce,” Jon laughed slapping his brother on the back.
“You’re next Jonathan!”
“What?! What’d I do?” Jon asked.
Josh and I spent most of the afternoon training. We took a break around 1pm. I sat panting on the mat sipping water.
“Why do you think Trin hasn’t started planning anything for the wedding yet?” Josh asked. I paused staring at him my brow raised.
“What makes you bring this up so suddenly?” I asked.
“Jon mentioned she wasn’t even interested in talking about wedding planning so I was just curious,” Josh said suspiciously.
“Mhm and Jon didn’t put you up to this did he?”
“Nooo,” Josh said avoiding eye contact.
“You’re a terrible liar you know.”
“I know, but do you know?” He asked.
I sighed, “honestly, the only thing I know she did was ask me to be her maid of honor, she won’t talk about dresses, food, or even where she wants to have it. Believe me I tried to pry it out, but I got nothing.”
“Damn. Sorry ma’ I know you ain’t gonna sell yo’ sis out like that, but I gotta help my uce,” Josh said.
“It’s ok Josh,” I said with a small smile.
“Anyways, have you thought about what I asked?” He asked.
“So, two weeks ago Josh asked me on a date and it went a little something like this:
“Hey, Ro,” Josh said walking up to me backstage.
“Hey Josh what's up?” I asked looking up from my stretch. He reached out his hand and pulled me up.
“So, we've been hangin’ out for a while, and I wanted to ask you out on a date. You know, maybe go out to Waffle house or somethin’?” He said rubbing his hands together.
“I'm sorry you say what now?” I asked, blinking rapidly.
“Will you go on a date with me Ro?” Josh asked again.
“I'm sorry, you- my best friend- wanna go on a date with my basic ass? Are you sure?” I asked again.
“Ma’ you're not basic and I'm sure I wanna go on a date with you. You just gotta say yes ma’,” Josh said.
“Rosa time to go, get to the Guerrilla!” One of the producers yelled.
“Josh listen I-”
“Go Ro, just think on it before you say no, or yes,” Josh said, ushering me away.
“And obviously after all of that I hadn't seen or heard from him in a damn week so I couldn’t tell him that yes absolutely I wanna go on a date with his fine ass,” I said finishing my story.
-back with Josh-
I couldn't help but replay that moment in my head as I tried to conjure up a response.
I looked at him like a gaping fish. My heart raced, my thoughts ricocheting like a pinball in a machine. The words felt like they were stuck in my throat, every possible answer tangling together into silence.
My thoughts were racing, going a mile a minute. ‘What if it didn't work out?’ ‘What if he realizes I'm not what he really wants in a girl?’ but ‘What if I say yes and everything goes amazing and it's my happily ever after?!’ No life is never that simple
All I had to look at was his face- his handsome face and I could see his face and it didn't change, it didn’t falter, he didn't get discouraged he just stood patiently waiting for my response.
I don't know how he didn't think I was rejecting him, or that I was insane with all the faces I was making with all those thoughts running through my head.
I've just had a huge crush on him for a very long time and he's my best friend now and I don't want to lose him, but he's such a sweetheart and he knows me so well now.
“Josh,” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “I really wanna go out with you, but if things don't go right we have to stay friends. Promise me.”
“Ma’ you don’ gotta worry bout’ that. You and me we'll always be friends, but you an’ I are goin out tonight and it's gonna be amazing ok dress cute aight? I'll see you later,” Josh said, pulling me into a hug kissing my head.
I stood there for a minute just short circuiting blinking and staring into the abyss for a minute.
“Hey Roro! Girl whatchu doin just standin’ here we gotta get to work,” Trin said, wrapping her arm around my neck trying to pull me away. I snapped outta my trance and turned to her.
“Josh asked me out Trin,” I said, my eyes still buggin out.
“AHHHHHH No way! Rosie, that's amazing! Wait where? We have no time to plan outfits, where's Jon? Jon! Get over here!” Trin yelled.
“Damn girl whatchu want? Over here yellin an shi,” Jon asked rubbing his ears like the drama queen he is.
“Josh asked her out, finally, now you need to figure out where they goin so we can get her an outfit,” Trin said. Jon rolled his eyes.
“Girl that's easy, gimme like an hour. Lord knows his ass celebratin right now,” Jon said.
Trin couldn't stop smiling and I was still processing, but soon enough I couldn't get that smile off my face, but she ended up dragging me away anyway.
“How's tag-team life been?” I asked.
Trinity sighed, “Ariane hasn’t been listening to what I have to say and like I know we got called up at the same time, but I been doin’ this a lot longer than her. I just want everything to work out for us, you know?”
“Yeah I totally get it, but you'll work it out you always do,” I said, nudging her. I waved her off as I went to get ready for my match.
I decided tonight was the night I was gonna show some skin and by some skin I mean my tattoos. For the first time ever on television my sleeve and chest piece were gonna be on full display.
My gear, as usual, was all white. My pants were normal cargo pants with small black prints on them and my top was a leather strappy top that all connected at a piece that wrapped around my neck leaving my stomach exposed as well as both my arms, and my boots were just plain white combat boots. I completed the look with just a simple white smokey eye with thick black liner.
I met up with Trin and Ariane after their dress rehearsal for Wrestlemainia, on the way to meet up with Nattie, the newbies and Ariane’s boyfriend.
“Hey girls~” Nattie said, pulling me into a hug. “Oh my god Rosie you have all your tattoos out!”
“Yeah I got this new gear and figured now was as good a time as any. Vince and everyone knows I have them and I decided I need to step a tiny bit outta my comfort zone and show a little skin,” I smiled, hugging myself.
I watched Ariane go to the side with her boyfriend Vincent and I went and met up with Jon and Trin.
“What's wrong with her, why is she crying?” I asked.
“Brutus called out that she sucks,” Trin said as we walked away with Jon. I gasped.
“That's terrible, you can't just call that out in front of a crowd of people,” I said. Trin nodded.
“I know Ariane is…. Inexperienced, but that doesn't give his ass the right to say she sucks in front of a whole crowd of people! If the higher-ups in WWE hear that they're gonna question having the match in Wrestlemania at all and that jeopardizes everything for my twin, Trinity. An’ we all know I’on play those games,” I said.
-Return to show-
“You're not gonna do anything,” Jon said to Vinny.
“Nah, nah, Imma go fuck his ass up right now,” Vinny said.
“Vinny, try and relax, don't do anything you're gonna regret later,” I said, laying my hand on his shoulder.
“Aye get your hands offa me!” Vinny said, slapping my hand.
I cradled my hand to my chest in shock, Trin pulled me back away from Vinny afraid he'd turn his anger on me.
“Aye what the hell man don't you put your hands on her! She tryina be nice and keep yo’ ass outta prison,” Josh said, appearing outta thin air.
“Josh, don't it's really not worth it,” I said, grabbing his hand.
“Nah, Ro he put his hands on you that don't fly ‘round here. Not wit’ me,” Josh said, turning to look at me with fury in his eyes.
I could understand his anger, I wasn’t particularly happy myself but I could tell Josh realized that I really just couldn't have this right now and I had bigger things to worry about.
“Really it's fine, let's just go. I have a match in 5 minutes,” I said.
Josh stared at me for a second before taking a deep breath and nodding, turning to Vinny to add; “Fine, but you gotta calm yo’ ass down uce,” Josh said, following me away.
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Be My First! Brie Bella #21
Brie Bella X Khalise Brown
Warnings: Cuteness!!
Word Count: 296
A/N: Let’s get into it.
Khalise is your name.
Hope you like it.
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Khalise awoke to the soft morning light shining through the curtains. She stretched and lazily embraced the comfort of her bed, until she felt her lover’s body nestled against her back, sending a wave of excitement throughout her body.
The warmth of Brie’s skin on hers stirred a fire inside her heart. With a smile on her lips, she rolled to face her and opened her eyes, only to find her own gaze already burning into hers.
“Morning,” she greeted her with a smile, and she immediately returned her smile, flashing one of those rare, playful ones that always gave her butterflies.
“Good morning,” Brie murmured back as she gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face. Her touch was like electric shocks jolting through her senses, sending her into a heavenly haze.
“What has put that look on your face?” She tilted her head at her, both curious and amused.
She suddenly felt shy as she found herself unable to meet her gaze. She didn’t usually get weak-kneed like this but her enthusiasm seemed to pierce through her and stir up some unknown emotion.
“I want you to be my first,” she blurted out finally, and it felt like she was releasing all the secrets she’d been keeping locked in her heart since the day they met.
She seemed to recognize the significance of those words – there was something else burning in her gaze now, something that matched the intense desire she felt for her.
“I want you to be my first, too.” She smiled, and with that, they sealed their unspoken, mutual longing into something unbreakable.
From then on, they’d experience life together, hand in hand, and Khalise was never happier. This was what she wanted – the two of them, together, forever.
-I hope you guys enjoyed this! I had fun writing it. I love you guys so so so so so much. <33333
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todaynewtrendingnews · 1 day ago
Nikki & Brie Bella Continue to Hint at WWE Comeback
Looks like the Bellas might not be done just yet. On the latest episode of The Nikki and Brie Show on SiriusXM, Nikki and Brie Bella dropped a major tease about returning to WWE—and it all started with a hilarious convo about their kids. Brie was chatting with Queen of the Ring star Emily Bett Rickards about her kids when things quickly turned to the ring. “We have two boys that are four and…
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supermanreturns · 1 year ago
Where was Superman to save her?
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thetowerblockers · 20 days ago
Nikki Bella’s 2025 Royal Rumble Return Sparks Brie Bella Comeback Talks
Nikki Bella’s 2025 Royal Rumble Return Sparks Brie Bella Comeback Talks Earlier this year, WWE Hall of Famer Nikki Bella made a shocking return at the 2025 Royal Rumble. While her comeback didn’t lead to a major impact in the match, it was a monumental moment for fans who thought they had seen the last of Fearless Nikki inside the squared circle. Her return immediately reignited speculation among…
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wweassets · 2 months ago
If Nikki Bella does return. Who on earth is she feuding with? I legit have no clue. Chelsea? All the rumors are just talking about Nikki. So it doesn’t look like Brie is in the cards.
ooh i can definitely see a feud with Chelsea, but also would love to see her lead a stable of new girls
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wrestlinghistorywithkay · 9 months ago
Golden Girl : When Kelly Kelly Became The People’s Choice To Win The Divas Championship
I grew up when the Divas era was happening in WWE. I can remember when WWE Divas Championship in 2008 with Michelle McCool being the Inaugural Divas Champion. I can remember when the Divas Championship was retired in 2016 with Charlotte Flair being the last Divas Champion. However , I’m going to be writing about the time when Kelly Kelly became the people’s choice to win the Divas Champion.
Kelly Kelly was originally drafted to the Smackdown roster in 2010, making her the first female superstar to be drafted. However , she was moved to RAW in the 2011 Supplemental Draft in April. Therefore after being moved to the Red Brand , she received a massive push and was very popular with the WWE Universe. Kelly was also with WWE ever since she was 19 years old , starting on the rebranded version of ECW. Thus, while she was on RAW , she being a feud with The Bella Twins with Brie Bella being the Divas Champion at the time . At the Over The Limit Pay Per View that took place on May 22, 2011 , Kelly was unsuccessful at trying to become the Divas Champion in a match against Brie. Brie won the match by switching places with her twin sister, Nikki. This was known as ‘ Twin Magic ’.
On the June 20, 2011 episode of Monday Night RAW, Brie Bella was set to defend her Divas Championship against either Kelly Kelly , Eve Torres, or Beth Phoenix. This episode of RAW was called ‘ Power To The People ’. The WWE Universe had the power to vote for matches and who they wanted to see. The fans voted for Kelly Kelly to take on Brie for the Divas Championship. Kelly put up a hard fight and defeated her opponent with a roll up pin to win her first Divas Championship. Her big win would give her the Slammy for Divalicious Moment of The Year. However, she lost the Divas Championship the same year to Beth Phoenix at the Hell In A Cell Pay Per View. Kelly Kelly left WWE in 2012 to continue her modeling career. In 2015 , she was a cast member of the reality show , ‘ WAGS ’. She has made a few WWE appearances in three Women’s Royal Rumble matches , RAW, and Smackdown as a Legend. She also became the first female 24/7 Champion.
Kelly Kelly married Bodybuilder Joe Coba in 2020 and announced she was pregnant in 2023. She a mother to twins Brooklyn and Jaxon.
In April of 2024 , Kelly Kelly went on Chris Van Vliet’s ‘ Insight ’ Podcast. She discussed how her Divas Championship win happened. She said that she went to Vince McMahon to pitch the idea and got his approval. She also said that she was encouraged by the other Divas to do so when she pitched the idea to them. She also is looking at a WWE return because she she wants her twins to watch her in the ring. Kelly says that she wants to create a memory for her children as Michelle McCool did for her daughter at the 2023 Royal Rumble.
My Final Thoughts:
I loved Kelly Kelly and I still do! She is one of my all time favorite Divas. As a kid and watching her win the Divas Championship for the first time, it made me so happy. She has inspired so many young people to be wrestlers . I hope she gets to make a WWE comeback.
Love You All,
- Kay
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supermanreturns · 2 months ago
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Superman uncoscious and in pain after the beat up by lex Luthor and his men
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ramtracking · 11 months ago
WWE's Nikki Bella was ready to call AEW to make wrestling return [ Nikki Garcia ]
WWE’s Nikki Bella was ready to call AEW to make wrestling return [Highlights] to return to the ring for AEW. Nikki and her sister Brie (who are now known as the Garcia Twins) left WWE in March 2023 and, with it,… Tony Khan has made it clear he would be in favor of even more WWE Hall of Famers working for AEW. The WWE Hall of Famer was so inspired by Moné’s plans to take the Women’s Evolution…
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lunaaa98 · 7 years ago
Brie Bella’s return gave me shivers ❤️
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finndoesntwantthis · 6 years ago
anyway i love the bella twins, always have, and no matter what happens with this feud, they have spoken nothing but truth about their hard work, passion, dedication, and contributions to the women’s division.
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litaskick · 3 years ago
Your daughter watching cody wrestling for the first time and cries because she thinks her daddy is hurt
my requests are open, request here - who i write for - request rules - cody rhodes masterlist
warnings: none
a/n: finally, some more cody content
genre: fluff
pairing: cody rhodes x reader
summary: When you and your daughter are watching Cody's WrestleMania match, you daughter starts crying because she thinks her daddy is hurt.
Daddy Isn't Hurt
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You sat in the gorilla with your 2 year old daughter, Liberty, in your lap. It was WrestleMania 38 and Cody was making his big return to the WWE, and he was so excited for his daughter to be able to watch him at the biggest wrestling event of the year. Of course Liberty had watched her dad before in AEW, but she was so young she most likely didn't remember. She had just recently turned 2 years old a few months back, so you two were hoping she would remember this one. This would be the first WWE match Liberty would watch her dad compete in. It was a big night for your little family. All of your old co-workers from when you used to work for WWE were so surprised to see you here tonight, and they couldn't get over how adorable your baby was. You had even ran into Brie and Nikki Bella who were visiting for WrestleMania. They're kids and Liberty played together for a little while before you had to make your way to the gorilla for Cody's match. And everything was going well, Liberty was having fun watching her daddy fight, and you were happy to not only watch Cody make his WWE return, but to be able to watch your daughter be so happy to watch Cody do what he loves. That is until Cody got knocked down with a particularly hard hit by Seth towards the end of the match. Your daughter stopped in her tracks, looking at you as tears welled in her blue eyes.
"Sweetie, what's wrong?" You asked with concern, bringing her up to sit on your lap again.
"Daddy's hurt." She cried.
"No baby, he's okay, don't worry." You tried to console her as she continued to cry on your shoulder. You knew she wouldn't calm down until Cody himself assured her that he was ok though.
You noticed that Cody was about to go for a cross rhodes on Seth. "Liberty, look what daddy's about to do." You told her.
She turned her small head to look back at the monitor, watching as Cody did 3 cross rhodes on his opponent. Liberty was still crying though, even when Cody pinned Seth and got the win. You stood up, holding your crying daughter on your hip as you waited for him to come back through the curtain. When he did, he came straight to you two, bringing you into a hug. But when he pulled back and saw Liberty crying, the smile on his face dropped.
"What's wrong?" Cody asked softly.
"She thinks that you’re hurt.” You answered him, smoothing down her hair.
He put his arms out, motioning for you to give her to him, and you did. Cody placed Liberty on his hip, wiping the little girl’s tears away.
“You think I’m hurt?” He asked her.
“Mhm.” She nodded, sniffling.
“Daddy isn’t hurt, I promise.” Cody assured his daughter.
“Are you sure?” Liberty questioned.
“I’m 100% sure.” He told her.
“1000%?” She asked.
“Yes, 1000% sure.” Cody smiled at his daughter, and she smiled too.
Liberty hugged her father, wrapping her small arms around his neck. Cody placed a kiss on her forehead.
“I love you, daddy.” She spoke.
“I love you too. Now how about we go back to the bus and celebrate my win?” Cody asked his daughter.
“Ok daddy!” Liberty said happily.
Cody put an arm around you as you all made your way back to the bus.
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🔴⚫️ BRIE MODE ACTIVATED ⚫️🔴 Next up in this #royalrumble series courtesy of @ringsidec is another first time figure for my collection and that is #briebella Taken from her return to WWE in the first ever women’s Royal Rumble back in 2018, complete in her classic #bellatwins red attire with the T-Shirt tied round her waist. Also includes an extra set of interchangble hands to pull of her pointing #bella pose. And the final pieces of the Doc Hendrix build a figure, his legs and also the Head scan which is awesome. Where do you rate this years build a figure in terms of the past ones? ⚫️ 🔴 ⚫️ 🔴 ⚫️ 🔗 Follow the Slink Link in my bio to all of my other socials ⚡️Follow the link in my bio for discount codes 📖 Turn on story notifications to keep up to date with the latest figure drops and news ————————————————————————————— ⬇️ Ignore these ⬇️ @thebriebella #thebellatwins #wwedivas #wwe #wweraw #wwesmackdown #wwf #wcw #nxt #wrestlemania #wwehalloffame #wwehof #wweshop #wweelitesquad #wweelite #wwemattel #mattel #collection #collector #collectibles #toystagram #toyphotography #wrestling #wrestlingfigures #wrestlingfigs #actionfigure #scratchthatfigureitch https://www.instagram.com/p/CkTDCEnsE3j/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years ago
Dating Sonya Deville and Paige
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Paige had Mandy and Sonya, the Bella Twins had you
The feud had been a great one and Paige was very helpful
At first, you didn’t realize it was because she liked you, then Brie’s husband pointed it out to you
Things were a bit awkward for awhile
In the time that you were busy being awkward, Paige and Sonya started hooking up
You suspected it, but didn’t find out until later
Sonya approached you with an offer to be friends with benefits
So, you agreed to that and it was a good thing for ahwile
One night, she invited Paige to join you, after asking you of course
They were both really attentive and loving
Paige asked you out the next morning
You started kind of dating Paige first, then Sonya came around to the idea of more than sex
Sonya kept up with a tough guy act for the first couple months
It was rough for you because that wasn’t your type at all
Once she realized that, Sonya dropped it
Paige made the post about your relationship becoming official 
That was when you separated from Brie and Nikki to do your own thing
You were already primarily a singles competitor
When Paige retires because of her injury, you take a break to stay home with her
Absolution turns into Fire ‘n Desire and Sonya feels kind of guilty for not being able to take time off too
When you return, you get to feud with Sonya and Mandy, which is fun
Paige has you move in with her and the two of you ask Sonya, but she doesn’t move in for awhile
She’s serious about trying to take things slow since she feels like she’s rushed things before
The two of you are patient and when the time comes for her to move in, you make room for her and give her time to say bye to Mandy
It’s hard on Sonya at first, but both you and Paige have nearly perfected comforting her
The only time that the two of you struggle to try and help Sonya emotionally is whenever they separate her and Mandy and tell them they can’t hang out in public anymore
Sonya’s heel turn puts her right in your path though and the two of you start up an alliance together
Your favorite part of working together like that is when you help her drop Dolph before going to ambush Mandy in a match
When Sonya leaves the WWE, she packs up her stuff and moves into the house that you and Paige had been living in together
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sportsarenanews · 4 years ago
"I really want to do a WWE return with Brie and go after the tag titles" - Nikki Bella
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