#brb buying more bows
sturnioloho · 1 month
everything about this actually
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tipsylorie · 3 years
Dream Project Pt. 3 {title in progress}
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
A/N: Hola everyone, here is part 3 but not yet proof-read. I hope you will like it nevertheless...
Word Count: 2.7K
Liviana drove herself to office due to the driver’s message early in the morning that says he will be late because of an emergency. Upon arriving the buildings parking lot, instead of her driver, it was her assistant who was waiting with a worried look.
“Why the long face baby boy?” This is the thought that has been running through Liv’s mind when she saw her assistant, and this made her laugh. It took a while for her to compose herself so with a long face, she just remarks as she exits the car, “Why the sad face Jer?”
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“Why are you laughing though?” Jayceon asked with a growing grin, but Liv just dismissed it by saying ‘nothing’. So he continues to inform his boss, “It turns out that your driver for today had to rush her wife to hospital earlier so there won’t be anyone to drive you.”
“This won’t do, I have to get these cakes delivered and to check the situation in Paradigmia.” Liv said with worry written all over her face but then she suddenly smiles, “You do have a license, right?” She asked the young man who responses with a nod. “Then you’ll drive. I just have to get some materials in my office.”
Jayceon sees Liviana walking towards the car and anxious on how his driving should be. Because the only one who he was able to drive are his friends. Heck, his parents don’t even know that he can since he has always been provided with a driver and an assistant. It didn’t help either when Liv chose to seat beside him after she arranged the materials and cakes at the back seat. “Why are you sitting here instead of over there?” Jayceon nervously asked as he points to the back seat diagonal to the driver’s seat as where bosses should sit according to some according to etiquette.
“Well, I am not really used to passenger seat being vacant. Don’t worry Jer, this is perfectly normal and please just treat me more as your friend instead of your boss. It will be more comfortable that way.” Liv informed her assistant.
Jayceon smiles as he was happy hearing how humble his business partner is, so he proceeded saying, “Ok then Liv, buckle up and enjoy the ride!”
It was an internal chaos in Jayceons mind since he doesn’t really want to go to his habit of over speeding and to scare Liviana however his childhood acting lessons had paid off since he was able to act composed and relaxed while he’s driving his temporary boss. Okay, so if you’re wondering about Jayce’s early life, his mother well like all Asian mothers are, enrolled him in all extracurricular activities she could come across. Therefore, ever since in the age of 4 he had already experienced EVERYTHING, from sports to performing arts.
Upon arriving to the Academy’s main branch, Liv immediately went to her friend Anne’s office. “Annie! Been so long, I made you some cupcakes!” She enthusiastically greeted her friend.
Anne was a little bit puzzled by the sudden visit, “What’s up? Why the cupcakes?” She asked. However, Liv just gave her a questioning look as a response and it only dawned on her that it was their friend’s birthday. So, the look at her face was so funny as if she experienced horror while saying, “OH MY GOSH! How could I forget?”
“Don’t worry Anne. Just message her later or maybe give her a visit after your working hours. It’s just a 30-minute ride so… It’s up to you.”
“Well, if it is up to me, I will just take a half day off and go to her but yeah cannot do that because my boss would be mad.”
“Ha, I know what you’re trying to do, well just so y’know as your boss I would totally not mind however I know how keen you are with your work so I reckon that you will finish today’s job and just go to her later after working hours.” Liv said the last words with a tap on Anne’s shoulder then left her office.
As they left, Anne just snickered on how her long-time friend never failed to read her like an open book.
On their way to Paradigmia, they stopped at a gas station since Jayceon found the need to pee. So Liviana just waited in the car. Jayce always has the impulse to buy something since he finds this satisfying. When he was about to pay, only then he realised that he left his wallet in the car’s compartment that is in between the driver’s seat and passenger seat. So, he hurriedly opened Liv’s door side in a rush, and tried to open the compartment and reached it and however this fell on the backside and without thinking Jayce climbed on top of Liv and once he reached his wallet he exclaimed, “Yes! Finally got it!”
This woke Liv up and her eyes widened in surprise. Jayceon just froze and stared to her eyes, and he had the urge to gulp just to somehow slow the rapid beating of his heart. To snap him back to reality, Liv asked, “What are you doing?” in a concerned voice and was trying hard not to jump to conclusion since as far as she knows, the guy in front of her was gay.
Jayce or in Liv’s perspective, Jer stepped back to not cause any alarm and calmly said, “I was just trying to reach for my wallet,” showed the wallet in his hand, “because I have items waiting in the counter of that 7-Eleven.”  He pointed to the convenience store in the side of the car.
“Oh okay, but you know you could’ve used the other door, right?” Liv asked genuinely.
“I didn’t think of that earlier since I was in a rush. I am so sorry about that.” Jayce apologised. “I promise it won’t happened ever again!” He subconsciously emphasised as his eyes asked for forgiveness.
In Liv’s perspective, she cannot stay mad to this adorable guy in front of her. “Fine, just never ever do that again to me or to anyone ever again.” She informed her employee.
“Pinky swear! Brb just gonna pay for those food! Thank you, Liv!”
As Jayce ran back to the convenience store, Liv thought it was really odd for Jer to stare at her like that. However, she just dismisses this immediately and went back to her nap since she knows it will be a long day in Paradigmia.
“Hey,” Jayce said as he tapped Liv’s shoulder when he sat at the driver’s seat. “You want some peanuts? It’ll help to lessen your sleeping.”
Liv slowly opened her eyes and looked at the bag of peanut he was holding, “Yes, that would be great.”
As Jayce prepped himself to drive, he asked a last question, “What did you do last night that made you this tired today?”
“Well obviously the cake made me use all my remaining energy last night. I don’t know maybe I had a tiring dream.”
“You also believe that? Despite not remembering the dream?” He asked and she just nodded with a faint smile as a response. “So glad that I am not the only one.”
After few more minutes they finally arrived to the apartment of Julie. Liv asked Jayceon to grab the balloons she prepared at the backseat. “You had balloons? Why haven’t I seen it?” He asked in amusement. “Well, maybe I unintentionally intentionally hid it?” This just made the pair chuckle as the guy grabbed the balloons, the lady handled the cakes.
“After centuries you’re finally here!” Liv’s best friend, Julie exclaimed as she hugged her while holding the cakes.
“Careful! My masterpiece!” Liv yelled.
“Sorry but that will not even last a day in this household.” Julie rebuked. This resulted to the three of them laughing.
“Did Anne tell you she’ll be here later?” Liv asked her good friend.
“Yeah, she felt so guilty of almost forgetting and thanked God when you thought of leaving some of your wonderful cupcakes in her office and she has time to prepare.” Julie nonchalantly informed Liv.
“So, what do you prefer, stay here while we wait for her or let’s head now to the hotel I already booked for tonight?” Liv asked.
Julie replied after some thinking, “Well, I think my family will still visit here shortly to give cakes and such, so maybe wait for Anne in here.”
With Julie’s response, Liv faced her assistant and informed him, “So, if you want to take a rest you can go to the hotel first. I am sending you know the voucher for your room, and by just showing this to the reception, I think you’ll be assisted to your room immediately. Just leave the car and keys since we really do not plan to get wasted so I’ll just drive us there and I’ll just let you know once we arrived there. Is that okay?”
As Liviana is explaining her proposition, Jayceon cannot help but take notice on how she always has the tendency to worry about everyone around her ergo, planning everything tediously beforehand. He admires this but at the same time feel sorry for her since she has the kind of person who loves to smile despite the truth that deep inside, she is already drowning. He can see this because she tries so hard every single time as if it is always her life on the line. He wishes that somehow he can help her to loosen up a bit and be true of what she truly feels. (A/N: Jayceon has taken a lot of Psychology modules in undergrad as a hobby that made him enjoy analysing human behaviour and Liviana has been one of the most interesting person he has met.)  So after listening to Liv, he answered, “Yep, sure thing! That all sound great! So I guess, see you tomorrow?”
“Yes, Jer see ya! Thank you for the help. Ooh I almost forgot, I also set aside these cupcakes for you.” Liviana said as she gave the 3 pieces cupcakes in a sealed tray.
“Thank you Liv! Really appreciate it! Bye!” He remarked as he waved goodbye then got inside the taxi they messaged.
~Jayceon in the hotel~
Jayceon went to the counter which the receptionist immediately recognised him as his family being the co-owner of the hotel. In which he was greeted immediately with a bow and for the employee to immediately ring for the Executive Manager. Jayce then quickly tried to explain his stuation in the most discreet way possible. Telling him to stop his manager from coming because most probably him having prior commitments with his work. He just asked for the receptionist to give him the room stated in the voucher and instead to have Liviana Voss in the most expensive room available during her stay and charge her with only the amount the room she booked. So just like that, Jayce had his staff to put Liv in the Premium Suite Penthouse which is technically a room with rooms and a second floor that has a direct access to the rooftop.
Jayce was pretty proud with what he did especially on how smart he think it was. To have Liviana be one of the lucky winners in an online booking event that never existed. After feeling content, he took a nap to make sure he will not miss any updates from his “boss”. But didn’t miss the beat to take a taste of the cupcake after dinner. He can surely tell that it was made with love.
~Meanwhile in Julie’s Household~
“So, who was that guy? He looks so good! Do you have a thing with him?” Julie prompted with the question she has been holding until that guy left.
Liv answered with a grin, “I knew it! I can already sense your questions like once we both entered your house. And the answers would be: first us my assistant; second, yep he is but not interested with girls; and finally, I think no?”
“Omg, you do have! Spill!” Julie enthusiastically ordered.
“But it is your birthday! Why talk about me? We need to focus on you getting older!” Liv claimed.
Julie tried to explain, “Still, I am the birthday girl, so you need to let me use my power card for today of you to just share about this matter, please?”
“Fine! I love you so much that is why I am letting you use the card.” Liv gave in.
Julie was delighted with this by saying, “YAYYYY! BEST BDAY because of the BEST TEA!” But then suddenly interrupted with her family entering the house with their spare key. This made Liviana laugh so much that Julie’s family can see her almost rolling off the ground literally but thankfully she was able to stop herself. Julie’s family only stayed for like 2 hours since they also have some stuff already planned.
Once they left, Liv and Julie cleaned a little bit and wash the little number of dishes. Just right after they finished, Anne already arrived, and this made Julie happier since Liv can share the tea to the both of them at the same time. Liv’s narration went like this:
“Well, I was taking a nap since I was really exhausted with the baking and decorating so I really do hope you guys will love and like it. So, while napping I can feel that something is different, and I can see him staring at me adoringly? I guess, it was really weird because I felt something. It also feels like an eternity and still his position being on top of me didn’t change and remind you that the seat was declined so it was really awkward and I can also see his change in demeanour of somewhat being manly like more than so he normally is and he also gulped that really sent shivers to my spine. Just overall – WEIRD.”
Julie and Anne just looked at each other because they have the same idea. So Julie slowly proposed their idea, “Liviana, don’t you think it is time to consider that he is not gay? As we both can already sense with the vibes whenever the two of you are in a room, you guys act like high schoolers interacting with their first love like that is literally the aura the two of accentuates.”
Anne added, “Also this is nothing like the chemistry thingy back when we tried to ship you with someone in junior high instead this thingy right now is something that everyone can call sincere and genuine.”
Liv was really quiet with the insights her friends are telling her but all she managed to reply is a joke, “Okay guys, you two could really write a million-seller fiction right now.”
Anne just retorted as she and Julie are already used to their friend always being in denial which is the total hundred percent reason why she still never had any boyfriend, “Whatever Liv, just don’t tell us we didn’t inform you. I know that you know that there is a possibility with what Julie and I are saying. So please, don’t resist it anymore because you also need to find a partner too at some point.”
“Wow, our youngest just scolded me. Yes Ms. Annie, will do. So can we now finally celebrate Julie’s birthday?” Liv asked warily.
“YAYY!” The two girls exclaimed, and Julie shouted, “Movies and cupcakes!”
“Speaking of cupcakes, where did you put the cupcakes, I gave you Anne?” Liv asked.
Anne replied, “I have the half of them in my house and left some to my mother’s because you know how much she loves your cooking and baking!”
Liv responded, “Yes of course, I am glad she still does.” She asked, “Julie, what movie do you want?”
“Ugh please, let’s not do that, we will spend like an hour just looking for a movie, guys just pick a number up to 10.”
“Three!” Liv exclaimed.
“Five!” Anne yelled.
“Okay the Liv, just choose the eighth one while pressing the arrow down keys in the remote control.”
“We got, Force of Nature, a 2020 film. Is that okay?” Liv asked as she manages the TV.
“Yup!” Julie replied while she takes the cupcakes to a plate and placed the cake in her refrigerator.
“Sounds great!” Anne responded as she handled the flavoured drinks. They all agreed to get drunk once they arrived at the hotel.
After the movie, the cupcakes also ended. So they cleaned up and prepared their things for the second party in the hotel.
Re-blog for part four!
Lemme know what you think…
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sweetpxsin · 4 years
skz as dads
♡ skz.group
♡ rated.f
wow it’s been a hot minute since I wrote something like this --spx
♡ Chan
The moment you told him he was going to be a dad he’d already be jumping with joy
Like he would absolutely be ecstatic
He’s the“babe we HAVE TO get this for the baby I know they’ll love it” or the “look at what I got for the baby” kinda dad
And when his baby girl is born he’s treating her like the little princess she is the day she’s born 
He’s so gentle and soft with her it’s literally so hard not to just coo when you see them together
If she cries his heart breaks a little and he will do everything and anything to make her stop
When she’s a bit older he’d take the extra time to pack her cute little lunches with notes when she had to go to daycare 
He doesn’t even flinch when she brings a dress to him and asks for a tea party because he’d be down no questions asked
Will put his whole ass heart into acting during play time for his daughter
And when she’s a little bit older and can have school crushes it’s going to crush Chan
Because daddy’s princess is attracting boys he deems unworthy even though he knows damn well he saw them holding hands
To sum this up Chan will absolutely adore his daughter to the depths of hell and back even  if it breaks his heart a little bit each day to see her growing up so fast
♡ Woojin
The day you told him you guys were going to be parents he couldn’t stop smiling
His reaction would be mundane but his actions would show he’s much more excited 
Like each night your bump grows he’s always talking to the baby and putting his ear to your belly and kissing it
He’s literally so excited he came home one day with like a bag full of baby clothes and toys and he’d just have the biggest smile ever
Like man really do be planning for this baby’s arrival my dude 
He’ll be extra super sweet to you too and make sure your super relaxed and comfortable anytime he can
But at the same time he’s like come on we have to go buy this, this, and this for the baby even when your only like 2 months pregnant 
And when the baby arrives he’ll be so happy and cry when he finally gets to hold his son
god Woojin would just adore his little boy like he can’t even begin to express how much he loves his son
He’d buy them matching outfits, take him to the parks and let him help with grocery shopping
And he’d allow his baby boy to adventure and explore because seeing his son be expressive and happy just makes his heart so warm
Oh and the amount of toys this boy will have will be absolutely ridiculous 
There is not one dinosaur his son wouldn't have, he’d probably have a whole bin
Woojin would be the type of dad that enjoys watching his son play and joining in every now and then rather than be the high energy chasing around the house type of dad
Though he does have his days where he can run around and be a complete jokester with his son 
But most of his time his son is either playing quietly with him or they’re napping together quietly after watching tv or Woojin read him a book
His son would be so well behaved yet so cute🥺
♡ Minho
When you told Minho he was going to be a dad he’d deadass be so proud like damn I really just created life with this beautiful human being
And you better believe he’s proudly telling the boys and family he’s about to be a dad
Though he’d also be really excited and want to spoil his child
He’d buy them all the high quality baby stuff because why the frick not
And when your baby bump is getting bigger he always talking to the baby that way and waiting for when it kicks 
And high key scolding his baby when he thinks they kicked too hard  💀
He absolutely adores the fact the he’s going to be a father for this baby though
When the baby’s born Minho can’t stop smiling and he’s just so proud of you and happy he might cry a bit 
The first stuff toy he’ll buy for his baby girl is definitely a cat no questions asked
He’d fawn over this baby girl so much because he just thinks she’s so precious
And when she’s still young he’d always have the baby carrier on him because there’s no separating the two
Minho would definitely pull small innocent pranks like the type you see on TROS 
But he does it because he just wants to see his baby girl smiling and laughing all the time while creating a strong bond with her 
And when she cries his heart breaks a little and he fake cries in hopes it brings up her spirit
He’s just got such a huge soft spot for her that when one she likes one of her “uncles” more he high key gets jealous 
And when she gets older protective Minho is out and about
He’s gotta set the rules down of absolutely no dating till 20
And when he sees his baby interacting cutely with another boy he’s highkey upset but his baby is so happy he can’t do anything about it 
So he’s just fuming off on the side in jealous dad while glaring at the little boy with his daughter 
♡ Changbin
Lord have mercy on Changbin when you tell him he’s going to be a dad
He’s trying so hard not to cry but he can’t help it and is smiling all goofy and wide
God he’d buy all the toys and stuff toys just for his baby girl
He’d even buy her a matching Gyu 
And when his baby girl finally is born he can’t even stop crying and smiling because he’s so happy
When it’s his turn to watch baby he’s playing all the little princess games and probably will go as far as acting the princess's horse
Just anything to hear his baby’s laugh
And when she gets a bit older and he has to go back to the group but it’s his turn to watch her you can bet he’s in the studio with her
He just adores the way she dances and tries to sing along with the music
He’s starting this rapper young 💀
And when the whole family is together you better believes he’s planning a family picnic 
Deadass will become the dad that creates the hella extra, but cute and thoughtful lunches for his daughter 
Ugh Changbin will just love the freak out of his daughter and will highkey get jealous when she favors a member over him even if it’s just for a day or an hour before she’s crying for him
He just adores her so much because wow he really just created life with the person of his dreams 
♡ Hyunjin
At first Hyunjin didn’t process all the information fully and he’d be sitting there for a minute smiling before turning his head back to you at neck breaking speed
And Hyunjin can be a bit dramatic… and let’s just say he almost passes out but is crying but is excited and he can’t just pick one
Hyunjin would be ecstatic to know he’s going to be a father but also a little nervous
But that wouldn’t tamper his mood for preparing for his little dude’s arrival 
He’d probably be the dad to buy his kid designer clothes, and buy matching pairs just for the family
And when his little son finally arrives, he’s so excited he almost forgets that his son was literally just born and he can’t just take him home
But he’s so gentle with his baby boy when he’s still little
Like he’s always rushing when he hears his son’s crying, always cooing when he’s laughing and can probably be found asleep with his son cuddled in his arms after a long day
And when his son’s a bit older they’re literally the perfect pair
When Hyunjin’s walking out of the room, his little boy is holding his hand with his favorite toy in his other hand dragging right behind them
And when Hyunjin’s getting ready his son is copying him the best he can 
It’s literally monkey see monkey do with these two and Hyunjin finds it absolutely adorable that his son looks up to him so much 
But they’re also the goofiest pair ever and there’s never a dull moment with these two
They’re either running around giggling or going on adventures to fun places
And when his baby boy is a bit older he loves joking around with his dad and saying stuff like “mom is the best!” just to hear Hyunjin jokingly say “you punk” and chase him around
They’re just so close and it’s honestly so adorable
♡ Jisung
Honestly at first he really thought you were joking
Like he’d be smiling and be like haha babe really funny and then he’d see your still smiling and not getting mad he found out your joke
And his face would go from haha got you to OH SHOOT U FOREEAL super happy face 
He’d then immediately tackle you into a hug but we won’t talk about that
Jisung would be so excited but won’t have any idea what he’s doing and is probably panically calling his mom every .02 seconds 
He’d definitely put in the time to figure out the best for his baby and buy all the cute baby stuffies
And when his baby girl is born he’s literally crying when he finally gets to hold her because to him she’s the prettiest thing in the world
He’d buy her all the prettiest dresses and will even take the time to learn how to do her hair 
He’d even buy her the cute bows and hair clips 🥺
And while he’s all into buying his baby all the stuffed toys and clothes he’d also be there to applaud her on the little achievements she has
And will literally record ever moment he has with her because MEmoRiEs
Like you can be at work and get the randomest, most funny or wholesome video ever of the both of them  and you’ll never know which type you’re getting that day 
And when he establishes she’s a total papa’s girl he will not hesitate to boast about it 
But let’s be real about the moment she was born they were inseparable, they’re both adorable crackheads since birth 💀
♡ Felix
He genuinely thought you were pranking him because he had seen those videos of girls who prank their boyfriends with the “baby in me” prank 
Like Felix would look at you so done and then be like babe that’s not funny
And when you don’t apologize and just keep giggling it settles in and he’d freak out for a moment 
Then he’ll  get all excited and hold you tight and be like “WERE GOING TO BE PARENTS”
And then be like brb I gotta go tell my mom about this
Like he’s so happy he’s telling literally everyone and anything he’s going to have a family with the love of his life
He’d probably become super sentimental too and just start crying because he’s just so happy
Though at the same time he’s super excited for the baby he’s literally pointing out everything baby related and trying to convince you the baby needs it 
And before the baby’s even born he’d definitely buy a baby photo album and a new camera to keep all the memories 
When his baby girl is born he’s honestly so soft and crying all over again 
And when he takes her home he does no hesitate to give her a house tour when she’s up from her nap
Felix would probably come up with a cute nickname for her like buttercup or something like that
And he'd genuinely enjoy playing dolls with her and hosting tea parties
He can’t bear to pull pranks on her though because as soon as he hears her cry he’s already scooping her up and trying to cheer her up
She’s just so precious to him and  he thinks she only deserves to spend her childhood laughing in good and loving memories
Though when she is a little bit older he probably would pull small and harmless pranks on her
 But for now he’s probably doing her hair while she discusses about her favorite cartoon with a bowl of snack in hand
♡ Seungmin
When you told Seungmin he was going to be a dad all he could do was give you soft eyes and smile because he was so happy and excited he didn’t know what to do
But when you hugged him he’d cry a little bit and ramble on about how he’s so happy to be starting a family with you
And afterwards he’s all excited to start planning asking like what color should the room be and all that good stuff
He’d be the type of dad to pick up a couple cute things he think the baby would enjoy on the way home and just silently place it in the room, which is  just so heart warming because you know he’s trying
And when he found out you were going to have twins he’d be really shocked but he wouldn’t love them any less
Like the moment he gets to hold both of them he’s a soft mess who’s all teary eyes while holding both of them
He’d be such a good dad and he makes it look easy while taking are of both of them
Seungmin could be braiding his little girls hair while also playing with his son and no one will ever know how he keeps them so calm
It’s just so cute though seeing him hold both of them while taking them out on adventures and allowing them to help him
He just adores his twins so much honestly  and that’s why he finds it difficult to get upset with them
You’ll always either find him asleep with both of them on either side of them or playing around the apartment there’s no in between 
He’s also the type of dad that enjoys his kids genuine help when he tries to make something nice for you and if they mess up the surprise all he can do is laugh
But if there’s one thing Seungmin’s very specific on is teaching his twins to clean because he’s not about to have a messy house oh no no no hunty 
Though half of the time he does help them and gets them ice cream afterwards because he can never say no to them 
When you told him he was going to be a dad he’d smile so wide and keep asking if you were for real because he’s just so happy 
He might have a little happy breakdown but that’s okay because right afterwards he’d be all excited telling you all the things he can’t wait to buy for your guys baby
Though he’d also be a little timid and alwaying making sure to get your okay with the necessary things the baby would need
Otherwise when it comes to toys he’s buying everything and anything he sees because his baby deserves everything
And when his son is born he can’t help but smile lovingly at his little boy as he’s sleeping in his arms
Jeongin would be pretty gentle and careful during the baby’s first months home partially because he’s nervous but mostly because he doesn’t want to make his son cry
Though when he’s older Jeongin’s all in for running around the house, having cute little dance parties and singing nursery rhymes with his little boy
When he’s not playing around with his son he’s probably taking him out to some picnic adventures or an amusement park
If not he’s probably amusing his son with his trot singing because he just loves the way it brings amusement to his face 
Other than that you can find them having a seemingly important conversation while sharing a bowl of fruit
When in reality their discussing about what his son’s favorite toy is while Jeongin tries to make him eat
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For the texting prompts, “challenge”
Beatrice Booth: Two hours and counting!
Lily Evans: Yeah, I’M AWARE, thank you.
Beatrice Booth: Just reminding you bb pip pip!
Lily Evans: Could you PLEASEJUST
Beatrice Booth: It’s for your own good
Lily Evans: You are asking me to make a major life change and instead of love and support I’m getting “pip pip!” and “two hours and counting!”
Beatrice Booth: LOL major life change ok ms drama
Lily Evans: I’m sorry, but in what universe does this NOT change things?
Beatrice Booth: You’re acting like things are going to change in a bad way
Lily Evans: They might.
Beatrice Booth: They won’t
Lily Evans: They MIGHT.
Beatrice Booth: OMG just get on with it ffs I’m growing a beard here waiting.
Lily Evans: I. Am. Doing. It. Now. Go. Away.
Beatrice Booth: LOL send screenshotsDo you have a plan?
Lily Evans: Sort of.
Beatrice Booth: What is it?
Lily Evans: How am I even supposed to START and also who TEXTS someone to tell them how they feel about them in the first place that’s so impersonal and I HATE you, honestly????
James Potter: what?
Lily Evans: Oh, shit.I’m sorry, I typed this in the wrong conversation.It’s meant to be for Beatrice.
James Potter: that’s okay
Lily Evans: I’ll have to get back to you on how I somehow mistook your Whatsapp pic for hers.
James Potter: i don’t know what you’re talking about, beatrice looks exactly like a huge ginger cat wearing a male stripper’s bow tie
Lily Evans: What distinguishes it as a stripper’s bow tie and not just a bow tie?Is there a specific website where strippers buy their apparel?
James Potter: yeah it’s where i buy all of my tearaway trousersit’s a stripper’s bow tie because algernon is otherwise naked, obviously
Lily Evans: Obviously.So…can any piece of clothing can be stripper clothing if it’s the only thing you’re wearing?Which by default means you can wear stripper clothes when you’re not stripping?
James Potter: anything but crocs
Lily Evans: That’s fair.A naked person in crocs already has more problems than I’m ever likely to face in my lifetime.
James Potter: yeah but they’re getting terrific arch support
Lily Evans: What about shower caps?
James Potter: ANYTHING but crocs
Lily Evans: So you’d rather be in a strip club where the strippers were wearing a shower cap than one where the strippers wore crocs?
James Potter: i’d rather not be in any strip club, they’re depressing and full of creepslike whyeveryone knows why you’re therethe women don’t like youif you’re gonna be a sad pervert have the decency to keep that between you and your google search history
Lily Evans: What’s the last thing on your Google search history?
James Potter: “world’s largest lego store?”what’s yours?
Lily Evans: “How to tell the boy you like that you like him because your stupid best friend beat you in a year-long contest and forced you to do it as a forfeit?”Subheading: “She SAYS this is her idea of lockdown self-improvement but that’s bullshit, she’s just thirsty for drama”
James Potter: ahrightokay coolfirst text makes sense then hahawait, YEAR long????
Lily Evans: Yeah, look, it had a lot of different components and a whole escalating points system and it’s a whole thing, whatever, I’m never doing it again.Her victories were total flukes.Like, wow, you guessed the Eurovision winner, well done.I’m also pretty sure she was cheating with the steps counter but I don’t even want to get into that, honestly.
James Potter: mum gave me and sirius fitbits so she could make sure we took 10000 a day and sirius tricked her by putting his on his right wrist when he was wanking
Lily Evans: It’s weird that you know that.
James Potter: it’s weird that you don’t, he tells everyonedid you find anything?
Lily Evans: Where?
James Potter: in your google search?
Lily Evans: I found “100 Inspiring Quotes That Will Increase Your Confidence,” so no.
James Potter: inspiring quotes are like placebos except at no point do they have you fooledyou know they’re not gonna work
Lily Evans: Yeah, like it’s nice that some guy named Norman Vincent Peale wants me to believe in myself but that doesn’t suddenly mean that I do.
James Potter: you should believe in yourself, you’re brilliantbut you should also narrow your search parameters because that situation is way too specific
Lily Evans: I do believe in myself. Mostly.But like, not only do I have to tell this person that I have a crush on him, I have to do it to a bloody deadline.Nothing really prepares you for that, you can’t take romantic entanglements for your A Level.And apparently Google’s unfamiliar with the concept, so.
James Potter: it’s not remus, is it?tell me it’s not remus
Lily Evans: What?
James Potter: the person you fancy?i mean, not that i have any personal investment in the issue i just know he likes beatrice and wouldn’t want you to get hurt and that’s the tea
Lily Evans: ????????What makes you think it’s Remus?
James Potter: i dunno he justhe seems like the kind of person you’d like
Lily Evans: Me specifically?
James Potter: yeah
Lily Evans: Because?
James Potter: because he’s academic in a good way
Lily Evans: There’s a bad way to be academic?
James Potter: course there isremus is academic in the way that tries, not the way that fucks around and gets good marks by coasting on natural brilliance, which according to my mum can cultivate laziness and that’s why my chore list is so extensivehe’s funny in a dry wayhe’s not a dramatic idiothis hair is tidyhe probably understands mortgages
Lily Evans: You’re describing a male me and I don’t know why you think I’d want to date that.Also, I’m seventeen.Why would I need to understand mortgages?
James Potter: i hear it’s good to get on the property ladder early
Lily Evans: Do you WANT me to be into Remus?
James Potter: there’s no good answer to that question
Lily Evans: Because I’m not into Remus.You have a really skewed idea of what my type is.
James Potter: are you sure?
Lily Evans: Yeah, no, I’m pretty sure I haven’t mistaken him for the totally DIFFERENT person I fancy.
James Potter: i think he has an everyman quality that people find quite charmingit’s possible that you could have
Lily Potter: He’s not a Ditto, James. He can’t transform at will.
James Potter: though thinking about itwould be a bit weird if beatrice was pushing you to tell remus you liked himshe’s mentioned liking remus once or twice
Lily Evans: Once or twice a minute.I can’t believe you thought that “academic” and “understands mortgages” were my major qualifiers.Like, honestly it’s a bit offensive that you think I’m that stodgy.
James Potter: no it isn’t and i never said stodgyit was a commentary on how mature you are!and how you have sensible priorities!
Lily Evans: You say “mature” but you mean “stodgy.”
James Potter: that is not what i mean
Lily Evans: BRB digging out one of my nan’s cardigans and buying some thermal underwear and maybe taking up bridge as a hobby.Maybe I can book a spot on one of those OAP singles cruises and meet someone at a shuffleboard tournament?If I’m lucky he’ll have a full pension.
James Potter: i feel like i should inform you that plenty of old people are out there living wild livesi mean, not right now because of lockdown, but
Lily Evans: But apparently I’m not.
James Potter: what’s wrong with liking those things about a person??i like those things about youand about peopleplural
Lily Evans: NOTHING but they shouldn’t be THE thing.Like, it’s so mercenary. You’re saying I’d only want to date someone because they stand a good chance of making it in a decent career and being a good provider and not because they’re sweet or kind or funny.
James Potter: firstly, i mentioned that remus is funny and secondly that’s not what i meanti meant that you would want to date someone who was your intellectual equal so you would never feel that you weren’t smart enough for them or that they weren’t smart enough to stay on your level
Lily Evans: And that translates to “academic in a good way” how?
James Potter: okay what i just said was a) true and b) a straight up compliment and you’re just blowing right past it
Lily Evans: Maybe I am, but that still doesn’t explain how it translates.Like, since I’m assuming that you, THE smartest person I know, think you’re academic in a bad way, does that mean you think YOU’RE not on my level?Is that a conversation we need to have now?
James Potter: my middle name is oddjob
Lily Evans: Wait what??
James Potter: you’ve mistaken my compliment for an insult and you’re mad at me so i’m trying to distract youand just so you knowthis is my deepest darkest secretonly sirius and my parents know my middle name
Lily Evans: Wait, Oddjob like the Bond villain??????
James Potter: you are part of an elite group of people i’d trust with my life so please appreciate thatyes like the bond villain
Lily Evans: Were you a particularly complicated birth or something?Were your parents punishing you somehow?
James Potter: complicated pregnancymum was on bedrest for weeksshe was so bored that she watched all of the bond movies because they were the only films dad kept in the house and streaming wasn’t a thing back then, and that’s the story of why my name is james instead of sebastian
Lily Evans: James Oddjob.
James Potter: james oddjob
Lily Evans: They were going to call you Sebastian?
James Potter: mum’s choiceshe thought it was debonair and rakish
Lily Evans: I’m…really disproportionately thrilled that they didn’t go with Sebastian.
James Potter: because i’m not rakish or debonair enough?
Lily Evans: No, because you’re such a James.
James Potter: what qualifies a person to be “such a james?”
Lily Evans: I dunno.It’s just you, isn’t it? Your personality. You’re a James.
James Potter: there are loads of other people with that name, you know
Lily Evans: Yeah, and every time I speak to one I’m like, who is this clown and why is he using a name that doesn’t belong to him?
James Potter: lol
Lily Evans: #NotMyJames
James Potter: oh, so i’m YOUR james now?
Lily Evans: You know what I mean.
James Potter: no i don’t, please explain yourselfdid you call dibs?sirius will be pissed
Lily Evans: Do you want me to get mad at you again?
James Potter: were you ever really mad to begin with?
Lily Evans: SIGH. No.
James Potter: can’t believe you typed out a sigh
Lily Evans: I’m just stressed.I have…just over an hour? To tell this guy I like him.And Beatrice is demanding screenshots as proof.
James Potter: why is she even making you do this?
Lily Evans: She says that he likes me too and we’re just wasting time that could otherwise be spent swiping our v-cards in a slow march towards death, and that in the event that he doesn’t, we won’t be able to see each other for weeks anyway so I can avoid any awkward encounters.It’s a compelling argument, must admit.Assuming he hasn’t already…swiped?I haven’t swiped.Have you swiped?I’m talking about sex, by the way.
James Potter: yeah, i got that i’m not twelveno i have not swipedbut you want to?with this person who also likes you and would therefore also want to?
Lily Evans: Only according to Beatrice. He probably doesn’t.And I mean, not immediately. Not like, right now. But eventually, yeah.
James Potter: brb my mum’s calling me from downstairs
James Potter: pls come home from supermarket mum D: D: D: D:
Euphemia Potter: What’s wrong darling?
James Potter: i am dying
Euphemia Potter: What?
James Potter: i am in severe pain
Euphemia Potter: Where is the pain?
James Potter: in my emotions
Euphemia Potter: For goodness’ sake, James!Sending me a message like that during an international crisis!I thought you were seriously ill!
James Potter: heartbreak IS a serious afflictioni’ve just found out that lily has a crush on someone!!!??? and i am?? dying????
Euphemia Potter: Who does she have a crush on?
James Potter: i don’t know, she hasn’t said his name
Euphemia Potter: You tortoise, she obviously has a crush on you.
James Potter: you are biased in my favour because you are the woman who birthed me
Euphemia: Right now I am anything but biased in your favour.As punishment for subjecting your mother to needless worry, you can give the oven a good cleaning before I get home.That will cure you of your “affliction.”And remember to charge Diablo.
James Potter: you show that roomba more respect than you’ve ever shown me!
Euphemia Potter: Well at least the Roomba is useful.
James Potter: OUCH
James Potter: backturns out my mum just needed to insult me deeply
Lily Evans: Hey.
James Potter: still stressed out?
Lily Evans: Unbelievably.
James Potter: you know you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, yeah?
Lily Evans: No, I do.I promised her I’d do it.And I want to tell him.Sort of.I do sometimes think he might like me back.He says things sometimes, you know? And he looks at me in a certain way and I just, idk.It’s just, how do I even broach that in a text message?
James Potter: i have no idea
Lily Evans: Like, just come out and say it?
James Potter: honestly evans, don’t think i’m the right person to asklike, reallynot the right personreally really REALLY not the person to ask about this
Lily Evans: But you must have an opinion?
James Potter: i have no opinions on anything everexcept crocs on strippers but disregard thatyou know what you should do? ask remushe’s wise like a wolf
Lily Evans: Since when are wolves known for their wisdom?
James Potter: owls thenhe could probably make helpful suggestions
Lily Evans: I like you.
James Potter: yeah, go with that, whatever works
Lily Evans: James
James Potter: what?
Lily Evans: I literally just…my GOD, Potter.
James Potter: what?
Lily Evans: Nothing.
James Potter: what????
Lily Evans: Nothing, honestly, it’s fine.I’ll tell you to your face when I next see you.
James Potter: tell me what?tell me what????wait nolilydo youwas that about me?tell me what?????lilylilyLILYTELL ME WHAT?
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riskeith · 4 years
omg hi. sorry i disappeared for a few days, been super busy with school. i missed you a lot. how have you been?
i haven’t had the need to eat any food since i got barbara and noelle on my team. if one of them can’t shield, the other comes in a clutch haha. *bows* thank you ladies for your service.
i’d pay hard earned money to see fanart with the boy scouts playing with guoba.. :( and YEAH. that would be so fitting? + it’s gonna be liyue themed which is super nice. do you know any predictions over which four stars will be in xiao’s banner? and who do /you/hope will be there?
last time i played three days ago unlocked dragonspine.. i even did albedo’s quest i can’t believe i defeat that evil place sjshdksk. meaning i got so some primogems and some intertwined fate. i’ve been itching to use some of the intertwined fates to get xiangling c rate up... should i?
october 20 is such a cute bday. you know how some dates just look nice? that’s one of them shskdhs. i want to say my birthday too but i feel like if anyone reads our messages they’ll know who i am... sorry. you’ll have to wait for that information until we privately talk some day. big promise. 🤍
ooh. you kind of wing it too, then! in some ways. if you’re not feeling it do you leave the fic for the day after or give up on it for a while? (so many question... shut up @ me) i’m the same as you! but i also write sometimes in the day time and i feel like that’s when i produce my best work. yesterday i was at a cafe studying and during a break i just started writing a fic and for some reason it just flowed so nicely? so yeah idk skdjdhsk. whenever it strikes i suppose.
i do borrow my books sadly. i kind of have to because i don’t have anymore place to put my books (we live in a small apartment) and books are kind of expensive :( i don’t mind borrowing though because i don’t really reread books unless they’re super special so it’s fine. do you buy yours? I HAVE READ LEGEND. i read it waaaay back in grade school haha, it’s been ages ago. i’ve never seen anyone say it’s their favorite but i can see why you feel that way. it’s kind of underrated in the community for sure.
dude fuck... chongyun and xingqiu live in my mind rent free. i kid you not i just can’t stop thinking about those boys... please send me all the fanart you find i’ll literally give you my life for that <3
i just listened to the g-idle song and AAA? wtf? i used to really like them while i was into kpop and this is so nostalgic to me. i haven’t listened to kpop in literally years shdkdhdk. this song is great thank you for sending it, do you like g-idle? <3
WAIT ARE YOU MAKING A SECOND ACC? I WAS LITERALLY CONSIDERING DOING ONE IN ASIA FOR YOU... shdjdhdjshsjsj our minds. and yes i’m in american server... oh god. our co-op date can happen? 🥺 but if it’s too much work for you i’ve seriously actually considered doing one in asia for me i’m totally fine with starting all over so.. 🥺
god i’ve missed talking to you so much. once again i’m sorry for not being here, but hopefully after tomorrow’s exam school will be a bit more chill and i’ll be yours again.
hope you’ve been well babe. mwah!
hi!! that’s alright ahah, i assumed that was the case. i’ve been well!! and then not so well bc we weren’t talking 🤪 needless to say i’ve missed you a lot too <333
omggg QUEENS!!! i don’t have any healers but i don’t eat food either... LMFAO unless it’s a boss fight i’ll just keep going until i’m done with whatever it is then go heal at a statue fsdhfkdjs
!!! brb just gonna go get good at art so i can draw that for u 😩 i don’t have any predictions myself, but i’ve seen people say it’ll be ningguang + beidou + barbara possibly?? but of course, i would hope that xingqiu was there <3333 he can appear twice in a row come on mhy <3333 just think about that <333 and omggg i’d wish if chongyun came as well.. i really want to get him to c6 (but he was only two banners ago?) hbu do you have any thoughts on the matter~
AHAHAH good job im proud of you 😤😤 show that nasty place who’s boss!! if you want to, I don’t see why not! it’ll get you closer to pity as well so by the time venti is near, hopefully it won’t take you much to get him! lmk how it goes!!!! manifesting c6 xiangling for you 🔥
fhskdf thank you... is it weird to say i agree? FHDSKFHSDKFKJ like. 20/10 or 10/20... nice even multiples of ten numbers.. AHAHAH. no need to apologise at all!! 🤍🤍🤍🤍 share whatever you’re comfortable with whenever you’re comfortable <33
hm it depends. (i just reaslised i said this exact phrasing last time too lmfao) i think i usually give up on it for a while? but sometimes i try to force myself through it too, just to get over that section so i can hopefully move on to a better one wait sorry i misread your question LOL. i usually leave it for the day as opposed to give up on it for a while! if i’m actively working on something i’d prefer to continue working at it slowly, even if the progress is just me opening the doc and then exiting after 5 mins fhdskj. are you the same? (NO!!! DO NOT SHUT UP @ YOU i never get to talk about writing processes pls im enjoying this a lot)
nice!! the vibes when writing during the day are sometimes better as well, bc it’s still light and stuff you’re not sitting in the dark or with a light on.. lol. it’s more ~natural~ & omg legendary... i love that for you!! on that note, do you usually study at school/cafes/libraries? i pretty much can only study at home, i hate doing it anywhere else. 
ahh that’s fair :( and yeah i agree books can get so expensive? like the authors def deserve to be compensated for all their hard work but damn lmao. oh that’s a good point! i do buy books yeah, and i don’t even necessarily reread them i just like having them on the shelf fhdskfd (there are many i haven’t even read for the first time... oops.) what ages do grade school cover? sorry i have no idea what that means fhsjfkshsdkjs the different names for education levels will never not confuse me. !! yeah i really wish legend was more popular aaaaa
here are some recent arts i’ve bookmarked!! (rip i should find one more so every word is linked but cbs hfskdhfs) i’m also considering making a genshin twitter! idk why i’m so averse to following these amazing accs on my normal account lmaoo but i’m also thinking of posting pics from the 52485 photoshoots i do with chongyun..
oh nice!!! i’m really happy you liked it 🥰🥰🥰 and yeah i do like g-idle but i don’t stan them! that’s me with most groups tbh fshkfjsd but i do watch most of their MVs when they first come out~
FSHFKJSDHFKSD wait what if.. this but it’s us surprising each other in the other’s servers <33 and if i’m telling you the truth... i kinda despise the idea of playing in am*rica server FHSDKJFHSDKFHSDKKDSHFKSDHKKJ but we could compromise and both start again in europe?? ahah let me know what you think! if you’re happy to just do one in asia tho that’s fine as well~ 
me too!! and no worries for real, school comes first!! (even if it fkn sucks... @ school i hate you. i say, when i’m still on holidays FHDSKJFJS) aaaa good luck on your exam!!! i hope you smash it 💪💪 
also um “and i’ll be yours again”??!?!?!?!? be still my beating heart 😩😩😩😩 i shall be waiting for you wifey hehe
hope you’ve been taking care of yourself!! kisses, c.r.
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Finally saw Rise of Skywalker.
Idk who I’m more in love with:
Poe Dameron (because Oscar Isaac)
BB8 (because adorable)
John Williams (because his music gives me feels like no other) and did you guys catch his cameo?
And can we pls discuss the badass Sith temple and hella creepy undead Palpatine? I kinda got some Star Trek borg queen vibes and I dig it
I momentarily pictured Rey as Evil Sith Empress and I actually thought it might make a decent storyline.
I know she claims the Skywalkers as her family and that’s cool and all but Rey Palpatine kinda has a nice ring to it idk
Did not expect to see Harrison Ford again. That was a pleasant surprise
I almost fell out of my chair when Rey and Kylo were force-fighting over the ship they thought Chewy was on and then rEY HAS LIGHTNING COMING OUT OF HER HAND I might have peed a little bit
When Rey was fighting Palpatine and she could hear the voices of all the Jedi I was like “is that Obi Wan?” And other recognizable voices so I stayed through the end credits to look for voice actors and:
Hayden Christensen
Samuel L Jackson
Liam Neeson
Ewan McGregor
Alec Guinness
Soooo Rey was getting a mid battle pep talk from Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, Qui-Gonn Ginn, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Old and young), along with Yoda and the Skywalker twins.
I also loved the discussion/references to ancient Jedi/Sith history. Hearing about the old temples and languages and stuff was pretty neat.
All in all, I think this movie put a nice little bow on all three trilogies.
Brb gotta go buy all the BB8 merch
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racheimayy · 5 years
Autumn and October Playlists 🍂🎃
Sharing some of my favourite songs with you today in this post. I’ll be talking about only a couple of songs in these playlists and I will leave a link so you can have a listen if you like! (Autumn playlist = Autumnal vibe songs. October playlist = Songs I’ve been LOVING this month)
1. Diamonds - Talia Mar
I have honestly loved Talia’s music for a long time and am always so excited for new releases. Diamonds did not disappoint. It’s definitely a bit different to other songs she’s brought out, it’s fast paced, however still some aspects are slow and incredibly vocal. I love the way it flows, very complex yet easy to understand the concept.
“He covers you in diamonds, blinds you with his riches, clothes you in his words just to take away your senses, showers you in gifts all with his dirty funds, all these words of guilt but you buy them just like he buys diamonds”
2. french inhale - [bsd.u]
This song is actually in two of my playlists, “a u t u m n” and “brb i’m reading”. It’s a really calming song and I feel like it matches the Autumn vibes well. No only this but I find myself reading a lot more during Autumn so songs like this make an appearance.
No lyrics here lol
3. Only you (Acoustic) - Sarah Close
Such a b e a u t i f u l song! Matched with Sarah’s voice just makes this all the more better! Her vocals are the most serene thing I’ve heard in the 17 years I’ve walked the earth and the lyrics are gorgeous. To put it simply if you love acoustic songs, get on this one right now.
“You're so heavy I can't see the skies, you’re making plans then forgetting mine, nothing to look for now you’ve found your treasure, and I’ve been asking myself, when is this gonna get better”
4. Hallelujah- Oh Wonder
Oh Wonder are honestly one of my favourite artists out there. The fact that I had the chance to see them live last year for my birthday but I didn’t still aggravates me to this day. Hallelujah is their most recent release and is just as beautiful as every other song they’ve released. In conclusion : Listen to their music.
“Cause there’s a crown, covered in glitter and gold, I’m gonna wear it whether you like it or not.”
1. Drama Club - Melanie Martinez
One of my favourite songs off her new album! As a fan of her last album I was waiting FOREVER for some new music and maaan Melanie served. I like the beat in the background and Melanie’s voice fits nicely with it. Also, the music video 🙏🏼 Women empowerment? Please, I’m so in love with everything about this song!
“Everyones so soft everyones so sensitive, do I offend you? You’re hanging on my sentences, you can keep you costume and you can keep your mask, i’ma take a bow so you can kiss my ass”
2. Tainted love - Soft cell
It’s just a banger isn’t it? What an oldie but goldie! Me and my mum literally scream the house down with this song and let’s be 100% honest here, if you know this song you definitely clap along to it. (If you don’t understand that, then you don’t know the song, sorry about it)
“Sometimes I feel I’ve got to *Clap Clap* run away, I’ve got to *Clap Clap* get away from the pain you drive into the heart of me, the love we share seems to go nowhere”
3. Looped up - Tobi Lou (feat. Vernon)
Tobi Lou: the only rapper that I will gladly listen to :) I love so many of Tobi’s songs but this one is *chef’s kiss* perfection. There’s so much to it but works so incredibly well. You can’t help but bop your head and tap your feet. It’s that kind of song and I LOVE it!
“It’s been a very long time since the weekend, it’s been a very long time and I’m weak, It’s been a very long time since you’ve seen me dunno why I’m so hard to reach”
4. This is Halloween - Panic! At the Disco.
This one’s just plain obvious. October playlist? Halloween songs. The Nightmare before Christmas is one of my most favourite seasonal movies to watch and I love this song a bit too much. I feel like using the original is a bit excessive, luckily Brendon Urie came in clutch and gave us this beautiful rendition of it!
“Tender lumplings everywhere, life’s no fun without a good scare, that’s our job but we’re not mean, in our town of Halloween”
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lizzybeth1986 · 7 years
Quick Thoughts on TRR Book 2 Chapter 18
• Predictions I had made for the two Finale chapters (probs not on my blog but I did say this to several mutuals):
1. Chapter 18 would be filler, Chapter 19 would be likely where shit hits the fan.
2. Diamond scenes would be split between the chapters, 2 LIs per chapter: Hana and Maxwell this chapter, Drake and Liam next chapter.
3. Why? Because Drake was the only LI with a diamond scene last week, and because given how ominous Liam’s future would be, there is a chance they will up the drama/tragedy quotient by having his diamond scene just before it strikes (remember how we got a love scene just before the fiasco at Coronation??). Hana and Maxwell have not had diamond scenes since NY, so obviously they would get a lion’s share of this chapter.
4. LIs would have significant conversations with the MC about their relationship during the diamond scenes. The scenes will be priced at 30 diamonds each - that was exactly how much they priced “last moments with LI” in Book 1. (I see they didn't do this for Maxwell possibly because no sex compared to what the other LIs are getting) (Future prediction: I think Drake’s scene might have some stuff on his real role in court but I can’t be sure, and hopefully Liam’s will expand on family history).
5. Another future prediction: We may or may not get another plot related diamond scene (similar to Olivia’s in the Book 1 finale).
• I didn’t anticipate the impromptu photoshoot or Bertrand and Savannah reuniting or Madeleine appearing at the end (tho I wasn’t exactly surprised she did, we were bound to see her sometime or other). But the rest? On. The. Money 😎
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• Okay let’s start this shizz fam!
• Today’s title: Noble At Heart. Though it actually should have been I Got Land and A Fancy Title Only Because Pixelberry Wants to Justify Getting Me Involved In Some Really Complicated Political Shit The Next Book.
• We’re still not done impressing people. In fact we’re never going to be done impressing people. I fail to understand why the MC is so surprised about this. Boo, this is what you signed up for by being royalty/nobility. You’re not GOING to have a life of your own from now on *shrug*.
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The epic shade Bertrand Beaumont, Duke of Ramsford, gave to Prince Leo tho 😂
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I KNEW naming my duchy Daniel Henney was a good idea! 😁😁😁
• There are mixed responses on Liam’s new suit but I kinda like it? It defines his chest quite nicely I think xD xD I wish it had been a slightly duller/lighter shade of blue tho, similar to what we saw on the cover. The blue suit on the cover wasn’t this bright.
• I really wish his bow could have been silver instead of gold though? Blue and silver are Cordonia’s national colours and it would have been fitting to have him wear those to the Homecoming Ball.
• Also I think the extra diamond scene if you’re engaged to Liam is such a lovely bonus, even if I think the dress for that picture was a little too top-heavy for my tastes and WTF why does my MC have two left hands. But the picture looked sweet xD
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(See the skirts are flowy and wonderful and the sleeves are lovely but I feel like there’s too much going on with the bodice!)
• Sample this dialogue exchange (if the MC says “we would have still found a way to be with each other”):
Liam: I know we have our share of history [in the palace ballroom], but to me, it will always be the place where I first saw you in Cordonia…the moment I realized you had come into my life to stay. Since then, I’d wondered time and again if I would ever stand beside you like this. Now that we’re engaged, there are a million memories I want to make with you.
MC: No matter how bleak things were, or how hard it got…I knew we’d find a way through.
Brb crying 😭😭😭😭
• I have a feeling there might be some emotional importance to this photograph later if you buy it - esp if something happens to Liam or they are not able to get married yet. It could be a reminder of happier, more hopeful times, or Liam could look at this and view it as motivation for a future he wants to give the MC. IDK how it will work out but it would be great if they did that.
• MC: Together, we’ll be unstoppable.
Liam: I think we already are.
Hold on to that thought, you two. You’ll need to prove it pretty soon the way this book is going.
• @feisty-mary pointed out that we get a caption for impressing Justin and speculated on a likelihood that it might have some importance in the future. That kinda depends on how the writers are going to spin his cryptic “our paths may cross again”. Ally? Enemy? He’s like Madeleine now, you don’t know yet which direction this character will be headed.
• Why did they make Hana’s selection look like an over-frosted cupcake? 😣 Stop doing my fashion queen dirty.
• Olivia’s selection was nice but I’m not sure about the tiaras for either.
• It’s interesting how they have gowns that are custom-made to suit what Liam is wearing (Hana mentions this): the pink gown I’m guessing is meant to suit Liam’s blue suit overall, and the gold one to match his bow.
• Fam this tiara is clashing with my pretty gold hairclip help.
• Now that Olivia has found out who was responsible for the threats, can’t do anything about it because it would hurt Liam, and basically feels she has nothing left to investigate, her work seems done. But is it really?
• There’s still so much story left to Olivia. Esp re: her parents. That’s why they’re keeping her appearances limited to just helping the MC this book. Book 2 is supposed to be about the MC clearing her name and defining her relationships, but Book 3 will undeniably be about Cordonia. Olivia’s story is a big part of that history so I guess it makes sense for them to put it off till then. @ladynevrakis and I have this theory going on about how Olivia’s parents might have been trying to protect Liam’s mom - I personally think that would be a great way to tie those two stories together!
• Only Olivia Vanderwall Nevrakis, Duchess of Lythikos, would suggest placing her future queen in a dungeon. Only Olivia 😂
• I’m not going to say much about the Hana lake scene, esp since it’s largely a sex scene and the non-diamond buildup is just as important, BUT HANA STANS CONGRATULATIONS I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU.
• So Hana’s going to stay with us, Drake might stay/visit, Maxwell might visit, Olivia might return to court when she hears about Liam and Liam…man that depends on what happens next chapter 😟 So we’re kinda starting to get a clearer idea of where the gang will be at.
• The scene with the guys, Bertrand, Savannah and Bartie was sweet, but my lack of investment in Bertrand/Savannah doesn’t really let me enjoy it. I think PB did all three characters (Bertrand, Savannah, Maxwell) a disservice by handling that story the way they did. Savannah’s story started out as this very emotionally charged mystery that kept Drake going in Book 1, and people got invested enough, but IMO it was handled so shoddily you end up feeling irritated at Savannah and Maxwell for how they handled things, and saddened because Bertrand’s entire character gets shortchanged so that the only thing he seems to care about anymore is Savannah (which is fine, but the reason I liked Bertrand in the first place was the way he was depicted before she came along). So Savannah is still a big part of Drake’s story, and the Beaumont brothers’ history, but the investment in her is simply not there anymore. At least for me. Sigh.
• Also CONGRATULATIONS MAXWELL STANS! The screenshots I saw looked sweet and I’m glad they had that all-important chat about how they want to move forward. I’m guessing Maxwell’s relationship will take time since they’d just confessed to their feelings in NY and they’d need a lot more development as a couple before they reach that stage. But I’m guessing that will happen in Book 3! Splurge on those diamond development scenes like your life depends on it till then! XD
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If Liam is sending his personal security detail to guard me…then who’s guarding Liam?? 😱 😱 😱
• Adeleide looks very happy for the mother of a thwarted almost-queen. But she did mention that becoming royalty was changing Madeleine for the worse so I’m guessing she thinks her daughter almost dodged a bullet there. Plus, free booze.
This is Adeleide when she talks about Madeleine.
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• I’m totally waiting for you to get that “hip hopera” of yours’ ready, Maxwell. Like Elvis Presley would say…
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• I like the idea of Bertrand getting some love in his life…I just want to be able to enjoy the good ol’ curmudgeony go-getter Bertrand we all grew to love while we’re at it. Is that too much to ask for, PB? Is it?
• “Will Madeleine spoil your big night?” - I don’t think you would have placed her so early in the next chapter if that was the case, PB, cmon (then again, the message at the end of Chapter 18 last book didn’t sound that threatening either and look what happened there. So I could be wrong). Plus, I think we have bigger threats to worry about, threats we don’t even know about yet.
• So I saw a screenshot of what would happen if you’re with Liam and tell Hana you still want her, and she seems okay with it. I have the same problems with this scene that I have with the other scene - in fact more so because at this stage the MC is officially engaged to the other LI. But you know what worries me more? That there was such an intense reaction when Liam did it (including people stating they were glad they did not choose him and comments on Liam’s “integrity” - thankfully most of the people I followed pointed out how OOC it was) but almost-radio-silence when it came to the other LIs doing the same thing. I mean Drake last chapter still got to imply that he’d be more than happy to take us up on that offer if we chose the “tour of the room” option, and Hana here immediately agrees to what the MC wants if she implies that she is willing to cheat on Liam with her (unless the MC has Liam’s consent on this, that’s what it is). Very few actually commented on either. That’s not fair, fam. You can’t hold one LI accountable for something like this and not say anything about the others.
(People who may have taken the option to have sex with Liam while being with the other LI, and continued the chapter, does the MC inform their LI about this development?)
For me, the problem in both cases is that the MC doesn’t bother to ask the other person. She doesn’t say “look this is what I want to do, but I want to talk to both you and my fiance before I move forward”. She just takes what she wants from whoever she wants and the LIs just let her. It makes me feel sorry for them and really angry at her.
• Is it me or will Hana have an outdoor kink too? Homegirl has her first time with the woman she loves just as the setting sun kisses the lake xD
• Next chapters the finale, fam. The sex is going to be HELLA. The drama is going to be HELLA. And the wait for Book 3 is going to be…not hella.
• Will Liam finally have sex with my MC in a bedroom? Or will we find some other nice outdoorsy place since the hedge maze is already done? Whatever it is, we’d better get a scene absolutely worth 30 diamonds. No fade-to-black bullshit. LIAM STANS WILL RIOT.
• This is my MC to Liam next chapter:
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Credit to @callmetippytumbles the genius who began the trend of putting gifs on her “Thoughts” posts. I can’t imagine NOT using them now thanks to you 😂
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turningpagebooks · 7 years
REVIEW: “A Court of Wings and Ruin” by Sarah J. Maas
Title: A Court of Wings and Ruin Series: A Court of Thorns and Roses #3 Author: Sarah J. Maas Genre: High Fantasy, Romance Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens Source: Borrowed Format: Hardcover Page count: 705
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Recommend: YES
Plot summary: Feyre has returned to the Spring Court to gather information on Tamlin and Hybern, the invading king who is threatening to bring Prythian to its knees. To do so she must play a dangerous game of deceit. One slip may spell doom not only for Feyre, but for her world as well. With war on the horizon, Feyre must decide who to trust amongst the lethal High Lords, and find allies in unexpected places.
A Court of Wings and Ruin on Goodreads | Chapters Indigo | Amazon CA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
A Court of Wings and Ruin is the stunning finale to the main ACOTAR plotline.
This is a spoiler-free review.
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ACOTAR was a series I began enjoying, but fell in love with after reading ACOMAF (reviews here and here). I fell in love with the characters, the world, and the romance. ACOWAR is one of my most highly anticipated books of 2017, and it did not disappoint.
Part of why I love this series so much is because of Feyre's character arc. She begins as someone under immense pressure, fighting to survive and keep her family alive. Then she faces intense trauma under the mountain. But she finds a family in Velaris, and it helps heal her. I think this arc is so, so beautiful. The progression of her character is a joy to read. The same can be said about other characters in the book.
The romance is also why I enjoy this series so much. Feyre and Rhys are married mates, and I love their interactions so much. In this book, we get so many sweet and sexy scenes between them. Their relationship is so lovely (despite how it started). There are also other romantic plotlines, which are cute. And there's definitely some things left open-ended for the next books in the series to hopefully address. There are also some revelations.
The book is so intense this time, not only because the characters are under so much stress with the war, but also because new characters are introduced and some old friends return. I liked meeting the new characters; it opens up so many possibilities and gives us more backstory. It also helps build the world a little more. There were times when my heart was racing, when I was smiling, when I was teary-eyed. This book really puts you through it. But it's worth it.
I will also say that Maas does inject some diversity into her book this time around; I was surprised about how much she included. Some people still aren't a fan of the diversity, and I've read posts about that to keep myself informed.
A Court of Wings and Ruin is the fantastic conclusion to Feyre and Rhys' story. I love the character arcs, the romance, the friendship and family. The story is magical. A Court of Mist and Fury will always be my favourite book in the series, but ACOWAR is unforgettable. I can't wait to see more of this world with the spin-off and novellas. Brb while I go buy the gorgeous colouring book.
P.S. I'm aware of the discussion surrounding this series, and that it has problematic aspects. That being said, there are parts of this book that truly resonate with me.
"You bow to no one." (p 402)
"I would have waited five hundred more years for you. A thousand years. And if this was all the time we were allowed to have...The wait was worth it." (p 612)
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