#breast implant surgery recovery
angelsluxe · 1 year
Revitalize Your Confidence: 10 Key Benefits of Hair Transplant Unveil a Radiant You! Elevate Confidence, Balance, & Beauty with Breast Implant Surgery. Own Your Splendor. Expert Insights. Angels Luxe, Your Beauty Haven. Unleash Your Potential Today!
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dr-zoran-potparic · 3 months
Choosing Breast Implant Sizes
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Our team, led by Dr. Zoran Potparic, understands the importance of choosing the perfect breast implant size to achieve your desired look. This blog post offers expert insights and advice to help you make an informed decision that suits your body frame, lifestyle, and personal preferences. Whether you're aiming for a subtle enhancement or a more noticeable change, our board-certified plastic surgery expert in Fort Lauderdale and our experienced team are here to support you every step of the way. Explore our breast implant size guide to discover how to select the right size and the key factors to consider. Click the link below for more information.
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dubaiblogs · 4 months
Breast implant removal surgery typically takes between one to three hours, depending on the complexity of the procedure and whether any additional steps, such as a breast lift, are included. Considering breast implant removal surgery? Our experienced plastic surgeon can safely and effectively remove breast implants, restoring a natural breast appearance.
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fem-lit · 5 months
Imagine this: penis implants, penis augmentation, foreskin enhancement, testicular silicone injections to correct asymmetry, saline injections with a choice of three sizes, surgery to correct the angle of erection, to lift the scrotum and make it pert. Before and after shots of the augmented penis in Esquire. Risks: Total numbing of the glans. Diminution of sexual feeling. Permanent obliteration of sexual feeling. Glans rigidity, to the consistency of hard plastic. Testicular swelling and hardening, with probable repeat operations, including scar tissue formation that the surgeon must break apart with manual pressure. Implant collapse. Leakage. Unknown long-term consequences. Weeks of recovery necessary during which the penis must not be touched. The above procedures are undergone because they make men sexy to women, or so men are told.
Civilized people will agree that these are mutilations so horrible that a woman should not even be able to think them. I recoiled when I wrote them. You, if a woman, probably flinched when you read them; if you were a man, your revulsion was no doubt almost physical.
But since women are taught to identify more compassionately with the body of a man or a child—or a fetus or a primate or a baby seal—than with our own, we read of similar attacks on our own sexual organs with numbness. Just as women’s sexuality is turned inside out so that we identify more with male pleasure than female, the same goes for our identification with pain. One could protest that breast and penis are not parallel terms, and that is valid: Breast surgery is not exactly a clitoridectomy. It is only half a clitoridectomy.
— Naomi Wolf (1990) The Beauty Myth
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that-stone-butch · 1 year
hi, i have a question and i mean this in good faith, but why do some butches get top surgery? you mentioned it in some of your recent posts and i’m just trying to understand. i 100% believe in bodily autonomy so i’m not judging anyone for that decision, i’m just trying to understand so i can support people better. obviously there’s a lot of overlap between butches and transmascs but i don’t really understand why someone who still identifies as a woman (not all butches do, but “lesbian”/“wlw” still implies some connection to womanhood) would want to have that surgery unless it was to prevent breast cancer? i have chest dysphoria too but i guess it’s not bad enough for me to understand this. is this higher level of dysphoria common in butches? again i mean this in good faith and i just want to understand. i wish you well for recovery and i hope everything goes smoothly!
my pal you have like fifty gender biases here that you're gonna want to unpack. this pile of questions has so much added baggage it's going to take so many steps to unpack holy shit
not all lesbians are women/have an 'implied connection to womanhood'
'top surgery' may mean mastectomy but there are also people out there who get 'top surgery' meaning breast implants, among whom some are butches, and for whom that is an equally momentous instance of gender-affirming care. is this a part of your question?
you don't have to understand why someone would want a procedure in order to support them
i cannot speak to whether or not butches experience an especially 'high level' of chest dysphoria
even if i could produce some statistic that indicates that we do experience a 'high level' of chest dysphoria, i am not especially equipped to speak for all of us as to why
i have no idea what amount of people counts as 'high' to you. is one in five high? one in ten? what if it was one in ten sure about getting top surgery, but an additional two in ten were considering it? would that be high, to you? i have no frame of reference for you
'has tits' does not necessarily mean 'is woman' and some women do not want to have tits. period
other people's chest dysphorias are going to look different from your own. there are as many different reasons to feel dysphoric about one's chest as there are people
like i'm taking your good faith seriously, but even if i wanted to answer these questions i couldn't. i'm just one person. so let me reiterate the only answer that matters:
you don't have to understand why someone would want a procedure in order to support them
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lilyblisslys · 3 months
hello, i’m a transfem who’s also incredibly unhappy with my (lack of) breast growth from hrt. many people have suggested breast implants, but i’ve been hesitant due to past medical trauma. it seems like it’s the only way for me to get the boobs that i want, but i’m afraid to go through with it :/
as someone who’s gone thru a similar procedure, would you have any advice for me?
(i’m really sorry if this is an inappropriate ask, please don’t feel pressured to respond if it is)
Mm all I can really advise is looking at surgeons around you to see their before/afters, and decide if having breasts like that are worth dealing with your trauma? I liked my small breasts, but for a variety of reasons I wanted bigger ones, so I did it! I don’t have a lot of medical trauma or worries abt surgery though personally.
I’ll say the actual procedure wasn’t traumatic! The recovery week(s) after sucked more than I thought they would, but because of them I also put like 40 hours into Yakuza LAD. so it’s impossible to say if it’s bad or not.
Oh-if you do look into it-I do recommend trying to find a female surgeon though. The first guy I talked to was a man and he was awful 😅
I’m still healing in a lot of ways, but I’ll definitely say I’m very happy with my breasts now! 🤷‍♀️
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surgerypatient · 3 months
chatgpt explanation of the suite of feminization procedures necessary to create an indistinguishable woman ( not perfect)
Preoperative Phase
Preoperative Appointment:
Final Consultation:
The patient meets with the surgical team to discuss the procedure in detail.
Final consent forms are signed, and any last-minute questions are answered.
Medical and Psychological Evaluation:
Comprehensive health assessment including blood tests, imaging, and psychological support.
Detailed explanation of the recovery process and postoperative care.
Day of Surgery:
Arrival at the Hospital:
The patient checks in at the hospital and is escorted to the preoperative waiting area.
The patient changes into a hospital gown, cap, and compression socks.
Preoperative Preparation:
IV line is started for administering fluids and medications.
Baseline vital signs are recorded, and the patient is given a sedative to help relax.
The patient meets the anesthesiologist who explains the anesthesia process.
The surgeon visits to review the surgical plan and answer any final questions.
Transport to Operating Room:
The patient is wheeled to the operating room on a gurney.
Final identification checks and surgical site markings are made.
Intraoperative Phase
Anesthesia and Initial Prep:
Anesthesia Administration:
The patient is connected to monitoring equipment to track vital signs.
Anesthetic drugs are administered through the IV, inducing unconsciousness.
An anesthesia mask is placed, and the patient is intubated for airway management.
Eye ointment is applied, and the eyes are taped shut to prevent dryness.
Sterile Prep:
The patient’s body is cleaned with a pink antiseptic solution.
A urinary catheter is inserted to manage urine output during surgery.
Surgical Procedures:
An incision is made in the scrotum, and the testicles are removed.
The incisions are closed, and the area is dressed.
Penile Inversion Vaginoplasty:
Penile skin is deconstructed and inverted to form the vaginal canal.
Scrotal skin is used to create the labia majora and minora.
Nerve bundles are used to construct the clitoris.
The urethra is shortened and repositioned.
Stem cell and nanobot therapies are applied to enhance healing.
Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS):
Procedures may include brow lift, rhinoplasty, jaw and chin reshaping, and tracheal shave.
Each step is performed with precision to feminize facial features.
Waist Contouring:
Liposuction is performed to remove excess fat and contour the waistline.
Fat grafting may be used to enhance the hips for a more feminine silhouette.
Breast Augmentation:
Incisions are made, and implants are placed to achieve desired breast size and shape.
Bioengineered implants ensure natural feel and appearance.
Buttock Augmentation:
Fat grafting or implants are used to enhance buttock size and shape.
Advanced techniques ensure minimal scarring and natural results.
Estrogen Implant Placement:
Hormone-delivery implants are placed to provide continuous estrogen therapy.
The implants are fine-tuned for optimal hormone balance.
Postoperative Phase
Immediate Postoperative Care:
Recovery Room:
The patient is moved to a recovery room and monitored closely as they wake up from anesthesia.
Pain management and anti-nausea medications are administered as needed.
Initial Assessment:
Vital signs are monitored, and the surgical sites are checked for any complications.
The patient is kept in a semi-upright position to promote breathing and comfort.
Instructions and Mobility:
The patient is given instructions on how to move and care for surgical sites.
Gradual introduction to liquids and soft foods.
Ongoing Postoperative Care:
Hospital Stay:
The patient remains in the hospital for a few days for close monitoring.
Regular check-ups by the surgical team to ensure proper healing.
Discharge and Home Care:
Detailed discharge instructions are provided, including wound care, medication regimen, and activity restrictions.
Arrangements for follow-up appointments and physical therapy sessions.
Long-term Recovery:
Gradual resumption of daily activities as healing progresses.
Ongoing hormone therapy adjustments and psychological support.
Regular follow-up appointments to monitor the results and address any concerns.
Final Outcome:
Physical and Aesthetic Results:
Natural-looking and functional vaginal canal with satisfactory depth and sensation.
Feminized facial features, contoured waist, enhanced breasts, and buttocks.
Hormone levels are balanced with the help of estrogen implants.
Psychological and Social Adaptation:
Continued psychological support to help adapt to the new gender identity.
Social integration and increased confidence in personal and professional life.
This detailed step-by-step guide outlines a comprehensive and futuristic approach to M-to-F sex reassignment surgery, incorporating advanced technologies and procedures to ensure optimal outcomes for patients.
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tiefighter · 1 year
hey for my rounder/biggerbodied/overweight babes who're gonna go get chest surgery, let me give u some advice (I got ftm masculisation surgery, but aside from the shit about binders and removal this is also applicable to bbw trans women/nb people who are getting breast implants, afaik.)
1: don't go completely flat, it'll look so unnatural you'll wanna like, stab urself in the neck. Pectoral muscles have a natural curve, and I know the urge to go like NAH SON TOO MUCH is real high, but once you're healed you'll be grateful for the more natural look to your chest. I'm not saying get like, moobification surgery, just stress to your surgeon that you'd like a natural look. If you have a good surgeon, they'll be able to do it anyway/are way ahead of you. for mtf, you'll want something manageable/not too big! I know the urge when you're a bigger person is to go bigger to fill out tops/dresses, but trust me too much weight up there will DESTROY your back, please be kind to your spines. 2: recovery binders. Get one with fuckin shoulders, or if you can't find one with shoulders, get someone you know (or yourself) to sew shoulders into the thing. A really uncomfortable fact of having a belly/fat shoulders/back is that it /will/ fold your binder and it fucking hurts, and most of the time you need someone else to help you adjust over those first couple of weeks. and when I say it hurts, i mean it /hurts/, it'll compress tighter on your incision site and press the scar and it hurts like all fuck. (transwomen! your bras are supposed to fit flush against your body, if the middle of the cups is sitting away from your body or your band is too tight you're not in your size! get professionally fitted, I promise it sounds like bullshit but it'll save you so much money/pain in the long run.)
3: If your surgeon gives you the willies, and you have another option, dump them immediately. I did just that, and we only have two options on my side of the country (Australia!) Turns out, the surgeon I ended up with is the one that does all the corrections on the other person, and i would've met him anyway to get my chest fixed. 4: breast tissue does go all the way under your armpit. If a surgeon tells you it doesn't, and you just need to lose weight to get rid of it, they're fucking lying and also shit at their job.
5: I know the urge is to hide yourself away during healing and then, towards the end when you're like IM FINE you wanna go out and do things but let me tell you something if you've never had surgery before. You are gonna want that recovery time. you essentially got into a knife fight and fuckin lost. You're gonna be EXHAUSTED. you'll need someone to check up on you, and if you live alone and don't have anyone, look into medical assistance/nurses in your area who can come and help you with your binder if it's causing trouble.
6: My darlings. My sweethearts. My absolute fuckin superstars. Don't go fucking swimming/to the beach/soak in a bath until your surgeon says it's okay. If you get too much moisture in there, your skin will literally rot and fall off. Don't do it. Just don't. Behave, please. I know it's like, it won't happen to me but I SHOWERED too much and now I have a frankennipple. Don't be me. Don't franken your nipple.
7: be kind to yourself. Yeah, you're not skinny. yeah, a lot of androgynous/male oriented fashion relies on you being a skinny bitch. Let me be the first to tell you: boobas make hormones. You are losing those hormones, and your body is adjusting. you do NOT look as bad as you think you do. I swear to whatever nondenominational deity you want me to, you do NOT look as bad as you think you do. Let your hormones readjust, let yourself feel the relief. Wear a fucking dress if you want, top surgery won't take that away from you. for the ladies, wear whatever the fuck you want, we don't give a fuck, just make sure your new tatas are properly supported! You don't want them to drop or warp wrong, make sure to wear something that helps you with support. boobs over a certain size will naturally have weight to them, and that's totally fine! It's just if you're stretching your scars too much you're gonna give yourself some damage, find a trans woman who has had surgery similar to you, or talk to anyone who has had breast enlargement surgery. 8: if you have to work/go to school/etc after your surgery, set yourself time limits if it's a thing you're able to do. I know a lot of employers are grade a cockdolphins, and they're not gonna listen, so go and bleed on them if you have to. Do it. I don't give a fuck and neither should you. Being alive is better than being dead.
9: use the healing excuse to tell people who are bad for you/not good about your surgery/being cunts to fuck the fuck off. hey no can't see you, I'm healing. I don't care about your fuckin church study or your desire to look at the shiny new replaced nipples, get fucked. Cut them off like they're the tits you abandoned. They're excised skin. Biohazardous waste.
10: you're gonna be bored as fuck, please get something to do. lego/reading/watching tv/gaming/whatever you can do within your physical and mental power, and don't let anyone make you feel bad for taking the time to do things like this, and enjoying yourself. you just lost a knife fight you paid for. Be nice.
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area51-escapee · 4 months
I also think that top surgery should be just as available to people as breast reduction or implants for any reason. Yes I want top surgery because I’m transgender and dysphoric about my chest. You know why I want it more though? I’m autistic and it would release me from the sensory hell I’ve been trapped in for almost a decade and a half. It would save me so much pain and discomfort and frustration. I know recovery will also be sensory hell but that will pass and I will finally know peace.
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priyasharmasblog · 6 months
The Pros and Cons of Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer
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Breast augmentation with fat transfer is a type of breast enlargement treatment. In this method, fat tissues taken from the candidate's other body parts are used to give full coverage to the breasts. Many women choose this method, whereas some use breast implants. Breast augmentation with fat transfer offers a wide range of benefits and few drawbacks. To learn about the pros and cons of the treatment, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a renowned surgeon for breast augmentation surgery in Gurgaon, guided us. Based on the insights, this blog delves into the pros and cons of breast augmentation/enlargement with fat transfer. 
Pros of Breast Augmentation With Fat Transfer
Natural Results
The fat transfer makes boosted breasts feel more natural than silicone implants, which are stiffer and can be displaced. 
Brief Recovery
Breast augmentation with fat transfer requires less recovery. Swelling and bruising will fade after surgery. After 2 weeks, you can resume your daily routine, including light exercise, and rigorous exercise can be resumed after 4-6 weeks. 
Minimal Scarring
Since liposuction and fat injections are used in this method, the incisions are tiny. Therefore, leftover scars are small and hideable. This will give patients a natural look without dark scars or scar therapy.
Body Contour
Fat grafting lets the surgeon modify many body sections in one treatment by shifting fat. Liposuction removes fat from the stomach, thighs, arms, and face. By increasing the volume of the breasts, you may also flatten the tummy and define your curves, achieving body balance. This is important for patients who want to fix physical issues while saving money.
Permanent Results
This treatment yields long-lasting results since the fat integrates into the body and functions like other fat cells. This breast augmentation approach avoids rupturing, a common complication 10-15 years after breast implants, by not inserting a foreign substance.
Cons of Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer
Fat Survival
About 30-50% of additional fat cells will die and be absorbed after surgery. This reduces immediate outcomes until the cells settle. The surgeon will try to account for this when injecting fat, but it depends on how much they can retrieve. Patients may contemplate a second fat injection if they have enough collected fat.
A little augmentation
Fat transfer uses only patient-extracted fat. Therefore, augmentation is limited by the patient's excess fat. Most women only increase one cup size for their initial surgery, which may be better for those seeking a larger alteration. You can repeat the technique to go up another cup size.
Lacks Sagging Correction
Several patients have sagging boobs due to aging. Fat transfer adds volume and reshapes the breasts, not tightening or eliminating extra skin. Combining a fat transfer with a breast lift may give you greater lift and a perkier appearance.
Compared to other breast enhancement methods, fat transfer breast augmentation has many advantages. Your surgeon can provide natural results with rapid treatment, recuperation time, and guaranteed longevity with fat grafting. This surgery is appropriate for those seeking mild breast enlargement and body balance. To consider breast augmentation with fat transfer, you can contact Dr. Shilpi Bhadani. She is a leading cosmetic plastic surgeon. Find her practicing at SB Aesthetics, a fully facilitated and the best cosmetic clinic in Gurgaon. Avail of the benefits now!
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answersfromzestual · 1 year
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Many patients mistakenly believe that the longer the operation, the better the healing results, and that short surgery is a sign that the surgeon is in a hurry or is not meticulous.
These myths can be a major source of anxiety for patients. However, the opposite is true: the longer the surgery time, the more the healing time and the risks associated with the intervention increase.
While it is true that operating time is an important indicator of risk factors and possible complications, the type of surgery and procedural complexity are also determining factors. Although often independent, these risk factors can sometimes be interrelated.
Infections and complications
The link between wound infection and operative time has been known for a long time. Every additional minute of surgery has a direct impact on the rate of wound infection.
As proof, a study on breast reconstruction with implants published in 2019 clearly demonstrated that the possibility of medical complications or wound infections increases when the surgery time goes beyond three hours. There would be a direct causal link between complications, preoperative health conditions, and longer operative time.
While the complication rates vary little for surgeries of less than 3 hours, the risks multiply by 1.6 times after 3 hours. Each successive operating time interval is accompanied by an associated growth in complications, with rates increasing 3-fold after 4.5 hours and almost 5-fold for a 6.8 hours procedure.
When surgery lasts longer than 6 hours, every additional hour increases the risk of cardiovascular, kidney and pulmonary complications. The same goes for the increased rate of infection. Surgeries lasting longer than 3 hours increase the risk of erythema and bruising, and often involve slower healing of the wounds.
The main issue regarding the risk of morbidity is the complexity of the procedure, not the duration of the operation. Indeed, according to a study published in 2014, complications can vary between two surgeries of more or less equal duration. For example, surgeries to the head or neck cause more complications than breast or limb surgeries, although the duration is similar, due to the complexity of these procedures. Delicate procedures on smaller surfaces requiring less manipulation cause less morbidity than reconstruction or dissections or excisions of body contouring procedures. On the other hand, studies indicate that operating times of more than three hours also increase the risk of morbidity. All these factors must be taken into account by the surgeon during the preoperative preparation.
The duration of the operation is therefore a key factor in the recovery of patients and in the severity of postoperative complications. It would be an indicator of complications, with a marked increase in risks if the surgery lasts more than three hours.
Surgeons are highly trained professionals. Although an experienced surgeon works quickly, other factors can contribute to the length of the operation, some of which may be beyond his control, such as excessive bleeding which can slow down the procedure. However, speed of execution does not necessarily guarantee better results, as operating time is not the only factor to consider in the event of complications.
So patients don’t have to worry if the surgery is shorter than expected. This does not indicate shoddy work. Longer surgery will not necessarily give better results. Surgery time is an important factor in recovery, but so too are the type of surgery and procedural complexity. Above all, be sure to ask questions before surgery so that you are fully aware of the risks.
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sasshomaru · 1 year
it’s been a while since i’ve posted here but it’s bc i’ve been really stressed out and busy with doctor’s appointments. im completely fine, these appointments are so that i could get approved for breast reduction surgery. im so excited to have my surgery on the 21st 💜
more on my pure happiness and euphoria on getting my tig ol bitties chopped off~
i hit puberty when i was 9 and had to start wearing a bra. i got my first period a few weeks after my 10th birthday. i was unfortunately born with low density breasts, which means that instead of being fibrous or muscley, they’re just basically pure sacks of fat.(for more context, people lose breast density as they age, which is why old women have very saggy, flabby, and fatty breasts — compared with young women who have higher breast density and therefore perkier breasts. when i say that i “had to” wear a bra when i was 9, i mean that they would literally flop and bounce around like an anime girl’s boobs if i didn’t wear one.) this also means that no matter how much weight i lose, i will (genetically) ALWAYS have huge boobs, because i was basically genetically dispositioned to have saggy, fatty, and heavy breasts.
having huge boobs that hung past the bottom of my ribcage meant that i couldn’t do sports or even do cardio exercise even if i wanted to. hell, i couldn’t even jump once without feeling discomfort, not just physically, but wondering if someone was watching me and ogling or laughing at me. it meant that i would always wear baggy clothes because anytime i wore tight clothes — even if my shirt or dress wasn’t lowcut at all — because people, especially men, would stare at me. i’ve had to wear exclusively binders and sports bras even while just going out to lunch with my friends because my breasts are so fucking disproportionate that not only can i not fit into most clothes without some kind of binder, but also because of the unwanted attention mentioned above.
(TW for this paragraph: eating disorders, fat shaming, weight loss.) ~~~ this part could be a whole new post but… additionally, i was often pressured and even forced to diet starting when i was 9, right when i hit puberty. i was told constantly that i was fat and that i needed to lose weight “in order to be healthy.” the worst part is that i believed this: that i was fat, and therefore undesirable and ugly and not worthy of any attention or love. this led to very low self worth and eventually an eating disorder when i was 16. i’ve since started weight training and now i realize… i could lose maybe 20-30 pounds, but im not fat. what makes me look fatter than i really am is my chest. having breasts that hang down to my ribcage without a bra — or having them push out about the same distance with a bra on — means that i always look basically 20 lbs heavier than i really am. i’ve spoken with a personal trainer abt it who had breast implants years ago, and she said that she regrets having breast implants bc they make her look fatter than she really is. to think that i had so much emotional pain — starving myself, crying over how i couldn’t eat ice cream on my birthday, obsessing over calories and weight loss — was mostly because of my breasts is, paradoxically, infuriating and relieving at the same time. it’s infuriating to think that my parents and family shamed me over something i couldn’t control, but it’s a relief that now i DO have control, and i can remove this part of my body not for the sake of weight loss, but for my physical and mental health.
with my surgery less than 2 weeks away, i could cry with relief now. i know the surgery will be intense and that the recovery will be tough, but i will finally be able to be FREE. i will finally be able to jump, run, and start exercising (because i really cannot do any form of cardio rn unless it’s swimming, which would require access to a pool which i don’t have lol plus the horrors of putting on a swimsuit). i will be able to wear clothes that are the actual size of my body, not just the size of my chest.
im really nervous for surgery as i’ve never had surgery before and i don’t know fully what to expect, but im so excited to finally be able to LIVE. 💜💜💜
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Sorry your comment on people seeking height affirmation surgery needing therapy instead was transphobic and ableist. Some people need their height affirmed and yes I’ll suffer for it just like we will for gender affirmation. That is our choice. We aren’t all born in the body we were meant to be and don’t need therapists to “correct” our self perception we need help from surgery to affirm our bodies. If there are risks warn us but we need the body autonomy to take those risks. This is affirming surgery and laughing at it going poorly is disgusting. And yes cis men can need gender affirmation too just like trans men. Plus we have no idea who might be trans among those patients. Sorry not everyone wants to be a Manlet just because you said that was nice same as we don’t want to settle and be female just because the terfs said we will get used to it. Some of us are fine with packers some of us need that surgery dick. Some of us need the height. Our bodies aren’t what we were meant to have and we need to match the ideal we have in mind.
Hey anon! If you read my original post, I did not say anything about people getting this surgery needing therapy instead. So I'm not sure where you're getting that from? I am fully supportive of trans people getting gender affirming surgery! I also generally don't have a problem with cis people getting cosmetic surgery (like breast implants) even though I personally don't want them. Reading that article, every man interviewed was 1) cis and 2) wanted to impress taller women as a reason for getting the surgery. I merely made a comment that I do not know of any women refuse to date a short cis man. I'm sure there are cis women who are shitty about it, but in my experience most people are not concerned about height differences.
But I'd like to reiterate that I did NOT say these people needed therapy instead of surgery. I support gender affirming surgery and cosmetic surgery for anyone, even if I don't personally want it. Don't put words in my mouth that weren't there.
ALSO, I wasn't laughing at it going poorly for anyone?? I said it was a horrific procedure that took months, if not years, to recover from. I wouldn't wish a bad recovery on anyone getting this.
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dubaiblogs · 6 months
Many women who opt for this procedure seek aesthetic improvement and are also keen on maintaining an active, healthy lifestyle, including a regular fitness regime.  If you find yourself wondering, “When can I lift weights after breast implants", it's crucial to follow your surgeon's recommendations for recovery.
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trendingtattoo · 1 year
How can plastic surgery be done?ChatGPT
Plastic surgery refers to a wide range of surgical procedures that aim to reconstruct or enhance various aspects of the body. Plastic surgery can be divided into two main categories: reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery.
1. Reconstructive surgery: Reconstructive surgery focuses on repairing or rebuilding body structures that are damaged, congenital (present at birth), or affected by trauma or medical conditions. Some common reconstructive procedures include:
Breast reconstruction: Restoring the breast(s) after mastectomy or injury.
Cleft lip and palate repair: Correcting birth defects affecting the lip and/or roof of the mouth.
Scar revision: Improving the appearance of scars caused by injury, surgery, or burns.
Skin grafting: Transferring healthy skin from one part of the body to replace damaged or lost skin.
Burn reconstruction: Restoring functionality and aesthetics after burn injuries.
Hand surgery: Treating conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome or repairing hand injuries.
2. Cosmetic surgery: Cosmetic surgery aims to improve or enhance a person's appearance, typically by altering or reshaping specific features of the body. Some common cosmetic procedures include:
Breast augmentation: Enhancing breast size and shape using implants or fat transfer.
Rhinoplasty: Reshaping the nose to improve its appearance or function.
Facelift: Reducing sagging and wrinkles on the face and neck.
Liposuction: Removing excess fat deposits to improve body contours.
Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck): Tightening the abdominal muscles and removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen.
Blepharoplasty: Correcting droopy eyelids or removing excess skin and fat around the eyes.
The process of plastic surgery typically involves the following steps:
Consultation: You will meet with a plastic surgeon to discuss your concerns, goals, and medical history. The surgeon will evaluate your condition, explain the available options, and recommend the most suitable procedures for you.
Pre-operative preparation: If you decide to proceed with surgery, you will go through pre-operative preparations, which may include medical tests, taking medications as instructed, and avoiding certain substances like tobacco and certain medications that can interfere with healing.
Surgery: On the day of surgery, you will undergo the chosen procedure under anesthesia. The specific techniques and duration of the surgery will vary depending on the procedure and the individual case.
Recovery: After surgery, you will be closely monitored during the initial recovery phase. The length and intensity of the recovery period depend on the procedure performed. Your surgeon will provide post-operative instructions regarding wound care, medication, activity restrictions, and follow-up appointments.
Follow-up care: Regular follow-up visits will be scheduled to monitor your healing progress and address any concerns or complications that may arise. Your surgeon will guide you through the recovery process and advise you on when you can resume normal activities.
It's crucial to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in the specific procedure you are considering. Plastic surgery carries risks and potential complications, so thorough research, realistic expectations, and open communication with your surgeon are essential for a successful outcome.
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azbreasts-blog · 2 years
FAQs About "Drop and Fluff" After Breast Augmentation
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If you recently had breast augmentation surgery, chances are you're curious about the upcoming drop and fluff process – an essential step that allows your body to heal properly and reveal your final look. To help explain this crucial part of recovery, here is a breakdown put together by our experienced professionals in breast enhancement surgery.
Why Do Implants Drop and Fluff?
"Dropping" and "fluffing" is the process of your breast implants settling into place after breast augmentation in Scottsdale. Following your procedure, your implants might appear to be "riding high" on your chest and may look flatter or square-like in shape. These are normal occurrences resulting from tightened skin and muscle tissue, which will resolve gradually as your implants drop and fluff over the coming weeks.
As you recover from your implant surgery, the tightness of your muscles will subside and lead to a more natural-looking chest. Your implants will drop into place for improved comfort, as well as fill out any hollow areas to provide a rounded outcome.
How Do Breast Implants Drop and Fluff?
The process involves the drop of the implant pocket and the softening of the implant edges to create a more natural look. Drop and fluff helps create a more realistic look post-surgery that closely resembles natural breasts. It should be noted, however, that the drop and fluff process does not necessarily mean your implants are sagging, but rather that the implant has settled into a more natural breast shape. Ultimately, drop and fluff is a critical part of the breast augmentation recovery process, as it helps achieve a more natural-looking result.
How Long Does It Take for Implants to Drop and Fluff?
The drop and fluff of implants take several months to complete, though it varies depending on factors such as the type of implant and individual body healing processes. Generally speaking, drop and fluff begins within 3 to 4 weeks after surgery and can take up to 6 months for full completion, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Is the Process Uncomfortable?
During drop and fluff, patients may experience mild discomfort, which should subside once the process is complete.
Closely monitoring your breast implants as they drop and fluff is essential for optimal results post-surgery. The drop and fluff process can take longer or shorter than anticipated due to many factors, so it's imperative to communicate any changes with your Scottsdale plastic surgeon during follow-up appointments. If you have any concerns about dropping and fluffing during or after surgery, ensure to reach out to your surgeon right away. Proper care and communication between you and your doctor is, after all, an important factor in achieving natural-looking breast augmentation results.
Do Breast Implants Get Bigger During the Drop and Fluff Process?
While dropping and fluffing, it is common for the size of your breast implants to appear larger than before, but this does not mean they are bigger or increasing in size. The drop and fluff process creates a lower pocket for the implant, giving an illusion of greater fullness while improving projection. Wearing push-up bras or using other methods to create extra volume at the top of each breast can further enhance this visual change. Simply put, when breast implants drop and fluff, the actual size of your breasts will not change. Rather, they are settling into place.
Is It Possible to Make Implants Drop Faster?
One of the most common questions among breast augmentation patients is how to make their implants drop faster. As mentioned earlier, the drop and fluff process can happen within weeks or months after implant placement. If you want your implants to drop and fluff within your doctor's expected timeline, there are certain steps you can take.
It's important to follow all of your plastic surgeon's instructions for post-operative care, including:
Wearing recommended garments, such as compression bandages or bras, to provide adequate support to your chest and encourage proper healing
Using massage techniques recommended by your doctor to help drop and fluff your breast implants within the appropriate timeline
Avoiding strenuous physical activity until your plastic surgeon gives you the green light to resume your normal routine
Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption
Ceasing tobacco use, as smoking distorts your immune system, delays healing, and can cause complications
Attending your scheduled follow-up appointments
Patience is key when waiting for drop and fluff to occur; there is no way to force or speed up this natural process. As long as you practice proper post-operative care and follow your surgeon's recommendations, rest assured you will enjoy your new look in due time.
Why Is the Drop and Fluff Process Taking Too Long?
A factor that may affect drop and fluff is the breast implant size you choose. Larger implants can take longer to drop, as the larger size increases resistance during the drop and fluff process. Talk to your surgeon about choosing a size that fits with your desired aesthetic while also considering drop and fluff timeframes if it's important to you.
What if Your Breast Implants Don't Drop?
If you have been waiting around for your implants to move into their final position, it's understandable if this longer-than-expected timeline has caused some concern. A number of possible causes might explain the delayed settling process.
For instance, smaller and lighter implants may take longer than larger and heavier implants to drop. Heavier implants have an edge over their lighter counterparts, as the extra weight helps them drop and fluff faster than smaller implants do. Textured implants may also take longer due to the friction against adjacent tissue. Therefore, if you are looking for fast results in terms of shape contouring, smooth-surfaced implants may be your best bet.
If your implants do not appear to be dropping and fluffing or if you are experiencing any problems such as unusual pain, swelling, or bleeding that does not subside or is becoming worse, do not hesitate to call your surgeon to rule out the possibility of complications.
About Guerra Plastic Surgery Center
With over 15 years of experience and a sterling track record, Dr. Aldo Guerra, a RealSelf Top 100 Doctor and Phoenix Magazine's Top Doctors for 2020, is one of the best breast augmentation surgeons in Scottsdale. If you are ready for life-changing results, call 480-970-2580 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Guerra.
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