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internetarchivistyt · 5 months ago
I believe if I train hard enough and become an elite Hobby Horser they will let me run in the Kentucky Derby. I will win and then set all the other horses free. I will break the cycle
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thedavekim · 3 years ago
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O St. Catherine, virgin and martyr, help me to imitate your love of purity. Give me strength and courage in fighting off temptations. Amen.
St Catherine of Alexandria (aka St Catherine of the Wheel ); patron saint of apologists and revered as one of the #14holyhelpers. One of the miracles attributed to her is that moments before her martyrdom, the spiked breaking wheel she was about to be tortured on shattered at her touch. She was eventually beheaded.
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beardies-beys · 3 years ago
I Find it
Day in and day out i find it more and more disgusting that we tie our healthcare system through peoples employment or through exuberant amounts of money. How you can have what they consider healthcare in the U.S but still end up paying 250 a session. a session in which your doctor and you discuss your mental state he prescribes you the wrong meds then telling you to return in a month. 10 mins of hard work! my mind doesn't add up where one gets that amount from 10 mins of me basically talking to myself? So after what 4 failed 10 min meetings which one did you think you'd get it right? A country that finds it ok to not give citizens basic needs like healthcare. And then has the nerve to wonder why so many of its citizens are dying, young, old lets not even mention Covid. I mean people who are dying because they cant afford life saving surgeries or life saving meds. People like myself who feel discouraged to seek any kind of help, because every time we (Me) try to get our mental health or our psychical health in line. It takes 8 years to finally see someone. For them to charge you and arm and a leg for minimal help all to either not be qualified for your care anymore, or lose the a job that healthcare was provided through employer, or not fitting the hourly requirement to qualify for benefits. Every time I feel like im on the right track getting my life in order, getting myself out of the dark abysess that is my day to day life. One of those things happens and all that progress goes down the drain. Why you may ask? the system is meant to keep me hopeless and is meant to keep stuck or feeling down. That's the whole point. Why give me the options to help myself not feel lost or trapped? When you could watch the darkness swallow me whole until it finally destroys me.
Got to love the american healthcare system, Run you dry with appointment after appointment charging you a kings randsom while not actually solving the issue or giving you the right things to solve those issues. All for it to be yanked away in one swift swoop leaving you once again thrown to the darkness at a time when you think the one thing you needed most was proper care.
So much for finally getting put on the right meds. One day this country will see the struggles we all go through and finally put its arm around its peiople and show actual care and suport. I just dont know if i will 
Land if the free, land of opportunity yet it keeps its citizens in mental bonds. Why do you think so many mid 20s people either die by their own hand or by control not of their own. They’re afraid to seek help because they know what follows, bill after bill after bill. They know it leads to debt so They don’t seek help. Help for the lump, help for the bump, help for the dark thoughts, the ones that pull you out of life, the ones that suck any drive or will from your being. The ones that make you wanna cease to exist. The help for all your issues, they don’t want you to have that help or they wouldn’t make it so hard to get
It’s sad to live in a place that claims to put its people first but is the first to put its people out to dry.
Asking for help ia frowned upon, giving help is as well. What and how is acceptable to help your fellow man? Why is this capitalistic system okay? Wolf eat wolf, every man for himself & fuck the lil guy mentally. Isn’t how a nation thrives, it’s how it’s rich survives while it’s young dies. There won’t be a plannet to inherit or save, not because our elders would of have destroyed it, but actually because our elders destroyed us. Killed our hopes and dreams and sometimes us. To keep the one thing going.
Wall streets and the corporations hold on the politicians strong so not a Single page of legislation that gets passed. Substantially helps your life or mine. So we’ll never get Medicare for all or free college. They’ll keep telling us it’s impossible. “We don’t have the budget” yet we’ve got the “BUDGET” to bomb the Middle East for 20 years straight destroy families and stealing recourses. In two pointless wars we lost years ago but we’re too scared too admit, that’s more important? Policing the world instead of lowering our over inflated military budget and helping out citizens
America ladies and gentlemen, America
                                                                  H.C Daron 
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stormbornstars · 6 years ago
Season 8 Soundtrack broke my heart
I’ve just now been able to listen to the s8 soundtrack (normally I would’ve been all over that) but for obvious reasons I haven’t.
Anyway it’s always been obvious that Ramins fav was Dany and still is but D&D even tainted the soundtrack: “Break the Wheel” in particular.
Breaking the wheel has always been Dany’s thing; she coined the phrase, it’s always been her goal, but the song “Break the Wheel” has nothing to do with Daenerys except a cruel twist of her words. It comes from the scene with the great council of the lords when they ‘elect’ Bran as king, which means that this was D&D’s idea of ‘breaking the wheel’ and it’s just sick.
And to make things even worse: “Break the Wheel” (which always has been Dany’s goal until Tyrion twisted the words to make Bran king) ends in the Stark theme. Let me reiterate:
“bReAK tHe WhEeL” ends with the fucking sTaRK tHeMe
Other than that insult (which really is D&D since Ramin just has to go off what they do), the rest of the music is still beautiful and I will forever love Ramin for what he’s done for Dany
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macdaddy233 · 5 years ago
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I'm no history teacher or master politician. But First things first. We need to stop our black people and men and women of color from really thinking and believing that we can only live in a white mans world and we can only make it by his means of making it and not our own self intended ways. The first step starts from within despite how cliché that sounds we gotta get rid of that self hate and fix the bondings within our own communities. Disband the police and find better solutions to provide and secure the peace. Not to POLICE certain neighborhoods and demographics. Build a new government and living system better than what we were forced and told to live in. Break the mold. Destroy the cycle. Give the people of tomorrow and the world a reason to want to prosper. #blacklivesmatter #black #me #fuckinnerhate #justiceforgeorgefloyd #justiceforbreonnataylor #justiceforahmaudarbery #breakthewheel #breakthecycle https://www.instagram.com/p/CBL3Dr8hnen/?igshid=120c6xdzok6me
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huntingtonlibrary · 6 years ago
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Didn’t watch #GameOfThrones but kinda want to know what happened? This 16th-century alchemical scroll from our collections pretty much sums it up.
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celindelouisa · 6 years ago
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"Blood of my blood. You kept all your promises to me. You killed my enemies in their iron suits. You tore down their stone houses. You gave me the Seven Kingdoms."
"Unsullied, all of you were torn from your mothers’ arms and raised as slaves. Now, you are liberators. You have freed the people of King's Landing from the grip of a tyrant.”
“But the war is not over. We will not lay down our spears until we have liberated all the people of the world! From Winterfell to Dorne, from Lannisport to Qarth, from the Summer Isles to the Jade sea.”
“Women, men and children have suffered too long beneath the wheel.”
“Will you break the wheel with me?"
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starrthesavage · 5 years ago
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💯👌 #sayitlouder #letsteachgirls #breakthewheel #endstigma https://www.instagram.com/p/B33dyp1FsNP/?igshid=18v10uv3f418m
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alchemisoul · 6 years ago
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Feeling cute I might break the wheel, or burn them all, idk...
"Half the Targaryens went mad, didn't they?... What's the saying? 'Every time a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin."
- Cersei Lannister
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yourstreetbedford · 5 years ago
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Embrace the #startup #mindset.... like #daenerystargaryen .... #breakthewheel ....www.bedfordstmarketing.com @stamforddowntown @stamford_connecticut @hcalumni #marketing #business #branding #marketingdigital #digitalmarketing #socialmedia #entrepreneur #advertising #socialmediamarketing #design #o #seo #instagram #b #graphicdesign #motivation #entrepreneurship #smallbusiness #startup #marketingstrategy #love #onlinemarketing (at Bedford Street Marketing) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3fF1F0Jd4n/?igshid=1og5qsze1m9j
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missali · 5 years ago
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Not a queen: a #khaleesi. #BreakTheWheel https://www.instagram.com/p/B2wbjb2pm8v99gZsBYMQyLtBnhiC7a2RVbvasw0/?igshid=kdf2d465ukrk
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lubud687 · 6 years ago
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They're everywhere. What's yours? #stories #got #gameofthrones #breakthewheel #didyoubringanywine #branthebroken #drogonsaidnomorethrones #dragonslayer #wanderers #talkmorefightless #notallwhowanderarelost #storiesrule https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxqv-k2lIpU/?igshid=13llkjvz7cd2r
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thedavekim · 5 years ago
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Almighty ever-living God, who gave St Catherine of Alexandria to your people as a Virgin and an invincible Martyr, grant that through her intercession we may be strengthened in faith and constancy and spend ourselves without reserve for the unity of the Church. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. #lent2020 #day23 #40for40 #stcatherineofalexandria #stcatherineofthewheel #redux #prayforus #breakthewheel #bendtheknee #catholic #saint #martyr #backtothedrawingboard https://www.instagram.com/p/B-GjYPbll59gyACPpRihh6KUE1mK8zkg620H040/?igshid=19l5h70dqu56v
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ladrondearte · 6 years ago
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#breakthewheel #bike #wheel #shanghai #explore #writings #frenchconcession #gainingperspective (presso Shanghai, China) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpdekbwHx4O/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1a98jepdi1d5h
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ladylikexxx · 6 years ago
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Have a few more shots of Carrion Greyjoy. Taken by the lovely Maya. . . . #carriongreyjoy #greyjoy #larp #larper #ladieswholarp #gameofthrones #breakthewheel #pirate #viking #scars https://www.instagram.com/p/BoraJ8flkm-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mo1crehfds5e
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mandifries · 7 years ago
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“I will answer injustice with justice” #goals #advocate #politics #advocacy #laws #useyourvoice #useyourpowerforgood #standupfortheweak #strength #peace #allmenmustdie #breakthewheel (at California State Capitol)
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