#breastfeeding problem solve
milksnobs · 2 months
Breastfeeding Problems & Advice for New Moms: Conquering Common Hurdles
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Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to nourish your baby, but it can also present challenges, especially for new moms. Don't worry, you're not alone! Here at Milk Snob, we understand the frustrations that can come with breastfeeding, and we're here to offer support and advice to help you navigate this rewarding journey.
Common Breastfeeding Problems:
Latch Difficulties: Ensuring your baby latches on properly is crucial for successful breastfeeding. If your baby struggles to latch, a lactation consultant can assess your technique and provide personalized guidance. There are also helpful resources available online, and Milk Snob offers a wealth of articles on proper latching techniques.
Low Milk Supply: Many moms worry about having enough milk. Remember, your body is constantly working to establish and regulate milk production. Frequent feeding is key to stimulating supply. You can also consult your doctor or a lactation consultant for tips on boosting your milk production.
Sore Nipples: Breastfeeding shouldn't be painful. If your nipples are sore or cracked, it could be a sign of improper latch. Address latch issues and consider using nipple cream to soothe discomfort. Lanolin is a popular choice, but be sure to choose a brand free of additives and fragrances. Brands like Lansinoh and Medela offer safe and effective nipple creams.
Engorgement: Engorged breasts can be painful and make it difficult for your baby to latch. Apply a warm compress before feeding to help soften the breast tissue and express a small amount of milk for comfort.
Mastitis: This is an inflammation of the breast tissue that can cause fever, chills, and a red, tender area. If you suspect mastitis, contact your doctor immediately.
Advice for New Moms:
Seek Support: Don't be afraid to ask for help! Lactation consultants, breastfeeding support groups, and experienced moms can offer valuable advice and encouragement.
Be Patient: Breastfeeding is a learned skill for both you and your baby. It takes time and practice to establish a comfortable and successful routine.
Listen to Your Body: Don't push yourself too hard. Breastfeeding should be a positive experience for both you and your baby.
Take Care of Yourself: Prioritize your own health and well-being. Eat a healthy diet, stay hydrated, and get enough sleep, even if it's in short bursts.
Funny Advice for New Moms:
Leaks happen – embrace the boob bib! Invest in a stylish nursing cover like Milk Snob's signature design, for discreet feeding on the go. And remember, a little leak is a sign your body is doing a fantastic job!
Your baby may become a human vacuum cleaner. Don't be surprised by marathon nursing sessions – it's all part of establishing supply and demand.
By understanding common breastfeeding challenges and seeking support, you can navigate this journey with confidence. Milk Snob is here to be your one-stop shop for all things breastfeeding, offering expert tips, comfortable nursing essentials, and a supportive community of moms.
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violettduchess · 1 year
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A/N: Better late than never! Not a request, just my imagining what these lovely suitors would be like with an infant that wakes up crying 💜
CW: babies, breastfeeding
Suitors x female reader
WC: 2045
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A cry rings out through a peaceful summer night at the palace.
It is small, but powerful.
And very, very insistent. 
A light sleeper by nature, he gets up, murmuring for you to try and keep sleeping when he notices you stirring too. "I'll see what I can do for the little peanut." He crosses the room to the white bassinet with its pale pink ruffles, a gift from Uncle Yves. Inside his infant daughter is fussing. Tiny fists are clenching and unclenching as her small head turns fitfully left and right.
“Ah, c’mere sweetheart,” he says, voice still rough with sleep as he lifts her gently, laying her against his bare shoulder. One large hand rubs her back as he walks the length of the room, her tiny cheek warm as a spot of sunshine against his shoulder.
“I can take her–” you start to say as you push yourself upright in the bed, but he shakes his head, holding up a finger.
“I think we’ve got this handled, love. Take a look.” He walks over to your side of the bed, his hand still gently stroking the baby’s back. Her tiny head with its halo of black hair rests against him and is still. Not able to see her face, he turns sideways, giving you the sweetest view of your handsome, bare-chested husband holding your daughter close, her small face now relaxed again in sleep. Her father’s warmth was enough to solve whatever problem had woken her and she's drifted back off to the soft, hazy world of baby dreams.
You smile, feeling the way your heart expands, a paradox: never has it been so full of love and yet so very, very light.
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He wakes up immediately at his son’s first cry and is out of bed before the sound can even penetrate your deep sleep. He knows how often you get up, how often you are the only one who can satisfy your son’s voracious demands for food but Clavis has told himself that the little tyrant's demands that don't require milk, he will take care of himself. You, his dearest of dears, need as much sleep as you can get.
He bends down over the baby’s cradle, brushing back the boy’s angel-soft hair, the same twilight shade as his. “So noisy at such a late hour. My my. This won’t do.” Carefully he scoops up his son, adjusting his pajamas and then his hand freezes. 
“Oh dear. I think I see why you’re so upset, little Lelouch.” The baby continues to whimper, little cries that, although Clavis knows they are harmless, still feel like they are stabbing right into the center of his tender heart. He never wants to hear his child in distress.
Reaching up, he turns the small knob on the lamp above the dresser where you have all of the baby’s changing things neatly laid out. His son squeaks out little sounds of agitation. “I’ve got you, don't worry. Papa's got you, always and--my goodness, how does such a tiny body produce this much liquid?” He talks, his words soft and almost sing-song as he changes his son’s pajamas and diaper with practiced hands. The baby, now removed of his damp clothing, stops whimpering, instead blinking up at his father with wide golden eyes.
“There has got to be a better solution to this than soaking all those linen diapers,” he mutters as he carefully slides chubby legs into fresh little stockings. “I bet I could invent something that might absorb all your perfectly healthy but still oh so stinky messes much better.” The baby kicks his legs and waves his arms, as if cheering in agreement and Clavis laughs softly, lifting his son back into his arms. “You agree with Papa? You think I can do that? Of course you do.” 
He walks back to the cradle, turning his head to place a gentle kiss to the apple of his son’s plump cheek. He could hold him in his arms forever, never tiring of that infant smell, that the feel of his warm little body so trusting and sweet against him. 
He pauses in front of the cradle. “Hmm….I know. Let’s go on a little nocturnal journey down the hall while talking through some chemicals and their rates of absorption. I bet you’ll be a perfectly delightful assistant.”
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Both you and Jin yawn, sleepily rubbing at your eyes as your daughter’s cries fill the bedroom. One glance at the time and he sighs, reaching over to tenderly touch your cheek with the back of his hand. “She’s on time, our little one,” he murmurs in his deep voice even as you are pushing yourself up with one hand and already unbuttoning your nightgown with the other.
He gets up, walking over to the crib where the infant is crying, her shock of brownish hair standing up in every direction. “Mommy’s already getting ready for you, princess,” he says as he reaches down and lifts her. She’s so small in his large hands. He walks back to bed, murmuring soft little shushing noises, and then carefully hands her over to you. You help her find the right position and then sigh when she begins to nurse, her cries immediately quieted. Glancing up, you find Jin sitting on the edge of the bed, watching you both with a curiously thoughtful expression.
“What is it?” 
He watches you a moment, then shakes his head, a sheepish grin on his handsome face. “It’s just….I’ve always liked that particular body part.” You snort, running your fingers over your baby’s fine chestnut hair. “That’s an understatement.” He chuckles, shrugging before continuing his thought. “Yeah well…it’s just…I think….now that I see ‘em being used to feed our little girl….I think….I think I actually like them MORE now.”
You can’t help it. You start giggling, a burst of yellow happiness that colors the gray exhaustion of new parenthood. “God, I love you.” You crook a finger at him and he matches your smile as he climbs back into bed and leans close to you. You place a kiss on his chiseled cheekbone, warm and affectionate. A sigh born of tender happiness is his answer, along with the words, “I love you too.”
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“Stay in bed. I’ll go.” He’s up, striding across the bedroom to the bassinet before you can even finish rubbing the sleep from your eyes. “Aye, piccolino, sono qui.” He reaches down, running a hand over the restless infant's back. But no soothing words or pets seem to be enough. He lifts the baby carefully, still in that new stage of fatherhood where a baby feels like the most fragile thing in the world.
You watch your two pale-haired men, frowning slightly as the littlest one continues to fuss. "He can't be hungry again, can he?" You have just finished feeding him until he fell into a milk-drunk state of blissful sleep, his body heavy and warm, not thirty minutes ago. He had been sleeping so soundly that hope for more than an hour of sleep at one time had risen in your heart.
Silvio lays the baby against his shoulder. His hands are bare, with only his simple gold wedding band left on his elegant fingers. Every other piece of jewelry has been removed for the sake of his child. Necklaces would get in the way of his son sleeping on his bare chest. Earrings might hinder his ability to press his cheek against his fine, moonlight-spun hair. 
"Ain't no baby in the world that could eat again after all that milk." He inclines his head towards his son. "Listen to you, cucciolo. All that growling." He rubs his small back in soothing circles. And then the most extraordinary thing happens: the tiny prince lets out the most raucous of burps. The kind that sends a quake through his little body.
"Dio mio," his father mutters, blue eyes wide as he looks down at his son. You grin through your sleepiness. "Here I thought only his grumbling was like his father." 
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His daughter's cry shatters the night's peace in an instant. Both you and Gilbert wake up immediately, but he's quicker than you, throwing back the covers and crossing the room to the cradle carved from darkest walnut. 
He spots the problem immediately. At some point during the night she had kicked her blanket to the end of her cradle where it lies bunched up and useless. Her socks are nowhere to be seen, a display of her magician-like talent for making them disappear. He reaches down and sure enough, her tiny feet are like ice blocks.
"Always the same thing with you, oder Mäuschen? What have socks ever done to you?” He lifts her from her cradle, tucking her securely into the crook of his arm as he makes his way over to the dresser that has been designated hers. You reach across the bed, turning on the lamp that sits on his nightstand and he glances at you over his shoulder, eyes bright with appreciation. “Thank you, Häschen.” Now he can see better, his fingers trailing over the tiny rolled up socks and tights. When the baby makes a small cooing sound, he stops. “These?” He pulls out a pair of soft black tights embroidered with mini red roses. “Ahh a good choice.”
He hums as he walks over to the changing table, the sound soft and soothing, the gentle rush of a river through the night. As he carefully changes her diaper and then works her plump little legs into the tights, humming gives way to him singing. "Der Mond ist aufgegangen…"
She is curious, all thoughts of crying gone, watchful crimson eyes blinking as she keeps her gaze on the source of the calming sound. “Fertig,” he says, leaning down to press a kiss to the soles of her now covered feet. "All done." Then he lifts her, carrying her not to her cradle but back to the bed. He slides in, leaning back against the support of the many bed pillows, settling in. Her eyes are already closing as she snuggles in close against his chest.
You watch them both with a smile as tender as the moon’s joy in the stars.
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The man who took an army to wake up is on his feet in an instant. He is silent as he crosses the room, leaning down to check on his crying daughter, her pale head of blond hair gleaming silver in the moonlight. He carefully lifts her from the bassinet, marveling in the back of his mind at how very small she is.
He glances back to the bed where you are still deeply asleep. “Your mother is exhausted from all your demands.” He wouldn’t usually condone speaking to a baby as they are incapable of understanding but he’s found that she calms down when she hears his voice. Even now her whimpering stops, her tiny cheek resting on the soft linen of his shirt. She’s gone very still, as if truly listening to his words. “You’ve eaten twenty minutes ago. We can eliminate hunger. Your bottom is….” He pats it gently, checking. “...perfectly dry. The room is neither too hot nor too cold.” He wraps his hands around her feet. She’s still wearing her white socks trimmed with yellow lace. “Your feet are adequately covered.” He tips his head back to look down at her. Her perfect, tiny fingers are curled into his shirt and her body feels heavy, drowsy with sleep. 
She attempts to turn her head, burying her face in his shoulder and he reaches up, helping her, running his strong fingers over her downy hair when she has found a position that is comfortable. Chevalier walks over to the white wooden rocking chair you have positioned by the window and lowers himself into it.
“You simply wanted to be held, didn’t you?” A heavy, stuttering sigh leaves her small body, almost as if in answer to her father’s line of questioning. He cups her head with his hand, tilting his face down to place a soft kiss on her hair. “I’ll comply, little one.” He settles into the chair and begins rocking gently back and forth, father and daughter, bathed in loving, silvery moonlight.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @queen-dahlia @aceuuuuu @scorchieart
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thomasisaslut · 11 months
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Loki Laufeyson x F!Reader
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Lactation — KTober
Word Count: 1k
Part Two Of: Breeding || Kinktober Day One
Includes: Lactation, Oral (F), Vaginal Fingering, Breastfeeding, Service Top Loki Laufeyson, Large Boobies!
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On Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51010651
On Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/1391144174-𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫-𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑-𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧-𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢-𝐋𝐚𝐮𝐟𝐞𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧-𝐱-𝐅-𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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You gave birth to your first child with Loki a while ago, everything has been perfect. He was an amazing father and Thor was a great uncle, they both loved your child dearly.
However, since the birth your breasts have been throbbing, yes, you know there is milk in there but that doesn’t change the fact that they ache.
Most other mothers you know produce one point five ounces every hour, but you have been producing three ounces in an hour. And usually your child is asleep so the only way to solve the problem is by using pumps, and even those don’t help. The suction covers almost all of your boob, making it hurt when pulling away.
Currently, you were sitting on the toilet—it was around three in the morning, your child and Loki both sleeping—with the breast pump attached. Tears nearly fall from your cheeks as the pump does it’s job.
“My love?” Loki looks at you from the doorframe, his shirt off, only in his boxers. His usual tamed hair messy and fluffy from the pillows of your large, kingsized bed. “What is wrong, sweetling?” He walks over and plants a kiss on your temple.
“Lokes…” The tears slip, falling down your face and onto your thighs, his thumbs begin to wipe away the teardrops. “My breasts have been producing double the amount as usual… they hurt so bad…” More tears fall.
“Shhh, my love… why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve done something to help.” Loki kneels before you, his eyes flicker to the full bottles of milk on the bathroom’s counter before back to your eyes.
“Because our child is getting enough nutrients from the milk… and what if I tried to fix it and it just stopped?” You try to come up with a reason.
A small chuckle passes his lips. “Sweetling… you know that is a low possibility, how about I try something?”
You nod, desperate for anything that will help.
Loki brings his hands to the active breast pump before slowly taking them off of your boobs—you wince from the sudden movement, he places the machine on the ground before looking at your breasts. He kisses the area surrounding your nipple before he—shockingly—takes the hardened nub into his mouth. Loki begins to suck the milk out of your boob, carefully and gently. You have to admit it feels much better than the machine.
“Loki… stop, I can’t imagine it tastes pleasant…” You whimper.
He removes his mouth from your breast, looking up at you with a smirk. “Whatever do you mean, it tastes heavenly, my love.”
Loki’s words make your cheeks flush a deep crimson. “Are you sure?”
“I’m positive, sweetling.” Loki then goes back to draining the milk from your breast, sucking and licking the sensitive nub. You can’t help but feel arousal, even if the situation is odd.
“Loki… I need… need your hands.” You plea, your husband instantly complies, his index and middle finger slide into your wet cunt—you instantly clamp around his hand. “Oh… Lokes…” You moan, you look to Loki. You see his Adams Apple bobbing as he continues to suck out your milk.
“Other one… please.”
Loki kisses your nipple before he moves to your left breast, he then begins to suck out the milk there. He slides in a third finger, teasing it before he moves his thumb to your clitoris.
“I love you.” He whispers against your boob before continuing to drain it. “Our baby has the best mother in the world, in the galaxy, in entire the Nine Realms.” You moan at his praise.
Loki’s thumb applies more pressure on your clit as he continues to finger you, he moans around your nipple which only makes them grow in hardness.
“I love you too, Loki…” You whimper as he inserts another finger. “So much, past everything. And I love our child… our little family.” You smile down at him, he looks up—pale blue eyes piercing.
He pulls away from your breast, some of the milk leaks from your nipple and onto his chin, he licks it up.
“May I fuck you, princess?” He smirks.
“It might hurt…” You sound hesitant.
“Then allow me to pleasure you, sweetling.” Loki smiles then leans down further, he pulls you down a bit so your core is on display for him.
Loki leans down and kisses your sensitive nub before sucking on your clit, he withdraws his fingers from your cunt and brings it to your nipples. He teases and squeezes the right one, it instantly leaks, milk covering his hand.
“Fuck, my love… please, let me have another child with you. I love how you look right now, so perfect and beautiful.” He kisses your clit again before sliding his fingers back into your cunt.
“Oh! Loki! M-Maybe…” You moan, Loki moves his lips back to your neglected breast and sucks the rest of the milk out. He then moves onto the other boob and finishes off the milk there, you have to admit, he looks as if he was the most satisfied man in the Nine Realms.
“So pretty…” He cups your breasts. “Beautiful…” He trails his hands down your waist. “Gorgeous.” He kisses your mum-tum. “Stunning.” He moves to your thighs and plants a kiss on both. “And…” He kisses your clitoris once more. “Mine.”
“Y-Yours!” The worship was enough to make the building in your stomach release, your juices squirt against your husbands face, he instantly licks it up. The sight alone makes you want more. “Loki…” You whimper.
He shushes you with a kiss then picks you up. “I love you, my sweet princess. Let us rest… I’m sure you need it.” Loki teases with a wink.
You giggle and nod, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you… for everything.” A smile forms across your features, more tears forming in your eyes, but, now they were from pure happiness. “Most men would never do that…”
“There are no men like me, sweetling.” He smirks and lays you down on the bed before sliding in next to you. Loki’s arms hooks around you as he tugs you closer, now spooning you. “And I love you more than anything else in this entire galaxy.”
You smile against his arm, he kisses the nape of your neck and holds you tighter. “I love you too, my prince.”
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luvvixu · 1 year
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dazai x reader (she/her)
🏡🧵 home sweet home pt. 1
genre: fluff, domestic au
synopsis: what does it look like to have a normal daily life at dazai's household? just you coming home to your little family after a long and exhaustion work. this is the life you and dazai had been dreaming of.
warning: mentioned of breastfeeding, pranking, anxiety
word count: 1.5k
a/n: i got inspired to write a story when i saw a website that said this song is the most therapeutic breastfeeding song. and it came to happened that dazai was the last anime character i saw that day.
so i was like, hmm...what would it be like to have a family with my suicidal maniac crush? so yeah, here it is.
oh yeah, one last note, i kinda made him self-explanatory character on this one???
song - invisible string by taylor swift
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a long day just ended for you as a sigh escaped from your lips. you are on your way home to your little family after doing some shift at the agency.
while waiting for the traffic jam to untangle, you open your phone and reveal the wallpaper that never fails to make you smile whenever you see it.
a picture of your new born baby and your husband, dazai osamu.
the statement never lies, your lips crescent a smile at the sight of your little family. you also decided to call your husband who's on his day off and being a male wife for today.
within a few rings, dazai picked up the phone. the sound of your baby's laughter first rang through the phone, making your smile widen.
"hello, my love~ are you on your way home?" your husband's honeyed voice said through the phone.
your shoulder loses its tense from the fatigue just by hearing the sound of him. "yeah. i'm sorry if i didn't arrive on time, there's a small emergency happened. but atsushi-kun and i have already settled it down before it gets worse."
"of course, my wife is good at solving problems." dazai complimented you. he always knows what is best for you.
"anyways, how's things going there?"
"ooh, wait. hey emi-chan! say hi to mama." you hear a baby noise as your husband shifts his phone onto someone.
"emi-chan~" you cooed, and your five month old baby let out a cute babble just by hearing your voice. it makes you laugh and almost die on your spot due to her overflowing cuteness.
"did you miss mama?" your back rested on the seat as your vehicle started to move. luckily, you had a phone holder in front so you won't have to hold it while driving at the same time.
"yes." dazai said in his baby voice, imitating your daughter.
you let out a giggle. "mama misses you too, emi-chan. when i get home, i will kiss your chubby cheeks and watch cartoons together!"
"yah! what about me?" your another baby—i mean dazai interrupted you. a picture of him pouting already depicted on your mind.
"hmm? are you saying something, emi?" you playfully said. the noises coming from osamu intensify. he was complaining, pouting, and whining at you like a big baby. your big baby.
"ahem! sweetheart, emi-chan just asked me if you miss your husband too?" sensing that you did not plan to respond to him as your husband, he changes his tone into a deeper one, like an incognito voice.
"who's there with you, emi?! did you let someone enter the house?" you continued to play dumb until you finally pulled up to your house where your two babies are in.
dazai was whining on the phone and he seemed to want to fight his daughter just because he didn't receive any attention from you.
ignoring him, you purposely muted the call and lowered the volume as you carefully tip-toed inside the house.
"mommy is such a tease, isn't she?" and there you saw your own family. emi was sitting on her father's lap while chewing her pacifier, and dazai was on the floor, still pouting as he talks to his child who's clearly unaware.
"i'm getting jealous of you now, emi-chan." he jokingly said, booping her nose and then proceeded to bite her chubby cheeks carefully. you forced yourself to swallow the laugh in your throat.
"y/n has been unresponsive for a while, did she end the call?" dazai checked his phone when he realized you had been really quiet. the call was still on, so he sought for you.
"darling? are you still there?"
no answer.
"y/n? hello? sweetie, can you hear me?"
still no answer.
suddenly, his pout turns into a deep frown. you could clearly see that he's becoming worried now to the point that he put emi back to the cradle.
he squatted down to meet his daughter's gaze. dazai holds her little hands to give it some pecks. "emi, my cute little baby…stay here and do not do anything, alright? nothing's wrong so no need to worry. papa will keep you and mama safe."
your heart melted at the scene. no matter how worried he is, dazai wouldn't let himself show his fear in front of his daughter who cannot even understand anything, yet.
you knew you didn't make the wrong choice of starting a family with him.
"papa is just going to call mama." he continued. when you saw him about to pick up his call, you immediately ended the call.
you watch his face become more concerned when the call ends without even saying a goodbye to him.
dazai started to bite his nails, a secret habit of his whenever he feels anxious. without any second wasted, he called your number. the sound of your ringtone made him almost dashed to your hidden spot.
"y/n! my god, you're here!" dazai pulled you into a tight hug as soon as he saw you.
you let out an awkward chuckle. "hi?"
"jesus! don't do it again, please. i thought something happened to you!" dazai buried his face into the crook of your neck. you suddenly feel guilty when you sense his shaky breath.
he is really worried.
a hand if yours traveled into his head to give his fluffy brown hair a soft brush to give him comfort. "i'm sorry, baby. i didn't mean to get you worried. i just want to surprise you."
"it's alright—"
both of your heads immediately turned to the direction where the sound came from, emi was crying. you and osamu's parental instincts kicked in as you literally ran towards her.
you carefully picked her up and cooed. "shh~ mama's here, mama's here. aw, why is my baby emi crying?" you land a kiss on her cheeks that was covered with tears.
dazai gently guided you to sit on the couch. he grabbed a tissue and wiped the tears that emi had shed. "don't cry, emi-chan. we're here now." he mumbled softly.
you checked her diaper, it's not full. you tried to make her laugh, but still emi continues to wail loudly.
a sigh escaped from your lips. you gently rocked her and turned your head to your husband who worriedly gazed at his crying daughter.
"when was the last time she drank milk?" dazai ponders for a moment. his eyes widened when he realized.
"that's right! emi just woke up when you called me. she naps for like two and half hours. no wonder she cries because she's hungry." he explains.
"go and make her baby formula." you instructed him because you are busy soothing your child.
dazai chucked hesitantly. "the thing is, it ran out. emi drank the last baby formula earlier. so, i guess we're going to do the traditional way of feeding her."
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"♪ and isn't it just so pretty to think ♪" dazai sang a song you two discovered while randomly streaming on spotify.
"♪ all along there was some ♪" he said to you that this song reminded him of the time when the two of you first met.
"♪ invisible string ♪" singing the invisible string has become his hobby whenever he is watching you putting emi to sleep. the song serves as the lullaby that made her fall asleep.
"♪ tying you to me~? ♪" your husband dedicated this song to you. not only it became your couple's love song, wedding song, and now your daughter's lullaby.
overall, this is a sweet moment. but it doesn't…
you tried not to lash out of dazai when he was right there beside you, watching how you breastfeed your daughter. his hands were fixed on emi's tiny ones, caging it playfully and made her squirm. which causes her to latches on your sore breast a bit harder than the usual sucking.
"osamu, for god's sake…let her feed in peace! and why are you even watching me feed her?" you caresses her head gently, making sure that she would not freak out at your little yell.
your husband rolled his eyes. "why not? i've also experienced that before…being fed by you—so, no need to be so shy about me witnessing it." this man had an audacity to make a dirty foreshadow in front of your daughter.
a pillow flew on his straight into his face. "osamu! i swear, get out for a moment." you tried to calm yourself. but dazai doesn't care and continued to play with emi, resting his head on your shoulder.
meanwhile, your little princess was in no mood to play with her daddy. emi got irritated because she couldn't move her hands, dazai has them. so, she let out a squirm and then a whine.
acting hurriedly, you rock her while giving your biggest death glare on your husband.
"welp…" dazai took the cue as he sheepishly go out of the room, finally giving you and emi some private time together.
"daddy is such a crackhead, isn't he?" you talked to your daughter who just looked at you with her big beautiful eyes while sucking your breast. you couldn't help but to squeal at your daughter.
"and you're such a cutie, emi-emi!"
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s0ull3ss-p3rs0n · 3 months
[Oni and Oni hybrid au things/headcanons that only make sense to me]
(This will talk about genitalia, reproducing, childbirth and breastfeeding, but only in a scientific way, also this is nothing more than a beta version of the headcanons because everything sounds better in my head)
First, baseline Oni headcanons:
The Oni usually range from 6'6 to 7'2ft (198-220cm)
They have fur that stores their sweat as a natural coolant in hotter temperatures and keeps them warm in colder temperatures.
Their body temperature is usually very warm, to the point you can be near one and feel it without touching them.
The Dragoni language does not have pronouns so the Oni do not have perception of gender.
Gentle biting is a love language, also they purr.
Now to the reproduction side:
The Oni have humanoid genitals, but they have both sexes instead of one, exceptions are extremely rare.
The Oni also lay eggs for whatever reason.
Due to having both genitals, either one can choose to be the one to lay the eggs, however their preference is.
Heat cycles 2 times a year, usually with partners their bond can align the heat cycles to approximately match.
Due to having both reproductive genitals, they can also reproduce asexually, but often refrain from doing so, as the child will have a significantly shorter lifespan compared to normal.
The Oni cannot be classified as mammals, because they do not produce milk, their chests are all flat.
And now to the babies:
The Oni have a strong maternal instinct and would never hurt a baby/child of any species and are very protective of any child they find.
This also means that if an Oni's baby dies, they can mourn for a long time, possibly even years.
The egg develops inside the Oni for a few weeks and then after the egg is laid, it takes 10 months for it to hatch.
After the baby hatches from the egg, one of the parents uses their claws to crack the eggshell into small pieces and feeds those small pieces to the baby, due to the eggshell's nutrients being similar to human breastmilk.
The babies could easily be mistaken for kittens, if it wasn't for the tail.
Now to the hybrids and how they work:
An Oni hybrid baby can look more or less Oni depending on whether they were born from an Oni egg or from the other parent.
If born from an Oni egg, they're usually more Oni physically, if born from the other parent, the baby looks more that species, some exceptions do exist.
With the exceptions, it might be harder to get them to survive the first days, as their mouths may be too weak to consume Oni egg shards, or, if the other parent is a human, their teeth might hurt the parent too much for them to breastfeed.
The Oni egg problem can be solved by crushing the eggshell into powder and adding water, making it similar to baby formula.
The breastfeeding problem can be solved by simply either feeding the child baby formula or through bottled milk.
(I'm gonna make a pt2 someday with more info about the hybrids and how shit their lives often end up being, also this is just barely disguised omegaverse isn't it)
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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In the mood for a Fic...
1. Hi! For the next itmf, can you rec the best golden core reveal fics? Thank you so much!
could you find a way to let me down slowly, if you're leaving baby let me down slowly by ravenditefairylights (M, 36k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Golden Core Reveal, Implied/Referenced Sex, Miscommunication, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Hurt WWX, Mutual Pining, Unreliable Narrator, Self-Esteem Issues, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, Protective Siblings, Trauma, Slightly dubious consent, courtesy of drunk sex, Inventor WWX, Genius WWX, Phoenix Mountain, Chronic Pain, Getting Together, Fix-It of Sorts, One Braincell Trio, PTSD)
Tether by WithBroomBefore (T, 40k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, WWX Lives, JYL Lives, Golden Core Reveal, Minor Character Death, POV JYL, Grief/Mourning, Sunshot Campaign, Healing, Hurt/Comfort, Family Feels, Fix-It, Happy Ending)
in defense of lightning by fruitys (E, 15k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Burial Mounds Settlement Days, Hurt/Comfort, Light Angst, Golden Core Reveal, Getting Together, First Time, Dual Cultivation, canon-typical lubrication)
At the bottom of the bottle, you're the poison in the wine by KatAnni (T, 11k, WangXian, Fainting, Angst, Poisoning, JZ is an asshole, Golden Core Reveal, Fix-It, a little poisoning will solve all your problems!, Hurt/Comfort, POV Multiple, Attempted Murder, hinted Chengqing, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Fix-It of Sorts, Canon Divergence)
they who refuse to be blessed by sysrae (E, 7k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Whump, Golden Core Reveal, Developing Relationship, Bathing/Washing, Confessions, Sharing a Bed)
the soft animal of your body by sysrae (T, 15k, WangXian, Modern AU, Modern with Magic, modern culitvation, Golden Core Reveal, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Animal Transformation, Shapeshifting, Sort Of, Getting Together, Confessions)
Gently Haunted by LusBeatha (G, 19k, WangXian, Character Death, LWJ dies in the first scene and it's gradually uphill from there, Sentient Burial Mounds, Autistic LWJ, Shutdowns, Canon Divergence, Ghosts, Child LSZ, Oblivious WWX, Getting Together, Ghost Marriage, ghost parenting, Grief/Mourning, but only for ghosts that are still present, Golden Core Reveal, Soup, Happy Ending)
Red Flower With One Hundred Petals; Smoke Carried on the Blue Dusk Air by carolyncaves (T, 32k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Post-Sunshot Campaign, the working title of this was 'wwx goes to gusu', Alcohol, Mental Health Issues, Angst, Tenderness, Golden Core Reveal, Hurt/Comfort, thoughts of death/dying, Rabbits, Caretaking, Marriage Proposal, Wedding Fluff, Family Feels, Literal Sleeping Together, Shotgun Wedding, angry wedding planner JC, Yunmeng sibling drama and fluff, physical affection, Terrible Parties, Happy Ending)
so full of love i could barely eat by cicer (E, 40k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Mating Cycles/In Heat, A/B/O Dynamics, Omega LWJ, Alpha WWX, Bottom LWJ/Top WWX, mentions of mpreg, Breastfeeding, Lactation Kink, Male Lactation, Golden Core Reveal, Fix-It, Intersex, Knotting)
2. Hello! Could you please recommend me best fics from the cloud recesses study arc, preferably m or e? ❤️ @notyoursins
Straight at the Sun by diamondbruise (E, 33k, WangXian, Canon Universe, no war though, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, Misunderstandings, First Time, Anal Sex, wwx desperately wants lwj’s attention, lwj desperately wants to marry wwx, Miscommunication, Jealousy, in abundance, Happy Ending)
you think you know something you don’t by nu_breed (E, 12k, WangXian, CQL Canon Elements, Masturbation, Semi-Public Sex, LWJ Loves Rabbits, First Time, Pining, First Time Blow Jobs, Cloud Recesses Study Arc (CQL), Missing Scenes, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, Canon Divergence)
The Taste Of Cherry by chiyukimei (E, 6k, WangXian, Cloud Recesses, Cherry Magic AU, Not JC Friendly, Lots of kissing, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Soft LQR)
A Mother’s Curse (A Mother’s Blessing) by Eudoxia (E, 33k, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, Huli Jing LWJ, Huli Jing WWX, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Curses, Case Fic, Animal Transformation, Arranged Marriage, Misunderstandings, No Sunshot Campaign, No Yīn Iron (The Untamed TV), Mentions of Ace LXC, Mentions of Ace WN, XuanLi, XiNing, ChengSongQing, Knotting, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Oral Sex, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bites, Mating Bond, Size Kink, Mpreg, Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, LWJ and WWX Have a Breeding Kink, Intersex Male Omegas, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Cunnilingus, Squirting)
Five Ways to Provoke Lan Wangji by ekideme (E, 12k, WangXian, Teasing, Getting Together, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans)
Deep in the Woods by malkinmalkout (E, 5k, WangXian, Getting Together, First Time, Consensual Underage Sex, Voyeurism, Dirty Talk, Masturbation, punishment kink, Canon Divergence, Cloud Recesses, PWP, Semi-Public Sex, Mention of Heterosexual Porn)
The Golden Cutsleeve by syrus_jones (E, 77k, WangXian, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Crack, Humor, Aged-Up Character(s), WWX POV, WWX is a gremlin, Internally Screaming LWJ, No Sunshot Campaign, First Times, Accidental Sex, Masturbation, PWP, Porn with Feelings, WWX experimenting with things he shouldn't like always, Happy Ending, Porn With Plot)
perfect pretenders by skyestiel (T, 60k, ChengSong, WangXian, Implied 3Zun, Canon Divergence, Practice Kissing, Mutual Pining, POV Alternating, Making Out, a lot of kissing and making out oops, Misunderstandings, Fluff and Angst, Attempt at Humor, Poetry, mixture of book and cql canon, First Kiss, Getting Together, Friends to Lovers, boys being dumb, the one braincell trio content the world deserves, Trapped In A Closet, Pre-Canon Speculation, Flashbacks)
when you love somebody, bite your tongue by sophiahelix (E, 17k, wangxian, cloud recesses study arc, first time, horny teenagers, sharing a bed)
3. Hi, i'm looking for fics where Wei Wuxian's genius is a big part of the fic. I looked under the 'Genius Wei Ying' tag but there are only a few fics and I read all the ones that interested me. Thanks in advance!! @iseverelydislikeeveryone
🧡CSI: Gusu Edition Series by Stratisphyre (M, 39k, WangXian, WWX & LQR, Modern with Magic AU, College AU, Golden Core Reveal, Single parent WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Hospitalization, Allusions to violence and murder)
Story-Shaped by lingering_song (T, 13k, wangxian, NHS & WWX, post-canon, chief cultivator LWJ, inventor WWX, found family, alcohol, protective NHS, not JC friendly)
Rotten Work by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 63k, WangXian, WWX & JL, Post-Canon, Protective WWX, Protective JL, Yunmeng Bros Reconciliation, Reluctant Matchmaker JL, [PODFIC] Rotten Work by sakizar)
🧡 the river brought you here by chilianxianzi (Not Rated, 11k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, POV Outsider, Amnesia, Past abuse, Strangulation, Found Family)
🧡Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 438k, WangXian, WIP, Fix-it of sorts, Talisman master WWX, Not JFM Friendly, Study Arc, Getting together, Fluff and Angst, Engagement)
The River Runs Forever by Cerusee (T, 129k, wangxian, JYL & WWX & JC, NHS/JYL, WWX & NHS, character death, BAMF WWX, inventor WWX, sect leader WWX, WIP)
Half Agony, Half Hope by queenklu (T, 105k, WangXian, XiYao, ChengQing, XuanLi, NieLan, Jane Austen Fusion, persuasion au, Pining, Broken Engagement, Secrets, Espionage, Child Injury, Terrible Parents (YZY and JFM), Past Child Neglect)
🧡 I Don't Want to Debut! By countingcr0ws (G, 56k, WangXian, Modern AU, Reality Show, Idols, Celebrity, Social Media, Epistolary, Romance, Fluff, Footnotes, Kissing, Poetry, [Podfic] I Don't Want to Debut! by PandaReads (DrPanda99) ) he's super smart and intelligent!
golden when the day met the night by glitteringmoonlight (Not Rated, 82k, WIP, WangXian, Canon, Slow-ish burn, Sugar Daddy LWJ, which is an anachronistic term for this fic but it fits, Light Angst, Fluff, Developing Relationship, WWX gets all the appreciation he deserves, even if he's a bit confused about it at first, warprize au with a twist, in that everyone thinks WWX is a warprize, but LWJ has only platonic and honourable intentions, at first 😏, Eventual Smut)
I don't remember the exact fic titles, but I had a genius!wwx phase too some time ago and I found fics along these lines with the tags for genius wwx, talismans, scholar wwx, academics, inventor wwx, inventions and so on. The fics where wwx loses an arm/a leg/any body part honestly take the genius wwx road too. Along with the fics where he doesn't fall down the burial mounds. And, if you like the genre, many space au fics have wwx being a genius, a tinkerer etc.
4. For the next itmf is there any fanfics where after wax comes back from the dead, lwj just lashes out at him or absolutely breaks because of his grief, like just crying his eyes out and being very angry? Preferably angsty with happy endings.
5. When I catch an I'm in the mood for, can I please have some secret marriage fics?? Wangxian having been married the entire time, weather wwx knows it or not, those fics are sooooo good, I need them like air. Thanks for all you do!!
the thread may stretch or tangle but it will never break by RoseThorne (E, 77k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Soulmates, Self-Esteem Issues, Fix-It, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, PTSD, Handfasting, Panic Attacks, Getting Together, First Time, Aftercare, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, /Referenced Torture, Scars, Chronic Pain, Golden Core Reveal, First Time, Switching, sex-related injury, LWJ Stays at the Burial Mounds, LSZ is a Wèi, Good Sibling JC, Dissociation, Burial Mounds Settlement Days)
Until The End by abCEE (M, 365k, wangxian, LWJ & LSZ & WWX, established relationship, communication, mpreg, good uncle LQR, BAMF JYL, canon-typical violence, LSZ is wangxian’s son, WWX has new golden core, fix-it of sorts, canonical character death (WWX), happy ending
intents and in tents by mexicantt (E, 12k, WangXian, Explicit sexual material, Canon Divergence - War Time, Dubious Consent, two fucking idiots fucking a fucking lot, fucking intents, fucking in tents, fucking in freezing fucking water, fucking in the Lan sect library because of COURSE they did, fucking outdoors, fucking on rooftops, Fucking in Caves, Rimming, Fingering, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, wwx's canonical self-lubing asshole, Dual Cultivation, fucking a new golden core into wwx As A Treat, Exhibitionism)
Take Responsibility by draechaeli (E, 75k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Mainly Novel with a few CQL and Donghua bits, Everybody Lives, Original Children Characters, Adoption but WWX birthed them all, Mpreg, Teen Pregnancy, Pregnancy Kink, Male Lactation, Lactation Kink, Consensual Non-Consent, Light Bondage, Pregnant Sex, easy to skip nsfw chapters, Fix-It, Happy Ending)
Propagate Understanding by draechaeli (E, 175k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Pregnancy Kink, Consensual Non-Consent, Light Bondage, Adoption, MXY Lives, MXY has an arc, Original Children Characters, Babies for Everyone, Crossdressing, Temporary Character Death, easy to skip nsfw chapters, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con)
🧡 Vow by draechaeli (E, 216k, Canon Divergence, BeliefGod!WWX, Adoption but WWX birthed them all, Pregnancy Kink, Mpreg, Mainly Novel with a few CQL and Donghua bits, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Temporary Character Death, WWXs dead for a lot of this, but he’s having fun, Unintentional "Sect leader" WWX)
The song that heals the soul by Meeana (Not Rated, 6k, WangXian, War Prize LWJ, but not really, Mistaken Identity, Golden Core Reveal, musical cultivation, Fix-It of Sorts)
6. hi! i'm wondering whether there are lxc centered fics that revolve around his gullibility and how he felt after getting manipulated? it can be canon compliant, or other au with themes of manipulation. i'm just in the mood of seeing him dislike the gullible part of himself, and want to see it explored more. bonus if the ppl around him also blame him for bad stuff that happened bc he trusted the wrong person, hehe. thank you!!
手下留情 by RoseThorne (T, 1k, WangXian, Introspection, Grief/Mourning, Gossip, Anger, Getting Together, Conversations, Chief Cultivator LWJ, LXC in Seclusion, Cultivation Sect Politics, Post-Canon)
7. Hello! I’m in the mood for a fic when lwj finally snaps, maybe goes berserk, maybe some dark lwj, especially after wwx’s death. Could you recommend me some? @notyoursins​
demons run when a good man goes to war by Miranda_Aurelia (T, 20k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Angst, Happy ending, NHS & LWJ Friendship, Not JGY & LXC friendly, Presumed Major character death) Might not be exactly what you want but very close?
Gold Blood Eyes by ILikeReading101 (T, 72k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Everybody Lives, Except the bad people, Dark LWJ, i guess?, Established WangXian, Secret Relationship, Sentient Burial Mounds, Golden Core Reveal, Found Family, LWJ is Whipped, Character Study, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Mental Health Issues, Communication, but also miscommunication, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Feels, YZY Bashing, JFM Bashing) maybe not exactly what anon is after but it does have a good bit of lwj snapping at various points
8. Hello mods, lots of respect for the hard work you do, take care of yourselves. If its not too much trouble, for the next itmf could you recomend some modern cultivation wangxian case fics? Preferably happier/lighter ones, angst thats related to the case is fine, but I’ve found some where the vibes were really depressed an I did not like that. Also if you have a really good one with a different pairing or no pairing at all I’ll take that too. Thanks a lot 🙏🏻
🧡CSI: Gusu Edition Series by Stratisphyre (M, 39k, WangXian, WWX & LQR, Modern with Magic AU, College AU, Golden Core Reveal, Single parent WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Hospitalization, Allusions to violence and murder) (link in #3)
All Old Things are New Again series by The Feels Whale (miscellea) (M, 59k, WangXian, Reincarnation, Modern AU, canon still happened, extreme post canon, Sugar Daddy, Kink Negotiation, gentle dom!LWJ, canonical levels of consent play, Modern Cultivators, cultivators can recognize important people from previous lives, vaguely, this started out as a cute sugar fantasy and got just incredibly horny very fast, blame LWJ)
Wish I could forget the taste of your skin and the feel of your hands pinning me down by KizuKatana (E, 38k, WIP, WangXian, weapons-grade thirst, Getting Back Together, Trying REALLY hard to not still like your Ex, but failing, BAMF WWX, BAMF LWJ, Canon Divergence, modern cultivator au, Case Fic, LWJ’s canonically big dick, Mutual Pining, Guest-starring LWJ’s canonically poor communication, choices after romantic cave encounters, novel canon relationship dynamics)
With Intent by KizuKatana (E, 14k, wangxian, minor WWX/other(s), modern w/ cultivation, first time, YLLZ WWX, WWX part of cultivation underworld, the burial mounds as a club, jealous LWJ)
a sword for a tongue by martyrsdaughter (E, 6k, wangxian, modern w/ magic, college/university au, succubi & incubi, dom/sub, established relationship, light exhibitionism, sex magic, dom LWJ, sub WWX)
🧡Brilliant Mistake by brooklinegirl (E, 53k, WangXian, Modern AU, Sex Pollen, Mpreg, dubcon, Modern Cultivators, best boy wn, these dummies, Dubious Medical Science)
a garden, a tenderness by butterflylungs (E, 16k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Modern Cultivators, Getting Together, casual hook up to friends to lovers, Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Wound Tending, Happy Ending, Age Difference, Power Imbalance, wwx's canon problems with the jiangs, mentioned past wangxian/others, slightly undernegotiated kink, gege kink, Spit As Lube, Overstimulation, this is softer than the tags make it sound)
doing the wrong thing wholeheartedly by isabilightwood (E, 19k, WangXian, Modern AU, Modern Cultivation, mentions of creatures from other cultures also existing, Enemies to Lovers, meet ugly, they're idiots your honor, Case Fic, There Was Only One Bed, an environmental activist romance-loving dragon, explaining capitalism to an immortal who hasn’t seen the human world in 500 years, Fakeout Makeout, the mortifying experience of having to admit you’re in love with your sworn nemesis, background qingmian, Bottom LWJ, Top WWX, Bathtub Sex, Hair-pulling, Edging, in a they bring the rivals vibe to bed way, Fluff and Smut, Post-Coital Cuddling)
In Case You Should Ever Ask by phnelt (M, 10k, WangXian, Modern AU, Modern with Magic, undercover at a club, Dom/sub, Getting Together, Fetish Party, Communication, Some embarrassment, from the mortifying ordeal of being known, technically a case fic, inexperienced dom lwj)
a series of fortunate events by defractum (nyargles) (G, 12k, WangXian, Modern AU, modern cultivation au, Immortality, Angels & Demons, Chinese Mythology & Folklore, (very loosely), Pre-Relationship, Humor, Sharing a Bed, but neither of them need to sleep, Case Fic)
Ever yours, by orphan_account (T, 8k, WangXian, Modern AU, Case Fic, Parallels, Epistolary, Mutual Pining, Love Letters, College/University, cultivation university, Reckless WWX, POV Alternating)
Always Knew You Were Magical by jeyhawk (E, 25k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Curse Breaking, Case Fic, Sharing a Bed, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Pining, Resolved Sexual Tension, Masturbation, First Time, Blow Jobs, curse fic, College/University, True Love's Kiss, Attempted self harm under the influence of a curse)
9. Hello! Your blog has been a godsend for awesome stories. I wonder if you can point me to some where Wei Ying takes Lan Zhan's words about leaving him alone while in Cloud Recess seriously or even ones where he thinks Lan Zhan is rejecting his friendship to heart. @marietsy40-blog
Straight at the Sun by diamondbruise (E, 33k, WangXian, Canon Universe, no war though, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking, Misunderstandings, First Time, Anal Sex, wwx desperately wants lwj’s attention, lwj desperately wants to marry wwx, Miscommunication, Jealousy, in abundance, Happy Ending) weeeeell in "straight at the sun" he sure thinks lwj has rejected his friendship and vice versa, mind the e rating for the totally-not-friends with benefits drama
saturated by antebunny (G, 7k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Curse of Obedience, Mind Control, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Misunderstandings, Consent Issues, Lan bashing, Angst with a Happy Ending, Protective Siblings, it's not really mind though?, there's no mind alteration, bad Lan elders, bewildered brother lxc)
10. I'm in the mood for fics where wwx does Not get resurrected for the main story! Can be canon divergence or any au, as long as the equivalent of his resurrection does not happen. Could anyone drop some recs? Thank you!
living in my memory/living in my mouth by tardigradeschool (T, 32k, WangXian, Reincarnation, Canon Divergence, Modern AU, College/University, Modern with Magic, Hurt/Comfort, Sharing a Bed, Nightmares, Light Angst, Epistolary(sort of), POV Alternating, Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers)
11. Hello there!! Hope everyone is having a lovely day. For the next ITMF, can we have an Addams Family au? I’m craving wholesome darkness 🖤💕
The Altogether Ooky WangXian Family by FluffyHippogriff (T, 57k, WIP, WangXian, 3Zun, Modern AU, Addams Family AU, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, mostly because death can be overcome with the help of a little necromancy, Kid Fic, Comedy)
12. Is there a medical/hospital AU? Would love to read wangxian as doctors @warriordani
plant a little happiness (let the roots run deep) by fleurdeliser (E, 47k, WangXian, Modern AU, Car Accidents, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Non-Explicit References to Injuries and Death, References to Addiction, Doctors & Physicians, these tags imply a much more serious story, than this actually is, but I don't want anyone to be surprised, Falling In Love, soft romance, background 3zun)
Anginal Equivalents by fakeplasticlily (E, 23k, WangXian, Modern AU, Medical Residents AU, Childhood Friends, Mutual Pining, Oblivious WWX, WangXian.mp3, Sexual Content, [Podfic of] Anginal Equivalents by exmanhater)
13. Hello hello! I’m in the mood for fics that prominently feature the ghost ladies who were all draped over YLLZ WWX! Either fics actually focused on them (who they are, their backstory, etc) or fics where they play a big role. I just love the spooky ladies and wish we saw more of them!
A Long Road by Vathara (T, 175k, WIP, WangXian, Fluff and Angst, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Scheming NHS, Necromancy, Fire, Ghosts, Accidental Child Acquisition, is it an accident if the ghosts keep bringing them?, Valdemar Series - Mercedes Lackey Crossover) crossovers are def not everyone’s cuppa but if you love wifi’s ghost ladies this one gives them a comparatively fair amount of screen time as well as naming them and providing them with backstory and characterisation
Enfant Perdu, Jouet du Destin by JaenysBloodcourt (T, 15k, WangXian, Prostitution, Brothels, Child Abuse, YZY Being YZY, YZY’s cannon issues, JFM and YZY bad parenting, Found Family, Angst, Misunderstandings, Angst and Feels, Family Feels, Parent-Child Relationship, Ghosts and Yiling Patriarch feels, Time Skips, WWX half-grows in a brothel, Bittersweet Ending) It does not focus on WWX’s ghost ladies and they’re mentioned briefly in Ch 4 I think, but it gives them a little back ground.
14. in the mood for... fics where lwj Regrets
(if nsfw bottom wwx only please!)
Traditions of Grief by ReleasedFromHisCage (Not Rated, 574, WangXian, Angst, Grief/Mourning, Hurt No Comfort, Canon Compliant)
liberties untaken by northofallmusic (tofsla) (E, 652, WangXian, Rape Fantasy, Grief/Mourning, Masturbation, Implied/Referenced Mind Control, Breathplay, Deepthroating)
15. Hi there ...im looking for a crossover fic between mdzs and legend of fei/ Bandits. If you could recommend some, it would be really helpful 🙏
WangXian by MissCellophane (G, 2k, WangXian, WWX/XY, Legend of Fei Crossover, Canon Divergence, Post-Canon, Reincarnation, XY is LWJ, WWX is immortal, somehow don’t ask I didn’t plan anything, Relationship is very background mostly hinted, POV Alternating, Timeline What Timeline) (taking my own advice and rec'ing a fic I wrote ^^; - Mod C)
You'd Look Good in Red by failed2be_chill (T, 349k, WIP, JC/XY, Romance, Canon Divergence, Crossover, Flirting, Fairytale elements, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, mutual understanding, Mild Hurt/Comfort, EXTREME SLOWBURN) might have something of the flavor the querent is looking for; it’s a crossover between The Wolf and Legend of Fei, pairing Ji Chong and Xie Yun. (The author has also tagged it YiZhan, although the characters rather than the actual actors are involved.)
16. Hi! I'm in a mood for a fic where Wei Wuxian knows how to cook and Cook for anyone ( i don't mind who, preferably lwj ) or where wwx is the perfect house wife material. Please do this one soon 🥺 @whateverweilanlovechild
Insert Coin Now for Extra Life by TriviasFolly (E, 126k, WIP, WangXian, A/B/O Dynamics, Intersex Omegas, Modern AU, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, Marriage contract au, Twitch Streamer WWX, Fluff, Possessive LWJ, Rare Male Omegas, Pack Dynamics, Sugar Baby vibes, Eventual Smut)
we are fed by Anonymous (M, 7k, WangXian, Modern AU, Single Parent LWJ, Dadji, Kid Fic, Established Relationship, Food as a Metaphor for Love, Fluff, Marriage Proposal, they are almost married!! with a son!!!, 5+1 Things, the WWX Can Cook agenda)
🧡 don't threaten me with a good time by livinginaworldofnoise (G, 60k, WangXian, Modern AU, Great British bake off AU, Script format, Fluff and Crack, Reality TV, Social media)
my life's journey is far from over by thelastdboy (E, 147k, WangXian, Modern AU, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, MDM Lan Lives, JYL Lives, WQ Lives, Post-Sunshot Campaign, PTSD, Depression, Suicidal Thoughts, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, POV WWX, Slow Burn, Anxiety, Situational Mutism, YL WWX, Case Fic, Sentient Burial Mounds, Recovery, Hurt/Comfort, Modern AU but not too modern™, mlm/wlw solidarity, Mild Smut, Non-Verbal Safewords, Dom/sub, Kink Negotiation, Kink Exploration, NMJ Lives)
17. Hi! If you could search some fics for me i would be very great ful. The fics where Wei Wuxian is dying or thinks he's dying, but is saved in the end. It can be due to illness or injury or anything. If mods can do this request fast please? Thankyou for your hardwork. Have a nice day ❤️ @whateverweilanlovechild
❤️ a stone to break your soul, a song to save it by rikke (M, 180k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, arranged marriage)
Twelve Moons and a Fortnight by stiltonbasket (M, 290k, WangXian, Humor, Slow Burn, Post-Canon Fix-It, Long-Distance Relationship, Epistolary, Love Letters, Family Feels, a-qing lives, teenage romance, Adoption, Romantic Comedy, Happy Ending, Weddings, Case Fic, Parenthood, Politics)
Something at the Door by Pip (Moirail) (E, 50k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Modern Cultivation, background 3zun, Background Yi City trio, Intrusive Thoughts, Horror, Suicidal Thoughts, Temporary Character Death, Blood, Explicit Sexual Content, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mystery, Urban Fantasy)
in your skin by darkredloveknot (enheduane) (E, 10k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Pre-Relationship, Getting Together, Horror, Body Horror, Blood and Gore, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions, Non-Consensual Body Modification, kinda??, Reflections over death and self-worth, mentions of canon suicide, Near Death Experiences, [Podfic] in your skin by flamingwell)
❤️The Fire Lapping Up the Creek by notevenyou (E, 66k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort, Injury, Injury Recovery, Blood, Respiratory Illness, Major Illness, Fever, Grief/Mourning, Burial Mounds, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Hunger and food scarcity, Surgery, Fix-It of Sorts)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
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Postpartum Depression Symptoms
Postpartum Depression is the onset of a depressed mood and its associated symptoms within the first year of childbirth, lasting more than two weeks with or without treatment.
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It is vital to seek help and treatment for postpartum depression. Failure to do so may result in long-term negative consequences for both the mother and the baby.
What are the Symptoms of Postpartum Depression?
Since postpartum depression arises during a time in a mother's life when society expects her to be happy about the arrival of her new baby, it can be very isolating for mothers.
Postpartum depression symptoms can manifest in a variety of ways. It may affect one's emotions, perception, ideas, and bodily experiences. Postpartum depression can cause hallucinations, delusions, and paranoia in severe cases.
Symptoms of postpartum depression are usually classified as follows:
Physical Symptoms of Postpartum Depression
Back pain
Muscle ache
Joint pain
GI upset
Abdominal pain
Low sex drive
Cognitive Symptoms of Postpartum Depression
Impaired executive functioning
Impaired problem solving
Impaired neuroplasticity
Memory loss
Slow reaction time
Mood Symptoms of Postpartum Depression
Bad mood
Low motivation
Loss of ambition
Loss of enjoyment in activities
Loss of will to live
Sleep disturbance
Loss of appetite
Psychotic Symptoms of Postpartum Depression
Loss of touch with reality
When psychotic symptoms occur together with postpartum depression, this is known as 'Postpartum Psychosis'. It is critical to seek immediate support if such a situation arises.
Thought Distortions with Depression
Negative thoughts about oneself
Negative thoughts about others
Pessimistic thoughts about the future
Excessive guilt about the past
Low confidence in abilities
Low self-worth
Angry thoughts
Nihilistic thoughts
Suicidal thoughts
Existential angst
How can untreated Postpartum Depression Symptoms impact your Career?
Mothers experiencing postpartum depression may experience problems with:
Energy levels
Motivation levels
Engagement with colleagues
Reasoning and problem-solving abilities
Frustration tolerance
They may require help to complete tasks, meet deadlines, or take excessive time off work. They may find themselves in conflict with colleagues and supervisors with whom they previously worked well.
Similarly, colleagues and supervisors may be perplexed, frustrated, and unsure of how to address the issue of change in a beloved colleague and friend. After all, nobody wants to be a "workplace bully" or impolite to a new mother.
Working mothers who suffer from PPD are also more likely to be passed over for promotion or even fired from their current jobs.
What is the Treatment for Postpartum Depression?
Finally, treatment for postpartum depression must address the underlying cause.
Check for medical causes of postpartum depression, including anemia, thyroid disease, Sheehan's syndrome, nutritional deficiencies, and polycystic ovarian syndrome
Establish sleep hygiene and work with a partner to schedule catch-up sleep times
Educate both the mother and the partner
Document workplace accommodations
Consider what assistance is required so the mother can continue working if desired or needs to take time off
Use available resources, such as childcare, and, if possible, contact family members, including grandparents
Nutritional supplementation, if necessary
Counseling on breastfeeding and other issues
Individual Psychotherapy
Medications if symptoms persist and interfere with social and occupational functioning
Alternative treatments include meditation, yoga, acupuncture, and exercise
Why is it important to get Treatment for Postpartum Depression?
Untreated postpartum depression symptoms can disrupt both your personal and professional lives. Consequences for babies include disruption of attachment and bonding, anxiety, failure to thrive, feeding difficulties, developmental delay, long-term relationship difficulties, cognitive impairment, failure to meet milestones, and difficulty with social or occupational functioning.
Effects of Postpartum Depression on Health
Significant drop in energy and motivation levels
Feelings of restlessness
Disrupted sleep cycles
Insufficient or excessive sleep
Chronic stomach issues, headaches, or body pain
Poor self-care
Help for Postpartum Depression
It is critical to seek treatment for postpartum depression. Untreated depression can have long-term consequences for academic performance, careers, relationships, and physical health.
Call +1(833)312-4222 for Postpartum Depression help. For more information, visit https://gabapsychiatrist.com/postpartum-depression-treatment/
Seek effective and barrier-free treatment from a board-certified and licensed Online Psychiatrist at Gaba Telepsychiatry.
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thalenteninela · 1 month
Emerging from the Crucible: Reflecting on the End of an Intensive Practicum Journey and the Road Ahead
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My topic today is inspired by the play, The Crucibles by Arthur Miller. This line is chosen because it well highlights the end of a heavy block, comparing it to a crucible, whilst also being mindful of the learnings through this journey, mindful of the evolution that is ongoing, but now with the anticipation of using the knowledge in the future years.
OT training is perhaps one of the most challenging things I have had to do, more especially community block. The most feared block amongst the students.
This block as I like to call it, an all-in-one, includes teachings from other OT modules, it both psych, physical and peads notes being important at once. One of the challenges I have had is moving from pockets of thinking to much more consolidated practice. Like guys how do you treat ASD, after CVA after depression, all in one day. In these sessions, I couldn’t put my all because I was always forgetting something.
Another challenge was finding creative solutions, the comm serve OT seemed to have mastered this, I struggled with finding activities for adults in a clinic setting with literally just paeds toys only. Whereas the comm serve 8 months after finishing her training was good at this, I wondered if this was something she became good at within this space or something she was always good at.
Community block is flooded with first times, one of which for me was seeing outpatients. I also struggled with providing care to the maximum potential, I struggled with thinking on the spot and finding creative solutions to overcome challenges.
But like the crucible, this block carries new learnings and understandings. Capitalising on the availability of a comm serve who understood the hardship of being a student and was already good at this, I asked her for guidance. Learning from those who had walked my path, I found myself problem-solving better, making something out of nothing, I saw myself finding a way to use the inadequately resourced department to do a tea-making activity, to do a handwashing activity. I was amazed to see myself in the 4th-week problem solve and be able to plan an intervention on the spot, only saddened by the comm serve and went around to see the improvements I had made after her advice and pointers.
As part of the skills, I developed was making phone calls through the hospital/clinic line albeit a small skill, I was able to manage phone calls, initiating professional phone calls and rebooking appointments, UKZN was never going to teach me that.
This block putting me at leadership of projects also taught me skills of mobilising community resources to drive my aims, interacting with organisations like Ingcweti NPO, the KeReady, the Usizolwethu clinic nurses and transport, the ward councillor, and the community, something I wouldn’t have learnt in 100 hours of lecture. This will be come a crucial skill as I head into comm serve.
In future I will be collaborating with stakeholder as I continue my OT career in PHC frameworks of care. This experience will then become a resource. I hope to align with people with the same mission and value, like the DHC social worker who is even prepared to challenged policy in advocacy.
This block positioning me for impact forces a philosophical shift, this was facilitated by the heavy discussion in the tut, most recently patriarchy, breastfeeding and the influence of enforcing corporal punishment on children.
Through these tuts, I found the OT role with breastfeeding moms and children, one of the words that surprised me but was simple was that feeding is both an ADL, IADL and home management activity, that carried so much weight to the relevance of breastfeeding in OT practice. Tuts with deep discussions on societal patriarchy and OT's role in uprooting it. You will see this as the academic in me makes a return for a master's.
Amidst these heavy discussions and practice I gain other axiological principles. The value of occupation is highlighted throughout in OT epistemology, but do we see it in practice?
Is hand therapy occupation based or exercise-based intervention?
Whilst in practice we hardly ever see therapists using activities to treat hand injuries, it is easy to lose the values of the OT profession in this field. Within the first few weeks of this block, I fell for this trap, and found myself using exercises and just exercises only, I am glad I quickly recovered from this early onsetting illness. I continued to using occupation as a means and exercises as home programmes, I hope this illness never comes back in future.
Personal lessons
In this block I encounter impoverished and marginalised people, women and children under the heavy burden of a patriarchal society, and men and women living in precarious conditions. These encounters have shaped me to understand how hard life can get, I had a client who was pregnant who was almost raped because sex with pregnant women is believed to be better. Moved by the stories I hear from them, deepens my passion for this profession and my faith.
Being a Catholic I am called to show love, especially to those who could never repay me, through this block I get to exercise that value through my everyday interaction with these people, sjowing love and care to those forgotten ad ignored by society. This has also deepened my understanding of life, to even think I write this blog but there is a woman with 2 children and no food, a pregnant woman in the street who probably didn’t have supper and is in fear for her life, with no shelter or protection. This moves me to pray for them, strengthening my devotion in my faith and my care for these people.
In thus block my values were reaffirmed, I am a Christian who believes in serving others, I am a young adult groomed by his granny to respect everyone, I am an OT trained in humanistic approaches. In community I carry all those identities with me, whilst I remain professional but the motivation of what I do stems from my values I get from these systems.
To those to come after me, I’d say be patient with yourself, I’d say open yourself to the new learning and the deepening understanding, you will not like tuts but that were most of the learning is consolidated. Open yourself to serving South Africa. And that it not wrong to enjoy community, I also did on most days.
In comm serve I hope to do more of all this and learn even more, with more partnership with the community and even exposure to marginalised people, I wish to also volunteer my time, I am currently part of the planning process by OT students to provide health services to one of the communities surrounding UKZN. I hope to take more initiative and make even more learning opportunities, I look forward to the year to come.
The end!
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Here are my reruns
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thaibestsellers · 2 months
Parin Perfect White Underarm Cream Parin Perfect White Underarm Cream is the product for nourishing underarm skin to look radiant. The light cream texture is not sticky. With extracts from NIACINAMIDE 3% and various natural extracts, it adds moisture to underarm skin, helps nourish skin, gently exfoliates old skin cells, adjusts the condition of underarm skin to be smooth and radiant, tightens pores, reduces sweat, reduces the accumulation of bacteria, solves the problem of dark armpits, reduces chicken skin blisters, and smoothens skin. The product is free from alcohol and parabens and has passed the test from the Institute of Dermatologists that it does not cause irritation. The cream contains the gentlest cosmetic grade perfume ingredients. It does not cause irritation or allergic reactions. The gentle formula can be used in pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. - https://www.thaibestsellers.com/product/parin-perfect-white-underarm-cream/?feed_id=31855&_unique_id=66a4798612ed7
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crave-burner · 3 months
Crave Burner: Ignite Your Weight Loss Journey
The relentless pursuit of a healthier lifestyle, weight management often takes center stage. Crave Burner emerges as a potential ally in this battle, aiming to support your efforts with a targeted formula. But before diving in, let's dissect Crave Burner's purpose, who it can benefit most, and the unique qualities it brings to the weight loss table.
Please try this product Crave Burner 
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Who is Crave Burner For?
Crave Burner is designed for individuals committed to a holistic weight loss approach. It's ideal for those struggling with:
·       Uncontrollable Cravings: Crave Burner seeks to curb cravings for sugary treats and unhealthy snacks, promoting a more balanced food intake.
·    Difficulty with Portion Control: By potentially reducing hunger pangs, Crave Burner can help you manage portion sizes and avoid overeating.
·       Sluggish Metabolism: The formula might assist in boosting metabolism, potentially leading to more efficient calorie burning.
·      Stubborn Weight Loss Plateaus: If you've hit a wall in your weight loss journey, Crave Burner could provide the extra nudge to break through. 
What Problems Does Crave Burner Solve?
Weight management is a complex issue with multiple contributing factors. Crave Burner addresses some of the common roadblocks people encounter:
·       Unhealthy Cravings: Uncontrolled cravings often sabotage weight loss efforts. Crave Burner aims to mitigate these cravings by potentially influencing appetite hormones and blood sugar levels.
·       Low Energy Levels: Feeling tired can make exercise seem daunting. Crave Burner might help boost energy levels, making physical activity more manageable.
·       Difficulty Sticking to a Diet: Crave Burner can be a helpful tool alongside a healthy diet and exercise plan. It can make adhering to these changes feel more manageable.
Crave Burner's Claimed Uniqueness
Several aspects potentially set Crave Burner apart from other weight loss supplements:
·       Natural Formula: Many weight loss supplements rely on synthetic ingredients. Crave Burner, if following its claims, prioritizes natural ingredients, potentially appealing to those seeking a more holistic approach.
·       Multi-Faceted Approach: Crave Burner goes beyond just suppressing appetite. It might also enhance metabolism, boost energy levels, and contribute to overall well-being.
·       Focus on Long-Term Results: Crave Burner is intended to be part of a sustainable weight management plan. It might help develop healthier eating habits for lasting results.
A Deeper Look at Crave Burner's Potential Benefits
Here's a breakdown of some of the potential benefits Crave Burner offers:
·       Appetite Suppression: By influencing appetite hormones, Crave Burner could help you feel fuller for longer, potentially reducing calorie intake.
·       Enhanced Metabolism: The formula might include ingredients that stimulate the body's natural fat-burning processes, leading to more efficient calorie utilization.
·       Increased Energy Levels: Certain ingredients in Crave Burner could boost energy levels, making it easier to engage in physical activity, a crucial component of weight loss.
·       Improved Mood: Weight loss struggles can sometimes lead to low mood. Crave Burner might positively impact mood by influencing neurotransmitters that regulate emotions.
·       Overall Well-being: A well-formulated Crave Burner could contribute to a sense of well-being by promoting energy, reducing cravings, and potentially improving digestion.
Important Considerations Before Using Crave Burner
While Crave Burner presents potential benefits, remember it's not a magic bullet. Here are some crucial points to consider:
·       Consult Your Doctor: Discuss Crave Burner with your doctor before incorporating it into your routine, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions, are pregnant, or breastfeeding.
·       Individual Results May Vary: The effectiveness of Crave Burner can differ from person to person. Factors like diet, exercise, and individual body chemistry play a significant role.
·       Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Crave Burner should be viewed as a supplement, not a replacement for a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Optimizing Your Weight Loss Journey with Crave Burner
To maximize your weight loss efforts while using Crave Burner, consider these tips:
·       Combine it with a Balanced Diet: Focus on consuming whole, unprocessed foods to fuel your body with essential nutrients.
·       Prioritize Exercise: Regular physical activity is crucial for burning calories and building muscle mass, which further aids weight loss.
·       Develop Sustainable Habits: Focus on long-term changes to your diet and exercise routine for lasting results.
·       Monitor Your Progress: Track your weight, measurements, and overall well-being to gauge Crave Burner's effectiveness for you.
·       Listen to Your Body: Be mindful of any adverse reactions while using Crave Burner and discontinue use if you experience any discomfort.
Crave Burner presents itself as a potential tool to support a weight loss journey. It targets common roadblocks like cravings, low energy, and difficulty with portion control. Its claimed focus on natural ingredients and a multi-faceted approach to weight management might appeal to those seeking a more holistic strategy.
However, it's crucial to remember that Crave Burner is a supplement, not a magic solution. Consulting a doctor before use, maintaining a healthy lifestyle with diet and exercise, and managing expectations are key. By incorporating Crave Burner into a well-rounded weight management plan and monitoring your progress, you can determine if it contributes positively to your goals.
Ultimately, the decision of whether Crave Burner is right for you depends on your individual needs and preferences. Consulting a healthcare professional for personalized guidance is always recommended before starting any new supplement.
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storelatina · 4 months
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How to solve 6 common breastfeeding problems - https://storelatina.com/?p=122868
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babybrandsgiftclub · 4 months
From Bump to Baby: Your Ultimate Guide to New Parental Care
Welcoming a new baby is an exciting and transformative experience for any parent. From pregnancy to the first few years of your child's life, having the right information and resources is crucial. This guide will cover essential aspects of parental care, from free samples in Canada to contests, and tips on navigating baby shows. Let's dive in!
1. Free Baby Samples in Canada
Expecting a baby can be an expensive journey. Luckily, there are numerous opportunities to obtain free baby samples in Canada. Many brands and companies offer free products, including diapers, baby wipes, formula, and skincare products, to new parents. To get these samples:
Sign up on baby products - Babybrands.ca : Many brands offer free samples when you register on their website.
 Join parenting clubs: Clubs like Baby Box Canada and Huggies Rewards often provide free samples to members.
Visit baby shows: Events like the Baby Show in Toronto frequently have exhibitors handing out free samples.
2. Understanding Canada Contest Rules
Participating in contests can be a fun way to win baby products, but it's essential to understand the rules. Here are some key points:
Eligibility: Ensure you meet the age and residency requirements.
Entry methods: Follow the specific instructions for entry, whether it’s online, by mail, or in-person.
3. Attending the Baby Show in Toronto
The Baby Show in Toronto is an excellent opportunity for parents to explore the latest baby products and services. Here’s how to make the most of your visit:
Plan Ahead: Check the schedule for seminars, product demos, and special events.
Bring a Bag: You'll likely receive many samples and brochures, so a bag will be handy.
Network: TakNew Parental Care Guides
e advantage of the chance to meet other parents and industry experts.
4. Navigating parenthood is easier with the right guidance. Here are some recommended parental care guides:
From Bump to Baby: This comprehensive guide covers pregnancy, birth, and the first year of your baby’s life.
The First Year: Detailed information on milestones, nutrition, sleep, and health during your baby's first year.
Parenting Tips: Practical advice on balancing life as a new parent, including self-care and relationship tips.
5. Key Topics in Parental Care Guides
To ensure you have all the necessary information, look for guides that cover these essential:
Prenatal Care: Nutrition, exercise, and medical check-ups during pregnancy.
Newborn Essentials: Must-have baby products and nursery setup.
Breastfeeding and Formula: Feeding techniques, tips, and troubleshooting.
Baby Milestones: Tracking development stages and growth.
Health and Safety: Immunizations, babyproofing your home, and common illnesses.
Sleep Solutions: Establishing routines and solving sleep problems.
Parenting Tips: Managing stress, work-life balance, and parenting styles.
With the right resources and knowledge, you can confidently navigate the journey from bump to baby. Whether you're seeking free samples, attending baby shows, or diving into parental care guides, there’s a wealth of information available to support you every step of the way.
Visit us at -  <a href=https://babybrands.ca/>Example</a>
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lapasson · 7 months
Modalert 200mg: Benefits, Side Effects, and Precautions
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many people struggle to stay focused and alert throughout the day. Whether you're a student trying to study for exams, a professional working long hours, or someone dealing with a sleep disorder, staying awake and alert can be a challenge. This is where Modalert 200mg comes in – a popular medication used to promote wakefulness and enhance cognitive function. In this article, we will explore the benefits, side effects, and precautions of Modalert 200mg to help you make an informed decision about its use.
What is Modalert 200mg?
Modalert 200mg is a medication that contains modafinil, a wakefulness-promoting agent that is used to treat conditions such as narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea, and shift work sleep disorder. It works by increasing the levels of certain neurotransmitters in the brain that are responsible for promoting wakefulness. Modalert 200mg is known for its ability to enhance cognitive function, improve focus, and increase productivity.
Benefits of Modalert 200mg:
Improved Alertness: One of the main benefits of Modalert 200mg is its ability to promote wakefulness and keep you alert throughout the day. This can be especially helpful for individuals who struggle to stay awake and focused during work or study hours.
Enhanced Cognitive Function: Modalert 200mg has been shown to improve cognitive function, including memory, learning, and problem-solving skills. This can be beneficial for students preparing for exams or professionals working on complex tasks.
Increased Productivity: By keeping you awake and alert, Modalert 200mg can help you be more productive and efficient in your daily tasks. This can lead to better performance at work or school.
Mood Enhancement: Some users of Modalert 200mg report feeling more positive and motivated while taking the medication. This can help improve overall mood and outlook on life.
Side Effects of Modalert 200mg:
While Modalert 200mg is generally considered safe and well-tolerated, like any medication, it can cause side effects in some individuals. Common side effects of Modalert 200mg may include:
Dry mouth
Precautions when taking Modalert 200mg:
Dosage: It is important to take Modalert 200mg as directed by your healthcare provider to minimize the risk of side effects and ensure maximum effectiveness.
Medical Conditions: Inform your doctor if you have any medical conditions such as liver or kidney disease, as this may affect the dosage and frequency of Modalert 200mg.
Drug Interactions: Modalert 200mg may interact with certain medications, so be sure to inform your doctor of any other medications you are taking to avoid potential interactions.
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: It is not recommended to take Modalert 200mg if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as the effects on the fetus or nursing infant are not well studied. Remember, it is always important to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new medication, including Modalert 200mg. They can provide you with personalized advice based on your individual health needs and help you determine if Modalert 200mg is right for you.
So, if you're looking to enhance your alertness, cognitive function, and productivity, consider the benefits of Modalert 200mg. Just remember to be aware of the potential side effects and take the necessary precautions to ensure a safe and effective experience.
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sleepbakerau · 7 months
Expert Lactation Consultants in Sydney – SleepBaker's Comprehensive Support
In today’s fast-paced world, new parents often find themselves navigating the complex journey of parenthood with numerous questions and uncertainties, especially when it comes to breastfeeding. This is where SleepBaker, a leading name in Sydney for parental support, steps in with its expert lactation consultant services. Understanding the crucial role of breastfeeding in the early stages of a child’s life, SleepBaker is dedicated to offering personalized lactation consulting to ensure both mothers and babies thrive during these precious moments.
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Breastfeeding, while natural, is not always straightforward. Many new mothers face challenges such as latching difficulties, painful nursing, low milk supply, or excessive milk supply. SleepBaker’s lactation consultants in Sydney are here to address these concerns with professional guidance and compassionate care. Each consultant is a certified expert, equipped with the knowledge and experience to assist with a wide range of breastfeeding issues.
What sets SleepBaker apart is their holistic approach to lactation consulting. They understand that each mother-baby pair is unique and therefore, require tailored solutions. During consultations, their specialists not only focus on the technical aspects of breastfeeding but also provide emotional support and encouragement, which is often needed in the postpartum period.
Moreover, SleepBaker’s services extend beyond just problem-solving. They offer comprehensive education on breastfeeding – from understanding the basics to mastering different breastfeeding positions and techniques. Their consultants are also well-versed in educating mothers about the importance of nutrition and self-care, which are critical components of successful breastfeeding.
In addition to in-person consultations in Sydney, SleepBaker recognizes the modern needs of parents and offers virtual consultations. This flexibility ensures that support and advice are just a call or click away, providing convenience and accessibility to mothers across the region.
Another significant aspect of SleepBaker's service is the continuity of care. They believe in supporting families not just for a single issue but throughout their breastfeeding journey. Follow-up consultations and ongoing support are part of their commitment to ensuring long-term breastfeeding success and parental well-being.
SleepBaker’s lactation consulting services are not only beneficial for first-time mothers but also for experienced moms who might face new challenges or want to ensure a smoother breastfeeding experience with their next child. By choosing SleepBaker, parents in Sydney can rest assured that they are in capable and caring hands, ready to make their breastfeeding journey as rewarding as possible.
In conclusion, SleepBaker’s lactation consultant Sydney are more than just experts in their field; they are compassionate allies in the journey of parenthood. Their personalized care, comprehensive knowledge, and flexible approach make them an invaluable resource for any family seeking support during one of life's most beautiful yet challenging stages. Visit us at https://sleepbaker.com/ to know about our services.
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peternelthorpe · 7 months
Baby Shower Gift Ideas
New Post has been published on https://smallgiftideas.org/baby-shower-gift-ideas/
Baby Shower Gift Ideas
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You might think finding the perfect baby shower gift is overwhelming, but fear not! From practical essentials to thoughtful keepsakes, there's a world of options waiting for you.
Ever considered a gift that grows with the baby? Stay tuned to discover unique and meaningful ideas that will make you the star gift-giver at the next baby shower you attend.
Key Takeaways
Practical baby gear essentials for a well-equipped nursery.
Personalized keepsakes to cherish and commemorate special moments.
Adorable and stylish baby clothes for fashionable little ones.
Educational toys and books to stimulate learning and development.
Practical Baby Gear Essentials
When preparing for a baby, ensuring you have the right practical baby gear essentials can make your life as a new parent much smoother. Nursery organization plays a crucial role in creating a calming space for both you and your little one. Consider investing in storage solutions like bins, baskets, and drawer organizers to keep all the baby essentials neatly arranged and easily accessible. A well-organized nursery can help reduce stress and save time during those late-night diaper changes or feedings.
Another essential aspect to focus on is baby feeding essentials. Whether you choose to breastfeed or bottle-feed, having the right gear is essential. For breastfeeding mothers, a comfortable nursing pillow and nursing bras can make feeding sessions more comfortable. If you opt for bottle-feeding, make sure to have a good supply of bottles, nipples, formula (if needed), and a bottle sterilizer to keep everything clean and hygienic. Being prepared with these baby feeding essentials can help streamline the feeding process and make it a more pleasant experience for both you and your baby.
Personalized Keepsakes and Mementos
Looking to create lasting memories for the new parents and their baby? Personalized keepsakes and mementos are perfect for cherishing special moments and adding a unique touch to the nursery. Custom nursery decor items and sentimental baby gifts make thoughtful presents that will be treasured for years to come.
Custom Nursery Decor Sentimental Baby Gifts Personalized name wall art Baby's first year photo frame Monogrammed baby blanket Handprint and footprint kit Customized wooden growth chart Engraved silver baby rattle
These personalized items not only add a personal touch to the baby's space but also serve as reminders of the love and care surrounding the little one. Whether it's a custom wall hanging with the baby's name or a special frame to capture milestones, these gifts help create a warm and welcoming environment for both the baby and the parents. Choose a sentimental gift that resonates with the family's style and values to make your present truly meaningful.
Adorable and Stylish Baby Clothes
To enhance your gift-giving experience and provide the new parents with practical yet stylish options, consider exploring a range of adorable and fashionable baby clothes. When choosing the perfect ensemble for the little one, opt for trendy accessories and designer outfits that not only keep the baby comfortable but also make them the trendiest baby on the block.
Trendy accessories like cute hats, stylish shoes, and cozy blankets can add an extra flair to any outfit. Look for designer outfits made from soft, high-quality materials that are gentle on the baby's delicate skin. From adorable onesies to fashionable dresses, there are plenty of options to choose from that blend style and functionality seamlessly.
Educational Toys and Books
Explore a variety of engaging educational toys and books to foster your little one's learning and creativity. For STEM learning and sensory development, consider interactive toys like building blocks or puzzles that challenge your child's problem-solving skills. These toys not only provide hours of fun but also lay the foundation for critical thinking and analytical abilities from a young age.
Incorporating early literacy into playtime is crucial for language development. Board books with colorful illustrations and simple stories can captivate your baby's attention while introducing them to the magic of storytelling. Interactive toys that make sounds or have textures can enhance sensory experiences and keep your little one engaged.
Pampering Gifts for Mom-to-Be
When considering pampering gifts for a mom-to-be, prioritize items that offer comfort and relaxation during this special time. Pregnancy can be both exciting and challenging, and finding moments to unwind and indulge can make a world of difference for an expecting mother.
Here are three pampering gift ideas to spoil the mom-to-be in your life:
Spa Treatments: Treat her to a day of relaxation with a gift certificate for a prenatal massage or a soothing facial. Pregnancy can take a toll on the body, and these treatments can help ease any aches and pains while allowing her to enjoy some peaceful self-care.
Luxury Skincare: Consider gifting her a set of high-quality skincare products designed to pamper her skin during pregnancy. Look for gentle, nourishing options that can help her feel refreshed and rejuvenated.
Aromatherapy Candles: Set the mood for relaxation with a selection of calming aromatherapy candles. Scents like lavender or chamomile can promote relaxation and create a serene atmosphere for her to unwind after a long day.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are Some Creative DIY Baby Shower Gift Ideas?
When thinking about creative DIY baby shower gift ideas, consider homemade keepsakes and personalized essentials. These gifts show thoughtfulness and care, making them extra special for the new parents.
You can craft a unique photo album or create custom baby clothes. Personalized blankets or handmade toys are also great options. Your handmade gifts will be cherished for years to come, adding a personal touch to the baby shower celebration.
Are There Any Eco-Friendly Baby Shower Gift Options Available?
When it comes to eco-friendly baby shower gifts, there are plenty of options available to consider. Sustainable toys aren't only better for the environment but also safer for the little one.
Organic clothing is another great choice as it's gentle on the baby's skin and free from harmful chemicals.
Embracing these eco-friendly gift ideas not only shows your care for the planet but also provides a healthier start for the new arrival.
How Can I Make a Baby Shower Gift More Sentimental and Meaningful?
To make a baby shower gift more sentimental and meaningful, consider adding personalized keepsakes or handwritten letters. These thoughtful touches show that you care deeply and have taken the time to create something special.
Personalized items can be cherished for years to come, while handwritten letters express your heartfelt emotions in a unique way. By incorporating these elements, you can make your gift truly unforgettable and touching for the recipient.
Are There Any Unique Gender-Neutral Baby Shower Gift Ideas?
When searching for unique baby shower gifts, consider unisex clothing and neutral nursery decor. These items provide versatility and can be appreciated by any parent-to-be. Choosing gender-neutral options showcases thoughtfulness and inclusivity.
It's a way to celebrate the upcoming arrival without conforming to traditional stereotypes. Your gift will stand out for its practicality and style, making it a memorable gesture that resonates with the joy of welcoming a new addition to the family.
What Are Some Non-Traditional Baby Shower Gift Ideas That Would Be Appreciated by New Parents?
When you're looking for non-traditional baby shower gift ideas, consider personalized clothing and baby gear essentials. Personalized clothing adds a special touch, while baby gear essentials like a high-quality diaper bag or a baby carrier can make life easier for new parents.
These practical gifts show that you care and are thoughtful choices that will be appreciated by the new parents.
As you prepare to welcome the newest addition to your family, remember that the gifts you choose for the baby shower aren't just items, but symbols of love and support.
Whether it's a practical baby gear essential, a personalized keepsake, a stylish outfit, an educational toy, or a pampering gift for the mom-to-be, each gift represents your thoughtfulness and care.
So choose with intention and cherish the moments that come with each special gift.
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impossiblemakerfire · 7 months
Nervogen Pro Customer Reviews
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In this article nervogen pro customer reviews, Nervogen Pro is 100% safe and natural. No side effects were reported. This herbal supplement helps relieve pain, and other symptoms, keep nerves healthy, and make the body make more anti-inflammatory chemicals. Neuropathy is a disorder characterized by nervous system dysfunction. Although symptoms vary, they often include mood swings, pain, weakness, and fatigue. Neuropathy is an incurable disease. Only specific treatments for each condition can relieve symptoms. Nervogen Pro is a new treatment for neuropathy that may offer patients a way out of pain. Neuropathy is a neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve function. Many people with this disorder find it difficult to live a life free from neurosis. Nervogen Pro is a product that aids in this endeavor. Nervogen Pro is a product that helps reduce inflammation and pain associated with neuropathy. It can also enhance the quality of life for neuropathy patients. Nervogen Pro is a dietary nerve regeneration/strengthening supplement for people suffering from neuropathy and chronic neuralgia episodes. In today's society, neuralgia is common among older people who have experienced a lot of physical exertion. However, neuropathy is one of those diseases that come with aging, and unfortunately, it is also one of those for which there is still no reliable cure. Nervogen Pro solves this dilemma by implementing one of their hypotheses, tight psoas. How does neuralgia help? We'll explain this in more detail later in this review. Read and check out: Top Doctors Are Amazed by How Nervogen Pro Works. Click here for more information =>> Examine Nervogen Pro in all its splendor and determine if your strategy can prevent people from experiencing neuropathy or neuralgia. Everyone knows that neuralgia is very irritating, and there is currently no definitive treatment to eliminate it, so let's also look at the scientific side. Plus, it's just a supplement, not a drug. We'll also answer the question of how exactly this supplement helps. Let's get down to business and check out this supplement in the latest Nervogen Pro review.
Nervogen Pro Supplement Chart
Nervogen Pro is a dietary supplement specially formulated to combat neuralgia. Each bottle contains 60 capsules. nervogen pro customer reviews,The red label with the words "Nervogen Pro" and a simple picture of a nerve cell on the front of each bottle make it easy to find. Nervogen Pro is 100% pure and made from the best herbs from all over the world. It is considered natural and safe. nervogen pro amazon, A company with the same name sells nitrogen Pro. The company's address is 37 Inverness Drive East, Suite 100, Englewood, Colorado, USA. Nervogen Pro capsules are made from plant-based materials for easier digestion. The suggested daily intake is two capsules. It is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as minors. People with known medical conditions should consult a physician before taking this dietary supplement. Allergen information includes milk, soy, wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, and shellfish. This supplement is manufactured in a facility capable of processing these items. This product will work best if it is kept in a cool, dry place below 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit). Keep out of the reach of children at all times. The product details are printed all over the bottle. Nervogen Pro is a herbal supplement that is used to treat problems with the nervous system. It enhances focus, cognitive ability, memory, and recall. It is also said to alleviate anxiety and despair. To obtain Nervogen Pro from the official website, click here. Nervogen Pro is a supplement that strengthens nerves and is very helpful for people with neuropathy who have frequent nervous attacks. The stressful lifestyle of modern people directly affects the nervous system, leading to neuralgia. These pills work wonders for people with neuropathy by relieving pain. Veteran chemist Kevin Miller formulated this supplement and vouched for its benefits. You'll benefit from improved memory, concentration, and cognitive function.
Who needs Nervogen Pro?
While this is common among older adults, middle-aged people fall victim to mental stress for lifestyle reasons. While there is no documented cure for neuropathy, various research is being done to find a way. One of these kinds of studies suggests that a strained psoas muscle could cause damage to this nerve in your body. Nervogen Pro is known to relieve your pain and regenerate your nerves and give them the strength they need. Exclusive offer: Go here to purchase this item on the manufacturer's website. It is not a drug but a dietary supplement based on natural herbal ingredients worldwide. The purity and safety of ingredients are top priorities for manufacturers. A US company with its headquarters in Colorado sells these dietary supplements.
What is neuropathy, and how is it treated?
Neuropathy is a condition that is caused by damage to the nervous system and is extremely painful. Other issues that people with this disorder face include weakness and mood swings. There is no good way to treat this condition, so palliative care is all that can be done for now. A life without psychosis is the dream of many people. nervijen,It lowers the quality of life for most patients, who are in constant pain and have trouble doing even simple things. Nervogen Pro helps reduce the pain associated with this condition. When used as directed, it reduces inflammation and improves memory function. This dietary supplement strengthens the nervous system.
Introducing Nervogen Pro Supplements
Nervogen Pro capsules are completely vegetarian, which means they are easily digested. Two capsules per day are enough to see great results.  nervogen reviews, Those under 18, breastfeeding women, and pregnant women should not try this supplement. People with pre-existing medical conditions should consult their doctor before using these capsules. If you have known allergies, be sure to check the allergen information. nervogen pro customer reviews,If you purchase this dietary supplement, after checking all these points, you should store it in a dry place with a temperature below 30 degrees. Keep it in a safe place out of the reach of children. nervogen pro walmart,Please read all the safety instructions printed on the bottle before the course begins. Click here to buy this product from the official site.
about its creator
Nervogen Pro was made possible through extensive research by Kevin Miller, a 25-year professional in medicinal chemistry. He focuses not only on medicinal ingredients but also on neuropathies as a whole, their underlying causes, and their associated pain. In addition to taking Nervogen Pro, he suggests other tips to improve outcomes and help people with neuropathy live pain-free lives. - regular training - Vitamin supplements are obtained through food. - stop smoking, - take good care of your feet - control your diabetes
Where can I find all the details about Nervogen Pro?
From shipping policies to disclaimers, you can find all the details about Nervogen Pro on its official website. Manufacturing details, promotions, money-back guarantee terms, and prices are some of the essential details that most users look for on this site. A GMP-certified manufacturing facility, or good manufacturing practice, produces Nervogen Pro. The USA's factory in Colorado distributes it.
What is NervogenPro?
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Nervogen Pro is an all-natural dietary supplement intended to reduce neuropathy-related pain in patients. Mixing uncommon herbs, spices, and other natural substances enhances the immune system. You can expect less discomfort from inflammation, fatigue, and neuropathic pain. Diabetes and cancer are two conditions that can result in neuropathic pain, but they can also happen due to trauma, accidents, or hormonal changes. Nervogen is a helpful pain reliever. nervogen pro walgreens,Your brain and nerves can communicate more efficiently and quickly. Nervogen Pro has been the subject of numerous studies confirming its effectiveness. The creator of this amazing product, Kevin Miller, has been teaching in the United States for nearly 25 years. nervogen pro - 2 pack,You can also be sure you know enough about your health to make this supplement. Kevin Miller has seen that combining modern Western and traditional medicine can yield the best results quickly. The side effects of this combination are reduced to zero. As incredible as it sounds: patients reported no side effects. Nervogen Pro is completely natural and has no side effects, unlike many pain relievers that do not work well or adversely affect the patient's body. Nervogen Pro can help fight nerve pain and help you sleep peacefully.
How does it work? occupational nerves
Nervogen Pro is a dietary supplement that helps keep your brain healthy and gets to the root cause of your symptoms. Nerves carry information in and out of the brain. nervogen pro customer reviews,This is why it is so crucial to our lives. When you are stressed out or overworked, your nerves can become irritated. This can cause pain and discomfort in many parts of your body. A bad diet, not getting enough exercise, and not having ways to deal with stress like meditation also contribute to these problems. Nervogen Pro is made with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that help nerves stay healthy and work well. contains botanicals and minerals to improve circulation and antioxidants to fight cell-damaging free radicals. Gluten and dairy, two of the most prevalent allergies in the United States, are absent from Nervogen Pro. That means it's safe for anyone with an allergy who doesn't even know it.
Who Developed Nervogen Pro Pills?
Kevin Miller, a medicinal chemist 57 years old and lives near Boston, etc., came up with Nervogen Pro. Kevin works at a top university in the United States.  nervogen reviews, He has worked as a medicinal chemist at this prestigious university for 25 years. His extensive medical and chemical expertise created Nitrogen Pro. He recommends taking Nervogen Pro daily to promote good health. Kevin Miller is not a natural person. This is the same guy in every other online scam supplement ad. This pseudonym leads people to believe that doctors endorse Nervogen Pro. There is no proof that a doctor or naturopath developed Nervogen Pro. To obtain Nervogen Pro from the official website, click here.
What organic components does Nervogen Pro contain?
Nervogen Pro uses natural ingredients to increase Brian's communication's speed, efficiency, and effectiveness. The ingredient list can be found on the packaging and their website. nervogen pro reviews, Here are the ingredients in Nervogen Pro and how they can affect your health. Passionflower, or Passiflora incarnate, has been used by Amazonian tribes for centuries to relieve pain and calm people down. In 1569, a Spanish adventurer discovered the sedative qualities of this herb. nervijen tablet,Passionflower may also be beneficial for those with anxiety or sleeplessness. Recent studies have shown that plant extracts can significantly increase GABA in the brain. Moreover, it can aid with stress and ADHD Moreover, it can help with stress and ADHD. Althaea officinalis, sometimes known as marshmallow root, has been utilized in traditional medicine for over 2,800 years. Due to its remarkable anti-inflammatory properties, holistic practitioners still use it. Recent research suggests that it can treat bacterial infections, inflammatory diseases, digestive problems, eczema, and many other conditions. Opuntia is a cactus that grows in the southwestern part of the United States. Scientists also call it "prickly pear." Its pear-shaped shape and purple color make it easily recognizable. Some evidence suggests it may have immunostimulatory properties. It's full of antioxidants and other nutrients and good for people with high cholesterol or digestive problems like ulcers and diarrhea. nervijen p,Studies have also shown that the plant is resistant to chromosome breakage, protecting it from DNA damage. This plant's magnesium, iron, and potassium are thought to help relax the nerves. This herb is native to North America and is often used to treat sleep problems and anxiety. California poppies are the most widely used medicinal plant. Extracts of this plant have been used for decades for their soothing properties, although they are not yet available in modern medicine. The compounds in this herb activate GABA receptors. Receptors that respond to GABA inhibit neuronal firing. GABA receptors are in charge of calming effects, and they can be used to treat insomnia and other sleep problems. Optimal sleep results are achieved when this herb is combined with other herbs. Additional data: • Passionflower 145 mg • Marshmallow (root), 110 mg • Crabapple 100 mg • Prickly pear 50 mg • California Poppy (seed) 45 mg • Serving Size: 2 Vegetarian Capsules • Servings Per Container: 30 Nervogen Pro Side Effects So far, no side effects have been reported with Nervogen Pro. These conditions may cause side effects: Anyone under the age of 18 should not break these tablets. • Overdosing can cause constipation, diarrhea, and other health problems. • These pills are not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women. • People with existing medical conditions and medications should avoid Nervogen Pro Pills.
How do I use Nervogen Pro pills?
Each bottle of Nervogen Pro contains 60 capsules. Each capsule contains 100 mg of Nervogen Pro. You may take up to two capsules daily for 30 days. This gives you a month's supply. Nothing serious. Buy multiple bottles at once - one bottle per month- and get more bang for your buck and a bigger bank account. This ensures you will have enough product for the next few months, even if your first bottle is empty. We advise taking 2 capsules daily by your doctor's instructions. Take one capsule morning and night with food. Drink a lot of water to get the most out of this medicine and to calm your nerves.
Key Benefits of Nervogen Pro
These benefits apply to all Nervogen Pro oral users: • Nervogen Pro confirms that all ingredients are natural and have no side effects. • Tuna is an ingredient that pleases customers. • Nervogen Pro supplements help the immune system break down food faster so that it doesn't store it as saturated fat. It can raise cholesterol levels. • These medicines protect the body from free radicals, which can cause several health problems. • Dietary supplements to keep your nervous system healthy and relieve all nerve-related problems. • It can also manage stress, anxiety, and tension. • It is open to all ages. However, those under the age of 18 should stay away from it. • These medicines alleviate nerve discomfort and mend and strengthen damaged nerves. To obtain Nervogen Pro from the official website, click here.
How can one determine if they have neuralgia?
Although everyone experiences neuralgia or neuropathic pain differently, some common symptoms are associated with nerve pain. These are symptoms that people with neuralgia experience. A sharp, stinging, or burning sensation. Tingling, tingling, or numbness in the extremities. Unexplained pain. Pain after other non-painful events (such as temperature changes), insomnia and sleep disturbances, feeling frustrated, angry, or restless. These symptoms are far more prevalent than you might believe. There are many things that can cause these symptoms, such as B when students are taking exams or working night shifts. If these symptoms don't go away, get worse, or bother you, it's important to find out what's causing them. Read the full article
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