#brick body kids still daydream
7pmest · 1 year
🎧🧸he’s listening
My Auntie’s Building, Open Mike Eagle
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cainnleacghlovers · 2 years
Daisy - MØ
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Pairing: Martin Ødegaard x Fem!Reader
Summary: Y/N’s a teacher, and there’s nothing she loves more in the world than her students, well maybe Martin. What does he do, when he sees her with her students, and all he can see is a little him running around.
Request: “I just thought of this so i wanted to request an imagine if it's possible! Maybe where reader is a teacher and Martin sees how good she is with kids (her students) so he thinks of having a kid?”
Warnings: pure fluff!!!
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Rushing around, you bumped into the coffee table.
“Sorry.” You apologised to the literal table. But after being around little humans aged 5 years old all day, it was habit you’d picked up.
You swore you’d bought seeds for your kids to plant, but where were they?
Not under the coffee table (obviously), they weren’t in the garage, and they weren’t in the drawer were you stuff everything when someone’s coming over.
As you ran to check the office at the front of the house, you heard the door open and were met with a strong body against your own. Looking up through your eyelashes, you met eyes with a pair of blue ones.
They were the kindest eyes ever, not a single bad thought behind them.
“You training for a marathon Elskling?” Martin joked, as he dropped his training bag, and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you impossibly close into his chest as he pressed soft kisses in your forehead.
As you melted into his embrace, you sighed lightly, and felt his hands tracing your bsck softly, spelling ‘i love you.’
It’s something he did when he knew you were stressed, and it was a silent way of letting you know he was there.
You were used to little mouths shouting at you all day, so it was nice to come home and well, not have a little mouth shouting at you.
“Looking for seeds.” You mumbled, still pressed against his chest.
“You shall proceed?” Martin laughed. He assumed it was one of your ‘Lord of the Ring’ jokes.
“Looking for seeds.” You huffed, pulling away from him and looking back up at him.
“Looking for seeds? No way! I knew the Gardens of Babylon were real!” He bantered, making you laugh.
Your students found it mind blowing that no one knew whether this garden was real or not, and when you told Martin the story, he couldn’t help but smile at the way you talked about your students.
You had so much love for all of them. Even when they got paint all over the walls of your classroom.
“You need to stop hanging around Ben White. You’re picking up that sarcastic English lad humour.” You said, as you smacked his chest lightly.
“He still has a crush on you, you know.” Martin laughed.
You knew Ben didn’t actually like you, he just flirted with anything that had a pair of boobs.
“What’s the seeds for then?” He asked, as he took your hand and led you into the living room.
“I thought it would be a fun little thing for the kids to do. You know the way we always do something fun on Fridays with them.” You spoke, and Martin nodded his head in acknowledgment.
“Well it’s warm out, and I thought it would be nice to plant little flowers with them. Mothers days coming up, so I thought it would be a sweet gesture for the kids to give to their mums.” You finished.
Martins eyes turned dark as he listened to your last sentence.
It was no secret, he wanted kids. He didn’t necessarily want them now, but he wanted them. He was a family guy through and through. The thought of a little boy running about with his blonde hair, and your eyes, or a little girl with your hair and his eyes, made him absolutely weak in the knees.
He knew you’d be a good mother, he’d seen you with your students. He’s seen their faces light up when you walked in the room, you seen the love they had for you, and the love you had for them.
He hadn’t even realised, he’d been daydreaming, until you clicked your fingers in front of him.
“Martin, are you away down the yellow brick road? Click your heels three times. Oh they have to be red, let me go get you my hee-” You joked, before he he pulled you onto his lap, and was peppering kisses all over your face.
You were a giggling mess under him, and at that moment he swore he’d never heard anything better.
“Martin I have to find my seeds!” You managed to get out, as he stopped tickling the weak spot under your arms.
“Well call me Christopher Columbus because we’d got seeds to find.”
As you opened the front door, you were met with the smell of something.
The smell of something really good.
Carrying your bags in, you set your laptop down on the kitchen island, as you seen Martin at the oven.
Walking over to him, you wrapped your arms around his waist, as you pressed kisses on his back.
“How was your day elskling?” He asked, as he turned to face you, his arms settling around your waist.
“Really really good. We planted the flowers in little pots the kids painted earlier this week. Oh! And guess what!” You slightly shouted, covering your mouth, embarrassed at your own excitement.
Martin laughed lightly, before his hands found the back of your thighs, and he had you hoisted up on the kitchen counter.
“Hmm. I’m all out of guesses today unfortunately.” He said, as he took your heels off, and lightly messaged your feet, knowing they’d be sore from running after children all day.
He began to kiss up your legs, and his hands trailed shortly after his lips, before he reached your neck, placing light kisses there.
Nothing sexual, just the pure love he head for you.
“You know the way I was looking to get the kids involved in the local pantomime?” You grinned, as his lips found your cheek.
He mumbled a ‘yes’ against your skin, before he pulled away, satisfied with the love he’d shown you. Not that he’d ever be able to show all of it, there was far too much of that.
“Well, the board of governors agreed! Saltwood Primary are going to be up winning Oscars next year. Let’s hope there’s not slapping though.” You giggled against Martins lips as he placed a soft kiss onto them.
“I’m so excited for you elskling, I know how much you wanted this. Book me a front row seat. I’ll be right there.”
“By the way, i’m so going to make your practise lines with me to see if they’ll sound good.”
“They don’t call me Hugh Jackman for no reason.”
As you waited at the entrance of the local theatre, greeting the kids and their parents on the way in. You smiled brightly at every single one of them.
They’d put in so much effort, and you really hoped this night would go really really well. For their sake, and yours.
Finally, you spotted the man you’d been waiting to see all night. The sight of him, dressed in his jeans and a casual tshirt already made you feel so much better. He winked at you as he walked in.
He’d skipped training to come see this, and that made your heart beat so fast, it threatened to break your ribcage.
“I’m so glad you could make it.” You whispered.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” He said, giving you one last wink, before he headed into the theatre.
As you headed into the theatre, you spotted Martin chatting away to a man in an Arsneal shirt, as you felt little arms around your legs.
You looked down and seen a little boy called James in your class.
He was a sweet boy, who was very quiet. He often had trouble telling people what was wrong with him, and you’d assured him that it’s okay to talk about his big feelings, and it’s more than okay to feel like that. You told him he should never be afraid to come speak to you, even if he thinks he’s done something wrong.
“Hiya cool cat.” You said, using the nickname you had for your students. You’d shown them pictures of your cat, and he had a brown spot over his eye.
To a five year old, that’s the coolest thing ever, and the nickname just stuck.
Bending down to his level, you seen he looked worried.
“What’s up with you James? Your costume looks absolutely amazing! Give us a twirl.” You said, trying to distract the little boy. You knew he was worried about getting up in front of people. You didn’t blame him.
As he span around for you, he collapsed into your arms, and you instantly picked him up and took him aside.
Not pressuring him, you allowed him to take his time, if he wanted to tell you what was wrong, he would.
“I don’t wanna mess up Miss Y/SN.” He sighed, looking at you with watery eyes.
“Aw James. Is that what’s been on your mind lovebug?” You sighed with sympathy.
“I don’t wanna let you down.” He said.
“James, look at me buddy. I am so so so proud of you okay? I’m proud of your feet that’s learnt all the dances so well!” He giggled, as your annunciated your sentence.
“I’m proud of your knees that allow you to jump around all night and not get tired!” You exclaimed, as he began to smile.
“I’m proud of your eyes, and how you’re able to give a little bit of attitude, even if mummy will tell you off for it.” You said, making him smile at his role in the play.
He was the mouse in the Gruffalo, and he did have to give a little bit of attitude, which he loved.
“And most importantly, i’m proud of this James.” You said, as your brought his arms so his hands were over his heart.
“I am so proud of the boy you’re becoming James. Everyday you work harder to reach your goal, and you’ve reached it James! And i’m so proud of you. You could get up on that stage tonight, and, come here.” You ushered him closer, so you could whisper in his ear.
“You could say a rude word, and I’d still be proud of you!” He giggled loudly at your joke, and a soft smile fell across your lips.
When your students were sad, you were. When they were happy, you were.
“But you’re not going to do that, are you?” You asked, and he shook his head.
“I’ll tell you what you are going to do, okay. You’re going to get on that stage, and you’re going to make everyone proud. Me, mummy, daddy, but most importantly, yourself. What’re you going to do James?” You asked him.
“Make myself proud.” He repeated, and you gave him a high five.
“Now let’s go show everyone how us cool cats do it.” You said, before you followed him back into the theatre, unknown to you, Martin had watched and heard your little interaction, and he knew he had to ask you.
As the show went on, Martin couldn’t help but notice how excited you’d get when one of your students said their like perfectly.
As the show ended, and all the children were bowing, you stood up the tallest, and you cheered the loudest for them.
James, took the microphone, and Martin noticed you were a bit taken back. This obviously wasn’t supposed to happen.
“Could Miss Y/SN please come up on stage?” The little boy said, and you blushed, not at all expecting this. You knew your classroom assistant was planning something.
As you walked up on stage, you ruffled the hair of a few of your students, and walked to centre stage, waving out to the audience.
“Can we get a round of applause for Miss Y/SN.” Maria said, another little girl in your class.
As the whole theatre cheered for you, you couldn’t help but linger at the man sitting front row, just as he promised. He sat along with your bother, who’s son happened to be in your class. He gave you a wink, and as the cheering died down, Maria passed the microphone to Paige.
“From all of us, we wanted to say thank you to Miss Y/SN for all the hard work and how nice she is to us! You’re the best teacher.” As the audience laughed at her cute joke, you couldn’t help but wipe a tear.
The fact your students appreciated you made everything worth while.
The microphone was passed to you, and you cleared your throat before continuing.
“I promise myself I wouldn’t cry but here I am.” You joked, making everyone laugh.
“I just want to thank each and every one of these cool cats up on stage with me. They’ve worked so so hard, and i’m so glad tonight went well for them. I think we’ve got some future BAFTA winners up here tonight.” You joked again, making the audience laugh.
“Group hug.” You said, turning your attention to your students as they all ran into hug you. The audience cheered, and you all waved before you went off stage.
Walking around the theatre, you shook hands with parents and thanked them for coming. Seeing James, you gave him and his parents a wave, before ha suddenly crashed into you. You hugged him back, seeing his mum smile at the two of you.
“He adores you.” His mum said, smiling at you.
“He’s the loveliest boy. You should be very proud of him.” You gushed, as you waved a final goodbye to them.
As Martin walked past you, he whispered, “I’ll meet you in the car.” Before heading out.
As you made your way to the car, making sure all of your students got home safely, you opened the door, and climbed into the seat, only to be greeted with a bunch of daisies, your favourite flowers.
“Are these for me?” You asked, love traced in your voice.
“No they’re for Gary next door.” Martin joked, referring to your slightly, what’s the word, unhinged neighbour.
He walked his rat. That’s all there is to say.
“Of course they’re for you beautiful.” He said, and you blushed, as you grabbed his cheeks and placed a loving kiss on his lips. As you pulled away, he took your jaw in his hands, and pulled you right back in.
The kiss, lasting longer than you expected, left you breathless, as you eventually pulled away and leaned your forehead against his.
“Let’s get home then. I need to run my hardworking girl a bath.”
As you lay in the bath, Martin behind you, his legs on either side of yours, you sighed in content.
Everything in life was perfect. Your job, your friends, and most importantly, your boy.
As you leant against his hard chest, his arms wrapped loosely around your front, one hand tracing your stomach.
He was surprisingly quiet, and he had been for the last few days. He did have a few big games coming up, but it wasn’t that.
You and Martin had been together since your last year of school, and you knew him well.
You knew he wanted to ask you something, but he just couldn’t get it out.
“You’d be the best mum.” He finally said, and your stomach flipped. You had not expected that.
Turning around to look at him, you noticed the blush on his cheeks, and a sheepish grin across his face.
“W-what?” You said, the words getting stuck in your throat.
“Shit, uhm, I didn’t mean to say that-” He rambled, and you shut him up with a kiss. As he pulled away from you, he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear.
“It’s just, seeing you with your students, I just, I can’t help think what a baby with my hair and your eyes would be like. I know you’d be such a good mum, I have no doubts about that, but I don’t know if-”
You shut him up with another light kiss.
“You’d be the best dad sweetheart.” You smiled again this lips.
“You think?” He said, as you felt him smile against yours.
“I’m never wrong.” You said, making him laugh lightly as his hands caressed your hips lightly.
“I’ve always wanted to be a dad.” He said, and although he was vulnerable, he wasn’t embarrassed. He’d never felt closer to you.
“And I know that it’s you who’s going to be the mother of my children. There’s absolutely no one else i’d rather. No one.” He punctuated the last two words, with a kiss after each word.
You two had lightly spoken about kids, but never in this much detail.
“I think i’d like a boy and a girl. But no matter what they are, i’ll love the bones of them.” You said, and Martins heart fluttered at the thought of you holding his baby. Your baby.
“Yeah. I like that. A boy and a girl. But i’d love them even if they were a Madrid fan.” He joked, pretending to gag.
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence, the only sound was the slight gushing of the water when one of you moved.
As the water began to get cold, Martin stepped out, wrapping a towel around himself, before he grabbed one for you.
As you stepped out, he couldn’t help but admire you. You were absolutely perfect to him. There’s not one thing he sees wrong with you.
From your boobs, to your heart. He loves everything about you.
As he wrapped the towel around you, he placed a light kiss on your forehead.
“I love you. So much.” He said.
“I love you too. So much.” You repeated back to him.
“How about we get practising then?” He joked, raising an eyebrow at you.
“You know what they say, practise makes perfect.” You joked, before he swept you off of your feet, and right into your bedroom.
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How cute was this🥹🥹 I’m thinking of a part 2?? With some really cute sex… let me know what you think!!
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rudemaidenswrite · 2 years
Sam Wilson x Friend!Reader, Zemo x Reader, Bucky x Reader
Part 1
By : @pusantheamazonian
beta'd: @2cciberrylee
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Standing at the top of the jet’s stairs, heavy bags in his hands. An irritated Bucky glances back at Sam. 
"She's a kid. How is she going to help?" Growling the question out.
"We could use another set of eyes on Zemo. Besides, I've had her on a job before." Sam informs firmly.
Bucky enters the jet ignoring Zemo, sitting at the back. He throws the bags at the closest seat possible. "So in the process, we're going to make her a wanted criminal  too. Good plan Sam, very fucking good one." 
"Can you just go wait with him? I'll be back with her in a minute." Sam exasperatedly points to Zemo, making his way back down the steps.
An interesting turn of events. Zemo wonders exactly who you are. Since this is a different type of argument between Sam and James.
Waiting on the tarmac alone in the middle of nowhere. It's weird but Sam told you to wait here. So you stayed right here for hours awkwardly standing with just a backpack. 
You're just excited to be working with him again. Since he joined the Avengers you've had hardly any time to hang out. Just the occasional text to let you know he's still alive. 
Knowing that Bucky will also be there makes you jittery. During the last few months, you have developed a crush on him. This puzzled you because you didn't know how to express your feelings plus, couldn't exactly identify what drew you to him. Bucky is coming to terms with his own traumas; finding peace within himself, and starting to live his own life on his terms. So expressing your feelings of love or at least intense attraction will be too much for him to handle and he may reject you. On top of that, his body language is hard to read. A brick wall that you have to keep chipping at. That is why you prefer to enjoy every moment with him. You remember every detail about him; you miss the sounds of his voice and the feeling of his presence when he is gone.  
Jolted out of your daydream, Sam is waving his hands in the air.
"Sam!" You are nearly jumping out of your skin when you see Sam cross the terminal to get you.
"It's good to see you." Sam wraps you in a big bear hug. The kind of hug that makes you feel safe and loved. He hugs you with his whole body making the hug warm and snuggly too. 
"I've missed these hugs." Groaning you don't want it to end.
"Last chance to cash out. Are you sure you want to help? It's going to be dangerous."
Sam takes your backpack.
"Yes, I'm sure. I don't see why you're being so secretive about needing my help. I've helped plenty of times with your projects." You bump into his arm on purpose. 
"This is different. Bucky's waiting with our current project. We need his help but he's a liability." Trying not to frown, he's not happy about the arrangement.
"Oh. So you think he might make a break for it?"
"Something like that." Sam leads you up the stairs and into a private jet. "Meet our-"
"Y/N? Long time no see." Zemo smiles, interrupting Sam.
You recognize this voice from anywhere. Keeping your composure, you struggle forcing yourself to keep a blank face. You slowly turn to look and glare daggers into him. Your body doesn't know whether to cry or throw up from this confusion.
"You know each other?" Sam questions pointing at Zemo.
"We've met. Briefly." You give a slight frown trying to remain neutral. You can physically feel the cold glare from Bucky. 
"Are you serious?" Surprised, Sam is having a hard time believing this.
"Unfortunately yes." Sighing you turn away from Zemo, making sure Sam has your full focus.
"I wouldn't say, unfortunately." Zemo chuckles.
"Quiet." Bucky growls.
"Is there any other bullshit I need to know besides this? How in the hell did he end up being with you?" Gesturing at Zemo. "Ain't he supposed to be underwater somewhere?"
"It's complicated. You can thank Bucky for that." Being childish Sam quickly points at Bucky.
Pinching the bridge of your nose. You quickly go over the pros and cons of just ditching them. But your loyalty to Sam and Bucky wins you over. This trip is going to be painful because either way Sam and Bucky are going to want to know how you know Zemo. 
"Let's get this over with." Sighing you take your backpack back and toss it to the side and buckle in. Making sure to keep your distance. 
God, you should have just stayed in bed.
What the fuck has happened? In a matter of hours the trio of untraceable got caught in their bullshit. Letting the whole island know of their presence. Beginning the reign of bounty hunters wanting their heads. And you are now part of that crossfire. Guess this is what Sam meant when he said it was going to be dangerous.
This wasn't the kind of bullshit you were expecting. This is way above your pay grade. But are you surprised? No. Should you be? Yes. Then to add to the bullshit. Sharon. Personally, you don't know her. The timing with her feels weird. But Sam seems excited? Happy? It's a weird situation. You feel jealous for some reason. Like she doesn't deserve his happiness but Sam is a happy person by nature.
Though Sharon brings the four of you to her place. Talking about this and that. Obviously trying to egg Sam and Bucky on about something. Bucky looks more pissed off than normal at the situation.
"I don't like her." Finally Sharon leaves and you can't help yourself.
"She did just save our lives." Sam sighs.
"So. That doesn't mean shit." Folding your arms, you're ready to list off all the reasons why. You can tell Sam is not liking your new attitude. Not that you can help it. Your nerves are shot and everyone is out to get them.
"Why? You don't know her." Sam groans.
"I don't know. Something just feels off about her. I can understand doing what you have to, to live here but it's not that. Feels like something worse."
"You should always go with your gut feeling." Zemo chimes in. The three of you just look at him.
"I'm going upstairs." Shaking your head you quickly disappear, trying to maintain distance from Zemo.
Watching you disappear Sam and Bucky surround Zemo before he can move.
"How do you know Y/N?" Sam stops him, a hand on his chest pushing Zemo back.
"Does it really matter to you?"
"Cut the crap. How?" Bucky snaps.
"Sorry gentleman. It is not my place to say." Zemo smugly grins.
Agreeing to go to Sharon's stupid party. You're perched in the corner, hiding your laugh behind a drink. You watch Zemo from a distance as he dances. That man still dances awkwardly. But you got to give him credit, he doesn't care if he's a bad dancer.
Speak of the devil. He's maneuvered his way through the crowd to your hiding spot.
"Care to dance?" 
"No." Frowning, it's hard avoiding his gaze.
"It's a party, you should relax." Turning on the charm Zemo slides I to the seat beside you. 
"You know I don't dance." Annoyed, you start swirling your drink. 
In bold, brash Zemo fashion he snatches your drink and takes a sip. "How can you keep an eye on me if you are over here and not on the dance floor?"
"I can see just fine from here." Snatching your drink back. 
"Are you sure?" 
Smug bastard.
Groaning you know he's right. It would be easy for him to duck out of sight while on the dance floor. Finishing your drink you gesture for him to lead the way. Weaving through the crowd he stops in the middle of the dance floor.
"Are you sure you don't want to dance? You are very noticeable just standing there."
Irked, you start to mimic some of his dancing moves. Unenthusiastically bouncing from foot to foot.
"See Y/N. Dancing is fun." An almost genuine smile appears.
"You're just trying to annoy Sam and Bucky." 
Zemo smirks, grabbing your hand and pulling you closer. An arm wraps around your waist, holding you close.
"The boys are getting suspicious. They asked how I knew you." He whispers in your ear before carefully spinning you in a circle.
Before you can process what he said. Zemo is pulling you back in for another spin.
"Don't worry, too much frowning will cause wrinkles. I told them to ask you." 
"How considerate."
"I always am."
Scoffing it feels like nothing has changed between you two. You don't know what makes you angrier; the complete ease of being near him again or the lack of true hatred for him because of the crimes he has done.
Underneath it all, the moment makes you homesick for what you had and what could have been.
Finally getting some useful information. Sam and Bucky loosely agree on a plan. 
“Y/N you on lookout duty.” Sam orders.
“Okie dokie.” Saluting him you turn and head for higher ground with coverage.
Positioned atop a shipping container with binoculars. Scanning the area it seems quiet, too quiet. There's no one to be seen. Wouldn't even just a normal shipping yard have a few people roaming around? 
Out of nowhere there’s a fireball explosion off to the side. You can vaguely make out a masked man on top of a shipping container but through your binoculars you know that fucking fur collar coat anywhere. 
Damn it Zemo. You're going to strangle him before this mission is done. 
"Guys you have incoming and a fireball explosion." Radioing Sam and Bucky, you've lost sight of Zemo.
Making it to the ground you start running to the entrance. But you're intercepted by Zemo in a car. How did he have time to find a car?
"What the fuck was that?" You gesture at the fire still blazing high. 
"Don't worry about it Y/N. All part of the plan." Dismissing your question, he leans over to open the door.
“Part of the plan? Creating a giant explosion was part of the plan?”
“Yes. Now if you will get in the car we have to pick up Sam and James.” 
Against your better judgement you sit down in the front seat next to him. "Where did you steal the car from?"
"I found it. As they say finders keepers." Smirking, he gives a wink. 
"You're ridiculous, I hope you know that." With a scoff you close the door.
"You mean sophisticated and eccentric."
"Not what I would have chosen." Mumbling, you root through the glove box. Trying to find any indication of who this car really belongs to but that's a dead end. There's nothing in it. Meaning he’s already thought about that or there never was anything in it. 
"There they are!" Pointing up ahead you can see Sam and Bucky looking confused.
"Hello gentlemen. Do you need a ride?"
"Where did you get a car?" Both shouting in unison as Zemo puts the car in park.
"Don't ask." Rolling your eyes, you wave the question off before Zemo can speak. That's a conversation that doesn't need repeating."Just get in."
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redolentgrove · 1 year
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Loki sat by Redolent Grove's lake, daydreaming and soaking in the warmth of the sunlight beaming down from above. Summer had been doing wonders for the grass-type taur; she could tell that her leaves were flourishing and her Gracidea flower even looked a wee bit larger than normal from the extra abundance of solar energy in her system. She craned her body back in a casual stretch, paws flexing lazily beneath her, when an awkward throat clear startled her to her toes instantly.
"Who-" she began, only to see the familiar pink Mew in front of her once again. "Oh… hi, Lucifer." She felt badly that the cat had caught her in a somewhat stunned state, but shrugged it off rather quickly. "You've been visiting this forest an awful lot lately… it's actually really nice to see you."
Loki's ears perked at the mention of Bijoux's name. "Did she now? She mentioned she got to talk to you a while ago… something about her felt a lot more light and free, come to think of it. I'm gonna guess she put your ears through another overtime shift of listening, huh?" She chuckled casually. "I kid, I kid… but really, it's always nice to have you over and available to listen."
The taur's expression, however, immediately soured at the mention of the song. "…oh. She talked to you about the talent show, then. That would explain it." She shook her head. "Look, I'll level with you; after that performance, I grounded Bijoux. I wasn't in the mood to listen to her explanations; I just flat-out grounded her. No questions, no discussion. I know it was rash, but I just didn't care."
"I don't know, Luci; I know it wasn't really fair for me to punish Bijoux when I figured she had good intentions with choosing the song. I know I kept that song a secret from a lot of people for a reason, but there's just something about knowing it was out in the open like that? It struck a really sensitive chord. Of course, I felt terribly for punishing her in the end." Loki breathed a heavy, drawn-out sigh of anger, shaking her head with flattened ears. "I took a bit of time to cool off, to let her cool off, because I know the wounds were still fresh, and we were both angry and miserable while she was being punished."
"So after a couple of weeks of thinking, I sat her down and talked to her. I asked her about why she chose to sing that song, and she really shocked me with her response. It turns out… she'd first heard the song when she was in middle school. I remember hearing her hum a few notes from it, from time to time, when she was doing her morning routine, but I guess I just never thought much about it since it was only a few notes. It could've been anything, you know? And she'd spent a bit to that point dabbling in writing poetry; for all I knew she had been working on setting some of it to music.
"Of course, this was all before she had begun her transition, and once she began to realise she was transgender, she stopped even doing so much as humming around anyone else." Loki shook her head once more. "The dysphoria was hitting her really hard, since her voice was changing and it wasn't aligning with who she knew she really was. I wanted to hear her sing; she loved singing with me before everything starting hitting her like a ton of bricks. So I worked with her as a voice coach. I've always… had a feminine voice myself, even way back when I was younger, long before I transitioned."
"The deal was, I'd be happy to coach her on how to sound more feminine… but I told her, point blank, that I wanted to be able to hear her sing by the time she graduated. In front of an audience, if she could help it, but I missed that voice she had so proudly used in her youth. After working for three years on it, she finally tried for and made the choir, but she never got any solo performances. I guess she could sense the disappointment whenever she talked to me, because after the final winter session, she told me she was going to sing a solo for the spring talent show."
"I didn't have any idea that she had been working since the beginning of last year with friends, to put together an entire backing instrumental track to that song she sang. I doubt she would have stopped if I'd forbade her from singing it; she's always been headstrong when it comes to making her own decisions."
"And as it turned out? She put it together as a dedication to me. She knew how much this song meant to me, and sang it to thank me for believing in her. I was flabbergasted when she finally admitted it. I broke down crying in front of her again; I couldn't help myself. The last song I ever sang to Shijima, the last words he ever heard… I could feel the wounds opening freshly in my heart and memories. I told her why I was so hurt, and she was apologetic. I know she didn't intend to hurt me, that she had no idea just how much that song meant to me. I wish she hadn't chosen the song she did, but at least I knew it came from a place of love."
Loki let out a heavy sigh, leaning against a nearby log and lolling out her tongue. "So I ungrounded her after the talk. I can't stay mad at her when she sang it so heartfeltedly, so perfectly. I should have known that one of my kids would eventually hear the song and want to sing it for me. And part of me feels like it's my fault for not being honest about it earlier. We hugged and cried things out that day, and I made it up to Bijoux by singing that song with her underneath the dogwood tree that night."
The taur sniffed softly, eyes glistening a bit with sad, thoughtful tears forming at their base. "I guess in the end, I got my wish, huh Luci? I got to hear her sing, her and her alone. Right in front of a crowd, even. I got to feel the emotions she was capable of stirring with her voice, and then some. I don't know how she didn't win any trophies for her performance, but there's no trophy in the world that can compare to what I felt that night. To what she felt, hearing everyone applaud her efforts. They didn't know all the work she did to reach that point, but she did. I did. And, despite the betrayal I felt initially…"
"I've never been prouder of her than I was when I got to hear her sing my most cherished song, for all the world to hear."
(( @ask-no151 ))
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strangledeggs · 1 year
The Best Albums Of 2017
(A note that extends to all of these lists which I will attach to the top of each: if you want to see a full review of any specific album on this list, or are wondering why a particular album did or didn’t make the top 10, or are wondering why an album you like from the year in question isn’t on this list at all, send me an ask about it and I’ll try and respond!)
The Top 10
DAMN by Kendrick Lamar
Brick Body Kids Still Daydream by Open Mike Eagle
Describes Things As They Are by Beauty Pill
Antisocialites by Alvvays
A Crow Looked At Me by Mount Eerie
4:44 by Jay-Z
Oversleepers International by Emperor X
who told you to think??!!?!?!?! by milo
Talk Tight by Rolling Blackouts Coastal Fever
Sleep Well Beast by The National
The Rest
Whiteout Conditions by The New Pornographers
Out In The Storm by Waxahatchee
Playboi Carti by Playboi Carti
Triple Fat Lice by Aesop Rock & Homeboy Sandman
The Underside Of Power by Algiers
République Amazone by Les Amazones d’Afrique
Resolution by The Perceptionists
The Official Body by Shopping
Drool by Nnamdi Ogbonnaya
Fin by SYD
Harry Styles by Harry Styles
Laila’s Wisdom by Rapsody
Life Will See You Now by Jens Lekman
Life Without Sound by Cloud Nothings
American Teen by Khalid
Dakhla Sahara Session by Cheveu And Group Doueh
Big Fish Theory by Vince Staples
1992 Deluxe by Princess Nokia
Veins by Homeboy Sandman
A somewhat weak year, if my (still-forming) shortlists for the years to follow are any indication – only 29 albums made the cut here. Some of the top 10 were surefire picks: “DAMN”, though not my favourite Kendrick (which remains To Pimp A Butterfly), has grown on me a lot to the point that I now see it as one of the year’s greatest achievements – a surprisingly coherent collection of solid-to-excellent songs with only the loosest of threads connecting them all in some kind of “concept”; “Antisocialites” is a beautifully-produced nonstop hook-fest of an indie rock album; “Describes Things As They Are” deserves a special mention for bringing one of the year’s most unique sounds to the table, even as it traces its clear influences back to artists as diverse as The Dismemberment Plan and Arto Lindsay (great “Prize” cover in there). Others I had to think harder on, and I switched out “Sleep Well Beast” for “Whiteout Conditions” at the last minute here, my main justification being that on revisiting each, it seemed to me that The National had never sounded better than on their moody, murmuring 2017 album, while The New Pornographers, despite delivering another worthy entry to their now-formidable discography, had.
In retrospect, this was an interesting year for hip-hop (though when isn’t it these days?) beyond “DAMN”: it marks the breakthrough success of Open Mike Eagle, the triumphant return of Jay-Z (but hold the antisemitism next time, OK?), the introduction of the chaotic Playboi Carti and the album that might stand as Princess Nokia’s most definitive statement so far. It also saw the final entry of Aesop Rock & Homeboy Sandman’s enjoyable “Lice” trilogy of EPs, a fascinating experimental effort by Nnamdi that still stands as one of the most distinct-sounding (if not necessarily consistent) hip-hop albums I’ve heard in recent memory, and the first albums by Rapsody and Vince Staples to truly impress me.
Though it might be hard to say exactly when “poptimism” broke critical establishment mainstream at this point (and I’ll probably write more on that later), this year also strikes me as notable for not including a whole lot of representative entries that would appeal to that crowd’s sensibilities – at least not on my list, meaning I didn’t see many capital-P Pop albums worth mentioning here. That being said, the top 40 stuff gets a couple victories here in the form of the two depressive-leaning albums by Harry Styles and Khalid (Khalid’s is the better one, if you’re curious).
Speaking of depressive (though the word actually feels inadequate to describe this one), “A Crow Looked At Me” gets a last word in here for being the most anomalous album on this list – I didn’t think I’d even like it until I tried it, upon which I found less of an album than a powerful, personal meditation on death and loss that somehow achieved poetry by constantly trying to avoid it. After listening to it the first time, I thought I’d never want to hear anything like it again – that is until I heard its follow-up from the next year.
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notoneopinion · 2 months
infertility is such a weird world to be in.
it’s a world i certainly never asked to be in, but the world i have been thrown into nonethless. growing up, i think i took i truly believed i would always have a family of my own. i would make a family of my own. you watch all the tv shows where people are getting married and having kids, and you’re watching the tiktok’s and reels of people telling their families their pregnant, and when you’re doing that, it doesn’t feel like such an unattainable goal. it doesn’t feel like something that could ever be considered difficult, or impossible. at the time, i was in no rush to get pregnant, so i never really thought too much about it.
but for the past two and a half years, my fiancé and i have actively been trying to have a baby, and we can’t.
‘can’t’ is a strong word. nothing has been ruled impossible just yet, but after a certain amount of time, that starts to feel like the only word you can use. i got semi-diagnosed with pcos, and shortly after, the research began. i would spend hours upon hours flicking through the internet in search of remedies, ways to reverse these dreaded side effects. i spent so much money on supplements that did not a single thing, didn’t even make me feel any different. i planned my entire life around trying to conceive, and have so far had nothing in return.
what a lot of people don’t tell you about infertility is how lonely it truly is to go through it, especially as a woman. my fiancé, god love him, has been by my side the entire way, and i know it effects him just as deeply as it effects me, but even when he is right there beside me, i still feel lonely. i can’t turn to him and talk about how draining it is to know my body isn’t working the way it should, how guilty i feel that i can’t give him the family he so desperately wants right now, that i’m trying everything in my power to make my bits and bobs work the way they are supposed to, but they just won’t.
it's the frustration of it all, too. a person who wants a child will truly, truly obsess over the idea of starting a family, and that's just the truth, and it's all that can be expected. the daydream becomes all you can think about, even when all these other good things are happening around you; suddenly i can't sit in Starbucks without wondering what it would be like to be in this moment with my child, them sitting in the pram next to me whilst i sip at my coffee and work on my silly little blog posts. i get emotional seeing my fiance be. . . himself!! just himself!! because that man could be such an amazing father if my body just worked the way it is supposed to. i think about how i will tell my parents and my siblings on a daily basis, literally planning out the moment in my head over and over again. the other day, i was thinking up a way to tell my big sister i want her to be my child's godmother. i was lost, completely and utterly lost in a world that was not my own, a world that was better than my own, a world i yearn for.
it's painful. that's the bottom line. of all the challenges i've been put through in my lifetime, infertility is truly the hardest one, because it feels like a brick wall. it feels like a blockade, and a weight on my chest, and a dirty little secret all in one, and that's a lot for a person to handle. it brings self-hatred, and anger, and guilt. it's confusing and frustrating and impossible to navigate on your own, which is why i'm writing this post just to get my feelings out. in the end, i remain hopeful that all our dreams will come true, and every seemingly-pointless scenario will come to life, but until then, i hope i can talk to others about it. i hope i can hear other people's stories, and their experiences, because i think that would be really nice. like i mentioned before, infertility is a very lonely thing, but it doesn't have to be. we have to recognise that so many couples go through it, so many people are feeling the same way we are, and there's no use in keeping silent. silence won't help anyone.
so if you guys have anything you want to add about this topic, please feel free to message me, or put it in the comments. let's help each other feel less alone. <3
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petewentzcoded · 2 years
#100 Catch Your Wave - The Click Five
#99 Cute Thing - Car Seat Headrest
“Come visit Kansas for a week of debauchery / Songs and high fives and weird sex”
#98 Tongue Tied - Grouplove
“I loved you then and I love you now
#97 Confidant - Bears In Trees
“Because I let your essence go / I’ve not felt clean to this day”
#96 A Little Less 16 Candles a little more touch me - Fall Out Boy
“You can make all the moves / You can aim all the spotlights / Get all the sighs and the moans just right”
#95 Funny You Should Ask - The Front Bottoms
“The good thing about this cast is I can still hold a knife / So if you ever twist my arm again I’ll be sure to put up a fight
#94 Cosmic Hero - Car Seat Headrest
“And if you don’t come home tonight / You will never call it home again / And if you need some peace and quiet / There is room for all in heaven
#93 Fly Out To Alaska - Bears In Trees
“They tried to promote to full-time at the gay bar / I told them I’ve got to finish my degree”
#92 Tibetan Pop Stars - Hop Along
“My love is average / I obey an average law”
#91 Rose by the Ocean - In Her Own Words
“In your eyes I’ve always been a sunny day”
#90 America (Never Been)
“It’s a living kind of life”
#89 Tire Swing - Kimya Dawson
#88 Timberwolves At New Jersey - Taking Back Sunday
#87 Sabrina the Teenage Bitch - Seaway
#86 The Drum - Car Seat Headrest
“The drum’s in debt”
#85 When I come Around - Green Day
#84 Great Heights - Bears In Trees
“And your smile on my shoulder, well that’s mine”
#83 She’s Out of Her Mind - blink-182
#82 Strangers - Car Seat Headrest
“When you’re strange then if they like you then they gotta be stranger”
#81 Dreamcatcher - Grayscale
“She’s got that dark skin, peppermint / Fingers in her mouth”
#80 It’s Called: Freefall
“Called to the Devil and the Devil said / Hey! / Why you been calling this late?”
#79 Piazza, New York Catcher - Belle and Sebastian
“Elope with me Miss Private and we’ll sail around the world”
#78 Beast Monster Thing - Car Seat Headrest
“Don’t get mad at the system / You can’t change the system / Get mad at your lover! / You can affect your lover!”
#77 I Don’t Want to Be - Gavin DeGraw
“My whole situation made from clay to stone / And now I’m telling everybody”
#76 Sugar We’re Going Down - Fall Out Boy
“Always sleeping in, and sleeping / For the wrong team”
#75 Never Meant - American Football
“”Cause you can’t miss what you forget”
#74 Destroyed By Hippie Powers - Car Seat Headrest
“What happened to that chubby little kid who smiled so much and love the Beach Boys / What happened is I killed that fucker and I took his name, and I got new glasses”
#73 Anyone Else But You - Michael Cera & Elliot Page
#72 Two Beers In - Free Throw
#71 Black Butterflies and Deja Vu - The Maine
“I lose my voice when I look at you”
#70 Beach Life-In-Death - Car Seat Headrest
“Capital O, significant other / And you can take him home to your mother / And say Ma, this is my brother”
#69 Everlong - Foo Fighters
#68 Superstar - Sonic Youth
#67 Notes - Modern Baseball
“A brick-boot swimming lesson / In the deep end of my adolescence”
#66 Bodys - Car Seat Headrest
“Don’t you realize our bodies could fall apart any second? / I am terrified your body could fall apart at any second”
#65 Strange Love - Simple Creatures
“You’re just a crater of yourself / And she’s the fallen angel underneath”
#64 Harness your Hopes - Pavement
“And I’m asking you to hold me just like the morning paper / Pinched between your point, your index and your thumb”
#63 Cigarette Daydreams - Cage the Elephant
“If you can find a reason, a reason to stay / Standing in the pouring rain”
#62 Death Valley - Fall Out Boy
“You can wear a crown but you’re no princess”
#61 Cloud Sick - Free Throw
“I’m chasing dreams in the clouds / But I don’t wanna feel like nothing forever / I wanna make you proud”
#60 Thick Skin (Should I Give In) - Brave Bird
“We’ll stay young or we’ll stay fucked up and numb / I’m not better but I’m not getting worse”
#59 Harness Your Hopes (Live Version) - Pavement
#58 Jamie All Over - Mayday Parade
“You opened up into my arms / And we laughed as I held you”
#57 Cocaine Jesus (Live Version) - Rainbow Kitten Surprise
#56 Tainted Love - Soft Cell
#55 Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
“touch my neck and I’ll touch yours / You in those little high-waisted shorts
#54 When You Were Young - The Killers
“He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus / But more than you’ll ever know”
#53 When? When? When? - Car Seat Headrest
“And now I’m torn between / Trying to be a better man / Trying to accept the man I am”
#52 Pothole - Modern Baseball
“The fossils of my footsteps will be unearthed / At a far off date unknown”
#51 This Year - The Mountain Goats
“I am gonna make it through this year if it kills me”
#50 Should I Stay or Should I Go - The Clash
#49 Sober To Death - Car Seat Headrest
“We were wrecks before we crashed into each other”
#48 Work - Jimmy Eat World
“When the dance is through, it’s me and you / Come on, would it really be so bad?”
#47 Charlie Black - Modern Baseball
“Wait a minute, ‘cause I’ve been living / More like a fucking king without you”
#46 Alien Blues - Vundabar 
“I need to purge my urges / Shame, Shame, shame on you”
#45 Ivy - Frank Ocean (Car Seat Headrest Cover)
“Not matter what I did / I couldn’t fucking sing back then”
#44 Red & Blue Jeans - The Promise Ring
“You in red and blue jeans / And your white and night things”
#43 Tonight You’re Perfect - New Politics
“Tonight, you’re perfect / I feel perfect too”
#42 Greek Tragedy - The Wombats
“So free up the cheaper seats / Here comes a Greek tragedy”
#41 Heaven, We’re Already Here - The Maine
#40 Semi-Charmed Life - Third Eye Blind
#39 Always Sunny In South London - Bears In Trees
“You woke me up last night saying / You were scared of the old you / But I’ve romanticized that enough”
#38 Smokey Eyes - Lincoln
“I hope you’re walking around campus / Contemplating your own smallish size / This is not what all my idols told me college would be like”
#37 1937 State Park - Car Seat Headrest
“I didn’t want you to hear / That shake in my voice / That pain is my own”
#36 Drops of Jupiter - Train (With Confidence Cover)
#35 Apartment - Modern Baseball
#34 Float On - Modest Mouse
#33 Nervous Young Inhumans - Car Seat Headrest
#32 Love & Drugs - The Maine
#31 Your Graduation - Modern Baseball
“And you’d never forget it, oh, just forget it”
#30 Center of Gravity - The Brazen Youth
“And his parents / Still love each other / And music / Still finds its way back to him”
#29 Mr. Brightside
“Open up my eager eyes, ‘cause I’m Mr. Brightside”
#28 Hayloft II - Mother Mother
“Whatever happened to the hayloft? / Burnt to the ground, and what about Pop?”
#27 Cocaine Jesus - Rainbow Kitten Surprise
“When you find an old picture of us / And you clear away the dust / I hope you miss me sometimes”
#26 Long Distance Conjoined Twins - Home Is Where
“Alter boys curb stop the mall Santa Claus”
#25 Pretty Handsome Awkward - The Used
#24 Foreigner’s God - Hozier
#23 Where Did The Party Go - Fall Out Boy
“Silent film stars stuck in talking cinema life / So let‘s fade away together one dream at a time”
#22 Courage Was Confused - Knapsack
#21 The Adults Are Talking - The Strokes
#20 The Medic - Foxing
#19 Don’t Drink Coffee - Bears In Trees
#18 Coals - Modern Baseball
“You find it hard to miss your family / When everyday you’re part of one more”
#17 In The Water - Head North
“That’s how I loved you most / When you’d burn at my soul / Remind of all I could feel”
#16 Kilby Girl - The Backseat Lovers
“Feels like a night to carry a tune”
#15 You’re In Love with Me - Car Seat Headrest
#14 Re-Do - Modern Baseball
“Your unrequited love for life”
#13 I’m Doing Push Ups - Bears In Trees
“Now you’re as hollow as you’d always said you’d be / Screaming “hold my hand but please don’t touch me”
#12 A Decade Under The Influence - Taking Back Sunday
#11 Cherry Wine - Hozier
#10 Re-done - Modern Baseball 
“On a side note you stole my heart/ Like I stole your hometown lingo
#9 Long Distance Conjoined Twins (Live Version) - Home Is Where
#8 Cute With The E - Taking Back Sunday
#7 She Will Be Loved - Maroon 5
#6 Jackie and Wilson - Hozier
“I need to be youthfully felt ‘cause God I never felt young”
#5 The Future Freaks Me Out - Motion City Soundtrack
#4 MakeDamnSure - Taking Back Sunday
“You are everything I want / Cause you are everything I’m not”
#3 Cherry - Moose Blood
“With your hair up like you do / And that face that you give me when you’ve missed me”
#2 Hands Down - Dashboard Confessional
#1 Acolyte - Slaughter  Beach, Dog
“Soak my scrapes and sleep tight / Sing, my brave acolyte”
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ruesster-musica · 6 years
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sinceileftyoublog · 6 years
Pitchfork Music Festival Preview: 10 Can’t Miss Non-Headliner Acts
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Raphael Saadiq; Photo by Mel D. Cole
Tame Impala haven’t released a new album since the last time we saw them three years ago. Fleet Foxes headlined Pitchfork in 2011. Ms. Lauryn Hill already played her best songs two years ago at--wait for it--Ravinia. What gives?
Okay, I’m still very excited to see all three of these headliners. But sort of like in 2016, for this year’s Pitchfork, the gems are earlier in the day. Here are 10 reasons to show up early throughout the weekend.
Lucy Dacus: 2:30, Green Stage
And we thought she was good after releasing her debut! After a label bidding war, singer-songwriter Lucy Dacus has exceeded expectations with her second album Historian, released earlier this year. The songs are more lyrically and instrumentally complex and ambitious, headlined by opening album anthem “Night Shift”. Remember and shout along to this line: “In five years I hope the songs feel like covers / Dedicated to new lovers.”
Open Mike Eagle: 4:00, Blue Stage
The Chicago rapper’s latest album Brick Body Kids Still Daydream is a concept record about the Robert Taylor Holmes public housing project. Any local voice showing public housing in a positive light to the rest of the world is welcome--let alone portraying Chicago as something other than what the media illustrates. That Open Mike Eagle has serious lyrical chops and charm is just an added bonus. 
Mike also plays an after-show tonight at Lincoln Hall. Fess Grandiose opens.
Syd: 6:15, Green Stage
We’ve seen Syd play with her band The Internet, who release a new album today. But this set will be largely comprised of solo material from the singer’s debut Fin, released last year to much acclaim. It combines 90′s R&B and neo soul with contemporary beats and production styles.
The Internet hosts an album release party for their new record Hive Mind tonight at East Room.
Mount Kimbie: 7:45, Blue Stage
Grey with splashes of color--that’s how I might describe Mount Kimbie’s most recent album Love What Survives. It’ll be perfect for a rainy day on the Blue Stage. The band combines live instrumentation with electronic music to create songs that vary between ambient, pop, and krautrock. While they might not have King Krule on the bill to come out for career highlight “Blue Train Lines” (surprise appearance, please?) or the other prominent vocalists they’ve collaborated with to come out for their respective songs, the band’s controlled chaos should suffice.
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith: 2:45, Blue Stage
One of the headier artists on the bill this year is Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith, whose Buchla synthesizer-addled songs envelop your mind more than they make your body move. Last year’s The Kid followed up Smith’s great 2016 effort Ears and a collaborative album with synth master Suzanne Ciani, and that one wasn’t too bad either. A concept album about four stages of life whose context isn’t necessary to enjoy or appreciate the music, The Kid is ultimately a showcase for Smith’s ability to weave multiple synths together and combine it with her voice to make shimmering tunes.
Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith plays an after-show Sunday night at Constellation. Cool Maritime opens.
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Moses Sumney; Photo by Eric Gyamfi
Moses Sumney: 4:15, Blue Stage
Moses Sumney is a once-in-a-lifetime singer. Not because he can shatter glasses or anything--though he probably could--but because he can take abstract concepts like capitalism and the hetero-normative nature of romantic love and make you feel like you’ve experienced them on a concrete level even if you haven’t, all through the sheer beauty of his voice and strumming of his guitar. The potential for quietest, most heartbreaking moment of the festival will come when he sings “Doomed” off of last year’s Aromanticism: “Am I vital / If my heart is idle? / Am I doomed?”
Raphael Saadiq: 5:15, Red Stage
The most surprising, yet welcome booking at this year’s festival is R&B master Raphael Saadiq. Pitchfork has reviewed one of his albums and has given him minimal coverage over the years despite the excellence of his 2011 album Stone Rollin’. Perhaps it was his production work on Solange’s 2016 record A Seat At The Table that landed him a spot on the bill, but I shouldn’t really ask any questions. I’ll just appreciate his unique mix of soul, funk, R&B, blues, and rock.
Kelela: 7:45, Blue Stage
After breaking out with her 2013 mixtape Cut 4 Me, Kelela finally released the brilliant, fully formed statement we’ve all waited for from her. Take Me Apart is an album about ending one relationship and going into another--territory that’s not original for an album but important because it’s immensely personal, celebratory of queer black self-love on songs like “LMK” and “Altadena”. She somehow makes dubstep and trap beats sound subdued and sexy, her ethereal voice the perfect complement to bubbling synth and bass.
Japanese Breakfast: 4:00, Blue Stage
Michelle Zauner stole the show from Mitski two years ago. Now, she’s got an even better set of tunes in her repertoire. She released her second album of dream pop and spacious synth-laden shoegaze, Soft Sounds from Another Planet, last year. From epic opener “Diving Woman” to jams “Road Head” and “Boyish”, there will be plenty to love during her set. Doesn’t hurt that Zauner is funny as hell, either.
Japanese Breakfast plays an after-show tomorrow night at Thalia Hall. Mothers and Varsity open.
Noname: 5:15, Red Stage
Noname is one of the best live rappers in the world, let alone Chicago. Ever since catching her set at the inaugural House of Vans show last year, I’ve been floored by her ability to make her poetic words about growing up sound intimate and powerful and clear even in a live setting. Her debut mixtape Telefone was released two years ago, so hopefully she’s got some new songs for us at Pitchfork. She’s also collaborated with other artists on the lineup like Saba, Smino, and Ravyn Lenae, so I wouldn’t be surprised to see them join her during the set.
(Sandy) Alex G: 6:15, Blue Stage
While we loved (Sandy) Alex G’s performance at the Bottom Lounge a couple years ago (before he adopted (Sandy) as part of his moniker), it was last year’s Rocket that made this writer a believer. One of the best indie-rock albums of the decade is a little bit country, a little bit...hardcore? Okay, the latter refers to the rap-rock of one track, “Brick”, but it speaks to the diversity of his songwriting. You can hear the influences of his work with Frank Ocean in 2016 on melancholy, auto-tuned ditties like “Sportstar”, while “Poison Root” and “Bobby” swell with Americana strings and banjo. Not to mention the classic rock bounce of “Proud”. 
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7pmest · 10 months
Two of my favorite rap albums being I Don’t Like Shit, I Don’t Go Outside by Earl Sweatshirt and Brick Body Kids Still Daydream by Open Mike Eagle…. I am mentally well
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rexilla · 7 years
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framing-the-picture · 7 years
Hands down, one of the most beautiful songs this year
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michael826 · 4 years
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humannerve · 7 years
95 Radios (feat. Has-Lo) | Open Mike Eagle
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(via https://open.spotify.com/track/7tlGq6EAEIWsv7srZWc5f7)
Discogs: Brick Body Kids Still Daydream
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