#breath of the wilf
ketchup-bunny-extra · 1 month
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aq2003 · 1 year
i feel murderous intent within my bones whenever i see someone calling ten whiny for his "i could do so much more" speech . do not ever talk about him ever again. EVER again. i am in your walls
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pupika-samika · 6 months
A King is Nothing Without His People
Chapter 9
Dive into the Unknown
CW: None
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Spoiler alert. It did not work out. At least, not how Link hoped it would. He could have predicted about a hundred things happening before he predicted what was currently happening! He stood in front of King Dorephen and Prince Sidon, mouth much too dry considering where he was. "W-What did you say?" The two Zora towered over him, making the mighty hero feel small and powerless. A mere worm compared to the giant sharks in front of him. They- he can't be serious? There's no way she planned this far!
Link looked over at Mipha, the small Zora standing next to her younger brother. She looked surprised as well but unlike Link, she was much better at hiding it.
Link looked down at the parchment paper again, letting the words sink in as he memorized the contents. He knew what they said, he knew they were important but he couldn’t get it in his head that it was real. "Father, are you sure about this? This hasn't come to light in over a century, are you sure you still want to honor that kind of contract?" Sidon asked his father, looking as shocked as Link felt. 
Now you might be wondering, Link, how did we get to this point? To be quite honest, Link was wondering that himself. It started at 6 am, the time Yunobo woke up. The Goron woke up later than Link, which gave him plenty of time to make breakfast for them both. Two rockroasts for the Goron, and three omelets for the Hylian. 
"Good-" a yawn broke through the sentence. "Morning, Goro! Do you always wake up so early?" Yunobo asked as he sat beside Link, picking up one of the offered roasts. The Hylian had to admire Yunobos cheerfulness so soon after waking up, even he didn't feel so happy right after waking up. Link didn't answer the question, instead watching his friend's reaction as he ate the rock. 
Yunobo took one bite of the roast and lit up, chewing the rock much more enthusiastically. Taking another, much bigger bite he asked, "woah Link! Where'd you get this roast from, Goro!? It tastes delicious!" He praised, taking more chunks out of the rock. 
"Oh I made it. I found the recipe somewhere and wanted to do something nice for you." Link lied. It was much easier saying you found a recipe than explaining you had your friend's dead grandfather explaining how to make it step by step. "Is it really that good? I should've made one for myself." 
"It's delicious! Here, you can have the second one! You shouldn't miss out on a meal as good as this! You need strong rocks to grow big and durable, Goro!" Yunobo praised as he held out the rockroast. As tempted as Link was, he had to decline.
With a shake of his head, Link held up a hand to stop the offending rock from entering his personal space. “I already ate Yunobo, but next time I’ll make sure to make one for me too. I made those for you so you should eat them.” He explained, giving his friend a smile. With much convincing, Link was able to get Yunobo to finish both the rockroasts by himself. 
They finished eating breakfast at almost 6:30, the perfect time. If he planned everything correctly then his meeting with Dorephen wouldn't take too long. Hopefully less than an hour if it could be helped. Then he could spend the rest of the day in Vah Ruta, maybe spend the night in the machine if- 
"Oh, Link! I forgot about the promise I made last night!"
Yunobo cut Link out of his thoughts. Promise? What promise- Oh! 
"There's been some really, really strong monsters hanging around lately! They even have gold pelts, it's crazy Goro!"
"What?" Link asked, dumbfounded. Gold pelted monsters? That's ridiculous, there's no way there's golden pelted monsters…Right? "Where are they? I'll see if I can clear them sometime soon."
"We've already gotten rid of most of them, there's just that one Lynel near those whale bones up north but no one ever goes there so it shouldn' be a problem. You shoulda see them Link, Goro! They're so strong, it's takes two Gorons to take down a golden Bokoblin!" Yunobo raved, excitement sparkling over him. If it were any other race, Link might've been worried about how many monsters were in the area. But knowing how strong the Gorons were, Link felt he could put this issue on the backburner. At least for a few days. 
Link gave a hum in acknowledgement as he thought over the monsters. He could leave those be for a few days, until the next blood moon. The two spent a few minutes watching the sunrise, the sky becoming more blue and orange then black and red. 
“Well, I guess it's time for me to get going. Thank you again for the gift and information Yunobo." Link smiled, briefly glancing at the crimson ribbon inside his slate before switching to his map screen. He wouldn’t wear it now, only because his current hair tie was almost broken. He’d wear the ribbon when the tie finally broke. His fourth hair tie lasted much longer than the others, being bought during the last leg of his quest and seeing less hardship than his other three. "I'll visit again really soon, in about a month. I'll even stockpile on some rock-roasts for everyone to try." 
"Be careful, goro. And if you ever need help, I'll be right there! Just- give me a warning if you think you'll need my help with something," he paused, seeming to work himself up to say something. He waited, allowing Yunobo to gather his words. “And Link? You’re always welcomed here. Not just to my house but to the volcano, to the city, goro.”
Blinking in surprise, Link stared at Yunobo. The Goron looked away from him, seemingly embarrassed. “Thank you, Yunobo. I promise to come visit more often.” He promised, shooting a smile at the Goron. Yunobo fidgeted for a few seconds, making Link wonder what else he had to say. “Anything else on your mind?”
It happened so fast that Link thought he had gotten attacked. One second Link was standing, staring at Yunobo with his slate in hand, and the next he was being awkwardly smushed into a rocky chest.
The feeling of being hugged by a talus lasted for only a few seconds, not nearly long enough for Link to wonder if he should hug back. Yunobo let go and pushed Link back, stuttering out apologies for the hug. "I didn’t- I don’t- that was- I’m sorry for-" Yunobo was cut off when Link let out a laugh before giving Yunobo a hug back. While his arms couldn’t reach all the way around, Link hugged the Goron as best as he could.
"If you wanted a hug, you could’ve asked for one, big guy.” He said, not letting go until he felt Yunobo hug him back. “Thank you, Yunobo. For everything you’ve done.” He thanked as he let get of his rocky friend. 
Link dragged the cursor over to the Lanayru region, then zoomed in until he saw the Ne’ez Yohma shrine located in Zora's domain.
Yunobo, watching Link get ready to leave, smiled at him. “Make sure you visit soon! We can make rock roasts together!”
"I will. Stay safe Yunobo." Link bided before clicking on the Ne'ez Yohma shrine. He looked down at Fostri, watching as his friend floated up to grab a few strands of his hair. Would that be enough contact to teleport? Hopefully it was because Link already pressed the button. 
Link's world blipped into millions of blue particles before he was deposited on the base of the Ne'ez Yohma shrine. It had barely been a minute but Link was quickly regretting going from boiling hot to freezing humid. He threw on his Zora armor, barely registering the crimson leather that greeted him until he saw the Zora of the group floating up the overflown, watered stairs. Link looked down at his Zora armor then looked to the others of the group, two of which seemed amused by his silent panic. “Is this too weird? I could go to Hateno and redye it." He offered, feeling like his color choice could have a different meaning other than pretty colors.
"Why change it? You've already shown the Domain. Plus, I think you look good in red." Urbosa complimented, a mischievous smile on her face. Link was not reassured by that smile but seeing as he was already here (and she did have a point. Hell, Dorephen and Sidon said he looked good in red which, now that he thought about it- you know what. He’s just going to stop thinking) and he only had a few days till Impa reached Hateno. He needed to use his quickly dwindling time wisely. An annoyed huff later and he began making his way up the stairs, looking up to the sky. Unlike the first time he had been here, the sky was clear, not a cloud to be seen. The suns’ rays were beating down, gleaming harshly on the water. If he wasn’t here on borrowed time he’d consider going for a swim in such nice weather. Unfortunately, that will have to wait as one of the people he has to meet with is currently bounding his way over to the Hylian. 
“Fostri, you can go explore if you want, I’ll come get you when I'm done.” Link quickly and quietly whispered to the Korok who had fixed its seating arrangements and was now sitting on his shoulder. The Korok shook his head, only clinging onto a few strands of hair to voice his refusal. 
"I wonder, why does Mr. Link want me to leave so badly?" he started, standing on Link's shoulder to get a better view of the incoming Zora. "Could it be that Mr. Link doesn't want to introduce me to his friend?" He asked almost sadly. 
Link sucked in a breath, thoughts conflicting with each other. "It's not that, it's-"
“Link! It’s so good to see you again!” Sidon boomed as he stood near the stairs, shark tail slowly wagging behind him. 
“I can’t believe he hasn’t gotten over that habit, it’s been over a century. Surely father would’ve tried correcting him.” 
“Well it took you being dead to fully correct that, I’d say it takes time. Even then, sometimes you still wag your tail when-" 
“Hey Sidon,” Link greeted his friend, ignoring the loud conversation in front of him. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
“It has been! What are you here for today? Some fishing? Do you want to go on a swim? Oh, maybe we can go fight that Lynel up on Ploymus Mountain! I’ve heard from some of the warriors that they’re saying it’s turned into a golden Lynel, that must be exciting to fight! So how about it, Link? What are we doing today?” Sidon excitedly asked, tail swishing faster and stars lighting up in his eyes
Link frowned and looked away from his lo- his friend. With how excited Sidon was, he was beginning to feel guilty about the topic he needed to bring up. "I'd love to but I really need to talk to you and your dad about something. It’s important- I’d rather not talk about it down here.” He explained, motioning around to the very open area they were in. 
Sidon momentarily froze, before composing himself. “Ah, this wouldn’t happen to be about why Vah Ruta fired a laser about a week ago, would it?” Sidon asked as he backed up and began walking up to where his father resided. Link followed after him and nodded, idly waving to the shopkeepers and weaving around giggling groups of guppies. 
“It is. That’s why I have to talk with your father. And you- since you're a prince. Don’t worry, I’ll answer any questions you have when I’m done.” Please don’t give the sad eyes. Please don’t give me the- damnit Sidon. Link pointedly did not look at Sidon as he could see the slight pout on his face from the corner of his eye. The conversation died out as the two climbed up the overflowing stairs, King Dorephen being easily heard from the bottom of the steps. 
The Zora proudly stepped into the chamber, eyes flickering briefly between Muzu, who had already been in the royal chamber, and Link, before greeting his father. “Father, we have a visiter. Link requested a private conversation about Vah Ruta,” Sidon paused, glancing at Muzu. At the older Zora’s refusal to move he added, “he asked it be held privately.” Muzu looked to King Dorephen for permission to refuse but grumpily left when Dorephen asked him to leave. He left the chamber room, grumbling on how he’d be back. 
Alright, I got this. Just- explain what happened. It’s not that hard and you’ve done this before… his thoughts trailed off as he saw the expectant look on King Dorophens face. He took a deep breath to steady himself before he started. “A few days ago Vah Ruta fired a laser aimed at the castle. You probably noticed by now that Calamity Ganon isn’t surrounding the castle anymore. That’s because I was able to defeat him with the help of the beasts and the princess, they both had incredibly important roles in the fight. After the battle ended, the princess was infected with too much malice to survive. Her body was safely taken to the place where I was resurrected but only time will tell if she will survive.” He summarized, thinking over if he missed anything. 
“Tell them how you're king now- but don’t make a fool of yourself like you did with the Rito.”
“Revali I’m sure he was going to say that next, don’t rush him.”
Link was trying to ignore them, he really was. It was taking everything in him to not turn around and ask what the hell they were talking about this time. He must've made a face as Sidon asked if he was alright. He waved the concern aside, thinking over how to word his next statement.
"During the princess' last moments she had one request for me. She asked that after her death, in her steed I become-"
"King of Hyrule,” King Dorephen cut in. “Ah, such a shame those precautions must be used." He frowned, heaving a sad sigh. Prompted by their confusion he continued, "the princess had come to me over a century ago, months before the Calamity, and asked that I sign a contract with her. If, by some chance, she and her father were to both fall to the Calamity then I was instructed to help the next King of Hyrule. Which would be you, Link. In return I, and by proxy, the Zora, will get more contacts with the other races. Especially the Gorons, us two races have climates that challenge the other so it's difficult to arrange meetings." He rambled on, clearly forgetting the important matter at hand. "I've only met a handful of Gorons in my life, all surely dead by now. The first time I met a Goron was-"
"Father, can you please get back to the topic at hand? You said you formed a contract with the late Princess?" Sidon intercepted, deciding the rambling was not important enough for this conversation.
King Dorephen took a moment to orientate himself, abruptly realizing he had gone off topic. He cleared his throat and nodded. "Yes, as I was saying. The late Princess Zelda had come to me and we signed an agreement. If you'd like to see it, it's in the chest over there," he pointed in the general direction behind his throne. Sidon and Link made their way to the chest, King Dorephen twisting his upper body to watch them. There was indeed a chest behind the throne and inside there was a parchment paper. It was aged and yellowing, plus water damage was clearly eating at the edges. But the ink was still legible. From the signatures to the clause, even the fine print was readable. Link blinked in shock. There wasn't- she couldn't. That was the princesses handwriting, he spent too many nights up late reading her work to not recognize it. 
Now that you're all caught up, let's continue.
There Link stood, Link looked down at the parchment paper again, letting the words sink in as he memorized them. He knew what they said, he knew they were important and the signatures weren’t forged but he couldn’t get it in his head that it was real. "Father, are you sure about this? This hasn't come to light in over a century, are you sure you still want to honor this kind of contract?" Sidon asked his father, looking as shocked as Link felt. 
"It's a signed contract between two nations. As a King and as a friend of the late Princess it's my duty to not only honor her last wish but her last contract. Besides, no one has as much time nor experience to teach you as I do. So Link, will you allow me to help you? Will you allow me to fulfill the Princess' last wish?" King Dorephen asked, keeping leveled- as leveled as he could- eye contact with Link. 
He thought over this… could it even be called an offer? It seemed more like a demand- or even a plea to him. Nonetheless, Link had to accept. Except…
"I'd love to take your help, but Lady Impa from Kakariko already offered to teach me everything. She's headed to Hateno as we speak, she should be there in around five days. I could try to bring her here so you can both teach me at the same time but-" Link started, a slight pressure building behind his eyes as he thought over how to solve this problem. He wasn't even an official King, yet he was already becoming stressed like one. He’ll be grey before he even reaches a hundred and twenty at this rate.
King Dorephen, seeing the spiral Link was headed into, cut him off. "There's no need for that. I'm sure Lady Impa can handle your training on her own. Though, before you leave for your next destination, come back here. I'd like to give you a letter for Lady Impa." He requested. If someone else offered to teach him, especially someone as close to the royal family as Lady Impa, then he figured he could offer some breathing room in his schooling.
Link nodded at the request, figuring it wouldn't be too much of a hassle especially as he would’ve come back before he left to say goodbye. Besides, he couldn’t feel the smallest bit of annoyance when the pressure to learn so much so quickly was lessened slightly. Only slightly. Not a lot. Just by a tablespoon. Or teaspoon? Whichever was smallest. 
"Don't worry, Link. Even if this proves too much for you, don't forget that we're here to help you. While you might not have any memories from a hundred years ago we do." Mipha offered comfortingly, a hand moving to rub his arm but stopping just short of touching him. While the comfort never made contact it still did its job in calming him down. 
"Thank you for offering to teach me. If I ever need help I'll be sure to come to you. Lady Impa is still a few days away from Hateno so while I'm here can I look at Vah Ruta? I'd like to fix him up a little, just enough to get him running if he needs to."
There was barely a second's hesitation before Dorephen nodded in approval. "I don't see a problem with that. Be careful, some Zora say they hear monsters within the beast. Who knows what's made its way inside since the last blood moon." 
With little else to go over, Link was ready to bid his goodbye. “I think that's everything I needed to talk to you about. Unless either of you have anything you want to ask…?” He trailed off, looking between the two Zora to see if they had anything to say. King Dorephen is the one who speaks up, a somber look on his face. 
“How did she die?” He asked softly, as if he knew the question could set him off. Sidon yelped out a quiet ‘Father!’ in response to the question, yet they knew he was curious too. 
Next to him, Urbosa winced at the question, looking at him with pity. That was a sore subject for everyone, especially with how recent it was. “Well, better to be forward and get a straight answer than dance around the topic and get a misunderstood answer. I’d say that’s a terrible way to deal with a trauma victim but a good way to get information.”
“It’s also a good way to make him cry.”
“You… are an insufferable bastard. Do you know that?” 
Setting aside the twos’ bickering- were they always arguing? He’s only had them around for less than two weeks and it’s already gotten old to him, was this what Mipha and Daruk had to deal with for a hundred years? He thought over what Urbosa said, specifically the last part. Him? A trauma victim? He wasn’t a trauma victim! …Whatever trauma was, he wasn’t a victim of it!
“She died- she died in my arms. She was infected with malice and wouldn’t have made it. She begged me to kill her as soon as The Calamity was taken care of. I put her in the shrine I was revived in, so now all that’s left to do is wait and see if that helps her. It may not help her but… I’ll remain hopeful until the end. The shrine worked a miracle once, I’m hoping it can work one more.” Strangely enough, he almost didn’t feel the pain in his chest whenever he thought of Ze- the princess. Nope- he still can’t even think of her name without feeling choked up.
He bit his lip as he waited for someone to speak, anxiously looking between Sidon and Dorephen. The two Zora looked at each other, the two having a silent conversation only heard to them. After waiting a while for either to acknowledge him, he slightly bowed his head and turned around, careful not to make Fostri fall while making his way out of the chamber. Right as he got to the entrance he heard King Dorephan speak up, causing him to pause his walking. “Don’t doubt yourself Link, they would be proud of you. All five of them would be incredibly proud of you, especially her.” He vaguely stated, not specifying who ‘Her’ was. That confused him- which Her was he talking about? He didn’t let himself think over it too hard, letting his body go on autopilot. He heard faint chatter from inside the chamber but he tried not to eavesdrop, he was no longer a part of that conversation. 
He idly listened to Mipha talk about Ruta as he pulled out his slate, moving it from the Ne’ez Yohma shrine to the Vah Ruta teleporter. Fostri had sat himself on Link's head, his tiny feet kicking back and forth to keep himself entertained. They occasionally hit Link's forehead but he couldn’t find it in him to care too much. 
“I can’t wait to see Ruta again, I’ve missed him terribly these past few weeks. I wonder if-”
"Link! Wait up!” An excited, familiar voice cut the small Zora off. "Link! Would you mind if I accompanied you to Vah Ruta? I would feel awful if you went to fix that beast by yourself while I sat around doing nothing." Sidon had jumped off the top of the stairs and landed slightly in front of Link, easily righting himself. 
Link stumbled back as the large Zora jumped in front of him, almost falling over from the surprise greeting. If it wasn't for Sidons hand quickly grabbing his arm he had no doubt he’d be absolutely soaked, more than he already was. Once he could stand on his own he lightly tugged his arm away from the Zora, giving an appreciative smile. “You want to come with me to Ruta? Are you sure?” Though the question was directed at the prince he sent a side glance to the four champions now crowding the two. 
“He can come with, you could use the extra set of hands. And it’d do you some good to talk with someone who isn’t dead,” Urbosa pointed out. He didn’t want to admit that she was right. The past few weeks he hasn’t really talked to anyone unless he had to- or they were a ghost who followed him around when he didn’t want them to. He gave the idea a bit more though before reluctantly nodding, Sidon cutting himself off at the action.
“Ok, you can come with me. But it will take us a while to get up there- I usually teleport there but I’ve never brought another person with me.” He explained as he looked over the area surrounding Ruta, his sentence growing quieter as he thought. How long would it take to get up there? He’s never walked up that mountain before, only glided down it and occasionally scaling the smaller cliffs. 
Luckily he didn't need to think too hard for too long because the small voice of his best friend piped up. “But Mr. Link, you always teleport me with you. Can't you do the same with Mr. Prince Sidon?" 
If Link knew what a lightbulb was there would have been one blinding everyone. Unfortunately I don't think lightbulbs exist in the Zelda universe so a metaphorical torch appeared above his head. Fostri was a genius! Link wanted to send a grateful look his way, to hopefully convey every positive emotion he was feeling, but he thought it'd be weird if he did that in front of Sidon- who he was sure couldn't see the Korok. 
"Actually, give me a minute to check something over and I'll take you to Ruta. I'll be back in a little bit, wait for me by the shrine- '' Link quickly told the Prince, pausing just long enough to see the nod of confirmation before he felt the dizzying yet familiar feeling of being stitched and rewoven into reality. He opened his eyes to the sight of Vah Ruta looking worse for wear. He openly frowned at the beast but didn't have the time to openly study it like he wanted.
Faint chatter was heard somewhere off to the side yet he didn't want to eavesdrop. If he was meant to hear that conversation they'd be louder. He gently picked up the Korok from his shoulder and dropped him in the air. A startled yelp was heard before faint twirling replaced it, the Korok holding its trusty leaf to hold him in the air. "That was rude Mr. Link!" Fostri whined, making his way back to Link's shoulder.
"No Fostri, you have to stay here. I don't know how many people I can take at once and I don't want to risk it." He tried reasoning, thinking of anything to try and distract the Korok. "Why don't you go with the others and try to survey the damage? Then I can get to work right away and we can leave sooner. So stay here while I go get Sidon?"
The sound of rushing water, birds and faint chatter was all he could hear for a few moments, the Korok in front of him seemingly deep in thought.
A tiny, reluctant huff sounded from his friend. "I'll stay here, but I expect an apple in return for my troubles Mr. Link!" He said with a laugh and zoomed over to the now hushed group of champions who were openly watching the pair.
I'll bring so many apples. I'll even get the biggest, juiciest ones from the Hateno Orchid. He thought as he went back to the Ne'ez Yohma shrine, double checking that the Korok wasn't going to try and sneak back with him. He closed his eyes as blue consumed his vision and opened them when he felt the hot humidity of the domain surrounding him. 
Sidon wasn't there yet but he couldn't be too far away- nevermind, there he is. Was it just Link or did the Prince look more handsome than two minutes ago? The Zora looked ethereal. Divine even. The sunlight streaming behind him, the soothing dripping of the water streams, his bright smile. Link had to pause, his brain refusing to process anything other than pretty Zora standing in front of me what do I do Hylia help. Luckily he was saved from further embarrassing himself by Sidon speaking up.
"You beat me. I was hoping to make it here before you," Sidon all but whined as he glided down the stairs to meet Link. Could sharks glide? Apparently handsome, tall, red ones could. 
"I told you I'd be back soon. Couldn't leave you behind, not when you asked to come along." He replied back, quickly ducking his head to look at his slate. He was sure his cheeks were flushed red but didn't want to make it obvious. Well, more obvious than it was. Hopefully he could blame it on the humidity. As he spoke Sidon moved closer, leaning to peer down at the screen between them. "We'll need to have physical contact for this to work, but I've never tried this on anyone bigger than a very small child. I don't know how much is required for it to-"
Before he could finish his sentence, arms wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him into a hug, shoving his face into a toned stomach. He stilled, mind processing what was happening.
"Is this enough contact?" Sidon asked with an excited grin, tail furiously wagging behind him. Link could only nod and keep his gaze on his slate. He clicked on Ruta's teleporter and off the two went, the very fabric of their beings being torn apart and stitched back together with royal blue threads of fate. 
The two reappeared on the ground before Ruta, the champions nowhere to be found but clearly heard from within the machine. He could faintly hear an argument happening along with the sound of rushing water. He could only wonder what they were fighting about this time. 
"Ruta… how far you've fallen," he heard Sidon mutter off to the side. Link spared a glance at the prince, seeing the crestfallen look on his face. He then looked up at the beast, taking in its features for the first time. 
The trunk, he learned that's what it was called from Mipha, sagged heavily against the ground. Its head was downturned and the bottom of its chin was barely hanging off the ground. It was truly a sorry sight. Link turned to Sidon and gave him a comforting squeeze of the arm. "He'll be alright Sidon, we're going to fix him. Have some faith in us," he said softly, giving the prince a smile before releasing his arm. 
Link turned his face to his slate, looking away too soon to see the loving look Sidon sent his way. He was less than happy with how few ancient supplies he had but he'd have to make due. "Be careful, I don't remember if there were any electric monsters or currents inside. And anything could've made a home in there since I first defeated the beast." He said, swiping to his clothing section. The wind had grown frigid, leaving the Hylian to shake slightly from the cold. 
Seeing as they'd be here for a while, Link decided to take off his Zora headpiece and put his ruby circlet on instead. It kept him just warm enough to not freeze, that would have to do until he got his body moving. That couldn’t be soon enough. "You ready?" He asked the prince, getting a delayed nod in response. 
With some help of Revali's gale, plus a particularly strong mighty and tough elixir, he was able to get both of them to the entrance of Vah Ruta. Urbosa was waiting for him at the entrance but the other champions- and his korok companion- seemed to be further in the beast.
"No monsters in here. Even checked all the secret rooms Mipha remembered. The other four are looking over the back half but we found some areas that need fixing." She summarized, her gaze falling to Sidon every few seconds. Said Zora was looking around the machine, clearly on guard and ready for something to pop up.
Link put a hand in his tense forearm, making Sidon look down at him. “There’s no monsters in the main room so there shouldn’t be too many elsewhere. You can relax a little.”
Sidon looked like he wanted to disagree, even opened his mouth to do so, but seemed to back out at the last second. “...If you say so, Link,” he paused and gave the room another look around. “While I do trust you, I’ll keep my guard up for a little while longer. Being inside this beast gives me a bad feeling.” 
"If anything dangerous pops out I'll protect you," Link promised, sending Sidon a reassuring look.
Urbosa, who had been quietly watching the exchange between the two, let out an amused buff. "Are you two love birds done or must I stand here and watch this go on for several more minutes?"
Link jumped and tried to keep the heat off his face, having completely forgotten the Gerudo was even there. "We should uh- go get started on this," he stammered, avoiding looking Sidon and Urbosa in the eyes. 
The Zora prince, unaware of their audience of one, nodded and followed behind Link. While he looked relaxed and openly eyed all the mechanisms of the beast, his hand never let go of the Ceremonial Trident he used to fight with. 
Link sighed as he accepted that Sidon would stand guard the whole time they were there. He followed Urbosa, occasionally running into another champion who helpfully (or unhelpfully. CoughRevalicough) told him where something had to be fixed. 
Three quickly became five, then ending at seven as the rest of the champions and Fostri met up with the group. As he got to work on repairing some of the broken parts he couldn't help but listen in to the conversations around him. Although he knew they were there for almost the entire length of his journey, he couldn’t help but forget since they barely talked about it. It was times like this that he was quickly reminded of this fact when he heard Urbosa and Revali making bets in the distance. He couldn’t hear much of what they were saying, just enough to know they were making bets on him and Sidon. He opted to not listen, saving himself the embarrassment of knowing they knew about his love life- and lack of it.
They were about halfway through the day when Link remembered the topaz jewelry he'd had custom made some time ago. He only remembered after the third time he almost accidentally electrocuted himself, standing much too close to a puddle of water while working with electricity. 
"Oh by the way,” pausing his work, he got the jewelry out of his slate and offered Sidon a pair of gems. "In case there's any electric enemies, this should help keep the effects from being too bad.” He rushed out, heat creeping to his face when he saw that Sidon was already looking at him.
The Zora prince gratefully took the gems, tail slowly wagging behind him. "Thank you Link! I'll be sure to return them when we get back to the domain!” He beamed, pinning both gems on his sash. The yellow gems complimented the navy fabric and stood out against his white scales. 
Link shook his head, using the movement to look away from the prince. “You can keep them. I bought a few more gems for the other Zora that frequently go to areas with electric Lizalfol.” 
He heard Sidon moving and before he knew it, there were two arms around him, carefully dragging him to Sidons chest. “I greatly appreciate this Link,” he beamed, . “You’ve done so much to help us Zora. Words alone can’t express how grateful I am for all you’ve done for us.” 
Link started to squirm, unsure how he should be feeling about being in the Zora's hold. He only stopped when Sidon spoke up, his tone hesitant yet heavy.
“Link… I…” He started, tightening his grip around Link. “You’ve been so distant these past few weeks. Is it something I have done?” He asked, voice going quieter with each word. “Have I done something to upset you?”
The silence was thick as Link thought about the question. He slowly shook his head, deciding that now was the time to tell him. “No,” he started, unsure how to go about this. “No, you haven’t done anything Sidon. I’m the one that should be saying sorry.”
Sidon was quick to speak up at that. “Link, you don’t have to be sorry for anything. I understand that you’re incredibly busy rebuilding Hyrule and protecting her people. I just wish to know what I have done to upset you.”
Link shook his head again, more firmly this time. “No Sidon, you really haven’t done anything. Maybe we should sit down and I’ll tell you everything.”
So they did. Link sat on the side of one of the pools while Sidon floated near him. Here, Link told him everything. How he was slowly getting his memories back over the course of his journey, and with them his feelings for people long dead. He told Sidon about Zelda, how he felt about her and how she felt about him. He told Sidon about the secret dates and the research trips that always took longer than necessary. He spoke of the long days watching Rhoam berate her and the late nights comforting her. Lastly, he told him how they planned to get married and start their own family after everything was done. 
It didn’t need to be said how that never happened.
Sidon was silent through everything, patiently listening and waiting for Link to finish before speaking up. “Do you still have feelings for her?” He quietly asked, no judgment in his voice. If anything, his eyes held nothing but sympathy and understanding. 
He didn’t know what to say after that. Some days his heart ached to be with the one he loved, staring at his sword for hours at a time. Those days are the ones where he was Link from a hundred years ago, feeling guilty for the kingdom he couldn’t protect. 
Then there were some days where he hated her. Hated her for putting this responsibility on him, this kingdom and her people. Those days are the ones where he was some random boy born into a world he had to save even if he didn’t know why he had to.
All he could do was give Sidon a halfhearted shrug, unsure of the answer himself. “I think so. I don’t know.” He whispered, looking away from the Zora. "Everything's so confusing. I feel like all these emotions I have are from the old me. But then I talk with Impa, Purah, Robbie. You and your dad. I don't know what to feel when I talk with anyone who I knew before." He ranted, frustration with himself building as he felt the tears threatening to fall.
Sidon said nothing, making Link keep his head down in anticipation. Would he be upset at him for keeping this secret? Betrayed that Link has feelings for another? Would he be mad and leave? He didn't want to know. 
"Link? Would you look at me, please?" Sidon asked softly, the sound of water gently splashing as Link saw his shadow moving closer.
He didn't want to look up in fear that his fears would come true. Nonetheless he did, wanting to know what Sidon wanted to say.
Looking up at Sidon revealed none of that. Sidon had a sympathetic smile, nothing but complete sympathy and understanding on his face. “When you do figure out your emotions, do be sure to let me know. Until then, I shall wait for you for as long as you need. If you ever need a friend to talk to, please don't hesitate to ask me. I shall help you however you need, as it would be my pleasure.” The Zora stated, holding a hand over his heart. A vow he was always willing to hold.
And suddenly, Link didn't see Sidon anymore. He saw Mipha offering a healing hand while ranting talking about her day and the domain, or scolding him for getting injured again. He saw his childhood best friend who always had his back no matter what. He saw the sister to the one he loved, the Zoran princess he couldn't save.
"Link, how many times must I tell you to be careful? You Hylians are fragile, please take better care of yourself." The red Zoran princess scolded, gently holding Link's injured arm in her hands. 
The knight shrugged, looking away from the princess in front of him. They were having their weekly chats, sitting on Vah Ruta's trunk this time, Princess Mipha having recently gotten crowned as the beasts pilot. 
Princess Mipha sighed but held a webbed hand over the slash, letting her healing water wade over the wound. Link bit his cheek as a hiss threatened to leave him, training and desensitization being the only reasons he didn't flinch from the sting of the healing. 
It was quiet, the sound of water softly swishing being the only noise until Mipha spoke up. "I worry about you Link," she said softly as her healing faded, the slash leaving barely a car behind. "You constantly throw yourself in harms way for Princess Zelda and hold no regard for your own health. I worry your duty to the princess will get you killed." She confessed, tracing the freshly healed scar with a clawed finger. 
I worry too Mipha. But I have to protect the princess, it's my purpose. Link thought to the Zora, willing her to understand his thoughts.
Another sigh passed from her lips, letting go of his arm and allowing him to take the appendage back. "I suppose there's nothing I might be able to say to change your mind, is there Link?" She guessed, a sad smile on her face.
Link shook his head, knowing that even if he wanted to, being the princess' knight was his duty till he died.
"Then there's nothing else I can do but be here to heal your every scrape and wound. I promise to you that I shall always be here to heal you, even if I leave this world." The Zora stated, placing a hand over her heart. A vow she was always willing to hold.
Link stared at her until he blinked and saw Sidon once again, who was making his way out of the pool.
Sidon stood next to Link and held a hand out to help him up. “Now, I quite believe you said there was more work to be done here?” He asked, looking around the space they were in.
Relieved that he was changing the topic, Link wiped his eyes and nodded. He cleared his throat as well for extra measures. "Yeah, you're right." 
Neither of them pointed out his misty eyes or rough voice.
~Bonus content~
After Link and Sidons conversation, the two spent the rest of the day working on Ruta. Link felt that he could be turned on (don't ask how, he just had a feeling) but decided not to. 
Or well, he tried.
Honestly, his first mistake was saying his thoughts to Sidon. The Zora was so insistent that Link felt he had to turn the beast on. So with a warning of the noise and vibrations the beast would cause, Link set his slate to the control unit and allowed it to wake from its slumber once again.
The Zora was enamored by the beast now that it wasn't trying to flood his home, begging Link to sit atop it's back. Seeing as Link couldn't say no to him, the two watched the sunset from Ruta's back while Mipha enjoyed some time with her previous life partner.
The champions, who had been kind enough to not comment on their conversation, were spread across the beasts back to give a semblance of privacy. 
Link sighed, feeling at peace for the first time in a long, long while.
It's been almost two years since Link (now known as Link Durim Hyrule across his (HIS!!!!) people) had been crowned as King of Hyrule. His rule isn't perfect, he still messes up and burdens people with his mistakes. But it's a learning experience. One he and his people are learning through together. 
It's nearing the last day of the festival, the Miracle Festival some people have been calling it. On this day two years ago he defeated Calamity Ganon once and for all. The festival took place in the center of Castle Town. The once destroyed town was still destroyed but it was quickly being rebuilt into an even better version of itself. Bolson got his team together (including Hudson's mismatched band of races) and they got working on the new town.
Their hard work was truly paying off. The town was usable for the first festival, even if only the town square was able to be used. But this year almost the whole town could be used! Most of the buildings had been fixed up so store owners could store their wares or travelers could rest in one of the temporary lodges.
Seeing Link's kingdom, his people, his friends, his family. Seeing everyone come together to celebrate his victory? That was doing terrible things to his self-esteem. Hylia knows it was already too big.
The coming sunset signaled the time for the festival to come to a close. Store owners gave away the last of their wares and travelers bedded down one last time before the long journey home the next day. Link decided to go check and make sure no monsters were lurking in the shadows of the walls. After waving off the champions ("No I don't need company"), Paya ("I promise I won't rip my outfit again"), and Fostri ("I'd rather you stay safe in town. I'll bring you back some apples when I come back.") he set off to do a quick perimeter check.
He switched out his 'formal' attire (a shirt that was nice quality and ripped far too easily with pants that probably would've cost both his arms a century ago) and into his sheikah set. You could never go wrong with a classic. His Hylian shield and savage lynel sword were his chosen defense and offense for today.
As he neared the walls he got this sinking feeling in his chest.
Something was wrong.
Something was there. 
He narrowed his eyes and quietly got his sword out, holding it parallel to his body. His whole body tensed up as he heard voices on the other side of the wall, every muscle in his body pulled taut. 
"Does anyone know who’s Hyrule this is?”
“Fuck if I know! Four threw up on me and passed out!”
“Poor Four. Here, take this and give him to me.”
Link quickly opened his slate and downed a stealthy elixir, stalking as close as he could to the walls. He started scaling the walls, throwing his sword in his slate to make the move more quiet.
“When he wakes up he’ll be put on laundry duty. Whenever we find somewhere to settle down. Warrior, don’t you think this looks like Castletown?”
“If it is, it’s much quieter than most of ours. Could be ‘Rules?”
“Not mine, not enough magic in the air.”
“Kinda looks like mine but too big ta be. An' too quiet for the old mans.”
Link finally got to the top of the walls, peering down over the other side of it. There he saw eight people, two kids, two teenagers, and four adults. He glared, wondering if the children were taken against their will. While he didn’t recognize them, it wasn't impossible that there were some people he hadn't met yet. Perhaps they could be from out of Hyrule? But that doesn’t make sense, someone had asked who’s Hyrule they were in. Were there multiple kingdoms named Hyrule?
He didn’t question it for much longer before he grabbed his Great Eagle Bow, lined it with arrows and spoke up. “Put your weapons down and your hands up or I’ll be forced to shoot.”
The whole group spun around trying to find him, hands flying to the swords on their backs. Link was going to shoot until he saw one with a wolf pelt look up at him. Something about pelt seemed so… familiar. Pelt slowly raised his hands, making Link loosen the hold on his arrow. He didn’t harm people that were surrendering. “We don’t mean ya any harm.” 
“Uh Twilight, I think he’s the one that should be saying that, not us!” One of the teenagers hissed, one with pink hair.
“You don’t question the person with an arrow aimed at you who looks like they're prepared to shoot!” The adult with a long, blue scarf hissed back.
Link let an arrow fire past Pinkys head, watching his hat swish from the sudden movement. He didn’t have time for people to question him, not when he could feel Tenk laughing at him and his lack of authority over the situation. Of course the one spirit he couldn't get rid of is the one spirit that couldn't help him. “State your name and business for being here. I have to get back and I’d rather not have to escort you to jail.” 
One Eye spoke up, hands slowly coming down from above his head. “We’re here to find the hero of the land? We need to speak with him.” 
“Busy. State your name and business for being here.” Link pointedly said, aiming his arrow at One Eye. 
"Hey now! You wouldn't harm an already injured man, would you?" Blue scarf hissed, glaring up at Link. "Wouldn't kill you to set the bow down." He scoffed and threw his arms down, hand much too close to his swords handle.
Link decided Scarf would be a better target as he let another arrow fly, this time snagging at the edge of his tunic. A rip was heard as the arrow nicked the bottom edge of the fabric, keeping the piece pinned to the ground. 
The silence was thick as Link instantly lined another arrow. "I will say it once again. State your name and business for being here."
"I bet if you threaten one of the kiddos they'll be more inclined to answer." Tenk unhelpfully offered, lazily floating next to the kid in a colorful tunic. 
The kid in blue must've seen his eyes lingering on the other kid as he shouted "Don't!" Before a gust of wind knocked him down from his perch on the wall. 
Goddamit Tenk, Link thought as he fell. He prepared himself to feel the air leave his lungs and his back to snap.
He didn't prepare himself to get swallowed by a swirling mass of purple.
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saintbarou · 1 year
barou as a lion animal crossing character…ohh yeah…yeah..
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deeneedsaname · 10 months
Losing Donna was the last straw for ten. The man who loved so much, so often, who lost three beautiful, important women to him. He lost Rose, and just barely recovered, but partially at the expense of Martha’s wellbeing.
And then he finds Donna again, and he’s happy. He adores Donna, and like River said, “She held you back when you needed holding back, and she egged you on when you needed…egging.” Donna was his best friend, and proof that he could recover, and love, and love someone deeply.
And then he lost her.
And that was the last straw for him. He seems okay sometimes, but then Christina calls him ‘Spaceman’. And then he can’t do what Donna told him to, he can’t even save someone on Mars. He’s running faster and harder than ever before, and he’s trying to control something because he’s lost everyone. He lost Donna, the world won’t let him have anything, he went from briefly having a group of friends, a family, to fly a Tardis with, and within an hour, he was completely and utterly alone again, and that broke him beyond repair. That broke Ten beyond repair.
The Doctor losing Donna was it for him. It was the last thing he could take, until he regenerated. Ten suffered so much and loved so much, and he loved Donna with every last breath he had. And Wilf, even though he’s trying to help, showing the him Donna hurt him so badly. Like dangling all he wants and all he had so recently right in front of him. “You need her, wouldn’t she make you laugh again, good old Donna?”
And Wilf was right. Ten needed Donna.
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mandatorypartyy · 10 months
so. the mundane nature of everyday human life. what a drag. BUT. FOR FOURTEEN. IT'S A LUXURY. TO SIT STILL. AND JUST BE. NOT RUNNING FROM ANYTHING. he gets to live and be alive and breathe and laugh with people that simply love him. just love him for existing. not because of all the amazing, world-saving things he's done. but just because he is.
he gets to wake up and have coffee banter with his best friend. he gets to take his niece out to lunch (maybe on another planet cuz he WILL be sneaking her out) after she aced a test she'd studied for the whole week before. he gets to help make dinner for the family with evil stepmother. and, let's not forget, Wilf is still alive in the show -- they get to stargaze and wax poetic under gentle twilight together.
this show. never ceases to subtly remind me there can be reason to keep going
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catgirl-kaiju · 30 days
y'all ever think abt how crazy it is thatwe breathe air? m it's like wilf.
i can feel my heart beating
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lexa-griffins · 9 months
Im imagining Lexa traveling through the woods with her small toddling child. She is vaguely aware of something large moving in the distance. The longer they walk, the closer it gets… Eventually the large blond wolf reveals itself. Stalking towards them, snarling… Lexa stops, scared. But this tiny adorable child runs straight for werewolf Clarke. Hugging her giant face. Werewolf Clarke lays down and just immediately starts licking little bbs face. Lexa just standing there in awe.
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Anywho’s. Thats my cuteness thought of the day😂
🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 I am going to SCREAM, oh my fucking god this is so cute!!!!!!!!
Accused of being a witch in her hometown Lexa is forced to flee with her small baby in her arms. She barely had anything in her bag other than few food and a blanket and a bow and arrow, having been taught how to hunt as a child.
She's looking for something, a cave, a small house in the woods, a tent, somewhere she can rest and allow her babu to sleep comfortably in.
Lexa feels it before she sees it. She feels watched; stalked. She's on high alert, bow in hand, ready to defend her baby with her life. There are rumors that Lexa is aware of, legend of the creatures this forest serves a home to but Lexa would slay a whole demon if it meant keeping her kid safe, urging the toddler to stay close to her and quickly small arms wrap around her leg, afraid of the darken woods.
The monster surges forward from the tree line with a loud snarl and Lexa immediately points the arrow at its head, terrifying teeth on display, dangerous eyes focused on Lexa's weapon.
Lexa registers two late that the warmth of her baby around her leg is gone and her heart drops when she looks to the side to watch them toddling towards the werewolf with a joyful smile and a "doggy!" cheer to their voice. She hears her heart beating in her ears, terror sweeping over her.
But as soon as the beast sees her small bundle, it stops. Teeth put away, the massive wolf suddenly looks confused as the baby approaches it, hands stretched on front of them to pet the big dog. A sniff to air and the wolf's tail waggles with excitment at the small child, dropping to the floor in a rather playful, calm manner.
The baby jumps to petting the wolf who allows her to without discussion, licking the baby's face as a thank you and making the small toddler giggle.
Lexa finally regains her nerve after staring on awe at the scene, approaching child and wolf with careful steps and with a gentle pet to the wolf's head she sweeps her child into her arms, telling them it is time to go and thanking the gentle giant "for not eating us". It stays down as they walk away and Lexa takes a deep breath once it's out of few, gently reprimanding her child for doing such a dangerous thing.
It is about 10 minutes later when Lexa feels herself being watched once again. This time the wolf quickens its pace to catch up with them before slowing down and accompanying them. The toddler begs to be put down and after staring at the wolf as if asking for confirmation it wont eat her baby she lets them down. With a smile she watches as her baby pets the wolf and the wolf licks their chubby face in return before allowing the toddler to hold its fur along side Lexa's hand as they walk.
An hour more into the trip, Lexa finds herself tired and cold, snow having started to makes it's way down. The baby has fallen asleep, holding on to the wolf's fur as they sleep on its back. Lexa looks around, hoping to see smoke from a camp fire or chimney with no luck. Watching her attentively the wilf bites on the fabric of her lose shirt, pulling her along. Lexa asks what it wants, as if the wolf was to answer but after a few tigs to her shirt Lexa decides to follow it. It seems to have a fondness for her baby so at the very least Lexa knows it wont hurt them.
Lexa follows it through the woods, questioning out loud where it's taking them before a clearing up ahead gives way from a small wodden cabin, seemingly inhabited. Lexa sighs of reloef as they approach it, opening the front dore carefully, bow pointed at the darkness before she deems to empty. It has a single bedroom with bed, and Lexa urges the wolf with her baby on its back insidr as she tries to star a fire, looking around for a few candles.
She catches a rabbit and cooks it over the fire, feeding the wolf what she knows she will not be able to eat. It is already past midnight when Lexa takes her baby from the wolf's grasp, until now both happily cuddling by the fire. The wolf whines but does not lift its head from its place by the fire as it looks at Lexa holding her small child and wishing her a goodnight and thanking her for bringing them here.
The next morning Lexa wakes up underneath the blankets she brought, alone in the bed, the su light shinning through the small window of the bedroom. It was not a dream it seems. As Lexa opens the door she sees the fire still going but unlike she thought she would, she sees neither the wolf nor her baby and panic sets in.
Right on cue tho, the front door opens and in walks her child, cheeks red from the cold outside. Lexa walks towards them, to hug them or lecture them, she had yet to make up her mind when after her child enters a woman, the golden of her hair the exact same color of the massive wolf's fur.
The woman looks st her with a smile, arms filled branches and Lexa stares at her in disbelief, clearly connecting the dots.
"You're the-"
"Wolf? I am. Good morning."
"How? And who-?"
"Klork mommy!"
Her child says, staring at her with a smile. It is obvious Klork as already introduced herself.
"Yeah, I'm Clarke. And your name is...?"
"I'm... Lexa." Lexa states, bewildered.
They stare at each other for a while, Lexa's kid seemingly getting bored of their silence and sitting by the fire to play with the two rocks they brought in from outside.
Lexa's stomach grumbling is the one that kills the silence. The wolf-woman smiles big then, perfect teeth a heavy contrast with the sharp ones Lexa saw last night.
"Right, so, breakfast?" She asks, moving to the small kitchen area the cabin offers, Lexa's toddler following after her, both chanting about wanting food.
Lexa looks at them, and then around the cabin before wondering what else did she expect after following a damn wolf through the woods.
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10th doctor x reader - the stars in your eyes
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A/N: this is a collaboration made with the help of the ever wonderful @casserole-from-dads-asserole 💜
Part one:
Nobody had seen the falling star, it was almost unnoticeable to the untrained eye, barely visible in the evening light.
But they had noticed it. Wilf and his granddaughter as they were walking home, the star falling to the park nearby.
“Let’s go look!” Donna asked.
The little girl took her grandfathers hand and began to pulling him, and with a laugh he followed her.
“I’m sure it’s nothing sweetheart.” He said.
They looked around the park and it seemed empty, and the little girl frowned slightly as she pouted.
“Come on now, don’t pout.” Wilf chuckled.
He picked Donna up, and they began to explore the park.
Nothing seemed out of place or damaged, and after searching around, they decided to call it quits much to Donna’s protest.
“We have to get back before dinner.”
“But one more look!” Donna whined.
Wilf rolled his eyes a little bit.
“Alright, one more.”
So, they began to look around once more, and that’s when they found it.
It didn’t look like much, but it was definitely there, against a tree was a small body sprawled out, dirt on either side of it.
“Granddad…” Donna whispered.
“I see it, wait here.”
Wilf set his granddaughter down, and he slowly walked over, kneeling down next to the person, he realised it was a child.
A little girl, covered in dirt and dust, and he slowly reached out.
“Hey…” he whispered.
Wilf reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder and he recoiled at how cold she was through the jumper she wore.
He tried to shake her or get her attention somehow, but it wouldn’t work.
Shrugging if his jacket, he wrapped it around the girl and picked her up, rushing back over to Donna.
“Quickly now.”
“What is it?!” Donna asked.
“It’s a girl! Come on now!”
They ran back home, and straight upstairs to Donna’s room where they laid her on the bed.
They grabbed some blankets and covered the girl up with, and they tried to raise her temperature but nothing was working.
“She needs to go to the hospital..” Wilf whispered.
Donna stared at the girl, kneeling next to her on her bed.
She reached out and poked her cheek, and the girls eyes open, wide and seemingly staring at absolutely nothing.
Wilf walked over and looked down.
“She has the stars in her eyes…” Donna whispered.
They both stared at the seemingly ever changing constellations in the girls eyes, the colour changing softly as the patterns changed.
“Donna get back…”
Wilf lifted Donna down, and they both carefully back away from the girl, and soon her eyes closed again.
Now they were at another loss, how to hide her away from everyone because they couldn’t tell anyone.
So, wilf settled for hiding the girl in his room, since nobody would go into his room, that’s where he hid the girl, at least until his daughter and granddaughter went back home.
And when they did he moved the girl over to Donna’s room again, and even though she was breathing, she didn’t seem to be awake.
Not for the first two weeks, then finally when he came in with some clean blankets he noticed the girl sitting up.
“Good heavens…”
He slowly walked over and sat down on the chair next to the bed.
“What’s your name sweetheart?” He asked.
The girl looked over at him, (E/C) eyes shining brightly as they seemed to stare right through him.
Wilf sighed softly, shaking his head.
“I’m sorry love, I’m not your dad. My name’s wilf, what’s your name, do you know it?” He asked softly.
“(Y/N)…” you whispered.
“That’s a beautiful name (Y/N), where’s your family?”
“I… do not have a family anymore…” you sniffled.
A few tear ran from your eyes, and instead of clear tears like he was used to, these seemed to shine before fading.
“What are you…?” He whispered.
“I come from the universe… it created me…”
You snapped out of your head to feel a hand placed in your shoulder and you smiled a little bit, immediately recognising the hand.
“You’ve been up here for a while.” Wilf said.
“Sorry, I got lost in my head again.”
Wilf chuckled a little bit, and he placed a blanket over your shoulders and you could feel him looking at you.
“Will you make me another one?” Wilf asked.
You laughed softly, and you turned to his direction.
You opened your eyes, and you stared at the mass of silver particles sat in front of you, they didn’t really take a shape but they didn’t need to.
You would recognise the stardust of the man who had raised you.
All around you could see the stars and the planets near and far, but you tuned them out and you focused on him.
“I’ll make you a little nebula dad.”
Wilf smiled, and he watched in fascinated as you moved your hands.
To anyone it would’ve looked like nonsense, nothing, but he had watched this over and over again, he couldn’t see what you were doing, but he could see what was taking shape.
It was slightly red, painted with the odd blue or purple, and when he looked at your eyes, he could see the constellations moving and changing within them, just like they always did.
“Put you hands out.”
Wilf put his hands out and you set it into his hands, and you held your hands over it, closing your hands around it and you let go.
And he brought it all.
A small little nebula, a small cluster of stars, and stardust that wasn’t need, created just for him.
He could move it around his hand, change it’s shape but that’s all he could do to it.
Very carefully his moved his hands to the side, and he placed it in a small mason jar sitting next to him, and he sealed the lid.
“Doesn’t it tire you out making all of them?” Another voice asked.
“Oh don’t spoil our fun Donna.” Wilf pouted.
“Come on grandad, she makes you a new one every week. What even happens to them?”
Donna pulled a sheet over and she sat next to you, looping her arm with yours and you smiled to yourself.
“I don’t mind what he does with them, I like making them.”
“Seriously though, doesn’t it tire you out?”
“No, I could make small ones all day every day. They don’t take energy, I just take the stardust and I fuse it together.”
You looked to your right, looking at orange stardust sat next to you, and you smiled a little more.
“Am I still orange?” Donna asked.
“Always have been.”
“Oh come on! Is this because of my hair?” She huffed.
You laughed loudly, and you looked at her.
“It’s just your colour, dad is silver, your orange, your mum is green, I don’t why, and strangers are blue.”
“Have you seen any other colours?” Wilf asked.
You thought for a moment before shaking your head.
You let go of Donna and shuffled down, resting your head in her lap, and she smiled down at you, looking as your eyes matched the stars above you.
Sometimes they would lock on whatever was above you when you looked at it, and you could focus on that more clear.
“No, I’ve only seen your colours before. But.. but sometimes I see gold…”
“Gold?” Donna asked.
You nodded and closed your eyes.
“Like a trail of gold all over space and earth too, but I can’t pinpoint it.”
You took a deep breath and you pushed your soul from your body, and you wondered around, stretching a little bit.
You ran through the stardust, it was mixed with all different colours, bright but barely viable at the same time.
You heard movement and you looked down at wilf and crouched next to him, trying to see what he was hiding.
“What’re you doing now granddad?” Donna laughed.
“She’s at it again.” He chuckled.
“Oi! Save it for the wedding I want you to be there!”
You stepped back into your body and you smiled, opening your eyes.
“I promise I’ll be there, I wouldn’t miss my big sisters wedding.”
Donna grinned down at you.
“You better not you lump of stardust.”
You laughed loudly and so did they.
It wasn’t long before the wedding, and while they all went, you stayed at home with wilf.
While everyone went to the wedding, you sat next to the man wasn’t feeling very well, and you looked at him.
“You want to go to the wedding?” You grinned.
“What’re you planning?” Wilf chuckled.
“Simple, I can astroproject, take us both there!” You beamed.
“I don’t have to get dressed up all fancy do I?”
“Nope, nobody can see us.”
Wilf grinned a little bit.
“Go on then, all grown up but ever the little trouble maker aren’t you?”
You grinned from ear to ear and got him to lay down, then you laid on the floor at the front of the sofa and closed your eyes.
The process was quick and easy, you pushed your soul from your body, and you walked over to him.
You tapped his forehead and he stepped away from his body and looked around amazed.
“This is what you see, all the time?” Wilf asked softly.
“Without the objects, I can’t see any of them in my physical body.”
You held out your hand and beamed a little bit.
“Come along then! We’re going to be late!”
“Lead the way!”
Wilf took your hand and you were at the wedding in a matter of seconds, and you both stood there grinning from ear to ear.
You stood at the front, and you turned around to look at Donna.
“She looks so beautiful…” wilf whispered.
“She really does… I’m so happy for her…”
Wilf sniffled a little bit and you held his arm.
“Don’t cry, you’re going to make me cry…”
You both laughed softly and you watched as Donna began to walk down the aisle.
“What’s that surrounding her?”
You searched the particles surrounding Donna, but they were surrounding here, they were here.
“I.. I don’t know..”
Donna began to scream and you watched in horror as he just vanished into thin air.
“Donna!” You and Wilf yelled.
You took him back and tapped his forehead, returning him back to his body and you did the same thing.
Bolting up, you jumped up and pulled your hair away from your eyes, searching around for the familiar orange trail that was your sister.
“Can you find her?!” Wilf rushed out.
You turned around to him and you placed a hand on his shoulder, easing him back on to the sofa.
“I’ll find her, I promise, but you need to stay here.”
“Don’t forget your glasses!”
You grabbed the sunglasses from the table and put them on, then ran outside.
The only problem was that yes you could track her, but you had to follow her entire route for the day, you couldn’t just appear next to her in a physical form.
So you focused on her, and everything else faded away, but even not the trail was contaminated, extremely faint.
You took off running, getting a taxi straight to the wedding and you looked inside, her trail ended here.
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath.
“Come on Donna…”
Donna sat in the back of the taxi that was speeding away, and she felt panic rising, she didn’t know what to do.
Looking at her hands, she saw the ring you had made for her as a birthday present when you two were teenagers.
Reaching out, she touched it, and when she pulled her hand away, it glew for a split second before going out again.
“Find me…” she whispered.
You snapped your eyes open and you saw the trail as clear as day.
You began to run again, not caring how long it was going to take, you needed to find her and you needed to find her fast.
While you were chasing her, there was another trail as well, that same gold trail you never could place to anyone, and it was following your sister too along with a red one you hadn’t seen before.
You didn’t know what was creating these two trails, but you didn’t like how close they were to your sister, and there was only one way you were going to find her before they hurt her.
You stood and took a deep breath, letting out body become stardust, become nothing and everything all at the same time.
It was easier to move this way, you linked yourself with the orange particles in front of you and within a second you were on the motor way.
“I can’t do it!” Donna yelled.
“Trust me.” The man spoke.
You could see him, or anything much since you had partially linked yourself with Donna to find her.
“Is that what you said to her? Your friend? The one you lost? Did the trust you?”
“Yes she did, and she’s not dead, she’s so alive. Now jump!”
You could feel her hesitation, and you could feel her hesitation, so you broke the link and sat behind her, and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Jump, I’m here..”
And Donna jumped, and you jumped too, taking her hand and pulled her into the strange man you still couldn’t see.
She landed on him, and you landed on the floor with a small thud.
While they weren’t looking you return to your normal physical body, and you quietly hid yourself and waited for it to be clear.
“(Y/N)?” Donna asked.
You still hadn’t come outside, not until whatever you were on stopped and a door wasn’t opened, and you slipped out just after Donna.
“(Y/N)?!” She yelled.
“Who’s (Y/N)?”
“My sister doctor, she was right there!”
“I still am.”
Donna spun around.
“Oh you…”
She ran over and crushed you into a hug, and you smiled softly, hugging her back, letting her hold you tightly.
“It’s okay… I’ve got you… I’ve always got you…”
You stared straight ahead, and the golden trail ended there.
“Who is he?” You asked quietly.
“He calls himself the doctor.”
You nodded a little bit and look at the mass of golden particles that was walking about something you couldn’t make out.
Donna pulled away and she stood between you and the doctor, and she lowered your sunglasses a bit.
“What do you see?” She whispered.
“He’s gold… he is the reason behind the golden trail among everything…”
“Does he know you’re not human…?”
You shook your head and pushed your glasses back up.
“No, I’ll always come across as human it’s okay.”
Donna nodded and she sighed, hugging you again, and you felt eyes burning into you.
So you stared back, and for the first time in his life the doctor felt a sense of unease, he couldn’t see your eyes, but he knew you were looking at him.
And something about the way you looked at him made every single cell in his body want to turn around and run for the hills
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riddles-fiddles · 1 year
Ooh that last scenario gave me the idea of doing the same TO Riddle, I bet he never touch himself and it would be great if his s/o teaches him how!
Characters: Riddle Rosehearts Tags: NSFW, smut, smut with no plot, handjob, masturbation Notes: gender neutral reader, everyone is 18+, I'm a convict believer it would be so fun to play around with him and just tease him with lewd matters lmao
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The soothing silence of the room is interrupted by the lingering moans and pants that Riddle elicits, a low, urgent melody that melts from his lips. The way he arches his back against the fluff pillows and his hips bucks in shaky thrusts against your hand sends a thrill down your spine - he looks absolutely beautiful and so uncharacteristically vulnerable at the absolute mercy of your hands.
There's a fine layer of sweat sticking to his lean figure, making his pale sking glisten against the gentle strands of sun that peeks through the widows of his room. The smell of arousal heightens your senses with ethereal longing, mingling with the gorgeous view of a Riddle with eyes tightly shut, mouth slightly agape, allowing shy sounds of satisfaction to ressonate through his throat.
Your eyes linger around every curve of his skin, drinking in the sight of his bare figure; his chest heaves with the erratic rythm of his breathing, body hot and squirming at every calculated pump of your hands. You can feel the way his cock throbs in antecipation and how his grip tightens around your wrist like it's his lifeline, and it makes your heart burn with smug pride.
A whine of protest falls from his parted lips when your hand releases his aching, needy lenght with a dry last pump. His eyelids slowly pries open to reveal his stormy eyes ablaze with lust and longing; you watch as his eyebrows furrow ever so slightly, giving his delicate and pleasure-drown features a silent question that most felt like a plea from the way his hips shakily thrusted into the air a few more times before falling limp over the sheets.
"You look so handsome like that, my love," you coo at him, one of your hands coming to brush a wilf strand of hair away from his face, fingertips caressing at his damp temple. "But there's no point in me doing all the work, now. Come on, show me what you just learned." "But I-" Riddle tries to protest, but you shush him with a reassuring peck at his lips. His breath hitches at his throat, being momentarily ridden of any of his usually smart and well articulated remarks, making you giggle with affection from his reaction. It was clear as day just how much he wanted to continue feeling your touch, the way you orchestrated his impending orgasm with painfully slow strokes, but by the determined look on your face, he knew you wouldn't yield. No use for puppy dog eyes.
Riddle mumbles his protests, slowly making himself comfortable between the fluffy pillows. Suddenly, a wave of realization washes over him, the exposure and vulnerability dawning over his inhibitions. With flushed cheeks, he tries to cover as much as possible, knees knitting together only for his attempts to be frustrated by your firm grip over his thighs. Riddle's eyes widens when you position yourself to sit right the base of his kness, the weight pinning him down and forcing his legs to sit spread and still.
Shaky, lean fingers wrap around his shaft, the slightest touch of warmth sending shivers down his spine. Riddle closes his eyes once again, not only heightening his senses, but also trying to flush the sudden shame of being observed while doing something so... lewd. Slowly, his hands strokes up to his throbbing cock and down to his base, pulling the skin with an experimental rythm, uncertainty plasteres over his features, but you do not intervene, merely giving him a nod of approval everytime he sought guidance. You watch in awe as Riddle finally builds some confidence, his pumping growing more consistent and quickier, sighs falling from his lips as pre-cum starts building on the slit of his flush head. You need to bite your lips to stop you from leaning in, hunger beaming over your irises from the lustful spectacle.
Riddle moans and writhes under your weight, his strokes growing clearly needier and sloppier by the second. He cups his engorged head, frantically caressing it in a hazy bliss, and from the way he groes bolder, you can assume he's getting closer to his ectasy. With an amused hum, one of your hands reaches to fondle his balls, teasing and gently squeezing them. It's a delight how Riddle squirms and his hips rolls with fervour against his own hands, the pleasure too overwhelming for him; it was his first time discovering about the pleasure his body was capable of working up, after all.
His reactions are all too cute to resist, too - the way his eyes rolled to the back of his head, back arching as he just instinctively bucked his hips, hands franctically pumping up and down his throbbing cock as he desperately chased after sweet release; his tongue shyly peeking from his luscious lips as moans filled the space between you two, managing to gasp out your name with urgency. God, Riddle looked a piece of art. Gorgeous and messed up, lost in hazy pleasure as his primal desires took over.
When the coiling knot over his stomach finally eased out, allowing his cum to spill unabashed with thick shots all over his abdomen, Riddle lets out a final, almost guttural groan slip from his lips, trembling and gasping for air. Next time, maybe, you should bring in some toys as well.
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borrowedtimeandspace · 7 months
Picking Up the Pieces
1 | 2 | 3 [here]
AU: A Patient, and Time (Donna AU)
“Donna? I was just going.”
“Yeah. See ya.”
Such an absentminded goodbye from Donna sent something cold right to the Doctor's chest. After all they'd been through, very little would feel like a satisfactory farewell, but this…
And as he walked away, listening to her mundane phone chatter fade into the background, he reminded himself that he was lucky to get any sort of goodbye from Donna at all.
His remaining companion didn't even have that luxury.
When he poked his head back in the bedroom and took a quick glance around, he didn't see Zepheera right away. That was to be expected, as she was meant to hide. So he gently called out, “Zepheera?” and waited for a response.
None came, at least not directly. If he hadn't lived with someone so small for so long, he might have missed the quiet sound of sniffling. And it wasn't coming from the nightstand.
The Doctor approached the bed with measured steps, and he hesitated only a breath before leaning down to gently pull back one side of the pillow. Having long since sensed his movement, Zepheera was just pushing herself up to stand as she scrubbed at her cheeks. It took her a few ineffective steadying breaths before she brought herself to lift her chin and lock eyes with the Doctor.
He felt the slightest bit of his resolve to stay strong for everyone here crumble away. Those tiny violet eyes were no longer full of the anger towards him that they had when he left the room. Without it, all that was left was the hurt that the Doctor knew he shared with her.
With one hand holding back part of the pillow, he lowered the other to lay palm-up next to Zepheera. She stepped up onto it stiffly, shoulders squared and chin held high. The Doctor recognized it as her attempt to put up a front the way he was, as she remained motionless while the Doctor's fingers curled into a living railing beside her.
Her hastily built walls shattered once the Doctor lifted her away and drew her in towards himself. Despite moving slowly and smoothly, he felt her weight shift and her usually impeccable balance waver in his hand, and he froze. He watched her knees give out from underneath her as she collapsed in a heap at the base of his fingers. She leaned as heavily as her slight frame would allow against the lower segments of two of his fingers, and the Doctor felt more than saw her tiny hands clinging to one of them as she shook with barely restrained sobs.
A tightness in his chest made the Doctor aware of the breath he'd been holding, and he forced himself to give one long inhale and exhale. Still, he couldn't bring himself to break. Zepheera needed him.
So he carefully lifted his free hand to curl its fingers around Zepheera's back, gently resting on it in case she rejected the gesture. She didn't, and any remaining weight she carried leaned into their touch. With that acceptance, the Doctor let his fingers reach further, all but surrounding the borrower in his hands as he drew them into his chest.
It wasn't exactly a hug, but it was the closest they could come to one in that moment. Though the Doctor couldn't do the same for himself, he let Zepheera grieve and work through the emotions he kept inside.
Wilfred’s gentle voice, filled with concern, drew the Doctor's attention. Seeing the state the Time Lord was in, he glanced between his hollow gaze and the curled hands he held close. 
“I'll walk you out,” offered Wilf, wishing he didn't have to.
The Doctor nodded, finally dragging his feet to move out of Donna's room. Out of her house. Out of her life. For the last time.
At least he wasn't alone.
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gluevah · 1 year
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Got some mail today! My Bigfoot from Build-A-Bear arrived today, along with two cute shirts c: I also got a Jellycat Wilf Wolf on Amazon.
The Bigfoot is so cute! He has such a sweet face (especially after I changed his eyes lol) and I love his little paw pads and tiny ears. His paws crinkle! He's really fluffy and soft, his fur reminds me of the first werewolf. It's very shaggy, and a bit thin. Lots of little crispy bits that I need to go through and remove though lol.
Wilf Wolf is one I've wanted for awhile, but I had heard he was retired and selling for a lot so I wasn't holding my breath. But someone on reddit mentioned that Amazon had them, so I debated for like 10 minutes, and then bought him. He is literally the softest plush I've ever touched, omg. The fur is so thick and plush, even parting it I can't really see the backing clearly. I also love the fabric on his face/paws/ears, it's one of my favorite textures! He looks really cute in the lil mushroom sweater vest.
I don't know what to name them yet but I'll think of some good ones! C:
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gingerteaonthetardis · 11 months
Apple cider, and any variant of Tucker and Rose you’d like (I know you have a couple lol)
thinky! thank you so much for this prompt. i once again just sort of started another au with it, because i have no self control. i just love putting these two in Situations. or three, rather. wilf showed up in this one, for some reason. hope you enjoy (when you get your internet back, lol)!
read on ao3 here. or send me a prompt here!
something for nothing
"Hot," Rose asked, thrusting out her hands, "or cold?"
In each was a paper cup, the left one gently steaming while the older man glanced back and forth between them with his usual consideration.
"That depends. Is it chocolate?"
"Coffee, then?"
"No." She failed to stifle a grin. "Sylvia would have my head and you know it."
An extremely unnatural-looking scowl made its way across his face. "It's not one of those fancy 'steamer' things, is it? Those always end up tasting like plain old spoiled milk."
Rose shook her head in fond impatience. "Just pick one, will you? Or they'll both be cold."
His eyes narrowed beneath his bright yellow bobble hat. "Fine, then. Hot," Wilf finally declared. "But this had better not be like the time you put chewy stuff in my tea."
"Boba," she corrected. "And don't worry, only liquid in there. And some spices, of course."
At this, Wilf took a long inhale, his nose hovering just above the thread of steam. It was endlessly endearing, how dubious he was about the whole exercise.
Then again, she had just been a stranger who walked up and offered him eggnog, that first time.
It had been nearly a year ago, around the holidays, and she'd been leaving after another long, tedious shift at the café across the way. Her manager had given rare permission to close up early after Rose pulled a double, but she'd not taken advantage: instead, she'd satisfied an intense exhaustion-fueled craving for eggnog by whipping it up right there in the shop.
But she'd made a bit too much, and with no one to share it with, she'd spied the old man at his newspaper stall—such a merry figure, like Father Christmas himself in a heavy red-and-white striped scarf, packing up his stacks of paper like gifts bundled in twine. He'd looked so cheerful and so cold, with his red nose and fingerless gloves, that she went out and offered him a cup of still-warm eggnog. He'd kindly offered a copy of Radio Times in trade, and suddenly they were talking like old friends.
That had been the beginning of a ritual which she held to after nearly every shift she worked. She never emerged without two cups of something to share, and he always held aside a paper or magazine he thought she'd like. They didn't always chat, but they did undeniably enjoy one another's company.
Rose thought of him almost like an adopted grandfather.
She watched with amusement as he put his eye to the narrow hole in the lid like it was the lens of a telescope, trying to see the colour of the substance within. She bit down hard on her lip. "What can you see?"
"Not much," Wilf admitted.
"Drink it! I promise there's nothing odd in there—well, too odd, I mean."
He shook his head at her, but he was smiling as he went to take a sip. She waited, holding her breath—and was delighted when his eyes lit up.
"Oh, that's not bad," he proclaimed, "not bad at all!" As he took another sip, Rose finally lifted her own cup to her lips.
Ripe apple, cinnamon, nutmeg—a faint hint of smoke—even cold, it all burst over her tongue, evoking a sense memory disconnected from anything she'd ever personally experienced. It reminded her of campfire nights after crisp autumn days, falling leaves and waning grey skies. Days so perfect they could really only exist in films, or books, or daydreams.
"It's cider, but with a little—something! Very good, Rose," Wilf added warmly. "So, what's the secret?"
"An infusion of lapsang souchong while the cider's warming up." She was a little proud of that one. "And all the usual suspects—clove, cinnamon, a tiny bit of anise… I have more," she said, patting her thermos where it stuck out of her messenger bag. She'd planned to take it home and sip it with her feet up in front of the telly, but seeing how eagerly Wilf drank from his cup made her want to share more instead. "Want a refill?"
"Let me see to what I've got first," he said, after another savoring sip. "It's good stuff! Is it going on the menu?"
She scoffed. "Of course not. Nobody around here wants fussy cider. They just want tea, or else coffee, black, no sugar—god, if you only knew how many red eyes I make in a day…"
"Well, it is Westminster," Wilf reasoned, looking around at the street which, while presently quiet, was crowded with buildings still fully lit up at long past six. "There's always some crisis they're perverting."
Rose hesitated. "You mean averting?"
"I meant what I said," he replied with a chuckle. "Takes a lot of energy to play at running the world."
"Yes, well, I just wish they'd get a bit more creative with their drink orders while they do it. Civilisation won't end if one of them branches out and adds a shot of vanilla to their latte! And," she went on, voice hushing dramatically, "then there's the peacoats. They all wear the same bloody shapeless things. What is with that?"
"Speaking of peacoats…" Wilf coughed, clearly covering a laugh. "Evening, Mr. Tucker!"
Rose tripped over her own feet whirling around to see who he was talking to, and then nearly stumbled up again when she saw who it was.
Malcolm Tucker.
The Malcolm Tucker.
The scariest man in British politics, and possibly in Great Britain generally, stood about a foot away from her.
She recognised his face from Wilf's newspapers and the occasional clip on telly: fair eyes, humped nose, harsh lines bracketing a restless mouth, head crowned with tarnished silver hair. Under the flat, unforgiving light of the street lamps, he looked hyperreal. But even someone who didn't know his face would see evidence of his hand everywhere. He ruled the media with it. He puppeted the ministry with it.
And he was shaking Wilf's hand with it.
"Wilf, how the fuck's business?" he greeted, breezing right past her, smiling with the kind of familiarity that couldn't be faked. It even looked sincere. He brushed close enough that she could smell the wool of his coat, and she winced.
"Better, now that your mug's back out of the papers, sir!" Wilf laughed, and strangely, so did Tucker. "What'll it be today? We've got the New Statesman, fresh out this morning. There's an interview with your man, that baldy economist—"
But the other man brushed him off carelessly. "Oh, please, none of that, I'm off the clock."
"What brings you round, then?" For a second, Wilf's eyes darted sheepishly her way, and she could only goggle back in confusion. It was like he didn’t want to give something away, something secret. To Tucker, he said, voice low, "Celebrity Skin?"
Rose's jaw dropped. "Wilf!"
"Now, now, Rose, you can hardly fault the man! Just because he's in government doesn't mean he's made of metal."
"It's not him scandalizing me," she shot back with a laugh. "Wilfred Mott, I learn something new about you every day."
“Got to keep you interested, don't I?” Teasing though his tone was, there was also a glint of genuine pride as he added, “Or else I'll stop getting the best hot drinks in London hand-delivered to me!”
They were so busy sharing smiles that it took her a moment to remember they had audience. A rather intimidating audience. One of his iron-dark eyebrows was arched in something like humour. “That so?” Tucker said, eyeing her up and down.
“She’s more than just a pretty face, she is,” Wilf replied, and she felt herself flush. Whether it was from Wilf’s blunt, overenthusiastic praise or the assessing look she was receiving from the Prime Minister’s media enforcer, she couldn’t tell. “You should—oi, Rose, why don't you give him a little of that cider stuff? Mr. Tucker looks cold. Or maybe that’s just his personality.”
She rolled her bottom lip between her teeth, amused by the blatant ribbing. He’d accompanied it with a wink, and Tucker didn’t seem offended. In fact, his smile was back, spreading slowly, like it was foreign to his mouth.
“Not sure that's a good idea, actually,” she said.
“Why not?” asked Tucker, locking eyes with her for the first time. There was just something about his face; she knew she ought to be intimidated by him—and maybe she was, a little—but she was at least equally fascinated. He looked just like a man, ordinary.
Except not.
His gaze was too intense for that. Like it was used to cutting right through people. All day, people with glazed-over eyes muttered orders at her—barely seemed to even notice her. It was a startling change, to feel so… observed.
She blinked. “Do you usually risk drinks from strangers?”
“You're saying you wouldn't, if you were me?”
“If I were you—there’s an idea,” she dared with a breathless laugh. “If I were you, we probably wouldn't have quite so many bald, boring blokes in office. And things would probably get a bit more West Wing. But I wouldn't risk poisoning, no.”
“You're clever, then.” The smile that played around his mouth was a shade off the one he’d offered Wilf, but she liked it all the same. “Cleverer than me.” Her eyebrows jumped, and the corners of his lips only ticked higher. “I'd love a warm drink, if you can spare one. It's been a… very long day.”
And she didn’t know quite how, or why, or anything at all, but her hands just started moving on their own, sliding down the strap of her bag to the pouch with her thermos. She was actually going to share her drink with the Hitman of Downing Street, the thing that lurked under the beds of the ministers she saw on television.
You couldn’t make this stuff up.
“Easy, now,” Tucker drily warned. “No sudden moves. I might get clever.”
She chuffed a laugh. “Not likely.” But she slowed anyway, attention bouncing momentarily to Wilf—who was watching their exchange with a rapt and wildly amused expression—before she turned back to Tucker.
His eyes were more reflective of the colour of the sky than she’d ever imagined eyes could be. So blue and grey that it was like looking through the clearest water at the river stones beneath.
She couldn't quite shake off the observation—couldn't manage an appropriate amount of detachment as she withdrew the thermos and twisted it open. Concentrated steam burst free, smelling sweet and enticingly sharp, and she extended the mug out to him.
He took it. And when their fingers brushed over the warm metal, it hit her.
What she was feeling was attraction.
Her first thought was oh, Mum’s going to brick herself if I tell her. Which, of course, Rose wouldn’t. After Jimmy Stone and the complete fiasco he’d created in her life as a teenager, she knew better. But what would Jackie Tyler say about Malcolm bloody Tucker? He'd been working in politics for practically half Rose’s lifetime.
She could just imagine her mum's face, the repulsion and horror, and the picture was incongruous enough that it successfully pulled Rose out of her stupor. She withdrew her hand, feeling the cold snap of air instantly, more fiercely than she might have.
With a tense eye, she watched him lift the thermos to his lips. Watched him drink, slow and contemplative. He didn't seem particularly slow or contemplative by nature, so it must have been for her benefit. Her fingers made fists, which she wedged into her coat pockets.
He took another sip. Then proclaimed, “That's very good. Is that tea I taste?”
Her smile bloomed without thought or permission. “Secret recipe,” she said. “Now you owe me four pounds fifty.”
Those eyebrows leapt again before resettling even lower than before. He looked very intent. “You charge our mutual friend,” and here, he glanced at Wilf, “for cider, too, or is it just me who pays for the privilege?”
“Well, you know what your sort say—no such thing as a free lunch. Or cider,” she added, realising exactly what was about to come out of her mouth and doing nothing at all to stop it. “Wilf pays me back in magazines and good conversation. So what'll you give me, Malcolm Tucker?”
And god, she was actually doing it. She was flirting with him.
Beside her, Wilf was laughing into his fist. Part of her was embarrassed—or would be later—that she was making a fool of herself in front of the old man. He’d certainly rub her nose in it the next time she popped out with a drink. That was just what family did.
But there was another part of her, a much deeper and more untameable part, which insisted on saying, What the hell? Why not?
After all, this would probably be her only chance to tease one of the most powerful men in England. The prospect of pushing him, even a little, felt dangerous, rebellious. Deliciously improbable. And if there was a little extortion involved, well—he was hardly a man with clean hands.
One of those hands, she noted, slid into the pocket of that ridiculous peacoat—which was, she could admit, beginning to grow on her a little; it contrasted sharply against his skin and hair, so pale and severe—and he withdrew something small and white and rectangular. He extended it to her, but before she could take it, his hand snapped back. He seemed on the verge of smiling again.
Then, tipping back his head, he took another long drink from the thermos. A long, long drink.
She grinned, watching his throat bob. The bastard was draining the mug. Getting his money’s worth, she supposed.
She found she didn't mind. Her evening was shaping up to be substantially different than she’d expected.
Only when he'd finished with a faint hum of appreciation and returned the thermos did he give over the proffered card. It was simple, unremarkable white cardstock with crisp black text.
Malcolm Tucker
Director of Communications for the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
10 Downing Street, Westminster, London
Below were two phone numbers. One was crossed out, the smudged ink suggesting he’d done so recently. The second number was indicated as his personal line, and her breath caught. Was he mad, handing out this information to a veritable stranger? Did he know the trouble she could make for him if she started, say, making copies and handing them out with every cup of coffee she sold to his more politically repellant enemies? Of which there were many?
“Don't get clever,” he warned her, and there was a trace of real threat there. She felt it. It made her spine straighten and something senselessly warm unfurl in her belly. Then he said, mildly, “Call it an IOU.”
She looked up at the man before her and wondered if he was mad—or perhaps just fearless—or possibly, she guessed with a tilt of her head, he was lonely.
But whatever he was—and however much she needed to get her head checked for being so intrigued by it—there was only one way to find out.
Rose slipped the card into the back pocket of her denims, meeting his unwavering eyes the whole time, smiling to herself. She bit down on the tip of her tongue to prevent it spreading.
“Well,” she said, trying to sound tough, “it’s not exactly four pounds fifty. But it’ll do.”
Tucker smirked. And—oh, yeah, she thought. Mum’s definitely gonna lose it.
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pupika-samika · 6 months
A King is Nothing Without His People
Chapter 8
As Lave Burns
CW:  light mentions of violence
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Revali came back an hour before twelve, taking a few minutes to relax before joining in on the games. No one bothered to ask about his experience, he'd explain when he wanted to. After a few games, when the sun hit the middle of the sky, Link began his descent back to Rito village. Saki and Amali had prepared a delicious seafood curry and lunch was filled with profuse thanking both of the Rito. Fostri was happily weaving between Link and Kass, the two having to control their laughter when the Korok decided to bring his leaf flier out and create a small whirlwind in the kitchen. When everyone was done eating, Link decided it was time to say goodbye for now. He had Saki help him take his new feathered accessory off, sheepishly explaining that it would burn up from the heat within Death Mountain.
"You know, if you undo the loop right here, you can widen it and wear this as a necklace." She explained, showing a knot hidden near the three coils of rope. Link hesitated with a response. Is it disrespectful to take the feathers off? What if they get dirty or messed up? After a beat of silence, Saki said "as long as you keep the original feathers, you can wear them however you want. This was a bit last minute so we went the easiest route and made a hair accessory but Rito have made them into necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, and other types of jewelry." She laughed as she handed the feathers over to Link.
He took the feathers and looked at them before stashing them in his slate, putting them in his important items window. "I should leave now if I want to have enough time to inform the Gorons before sundown. Can you tell Kaneli I'll be back soon? Within the month at least," he asked, knowing Kaneli would forget; on purpose or on accident. Saki nodded, promising to pass the message. He received farewells and good lucks before he took his slate off his hip and turned it on to the map screen. He scrolled until he saw the Shae Mo'sah shrine and waved goodbye to his family- his family- before clicking the teleport button.
It didn't take long for the heat of death mountain to fry him, causing him to rip the Snowquill set off and throw his Flame Breaker set on. The enchantment of the armor didn't help to alleviate his overheating but at least he wasn't close to bursting into flames. Link worriedly looked at Fostri, wondering if the Korok really would be ok with the intense heat. Maybe I should catch some lizards and make him a fireproof elixir. Would that help? He seemed fine enough, a little droopy but fine.
"I can't wait to see your grandson again! It's been so long since we've seen him," Mipha said from somewhere behind Link. He couldn't care much to turn around to look at her, instead barely dodging a rock thrown at him.
"Hello, Jafar! Lovely seeing you too," Link greeted enthusiastically as he took out a Royal Bow he had managed to fight a lizalfol for. He knocked a normal arrow and fired, internally cheering when the arrow hit and killed the octorok. Normally that didn't work on the first try.
A scoff was heard as he put the bow away, his armor making a clacking sound as he moved. "I can't believe you named that octorok Jafar. Actually, I can't believe you named any frequent monster you see." Revali huffed, not backing down when Link sent him a mystified look.
He made his way across the bridge, not paying attention to the lava running under him or the rocks so hot they could set him on fire. "If I didn't name them then how would they know it's me and not some random traveler? I wouldn't want them to hit a passerby." He said, keeping his voice low as he got closer to Bargoh, the city's watcher. Link waved in greeting to the Goron and made his way down the small hill. "Daruk, how likely are the Gorons to accept what I tell them?" 
Link figured it was a good idea to ask the Goron in the group, surely he'd know the most about the race. Said Goron didn't hesitate in answering the question. "Well, they probably won't care. If culture stayed the same after the Calamity then at most some will ask how you became King, at worst you’ll probably be threatened, and at terrible they’ll follow up on that threat.” Daruk paused as he thought over the consequences that could happen, earning two glares and a half scowl from his fellow ghostly companions. “But you have us here little guy, we’ll protect you! You have nothing to worry about while we’re here!" That's... reassuring. I pray to Hylia that their culture has remained the same, I don't think I could passively handle a whole city of angry Gorons. 
"Bludo should be at his house at this time. I plan to talk to him then go look at Rudania but I don't think I can get much done. It's way too close to the volcano, I was lucky I didn't burst into flames while I was completing the beast. I'll have to find a way to move it to safer, accessible ground." He rambled as he made his way down the slope, waving to Bludo when he saw the elder Goron. Bludo half-heartedly waved back, giving Link a curious look. The Hylian had last visited less than a week ago. Usually, there were a few weeks between his visits. 
Ohh goddess, what if he questions me because I don't visit often? What if he's mad I don't visit here as often as I visit the other races? He should really stop thinking so little of everyone else. It's not good for his mental health.
The trek down the slope didn't take very long and soon Link was standing in front of Bludo. Fostri retreated from Link's shoulder to hover with his magic leaf, floating a safe distance away from the pair. The reason Fostri wasn't currently laying over Link like a cat desperate for attention? The metal of his armor was too hot for the Korok to touch. "What are you doin' back here? You 'ere just here some days ago." Straight to the point, no use dancing around the topic, as always with Bludo.
Should Link do the same? How does he go about doing this? 
"Take a deep breath little guy and just tell him. Nothing will go wrong, trust me." Daruk assured Link. He didn't turn to look at the Goron, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention to the empty space the spirit resided in. 
"You remember around a week ago when Vah Rudania fired a beam aimed at the castle? That was because of me. Rudania was helping me defeat Calamity Ganon." He started off, forcing his arms to his sides so he didn't fidget with them. "I defeated the Calamity and saved the Princess. She was too weak to survive long after the Calamity was destroyed so she entrusted me to run this kingdom for her." 
It was quiet for a few seconds. Bludo stared at Link, making the Hylian fidget with nervousness. Why isn't he saying anything? "Gorons! Link here is the new King of Hyrule!" Bludo unexpectedly yelled, his voice louder than Link thought he could possibly yell. The surrounding Gorons, and singular Gerudo, paused. Most sounds stopped, making Link realize just how busy the city was. The sound of rolling rocks and metal on metal resumed after a beat or two. No outraged cries, no confusion, no anger. No nothing. Nobody was reacting. That was it? He had expected something climatic to happen. Not even Ramella seemed to have a reaction besides staring at Link for a second longer.
He couldn't help but flinch slightly when a guttural laugh sounded from beside him. "See, I told you you had nothing to worry about. Us Gorons take change in stride!”
“Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe your exact wording was ‘At worst you’ll probably be threatened and at terrible, they’ll follow up on that threat.’ And I, for one, would not have defended this featherless cucco."
"You wouldn't defend Link? Really? I'm certain I saw you glaring daggers at Bludo. Did you see that too Mipha?"
"Leave me out of this, please."
"I would have protected the little guy."
"We know Daruk."
"I love the little guy."
"We know Daruk."
"That all you 'ere for Link?" Bludos voice startled him, forcing him to focus on the conversation at hand and not the conversation going on behind him. 
A few seconds of thinking were required for Link to remember what else he had to say. "That's the basics of what I had to say, yeah. I uh- I'll come back in around a month with more news for you. You don't… have any questions?" He asked, not believing Bludo accepted this that easily. 
With no hesitation, Bludo shook his head. "Nope. 'Sides asking when you'll come visit us again." The familiarity of the situation was enough to make Link's body shake with a surprised laugh. Bludo always asked when he'd visit and Link always said after the next blood moon. That’s something that stayed consistent between the two of them.
"I'd say I'll come back after the next blood moon but I'm not sure if I actually will. If that's all, I'm going to check on Rudania then talk to Yunobo. After that, I'll be gone before tomorrow morning." Link took his slate off his hip as he explained his plans, the map window quickly replacing his item screen. 
As Link was scrolling the cursor to the Divine Beast, Bludo bid his farewell. "It was fun seein' you, come back soon. Don't keep us waiting for so long again." Bludo waved a dismissive hand to Link and made his way back to standing in front of his rocky hut. With his talk with Bludo over, Link decided to get Rudania out of the way next, wanting to spend as much time with Yunobo as possible. It was only ten a.m and checking Rudania shouldn't take more than four or five hours, leaving him with plenty of time to talk with his best friend. 
Fostri, who Link had embarrassingly forgotten about, was looking around the city with amazement. If not for Mipha's gentle reminders to follow, the Korok very well may have been left behind. Link looked around, hoping Bludo and anyone else were too far away to hear what he was about to say. "Fostri, I want you to stay down here. It's way too hot up there and I'd feel better if you stayed down here."
The reaction Link got, while unwanted, wasn't unexpected. "B-but Mr. Link I want to go up with you!" Fostri whined, focus suddenly honing in on Link.
"You can't come with us Fostri, it's too hot and you don't have any protection against the heat. I can do my job much easier if I knew you were down here, safe and somewhere I trust. Stay down here so I don't have to worry you'll burn up?" 
What could he say to make the Korok listen? "Revali can stay behind while Urbosa, Mipha, and Daruk come with me. We'll only be gone for a few hours and will be back before you know it." 
It had been a surprise for everyone when Fostri had bonded with Revali. The Rito would never admit it but he had grown to like the Korok as well. "Hey! I never agreed to stay behind!" Said Rito protested, feathers fluffed up in mock anger.
"I'll stay if Revali stays, but I go if Revali goes!" Fostri negotiated
The expectant glares from the other four party members were enough to make Revali puff up his feathers, letting out a false sigh of annoyance. "Fine- Fine! I'll stay down here babysitting while you four trek up that hot mountain and have fun fixing an even hotter overgrown lizard!" He huffed and turned his beak up at the group.
Mipha perked up at that, raising a ghostly hand to ask for attention. "Actually, if it's ok with everyone, I'd like to stay down here as well. Even dead, I don't appreciate being in this heat, let alone going to the mouth of the volcano." She ended, letting her hand fall to her side with as much grace as possible.
Link shrugged, glancing at Urbosa and Daruk who both nodded. "If you want to stay then that's fine with us. You should have said something earlier, you could have stayed at the foot of the mountain instead of coming up with us." He pointed out, a frown forming on his armored head. 
"No I don't mind the heat, it's a personal preference at this point. You could say it's instinctive to not want to be near an open-source of dry heat." Mipha explained, taking brief pauses to think over what she wanted to say. 
The blond nodded in understanding. He didn't understand the whole instincts thing but he could understand not wanting to be in the heat. Plus, if she didn't want to go then he wouldn't make her. 
"So Revali and Mipha will stay behind while Daruk and Urbosa will come with?" He waited for any objection, humming when there were none. 
Link, after making sure Fostri wouldn’t follow him, pressed teleport on the great Divine Beast Rudania. The beast was laid over the opening of the volcano like a sack of potatoes. All four legs were dangling uselessly over the sides, the head sat limply against the walls. It was difficult to tell but Link was sure the tail was just barely hanging above the hot lava inside. 
The three shared similar looks of unease, though Daruk seemed more concerned on how they would get on. 
"Maybe we should- can you check if it can be moved?" Link asked the Goron, the lava flowing below was enough to have him rethink this whole plan.
Daruk scratched the back of his head, putting his thinking face on. You know he was thinking really hard about something when he put his thinking face on. "Maybe? The slate would need to go on the control unit before I could check. Even if she could be moved, I don't think she'd listen to me." He nodded as he talked, his thinking face melting back to his happy-go-lucky smile the second he was done explaining. "I'm sure she'd listen to you so there's no problem! Well- aside from getting the slate to the control unit. How are you goin to get it over there?" 
It took an embarrassingly long amount of time for even the smartest of the trio to come up with a solution. Link had accidentally dropped his slate and, on instinct, Urbosa bent down to pick it up. Successful holding the slate in her hands, she held the item out for Link to take. The five seconds of silence seemed to last an eternity as the three of them saw how the slate stayed perfectly still in Urbosa's transparent hand. 
"Well, it seems we found a way to get the slate over. You stay here Little Dove and we'll get this Divine Beast moving in no time." Urbosa made sure to have a tight grip on the slate as she walked on air over to the beast's control unit. 
Little Dove? Since when did she give me a nickname? Link thought as he watched Daruk also walk on air to join his Gerudo counterpart. Urbosa held the slate up to the control unit, staring down as slowly turned on. The control unit slowly lit up, starting from the bottom ring and making its way up each petal-like ridge. Soon the whole unit was glowing a brilliant blue. Rudania, affectionately called Ruda for short, slowly lifted its head. A loud, mechanical grumble arose from the beast, clearly showing its distaste of being woken up from its long deserved rest. 
Minutes seemed to pass in a second, Urbosa's call snapping him back to reality. "How's it looking Big Guy? Can she be moved?"
Daruk, who Link hadn't even realized had gone missing, materialized next to the Gerudo. "She can get down the volcano and a little more, probably all the way to deep Akkala over the course of a few days." He summarized, glancing in the direction of deep Akkala. While the land over there wasn't ideal, not enough flat land and rainy weather every day, it was the best they could do. 
Biting his lip in frustration, Link looked over the land. It was hard to tell distances without his map, but he could see the faintest blue glow coming from the distance. "Hey Daruk, would you say Gut Check Rock is a good spot? It's mostly flat and dry, plus it's much closer than Deep Akkala." He suggested, switching his focus from the slate in Urbosa's hands to the faintly glowing shrine that sat upon the highest rock.  
A quick look at the map was enough to get Daruk rethinking his plan. "That could work! Good thinking little guy! You hear that Rudania? Head over in that direction." Daruk tried commanding the beast. The beast was having none of it, letting groans and thumping its tail against the side of the volcano. If it wasn't for Link's impeccable balance and heavy armor he was sure he would have fallen over due to the fierce vibrations. 
"Rudania! Quit it! Come on, get a move on!" 
"Is it… supposed to be doing that?" Link tentatively asked as the beast continued to refuse to move.
"For a divine beast, it's not. But for Rudania? I'm surprised it even listened to turn on. A stubborn, lazy thing it is. Even moreso than Medoh. She doesn't like listening to anyone, not even Daruk." Urbosa explained as she made her way back over to Link, holding out the slate.
Eagerly taking the device back and strapping it to his waist, Link had to wonder how much personality the machines had. "They can be stubborn?"
"Yes. They can be stubborn, lazy, dramatic, loyal. They're exactly like animals. Except much bigger, deadlier, and more mechanical. It's not- or wasn't- uncommon to see Daruk and Revali arguing with their beasts. For Daruk and Rudania, most arguments were one-sided with Rudania throwing tantrums. Revali and Medoh were much more fun. And louder. Medoh would scream at Revali, Revali would scream back. Rudania is a giant baby while Medoh is just a drama queen."
"You hear that Rudania?! Would you quit being a baby! It's not that far a walk!"
"What are Naboris and Ruta like?" He was curious about the four beasts. He wasn't sure if he'd known much about them in his past life but he's sure as hell going to know about them as much as possible in his current one.
"Naboris and Ruta were like the perfect older children. Naboris would listen to almost any command and wouldn't raise a fuss. Ruta on the other hand was careful about everything. Ruta had incredible spatial awareness, always careful about where he put his feet down. Naboris wouldn't care about such things. If you were in her way then you better move before you got squashed. She cared in her own way, though. She'd back up her team however she could, taking over fights that looked like they could get out of hand."
Silence, aside from Daruks yelling, filled the air as Link thought overall this new information. The beasts have personalities? So did they also have consciousness? Were they sentient beings? Should they be classified as animals instead of machines? This- this was a breakthrough he wasn't ready for. Purah would have a field trip with this information if she didn’t know about it already.
Urbosa chuckled, holding a hand up to sweep the hair away from her face. "I can hear the gears turning in your head Little Dove, don't think about it too much. They're still machines. They can't do anything by themselves, they need a pilot. They can have as much personality as they want but without a pilot, they're as useful as a pile of rocks." 
"That's it! You hear that? Get moving you giant pile of rocks!"
"They need pilots? Maybe that's why Rudania isn't moving. Since Daruk is technically dead, he can't grab the controls to move the beast."
This time silence truly did hang in the air. Both Daruk and Urbosa looked stunned. Had they forgotten they couldn't interact with most things? "That would make sense, wouldn't it? So then, who do you suggest we bring to get Rudania moving?" 
He knew it was a trap. He knew what she was trying to do. Even so, he had to take the bait. "Daruk, you said it would probably listen to me. You want to put that theory to the test?" 
A look of surprise came over the Gorons face. Had he not heard the suggestion in Urbosa's question? "Sure! Hop on, let's see you whip old Rudania into moving!" 
Link nodded and made his way over to the ledge of the small rock hill. He carefully crouched down and got his glider, readying Revali's gale. Without said spirit present the gale wasn't as strong, only managing to get him just enough high to make it to the very edge of the beast. He wobbled as he caught his balance, taking a few seconds to stabilize himself. A huff of embarrassment left him as he made his way over to the control panel. The panel phased between a bright and dull blue glow. 
A hesitant look was shared with the Goron in front of him. An encouraging look was returned, giving Link a slight boost in confidence. He put a hand to the panel and closed his eyes in anticipation, waiting for something to happen. He opened one eye and looked around. The beast continued to sit over the side of the volcano, the panel continued to glow and dull. 
"Maybe try yelling at her? She never listened with a simple asking her to."
"...do I have to?" 
"Alright Rudania. Time to get moving. Over to Gut Check Rock. Let's go, move it."
The beast continued to refuse to move.
"No, you have to be louder. Shout as loud as you can! Watch, like this. Alright Rudania! Are you going to continue sitting here like a pebblit or are you going to get a move on like the strong Talus you are!" 
Once again, no reaction. Wait no- there was a reaction. And that reaction was slumping over the volcano more. "Go on, give it a try. You never know." 
"Please don't make me yell Daruk," Link felt his ears growing hotter at the embarrassing moment he could feel brewing. The expectant look he was given showed the Goron wasn't backing down. His hand ghosted down to his hip, making sure the slate was glued to his side and couldn't be used to take a video of him. 
"Rudania! Get moving! Now! Please-" He added weakly, not getting a chance to finish as the beast began moving. He stumbled around as the ground started moving. The only reason he stayed standing upright was because he quickly grabbed the control panel and braced himself against it. 
Surprised laughter arose from next to him. "See! That wasn't so hard now was it!" Daruk cheered. He made a motion to slap Links back but the hand flew through him instead, something Link was grateful for. He couldn't imagine the bruise he'd get if the rocky hand could actually touch him. "It should take a few hours to get to Gut Check Rock. Even though Rudania isn't the fastest, she's the most agile and can climb over anything! Scaling this volcano should be a breeze!"
Scaling the volcano had, in fact, not been a breeze. Sure, Rudania was able to climb over lava rivers and giant piles of rocks… when it wanted to. Multiple times Link had to yell at the beast to get it moving. Once, it had stopped right as an Igneo Talus had spotted them and was making its way over to the beast. That hadn't been fun. 
By the time the group made it to Gut Check Rock the sun was more than halfway across the sky, slowly making its way to the edge of the horizon. Rudania suddenly lowered itself to the ground, creaks, and groans echoing from within the beast at the action. "Alright, alright. You earned this rest you lump of coal." Daruk affectionately huffed, patting at the control unit. 
A group of Gorons had started the crowd near the beast, staying a few ten feet away from the beast. Link turned to the two spirits next to him, a plan for crowd control quickly formulating. "You two go and see if there's anything major I should fix-up. I'll go see if I can convince them to head back to the city."
"Aye aye, your Highness." "Sure thing little buddy!"
A heatless glare was sent to Urbosa before he jumped off the beast, paraglider deployed at the last second. As he put his glider away he noticed the term crowd may have been an overstatement as there were only three Gorons present. "Brother! Why's that beast doing over there?! Is it here to partake in the extreme challenge!?" Bayge all but yelled, getting himself pumped up at the thought of the gut challenge.
Link barely hid his wince as he remembered the gut challenge. That hadn't been easy the first time around, his body still ached whenever he has to climb for long amounts of time. "No, Rudania needs to rest here for a bit. Just until a Sheikah tech can make their way over to give it a look over. Is that fine with you guys? I'll turn it off before I leave so there's no risk it'll accidentally attack you." He explained, leaving out some pieces of less important information.
"If we can keep training I see no problem with it. What about you brother?"
"I agree with you brother! Brother?"
"I agree with both of you, brothers. As long as it stays over there and doesn't get in the way of our training, it can stay as long as needed! Now, are you here to partake in the extreme challenge?!" 
"N-No, I'm just here to look over the beast then I'll be going." Subtlety, he began walking back to the beast. "I should get going. The faster I get Rudania fixed up the sooner it'll be out of your hair." 
Rudania thankfully hadn't been too high up, a short burst of Revali's gale being enough to get him to the top of Rudanias back. He waved to the three Gorons before heading inside the divine beast. The panels that let light in were still open, allowing Link to see the inside of the divine beast with no problem. "Urbosa, Daruk? Anything broken?" He called out, taking the slate off his hip to count how many ancient parts he had on hand. It was dropping worryingly low, only two hundred and some for each ancient part.
The trio didn't spend long in the divine beast, the more major of damage required tools and parts Link didn't have while the minor was far too expansive. The only thing they could do was make clear warnings of what was broken and defeat any stray monsters that made their way onto the beast. Once the sun had started kissing the horizon, Link figured it'd be a good time to stop. Besides, he had one last thing he wanted to do before he headed back to the city. 
Grabbing his slate, Link began thinking of where he could find a cooking pot to make some needed elixirs. He was running low on most elixirs, making a few fireproof ones for Fostri was just an excuse to stock up and make more. There should be a cooking pot at the mines but there's also a few in the city, plus I'm sure there's one up at Gut Check Rock and it's the closest. 
He hummed and mulled over the possibilities. The pros and cons of each location. Making up his mind, Link tapped on the Gorae Torr Shrine. Sure it was just a hop and a skip away but after all the moving and stress he's gone through today, Link thought he deserved to be a little lazy. 
His body dissolved into brilliant blue tendrils, each spiraling upwards and dancing around each other as if they were strings in the wind. It took only but a fraction of a second but to Link, that second became an eternity. That was until he was shoved on his feet on the platform of the Gorae Torr Shrine. He quickly got to work, pulling out different kinds of lizards, frogs, butterflies, dragonflies, and monster parts. He preferred the tastes of Moblins better than all monsters, but Bokos, Lizals, and Keese were close seconds. He absolutely hated Molduga and Hinox parts. They tasted absolutely revolting, the raw frogs he used probably tasted better than those monster parts. Chuchu and Octorok were fair game. Not as tasty as Boko or Lizal parts but definitely better than Molduga and Hinoxes. 
He preferred using fangs, talons, and horns since they were easier to grind up and mix. Though Chuchu Jelly, Keese eyes, Lizal tails were the second easiest, and messiest, to grind. 
As Link went on his internal ramble on monster part flavors, he made multiple elixirs of every kind. From stamina to hearty, hasty to sneaky. He didn't stop until he ran out of space to put the elixirs, his window quickly filling with the different colored bottles. Urbosa and Daruk had vanished some time ago, resting in the depths of Link's soul. It made him nostalgic in a way. Having his friends so close yet so far away from him. 
Cleaning the cooking pot with clean water and a rag, Link gave one last look at Vah Rudania. The beasts had been turned off before the three left, a short goodbye shared between pilot and machine. The legs were hugged close to its body and its head resting on the ground, blue eyes dulled to nothing. It looked peaceful. You wouldn't think such a relaxed-looking being was capable of destroying half of Hyrule on its own. 
Opening the map, Link scrolled until his cursor sat over the Shae Mo'sah shrine. He clicked teleport and once again disappeared into thousands of blue tendrils. Each one had a mind of its own yet worked together to transport him to his destination. 
He plopped heavily on the shrine platform, his armor clanking as it made contact with the stage. He looked around the city, looking for the telltale teal flames to show where his other ghostly (plus leafy) friends were. He couldn't see them from where he was, which was a little worrying. "Hey Urbosa, Daruk? Do either of you have any idea where they are?" Link hesitantly asked. He wasn't sure if they could hear him from within his soul. 
"Mipha says they headed to the hot springs near Eldin bridge. They're making their way back now." Urbosa helpfully answered the question. How she hears Mipha from within his soul was a mystery but he wouldn't question it too much. 
Instead of waiting around for the trio to arrive, Link decided to head off to find Yunobo. It was 7 pm, meaning Yunobo should still be on the bridge overlooking the path leading to the city. A brief look at the bridge showed the Goron standing exactly where Link knew he'd be. It took a few minutes but eventually, Link made his way to the young Goron. 
As he stepped on the bridge his armored feet loudly announced his presence. "Hey Yunobo! How's lookout going?" He asked as he stood next to Yunobo, standing comfortably next to his friend. 
"Link! Lookouts going great, goro! No suspicious activity aside from Rudania moving. … that was your doing right? We don't have to fight Rudania again do we, goro?! Please tell me we don't have to fight Rudania again-"
"Don't worry Yunobo, Rudania won't be attacking anytime soon. It's dormant over at Gut Check Rock with Bayge and his brother's. You don't have to worry," Link comforted. In a weird, twisted way, he was glad to be friends with Yunobo. The poor guy panicked more in an hour than Link did in a day.
"That's a relief, goro! I would have helped you take it down again though! At least after I've had a few seconds to shake like a leaf." Yunobo laughed at himself. "So, what brings you over to me, goro? Rudania isn't secretly attacking, is it?" He whispered the last part, looking around to make sure no one was close enough to hear. 
"Ah, nothing really. I wanted to see you before I headed off the mountain. I don't know when I'll be back so I thought I'd say goodbye before I left."
"Wah?! But you just got here! You're leaving already, goro? At least stay till morning and have breakfast with us, goro!" Yunobo cried, making the bridge creak from his sudden movements.
The Hylian winced just thinking about the hotel… beds. Sure, he understood why they couldn't have fabrics and soft items up at the volcano but Hylia, those beds were rock hard! "I'm not sure Yunobo, I still have a lot to do and only a few days to-" 
"I have important information and I won't tell you until you at least have dinner with me!" A tense silence followed the abrupt yell. Yunobo clamped a rocky hand over his mouth, realizing how forceful he sounded. Link looked at the Goron, surprise, and shock on his face, a little pride mixed in as well. The Goron had never raised his voice, let alone threaten (though is it really a threat if there's no physical harm involved?) anyone. "I-I'm sorry goro, I-"
"Alright. I'll stay the night until breakfast tomorrow," Link decided. If Yunobo threw himself out of his comfort zone for a simple request then Link would grant that request. Plus, he loved the rocky guy. Spending a few hours with him would be enough for him to ignore how uncomfortable the hot mountain made him. 
"You- you will? You'll stay the night?" 
"Well, you asked me to. If you want me to stay then I will. Besides, we haven't had a sleepover in ages. I want to try your rock roast, how has your practice with that been going?"
The conversation between them flowed smoothly. The breaks for silence weren't awkward, instead, they were spent target practicing with the few ostriches that wandered too close to the city or watching the nearby lava streams flow. 
At 9 pm, Yunobo stood up and stretched his body. "I'd say it's around time we head to my house, wouldn't you goro?" Link nodded and stood up as well, enjoying how his bones cracked as he moved. 
"Yeah let's head to your house, I'm starving!"
"Good thing I prepared some rock roast earlier! I planned to share them with my brothers but I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I shared them with you instead goro!" 
The walk to Yunobos house was relatively short and quiet, Yunobo's hole-in-the-wall house being close to his lookout. Link sighed at the slight decrease in temperature, feeling it was cool enough to take his helmet off. He didn't need to wear the full armor set, hell wearing only the pants would suffice in keeping him from overheating. But he'd rather be safe than sorry. Couldn't defeat Calamity Ganon only to have a stray ember be his demise. 
He groaned in relief as the humid helmet finally left his head, allowing his sweaty skin to have some fresh air. Well, as fresh as you could get on a volcano. 
"This is exactly why I refused to visit this horrid place when I was alive. Honestly, how do Gorons and Gerudos live in such horrible environments!" A disgusted voice broke the peaceful silence. Link subtlety turned his gaze to the entryway, his focus moving from the Goron to a blue Rito. 
Revali was openly glaring around the area as if it had personally offended him by existing. "It's not that bad at a lower altitude but I admit, even I wouldn't have come up this high while I was alive. This heat would fry me alive." A softer voice said, followed by a red Zora walking in the entryway. A small leafy creature followed after the Zora, happy chimes radiating off of it. Crap, I knew I had forgotten something. 
"Oh by the way goro, this is for you," Yunobo said suddenly, startling Link enough that he almost dropped his helmet. He stored the armor in his slate before taking a closer look at the gift in front of him.
It wasn't anything special, just a thick, giant red ribbon. Link, although confused, took the ribbon with a grateful smile. "It's pretty. What's it used for, exactly?" 
"Down in the mines goro, it's easy for hair to get in the way and block our view. We use these fireproof ribbons to keep our hair out of the way. I know you already have a hair tie but just in case it breaks while you're out there or you find a need for a new one. Plus, you could see this as an honorary Goron ticket goro!"
Link looked down at the ribbon in surprise, then looked back up at Yunobo. He had noticed most Gorons, especially those in the mines, wore ribbons but he didn't expect the reason behind that was so important. "Thanks Yunobo, I appreciate it. I'll make sure to use it soon," he ran a finger over the material before putting it in his slate. He'd make sure to wear it next time his hair tie breaks, which should be any day now. 
"Here! Have a rock roast, goro! Tell me how it tastes!" 
The two shared dinner (Yunobos rock roast wasn't as good as Daruks but Link wouldn't tell him that. Despite the raw feeling to it it still tasted pretty good.) and conversation as the sky grew darker and darker.
"I should get going and see if the inn has any spare beds this late at night. It was fun hanging out with you Yunobo."
"Huh? Why go to the inn when you can stay the night here goro? Besides, I'm sure my bed is much more comfortable than the inn beds."
Link looked around the small house. There wasn't much room to begin with, plus with the furniture and decorations, there was barely any room to walk around. Where would he even store a spare bed? " If you're offering, sure. Where's the spare bed?" 
"Spare bed? Why would I have a spare when mine is big enough for the both of us?"
"Is something wrong?"
"Yunobo, I fear if I slept in the same bed as you, you'd crush me in your sleep." 
"W-What?! I wouldn't crush you! At least… not on purpose." 
The Hylian sighed and shook his head. "Don't worry, I'll just sleep on the floor."
"No! I couldn't make a guest sleep on the floor when there's a perfectly good bed here!"
"Don't worry, the ground is actually more comfortable than most beds I've slept in." He didn't include the fact that the ground oftentimes has grass and a stuffed shirt pillow substitute could be added.
"If you're sure… Goodnight Goro! See you tomorrow!" Yunobo bid goodbye much too excitedly as Link laid down on the ground. Truthfully it wasn't that bad. The ground was much cooler than he thought it'd be. If only he could add a blanket to lay on, then it'd be on par with even the softest beds in the stables.
"Goodnight Yunobo, see you tomorrow."
Followed by a whispered,
"Goodnight Fostri. Don't wander too far away." 
Said korok hummed, content to lay down on the floor a foot away from the hero. 
Tomorrow he'll visit the Zora's. Hopefully, everything went well. He hoped everything would go well.
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scribble-dee-doo · 9 months
HAHAAAAA LOOK WHAT I FINISHED FOR DOCTORDONNA WEEK. kind of. i had a whole idea and when i sat down to write it the words didn't want to word so instead there is a SCRIPT! Or a really advanced outline! I want to actually write the fic and fill in the gaps, lol, but until the week is over please accept this placeholder. For now, please enjoy:
DoctorDonna Week 2023, Day 1:
THE DOCTOR collapses after the events of The Giggle (bi-regeneration sickness, mumble mumble), people are very worried, Doctor-Donna snuggles and the beginning of discussing the rest of their lives together.
INT: WILF’S spare bedroom, night. THE DOCTOR is lying in the full-sized bed under a hideous quilt that may have come from the bottom of TARDIS storage or Sylvia’s linen closet. His SHOES – obviously borrowed from somebody – , COAT, and OTHER ASSORTED are draped over an armoir. He’s wearing his undershirt and is resting uneasily, sweating with a subtle golden sheen to his skin. DONNA enters, juggling a thermometer, cup of tea, and crazy space gadget.
DONNA, to a figure outside of the door
“No, I’ve got him. Really, go stay with Rose. Are you sure I shouldn’t -”
SHAUN, just a shadow in the hall behind the cracked door
“Absolutely. She’s putting on a brave face, but she’s tough. I’ll put on the telly and we can have a cuddle.”
DONNA smiles. She loves this man so.
“Yeah, you know she’s worried about him too.”
DONNA leans back out of the door and kisses SHAUN, slowly. It’s a moment of relief, savoring a return to normal with new appreciation for things she already loved more than she thought she could stand. They bump foreheads and smile, looking into each others’ eyes.
“I love you.”
“I love you too. Now take care of your spaceman and give us a shout if you need anything.”
DONNA laughs and pecks him on the lips one more time before shutting the door.
She runs her hand over the DOCTOR’S forehead the way she’s learned to do as a mother, but forgets about the psychic contact points. When her fingertips brush them, both she and the DOCTOR jolt. The DOCTOR resettles, facing DONNA. DONNA sits back with an expression of focus and then realization.
DONNA, as though recalling a long-buried memory
DONNA looks down at her cup of tea. She puts it on the bedside table and starts rearranging, finding another pillow or two and stacking them at the head of the bed before attempting to wrangle THE DOCTOR into sitting more upright. He’s floppy and uncooperative and she scolds him as she’s trying to get her arm behind his shoulders. She presses him forward and he falls so that he’s folded in half, nose on his knees. DONNA pauses in rearranging the pillows, looking at him.
“How are you that bendy at your age?”
It occurs to her that, rather than folding comfortably, he may have torn something from being unable to support himself. She rushes to get the pillows in place and resettles him more gently. He exhales a little rush of gold but doesn’t otherwise react.
DONNA, while picking up the tea like a surgical instrument
“Okay, let’s give this a try.”
DONNA gingerly wafts the teacup under THE DOCTOR’S nose like smelling salts. When he doesn’t react, she wafts it more aggressively. She studies him closely after every pass. On the third pass, she accidentally bumps it against his chin and splashes a little.
“Oh, shit! Sorry, sorry.”
She dabs the spill off his chin. THE DOCTOR gasps a big breath, opening his eyes wide, and DONNA startles badly.
THE DOCTOR, bleary
“Issat tea?”
DONNA, looking down at the tea she forgot she was holding
“Yes! Yes it is, here, have a sip. Is it okay with milk?”
THE DOCTOR, being force-fed tea a little too quickly
*affirmative hum*
DONNA, pulling back
“Is that enough?”
THE DOCTOR is still swallowing his last sip, so he makes grabby hands for the mug. DONNA hands it over and sits back in her seat, wringing her hands.
THE DOCTOR, in between sips
“What, no honey?”
“No, it’s late. Trying to calm down, aren’t we?”
THE DOCTOR finishes the mug in a long swallow and clumsily wipes his mouth with his shirtsleeve. DONNA looks disgusted but unsurprised.
“So you made black tea?”
DONNA looks at him with her eyebrows raised, unimpressed.
“It’s got you up, hasn’t it?”
“Yeah, fair enough. Oooh –”
THE DOCTOR winces, falling back onto his pillows. DONNA sits forward in alarm and takes the teacup.
“What? What is it?”
THE DOCTOR makes a face and then belches up a plume of regeneration energy. DONNA jerks backwards, trying to avoid it. It follows her, curling slowly like water but definitely in her direction. She swats at it like a fly and it clings to her fingertips.
DONNA looks down, smiling tightly, reluctant or not ready to talk about the difficult subject of THE DOCTOR leaving her without her memories for fifteen years. He looks at her, endlessly old and endlessly regretful.
“I’m sorry.”
DONNA, shaking her head as if to brush it off and still smiling
“No, really, I’m so -”
DONNA leans forward jerkily. She’s restraining huge, complicated emotions behind a smile that’s wavering a little bit. She raises her hands, controls them, and folds them firmly and decisively together on the bedspread. THE DOCTOR watches her. She takes a deep, shaky breath and sighs it out.
“I keep thinking -”
She bites down on the rest of her sentence, looking away and sniffing. Her body language and expression are tight. She’s barely holding tears at bay. THE DOCTOR is also tearing up.
DONNA stands up and flips the covers off THE DOCTOR. He’s confused, but moves with her as she focuses hard on pushing him over on the bed, pulling up the covers, and pushing the pillows onto the floor. She toes off her shoes and climbs into the bed. She arranges them to her satisfaction, so that she has his head tucked under her chin and he can’t see her face. Under the thin blanket, they’re obviously tangled together like best friends at a sleepover. THE DOCTOR noses closer, hungry for contact.
DONNA, slowly
“I thought I was broken...for fifteen years.”
THE DOCTOR’s expression crumbles, pained. DONNA is staring at the SONIC SCREWDRIVER in the pile of stuff on the dresser, steadier now.
“Mum was being nicer, and Grandad just – he looked at me in this way I didn’t understand. He’s always been so encouraging, we’ve always shared so much, and suddenly... I kept going. I met Shaun. There was,” she starts to tear up again, “so much good, he’s so good, and then we had Rose and we were so happy, I was so happy, but there was always this great...big...hole right through the middle of it. It felt...like I was missing someone so important, and I couldn’t tell if it was me or my best friend or – or both.”
She finally closes her eyes and lets the tears fall. Then her expression relaxes. There’s some relief in saying it. She squeezes THE DOCTOR closer and kisses him on the top of the head. He sniffles.
“I’m not really angry about that yet, we’ve been so busy, but I will be. I’m gonna hold this over your head forever, I’m going to squeeze you for every-every drop of guilt shopping and chocolates I can get.”
They both chuckle wetly and sniffle. DONNA sobers.
“I keep thinking, what if it was Rose or Shaun? What if I finally had someone I loved and...and I had to make that kind of choice? I don’t have all the memories but I can remember feeling how lonely you’ve been, how much you’ve been hurt. I don’t know what I would have done, if I was hurting that way.”
She pauses. Her expression firms.
“But I would have come back. Even if I had to leave them, I would have come back. I would have kept trying to help.”
“You’ve always been stronger than me.”
DONNA pulls back and they look at each other. THE DOCTOR’S expression is dull, defeated, DONNA’S angry. After a moment, DONNA sighs. Closing her eyes, she presses their foreheads together. THE DOCTOR softens, still all pain underneath, but DONNA is calmer.
“No more excuses for you. I’m putting you in feelings boot camp. You’re gonna wake up and do two hundred happy push-ups tomorrow. It’s a big job, but I’m going to whip you into shape. You’re gonna be miserable. I’m going to make you the biggest emotional bodybuilder in this town.”
THE DOCTOR, smiling
“You promise?”
“Yeah, I do. There’s no escape for you now.”
She tweaks his nose. He wrinkles it and grins his big old grin.
“Glad we got that settled. Now! Sleep time.”
DONNA shushes him and budges them both down the bed so that they’re lying comfortably. THE DOCTOR protests, citing Time Lord sleeping habits that DONNA shoots down with a snort, but he lets her bully him around.
“But Shaun -”
“You wanna keep trying to tell me things about my own husband or do you wanna enjoy this while it lasts?”
THE DOCTOR settles in. They both relax, still tangled together but less likely to wake up with cricks in their necks and hands fallen asleep.
“Alright, don’t blame me if you get weird in the morning.”
“You have no idea how much weird I can handle. Normal life has weird you can’t even imagine.”
“I look forward to learning about it.”
“I know you don’t snore, but I remember that camping trip in the Diamond Mountains. No wiggling.”
“And I remember the kicking.”
“Shush. Sleep time.”
CODA: THE DOCTOR sits on WILF’S couch, sick with bi-regeneration/”my 11th-dimensional self got too close to the not-things from the end of the universe” flu, doped on Gallifreyan cold medication and an accidental ginger-ale someone who didn’t know about Gallifreyan biology gave them. They’re swaddled like a recalcitrant cat at the vet because they keep falling over when they try to get up. DONNA is filming them acting like they just got out of wisdom tooth surgery and choking on laughter.
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quietwingsinthesky · 9 months
Sending hugs always!
🤗 - A warm hug
Did you really expect anything else?
Please and thank you!
:3 yay! excuse to write donna fix-it fic lol
The Doctor left Donna behind, but not without a way to contact him if her family needed to. He couldn’t just- If he was wrong, if he hadn’t saved her, he needed to know. A single cellphone number crossed the void of time and space to reach back to him, like an anchor he couldn’t bring himself to draw up yet.
His worst fear was picking it up, but he still did before the first ring had even finished.
“Wilf?” he asked, and before waiting for a reply, “Is it Donna? Is she okay?”
A pause that sounded, unlike most empty air, extremely judging. The Doctor held his breath.
“Ask her yourself, spaceman,” Donna answered him. He wheezed like a leaking balloon in response and dropped the phone.
He wasn’t sure he’d ever flown the TARDIS so fast. Donna’s voice was bouncing around in his head, and he could only imagine worse and worse fates for her: her memories returning all at once and burning her out before he even got to her side, or slowly, enough to remember him, call him, and to be dying by the time he made it to her.
He nearly crashed the TARDIS. He stumbled more than he ran out the door, nearly slamming his nose into a fence that he’d landed too close to. Turning, he finally saw her.
Donna Noble. Very alive. Good. Very furious. Not as good.
“Donna-” was about as far as he got before she had marched her way over to him. He barely registered the slap, the sting of pain inaudible under the crashing realization that she was alive and remembered him and how the hell was she doing that?
“You-” Donna raised a finger to jab it into his chest. It wavered before she could do it a second time. Her scowl crumpled. “You-” she repeated, but this time, it sounded more like a sob.
She yanked him into a hug so tight that he could hear his pulses hammering in his ears, and hers beneath that, one human heart beating away to keep a Timelord’s memories inside her. Donna hit him on the chest again, weaker but still angry. The Doctor turned his head to bury his nose in her hair. She smelled different, and he remembered that the shampoo she’d been using on the TARDIS hadn’t even been invented yet. “I said no.” It was somewhere between a hiss and pleading. “I told you-”
“I couldn’t let you die.” His mouth felt numb as he formed the words. “How are you not dead?” He touched the back of her head and her shoulders and clung to her as much as she did him.
“Fish oil,” Donna mumbled. She sounded exhausted. Her nose poked the crook of his neck as she nestled there.
“Fish oil?”
“Stopped me from burning up,” she confirmed. “I told you: I can come up with solutions you’d never dream of.”
And all the Doctor could do was laugh and hold her.
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